#he'd literally release a song once every 4 or so years and it eould ve in the top 10 until his next song.
foxxywolf · 1 year
I want Bruce Wayne to be a professional dancer and not tell anyone. He does ballet, salsa, Ballroom, Hip hop, Contemporary, tap dance, pole dance and everything. He just knows how to dance and he's amazing at it.
His kids don't know this until they play dance dance Revolution and he beats everyone without even trying and they're like, "??? Why are you so good???" and his reply is basically, "I've studied dance for years."
And they're like wtf???
Turns out a lot of famous dances are choreographed by Bruce Wayne. He's the reason StepUp has like 5 movies. He's Beyonce's shining star. Michael Jackson (RIP) was good friends with Bruce because they'd dance and choreographed dances together for MJ's music videos.
Like he'd be a famous singer and songwriter too, something they do know obviously, but they wouldn't even know he was busy with a song because he just randomly writes a song, sings and records it, choreographs it himself and then records a music video all by himself. They just thought he had someone do the stuff for him and he'd go and record everything before coming home. The dudes got hundred trophies and shit that he just stores in his office at Wayne Studios(Of course he'd have that).
No one knew he choreographed dances. They just knew he had music videos where he dances.
And they're like okay that's cool, my dad has a safe passionate hobby, great. But no. Bruce smiles and says, "Of course I'm a dancer. How would I be so light on my feet during patrol if I weren't?"
And they're like dammit dad.
Also he'd spend hour teaching(something he loves) his kids(something he loves) how to dance (something he loves) while simultaneously helping them be more careful and fluid when fighting and he's just so happy dancing with his kids and he'd spend a whole week smiling non stop because of it.
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