#he’s wearing like 5 layers of clothing and still looks hot like a really well wrapped birthday present
stormoflina · 7 months
Outfit pics are back, time for my favourite post, lessgoo
disclaimer: opinions
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Sigh, so the thing with Dominik is that you can't judge his outfits using parameters like taste or sense of style, you have to apply his very own little Domi scale to rate it, otherwise we are in the trenches.
With that in mind, I can appreciate that he is finally not wearing the rope laces, not that these ones are any better sadly. Bag, plain ugly. But you know what, hot take, but I kinda like this set. On the Domi scale it's a 6.5/10, 3/10 in the normal.
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Will we ever see Ryan in something else, other than plain, monochrome sweats? Not feeling the navy either, I think the warmer tones look nicer on him. And those shoes look like the ones you can buy in Aldi, I'm sorry. It's safe, it's boring, can't give a number higher than 4/10.
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Only Cody could wear Prada and still serve millennial dad core. 😭 Yet again, his height and face card saves him tho, he just looks clean and put together, as always. The shoes are nice, I guess. 5/10, because I'm bored!!
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Listen, Stefan usually serves, but this is not a flattering picture. 😭 He loves his flowy, baggy pants, but this one is just not it. I like the chunky shoes tho, and the jacket and baseball cap, it's fun, youthful, he looks cute. 7.5/10
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Nike and Adidas monochrome sweatsets? How original! I'm giving them 5/10 each, because I love them, not because they look good. I mean they do, just not the outfits.
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Hot take: I don't like puffer jackets, so we are already a few points behind. Still, Virgil is just so effortlessly cool (despite clearly also putting effort into it yk), I just can't help but like it. 😭 Layering king, shoes are nice, hair is on point, pose is great... Typical Virgil aura. 8/10
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Uhm, Macca, put your ankles away you, you w*h*ore. Yeah, this is not it, very much 2010s business bro vibes. It's something Ali would wear. 😭 And it's not your fault Macca, but I have trauma from men in shiny puffy vests. The maté kit is cute tho. 4.5/10
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Don't judge me, but I like this okay. Idk, he looks so soft and cozy in the jumper and I like how the top matches the shoes. And his black leather maté kit is a serve too. But maybe it's just Darwin's good looks that make me say 7/10.
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Here comes Wataru, saving the day again. Not his best fit, but he still looks sharp and so well put together, despite taking a more causal approach. I love a man in well-fitted clothes and these jeans look great on him! I don't really like the shoes, but other than that it's a casual 7/10.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ WVBA On A Snow Day ☆
hehe this is so jolly (i am writing this in the middle of august and it doesnt snow where i live)
Glass Joe
- layers and layers of thick & warm clothing, walking around with 5 layers of scarves, coats & sweaters, might as well wear the entire closet
- tried to make a snowman, it got knocked over insantly
- freezing, he is really shivering his timbers over here
- had some hot cocoa
- went iceskating, slaying it
- did some snow angels with Mr Sandman
- he doesnt tolerate the cold well but still having fun
Von Kaiser
- 2 layers of comfy & cozy clothing, the cold isnt getting to him today nuh uh
- so whimsy, so jolly, he is so thriving
- making snowmen with disco kid, ended up making a snowfamily for the snowmen and a snowdog and made them pay snowtaxes and busted their snowcaps if they didnt pay up
- worst iceskater ever but still having fun
- sitting next to a fireplace & reading a book, he looks like hes gonna tell you a bedtime story
- eating snow yum yum exquisite delicious delectable tasty
Disco Kid
- didnt wear enough layers, out here shivering like a kitten in a wet cardboard box out in the street
- made sure the snowmen paid their snowtaxes
- hes the reason why they call it iceskATEing, smoother than the ice hes skating on
- drinking iced coffee no matter the weather, -20 degrees celsius? At least his ice will last longer
- made a igloo, nobody except kaiser is invited
- fell asleep next to a fireplace like a street cat saved from the cold
King Hippo
- not going outside, ever, he doesnt handle the cold well, it isnt just a "my timbers are shivering i need a extra layer" its more of a "hypothermia is just behind the corner and i dont feel like dying"
- do not expect him to step outside, not even a foot
- drinking soup & sleeping half of the day
- Literally hibernating
- so many blankets & pillows, taking the longest nap of the world ever
Piston Hondo
- also needs a whole lot of layers, out here looking like a head of lettuce
- making really cool snow sculptures, so proud of them
- enjoying hot cocoa, wrapped up in a blanket
- snowball fight starter, he simply let the thoughts win
- keeps tripping while iceskating, has to hold on to bear hugger for dear life because he doesnt wanna faceplant into the floor
- joining kaisers snow eating, he just sat next to him & started eating snow as well
Don Flamenco
- forgot to layer up & regrets not wearing a extra coat, bull had to lend him one because he looked like he was on the verge of death
- making snow angels, keeps getting snow thrown at his face as he lays down
- put his forehead wig thing on a snowman
- sad because he forgot to take his plants inside & they died :(
- killing it while iceskating, out here spinning like a beyblade
- keeps falling asleep at weird places because cold weather + curling up in a ball really honks his shoos, ends up being carried to somewhere warm & not so inconvenient, everyones just playing a big game of "where has this bitch fallen asleep again?"
- laying down on the snow, hes just peaceful right now
Bear Hugger
- layered up decently
- he was literally born for this kind of weather
- rolled a snowball down a hill & accidentally made a small avalanche
- cold weather makes him really sleepy, unlike don flamenco he knows how to not fall in inconvenient places
- stiff as a statue while iceskating, one wrong move and hes on the floor along with hondo
- on a rocking chair next to a fireplace, christmas movie intro style
- feels kind of lonely since his fellow bears he likes to hug are hibernating (the animal ones not the gay ones smh, if i meant it like that he would be hibernating too)
- made a small scarf for his squirrel friend : )
Aran Ryan
- atrocious winter clothes, someone call the fashion police
- trips every 5 seconds while iceskating, his face is so bruised its unreal
- chucking snowballs and running away from people
- joined Sandman roll down a hill for fun, nobody spoke, nobody showed any emotions, but it was truly one of the memories of all time
- cold weather makes him energetic so hes a pain in the ass to deal with even more now
Soda Popinski
- wearing shorts & a tshirt, really good at tolerating the cold, soda popinski doesnt get hypothermia, hypothermia gets soda popinski
- also eating snow with kaiser & hondo
- tried to iceskate & chipped a tooth
- used as a human shield during the snow ball fight
- he showers in ice cold water on the daily so this doesnt inconvenience him at all
Bald Bull
- brought a extra coat because he knew don would forget to layer up & wouldnt listen to him if he reminded him
- in awe of soda popinski not being affected at all
- making huge snowballs and chucking it at aran ryan
- cold weather gets him angry & stressed a whole lot (same with any extreme weather condition) so tread carefully or this snow is gonna look like the flag of japan
- staying inside, mostly coming out when hes bored
- drinking tea & reading most of the time
- Just spinning while iceskating, cant seem to stop
Great Tiger
- has to also wear his entire closet, ends up getting sick anyway
- Just sadly staring out of the window
- making his clones play in the snow because just because he cant go doesnt mean they cant go
- drinking tea, hes so peaceful rn dont bother him
Super Macho Man
- not dressed up at all, got sick
- really pissed off he cant go out
- bitterly sitting in bed with a fever
- he is so gonna sob until hes no longer ill
Mr Sandman
- only person to tiptoe on that line between "you look like a pillow" And "you might as well go out naked" in terms of winter clothes
- Just making deformed snowmen
- suprisingly didnt fall on his face while iceskating
- he makes some killer hot chocolate
- tried to eat snow & got brainfreeze
- rolling down a hill for fun & climbing back up to do it again, with the most serious expression ever
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chalterdh22 · 1 year
Chapter 22:  How Many Injuries Can I Sustain?
I’m pretty sure after an hour of going back and forth, we both sustained low degree internal injuries, if that’s even a thing, and my whole body felt like one large bruise.  I thought to myself, what a wimp!  I shouldn’t be in this much pain.  But then I looked at Din, who was trying his best not to limp away and sit down uncomfortably on a rock nearby.  He looked in rough shape too.  Probably because he got so used to his armor taking the blow of the fighting.  I was wearing a long-sleeved outer layer, with a tank top underneath.  I couldn’t have that outer layer touch my skin anymore.  It felt like it was on fire.  So, I took it off to inspect at least my arms.
“Maker….”  I whispered to myself.  I have never seen so many colors of skin on one person.  I rolled up my pant legs and the same was there too.  I lifted the bottom of my tank to see my stomach, same.  Wow, I thought to myself.  We really didn’t go easy on each other like I kind of thought we might.  I heard a loud coo and realized Grogu was grabbing my pant leg, as if trying to climb.  I sighed and sat down next to him.  He slowly reached out and touched a nice sized bruise on my arm.  My face grimaced and he quickly pulled back.  
“It’s ok, kid.  I’m just a little sore.  You should see the other guy!”  I smiled and looked up at Mando, who was about 10 feet from me.  Grogu looked over at his dad and started to walk over.  Din picked him up to sit on his lap.
“Hey buddy.”  He was giving Grogu a half hug.  Grogu attempted to lift his under short up since he didn’t have his armor on to see what his bruises looked like.  Din looked down and lifted it up and pointed to one.  “This little green one looks kind of like you, huh?” 
“Yes, a little womprat on me.”  He rubbed his head. 
I sat there smiling at them.  They were so cute.  “Maybe we could find a healing pool or bath around here.” 
“I’m fine.”  Din replied.
“I didn’t mean for you.  I meant for me!”  I laughed.  “Although, you could possibly use one too.”  I stood up and walked over to him.  “Seriously, though, are you ok?  Cuz I’m not!”
“You did well.  It’s been a while since I was this sore all over.”  I made my way next to the sitting Mandalorian.  Oh, if I could see his face now, it would be all in pain.  That’s mean, I was thinking, but I still smiled. 
“I know, right!  It looks like you fought 5 people at once!”  I joked and punched him lightly on the shoulder.  He just stared up at me like he wanted to either tear my head off or laugh.  He just shook his head at me instead.  “Well, I’m going to the refresher to take a long, hot shower.  Maybe the burning water will numb some of this.”  I started to walk away, and he grabbed my wrist.  I immediately looked down at him.
“You did well Suri.”  He took his other hand to hold the same hand he held my wrist with and patted it slightly.  “Our next set of training will involve never being caught off guard.  Always be prepared.” 
As he said that, I felt his hand squeeze my wrist and my instinct to pull away was taken from me.  He stood up fast and his cape made a swoosh sound like a large bird taking off.  He immediately flipped me over his shoulder and started walking to the cabin.  “And you would be eliminated by now.”  He chuckled. 
He sat me down at the door.  “Go take your shower.”  He lazily sat down on the chair on his little porch with Grogu waddling back up to be picked up by his dad.  I just stared at him.  For once, no words came to my mouth.  I did want to beat him, but we were beyond that.  I slowly turned and walked into the small cabin, grabbed some fresh clothes, and walked into the refresher. 
I started the shower up and slowly started stripping myself down, looking at my body which just looked like a hot mess.  Wow, I was thinking.  I don’t think I have a patch of “normal” skin on me right now.  I stepped into the scalding shower, which seemed to take away most of the pain.  Standing there just letting my body melt under the heat of the water I closed my eyes.
I kept trying to tally up the number of times that both of us could have ended each other if this was real.  Because, you know, I had to know if I won or not.  I shook my head slightly like really, what does that matter.  I’m too competitive, I swear.  I wonder if he really was hurting or if he was just trying to make me feel better.  No, I got some good shots in at him, although I could tell there were a few jobs that made him flinch, either because I hit a tender spot, or because it tickled.  It didn’t matter though.  A flinch is a flinch.
Scrubbing myself gently with basic bar soap, I rinsed off and got out.  I put on my new clothes, which even though they were light, still felt like they weighed a ton.  How does he stay in his flight suit like that all day, I wondered.  He’s just used to it, I guess.  Walking into the main room, I threw my dirty stuff into a basket to be cleaned for later.  I sat down on the sofa, or my bed and kicked my feet up.  I was so used to immediately putting on my socks and boots, but once I laid back, I just looked up at the ceiling unable to move a muscle.  I almost felt numb, but in a good way, like my body needed this.
I heard Din walk in with the kid.  “Feel better?”  He stopped at the end of the sofa, looking down at me.
“Yup, nice, relaxed, and no longer feel any pain.  Thanks for asking.”  Din put Grogu on my shins and walked away. 
“Watch the kid while I change up, please.”
“Yes sir!”  I yelled back, saluting him as he walked away.  Grogu was now trying to walk carefully on my legs, which didn’t nearly hurt as much.  He slipped and grabbed onto my foot for balance, and I jumped slightly as it sent tickles through my leg.  I sat up and smiled at him. “Let go of my foot Grogu, come here.”  I held my arms out for him to walk in to.  He didn’t move though.  Instead, he took his other hand and grabbed onto my other foot, which made me sit straight up.  “Careful,” I said.  “That tickles.  Come here!”  I reached forward to grab him.
“Gaaaah!”  He squeezed them again and I grabbed him to pull him away.
“That’s enough, little one.  Just snuggle with me for a few minutes.”  I hugged him sternly.  I leaned back and closed my eyes.  He put a hand on my forehead.  I felt like a warm hug had fallen around me.  I was so comfortable.  Here was supposed to be taking care of him, but he was comforting me.  I had a small smile on my face and looked at him, who was staring back with those big, clack eyes of his.  “You make me happy.”  I whispered to him.  His ears perked up and he sunk into my arms and closed his eyes.  That’s just fine. Let’s just relax a bit, I thought.  I didn’t realize that I fell asleep with him.
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scolpimpisdiary · 2 years
The Jojos and their favorite seasons
(only doing Parts 1-5 because I didn’t finish watching/reading the rest of the series)
Johnathan Joestar
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Late Spring/Early Summer 👒
He definitely seems like he’d enjoy the outdoors, there’s just so much more things to do! But Johnathan wouldn’t want to do anything in weather that’d be so hot to the point it’s unbearable. A good balance for him is around late spring and early summer.
Johnathan would spend his time going on long strolls and cute picnics with loved ones, engaging in sports or fun activities or just volunteering/doing charity work around his town. Johnathan would definitely keep himself preoccupied as well, I don’t see him sitting around in his house all day.
Joseph Joestar
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Joseph would prefer the summertime 100%. I could see him having really bad spring allergies which he’d be whining about 24/7. He also hates being cold. So the summer would def be his top pick.
Honestly? He would probably be up to his usual shenanigans, mainly just messing with people, pulling pranks, typical teenager Joseph stuff. Similarly to his grandfather, Joseph wouldn’t enjoy being inside the house all day. He wants to be out and about!
Jotaro Kujo
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Autumn or Winter🍁
I don’t see Jotaro liking the sweltering heat at all. He often wears jackets and layered clothing, and the summer would just cause him to feel really sweaty and gross. Same with when he wears his hat in the summer. The stoic man doesn’t complain much about it though, he finds no meaning in it. But that doesn’t stop Jotaro from preferring cooler weather altogether.
Jotaro also likes being around as little people as possible. Less opportunities for enemy stand users, after all. So the cooler months are often his go-to picks for that reason. But his schedule wouldn’t change much though and Jotaro would probably be doing the same things all year-round, especially when it comes to his work.
Josuke Higashikata
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Let’s be honest, the only reason Josuke likes the winter so much is because of all of the holidays! He loves getting together and spending time with his family and friends and eating delicious food. He also likes all the breaks he gets away from school, snow days, i could go on and on!
Josuke will usually spend snow days playing videogames, building snowmen with Koichi and Okuyasu, or just fucking with Rohan honestly. I can imagine them all playing dumb pranks on him, like covering his front door in snow, throwing snowballs at him everytime they see him, etc. 60% of the time spent in the winter would literally just be Josuke fucking with Rohan and I’m here for it.
He also likes throwing icicles and snowballs at Rohan’s windows for fun just to piss him off because why not?
Giorno Giovanna
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It Varies
I feel like Giorno likes little aspects of each season. He likes how the plants bloom so beautifully in the spring, but also appreciates the social atmosphere of Naples in the summertime. Giorno doesn’t mind the fall, even thinks that the way trees look when their leaves turn brown or when they get covered in snow are beautiful.
Similarly to Jotaro Giorno wouldn’t do anything too different, he’d still be busy managing Passione as the Don so I don’t think he’d have much room for free time. But on the off chance that he does, Giorno would spend it enjoying the nature (or snow) around him.
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kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Untamed (chapter 3 of 5)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Every year, without fail, Hawks went into a rut: when autumn began, and then again in early spring. He would honker down up north in a secluded cabin. For the first time, he brought you with him.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Non-canon compliant: Hawks’ quirk does not work like this. Reader is a hero that works at Hawks agency. Pre-existing relationship. Reader is a female with female genitalia. Feral behavior. Rutting. Biting. Spanking. Slight BDSM. Consensual sex. Wing kink. Oral sex. Romantic relationship.
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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"Baby," a voice cooed at you while hands gently shook your shoulders, stirring you from sleep.
"Come on. Get up. The sun's gonna be rising soon," he continued, speaking to you softly.
You groaned like a wounded animal and tried to resist the pull to consciousness, hoping you could slip back away and he would cease this assault.
Of course, that didn't happen, and the murmuring and shaking didn't come to an end. You found yourself turning around and groggily taking in the sight of Hawks. He already looked wide awake, gold eyes beaming, skin glowing, handsome face as immaculate as ever.
It made you want to punch him.
"Get up," he said, more so telling than asking, albeit politely.
He had warned you last night that he intended to wake you early; but, that didn't stop you from groaning tiredly, rolling over, as if in protest, before complying with his request, removing the blanket slowly, afraid to expose yourself to the cold.
He had stoked the fireplace before waking you; that much was clear, seeing as it wasn't blistering cold when you wiggled out of bed. It was chilly, of course, but not enough to leave you trembling helplessly.
You realized that Hawks had already dressed himself, boots thumping quietly on the floor as he stepped around the bed. He had slipped on a grey T-shirt, and didn't seem to be feeling cold at all, judging by the lax way he rolled his shoulders, wings jutting out from his back gracefully.
He gave you a sideways glance, an almost untrusting look written across his face.
"I'm getting up!" you hissed at him.
Hawks wasn't expecting that sudden outburst and flinched a little, eyes widening slightly and feathers shuddering behind him. It was a comical sight, if you were being honest. It wasn't like him to be so high strung.
Before you could assume you had upset him, Hawks blew raspberries and turned away, heading for the stairs.
When he walked away, you most certainly did not admire the way his cargo pants hugged his ass, nor the way his shirt was pulled tight across the plains of his muscular back, nor how his crimson feathers looked so beautiful draped behind him.
Hawks didn't laugh when you met him downstairs; but, he sure looked like he wanted to. Here he was wearing some loose, comfortable clothes like it hadn't snowed all night, while you were dressed up in thick pants and a heavy coat with multiple layers underneath, ready to weather the elements.
As soon as you stepped downstairs, you were hit with the familiar smell of coffee lofting about the cabin. You recognized the aroma as his favorite, the one he stockpiled at the agency, that was almost always coming from his office.
He had taken the time to pour you some, as well, evident by the mug he was trying to hand to you with a suspiciously innocent look on his face.
"Seriously?" you laughed when you eyed the receptacle he was offering.
It was his merch, clearly. The mug was black with sparkly gold trim, the pattern matching the chest on his jumpsuit . It was covered in comic book style quotation marks containing, what you were guessing, was supposed to be his quotes.
Hawks watched you admire the cup, looking a little too smug for his own good, and returned to sipping from the very plain mug in his other hand.
"Do you really say these things?" you laughed, not expecting an answer because there was no way such nonsense flew from his mouth in the middle of a fight.
"Aheh. 'I am speed'," you read aloud with a scoff. "More like, 'I do speed'," you teased with a grin, catching the way he almost choked on his coffee, shoulders trembling with laughter.
"Who the hell approved these?" you added on.
"The hero commission, I think," Hawks replied, shrugging his shoulders a little.
The coffee, of course, tasted great. He bought the expensive, high-class stuff, after all. Hawks was the only person you knew who could sleep in the dirt with his visor skewed across his face, without a complaint to be had, but refused to drink anything but imported, specially grown coffee beans.
He was ushering you out the door the second you were finished with your coffee, pushing you out into the snowy forestscape, hands grabby and wings fluttering anxiously.
Before you could shudder and complain about the cold, Hawks scooped you up into his arms, kicked the door shut with the heel of his boot, and took to the sky.
You couldn't believe he was out here without a jacket on. Your fully covered arms clung to him for dear life, shivering and trembling in the cold. He wasn't flying particularly fast; but, the winds felt punishing, ice cold biting at your cheeks and seeping in through your clothes.
You were too cold to really appreciate the beauty of the forest covered in freshly poured snow. The glistening, white peaks sparkled like something out of a fairytale in the dimly lit morning light.
"Come on, babe," Hawks cooed, turning his head to blow hot air right on your ear.
Well, no wonder he wasn't cold. It seemed to make sense to you, then, why he went into his rut during these times of the year. He was generating enough heat to be a transportable furnace.
"If you keep clinging to me like that, you're gonna miss the view," Hawks uttered, so close that his lips moved against your skin as he spoke.
You peeled back from him, away from the warmth you were desperately trying to steal. He hadn't stopped flying yet, but slowed down a bit.
"O-oh..." you whispered, taking in the snowy wilderness.
A few miles past the cabin's backyard was a cliff that dipped down into rolling mountains. He had flown overhead, granting a wonderful view of the many acres of untouched wilderness, towering trees and lush forest landscape over rolling hills and mountains.
But, Hawks hadn't dragged you out here at the crack of dawn just to see the snowy landscape. He wanted you out here right at sunrise for a very specific reason.
He had made it just in time for the sun to peak out from the horizon line, like a giant glimpsing through the trees on the mountain top.
The sun was shining a mystical light across the mountains. The overcast clouds were dark purple gliding across crystal clear, blue skies. Rays of red sunlight glided through the trees while gold laid out across the piles of snow like a glistening blanket.
"See?" Hawks murmured, his flight coming to a halt.
He hovered, fairly high up, wings flapping gently, arms still wound tight around you, holding you close. There was a gentle breeze brushing through his hair, causing the feathery strands to tickle at your cheeks.
While you were looking at the landscape in awe, he was staring at you. The sunlight lit up your face and reflected heavily on your eyes, making them glow like crystal orbs. You had finally stopped shivering, too in awe at the sight to notice the chilling bite of the wind.
He didn't say it aloud; but, the most beautiful thing in the sunrise was you.
He liked to tell himself that the rut was making him mushy, emotional. Surely, powerful pro-hero Hawks couldn't be this soft? But, he knew his rut was only amplifying what he already felt so strongly.
His rut made him less inhibited, surfaced darker, feral desires that lay in waiting under layers of discipline he had spent most of his life building.
Even without his rut, you had a power over him he couldn't deny, the power to break him, to peel back the masks he wore, to melt away his self-control, until he was reduced to a desperate animal.
Oh, but the beauty of it all was that you loved that side of him. You had proved to him that you loved every side of him, even the parts that he tried so desperately hard to ensure would never see the light of day.
Even if he could blame his desires on his mutation, that didn't change that he was an assassin, for heroes, yes, but a murderer none the less.
-you knew that, and yet, still, those soft hands held him as if he was untainted. You purred beneath his touch as if those weren't the same hands he had used to kill.
"Keigo?" you hummed.
Just like that, there you were again, freeing him from the torment of his own mind, a lifeline to free him from drowning in the ocean.
"Thank you for this," you uttered, turning your head to look at him.
God, he was beautiful. His gold irises were amplified by the sunlight, like shiny coins in a wishing well, taking in the sight of you shamelessly.
The bird-like curve of his eyelids already gave him a mystical appearance, now further illuminated by the rays of light shining down from above. The wind was blowing, tossing his already frazzled hair in a senseless dance.
The bright red plumes that made up the shape of his wings looked like something out of a dream. In the sunlight, the feathers glowed magnificent crimson, glowing in sharp contrast to the pale white, wintery landscape.
Your hands, that had been gripping his shoulders during the flight, wove up the back of his neck, fingertips touching the trimmed hairs there. You felt his hands tighten where they were holding you, his arms weaving tighter, as if he could get you closer.
"Do you like it here?" Hawks uttered softly.
His tone concerned you a little, as if he was sincerely worried that you were a prisoner here.
You smiled, replying, "it's the first time we've gotten to truly be alone. I'm enjoying myself more than you think."
His gaze softened at your words. A couple of your fingers played with the soft, short hairs at the top of his neck. He felt unbearably warm there, skin slightly damp with sweat. It was startling, considering how cold it was outside.
