#he's been putting her off swimming (telling her if she jumps into the pool she'd die. shit like that)
tinknevertalks · 2 years
Meant to be going to bed after washing up a few bits and pieces. Drew this instead...
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Yes, this is why I write fic, rather than draw fan art. XD
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Evocations: XIV (c)
Olivia wasn't about to let the hospital call Alex's parents before she did, so she lied, told the doctor that she would have to retrieve their contact information. Still numb, she found an indoor courtyard that was walled almost completely with glass. It was cool inside, and she could hear the faint trickle of a fountain.
With shaking fingers, she dialled Darcie's number. The older woman, who still had a protective detail of her own, picked up after a single ring.
"Olivia? What is it?"
The sting of pain in her throat, and her eyes was enough to make the stone-tiled floor swim beneath her. She swallowed, then choked only, "Darcie . . ."
But Alexander's mother already knew. The sound of Olivia's voice, the hour of the phone call. "Alexander!" she shrieked in desperation for her husband.
Olivia told them weakly to be on the next flight to the city. After that, Darcie began to scream.
The faintest streaks of dawn light were bleeding into the sky by the time Elliot convinced Liv to let him drive her home. He swept her place, spoke with the detail set up in the hall, then offered to stay with her a while longer if she wanted. She sent him away, wanting only silence.
After locking the door behind him, Liv turned to the apartment, which suddenly seemed ridiculously large for one person, and empty of everything that had made it comforting. In her hands was the jacket that Alex had been holding over her shoulder when . . . when it happened.
Her eyes welled with fresh tears as she stroked the material between her fingers, trying to find some reality in what was happening. Walking slowly, as if her feet pushing air was enough to hold her down, Liv coasted to the kitchen, managed to pour herself a glass of wine, and slid onto a stool at the island, unclipping her holster to lay her gun alongside the wine bottle.
As she sipped her wine, the jacket lay across her thighs, and Olivia smoothed her hands over and over it. After a few more sips, she picked the coat up and brought it to her face, burying her face. A body-shaking sob rose from her chest and poured out of her as Liv breathed deep of Alexandra's soothing scent.
The sobs continued their painful, air-stealing march from her, as she let grief rip her heart in two, until she was gasping to get her lungs to refill, her cries coming out soundlessly. Olivia hugged the jacket against her body, begging to be allowed to crawl into the grave with Alexandra.
This was when she felt something in one of the pockets. It startled her enough to cause her sobbing to relent suddenly, stuttering to a pause as she sniffed hard, looking down dumbly as if she couldn't remember how pockets worked. Long minutes crawled by, until finally Liv worked her hand inside, closing around the item and pulling it out.
When she registered what it was, sitting there in her palm, small and square and much too real - unlike the rest of the night - her heart began to pound.
No, she thought. No, please. Though she didn't know who she was pleading with.
Olivia's breathing was shallow as she opened the velvet box, to reveal the magnificent rose gold ring inside. A noise that defied description left her then, and she placed the open box on the kitchen island as though what had just been revealed was from the climax of a horror film - an eyeball perhaps, or an ear cut from a story's protagonist.
Before her on the counter from left to right, there sat the bottle of red wine, the open ring box, the half-glass of wine, and her gun snug in its holster. Liv sat, unblinking, her brown eyes fixed on the ring.
Suddenly her hand was on her gun, fingertips pressed hard into the cold, familiar steel. Could a heart pound and time slow simultaneously? Olivia's shock-addled mind was nowhere and everywhere at once. Was she trying to ground herself? Shoot herself? If asked, she couldn't have said for sure.
Then she was plucking the ring from the box, and she pushed it slowly onto her finger, admiring its understated elegance. She thought about the dinner Alex had planned, about the way the blonde had looked at her the other night while she had been trying out the new dress.
Her eyes filled up again, and she stood up abruptly, Alex's jacket pooling to the kitchen floor in a whisper. Liv tried to imagine Alexandra on one knee, tried to imagine her eyes when she said yes. The hollow that grief had carved out inside of her was like a crack in a house, letting in cold wind.
The hand wearing the ring pulled her gun from its holster, her palms cold sweating onto the steel, the other onto the marble counter. All of a sudden, the ticking of the kitchen clock was cacophonous.
Then Olivia blinked and her lungs filled again, as though someone had released a pull-string at her back. She released her clutch on her gun, then removed the ring from her finger, placing it back in the box and closing it up matter-of-factly. As fresh tears began to fall, she picked up the wine glass, still half full, and threw it with a grunting shriek across the room. It hit the backsplash to the left of the sink, shattering into shards of glinting glass and streaking red everywhere. Sky High jumped up from where she had been dozing at Olivia's feet and yelped.
Just like Alex's blood, she thought.
Picking up the bottle, she bent to retrieve Alexandra's jacket, then turned to move into the living room. In just a few hours, Darcie and Alexander would land in New York, and they would want answers.
The fact that became startlingly clear once the elder Cabots arrived, was that young lawyers are much less prepared for death than young cops.
Olivia's legal Will was on file, tucked neatly away in a filing cabinet in the unseen heart of One Police Plaza. Earlier just that year, she had officially updated the paperwork to name Alexandra as her sole beneficiary in the event of her death. No such paperwork existed for Alex. The statuesque blonde had been brilliant, stubborn, and utterly defiant when it came to matters of danger or finality. The irony was lost on none of them.
Alexander made a valiant effort to convince Olivia to keep the apartment the two had shared, but she couldn't bring herself to agree to it. Once they travelled back home, she told them, she would take Sky to her old place and they were free to sell the empty place if they chose.
