#he's SOOOOO babey
gaypeople · 21 days
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May I have this dance?
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.01 | What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned
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ratatatastic · 11 days
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the mumbled "i dont know" as he checks his nails when sasha looks at him to answer... hes become a parody of himself...
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matthew making everyone in the room giggle with the "pauls camps are brutal" comment and even getting sasha to smile... oh
ecf media availability | 5.21.24 (x)
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daenystheedreamer · 5 months
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luke dabbing
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sincericida · 1 year
The best video with ANDREW GARFIELD and fans on the set of "We Live In Time" | 18/5/2023.
HE'S SOOOOOO AAAAAAH! 😭 His smile at the end 🥹 My new favorite vid 💙☀️
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are you out of the woods yet?
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acaciapines · 22 days
i need to talk about the dess raises kris au. or im gonna explode.
#chatter#GOOD TIMING TO THINK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY: EDITING UR TOH DAEMON AU LOL#like i can separate it out enough when im working lol but afterwards. oh its all deltarune babey!!!#been thinking a lot about dess and how i wanna write her#(aka im gonna canonize some mental stuff i've always kinda had in the back of my mind for her)#and GOD. dess. i forgive her for all her flaws <3#but no shes sooooo fascinating to me in this au its just. she was Eighteen. right in the middle of a pretty bad psychotic break.#the only person ever in her corner (asriel) Did Not Believe her and has always been real shitty about her undiagnosed mental illnesses#(dw we will come back to this i have a LOT of ideas for azzy lol he is. uh. not the best at the start!)#and so like. of course when it comes to kris her best was never going to be enough.#but GOD im soooo fascinated by like. she does genuinely really truly care for kris.#yes its messy and caught up in a bunch of other things but she LOVES THEM#even if she cannot ever love them in the way they want her to (ie as a parent loves a child)#and is it fair for kris? no! course it isnt!!!#but theres no changing the past and so. this is kris's life now#and its dess's life now. and they just have to live with what happened#thinking about the like. 6 months to a year where it was just dess and kris (before chara) and. god.#GOD. YOU GUYS.#sorry this au is. um. i think it is my everything. like.#if you know you know (hi stars lol <3) but. man.........man.#i have a lot of thoughts about. prophecy. and when translating that out beyond just story and into like. the real world#cause lets be real prophecy doesnt exist but things w this power of 'you are supposed to be x and cannot be anything but x' DO and#god. the dess raises kris au is So Much.#also yeah another acacia tags essay they simply hit differently <3#also enough to go into the main tag so#drkau#anyways lemme go back to editing lol
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acecasinova · 28 days
Sad newsssss- the Symbaroum game I'm in is going to be wrapping up faster than originally planned
FUN news: we all got 30 extra experience points and Fion is going to be soooooo irresponsible with them
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ninemelodies · 6 months
look listen. sheep dog riku is iconic i agree BUT dream drop distance riku the dream eater is the cutest
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kordbot · 8 months
finished lanks' route!! I would kill and die for liam one thousand times
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0boko · 2 years
god damn it. i think teldryn is an f/o too
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drunktuesdays · 8 months
Often people say, "he would not fucking say that" or "this makes me back button out of a fic" but my question for you as someone who has read everything on Al Gore's green AO3 is, what's something you read in a fanfic that makes you start hooting and hollering for joy? Like what in a fic will activate you immediately and make you go HELL yeah babey let's GO!!! and then you experience an unmatched earthly delight?
ohhhh this is such a good question!!!!!!
as everyone knows, i'll read in basically any fandom indiscriminately--definitely any rpf fandom, but i can't even tell you how much voltron fic i've read without having any real understanding of the canon. mama HAS to read a little romance before she falls asleep, and i am NOT picky about who's doing the romancing.
the thing that will make me absolutely apeshit in any fic of any scenario is a misunderstanding that is just absolutely nailed. like, misunderstandings are my fucking KRYPTONITE and they're so so so hard to do well because the temptation is often to write someone bullheaded, you know. someone who is being given clues and is determinedly ignoring them past the point of believably. i think when people say they hate misunderstandings in fic, they're often talking about that kind of thing--where someone is saying "the sky is green. it's green. i know it's green. i don't care if we're all standing outside and i'm looking up at it. i know it's green." that kind of shit can be sooooo frustrating.
but when someone nails it. my god. when i am able to read something where someone says, "and of course. you know why i'm saying that." and the other person goes very very still. feels a flush rise on the back of his neck. the mortification hot in his veins. you know why he repeats back in his head, cradling each jagged word. you know why. and he know. he knew it even as he hoped--stupid. it was stupid to hope anything different. "yeah," he manages. "sure."
hand in hand with that is saying--i really like it when people make a point to describe the physical effects a feeling has on the person's body rather than just naming the feeling. i activate BIG time when i'm reading about someone's blood pressure or their muscles tensing, or sweat at their temples rather than "he was stressed" or "he was upset."
