#so its into school tomorrow to make sure the teacher tells the swimming teacher to be aware of the little dweeb
tinknevertalks · 2 years
Meant to be going to bed after washing up a few bits and pieces. Drew this instead...
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Yes, this is why I write fic, rather than draw fan art. XD
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itsdanii · 4 years
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To the person whose ask won't go through and decided to drop me a dm, here's your request ♥️ I hope you like it, bub! Have a good day and stay hydrated!
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genre: slight angst fluff
warning/s: insecurity, self doubts, mentions of che*ting (He didn't do it, just a thought)
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
prompt/s: "sleep at my place tonight", "i don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone", "please talk to me about it".
ft. matsukawa issei, f!reader
you've always been secured about your relationship but with the way matsun was acting, you weren't so sure any more. how can you, when he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he was avoiding you?
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You weren't a possessive girlfriend nor were you a crazy psycho bitch who would glare at every girl who would get close to your boyfriend.
No, you were understanding. In fact, you were too understanding to the point that you refuse to confront your boyfriend despite several days of not eating lunch with you, only to find him having lunch with another girl just behind the school's gym.
Despite the countless doubts swimming inside your head, you forced yourself to be positive, to think that the interaction was only between two friends who would eat lunch together.
Eating lunches with your friends was pretty normal anyway, right? Everybody does it and so can Mattsun.
Throughout the whole day, your attention in class was at its lowest point. You were too distracted that one of your teachers even pointed it out, telling the whole room that you were somewhere up in space.
"Y/n-chan! You okay?" Oikawa asked as he came out of nowhere, his bag carelessly dangling on his side as he held a volleyball with his hand.
"Mhm, just not in the mood," you answered with a small smile.
Suddenly, Oikawa put an arm over your shoulder and leaned down beside your ear. "It's about Mattsun, isn't it? It's written all over your face, y/n-chan."
You didn't have the energy to deny so you only gave him a nod before sliding his arm off your shoulder dismissively. "It's just that he's been too busy lately. I mean, I'm not trying to eat up all his attention but I can't help but feel lonely, you know? He's my boyfriend yet he spends his time more with that girl from his class."
"Ooh, is our dear y/n-chan jealous?" he teased, poking your side which eventually made you gasp.
"So what if I am? I'm still his girlfriend," you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
As the two of you continued gossiping with random stuff that happened throughout your day, you both decided to get some icecream since it had almost been a week since you and oikawa catch up.
However, the moment you entered, the first person you saw was none other than your boyfriend who claimed that he was going to go home early because of some emergency. A chocolate icecream was placed on top of his table along with a strawberry one that obviously belonged to the person he was sitting with.
Mattsun's lips parted, looking like a deer suddenly caught in headlights, and the moment your feet moved to run away from the store, Matsukawa instantly stood up to chase you.
You only managed to run a few distance away from the icecream shop when a hand suddenly clasped around your wrist. You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back as the tears started streaming down your cheeks. "Let me go, Issei!"
"Love, please. Listen to me. It's a misunderstanding, okay? I wasn't-"
"Shut up, I don't wanna hear any of your excuses," you spat at him and forcefully pulled your wrist back, successfully this time. "I'm going home."
"I know you're mad and you probably want your space but, love, at least let me walk you home. You know how much I don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone." Matsukawa looked at you with pleading eyes, his hand clenching and unclenching on his side at the fear of losing you.
You stared at his hand for a few moments before finally muttering a low "Fine."
The two of you walked quietly, a small distance between the both of you which you knew Matsukawa obviously hated. Everytime he would try to reach for your hand, you would take it away and pretend as if you were sctraching something or playing with the ends of your hair.
It was 10 minutes during your walk when he finally had enough of the looming silence. Without saying anything, he slid an arm over your waist and pulled you to him. "I wasn't cheating on you if that's what you're thinking," he immediately said as soon as you were wrapped around his arms.
You felt yourself relax a little upon hearing that but still, you were hurt by how cold he treated you. "Then why?" you asked, voice almost cracking as you held yourself back from crying, your hand fisting the back of his jacket tightly as if you didn't want to let go.
"I guess I really have to ruin the plan," Matsukawa muttered with a sigh. "She's actually my cousin and I asked for help since your birthday is coming up. I... don't know how to choose something a girl would like."
Oh no.
He didn't cheated on you. He wanted to buy you a gift.
And you ruined it.
On top of that, you basically accused your boyfriend of cheating on you when he only wanted to make you happy.
As if sensing the way your body suddenly became stiff, Matsukawa unwrapped his arms from around you. "Hey, love, it's okay. I understand where you were coming from."
You shook your head no and looked up at him with trembling lips. "It's not okay, Issei. I'm sorry. I just thought that I was going to lose you and I-"
You were silenced by the feeling of Matsukawa's lips on yours, his hand making it's way to your nape in order to guide you. At the feel of his lips moving against yours, your eyes fluttered close, savoring the feeling.
As he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, lips still hovering over your own as you both panted for air. "Fuck, I missed you," he whispered before giving your lips another peck. "It was my fault for acting cold towards you but please, the next time you feel insecure and need reassurance, please talk to me about it."
You nodded in response, still caught up with the kiss you both shared. With your arms still wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the tips of his hair, you opened your eyes to stare at him. "I love you."
"And I love you too." Matsukawa pulled away and gently pat your hair down, chuckling at how it was slightly disheveled. "Sleep at my place tonight. Let's watch some shitty movies you love watching. It's weekend tomorrow anyway."
Smiling at him, you took his hand and interlocked your fingers together before answering, "I'd never say no to that."
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I've never felt so single 👁️👄👁️
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skzsauce01 · 3 years
The Student Council President Reads Shoujo Manga?!
Synopsis: You discover that the student council president, who claims to hate romance, reads shoujo manga. Slight influence from Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War.
Warning: none
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairing: fem student council vice president!reader x student council president!Hyunjin
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After forgetting your textbook in the classroom, you expect to be the last person to arrive to the student council room, but it appears that you’re actually the second.
“Vice President, you left your manga here last night,” Secretary Kim greets. He glances at you momentarily before returning to his paperwork.
You shut the door behind you. “My manga? I don’t remember— Oh.”
Sitting on the mahogany desk is a tote bag that you recognize is the president’s. You loaned President Hwang the first five volumes of The Life of A Dragon and Its Rider two weeks ago. When you peer inside the bag, you find that he forgot to take off his manga protectors. You keep telling him that he doesn’t need to take such a precaution since you trust him, but he always does so anyway. Even your old battered copies are wrapped in plastic.
You take the topmost one and hold it to the light streaming through the window. Not even the outline of the title can be seen. You voiced your confusion at his choice of using opaque protectors before; how would he be able to differentiate between different volumes or different mangas? His answer made you laugh: it was how he got away with reading during class. The image of the student council president doing such an illicit thing seemed ridiculous, and he pushed his hair back in embarrassment as he recounted the time the teacher almost caught him. Then you stopped laughing and wondered what the symptoms of a heart attack were. Your rib cage felt like it was going to smash open.
Now as you peel off the protector, the same feeling returns. The corner of Dragon Rider is blue and purple, not dark red. Did he spill something? No, none of the pages are wrinkled with water damage, and he would never be so careless so what exactly—
“Oh my goodness!”
Secretary Kim, pen twirling in his hand, looks at you curiously. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes!” you squeak out, hiding out the manga behind your back. “I just… I just… it’s nothing! Everything is okay!”
“Alright then.”
While he goes back to his papers, you hurriedly turn around and check the book. It’s the same as it was a few seconds ago. Instead of a fearsome dragon and its hardworking rider on the cover, there is a teenage girl flanked by two boys with wolf ears. The title reads Tsukiko of the Wolves. You flip through, discovering with both amusement and disbelief that it’s a shoujo manga. There is nothing wrong with reading shoujo — you’ve read a fair share yourself when you were younger — but President Hwang is the least likely person you would expect to have a secret love for them. You regularly loan him your shounens to read, and he eagerly discusses each volume with you. He frequently complains about the romance, saying he’s reading it for the adventure, not for the love triangles.
This has to be a mistake. He has a younger sister who you’ve seen at the bookstore occasionally. It’s possible that they share a bookshelf and that he accidentally grabbed hers on accident. You put the protector back on, set it aside, and reach for the next book on the stack.
You have no real idea if it’s another shoujo or not, but NecRomancer sounds like one. The summary on the back describes a girl panicking about her newfound powers of resurrection and the attractive man she just brought back to life. You open to the middle of the manga and let out a squeak when you see the naked corpse on the page. It’s just another accident, it has to be. President Hwang is close with his sister, so it’s only natural that his manga would be close to hers. You try the next book in the stack, hoping that it’s one of yours.
The corner reveals a dark red cover, and you hold your breath, keeping an eye on Secretary Kim. He is still preoccupied with his work, muttering sentences and scribbling things down. You fully peel back the protector, and Why Do I Not Remember You? is written across the cover in glitter. Could this be his sister’s bag? No, she doesn’t use protectors.
You mindlessly thumb through the pages, seeing but not really seeing the crying woman being comforted by a stranger. Then at the flashbacks of broken beer bottles and a ring. The chances of this being a mistake are lessening. Once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern. Does this mean that…
The student council president reads shoujo manga?
You quickly replace the protector. Your heart pounds, and possibilities swim in front of you. At the very best, he will be mortified if he knows that you found out. At the very worst, the entire school will find out. President Hwang’s reputation will be tainted, and with the upcoming reelections, his reputation is of the utmost importance. If he’s not president, you might still be vice president, but what’s the point then? It’ll be no fun without him.
No one can find out about this.
Suddenly the double doors to the student council room burst open, and you drop Why Do I Not Remember You? onto the desk. President Hwang slouches in the doorframe, resting his hands on the handles, completely out of breath. A Blueprint Books bag hangs in his grasp. That must be the one containing your manga.
He looks up from the floor, and you realize you are directly in his line of sight. Your hands fly to the ribbon around your neck, and you begin to untie and retie it.
“President, are you alright?” you distantly hear Secretary Kim ask. “What happened?”
“Nothing happened. I’m alright.” President Hwang’s voice comes out strained as he notices you standing behind his desk, three books out in the open. “Vice President, I see you discovered the manga as expected.”
“I was just counting to make sure I got all five back,” you reply with a fake smile. He can’t know that you know because he will never speak to you again out of embarrassment. “You left the protectors on, by the way.”
He walks toward you. You are the perfect picture of innocence. He will not know. “Did you… check them?”
“No, I was in the middle of counting them. Why?”
“It’s nothing,” he says, but you can hear the relief. “I left the wrong bag for you last night. Working late must be getting to me, haha. Here you go. The Life of A Dragon and Its Rider.”
You peek inside, and sure enough, the volumes are there with no opaque protector to obscure the title on the spine. You clutch the bag in front of you like you can use it to hide the truth you have just uncovered. President Hwang stacks his shoujo manga back into his bag and tucks it underneath the desk. His face has gone pink, and he fans himself with the latest edition of the school newspaper.
“What did you think of it?” you ask to distract him. “Isn’t the artwork amazing?”
Mission successful. President Hwang’s eyes go glassy as he recalls the story in his head, and he stops his fanning. “It is. And the worldbuilding too! The academy is so different from the usual school settings, and the dragon breeds are so cool. Also, Hirajima is such a tsundere. He’s going to end up falling in love with Kimi, isn’t he? Ugh.”
“I won’t spoil it for you,” you cryptically reply. The president is holding tightly onto his facade, which you need him to do. “I’ll lend you the next five volumes tomorrow. Just wait until you get to the tournament arc. You’re going to love it.”
He groans and leans back into his chair. “Was that sarcasm?”
“No! Tournament arc is always the best arc! That’s why Feast of the Gods is so popular. Every arc is pretty much a tournament arc.”
President Hwang lights up even more at the mention of the fantasy cooking-themed manga. He borrowed it from you last month and loved it so much that he bought matching keychains for the entire council. “Secretary Kim is the bird's milk, Treasurer Lee is the silkworm flour, you’re the delphinium rose syrup, and I’m the volcanic pepper,” he explained.
“Why are you the pepper?” Treasurer Lee complained. “You can’t even handle spice.”
“Because I’m hot.”
While both the secretary and treasurer cackled and while the president grew increasingly embarrassed by his own claims, you did your best to focus on your new keychain and not him. He looked too attractive loosening his tie and running his fingers through his hair. He looked like a manga character come to life.