You felt the soft brush of his lips and let your eyes flutter shut. He was slow, careful, like he was tasting something new and delicious for the first time.
When he pulled back and tilted his head, you felt the faintest drag of his chin across your cheek, felt the fine hairs of his beard tickle your skin.
He hadn't shaved in a couple weeks, leaving you to see him in a mess than most didn't get the honor of. The normally neatly trimmed hairs he shaved down to a fine patch on his chin were now covering most of his jawline, the same beautiful, pale blonde as the hair on his head.
Tantalized, you leaned in, nuzzling your cheek against his jaw, before tilting your head back and feeling the drag of his soft beard against your skin. It felt good, maybe a little too good, and you failed to suppress a quiet gasp.
When you had pulled back far enough to catch his gaze, you immediately realized his eyes had changed. The calm was gone; now, something akin to a storm was brewing underneath.
It was a look you were very familiar with.
He let out a low exhale, as if he had been holding his breath. Your name fell from his lips, low and sultry, a warning, or a curse, and it made you shudder.
Hawks tilted back suddenly and started a sharp decent downward. Having flown together many times, you weren't afraid. The arms around his shoulders tightened and you let out a soft gasp, but more so out of surprise than fear.
His wings fanned out and took him sharply soaring through the trees at a speed much faster than he had brought you here. His grip on you was almost painfully tight, as if his fingers were trying to dig past the fabric of your clothes to get to your skin.
Excitement made you forget about the biting cold, the forest around you distorted almost violently. Suddenly, the cabin door was creaking and then being slammed shut. You hadn't even seen the cabin come into view. Everything felt like a daze.
He flew up to the loft and dropped you unceremoniously at the edge of the bed. The tumble had resulted in you facing away from him; but, you could feel his eyes burning through you.
"Take off your clothes," Hawks commanded, his voice oddly polite despite the nature of his request.
Just as soon as you started working your jacket off, he was kneeling to pull at the laces on your boots. He was strangely gentle when he pulled your shoes off, less so when he tossed them aside. As you worked your shirt off, he pulled your pants and underwear down in one fell swoop, leaving you mostly bare and cold.
You rotated around and leaned up on your elbows, catching his cold stare, indicating that you were not done yet. You peeled your socks off, feeling a rush of excitement at the look he was giving you.
Hawks usually wore a kind, harmless face, not that it was unnatural, for he truly was a good person. However, most could easily forget or be blind to how powerful he was.
Now, in his gold eyes, that was what you saw, the reality that he could take whatever he wanted, when he wanted. You didn't have to be reminded, for every sparring and training session did just that: you couldn't best him if your life depended on it.
Still, Hawks wasn't that kind of person. He was the kind of loved, often times so passionately that you feared you couldn't keep up.
Even now, when his hands took hold of your waist, his body language dominating, wings spread wide behind him, you felt loved.
An amused sound, like a hum, rumbled out of his chest as he carefully maneuvered you around.
You were compliant, letting him roll you around and push your chest down into the bed. The hand on your back was gentle, but commanding, fingers splayed wide in the space between your shoulder blades.
Instead of nudging your thighs with his hands, a boot-clad toe poked between your ankles, commanding you to spread your legs, which you did with a low moan. You leaned up on your toes, presenting to him like an animal.
The sight threatened to send him into a spiral, and you felt his clothed body fall over you, pushing you down into the bed.
His wings flapped once, sending a sharp gust of wind spiraling around the room. There was a painfully obvious contrast between the soft texture of his shirt and the rough texture of his pants.
He made it very clear, with a roll of his hips, that he was ready to take you. The feeling of his clothed erection against your sex, combined with the knowledge that he could just slip right in without preamble, had you mewling.
"You like this," Hawks observed, the words like thunder as they rolled off his tongue.
He retreated, suddenly reeling back and standing behind you, warmth leaving along with him.
"You like when I just take?" he asked, accentuating 'take' with a smack to the back of your thigh. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, but it did manage to startle a yelp out of you.
"Yeah," he uttered lowly, agreeing with his own observations. "You like being Hawks' little plaything," he continued, almost purring the words.
Your delirious brain didn't really know what to expect next. When you heard a thump, you had no idea what to make of it, until you felt breath on your skin and realized that was the sound of Hawks' falling onto his knees behind you.
He didn't waste any time diving in, lapping a heavy tongue across your slit, from top to bottom. His hands gripped your thighs, keeping you still while his tongue breached your entrance.
If his enthusiasm and lack of grace wasn't enough, the rumbling sound he made was enough to make it obvious he liked it.
You couldn't fathom that your taste could possibly be that good; however, you didn't dare comment, especially not when he was doing things with his tongue that shouldn't be humanly possible.
A rough smack to your behind startled you from a delirious daze of pleasure. You yelped quietly, but otherwise remained compliant. When he smacked you again, this time growling faintly into your sex, it was clear he wanted something that you weren't delivering; but, you didn't know what.
"K-Keigo, what-" you whined, breaking off into a howl when he smacked you again.
Normally, such a touch would have you instinctively shriveling away; however, his grip on you was tight, and it kept you still.
Hawks smacked you again, you helplessly cried out, again, and the sound faded into moans that you couldn't possibly contain with what he was doing. You started to wonder, when another smack was delivered, if he was just doing that for his own amusement.
Eventually, he stopped and leaned back, rising to his feet. His hand slid over yours, large palm practically swallowing yours, and guided it back to your sex. You rotated a little, angling your body to follow his movement.
"Feel that," he gently commanded. "How wet and warm you are for me."
You heard the floorboard creak as he leaned back, clearly to get a good view. You did as he requested, immediately driving two fingers into yourself. Sure enough, you were slippery, walls compliant and squishy, and unbelievably warm inside.
Being ready for him with little provocation wasn't exactly a new thing. You were both very busy heroes and keeping your relationship on the downlow. That meant quickies more often than proper time together.
Yet, Hawks sounded immensely pleased; with himself or with you, you couldn't quite tell.
He returned to the floor, hand brushing your knuckles to push your fingers in as deep as they could go.
"Keigo, what are you-" you began, cutting off when his tongue returned to your heat, right alongside your fingers.
"Finger yourself," he told you, sounding oddly blissful despite the fact that you hadn't touched him at all. His cock was still trapped inside his pants, throbbing against the rough material.
You complied with his request, lacking in any grace or proper friction considering the awkward angle. However, Hawks groaned in approval at the view before leaning back in.
His tongue dipped in right alongside your digits. Immediately, he forced the pace and you were desperate to try and keep up, fingers squelching in and out of your core alongside the slobbery mess of his tongue.
Your fingers couldn't compare, lacking in the length, thickness and dexterity of his digits. But, it seemed that Hawks was less focused on getting you off and more focused on playing with you; or, maybe, you had severely underestimated what the taste of your essence was doing to him.
At some point, he pulled back, grabbed your wrist to remove your fingers from your core, and sucked them into his own mouth. You weren't expecting the teeth, and let out a low hiss when his fangs threatened to pierce the skin, holding you firmly in place while his tongue sucked your fingers clean.
He didn't release your hand when he was done. You heard the floorboards creak as he stood up, felt him tug your hand down, until your knuckles brushed his clothed cock.
"You want that?" Hawks breathed.
His free hand gently spread over the space between your shoulder blades, pushing you down before you could dare think to lean up. Your cheek was resting against the sheets, hair spewed about in a mess. His hand wandered, pushing hair out of the way until your neck and shoulders were properly exposed.
From where you laid on the bed, you couldn't make out the sight of him; but, you could see one of his wings, stretched out, looming predatorily.
"Yes," you replied hoarsely.
His hand glided over the prominent bump where your first vertebrae jutted from the top of your spine, and lowered, setting between your shoulder blades once more, where he held you still.
"Then, take it," Hawks uttered, his other hand releasing your wrist.
You let out a low hiss, wanting to curse him for making such a ridiculous request. You couldn't see his face; but, you sure as hell could feel the smirk he was wearing as he stared at you, watching your handle fumble with his belt.
You doubted it was mercy; but, Hawks leaned in closer, the tops of his thighs sliding over the backs of yours, making it a little easier to undo his belt buckle.
The button on his pants followed, but not with ease, before you tugged his zipper down. You couldn't tug his pants down like this, leaving you to fumble around with his boxers, trying to fish his cock out.
"Keigo, you fucking ass-" you growled, not bothering to hide your frustration.
Hawks laughed softly, sounding a little more out of it than he did amused. "'m sorry," he cooed. "-like seein' you struggle."
The slur in his voice should have given it away, his patience had depleted; however, it still surprised you when he suddenly swatted your hand away. He hooked his thumb on the hem of his boxers and pulled them down just enough for his cock to bob free.
You felt the smooth tip nudge at your entrance, the faintest warning, before he pushed forward and entered your moist heat.
"Ohhhh fuck," Hawks howled.
He gave you no time to become accustomed to the sudden intrusion, immediately pistoning his hips back and forth, driving his cock in and out of you.
One hand pinned your torso, while his thighs pinned your legs, and his other hand gripped your hip for leverage. You shifted your feet, trying to lift up on your toes to better the angle, and bumped against his boots.
He was still fully clothed; and, really, that shouldn't have mattered so much. After all, how many times had he freed his cock from his jumpsuit to take you quick and hard before tucking it back in and immediately looking as if nothing nefarious had occurred. Yet, still, the realization had you feeling dizzy.
Before you could nudge a hand between your thighs, something beat you to it. You recognized that bizarre texture. It was soft, sure, but a tad bit pricklier than a normal feather, with an unnatural, firm touch. The little heathen knew exactly how you liked to be touched there, too.
The wet, lewd noises of your union, skin slapping together, was drowned out by the litany of moans pouring from his mouth. If he wasn't crying out in ecstasy, he was huffing and puffing like he had just ran a marathon.
If you were being honest, he was being just a little too rough, a little too fast, offering you no reprieve. You didn't doubt that he would stop if you asked him to; but, you sure as hell didn't want him to. The intensity of it all had you on a plain of existence you rarely got to experience, where pleasure became blinding and mind-numbing.
His hand slid off your back and onto the bed, grabbing a fistful of the sheets as he set a brutal pace, the kind that threatened to unravel your sanity.
"Fuck! You feel so fucking good," he growled, sounding so out of breath and lost. "Gonna fill you up. Yeah, I am. Want my seed dripping out of you all fucking week."
High off the pleasure, and maybe a little influenced by his own state, you moaned approvingly at the suggestion.
"Baby," he whined, suddenly sounding like he was in pain. The feather fluttering against your pearl intensified, practically vibrating against you with how fast it was moving.
"Need you come, need you to come," Hawks pleaded, the words hissing out from his lips between desperate pants.
You didn't think you could come in that moment. Everything felt so good, from his cock rearranging your insides to his feather flicking at your clit. The pleasure was tingling down your thighs and crawling up your spine. You could barely breathe, let along process a coherent thought beyond Keigo.
The hand that had been holding your hip let go and joined the other in gripping the bed. He arched over you, forehead meeting your back.
"Come for me, come for me," Hawks sobbed.
You realized then, as he trembled behind you, that he had reached his own completion, and he didn't slow down until his orgasm waned. You could feel his seed, like molten lava as it filled your insides.
Hawks was still panting when he growled, "again."
He flipped you over, winding your legs over his waist and somehow managing to keep his cock seated inside of you during the transition. Your arms flopped uselessly above your head. You felt weak, laying there like a doll while he turned you over. Still, it felt good: his cock, his hands, his warmth.
One of his arms looped beneath your lower back and tugged you properly onto the bed. He climbed onto the sheets and followed, dragging you beneath him.
He was prepared to continue thrusting into you wildly and blindly chase another orgasm when your eyes met and he froze up. You could practically see him blink away delirious arousal, the sight of your debauched face bringing him back to his senses.
"B-baby, do you need me to stop?" Hawks offered, the words falling from his lips so weakly.
You huffed out a weak breath and reached for him. He leaned down, letting you wind your arms across his shoulders. Your fingers dipped across his clothed back until you reached his wings.
Hawks literally shouted when your fingers dipped into the exposed seams on the shirt and touched the baby feathers growing fresh from his back. The sound rattled your bones and made you jerk from the startle.
He didn't have to be told twice, obviously, for Hawks continued his thrusting immediately. The slippery, wet sounds of his claim over your body was downright disgusting, and you loved it. Your legs clung desperately to his hips, heels digging into the backs of his thighs.
One of his feathers was still pressed against your clit, now trapped between your bodies. It had stopped moving; but, every time he thrust back into you, it created delicious friction.
Your assault on his wings rendered Hawks incapable of speech. The pleasured sounds he made was almost unnatural. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was in pain between the broken, blabbering moans and choked, sharp gasping.
His arms were still wound beneath you, holding onto you for leverage and clinging to you so closely, so tightly, it was almost crushing. His wings were arched up high, flapping occasionally as if to increase the momentum behind his thrusts.
His face fell into your throat, forcing your head back into the sheets. He was burning hot, practically oozing sweat. In the corner of your eye, you could see the red tint staining his ears. You could practically feel his frustration gnawing its way through his body and into yours.
Without warning, you felt what couldn't be mistaken for anything other than Hawks' teeth piercing the skin of your neck. Sure, he had bit you before, even left faint hickies on occasion; however, this was something else entirely, and forced a scream from your throat.
You had no doubt he had pierced the skin, judging by how it burned. He was growling into the skin, holding onto you with his teeth as if you were attempting to flee. You didn't dare release his wings, fingers woven through the fine plumes, caressing the sensitive skin of his shoulder blades, where crimson feathers grew.
The bite hurt, without a doubt, but there was no denying the electrical shocks of pleasure it sent through your body. If it wasn't that, then it was the growls vibrating from his mouth onto your skin.
Suddenly, your orgasm hit, and left you screaming and gasping with a sort of ferocity you didn't think you were capable of. Something that sounded almost like his name fell from your lips at some point. Your back arched and your legs trembled where they rested around his hips.
You failed to realize he was following closely behind you. Your grip on his feathers had gone limp and you didn't notice the way his wings arched up, the tips of the longest quills nearly touching the ceiling. He kept going and going, until he was spent and your cries of ecstasy came to a halt.
Hawks let go of your throat and leaned up, removing his arms from beneath you to set his palms on the sheets. He should have felt embarrassed or ashamed or something. But, looking down at the bleeding bite wound on your shoulder, watching the way your chest heaved with heavy breaths, seeing the tint of red along your cheeks and neck, he felt blissfully proud.
Hawks scooped you into an embrace and carefully rolled onto his side, bringing you in with him and cradling you against his chest. One of his wings fell over you, the plumes stretched wide to hide you from the outside world. All you could see was him, his handsome face, the crimson feathers of his wings.
You were acutely aware that he was still inside you, still somewhat hard; but, his temperature was lowering and his breathing was steadily returning to normal. Your fingers untangled from his plumes and came around to rest limply on his chest.
He lapped his tongue softly against the bite wound until it stopped bleeding before peppering it with kisses. It stung a little and you squirmed in his grasp.
"I'm not sorry about the bite," Hawks confessed lowly, leaning back to look at your face.
"Me either," you replied, offering him a weak smile.
He looked blissfully unaware until you leaned in and sucked some of the skin of his neck into your mouth. Hawks groaned approvingly, laying still until you were satisfied and let go, leaving behind a faint, purple bruise.
You stared at his handsome face, watching the vibrant, red blush slowly leave his features as he calmed down. Blonde locks were clinging to his sweat soaked forehead and everything between the two of you reeked of sex. Yet, you couldn't bring yourself to complain when he looked so damn happy.
Hawks leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss against yours lips. Before he could retreat, you tilted your head and leaned in, not letting him escape. He hummed into the kiss, letting you lead until you were content and departed with a wet smack.
"Just a little bit longer," he promised, fingers gently digging into your back.
"Tell me what you're thinking," you requested, nuzzling your nose against his.
Something uncertain flickered in his gold eyes and his lids narrowed slightly.
"It's not sensical," he uttered lowly, and you felt one of his hands slide around to your front. His thumb lovingly brushed along the dip of your tummy, beneath your belly button. His gold eyes shifted down, staring at the expansion of your naval with dedication.
You both had implants. It wasn't going to happen. He knew that. Of course he did. But, he couldn't help but feel dedicated to commit to the effort, as if it would.
Your hand followed his, spreading over his fingers to press him down gently over your lower abdomen, as if this would be successful, as if there was a chance he would take. The encouragement to put him ease.
Hawks wanted to believe it was the rut talking. Some of it was, his body deliriously driven to mate, to the point that he overheated and arousal pained his core. But, his motivation wasn't purely biological. It was because it was you, whom he trusted with every fiber of his being.
But, he couldn't bring himself to tell you that. You loved being a hero, and he wasn't going to take that from you.
It felt special, being hidden with him like this, beneath his wing, whispering such depravities to one and other, that the rest of the world would never know. You felt safe, in a way that felt impossible. Here, as irrational as it sounded, you felt like Hawks could protect you from the world.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Choso Kamo x Reader
Warnings: sfw. mention of nudity but it's really nothing graphic. very brief nsfw mention. fluff. gn!reader
Notes: some fluff with Choso. reader decides to have a spa day and makes Choso join them
Word Count: 1.8k
It feels like it's been forever since you've gotten a day to relax like this.
You've designated today as a self care day. You could really use one. It's been a while since you properly sat back and relaxed. You've decided to go all out, breaking out new skincare and slightly pricier soaps you were saving for a rainy day. Things you always said you’d use, but never did because the situation never felt right. You figure you'll do your hair, too. Might as well. You’ve got time.
You like your showers warm. It always worries Choso that you’ll burn yourself. You sit with your hand in the water, gauging the temperature. A thin layer of bubbles covers the surface. Steam coils off the water. It's hot enough.
Choso can't help but watch with almost a childlike wonder. Wherever you go, he tends to follow. In his defense, he's curious. All the soaps and candles smell good. He's never really seen you do anything like this.
His gaze drifts to the floor when you start undressing. He's not sure why, only that he knows it's wrong to stare. He's seen you like this plenty of times before, but it always makes him blush. Doesn't matter if it's his first time, or his hundredth. You remind him that it's okay to look, that he can see you like this. Only he gets to see you like this. He's certain of that.
You try to distract from the anxiety of being the only naked one in the room.
"Are you coming in or not?" You ask.
"You want me to..." His face turns bright red.
"Of course," you motion for him to join you.
You coax his shirt over his head. He gets the hint, undressing the rest of the way.
He watches with baited breath as you slip into the water, steam drifting off your skin. You sigh and lean back, resting your head on the edge of the tub. The suds cling to your skin.
He settles into the water in front of you, his knees pulled to his chest. You part your legs enough to give him room to sit between them. He leans against your chest, trying to be mindful of his weight. He really isn't that heavy, but he's a bit wary of hurting you. You card a wet hand through his hair, drawing it out of his eyes. The warm water and epsom salts feel nice across his sore muscles. It's a bit too hot for him, leaving his skin pink, but you don't seem to be bothered by it so he says nothing. You gather a bit of suds in your hands, leaving a dot of them on his nose, laughing at his confused look.
Choso closes his eyes and sighs, leaning into your touch. You press a kiss to the top of his head. His cheeks turn bright red. Your arms snake around his body, holding him to your chest. He leans his head back, his eyes meeting yours. His hair tickles your neck.
“I feel like I could fall asleep.” He says.
You rest your chin on top of his head. “Good.”
He's never felt love quite like this. Of course he's felt love before; with his brothers, for his friends. But his love for you is vastly different. It's strange. He wants to hold you close and never let you go. He’s head-over-heels for you. The way you look at him with such adoration makes his chest swell with affection. He can't stop the smile that spreads across his face.
The face mask is a violent shade of green against your skin. You warm the paste up in your hands for a moment, though you can't tell if it helps or not. It smells strongly of cucumbers. You don't want to get up to look in the mirror, so you haphazardly apply it to your nose and the skin under your eyes.
“Do you want some?” You ask. He looks uncertain, but he nods anway.
"It's cold," he says.
"It's good for your skin." You say.
You give him a pleading look. You've forced him to sit while you paint his nails, or braid his hair. He likes it. As long as you're giving him attention, he'll tolerate a lot.
His response is only a wary look. He relaxes once you finish, closing his eyes, leaning back into your chest. Your body is warm. He runs a bit cold, naturally. He hardly notices it, but you certainly do. The hot water has turned his skin a nice shade of red. Under the water, his hand rests on your thigh, gripping it softly. He likes the way your thighs rest around his waist. They're warm, and softer than his. He's always admired how soft you are. He loves the way your body curves and dips. He loves the way his clothes look on you, or yours on him. He thinks you're strong, sturdy and beautiful in a way he never knew before he met you.
"Lean your head back so I'm not waterboarding you," you say, pressing a kiss to his temple.
He hums as you pour a bit of water over his head, your fingers working through his hair. Your nails are getting long. They feel nice against his scalp.
He practically begs you to play with his hair. He says it helps him sleep. You believe it. He's usually knocked out within minutes of you starting. Many of your nights together are spent with him sitting between your legs, or his head in your lap. It doesn't matter how warm it is outside, he has to sleep either in your arms, or with you in his.
The shampoo you use smells like coconuts, he notes. It smells nice. He practically purrs in delight as you start working the suds into his hair. His breath hitches as you brush a particularly sensitive spot at his temple. You make sure to work that area specifically.
You work out any tangles in his hair with conditioner and your fingers. He likes this part the best. You spend extra time brushing your fingers through his hair. He groans when you work down to his neck, kneading the muscles of his shoulders in your hands. At this point you aren't even scrubbing his head anymore.
He's almost disappointed when you stop.
"Let me do yours." He says.
Choso moves so you can lean against his chest. You worry about putting all of your weight on him. He insists he can take it. He can. But your initial hesitation is there. His chin rests on top of your head. His strong arms snake around you, holding you close. You feel so safe in his arms. You could fall asleep there.
And you just might.
His fingers run through your hair as he pours water over your head, shielding your eyes. He knows it can be a bit unpleasant. Once your hair is wet, he squeezes a sizable glob of shampoo onto his hands. Your hair is soft, he notes. He wonders if you like your hair being played with as much as he does. You hum softly as he starts to work it into your hair.
Slowly his hands work down, kneading the muscles of your neck and shoulders. Goosebumps raise along your flesh. He presses a kiss to the top of your head. His hands are warm. You find yourself dozing off in his arms. You feel so safe cradled against his chest.
When all the suds are rinsed out, he helps you work out any knots with his fingers. He likes the texture of the conditioner far less. It's cold and slimy, he says. You're not sure if that's how you'd describe it. He'd use 5-in-1 soap if you'd let him; which might be Yuji's fault.
He leans down to give you a kiss. It's just a quick peck, but the warmth of his lips lingers on yours for long after. You pull him back to deepen it, your tongue pressing past his lips, exploring his mouth. A line of saliva connects your lips when you pull away. You giggle at the way his face turns red.
Under the water, his fingers lace with yours. You lift his hand up, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. His heartbeat stops for a moment, before picking up in pace.
The two of you stay like that until long after the water has gone cold. Choso’s breathing has evened out, he hasn't moved in quite a while. You’re too warm and content in his arms to move. You’re not sure how long it’s been since you’ve dozed off. But the water is cold, and your fingers and toes are wrinkly from being underwater for so long.
“Did you fall asleep?” You ask, giggling when he shakes his head.
He still tries to hold onto you even as you get out of the water. You’ll worry about cleaning up in the morning.
You steal one of his shirts to wear. It's too big for the both of you, and has long since been designated a sleep shirt. His clothes are always huge on him, he likes the way they swallow him (and you) up. He sits with you between his knees, drying your hair off with a towel. You hate going to bed with wet hair.
Idly you flip through channels, looking for something to watch. Not much looks good. You have netflix—you have Yuji’s password—but nothing there looks good either. Eventually you settle on a late-night game show. You’re not particularly interested in it, but it's pretty nostalgic. It used to wake you up when you were a kid.
“Let me paint your nails,” you say. “Please?”
He nods. Your pleading look will be the death of him. Choso can't deny you anything.
He’s never been so hopelessly in love.
You sit cross-legged in front of him, pulling one of his hands into your lap. The nail polish you choose for him is clear. The other ones are in the bathroom, and you don't feel like getting up. You’ve tried all sorts of colors on him. His favorites are black and dark purple. He thinks they match his outfits rather well.
When you’re done, you grab ahold of both his hands, carefully examining his nails. They look fine. Really, you just want to hold his hands. You deem them good enough. He holds his hands as still as possible so as to not smear the nail polish.
When you’re finally ready to settle down for the night, he pulls you into his arms. You tug the covers up to your chin, making sure to wrap them around him too.
“Y/N?” He says.
“I love you.” He says.
“I know.” You say. “I love you too.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Murder, He Wrote
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Part 6.