@vivathewilddog and i often talk about the chuck palahniuk "thought verbs" essay which both of us were really influenced by. my FAVORITE style of writing now cuts way down "he thought" which really does make such a huge difference in the IMPACT of everything you're doing. especially if you're working with something with heightened emotions. it's SO delicious to read someone working so hard not to think something rather than letting them think it.
WRITING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
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thenukacolachallenge · 6 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA) Part Two: Electric Boogaloo
okay so i did one of these that was just from the Nick Apostolides streams(minus the Separate Ways DLC stream(s), THOUGH I DO WANNA WATCH THAT), but now i'm going through other videos of streams and finding out even more stuff that i wanna talk about lol sooooo... PART TWO BABEY
this all is from Twitch Streamer Peralt's charity stream for JDRF UK, in which André is a guest on! it's a fun watch, i recommend the whole video tbh, André gives out a lot of useful life and acting advice and the vibe is just lots of fun. but, these posts are primarily for stuff related to Luis, which is what i'll be cataloguing!
-André considers the role of Luis to be more than just voice acting, more of just full-on acting, since he also did his motion capture, which i find very interesting. i always love hearing the BTS processes of things i enjoy and that's such a cool fact. i'm sure most people know that he did mocap for Luis already, but I like that André doesn't consider his performance as Luis very different from a regular acting role. (timestamp)
-André took the more cheerful aspects of Luis from his own personality. He mentions that he's a relatively happy person himself, but that happiness comes from knowing darkness, and that was just something that he kind of naturally transferred over to Luis, considering Luis's backstory itself is so dark. One of the first things that drew me to Luis in this game was his goofy behavior in a terrifying situation, so i'm thankful for it! (timestamp)
-André also gives a lot of interesting BTS with pointing out the differences in acting mocap vs stage vs onscreen acting. it's not related to Luis per se outside of his relation to André, but it is SUPER fascinating, and you can tell André is really passionate about acting and it makes me appreciate his performance all the more. I can't wait to see him in new roles! (timestamp)
-When asked if there was anything from OG Luis that André took with him as character inspiration/canonicity/whatever else, he mentioned that he tried to take mostly the essence of Rino Romano's voice and mannerisms, and tried to emulate all of that without it being in "bad taste"(in reference to OG Luis being kind of gross toward women), and kind of added more quirkiness as more of his own spin on it. personally i think he did a great job; Luis is still very much a flirt, but he comes across as less of a creep and more just a harmless flirty goofball, which i think threads the needle really well for him as a character! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André is very adamant that the S in Leon S. Kennedy stands for Sancho, not Scott, which makes me giggle) (timestamp)
-André picked up smoking(again) for the role of Luis! it was also how he practiced Luis's lighter trick(which he clarifies is referred to as 'lighter juggling'); every time he'd have a cig, he made it so he had to do the tricks before he could light it. One of the tricks is called "the Infinity", where you flip the lighter through your fingers in a continuous motion, and there's one where you toss the lighter in the air, and close it as you catch it. He was a smoker growing up, he had stopped, he picked up the habit again for Luis, and then threw his cigs out the second he finished his final scene as Luis. He also clarifies NOT to smoke; he is able to start and stop smoking fairly easily, but that is not the case for most people. As a former smoker myself, i agree: if you dont already smoke, don't pick it up! don't pick up vaping either please!!! (timestamp)
-not related to Luis, but André talks a bit with Peralt(the streamer) about self-defense, martial arts, and alcohol. He tells a story about how he got jumped in a bar by a drunk guy and how his background in self-defense helped there, and talks about the effects of excess alcohol consumption. i keep repeating this, but the stream is a really good one, and i highly recommend watching it yourself! (timestamp)
-Someone asked what André thinks about the Luis and Leon shipping, and I really like his answer. He starts off by clarifying that everyone is allowed to have their headcanons, and there's nothing wrong with shipping in general, and to ship whatever you like. However, for André himself, he used the model of how he and his brother interact for how Luis interacts with Leon. He likes to goad his brother, who he describes as "a hothead" and "like Leon", and so he transferred a lot of that energy into Luis goading and teasing Leon. He played Luis as realizing that he and Leon are stuck together, and he knows Leon won't do anything to really harm Luis, so he put a lot of energy into basically razzing him like one would a sibling. He also finished by once again clarifying that people are allowed to do whatever they want in their own headcanon lol. (some people do get really upset about that stuff!) (timestamp)