President Hwang’s comment snaps you out of your daydream. “The ending is good! I can’t believe that Ryuzaki actually—”
“Shouldn’t you two be working?” interrupts Secretary Kim’s flat voice. He peers at the two of you over his glasses and flicks his eyes towards the suggestion box he must have brought in earlier. “Especially with reelections coming up soon.”
“We’ll talk later,” President Hwang whispers to you. “I want to discuss my theory about Kimi and Bando with you.”
“Yeah, of course. Let’s go through the suggestions now before Secretary Kim gets mad.”
You walk over to the door and grab the suggestion box. It’s heavier than expected, and you hold it flush against your chest to keep it from slipping out of your grasp. President Hwang notices your struggling and meets you halfway. He nearly makes you drop it as his fingers brush yours while he takes it from you.
“Thanks,” you stammer out. Your hands are empty, so you toy with your ribbon again as you follow him back to the desk.
“No problem,” he says. He lifts open the lid and takes out the first paper on top. “Shin Ryujin is asking for more funding for the Tennis Club again. Speaking of tennis, have you seen the animations for Bleeding Heart? It’s so good.”
Though Bleeding Heart starts off like a shoujo, it devolves into a mystery. If it weren’t for the knowledge you have now, you would have teased President Hwang for watching it. Instead, you enthusiastically nod. “They play croquet, not tennis, but yes! They’re so smooth!”
“President, Vice President.”
You and President Hwang exchange sheepish smiles. He softly sighs and scans through the paper, playing with a lock of hair. You imagine him doing the same as he reads. Why is the image of him secretly reading shoujo manga so charming? You shouldn’t find it so when he has this much at stake. He needs to be reelected.
“What do you think?” he asks, pointing at a proposal that you should have been reading with him, interrupting your thoughts. He edges closer to you, and breathing is suddenly difficult. He smells like laundry detergent. “Are new uniforms justifiable?”
“Yes, I think so,” you choke out. “Excuse me for a minute.”
You practically run out of the student council room, stopping only when you reach a small alcove in the hall. It’s dim and quiet, and you can hear your heart trying to break out. You press your hand over it, trying to push it back inside. Heart attacks don’t feel like this, or so says the medical website you consulted. Your heart thunders against your wrist, and its beat perfectly matches your pulse.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
It eventually slows, and you return back to the room with more composure than you had earlier. Treasurer Lee has finally shown up, and you decide to help him with calculations instead of reviewing proposals with President Hwang. It’s better this way.
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During the weekend, you head to Blueprint Books and wander down the aisles, trying to find the manga President Hwang reads. You know what he likes for shounens, so what is it for shoujos? You mindlessly swing your tote bag back and forth as you scan the shelves. He Doesn’t Know My Secret, Steampunked!, Squirrel Princess. It’s been some time since you visited this section of the store. As you look to the next shelf, you notice a familiar keychain hanging from someone’s pocket. When you do a double-take, to your surprise and horror, President Hwang is standing at the end of the aisle. He looks different when out of uniform. Good different.
Maybe you made a noise of some sort because before you can turn around and leave, he glances up from the book he holds. His eyes meet yours.
Disbelief. Confusion. Panic.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” he shakily asks as he slides the manga back into place. He’s mostly calm, that’s good. If he can lie to you about it, surely the entire school will be a simple feat. “Is there a new release?”
You shake your head. “Just browsing. Are you buying something for your sister? I know you don’t like romance that much.”
The relief in his voice is palpable when he says, “Yeah. Do you have any recommendations?”
“What does she like?”
“What do you like? You read a lot of manga.”
The question makes you pause, and you recount all the conversations you’ve overheard during lunch. Shounens are more of your thing now, but you're not above shoujos. “I’ve heard good things about Best Friend Boyfriend and I Wouldn’t Change A Thing.”
“Have you read them?”
“Not yet, but I always hear people talking about them.” You shift from foot to foot. A change of subject is much needed. “How’s the campaign going?”
“It’s going well, I think. Yeji and her friends are asking everyone in their year to vote for me, so that’s cool. The Japanese Culture Club is apparently doing the same,” he answers. He thumbs his pepper keychain, and you instinctively reach for your complementing one. The tiny syrup bottle is cool on your skin. “What about you? You’re still going to be my vice president, right?”
‘My’ makes you warm. “Of course! Just worry about yourself. Han Jisung really wants your spot.”
“I’m not letting that happen. Trust me, on Friday, the principal’s going to announce me as president again. And you’re going to be vice president. Secretary Kim and Treasurer Lee are going to be there as well. We’re going to be the student council until graduation.”
He says it with so much determination, you can’t help but laugh. “I really hope so. Hey, I’ll bring you the next five volumes of Dragon Rider on Monday. Just give me six through ten whenever you’re done.”
“Thanks. Do you want to borrow one of—”
“There you are!” President Hwang’s younger sister bounds into the aisle with a shopping basket filled with stationery. She furrows her eyebrows when she notices exactly which aisle her brother is in. “Don’t you have enough al—”
“I’m going to be late for dinner!” you interject. You step backwards, nearly bumping into the cardboard cutout of a manga character. “See you in class, President. Have a nice day. Bye.”
As you speed walk in the opposite direction, you hear his sister quietly ask him, “Wait, was that the vice president?”
“Oh, I'm so sorry.”
You don’t hear if President Hwang replies anything because once you’ve turned the corner, you sprint out of the bookstore. It’s not until you’re home that you realize that you never found out what kind of shoujos he enjoys.
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The days leading up to Friday are fraught with worry. Han Jisung is campaigning hard for the position this year. His small band of dedicated followers pass out flyers at the school gate every morning and trade lollipops for votes. Despite that, the president is unbothered.
“Did you watch the new episode of 00 Daniel?” he asks you on Wednesday.
You place your shoes inside your locker and shut the door. “Today’s the last day of voting, and you’re concerned about that?”
“I think the mission’s going to go badly this time. It’s been like five missions since his last screw up,” he continues like you said nothing. “There’s no way the season is ending without setting up for the next one.”
“He’s not going to win, I promise. Treasurer Lee took a survey a few days ago, and I’m in the lead. The Mathematics Club’s survey confirmed the same thing.”
You start heading to your class with a resigned sigh, and President Hwang follows you even though he’s in a different room. He tugs on the sleeve of your blazer.
“You have nothing to worry about, Vice President,” he reassures. He lowers his head down to meet you at eye level. “It’s you and me until graduation, okay?”
You quickly nod and try not to burst into flames right on the spot. He’s too close yet not close enough.
“I think you’re right about 00 Daniel,” you stutter. “They’re taking too long to find the target too. I’ll see you after school then. Class is going to start soon.”
He retracts himself, a bit disappointed that you don’t want to speculate now. “Okay, we can talk later. See you.”
“See you.”
You two head to your respective classrooms. As you slide into your chair, you notice the boy next to you has a red candy wrapper on his desk. The girl in front of him has a purple one.
You really hope the Mathematics Club is right.
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When Friday arrives, your stomach is in knots, and you feel ready to pass out at a moment’s notice. The traffic lights are slow today, making your usual stroll to school longer than usual. Students your age all the way down to elementary, pass you by, laughing and chatting with their friends. How can they be so relaxed when the results of the election come out this morning? You bet the paper announcement is already tacked to the bulletin board at the front of the school.
“Good morning,” comes a familiar voice.
“Good morning,” you reply back. President Hwang easily falls into step with you and holds out a tote bag to you. “Oh, you finished all of them?”
“Yeah. That last battle was crazy! I can’t believe it ended like that. And the epilogue! I knew it would happen! I feel so bad for Bando and… You okay? You look a little sick.”
“It’s nothing.” You take the bag from him and hold the books to your chest. You peek inside to make sure the protectors are off and to check that he gave you the right bag. No shoujo manga this time. “Are you nervous?”
He’s surprisingly apprehensive when he asks, “About what?”
“The election?”
“Oh. No, not really. Are you?”
“A little bit,” you lie as the two of you walk through the gate. The bulletin board is surrounded by a crowd, and you’re ready to march through to see what the paper says. Please let President Hwang be on there. “Let’s go.”
But the president is soon stopped by Han Jisung and his followers. Han Jisung holds his hand out, and you hold your breath as he opens his mouth.
“Congratulations on winning, President,” he says with a good-natured smile. He shifts his gaze to you. “And you as well, Vice President.”
You let out an audible sigh and quickly cover it with a cough when everyone looks at you. “Thank you.”
President Hwang shoots you a knowing grin, making you blush, before exchanging pleasantries with his defeated opponent. In the meantime, you push through the crowd to double-check the results. There it is in black ink: Hwang Hyunjin as President. Relief floods through your body, and you happily accept the other students’ congratulations and swap theories about the upcoming season of 00 Daniel with your fellow manga and anime fans.
“Told you,” President Hwang later says after he manages to get away from Han Jisung. He shuts your locker door with one finger. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
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“Hey, are you going home now?” President Hwang asks. With no changes in the student council, everything is business as usual, including Secretary Kim and Treasurer Lee leaving as soon as they can on Fridays.
“Yeah. Are you staying late again?”
“Not today. Want to walk home together?”
While he reorganizes the papers on his desk, you fiddle with the strap of the tote bag. It’s not the first time you’ve walked home with the president, but it sends you into a panic every time. The golden sun and orange sky makes everyone look beautiful but him especially so. It’s difficult not to be tongue tied around him when he looks exactly like the lead of a shoujo manga.
Manga. The thing that accelerated your feelings for him in the first place. His good looks and his sweet talking charm were enough for you to notice him, so learning he shared the same hobby as you? Discovering that he adored coming up with theories?
You were smitten.
“You ready?” he interrupts.
The two of you make it to the front entrance before he stops and turns to you. “Actually, before we go, can I show you something first? It shouldn’t take too long.”
“Sure. What is it?” You follow him through the school, taking note that he seems to be headed to the courtyard.
“Have you read Limitless?”
As you step over a pile of fallen cherry blossoms, you rack your brain. You read it a long time ago, mostly because it was on every recommendation list online. “The shoujo about the math tutors? It’s been some time, but yes. What about it?”
President Hwang stops in the middle of the courtyard and faces you again. The sun is behind him, the rays of light forming a crown on his head. “Well, there’s a scene near the end that I thought you might like.”
The end of Limitless…
… features a confession scene in the school courtyard.
He gently takes your hands. “Do you remember the first day we were elected? I was the first person in the room, and I was so nervous to meet you because I didn’t know that much about you. Secretary Kim and Treasurer Lee said you were really kind, but I was still nervous. Then you ran into the room with a bunch of manga and almost tripped over the rug. You laughed it off and held out a book for me to shake since your hands were full.”
“It was the first volume of Feast of the Gods,” you whisper. That day is burned in your mind. “Lee Chaeryeong just finished the first ten volumes and gave them back to me.”
“And then I asked you if I could borrow them because I wanted to read them but Blueprint was out of stock. You said yes immediately, and that’s when I knew that you and I would be a great team. When you wanted to listen to me talk about the chapters I read, that’s when I knew I liked you. And when you continued to offer me other series to borrow, that’s when I knew I had to tell you. So,” he breathes, “here it is. I like you, and I want to be with you.”
“I… I like you too.”
He breaks out into a grin and wraps you in a hug. He still smells like laundry detergent, and you bury your nose in the collar of his shirt.
“What do we do now?” he softly laughs as he pulls away. “The shoujo mangas usually stop here and cut to a new scene.”
The words fly out of your mouth without thinking. “So is that why you’ve been reading shoujos? For the confession?”
His smile falters but recovers soon after. “Yeji gave it away last weekend, huh? Ah, I was hoping you hadn’t heard her.”
“Actually… I found out when you gave me back Dragon Rider the first time,” you admit. You twirl the ends of the ribbon around your neck. “I took off the protectors and saw some of them. But there’s nothing wrong with liking shoujo! I was just surprised since you always say you hate romance.”
“I mean, I did. I started reading them for confession tips, but then it turns out some of them are really good. Like Limitless? And then I started reading my sister’s, and I kind of like them now. Is that weird?”
“No. Honestly, it’s kind of cute.”
“Really? You’re not weirded out by that?”
“Not even a little bit. I don’t care what you read as long as you’ll talk to me about it after.”