It was no surprise that Darcie participated little in the long list of things that needed to be done in New York. She moved like a ghost from room to room in the apartment, looking but not truly seeing. Alexander and Liv shouldered the responsibility of going through Alex's work desk, closets, bills, and other assets or responsibilities.
Enraged by the fact that Liv hadn't been allowed to see Alex before her body was taken away, he arranged for the majority of her financials to be put into Liv's name. He also agreed on splitting any sale of the apartment in half. They worked out the details of the funeral service with as much input from Darcie that they could wring from the medicated, shell-shocked woman.
On the third day, Olivia returned to work. Being with Elliot felt safe, and kept her mind on work. The mood in the bullpen, however, was no better than the apartment. They all knew the funeral was coming, and their faces were all roadmaps of grief, guilt, and anger.
It was very late when Liv let herself in to the guarded apartment that night. She'd assumed that Darcie and Al would both be asleep in the guest room. So when she rounded into the living room to find the older man sitting up in the armchair, Olivia jumped visibly and caught her breath.
"Sorry," she exhaled, "I thought you'd be asleep."
The tall man had a glass of scotch that he was holding with both hands, and only one lamp was on, throwing a circle of light over his midsection, where Sky High was curled on his lap.
"I've been having as much trouble sleeping as you have," he said quietly.
Liv had been napping fitfully, on the living room sofa, at intervals of about an hour or so, clutching Alexandra's jacket.
"Get yourself a drink, Olivia," Al said. "Sit with me."
She returned from the kitchen with a glass of wine. She sat silently across from him on the sofa and they eyed each other stoically over the rims of their beverage glasses with the weight of their pain. Olivia loved the man; she wondered if he blamed her.
"When my little girl was still a little girl," he spoke up abruptly, evenly, "she loved to tell me that she was going to do everything when she grew up. Like it was a job she could apply for: The Person Who Does Everything, instead of teacher or doctor. 'Daddy,' she would say, 'I'm going to do everything, at least once, you know!'"
Liv sipped her wine as he smiled softly. "So, she started right away. Anything she could try, Alexandra was first in line, clamoring for the opportunity. She danced ballet, took art classes, tried photography, broke and then showed horses, buddied up with chefs to learn from . . . and in school, anything she studied she aced.
"Math, Biology, Music, Physics - it didn't matter. Alex applied the same work ethic to them all equally, just because she loved learning new things. When she came home from university with her first girlfriend, I think Darcie and I wrote it off as just part of her mission to have every experience." He laughed at that, watching the light as it caught the amber glow of his scotch.
"Finally, of course, she settled on studying law. I think that surprised me the most, to be honest - that she went with something folks would have seen as obvious. But I don't think I ever thought of her as 'becoming' a lawyer. I just kept on thinking of her as Doing Everything. Her life was just the long act of trying everything on for size."
Alexander Cabot looked up and caught Olivia's exhausted, sad gaze. "Falling in love with you changed her, Olivia. Suddenly, 'everything' was somebody and not an unpinned location. She wasn't any less stubborn, or brave, of course," he chuckled, "but . . . she was satiated. Loving you was a triumph. I'm glad that she found that. It comforts me."
Olivia prayed that Al couldn't see the tears in her eyes across the shifting shadows of the room. She wanted so much to tell him about the ring box that was now buried in her underwear drawer, wanted to say, Look, look at what your daughter saw me worthy of.
But the words were tangled in her throat like knotted string, making her afraid that what came out wouldn't make sense.
When her glass was empty, she laid it on the side table and rose to her feet. As she passed the arm chair, Al took the hand that wasn't carrying his daughter's jacket. He squeezed it gently.
"This wasn't your fault, Olivia," his voice rumbled.
The funeral was in less than 36 hours.
Every motion in the office the day before the funeral felt like plodding through quicksand. The only one who even sounded right was Cragen, father to them all, trying to maintain some normalcy to keep things from sinking altogether.
"Well, isn't that nice." Cragen grimaced.
"What?" Munch asked.
"Rafael Zapata Gaviria was found dead in a holding cell awaiting a hearing. No witnesses," he announced.
"There goes Velez's extradition," Fin tagged on.
"I long for the days when the government would send in the Delta Force assassination squad," Munch shook his head.
Cragen approached Olivia and Elliot. "DEA Agent Hammond wants to see you guys tonight. There's the address." He passed along a piece of paper.
"What for?" Elliot asked him.
"Something about closin' out the case."
It was truly the middle of nowhere, and full dark when Olivia and Elliot pulled into the sandy dune lined with tangles of greenery. Crickets chirped wildly as they crossed to Hammond through the soft terrain.
"Nice location. Convenient," Elliot quipped.
"Sorry. Only way to do this."
"Do what?" Liv asked, noting the unusual amount of cars and agents.
"Wouldn't take no for an answer. Real pain in the ass, this one," Hammond griped.
The two detectives watched as a van door slid open, and a dead woman stepped into the moonlight. For one terrifying moment, Olivia thought she was dreaming, and that the fabric of the universe would threaten to yawn open and swallow her before she could hear Alex speak.
"I am so sorry about all of this," was what the blonde said. She was clearly exhausted, and a silk scarf hid the evidence of her gunshot wound.
Elliot gaped openly as tears filled his partner's eyes. "Your funeral's tomorrow," was what she managed to reply.
"And you're both expected to attend," Hammond cut in. "For the time being, Ms. Cabot's better off dead. If Velez can get to Zapata, he can get to her."
"Witness protection," Elliot guessed.
"Until Velez is extradited or otherwise dealt with."
No moment the agents could have granted them would have been enough to say all of the things that were screaming inside of Olivia like a siren gone awry. I love you - your parents are here - I found the ring - don't go again - I would've said yes - I'll die without you - thank God you're alive.
