#he's a very competent person so hmmm
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
There is exactly one good cook in fine and it's Wataru. Tori has never prepared a full meal on his own in his life he has servants to do that. Same goes for Eichi. And while Yuzuru can cook just fine it tastes bland and the main objective isn't to taste good, it's to fill the quotum of nutrition and calories. So unless Yuzuru actually tries to season his food he'll forever be place 2 on the fine fine cook ranking
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theastrical · 2 months
their reaction when you’re sick.
genshin men reaction when you’re sick.
kaeya/diluc/childe x reader
note: hmmm i don’t know what i write
Kaeya’s reaction when you’re sick.
“hey what’s wrong? you barely talk or even move, anything you wanna share? moodswings?..”, his voice soft, mellow, something you can listen throughout even when you’re asleep.
kaeya is the type of person to be worried in the inside, he can keep his calm which is a good thing, but it kept you wonderingr, “does this man actually love me or is he good at hiding it?”. So when you’re sick, he keep his calm. He buys you medicines and leave for work. Although he seemingly left work early just to take care of you.
He would feed you meals, very slowly just incase you can’t keep up with your usual pace. Silently would observe your behaviour from afar, making sure you’re not consuming anything that would make you much more sick. He would hide your snacks and instant noodles, your sodas or bubble tea. He would also limit your social media screen time by going through your phone, cause you always play with your socials instead of resting. Anything possibly distracting your resting hours is a NO for this man, kaeya only wants you to rest, rest and rest.
The medicines he bought are various, either a herbal tradition medicine he bought from a liyue merchant, a modern capsule of paracetamol, or his hand-made herbal medicines. He made it so bitter that you could easily puke and he would feed the whole thing onto your throat so choking is an understandable respond. somehow his medicine works on you 10 times better than the others though. “My hands are definitely meant for this line of work, also for your recovery..hehe..”
Diluc’s reaction when you’re sick.
“you’re sick again..?”, a silent murmur he made when he saw how weak you are currently.
immediately knows when you’re sick, since he could remember any symptoms that you’ve occurred before. This is something he must remember (he thinks), since he doesn’t want to repeat another same-page of history. So when you’re sick, he didn’t panic, instead, he would let the professionals do the work instead of him, avoiding the worst possibility when he’s the one in charge.
would checked up on you every hour by touching your forehead, caressing your hands, or holding onto your hands. His touch is delicate, like a soft cloud scheming through your skin, not with his leather gloves, just the simple touch of his hands. It makes it hard to resist since diluc’s caresses are addictive, and at some point, you would find yourself waking up in the middle of the night just to search for his touch. “i’m right here…you’re cold..?”, then he would cuddle you, stroking your hair, and kisses your forehead.
when you recover, he would take you out to a fancy dinner, treating you for being good while having to endure bitter medicines or food you don’t even like just to survive another day. He spoils you with gifts and foods that you can’t eat when you’re still sick, it cost thousands of moras but it’s all worth it, at least for the sake to keep his beloved happy.
Childe’s reaction when you’re sick
“you’re not okay, let me help you.”, he would kissed your cheeks afterwards, to let you know that he’s here for you.
He can recognise your sickness just by seeing your pale demeanour and stiff body which is to him, is very visible (you don’t even remember how you usually look like before so he’s insane for that). he would checked it once more by touching your forehead or observing your body response overall, if his observation list are all check-listed then you are indeed sick. He turns into a full time caregiver, he has many job experiences, therefore entrusting yourself to this man is a good choice. In his mind, his number one priority is you, hence he would abandon his duty to take care of you until you fully recover.
He would cook a meal that can compete over 5 stars restaurant. It’s so tasty it’s insane that he made it with his own hands. The food is undeniably healthy, it’s only made with organic ingredients that he picked up from the local farmers, no preservative or artificial ingredients, all made with love using his own groceries. The food doesn’t taste bland, in fact it’s very flavourful, the food itself is already a medicine for his beloved since it consist herbs to strengthen the immune system. He would feed you, wipe your mouth, even help you drink the juice he made to make the recovery process bearable.
The medicines he picked are those that are meant for children but can be consumed for adults too, not capsules, but syrups. So you won’t be able to resist consuming since it doesn’t taste bitter. At some point he would bought the chinese herbs that are strong at taste..but he made the chinese herbs into food instead so it wouldn’t burden your tongue. The recovery speed is steady and fast, his way of making you heal is effectively acclaimed by his brothers and sisters. After every medicine or food you eat, he would kiss your hand and carry you to bed again, covering you with a blanket and help you sleep. Singing a lullaby for you and makes sure that his company helps your heart relaxes.
“rest well, i’m here.”
taglist: @dailypenpen , @daydreaming-paradies
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maaarshieee · 2 years
i see, u needed dottore ideas so IM GONNA DROP ONE EVERY WEEK 🎉
angst to fluff dottore when he decided to lash out on y/n after accidentally ruining his papers and he told y/n to leave him alone!! y/n proceeds to ignore him for weeks and he's starting to feel guilty
dottore meeting y/n through another mad scientist in sumeru. the scientist experimented on y/n and dottore grew fond of y/n. something happened that almost killed y/n so he got mad AND TOOK HER AWAY! THE SCIENTIST WAS FOUND DEAD AFTER A FEW DAYS
i like angst because i like hurting myself... anw im gonna be weekly anon.... HMMM
- weekly anon
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⎯⎯ ୨ 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ୧ ⎯⎯
➢ Iʟ Dᴏᴛᴛᴏʀᴇ x Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ 1.9k ᴡᴏʀᴅs ┊ Hᴜʀᴛ/ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟ��sᴛ
a/n - welcome to my hell, weekly anon. and omg I WOULD APPRECIATE THAT FRRR YOU HAVE ALL MY LOVE /P. also i would like to add that i only do long-term relationships with dottore (since childhood or akademiya) bc i feel like it would go very yandere or toxic. i just prefer if dottore had a deeper and more meaningful relationship for a long time! i hope you don't mind anon 😭 i can do variety of readers but my fav is when the reader is also sick in the head like he is. anyways THANKS FOR THE REQUEST AGAIN!! titled, "need you", have a nice day/night!!
↬ cw: established long-term relationship with reader, mentions of experiments and torture, canon typical violence, slight obsession (dottore and reader), couple fights, reader crazy like him fr
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Dottore never raises his voice at you.
Just a snark remark here and there, would scold you for your chaotic antics in his lab from time to time. But would never raise his voice at you. Well, intentionally, of course. There were times before when he'd yell at you, but they were never too serious, or loud enough to startle you.
Today was different.
He was already in a foul mood when it all happened. His experiments were giving him a headache rather than enjoyment lately, and the workers he assigned simple tasks that anyone could do in a span of a few days all failed. Things were not going as planned, even his research hit a dead end.
And what did you do to even worsen his mood?
Spilled coffee on his piles of papers. It was an accident, of course. You were tripped by a discarded pen on the floor and stumbled to his desk, hand letting go of the cup as you caught yourself before you hit the ground. He can look past your mistakes since it was you, of all people. But his day has been one of the worse ones yet and his sense of rationality was clouded by his frustrations, letting his anger burst out to you.
"Ah, shit—" You hiss at the painful burns of your hot coffee that landed on your hand but forced yourself to ignore it and instead tried to grab the ruined files, to attempt fixing, or at least dry it but before you could do so, Dottore slammed his hand on the desk.
Startled, you froze like deer a caught in headlights, eyes wide in shock. The impact was so loud in the quiet lab that it rang throughout the spacious area and all the segments present in the room had halted from whatever they were doing, all eyes on the both of them.
"You moron," He spat with venom, a scowl on his lips, and beneath his mask, you could tell he glaring at you with those ruby eyes of his. The hairs of your skin stood as your heart began to palpitate, unsure of what to do under his furious gaze. "Do you know how long it took me to finish all these?"
It was the first time in years you'd seen him so mad at you, your hand began to shake, so you folded your arms behind you, trying to mask your already obvious distress toward him. Cold sweat began to form at your neck whilst you tried to open your mouth to speak, "I- well-"
"Speak up when I'm talking to you."
Technically, your position in the Fatui is much lower than Dottore's. You were his personal assistant, the person who takes upon tasks with much more difficult since you're much more competent than most soldiers. So, it meant you were under his command. But that didn't mean he treated you like a mere soldier.
Well, at least not until now.