“Well, I finished Winter Fireworks recently. Have you read it before?” When you shake your head, he takes a step closer and leans down. “It ends like this.”
As it turns out, the story ends with a kiss.
~ ad.gray
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None of the mangas/animes mentioned actually exist. They’re just riffs of other fics we’ve written. Was this just a giant ad for them? Yeah, kind of lol. In order of appearance:
The Life of A Dragon and Its Rider ➞ Normal (Hyunjin)
Tsukiko of the Wolves ➞ 42nd Moon (Hyunjin)
NecRomancer ➞ Magic Words (Hyunjin) 
Why Do I Not Remember You? ➞ Eternally Yours (Hyunjin)
Feast of the Gods ➞ God’s Menu (Felix)
Bleeding Heart ➞ King of Hearts (Bang Chan)
He Doesn’t Know My Secret ➞ Harmony, Melody (Seungmin)
Steampunked! ➞ Matters of the Head and Heart (Felix)
Squirrel Princess ➞ Squirrel and Wife (Han)
Best Friend Boyfriend ➞ Ruin My Life (Lee Know)
I Wouldn’t Change A Thing ➞ Even if Things Were Different (Han)
00 Daniel ➞ Apologies in Advance (Lee Know)
Limitless ➞ love you to limx (Han)
Winter Fireworks ➞ Ringing in the New Year (Bang Chan)
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bonus after credits scene
It’s only when the two of you are crossing the bridge do you realize what he has done. “You just spoiled the ending for me!”
“Sorry, I forgot.” After a few seconds, he asks, “Can I give you more spoilers?”
You reach for the front of his blazer. “Yes.”
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ko-fanatic · 3 years
Are You Going To Destroy It? (Part one)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Danganronpa
Pairings: IshiMondo
Summary: Ishimaru is supposed to be perfect. He gets perfect grades, enforces the rules as hall monitor, and then goes home to care for his ailing grandfather while his father works long hours to support the three of them. But the simple fact is he's not perfect, and everything is unravelling his mental state more and more. Being forced to care for the man who ruined his life isn't helping.
TW: Suicidal thoughts, extreme bullying, self-harm, homicidal thoughts, family issues, mental health issues
Author’s note: Heavily inspired by Zankyou no Terror. Taka's storyline can be seen as an AU, but Daiya and Mondo aren't terrorists. Also, as a disclaimer: If you are aware someone is suicidal, DO NOT leave them alone. Mondo is just a kid, and doesn't know better, but now you do. If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out.
For all Kiyotaka loved school, it could be hell. 
He was drawn to learning, to pleasing his teachers, following the rules… But the same could not be said for those times of day where he was offered no protection. Before school, breaktime, lunchtime, and after school. Those were torture.
“C’mon, Taka,” One of the boys by his side grinned wolfishly, arm slung around his shoulders in some faux-friendly action, when in reality it was simply to keep him from leaving. 
Had he expected any different when he was accosted and all but dragged to the pool behind the school building? Honestly, no. However, despite the probability that he could fight the boys off and run home, he… was tired. Too tired to push out of their grips and run yet again. 
Too tired to go home. 
Hence, here he stood, shoved to stand on one of the diving blocks - still in his full uniform - his classmates looming over him like vultures.
“Why don’t you go for a little dip?” The boy laughed as Kiyotaka resolutely stared out at the glistening water, so crisp and clear in the afternoon sun, “And then, well, not come up again.”
Ah, telling him to kill himself, yet again. They’d done this dance before (or was that another classmate? Their faces blur). He’d be lying, to say he hadn’t thought of it. Despite the utter terror that last instance had incited, razor blades thrown at him with jeering taunts to go cut up his arms some more, this is another level of intimidation. 
So painfully close to casual. 
“It’s what a filthy Ishimaru like you deserves.”
He was right about that, he supposed. Some time ago, he would’ve held his head up high and asserted that, yes, he is an Ishimaru, but he was going to fix his family’s reputation. He would drag his name out of the mud, and make it all better. 
Now, he just wants the exhaustion to end. 
“It’ll be just like falling asleep.”
The sentence rang over and over in his head, so similar to ones he’d thought on countless occasions; clutching bottles upon bottles of his grandfather’s pills, staring at the open blades of a pair of scissors, at the length of rope in the rotting garden shed that could easily be tied into a noose. 
And God, did he just want to sleep.
His body leant forward, without explicit permission but he had no will to stop himself, eyes closing as he awaited the burning sensation that comes with breathing chlorinated water -
The yell was loud, startling all of them at the poolside, and accompanied with a large splash. Kiyotaka and his classmates got soaked with the tidal wave of water that had been dispersed, and Kiyotaka’s breath caught in his throat when he saw the cause of the disturbance. 
A handsome boy was in the pool, grinning ear to ear after his impressive dive from the roof above. His bleach blonde hair hung down in sopping ringlets, dishevelled out of whatever style it’d had before. His pretty, almost lilac eyes were heavily ringed in smudged, dripping eyeliner, but he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
“‘S too warm to stay poolside, guys!” The boy smirked, swimming up to them as Kiyotaka could only watch in confusion. Assumedly, his classmates were also dumbfounded, considering the utter silence that seemed to envelop them all like a thick fog.
That was when the boy grabbed him by the leg, pulling him into the water but never letting his head dip below. He wasn’t dragging him under to drown, wrapped in a cool embrace like his mind and peers had whispered to him over and over again. No, this seemed… friendly. Like the adolescents in the media, who play and rough-house, yet never want any harm to come to each other. 
He was still in the boy’s arms, head static and floating above his shoulders, reality a haze. He swore he could hear his classmates say something, though he doesn’t know what, and when he looked back they were gone. 
“Hey,” The boy smiled, much more subtle and subdued than the grin he’d previously flashed. Kiyotaka was lifted a little higher, placed gently on the side of the pool, his head lowered and rivulets of water running down from his short hair. 
“Are you okay?” The boy asked, “The things some assholes do… But you’re safe right now, yeah?”
He didn’t speak. He never spoke. 
“Sorry I pulled ya into the water,” The other spoke once more, leaning on one toned arm as the other scratched at the back of his mop of hair, “Thought I should put some distance between ya ‘nd those guys, and that was the first thing I thought of. Didn’t really wanna cause a fight with you in the middle, looking so out of it -”
“I’m -” Kiyotaka began, voice hoarse and so soft, quiet, and he paused to clear his throat, “I’m fine… Used to it, I suppose…”
“Well, then that’s not really fine, right?” The other posed, like it was the simplest thing in the world, “Name’s Mondo. What’s yours?”
He looked down at his uniform, thumbing the seam of his blazer sleeve, a million thoughts running across his mind but without any substance to actually grab hold of one. As noncoporial as a spirit.
“I… Kiyotaka Ishimaru…” He hesitantly put forward, his name feeling like molasses in his mouth, gluing to his teeth and oozing between his lips, “Thank you for helping me, Mondo-kun.”
It feels right, to thank him. Or, not right, but proper. A thing one should do. He cares a whole lot for propriety, has to, and the instinct kicks in fast. Mondo simply looks amused. 
“Ya don’t need to bother with honorifics, it’s cool,” He waves off, and a small pang in Kiyotaka’s chest murmurs ‘ah, to be so casual’. 
He’ll never be able to do something like that, because he’ll never have a friend to be casual with. He’s not being morose when he thinks that, either; at this point in his life, despite being just a few months shy of his fifteenth birthday, he knows that as empirical fact. He’s unlikeable, plain and simple, exemplified by his classmates attempting to gode him into suicide. 
That must mean he’s a special kind of hateful. 
Mondo looks up, then, at the roof. A man with dark hair stands at the railing, arm casually slung over the side, watching the pair of them from his vantage point. Something in Kiyotaka’s chest shrinks, but Mondo is quick to assure him. 
“My brother,” Is his simple explanation, “Are you… gonna be alright to get home? By yourself, I mean?”
The thought of going home makes him flinch. The soulless eyes, staring at the wall as he gives his near-catatonic grandfather his bath, feeds him his dinner spoonful by spoonful, gives him his meds and forces him to swallow. So helpless, dependent, pathetic…
An evil part of him screams to just hold him under the water, wrap his hands around the old man’s throat, give him too many pills at once. Because, for God’s sake, this man ruined his life before it began, and it’d be so easy to take him out. Like an old dog that has outlived its use, out behind the garden shed -
He cuts off those thoughts there. He’s truly a vile person. 
“It’s fine,” He lies, because it isn’t. He doesn’t know who he’ll snap and kill first, himself or his grandfather, and he still wants nothing more than to lay down in the water and breathe until his lungs give in.
“If you’re certain,” Mondo hesitates, looking like he wants to say more, but instead he just pulled himself out of the pool, “I should probably get back to my brother. Still, though, if those idiots come after you again… I ain’t usually one to agree with being a narc, but some things are just way too much.”
He nods, though his heart isn’t in it. 
“See ya around, Taka!” Mondo grins, giving a mock salute as he walks off. 
Nothing’s stopping him from shuffling off the tile, going down into the depths of the water and laying at the very bottom until the staff come by tomorrow morning. But he doesn’t. He’s not sure why he doesn’t, but he stands and walks out the pool gate, dripping water onto the concrete of the pavement and drawing odd stares as he treks home. 
Taka, he thinks, I like that. 
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haikyu-hoe · 4 years
Love From Abroad
Tendou Satori x reader
one shot, fluff
this is one of my first times writing, so feedback is appreciated! dm for requests :)
hope you like it!
You’re an exchange student in Japan and today is your first day at Shiratorizawa Academy. You’re a second year. You’re quite nervous but you’re confident that you’ll make friends.
When you get to class, the teacher asks you to introduce yourself to the class.
“Hi i’m y/k, i’m from [your country] and i’ll be joining for the rest of the year”, you say with a shy wave.
You sit on an empty seat beside a black haired girl with cute chubby cheeks.
“Hi i’m Elen”, she says with a timid smile.
You smile back at her and the lesson begins. This is harder than the classes you had at your previous school but you think you’ll get used to it. After all, you’ve always been pretty smart.
At lunch you sit with Elen and a few of her friends from your class and they’re all super nice to you and even offer to give you a tout after classes end. You of course accept this offer gladly since you kinda got lost this morning...
During the tour, they show you many things.
“Here we have the library, over there is a place where you can study and there’s 3rd years to help you and over here is the sports wing”, explains Lin, one of Elen’s friends, a short girl with brown, wavy hair.
“Thanks for the tour! I really appreciate it”, you thank them with a big smile.
They then leave to walk home but you decide to stick around a bit more. As you wander in the corridors you get to the sports wing Lin talked about. Curious about how big it might be, you walk down the main corridor. You can hear balls thudding and smashing on the walls inside one of the gym. You push the door shyly and go sit on a bench with other spectators.
“Their volleyball team is pretty good... Well i did hear it was what they call a powerhouse school so...”, you think, kinda zoning out.
One of the players, Ushijima, seems to be the star of the team. But he’s not the one you’re looking at. A red haired funky boy caught your eyes. He’s so charismatic and his bandaged fingers just look so hot...
You listen closely and finally catch his name: Tendou Satori.
After practice ends, you get up to leave but someone shouts behind you. You turn around to see a black haired boy with a choppy haircut and... TENDOU?!
“OI!!”, they say enthusiastically.
“h- hi?”, you ask, unsure if they’re really talking to you (even though there’s no one around anymore).
“I’m Goshiki and he’s Tendou”, says the black haired boy. “That over there is Shirabu and that, of course, is Ushijima. Are you new around here? I don’t think we’ve ever seen you around before.”, he says with a bright smile.
“Yeah i’m new I just transferred from [your country]. I’m y/k by the way!”, you reply, holding out your hand.
Goshiki shakes it while Tendou just looks at you with some weird smile that is somehow so attractive?
“Y/k huh... want me to walk you home?”, Tendou says while getting extremely close to you.
“Sureee”, you say. “But aren’t you tired from practice?”
“Don’t worry, it’ll replace my stretching!”, he says happily. He then grabs his bag, puts his arms around your shoulders and guides you to the exit.
“He sure is a people person huh”, you think. You’re kinda lost in your thought but you catch a few things he’s saying. He’s a 3rd year in class 2, and he’s a middle blocker. He then goes on about the other team members and fun facts about the school.