Summary: Ransom and you attend a wake for his great-nanna Wanetta, with the rest of his family. The knives are out, and they’re sharp…
Warnings: Bad language words. MATURE (NSFW 18+) NON-CON situation, kidnap, violence. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THOSE TRIGGER… READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
Pairing: DARK! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  So here it is, the penultimate chapter to this series! One more to go post this, plus an epilogue. I can’t believe it’s almost over…
Word Count: 9.5k (oops)
READ THE WARNINGS!!!! This is a DARK Series… don’t @ us if you can’t follow simple instructions and end up with butt-hurt. And if you’re under 18…get off my blog.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and by writing it does NOT mean I agree with or condone the acts contained within. This fiction is classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Murder, He Wrote Masterlist // Main Masterlist.
Part 5
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 You'd managed to get through Christmas fairly well. The days leading up, Ransom had been a little suspiciously sneaky but you didn't give it a second thought, really. Things between you and your captor were more than amicable, they were pleasant. But, despite the cohabitation and this new found demeanour in him, Ransom wasn't above reminding you that you were still under his eye. And under his eye you were indeed, all day long. He watched you as you read, as you cooked, as you wrote in your journal. Oddly, not once showing interest in your musings but working away on his own. 
Christmas morning, the two of you had spent a few lazy hours in bed, Ransom waking you with kisses over your bare skin, stripped down and tired from the evening before where he worked you over until you couldn't move, crying out his name near midnight, his breathless, tired voice telling you 'Merry Christmas' before he slept. After an easy egg and toast breakfast, the two of you were sitting around the lounge, the fire burning, the tree lit, soft music played in the background, watching a fresh layer of snow falling outside. You were reading Dickens' holiday classic, aloud while Ransom sat next to you, idling running a long index finger over your neck in slow and soft, up and down strokes, listening to you. Suddenly he'd stopped and removed the book from your hands. 
"I have something for you," he said, a slight eagerness to his tone. He slipped away for a brief moment, pulling a box, intricately wrapped, clearly not by himself, from under the tree. You'd never noticed it there, not once and you wondered when he'd put it there or if he'd hidden it in the very spot this whole time. 
The red leather box sat heavy in your hand as you read the gold inscription on the top. With an unsteady breath, you lifted the hinged lid and hitched your breath at what sat inside. A white gold necklace, with two interlocking rings in a signature Cartier design glistened back at you. The screw motifs which were set in ideal oval shaped rings studded with diamonds that twinkled in the light sat snuggly inside against black velvet.
You were stunned. The gesture far too expensive and in your mind inappropriate. But you also thought it was absolutely gorgeous, and you wondered how he'd come up with such an expensive idea. You'd not mentioned anything of the sort in your time together, in fact, you hadn't had jewellery on bar your ball studs in your ears now.
You looked up from the delicate piece and your eyes met expectant ones. "It's beautiful," you spoke softly. "Thank you."
"Let me put it on you," he sat next you whilst taking the box from your hands. He gently pulled it away from the box and unclasped it, settling it around your neck as you moved your hair out of the way, thin tendrils framing your face. Your robe slipped off your shoulder and you felt his soft lips against your skin, down your neck and along your shoulder. "Let me see you," he spoke softly.
You turned in his direction and you saw the way he admired the way the piece sat across your chest, the silk robe you were wearing over your barely-there nightgown gaping open. As his eyes blatantly roved down between the valley of your breasts your own flicked across his casual, lazy-Christmas morning form, his broad chest and shoulders clad in a white thermal, sweats hung low on his hips.
"Perfect," he whispered, leaning towards you.
You were not a bought woman, no; you were his victim, his roommate, his co-habitant, his lover, his partner, his... Oh for Christ's sake you could go on with the labels that did or didn't make sense, were mutual or not, had or didn't carry the weight of a proper explanation. Right now, you were going through the motions and emotions.
"I like it, a lot, thank you again," you replied as his lips grew closer to yours. "I've never had such an expensive gift before."
His lips ghosted over yours, "There's plenty more where that came from, Sweetheart."
The implication of his words had hit you like a freight train as you realised just how many more ‘occasions’ he was planning on the pair of you spending together. New Year, Easter, Spring Break, your birthday, his birthday, summer, Memorial Day. It sparked so many conflicting opinions within you that you were glad of the distraction when he moved, his fingers delicate as he undid the ties of your robe and led you down on the rug before his lips had traced a path down your body and soon he’d had you crying his name, sheer bliss coursing through your veins.
Later that day, you'd made dinner for him, a reminder of how Christmas used to be when Wanetta and his Grandmother shared the festivities. After the quiet meal, he had expected you to join him for a shower, no doubt as pay back for him going down on you earlier. When you'd respectfully declined stating you needed to wash the dishes, he sneered and sulked off. You'd made sure that when he was gone long enough, you were able to get things set up for your gift. Now was the time to show Ransom how gifts of meaning and purpose were to be given and hopefully received. Not that it was going to make a blind bit of difference to your situation, not in the grand scheme of things anyway. You'd finished cleaning and putting everything away and headed into the lounge where you stoked the fire and then made your way back into the kitchen for your supplies. The hot cocoa burning hot, the slices of bread, tongs and a small serving of butter, complete with freshly blended cinnamon sugar. You knew he would come find you when you were not waiting in the bedroom for him. If Ransom Drysdale was anything, it was a creature of expectation and habit. You'd heard him coming down the stairs, that one spot with a creak carrying his footfall. You straightened up your things, setting up the tongs and tray of treats nicely before covering them with a cloth napkin, standing between the coffee table and the fireplace, and waited on baited breath for the tirade you thought was coming. He had turned the corner, his face stern with evident hard lines, his bare chest on display, hair still wet from the shower. You could smell him as he entered the doorway, that scent that you'd soon come to realize made you heady and needy. You waved him over, a hunt of excitement to your tone, "come on, come sit." “I don’t want to sit, Sweetheart, I want you like I had you before dinner. Crying my name with you under me.” He stood just inside the doorway, with his arms folded across his chest, sweats hung low on his hips. He wore no shirt just to entice you, but you weren't giving in so easily.  "I'll say your name as many times as you want, but first, I need to give you my gift." You chose then to look at him with big eyes, sincere yet seductive. 
It was a stare off between the two of you, he not budging and you popping your hip out to one side as you folded your arms over your chest. He had his fun, now you wanted to enjoy something and gift giving brought you joy. 
Like a child told to apologize for hitting another, he hung his head and sulked over. You could tell it pained him to obey your request. But you again saw through his facade. You knew this meant far more to him than anything he'd ever received.
But he'd never tell you that. Not that you thought anyway. “Oh stop being so you, Ransom, for just five minutes.” You snorted exasperatedly at his petulant nature. “It’s Christmas.” With a roll of his eyes that would make any toddler jealous, he took to his knees sitting on his heels. With a smirk, you joined him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, "Merry Christmas, Ransom." You pulled the napkin off the tray revealing the contents of your gift. His eyes moved over the tray, first seeing the mugs of cocoa, topped with whipped cream that was beginning to melt into the warm liquid. The tongs, the bread, the small pinch bowls of cinnamon sugar and the soft butter. With his mind occupied, you managed to grab a throw and wrap it around the two of you. He blinked, and you could see that he was fighting the smirk that was threatening to cross his handsome face. “Toast?” He finally asked and you nodded, smiling. "I couldn't go get you something, not that it mattered, so this was the next best thing." A flicker of something darkened his face, and for a moment you thought you saw regret flash in his eyes, just like the day he had marked your face but as soon as it had appeared it was gone. "Just enjoy it, even if you can't say anything about it, just...." you shrugged, "remember." That night, after the toast with cinnamon butter and cocoa from scratch were shared, he had his way with you, delightfully slow, once more by the fire, you again crying out his name and he yours, over and over again. By the time he finished, you were both boneless and breathless, his body covering yours until he rolled over and the two of you slept by the fire, wrapped up in each other's arms, the heavy throw around your naked bodies.
Christmas had been nice. Maybe, somewhat enjoyable, you'd admitted to yourself. Of course, the wrench of not seeing your family had weighed like a stone in your gut, compounded by the fact that thanks to the lie you’d been forced to tell Blanc, they thought this was your choice. That you were staying away from them because you wanted to, when nothing could be further from the truth. You missed your mom and dad goofing around over presents, still trying to tell your now well grown-up sister and you Santa had been. You ached for the usual family politics that manifested when your uncles and aunts descended for dinner. You longed for your sister to be complaining about how fat she was going to get…
"We have to go," Ransom’s deep baritone caught you completely off guard, making you jump as you stood staring out of the large French windows over the garden from the master suite.
“Oh, okay,” you nodded, taking a deep breath to centre yourself, your heart racing at the speed of light from your fright. You took a glance at yourself in the mirror above the fireplace and found yourself wishing you’d done a better job at covering up the ugly scab and green bruising on your face.
You followed Ransom in his tan coat, pin striped slacks and a black cashmere sweater as he strode from the room. You felt nervous, anxious, scared. This was the first time you were leaving the house in two months. He led you to the garage where you started walking to the SUV he'd taken you in but he stopped you short, calling out to you, "not this time, Sweetheart." He stood at the passenger door to his vintage BMW. You swallowed and walked towards the door he was holding open for you. Wordlessly, you sank into the passenger seat and reached for your belt. Pulling it across your lap, you adjusted the pencil skirt and blouse you'd tucked into so as not to wrinkle it, your soft black peacoat bluky in your seat. The car roared to life, throbbing beneath you, the hum of the engine might, in other circumstances, have excited you. But now, the only thing filling you was dread. The first time you’re out of your "castle", and it's to go to a wake, for Wanetta Thrombey.
Go figure. ***** The silence in the car was stifling. Every so often Ransom stole a glance at Y/N to find her simply staring out of the window, at one stage reaching up to wipe her eye. He didn’t say anything, but he wasn’t an idiot. Over Christmas he’d caught her numerous time completely zoned out, as if she was somewhere else, just like she had been moments before they had left. And whilst she’d done her best to keep her tears and attitude at bay, she’d been clipped with him a number of times which he’d simply let slide and instead of reminding her about her attitude, he’d pressed her to tell him what was wrong. She’d quietly admitted that she missed her family, something Ransom simply couldn’t understand, so in the spirit of their recent candid openness, he’d asked her bluntly why she needed them so much when he gave her everything she could possibly ever want. At that she had snorted, and taken great pains to explain to him that just because he failed to understand something didn’t make it any less valid of a feeling to someone else and then she’d deftly changed the subject, and he’d allowed the conversation to steer elsewhere.
And now, the first time she’d been anywhere but the inside of his house and strictly the garden for months, they were headed to spend time with his shit-head family. The irony was staggering when you considered it. He eased his beloved beemer onto the main road and pushed his foot down on the gas, weaving himself in and out of the light traffic obnoxiously fast. But he wasn’t known for his patience, he had somewhere to be and in his mind; the faster he got there the faster he could leave, keen to spend as little time with his family as possible. About halfway into the journey, Ransom felt that familiar cold feeling in his stomach as he pulled off the freeway and on to one of the smaller roads. He could drive this journey with his eyes closed but it was the first time he’d been back to the mansion since... well, since IT had all gone down. The more he thought about it, the more agitated he could feel himself getting, his hands gripping the steering wheel of the car with a force that made his knuckles white. He was jolted however, with the feeling of a hand on his arm and his head turned slightly to see Y/N looking at him. She didn’t say anything, and no sooner had he registered her touch she moved her hand dropping it back into her lap, eyes focussed downwards as his turned back to the road. He swallowed, that familiar and uncomfortable feeling of remorse once more washing over him. Despite everything he had done to her, she was still voluntarily lending him comfort. 
Ten minutes later, he swung up the tree-lined driveway, his heart pounding in his chest. His jaw set hard as the mansion came into view, and low and behold his mother, standing on the front steps, a cigarette between her fingers as she exasperatedly texted on her phone. A meek voice came from the seat beside him, "its going to be okay." But he couldn't decipher if she were talking to him or herself. He cut the engine, his hands still on the wheel as he sighed and hung his head, before he turned to her. “I don’t need to warn you about trying anything do I?” He asked, ignoring her effort to placate him. "No," she replied quietly. “Good.” He reached out and gently gripped her chin between his thumb and finger, pressing as soft kiss to her lips, the action as much for him as it was for the benefit of his mother who was watching the pair of them. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”  He gracefully unfolded himself from the driver’s side, shutting the door behind him and strode to the front of his car, waiting for Y/N to catch up. Her face was set, an expression he’d seen countless times before when she’d been fearful and acting under duress. He watched as she took a deep breath and drew back her shoulders whilst he reached for her hand. Obediently, she took it and together they strode towards the large wooden door, his mother watching them as they approached "You're late," Linda scoffed.
He paid her no mind and pulled Y/N along his side. “I’m sure Nanna won’t mind too much, you know, on account of her being dead.” He retorted sardonically.
You stood by his side, your eyes watching Linda and she turned her attention to you, her eyes narrowing a little, a strange expression on her features, almost as if she was sussing you out. But, as her eyes flicked to your injured cheek before they darted to Ransom who still had a possessive grip around your hand you realised with horror it wasn’t you she was suspicious of. It was the bruise on your face, more so how it had gotten there.
You cleared your throat. “Funny thing,” you gestured to it and her eyes snapped to yours, “too much Scotch and I tripped. Face first into the corner of my vanity."
Okay, so it wasn’t a complete lie…but you still felt sick to your stomach at how quickly you’d jumped to his defence.
“Sure.” Linda arched an eyebrow.
“What exactly are you getting at, Mother?” Ransom looked at her, his jaw set and Linda rolled her eyes, taking a drag of her cigarette.
“Nothing really, I just find it extremely odd that you get an interview with this girl to clear your name and she ends up in your bed, only after she’s done a complete hatchet job on all of us first.” She dropped her cigarette end to the floor before she looked at him shrewdly.
“For which she published an apology.” Ransom’s voice was flat and carried an undertone of annoyance to which Linda paid no attention.
“Because you’re really the type to forgive and forget so easily.” She scoffed as Ransom gave a dramatic sigh as his mother continued, her head now turning to you. “You know, I could hardly believe it when Blanc told us you were with him, and then I saw you with my own eyes and now here you are again…“
“What do you mean, when Blanc told you?” Ransom frowned as his hand contracted almost painfully around yours, a warning no doubt to remain silent. His mother had hit the nail on the head, proving that she knew her son a lot better than you, and no doubt he, had bothered to give her credit for.
“Her disappearance was all over the news, more so because they’d linked it to that god-awful cretin of an actor, Lucas Lee.” She turned back to look at him. “But, no sooner had they done that he was cleared thanks to a cast-iron alibi and low and behold, a few weeks later Blanc turns up.” Linda raised her brows, her gaze fixed on Ransom. “I told him where to find you-“
“Gee, thanks.” Ransom drawled and she glared at him, before he rolled his eyes and gestured with his hand for her to continue.
“And obviously he did as he came back a day or so later, saying that to his surprise you-“ her eyes flicked to yours then and you swallowed “-were seemingly there, of your own accord.”
“I erm,” you fumbled on your words and felt Ransom let go of your hand, his palm warm as it now rested between your shoulder blades. Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for another lie, one that this time you’d spun before and you shrugged, licking your lips. “I'll tell you the same thing I told him. I came to realize that despite my scathing feature, Ransom intrigued me. I wanted to get to know him more. One thing led to another and I figured if we kept our relationship quiet for a while, I'd save myself the spit on my face from my family and people like you.”
“People like me?” Linda arched a brow, her lips quirking up at one side. “
“I didn’t mean…” You shook your head, quickly taking a deep breath. “Sorry, that was rude.”
“A tad, but I’ve had worse.” Linda’s eyes twinkled with something that looked like amusement as she reached into her pocket for her packet of cigarettes. “But, what I don’t understand is, why let your family believe you were missing, dead even?”
“I, well, I was under a lot of pressure at work, and everything just got too much and needed to escape, from everything. Ransom told me to stay with him for a while to get some head space and I didn’t mean to cause anyone any hurt or upset and-“
You stopped dead as you felt Ransom curl his hand round the back of your neck, giving a squeeze in warning. You were rambling.
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Sweetheart,” his voice was softly spoken as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “it’s none of her business.”
Linda looked at you for a moment, before she turned to her son and shrugged, popping another cigarette into her mouth. “I’ve long since given up trying to understand anything you did.”
“Well, like the judge said,” Ransom moved, his hand now on the base of your spine as he turned and guided you to the large door of the house, “not of sound mind.”
In the spacious drawing room, the rest of the family was gathered around. There were no others at the wake, Wanetta having outlived everyone she knew.  You knew Ransom would offer no introductions, but that wasn’t an issue, you knew everyone anyway from your extensive research into this fucked up family. The fire burned in the background, and Ransom’s father, Richard, lounged in an arm-chair, a young woman who you presumed to be the au-pair Ransom talked about with disdain, perched on his lap. Walt was perched in another arm-chair, his wife Donna stood behind him, clutching a half drunk glass of wine, their son Jacob absent from the room. Marta and Meg were perched on the couch with Joni flitting about, a crunch from a carrot stick heard from across the room. You walked in and immediately felt the daggers in your skin as all eyes turned towards you. The knives were out and you swallowed, adjusting your sleeve, feeling Ransom's presence behind you.
“Here…” you felt Ransom’s hands gently pulling on the shoulders of your coat and he slipped it from your body, gently pressing another kiss to your cheek. You turned to look at him, offering him a small smile before he moved to hang the coat up on the stand at the far side of the room.
“Y/N, right?” Marta was the first one to speak as she stood up, and you nodded, not bothering to ask how she knew your name. It was a given she’d have read the article, and it was also a given thanks to the conversation moment’s ago with Linda, that the rest of the family had also been briefed on the fact you were ‘with’ Ransom. What clearly hadn’t’ been anticipated from the not-so-covert surprised glances that were being shared, was that he would have brought you today. “Can I get you a drink?” She continued and you smiled.
“Please, erm, a wine would be great.”
“Red or white?”
“She prefers white.” Ransom spoke and Marta’s eyes darted to his. You instantly felt his entire body language stiffen and you turned to him, the distaste evident on his face, his entire aura radiating utter disdain and bitterness.
Marta simply took a deep breath, her expression flat, but her eyes fierce as they remained in a silent stand-off.
“Can’t she speak for herself?” Meg scoffed and Ransom pulled his eyes away from Marta, turning his glare to his cousin.
“Is explaining what a lady prefers to drink considered sexist as well now or…”
“He’s right,” You jumped in quickly, smiling at Marta. “White is great, thanks.”
Marta nodded.
“Hugh?” She looked at Ransom and you blinked at the use of that name and then realised, of course, she’d once upon a time been the help. That said, you knew she was saying it simply because she wanted to, not that her status required it and there was an amused look on Ransom’s face as he turned to her.
You rolled your eyes to yourself at his lack of manners, but from the expression on Marta’s face she’d been expecting it, and to be honest, you weren’t sure why you hadn’t been. Her lips curled into a sarcastic grin as she turned and headed out.
“You should try it, Donna. It’s got camomile and lavender in. I swear by it.” Your ears then picking up on a conversation between Walt, Donna and Joni and you turned your head towards them, Ransom’s arm curled round your waist, hand resting heavy on your hip. Joni bit down on the carrot stick she was holding with a flourish of her hands. “It’s my favourite thing FLAM have done.”
"You know, I'm surprised you didn't go under given you're no longer receiving Dad's money.” Walt interjected and Joni rolled her eyes.
“Shows how much attention you pay, Walt. When I released that new line of bath-bombs and candles, sales, like literally, went through the roof.”
“Bath-bombs?” Walt frowned.
“Yeah, they’re like little cakes if you will of dried soap and fragranced that you drop into a-“
“I know what they are.” Walt rolled his eyes as Marta appeared, handing you your drink which you took with a thanks. “I was commenting on the fact you said you’d launched a new line.”
“Oh, yeah.” Joni munched her carrot stick some more. “I got the idea from Gwyneth Paltrow when she released that candle scented like her vagina.” At that you choked on your drink and hastily avoided looking at anyone in the room as various groans and loud protests from the males hit your ears.
At that point Linda walked back into the room and sat down in a chair not far from where you were sat and she smoothed down her trousers before she peered up at Ransom.
“How’s the book coming along?” She asked, peering from over the top of her wine glass as she sipped from it.
“Fine.” Ransoms shrugged. “Few little blocks here and there but I’ll work through them. Granddad always told me sometimes it pays to take a step back and pause, ideas often come when you’re not expecting them.”
Linda smiled, and you were pleased to see that, for once, it appeared genuine, as if she was actually looking at her son with something more than ambivalence. And then, the moment was ruined as Meg burst out laughing.
“You’re writing a book? What’s it called? ‘Ransom’s Guide To Being An Asshole’?” She snorted and Ransom took a deep breath.
“Eat shit.”
“Original.” Meg replied drily rolling her eyes, “you know, I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you.” She stated as her eyes turned to you. “Seriously, what the fuck do you see in him? Why on earth anyone would ever want to be in the same room with him, let alone share his bed is completely beyond me.”
“Tell me, Meg, when was the last time you got laid?” Ransom turned to her, a smirk on his face. “And your dildo doesn’t count.” “Fuck you, you fucking prick.” Meg seethed before she turned to look at you, her face angry. “You know, it must be serious if he’s bringing you here; he normally just keeps his fuck buddies on speed dial.”
“And throws the money on the mattress.” Walt mumbled.
At that, Ransom tensed and he turned his face towards his Uncle, his nostrils flaring. But before he had time to answer back, Richard let out a derisive snort and Ransom instead turned his head to his father.
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Ransom shot back, “Tell me, how much do you pay the barely legal whore sat on your lap?” 
“You little shit.” Richard spat as the poor woman in question shifted uncomfortably, her mouth falling open as the insult Ransom had shot at her registered.
You stood stock still, a warm and uncomfortable feeling washing over you as the family continued to bicker. You could feel a headache coming; this was becoming too much for you to cope with. 
“Oh for God’s sake.” Linda groaned, almost lazily from her spot on the chair. “Is it too much to ask that one of our family deaths goes by without starting another feud?”
"Oh that's rich, coming from you!” Richard, turned to her. Linda met her ex-husband’s glare with a completely blank expression on her face, before she scoffed.
“Why are you wearing those ridiculous glasses?” She demanded, referring to the spectacles that adorned Richard’s face, the style being something you would attribute to Harry Potter.
“So I can see.”
“You never needed glasses in the entire thirty-four years we were married.” She scoffed.
“I did.” Richard shrugged, a snarky grin curling at one side of his mouth and you instantly recognised that expression as being one Ransom sported a lot. “Just preferred it when I couldn’t see your face.”
Linda’s mouth dropped open and you felt yourself bristle as you took a breath.
“Are you actually gonna let your dad say that to your mom?” You glanced up at Ransom. His head turned slowly towards you and the expression of anger on his face at being called out made your blood run cold. You recoiled a little and your eyes immediately darted to the floor.
“Sorry.” You whispered.
"This is fun," Jacob snickered as he, from out of nowhere, waltzed into the room and took a seat in the corner of the bay window, never once looking up from his phone. “Ransom once more manages to spark an argument.”
“Y/N meet Jacob, the poster child for the pro-choice movement.” Ransom gestured to the teenager in front of you who merely rolled his eyes as both Walt and Donna began to yell and hurl insults back at Ransom.
“Says the guy whose birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.” The teen mumbled back.
“Ooh, good one, which one of your alt-right, KKK loving buddies did you learn that from?” Ransom quipped, and in a quick change of decorum, the room erupted with slander and jabs being shouted and tossed about, most of the commotion being pointed at Ransom.
It was a cacophony of noise and sound, which infiltrated your head, making your brain buzz and crackle like the wick of a dynamite stick and it was too much. After months of quiet with no one to listen or talk to bar Ransom, it was overwhelming and you felt sick.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need some air.” You mumbled, seizing the chance, as he was distracted.
You made your way into the hallway where you stood, your back leaning against the dark wooden panelling, taking huge gasps of air. Your chest hurt, your head was spinning and your legs burned but those deep breaths didn’t help. Your hand slapped against your chest, hoping to ebb the sting. Soon, lightheaded, and with a slight spin to the space around you, you felt a cool hand on your shoulder through your blouse. Your head turned and you saw a sweet pair of eyes looking at you with worry.
“Let’s get you some real air, come on,” it was Marta, coming to your aide.
She took you outside, to a covered patio, with wicker furniture and heating lamps. The rush of cold air hit your flushed skin and a different sting erupted through your lungs as the bite of winter’s breath filled you.
“Here.” The young woman handed you a tartan blanket, which you took with a grateful look, still not quite able to form any words. She helped you sit down on one of the chairs and made sure the blanket was snug around your shoulders as she took a seat opposite you.