"How long?" she asked, stepping closer to Alexandra instinctually, her voice clotted with tears. Alex's eyes were also haunted, with wants, with questions, with guilt. She shrugged her shoulders sadly, not having an answer.
She wouldn't kiss her. Not there, not then. It wasn't a lack of want, but from knowing that if they touched each other, neither of them would let the other go again.
Static crackled over a radio, and a Marshall said, "We're on the move. Sorry, folks."
Another agent said, "Move them out," and Liv and Elliot watched as Alexandra stepped out of their lives again - this time, much more quietly.
When the vehicles had all followed behind, leaving just the two detectives in the cold October night, Olivia let out the sob she had been choking back. When Elliot reached out a hand, she stumbled away from the gesture, hunching over the curb and dry heaving above the grass as wave after wave of nausea knotted her stomach.
Elliot rubbed her back carefully, as though soothing one of his daughters, and waited until she was ready to stand up. When she at last met his gaze, she was wondering how she could go home to Darcie and Alexander and pretend their only child was still dead. How would she go on doing anything, when her entire life had winked out like the sudden last gasp of a dying star?
El smiled sadly, threw an arm around her shoulder, and herded her towards their sedan. For now, nobody had answers, just a trail of destruction and change left behind in the New York Autumn.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Darling, don't say it's not much! It's enough to commit mass murder in here...
Omg, picking strawberries with Paz, this is such a cute date idea ❤️,
Paz def got hard too when your thighs touched his for the first time,
Poor baby couldn't cook much for the rest of the day, too much distraction,
He ''unintentionally''spiled some of that wine on you 😉,
Good excuse to touch you, or ermm, clean you,
Our big sweetheart can't help his dirty mind when he sees you eating a banana or when he gets you a popsicle,
Bless his soul when you innocently make eye contact with him while succing on that popsicle,
He'd wake you up by eating you out,
Then some wrestling exercises to get you fully woken up,
And then, the blessing, the best gift, it's the holiest of holy things,
Image that you see when finnaly get out of bed,
Paz in his sweats™ preparing you delicious breakfast,
Hugging his back as he is cooking 😍,
Also he'd make you fresh smoothie picking your fav veggies and fruits from his garden,
Also you'd get this cute, japanese styled second breakfast to take with you to work, he'd put a cute, handwritten message there too,
Also making various shapes like hearts etc with ketchup,
What's wrong with me. I'm getting horny over food 🤔,
Paz would still be doing his cooking magic after you guys had Andromeda,
Stirring something with one hand while cradling Andromeda in his arm, what is this balance, totally like a boss,
Ad'ika trying to steal baby's porridge 😂,
I know he is a small pupper but somehow he'd manage okay 😂,
Andromeda helping Paz with collecting the eggs, well she'd surely drop most of them but well it's still a cute image,
One day at Din's school was this dressing up as your fav character day,
You joined his class, dressed as a princess with the tiara Din got you at Disneyland,
Grogu from now one was not only flexing about his dad being the Mandalorian but his mommy being a real life princess 🥺,
When Din introduced you to Andromeda sr. you both instantly hit it off,
She was spilling all the tea about him,
Omg! And showing you album with all the embarrassing photos,
She'd tell you how happy she was, because she thought Din would die a virgin lol,
After Boba opened up to you some more, he told you all about his father and how dearly he misses him,
Boba would be surprised by finding fresh flower bouquets at his dad's grave,
He quickly found out it was you,
He got so touched by this kind act of yours 😭,
You low-key dissing Din's truck and him getting butthurt,
''Din, did you find this car at the junkyard?'', '' When will you fix this dent right over there?'', ''When was the last time you changed the tires? '',
''Sweet girl, it's funny that you don't bitch about my truck when I am pounding into you in the backseat'' lol,
Boba and Paz for sure had THE TALK with Din, encouraging him to finally confess to you,
When you started staying over at Boba's place, Fennec would totally ignore him,
He'd be grumpy and slightly jealous,
''Well, shit. My both princesses ignoring me 😔'',
He would be all pouty if you tried to cover the hickies with makeup,
Paz is actually a really good dancer (when he is sober lol), he'd totally pull of some fancy moves while dancing with you,
Din can't even put a hand on your waist before getting all flustered, also he can't dance for the life of him.
And Boba? Well he'd just be standing guiding your hips to grind onto him
This time much more PG, and sort of went all over the place. Forgive me for my jumpiness but writing these getts me all giggly and cheery - 🐣
Oh trust me, I get so excited to do these that I am suprised I can type lmao....
The morning routine with Paz is beautiful, and him holding his little girl while cooking 🥺
Then him letting her help him cook, and prepare mommy's breakfast and little to go container 🥺
Imagine how cute these two would be on Mother's Day
Them making you a four course breakfast in bed, where you all are just curled up together
Ad'ika jumping on the bed and stealing a slice of toast, and everyone just laughing
Then Paz takes the two of you on a trip to an aquarium and he lets his little girl feed the turtles and play in the wade pool area
Andromeda loving the shark tunnel and watching them swim over top of her
Then when you get home that night and you lay Andromeda in bed, because she fell asleep in the car, Paz takes you to bed and makes sweet love to you
Thanking you for being with him, and giving him everything he has ever wanted
Then imagine making frozen chocolate dipped bananas with Andromeda
And Paz walking into the kitchen right as you place the tip of yours in your mouth and you just instantly see his eyes cloud with lust
Paz bites his lip and coughs saying he is going to go take a shower because he's been in the garden (and because he has a tight big problem)
Paz knows how to tango (both in and out of the bedroom)
Now, Grogu introducing everyone to his daddy the mandalorian and his mommy the princess. You're killing me
You and Andromeda sr. getting along like a house on fire
You constantly teasing Din about, dying a virgin
Teasing Din about his junky truck, only for him to pin you down in it next time you both go for a ride
At least one of the kids were definitely conceived in that truck
Boba has tried to get him a new one, but Din refuses, saying that his truck is trusty and has always been there for him
It breaks down like every week....