You went frigid at his demand, head hung low and eyes on your toes, hands clenched to fists. You tried your hardest to talk louder for him, to follow his orders, but all you could do was let out a meek; "I apologize for ruining y-your papers..."
Dottore heaved out a heavy sigh, pulling back his chair and sitting on it, arms crossed as he stared you down condescendingly. "Your apology is utterly useless." You flinched at the tone of his voice. He pushed the pile you'd ruined to the side and threw them all in a garbage bin, your bottom lip quivering as tears threatened to escape your eyes. "Leave. I don't wish to see you again."
You snapped your head up at that, stunned that he'd even say such a thing to you. "W-wait! Let me at least make new files for you-" You pleaded, taking a step forward but he clicked his tongue, annoyed, whilst he grabbed a new piece of paper and began writing. "Leave me alone. Be of use while you're at it."
Were those files that important? More than you? You swallowed down all the words at the tip of your tongue, gritting your teeth, and just nodded, bowing respectfully, as if you were just one of the Fatui's myriad of soldiers, and walked outside of the laboratory, ignoring the concerned and worried looks of his segments.
And that's how it has been for the past few days. You still fulfilled your duties when Dottore tasked you with a mission, always delivering flawless results. Neither of you mentioned what happened that day. Dottore never apologized, and you never spoke about it, opting to ignore him as much as he's ignored you.
Usually, you would've made a fuss. Nagged him to apologize to you, since he'd hurt your precious feelings and because he loved you. But you hadn't said a word to him unless it was really needed. And you've started calling him sir. It made him frown when you first did.
Now, he was aware of what he did a few hours after he realized you were nowhere to be seen in his lab. Dottore searched for you out of instinct and only stopped himself when he remembered what he had said. He called you a moron. He told you to leave, and so you did.
But would he ever apologize to you upfront? When did he ever do that? Of course not. He expected you to come around at some point, but by day 3, he had grown more and more agitated. Dottore thought that he would alright with you, but he was proven wrong. Not when his patience was beginning to thin and snapping more at others the longer this went on. Hell, torturing his lab rats didn't quell his bothered mind at all.
And you? Well, you missed everything about him. The tasks he gives you were easy enough, but you've been trying to distract yourself from them by holding yourself back. Finishing faster meant reporting to him, and gods know you were hanging on a thread of self-control to not launch yourself into his arms when you see him again.
You planned to ignore him until he'd grovel on his knees, well at least something similar to that because he'd never do such a thing, even to you (but it would be a nice sight if he ever did) but your will to continue and your spite toward him was slowly beginning to crumble.
The two of you were never meant to be separated anyways.
So when he started assigning tasks that required you to be close to him, you knew his stubbornness to not feel an ounce of longing for you was dwindling down. You swear you could feel the apology he wanted to say with his own lips by his mere presence, but he still attempted to turn a blind eye to his emotions, especially when he felt a rush of ecstasy when you moved closer to him.
"Tch, this guy..." You chuckled under your breath as your expression softened when you watched him walk away to fetch something, letting your shoulders sag, tired. "Fine fine, I'll take the lead..." As much as you prefer he would make a much more straightforward move, you'll just take what you can get. It's not like you can take much more of this anyways.
The next day, you approached his desk at your own whim, a stack of files in your arms. Dottore paused his writing, putting down his pen then gestured at the multiple folders you held, confused. "What's all this?"
"I redid the files you threw away a few weeks ago." You carefully placed them in an empty space on his desk, a small smile on your lips as you watch him purse his, taking the document on top of the stack. "I wrote them exactly how you wanted them. Margins, your handwriting, organization, paper, and stuff."
He must say, he was quite impressed with your dedication. What you said was true, you did make it just the way he liked his files. It made the corners of his lips twitch, opening his mouth and almost letting a thank you slip out, but he caught himself. "First sentence in and you've made so many grammatical errors..." You heard him mutter under his breath whilst he continued to scan through the papers.
You gave him an annoyed smile, hands behind your back as you said through gritted teeth; "Are taking them or not?" Maybe you just imagining it, but you could've sworn his shoulders shook lightly at what you said.
"I suppose this'll do." Dottore decided, putting away some of the documents inside his drawers. You proudly nodded at yourself and opened your mouth to say something else when you felt his gloved hand touch your cheek. You paused, staring at him with surprised and questioning eyes but he just caressed your skin, trailing from your cheek and down to your jawline.
"I'm sorry," He wrote.
You couldn't help the huge, triumphant smirk that graced your lips. Though, he didn't seem to mind, allowing you to slip off his glove and press your hand on top of his, leaning against his touch. "Now, what's this supposed to be?" You teased, narrowing your eyes at him humorously. Dottore scowled at your comment, but never pulled his hand away from you. "Forget it." He hissed, nails digging into your skin, but the slight pain only made you grin and cheeks flush.
Easily, you forgave him when you moved his hand toward your lips, pressing a kiss on his palm, before carefully slipping back his glove onto his hand. With another loving kiss on his knuckles, you bowed at him, but not as a soldier that work for him. No, but as you, his teasing lover who loves to rile him up.
Just as you were about to take a step back, to leave to resume your duties, Dottore grabbed your arm and pulled you behind his desk and onto his lap. Before you could raise any protests, he gently grabbed your chin between his fingers and tilted your head upwards, a little breathless at his sudden actions. "Now, where do you think you're going?"
Similar to the day he rose his voice, you felt yourself grow nervous under his stare. But compared to it, there was excitement flowing in your veins as his arm wrapped around your torso, his breath hot against your lips, mere inches away from one another.
"I have a mission in Liyue, you know?" You say shakily, pressing your body close to his and wrapping your around his neck, in contrast to your words. Dottore absolutely loved the sight of red painting your cheeks, the warmth of your body, the vulnerability you only show to him that he's so addicted to.
Undoubtedly, he missed you so much. But Dottore was never good at words when it comes to how he felt. Actions though? Occasionally subtle to the point, it gets on your nerves, but there are times when he touches you like a starved man. You're utterly obsessed with it. With him.
Clearly, you're never meant to be separated from one another.
Dottore only scoffed at your excuse and before you could say another word, your lips connected.
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If you want to be tagged in future works, fill out this form to be added to my taglist! Remember that usernames are only lowercase and have no spaces!
Taglist: @anniejourn, @dilucssiliconedildo, @achlysyo, @sunoo-bby, @iyagato, @randomidk-123
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scintillyyy · 6 months
hmmm, do you want an opportunity to talk about the de-aged Tim fic?
i would *love* the opportunity to talk about de-aged tim fic
so the idea for this fic has been bouncing in my head for a solid year and a half at least and arose in part from my. general frustration how de-aged fics usually go--usually someone is de-aged to like 5 but acts like a 2 year old or it's just an excuse for baby cuddles (which is fine, but unsatisfying to me personally) or in tim's case in an excuse for people to be oh so sad at how quiet and well behaved he is and aren't jack and janet terrible?? (which is not fine and annoying)
because when it comes to de-aged i want to pick at the meat of what this really means for the people who have to take care of the baby/toddler and how this would be like getting thrown in the deep end. and in tim's case i want this to become dick's problem.
because what happens when alfred buys formula and it turns out tim had a CMPI and he's screaming all night and he needs alimentum or nutramigen and that stuff is sooo gross and smells so bad lol or it turns out he only tolerates super bougie european formula and bruce is there not knowing how to handle it so of course it's dick's job to make sure that someone does the research and competently takes care of baby tim. (i imagine that bruce is very unhelpfully trying to be helpful here in a funny but terrible way here. he gives advice (has no idea what he's talking about). he "does dick a solid" by "taking tim to stroller strides this time so dick could sleep in" (you know that was the day that amy was bringing her lemon poppyseed muffins for the group, bruce. that was dick's muffin, bruce.)). and then once baby tim starts growing into toddler tim--
how does dick have to handle the fact that every time he turns around tim can reach something new in the very not baby proofed manor. he gets a moment of quiet before realizing, shit, it's quiet and runs into the kitchen and tim is sitting on the island and there's a single bite taken out of every single apple. dick goes to a medium in his desperation to talk to janet in the afterlife to find out what his "wawa" is. dick having to deal with tim crying for his mom. tim being a threenager.
tim becoming a little kid and hero-worshiping dick and thinking bruce is just the greatest for taking dick in and dick's jaw can't clench any harder than it already is.
tim at 14 and at least he knows he's deaged and this is fun now but they have to lie to him about his dad until he ages up and remembers.
and tim being 17 and being like "just fyi dick I'm gonna avoid you for the next three weeks (embarrassed) but thanks for taking care of me"
anyways it's just a real time in my head <3
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ruumirmir · 6 months
Employee of the Month
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really, i dont think half of this should be taken seriously, HOWEVER:
I think loverboy's peakest babygirl moment in all of his career should be singlehandedly getting pantalone to invent the concept of "employee of the month" for the sole reason of having a workplace excuse to spoil and praise him without raising suspicion. 👀 Which I'll set in the timeline Before pantalone becomes the harbinger, and is just a fairly high ranking official at present.