“They’re a little overwhelming, but you get used to it,” she rubbed a small hand up and down your back.
You just looked at her, your eyes watering as you came down from your panic. You had no desire to get used to it, to any of it, but as per anything in this fucked up situation, you were no doubt going to have to, like it or not. 
The breaths you took became longer, deeper, the peak of panic now steadying out leaving you feeling shaky and exposed.
“I’m sorry, that was…”
“You don’t have to apologise. With what’s happening inside, this is normal.” Marta softly smiled with a chuckle. “I’d be worried if they weren’t screaming at each other.”
“Can I ask you something?” You looked at her, speaking softly.
“Of course.” She replied, just as hushed.
“Why did you do it? Have everyone over? You don’t owe them anything.”
The former nurse rubbed her palms on her pants, “well, it’s what Wanetta wanted. She sorta came with the house and it was her last wish, for the family to come together. I think she thought after everything that happened something might have changed?” Marta shook her head at the audacity of the sound of it. “She didn’t say much more, but Allan had given me her will and that’s all it read. Things would remain the same but she wanted them here after she was cremated, for a final goodbye.”
“I admire her optimism.” You stated flatly and Marta laughed before she gave a heavy sigh, a sad smile on her face.
“Well, she loved them, not that any of them cared, not in years. The only one I ever noticed take mind of her out of want and not duty was Ransom.” She kept her eyes on yours as she spoke, genuine care coming from the sound of her. “But that was before…when he…with Harlan.”
You glanced away, not totally surprised but still a little shocked so to speak that someone else had noticed there was a little shred of humanity buried underneath all his asshole bravado. You leaned forward on your thighs, elbows resting there as your hands wrung together, a nervous habit you’d recently developed.
“Can I ask YOU something?” Marta wondered. You nodded, your stomach knotting, hoping I wasn’t what you suddenly thought it could be. “You’ve spent time with Ransom. I read your article and your apology. Do you believe all of this? The not of sound mind?” Her eyes were sorrowful but held a glare of contempt at the circumstance.
“Uh…” you started but the opening of the patio door caught both of your attentions and the man in question stepped outside, your coat in his hands.
“I was worried,” he stated, opening your coat for you as you automatically stood to receive the gesture. You had no doubt his worry was genuine, but whether it was for you or what you may or may not have revealed was another question.
“I needed some air,” you admitted, “Marta came to my rescue.”
“One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.” Ransom quipped in reference to the chaos of the family being together, chaos he narcissistically enjoyed partaking in.
You looked up at those daring blue eyes, “Mark Twain.”
He quirked a brow in agreement before his eyes flicked to Marta and then back to you. “Was I interrupting something, Sweetheart?”
There it was, that warning tone in his voice. You were on thin ice. You stuffed your hands into your peacoat pocket and shook your head.
“No.” You cleared your throat as you held his gaze. “Like I said, I just needed some air.”
As he stood there, his eyes searching hers he took a deep breath as she gazed back up at him, fear simmering within those deep globes. Ransom reached out, pulling her to him, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “As long as that’s all it was.”
Recognising his comment for what it was, half concern and half warning, she nodded against his chest. Without so much as another glance at Marta, he turned, his arm looped possessively over her shoulders as he led her back inside. He walked slowly down the hallway, stooping slightly to speak into her ear. “From now on, you don’t leave my sight, you got that?”
“Yeah, okay.” She whispered and nodded.
“Good girl,” he smiled, tipping her face up with on finger under her chin, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
The next hour or so passed reasonably uneventfully. Ransom was careful to keep as much distance between him, Y/N and the rest of the assholes in the room as possible. When the buffet was served, he watched as she picked at the plate of food she had selected, not eating a terrible amount. She’d gone in on herself again, and he found himself a little disappointed if truth be told.
“We’ll leave soon.” He turned to her and she looked at him, “you’ve behaved today, I’m impressed.”
At that she rolled her eyes. “Is going back to that fucking house supposed to be a reward or something?”
At that Ransom felt a surge of anger and he glared at her, the nerve in his jaw twitching. “Don’t push me, sweetheart.” His voice was low, and a growl but to his surprise, instead of recoiling at his outward hostility and warning she simply sat up straight, her shoulders squaring and met him with a filthy look of her own.
“Fuck you.” She spat.
“Oh we already played that game.” His lip curled back in a snarl. “Several times.”
“Trouble in paradise?” Walt leaned forward a little to pick up something off one of the plates on the table by Ransom and he took a breath, his eyes still trained on Y/N before he turned to his uncle.
“Are you not dead yet?”
“Do you have to talk to everyone like that?” Joni sighed. “God, Ransom.”
“Well I thought the guys who bust his leg might have caught up with him by now, no such luck.” Ransom shrugged.
“Listen here you little shit,” Walt leaned over the table, but no sooner had he done that he suddenly began coughing on whatever food he had in his mouth.
“I’m listening.” Ransom quipped as Walt continued to splutter, Donna hastily hitting him on the back.
Jacob, who wasn’t even looking at the table, too engrossed in his phone, then spoke. “What did you eat, Dad? Wasn’t anything he gave you was it? I mean he did kill Grandpa so I wouldn’t put it past him to poison you either.”
A deadly silence spread across the room as Ransom took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his cousin, his hand clenching into fists. Besides him, Y/N let out a shaky breath and her head turned to look at him but he didn’t meet her eyes. Instead he leaned back in his chair and when he spoke next, his voice was icy.
“Not of sound mind.”
“Yeah, we heard. Loaf of bullshit if you ask me, but then again an expensive lawyer can get you off most things these days.” Walt snarled.
“Enough!” Linda yelled, her hand smacking on the table. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Besides him, Y/N had begun to tremble, and Ransom glanced at her to see she was taking deep breaths, her chest heaving, face stony as she stared at the wall opposite, where a picture of his Nanna Wanetta was hung.
“Oh shut up Linda!” Walt turned to her. “Everyone here knows he’s guilty as sin, even you! Why the fuck he’s even here is beyond me. And as for you...” He turned to Y/N and she gave a start, her eyes flicking to him. “You might as well quit while you’re ahead as there ain’t no gold to be digging for. She got it all.” He pointed his fork at Marta and then that was it. Y/N let out a hell of frustration, standing up that quickly her chair tumbled to the ground behind her, the plate clattering to the floor by her feet.
“You think I’m with him for his money?” He glared at Walt, the entire room silent as all eyes focussed on her. “Jesus Christ, you have no idea. I’m with him because I have-“
At that Ransom’s hand shot out and curled round her wrist, his grip tight in warning and she jerked away from him, glaring down at him with a fire in her eyes he hadn’t seen in a long time.
“The whole lot of you are fucked in the head.” She tapped her temple with her forefinger. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. You’re nothing but a bunch of self-entitled, narcissistic assholes. After everything you've been through, you can’t even find it in your cold dead hearts to come together honour a member of your family that died without reducing the entire event to some kind of sick, twisted game of one-upmanship. Each and every one of you are all about yourselves, and what you can do to out accomplish the other. As far as I’m concerned each one of you can fuck off and die. You disgust me." 
She took a deep breath, running her hands over her face before she turned on her heel and stormed from the room.
Ransom blinked, watched her leave, a slam of the door behind her. He stood there for a brief moment, processing what had just happened. He looked back to his family with a smug shrug and at that he headed quickly after Y/N, his mother's obnoxious and loudly over dramatic gasp bouncing off his back as he too slammed the front door.
It was your turn to stand there and act like a petulant child as you leaned against the hood of the Beemer, cares and all fucks be damned. You were tired, you were angry and God damn down right fed up with this entire family and their bullshit. You didn't even make eye contact with him as Ransom as he approached the car. You simply moved to your door, slipped in as he did and waited for him to start the car. You felt his eyes in him, heard him open his mouth to say something but rather he just took in a breath and started the engine. You sat there, your arms crossed over your chest, knees at an angle, pointed towards your door, away from him.
A rumble of a chuckle escaped his chest, "Oh Sweetheart, that was really something."
"Just drive," you spat out, turning your head to him in annoyance. Now he didn't find you amusing, this new air of confidence about you. He cleared his throat and looked at you with a stern gaze.
"Careful, Y/N," he warned, pulling around the drive to the long road before the main. You didn't care. You raised your brows as if you were silently emphasizing your demand, it was not a request, even in the slightest.
The bare trees and snow covered ground began flying by your window, clearly Ransom laying the pedal to the floor as you shook your head.
"What the hell was even the point of going today? It was blatantly obvious that they didn’t want you there, and you didn’t want to be there. If you wanted to mourn Wanetta, we could have done it from the confines of the prison you like to keep me in. Or was this just another shitty way for you to torture me? Huh? Was that amusing to you, Hugh, making me spend an afternoon with your fucked up family, whom you hate, when you��re keeping me from mine? God, you really are a twisted son of a bitch.”
Your tirade set his skin on fire, you could see the tinge of red flushing his skin as he white knuckled the wheel, his hand on the gear shift squeezing the hell out of it as you spoke. Then very quickly you felt your body lurch forward as he slammed on the breaks. "What the fuck did you just say?"
“What, are you deaf?” You blazed. “I asked why we were there? I mean I thought we were going to pay respects to your Great-Nanna, because stupid me actually believed that you felt something, you know, some kind of sorrow that she was gone, and I actually felt sorry for you at first when we got in there, and they were unloading all their vile little opinions and digging in at you and-“
"Now you listen to me you little bitch," he spat, cutting you off. "I didn’t ask for, nor do I need your pity. I don’t care what my family say to me, or think about me. And I certainly don’t care what they think or say about you”
“Oh my god, you are…” You shook your head, looking out of the window, taking a deep breath. “This isn’t pity, Ransom.”
“No, because that’s what it sounds like.” He seethed, his hands curling round the steering wheel.
“Of course it does.” You scoffed. “Because that’s probably all you’ve ever felt towards anyone else isn’t it? Pity, because they’re never going to be as good as you, or have the things you have. Well you might be rich in money terms but fuck, in everything else you’re a pauper. Have you ever truly empathised with someone? Like have even once fully understood what someone else feels? Their sorrow, their happiness, their joy?”
“What the fuck are you getting at?”
You sighed, considering your options. You knew what you wanted to tell him-that the fact he wasn’t loved as a child left him incapable of the simple emotions normal people met, but he was calling you out. And now, it was play it soft or rip it off like a band-aid…
And despite the feeling of foreboding washing over you, you chose the latter. You were tired of playing his mind games, tired of this whole situation. And whatever fucked up punishment he was going to inflict on you, well, it couldn’t be worse than anything he’d already done, you’d take it.
“You don't know how to be happy, or how to love Ransom, because you've never seen it. You've never experienced it. You just breeze through life thinking you can take what you want when you want, and it doesn't work like that.”
 “You’re starting to really piss me off. If I wanted a therapy session, I’d pay for one.” He snarled, “Shut the fuck up.”
“See, this is what I mean!” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You just asked me to elaborate, so I did, and know because I’m saying something that you don’t like or don’t wanna hear, you’re resorting to being an asshole.  Every time I think I’m getting through to you, I…” You fell silent, swallowing as he glared at you, nostrils flaring and you took a deep sigh, knowing that this was pointless. “You know what, forget it. I shouldn’t-“
“No, you clearly got something to say, so go on. Say it.”
“What, so you can punish me when we get back for pissing you off some more?”
At that his face faltered and he took a deep breath, hanging his head. When he raised it again to look at you, his face was softer and he looked out of the windscreen, licking his lips. “I’m not…gonna punish you, okay.”
“How do I know?” You whispered, shaking your head. “How can I trust that you’re not just gonna lock me back in that damned basement and come down when you want to fuck me and-“ “Because I’m not!” His voice rose. “I don’t want you down there anymore. So I’ll ask again, you think you know so much about how to love,” he framed the word with his fingers, "then tell me what you think it means.”
“Fine, you wanna know…I’ll tell you. It's going on dates, it’s fun, its surprising, it’s feeling like you can’t breathe if the person you are in love with leaves you. It’s not about owning them or breaking them or how much you buy a person or throwing money at them, it’s showing them you know how they are, that you understand what they appreciate and what they need and what they want, a lot of times without being told.” You took a deep breath, watching his face, his expression never faltering. “Love is something that can't always be explained. It's that feeling of family, of having your person. Someone your heart and soul changes for, grows with. Love is a mother's hug or kiss goodnight, a father's ball landing in your mitt with a joyful laugh and smile. Love isn't forced or taken. It's given and received. It's...."
"Fresh hot cocoa on a rainy day when you have nothing left in a world that hates you,” he spoke softly, and when you realized what he'd said it stopped your thoughts cold. Did that mean what you thought it meant? That he loved you?
You were lost for words, but before you could protest and tell him he was wrong, he sighed and looked at you.
“You asked me before why I brought you today. That’s why. Because they hate me. And you make me feel fucking safe around those pieces of shit.” Your breath caught in your throat whilst your mind raced for how to respond. The tension and suspense filled the air about the two of you. You stared at him, his eyes soft, expectant, darting over your features with a bouncing worry. The reaction time between his words and your next move was merely a minute but you had quickly found a way to capitalize on this moment. You threw your belt off and kicked your heels off in the process, moving over the gear shift and the centre console into his lap, the center seam of your skirt tearing as you straddled him. "Wha...." his words were cut off by your lips on his, your palms over his softly shaven face, fingertips sliding into the hair behind his ears. Immediately, your tongue slipped deep inside his mouth, lolling around with his. His hands found your waist and gave you a squeeze. You came to your knees as best you could in the small space and continued to kiss him while trying to inch your skirt higher. He'd guessed what you were trying to do and you felt his hands move from your waist to the tops of your thighs, fingers trailing down quickly to the hem of your skirt, lifting it to above the curve of your ass where it bunched. He didn’t ask or question your sudden burst of confidence or seeming desire, just as you’d banked on, instead he was quite happy to go with it, as usual always ready to fuck you any which way he could. Your hands trailed over the soft material of his sweater and down to the end of it, where it met the top of his slacks. You lifted the clothing slightly to ghost over his skin causing him to flinch before your finger tips found the button and zip of his flies. That maddeningly smug smirk spread across his face and your lips crashed back to his, a furious clash of teeth and tongue, your hands still fumbling with his pants. He was half hard before you even got him free, no doubt from the heated exchange the two of you had to get to here. As you palmed his girth in your hand, your brain switched from playing him to wanton need, a basic primal instinct of desperation to release the toxic stress your body held. His big hand and thick fingers trailed over your hip, your ass, down your thigh and finally cupped your heat and a deep ferrral growl emitted from his chest as he'd realized you'd worn nothing under that skirt. He dipped two fingers inside you straight away and you cried out, "fuck" as your body bent back away from him, keening at the feeling. “Fuck, baby, you’ve had nothing on under here all day?” His fingers curled inside of you and you groaned, your head rolling back as your hips pushed forward, thrusting against his hand. You couldn't use your words, you looked down at him with your pupils blown and your bottom lip between your teeth. You gave him a squeeze instead and he quickly lurched you into the steering wheel with his chest, his fingers falling away and both hands tearing your blouse open, buttons flying that will never be found. His nose tucked between the valley of your breasts and he inhaled between your fleshy mounds, his tongue dipping against the underside of your thin bra. His hands each palming an ass cheek and squeezing so hard, it delightfully stung. With what little space the two of you had to move, Ransom pulled you down into his lap, the need to feel you wrapped around him dangerously feral. It took no time for that single motion to get his head then every inch of his shaft deep inside you. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good," he ground out. He didn't care the mess she would make or the way he'd cum so hard he'd leak out of her, no, he wanted to fuck her senseless and that's exactly what he'd do. His heels cemented themselves into the footwell of the car as his hips jutted upward, her body curling in on him. “Harder, please Ransom.” Her voice croaked as she begged him and with a growl that was animalistic his hips picked up their pace as he rutted up into her quickly and harshly.  His mouth devoured the tops of her breasts, nipping at her nipples through the material of the lace that covered them while her fingers scratched at the back of his neck, tugging at his hair. In contrast to the cold winter conditions outside, the air inside his beloved car was now hot, fast steaming up the windows, drops of condensation trickling down towards the door sill a perfect mirror image of the sweat that was now sliding down the hollow of her throat and beading on his brow. He could feel her walls begin to squeeze him tighter and tighter with each thrust. His hands curled round her hips, pulling her down onto him as he leaned back, raising his ass off the seat slightly, spearing up into her as deep as he could. "Ransom," you started to shake senselessly, you were crashing fast and hard and there was no slowing down. "Fuck, baby, just like that," you'd heard him say over the blood that rushed to your ears, deafening you, as you came, gripping him like a vice. Your body gave way as your hands sought purchase to ground yourself from entirely collapsing, finding the lapel of his camel coat, white knuckling it with one hand while the other slapped against the damp window which felt like melting ice against your heated palm. A noise burst from your mouth, a half scream, half choked wail, a sound you weren’t sure you’d ever made before and you opened your eyes to see Ransom’s icy blue’s locked onto yours, his bottom lip clamped between his teeth. His voracious pace continued until the end when he came with a primal growl,  his hips raising off the seat far enough to jolt your head against the roof of the car. You felt him fill you, the warmth of his seed settling deep inside, and then some. The air was heavy with the sound of panting as the pair of you came down from the intensity of the moment, The both of you desperately trying to breathe despite the humidity. Your hands curled over Ransom's shoulders as he sagged back in the seat, his hands smoothing up the outside of your thighs. You swallowed hard as his eyes focused on yours. You leaned forward and kissed him slowly, softly, his mouth and body languidly responding. Pulling back slightly, you kept your forehead pressed to his, and took a deep breath before you went straight in for the kill, the reason you’d instigated this entire fuck, to capitalise once more on a seeming chink in his armour. "You said you feel safe with me." He stilled underneath you, his hands gentle as they now rest on your hips and his eyes locked onto yours, widening as he realised his admission. "Do you want me to feel safe with you? To trust you?" You continued, not giving him a moment to deny it. He nodded slowly in reply. "Prove it," you stated. "How?" His voice was croaky as he cleared his throat, a slight frown furrowed his brow. "I want to see my family again." He looked at you, and you kept your eyes locked on his, a challenge to him to make good on his word, gambling on him actually wanting you to trust him as he had taken great pains to demonstrate through various means over the past few weeks. This was it, the moment where you would find out exactly what he truly wanted- someone to love and trust him, or someone to fear and obey him. He let out a slow breath through his nose and his eyes flicked over your shoulder before they returned to yours and he gave you an almost imperceptible nod.  But a nod nonetheless. “Okay.”
**** Part 7
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Any chance of getting some spicy royals content on this fine Sunday? After they’re married/during their engagement, I have a vision of them doing their events and then going back to palace and just like tearing each other’s clothes off and doing it on any and all available surfaces.
My friend, you understand the Royals vibe.
Their whole romance started because essentially they couldn't keep their hands off one another. That's not going to change when they're together, in fact, it makes it all a little worse. The young queen and her future husband are well known for probably being too in love.
Kate wasn't stupid, she knew what the entire country was saying about her when rumours of her relationship with Anthony started leaking from the palace as these things often did. And she supposed she was a good part to blame. People couldn't help but notice the Security that lined the corridor outside Anthony's flat, and really that meant there had to be someone of note inside, and there was, of course, the very public way Anthony had gone about things. It didn't take long for the rumours to start.
She called off the wedding for him
It was all arranged for publicity
The Queen Regent demanded she marry him if not Stirling
He's a traitor and so must she be.
It was vaguely amusing honestly, the idea that Mary of all people would be encouraging Kate to do anything to Anthony that wasn't punching him in the stomach. The palace PR team had practically begged her not to acknowledge Anthony publicly
"All due respect Your Highness, This will be a disaster." Jenkins had said, the bridge of his nose pinched in his fingers, barely 2 days into her relationship with Anthony,
Kate had bristled, "What are you suggesting, Mr Jenkins?"
"I'm suggesting, that publicly, Our new Queen has no consort, whatever you do in private is of course your own business."
Kate had frowned, "And what about when we get married." A small hiss escaped several people in the room and Kate had pretended not to see the way Mary stiffened beside her, plowing ahead. "Surely eventually I'll have to marry someone, what do you suggest then?"
And no one had really seemed to have an answer for her, which of course meant the answer was clear.
Hopefully you'll come to your senses before then!
But it hadn't been necessary in the end. Sophie had sent them to a primary school, and aided by a rather adorable Hyacinth Bridgerton, Kate and Anthony (Kathony as they'd been dubbed) had emerged as they country's new it couple. Requests poured in for comment, the were star crossed lovers people that certainly weren't supposed t fall in love but couldn't resist the pull. And allegedly, everyone could see it. Just from the way they looked at one another.
It seemed every day in those first few months blurry pictures emerged of them, Anthony's head resting on her shoulder on a street corner, Kate's legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her through the garden on his back, Anthony crowding her against a tree their lips nearly touching. It was relentless, and rather than sullying the image of the royal family, it seemed to make public opinion soar. Yes, their new queen was young, beautiful, and very much besotted with her grouchy boyfriend. It really was quite the narrative, and not very far from the truth. Before long reports of them slipping away at public events seemed to emerge, and this the palace could not abide.
"Kate, please, please do not sneak out of this event." Sophie was practically begging, looking sternly between her and Anthony. "I mean it, "I get it, you just got engaged, and it's adorable that you're so happy but Can we stay to the end of one event this month?"
"Ahh Sophie, when you look this good, lady's are bound to drag you behind a topiary animal for a quickie." Anthony had said, with that insufferable smirk on his face."
Kate had scoffed. "Won't be a problem, Sophie, Anthony won't be getting any for a while."
As it turns out, it was a problem. Before they'd even left the palace Kate was warm. Anthony had been sitting in the small living area attached to her suite by the time her styling team had finished flitting around her, and honestly, the sight of him made her mouth go dry.
He was wearing a light grey suit, the waistcoat of which had a light checked pattern through it, cut tightly across his broad shoulders, his red tie and pocket square in stark contrast. She didn't really need to look at them, she'd known before she even walked in what colour they would be, they always matched, Anthony insisted upon it. Insisted on her crest being neatly embroidered into them, and it was a little unflattering but it aways sent a little possessive thrill through her.
She'd cleared her throat and he'd looked up from his phone, smile already in place though it turned just slightly predatory at the sight of her.
"Well, well, your majesty, don't you look lovely this evening?" His fingertips had trailed over her bare back a little delightfully.
Kate had scoffed, her cheeks burning, "we promised hands to ourselves tonight."
Anthony laughed, "There's almost no way you're going to be able to manage that, Darling. I look delectable this evening."
God his arrogance was startling, even if he wasn't far off the mark. "You look average."
He wasn't deterred. "I'll make you a deal, Princess" She'd been the queen for months but he still called her by her original title, his eyes shining at her. "If we stay until 11:30, I'll give you a reward."
A shiver had run down her spine as she'd thought about last night when he'd bent her over the back of the sofa, his hands hot against her. "Won't be a problem. Prepare to get on your knees for me."
"It would be my pleasure."
By the time they'd been there an hour, Kate was struggling, Anthony's hand was hot on her back, his eyes burning into hers as he laughed and smiled, his glasses shining in the dim lighting, and it didn't help that she was sure the air conditioning was broken.
And he wouldn't leave her alone. Usually at these events after a while they were tugged in different directions, mingling with this lord and that, as directed by their teams. But tonight Anthony shrugged off all of his instructions, keeping his arm like a vice around her, the smell of his cologne a little overwhelming, his deep voice rumbling through the both of them, his finger tapping his watch every time her own hand slipped under his jacket or to the edge of his trousers, a stupid smirk on his face. God he was absolutely unbearable, and she wanted him so fucking much, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
Her eyes didn't leave his watch from 11:28, counting down the seconds as they slipped by, clearing her throat as soon as 11:30 ticked around.
"Can you have the car brought around Steve?"
Anthony's smirk intensified into something like a wolfish grin as they waved once more to the assembled party before they slipped out the side doors.
"Well, Your majesty, very impressive restraint shown tonight." his voice was like gravel in her ear, both hands on her waist now, one on either side, his teeth already nipping at her neck, it was all she could do not to groan loudly.
As soon as the car door was opened, Kate had tugged Anthony inside, her hand wrapped around his tie, his hips bucking against her at the sharp tug she gave it.
"What are you doing?" Her own voice was rough as Anthony attempted to settle into the seat beside her, his eyebrows raised.
"Sitting down so we can go home and fuck?" There was something so innocent about the way he said it, that made her heart flutter with love for him, his hand fiddling nervously with his glasses.
Kate clucked her tongue, tugging on his tie until his knees were resting on the floor of the limousine in front of her. "But we have such a long drive home, Lord Bridgerton, you better get to work."