“Soooo tell me about yourself nowwww”, he says with that weird smile again.
You blush a bit and scratch the back of your neck and reply “Well i’m new to everything here, but i made a few friends in my class. I’m in second year, class one. The team was really amazing today by the way”, you try to be nice to him.
His smile widens at those last words and you walk in a comfortable silence back home. You thank him and walk inside.
“fuck...”, you mutter to yourself. It didn’t even take a full day for you to be completely in love with this strange volleyball player.
[time skip]
The next morning, you hurry up to school so you can look at the gyms before going to class. You catch a glimpse of Tendou, but of course he doesn’t see you.
At lunch, you tell Elen and the others all about last night. Lin is especially excited and Akira even lets out a little squeal. They convince you to go to practice again tonight.
When you get to practice, you quietly sits on the spectator’s bench but Tendou still notices you and smirks at you with a slight wink.
Luckily he quickly turns back to the game so he doesn’t see you blushing like a tomato. Watching him is fun but you can’t wait till practice is over and you can talk to him.
At about 5 pm, he finally gets out of the boy’s changing room and walks up to you.
“Heyyyy~ were you waiting for me?”, he says in a teasing tone while raising one eyebrow.
You blush a bit and lightly punch his arm.
“Why would i wait for such an idiot” , you say with a smirk. He pretends that your words are breaking his heart and then laughs. You had heard him laugh before but never that way... it was so carefree, so... adorable...
On the way home, he catches you staring at him, lost in the admiration of his perfect self.
“you ok y/k?”, he asks.
“ye- yeah sorry”, you reply quickly and start looking in front of you.
“soooo are you free tomorrow” he suddenly asks. You most certainly didn’t expect this. Does he mean as a date?? Maybe he juste want to hang out, i mean you barely know each other right?
He looks at you amused by the confused look on your face and his grin gets wider. He lets out a little chuckle before adding “yes, as a date y/k”
You blush heavily. It’s no use trying to hide it, you’re like a volcano about to erupt.
“yes! I mean um of course”, you reply nervously. You scratch the back of your neck, something you do each time you’re nervous.
“Great” he says happily, in a sing-song voice. “I’ll pick you up at 11 alright?” he adds.
You nod your head. God what will you wear?? Will you hold hands? Kiss even? What will you guys even do? All these questions keep you awake that night but you still fall asleep after a while, so happy about that date.
[at 10 the next morning]
You wake up, grab some quick breakfast and jump in the shower. You have to look perfect for this. After carefully planning an outfit and doing your hair and makeup, you hear the doorbell ring. Your heart starts beating faster.
You open the door to see a casually dressed Tendou grinning widly at you. He’s wearing black ripped jeans, adidas shoes and a hoodie that matches his hair colour. It’s so weird seeing him without his school or volleyball uniform.
“hey y/k~ you look...” he looks you up and down while blushing before continuing. “...great. You look great.”
You just blush as he takes your hand and drags you along with him.
“where are we going, Tendou-kun?”, you ask in a shy voice.
As a reply, he simply smiles at you and whispers “you’ll see”.
Impatient to know where you’re going, you try to get him to walk faster. But Tendou is not in a hurry at all, and since he’s stronger than you, you have to follow his pace. No matter how much you whine, insist and plead, the red-haired noodle boy refuses to reveal where you’re going.
After about 20 minutes you get to a 50’s themed restaurant. The inside is amazing with its vintage jukebox, checkered floor, coca cola adds and Marylin Monroe posters on the walls, retro booths and milkshakes on the menu.
You sit down on a booth by the window and order a milkshake. You share it with two straws, and when you both lean in to take a sip, your faces get so close they almost touch... Tendou’s breath feels warm close to your lips.
He then leans back and crosses his arms behind his head and just stares at you.
“Why did you agree to come today, y/k-chan?”, asks Tendou. He looks eager to receive an answer but he also looks like he’d rather not know in fear of being disappointed.
You give out a light chuckle before answering.
“because i wanted to, of course! You’re the nicest guy i’ve met and ever since I first saw you play i knew you were special.” you reply calmly before taking another sip.
He blushes like mad but then leans in to take a sip too. As you both let go of the straws, he lifts your chin with one finger and lightly kisses your lips. You’re chocked at first but you kiss back after a few instants.
He suddenly breaks the kiss and leans back. He looks out the window, nervously scratching his crimson hair. You start to wonder if maybe he regrets it...
“y/k i’m sorry that was so sudden i should’ve asked please forgive me i didn’t mean to-” Tendou starts talking saying quickly but you cut him off.
“tendou.” He finally dares to glance at you. “i’m glad you did. And i hope you’ll do it again” you whisper the last part but he still hears you. It’s enough to put a gigantic grin on his face. He leans in closer to you over the table and rests his chin on his hands.
“Then would you mind if we did something next weekend?” he asks while raising an eyebrow.
“i’d love that, Tendou-kun”, you reply.
For the following week, he walks you home each night but nothing really happens. You just talk and laugh, realizing how much you love him.
When the weekend comes, you get butterflies in your stomach as you get ready in the morning. Tendou should arrive soon, so you have to hurry.
When the doorbell rings, your heart does a loophole. Tendou is standing on your porch, in his cute casual clothes. He winks at you after saying a sexy “hey” and grabs your hand to bring you to another mystery place.
As you walk, you can only focus on his hand in yours... his fingers are so long, his palm so huge... but it’s their perfect temperature that makes them so wonderful. And god let’s not get started on his eyes and hair...
Time goes by so quickly when you’re with him, so before you know it you’ve reached your destination.
“we’re heeeereeee!” sings Tendou.
It’s a wonderful park with a small pond in which several koi fishes are swimming. A few ducks also swim around them and there’s lovely benches all around.
You sit on one of them and rest your head on Tendou’s shoulder. You can’t see it but his whole face lights up at this gesture.
“say, y/k-chan” starts Tendou. You turn your face to look up to his. He takes both your hands in his before continuing. “would you let me be your boyfriend?”
Your cheeks flush bright pink as you reply “of- of course Tendou-chan!!”
He smirks before kissing you softly. As seconds pass, he kisses you more and more roughly until you both run out of breath.
He looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world while you’re both trying to catch your breath.
He cups your face softly and puts his forehead on yours. You look tenderly in each other’s eyes, before Tendou finally speaks.
“thank you y/k-chan... i feel so comfortable around you, you make me feel so lucky, so... so... so happy. I hope i’ll feel like this forever and that it’ll be reciprocated” he says as his eyes fill with water.
You raise a hand to wipe his tears as you reply “I’ll stay as long as you need me, Satori. You’re so dear to me, i’ve never felt this way before” you sweetly replying.
He blushes at the fact you used his first name and closes his eyes to appreciate the moment. When he opens them again, he leans in close to hug you tightly and as he does so, he kisses your neck.
When you part, he kisses your lips tenderly and you can feel him grin slightly. You stay in the park until the sun starts going down. He then walks you home like a true gentleman, putting one last kiss on your soft lips.
~the end~
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | special kind of sadness
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I’ve been having strange dreams lately. Maybe it’s because of the quarantine, or maybe because of my messed up sleep schedule. I don’t actually have severe nightmares, but somehow an idea for Victor + nightmares came up. It was going to be very short, so I included other types of comforting scenarios. Ahh...besides that, you might have noticed my url is writing-fool, right? It’s actually based off of a Korean song called Swimming Fool. But I think it fits with MLQC too, what with Lucien calling us ‘his little fool’ sometimes~ What a happy coincidence...
Warning(s): TW! Lucien’s scenario includes a panic attack. 
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You’re all about showing the world that you’re a grown woman with big girl pants on. You’re especially keen on proving to Victor that you can handle yourself, thank you very much. Even though he’s supposed to be your soft, loving boyfriend, he seems to grow stricter the longer you’re together.
“Really? You’re not capable of being a producer if you can’t even get these reports done.” Ouch. Your life doesn’t seem to be getting easier anytime soon.
So...you chalk it up as a grave, grave moment of weakness when you instinctively call his number at three in the morning, after waking up in a cold sweat. By the second ring, you regret your rash decision. What if he’s asleep? What if he thinks I’m some kind of weak child?
By the third, he answers.
“What. Why are you still awake?” His voice sounds as strict as ever. ‘Why are you still awake?’ is a question you would’ve asked if you were in a clearer mindset. Alas, this situation allows little clarity.
You decide against hanging up. I’m bothering him already, might as well apologise. “I-I must’ve misdialled. Sorry to bother you,” you mumble. You hate how your hoarse voice and ragged breaths betray the sobs that have barely subsided.
“...I’m coming over,” is all Victor says before abruptly hanging up.
It’s a twenty minute drive from his luxurious penthouse to your apartment, but you know he’ll make it in fifteen. Running to the bathroom, you try to fix your appearance to make you look more like a successful producer, and less like a woman gone mad. But while your hair can be combed down and your tears can be wiped away, nothing works against your bloodshot eyes, shaking hands and pale complexion.
The doorbell rings, and you’re in full panic mode. You really don’t want him to see you like this. But without him, you’re probably not sleeping tonight. Also, he’s here already. Wiping your sweaty palms on your pyjama pants one last time, you open the front door.
Even when he has his sleeves rolled up, shirt partly unbuttoned and hair mussed from running his hands through it, Victor is handsome. But today, you can’t bare to look at him. Your apartment floor suddenly seems incredibly interesting.
A small gesture encourages his entrance. The door is barely closed again, and he’s already got his arms wrapped around you, your face pressed against his chest. The warmth of his hug and his rapidly beating heart open the floodgates again, and while your boyfriend strokes your hair, you sob your fears out on his black dress shirt.
Later, when you’re both huddled in your queen-sized bed, he asks you why you didn’t tell him about the nightmare right away. “I thought you’d think I’m pathetic or something. You’re always so strict.” You look up at him, mouth formed into a small pout.
For a moment, he’s dumbfounded. Maybe he never considered the idea? Victor hesitates, before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry,” he sighs, “I’ll be more considerate from now on.”
And as Victor rubs your shoulder, legs intertwined with yours, you doze off under the cloudy night sky. But not before hearing his sweet whispers. “Lean on me more, next time. I’ll always be by your side.”
Lucien (TW: panic attack, minor mentions of death)
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Disclaimer: I know this could be taken wrongly. I have no intention to romanticise mental illness. It isn’t something that makes you broken, nor is it a ‘fun’ or ‘special’ thing. The story is partially taken from my experience, so I know how this feels. I wrote this as a way to bring awareness in a light manner, and to show that sometimes, panic attacks can be alleviated with someone around. I hope it brings comfort to those who wish they had someone in moments like these.
Listening to Lucien’s lectures tends to transport you back to the time when you were still a university student. Ah, it is a nostalgic feeling. A part of you misses being in school; going out with friends, listening to the teachers drone on about various subjects, eating in the school’s cafeteria.
But if there’s one thing you don’t miss, it’s the immeasurable amounts of stress. So why is that the thing I’m reliving right now?
As a young adult, you struggled with anxiety and spontaneous panic attacks, rendering you vulnerable to a work overload. You’d think it’d gotten better, especially since you have to deal with a lot of projects as a head producer nowadays. However, it seems as though old habits do die hard...This week has been particularly taxing—emotionally, what with your father’s death anniversary, and mentally; an important and popular show just got compromised by one of the actors’ companies. All that, and the prospect of an even tighter schedule during Christmas season has sent you into a full-blown panic attack. 
Your initial plan was to just...ride this one out. That’s what you always did as a child. In an hour or two, your hands will stop cramping, your tears will stop falling, your breathing will return to normal, right? But it seems fate, and Lucien, disagree. I forgot I gave him the key to my apartment.
Lucien senses something is wrong when you don’t come out to greet him by the door. 
“My love? Are you alright?” he yells out. Hearing little besides your irregular breathing, he kicks his shoes off, speeding towards the living area. You’re sat on the white sofa, knees to your chest, shoulders heaving and thick tears streaming down your face. 
Lucien’s brows furrow in deep concern as he kneels down by your form. Even though he’s right in front of you, your eyes do not meet his. You’ve gone too deep in your own shell to even be able to acknowledge his presence. A tentative hand removes one of yours from its tight grasp on your other arm, and Lucien lets out a sigh of relief as he feels your hand clutch his. He takes it as a sign to lift you fully into his arms, and takes a seat on the sofa.