(theres like a whole backstory ive cooked up that my moot is currently writing now so this entire post might make a lot more sense after my requested fic is out lmao)
like yeah,, pantalone eventually does come to realize and notice that Hmmm! This one man is a particularly diligent worker! His excellent workplace charm and wet puppy eyes have captivated me !
Perhaps a little shy to praise.
(lil bro is actively trying to avoid the spotlight in such a line of work)
Celestia knows how many hundreds of fatui are trained and raised in the soldiers way 🙄 With the Tsaritza's mercy the organization will rarely happen upon a handful of sparkly-eyed new recruits that can actually be COMPETENT with the brunt of the logistics, diplomacy and theoretical PAPERWORK that keeps the fatui running.
God knows that harbingers like Pantalone, Pulcinella, and occasionally Arlecchino NEED subordinates behind desks rather than on the field.
So the idea comes to pantalone on a fine sunny day with a stroke of genius !
because the work environment under each harbinger is so Different, you could categorize pantalone to (relatively) have the safest, and most boring work imaginable.
Definitely in which case, job motivation is very..... low. Well not anymore apparently,, in comes loverboy, newly enrolled in the fatui
with a personal vendetta against risking his precious life on the field, who damn well MAKES SURE his work merits and skills direct him towards a cushy job with good pay. and that eventually catches pantalone's attention, whos like
Wow! I wonder how i can get myself to play favorites in my department in broad daylight without it being suspicious... Hmmm...
And then on the first day of the upcoming month, out goes a notice to every subordinate, manager, accountant, secretary and etc etc, about a brand new system set in place! and would you look at that:
Loverboy nearly digs a hole and buries himself on the spot out of embarrassment when he sees a nice framed photo of him hung up at the Northland bank's noticeboard with nice bold letters saying
"Fatuus of the Month"
followed by a nice motivational speech by pantalone that goes a little too into loverboy's personal quirks rather than his excellent contributions to the bank.
Really, it might've only been a little over 1.5 years into his mandated fatui service, but he's already been sent off with a neat bonus.... a small material gift that pantalone bought him, and a strong surge of interest from his fellow colleagues/comrades.
So much for trying to avoid the spotlight :P
also pspsppspsps @eluxcastar would you like some loverboy thoughtposting
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transhitman · 2 years
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Very late on this but I did art for the Wirral segment of my fic lmfao. I'm actually really fucking pumped about how these turned out. I rendered them basically from scratch (color picked in some spots though) and it took WAY TOO LONG for what is ostensibly a joke scene. More about the characters under the cut because YES I did actually put thought into what they would play as.
Though I based the fourth portrait on Judit's, the character is actually her husband's. Judit is the GM and hosts the games at her place.
OCTAVIA KVASS -- Harry’s character of course is an OBVIOUS self-insert – a dweogr glamor bard. He actually didn’t know about the horny bard trope and just wanted to play as a musician. Then he found out you could seduce people and pogged harder than anyone has ever pogged. I also made her a woman so I could push my He/They Du Bois agenda in my fic. (I KNOW AND PERCEIVE THE TRUTH.) Harry playing as himself but a hot lady because he thinks it would be funny: "Hmmm I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me."
DRAUGUS INFERNITUM -- I called Kim a necromancer in my fic, but he's actually a grave cleric, or whatever the Wirral equivalent is. Draugus is a verrry subtle self-insert, as I think the ability to protect people and prevent death is sort of a wish-fulfillment thing for Kim lol. With no conceptualization skill, Kim doesn’t really like RP (he sucks at it), but he’s very good at resource management and combat (hence why he's a cleric), and probably enjoys writing lore and backstory stuff. (He and Judit bond over nerd shit lol.)
MAX MUSTERMANN -- Jean didn’t give a shit about his character, so everyone just pictures Max as normal Jean with a stupid hat. He’s a rogue, but a more str-based subclass I think, whatever that might be. (Scout? Swashbuckler?) I also think Jean eventually just loses interest in the game and stops playing, and Judit takes Max over as a DMPC. She cares more about him than Jean did and everyone ends up liking the bizzaro Jean she plays more than the real-life Jean lmfao.
JACQUES BUCHER -- I have Many Thoughts about Judit and her husband and what their relationship is like, but I'll summarize it quick. I interpreted her singular line about him as more of a lighthearted jab and less of a genuine complaint, and I think he's like a Spencer Shay type guy. Eccentric artist that can't hold down a job lol. Goofy and incompetent in a charming way, because he's at least trying. And he's also the only person among the players with the creative chops to actually make a real OC and not a self-insert. I made Mr. Minot's character a fairly normal fighter for the sake of party-balance. Although it would be very funny if he was a fucked up eldritch knight or psi warrior type class. Secretly the most insane person at the table. (And NO this is not a case of competent wife/dork ass loser husband. For you see, Judit is also a dork ass loser. (Wirral Fan) (Cop) (Willingly Spends Time With Harry Du Bois))
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ineffableigh · 8 months
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 2
Ran out of characters. See previous post here! [linky]
We resume during Muriel's initial visit to the bookstore. They're having a nice look at a cupperty.
Crowley arrives in a bluster with all his plants - we've only seen him angrily say No about the Bentley and yet he seems to be going along with it anyway. He asks the important question: why not take the train? Why go by car? It's an eight hour drive each way! Train or even plane is WAY FASTER!
Crowley's the one that does the 'humans are weird/a few days' line for some bloody reason. Crowley what are you doin' man lol pick a better lie!
It feels Important that we see so many one on one moments with Nina, but not Maggie. Like we're building Nina as a character, but not really Maggie, y'know?
The show also really wants us to see how uncomfortable Nina is with discussing her love life at all, but everyone in the story just kind of blows past it.
"Dance Macabre" in the Bentley eh? A tone poem about Death calling the dead from their graves to dance for him? Like, I dunno, Gabriel says later in his Tempest line? A piece that quotes Dies Irae?
I love the musical conflict going on in the background once Crowley takes control of the Bentley's Vibes back lol.
Interesting that we have an entire moment to see that Beez is unhappy with the status quo in Hell, and the lack of recognition for all the work they seem to constantly have to do down there. Especially since we hear later they're very 'short staffed'.
Crowley moving seemingly random books from upstairs to downstairs, cosplaying a bookseller (ostensibly). Seems very chill about chatting gravity with Jimbriel, and we get our first Direct Fly Callout. Might be the second, not sure re: 'flyswats' when the archangels visited.
Pub imagery: Jesus raising Lazarus on one side, and the 'butcher' Dalrymple on the other side. Hmmm two sides of Heaven anyone?
It has to involve Aziraphale somehow because the Production Designer had that painting of Jesus done with the tomb opening being exactly like the 'eastern gate' of Eden in s01. Seems like a big effort to go to if not to draw parallels!
I find it interesting that Aziraphale a) seems super excited to hear about the 'Masons' b) there's a lodge next door to the pub, but c) we don't investigate that OR the person Gabriel was with. Y'know, the little shaggy haired demon with a bowler hat covered in flies? Normally would be quite conspicuous, yes? We know that Azi knows what Beez looks like from the end of S01.
Post-minisode we cut DIRECTLY to Aziraphale at the graveyard. What did he do between the pub and then? Did he walk there, drive there? Another huge gap to account for that's just swept under the rug.
Convenient that No Regerts and Friend are there, both being comically intense tough guys openly talking about Grindr lol. Just hanging out in the fog with no phone minutes left like ya do. Very convenient they were there, though I'm not sure what the advantage of that phone call even was. It's so strange a scene across the board that it feels like something is missing.
Back in town, Maggie is chasing Nina to talk about getting stuck in the cafe. I don't know what it is about their talks but to me they feel strange, or at least Maggie's side does. Might just be a by-product of us not seeing Nina 'acting like it's Maggie's fault' but it all feels very out of the blue, y'know? Always when Nina's busy working and can't really escape.