Talking with Boba about his dad 😢
One day you find a picture Boba has of him and his father when he was little
You went out and got a nice frame and hung it in your living room
When Boba had come home he noticed it immediately, and had just stopped and stared at it
You had come up behind him and wrap your arms around him, and he just silently placed his hand over your own
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queen-of-songs · 4 years
The Accidental Crush of Sansa Stark and the recurring annoyance that followed- Chapter 2 pt.1
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"Sansa? If you could date any boy counselors here, who would you date?" Shireen, an adorable little camper asked as she walked all of them to canoeing. Sansa paused. Was her developing attraction that obvious? One of the golden staff rules was that there were to be no summer romances or if there was one, to be discreet to the point leadership didn't have any suspicions.
"She'd date Harry of course! Have you seen the way he looks at her?!" Beth giggled. "They would be like Ariel and...Philip!"
"Philip is Aurora's prince, Beth. Ariel's prince is Eric remember?" Alys shook her head at Beth. "I think Sansa would be happiest with Sam!"
"Sam likes Gilly, he blushes every time he's around her," Osha spoke up and the girls around her nodded in agreement.
"Sansa should go out with Dickon, he's so handsome!" Minisa sighed dreamily while Lyanna rolled her eyes.
"Can't you all see Sansa likes...." Lyanna began before Sansa interrupted her. "Girls, I appreciate you all comparing me to a Disney princess and wishing for my happiness. But I assure you, I don't feel that way toward anyone here."
Most of the girls seemed convinced by her little white lie and forgot about their question within seconds. All except for Lyanna. Lyanna stood behind while the other girls went down to the canoeing river. She tilted her head at Sansa in curiosity and Sansa took a deep breath.
"What is it Lyanna?"
"I saw you look at Jon at the pool yesterday."
"Lyanna, I had sunglasses on. I was looking at everyone in the pool." Sansa scoffed, hoping the defiant little camper would drop it. But Lyanna raised her chin with a sly smile on her face.
"Maybe that's true. But I saw you look at him a couple of times today at breakfast and you didn't have sunglasses then. You get a big smile on your face when he's around like the Disney princesses do."
Perhaps I should tone it down a bit.
Sansa took a moment to collect herself and sighed. "Lyanna, Jon is my coworker and friend. I smile when I see all my coworkers..."
"It's different with Jon. That's the way my mom looked at my dad before he died." Lyanna sadly smiled and quickly ran off to join her fellow campers, while Sansa stood in silence.
"Girls, can I ask you something?" Sansa asked as she turned up the volume to skype her friends during break time. Margaery was in the process of making an anniversary gift for Theon, Dany was painting her nails so they could be ready for her date night with Daario, Missandei was painting a portrait for Grey, and Brienne was ordering a knife for Jaime's birthday.
"Sure, Sansa!" They all sang in unison.
"Am I being too obvious if one of my campers can tell who I am attracted to?" Sansa spoke quickly, hoping they missed it. But judging by how they were all looking at each other as if they were in the Brady Bunch credits, they did.
"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Missandei shouted.
"I bet it's Harry! Margaery surmised.
"I think it's Dickon. Did you see the pics Sansa posted that tagged him in? They'd be absolutely perfect together!" Dany sighed happily.
"Well, are you going to tell us who it is?" Brienne rose an eyebrow.
"It's the guy I told you all about that pissed me off a few weeks ago. We've patched things up and he's really...cool." Sansa blushed and saw their collective smiles.
"You never told us Mr. Broody's name, what is it?" Margaery inquired.
"His name is Jon, Jon Snow," Sansa responded, and immediately Dany spat out her drink. "Jon Snow?! You like him?!"
"Yeah. Do you know him Dany?" Sansa asked, confused out of her mind.
"He's my nephew," Dany responded and Margaery's eyes widened. "Dany, how on earth do you have a nephew the same age as you?"
"Remember my older brother Rhaegar? Jon is his whoops kid after he had an affair while Elia was in a coma." Dany shrugged.
"Oh yeah! But you've never mentioned him before, why is that?" Missandei asked in curiosity.
"I didn't know he existed until he came to live with Rhaegar and Elia four years ago. He's hasn't been around much because he was either going to school or working at camp." Dany answered and Brienne leaned forward. "Dany, what were you going to add about Jon earlier when Sansa mentioned that she liked him?"
"He's a great guy...but Sansa, he has a girlfriend. Her name is Lysa Tully. He's been dating her for years. I am truly sorry, Sansa." Dany's face was full of sadness.
"Dany, don't be sorry! I'm glad you told me before I made a fool of myself. Now I can be more cognizant of my actions." Sansa put her hands in a heart shape and Dany laughed as she responded with heart hands back.
"But damn, I wish it were different. It would be so cool to have you as my sis...niece in law. Seven hells, that's so weird...."Dany began before all the girls cackled in unison.
Before long, Margaery narrowed her eyes. That typically meant she was vying for information. "Dany, give us the deets on Lysa."
"My brother and Elia think she's a character," Dany grimaced.
"That sounds like how my grandmother would describe Mr. Baelish and Mr.Varys," Margaery hummed.
"Rhaenys tolerates her and Aegon can't stand to be in the same room as her. My experience made me want to slap her, honestly."
