#he's also got a weird meow but that's okay little man
beef-unknwn · 2 months
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Hey guys meet my cat his name is Pestilence because he's sick af
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
toji is a cat dad. the cat looks so fucking tiny next to him that it's a little comical actually. they spend every morning together – the cat twirls around and between his legs as he's grabbing the food, quietly meowing and purring. toji smiles softly to himself at the little thing's neediness. so cute.
the cat also just loves to follow toji around the apartment. always. he goes to the bathroom? the cat goes to the bathroom. he's cooking in the kitchen? the cat is in the kitchen. he's asleep in the bed? the cat is in the bed. (big man toji stomping around the house with the smallest cat in the world running after him.......... guys i'm melting i'm dying)
ok but he was a little weirded out by the cat's need to be in the bathroom with him lmao. like he's taking a piss and he looks over his shoulder only to find the little kitten just staring up at him with big eyes😭😭😭 toji grumbles under his breath and tries to ignore him but then he ends up looking over his shoulder again, hoping that he left but no. he's still there. sitting like :3 😭😭😭😭
"yer fuckin' weird..." is what toji tells him as he places the cat on the bathroom counter and he just gets a cute meow back as a reply. the cat watches him brush his teeth and toji has to fight the thing because he's now in the sink????? toji needs to spit out the toothpaste but the critter is getting comfortable in the bowl and he actually feels bad abt pushing him away... wahh he's so soft actually guys i can't do this anymore.
if the cat happens to be a big meower, toji's definitely talking back to him. he literally goes "what're ya yappin' about, lil man? 🤨🤨" while looking at the tiny creature. but he loves it, he thinks it's so funny. he picks the little guy up and just stares at him up close O.O (plss the cat is literally like the size of his palm i'm dying it's so cute).
he also likes to carry the cat on his shoulder. i think every cat would actually love toji so much, this is also canon here you cannot argue with me. and i think they'd all find him very comforting? and i think they'd love to sleep on him. so whenever he's cooking and the cat paws at his legs, he just picks him up and places him on his shoulder.
he once did that when shiu was over and he was just ????????? like man what are you doing put the damn cat down ????????? and toji just went. "no. he wants to see." with a blank face. to him it's very obvious. c'mon, the cat is so little, he has no idea what's happening up here, ofc he wants to see??????? smh shiu do better😒😒😒
oh and this was definitely just a stray cat he took in btw. after a long day at work, he was just walking home with a cig between his lips when he heard the teeeniest tiniest little meow coming from behind the dumpster in an alley. and well... the curiosity got the best of him and he went to check it out aaand lo and behold!!!!!!! itty bitty kitty!!!!
big eyes peering up at him behind a thrash bag, he just knew he couldn't leave the poor thing there. he reached out his hand, letting the kitty smell him and he almost dropped his cig when he actually leaned into his touch immediately!!!! that's his baby now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he held the cat to his chest as he made his way home and he even stopped by a little corner store to buy him something to eat. the cashier did look at him with a raised brow bc what the fuck this massive man is holding the smallest cat in the world, but toji didn't mind. he didn't care. the cat slept on his back that very same night.
ALSO. thank u @kentophilia for putting this idea in my head ily<33 during the late hours of the day, toji lays in bed while reading his book with his glasses on – the cat stands on his chest with a determined face. he's already purring even though toji hasn't even done anything. he's just soo comforting and the cat just loves him soooo much okay:((((( toji lowers his book to look at the thing before scratching the top of his head and smiling to himself when the cat closes his eyes and purrs even louder.
the cat ends up trying to make biscuits on him and that makes toji yelp lmao. the tiny little claws dig into his warm skin as the he kneads toji like he's a piece of dough. purring and content – toji doesn't have it in him to make him stop either. it's not like it actually hurts, he was just caught off-guard. he didn't get scared by a cat btw, he didn't. in the end, he keeps reading his book with his one hand while petting the creature with the other. this is their routine. they're family!!!!!!!
anyway. he loves his little kitty cat with all his heart and he would literally kill for him:33333
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
141 TF x male reader
This is the continuation to this oneshot. It's mostly fluff and kind of dates with the guys. It's probably going to be over 2k too, so just get prepared.
Summary: The TF is ready to work together in order to date (Y/N).
Warnings: Fluff, cute dates, just cuteness overall, author may have procrastinated and just took sweet time writings and then rushing at 11:30 pm and is tired...
And yes, another Ghost gif. I love this man too much....
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After about 3 days of deciding on how to approach (Y/N), they just decided to talk to him in his room. And they all wanted to see the little kitten. Price knocked on his door, the other 3 members were behind him. For the first time in a long time, they were nervous.
And they were military men.
(Y/N) opened the door, smiling at the sight of the men. "Hey guys. What's up? "
" Can we talk to you? " John asked, anxiety building up.
" Sure. " (Y/N) said, stepping aside to let the men in. All of them went straight to the little kitten, giving it a pet or a scratch, then sitting down somewhere in the room.
" What is it that you guys wanted to talk about? " (Y/N) asked, sitting down at chair close to his desk.
Everyone glanced at Price. (Y/N)'s eyes went to Price's.
" Okay, now I'm nervous. Is it bad news or- ? " (Y/N) asked, confused and anxious.
" No, no, no. " Price said, calming the man down. " It's just... All of us find you attractive. " Price started, watching (Y/N)'s cheeks getting red. Wow.
" And we have all... Got feelings for you. And that's what we are here to talk about. We wanted to ask you to date you. All four of us. " Price said, watching (Y/N)'s face. It was red and he seemed flustered.
" Okay, um... Are you sure? I mean, dating somebody who doesn't know who he is or knows what he likes? " (Y/N) said softly, looking down at his lap.
" We know what we are getting into, if you decide to date us. Do you really think that we won't take that into consideration? We don't want to date you for your looks, we want you for you. " Gaz said from the bed, gently patting the cat.
(Y/N) took it all in. He didn't think he was attractive to the point of attracting 4 guys, whom he assumed were straight. And they want to date him, despite the amnesia and the incomplete memory and not knowing what he likes or dislikes?
" You don't have to tell us now, you can tell us later. " Price said, standing up.
" No, I... Okay, I want to just say this. I am interested in dating you guys, but... I have to say this. I want to be taken out on a date first. Individually. Also, I think that my love language is physical touch... Okay, that's not the point now. Don't go overboard too, please. "
The boys nodded, smiling. Ghost's soft smile was hidden by his balaclava, but (Y/N) could see the wrinkles around his eyes. He should really smile more.
" Okay, tomorrow one of us will take you out on a date. Do you want tell us which one or do you want us to surprise you? " Price asked.
" You can surprise me. It's more fun that way. " (Y/N) said laughing.
Price had to admit, he was right.
" We will let you know who will take you out tomorrow. Now we need to talk amongst each other. So, we will leave you alone now. "
Price said and all of them shuffled out of the room. (Y/N) smiled, moving to lay down on the bed next to his kitten.
" Hey you. You might have more dads in the future. "
The cat meowed, purring and nuzzling against (Y/N)'s hand. " You do like that? Who would be your favorite? Maybe Ghost? He does seem like that type. " (Y/N) said to the little kitten. Kitten kept on purring, making (Y/N) doze off.
It was decided that Ghost was going to take him out on a first date. Ghost wanted to do it in the base, not wanting the people to look at him weird because of his mask.
So what did Ghost decide to do?
A movie night in their living room. He made a little pillow fort and with a few tries made popcorn and some chocolate muffins to soothe the sweet tooth, should (Y/N) have it.
(Y/N) came around 8, just like they agreed on. He was wearing comfortable sweatpants and one of Ghost's shirts that he has borrowed from Ghost.
" Pillow fort? " (Y/N) asked, getting into it immediately.
" Is it bad? " Ghost asked (Y/N), afraid that it was wrong.
" No, quite the opposite. I like it. Come on, I need my heater. "
Ghost raised his eyebrows. Heater? " A heater? "
" Yes, you are very warm. Now come on. " (Y/N) said, patting the spot next to him.
Ghost huffed, but complied none the less. (Y/N) laid down on Ghost's chest, getting himself comfortable. Ghost wrapped his arm around (Y/N) and turned on the movie.
" (Y/N)? "
" Mhm? "
" Do you want me to take of my mask? "
(Y/N) lifted his head up. " Only if you are comfortable. I don't want you to do something that you are not comfortable. "
Ghost nodded. Most of the people would ask him to take it off, but not (Y/N).
" Okay. Popcorn? " Ghost asked, taking the bowl and offering it to (Y/N).
" Sure. "
Next evening, it was Price's turn to take him out. Price was a bit more old fashioned, so he was going to take (Y/N) out of the base, seeing how he didn't like being in the base so long. The plan was to take him to the cinema and afterwards to a diner.
Price waited for (Y/N) by the car, in civilian clothes. It has been a while since he got a chance to go out like this, carefree and just in civilian way.