"I'm not your type." "You have no idea." Maggie SHE HAS A PARTNER AND SHE JUST SAID THE PARTNER SUSPECTS CHEATING, NOW IS NOT THE TIME LOL. See what I mean about Weird Vibes though?
Sudden Tempest Prediction from Gabriel. Very weird that he has these moments, either by forcing himself or these triggers. Do you have to be Empty to channel God?
Multitude of Shax Visions - this sequence seems odd to me. We've seen Shax impersonate a human once, yes, but this back to back thing seems unusually competent for her. I do wonder if we're getting a Crowley's Very Stressed Perspective thing going on here. Poor lad sure is stressed.
I was wondering how Shax figured out where Aziraphale was, but I bet she probably just tried to teleport to the Bentley like most demons seem to when Crowley was in it, but probably got punted outside by the Invitation Only magic. Or something.
The interaction with Shax here is really weird, though. It seems purely designed to freak Aziraphale out rather than actually get information. She says now she knows Gabriel is in the bookshop, but nothing about the discussion actually pointed to it any more than she would have known beforehand.
Shax then goes on to tell Beez that Gabriel is in the bookshop. Why she's so confident, I still don't really know, like I said above. All she knows is both the Husbands are being obfuscating dorks, but maybe that's enough.
Also like, Beez, you maybe should have just. Gone to the bookshop? Instead of attacking it? When you know Hell is short staffed? This is a Weird Plot Point too, if Beez just wants Gabriel. Why go straight to war?
As they're bringing Crowley's plants back to the car I hear glass shattering??? What's up with that??
Azi you dingle why are you hiding the Shax visit from Crowley. They really DON'T talk and for no good reason.
Next Instalment: [Linky]
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charlesdesvoeux · 7 days
tell me your favorite headcanons about charles des voeux!! if you wanna. :0
I'd love to 🥰🥰🥰 this uses 1 or 2 details from irl!des voeux's life but is mostly straight out of my head (and of course as far as we know real des voeux wasn't a piece of shit whereas show!des voeux most definitely was)
-> he was kind of a weirdo even as a kid. like he'd kill insects by reflecting the sun with a lens directly into them or shit like that. his parents were kind of freaked out. they punished him but he didn't understand why it was so wrong.
-> he had an older sister with whom he was very close and who wasn't freaked out by his weird shit. they were very devoted to one another but grew distant after he went to sea in his early teens. this distance from the person he loved the most in the world (which persisted even when he was back in land) made him even more alienated from others
-> in terms of the rest of his family: Dad (Henry Des Voeux) was a landlord and they owned a very fancy country estate prob somewhere in Southern England. Typical stiff-upper-lip guy not very close to anyone in the family. Mom (Elizabeth Senior) was initially devoted to Charlie but gradually became more and more freaked out by his weirdness and found him difficult to love which saddened her and made her avoid him even more. His oldest brother (Edward Des Voeux) was like. 10 years older so they were never really close. His sister (Elizabeth Junior) (face claim Olivia Cooke) was some 5 years older.
-> he was named after his two grandfathers
-> his maternal grandfather was more affectionate to him despite his weirdness but died when he was about 5 or 6.
-> as a younger scion of the upper class (his dad was a baronet after all) he was kind of destined for a military career and so he went to the navy. He first became a volunteer at age 12 and midshipman at 15. He fell into a very intense crush with a much older officer during his time as a volunteer who saw him as a son.
-> Witnessed the horrors of the First Opium War. But the thing that disturbed him the most was how easily he took to violence. How the sight of people dead in horrific manners did not upset him; hell, it thrilled him. I think that's the first time he thought "hmmm maybe I understand why not even my family really likes me. maybe there is in fact something very wrong with me".
-> that is also where he first met Fitzjames, Hodgson and Stanley!!! I think Fitzjames respected him as a guy who despite being very young was also extremely competent. Hodge liked his dry sense of humor but Charlie thought Hodge was kind of a fool. That was until he witnessed him in action during the war and he was like "oh ok he is actually quite competent. still a fool though".
-> he fully developed the Stanley obsession when they served on the same ship during the Opium War by the way which I think was a continuation of his tendency to imprint on much older, extremely competent but also emotionally distant men (hello daddy issues). Stanley was like "huh. weirdo" (like he himself isn't weird as hell)
-> British victory at the Opium War solidified his virulent racism which was also present beforehand btw
-> des voeux was an EXTREMELY competent naval officer. he felt he was better at being an officer than being a human being (I could have worded this better but whatever). so he spent as much time as possible at sea which solidified his distance from his sister.
-> had sex with women a couple times but didn't like it very much.
-> I'm inclined to think of him as a bottom and a masochist but I could also see him as top and sadist depending on the situation. The thing is that he tends to go for these older authority figures guys and he does like to be dominated by them. But were he with a guy his age I think he might go for being a dom himself.
-> i think its possible that he was on land for a couple months before the expedition and managed to fall into an arrangement with a much older fellow upper class guy which was mostly going well but the other fellow wasn't super into the kinky stuff so it was ultimately unsatisfying
-> managed to get it on with stanley during the expedition even if stanley was left hating himself after every encounter. still he was very drawn to des voeux and wouldn't break things off. des voeux was a bratty sub but deep down stanley loves his combativeness. had periods of serious fights/estrangements in which both were miserable but des voeux always had to be the one who came crawling back.
-> stanley had something of a crush on jfj who just absolutely never saw him in a romantic light. In terms of appearance des voeux looks like a young jfj and that was part of the appeal for stanley-- he looked like a submissive and breedable version of the guy he really liked. but then he also actually caught feelings for des voeux as himself oops. he didn't like that one bit. it contributed to his deteriorating mental state.
-> des voeux was always gonna be a piece of shit but stanley's horrific death-- which elicited real actual sorrow from him for maybe the 1st time in his life-- shook him to his core. It led him to become even colder and meaner and more cruel.
-> was extremely EXTREMELY mad about lieut jopson. aside from the obvious class snobbery des voeux had literally passed his lieut exam before the expedition so. he also didn't really trust crozier from the start but thought jfj would rein him in. but as jfj and crozier grew closer he was like "oh no jfj is going along with this fucker's madness. guess it's every man for himself".
-> killing tom hartnell was an honest to god accident. maybe one of a couple of times in his life when he felt remorse for his actions.
-> as silna left him to die he reverted to his worst instincts and cursed her as a "stupid cruel savage" instead of realizing that she was cruel to him bc he himself was cruel to her and her dad. bc he could never for a moment accept that the entire imperialistic belief system he was raised on and benefitted from was wrong.
-> either while they were still lost in the arctic/shortly after they died his sister named her son after him.
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chanbig · 2 months
Also for the character ask game: Chan (I gotta do both) and let’s pick- 7, 8, 12, and 17.🥰
thank you for asking me about him @fawndlyvenus!!! 💗 sorry it took so long ahh
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I like that we all seem to agree that he is a definite badass, very competent, but also steady and calm and loyal. I think, handled differently, he could come across as much more boring or a heartless drill sergeant, which wouldn't be as compelling! I also like the back stories that people give him—how he might have gotten involved in the mafia and why, what his upbringing was like, if he has any family outside of the mafia, etc. There's a lot to kind of fit together that might make him who he is, so I love to see people's different ideas of that! I also like that so many people saw Chan give Big the full body scan and adjust his tie in one ep and were like YEAH lets do this they'd be 🔥 hot🔥 together (and they were right) 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
To be honest I enjoy a lot of interpretations of his character because we get so little in the text! Personally, I don't enjoy reading things where he is especially sadistic or just torturing another character for no reason—ultimately, I think of him as very pragmatic, so going out of his way to be cruel (with no endgame) doesn't fit with that interpretation.
16. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
me suddenly forgetting everything i have ever said about chan ummmm well a fun one that I have is that he is actually very good at chess (he grew up playing), but pretended to be a novice when Korn asked him to play. I think this would be far enough along in his employment that he knows how perceptive and manipulative Korn is, and he wants Korn to underestimate him. He also uses Korn's lessons as a way of better understanding how Korn thinks. A little power game between him and Korn 😎 Theres a moment in the show where Chan smiles behind his hand when he and Korn are playing... i like to think he is smiling to himself at the strategy Korn uses.