“Breathe. In,” he mimicks a deep inhale, “and out.” Lucien blows out, repeating the motion a couple more times. He rubs your back and your hands, constantly alternating between helping you breathe and gently uttering soothing phrases. 
“Easy, I’m here with you. Do you feel my heartbeat?” When your hands have finally relaxed out of their cramped up form, he presses one of them against his chest. The slow, rhythmic thumping grounds you. Lucien. A stiff nod from you makes a soft, wry smile appear on his face. “Good girl. You’re getting there, my dear. Just stay with me, here. You’re doing great.”
You don’t know how much longer you stay like that. All you know is that he stays with you through the entire attack. Hours later, you two are having a steaming cup of tea at the dinner table. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that. I didn’t want you to worry,” you mutter sheepishly.
“Don’t be ashamed of yourself,” Lucien’s violet eyes bore deep into yours, “Besides, how could I not worry when someone so dear is having a hard time?”
You shrug, a defeated look on your face. Your fingers fidget with the wood of the dinner table, until Lucien swiftly takes your hand in his again. 
He sighs. “Take tomorrow off. I’ll take care of you.” Even though his tone is soft, Lucien leaves no space for argument. You know you should agree. There’s no way you could function properly if you were to go to work tomorrow.
“...Thank you.”
Lucien brings your hand to his lips, leaving feather-light kisses on your knuckles. “No thanks needed. You can be greedier with me.”
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There’s perhaps no person in the world who enjoys rejection. Sure, there may be those who bounce back quickly, those who see rejection as a new opportunity. But rejection, failure in itself, doesn’t evoke positive feelings. 
As the producer of Miracle Finder, you’ve gotten used to rejection; it was hard to get the show back on track during the first year or so. Maybe you were arrogant, thinking it’d get better, or less painful, the more often you got rejected. 
Things did get better, and last week you were even offered a deal with Loveland TV for a second weekly show. The company had seen the success Miracle Finder had, and had offered you the chance to come up with something wholly original. Something...you. That night, a mere week ago, you took the girls out for dinner and drinks. You were on cloud nine that day. In hindsight, maybe it was karma. Maybe I jinxed it. Cheered too soon, and all that. 
This morning, you got a devastating e-mail that stated, in polite (but somehow still rude) terms, that your new show would not be broadcasted. The relaxed mood at the office rapidly turned somber once you mentioned the unfortunate decision. Your employees decided to give you some space afterwards. Not being able to stand the sadness, and feeling somewhat bad for them, you sent everyone, yes, including Anna, home early.
By three p.m., you’re the only one left at the office. You sit at your desk, head in your hands. I know it isn’t the end of the world...but right now, it almost feels like it is. With a deep sigh, you push yourself up, heading to the small kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. Maybe you’ll have a biscuit too. Anything to cheer yourself up. 
Your mind automatically goes to Gavin, and without thinking it over too much, you dial his number. After a couple of rings, your call goes to voicemail. Stupid. He’s probably working. I’ll just leave a message.
“Hey babe, it’s me. I-uh, the thing I mentioned last week? The new show deal with Loveland TV? Yeah, that’s not happening,” your voice cracks halfway through the last sentence as you try to push down the disappointment that bleeds through, “I’m staying late today. Need some time to-to process things. I’ll be fine. Love you, hope you’re safe.” 
Time passes agonisingly slowly, so slowly you might as well think Victor’s behind it, while you dive into a mountain of work. It distracts you from today’s events. but the lingering sadness is still present in the back of your mind. 
Around eight, you start cleaning up your desk, shutting down your computer and gathering the papers. A knock on the window catches your attention as you’re about to head out. You turn around, noticing a tall figure on the balcony outside. Gavin! You hastily run back, opening the sliding door for Gavin to enter.
“Hi,” That’s the most awkward thing you could say. “I didn’t know you would come. Did you hear my message? You really didn’t have to...” you trail off when Gavin wordlessly opens his arms to you. His golden eyes look anywhere but you, and a slight blush is visible in the dark room, only illuminated by the bright lights outside. 
You gingerly step into his arms at first, clutching the back of his signature denim jacket tighter as time goes on. A couple of stray tears that you’re not able to hold back create wet splotches on his shirt. “I’m sorry,” you mumble, your voice muffled by the soft fabric.
“No biggie. Are you feeling alright?” he asks you. A non-committal shrug is all you respond with. “I know it was a big project for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know what to do now.” 
Gavin bends down a little, kissing the crown of your head. “You move on, and you don’t give up.”
You fall into comfortable silence. Gavin’s thumb rubs up and down your waist, soothing you. “...Have you ever been rejected?” you suddenly ask him.
Gavin chuckles. “Sure I have. I got rejected by my very first love.”
You raise your head to look up at him. Gavin sees his own reflection in your large, teary eyes, and smiles. “And what happened then?” you ask, your voice lightly tinged with jealousy. Who was his first love?
“Well, she’s in my arms now, isn’t she?” Even though he’s embarrassed to say the words, Gavin forces himself to look at you. At those eyes that shine with love for the world, for him. 
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” you pull out of the embrace to get your coat by the coat hanger, opening the door to head out again, like a normal person.
“How? You didn’t come here by bike, did you?”
Gavin’s already facing the window again, but he turns back with a smirk, holding his hand out to you. “I never said we were going by bike.”
“Gavin, no, babe, no, no, nonononononono—Aah!!” Your protests are cut short as Gavin swoops you into his arms bridal style and flies off. The wind rushes past your ears, almost making you miss Gavin’s gleeful laugh. “Gavin! I didn’t lock the doors!”
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On many occasions, you’re envious of Kiro’s Evol. But even without his Evol, Kiro is so bubbly and kind, you can’t help but like him. You sincerely wish you had that ability. And I know I’m supposed to make my own wishes come true, but I can only do so much to make people like me. I’m not going to bend over backwards and become a pushover just to be liked.
Still, it hurts when people are purposely mean to you. Especially during high school reunions. You were by no means a popular kid growing up...but you didn’t think that some people would still be stuck in a high school mentality. You held your own during the reunion, ignoring the backhanded compliments and blatantly condescending insults in favour of catching up with your old friends. Yet, all you can think of on the drive home are the negative comments.
“Oh, you still can’t drink alcohol? Seems like ‘someone’ hasn’t grown up yet!”
“You’re the producer of Miracle Finder? I hate that show, it’s so unrealistic.”
“Isn’t that a kids’ show?”
“My, you look adorable! My daughter also likes to wear those types of clothes, you know, to go play at the park.”
I can’t believe I missed game night with Kiro for this. With a terrible mood, you shuffle into the house. Kiro’s on the sofa playing A Chinese Ghost Story, a bag of chips on the coffee table in front of him. He turns to greet you with a smile, but it quickly falls after seeing your somber expression. 
“Welcome home Miss Ch—eh? What’s wrong?” Kiro takes his headphones off to stand up in front of you. His hands instinctively move to your waist to pull you close.
“How was the gathering?” he asks carefully. His eyes are big, just like a puppy’s. Had you felt better, you would’ve commented on his cute appearance. 
It’s as if that question flips a switch. “It was horrible!” you sniffle.
“Wha—Miss Chips!” Kiro grows panicked at your sniffles and sobs, and roughly pulls you to his chest. You retaliate by hugging him tightly, crying all your frustrations out on his shoulder.
Somehow, you move into a cuddling position on the living room sofa. You straddle his slender legs and his arms are wrapped around your torso, rubbing comforting circles on your back. Pulling away from his embrace, you start ranting about the terrible evening.
“...and I don’t even know why I’m this upset! It’s so frustrating. I’ve worked so hard to become who I am today, and the moment someone says something to me, I just break down. Maybe I am a child,” you look up at Kiro, eyes wide and brimming with tears, “Kiro, am I a child to you?”
Kiro chuckles. “Well, Miss Chips...sometimes you can be childish,” you jut your lip out in a pout, “b-but I’m childish too! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Some people want to grow up too fast, so they drink alcohol and dress up in dark colours and stiff fabrics to feel properly imprisoned in the ‘harsh adult world’. But most of us could be happier if we just...let our inner child out.”
He cups your cheek. “Never be ashamed of being childish, Miss Chips. It doesn’t make you a child,” a mischievous grin appears on Kiro’s youthful face, “Besides, I wouldn’t do this if I thought of you as a child!” 
With the hand on your cheek, Kiro draws your face closer to his. Your lips meet in a swift kiss that takes you by surprise. He swallows the startled gasp that escapes your mouth, retaliating by slowly swiping his tongue across your bottom lip. You can feel him smile into the kiss as you lean into it, closing your eyes. Your tears are long forgotten as you tangle your hands in Kiro’s blond locks. Slowly, you part your lips, allowing Kiro’s tongue to slip into your mouth. The teasing flicks of his tongue make you go weak, and he chuckles when your grip on his hair loosens. 
Kiro notices you’re growing light-headed, so he gives you time to regain your breath while he peppers little kisses on the corners of your mouth and on your swollen lips. You kissing demon. 
His satisfied hum is disrupted by a vicious punch to the chest. “Ah! Miss Chips, why would you hit me?” It’s Kiro’s time to pout now.
“Who told you to do that?! You’re so sly, it’s unfair!” you scold him, cheeks flushed a bright red.
“Yes, yes,” he pets your head, “but it helped, right? You’re not upset anymore, right?”
Your face scrunches up. “I guess not...I’m still mad at you for surprising me like that,” Kiro giggles, “But thanks.” His smile is contagious, and soon you’re both in a giggling fit.
When the giggles have subsided, Kiro pushes you back into his chest. As he snuggles into your shoulder, he whispers in your ear. “Don’t worry. Every time you feel sad, I’ll be there to cheer you up.”
I’m not saying dark clothes are bad! I have a black wardrobe myself...but we all need to remember that we don’t need to be so hard on ourselves sometimes. 
For some reason I’ve never properly depicted kissing like that in my writing. Ehhh, forgive me if it’s bad. Little note...do you guys know what Chinese drama ‘A Chinese Ghost Story’ is featured in?
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outrebanx · 4 years
Chapter 1
Summary: Y/n has just moved to the Outer Banks and is struggling to enjoy it until she meets a few certain pogues (again its an awful summary i’m sorry)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: I don’t think theres anything
A/N: I was originally doing a one shot with this but I hadn’t even got to writing the main bit yet when it seemed to be getting longer so I think if people like it I’ll make it a series and this is kinda like the prologue because theres not much interaction with the pogues and stuff (also the grammar might not be great but oh well) - any feedback would be lovely!
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It had only been a week since you’d moved away from Oregon, starting a new life in the Outer Banks, and so far you were struggling to enjoy it. Yes, it was a beautiful place but it wasn’t home to you yet, no matter how hard your dad tried to make it seem like it was, you missed being on the mainland, where you could drive to places whenever you wanted, you missed your friends, but most of all you missed your mum. Your mum dying a few months ago was what caused your dad to move out here - he no longer wanted to be reminded of her wherever he went, whether that was to Cannon Beach where you spent most of your time surfing, swimming and being with your friends (or your mum depending on the day); or if it was just to the shops, he’d be reminded of her everywhere, so apparently that meant he would drag you both to the other side of the country, far away from everything you loved.
It could’ve been worse, you supposed, he could’ve moved somewhere without a coast, which would’ve been your own personal hell, as being in the water was what made you happy and where you went to cool off if you’d argued with your dad or had a bad day.
Annoyingly, since moving here you’d only been able to get down to the sea in the evenings or at night as your days were spent either unpacking or looking for a job somewhere on the island. So far you had returned back to your house, having no luck in anyone hiring you, today was different though, you’d been offered a job at this place called the Wreck, a cute little restaurant in the middle of the island, and you had bought some food from there back with you so you and your dad could celebrate a little.
Pulling into your driveway, you turned off the engine, before getting out you stopped to look at your house - it wasn’t a great looking house, you knew this, and according to the sales person who sold it to your dad, it hadn’t been lived in for a while, which was obvious by the fact that your dad had been fixing it up all week. Your family had never come from money, your dad was a plumber and your mum had been a teacher at a high school, so not hugely paying jobs - but the money (or sometimes lack thereof) hadn’t bothered you guys, as long as you had enough money to eat well and enjoy life together, then it was alright. You agreed with this mentality, but you liked having a part time job to pay for certain things, it was how you’d saved up for a car and how you got your surfboard, so it was worth it.