-as a quick aside to the above conversation, André mentions that Luis cares SO MUCH about Ashley. When it comes to Leon, Luis is, in André's own words, "a dick to him". Ashley, to Luis, is "pure" - the one thing in the entire scenario that has no business being in this place. With Leon, Luis knows from his uptight demeanor, that he's been through hell before - this guy is stuck with him, in hell, for better or worse. But Ashley is innocent, dragged into this to be a pawn of Saddler's. So he's most concerned with Ashley's safety overall, and André tried to really push that concern and care in his performance. i think it really shows, especially in the scene after the cabin standoff, where Ashley coughs up blood and Luis immediately realizes that she's been infected, and he has to save her. (timestamp)
-During Luis' scene in the vanilla game with Ada(not Separate Ways scenes, although i think this scene is in the dlc too?), André confirms that Luis telling Ada "you should be telling me what a good job i did" is just him trying to make up an excuse of sorts for not having the Amber on him. Small detail, but one i like! (timestamp)
-André once more affirms that Luis is a cat person! He also specifically states, again, that he'd probably start off as not a pet person, but he'd probably get adopted by a stray cat, who he'd leave out food for but eventually let into his home, and that'd begin his love for cats. He also mentions that actors have to think about things like this, to flesh out their characters, which makes me wonder what other headcanons he has for Luis! (tbf tho, i've been wondering this since i watched André's unboxing of the Luis jacket he got commissioned for cosplay, and he mentioned that Luis loves spice) (timestamp)
-in the end, the stream raised a bit shy of 1k for the charity JDRF, which is super awesome!!!! i am several months late but congrats to Peralt's community for making that happen!!!
that was all i managed to find out about Luis specifically, but if i missed anything, feel free to add on in a comment! sometimes it's hard to hear with so many people talking and so much going on, but i'm enjoying learning about Luis outside of the game itself like this :D i'm planning on watching André's streams, the rest of Nick's streams, Nicole Tompkins'(Jill Valentine's VA) streams with André as a guest, and anymore i can find, so if i mind out more stuff about Luis from these vids, yall can expect more of these hahaha!
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cocosupme · 10 months
GUYS GUYS I just had a thought right now it s theory time babey
Had anybody seen the recent update of qsmp newsletter I saw the jaiden part where it had a text saying "when I don't remember you..."
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Im pretty sure ppl had went to youtube and saw what it came out,
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IT WAS specifically the first vid tht popped up and enters the song AND the lore of marceline and the ice king bcs it replayed the scene of the episode of the song. What I'm tryna get in here is tht the ice king USED to take care of marceline when she was younger, but now since he went insane from the powers of the crown. It made him forget about her thus went to their seperate ways until she grew up to be an adult.
What I'm thinking about the Jaiden lore here is tht Jaiden is the ice king and cucu is marceline. When cucu brought Jaiden to the federation, they gave Jaiden a book which it shows:
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Cucu said Jaiden helped them and specifically cucu too. Sooooo I'm thinking she became a caretaker because if she became a caretaker of the subjects/experiments here and later on something big happened and she had to be removed by the feds and had her memory wiped (which is bad bcs they have the power of doing tht and can remove her memory at any given time) annddddd yes but I'm not so sure on my theory who knows....
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Just me being crazy bfr she comes back huhuhuhuu
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halfusek · 1 year
Memory Joey’s Intangibleness
Sooooo I think it’s probably just one of those things that the developers didn’t think too much about but it’s been driving me up the fricking wall
If Joey is supposed to be “just a memory” and “ghost-like”, as it is established the first two times we see him-
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then how come does this happen??
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Like really he doesn’t have to take that at all, he could just phase out of existence or whatever...
...or can he?
I’ve given this some thought and came up with two versions I found most interesting:
1. He can phase out but he doesn’t do that to be there for Audrey. Maybe he’s hoping that seeing him get absolutely deaded will somehow help Audrey “snap out of it” and take control of this weird fusion she’s having with the Ink Demon...? I’ll be honest I don’t really understand how they’re supposed to be fused and why. But she sure does take control after Joey gets crushed, so I assume she needed that mental push. Joey could have known that or not, maybe he just wanted to be there for her, which would be kinda wholesome. I guess making a sacrifice like that in a circle that revives everyone every time it restarts is not that big of a deal so he could afford to give that a chance even if not knowing if that’d actually help or not.