He has to make sure to lose, though, so he doesn't give himself away. 🫣
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
me living up to my username when i can't think of another chan ship aghh ummm hmmm OKAY i think changun would be very interesting to explore.
If they were in a romantic relationship, it would be significantly before the show's timeline. I'm thinking almost as a comfort situation after everything that happened with Nampheung (although Chan wouldn't know all the details until much later). It would make more sense that a younger Chan, who is perhaps not yet as in control of his feelings and has less of a grasp on the internal politics of the family, might be drawn in by Gun's charisma. Gun would see a hot guard who is willing to cross the major/minor family line and they would fall into a semi-casual relationship that maybe Chan sees as more serious, up until Gun announces his upcoming marriage. Maybe Gun thought they could continue their relationship even after marriage—but Chan won't see him again, and gives him the implacable bodyguard face whenever Gun visits the main compound. The experience would snap Chan back into his role on the major family side, and remind him to keep tighter control over his actions. Gun would be furious that Chan ended up choosing the major family and seems to be totally unaffected by Gun's presence now.
And then when they meet at their final encounter, Chan will say, "Don't make this a big deal. For me." and Gun will look murderous/smug as he lifts the gun, finally able to take out his anger at this long-buried hurt AND THAT LINE WILL FINALLY MAKE SENSE!
Character Ask Game - ask me!
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toujokaname · 1 month
Card shuffle / Episode 8
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Author: Akira
Characters: AkanP, HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki, Mayoi, Tatsumi, Aira, Rinne, Hiiro
"Um. Shiina-san. I know you're hungry, but please don't eat my haaair."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: MDM Stage
AkanP: Hmmm~...? Everyone, it looks like you don't understand this project as much as I thought you would? What should I do?
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HiMERU: It's more accurate to say we "haven't been told" rather than implying we "don't understand." Please don't insinuate that the fault lies with us.
AkanP: Sure. But, um, since it's almost time for the show, you'll have to understand quickly, okay? I know you might not get the difficult stuff, but I'll explain it properly ♪
HiMERU: .........
Kohaku: I can practically hear HiMERU-han's stress gauge shootin' through the roof...
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HiMERU: It's okay. Thanks to Shiina, HiMERU is used to his goodwill going to waste.
Niki: And so I'm the one who takes the brunt of it...!
HiMERU: If you can't do anything else, won't you at least be an outlet for stress relief?
Niki: Uwaaah! Mayo-chaaan, HiMERU-kun's bullying me~!
Mayoi: Hwehh?! Wh, wh-why are you coming to me for comfort? It's not like we're supposed to be particularly close or anything, right?!
Tatsumi: ...Actually, an explanation is in order. At the risk of repeating the same question over and over, how exactly will the Matrix matches function?
Our precious friends, including Mayoi-san, are also feeling anxious about it.
Mayoi: Ah, y-yes, unusually aggressive speech from Tatsumi-san... Even though he usually has the aura of a holy, loving figure, being neglected like this must be stressful.
Niki: *Munch munch munch ♪*
Mayoi: Um. Shiina-san. I know you're hungry, but please don't eat my haaair.
HiMERU: Apologies, our dog misbehaved.
Aira: I could run and grab something to munch on?
Rinne: Akan-san's gonna explain anyway, so just shut it and listen, okay?
AkanP: Right. It'll be quick, so bear with me a moment. Here, umm, Sheena-san[1]? Sheena-san, here's some candy for you ♪
HiMERU: You're in the middle of work, why do you carry such a thing with you?
AkanP: When you have little kids around, it's inevitable...
I basically only produce girls in ES, but surprisingly, sometimes blunders can be smoothed over with a sweet treat.
HiMERU: Female idols, you say. They don't get recognized at all in ES, which is why useless producers are pushed on to them.
AkanP: Please don't call me useless~... It hurts my feelings.
So, um, it's been a while since I've produced boys, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes.
HiMERU: (Been a while? Does that mean it's not the first time?)
(Well, despite seeming young, only an experienced producer could accumulate so many negative rumors...?)
AkanP: At any rate... I didn't have enough time to work out the details of Matrix, but as I was struggling with that, a very talented girl helped me out.
Her name's Anzu-chan, do you know her?
Hiiro: Of course. It'd be rarer to find someone in ES who doesn't know her.
Aira: ES takes pride in her being a super talented producer, after all!
AkanP: Right, it's amazing for such a young girl... Well, she said she'd help me, so I asked her to think about the details of the competition.
So, I think we're pretty much on track there, right?
HiMERU: Anzu-san must be very busy with her change in position starting in the new fiscal year, and yet she has been burdened with all this unnecessary work...
Niki: Change in position? Really? Where does HiMERU-kun always get that kinda information?
HiMERU: Primarily from the well-informed Deputy Director, but also from HiMERU's own personal research. He's rather adept at that sort of thing and enjoys it.
Rinne: Yup, the Great Detective Crazy:B's proud of ♪
AkanP: Hehe. So, um, what was I saying...? Right, this Matrix is set up as a fateful showdown between Crazy:B and ALKALOID
These two rookie units will compete to see which are the superior idols.
Tatsumi: Although there's nothing fateful about it. Well, I understand the point.
HiMERU: There is a lot of personal history involved, however.
AkanP: Yup. So, um, what did Anzu-chan say again...
Oh, right. Maybe the challenge in this Matrix contest should center on proving one's prowess as an idol.
By pitting idols against each other like this, we'll find out who truly excels at it, right? Um, do you understand what I'm saying?
Tatsumi: Prowess as an idol? Yet another vague statement...?
AkanP: To be specific, see, this time it's supposed to be ten matches. Well, I mean, I made the call on that.
So, in Matrix, I'd like to ask you to compete with the ten elements necessary to be an idol.
Aira: The ten elements necessary to be an idol?
AkanP: Yeah. Um, for example, in the first match, you'll compete in "singing ability." There's also, uh, what else, "acting ability" and "attractiveness"—
Basically, each match will test those ten crucial elements for idols.
After ten matches, the unit with the most wins will be considered the superior idols.
Aira: It's kinda rude to call it surprising, but it does sound surprisingly interesting. Feels like some sort of variety show.
AkanP: Right? Sounds fun, doesn't it? It's amazing, really, how the plan started getting interesting after Anzu-chan chimed in—
She's been a big help! I'll have to buy her dinner or something later.
HiMERU: At this stage, are you really making her help you free of charge...
AkanP: She's the type of girl to decline compensation... She's not assertive at all. Hehehe, she reminds me of my younger days.
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HiMERU: Isn't it a rather disturbing future prospect for a talented producer to end up as a landmine producer...?
[ ☆ ]
AkanP says "Shiina" in hiragana instead of kanji, indicating some stiltedness in the way it's said.
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horizon-verizon · 18 days
Elizabeth I's equivalences with Rhaenyra and Dany are not 1:1. For example, Elizabeth's success was due in part to her own insight and cunning (Dany) and knowing how to choose good advisors (I think they both chose well with the information they had).
What I find a little strange is the way they are trying to present Elizabeth's level of education. Daenerys has hardly been educated, everything he knows is based on observation and intuition, but like Rhaenyra Elizabeth also received good education.
"Elizabeth did not enjoy a happy family home until her father's sixth and final marriage, in July 1543, to Catherine Parr (ca. 1512-1548), who took charge of the welfare and education of her stepchildren, which for Isabel included the study of French, Italian, Latin and Greek, as well as theology, music, moral philosophy and rhetoric (which would later be useful for her speeches as queen, written by herself)."Mark Cartwright, 2020
She was separated from her during her brother's reign and imprisoned during much of her sister's, yes but it is not fair to Dany to compare her to Elizabeth. because although she was not raised with the intention that she would govern in the future, she had a very, very good foundation.
The glorious thing about Elizabeth's speech is as the other anon pointed out the way she empowers herself, I can think of other women who gave speeches during battles But they were fighting not for themselves but for their fathers or children, because part of their duties was to give these speeches. They may not have been expected to lead on their own, but most expected these women to be eloquent.
Anon talks about this anon/post.
Elizabeth I's equivalences with Rhaenyra and Dany are not 1:1. For example, Elizabeth's success was due in part to her own insight and cunning (Dany) and knowing how to choose good advisors (I think they both chose well with the information they had).