Anthony's eyes darkened immediately, his hands tugging roughly at the hem of her dress, calming as he slipped underneath it, his lips trailing up her thighs, hands forcing her legs apart.
"Fucking hell I wanted to crawl under this dress the minute I saw you, wanted to do it right there in that fucking room again."
Kate tried to force her voice into something like nonchalance, failing miserably as she shifted her hips a little desperately "Well it would have certainly given the Lords something to tut about, you know how they like that."
His chuckle was slight muffled through the layers of her dress. "They're just jealous, they don't get to have you."
And then his mouth started moving over her, hard and relentless, and fuck she couldn't breathe. The privacy partition was thankfully already up as it always was on the way home from events, but still, Kate knew the driver, and Steve who always rode in the front of her car could hear her, and there was something oddly thrilling about it. Oddly thrilling about the obscene noises that were pulled from her chest, about the soft sound of Anthony's mouth on her, the soft moans falling from his lips at the taste of her, his voice coaxing against her.
"That's it, Kate, you've been such a good girl for Daddy."
Her eyes rolled back in her head, unable to help herself as her hips bucked against him helplessly, desperately seeking just a little more friction.
"Please, Anthony, Please."
He chuckled again and then he started moving impossibly faster, his fingers joining his tongue, forcing her higher and higher, she could see the reflection of them in the window as the streetlights passed, th obscene image of them branded on the back of her eyelids, And everything shattered. A soft scream tore through her chest, Anthony humming happily in response as her chest heaved, her breathing erratic.
Anthony's head popped out from under her dress, checking his watch a little dramatically.
"Well that took 5 minutes so I think I can probably do that another 3 times before we get home."
He managed another 4, one rolling against the other like an endless wave, her screams getting louder and louder, condensation covering the windows in the back of the car. And Anthony's smug smile as he tugged her boneless from the car, really was absolutely insufferable.
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blue-bird-kny · 3 years
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This took way to many days to write for absolutely no reason, but I liked it in the end so please, enjoy~Amanda
Warnings: N/a
Words: 2.4k+
↳{Fluffy first baths together are nothing short of what you’d expect with Inosuke}
The gentle pitter-patter of water droplets drizzling down bamboo shoots and swaying green leaves filled the otherwise quiet space. The welcoming scent of dew and greenery danced through the night air as you overlooked the outdoor bathing area, “absolutely perfect” you thought as your muscles cried in despair. You, along with your team of idiots and sweet Nezuko, had walked miles in search of a home bearing the Wisteria crest, everyone in desperate need of some rest, repair, and (hopefully) lots of delicious food. “Come in, young child, as weary as you may be, your body needs food to begin the healing process” a grainy voice beckoned. An elderly woman, just barely 5 feet wrapped in purple with shimmering silver hair, waited patiently beside the open door, “I think my husband was too excited to greet you all because he got carried away and made far too much food” she continued. “Oh don’t worry, my boys are very capable of eating you out of house and home, especially my boyfriend” you giggled while climbing the wooden steps to meet her.
You walked side by side to the dining room, the smell of beef stew and rice already reaching you, “Thanks again, to you and your husband, we’ve spent weeks running around and I know we desperately needed the break” she chuckled, “No need child, my husband misses the thrill of battle even in his old age, so we are thrilled to have you.” your eyes widened slightly but before you could ask the shorter woman of her husband's past, a loud crash could be heard behind the thin sliding door. Behind its papery protection was a scene that couldn’t be anymore hilarious; wrestling on the floor was an older man, thick and burley with round rims sliding down the bump of his nose, hovering over a wailing Zenitsu whose body was being forced into a backbend with his head held tightly in a choke-hold by the man’s hairy arms. Tanjiro stood beside the duo desperately trying to pull his friend out from under the other, trying to talk over the hefty laughter and screaming, while Inosuke stood cheering the man on as if this were some sort of cage fight.
You could feel the twitch in your eye act up, ready to pull them apart but before you could open your mouth the elderly woman cleared her throat, causing the wild bunch to freeze. Her husband's eyes slowly fell on hers as fear overcame them and as for the other three, they couldn’t help but shiver at the dead set look on yours. “What’s going on here?” the women commanded, her steel set tone sending the group scrambling into seated positions as she prowled into the room- you followed slowly behind her. Tanjiro croaked first, “W-well Mr.Shimura was telling us about his days in the force and he just wanted to show us some of his, uh, moves'' Tanjiro's voice wavered a bit at the end, not sure if ‘moves’ was the right way to describe assault. “Y/n! Please don’t let this man torture me anymore, he’s crazy!” the blonde rushed to your side with teary eyes and a tight grip on your arm. The women pulled her large husband up by his ear, “Don’t worry, you children enjoy your food, my husband,” she tugged on the lobe for emphasis, “and I will be off to bed” she turned to you, “I assume you’ll be able to find the bathing area and your room?” “Of course” you assured. The moment the couple became shadows behind the door, you could hear the wife’s grumbling- you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
Unsettled by the silence, you turned to find all eyes on you, waiting for a reprimand you had no intention of delivering, “Oh ease up, eat before the food gets cold'' a collective sigh could be heard around the table, your hand gentle releasing the part of Zenitsu that was still clinging your clothes. The spot open next to Inosuke was as inviting as the mouth-watering scent of a hot meal that had been calling your name since further down the hallways. Your fingers faintly fell on the tuft of your boyfriend's hair, ruffling them a bit, before diving into your own bowl of rice and soup. While Inosuke felt your small act of affection and craved it a bit more, he only offered a messy smile as he shoveled spoonfuls into his mouth. 
Ceramic dishes once filled with hand-cooked deliciousness were now cleaned empty, stacked into small towers all across the wooden table in some sort of toppling city. The room was almost empty too, Zenitsu and Tanjiro both eager to wash the wear away and to finally allow themselves to be consumed by uninterrupted dreams, had already taken off for the night. “I’m going to die,” the bloated heap on the floor cried, his duo-toned hair sprawled out around him and his robe strewn on the ground. You laughed, “No, Inosuke, you aren’t going to die” you laid on the carpet beside him, propped up by one elbow. As the man heaved and sighed as if he were going into labor, your nose caught a whiff of something salty and musty and earthy and gross, “I swear if you don’t go shower right now, my eyes are going to melt from my skull” you complained nasally as you pinched your nostrils shut; You were met with only louder moaning and heaving. “C’mon everyone else already-” you stopped yourself short, an idea too good to pass up crossing your mind. “Since everyone else is already tucked away, why don’t we bath together?” before you could even finish the question, Inosuke sat up faster than light, his eyes challenging yours as if saying “Are you playing me?”. “We never get to do anything just us so if you're up for it, I’m down” you concluded slightly smug as he clung to each word you uttered like a puppy waiting for a treat. You stood to leave, crouching down once more to balance your fingers below his chin, forcing him to face you, “But, no funny business”. 
You didn’t even have to look to see Inosuke was following, his second set of steps echoing yours as if they were the thunder that follows lighting; two things equally as powerful, yet relied on the other for strength. Again, you were greeted by the soft flow of water streaming into the natural spring, the brilliant moonlight above lighting the large basin carved from polished rock that sat in the middle of the space. “Turn around” you asked, to which Inosuke surprisingly compiled too with only a tiny grumble. You slid your filthy clothes off layer by layer, the black garments piled together as you tip-toed into the warm water, the steam instantly feeling irresistible on your skin. “I-I’ll close my eyes so you can get in, too” you stuttered, the heavy realization of the intimacy that was to come next, an intimacy that had never been shared before. “Whatever you want, we’ll be naked anyways in the water” Insouke pointed out as he too discarded his smaller pile onto yours, however, you didn’t dare peek before you heard the breaking of water as he climbed in, didn’t dare breathe as he groaned in relief. Slowly, you uncovered your eyes, trained steadily past the demon slayer's face; awkwardly and in unusual silence, you two sat five feet apart, waiting to see who dared to move first.
Well of course it was Inosuke who shuffled through the water first towards you, “You can look at me, ya know” he said with a sort of want in his voice, as if your gaze offered an approval he sought from only you. Whether the pink that painted his skin was from the temperature or the heat of the moment, you couldn’t tell, but you didn’t dwell on it for long because other things piqued your interest. While the number of times you’ve seen Inosuke wear a shirt was almost non-existent, the steam rising from the water altered his scarred chest into something else; it was more chiseled, more tanned, each dip and mark was more perfect, the reflection below somehow glowed in a way that was more than you had every painted Inosuke to be and it took your breath away. “What are ya looking at?” he asked defensively, fidgeting in an almost timid way; it reminded you that you shouldn’t be nervous around him, “You, ya dummy”. He scoffed at your bluntness, grateful to hear the normal bite in your tongue instead of the disgust he feared you’d feel towards him. His stunning pair of green orbs watched as you leaned closer to him, arms stretched as you grew even closer, “What the hel-” he panicked slightly only to be fooled as you grabbed something that was behind him; two bottles waved in front of his face as you teased, “What? Afraid of some soap, piglet?”. He muttered a string of complaints, ‘tease’ and ‘mean’ being the only two you could work out.
You squeezed the white shampoo into your open palm, setting it down somewhere on the edge of the bath, “May I?” you asked, hovering your hands beside his head. He sucked on his teeth before mumbling a raspy “fine”, easing himself between your awaiting limbs. You worked the suds into his scalp, gently massaging his dark roots with the pads of your thumbs before working your way down to bunch his falling strands, lathering them in the floral-scented soap. As you worked to cover every last inch of his scalp in bubbles, Inosuke struggled to keep quiet; his half-lidded eyes fluttered with every circular rub, his mouth slightly agape as he relished in your touch and had to work at suppressing the purrs that threatened to escape his chest like a cat.
“Bend down a little, will ya” you pushed against his head till he was close enough to the water that when he tipped back, his long tresses would be covered. You rinsed his hair gently, taking your time to enjoy this rare chance  with your loved one (along with the funny faces you knew he was making). Inosuke wanted to say something, anything would do really, but he just couldn’t put syllables together as if with every trail your fingers followed, you sucked away his ability to think. You had already rid his scalp from the soap, however, you weren’t ready to let go just yet; you ushered him out of the water so you could use your nails to push the soaked strands back, twirling them into a loose bun at the back of his head. Inosuke was so close, he was sure he’d make it out of this without any weird noises but the subtle scratching against his skin was too much for any man. A low rumble emerged from his throat followed by a relieved sigh, “If I knew all it took to tame this wild boar was a few head scratches, I’d have started a long time ago” you giggled, sliding your palms down the length of his neck to rest on his shoulders, “all done”. His brows furrowed at the weight behind his head and the lack thereof on his back, “It’s a bun” you explained, “Yea, well I feel bald” “Don’t knock just yet, it helps keep your hair from your face when you’re fighting, plus I think you look hot with it” you tightened your hold on him for a second as a blush crept its way onto his skin.
“It's getting late, you can get out if you want, I’m going to wash up” you reached for the same bottle of shampoo, tipping it over to collect its contents, but before the suds could touch your skin, Inosuke’s grip caught your wrist. “I’ll do it” he stated firmly, “You don’t have to-” “I’ll do it” he repeated, already taking the bottle. A glop of shampoo slapped against his palm as he rushed to spread it between his two hands. You closed your eyes, ready to be serenaded by his sweet touch when you were quickly reminded of who you were dealing with here- the furthest thing from sweet. Water splashed haphazardly as Inosuke drilled into your skull, roughly kneading your scalp. “Ouch! Stop it! Is that what it felt like to you?! Any harder and I’ll be the bald one!” you yelled, moving away from his hands still hanging above the water. Inosuke shrunk a little, visibly upset as he looked to his right at nothing specific. Instantly regretting your reaction, you acted to fix the situation, “Here” you gently placed his thick fingers against your scalp once again this time placing yours above his, easing them into a gentle, rhythmic massage. “See,” you sighed, “not everything in life is a race.”
Inosuke looked at the way your face fell at the feel of his fingers gently working against you, he almost had to double-take to make sure it was his touch that was providing you so much pleasure- in fact, it sort of inflated his already bulging ego. Although he spent less time washing and rinsing your hair as you had hoped (you could have sat there for hours) the water was growing cooler and time was nipping at both your ankles, reminding you of the sleep you oh so needed. Washed and feeling refreshed, you reached for his shoulders, using them to glide through the water until your chest was pressed against his, becoming more familiar with the feel of his warmth against yours. Your arms dangled over his shoulders with your head buried in his neck, while his large palms found themselves holding your waist, “this was fun” you whispered into his skin. Inosuke grunted, exhaustion creeping up on him too. “Let go to bed” you yawned ready to detach yourself reluctantly from the strong man when you were suddenly carried above the water, exposed and shivering you wrapped your legs instinctively around him. “What are you doing?” you asked embarrassed and flushed red. A wide grin overtook his face as he held you tighter, “Figured you’d be too weak to walk after I almost put you to bed with my magical fingers” he replied as he trudged through the water and out the bath, two towels already waiting to dry your skin.
Later that night as you both lay covered in cotton robes and silk sheets surrounded by the gentle buzz of the others snoring around the room, together on one futon with eyelids as heavy as stones, something occurred to you. “Hey babe?” you whispered, getting a half grunt in response, “you never took that bun out, did you?” the arm that was holding you securely to his side flicked you gently, “hush women” he breathed. You chuckled low, snuggling closer into Inosuke's warmth, falling effortlessly into a peaceful sleep.
Thank you~
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Four / Irish Coffee
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!Reader
W/C: 3k
Warnings: alcohol, language, sexual harassment, physical fighting, Javi is a legend for this chapter/next lmao, reader wears makeup and heels but clothing is otherwise not described
A/N: HI I’m gonna forgo summaries for this series from now on, if anyone has an issue with that pls lmk and we can go back to it, I’m just sick of using like the same summary lmao! Hope you guys like it, idk when chapter 5 will come but somewhat soon!
previous chapter || next chapter || masterlist
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Irish coffee: a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar, stirred, and topped with cream. The coffee is drunk through the cream.
Four nights after you first kissed Javier, and now many kisses later, Javier insists he take you to the one place he knows in D.C.: a nice bar in the downtown area. You’d spent the days visiting museums and monuments, giving him a tour of the Georgetown campus too. He’d hum along to the radio in your shitty car while you drove place to place. He surprised you with how much modern music he knew.
If the past four days have been getting to know Javier, privately becoming acquainted with each other’s minds and lips, tonight is some kind of grand exposition. Your brief whirlwind of a romance has been contained to your coffee shop and small restaurants off the beaten path. Javier is a well-connected man; he’s sure to know people downtown. From what he’s explained to you, he’s somewhat of a powerhouse in the DEA. Everyone downtown knows a version of the man, who goes by Agent Peña, but all you know is your Javi, your Javi who kisses you goodnight after buying you cupcakes, who drinks your peppermint mochas like it’s the nectar of the gods.
So, it’s safe to say you’re nervous. If he’s bringing you somewhere where he will know people, which he offhandedly told you, you’re going to be the living legend’s date for the night. As you stare into the mirror, your brow furrows in concentration, drawing a line across your eyelid with a pencil of kohl, your phone rings on the vanity in front of you. It makes you jump and the eye pencil drag upwards across your eyelid- most definitely not where you intended it to go. “Fuck!” you shout in annoyance and toss the pencil down. When you pick up, your voice shows your frustration. “Hello?” You ask sharply.
“Hey, abejita,” a smooth voice answers: who else but Javier. 
“Hi, Javi,” you sigh as you press the button, moving the call to the speakerphone. “You made me fuck up my eyeliner.”
“Sorry. Just calling to talk.”
His words make you smile and your ears feel warm as they rush with blood. You aren’t picking him up for another hour. “What, you couldn’t wait that long to talk?” You ask him, biting down on your painted lips with a smile. 
“No. I’m bored and I miss you.” It’s true, he thinks to himself. He hasn’t seen you all day. After spending the last three days in nearly 24-hour contact, he misses the sound of your laughter and the way your soft lips feel pressed against his stubbled cheek. 
“Well, I suppose it’s been…” you trail off as you calculate, “about 20 hours since I’ve seen you. I”m practically going through withdrawals,” you laugh, and it makes Javier’s chest warm to hear that beautiful sound, even through the tinny receiver of the hotel’s phone. “You know, if you have a cute nickname for me, I need to have something equally cute for you.”
“There’s a difference, abejita,” Javier teases, opening the hotel window to smoke out of. “You’re cute. I’m not.”
“Yes you are.”
“I am many things, little bee, but I am not cute,” Javier chuckles as he sticks the cigarette between his lips and lights it up.
“Well, I think you are,” you refute in a stubborn tone. “You bought me cupcakes on our first date. That’s cute. You come to my work and bring me treats and kiss me in front of my coworkers. That’s cute too.”
Javier shakes his head. Sure, the things could be classified as cute, he supposes, but they’re not the normal Javier. Sexy, rude, intelligent, any of those words could describe him. He’s a playboy, a heartbreaker, and all in all is, by principle, a lone wolf. Well, he was. He’s been chasing Escobar for years and years… and now he’s dead. Maybe he can allow himself to start anew, and this new beginning has to have you in it.
He takes a slow drag from the cigarette, getting lost in his own thoughts and forgetting to answer. The silence makes you suspicious. “Javi? Did I lose you?”
The words snap him back to reality. “No, I’m here. I’m sorry, I… zoned out there.”
“Good,” you smile as you wipe off the messy eyeliner and apply a new, perfectly winged layer of the dark makeup. “I suppose I’ll just have to see what comes. Nicknames have to be earned, not given. Did you ever have any nicknames when you were little?” You ask as you brush a sparkling powder over your eyes.
Javier thinks for a second, almost to the point where you have to ask again if he’s there. That seems to be Javier’s biggest flaw so far. “No, not really. Sometimes the other kids would call me Peñita. Didn’t like that one,” he chuckles, and you can hear air rush past the microphone as he exhales the smoke into the ever-darkening D.C. sky. “My mom had all kinds of names for me, but they were the things you’d call a little kid.”
You nod, then realize he can’t see you and you need to speak. “That’s cute. Tell me about your parents,” you ask him as you continue to brush various makeup products across your face.
Javier shakes his head. “That’s more of an over-drinks topic, I think.”
“When have you ever held back information from me?” You scoff lightly, as if you’ve known him a thousand years. It hits you as you say it, the whirlwind this entire thing has been. You’ve known Javier for five days, and he’s already everything to you. And he’s going back to Colombia in 3 weeks. It makes your heart sink in your chest, and anxiety creeps in, the realization that he might not be falling as quickly as you are. Maybe it’s time to pull back a little, you tell yourself. He won’t be here long.
“Ha,” he says dryly and takes another drag from his cigarette. “Well, I’m ready when you are, if you want to come get me a little earlier.”
His emotionless tone makes you panic. You wonder if you just went somewhere you shouldn’t have by asking about his parents, if you’ve just crossed some line you didn’t know existed. You desperately want to ask him, to reassure yourself and get rid of the worry slowly collecting in your gut, but you don’t. You can’t. You shouldn’t. “I’m still getting ready,” you tell him, and it’s truthful. “I’ll be there at 7, like we said. Is that alright?” you ask. 
Javier blows a breath of smoke into the night, the cloud of smoke mingling with the heat puff of his breath. “Sounds good to me. I’ll leave you alone to get ready,” he tells you with a small smile.
“Alright. I’ll see you then. You’re wearing something nice, right?” You clarify one last time. 
“Whatever you wear will be beautiful on you. Don’t worry about it.” Javier, ever the king of flattery, looks down and appraises his own outfit. “But yes, I’m wearing something nice.”
You smile at the reassurance, looking down at the swirling colors of your makeup palette. “Well, thank you. I’ll see you in a bit.” -
You have to say you’re surprised at the level of refinement of the hotel. You’d expected the DEA would’ve put Javier at some shitty little hotel, but it’s surprisingly nice. You remember a few days ago, the sheer terror masked behind a stoic face, but you chuckle as you consider that this famed agent had very few context clue skills. This hotel is nice, a couple of stars at least. Why would they put him here if they were firing him?
Javier stubs out his cigarette in an ashtray when he sees your car approaching, straightening his sport coat. You hold back a grin as he walks over, but the fighting ends when you see him smile as he opens the door and slides in. 
“Hi,” you beam at him, and he leans across the center console, stealing a kiss.
“Hey.” He sneaks one more kiss, one that lasts a little longer and dares to use a bit of tongue. He only breaks away when you do with a laugh. 
“My foot is on the brake right now; be careful but kiss me one more time,” you ask of him with a grin, and he happily complies, cupping your face and kissing you. When he breaks away, your eyes open slowly and you can’t hold in your happiness. “Alright, now we’re going. You’ll have to guide me,” you tell him, and he nods. 
“Sure. You’re just going to go out of here and onto that street to the right,” he says and points the way for you.
Your car follows the path, nodding along to Javier’s instructions. “Jesus, that’s a fancy place. How much does that hotel cost a night?” You marvel as you stare at the gorgeous building in your rearview mirror.  
Javier shrugs. “I’m about to find out. They’re only paying for a few nights for me, then I’m on my own. I’m guessing it isn’t cheap,” he chuckles as he looks over his shoulder. “Or I might switch hotels. Don’t know yet.”
Frowning, you take a turn he’d earlier instructed you to follow. The hotel fades from sight, the dark blue of the December night filling your rearview instead. “Well, I know of a place you could stay for way cheaper.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, adjusting in his seat to face toward you more. “What is that, pretty thing?” He asks, a hand resting on your thigh. 
“Stop,” you giggle and rest one hand atop of his. His fingers are much larger than yours, a fact that makes you shudder as his fingertips find bare skin there. “Pretty thing? That’s weak,” you tease, and Javier just rolls his eyes. “I was going to say you could stay with me, but now I’m not sure,” you say teasingly, eyes locked on the road and most certainly off of Javier. 
His brow furrows. “Well, I can pay you then.”
You shake your head. “Javi. We’re dating… aren’t we?” You ask, the hesitancy creeping into your voice. Now that you say it aloud, you’re not entirely sure that you are. “I mean, I don’t know, I just kind of thought,” you stumble over your speech, word-vomiting out whatever you can to backtrack. 
The man next to you tilts his head, but he nods. “I… I haven’t dated anyone in a long time,” he admits, his fingers starting to slowly grip your thigh rather than rest atop it. “Is this what dating is like to you?”
You nod too, knowing he’s watching you, staring down at the steering wheel. “I… yeah?”
A small smile cracks on his face, making the mustache there twitch softly. “Then I guess I’d say we’re dating. But that doesn’t matter, I don’t want to live in your place rent-free for three weeks.”
“It’s an extended vacation,” you chuckle and bring your hand back to the steering wheel to have two hands for a turn. “Don’t worry about it. I’d like having you around. We’ve already been together nonstop for a couple of days. What’s a little more?” You ask as you look over at him, seeing his eyes soften and his forehead relax from its tightened state. “And besides, any hotel is going to be painfully expensive right now. D.C. during the holidays makes the hotel rates skyrocket.”
He nods as you speak, processing the idea. “Well, do you have a guest room? I don’t want to invade your space, I can sleep on the couch if you don’t, or I can stay in a hotel.”
“Javier,” you chuckle, putting your own hand on his thigh to reassure him. “We’re not moving in together permanently. You’ll stay with me until you need to go back to Colombia, and that’s that.” Your mind has been made up. He can’t argue it, and he knows it from the firmness in your grip on his leg, in the way your body goes rigid as if the words are some formal deal that requires a handshake.
“How do you know I’m not some serial killer who does exactly this to lure you to your death?” Javier asks dryly as he looks over at you, lifting a hand to trace the side of your face slowly.
“Because you’re Javier Peña. Your name was in the newspaper next to Steve’s. You work for the DEA.”
“Some of the guys I work with could definitely be serial killers, that doesn’t discount anything,” Javier grumbles, which makes you laugh and makes him even grumpier. 
“The fact that you said that to me in the first place is my proof, Javi,” you chuckle and pat his thigh softly. “I’m an excellent judge of character. I just graduated from 7 straight years of studying psychology. Remember that?” Javier’s quiet and you know you’ve won. “Then tonight we’ll get your stuff after dinner and get you settled in my place. How does that sound?”
He’s quiet again, studying your face and the way your cheeks move with your lips, the way your brows rise and fall when he’s being ridiculous. He’s just as trained as you are, with 10+ years on you to prove his competence. You like him. You might even love him already, he thinks to himself. Your pretty lips purse at his silence and he finally cracks. “That sounds great, abejita.” Javier leans across the console to kiss your cheek, which makes you shiver softly, like any touch from the man does. “Thank you.”
“Thank me by buying me some drinks, huh?” You tease, turning back to focus on the road. 
