#he'll get so happy he'll cry
h3wi · 2 months
wind breaker (satoru nii)
umemiya hajime would definitely grow flowers for his lover. . .
on the school's rooftop. a dedicated corner of the plant bed, all for his one and only. day by day, he waters and tends to the growing seedlings with care, waiting intently for buds to show. the flowers flourish under his nuture, and when they bloom in luxuriant fashion, he can barely contain his excitement!
he presents the thriving flora to anyone who will pay attention, even hosts another get-together with bofurin to show them off, because aren't they just so cute? and when the flowers are at the peak of their beauty, he picks them out carefully, shears off ridges and thorns, cuts off the bottom of the stems at that perfect angle... before he wraps the beautiful array of colours in cellophane and ribbon. it is a brilliant arrangement made from devotion and effort, all for his special someone.
just one of the many perks of having the green-thumbed umemiya as a boyfriend!
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
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22 more images (with some saucy shenanigans and immature "seduction" tactics towards the end) below the cut:
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Ryuk makes his grand return and is brought up to speed with Light and L's immoral union. The date seems pretty successful~.
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marchsage · 7 months
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i had the delightful opportunity to draw green's birthday banner for specord!!! happy birthdayyyy to the guy of all time :3!!!
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frogmanfae · 6 months
Rest in peace David Jacobs, you would have loved The Beatles
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theokusgallery · 4 months
The problem with my art right now is that 1) the little drawing time I have goes to @daily-basil ; 2) I have phases, and am currently deeply unmotivated ; and 3) when I do draw what this blog is currently about (Arsenic) I draw him in a gay way (because I love him deeply) and not like the unhinged person he actually is. I'm sorry I'm so soft about him right now. Yes I want Sunny and him to tear each other apart but they also need to love each other so so so much first
#siiiiiiigh...#im sorry i need him to hold sunny gently and tells him he loves him and yes he'll say it in horrible unhinged ways BUT#poor man who does not know how to love and does not know he can be loved. he is convinced he needs to manipulate people to make them stay#writing down arsenic lore for tosteur like two days ago made me so emotional about him. shaking and crying#there's not even like An Event it's just that his whole childhood sucks and he's never been accepted by anyone and he's so lonely and#(starts crying)#he does horrible horrible things but all he does to sunny truly comes from love. deeply inhumane and twisted love but love nonetheless#(except when he's being a selfish ass who doesn't have any sort of morals and generally doesn't give a shit about other people. of course)#god he's such a horrible person (/simplification) i love him#he does not care about hurting other people and only cares about his own selfish desires#he thinks he can do anything he wants and if other people get hurt by his actions it's not his problem#don't you DARE touch a single hair on sunny's head. not in a 'i care about my bf' way btw.#but because if sunny gets hurt. he has to deal with that and 1) it's boring unless it brings him something and 2) that's *his* plaything.#even when he does nice things for sunny he doesn't make it just to make sunny happy#he does it so that sunny will associate happiness with him and stay.#that's what he thinks consciously at least. he always had ulterior motives for everything he does#it doesn't really make him calculating because it's automatic at this point. it just makes him deeply selfish#my poor little boy who has never had anyone genuinely care about him before...#which doesn't excuse shit of course but hhhh i love him so much.#(D if you see this. this is about the OC not the guy. of course)#arsenic#rant#sometimes i think about nick like a normal person ('he's so awful and interesting') and sometimes i just slhrflfbfb. (cries)
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Yeah, I've seen the 1 min 30 Izzy teaser. I've seen it many times. I'm choosing to not go crazy on here because the second I do, I will abandon my WIP, and spend all day going in mental loops.
I'm just stuck on feelings of- 'damn we were right' (happy) and 'oh, damn, we were right' (devastated).
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copiasblair · 2 months
in my mind copia's holding me so close right now and i'm crying into his chest. he would keep me safe
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happy happy feels
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chrisodonline · 1 year
Just doing a welfare check. How’s everyone doing?