Stepping out of the car, you made your way to the front door to go inside, and headed straight for the kitchen to put the food you’d brought back with you into the oven to reheat a little before eating.
Realising you hadn’t heard your dad say hello, you called out, “Hey dad, I’ve brought food, where are you?”
You heard a faint answer from the bathroom, and when you got there he was on the floor and attempting to fix the pipes under the bath by the looks of it.
“Hey, how’s that going?”
“Terribly if I’m being honest, one of these pipes had rotted from the inside out so when I tried attaching something to it, it snapped.”
“Oh that’s fun, please tell me the shower still works?”
“Yes it does, don’t worry you won’t have to go anywhere smelling like you do now.” He laughed as you stuck your tongue out at him.
Stepping back slightly so he could stand up, you replied, “And to think I brought you some food, guess I’m just gonna eat it all myself now after that comment.”
You began walking back towards the kitchen when your dad put his arm around your shoulder, “Oh, if food is on the line I take it all back, you smell great.”
“Wow thanks, that seemed really sincere.” You say, smiling back at him as you reached for the oven gloves to get the food out of the oven and onto the plates on the side.
Once you had dished everything up, you both sat at the small dining table in the corner of your kitchen, a comfortable silence falling between you as you dug into the food in front of you.
Your dad broke the silence, “This is really good, where is this from?”
“A little restaurant called the Wreck, that also happens to be where my new job is.”
“You got a job? Damn, you kept that quiet.” He laughed, “I’m really proud of you Y/N, and I know your mum would be too.”
You looked up at him, smiling, “Thanks dad, and there’s no need to be emotional, it’s just a part time job.”
“I think you’ll find I can be proud of you whenever I want, which just happens to be all the time because you’re amazing my little dragonfly.” He reached across the table to ruffle your hair, before retuning focus back to the food in front of him.
You also looked down at your plate, still smiling but trying to stop your dad from seeing how your eyes watered at the nickname your mum had given you when you were younger. The nickname came from the time you and your mum had gone on a walk in the woods near you, where there was a big lake, with hundreds of dragonflies flying around it - initially you had tried to catch some of them, but when that failed, you’d stayed still, holding your hand out hoping one would land on you. Within minutes a large blue one had landed on your hand, which was then followed by a couple more, your mum had taken a picture of this, capturing the joy on your face when you looked at the multiple dragonflies. Since then it had been your nickname, your mum even getting you a cute silver necklace with a dragonfly charm on it for your birthday a few years back - which you’d pretty much never taken off.
“So,” your dad spoke up again, “at this place, the Wreck, are there any people your age who work there as well?”
“Um, there weren’t many people working today when I was in there, but there was this one girl, I think its her family who owns it, and she seems quite nice.”
“That’s good, hopefully you might become friends then.” He smiled at you reassuringly, you bit back your comment about how you had friends at home because you knew he only meant well, and he was struggling just as much as you were in this move, so you just nodded and ate your last mouthful of food.
After you had cleaned your plate, you said to your dad, “I think I might go surfing in a bit, once my food has settled, because I’m going into work tomorrow to collect my uniform and do a small shift, and I’ll probably be too tired to do it after that.”
“Okay that’s fine,” he turned to you as you walked out the room, “just don’t be out too late, and like usual, be careful.”
“I’m always careful.” You smile at him before going upstairs to get ready.
The beach was nice and empty at this point in the evening, probably because the sun was just setting and people would rather not be out in the cold or dark. But you liked the peace and quiet of it, hearing the waves crash against the sand always relaxed you, and there was no need to worry about what other people think of you if there are no people around which was a bonus.
You set out into the water, board in hand, before it was deep enough to get onto it and paddle out a little further. Once you were far enough out, you began waiting for the perfect wave, riding a few that weren’t too great in the meantime, enjoying it all the same though. As you were sat on your board, waiting for another wave, you heard some voices on the beach, and looked over there to try and make out where abouts it was coming from. Eventually you saw a couple of figures walking across the beach, and from where you were it looked like two guys, maybe around your age, but they hadn’t noticed you yet and you weren’t sure whether you wanted them to.
It was unlikely you would be unnoticed for long though because if they looked out to the water they’d be able to see a person, especially if you were riding a wave. Checking the water behind you again, you saw a promising wave begin to form, and so you began paddling to try and catch it, forgetting about the boys on the beach as you focused, and just before the wave broke you stood up, and started riding it. You turned to angle yourself on the wave slightly better before doing a kick flip, and successfully landing it - you couldn’t help but let out a little whoop at your success, always happy when you landed a trick well. After this you only managed a few more seconds on your board before the wave crashed onto you, knocking you into the water.
You quickly swam back up to the surface, getting your board beneath you so you could start paddling towards the beach - deciding to end the night on a high and before it got late enough for your dad to start worrying about you.
As you got nearer the beach you saw that the boys who you’d seen walking were now standing there watching you come out of the water, you’d been right about them spotting you when you were out there.
Once out of the water you rang your hair out before putting it into a bun to keep it out of your face, and just as you started moving again the two boys approached you, in a way that seemed nervous you thought. The closer they got, the more attractive they became, both very tall, one with long brown hair and the other blonde and both with incredible bodies. Damn maybe you wouldn’t mind it here after all.
“Hey, we haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?” One of them, the brunette one, asked.
“Um yeah I moved here last week.”
“Oh that’s cool, by what we saw you do just then I’m assuming you surf a lot?” This time it was the blonde one who had asked the question, and as he did you could see his eyes move up and down your body, a small smirk on his face when he met your eyes.
“Yeh I lived by the coast in Oregon, so I’ve pretty much surfed since I was a kid, which is basically the only thing this place has in common with home, so I’m taking advantage of that.”
The brunette spoke up again, “Thats nice, um, I’m John B and this,” he indicated to the other boy, “is JJ.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N,” you smile at them, “but I need to go now, so I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeh that’d be great” JJ replied as you turned around and starting walking back up to your car, turning around one more time to give them a quick wave.
Once you were at your car, you could still faintly hear them, and from what you could work out they were talking about you, nice things it sounded like, you rolled your eyes and got into your car to drive home and collapse in your bed, still thinking about the way JJ had looked at you.
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Title: Killer In Disguise
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Gif credit @jasonstodds.
Requested on wattpad.
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies.
"Scott, idiot this is my sister Y/N". Derek introduced you to Stiles and Scott.
"Nice to meet you guys. Heard alot about you". You eyed Stiles who was awkwardly trying not to stare at you.
"So you're going to be going to our school"?
"Um, do you know what classes you'll be taking"? Scott nervously rubbed the back on his neck.
"I dont know for sure yet. Derek hasnt went and got my schedule yet". You nudged your big brothers arm playfully.
"I'll get them. It's the weekend, I have other matters to attend". Derek sighed rolling his eyes. He maybe your big brother but you sometimes acted like your mom. Staying on him about things. He needed someone watching his back.
"You're right, I have to get ready for school anyways. Make sure I have everything so I'm going to go". You waved bye and left.
Derek crossed his arms growling at Scott and Stiles. "Dont even think about it".
"What'd we do"? Stiles asked innocently.
"I will rip you to shreads and bury pieces of you around town. Don't even think about". Derek warned them. Derek walked away and Scott shrugged his shoulders.
"Over protective". Stiles wrapped his arm around Scott and headed home.
Monday came, you were excited but also really nervous. Before living with Derek you were homeschooled so being in highschool was scary. Were you going to fit in or make a fool of yourself the first day? It was swimming in your head not to screw up or say something stupid.
As you walked in you saw Scott and Stokes at their locker, you went over to say hello.
"Y/N, hey". Stiles spotted you before you could say anything.
"So how's your first day going"? Scott asked as he slipped on his back pack.
"Good I guess. I aciddently bumped into a girl with red hair and she yelled at me but other than that its okay".
"You..you bumped into Lydia Martin? Did she smell nice? I bet she smelled nice". Stiles leaned against the locker with heart eyes coming out.
"He has a major crush on her. But she won't give him the time of day and plus shes dating Jackson".
"I didn't smell her. Sorry". You chuckled as Stiles started falling from the lockers. 
"What class you got next"?
"Hey, me too". Scott grinned.
"Great, you can show me where its at".
"See ya Stiles". You and Scott both said as Stiles jumped up acting like nothing happened and walked off.
During math class you were actually paying attention and surprisingly knowing what the teacher was talking about until you looked out of the corner of your eye and saw Lydias head tilted your way and her filing her nails as she watched you.
Yeah, she hated you. First day and already made a enemy. Great.
You tried to ignore her but she threw something at you. You didnt turn around but you could hear giggling and chuckling.
She kept doing it when the teachers back was turned. You were starting to get angry. Your knuckles started growing white as you gripped the desk. The wood started to split. Pulling your hand back you saw your nails had grown at least two inches, your hands started growing hair. Oh god, this was not happening in the middle of class.
Scott looked up from his book and saw you were freaking out trying to hide your hands in your jacket. But he noticed your teeth and your eyes. They were a amber color.
"Sppt. Y/N". Scott tried to get your attention.
You couldn't control it. You had to get out before you exploded.
Not even bothering to get the teachers permission you bolted out the door. The teacher protested. "Where is she going"?
"I think she had to take her medicine". Scott tried to cover.
"Was she okay"?
"I'll go check". Scott rushed out the door, looking down the hall he saw you stagger into a bathroom.
He carefully walked into the bathroom. "Y/N? You okay"?
Scott heard growling coming from the last stall. "I know what you're going through. Come out and we can sort this out".
Gulping you opened the door. There you stood, all wolf like. You couldnt believe it. Derek and you thought the werewolf gene skipped you. You showed no signs of werewolf.
"What the hell is happening"?
"You've unleashed the werewolf". Scott chuckled.
"Not funny. How do I make it go away"?
"What made you mad"?
"Lydia. She was throwing paper balls at me. I just want to rip her head off". You growled loudly.
"Okay. Calm down. You cant be this in school".
"I can't. I dont know how". You started to panic.
Scott thought of what Stiles did when he went all wolfie. He sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. But he didn't want to do that to you.
"I'm going to try something just dont kill me". Scott stepped closer to you until you were between him and the wall. He leaned in and kissed your lips. At first it wasnt working then something in you relaxed. Soon your arms were around his neck and not hairy anymore.
You pulled back. "It works. Holy crap it worked". You squealed kissing him again.  Scott stood there happy with himself.
"Thanks Scott. You saved Lydia".
Scott laughed.
"Okay, you saved me too".
"No problem. If this happens again I'm here".
"I'll keep that in mind". You giggle. "What did you tell the teacher"?
"That you had to get your medicine".
"What? Now everyone's going to think I'm crazy". You huffed with a shake of your head.
"Well. I think Lyida has already told everyone that".
"I'm going to kill her". You growled. Scott stepped in front of you.
"Kidding. Gee, I cant joke around"?
"Not when you're a freshly new werewolf that can't control your anger you can't".
"Okay. We better get back to class". You walked out before Scott and made sure it clear for him to come out.
After school and your little episode all you wanted to do was go home and forget the day. But apparently your wolf self had other ideas. The woods were right in your sight and you had to go in. You strapped on your back pack and sprinted off inside. Leaving the human world and going into something that you had no control over.
"Scott, theres a body". Stiles poked his head threw Scotts window.
"Yeah, I know. It was a werewolf".
"Wait, how do you know that"?
"Y/N. She turned today in class. She was going to attack Lydia".
Stiles fell on the bed. "What? Y/Ns a werewolf? I thought the gene skipped her? She was the normal one".
"Sorry Stiles but you're back in that role". Scott chuckled when Stiles started pouting.
"What are we going to do? She cant go around killing people. Especially not Lydia".
"We need to find her". Scott hopped out his window. Stiles went to the window panting.
"I'll take the stairs".
While Scott and Stiles creeped through the woods, Scott got a wiff of a scent near. He put up his guard and pushed Stiles behind him.
"She's here".
"Where? It's literally pitch black. Oh right wolf senses".
"Scott"? You came into the little moon light that was peaking through the trees.
"What are you doing"?
"I don't know. I remember going home from school and the woods but after that there's nothing".
"You killed someone".
"I did? No I didnt". You shook your head with disbelief.
"Why are you covered in blood"?