The bar was nice. Really nice, you learned as you walked in. It projected the essence of Javier to you; naturally, you loved it from the moment you looked around. The room had a low ceiling and wood paneling around the walls, a floor that your short heels clacked upon as you walked to the only open stools- well, only one stool, you realized as you walked. Javier walked behind you, a hand on the small of your back, admiring your legs in the outfit you wore. 
When you finally found the available spot, where you’re now sipping a drink, you’d found that there was only one stool. 
“Do you want to go sit in the restaurant?” You asked Javier as you nodded with your head to the side of the establishment with tables and booths.
He shook his head and pulled out the stool. “You sit. I’ll stand.”
“Just sit, abejita. I’ve been sitting all day. I can handle a little standing,” he chuckles and kisses your head, gesturing to the stool. When you sit, he smiles down at you and wraps his arms around you loosely from behind. You lean back against his strong chest.
Over the past few days, you and Javier have made infrequent contact, a hug in greeting or in goodbye and plenty of shared kisses. This, however, speaks directly to your touch-starved soul, the way his body practically encompasses you. He orders himself a whiskey and the drink you’d ordered on the first night you met him for you, then continues to stand there.
You crane your head around to look at him, smiling. “I love this place already,” you say, admiring the way you can hear over the hum of the other patrons and the quiet music playing. You’re much more accustomed to places your friends would drag you, where it was more for the cheap drinks than the atmosphere. 
The crow’s feet by his eyes are more pronounced as he smiles at you, but he looks even younger as his lips curve up softly. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Shit, is that Peña?” A loud voice calls from somewhere else in the building, and Javier turns, his face falling flat then smiling as he sees the voice behind it. 
“Be right back,” he murmurs and presses a kiss into the top of your head. 
It’s someone he recognizes, that’s for sure, as the man and Javier wrap their arms around each other and firmly pat the other’s back. “No shit! When did you get back to D.C., man?” The other guy asks. “Escobar just died and they’re already sending you back?”
The bartender delivers your drink, and you turn your back to Javier, thanking them and sipping at your liquor. Over your shoulder, you can hear the man and Javier talk shop, about Colombia and their days as DEA trainees, about Escobar’s recent death and Javi’s recent promotion. You glance over your shoulder at him, smiling as he easily talks with the group. You’ve not had the privilege of seeing Javier with his friends- or what seem to be his friends- yet, and he seems fairly social but humble. You appreciate that.
The talking goes on for a while, and you sip at your drink and look around the bar, appreciating the wood that makes a nice noise as your fingernails tap against it rhythmically. 
When your drink is about half-drained, the bartender sets another in front of you. It’s different from what you were drinking, a fluorescent neon color surely made by a mix of ridiculously fruity liqueurs. You look at the bartender with confusion and they nod to a man at the end of the bar. He’s not looking at you, which makes it all the easier to stare at the drink in confusion and disgust rather than drink it. His tie is absolutely egregious, boldly patterned in bright colors. There’s not an ounce of taste about this man.
The drink goes untouched, sitting in front of you as you study it. There seems to be layers, maybe, or maybe the mixed alcohols just congealed awkwardly. You sip your drink and then Javier’s whiskey, refusing to drink whatever fucking concotion sits in front of you.
Five or ten more minutes pass of Javier talking with his friends. You don’t mind- you know the feeling of catching up with people you haven’t seen in a long time. In that time, the drink remains untouched, and you ask the bartender for a refill of your go-to drink.
Not long after the second one arrives, you feel a hand on the curve of your back. You turn, hoping it’s Javier, and instead find it to be the man at the end of the bar who ordered you the drink: Tie Guy. Panic sets in immediately and you arch your back to dodge the hand, which only follows your spine. “Hey. Thought you’d like this drink. You tried it yet?” The man asks, voice clearly showing that he knows you haven’t. 
“No,” you say with a swallow, turning away from him. “Not exactly my style.”
“I thought it was such a pretty drink for such a pretty thing.”
Pretty thing. When Javier called you that earlier, even though the name wasn’t one you liked, it was at least endearing. To hear it again, dripping with sleaze and ill intentions, you shiver and push it further away. “I’m sorry, sir, it’s not my type of drink. My boyfriend will be right back, and-” you try, hating the defense you try to pull.
“He drinks whiskey,” Tie Guy says and gestures to Javier’s ¾ full glass. “No fun. Boring. Too manly, pretentious. Real men can drink something fun like these and not need to worry about someone thinking they don’t have a set of balls,” he says and his fingers trace the rim of the martini glass the concoction sits in. Now you’re definitely not drinking it, now that he’s touched it. 
“Please, I’m not interested,” you try, turning around to face the man that towers over your seated body. “I’d appreciate it if-”
“Hey,” a familiar voice- thank fuck, it’s Javier- calls from behind you. “Excuse me,” he says and pushes Tie Guy out of the way, his arm wrapping around you. It’s a relief, a grip meant entirely for comfort and not for the coercion the man across from you had tried. You melt into it instantly. “She said to back the fuck off, or could you not fucking tell?” He hisses at the man. Javier pulls away from you, stepping towards the man who instinctively steps back.
“Whiskey drinker,” the man snorts and rolls his eyes. “So manly, so over the top. Gotta let everyone know that you’re the alpha, the dominant male, huh?” He asks, getting in Javier’s face. He’s taller than your Javier, but lankier. The fact that Javier could take him crosses your mind, though you hope desperately that it doesn’t come to that.
“What I drink doesn’t fucking matter,” Javier says and shoves his chest. “What matters is that you’re fucking harassing my girlfriend. Back the fuck off,” he says and turns from the man, back to you, his hand on your upper arm. “You okay?” he asks quietly, and you respond with a nod and a forced, close-lipped smile.
“Yep, go ahead, go back to your little prude,” the man laughs drunkenly, his voice full of vitriol. “Oh, no, I bet she loves to act all shy, but then she’s a kinky little thing in bed, isn’t she?” He asks, taunting Javier. “Ties your ass up and whips you, with that sass. I wonder if she-”
The sentence isn’t finished. Javier’s fist flies through the air and connects with the man’s face, followed by a loud, ringing thud as the taller body hits the floor.
caffeine rush taglist:
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @yooforia @oceanablue @sara-alonso @pedrosmustache @feelingmadclever @hnt-escape @radiowallet @obsessivelysearching @sugarontherims @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @linnie0119 @1800-fight-me @autumnleaves1991-blog @toilet-keeper @evelynseventyr @metalarmsandmanbuns @shannababyy @sambucky21 @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @theorganasolo @jagi-yaaa @mrsparknuts @tacticalsparkles
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shieldherostuffs · 3 years
A One Night Stand - TheRuFumi Prompt
One Night Stand AU(?),
(Inspired by This Twitter Post)
L'Arc Berg is in an open relationship with his girlfriend, Therese Alexandrite.
They communicate well and talk with each other about their relationship if they need or want any changes, and always try to come up with a middle ground if they don't agree.
Sometimes they'll go out to have some fun if they feel that they need something new, or just want to meet potential partners.
They're also very much in love with each other. Smitten. Whipped. Head-over-heels.
One evening, L'Arc had decided to go to a gay bar/club, to get a little different action than what he'd get with Therese. He also had all the opportunity to take someone home if he wanted, as Therese wouldn't be back until the morning.
While there, L'Arc caught sight of someone beautiful.
A young man with pale skin shining with a thin layer of sweat from dancing, messy ebony black hair looking extra messy from the dancing, and beautiful emerald green eyes shining in the lights hanging over the dance floor.
L'Arc couldn't keep his eyes off him until he noticed the guy leaving towards the bar.
Deciding to try his luck, L'Arc followed after and slid onto the high seat beside the guy.
"Can I buy you a drink?" L'Arc asked, smiling
The guy gave L'Arc a once-over as if deciding if he'd let him or not, and then met L'Arc's eyes. The guy's eyes were slightly lidded and he had a small smirk on his lips as he leaned his chin on his fist.
"Sure," The guy had said
After ordering their drinks, L'Arc turned to the guy.
"I'm L'Arc," L'Arc had introduced himself, prompting the guy
"Naofumi," The guy had said back
Then, the conversation had flowed from there.
As they drank their drinks after getting them from the bartender, Naofumi with a glass of whiskey and L'Arc with one of his favorites at this bar, 'Blue Reaper', the conversation went off seamlessly, with a lot of flirting thrown in.
After a while, when their drinks are finished and L'Arc paid, they decided to go back to the dance floor.
"So, why did you come here? If I can ask?" L'Arc asks, leaning in close for Naofumi to hear him over the loud music
"I needed a little fine and relief. Having kids can be stressful. What about you?" Naofumi answers, leaning even closer to L'Arc's ear
"I needed something a little different from normal," L'Arc answers
"Normal?" Naofumi asks
"Yeah, my girlfriend and I are in an open relationship, and she's not home, so I decided to go out." L'Arc answers
"Really? When is she coming back?" Naofumi asks, moving his hands up to L'Arc's shoulders
"Around 5 AM," L'Arc says, moving his hands to hold Naofumi's hips
"Hm, how about I come to your place and keep you company, then?" Naofumi asks, breath hot against L'Arc's ear, making L'Arc give his hips a light squeeze
"I think I'd like that." L'Arc answers
The two smirk at each other.
As they get back to L'Arc's place a while later, after a few more drinks (with little effect on either) and dances, L'Arc leads them to the extra bedroom.
Then, they fuck. Like, A Lot. For hours, upon hours.
The next morning, L'Arc wakes up tired and groggy and noticed that Naofumi's gone from the bed, but his clothes are still in a pile on the floor.
Confused, L'Arc decides to get up, throwing on a random pair of gray sweatpants and a dark gray tank top before leaving the room.
As L'Arc walks down the hallway, he hears laughing from the kitchen.
Once there, L'Arc finds Therese sitting by the kitchen island on one of the high stools in her pajamas, and Naofumi leaning against the counter on the other side, wearing what looks to be a pair of L'Arc's stolen sweatpants.
Holy shit, L'Arc knew he needed a shower, but now it should probably be a cold one.
"Hello dearest boyfriend, I hope you slept well," Therese smiles mischievously
Therese is holding a cup of coffee in her hands, and a plate of fluffy pancakes sits in front of her, while Naofumi sips a cup of coffee too.
Then L'Arc notices the pan on the stove and bowl of batter beside Naofumi.
"Good morning? What is happening?" L'Arc asks, confused
"Well, for one, Naofumi is a great good and I hope you'll bring him over more often, and his coffee is great. You also look more refreshed after yesterday, or was it this morning when I came home?" Therese teases
"I like your girlfriend." Naofumi states, leaning back against the counter after flipping another fluffy pancake and sipping his coffee
"God, that's embarrassing. I'm going back to bed." L'Arc mutters to himself
"Wait, before you go back to bed without us; wanna go on a date?" Naofumi ask, smirking
Tagging: @rosesinbloom7love, @zachy-akaya, @maloteddy, @tinygenderfluid (⬅PS I love your name)
Personal Headcanons ⭐️:
Naofumi owns a cat, and she is the sassiest little queen there is. Her name is Noir, as she's completely black, and she acts like she owns the whole world.
She likes L'Arc and Therese after they buy her snacks
Naofumi does modeling and is an actor. He's been on multiple front sides of magazines and had roles in some pretty big movies. (He almost got Loki in the Avengers movies)
L'Arc is the Heir to Sickle Corp., and Therese works as a jewelry appraiser and in a high-end jewelry store. They're both rich.
Naofumi had gone to the club because he had the next week off and he needed some fun and his kids were having a sleepover with some friends.
Naofumi is Bi, while Therese and L'Arc are very Pan.
Naofumi's social media are notoriously known for having no filter and just him being either a tease or complaining.
His fans go wild when he posts a new picture to his Instagram, of a cropped picture of his face below his eyes, a smile almost hidden by a head of blue hair, and a head of red hair behind him and a strong arm over his shoulder. There are multiple obvious hickeys and a bite mark on his neck, and the place is definitely not his.
"Loving some morning cuddles~ 🖤❤️💙✨" is the description on the post.
Naofumi just turned off his phone after and went back to cuddling with L'Arc and Therese and ignored the flood of notifications in his inbox.
This does make him get a scolding from his boss the next day, but he keeps doing it. He wants everyone to know that he is very much taken now and wants to show off how much he loves the two.
Naofumi is also openly a supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ Community. Many people love him for this.
He was once on TV for being filmed chewing out a homophobe at Pride who was trying to verbally assault a teen and their partner.
Naofumi's kids are Filo and Raphtalia, both are adopted.
Raphtalia's parents used to be Naofumi's neighbors, but she lost them in a car accident, and Naofumi took her in.
When Naofumi's out for a long time, Rishia is their babysitter just to have an adult in the house.
But when he comes back, it's always with gifts and readiness to spend quality time with them.
NSFW Headcanons ❤️:
Naofumi and L'Arc tried countless positions that first night.
They found that they were very compatible.
The next time Naofumi gets laid, it's on a weekend where L'Arc is away to visit his father, and it's with Therese as Naofumi's place, since the kids were at their friends' house for a sleepover.
They were also very compatible.
I'm not sure what else to put here. Maybe I'll add something later.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
catch me if you can
Сharacters: Hange Zoe, Levi, Erwin Smith, Kenny Ackerman
Genres: Mystery / Romance
Summary: The Ackerman duo. Just the mention of this name filled Hange with so many feelings. Mostly, when she reread the files of their cases over and over, until her eyes watered, she felt pricking annoyance. Sometimes, when she stared at the dead bodies of those scarce unfortunates who stumbled upon their crimes, she was filled with hatred and a pushing need for revenge. Hange couldn’t deny, however, there were times when she marveled at the impudence of their crimes. And, when she was investigating the Ackerman’s cases and saw just how meticulously planned they all were, she couldn’t help but feel something close to fascination.No one knew who they were. No one had seen their faces, no one knew their true names. Almost everyone knew of their crimes.Hange was determined to unravel every last one of their secrets. She will put an end to their crimes and then she will get the elusive Ackermans behind bars.
Chapter 7/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The city he had chosen to stay in was terrible.
It was noisy, it was crowdy, and the constant heat was making Levi go insane.
And while the city’s loudness and the amount of people in it made it easier for him to blend in, get lost in plain sight and all that bullshit, the heat— the fucking heat, gods, it was killing him.
Levi didn’t like cold weather, despised all the layer of clothes he had to put on just to get to the nearest supermarket and buy instant noodles, he hated the snow with passion he carried since his childhood, he thought that winter was the worst season of them all.
Oh, how wrong he was.
The heat was making his skin crawl. Even in just tank top and shorts, he felt too hot. Drinking cold water, taking cold showers, none of it helped. Levi turned the air conditioning in his room on maximum, but the motel he was staying at was shitty, his room was shitty, and, as a result, the air conditioning was shitty too.
Levi was sick of it. His skin was constantly clammy and sticky, he couldn’t sleep at night, there was never enough air around him, and walking around the city during the daytime made him seriously consider whether he was actually a vampire.
The sun… could it really burn so much? It didn’t used to be so unbearable before.
But apart from that… Levi was starting to accommodate to his new life.
Leaving his hometown behind, he decided to let go of his previous habits too. He got himself a job - not a respectable, but at least an honest one.
Being a janitor in a shitty bar after spending most of his life as a thief was almost… therapeutic.
The vomit on the walls and piss on the floors were enraging him to the point of seeing red and sometimes he wanted to break a leg of every asshole who didn’t know when they had enough and went to make a mess in the toilet, but… working there was therapeutic nevertheless. And a definite improvement too.
At least, his life wasn’t in danger anymore and he didn’t have to run away from police.
Although, he wouldn’t mind running away from a certain police officer. Perhaps, this time he would let her catch him. Perhaps, then his heart would stop clenching in pain every time he thought about Hange.
Perhaps, then he’d be able to let go.
He tried letting go, forgetting about Hange, just as he tried to put behind his life of crime. Unfortunately, putting Hange behind proved to be that much harder.
Some nights, when the heat was especially bad, he felt especially lonely and the shitty whiskey at the shitty bar he was working at didn’t do the trick, he’d snuck a look at how Hange was doing. He’d open his phone, scroll through a news feed. If he’d get lucky, there would a recording of some press conference with Hange at the center of it all.
Apparently, she was doing well. Her shoulder was almost healed, although sometimes she still winced, when gesticulating too frantically. But the paleness in her face that was present when he had visited her at the hospital was long gone, and at the few press conferences that allowed Levi to catch a glimpse of her, Hange’s cheeks were adorned by healthy, rosy blush. Her hair was just as wild, just as messy, and her voice carried the same inspiring conviction.
Whether Hange found out the truth about him or not, he didn’t know, but she had moved past Ackermans’ case and during the time Levi was getting used to his new life she alredy solved two robberies.
She was working on a new case now, something about a young girl who had mysteriously vanished. Levi didn’t bother to find out the details, the name Krista Lenz meant nothing to him, but nevertheless, he wished that Hange would succeed. She deserved that, her quick wit and determination were meant to be recognized and celebrated.
That bright, happy smile on her face, the one she was sporting during the conference that discussed one of the solved robberies, it suited Hange so much. Levi wished she’d wear it more often.
He wished he’d see it more often, but well… some things just weren’t meant to be.
Strangely so, Kenny didn’t contact him even once. No obnoxious phone call, no mysterious messages or weird gifts. There was no sign of him for almost two months, and Levi would have started worrying, would have tried to contact the man himself, if… if Kenny wasn’t Kenny.
His uncle was like a cockroach, Levi was one hundred percent sure that nothing and no one could cause him any harm. And if there was someone who actually could do this, Kenny would have harmed them back, ten times worse.
Still, the thoughts about Kenny lingered at the back of his mind, and memories about Hange did the same irritating thing. It made Levi feel awfully nostalgic sometimes, borderline melancholic. And fairly quickly he found out there was nothing he could do about it. No amount of whiskey or dirty toilets could chase that sadness away. That sadness was a new part of his new life.
Maybe, it was better than always living on the edge.
Luckily, he didn’t feel so lonely all the time, his colleagues at the bar made sure of that.
And while his boss, a bald, gross man called Shadis definitely wasn’t a joy to have around, two others – a barmaid named Sasha and waiter Connie were so much better.
They were annoying in their own right, of course. Sasha had a weird obsession with food, Connie’s sense of humor left much to be desired, and together both of them were so damn loud, but for brats who barely stepped into adulthood, they provided a fairly enjoyable company.
They let Levi take his mind off certain things, and they kept him from falling into the abyss of loneliness and depression.
They also opened up the side of him that Levi wasn’t even aware of.
Connie had once mentioned in a passing that his mother had died years ago, and whatever happened to Sasha’s family, she wasn’t living with them anymore, sharing a small flat with Connie and another guy, Jean.
In Levi’s humble, unbiased opinion, Jean was a self-centered, pompous jerk. He wasn’t working in the bar with his two friends, and instead had involved himself in some shady shit with a local gang, which apparently terrified the whole neighborhood. Levi wanted to tell the boy that he was a fucking idiot, if he thought that messing with criminals was a good idea, but he doubted that Jean would listen. Luckily, Jean wasn’t around too often and visited the bar only, when he was miserable about some girl he had a crush on, or whenever he wished to get drunk for free.
It was a good thing that Levi barely interacted with Jean. The boy was so annoying. And also – too damn tall.
He didn’t hear about any other friends of theirs, and as far as Levi was aware, there was no actual adult watching over Sasha and Connie, so… he kinda, unwillingly, of course, took that task upon himself.
Obviously, he made sure to remain discreet. He didn’t want the brats to know that he cared, because he didn’t, naturally.
He claimed that he simply cooked too much food and the leftovers would go to waste, if he didn’t give them away, when he brought them pasta or soup. He mentioned his insomnia and pretended that long walks helped him sleep better, when Sasha and Connie went home after midnight. He lied about having experience in bartending when Sasha got stomach flu. He said that he was just accidentally passing by their apartment, when later that day he visited to check on her.
The brats were too dense to notice his subtle attempts anyway, or so Levi hoped. They had never brought it up, and that had to mean something, right?
And that time when Connie tried to fix Levi’s air conditioning, or when Sasha brought a whole jar of his favorite tea, or all those evenings when he felt blue and homesick and they helped him clean the bar and took him out to dinner, surely it was nothing more than a coincidence.
The brats had their moments, Levi had to admit, and sometimes their presence was almost pleasant.
But sometimes they made him wish they shut their mouths and never opened them again.
Right now, that desire was more prevalent than ever.
“Say, Mister Levi,” Levi hated when they called him that, it made him sound even older than he actually was. He told them to stop it, many times. But the brats didn’t care. He slowly raised his eyes to show that he was listening. As soon as he did, Sasha put a fist underneath her chin, forgetting about the important task of cleaning the glasses to stare at him curiously. “Do you have someone?”
“Someone?” he had an inkling of what Sasha was asking him about, but he didn’t wish to discuss that with the damned brats. He didn’t wish to discuss that topic with no one, ever. Because… there was nothing to discuss.
“Yep, someone!” Connie chimed in. “Like, hm, a significant other?”
“A beloved!” Sasha agreed, nodding enthusiastically.
Levi felt the migraine coming. “I don’t have any kind of someone,” he gritted. “And I never did.”
“Really?” Sasha tilted her head to the side, looking so skeptical that Levi was ready to get offended. Was he not convincing enough? “I thought you do. It’s just that sometimes—”
“When you think no one is looking!” Connie swiftly added.
“Your face seems so much softer, and your scowl almost disappears, and you look—”
“Just like Jean when he thinks about Mikasa.”
Who the fuck was Mikasa? And what face was Jean making? Levi couldn’t be making the same one, could he?
“But if you say there is no one,” Sasha sighed, returning to her task of cleaning glasses. Wearing the same sad face as she did, Connie went back to gathering dishes from the tables. “Then I guess we’re wrong.”
Damn right, they were. There was no one, and whatever face they thought he was making, it couldn’t possibly be related to a certain police officer from the other side of the world.
“And if there is no one you have to think about,” Sasha winked, like she was seeing right through him. “Then let me make you a drink. It’s a new recipe I found, it involves tequila, vodka and—”
Levi raised a hand to cut her off. “Just surprise me.”
Sasha nodded and went to work. She frequently let Levi taste her new cocktails. He was the perfect man for it – he didn’t get drunk too fast, and he was the only Sasha’s friend who tasted something better than cheap whiskey or a beer from a local supermarket. He also never shied away from telling her when the drink was fucking awful.
Sasha hummed as she mixed the drink, some song Levi vaguely recognized from the radio. She was smiling too, she did that frequently, and something about her, be it the ponytail that jumped up and down when she was excited, or her easy-going, cheerful personality reminded him of Hange.
These days, lots of things reminded him about Hange. There were days when almost everything reminded him of Hange. It seemed like today was exactly a day like that.
“You’re making that same face again,” Sasha whispered, as she handed him the drink.
Levi scowled, glaring at the girl, as he put the glass up to his lips. He finished it in one go. “It tastes like shit,” he told her. “Put it on the menu.”
Sasha beamed, refilling his glass. “Knew you’d like it.”
“By the way, boss,” Levi wasn’t their boss, as far as he was aware, their actual boss was getting drunk in his office, all the while mumbling incomprehensible gibberish about some Carla. But Levi had to admit, being called boss was so much better than the godforsaken mister Levi. "Are you free tonight?"
Levi was free every day and every night, when he wasn’t working in the bar with Connie and Sasha. It wasn’t like he had any friends or even acquaintances beside two brats. However, saying it out loud would make him look even more pathetic that he actually was. So Levi shrugged, and said, as nonchalantly as possible, “Depends.”
“Would you like to come over for dinner?” Connie asked, looking at him with a smile so hopeful that Levi was ready to say yes right that instant. God, they already had him wrapped around their fingers. How embarrassing. At least, Kenny wasn’t here to witness it. He’d have a laugh of his life, if he found that Levi was adopted by two teenagers. “Jean is away on a trip, so we’d be glad to have some company.”
“He went to see his family?”
From the way Sasha bit her lip and Connie refused to meet his eye, Levi knew – their friend didn’t go on a simple trip. He sighed, taking a sip from his glass and letting the bitter liquid burn his throat. Admittedly, it was none of his business. He shouldn’t care about it, he wasn’t their father, for god’s sake. But… a friendly piece of advice wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Your friend plays with fire. And if he continues doing so—”
“Jean knows what he is doing,” Connie crossed hands on his chest defensively. “He is smart.”
Levi couldn’t help but scoff. “Just being smart is not enough. There will always be someone smarter.”
“Jean knows what he is doing,” Connie repeated stubbornly. “He’ll be fine.”
Maybe, he will, maybe, he won’t. At the end of the day, Levi had no say about it. He might call them brats, but they were already adults. They were allowed to do as they wished. They were bound to make some mistakes.
“Tell him to be more careful. Otherwise, you’ll suffer too.”