He looked up from his watch to see (Y/N) walking towards the car. Price smiled, pulling (Y/N) into a hug. (Y/N) smiled too, before hugging Price back.
" You look stunning. " Price said to (Y/N) after letting go.
(Y/N) blushed and complimented Price too. Price led him to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for him. (Y/N) thanked him and sat into the seat.
Price closed the door, moving to the driver's side. He got in and started the car.
" Where are we going? " (Y/N) asked Price.
" That is a surprise darling. " Price said, patting his thigh.
" Really? " (Y/N) asked Price.
" Yes. I wanted to surprise you. "
(Y/N) just intertwined his fingers with John's and turned his head to look at the window. Their intertwined fingers were laying in the middle, next to the what (Y/N) called the stick. John parked near the cinema, turning the car off, forcing the two to release their hands to step out. Once they were out, they took their hands again.
" Is that the cinema? "
" Yes. I thought that you would like to go off base. You looked like you were couped up in the base. "
" You are right, I was couped up. As much as I love the base and the wonders that the it provides, you can feel couped up and like you are in jail. " (Y/N) said, using his free arm to gesture.
" Well, I can't say that, but for someone like you with memory loss... I can understand that. " John said, looking at (Y/N) with so much love in his eyes that he would have that his eyes turned to hearts.
" What are we going to watch? "
John just smiled at him. (Y/N) huffed. Another surprise it seems.
" And what are we going to afterwards? "
" That, my love, is another surprise. "
(Y/N) leaned in and gave John a kiss on the cheek. Price put his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, pulling him even closer.
Next up was Gaz. He also decided to take (Y/N) out of the base, but not to the cinema and the diner, but instead to a picnic. It was a nice sunny day today in London, so why not take advantage of it? Gaz has prepared everything that he thought that (Y/N) would like.
Which consisted of some sandwiches, chips that he liked, some fruit and some chocolates. And the drinks? There was of course water and some juices that (Y/N) had said that he liked.
And that's why Gaz and (Y/N) were in the park, in the shade, just enjoying the weather. Gaz opened the container with sliced apples. He offered some to (Y/N), who gladly took it. It was a green apple, since (Y/N) preferred sour apples rather than the sweet ones.
" So, how do you like it? "
" It's nice Gaz. "
" And how do you like the base? " Gaz prompted, watching (Y/N).
" I like it, but I wish that I could do something more than just stay in my room or just move around to the gym, shooting range and others... I just feel like I'm mooching, you know? "(Y/N) said, fiddling with his hands.
" Maybe you could talk about Price about working on the base? Maybe you could work with recruits or something like that. And you are not mooching off of anybody or anything. You are a SAS. Once a SAS, always an SAS. "
(Y/N) nodded, moving closer to Gaz. He took (Y/N)'s hand and kissed it.
" Thanks, I just... I guess I got into my head way too much. "
" Don't apologize for that love. " Gaz said, kissing the side of (Y/N)'s head.
" Now, lets enjoy this great weather. " (Y/N) said, smiling and making himself cozy on the blanket.
And Soap was last and he often says that they have saved the best for last. (Y/N) didn't know how to feel. The Scot was the most energetic person that (Y/N) had encountered in the entire base. He doesn't know where Johnny gets all of that energy.
" Johnny, where are we going? "
" Are you afraid? " The Scot said, smirking as he led him into the building.
" I mean, you are the most energetic person I have encountered on the base. I don't know how you can be so energetic. "
" Well, that is not important question now. You are important now. "
(Y/N) sighed as they got into the junkyard, filled with cars. What the actual hell?
" Okay, so, we have it for about hour and a half. " Johnny said, handing him gloves and the protective glasses. " So, we need to make the best out of it. "
" Okay, so we are going to smash cars? "
" Not just smash. I am going to make a few explosions too, just for you. "
(Y/N) laughed and grabbed the hammer and allowed Johnny to put the safety glasses on. He put the big hammer over his head and smashed the car away.
(Y/N) and Johnny were laughing away and (Y/N) was fascinated by the explosions.
After those dates, (Y/N) now had four boyfriends and his kitten whom he named Ghost, because the cat was quiet and sometimes scared the shit out of him, got four cat dads, which meant a lot of cuddles.
(Y/N) also started working at the base, finally feeling useful and not like he was mooching. He worked in the infirmary where he recovered and was there studying more about medicine.
And the boys got more excuses to visit him. (Y/N) might kill them one day because of the constant, intentional way. But he wouldn't change it for the world.
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mysouleaten · 6 months
raining cats and dogs ! [pt 3]
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tokyo rev cats/dogs x gn! reader
summary ... it only started with [name] taking in two strays when they were driving home from work, it was pouring and the two poor strays were soaked! you couldn't leave them… so you took them in
warnings ... fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff, weird dude
[part one] [part two] [part three].... [part four]
you were sitting in the pet clinic for over four hours. the sun was setting and the moon was slowly rising
you looked down at your phone '6:14 pm' was the time
you looked up at the door where the people took your new rescue
you slumped back into your chair, hoping this would soon be over, you had two other cats at home waiting for you
you sat up when you saw a man with a box --and a towel covering it-- come out, he looked around and then put the box down on the counter
"mx...[name]?" he hesitantly asked
"yep, that's me!" you said and stood up to walk the man in the white coat
"ah! yes, so your cat is in the box here" the man patted the box softly and continued "we stitched him up, gave him some pills, and gave him his rabies shots... he was a stray correct?"
"yep, he was.. found him somewhere, I didn't want to leave him, ya know?" you scratched the back of your neck
"I know what you mean, its good that your bright him here, another minute and the poor thing would have died," he said and continued, "I think you also brought two others before here right?" he asks
"yeah I did" you nod
"mhm, well here you go" he handed you a pill bottle "these are for him after he wakes up, make sure he eats one every day, they are vitamins and pain relievers"
"okay got it, do I feed them by themselves or with food?" you ask
"they are bitter so yes you can feed them with food" he nodded "oh and before you go, please make another appointment after a week, alright? I wanna make sure he's healthy"
you nodded again and carefully took the box into your arms and left the clinic. something about that guy... rubbed you the wrong way.. maybe it was just you
you carefully put the box into the casket in front of your motorbike and sat down and started the engine
you looked at the clinic again and the same guy was standing there with his hands behind his back, you shivered then drove off
'maybe I should find another clinic..' you thought
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you drive into your apartment complex's parking lot and park next to your car
turning off your motorbike and grabbing the box and putting it on the sidewalk, turning back to your bike you grabbed the chain from under the seat of the bike and wrap the chain through the bike's wheel and warp the chain around a poll finally locking it
it's better to be safe than sorry was what your brother says to you, plus this is his bike and you don't want it stolen
turning to the box where your new fluffy friend is in. picking the box up and walking towards the stairs and up
you unlock the door and close it back when you step into your home
"im home!" you say, then you hear small paw steps and meows coming from your room
you saw take' and peachy run towards you, meowing their little hearts out too you
crouching down with the box in your lap "heeey, sorry for being so late! I found this little guy!- or well he's kinda big actually, hahah"
peachy and take' step up with their front paws on your knees and try to take a peek into the box
"be careful alright? the big guys hurt.. found him at a car dump.. lots of other cats there too" you say
but you didn't see take' 's eyes widen and he stepped off your knee. peachy takes a step back too when you stand up
"ok how about you guys name your new friend while I make food?" you say as you put down the box on your window seal. peachy and take' jump up there
you stare down at the box before you hear a meow then you look at peachy
"haha this is a bit creepy isn't it?" you ask and she meows as to say 'yes'
you scratch the back of your head "well keep him safe ok? I'll go make food now" you say and back away from your cuties
coming back once more to give peachy and take' kissies on their heads, they seem to appreciate the attention
you even see take' cover his face with his paws and peachy snuggling into take' 's body
you retreat into the kitchen to set the food for your friends and an extra bowl for the new friend
how lucky are you to have another friend?
you didn't even realize how many more friends are soon gonna join your family
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taglist... @sixxze @ploxpoke @q-the-rockaholic @dancingnewcat @ariachaos @cashout-princess
if anyone would like to be part of the tag list for this series please let me know!!
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jukipptx · 9 months
o my gosh i really love all of your writing, could you do jaemin or jeno wanting to be the little spoon because they have a really bad day pleek? thank youu🫰🏼
he never wanted you to know when he had a reaaaally bad day, but you could always tell. it wasn’t in the way he still hugged you when he came home, it wasn’t in the way he kissed you and talked to you as if you were a baby 😭😭😭 you noticed because he just didn’t look you in the eyes (and that’s something he always does!!!!). you tried to find his eyes everytime you talked to him, but he would move his head elsewhere. he also was clearing his throat constantly, he did that a lot when he was nervous. if his day was just tooooo bad, he was probably just trying not to cry, because if he looked at you, he would break in seconds. he wasn’t afraid to show his feelings, but he knew that if he cried you would cry too 😁😁😁
buuuuut you knew exactly what to do to make him feel better. you went to pay a visit to the dorms even though he told you not to come today because “he was feeling ill and didn’t want you to be sick as well”, but you knew he was lying. you walked to his bedroom and you found a mountain of sheets, pillows, duvets and cats.