"What happened?" Brienne inquired and Dany sighed. "She made Daario feel uncomfortable because he's not from "here," whatever "here" is supposed to mean."
"Oh. She's one of those types of people... ew does that mean Jon is as well???" Missandei rose an eyebrow.
"No, not by a long shot. Jon is super passionate about social issues and has always been involved in some way or another. He and Lysa got into an argument after she made Daario feel uncomfortable. She ended up apologizing, though I didn't think it was truly genuine. I think it was only to show Jon that she was "improving." Dany shrugged, while Brienne, Margaery, and Missandei collectively sighed. Sansa bit the inside of her cheek.
Of course, he has a girlfriend. He's good looking and has a kind soul. Who was I kidding? Well, maybe I can try to be his friend at least. Yes. That's what I'll do and my feelings will go away. They have before and they will now.
After making her decision, Sansa spoke up.
"Well ladies, enough about me and my sad crush life. Tell me about all your individual plans with your guys!!!!!!"
"Sansa, you should go! I'm sure it'll be loads of fun!" Her co-counselor Mya exclaimed.
The leadership team decided last minute to have counselor late-night swim and Sansa internally debated if she really wanted to go.
If I am trying to friendzone my crush, shouldn't I try to limit the times I see him wet and shirtless?
"I'm really tired, Mya. I just want to take a hot shower, it's been a really long day."
It wasn't necessarily a bad excuse. It had been a long day. It hadn't even been five minutes after Sansa ended her skype call with her friends when she heard Dickon radio for her help. Two of the girls got into a fight during canoeing and poor Beth cried the entire time after she fell backward in the river. The next skill area didn't fare well either after Minisa got bit by a brown recluse and had to go to the hospital. Then later in the day, the porch swing broke off at the merchandise store and Lyanna sprained her ankle. Sansa had gotten well acquainted with nurse Thoros. Because she worked so well with the little ones, she typically made calls throughout the week but never this many in one week.
"That's true but Sansa, you've been such a trooper today. You deserve a break." Mya reasoned.
"You were there too, Mya. I wouldn't have survived today without you, honestly. In fact, why don't you go tonight and I'll go tomorrow?" Sansa responded.
"Are you sure, Sansa?"
"Aww thanks, Sansa." Mya smiled and hugged Sansa tight for a few seconds before going to her room in the cabin to get a bathing suit.
"Oh by the way Mya, I'd wear the blue one. Harry blushes a little when you wear it." Sansa looked at her nails while Mya's mouth slightly dropped.
"How did you know?! I thought I was hiding it well."
"You are! I'm the only one who can really tell because I'm a big sucker for enemies to lovers so I can tell by the little things."
"...Harry blushed a little when I wore it last?"
"Yeah and I'm pretty sure he was going to say something before one of his campers jumped in the pool with his stuffed kittens." Sansa and Mya began chuckling as they remembered the sweet little boy who wanted to prove cats weren't afraid of water.
"Well thank you for the heads up, Sansa." Mya began to leave before leaning back in the doorway. "Should I wear my braids up or down?"
"Do whatever makes you feel confident."
"I'm going to wear them down. Harry Hardyng, here I come." Mya sang as she left the cabin into the hall to go change.
"Sansa?" a soft whisper woke her up and she could see Mya's outline by the bed. Sansa rose up on her elbow and she could tell Mya wanted to talk out in the hall. She followed her out quietly and then sat against the wall.
"Mya, how was it?" Sansa rose an eyebrow and a deep blush appeared on Mya's brown skin.
"It was wonderful. We... we kissed under the water. It was magical." Mya sighed happily and Sansa's heart leaped with joy.
"Did anyone see you two?"
"Surprisingly and thankfully, no. Everyone was distracted by Sam and Gilly. He finally asked her out!"
"Sounds like a good night for everyone it seems." Sansa smiled and closed her eyes for just a moment before Mya spoke up.
"Do you like anyone Sansa?" Sansa opened her eyes to see Mya have an eyebrow raised.
"Erm... not really." Sansa lied and Mya scoffed as she began redoing her braids.
"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I saw you staring at your former pool duty partner a bit the other day. Is that why you switched?"
"For one, for some reason, I thought Jon was going tonight before I remembered he and Harry are co's this week. Two, it doesn't matter how I feel."
"Why doesn't it matter, Sansa?"
"Because he has a girlfriend." Sansa's voice cracked a little and Mya's face filled with sorrow.
"I'm sorry I brought it up, Sansa."
"It's okay."
"What's your game plan?"
"My game plan? I want to become his friend and try to friendzone him."
"Friendzone your crush, hmm. I've never heard of that before. How are you going to do it?"
"Ask him about his girlfriend, what he likes, try to steer from anything super personal, keep a healthy distance, and....I'll talk about guys I find attractive."
"Besides Jon, who else would you want to go on a date with at camp?"
"Not really." Sansa shrugged.
"Any guys back home?"
"Um sort of I guess? If you count teammates/friends Robb brings home during breaks. His is name is Pyp. He's really cool and kind." Sansa smiled.
"Ooh tell me more!" Mya rested her face on her hands as the girls did during storytime before bed.
"He's majoring in Civil Engineering. He plays left wing on the hockey team at White Harbor, he's pretty good. I wouldn't be surprised if he was drafted in the WHL. He's pretty funny and a movie buff."
"Why didn't you go on a date with him then?"
"I was scared after everything that went down with Waymar, that I was a little hesitant to date."
"What did happen with Waymar?" Mya questioned.