Levi left it at that, not wanting to antagonize Sasha and Connie any further. Besides, it was time to open the bar, or the drunkards all across the block would start banging on their doors. Worse than that, Shadis might come out of his office too. His sour face was the last thing Levi wished to see.
“Let’s get to work,” he nodded to the kids, and took his drink to the dark corner of the room, where he usually spend his shifts, waiting until the patrons start making a mess he’d have to clean.
Surprisingly, the evening came and went, but there was no mess for him to deal with. No one vomited, no one shitted all over the toilets. No one spilled their beer on the floor, or even a table. Were their patrons starting to learn how act like people, and not pigs? Or were they so well-behaved because it was just the beginning of a week? Or did the heat finally get to them and turn them just as slow and tired as Levi himself felt?
However, the weather was more merciful that day. The temperature was still high, too high for Levi’s taste, but just after the sunset the wind was starting to pick up, the storm slowly brewing. During the smoke break outside the bar, Levi could see the lightening, illuminating the far edge of the sky. The rain was in the air, and he allowed his lips to curl up in a pleased smile. Perhaps, he’d finally be able to sleep through the whole night and not toss and turn, feeling like the bed turned into a scorching pan.
When he went back inside, the bar was almost empty, just a few regulars left, nursing their half-finished drinks.
“Do you want to have pizza or sushi?” Sasha asked, as he started sweeping the floor. “We can order both if you wish.”
Levi rolled his eyes with a disgusted tsk. “Eating so much takeout is unhealthy. Let’s finish here and go to supermarket. I’ll cook you something decent.”
Connie yelled a loud yahoo, while Sasha squeezed him in a suffocating hug. The heartwarming moment was cut short, when the door to the bar was thrown open with a loud bang.
It let inside the gush of wind and drops of freezing rain. With a broom still in his hands, Levi turned sharply to the door, ready to rip the unlucky drunkard a new one, the bar had closed almost an hour ago, the sign was right there for everyone to see.
All harsh words died on the way between his throat and his tongue. Levi froze on the spot, and in the silence that followed the lightning strike was as sudden as a gunshot.
Sasha’s distressed cry and Connie’s shocked sob put him out of the stupor.
Throwing the broom away, Levi moved, catching the falling, bloodied boy into his arms.
“Jean!” Sasha was the first one of the two to snap out of it. She ran to Levi, with trembling hands lifting up her friend’s face.
“What the fuck had happened?” Connie kneeled next to them, his eyes wide and scared as he stared at Jean.
Jean looked awful, there was no way around it. His cheeks and jaw were bruised, his right eye was already swollen, and his light brown hair had too much red in it.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked out, too weak and injured to offer something more than a shaking whisper. “I’m sorry, I’ve fucked up, I didn’t know where to run and now they’re coming here, I didn’t mean to do this, I didn’t think, I—”
He could continue that nonessential ramble for the rest of the night. But if they, whoever those they were, were truly coming, Jean and his friends didn’t have that much time. Carefully, Levi lifted Jean’s arm, wincing when he saw that the boy’s shirt was bloodied too, and threw it over Connie’s shoulder. Then he took the key from the back pocket of his shorts and thrusted it into Sasha’s palm.
“Take him to my room in the motel.”
“And you?”
Levi pushed the hair away from his face, already hating himself for his next words. Kenny was right, he cared too much, and it was his biggest weakness, one that would probably get him killed one day. Perhaps, that day had already arrived.
“I’ll stay here and buy you some time.”
“No!” Jean protested, frantically grabbing Levi by the elbow. “It’s my fuck up, you shouldn’t get involved, you don’t know—”
“I do know. And unlike you, I can actually take care of myself.”
Perhaps, he was too harsh, but it was necessary. Jean had fucked up, and whatever he had done, he had to own that mistake and learn from it. That was the only way he would survive through another one of his mistakes.
“Hurry up,” he told Sasha and Connie. “I’ll meet you as soon as I’m finished.”
Thankfully, they didn’t try to argue. Connie wished him luck and Sasha made him promise to come back, and that was it.
As soon as they had left, Levi hopped behind the bar counter to pour himself a shot of whiskey. He lighted up a cigarette, waiting for the front door to swing open and Jean’s persecutors to arrive. Hopefully, they’d do it without guns blazing.
He was just finishing the first glass and was thinking of getting himself a second one, when the mighty kick almost as loud as the thunder outside pushed the door open. Three men tumbled inside a second later, their faces transformed by fury into caricature masks.
“Where is that son of a bitch?” roared one in the middle, their leader, Levi assumed.
Levi was in no hurry to answer. He took the last drag of the cigarette, meticulously put it down against the surface of an ashtray. Then looked at the men in front of him. “The bar is closed. There is no one here but me.”
“Stop fucking with us!” the asshole on the left shouted. “We saw him run inside!”
“If that fucker isn’t here, perhaps we should look around for his friends,” the third man offered. “I know they’re working here.”
So there was no way around it? Levi sighed, walking from beyond the counter. “Just so you know,” approaching the men, he cracked his knuckles. “I don’t condone violence.”
One of the thugs started laughing, the other two immediately followed. Levi didn’t expect any other reaction. The men were burly, large, they definitely weren’t smart.
“What are you going to do to us, midget? Do you seriously think you can beat us up?”
The insult was followed by a punch, a careless, blundering one. Levi effortlessly dodged it, delivering a vicious kick to the stomach of his attacker. The man - who upon the close inspection had yellow teeth and reeked of cheap alcohol – staggered. He caught himself at the last second, holding onto nearest table with white-knuckled desperation. Levi hit again, this time with his knee. With a gasp that turned into a groan, the man fell onto the ground.
Luckily, he stayed there, and Levi turned his attention to the other two.
The one who stood at the left attacked instantly, aiming his enormous fist at Levi’s jaw. There was an unfinished bottle of whiskey on the counter right behind him, and Levi grabbed it, smashing it against the man’s head. The resulting sound was loud, almost deafening. Levi tried to forget about the mess of spilled whiskey on the floor and let himself enjoy that pleasant sound for another moment.
That was a slight miscalculation on his part, because the last man apparently was armed with knife, and he swung it without hesitation. Levi jumped to the side, but wasn’t quick enough. The knife’s edge kissed his cheek, leaving a smear of blood behind it. A mere second later, the knife was in the air once again. Levi was ready for it this time, but as he prepared to take a swift step back, his ankle refused to budge. He looked down to see that one of the defeated men was back in the game, still laying on a floor, but holding Levi in one place. Levi quickly dealt with him, using another leg to kick the man’s head. It took him no more than a moment, but it was enough for him to lose sight of his last attacker. Whatever plan of retaliation Levi had, he lost it, when the knife embedded in his forearm, making him hiss and cuss. Irritated, he roughly grabbed the hand that held the knife, twisting the arm at the wrist.
There was a loud crack, then the even louder scream.
Not too elegant, but, at least, it did the job.
Yanking the knife out of his arm, Levi threw it away, allowing it to clutter on the ground.
“Get the fuck out of here!” he snarled at the men, who weren’t laughing anymore. On the contrary, their faces were panicked, frightened. They pathetically scrambled to their feet, pushing each other to get outside as fast as possible. “And don’t come back!” Levi shouted to their backs.
When the door fell closed, Levi slumped back against the counter. The spot on his cheek was tingling unpleasantly, his arm was hurting like a bitch, and the whole bar had turned into a mess – the shards of glass and spilled whiskey were all over the floor. The blood from his arm was creating a small puddle too.
Levi viciously cursed and grabbed a towel, making a make-shift bandage. It had to do for the time being.
One mess was dealt with, and now another was awaiting him. He’d be lucky if the dirty floor would be the biggest of his troubles tonight.
But somehow, Levi knew that it was just the beginning.
Levi never considered himself to be a philosophic kind of person, he never pondered on the meaning of things, never felt the desire to look at the problem at hand from all possible angles, never reflected on his feelings and emotions.
He did however notice that the small room he had rented in a shitty motel at the edge of the city never felt to him like home. It was a place to live, it had a bed to sleep, it held some of his belongings, but it wasn’t a home, it didn’t provoke in him the feeling of belonging that he found inside the walls of his and Kenny’s old apartment.
He spent a little more than two months, living in that shithole, and never once he thought – I’m home, never once he felt – I belong right here.
But something very similar was blooming in his chest, when he passed the threshold of his shitty motel room and fell right into the arms of Connie and Sasha.
Sasha started cleaning his wounds right away, while Connie rushed to get the new bandages for his bloodied arm.
“You should have been more careful,” Sasha chided, and, fuck, he really got adopted by a couple of kids just like that.
“We could have dealt with this ourselves,” Connie said, and then, after a little pause, added, “Probably.”
Levi hummed and resisted the urge to ruffle the hair on their heads. He didn’t have that much affection for the little shits. Probably.
Just as they finished, Jean appeared, unsteadily walking out of the bathroom. He stopped not long after, leaning against the doorframe. Patched up and cleaned, he still didn’t look like his usual, confident and complacent self. Now he reminded Levi of a puppy who was thoroughly and viciously kicked. His hair was now clean of blood, but the shirt was still covered in red patches. Levi would have offered him one of his own t-shirts, but… on Jean’s lanky body it’d look more like a crop top. Or a child’s shirt.
“I’m sorry,” Jean murmured, not meeting Levi’s eyes. “I didn’t know it’d lead to this.”
Yeah, they almost never know. Levi sighed, there was no point in scolding boy any further. He had realized his fuck up already, his buddies from the gang made sure of that.
“What the hell happened?” Levi asked, his back turned to Jean, as he went to prepare the tea for all of them. It would help to soothe some of Jean’s injuries, and it would also help to relieve Levi of the building tension in his shoulders.
“I… wasn’t quite ready for this life, I guess,” Jean sat down on a bed, covering his face with hands. “There is a guy I’ve been working with, he stole some drugs he was supposed to sell, and other gang members found out and decided to punish him, make an example out of him, but that guy… he was my friend, sort of? We hanged out a lot, and I just couldn’t see him get hurt like that…”
“Oh my god!” Sasha’s hands flew to her face and her mouth opened wide. “Did you get beat up because you tried to protect Marco?”
Connie snorted. “I see you’re getting over Mikasa pretty quickly.”
Behind his hands, Jean’s face started to gain color. “I just helped a guy out.”
“And didn’t even ask for a kiss after the heroic rescue?” Sasha teased.
“There wasn’t much time for kisses after the whole gang started running after us.”
“You poor thing,” Connie patted Jean’s head, sharing a mischievous look with Sasha. “Didn’t even get a kiss for all the trouble.”
The two boys started to bicker, and Levi watched the scene, feeling the pounding inside his head increase. It’d be a long, long night. The one he’d have to spend sleeping on a floor, because there were three brats in his room and only one queen-sized bed.
He raised a hand, putting a stop to the argument that was starting to raise in volume.
“Is the other guy alright?” he asked Jean, as he handed him a cup, filled with steaming tea.
Jean accepted the drink with a grateful nod, but didn’t answer the question right away, staring inside the cup thoughtfully. “He managed to get out of the city. The assholes that beat me up caught me just after he got on a bus.”
Well, that was certainly good news. The only one they received since the beginning of this evening.
“You have to run away too, preferably for quite some time. Those guys won’t forget about you so easily. Do you have a place where you can hide?”
“Well…” frowning, Jean rubbed his neck, “My parents have a summer house…”
“Excellent, does anyone know about it?”
“No, not even these idiots,” Jean answered, pointing at Sasha and Connie.
“Then take these idiots, because your gangster pals know, where all of you live and work,” Levi grumbled. “And get out of here first thing in the morning. Spend a few months in the countryside, wait until this shitty storm is over.”
“And what about you? Now they know about you too.”
What about him… good question. And a very easy one to answer. He’d have to change cities again, luckily, he already had some experience with that. Sure, it was an inconvenience, but… better than live his life and have to constantly look over his shoulder, or die in some dirty alleyway. Perhaps, he’d be able to return some day, when the tensions were long over.
“I’ll leave the city,” he told them. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“You had to run away before?” Connie asked, awe written all over his face. “So cool!”
“And you beat up all these guys for us!” Sasha agreed, adoration shining in her gaze.
“You aren’t just a janitor, eh?” Jean stared at him with narrowed eyes.
Levi saved from answering by a loud shrill of the phone.
Everyone in the room tensed, Levi felt his heart pounding inside his chest, a relentless boom, boom, boom. He wet his lips, his throat suddenly too dry, and stood up.
“No!” Jean grabbed his arm, stopping Levi from picking up the phone. Levi understood his panic, it was the middle of the night, who in their right mind would call him at this time? Who would call him period, all the people Levi knew in this city were sitting next to him. Unless, it was Shadis who got out of his drunken stupor and decided to have a friendly chat with a janitor from his bar?
And if it wasn’t Shadis, then…
Acutely feeling his every heartbeat, Levi pulled his arm out of Jean’s grasp. Swallowing that persisting lump inside his throat down, he put his hand on a phone handle. Slowly, holding in his breath, he lifted the phone and put it to his ear.
“Is your name even Levi? Or was that another lie, you asshole?”
That voice. Her voice. Levi helplessly fell back in the armchair behind him.
“H-hange?” the crack in his voice was heard and analyzed by a bunch of kids, who now all stood beside him. Levi waved them away, drowning out the intrigued murmuring, and focused on a person on the other side of the line.
“You still remember my name, I’m flattered, Ackerman,” ah, so she found out. Not surprising in the slightest, but disappointing nevertheless. But how did she find out? And when? And why she was calling now? And how she managed to obtain the number of a motel he was staying at? So many questions, Levi wanted to ask them all at once. He didn’t even know where to start. “And just a piece of friendly advice, next time you go into hiding, don’t go around asking police officers on a date.”
Well, that was one question answered. Only one hundred remained.
“Are you going to arrest me now?”
“No, unfortunately,” Hange bitterly replied. “I need you, Ackerman. For work,” she added, before Levi could get any ideas and just before his heart started racing like crazy. “Take the first flight back to city, if you don’t want me to drag you out of there by force. I’ll be waiting for you in the airport.”
Hange was going to end the call, Levi could practically see her finger hover over the button. Before she did, he cried out, “Wait!” and then, much more calmly he added, “What do you need me for?”
“Your uncle went missing. I need you to help me find him.”
The line went dead immediately after that. It took Levi another moment to pull himself together.
Kenny was… missing? Kenny, his ruthless, unstoppable uncle? And Hange was looking for him? Too much was unknown, too much was unclear, too much was yet to be explained.
One thing for sure, he wouldn’t find the answers here. Well, one problem was solved then, he didn’t have to change cities anymore. He’d just have to return home.
Just a short word, but so much meaning was put in it. With a feeling of dread, Levi turned to face Sasha. He shuddered at the sight of her wide, shit-eating smile.
“Hange, hm?” she asked, twirling a lock of hair.
“Hange is your someone, right?” Connie excitedly exclaimed. “Your Mikasa?”
“Hange is his Marco,” Sasha corrected, earning a vicious curse and a middle finger from Jean. “I guess it’s all over with Mikasa.”
It was all over with Hange too. There was nothing with Hange to begin with. And there would be nothing, because apparently she hated him now. For a good reason too.
Fuck. Kenny, Hange, the brats, they all caused Levi a massive headache. And there was no running away from it, they’d find him whenever he ran.
Perhaps, it meant that he had to stop running. And come back home.
“Let’s go to sleep,” he told the kids. “A long journey is ahead of you. And ahead of me too.”
“You’re leaving? To your Hange?”
“Hange is not my someone, I’m just leaving,” Levi grunted, turning off the light. “Go to sleep before I knock you all out.”
Thankfully, they listened and got on a bed without a word of complain.
“It’s good that your Hange found you,” Sasha mumbled, already sleepy. “Maybe, now you won’t be so sad anymore.”
Sasha seemed to fall asleep immediately after, not waiting for Levi’s answer. Or, perhaps, she wasn’t interested in it.
Soon Connie was out as well, and even Jean, after a few of tosses, turns and more than a dozen pained groans managed to settle in comfortably and fall into deep slumber.
Levi didn’t get so lucky, the thoughts about what tomorrow would bring swirling in his mind and keeping him awake.
But, well… at least his melancholy and homesickness wouldn’t be a problem anymore. After two months of being away, he was going home at last.
Strangely, the prospect didn’t seem that thrilling.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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siegelst · 3 years
Anonymous asked [  it’s finally here.
Curiosity [part 5 howl Part 1 ]  by Anonymous
Rated Explicit Mature 18+
clothes kink, major size kink, voice kink, cum kink, cum marking, karl has part lycan in him, scent-marking, karl's wolf tells the truth.
Anonymous: toughest chapter I ever written.
Part 5 Howl Part 1
There wasn't much difference between karl and his wolf. it just his wolf speaks the truth unfiltered, when he was more silent on personal matters. while going out on the full moon he didn't have to worry him or his wolf would have a go at the help since he locked her away in the cell at the start, later on locked her in her room. Plus the plants he had Donna get to put around the room and the cell to repel wolf away. He thought he covered all his bases.
female pov.  
I was moving around in the kitchen for a late night snack when I still haven't' heard from magneto 2.0.  He left a while ago for a meeting and the only reason I was able to wonder around is the living quarters is because door was locked. I couldn't make my escape even if I wanted too. but still being the optimistic person that I am, I figured hey at least I don't have a horrible job and got a roof over my head and my boss isn't' a creep.... well not much as a creep.
I found the snacks before going to the counter for some seasoning when I heard footsteps. Ah. He's back. I paid him no mind. Sometimes he returns from a meeting in a foul mood that I stay out of his way. I smelled a familiar musty scent similar to the night at the lycan dens. I felt hot cold suddenly. The scent was getting stronger, engulfing me, trapping me. Oh it smells really nice. It was when his big arms wrapped around me, followed by the feel of his beard against my right cheek is when I got captured. I was wearing my night pants shirt, my nipples start to harden. I felt weird, hotter, him holding me feels really good. He hmmed sounded like a moan. I could feel his soft stomach. brush of his beard, his mouth against my neck, sent my heart skyrocketing. F*ck. I’m sensitive but I’m capturing the microscopic of everything he’s doing. How?
"There's Mein Hase. Endlich lerne ich dich kennen." he purred in my ear. His voice sending me into a fizz. Heat pooling in my stomach, blush was threatening to burn. F*ck. calm down. Why? It doesn’t help his large hands slowly running up my sides of my body, mainly thighs, hips, stomach. Laying down might be a good idea, I thought dizzily. "You look so good in your night clothes, I could just eat you up, konjin." What? Before I could say anything, he sling me over his shoulder and was walking somewhere.  
"H-hey get me down dude." I said, hit his back. He huff.
"Keine Sorge Hase, ich werde mir Zeit mit dir lassen." he purred as he patted the back of my sensitive thigh, making me gasped at the contact. Sound of a door opening before I found myself in the familiar room. His room. Huh. Something must have happen at the meeting. His large hand on my thigh was like a hot iron against the skin. I let out a embarrassing sound when I feel his thumb rubbing circles in my thigh. I could feel myself becoming wet. He inhaled and sighed before I felt the coldness of the cuff around my ankle. Sh*t. I think I’m trapped.
He dump me in the middle of the bed, his hands sliding onto my hips, rubbing circles, him leaning over me, his scent smells so good, his face near mine, I could see hint of his chest, green tank-top, peaking out of his button up shirt his necklaces hanging, before telling me to stay as he went to get something.  I feel hot all over. Maybe laying down might be good. Bed looks good. Me being me went off the bed, before another cuff with chains somehow attached to my right wrist. Okay, he's serious. I saw him walking back to the bed before pushing me back down on the bed "I said SIT!"
I sat down, trying to look innocent of the crime I did. His glasses usually dark, gave a very faint yellow glow breaking through them, as he towered over me, studied me, telling me to get in the bed. I shuffled to the middle of the bed. I felt better. Yes bed looks very good. ‘There. Happy?’ I thought. He smirked.
"Who are you?" I asked, calling BS at the imposter, eyes narrowing. He looks like Heisenberg. Something was different. He looked . . . yummy. He smirk vanish for a second before he smiled a 10,000 gigawatt smile at me, dazzling me unexpectedly, his canines visible. $hit they look sharper than usual. Not that I notice anything.  
"Oh you caught on quick don't you Hase?" he said. "I always been here, You been driving me wild."
Ok ... Perhaps two different personalities in 1 person - and I’m just meeting the  other one? Probably from traumatic childhood or something I guess due to the scares I did noticed on him. He tilt his head seemly concern, taking in my attire, then cup my face with his right hand briefly. Ohhh that feels so good. I swayed like a drunken sailor leaned into his hand before I caught myself. Wtf? I feel a wetness down at my lower reign. jeez why I’m ... horny? He leaned over to sniff at me *Why??? Do I smell??*. Slowly shrugging off his jacket then sitting down on the bed to take off his socks, shoes, followed by his shirts then climbing into bed and pulling me into his lap. His scent overpowering. I’m getting hotter, wetter. He smells so good.  what is he using? He sigh relief, while his hands feel my thighs briefly. YES PLEASE “Ohhh you love my scent.” 
“Hey there’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry - you been in the meeting for a while” I started babbling, as he nudge me to rest against his front. I could feel his thighs, tummy, large pecks, and the coldness of his necklaces. Feel blush on my checks, hairs on my arm stand on end, almost made embarrassing sound after feeling his skin against what skin of mine was available. He cut me off.
“Hungry.” he said shortly then his arms trapped me as he bent to nuzzling into my left side of neck before lowering his voice in purr, the sound going straight to my lower reign. I let out a whimper moan. OhH! “Hungry for you.”
“The numerous places I wanted to just shove you to the nearest flat area and start pounding into you sobbing c*nt.. In the medical bay, on my desk, in the chair...” he muttered, his hands rubbing my sides, before one of them went dangerously near my night pants. That sounds really good for some odd reason. 
"Just like you are right now." he purred, I jerked closed my thighs together. Wait how would he know that? He’s just bluffing. Just teasing me. His hands parted my thigh effortlessly, he had a good grip on my thighs. I nearly sob in relief feeling his skin on my thighs. Shiver went down my spine. Feeling heat taking me. "Let me give you a taste Buttercup."
His voice was getting to me, maybe this be a good thing.  "O-okay " I said breathlessly.
"How much do you want it doll?" He muttered. "Want me to touch you? Answer me"
"Yes" I gasped. His right hand pulled down my pants before pressing his hand against my core. Oh  
'Heisenberg pov.
F*ck she was dripping before I even reach her in the kitchen. Musty scent I gave off had immediate effect on her, just as I thought. For months I been making sure to not be around her during the full moon until now. Just seeing her unravel by the scent I’m giving off and seeing her react when I cupped her face was enough information that its effecting us both. I tested the water by striping her pants off - palming her before using my fingers to part her folds- slowly slide in my middle-finger. F*ck. Tight but slowly the wetness made it go in smoothly. Feel wetness clinging to it. I moved it in n out before looking at it. Horny bunny. She as all the signs, the panting, rise in temperature, nearly getting off just me brushing my skin against hers, she’s f*cken ready. As I inspect the wetness on my finger. She was huffing, panting already.  Her hand meet my beard, f*ck. I let out an embarrassing groan, closing my eyes briefly, my hand briefly hold her hand against my beard as I briefly placed a kiss on the palm of her hand.  
"F*ck darling, the rate we going we be f*cking through our clothes." I purred in her ear, definitely don’t mind that, as nibbling on her ear, as my hand went back in between her legs. As I grind against her. Her ass pushed against my hard on creating a delicious friction. I hissed out a breathless ‘f*ck yes’ as rutted back. There’s my shy bunny, who likes to wear layers of clothes was practically naked, shivering in my lap. My free hand went for her clothed tits, and finally encased them, feeling them pebble, erect by my touch, perking under her shirt.
It reminded me of when she ended up drench in her attempt to escape, her laying out the cell floor her f*cking tits cold, her tank top almost see through, had me undone after I left. I wanted to fuck her on the cell floor to let all lycans know she is mine, so bad.
Cock twitched. Her legs were relax, open where I wanted them. I took a hold of her night shirt. a big rip was heard, and her night shirt parted ways, leaving her delicious skin shown, her boobs jostled by the it. She didn’t noticed, groaning as I pumped my finger into her slick cave hard and fast. My left hand hungrily feeling the new landscape, mapping her body, as hearing her panting up at me. Added another finger. She let out a groan, her tight cave, clinched around fluttering around my fingers. F*ck she was close.  I pinch her nipples, groping them, feeling their soft velvet texture turning pebbly. She let out a loud cry.
"You close, Buttercup? Just listen to my voice. Feel my fingers fucking you in your c*nt, feel my hand on nipples" I muttered near her ear. “How they will bounce when I f*cking rail you on my cock?"