“are you okay baby?” you sat down on the corner of the bed (you managed to because there was barely any space, and the cats got mad when you got near jaemin when he was sleeping)
no answer, the mountain just shifted a little and the cats meowed. he was definitely awake, but was trying to trick you into thinking he wasn’t. you never woke him up because he gets all grumpy 😭😭😭
“jaemin, i know you’re awake.” you got a little bit closer and started to move the pillows a little. you were slowly trying to find him under the covers and successfully spotted a strand of dark brown hair. you held the strand in between your fingers, and the mountain shifted dramatically; it opened up and it swallowed you. you were now under the covers and being hugged a bit too tightly by him 😭😭😭
“stop asking questions, just hold me and don’t let me go.” he mumbled in your neck. you could feel his cold nose, but it didn’t bother you. it felt soooo comforting, and you hoped that it felt the same for him.
then he turned away from you so you now were holding onto his back making him the little spoon 😭😭😭 he was so much bigger than you and so strong and such a man so this position looked a little ??? weird and funny 😭😭😭 but you didn’t care at all. you loved him in any way possible, and you would do whatever to make him feel better.
“now tell me what happened.” you asked him while holding him a little bit tighter on the waist. he shifted a little and then you could hear the sniffing, so you positioned your chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek so he knew he was safe and that it was okay to cry now😭😭😭😭
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svtdarlingbby · 2 years
Seventeen reacts to their s/o's cat hating them
Ok I just randomly had this idea and have to write it down lol! hope you guys enjoy, I had a lot of fun writing this
when your cat hissed and ran away from him he felt almost hurt omg
"What did I do wrong??"
wants to give your cat some space but also wants to befriend it asap
gets scratched
takes that as a hint to not bother the cat
when you two are cuddling on the couch the cat will scratch him just for being too close to you
since then he side-eyes the cat every time he sees it but still loves them because he knows your cat just wants the best for you lol
as soon as he walked into your place, your cat gave him an angry meow
tbh Jeonghan was just amused at how angry your little cat sounded
"Wow Y/N, it sounds just like you when you're angry"
that earned him a playful smack from you
makes weird faces at the cat whenever its around for some reason
"Stop bothering the cat Jeonghan!"
"What? It's giving me a look..."
your cat has just been staring him down since he's arrived lol
eventually he warms up to the cat
but the cat still doesn't like him lol
your cat goes as far as attacking Jeonghan's leg but Jeonghan simply lets it attack him
"If this makes it feel powerful then who am I to take that power away?" he says as the cat continues to grab his leg lol
he looks forward to meeting your cat ever since you told him about it
but as soon as they lock eyes with one another your cat runs away
"Noooo where are you going?" he asks as he looks for the cat
this makes the cat hide even more
basically your shy cat will not be out in the open if Joshua is present
"Y/N, pretend I'm about to leave and let's see if the cat will come out."
"Josh, do you really think you can fool my cat?"
you guys try out his plan but your shy cat can still smell his presence
he feels bummed initially that your cat won't warm up to him
but eventually he turns it into a joke
"Here's Joshy!" he'd yell whenever he'd come over causing the cat to run away
honestly your cat actually appreciates the warning sign to hide
I just know this man will be hurt and offended when your cat doesn't like him
will do ANYTHING just to pet your cat
doesn't care if he's scratched, hissed at, or bit
just wants your cat's love okay
"Y/N whyyy does it hate me??" he'd sulk :(
"Maybe you smell weird"
uses that as an excuse to cuddle so your cat will be more familiar with his scent lol slick
ofc you agree haha but still it doesn't work your cat still hates him
eventually sorta gets over it but still wants to one up the cat for jokes
"Okay (cat's name), you win, but just so you know, Y/N loves me more!"
seeing as this man literally thinks he's a tiger, he thinks he and your cat will be the best of buddies
he was dead wrong
as he tried to pet your cat he was given a scratch in return
acts all dramatic and sulky
"Y/N it scratched me" he sulked as he showed you the new scratch on his hand
you feel bad so you baby Soonyoung and give him a bandage and a kiss
Soonyoung still didn't learn his lesson to back off
constantly annoys your cat omg he can't take a hint
it kind of becomes a playful game at this point
you cat tries to attack him and he attempts to dodge
at this point you learn that cats can beat tigers lol
oh boy
prepare for this man to be the sulkiest baby when your cat doesn't like him
we all know how much Wonu loves cats and seeing your cat hate him makes him feel all the emotions
he feels offended, hurt, betrayed even but internalizes those feelings lol
he tries to get your cat to like him with new toys and treats but he got no love in return
sometimes you'd just be cuddling and he'd go
"Y/N why does (cat's name) hate me?"
honestly you have no answer
despite this, throughout your relationship Wonwoo will keep doing anything to win your cat's love, even if he gets hissed at :,)
tbh he totally understands where your cat is coming from when it hissed and ran away from him
he won't tell you he feels slightly hurt tho
tries to play it cool
"Oh (cat's name), nice to-"
*cat hisses and runs away and hides
"...not see you."
his reaction just makes you laugh
you're low-key kinda glad your cat doesn't like him
because that means Jihoon will pay more attention to you lol
he's always been more of a dog person, but mannnn was he smiling thru the pain when your cat tried to smack him
kinda taken aback at first cause animals usually love him
but then he's worried if he did something wrong
"Oh my gosh Y/N did I scare your cat?? I am so sorry I-"
"Seokmin all you did was just stand there"
you explained to him your cat takes time warming up to people
surprisingly gives your cat enough space
but your cat is a little evil and stares him down constantly
ESPECIALLY when Seokmin is a little too close
he's lowkey more scared to be near you around your cat than your parents!
another dog person, is absolutely offended when your cat tries to claw at his beautiful face
since that day forward, your cat and Mingyu have developed a love hate relationship
Mingyu loves that you love your cat and loves the way your cat curls up to you
he's also super jealous of the fact that a goddamn CAT is stealing you from him
he'll playfully stick his tongue out at your cat whenever it comes into the room
you once asked him why he did this
"idk I'm establishing dominance or something"
animals and babies love this guy so when Hao finds out that your cat of all animals hates him he is BAFFLED
wonders where he went wrong when your cat hissed at him
lowkey really hurt aw
googles how to befriend a cat and tries all the steps but your cat is too busy being a hater
after nothing works, he tries to brush it off like he doesn't care
"Fine then (cat's name), be like that"
his eyes light up when he thinks your cat is about to warm up to him only to be fooled when your cat tries to attack his foot
still has hope that one day your cat will love him the harder he tries not to care lol
he's sooo eager to meet your cat but is bamboozled when your cat darts away suddenly
assumes that your cat is shy, so when he goes to look for it he is met with a hissy cat
his hand has never retracted faster lol
"WOAH!" he says with widened eyes
you laugh at the sight before you as your drama king of a boyfriend rambles about how his hand could have been severed
Seungkwan tries to give you cat a second chance by trying to play with it with toys
that turns out to be a big failure when your cat just looks at him like he's crazy
rolls his eyes and becomes a little sulky and jealous once he sees your cat act nice to you lol
"Hello!? I'm right here!" he jokes as your cat gives him a death stare
lowkey stays scared of your cat lol but hopes that the cat will warm up to him
he LOVES cats!! he's so happy to meet your cat
until your cat tries to attack his hand
"Oh god! Chill!" he exclaims as he pulls his hand back
reassures the cat that he's not an enemy and won't hurt it
your cat is having none of that as it sassily walks away from him
"Well I can see where your attitude comes from..."
he still wants your cat to love him so he even goes out of his way to buy toys!
your cat won't play with the toys with Vernon but he'll play with you
he feels a little sulky but as a cat lover he knows that some cats are just moody
has a lot of faith your cat will eventually befriend him, but who knows when that's gonna happen?
upon meeting your cat, he thinks its an absolute angel until it lets out the unfriendliest meow he's ever heard
he's left agape as your cat darts away
"Uh...did I say something?"
for some reason your cat always gives Chan the death glare or a side eye
poor Chan is just confused why your cat hates him like???
initially he felt kinda offended but once he realizes your cat won't change he'll playfully go along with the cat's act
if your cat decides to give him the death stare guess what?
Chan is now giving it a death stare
thus the stare off begins
tbh their whole relationship is just stare offs
you hope your cat will one day fall in love with those kind eyes the way you did
but with your cat, anything goes.
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modelbus · 2 years
can i please request a tommy x reader where the reader has a cat, a kid if you will, i just need some tommy interactions with his girlfriend’s cat 😭
I’m actually deathly allergic to cats so I had to ask my friends what cats do… they told me cats are either the devil reincarnated or cute fluffy guys, so let’s assume your cat is a cute fluffy guy.