Hmmm, yes this was niggling at my head but I didn't put it into words. Thanks. I wasn't trying to make as if Dany was the exact same sort of person as to Elizabeth, bec as you said, different available resources, diff values even with the a good level of cunning is shared between them. I was thinking more Rhaenyra vs Elizabeth, how Elizabeth follows through with her words through her own actions whereas Rhaenyra "I will have my throne or I will have his head" does not build onto her own words with her own actions. Elizabeth at least presented herself in armor at the back of the battle and stirred her followers. Rhaenyra? As this anon states:
There’s no sense of balance to her, she does basically nothing but the wrong political moves, when she’s supposed to be the protagonist of this story.
And this anon:
GRRM in part wrote Rhaenyra as a litmus test for the readers’s misogyny but in my opinion it falls flat because he gets caught up in doing that and forgets to give Rhaenyra some dignity or respect as an individual character. And it’s honestly the same issue he has in the main series. Pathologizing motherhood in particular, esp. in relation to women who are also in politics while being mothers. Fathers are never “too mad with grief” to rule competently or make good decisions; only mothers are.
And it's GRRM's fault. The presence and loss of kids do not preclude women from militant projects or being, to be repetitive, active in their own campaigns.
So yeah, I don't have or blame people for not liking Rhaenyra even taking into account how F&B is written to discourage female rule. Because even with that being true, we know about histograhpies about Queens (of all kinds) like Olga of Kiev, Urraca of Castile, etc. who were both praised and reviled and had probable truths twisted about them but a few of both interpreters of their lives and actions still included and explained how these women were beginning wars, leading armies, or were heavily involved for their own interests. GRRM definitely could have had an imperfect victim who also did impactful logistical or strategic or tactical moments as she is also having to face the pressures of having her kids killed. They don't even have to always succeed, but be there!
(And some kind of can't bc again Rhaenrya has to die & for it to be a little her own fault [Nettles] for this story to work.)
Letters, journal entries, etc. just as Daemon and Otto did in the Rogue Prince--those letters, or their excerpts rather, were also included/referenced by Gyldayn in F&B. GRRM had his options. He chose otherwise.
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th3idi0tsquad · 2 months
greetings, dearly behated brother of mine. i hope you are having the most horrifying day. i ventured all the way from the deepest trenches of the bog to ask a most important question, one that i'm sure will be quite advantageous and inspiring to show to your many followers.....
hypothetically speaking, if the entire cast of marble hornets and everyman hybrid were set against each other to compete in a baseball game, whose winning? NO KILLING NO SLENDER INTERFERENCE NO SICKNESS just some good old baseball fun. you can factor in-team fighting and sabotage if that is relevant to your answer.
but to answer your question i think the obvious answer is the everymanhybrid crew, but lets actually look into this.
so on each team we have (just characters off the top of my head)
marble hornets; jay, tim, brian, alex, jessica, amy, seth
everymanhybrid; vinny, evan, jeff, alex, daniel, jessa, stepthanie
if you mean absolutely no slender affects, would this even include or exclude habit? and also masky and hoody to be fair... hmmm ill just say they arent in the picture.
just from what we know alone, i just have to give it to everymanhybrid crew, not only do (most) of them workout and obtain healthy things. they are just very athletic in the sense.
also tim is like a fucking chain smoker and would probably be dying just running to first base. also like the only fit person is brain and thats barely saying shit.
the other team has vinny who is a know jogger, and evan whos just jacked as fuck. yeah jeff is prolly the weakest link but at least hes tall, he'd fucking do wonders in the back field, but also alex(mh) would also be in that same position.
i just know jay wouldnt be competitive at all out there, but its fine he's doing his best. this may just be my little brain but i think stepthanie and jessica would fucking be the pitchers, they would throw ball. and i think hard hitters would be evan and brian, with vinny and tim being right behind them.
i dont think they would sports fight, so no sabotage or anything, they would just joke fight around, which may fueled some of their competitive sides.
(if i wanna get real special with this, add my oc's in there really doesnt change much, infact i know david would weigh the team down a little, and maybe ross would help the mh team a little)
thank you brother for asking this.
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little-birdseeker · 2 months
Growing Wings - Ch.1 - An encounter
A gentle breeze blew over the ocean, as R’namo made her way down to the pier. It was a pleasant change of pace after the stormy days before, but the harbour city was more than used to that. In fact, it was slowly rising back to the former glory after the 7th calamity had struck the world.
Scars remained - her heart ached as she looked at the remains of one of the housing pillars that had been struck by a flaming ball that day. But besides that, the city was flourishing again, slowly rising back up to the former self. Time heals all wounds, after all.
Down at the pier, there was not much to see. What did she expect, after all? The fishermen were either busy selling their stuff or out on the ocean. Just good old Forwin had remained here, as she noticed from afar.
“What’s the matter, Forwin? Already back from your tour?”, R’namo shouted in his direction, which made the Hyur look up from the net in his hands. She she could see his deep sigh, way before she reached him. “Can’t tell me you did not notice the storm last night.” The good old grumpy voice - she had missed it a bit, even though R’namo would never let him know of it.
“Was it really that bad?”
“Well, honestly… I have seen worse. Was just a bit late back from the trip, and after the last days were already stormy enough… you know the drill, better safe than sorry.”
“So the usual maintenance?”
The fisher nodded in response.
“Did not know you have a child though”, R’namo stated, as she noticed the little person nearby that was very much occupied with the sails of the fishermen's boat.
“Oh, that? You should know better, Namo, I have no childs. That’s Isabelle. From the Birdseekers. You know?” He looked over to the little girl and shouted. “Isa! We have a visitor, so say hello!”
The ears of the little girl sprang up before she turned around quickly. “Oh, heeelloooo!”, she waved with one hand at the sail, the other one equipped with a little needle.
“Oh? A Birdseeker? Those sailmakers?”, R’namo asked while waving back to the little girl whos beaming smile was probably competing to shine as much as the sun. It has been a while since she had seen such a happy face, and she had to admit that it was kind of soothing. Yes, the world was certainly healing.
“Yes yes, those guys. Make some darn good sails, if you ask me.”
“And what is she doing here?”
“Helping me out? See the needle there? She takes care of the sails.” “So, you make her work for you? Do her parents know?”
“Namo”, Forwin sighed. “You know me. I pay her.”
“How so? With sweets?”, R’namo laughed.
“Well, sometimes. No, for real. It’s helping with her allowance, I buy her some sweets, I teach her stuff, give some fish for her and the family… Don’t look at me like that, it’s fair and square. Nothing fishy about it.”
“Says the fisherman.” “You- urgh, fine. The only fishy things here are the fish, okay? By the gods…”
“Well, fine by me. And yeah, I know, you mean it well. But still… Her parents know?”
“They should. Ask Isa”, Forwin shruged.
With a sigh, R’namo walked over to the girl that was very busy with the sail, as it seemed. As of now, she mended a tear in the sail, or at least it looked like that to R’namo. “Isa?”, R’namo asked as she squatted beside her.
“Hmmm? Yeees?”, Isabelle asked and turned her head, so her two big eyes looked directly at the Miqo’te.
“You are alright? Forwin makes you not work too hard? And you parents know you are here?”
“Uuuhm… Of cooourse I told my parents i am here! Aaand I am fine! Look! Aaall patched up!” Proudly, she practically shoved the sail directly into R’namos face.
“Oh? Yeah, that’s uhm… looks good!” R’namo did not know much about sewing and stuff. It looked quite the same to her, honestly. Although… this stitching looked kind of different to what she knew? Huh. Weird.
“So, what did you tell your parents?”
“Uhm… that Fooorwin teaches me about fish!”
“So they know not about you working here?”
“They know!”, Forwin shouted from behind. “She brings home some goodies, after all.” “Aaand he teaches me about fish!” “Later, yes.”
R’namo sighed deeply. Both of them were so… But it seemed alright, after all.
She gave Isabelle a pat on her head, and stroked over her red hair before returning to Forwin.
“She is a sweet girl”, she said while sitting down on some nearby ropes.
“Oh, she is”, Forwin agreed without looking up from the net in his hands. “A real ray of sunshine.”
“Say, it looks a bit weird what she is doing there. Is she-”
“You sound just like her parents. Yes, it's fine, and I always check with her if it’s done well.” “Like… her parents?” R’namo looked at the fisher in confusion. “What exactly…?”
“Oh it’s… you see… uhm… it’s…” “Difficult?” “Yeah, you could say that.” “Why though? What does her parents say?”