Still coping?
I am trying to make myself clean the stuff I gotta clean even though I want to 1. write a long business-y post about the decision which may or may not come off as positive, depending on how you look at it and 2.write that “From the Desk” fic I have notes for, even if it’s not the best. Both just for old time’s sake and not because I think people are super interested.
So we’ll see if I finish enough in time to get to do that this weekend.
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meownotgood · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering what would wedding day be like with AKI? 👀 Would be be nervous or excited to be with darling reader forever <33 how would he react when he sees them walk down the aisle? He would probably want to see them before the wedding day but as the superstition goes that it’s bad luck to meet the bride before the big day so then he would feel SOO clingy and want to meet them <333 I would love your headcanons on the big day!! 💕
ahhh... getting married to aki...
I think he'd be really nervous, mostly because he wants everything to be perfect for you and he's so scared of messing up. nevertheless, he tries to make things as stress-free as possible for the both of you. he plans out everything super far in advance, and he makes sure he has plenty of money saved.
if you insist on not meeting him until the day of, I think he'd be a little pouty about it, but if it's what you want, he'll go along with it. he makes sure everything is extra perfect then, so you won't have to worry about a thing.
and when he sees you walk down the aisle... wearing the most perfect outfit... he would feel tears welling up in his eyes. and once he takes your hands in his and gets to marry you, gets to finally know that you're his and he's yours — you're his, wow, he can't even believe it. what did he do to deserve someone so perfect? even though everyone is watching, aki can't hold back from crying like a baby, sniffling, tears streaming down his cheeks as he says his vows.
he kisses you tenderly, and when he pulls away, he whispers against your lips, quiet enough for only you to hear: I love you.
and of course he'd be crying when he has his first dance with you... and when you share the wedding cake... and when he sees your ring... and when you both go home
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windfighter · 1 year
The world keeps tilting
Prompt: Blurry vision
Kouji stood up from the bench and blinked. His head felt light. The world blurred around him. Out of focus. He took a step, stumbled as his feet didn’t quite want to leave the ground. He tried to look at Takuya, but the lines between Takuya and the world was gone. Everything floated together in a mash of colors. Kouji stopped, rubbed his eyes and tried again.
The world was still unfocused. Kouichi stepped infront of him and Kouji’s head spun from the sudden change in blurrness. He frowned. Something was wrong and he massaged his forehead.
”Do you have a headache?” Kouichi asked.
Kouji tried to answer, but the clear line in his head became muddled as it came out. The edges of his vision was getting darker. Kouichi took a step closer. Kouji’s head hurt as his eyes strained to focus. It spun. Kouji reached a hand out. The world tilted and he needed something to steady him. Kouichi grabbed his arm.
”What’s wrong?” Kouichi asked.
The world kept tilting. Some of the cylinders in Kouji’s head fired.
”Passing out”, he tried to answer.
The words still came out muddled. His knees started buckling, the darkness took over. At least the world was less blurry like that. Kouichi caught him as the world disappeared completely.
Kouji blinked. His head hurt. He was on his back, Takuya’s face hovered above him. In focus. Mostly. Kouji blinked again and rubbed his eyes.
”Hey”, Takuya said.
His voice was low, barely a whisper. Kouji frowned.
”You okay?” Takuya continued.
”Mmm?” Kouji answered.
He started sitting up, but Kouichi pressed a hand against his shoulder. Takuya sat back down and Kouji raised an eyebrow at Kouichi.
”Wasn’t out that long”, he said.
At least he hoped so. He was a little confused about how he ended up on his back, but not as confused as when he had been out a whole day. Kouichi raised an eyebrow as well.
”20 seconds, give or take a couple. Do you need a doctor? What happened?”
”I think”, Kouji made a new attempt to sit up and Kouichi let him, ”I should be the one asking that.”
His head hurt worse and it was hard to get his eyes to focus again. He leaned his head into his hands with a groan.