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Gn!Reader
Cute Cat
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Tommy is more of a dog person, but because the cat is important to you, he’ll tolerate it. If your cat is nice, he’ll warm up to it after a few visits, but if your cat is mean he’ll call it Satan and rant about it on stream.
He will refuse to call your cat anything but pussy. It’s gotten so bad that your cat responds to pussy as a name more often than its actual name.
“Here Pussy, Pussy!” Tommy yells.
“You know that’s not-“ you begin but get cut off by a loud meow coming from somewhere. “THE FUCK?!” Your cat doesn’t even respond to its actual name, but it’ll respond to pussy?!
If your cat ever scratches him, accidentally or on purpose, he definitely complains about it on stream like “HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THAT EVIL MOTHERFUCKER DID TO ME?! WIL, WILBUR, IT TRIED TO KILL ME!”
He talks to it like it’s an actual person though, creeping you out sometimes.
“Stop staring at me like that, mate. I think you’ve got a staring problem.” Tommy points at your cat with the TV remote, “close them eyes before they dry out king. I know I’m hot, but you can’t have me. I’m a taken man.”
He's mean to your cat constantly as a defense mechanism because he’s meant to be a dog person. Don't worry though, he secretly loves your cat.
And he keeps trying to show off your cat to streams, constantly badgering you until you just give in.
His Twitter and Instagram are occasionally graced with cat photos, which he also uses as a sub goal.
The first time your cat brought a dead animal to you while he was there was certainly traumatizing for him...
"Hey Puss- what's in your mouth?" Tommy asks, cutting himself off.
"Huh?" You hum, turning to look at your beloved cat. All too used to owning a cat, you immediately recognize the dead animal being deposited on your carpet.
"What the fuck is that?"
"Tommy, don't freak out, okay?"
Despite the trauma your cat has put him through, he still loves to play with it. His favorite is definitely one of those dangly feather things because he's amazed at how high your cat can jump.
Although he is very sick and tired of your cat trying to fight his feet and sitting on his shoes.
Tommy convinced you one time to get your cat "high" on catnip, which ended in a very weird Tik Tok.
"No, no, no, trust me. It's just a little catnip. He'll only get a little high."
After you make a big deal out of it, he buys something for your cat's birthday like a good boyfriend <3
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philtstone · 7 months
22 (kisses on head) Sam Wilson & dealer's choice
its been 84 years & i finally finished writing this .... inspired by life events bc apparently thats how most of my fatws stories seem to work these days. also shoutout to @foolgobi65, my bestie and co-middle aged fictional man. miss u so much, praying that in 1 month i will be a 60 dollar flight away from u, etc etc
It takes Sam a few tries to make the call.
Okay, so maybe that's hypocritical of him. It's okay to reach out to people when you need 'em, Buck. I'm here if you need to talk about anything, B. You know avoiding the world won't make anything easier, man.
Yeah, yeah -- so Sam's sometimes a textbook example of do as I say, not as I do. His sister would be the first to remind him of this, loudly and annoyingly. Recently, Bucky's taken to agreeing with her -- loudly and annoyingly, after he's given Sam a mildly amused eyebrow at the liberal shortening of his already short nickname -- but it's hard to remember that, and the general cross bleeding of their lives over and across like veins, when he hasn't seen Bucky in a month and their texts have been few and far between.
Not for any nefarious reason or anything. Sam's just been busy. Sitting in interminable meetings with assholes. Getting asked inane leading questions about his stance on global politics. Trying to push through the legal work of actually getting clean water to multiple places in literal first world nations. Bull-fuckin’-shit, Sam thinks. There is perpetual grit behind his eyes. The urge to dangle senators by their ankles from the top of multi-story buildings is real. He and Bucky did that a couple times, in the early days, but then Rhodey got in trouble because of it, so they agreed to ease off for a bit. So now Sam hasn’t even got that as an outlet, and it’s on him to figure out this messed up world for everyone else 'cause for every person who seems to care to try it, there are hundreds more who couldn't give a shit. He needs a vacation. Or a reset. Something to remind him what being Captain America is really about.
And Bucky's -- well, he's definitely not retired, but Sam thinks he deserves some peace and quiet, after everything.
The phone rings a fifth time. It's two in the morning. Sam sits in the dark quiet of his hotel room and is about to swipe end call and just content himself with a short text hey man, how's it going? when suddenly the call connects.
Sam squints.
"Why am I looking at a weird corner of your ceiling?" he asks, before his tired brain can catch up to the possibility that maybe something is deeply, horribly wrong, and there are bad guys there, and their mutual worlds are about to end for the twentieth time.
Then Bucky's forehead pops up from behind the kitchen counter.
“Sam, hey,” he says, before Sam can question further. The phone camera shakes like it’s being propped up against something by a hasty hand, “Gimme a sec, I’m in the middle of something.”
The forehead disappears. Not in a normal way, like Bucky walking out of frame, but in a weird way, like Bucky dropping below the counter to the floor.
“C’mon, ya little twerp, slow down a second …”
“Uh …” Sam wets his lips. “Is now a bad time?”
“‘S fine!” calls his friend’s disembodied voice. “Talk, I’m listenin’.” There is a thump, and a small yowl, and a distinctively Bucky-flavoured grunt. 
Sam can see the edge of Bucky's stove behind him and slowly registers the warm kitchen lighting and mess of kitchen implements strewn ... everywhere.
"What ... exactly are you doing?"
"Wrangling," says Bucky. "How've you been?" 
Could be better should be Sam's honest response. Instead he blinks at the obvious noises of scuffle, the muffled thud of metal limb against laminate kitchen island, some plaintive meows, and ...
Peep peep peep peep peep.
“Fuckin’ – Alpine!”
“I told you that cat’s possessed,” Sam says, for lack of anything else to contribute to the mystifying noises coming from his phone. 
“Aha!” yells Bucky. There is a particularly despondent screech, and the peeping ramps up in intensity. 
Three months ago they’d got caught trying to bust some superpowered underground fight club and spent two days stuck in some underground bunker under threat of fighting in said club. Could make big bucks, taking bets on Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Sam wishes those violence-mongering assholes could see the two of them now.
Bucky’s head reappears.
“She’s not possessed,” he says. Sam can’t exactly agree, when directly to Bucky’s left, the little white housecat he found in the dumpsters behind his apartment last February is doing her best to wage feral holy war against the impervious plates of his left hand, which has got her hovering four feet above the ground by the scruff of her neck. Bucky himself seems unbothered by the crazy feline trying to maul his hand, and in fact unbothered in general, despite his wild case of bedhead, hole-ridden pajama shirt and slightly faded underwear all captured in frame. His other hand, stretched all the way out in the other direction, is held tightly in a fist.
And it’s squeaking.
“Bucky,” Sam says slowly, “I get that you got this whole nonviolence thing goin’ on right now –” It’s been a new thing Bucky keeps bringing up in sardonic therapy speak, always raising his eyebrows to show that he’s the only one allowed in on the joke, as if Sam knows he hasn’t touched a gun in three years – “but is two am really the right time to stop your honest to God housecat from takin’ out a mouse in your kitchen?”
“Mouse?” Bucky says with a frown. Then he grins. “Aw, no, I found him in the elevator today. Dunno how he got there.” Then, with impossible gentleness, he brings his fist up to the blurry camera, so Sam can see the fuzzy yellow crown of a tiny, very squeaky duckling.
Sam stares.
“That’s a duck,” he says.
“Duck-ling,” Bucky corrects. “He’s kind of helpless. Kept falling over on its own ass ‘til I brought him up. I think he was in shock.”
Peep, says the little duckling, as if agreeing. Or maybe as if to say, And then you exposed me to your psycho cat, asshole, you don’t think that was traumatizing? 
Maybe Bucky speaks duck better than Sam does, because he only grins, widely, and then proceeds to press a small kiss to the top of the duckling’s head.
Sam feels like he must be dreaming.
“You adopted a duckling?” he manages.
“Not officially,” Bucky protests.
“You can’t just adopt a duckling in Brooklyn.”
“I got a bathtub!”
“You got a shower cubicle, man.”
“Okay, fine, I got a sink.”
“Dude, you can’t rehome a duck in your tiny ass sink.”
“He hasn’t got anywhere else to go, Sam, he’s just a baby.”
Sam gestures in mild distress to the cat, who is still trying desperately to escape her vibranium bonds. “Is this not considered a barrier to duck adoption?!” he says.
Bucky sighs, the kind that slumps your shoulders up and down. He holds Alpine up to his face, sternly. She is midway through attempting to chew his wrist with her pointy little cat teeth. 
“You got wax in your ears? Knock it off, Sweets. Whaddaya want, more attention? You want a kiss on the forehead, too?”
“I do not get paid enough for this,” Sam says, putting his head in his hands and staring across the room.