"I made a fool out myself for him. I wore different clothes, dyed my hair black, and I even started going by my middle name to seem "cooler" to him. I..." Sansa shuddered. "I gave him special favors in the hopes, he just so he'd finally see me. One day, he texted me to meet up with him at his house and I went over thinking that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I got there and the door was wide open. I thought it was a bit strange and I went in, worried if Waymar was okay when I heard noises coming from his bedroom. I opened the door and caught him having sex with my former best friend Myranda. I closed the door and ran down the stairs. Waymar and Myranda came down right before I left. Waymar forgot he texted me and tried to apologize while Myranda just smirked at me. I asked her 'How could you?' and she said 'You're the biggest fool to ever think you had a shot with Waymar and I only became friends with you to get to him along with your money. Who would anyone ever want to date someone like you? You're a stupid and ugly little girl. Oh, you're crying now. How sad? No one's ever had the guts to tell you that? You're sasquatch with no curves or boobs."
Sansa looked down at the crown, while hot tears streamed down her face. Mya gathered her in her arms as Sansa sobbed.
"You know what Myranda said about you isn't true right? You're beautiful on the inside and out. Hell, I wish I was as tall and skinny as you." Mya whispered while Sansa shook her head.
"Mya, you're beautiful."
"So are you! Being tall sounds great, I don't like always having to crane my neck to look at Harry when we're bantering. The pool is probably one of the few kisses where he won't have to practically bend down to kiss me. Don't get me started on being curvy and having to find jeans that don't feel like they're not suffocating my thighs and butt while having a huge awkward gap in the back." Mya ranted. "Don't be hard on yourself, Sansa. You're amazing, you need to believe that. The girls love you, I love you, your other friends and family love you, and everyone at camp does. You need to love yourself."
"Thank you, Mya. You're right, I do need to work on loving myself." Sansa smiled.
"That's the spirit!" Mya high fived her and then they heard the door open from Mya's room to see Beth's face full of tears.
"What's wrong Beth? Did you have a nightmare?" Mya asked, her voice full of concern.
"No, I..." Beth's lip wobbled. "Miss Mya, I woke up and I realized I don't have any more underwear for the rest of the week."
"How many did you bring Beth?" Sansa asked as Beth sat down in between her and Mya.
"My brother packed me six."
Only six for Sunday through Friday? I'd pack at least twelve or fourteen... Wait! It's only Tuesday?!
"But it's only Tuesday Beth, how did you go through six?" Mya's eyes widened.
"I... I peed myself a bit on Sunday when I was waiting for the bathroom after I took my shower, so I had to change. Monday, I got my unicorn undies wet from the shower after I dropped them. I asked Lyanna to get some out of my bag. Today, after I fell in the water I got scared I was going to get leeches so I changed into my last pair. I just keep getting bad luck!" Beth started to tear up and an idea popped up in Sansa's mind.
"Beth, are all your dirty clothes in a bag?" Sansa asked.
Beth nodded and Sansa sighed in relief.
"Okay, I'm going to wash all of your dirty clothes in the washer and you'll have your five pairs clean again."
"Won't people judge me for re-wearing the same undies again?"
"No, it's none of their business and besides sometimes I wear the same undies when I don't take a shower for a day if I didn't sweat." Sansa shrugged.
"Same." Mya agreed and Beth looked at the both of them in amazement.
"Thank you so much, Miss Sansa and Miss Mya!" Beth hugged them both and went back into Mya's room.
"What. A. Night," Mya exclaimed and Sansa couldn't help but agree.
"Drinking coffee right before lunch?" Jon asked as Sansa filled her coffee mug.
"Yep. I'm exhausted, I had to wash one of my girls' clothes because she didn't pack enough underwear. She was upset and it broke my heart. Yesterday just wasn't her day."
"Beth right? She's a sweetheart." Jon smiled before he took a sip of his tea.
"She definitely is." Sansa nodded in agreement.
"Is she your favorite this week?"
"We as counselors aren't supposed to have favorites." Sansa attempted to be stern as Jon rose an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. Sansa began laughing so hard that her nose snorted and coffee spilled down her nose.
She grabbed a napkin and dabbed at her nose, refusing to make eye contact with him.
Seven hells, why must I embarrass myself in front of hot guys??? Why can't my laugh be sweet and adorable???
"I like your laugh, it's cute. You should do it more often." Jon's deep voice broke into her reverie and she lifted her eyes to see a small grin on his face.
"You should make more dramatic faces and jokes then," Sansa smiled back and Jon laughed a little.
"Noted." Jon nodded and then his eyebrows knitted together. "I just realized you didn't go to last night's late-night."
"Nope, besides doing Beth's laundry, I took a hot shower and talked to Mya out in the hall for a bit."
"Oh, Mya? Harry had heart eyes when he came back to the cabin last night. About damn time something happened."
"Mr. Jon? Did you just curse on campgrounds?" Sansa dramatically exclaimed and Jon chuckled as he shook his head.
"I sure did, Miss Sansa. Am I going to lose points now?"
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anonil88 · 4 years
May writing challenge ( @helga-leakadia ), Day 11.
Fandom: siren
Pairing: maddie x ryn
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Ryn sat at the table in the cafe. She stared at the clock on the wall while sipping from her metal water bottle. Her hand absently feeding herself with the dried seaweed on her plate. It was all she wanted, to be fair it was alm she could really eat here. Her most recent trip back to the sea came after a long break. It was just to see how Cami was taking to leading and if they'd heard anything from the arctic tribe. Also it gave her a chance to collect some discarded pearls and sea stones she could give to Helen for her shop.