Forwin sighed again. “They see her in a different way than me.” “Please don’t say that.” “Oh please, don’t get it wrong. No it’s… everytime they speak about her, they mention how clumsy she is. About her mistakes, that she does not learn, and so on. You know?” “And? They are wrong?”
“Well… that’s the thing. Kinda, yes, but also no. Just… in a different way you would expect. You see, she is a clever girl. She knows what she is- well, she knows what she wants to do.” “That. Doesn’t sound good at all.” “You know what I mean!” “And you know what I mean!”
“The first time I asked for help they said she could not do it. Makes mistakes, it won’t hold, you know.” “And? They were wrong?”
“Of course not. She never had the chance to learn it properly, or test her skills. But she has gotten better, but for other reasons you would expect.” “So there is a story behind it, that’s what you want to tell me, right?”
“You could say so, yeah. Uhm… how to put it. Isabelle is… kinda special, in her own way. You see, since she started to help me out, she got a lot better with the mending. At first, it was a mess. Really, it took ages and even at the end, it was mended rather badly. But she had her parents help at that time. Though with time, it got better, especially as I had her work by herself. In no time, the seams were way sturdier than before, and she was so quick with it.” “What? How so? Shouldn’t it be better with help?”
“That’s the thing. Look, I always take a look at the work. Together with her. Talk about mistakes and the likes, what she missed, what was done badly, I make suggestions… And she took that by heart? Maybe? Well, as long as I let her do and keep an eye out, just in case, it got better. She even went to the market and looked for better yarn. Imagine that! And now? I can be sure that my sail is in perfect form afterwards, even though the seams and her work look kind of different to what you know. And… you know what I think? I think you just let her do it by herself and give tips, and not force her to do it the ‘right’ way. Just ruins a perfectly fine girl, if you ask me. And besides… I think she is kind of my lucky fairy, of some sorts? Everytime she mended my sail, the winds felt to be in my favor, for a few days.” He shrugged and looked at the girl with his sail. “Or maybe I am just a bit superstitious.”
“Huh…” In thoughts, R’namo took a look at Isabelle, who was currently taking a good look over the sail, searching for another damaged spot. “And her parents don’t know any of that?”
“Tried to talk to them, but they are not listening. But you know, she’ll find a way.” “You think so?”
“Yeah. Maybe with some help, who knows. She’ll manage. And I tell you, I firmly believe she will go places someday.”
“Finiiished!”, Isabelle shouted from behind them before coming over to the two adults, with some very proud steps. “Already? You have been fast.” “Eeeven faster than laaast time?!”
“Mhm”, Forwin responded. “We’ll check it together once I am done here, okay?”
“Oookay!”, Isabelle said with another beaming smile. “Buuut! What did yooou talk about! I heeeared something!”
“Oh, uhm…”, Forwin started, but was quickly interrupted by R’namo.
“He told me about how much you have grown.”
“Ohhh? Haaave I? Forwin aaalways says I am sooo small!”
“Well, you are. For a 14 summers old one, after all.”
“14?!” R’namo looked a bit shocked at the tiny girl in front of her. She looked like… well, 11? Maybe 12? Far too small for someone of 14 summers, in the end.
“You wiiill see! I will grow sooo big! Sooo big!!” Isabelle stretched upwards, her arms as far above her as she could. Which was, well. Not much taller than R’namo was, but hey. Nothing the small girl could change without growing more.
“Yeah yeah. The biggest girl around, I know I know”, Forwin laughed.
“Mhm!! Biiigger than mom aaand Iana!”
“We’ll see about that”, Forwin kept teasing her.
“You wiiill see! And you wiiill be sorry then!”
“Of course, of course!”, Forwin answered, still laughing. And R’namo couldn’t keep it to herself and had to chuckle herself as well, making Isabelle pout even more.
“Right right, Isabelle. You will show us all, right? I am eager to see, one day.” With that, R’namo patted the little girl once again, who greatly appreciated the act. “I wiiill show you! Juuust you wait!!”
“Yeah! But for now… oh, it’s getting late, I have things to do! Forwin, thanks for the talk. And you too, Isabelle. Bye bye!”, R’namo said before she started to leave.
“Thanks for your time, was nice seeing you again”, Forwin said and waved her goodbye.
“Bye bye, friendly woman!”, Isabelle shouted to the leaving R’namo, waving with both arms. Such a beaming smile… she had needed that, really. Would she meet her again? Probably. The girl was hard to oversee, with her red hair. But Limsa was big, after all, so who knew? For know, she had to focus on her job. Some pirates made some trouble again, she just knew it!
(Thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it! More will be added the coming days and willbe linked here and on Isabelles story page!)
[Chapter 2: Thieving Thief! ->]
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kivaember · 2 months
For the couples, what’s one thing they like about each other? Like a core aspect of themselves.
HMMM okay let's see:
Rusty likes a few things about 621. There's the usual shallow stuff off he thinks he looks incredibly hot and is carnally attracted to him, but what really draws him is 621's brutal efficiency and cleverness on the battlefield. Rusty is attracted to competency, which there is a worrying lack of in a corporate setting, where people aren't promoted due to merits but nepotism or brown-nosing. So, seeing an pilot who can do sinfully amazing things with a junker of an AC gets him all kinds of hot and bothered...
What 621 likes about Rusty... well, he's not quite sure LMAO he likes that Rusty listens to him when he 'talks', and asks questions and seems genuinely interested in what he has to say. 621 is used to people brushing him off as strange or socially awkward, and while Rusty does think he's strange and awkward, he isn't put off by it and actively tries to understand him. Ofc those feelings became a little complicated when 621 realised Rusty was a spy and likely was profiling him as a future enemy BUT STILL. He liked it. It was Nice.
He does wish that Rusty stops being so confusing to deal with though...
Right, time for the jupiter lads. It'd be hard to get Walter to admit to liking anything about Michigan, but he does like some things about him. He gets easily annoyed with his loud and boisterous personality, and he hates how nosy he is, but he does like how Michigan just... rolls with things and is actually very open-minded, considering. Michigan is unbothered when Walter's in an anti-social and snappish mood, and knows when to give him space and when to pester him. Walter just likes that with Michigan he doesn't have to actually tell him things for Michigan to kind of get what he needs... but he wishes he stops being so fucking nosy lmao
And what Michigan likes about Walter is that he respects and admires how driven he is and all the hardwork he puts into stuff. Like, he understands that Walter had to work himself to the bone to succeed for that scholarship to Furlong Dynamics' pilot academy, that he began from a very disadvantageous position but clawed himself into something half-way decent. Michigan respects that kind of grit! He does wish Walter stops being so stubborn and acting like he's carrying the galaxy on his shoulders though...
(also michigan likes that walter bussy ok)
BONUS ROUND: freud/rusty time. Freud likes that Rusty is seemingly on the same wavelength as him when it comes to refining their craft as AC pilots. All the other Vespers are pencil pushers, with the exception of Snail who's. well. Snail. Freud also likes that Rusty presents a very intriguing mystery for him to pick at, because quite a few things in his past don't make sense, and O'Keeffe should've picked up on those discrepencies but hasn't... so there's a mystery for him to unravel here... it seems like a fun time :)
Meanwhile, Rusty hates Freud bc he's a corporate dog, but he respects his skill as a pilot and somewhat empathises with his position (from decoding, where he realises that Freud has little to no control over his life, thanks to Arquebus micromanaging everything). I feel that if Freud was an independent merc, though, Rusty would be just as attracted to him as to 621 because... competency, brutal skill on the battlefield... Rusty finds that so hot...