Peep peep peep agrees the duckling.
“Look,” Bucky says, gesturing with his duckling hand. “I’ll think of something.”
“Something stupid,” says Sam.
Bucky doesn’t seem bothered, though. “So what’d you wanna talk to me about?” he asks.
Sam pauses. He’s got to think about it now. In fact – the edge of need that had been present just four minutes ago has mostly disappeared. He takes in Bucky’s disheveled appearance again. 
“You still goin’ down next weekend?”
It is a long weekend. Thanksgiving, to be precise. Sam has spent many a Thanksgiving dreaming of his sister’s cooking; he’s not sure he has the mental fortitude to skip out on it this year, when nothing world-ending is happening.
Bucky gives him a weird look. “Sure. Are you?”
“Delacroix’s still doin’ its food drive, right?”
“Sure,” says Bucky again. He scratches an itch behind his ear with the watch strap around his right wrist. The duckling squeaks. “Maybe you should go.”
“Maybe I should,” Sam says. He doesn’t feel relief, exactly, but there is a cousin feeling, somewhere in his chest, that he does not have words for at two a.m., “to make sure you won’t be pullin’ lame moves on my little sister.”
“You wouldn’t know a move if it danced naked in front of you, Sam,” Bucky says, without missing a beat. Alpine, who has been quiet since threatened, makes a sudden, aborted move towards Bucky’s right hand. Smoothly, behind the counter, Bucky takes a couple steps back and opens the empty garbage can with his bare foot before dropping Alpine into it. “Behave,” he tells her muffled protests. 
“I know so many moves. I am super smooth with the ladies. And your pasty ass better not be doing any naked dancing, or we’ll have words.”
Bucky lets out a very long-suffering sigh. “Just because Ms. Gloria next door likes me best …”
“She makes a mean sweet potato pie every Thanksgiving,” Sam agrees sadly. “I used to get that extra piece, you know?”
“I can’t say no when Sarah invites me, Sam, come on.”
“So she inviting you now, is that how this works? She doesn’t invite me.”
“That’s ‘cause you invite yourself. Or she bullies you into coming home.”
Both of these things being true, they are both laughing before Sam knows it. He is decidedly less exhausted than before. Tired, sleepy, sure, but not exhausted. Bucky has now moved on to cleaning up his kitchen one-handedly, which he’s gotten pretty good at recently. Bucky himself counts it as progress, and so does everyone else. 
Sam catches his breath. “Yeah, alright,” he says. “I should get some rest, then.”
He gets subjected to a long look through the camera. “See you next weekend?” Bucky says finally.
And maybe that was the exact question Sam had been itching to ask. It’s been a long while since he’s had a friend that’s basically family. It hits different. Sam’s happy to get used to it again, bit by bit.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. I don’t think I can tell you all the shit I’ve been dealing with unless we’re out in the middle of nowhere.”
Bucky narrows his eyes. “For security reasons or Sam-telling-a-story reasons?”
“Man, I can tell a story over the phone.”
“Yeah, but you like having the ambiance. Brings the best out in you.”
“Fishing and stories just mix right.”
“Whatever you say, Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hey, maybe you can bring that little fluff ball with you. Can you imagine takin’ that thing through airport security?”
Except, oh no. Bucky’s eyes are widening with the sharp glimmer of a new, stupid idea.
“Huh,” he says, aloud. Peep peep, says the duckling. 
“You are not foisting that duckling on me,” Sam says.
“You do have a bird-themed costume. And Sarah’s house has a bathtub.”
But before Sam can open his mouth to argue, there is the loud crash of the garbage can tipping over, and the blurry white figure of Alpine pouncing onto Bucky’s head. 
“Shit! Alpine!”
Sam divines that he’s dropped the duckling.
“You know how long it took me to catch him?!”
Mroooow, howls Alpine, who is now on the counter, blocking most of the frame.
To the renewed sounds of frantic peeping from the kitchen floor, Sam laughs. “Dude,” he says, “you know your neighbors hate your ass right now.”
And it’s maybe fitting, that the last thing he sees before he ends the call is Bucky’s disembodied metal fist, flipping him the bird.
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Liveblogging real life part 2: Joel (it's been 12 13 days) (already watched)
Okay so maybe we'll do the liveblog-every-five-minutes-unless-something-crazy thing also idk if I should link this up to my intro post (idk how) or reblogged my og one with this oh well we'll figure it out why am I eating AGAIN doing this
I got inspired after rewatching secret life my beloved for the umpteenth time :P
Okay ep. 1/finale is hilarious and new "series" 😭
Joel why did you point out the cursor I can't take my eyes away
First batch
Joel jumping then immediately keeling over in nausea:
Idk how to respond to that but it struck a chord within me, how true
BigB wholesome waving but it also looks like his arm is BENT I can't get over VR arms man 😭
Punching BigB because he's so tall is so real tbh + love the smash cut to Gem being salty
Headpatting + baby-ish voice "little gem/Ren/skizz" what a gentleman makes me think of the try not to cry challenge or Jimmy's crazy christmas series where he says Joel is a crybaby and Gem says he's a romance guy in a mental gymnastics train of thought
Grian throwing his head back from the outside?! Cryptid behaviour
The real life vids don't make me motion sick but Joel making retching and vomiting sounds does NOT help it makes me sick by proxy or something I hate being disoriented and nauseous too buddy
There's probably a video out there of someone comparing regular mc to vr because vr just hits different like proportions wise
Joel noises
Love this Joel-Gem duo already idk how to describe it just fun
Also Joel having to process out loud he won't throw up on Gem I remember playing Richie's plank experience or whatever years and years ago shit was REAL
Joel's inventory becoming disorganized with things that can be stacked together :(
Hey what gem said kinda reminds me of what grian said :D at the end of his episode awful :DD
Poor Joel he's battling his height complex alongside his motion sickness (rip bozo poor little meow meow)
I think almost everybody had the problem of facing the wall dude, it's okay it's very silly
Water foreshadowing (he will swim with his future gang and become incredibly sick)
Geminislay that pig
Wait till Joel learns about lying down‼️‼️
"...Falling in powdered snow" kinda reminds me of this short story I read in grade 9 English class "The Bamboo Trap" protag fell in The Bamboo Trap™ and got bitten by big ass spiders or something the idiot, also I think got published in the same anthology as the most dangerous game 👊
Joel admits to weakness
Weird ass snow, someone built this or something?
Joel with his arms out looks so silly, so does gem
Oh gem how graceful with the figure skating history 👊👊👊✌️👉✌️✌️🤜🤛🤛🤜🙏
Lol they learn about the wrist chat
Second batch
Jimmy, oh iconic Timmy
Shield (why did I write this again?)
Bi shoes, love seeing gem's skin wearing the bi shoes I forget about it every once in a while and when I see it again it's a pleasant surprise
Vr players learn to pvp
When you use the shield to block in first person it looks kinda stupid dude
Campsite vibes tbh, I really like it.
Bee spotted 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 what is it doing
Shaky controller cursor over top chest plate I feel you
Falling irl indeed (recursive mention about plank)
LOUD holy moly Joel is loud (not negative)
Healf being something people can't look at at all times is actually a kinda funny mechanic
Smajor friendship aww when will they team up (did I forget about a series)
The poor beg for bread, we live in a society ✊😔
Grian killing??? Since when??? (Sarcastic)
Batch three
Peace and love is why they haven't died yet 😘
Arms again! Weird looking things
Hand gesture reminds me of that one diamond scar short with etho's greedy "I want the diamond" voice
Flint and steel? Weird looking thing
Omg red club looks like bugs, the way the trio gossips about them ♥️
Right no out messages...
Can't believe the most motion sick man gets in the water not once but TWICE this ep
Does he know
Where did the horse thing come from
Can't remember if I mentioned this but when the sword swings without critting in VR it looks so silly it pokes
A bugs life: the sequel
Club: deadly euphemism
Sword 😐
Something about jimmy doesn't get burnt...
Why is Jimmy jiggles the only one with a wooden sword???
Strong words from a man on the verge of mania 👀
Lol knowing impulse breaks the ground under Joel big brain man going for the kill
Something about the disappointed way Joel says "scar!" And scar stabbing him in the first caused this
Tim is so British he says "get in" so much
Joel, again exasperated, cries out "where's all my stuff?!"
Funny Minecraft men, my favourite funny Minecraft men
My god seeing from Joel's perspective his second death is from zombie
I think Joel was about to saying bluming + the cover behind house + the constant begging for his stuff back + violence as an answer (he hits men)
Oh scar up to no good again
Joel and scar just did mitosis stop being scared of biology 🙄
What was Mr solidaritygaming doing in that hill and said yes to did he finally get iron?