You looked down at your clothes, blood and hair covered them. Your mouth had blood and your hands. 
"Who was it"?
"A local criminal". Stiles spoke up from behind Scott.
"So it wasn't Lydia"?
"No why"?
"I dreamt that I killed her".
"You were blinded by the wolf rage. I'll call Derek to come get you". Scott pulled out his phone and called Derek. Stiles walked over to you, picking off hairs.
"What"? He asked looking from his phone.
"Um deer hairs. Not human".
"What"? Scott walked over and examed you.
"You're not the scent that was on the body. How"?
"So I didn't kill anyone"?
"It seems to be your lucky day". Stiles patted your back making you growl. He quickly took his hands off you.
"You really need to work on the anger". Derek said coming out of the dark.
"Yeah, I know. Only Scott can calm me down".
"Really now? What do you do to calm my little sister there Scott"? Derek crossed his leather covered arms.
"Um..um..nothing". Scott stuttered.
"He kissed her". Stiles squealed on his friend.
"Stiles". Scott scoffed.
"What did I tell you"?
"Now is not the time for that. I'm either a killer or not". You talked over them.
"You're not". Scott and Derek both said.
"She could be". Stiles pulled off a chunk of hair and looked like skin.
"Alright. This is whats happening. No one talks about this again. My sister is not a killer". Derek grabbed your wrist and started walking off.
"Then she needs to control her anger. We cant have her killing people". Scott walked forward.
"I can control her". Derek growled.
"Not your way. I can do it with out hurting her".
"Kissing is not going to keep working".
"It may".
Derek looked at you then at Scott.  "Alright we'll try it your way. If she kills anyone you're taking the fall for it".
"Okay. I'll take care of her".
"Fine. We'll see you tomorrow". Derek pulled you along with him disappearing in the night.
"You just said you'll babysit a werewolf that cant control her anger? Are you crazy"?
"Maybe. But I have you and you've been there for me. So I need to be there for her". Stiles smiled as he hugged Scott.
"I love you man".
"Get off".
Scott and Stiles went home planning out on how they'll keep you calm. Well Scott has his plan, that he'll enjoy alot. Stiles was still worried. You were more angrier than Scott was.
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Stray Kids AU
Stray Kids soulmate AU
Prompt : The name of your soulmate appears on your body only after that person falls in love with you.
A/N: this was sooooo fun to write but it turned out rather long but please the whole thing,I swear it'll be worth every minute🥺
Warnings : None.
1. Bang Chan
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You met him for the first time when you went to the movies one evening,alone ,trying to take your mind off the upcoming exams.
He was seated to your left,his mind completely focused on the movie . He wore a black tshirt with a black jacket and a pair of baggy pants but you couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked even in the dark.
You also subtly noticed the bandaids around his fingers and the reddened knuckles and the tired and exhausted look on his face ,which you were very familiar with because it is the same expression you see when you look into the mirror.
"Are you like a boxer or something?" You weren't the kind to go around talking to random strangers at movies but this time your curiosity got the better of you.
He looked at you ,confused ,but answered anyway. "No. I'm a musician "
"Then what's with the bruised hands?"
He looks down at his hands and laughs,shaking his head. "Let's just say I overwork myself a little too much sometimes". Fair enough.
"I'm y/n by the way " you offer your hand and he takes it,smiling from ear to ear. "I'm Chan"
You notice his lack of snacks and a cold drink and you couldn't help but offer your extra large bucket of popcorn ,which previously you were sure you could finish on your own but now, not so anymore.
He thanks you,dipping his hands in and grabbing a fistful of popcorn,a small but very noticeable blush tinting his cheeks.
That night,he offers to walk you home and you couldn't say no. You stood at your doorstep,smiling to yourself as he turns around and walks back home.
The moment he is out of your sight,you feel a sudden pain in your left forearm.
Rolling your sleeves up till your elbow,you are stunned to see "Bang Chan" cleanly written there.
2. Lee Minho
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You hated Lee Minho from the bottom of your heart. He went to the same dance studio as you and ever since you guys had a minor argument about something regarding a particular step,he's felt like nothing but a nuisance.
He knew that you disliked him so he made sure to bother you even more. Sometimes he'd make fun of your frizzy hair and sometimes he'd simply grab your phone out of nowhere and run. He even ate your food without any permission.
But one day ,your dance teacher paired you two up together for a couple contemporary dance competition.
You were so close to strangling Minho everytime he looked at you with that smirk on his face as you guys practiced day and night. But you also couldn't help but acknowledge how perfect his every movement was.
It was the day before your competition when Minho fell in the bathroom and fractured his leg,forcing your duo to back out from the competition.
You honestly weren't a bit angry or sad about it since it was a small internal competition but you knew he was upset with himself so you went to visit him at his dorm.
"I'm sorry, y/n " he had said. That's the saddest you've ever seen him look and to be very honest, you hated it.
"Shut up ,idiot. It's not a big deal " you gave him the donuts you bought earlier as he looks up at you ,smiling brightly.
When you were about to leave, he asked you if you could drop by often. His eyes looked at everywhere but you.
"Why?" You giggled. He looked down shyly. "I realized you're not that bad to hang out with "
You laughed, pressing a small kiss on his cheek. "I'll come by often"
When you reached home,you felt a strong sting at your forearm.
And on observing closely at the burning area,you see "Lee Minho" written in big,bold letters.
3. Seo Changbin
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You hated your job ,you really did but everything changed when your new colleague, Changbin, arrived. He was the funniest,nicest and most talented mam you'd ever met.
A few weeks into the friendship,he had already made you listen to the songs he composed. His smile when you complimented him was something to die for.
And Whenever you felt down ,he would make some silly jokes and he'd instantly brighten up your mood.
And you didn't want to deny it,you had developed a crush on him.
It was a rainy afternoon in your office when you saw Changbin walk inside your executive director's cabin. You knew that it could never mean something good.
When he came out of the office,almost half an hour later,his eyes looking down at the floor and his ears red ,you knew he had gotten a nice scolding from your shitty boss.
You knew because a few months ago you'd been in the the same position too.
But instead of coming back to his seat,you saw him walk out of the office. Mindlessly,you followed him into the terrace .
"He's a stupid asshole,don't fret yourself about it" you wrapped your arm around his. He sighed, ruffling his hair with the other hand.
"I'm going to punch that man one day " he gritted his teeth. You were so used to him being a smily ,funny man ,you were scared when you saw him this angry.
"He's not worth your attention,I'm telling you " . He only replied by shrugging.
You two decided to have dinner together that night.
"I hope there's a next time to this" he had said,shyly, His smile doing wonders to your heart. As his car disappeared around the corner,you felt your heart swell with a warm feeling.
The next morning,you woke up with a stinging pain in your forearm and when you checked it out,your heart skipped a beat on seeing 'Seo Changbin ' written there.
4. Hwang Hyunjin
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You'd never seen a man as beautiful and amazing as Hyunjin. Although he probably never noticed you,you noticed him. All the girls in your college did and you were no exception to that.
You were more than excited when your teacher told you that you two were supposed to do a project together.
Initially, you were expecting him to be a brat ,given his popularity among women ( and men OFC) but he turned out to be a warm person,making you feel guilty for thinking that way about him in the first place.
He helped you all he could ,and you also realised at that time that he was not just a handsome face ,he was pretty smart too.
After working hours on the project at your house,you two would sometimes just spend time talking to each other. It wasn't even forced; you guys just clicked naturally.
On the day the project finished, you decided to bake cookies for him and even packed some for him to take home. "This is a thank you gift"
His whole face lit up as he took the jar of cookies from you. "I should be the one thanking you "
Before he left,he gives you tight hug and then a kiss on your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow "
While you prepared dinner that evening,you felt a weird sting on your forearm,as if a bug bit you. Putting down the spoon,you checked out your forearm for any signs of a bug bite.
Your cheeks turned red when you saw that it wasn't a bug bite. "Hwang Hyunjin " was printed onto your skin in a clean and neat handwriting.
5. Han Jisung
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You were the new producer intern at JYP entertainment and although unfamiliar to most people,you felt quite comfortable at home. You first met Han Jisung when he popped his head through your studio door,mistaking your studio for some else's.
His cheeks turned red with embarrassment, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I thought this room was Mike's."
You smiled shyly. "Its alright. Don't apologize please." He then slowly stepped into the studio,his hands behind his back.
"Are you new here ? Haven't seen you before " You nodded in response . He thrusted his hand towards you,his lips curving up into a smile.
"I'm Jisung. I am a trainee here" he said. "Nice to meet you ,Jisung. I'm y/n,a new intern producer"
You then proceeded to tell him that you have in fact heard about him and his team ,3racha,from other producers. He giggled,clearly embarrassed. "Yeah. I do compose a little, here and there "
Needless to say,over time you guys had developed an unbreakable bond not only through music but also the similar way that you two click with each other. It's as if you both had found a safe haven in each other.
A few months later,he told you that he wanted to show you a song he was working on. And excited, you quickly agreed to it.
For someone who was only a few months older than you,his music style was way more mature than yours. The way every beat,every chord ,every lyric sticks out beautifully, you couldn't help but clap as the song ended.
"That was amazing,Jisung. You're gonna put all us producers out of work!" You had teased.
He gave you his signature smile and shook his head . "You guys are going to be big one day, I can feel it " you told him.
He stopped for a second and stared at you ,his fingers fumbling with his laptop. "But you'll still be here right? Even if we do get big one day,you'll still be there with me right?"
You smiled ,as he took your hand in his. "Yes. I'll be there "
As soon as Jisung left the studio after a few minutes,you suddenly felt as if your arm was on fire. Alarmed ,you decided to check the area .
"Han Jisung" was written on your forearm.
6. Felix Lee
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You loved swimming more than anything in the world and you were so good at it,people at your school saw you as their swimming champion.
But it all changed when Lee Felix joined your school. He was an amazing swimmer and as much as it hurt your ego to admit it,Felix was better than you .
You couldn't help but feel jealous and even though he was in the same swimming team as you ,you never bothered to acknowledge him. He did try to befriend you but your ego was too big to pay heed to him.
On his birthday, when he invited you to his house for a party,you couldn't say no to those pleading eyes. You told yourself you went out of pity but that's not entirely true.
The party wasn't half as bad as you had thought and by the time the party died down,you also realized you were being too harsh on Felix. His sunshine like smile and cheerful personality worked magic on you.
He offered to walk you home since you insisted on walking back home alone . You agreed because your houses weren't very far apart.
"Do you hate me or something?" He caught you off guard as you find the right words to answer him.
You shook your head ." I don't hate you,Felix. I guess...I was just envious"
He chuckled. " you shouldn't be" and you nodded. He was right, you shouldn't be jealous and right now,in this moment you realise how ridiculous those feelings were.
You stopped at your gate and looked up at him,smiling ,and then gave him a quick hug
But before he could say anything you ran into your house.
The moment you close the door behind you,your forearm starts hurting really bad. And when you check it out to see what's causing it ,you see the name 'Lee Felix ' written on your skin.
7. Kim Seungmin
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Kim Seungmin was that one cute boy from your school who dropped by at the library you work at every day.
He always greeted you with the brightest smile on earth and often chatted with you before he left the library. You had gotten used to his positive energy.
But one evening he came in,his eyes tired and mouth pressed in a small smile. He didn't even greet you ,which broke your heart a little.
He sat on the farthest corner of the library, a book open in front of him but his eyes and mind were elsewhere . You approached him.
"What's wrong?" He looked at you with tear filled eyes. "I didn't do well in my maths paper "
You softly patted his back. " hey,it's okay . Everyone knows you're good at maths and plus it was just an internal assessment. It won't hamper your finals "
"But that's the thing,y/n. I'm not good at maths. I am fairly good at the other subjects but I suck at maths,big time "
You looked at his sorry face and realised how much his grades mattered to him unlike you who didn't give too much thought to it . "I'm good at maths. If you want ,I could tutor you "
His face broke into a smile as he placed his hand on yours.
"You would?" You nodded as his smile turned even bigger.
You walked back to the reception after Seungmin calmed down,having discussed the timings for his math tutions and making him promise you free ice cream for the rest of your life in return for your favour.
You suddenly felt a sting on your forearm and on inspecting your forearm ,you saw the name 'Kim Seungmin' written in big letters as your stomach did a backflip in anticipation of what is to come.