”I’m not sick”, he said before anyone could ask. ”Blood pressure dropped, it’s fine.”
”Doesn’t sound fine”, Takuya said.
Kouji turned his head and looked at Takuya.
”You’ve… never gotten dizzy from standing too fast?”
Takuya shrugged and Kouji narrowed his eyes in disbelief. He lifted his head from his hands, pulled one of them across his eyes before letting both fall into his lap. Takuya and Kouichi both stared at him. His head hurt less, but…
”I don’t think I’m up to running through stores after that”, he admitted. ”Can we do something at home instead?”
Takuya snorted and stood up.
”You didn’t have to get that dramatic to get out of a shopping spree.”
Kouji snorted as well. Kouichi looked at him with worry in his eyes.
”You sure you don’t need a doctor? Low blood pressure can be dangerous.”
”I just have to not stand up that quickly”, Kouji answered and pushed himself off the ground.
A little… too quickly. The world disappeared again and he grabbed Takuya’s arm until it was back.
”See? All better!” he said and forced a smile.
Kouichi shook his head and stood up as well. He didn’t look convinced, but he wasn’t arguing. Kouji decided that was success enough. He patted Kouichi’s shoulder and started walking.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
How come we always talk about Gojo breakups but never about how upset he gets when he sees that you’re doing better without him? 
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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HAPPINESS. — being unable to stop smiling. laughter.  bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around.  dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laugh lines.  childlike playfulness.   skipping. talking more.  affection.  cracking more jokes than usual.  gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice.  squealing.  jumping around.  clapping.
SADNESS. — tearing up.   self hugging.  one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat.  a runny nose. turning away.  deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing.  hands gripping each other or an object.  covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking.  a distant or empty stare.  monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering.  depression.  abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
ANGER. — furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm.  headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability.  jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding.  body tensing. making risky decisions.  middle finger.
FEAR. — wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting.   lip-biting.   scratching skin.  a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks.  exhaustion. substance abuse. tics.  rushing adrenaline.  face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot.  making body as small as possible.  staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering.  gripping something or someone.  stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
EXHAUSTION.  eyes.  mood swings.  hallucinations.  calling people by the wrong name.  dizziness.  denying they’re tired. slow blinking.  trouble concentrating.  stumbling.  leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed.  becoming irritated by the smallest things.   “i’m awake, i’m fine.”  shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: @reapcrbunny​!!! thank u miles hehehe
tagging: um um ignore this if u guys don’t wanna but lkjaslkfj @tsckcyomi (:3c), @etheirian (gonna say lys since miles said wyatt teehee), @avalcn (marven & eri mayhaps?), @brightblessed, @rothalion, @aetherlotus, @stellawrit, @khthonea (for pan mayhaps? owo), @shepherdstars (for ur main two bbies, ayaka and ivan!), @macrocosmic-star (nyehehe), & anyone else who wants to do it just tag me :eyes: @forgesahead​ nyello special delivery owo