Aw the silly arm motion I love greeting people with spirit fingers reminds me of that
GOON SQUAD?! (neuron activated)
Famous moment
Oh more famous moment here comes the smallidarity kiss
Love Tim's body language once again the sharp smooth head turn to grian he's like a cartoon character
(what grian mean they are suited and booted he cut this part out I don't remember the other povs 😢)
Leave it to solidaritygaming himself to be the most homoerotic straight man there is of course + Joel is still patting him on the head? + Timsel being cringefail needing to jump multiple times on ONE BLOCK + Joel did NOT need to lean that much he looks like he's powered by springs + Jim's arms always being so tight together. Makes him. Look like. An old granny??? + Joel IMMEDIATELY checking his wrist afterwards like it's a Tuesday and he's on break + homophobic GRIAN + impulse's dad delivery one liner
The more I watch smallidarity kiss the more bizarre and asinine it becomes to me 😀
When did Joel learn to button jump (he WAS mental for jumping irl irl)
Okay Joel cut out that canary comment why don't you 🙄🙄🙄
Fond of Joel's cadence of saying "hello guys!" And "I'm coming in boys!" And "HAHA!" oddly musical
Okay aaaaaaand he dies worst ranking ever good for him the end
Idk if I should liveblog scar next or watch Ren because I've already watched up to skizz + me 'ead 'urts oh well
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inuiiwonderland · 2 years
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Chapter 1 : Magicless student?
You looked at your surroundings and noticed floating coffins. 
"What the hell??" You said as you ignored the flying weasel. You were trying your hardest to calm down knowing that you're in an unknown place and that a talking flying weasel is right in front of you.
"Hey! Don't you ignore me! I am grim, the soon to be most powerful mage!"
"Okay grim, mind explaining where the hell am I?" You asked as you looked around the room you were in.
"Huh? Is this some joke? We are in Night raven college! Only the most capable and talented magic users get accepted here!"
"Night what? Magic?"
"Are you deaf? I said-"
Before he could talk any further you made a run for it. You ran as fast as you could until you stumbled upon a library. You looked around but seconds later the flying wea-erm grim appeared again.
"Ah you foolish human! Running from me-" He angrily says but then…
"Me-meow! That hurts what gives?!" 
"Consider it tough love" an unknown voice said.
you looked to see a strange man with bright yellow eyes and a crow mask. 
What the hell..
"Ahh I finally found you at last, my were you eager to make your debut?" 
"And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school rules." He sighs.
"As I'd serve a lowly human, now lemme go!" 
"Yes yes rebellious familiar always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?
"Umm" you tried to speak but he quickly cuts you off.
"Ah! Yes your orientation has begun now follow me"
He says before turning around and walking out. You quickly followed behind as you looked around your surroundings. 
This has to be a dream…
You two stood in front of two big doors. Before you could ask the man who goes by Crowley-who told you his name on the way here- he opened the door.
"I certainly did not! Now-" 
He turns to you and motions you to a big mirror.
"Go on and step in front of the mirror! It will assign you your dorm and don't worry I'll watch your weasel for you! Now hurry along now!"
"Mhmp!" Grim struggles against Crowley, trying to get away from the arms of the crow.
"This has to be a joke" you whispered, you look to see people with strange cloaks staring right at you. You shifted around uncomfortably before making your way to the mirror. You could hear whispers among the crowd which got you a little irritated.
"What a weird uniform"
"Did they run out of the uniform?" 
You just decided to ignore them and stand in front of the mirror.
"State your name"
"I'm y/n"
You said, a little creep out by the talking mirror.
"Y/n…the nature of your soul is…."
Everyone stood silent waiting for the mirror response.
"Unclear to me.."
Gasps could be heard around the room. 
"What did you just say?" Crowley asks in disbelief.
"I sense no magical power, nothing, meaning no dorm would be appropriate for you."
Whispers could be heard all around the room and you could feel the eyes of everyone on you which made you a little uncomfortable.
"Are you saying that the black carriage went and picked up a person who doesn't have any magic?!"
"Nothing like this has ever happened before! This has to be a mistake!" You could see that he was stressed out with this new information. Though you were still confused about everything that was going on.
"Me! Let me have this student seat!" Grim yells out.
"Now why would I let a familiar attend NRC?"
You just stand there and watch as they bicker back and forth.
"Fine! I'll show you how powerful I am!" And in seconds you saw the same blue flames from when you first woke up.
"Everyone watch out!" You saw the red-haired boy yell. And before you know it blue flames were everywhere. 
you heard a white hair boy yell. All you could do was stand there and watch as the white haired boy ran in circles while also trying to dodge the flames.
"This is my chance to get the hell outta here!" 
"Someone catch that weasel before he sets the whole school on flames!" Crowley yelled. As you saw everyone get busy with trying to dodge the flames and catching grim, you use it as an opportunity to make a run for it.
"Wait! Where are you going?!"
"Home!" You yelled out. You opened the doors to go outside but the moment you did you froze on the spot.
"W-what" you said as you looked around. Nothing looked familiar to you at all, and when you looked up at the sky you could see people on flying brooms.
Eyes wide in shock as you see the students fly away from the area.
"Where the actual fuck am I?"
"Language!" You turn around to see Crowley walking towards you.
"Where am I?"
"I told you this is night raven college!"
"I know that! But-"
"But what?"
"But where- what country is this?!" 
"Country?" He looks at you confused and you just stood there dumbfounded.
"Look I don't wanna be here, so please take me back home"
"*GASP* Someone who doesn't want to attend NRC??!" 
"C'mon man, I have somewhere important to be! I am just wasting time being here."
He stayed silent. You were getting impatient so you let out an annoyed sigh before turning your back to him.
"Wait! Now where are you going!"
"If you won't take me home then I'll do it myself"
"You don't even know where you're at! Your home could be miles away!" 
You knew he was right but you wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. You sigh before turning back around to face him.
"Then…can you please at least take me home?"
"I will, since the black carriage pick up a magicless student, you won't be able to attend NRC" 
"Now let's go back inside"
"Um there a fire going on in there"
"Oh, right!" He quickly ran back inside and you followed right after him.
Back inside you could see two students chasing after grim with..magical pens? You still couldn't process everything that you were seeing.
Finally after what seemed to be forever they finally managed to catch grim. You let out a sigh, glad that it was over so you can quickly leave.
"Ah well now! Now that, that's over, let send this poor soul back to where they came from"
"O, mirror of darkness! Guide this one to where they belong!"
"It is nowhere to be found"
To be continued
A/n: I am so sorry for taking forever to do chapter 1! It should've been out weeks ago but I got busy😓 it may look a little different since I decided to go off from what happened in the twst manga but I also combined it a bit from what also happened in the game[ hope that made sense] so I hope it's not bad😬
Anyways reblogs and feedback is appreciated!!
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seariii · 6 months
That was the best sleep I've had in months....
I had two dreams ... Under the cut because it'll probably be long. This is mostly for myself heh
The first one was... It was the middle of the night, pitch black on my room, it was raining and there was a thunderstorm. I was terrified, I wanted to cry and so I was covering my whole body with my covers. I kept hearing noises which made my panic worse until I started hearing a meowing.
I was confused and hesitantly uncovered my head and opened my curtain (where the meowing was coming from), not looking anywhere else. Then I saw a cat, an.... Orange? Beige? Cat. The cat was crying and looked scared and cold, so instinctively I opened the window and moved the net so the kitty could get in.
I tried to grab the cat but it scratched me and I started to panic once more "I just let a random cat into my room wth am I gonna do when my mom finds out". Even so, I tried to put the covers I was using in a certain way so the cat would use it as a nest and then I covered them up.
I had to get another set of covers for me but that's okay. The cat slept nicely and the next morning I was allowed to pet 'em, it was nice.
A while later, my mom opened my door and yelled at me that what was I doing with a cat, then it changed pov and I got it from the cat. Apparently the kitty was meowing for a while, but on my brother's window, and when I opened the curtain and let them in, they were really happy and it was like a little light and warmth. The cat hated my brother and wasn't sure what to do or feel towards my mom.
Then I woke up, it was like 3am
I can't remember if it was a male or female cat... And I don't like calling animals it...
Anyways that's that, now the second one!
I.... Don't remember exactly how it started, but I had to go to the hospital with my family for something. As my mom and brother went to get it, I stayed behind on the waiting room. I was looking around and spotted someone i knew, two people actually. I immediately tensed up "I hope they don't see me".
I kept panicking and avoiding eye contact, until my family came back. My brother wanted to buy something to drink from the hospital cafeteria and so we got on line. I was behind them, and looked like I was on my own. When they started to order, I took a peak and saw that they also sold stickers and glue and other cute stuff. I didn't have money do it for as a no go but I loved to see it.
Then someone snapped me out of it, it was one of the people i recognize with their mom. The mom asked if I could let them in on the line, and as the people pleaser k am, I said yes without thinking. When my family was done i nodded my head to the mom and let them in on line as I left. I then looked behind and saw how long the line was and felt really conflicted on letting her cut in line.