Helen made her a small necklace with a shell that Hope wore almost everyday since she returned. Hope was curious and asked a lot of questions which Ryn understood she was picking up from Ben. But, her daughter knew of her own kind and begged Ryn to take her with her to the ocean. Hope cried for the first time that Ryn could remember in a long time that night. Her own heart squeezed as tears mimicked her child's but she continued walking into the bay. Leaving Hope who desperately was trying to climb out of Ben's grasp on her little legs. It just wasn't safe for any of the pup's to be in the water unless of course the waters were very secluded.
Hope did get tired of talking sometimes and their native gestures and signing worked fine. Hope would pull on her finger and sign for comfort or touch her forehead to her human friends as if they understood. Her daughter was as much sea creature as she was human. Yet, there were things she did not fully understand like why she couldn't just hop into sea water or swim at the pool "normally". But she was learning. It was nice, life had been nice.
The hand on the clock moves forward and Ryn felt eyes on her face. People stared at her often. Xander made jokes when dropping by that it was her eyes that were a dead giveaway. Ryn did not care though because overtime their bright color had faded. It was one of the many changes that came with staying on land for so long. She was fully aware though that her eyes were much brighter today than any human eye might be. She turns and stares deep into the eyes of the person looking her up and down.
A woman. She glints her eyes and realizes the woman is toying with a pencil and a piece of paper. Writing. Ryn could write just not as well as she could read. Reading gave her skills to buy things without needing to see them or tell her daughter stories from books Maddie had filled a paper box with. Some books with little tips on the corners and some that smelled fresher. Ryn looks back at the woman who looks scared she was caught. Ryn nodded and smiled a little. Smile weren't just for when she felt joy but to make other relax when they grew suspicious. Ryn looks back at the clack.
A strong smell was next to her and she looked. The woman was closing in on her and she checked her up and down. Then she started speaking which Ryn nodded to. Something about her having beautiful eyes and wondering if she was free. Ryn's eyes widened oh she was being flirted with. Sometimes Ben would try to get her used to flirting but Ryn always asked why he didn't just tell her he wanted to make love. It was easy.
The laugh of her daughter made her turn away before she could answer. The bell on the door jingled and Hope came rolling through the door. Her hand holding onto a large piece of paper that sparkled and glitter. The other hand firmly latched into Maddie's. Maddie who was chuckling to the small girl, slow down slow down. Ryn grinned watching her daughter rattle on to Maddie about her day. Hope always made her smile. Ryn smiles even harder hearing her daughter yell Mom and dart into her side.
Hope starts telling her about her day and Ryn almost forgets the woman standing next to her. She wants to know everything about her daughters day even the things she did not understand. Ryn tells Hope to say hello and then turns back to the woman.
Maddie comes back from the cafe counter holding two cups and places them on the table. She raises her brow at the woman who is just standing there talking to Rue while Hope hangs over her lap. Maddie hears the woman start to mention something about Ryn seeming the an interesting person. Maddie feels her face flush and almost drops the small paper cup that is a cold hot chocolate for Hope.
"Do you want your chocolate Hope," Maddie smiles to the little girl. She picked her up after dropping off some small fish that the kids in an older class would be watching grow. Hope was obviously waiting for her mom but upon seeing Maddie tried to jump into her arms. They would just meet Ryn at the cafe where she'd always wait until Hope was done school. It was a routine.
Hope bounced in her mom's lap nodding her head, while tossing her paper on the table and her hat too. Maddie grinned at the little girl brushed the hair out of her face from across the table while handing her a smaller cup that she'd poured the cold chocolate into. She glanced to her side and realized this woman was not putting two and two together. Not the way Ryn smiled at her when she came back to the table nor how she cared for her girlfriend's daughter. Watching Hope take small sips she gives her a thumbs up and stands up fully, this was taking too long. She extends her hand out to the woman.
"Hi ," Maddie smiles.
"Oh hi ," the woman nods and reluctantly takes her hand.
"Are you from around here ?" Maddie asks shaking the womans hand.
"Uh no I was actually going to ask your friend if she could be my tour guide," the woman squints and lets go of Maddie's hand.
Maddie smiles at Ryn who is silently communicating with Hope. "Well I can give you the phone number for the ocean refuge where we do tours." Maddie emphasizes we and laughs in a friendly but not entirely non threatening way.
The woman nods and looks from Ryn to Maddie and back to Ryn and then stares at Hope. Ryn notices her trying to piece things together but it isn't as obvious to her as it is for them. She clears her throat, "Sorry. Maddie is love."
Maddie smiles and nods to the woman who is whispering ohhhhh. The woman mouths I'm sorry to both of them and quickly flees in a different direction. Maddie discards her jacket and sits down in the other chair at the table. She intertwines her hand with Ryn's and sips her coffee. Hope is playing with her moms pen and the open blank piece of paper
Maddie gives Ryn a knowing look. Ryn shrugs, "In my defense I was left unsupervised."
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Pirate au part 5 (part three of three)
(Please someone show me how to do the read more thing on mobile)
Both 505 and Black Hat turned their heads towards the stairs, someone was running down them...oh it was Demencia, completely soaked.
"Woman, did you fall overboard again?"
Hat exasperated, rolling his eye.
"Excuse you boss, but I never fall overboard, I can swim in this ridiculously large pool if I want at anytime."
She snapped, though grinning hands on hips.
"Sharks don't stand a chance against me and you know it, anyway I was in Flugs tank and Ferral was just here and-"
Hat had heard one thing in her rambling.
She'd been in
The merman had not even invited him in yet!
He was about to let out an ear splitting screech when a voice spoke and purple portal appeared
"Awww I wanted to give him a spook Demmy."
"Ha no one can get the jump on me and you know that child!"
This time a young woman stepped out of the portal, she had tentacle hair coloured as if the cosmos night sky had been captured within her locks, skin pale gray with eyes of emerald.