2. He became tangible after retrieving The End reel from The Pit. Yeah. You heard me right. Theory time babey.
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Honestly, it’s something easy to miss, I’m sure I did while playing because I couldn’t remember what the goal is at any given moment, but in this part of the game you are supposed to get to the Pit. Except... we never do.
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When we get to the entrance of The Pit, the security system kicks in.
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And we get got by the Keeper here and escorted to Wilson.
(Though “The Pit” could be just the name of that hole the Keeper crawls out of but either way what it guards the way to is not accessed by us and that’s where The End reel is supposed to be.)
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"That's where the ghosts live. Just beyond that door. The Keeper's prison. The Pit. No one ever comes out. At least, they're not quite the same."
We don’t know much about the pit aside from this one quite peculiar fact: that’s where the ghosts live. Maybe even Joey, despite being one himself, can’t just go in and out of there without any repercussions.
And - watch out guys here is something I like about BATDR for once - it is quite cool that Joey is the one to retrieve it as it seems like a very dangerous place, so if the gang (Audrey, Henry, Allison, Tom) tried to do that, they’d very likely be badly affected somehow. Good job game, I like when you establish something and then follow it up logically, very cool.
So, yeah, my theory is that going to The Pit to get The End reel did something to Memory Joey making him less of a ghost than he was before (at least until his death in this cycle, I suppose).
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bringthekaos · 3 months
Poll time! Would Jayce fall for the shoebox scam yes / no ?
Ooooooooo good question. Cuz my knee-jerk reaction was like… no, absolutely not. Man is a genius, ain’t no way…
And then I remembered the source material, wherein he is a naive cinnamon roll who wears his heart on his sleeve and is waaaaay too trusting of people because he sees good in everyone. Sooooo… maybe??? IDK, it kinda depends on the circumstances. Like… maybe not if it was a government entity like the FBI, but perhaps if it was someone playing his heartstrings? Like “I need the money to save my son/daughter/child, they’re dying, and I came to you because you’re the man of progress, if anyone can save him/her/them, it’s you!”
Let’s see what Tumblr at large thinks!! (Link, if you don’t know what the shoebox scam is)
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Thinking about your first trip with one of the boys (your choice but I personally think of Bob) after the baby and you hear a random babh crying, triggering your milk letdown. Your sore and uncomfortable and leakinf everywhere. Cue them offering to 'help' and pulling you into the nearest bathroom to suck on your tits to give you some release, rutting into you for a bit before fucking you dumb while still sucking on your milk
yeah babey these are the lactation kink thots i like!!!!!!!!!!! especially with bobby omg omg omg
it’s your first trip without your baby. it happens while you wait in line at the gas station on route to the hotel bob has booked for the long weekend. a baby crying behind you makes you grab onto your breasts and go wide eyed at bob. he rushes to pay for the petrol and sweets you picked up, hastily asking for the key for the side bathroom in tow.
he hurries you into the bathroom and you strip yourself of your t-shirt and bra. you go to grab some tissue but bob pulls your chest towards him. “no, fuck. come here. let me help, darlin’.” he practically growls with a hunger in his eyes. he dampens his bottom lip with his tongue and dips his head down to press his lips flush against your breast.
bob has you pressed up against the flimsy sink counter top with his tongue running soothing circles around your nipple, every so often grazing his teeth along the soft flesh to release the milk. he alternates between each breast and you’re letting out whines with your hands buried in his hair and tugging on it. he’s rutting his hips into you and you can feel his semi growing. it’s making you both embarrassingly turned on and the hormones only cause more milk to build up.
bob hoists you onto the sink counter and slips your skirt up your thighs and brings his aching cock out of his trousers. he parts his mouth from you as he sinks into you with a heavy groan. the milk dribbles out and he licks it up eagerly before latching back on. the sensation of the feeling of release, bob’s mouth working over your sensitive nipples and the feeling of his cock hitting the sweet spot inside of you causes your body to go limp. a string of moans leave your lips as you come around him for the second time in an embarrassing amount of time. the overstimulation of bob still sucking on your milk driving you both feral.
fuck fuck fuck this has awoken something sooooo deep in me 😵‍💫🥴 thank you so much for this insane thot my dear anon!! 💌
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