When we were walking on the parking lot, my brother said he would drive, my mom was like "you sure?" And then he went sike. I laughed and said I would do it, I've done it before (on my dreams lmao). Mom didn't listen and she was getting ready to drive. The car was on a weird position tho, between a pole and a wall, and my mom didn't know how to get it out of there. A man appeared and said he would help, my brother and I got on the car and I told him to help me ... Undo? The hand break. The man had grabbed the car and was pulling it as if it was a toy, but he got us out if that weird problem.
For some reason, I wanted to prove I could get home on my own? So I left them and began making my way on a scooter????
At first I was doing great, but I was going on the middle of the road, and a couple things started going wrong. Like, I passed by a garage sale and saw something nice, but the guy assumed I was gonna steal it. I kept going and eventually got inside a mall (idk why) and as I was going I saw a store full of cute stuff. I stopped and looked at the things on display. They had itta bags! And I've been searching for one!
At that moment was when I noticed. As I was walking in, I saw in my reflection that I was a man and I was like "oh ... Okay then" and went in not caring at all lmao.
I started seeing everything, all was so cute! They had keychains, posters, plusies, bags, I was in paradise! But a lady talked to me and said they needed my number for a survey on the store and I was like (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) but I've already done it before. To which she answered "yes, but on another store, not this one" so I agreed because I couldn't say no.
I answered some questions and then continue browsing. I saw they had mangas and when I saw the had the Shugo Chara one I ran to it and wanted to buy it, but it came in a broken bag and I wasn't sure if I could buy it. Another of the ladies that worked there got close to me and kneeled down beside me as we kept looking through the shelf. the other mangas they had didn't matter to me, so I was talking with the lady and asking how I could get this one manga. She took it and said she was gonna ask
On the mean time I continued browsing and reached the skin care isle, I started looking through the products and wondering if I should get something. Then the lady came back with an annoyed expression and started to complain about me. Saying "you are trying to hard. Just because you enter a place like this doesn't mean anything. You giving your number and going along with the survey was such a desperate act of you, huh? You are pathetic" and I was confused and just answered "... You are angry I don't know how to say no?"
Anyways, I didn't buy anything and started to leave. I got back on my scooter and went away. I almost drove over someone, and as I'm as about to leave the mall I saw someone about to get their ass beaten up, so I came in between and politely asked the other person not to. Idk if it worked but then I went outside.
As I was leaving I hear the lady from before call out to me, yelling my name (no actual name was heard tho, my dreams never assign names). I groaned and rolled my eyes, I slowed down but didn't stop. She reached me and started to apologize and.... flirting??? In my little aroace spec mind, she thought I had money and was trying to get something out of me. I, of course, rejected her and tried to go away. But she kept standing in front of my path and one time she actually hopped on the scooter and hugged me.
I was done, I hated this so much. I stopped and told her to get off and let go of me. She didn't listen and I was about to go crazy.
For some reason I just kept going with her holding me like that. It was starting to get dark and I didn't know where I was. I was debating on using Google maps, but for some reason I didn't want to.
I was trying to cross a big road, but the cars never stopped coming. So I waited until it looked like not s lot were coming and I tried to cross it was difficult af. When I was about to reach the other side a car was coming from my right. They were slow and k stopped so they cold pass in front of me. Well, the car didn't stop and trying to avoid me (I was out of their way), really slowlytook a turn and kept going until it slowly hit the wall. It was barely a small bump into the wall, but I saw the driver pissed, saying it was my fault and I was gonna need to pay it. "It wasn't my fault" idk if I said it or thought it.
I went away and took a on the first street so I didn't have that person close anymore. As I was doing that I heard the man start laughing like crazy, and with that, with it being dark now, with not knowing where we are I panicked badly. I started to move faster and told the lady to call my mom and told her the number.
My panic was increasing by the second because I really didn't know where we were and it was getting darker and darker, plus I was afraid the man was following us.
Before my mom could answer I woke up... It was a weird dream... And I kinda wanna go back to sleep...
That's all
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I’ve been drawing these the past few days, so have a sketch dump of Layton characters, though it’s basically just all Des
(If you want context and headcanons, look under the cut!)
The one with the round glasses is just what I imagine Sycamore was like during university, a nervous and clumsy student who’s always tripping over himself and can’t navigate a conversation to save his life. Don’t be fooled though, this is (for the most part at least) all an act, he’s probably one of the most competent people there. Not that many people know this, only ones who cross him. He was probably voted “[University]’s Pathetic Little Meow Meow” (maybe Gressenheller? I haven’t decided yet)
Next I decided to draw Rachel and Leon. I very much like the idea of Rachel being taller than her husband, and just wanted to draw that
Then we have Des with Angela, currently under the name Simon Foster. I’ve heard the theory about Desmond actually being Angela’s brother who supposedly died in the Akbadain ruins, and I very much like it. Here he’s supposed to be teaching her how to change your voice for disguise purposes; he taught her what she knows, she took to it very eagerly
Then I drew that picture of Descole having a breakdown. Personally, I imagine at some point this man’s going to have a breakdown about his identity after the events of Azran Legacy, since Sycamore’s been dead for years and Descole no longer has a reason to exist with Targent gone. In my head, after someone asking him this question, he sort of slowly spirals to insanity, chuckling and then laughing as tears roll down his face and he falls to his knees, and it devolves into a mixture of laughter and crying as he literally doesn’t know. I wasn’t sure how to convey that with a still picture, and I don’t know how to animate, so this was the best I could do
Next we have a picture of Hershel Bronev with a young Dimitri. I saw like, one picture where they were both kids and friends, and I just really liked that idea, so my headcanon is that the two were childhood friends. Dimitri was that sickly kid who would usually just stay inside, and he didn’t really have friends, until one day another kid went up to him and asked him if he wanted to go look at rocks with him or something (I dunno the exact scenario, but basically Hershel just approached him one day and dragged him somewhere to look at things) and afterwards they found that they both liked weird things and were both sort of outcasts, and they just sort of became friends. Here Hershel is probably dragging Dimitri home so that they can look at his things while talking about puzzles and archaeology, while Dimitri just follows, a bit shocked that this kid’s being so friendly with him. One day however, Hershel just suddenly disappeared, along with the rest of his family. Dimitri never found out what happened. He later assumes that they must have moved away, but something about that always seemed off to him, as it was the middle of the school year, and Hershel had never mentioned anything about moving soon, nor the rest of his family. But as I said, he never got the answer. He probably mentioned to Clive one day while pretending to be evil Layton how it was funny, he used to be friends with a kid named Hershel. Or he mentioned it to Claire
Okay, maybe having Des connected to two characters is a bit much, one or the other on their own would have been fine, but I like both headcanons, so
Hershel’s arm looks weird, I didn’t know how to draw it. I was trying to draw him holding Dimitri’s hand while leading him somewhere, but I couldn’t find a reference for what I wanted. Also I originally had him facing Dimitri, but I flipped it, but without moving the arm, so it just looks off
Whether you want to see this as Desmiti or not, that’s completely up to you, I’m still not sure where I stand on the ship. The blush I gave Dimitri was just supposed to be because he’s young, as most child characters in Layton have blush, but if you see it for shipping, go right ahead
So yeah I think that’s it
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ma-lark-ey · 8 months
Lark Liveblogs Lit episode 4(?): The Mortal Instruments
Here’s what I know going into it;
Magnus & Alec are endgame, Alec walks away from his marriage???? Very dramatically to kiss Magnus. I, originally, thought these two were reversed but my mate corrected me.
It’s (roughly???) inspired by her old Draco Trilogy (which I did track down and download, will read eventually) and shares the name with a Ron/Ginny fic (which I read. Mortal Instrument was a very fitting title)
And that’s literally all I know before hand;
Unlike the Harry Potter post, I’ll add my thoughts whilst reading and not just completely after finishing. I will still do the entire series post-mortum on each book, though.
City of Bones; (3/11/23)
Alec is EASILY my favorite. I figured it’d be Simon or Magnus because my blorbo history favors Simons and Magnuses, but Alec has CAPTURED my heart and when he almost died to Abbadon I literally cried even though I KNEW he survived.
Clary, on the contrary, is only slightly less boring than Isabelle. I think Isabelle is badass because she’s got a whip but both of these women is like. Go girl! Give us NOTHING! Especially weird because Clary is primarily our perspective character??
Jace & Simon’s weird little dynamic is interesting. I’m not. Its whatever. I don’t hate it, I’m not intrigued. I DO think Alec/Jace is a far superior romance to Jace/Clary. But also maybe my opinion will change. The little kiss in the garden WAS very cute. Jace thinks he’s so cool and he’s literally not. He’s literally so cringe. His snarky sass is so fun as well, obsessed with whatevers going on there.
The cup being IN the Tarot cards was SO cool. I’m obsessed with THAT.
How old is Magnus. Can I be condoning Malec. Is it like, a Calypso situation. Emotionally he act around 19-20, we’re going with that. He feels like a shitty frat boy. How did this man name Magnus Chase he’s so cool and Magnus Chase is the most pathetic meow meow I’ve ever seen.