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itsalwaysforyou · 11 months
jay: wtf is wrong with mal
evie: uma beat her in fencing lol
mal: she didn’t beat me!!!!!!! i challenged her to best of five 
carlos: and she won all 5?
mal: no i won 2
jay: ok so then she beat you
mal: i won 2!!!!
carlos: but uma won 3????? so you lost
mal: yeah but i still won 2
jay: shoulda done best of 6
jay: at least you could’ve drawn then you sore loser 
mal: ok but i still won 2?
carlos: i’m changing the conversation before i bludgeon mal’s head in 
carlos: e did you duel anyone
evie: i beat some auradon loser
evie: me & lonnie were gonna go next session 
jay: ooooo lmk how it goes
jay: lonnie’s good!!
evie: i know jay i was there on the isle fight
jay: i should fight harry again
mal: you’re always fighting harry
jay: duel him then
carlos: you’re always duelling harry
jay: no with a sword
evie: what kind of sword 
jay: ohhh SHUT UP
jay: i’m going to challenge harry to a duel with a fencing sword. there are you happy now
carlos: no
carlos: be more gay
jay: bitch maybe i will
evie: gods i hate you both
jay: you don’t want me kissing boys?
mal: jay you’re expecting boys will want to kiss YOU
jay: why mal are you jealous are you wanting me to kiss you
mal: i want me to kill you, sure
jay: how nice of you
mal: yeah i’m such a nice person now :) can u believe it
carlos: what is happening
evie: something i don’t want to bear witness to
evie: .
evie: hey mal lost three duels to uma today 
carlos: yo no way?????
mal: hang on
mal: i WON 2!!!!!!!
jay: wow i should duel harry again
carlos: oh really jay. with what
carlos: ok but fr can we duel the pirates again soon :(
jay: what kind of duel los
evie: LORD
mal: me & uma have business to settle
evie: you mean losing a best of 5 3-2?
mal: i didnt LOSE i won 2!!!!!!!!
carlos: mal just bc we’re good ppl now doesn’t mean i cant kill you. bc i will
mal: bet
mal: best of 5?
jay: LMAO
evie: i’m actually very curious to know who would win that
mal: me obviously 
carlos: i literally came second place in swords and shields. but go off ig 
mal: you would’ve come third if i had competed 
jay: bc you would come 2nd?
mal: no?? i would obviously beat you???
evie: mal. you know i would support you in anything. but you are not being jay in a s&s tournament 
mal: i totally could
jay: ………..
jay: hmmm mal who did you lose to earlier today
jay: three times
carlos: RIGHT 
carlos: not to CHANGE THE SUBJECT or anything but i’m actually craving slop shop coffee rn
evie: that’s the devil talking
jay: isn’t that a good thing?
mal: no it’s a bad thing
carlos: it’s a good thing for people like us
jay: evie can you confirm what your stance on slop shop coffee is 
evie: it’s wicked
jay: wicked in a good way or wicked in a bad way
jay: do you guys understand me. 
carlos: wicked as in reprehensible or wicked as in exceptional
jay: i feel like i’m going insane
mal: what are you all FUCKING talking about
carlos: the complexities and intricacies of changing sociolects 
mal: don’t fucking swear at me
jay: when did this conversation turn into psychological warfare
carlos: isn’t that most convos on the isle
jay: is it evie you’re gonna bludgeon next c?
carlos: yes. and then it’ll be you. and then myself
mal: lmaoo
carlos: evie is being unnervingly quiet 
mal: she’s probably preparing to fight carlos when he goes to bludgeon her head in
jay: i don’t even know whose side i’m on here
mal: you’re not on mine
jay: ??????
jay: whose side ARE you on??????
mal: did i lose to uma today
jay: YES
mal: not yours
jay: i genuinely feel like my head is collapsing in
carlos: good
carlos: make it go quicker
jay: ok fine i’m on evie’s side
evie: good choice jay. i have no bad side ;)
mal: all your sides are bad
carlos: how many sides does a person have
mal: what
carlos: you know. like vertices. how many do we have
jay: are we technically spherical??
evie: jay i don’t want you on my side anymore
jay: which number side eves
evie: carlos. proposition 
carlos: being?
evie: we team up against jay
jay: HUH????????
evie: and mal
mal: HEY
carlos: deal
jay: so like. what now. are we going to spar in the gym or something 
evie: no i’m going to kill you in real life
jay: hello??????
carlos: no resurrection in auradon!
mal: bloody hell 
jay: see i fault whatever the fuck this is to carlos bringing up he wants slop shop coffee
jay: no normal person says that
mal: how many times did you steal my slop shop coffee jay
jay: gee mal i’m so incredibly grateful that you allowed me to drink your mud in a cup whilst my father was actively trying to starve me 
evie: LORD
jay: anyway
jay: i say we gang up on carlos
evie: i agree
carlos: betrayal????)? MUTINY????????? TREASON AND CONSPIRACY???????????
mal: gods above evie that was brutal 
mal: listen. jay lies for fun,
mal: don’t pity the man.
evie: oh i don’t pity him in the slightest i just think it’s funny to gang up on carlos 
jay: youre after my own heart eves
carlos: no what the fuck is happening actually 
mal: no e you’re right it’s my favourite past time too
carlos: Hi. Are We Twelve Again
jay: i mean you haven’t grown since we were
mal: you still fight like it
evie: you still look it
carlos: Im Going To Kill You All
mal: didnt you already try that
evie: multiple times
jay: it didn’t work
carlos: do i need to remind you all. there is no immortality in auradon
jay: awwwww carlos is trying to be scary
mal: you guys are in the same room?????
jay: yeah? are you not?
mal: obviously we are
jay: you’re saying this could’ve been an irl convo?
jay: we couldve saved so much time 
evie: what’s wrong with our texts, jay :)
 jay: nothing at all, evie :)
carlos: u guys meet us here?
mal: wbat no you’re coming to us
carlos: ????? why?????
mal: bc im comfy???? and don’t want to walk??
carlos: ok but IM comfy
jay: carlos is currently dangling his head off the side of the bed.
carlos: as i said,
evie: what about neutral ground 
evie: library?
mal: are you insane why would we hang out at the LIBRARY 
jay: NERD
evie: i am not starting a fight again
jay: that’s a very unusual thing for you to say
evie: i am losing brain cells
carlos: that is worrying
mal: yeah you don’t have too many of them 
evie: more than you!
carlos: yeah mal how many fights with uma did you lose today
mal: i *WON*
mal: TWO
jay: i will throw my fucking phone off the balcony, and then all of you
carlos: not yourself?
jay: do you want to be the first to die
evie: so are we just. not meeting
mal: im not moving
carlos: me neither 
jay: kids these days
jay: always on their damn phones
evie: not like us
evie: getting beaten up
jay: stabbing people
mal: avoiding our insane parents 
carlos: trying to escape from the hell prison island
mal: lol
evie: we are so well adjusted <3 
jay: absolutely nothing wrong with us
mal: im serious abt not moving btw 
carlos: ya me too
mal: fine
carlos: fine
evie: fine
jay: fine
mal: fine
carlos: fine
jay: NO
mal: you hate fun
jay: i hate YOU
evie: we have to stop having the same conversation like 5 times over.
evie: let’s talk about something else 
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How about Hera for the ask game!
Yesssss Hera my queen! 🖤
One aspect about them I love
How level-headed she is. She's arguably the only person on the Ghost who always handles everything that's thrown at her and her own emotions responsibly and maturely. No wonder she was made a general in the Rebellion; I would trust her with my life. And because she's so controlled, the moments that she's truly angry make her absolutely terrifying.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them
Hmmm. I'm not sure if I have anything here, I can't really recall having seen any takes on her that I outright disagree with. The only thing I can think of that because of the above stated competence, sometimes it's easy to forget just how young she is. She's twenty-four when she takes in Ezra. Twenty-four! And an accomplished leader in a war, with the responsibility of a crew/family that includes two teenagers and three traumatised soldiers (yes, I'm including Chopper).
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character
Despite having no less than two Jedi on her crew, she's the most perceptive one of the Spectres. Kanan and Ezra can sense things others can't, but Hera is much better than them at interpreting observations, and as such understands things quicker than they do. She's also realistic enough to not get blinded by her own emotions or wishes, which is how she was the only one to see through Gall Trayvis's deception.
One character I love seeing them interact with
I love it when Hera gets snarky with Imperials (Kallus, Thrawn). Because of her function as pilot, she gets the least amount of screen time with Imperials of the crew, but when she does she's just so collected, so in control. Truly a strong queen. Also Kanan, of course. Their relationship is arguably the best one in the entire Star Wars universe ;-;
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more
I'd love to see her interact more with Rex! I loved the way she interacted with the clones in The Bad Batch, and I can imagine Rex reminding her of Howzer (also PLEASE I need her and Howzer to meet each other again in the Rebellion). Being with someone as traumatised as Kanan I can imagine her not talking about the clones a lot, and I think her and Rex could bond.
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character
She eventually develops a close friendship with Kallus, who becomes a member of her crew some time after losing Kanan and Ezra. Both of them are true commanders, capable of staying clear and focused in the fight more than a lot of rebels, and of course she sees his connection with Zeb and knows from the very beginning that he will end up becoming a part of her little family as well. Kallus, being with an emotional Lasat, sometimes needs her practical approach.
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