Her chest heaved, her breast magnificent, her lungs works wonderfully. Her body arched away from mine, as I grind against her as$.  My hand overloaded with glistening her nectar, as I briefly smeared it against her breasts before trying three fingers into her. fuck. I’m going to cum in my pants and that’s okay. I dragged in a breath of her scent, as I muttered into her neck. noticing her attire, skin had dots of sweat appearing, neck bend back, breast out taunt, panting, she started to try to go down on my fingers. My hand practically taking over her hip, ingraining the memory into my skull.
I hissed in her ear, my dick hard at the sight of her trying to f*ck on my fingers herself. “Ja! Fick auf meine Finger Schlampe. Vielleicht sollte ich anfangen dich zu fisten. Allein der Gedanke daran lässt mich fast abspritzen”
I grind heavily against her swell of her as$. Her hand brushing against my beard making me moan. "Naughty naughty little $luty bunny."
I picked her as$ up as my pants undid themselves, before placing her down against me. She could feel my ridged cock, as I rutted against her as$, as my fingers slide slightly in, briefly nudge her thighs further apart. My thigh manage snake around her right thigh to stretch her out also.  "You want me to f*ck you into the mattress? Want to take my dick? You taking in my dam* fingers. Taking them into you wet c*nt. You’re c*nt is sobbing for me darling." 
Pushed her against my chest, shes panting, as I pumped my three fingers fast into her. I pause my thrusting.
“Should I punish you for you getting off without papa’s permission?” I whispered near her ear, knowing I once interrupted her having a sweet dream. She made a cry in frustration, begging for me, tears appearing corners of her eyes. I removed my fingers, her crying, wanting them back. I lifted her as$ up letting the chains break off of her limbs, so I could put her up higher enough for my hard dick to settle against her glistening core. Rutting my dick along her folds. Move my dick so to get her dripping excesses. “You want my dick Buttercup?”
“YES” she wailed. I slide head of my cock into her channel. I huffed. F*ck. It feels wonderful, torturous and a relief at the same time.  I watched at her body being impaled slowly by my cock, from tip to the base of it. She was whimpered, chest heaving. Her breathing heavily, rub her sides to make sure she’s alright, My cock twitched. I noticed a bump in her lower stomach area. I moved my left hand to feel the rise area. ohh yess. Her panting practically face looking up at me. her mouth gasping, one of her hands laid above her breast, seeing them glisten with her nectar and sweat, as to see her have a bulge of my cock in her, made me want to just slam my cock into her repeatedly.  I moved slightly. She arched her back, making a good moan. I started slow before I started slamming into her. her tits bouncing, I laid my hand against her stomach feeling the bump disappear and reappear as my dick enter her. I huff and panted as I grab her hand laid it against her stomach. She groaned deliciously. She gave a shriek as she released, her juices coating my cock. Finally getting to fill her with my cum is what did it for me, as I let go. I slammed her deep on my cock as I feel my shot filling her up. She laying boneless against my stomach, head resting on my shoulder. My left hand gazing the outline of my cock bulge in her stomach, while my right run up her sides.
We didn’t move for a while but when she try move, I stop her before she could. “Oh nein Darling, wir haben gerade erst angefangen.”
*my bunny. finally i get to meet you* *Don't worry bunny, I'll take my sweet time with you.*
yes! fuck on my fingers slut. maybe I should starting fisting you. fuck just thinking of it make me almost cum. 
Oh no darling, we just getting started.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Crazy Bitch
Song Inspired
George Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Smut. Swearing.
Note: First full smut piece. So the writing's pretty bad.
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[Y/N] was always known to have a hot temper, and for being quick to the draw when it came to hexes or defensive charms, against anyone who poked her in the wrong way. At face value she was the perfect example of a Slytherin. Dangerously ambitious and just a stone cold bitch. Though not many people got the chance to find out that was far from the truth. She had built very high, very strong walls around herself from a young age to keep herself from ever being hurt and as such developed a rather fierce reputation. Given which meant there weren't many people daring enough to cross her.
Of course the Weasley Twins, however, weren't like other people. They saw her as a direct challenge on their mischief making abilities. At least they did in the beginning. I mean...a Slytherin with a reputation of being untouchable? They're just begging to be pranked. But now, the boys tended to avoid pranking her after learning the hard way that her idea of payback was not an equally elaborate prank or perhaps a stern lecture but more rather...painful.
On two separate occasions Fred had found himself, stunned, flying backwards through the air. George was a tad more fortunate but still had a fair share of hexes thrown his way. Safe to say they definitely learnt their lesson. After 5 failed attempts, which landed themselves some rather ugly bruises, they agreed the hassle just wasn't worth it and gave [Y/N] quite a wide birth where they could.
George recalled the last prank they had played on [Y/N]. One which left her with bright maroon hair. [Y/N] confronted the laughing boys that day and had let her wand do most of the talking for her. She had began by shouting at them to get some steam off her chest.
"Oi, mind the accusations [Y/L/N], what makes you think it was us?" Fred asked incredulously.
"Because no one else in this school is stupid enough to pull a prank on me. I thought we'd settled this boys. Don't. Provoke me."
Fred let out a haughty laugh as if to challenge the angry Witch infront of him.
"Dunno, you look well enough provoked to me. Never thought I'd see the day someone would have brighter hair than us, eh Georgie" he elbowed his brothers arm playfully as they both began to laugh.
[Y/N]s hand twitched toward her wand and it was enough for George to know the time for jokes was over and that things were indeed about to get very messy. He cleared his throat before speaking, "it was just a joke [Y/N/N], it'll wear off in an hour or so...hopefully"
The look she shot him at his words were enough for him to back down, bowing his head slightly. He knew better than his brother who, had evidently, opted to poke the bear that bit further.
"Come off it, won't ya? If you ask me it's an improvement" he jested, flicking her hair slightly with his hand.
Bad idea. [Y/N]s wand was drawn and, before anyone could register what happened, Fred was promptly flying down the length of the corridor. Georges eyes followed his brother, drawing his own wand and raising it as he turned back to the furious slytherin in front of him.
"Expelliarmus!" she bellowed and Georges wand flew into her grasp.
She began advancing on him slowly, his own wand raised at his chest as she starred directly into his eyes. George backed up, soon finding himself pressed firmly against the castle wall. She walked toward him until their chests were just about flush. His wand stabbing into him, not enough to hurt but enough for it to sting, and he knew there'd definitely be a mark left when this was over. He flattened his head to the wall as she slid the wand up slowly till it was pointed into the crook of his neck. George swallowed thickly and cast his eyes down to meet hers. She was smiling, wickedly, he would never admit it but this was sort of a really big turn on. A gorgeous and confident Witch putting him in his place? To George there was nothing hotter. His mind got lost as his eyes searched her face and slowly ventured down her neck, then to the slight cleavage protruding from her blouse, visible only due to his great height advantage. He swallowed again as he watched her chest heaving lightly while she drew slow, long breaths to steady her heartbeat. It wasn't till she spoke he realised just how long he hadn't been paying attention to the dull stab on his throat.
"I'm warning you. Prank me again and I promise you..." she paused as she moved his wand swiftly down from his throat so it was prodding directly into his groin, he gave a small grunt and pushed his head back with tightly closed lips to try avoid the not so gentle pain she just inflicted, her eyes never left his face as she continued to speak.
"You'll lose more than just your wand next time. Are we clear?" She gave a quick glance down and smiled back at him sweetly. He nodded repeatedly. Forcing the wand slightly harder into his crotch she spoke again "I said. Are we clear!?"
Grunting George spoke fast "Yep. Yes, absolutely, painfully clear."
Retracting the wand from it's owners flesh she smiled and whispered "good."
With that she stepped back from him, George let out a hard breath he had been holding. She raised her arm to his eye level and dropped the wand she'd disarmed in front of him. He fumbled over air for a moment in an attempt to catch it. He turned to see her striding past Fred as he returned rubbing the back of his head and lower back with a confused and hurt look.
"What's the deal? I get flown half way cross the castle but you just about get wanked off?" His brother chuckled "What'd she say?" They both watched as she disappeared round the far corner at the end of the hall.
"She threatened to take off my balls if we prank her again." Fred laughed at this
"Well, Georgie boy, there's worse ways to go. At least she's hot." He shrugged and clapped his brothers back as he began to walk the opposite direction to where [Y/N] had strided away. George mumbled a faint "mmm" in response, his eyes still cast after her as he rubbed the place on his neck where his wand had been jabbed. After a few long seconds and a call from his twin he finally turned to leave.
Things didn't get better from that point on. Although the boys had admit defeat and stopped trying to prank her, there was still a resounding amount of tension between the three. [Y/N] and George most of all. It seemed that whenever the two of you were within eye sight of each other it was inevitable they were going to fight. Near every time they saw one another they wound up screaming.
So, all in all given the mutual hate/hate relationship with one another, it was safe to say that George was beyond shocked to find himself currently, and yet again, pulled tight between her thighs on a desk in an empty classroom frantically clawing at the various layers of clothing separating their bodies from one another. Lips locked in a heated and deep kiss that left both gasping for air. He was tearing at the buttons of her shirt as she fumbled with the clasp of his belt and jean zipper.
This had become a somewhat regular occurrence between them. They both hated each other but whenever they were alone neither could restrain themself.
If they were to run into one another past curfew, there was always somewhere to hide and fuck one anothers brains out. Caught alone in a hall between classes, they'd suddenly find themselves clumsily shoved into a hidden passage or cupboard pashing intensely or otherwise involved in some other not suitable for school activities.
By this point they had probably snogged in every closet of the castle, and fucked in just as many empty rooms.
It hadn't been easy of course, for George especially, having to lie to his brother was something he always hated to do. So when he asked where the scratches on his neck and shoulders came from things would suddenly become uncomfortably awkward between the two. For a few minutes anyway, until Fred eventually would drop the subject.
He could only imagine the questions [Y/N] was being bombarded with when people noticed the countless hickies littering her skin. Questions he knew were being asked due to the circling rumours he'd heard of the marks. He could never help himself. Leaving love bites over her soft skin was one of his favourite things to do in the moment. He'd be sure to leave a few fresh ones again tonight.
As his belt came loose he shimmied his jeans down the rest of the way, stepping out of the bunched material. The sound of his pants hitting the floor excited [Y/N] further, wrapping her legs tight around his waist in anticipation, she rolled her hips into his seeking friction. This pulled a deep groan from George as he threw the girls shirt aside haphazardly, lips still locked with the others.
Breaking the kiss only to pull his sweater over his head, while he removed her tights. He snaked an arm around the girls lower back and pulled her flush against him as his other found it's way into her [Y/H/L] hair to bring their lips back to his once again. She reached eagerly for his buldge and palmed him gently a few times, over the thin material, before sliding a hand below the band of his boxers. Taking a firm grip to his member he moaned and detached her legs from around him completely. Bringing the hand he had placed on her lower back to pull off her lace underwear. Gasping as the cold air struck her aching core, and the cold desk top hit her bare ass she immediately threw her legs over him again but this time the grip in her thighs around his waist was notably tighter. The hand that'd been supporting herself on quickly came to grip Georges shoulders. He used his free hand to finally remove his boxers completely and she lined him up with her soaking entrance. Both moaning as his tip made contact. Unable to wait any longer [Y/N] looked into Georges eyes, breaking their needy kiss once again, seeking premission to continue. He nodded as he buried his head into her neck and she brought him in by her legs. Unable to restrain the whine that left her lips as she adjust to his size.
Chest heaving against his, [Y/N] moaned his name and bucked her hips to let him know she were ready. With a deep growl from his throat and a final kiss to the nape of the neck he began to thrust, at first slowly, but both knew by now how the other liked it and so soon he was fucking her with as much force as he could. Pressed tight against one another she were scratching for grip on his shoulders as he pulled her into him with both hands on her lower back. [Y/N] was fighting with all her strength to stop herself moaning too loud. He was lightly biting at the skin of her chest to keep from doing the same.
[Y/N]s mind wandered for a moment to what would happen if a teacher were to walk by. They'd stop abruptly at the sound of soft moans and gasps coming from the meant to be empty room, mixed with the rhythmic beat of the old desks legs being rocked off the floor with every hard thrust from George's hips.
Suddenly she were snapped back from her thoughts by a tightness in her abdomen and the feeling of Georges strong hand reaching up to wrap around her neck.
He pushed her down so her back was flat against the cold wooden desk top, grip on the throat tightening. [Y/N] knew he was getting close. That was his go to finishing move. He'd choke her against the surface of, whatever, they were having sex against and use his free hand to stroke her sensitive clit as his speed violently increased. As he pounded into her, her mouth opened in a silent plead for release. His breathing was rapid and he could be heard grunting with every thrust as he tried desperately to hold on until she came first.
Then for the first time, in a long time, George did something new. Lifting one of her legs over his shoulder as he fucked her. She had to bite her lip to stop from screaming now, but any attempts to remain quiet were futile against the loud moans escaping her dry mouth as he pounded directly into her g-spot. Feeling his hands grip loosen around her throat and travel to the baseline of her hair, George pulled their faces towards one anothers. Placing a rough kiss to her lips he leant to speak in her ear, whispering in a husky voice "scream if you need to, just let it go." They'd never spoken much during these encounters and his new position coupled with his coaxing tone got her heart racing faster, chest beginning to heave. "George..." she whined into him and tightly shut her eyes, he chuckled at the pleading "I know." His finger on her clit began to press down and circle faster, and her breath began to falter and shudder under his touch. Head falling forward into the crook of his neck "George!" She moaned loudly this time nearly shouting. "Look at me." He comanded, pressing his forehead to hers. She tried to obey but the pleasure was too much, it caused her head to drop again.
He clasped her jaw in his hand that had been pulling on the hair at the back of the scalp, forcing her to stay at eye level with him. "I'm not going to last much longer, so it's bloody well time you fucking cum." he growled.
[Y/N]s toes began to curl and she bit her lip "fuck" she breathed. Another loud moan leaving her lips, tightening around him as her orgasm approached. Unable to stop the sounds issuing from her own mouth now. With one final hard thrust from his hips she screamed. There wasn't a doubt in their minds that, had there been a teacher or prefect in the corridor outside they'd be promptly storming toward the room.
Feeling her unravel beneath him George let himself come undone. Letting go to step back, giving a few final tugs on his cock, he'd readied himself to cum when suddenly his movements were cut off by [Y/N] jumping down to his feet and taking him whole in her mouth. Running tongue over his swollen tip and right down to his thick base, she could taste herself on him. Gently grazing teeth over his sensitive skin it didn't take much and he came hot and heavy into her mouth. Gripping a handful of her [Y/H/L + C] hair as he did so.
Licking lips as she stood and she pulled her body close to kiss him deeply. Only stopping when she felt him shudder slightly from poorly restrained laughter. [Y/N] looked up at him with furrowed brows to which he smiled brightly.
"Fuck...you're a crazy bitch." The girl looked at him sternly as if to ask 'seriously?'.
"Am I now?" She asked trying to hide a smile, given the circumstances it was a little difficult to remain angry at him - after all he does look fucking gorgeous after sex.
"Yeah, you are." He grabbed her and pulled their sweaty bodies flush together once more. Slowly he traced his fingers up across her bra strap, along the vein in her neck to behind her ear, "but you fuck so good, think I'm on top of it." He kissed sweetly.
"We really need to go" [Y/N] mumbled into his lips and swiftly turned away from him to begin getting changed. He huffed and frowned at the abrupt break in closeness but lightened when he recalled the past events.
"True. I guess, even though the whole castle heard you having mind blowing sex, I don't think the staff on patrol will appreciate catching us half naked" he joked pulling on his jeans and stuffing his underwear in his pocket. Throwing his jumper at him she ran her fingers through her hair and made to leave when a whistle from behind made her turn.
George was leaning against the tainted desk with his arms folded and a grin on his face. She raised an eyebrow at him impatiently which only caused his smile to widen as he raised one hand to show a pair of lacey pink panties dangling from his forefinger. "Can't forget these, love."
She snatched them from him and left with a scowl like nothing in their relationship had changed. George couldn't contain his smile as he shoved his hands in his pockets and slowly left the room heading for his dormitory, laughing to himself he commented "Crazy bitch".
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
39 and 47 from your prompt list? Peter Parker x reader!! Maybe reader has long hair n it gets stuck in his shirt or something 🥺😭🥺😭 super fluffy
Always Stuck
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Getting your hair stuck in everything was a pain. In ice cream or your lipgloss. In the car windows and your hairdryer. But just this once, you didn’t mind it getting stuck somewhere.
Prompts Used: “I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore.” and “Because I love you.”
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and a bit of angst. A few bad words here and there as well.
Word Count: 1.7k
Here is my Masterlist, and my prompt list :) Hope you enjoy this one!
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Damn it”, you muttered, pulling your hair out from under the pillow. Having long hair, especially for someone who hates tying her hair up, was a bit of a pain. Constantly pushing it out of your face, as well as trying to keep it out of everything else, had become a part of your life.
So why didn’t you cut it off? Well...because of Peter Parker. Peter was your best friend, a partner in crime, the Batman to your Robin. You had known him from pre-school, where he would come in with colossal building blacks falling from his backpack and an Iron Man lunch box in his hand. As time passed, the friendship between the two of you deepened, and by the time you both were in high school, your feelings towards him had morphed into something much less platonic.
Peter knew how much you loved having long hair, and even if it did give you trouble now and then, he knew you would be unhappy if you cut it off. Your mother had long hair too, well… before she died, and she loved that you grew your hair out to match hers. You remember that you had vowed to have long enough hair to cut it off and give it to her once her chemo-therapy had stopped. Sadly, she didn’t live long enough for that to happen, as the cancer got too her much too quickly. Nevertheless, you had still kept it, not wanting to chop off a piece of yourself that connected you with her.
You might say that that was the only reason for you to keep your long hair…. But it wasn’t. As you were saying, Peter Parker played an important role. He loved your lusciously long hair. A lot. Whether it was just combing his hands through it or styling it when he was bored, he loved playing with your curls. After the patrol, when he came in through your window, it was only a matter of time before he was nestled up next to you, hands entangle in your hair as he fell asleep. So, you didn’t have a strong need or urgency to cut your hair...until today.
It was like the universe was screaming at you to lose your mind. Starting in the morning, you had gotten out of the shower, and while drying your hair, almost half of it got sucked in by the annoying machine. Wasn’t the best start.
Fast forward to an hour later, while you were at school. You hadn’t seen Peter around all day, and you didn’t even have any classes with your friends, so you weren’t in the best mood. Bring out your lipgloss; you looked into the mirror, grimacing at your dry lips. Smothering on a thick layer, you turned around, only to be hit with a strong gust of wind. Blowing hundreds of strands of hair into your face, about half of them stuck to your lips, making you huff out in annoyance.
Since most of your face was covered by your unruly hair, you tried to maneuver yourself to the washroom, hoping to regain your sight, but instead banged into the lockers, causing a loud BANG to go through the hallway. Students voices began ringing out, and soon enough, a flash went off infront of you.
“Get out of my way”, you growled, pushing aside the crowd as you sought out MJ. She frowned apologetically, moving both of you to the bathroom, where you spent the next twenty minutes cleaning out your face and hair from the lipgloss residue and grumbling about how annoying your classmates were.
Not wanting to get any more attention, you decided to leave for the day, as you bid MJ goodbye and began walking to the bus stop.
You would’ve thought that’s enough for the day, right? Nope. While getting onto your bus home, the doors closed...way too fast. Since you were in Queens, the weather was unpredictable. One minute it could be bright and sunny, next? Rainy and gloomy. Today, however, was one of the windiest days ever. So when your were trying to haul your bag into the moving bus, your hair got caught in the door, leaving you wide eyed as you tried to pull it in. People began whispering around you, as you grit your teeth. Pressing the red button to stop the bus, you got off, deciding to walk the next 30 minutes back home.
And what a long thirty minutes they were. You decided to grab a coffee to cheer yourself up, but, as luck would have it, you spilt it when you stumbled on the side walk. Now, was your hair not only covered in lip gloss and pulled apart to look frazzled, but it was also soaked in cold brew.
Taking a deep breath as you entered the house, you ran straight to the shower, dumping your stuff on the ground the minute you walked in. You decieded to shampoo your hair nicely today. Not that you didn’t like the smell of coffee in your hair, but you needed to wash it.
Besides...Peter was coming over tonight. Now, you would’ve thought that washing your hair would not be an issue. You have been doing it your whole life. But boy oh boy, were you wrong.
Squirting the liquid into your hands, you started massaging your scalp. You sighed, finally peaceful after the day you had had. But then… tragedy striked. As you started to wash it out, your eyes began stinging.
“Wha-”, you said, rubbing the water out of your eyes, but it just made it worse. “Holy shit, what is thi-” Stumbling out, you tried to reach for a towel, but your hand got stuck in your wet hair, making you trip. Grabbing onto the lever next to you, the water suddenly became scorching hot, making you cry out before running out into your room. Reading for whatever cloth was next to you, you rubbed your face furiously, until the burning sensation stopped.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and looking at the mess you made. Watching closer, your bloodshot eyes widened as they looked at what you used.
“Shoot, that’s Y/D/N’s shampoo! I used a dog’s shampoo, damn it!” Pissed off, you walked into your room, slipping on your comfiest clothes before putting your stud-ridden hair in a towel, not wanting to see it anymore. Crawling into your bed, you closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness hit you like a wave, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
“Hey Y/N”, Peter’s voice floated in through the quiet air of your room. You slowly opened your eyes to see Peter’s face, his lips in a cute smile and his brown curls hanging down his forehead as he looked down at you.
“He-hey Pete, when did you get here?”, you asked, drowsily.
‘Bout an hour back”, he whispered, picking up some things on your desk as he organized them. Pushing yourself up, you looked around your room, shocked to see it so clean.
“Wha-why is, why did you-”
Peter sighed, smiling at you. “MJ told me what a day you had, so I decided to help you out a bit.” He chuckled, smirking a bit. “Especially after your room looked like a tsunami hit it”
“But still, why would you go through that trouble? You must be tired, right? To-today was training-”
“Because I love you. And you always help me out like this when I have a tough day”, he said, shrugging his shoulders. For a second, your heart had skipped a beat, but then you realized that he said it as a best friend. A friend. You wanted to say it back. Say what you’ve been meaning to say. But you just smiled back, opening your arms so he could crawl in, hugging you against his buttoned-up chest.
You huffed out, the buttons digging into your cheek. “Peter, take this off, why must you wear a shirt? Go get a sweater or something”, you said, knowing he left about 5 of his jackets here for how much he slept over at your place.
But all Peter responded with was a loud, exaggerated sigh. “But whyyy. I’m comfy?”
You laughed quietly at his tone, so you started to get up to get him one, but was pulled down. Sitting up back, you realized your hair was caught in his shirt, pulling it up, exposing his taut torso.
“Peter! My hair”, you said, trying to untangle yourself, but only making it worse.
“Huh, oh”, he said, leaning up to unravel your hair, making his face only a couple of inches away from you, letting you see his freckles that adorned his skin.
Too shocked, you just sat there, as Peter’s finger worked his shirt, since, at one point, he realized it would just be easier to take it off. So, you sat there, your body hot and face possibly red, while your (chiselled and muscular) best friend untangled your hair.
“Okay”, he said, leaning back. You stuttered, looking at your hair then at Peter, who just realized he was topless. You could see his cheeks turn pink, and his pupils dilate as he looked at you, and you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore. I-” you looked at him, feeling a surge of energy go through you, “I really like you, Peter. Hell, I think I love you.” You sighed, worried when he didn’t say anything. “Peter, please say something-” You looked away, tears pricking your eyes. “Damn it, I shouldn’t have said anythin-”
“I love you. Too. You are-I can’t. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to tell you but I-”
You would’ve loved to hear what else he was talking about, but your mind had other things to focus on. Like his lips. Kissing him lightly at first, you deepened it when he didn’t pull away. You felt his hand sneak into your hair, and for the first time, you didn’t mind it at all. He pulled away as he caressed your face.
“Oh my god, I love your hair…”
You laughed out loud, hugging him. “Is that the first words you wanna tell me as a couple?” You pretended to act hurt. “One might even choose to believe you like me for my hair”
He smirked, whispering in your ear. “Oh no, you got me. I am deeply in love with your hair, not you too much. Sorry you had to find out like this”
You became serious, hugging him more tightly. “I was gonna cut my hair today. Thank for-”
“I’m glad I was there to protect the love of my life”
“You are talking about me right?” you asked, looking into his playful chocolatey eyes.
“Who else?”, he asked back, winking…
Thank you so much for requesting this Anon! I loved writing it, and even though I myself don’t have long hair, I highly respect anyone who does, because it's a lotta work. Anyway, my requests are still open, in case you wanna send in ideas that you may have, or just wanna chat. Until next time 👋
Tagged: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
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