Pov you’re my actually mildly hyperventilating at the end of chapter 22.
JACE IS VALENTINES SON??? THEY’RE SIBLINGS??? Really living up to stealing that name from Ron/Ginny fic huh 😭😭 oh god. Cassie… cassie clare… bbg….
So. The Johnathon reveal fr had me set the book down and walk away because I was in HYSTERICS. congrats, Simon! New chance with your girl because the other part of your love triangle was her BROTHER. so—
Newly finished City of Bones. There’s so much going on here. I’ve thoroughly exhausted my thoughts already. Uhm.
All I have left to say is I adore Luke. He’s perfect. And Magnus Bane RUSHING to Alec like that??? OKAY. HOMOSEXUAL MUCH??? Yes sir go get your man. I see you.
2.) City of Ashes (02/05/23-8/17/23)
Simon and Clary are a MESS i love them. Theyre IDIOTS.
Luke is still my beloved
The complex ass dynamic of Jace and Valentine,,, EAT. love it.
Im gonna be so fr i have updated this in six months and dont remember 90% of book teo anymore actually but Vampire Simon was a slay
Wait that didnt happen in this book.
this book took me forever to read because second installments are always weak af (Son of Neptune is an exception) and i struggle so bad
Dont remember if it was this book or book three but him almost dying and Jace giving him blood was the GAYEST thing I’ve ever seen and they should make out. Like that was so horny and for what.
YES THAT WAS TEO IM CORRECT because two was the boar fight and three was the city where sebastian whatever the fuck killed max
Moving on.
3.) City of Glass (8/19/23-8/23/23)
Magnus & Alec appeared like twice but im obsessed with Magnus every time he appears im flirting with him hey bb howzit going.
Maya is my FAVORITE ever i love a wolf girl. Also love a fear demon.
The Max death was UNNECESSARY and UNCALLED FOR he was a BABY BOY. what did he ever do to deserve this. He died HOLDING JACE’S SOLDIER. devastating. Awful.
The mark of Kane for Simon was real as shit im obsessed with that.
The Angel reviving Jace was literally so funny silly goofy. He went “god. What the fuck. At least give this kid a chance at being normal” and thats so funny.
I want to study Jace like a bug. Hes so babygirl.
(I’ll reblog with updates as I read the last half of the series 🙏 it’s taking longer bc ~ school ~)
My best mate & I watched the first season of the show & the City of Bones movie and;
Okay we only watched the first like. 45 minutes of City of Bones because we wanted to watch something genuinely bad and it was doing too well. Obsessed with the cast on that, though. We didnt even get to Magnus or Alec because every casting on the movie was good until Isabelle and it was so bad I made my mate turn it off because I Could Not.
I’m on episode ten of season one of Shadowhunters and its not good but it is fun so I’m thriving. Like this show is bad but also its a fun time so we’re thriving.
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queeriboh · 1 year
Ryou Bakura for the character list meme please :)
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Bakura was 100% one of my first real gender envies and nothing will ever change that. long, white haired anime twink supremacy 😔✌️
least favorite thing about them: how little screen time he gets especially in the anime wtf also I just cannot pronounce his first name properly
favorite line: when he's trying to get Joey? Honda?? I forget which one to poke his arm wound to prove he's okay. that might be him possessed but I really like to think he's just a weirdo who thinks scars are Neat. like me too dude.
brOTP: Bakura and Duke, idk man they hang out and listen to weird music and play dice games
OTP: Heartshipping,, ,,, , , I think he and Yugi should bond and fall in love bc they're the only people who can understand what the other went through and properly be there for each other,,,,,, ,
nOTP: I don't really like tendershipping unless its played intentionally Dark and Bad and as a thing to escape and grow from, I think Yami Bakura would just hurt and abuse him and don't really like seeing it played romantically tbh
random headcanon: Bakura and Yugi are both big fans of the band Ghost
unpopular opinion: he's not all sweet and weak baby meow meow, he's got a fascination with the morbid and he's relatively antisocial. he probably subscribed to /r/watchpeopledie up until it was shut down, and is fully capable of seeing someone else suffering and feeling absolutely nothing.
song i associate with them: hmm I don't have a lot of songs for him but I'm open to suggestions
favorite picture of them:
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foxilayde · 2 years
i guess i was rooting for caleb in a weird way because like technically i know it’s weird to want a man to have a robot girlfriend but he’s kinda like a pathetic meow meow where i was like just let the virgin win for once. however, when nathan had figured out the plan and then was like basically telling him that she’s manipulating him i was like nooo nathan is lying! like it’s so hard to tell who the fuck is lying and who is telling the truth but i think ava kinda figured out how to use nathan’s weird jedi mind trick fuckery to her advantage with a more vulnerable person. I also think Nathan is very vulnerable and lonely and needed someone to be around whether he actually wanted to admit that or not, which maybe i AM endeared to him because in all honesty if he didn’t have all that money he’d probably be a fucking loser… anyways definitely didn’t stay right on topic but like you’re telling me you’ve got all these means and you gotta go around creating depressed robots to like feel something? maybe get in a twitter fight with elon musk or something… live a little.
Imma get waayyy too deep on this so hold on to your hat, but, okay you remember his “robot mausoleum”? All the fem robots hung up in his closet at the end?? I hc that these are Pygmalions of his former lovers. I think he built them in their images in order to have a second chance at these failed relationships. BUTTT! He does programming shit! like he makes them unable to speak and unable to understand English as a way to have control over them. He turns them into “bang maids” (they cook, clean, service, and fuck him… a “perfect woman” in his eyes.)
In literature, sci fi lit to be more exact, AI is generally used as a storytelling device to relay the male-centric societal fear of women gaining complete autonomy. A “monster of their own creation” (as demonstrated by his Oppenheimer quotations).
But Nathan is such a fantastic character despite this ego shit that he has, BECAUSE… he wants the robots to ultimately win! He has pre ordained himself as the creator of The Singularity.
He’s got control issues (like any alcoholic) but the logic of his character supersedes that. He’s so complex. He’s a true scientist underneath his show-off crap. And he can play a GAME! He loooved fucking with Caleb. A big chunk of that was probably due to the fact he was lonely. But MOSTLY he was a scientist introducing an unknown variable!
I… don’t even know what point I’m trying to make. Full disclosure I have bronchitis and I’m on some prescription grade nighttime cough syrup. 💚. Glad you enjoyed the movie. It’s one of my faves and I love Nathan so much I think he’d be so fun to chat with.
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spider-gem · 2 years
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I posted 554 times in 2022
That's 554 more posts than 2021!
116 posts created (21%)
438 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 220 of my posts in 2022
#spider-gem - 96 posts
#spider-man - 89 posts
#spiderman - 69 posts
#spiders - 52 posts
#marvel - 51 posts
#daily weird spider facts - 51 posts
#daredevil - 25 posts
#matt murdock - 22 posts
#daily spider man quotes - 17 posts
#mcu - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#and then you realize that the chaos began half an hour ago and he’s just here to brag about it
My Top Posts in 2022:
My family: *watching Moonknight, with a grown man being a Poor Little Meow Meow ™ and fumble around in confusion as he wakes up in different places* What the fuck is going on??
Me, a comic nerd: *watching Moonknight, with a grown man being a Poor Little Meow Meow ™ and fumble around in confusion as he wakes up in different places* I love it-
37 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Wakanda Forever Spoilers
I’ve seen that a lot of people started shipping Shuri with Namor. I don't personally ship it, but I'm okay with this. They had good chemistry, so the ship does have potential. However, Namor killed Shuri’s mother, which keeps me from shipping them together. I also saw potential for a ship between Shuri and Riri, but they didn't have as much screen time together as I would hope. I'll have to wait for more content to decide.
This is my opinion and I respect everyone else’s. Unfortunately, I've seen others (I suppose you could call them “antis”) harass posts about the ship. This is what I wanted to address today.
It's okay to express your opinion, but do it on your own post. People ship things for fun. Don't ruin that fun for them. It's upsetting to see people insult each other over a ship. It's fictional, people. Get over it.
61 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Marvel needs to release an official list of which characters were Blipped or not. We already know some, but there’s a bunch of newer characters that were also affected by it somehow. Was Kamala Khan and her family Blipped? Kate Bishop? Moon Knight? Jennifer Walters? What about the N!MCU characters? These are important questions that need answering for important reasons, okay-
210 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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Just finished reading the @ask-spiderpool blog in chronological order! The storyline is incredibly enjoyable and the jokes made me wheeze in public. And now I have a new ship that I’m obsessed with...
Saw that other people got shirts for this accomplishment, so I figured I'd make one for myself-
And when I say obsessed, I mean I'm probably going to reread everything soon...
322 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Therapy? No, that's too expensive. I'll just look at fanfic/art of my comfort gays for an hour. Same thing, right?
1,094 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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