#im yELLING CUZLKJKLSAJF#a; allan.#BC. ALLAN LITERALLY BARELY SHOWS ANYTHING#the keeping it all in until exploding is v rare LKJALKSJF#he'll just. keep it all in LMAO#depending on who he's talking to#im kinda crying internally at the pleading part mostly bc. it takes A LOT to reduce him to plead lKJALSKJFSJF#he has Some pride#but if there's literally not viable option of escape then :pensive:#goodbye pride lKJALKSJf#me going thru and making specific things bigger#from the bottom up#then when i get to happiness. i realize idk wtf he does when he's really really happy#LKJASLKASJF#bro he disassociates so much not a lot of emotions feel real to him#even relationships he's in feel very surreal and there's some imposter syndrome going on too if that makes sense T___T#bro what is he doing lkJLKASJf#not me paying more attn to exhautsion bc thats his default state when he's alone which can be like. 80% of the time LKJALKSJF#not me also rereading all of this and crying internally that ok yes i will admit he has depression LJALKFJSF#okay i lied im gonna make 'being unable to stop smiling' big bc#when he's not depressed he can be happier when with his signifncant other :pleading: just. u kno. when not depressed LKJASLKfj#italics = sometimes; bold = often; both = always!#errr big = .... double always? big indicator i'd say LKJASKLFj#i didnt see a system specified so heres mine LMAO#EDIT (BC I CAN'T SHUT UP LKASJFLKSAJF): OKAY BUT. HIS VOICE GETTING HIGHER PITHCED WHEN HAPPY????#IM ACTUALLY LIVE FOR THAT WHEN I HEAR MY FRIENDS HAVE THATTOO#ITS SO CUTE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
just got so sad thinking about my dog how are we supposed to handle any of this
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yourfourthparent · 1 year
#i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this i can't do#fuck. i. fuck. make me cry why don't you. holy shit#something about gustavo being genuinely happy and content with someone. genuinely smiling. speaking so softly.#being attracted to this person. liking this person. but never truly loving him. he could never truly love him.#(his heart belongs to someone else)#FUCK man i'm breaking down. i am breaking down. this is not okay#peter gould...................... i have words to share with you#i am. in pain. destroyed. utterly ruined.#he bought that wine that probably expensive ass wine i bet because david went on and on about it#and he says he's saving it for a truly special occasion. an invitation. AN INVITATION. and david says he'd love to hear about it.#he'd love to. he'd love to hear about it. when it happens. he wants to hear.#(he doesn't want to be there)#bro :(((( gustavo asked him out!!!!! GUSTAVO ASKED HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he turned him down.#AND GUSTAVO FINISHED HIS WINE AND FUCKING LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE PRETENDED TO BE CALLED AWAY HE WAS SO UPSET ABOUT THAT REJECTION#gustavo could've found love HE COULD'VE FOUND LOVE he didn't love him yet but he could learn he could move on from max#but david REJECTED him and then walter KILLS him and he will never move on from max's death#and he'll never experience love stronger than what he had with max because the one man he cared for rejected him#and the one man he ever truly loved is dead and gustavo will never get revenge and gustavo will never move on. he can't move on#god this scene fucking devastated me holy shit i am going to CRY#AND IT'S RIGHT AFTER HE STARED INTO THE POOL MAX BLED INTO. RIGHT AFTER HE STARES AT THE SCENE OF HIS LOVER'S DEATH THIS HAPPENS.#HE KILLS LALO AND HE MAKES THE DONS MOCK HECTOR AND HE STARES AT THE SCENE AND MAKES A CHOICE AND DAVID REJECTS HIM DO YOU UNDERSTAND#fuck i'm gonna cry. ugh#the coca cola company's cock and ball stories#the coca cola company buys brba
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the-rat-house · 2 years
[expvrgction] A package was sent Galacta Knight's way, and this time it contained a... What could be described as a bootleg plushie of him trying to be official merch. There was a note attached to this gift, too.
'This you? Found this at a local convention for quite cheap.
- B.J Blazkowicz III'
...Why the hell was this sent to Galacta?
(doomguy, no)
Why it was sent, Galacta could only guess. A part of him suspects it was sent as a joke, or a jab at him.
But... truth be told, he doesn't really care if that is the intention or not. You can practically see his eyes sparkle as he looks the gift over.
It's a plushie! Of him! It's not the most accurate, but can you really blame people when he has been locked away in a crystal for who knows how long? Honestly, the fact that someone made the effort to make this and share it with others makes him feel appreciated in a way similar to the days of old. It's a nice feeling...
Plus, not that he'd tell anyone, but he is actually a big fan of plush things.
He does send a Squeaker out with a wrapped pastry and a note to return to the sender.
'This is me! A decent attempt, at the very least. Thank you for sending it my way! - GK'
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