Casually leaning an arm on Fives who passed her a cake, looking over the place she spoke casually
"So been a while, long time no see, I do not intend to stay long in this world, I just sensed an alternative of my father in distress."
Biting into the warm soft sponge and making a sound of contentment she continued
"Well I mean he wasn't in distress when I found him, Demmy and he were at the bottom of the tank, Acylius was purring up a storm."
The Pirate Kings head did a one eighty, a forced smile on his face, eye wide pupil a thin slit it was barely visible as the rest of his body turned to face her, he seemed to glitch in and out of existence, at one spot then the next in Demencia's personal space.
"What is Feral talking about Demencia...What.Were.You.Doing.With.Him?"
"Calm your shit gorgeous, you know you get me all worked up with those fangs, he kissed me so I could breathe underwater, cuddled and let me pet his fins...I was curious as to what they felt like."
Shrugging her shoulders she pushed through him like saloon doors in an old western cause he's an eldericht being so why not eh, shrugs at the readers anything's possible in writing right.
Black Hat gaped, mouth opening and closing, fingers cracking, he didn't care that the merman had kissed her so she could breathe, yes perhaps he'd made some really poor choices but not so much that Acylius should ignore him to this extent.
This was when Feral stepped in and slapped his face.
"Snap out of that little jealousy stunt now, you can breathe underwater just fine unless you wanted Flug to drown her."
Hat did not have a response so just shifted on his feet and then spoke
"Of course not...but you are not going to take him away he's mine! I....I um I mean he's..."
Feral was quiet for a moment, blinking and then a laugh filled the air, it was more of a giggle really a happy one at that, gods she’d come to a time before Black Hat and Flug were even together in this world...but a glance over at Demencia and oh ho not just that it was a dimension where the three of them could very well end up together.
“Stop worrying, I am not taking Acylius away from you one of my Father’s names is Kenning Flug as you know, he will enjoy hearing about this.”
“Yes, yes this is all very interesting, my question is, why are you bothering me instead of talking with my pet?”
Hat returned, clearly growing impatient.
The old demon actually yelped when she yanked him forward by the lace of his collar, it had certainly been unexpected...yet considering she was his spawn in another world perhaps not so, the shock wore off almost as soon as it had come.
“Are you to tell me, you have been calling him a pet, I’ve seen goldfish get better treatment.”
Moving back and standing up right again, Black Hat easily removed her hand replying curtly
“So I have been told. “
A growl left her the sound bubbling within her throat growing deeper in her chest
“His tank is bare, you stare like some deranged stalker, eat without even considering the thought of sharing, jerk off in front of him and wonder why he won’t say a word to you...”
Feral shook her head in disbelief
“How much of an idiot can one be, no one would want to talk to someone who threats him no more than a trophy instead of a living being!”
Hat’s eye was wide, pupil thin, he’d just about had enough of people telling him how to look after Acylius, okay yes fine he’d got it, he’d fucked up...taking a deep breath and exhaling, his thin nostrils flared.
He’d been about to say something when Fives chimed in
“Cud’nt ‘ave put it better me self.”
Demencia snorted and high-fived him.
Through gritted teeth the old demon spoke
“You two, out.”
They left immediately, knowing that tone and the demonic edge in it, staying would be unwise.
Turning back to Feral and glaring he spoke once more
“Your welcome on this ship is wearing thin, state your business.”
“Well that was rude, but as we are getting to matters and not small chit chat, this little thing has been swimming after your ship, she only just caught up. “
Hat’s mouth made a few sounds of unintelligible nonsense, why on earth had she brought this cat fish on-board.
“I heard her tired mews, you best be seen feeding her, a way to soften your merman is letting him know you will take care of his baby.”
Black Hat stared at the half cat half fish, it’s colours orange and gold, while it lacked fur it had markings resembling it on her fine scales, a plump little thing with toe pads that were surprisingly pink.
Her eyes were big black and adorable, Feral was keeping her in a sizable water bubble, the thing was staring at him curiously.
“Make the water stay by your magic Amadeus. “
Feral ordered, Hat did so and quickly as he saw the water begin to fall, urgh it was disgustingly endearing.
“This thing is a fully grown creature, not a baby I-”
A paw came out of the water bubble and booped the flat of his nose, leaving a water mark of bean prints and then Mew Mew loaf swam in a circle making cute sounds.
The expression on Hat’s face had Feral stifling a laugh
“You understand now hmm?”
“Lies...all of it.”
“Mhm, well I must be off now Amadeus, oh and another thing, I believe Thaddeus will be dropping in soon.”
She opened a new portal and started to walk through
“What, why? I have not seen White Hat in years, nor do I want to.”
His brow furrowed, almost letting the bubble dissolve, Mew mew loafs sudden sounds of distress and panicked for a moment as he made sure she was alright, while doing so he heard Feral say
“Why don’t you ask the man you call your pet. “
And with that she was gone.
Black Hat stood there in silence...oh...Acylius was the pet his brother had, had...in more ways than one, he literally winced, poor Acylius.
Oh no...he’d probably treated him in the same way, darkness below Flug really had every reason not to talk to him, it was about time he righted the wrongs he’d done the merman.
“I have been a fool.”
He muttered not expecting the catfish to Mew in agreement, honestly that was so unexpected he actually laughed a little.
“You must be where he gets his stubborn nature from then hmm?”
Another mew, this one proud as she swirled in her water bubble again.
Hat only shook his head and smiled.
Leaving the Galley he knew he and Acylius had a lot to talk about...that was if he’d even talk to him at all.
@villainousqueenofhel gave me permission to add her picture on here of Mew mew loaf X333333
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