8. Yang Jeongin
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Jeongin and you had been best friends since childhood. Your parents were friends too so naturally you grew up to be closer than anyone.
But as you both entered teenage, you started seeing him as more than just a friend . So you distanced yourself from him. Over time ,he stopped trying to earn you back and you two grew apart.
It was the last year of high school and everyone was busy preparing for the Winter Ball. You weren't going(obviously),not just because you had no date but also because you didn't want to see Jeongin with someone else.
The morning of the ball arrived and your friends had given up on trying to convince you to go with them.
You were sitting on your sofa while eating breakfast when the doorbell rang.
"I heard that you weren't coming to the ball,y/n " Jeongin looked at you with sad eyes.
You looked at your feet,embarrassed . "Yes."
He sighed,walking into your house. "Why, y/n?"
You told him that you didn't have a date but he refused to believe that to be the only reason. He grabbed your shoulders,looking into your eyes. You heart was beating so fast you were sure you might pass out any minute.
"You like me,don't you? Isn't that the reason why you stopped hanging out with me? Please tell me its true" Your forearm started hurting badly at that moment but you ignored it,there were more important things to do than worry about a sore arm .
"Yes " you didn't want to lie to him anymore . You were tired of being afraid and playing safe all the time . For once,maybe bravery might be a better option.
He smiled from ear to ear ,wrapping you in his arms and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck. "I do too ,you dumbo. "
While your heart leaped with happiness ,the pain in your arm increased so you quickly checked the area whilst still in his embrace.
'Yang Jeongin ' was written on your skin and you knew what it meant. You knew that he was the one for you.
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New Kids On The Block
Ben Hanscom x GenNeu!Reader
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Here is a little imagine i wrote for young Ben...enjoy
warnings: none just fluff
word count - 750
My Masterlist
The year was 1990, the sudden mass of missing kids stopped, and as soon as summer ended things went back to normal. Therefore that meant, homework and projects that no one cared for. Your biology teacher assigned projects during the second week of school, which to you was totally not cool. As you made your way to the library to check out a book you need for said project you noticed a lack of ass-hat bullies loitering around the perimeter, but you just shrugged that off. When you entered the library you made b-line for the science books. After minutes of searching for the right book you felt a pair of eyes on you. You looked in the direction of where the sense was coming from and spotted a boy with brown hair placed on his forehead look away from your direction.
    You were going to ask why he was staring but it might have been a misunderstanding so you didn't feel the need to ask. As soon as you were about to give up looking for the damn book the same brown haired boy came up to you. "Um, hey need some help?" said the boy. "Oh uh yeah do you know where the biology books are, there seem to be none here." you replied. "Well the biology books wouldn't be in the science section, they would be in the Earth and Environment section." You stood and stared at him dumbfounded of the sectioning of this library. "I take it you don't come here often?" the boy said. "oh yeah, I try to avoid it as much as possible." you said with a small giggle. The boy walked over to a shelf of books grabbed a couple and came back. "Here are some books I think might help. I'm Ben by the way." He said handing you the books.
    As you grabbed the books from him you said, "Thanks Ben, and I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." Ben blushed even though you didn't really do anything special but tell him your name. "I'm not busy, if you want to come sit with me and I can help you with the studying?" Ben said, looking hopeful you wouldn't reject his offer. "Yeah, sure I would love to." you replied, making him sweat at the palms. As the two of you walk back to his table you cant help but think the brown haired boy was quite cute with his soft voice and chubby cheeks. You pushed the thoughts out of you mind when you sat down. You noticed a cassette player lying on the table and as you were gazing at it you noticed the cassette inside the player was a NKOTB cassette tape.
    Ben noticed you gazed and quickly hid the cassette player from you afraid you would tease him about listening to said band. "Oh my gosh, you listen to New Kids?" you asked. "uh- I-I well- I- um-" Ben stuttered. "I love New Kids On The Block, whats your favorite song? Mine personally is (ur fave NKOTB song)!" you said excitedly as you've never met someone else in Derry that shared your passion for NKOTB. "Um, Please Don't Go Girl, is one of my favorites." Ben answered shyly, still kinda shocked from your reaction. "Ugh that song is so good!" you said still elated from the conversation you're having with you new friend.
    You continued the conversation before actually studying biology for your project. Time flew by and when you looked at the clock you pouted seeing as its 5:30 already. "Well Ben, I have to go its almost 6 and I have to be home for dinner, I really appreciate you hanging out with me today." you said bummed out that you have to go. "oh ok," Ben said as he pouted a bit, but perked up when he had an idea. "tomorrow after school me and my friends were gonna go to the quarry and swim for a bit, you can come if you'd like." Ben asked, hoping you would say yes. "Sure Ben that sounds like fun, can't wait." You started packing up the books and your papers but before you stood up to leave you placed a simple kiss on Ben's cheek, making his face go red like a tomato. "See ya later Ben." you stood up and waved as Ben just stared at you watching you leave with a smile. "See ya Y/N." he said to himself  as you walked away.
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
Here’s Chapter 9! Missing Love
The next day, Doria had Maria go back to school so she could become stronger than she was before, "And don't worry about and her friends, I already had a long talk to them and their parents." Doria said and kissed Maria on the head and waved goodbye before swimming away to her post to protect the Sea Emperors and the kingdom. Maria swam towards her class a bit nervous hoping they wouldn't bring up her 'incident.' "Ok, class! Today we're gonna play a little game of hide and seek, the rules are simple: I'm gonna place these human stuff around and you have to find them, whoever has the most human items wins! I'm gonna be the human who's gonna try to find you all, don't get caught! You get caught, your out! So try to find some place to hide." Mr. Powell said and everyone began hiding, Maria hid next to Emily who was sitting behind a rock. "Hey." Maria whispered, "Hey, are your wounds ok?" Emily whispered back looking at her bandages "Yeah, they're fine." Maria said smiling. Maria then looked behind the rock and saw a human item, it was a nickel, she looked around for the teacher and quickly swam towards it and picked it up then quickly swam back behind the rock with Emily, "Got one!" Maria said and showed Emily, Emily pulled out a bag with dozens of human items inside, "Whoa your good!" Maria said amazed "Dorms have a very unique sense of smell to find objects." Said Emily. After a few hours of everyone collecting, hiding and getting caught the game was over and the teacher started tallying up who got the most. "Omar and Sebastian, first place! Maria and Emily, second place! Kristine and Danny, third place!" Mr. Powell announced, some of the class cheered and some remained silent, then it was time for lunch. While Maria was trying to eat her lunch with Emily, some of the other students came and started asking her questions like, "Is it true you were attacked by a shark?" Or "How deep was the Midnight Zone? How'd you get out? What creatures did you see down there?" Then some came and apologized about her mother's death and how cool she was and that they hope Maria will grow up to be like her some day. Maria thanked them then continued with her lunch break. After school, and being tired of everyone's questions, Maria just wanted to go to bed and forget about everything that just happened, forget about the questions they asked. She looked up at Alberto's record player, she reached up to the handle to turn it and it began playing the singing lady again. It made her smile, then she turned over and looked up at her seashell ceiling and thought about Alberto, "I wonder how he's doing..." She said.
Giulia opened her window and played her trumpet noises once again which, again, startled Alberto awake, "Could you please stop doing that!?" He shouted "Well, its the only way to get you up, big guy! C'mon, breakfast is ready!" Giulia said and hopped down from the window and began running downstairs to the kitchen with Luca and sat at the table waiting for Massimo to get done with the pasta. Alberto came downstairs and saw Luca and Giulia reading another boring book while eating next to each other, Alberto sighed and sat across from them and ate his pasta trying to ignore their conversations of what he thinks is useless and boring stuff. Once done, Massimo asked Alberto to come and help him hunt for some more fish and so that everyone can get the day started getting their jobs done. Once at the docks, Alberto and Massimo climbed onto the boat and started heading towards the open sea, Alberto navigated Massimo where the fish were and Massimo threw the giant net into the water to catch some fish. Alberto sat and waited for Massimo to finish when he turned to his right and saw something light blue, he thought it was Maria's dress attached to Maria, "Maria?" He said smiling hoping that was her, but it turned out to be a little kid wearing a swimsuit and holding up a bucket of clams. Alberto sighed in sadness and frowned and looked down. "I know, Alberto. I miss her too, she was good person. But we must wait till she heals, shark bites are very powerful and could tear you in two if your not careful. She's a strong woman, she'll make it through." Massimo said taking the net out to reveal a giant pile of fish and brought onto the boat. "I know but, how long do we have to wait?" Alberto said, "I don't know, but only time will tell. We must be patient." Massimo said and started the boat's engine and began heading back to town. Giulia and Luca were finishing their deliveries riding down the hill back to their home, "HA! A new record!" Giulia said looking at her stopwatch and then hopping of her bike, Luca hopped of the back of the empty cart and came up behind her "Wow, that was quick!" He said "Hehe yeah!" Giulia said and then saw her dad and Alberto return with another giant pile of fish they caught. "Woohoo! Another great catch!" Giulia cheered, "Thanks to your friend here." Massimo said patting Alberto's shoulder, "Its no problem" He said trying to act casual and went inside the house, Giulia and Luca looked at him knowing something was wrong. "He's just heartbroken. Just give it time." Massimo said, Luca and Giulia looked at each other with worry then walked back inside their home.
Alberto was up in the tree looking up at the sky, once again thinking about Maria, wishing she was right next to him like before. Luca came through the window onto the tree and sat next to Alberto.
"Hey Alberto." He said,
"If your gonna ask me about Maria, don't, I don't wanna hear it." Alberto said and turned over to his left side
"I-I wasn't!" Luca said "I just wanted to ask if your ok."
"I'm fine, now just leave me alone and go to sleep or read another boring book about whatever." Said Alberto
Luca looked down then left the tree back through the window into Giulia's room, "How'd it go?" Giulia asked.
Luca sighed, "He doesn't want to talk about it..."
"Let's just leave him for now, he'll feel better when Maria returns from recovery." Giulia said.
A few weeks later, Maria woke up the next morning feeling better but still felt like something was missing, like a big part of her, and she felt a little sick, but didn't bother and went to her aunt so she could check her wounds. Maria sat up on the table and Doria took off her bandages to see if her wounds healed, Maria's wounds turned into scars and seemed to be healed. "Ok, your healed, but we need to wait one more day for your scars to get used to being revealed without the bandages, otherwise they'll dry and burn." Doria said, Maria gasped and cheered and hugged her aunt. "Ok, now, go on ahead to school before your late." Doria said and Maria began swimming to her school. She told Emily the good news and said that she'll be returning to Alberto tomorrow morning, "That's great, Maria! I bet he's gonna be so happy to see you!" Emily said happily "I know, it feels like its been forever!" Maria said excited, "Oh, please..." A voice behind them came up, it was Alice with her friends "The only thing your 'boyfriend' is gonna do is expose you to the humans and get you captured, that's what Sea Monsters do." She said, "How do you know? I never seen you with a Sea Monster before, much less prove that they do that." Maria said "Because I know, I don't have to prove it." Alice said, "So... You just know, but won't show anyone any proof?" Maria said then bursted out laughing and so did Emily, "That doesn't make any sense!" She said still laughing, Alice blushed from embarrassment and looked around and saw everyone else giggling at her. "Y-Yeah? Well, prove me wrong then!" Alice yelled "Four words, 'ask the Sea emperors'" Maria said and turned back around giggling and eating the rest of her food "I mean, unless your too scared." Maria teased, Alice scoffed, "Fine! I WILL prove that I'm right and that YOUR wrong, shark bait!" Alice yelled and swam off towards the Sea Emperors' facility overconfident. "I can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes that rules changed." Maria said, "Yeah, heh." Emily said "I still can't believe you used to be friends with her." Maria said "Yeah, well, your a better friend than she is." Emily said smiling at Maria "Thanks." Maria said "I'm actually gonna miss you when I'm gone." "Me too, but I can still come and visit!" Said Emily "That'd be great!" Maria said and then they finished eating and when school was done for the day, they waved goodbye and headed home.
Maria swam back home and ran into Alice with a grumpy face, "How'd it go with proving me wrong?" She smirked. Alice didn't say anything, she gave an angry look at Maria then swam away and Maria smiled with pride that she was right as she swam the rest of the way home. "Welcome home, Maria! How was school?" Doria asked, "It was great, I'm just gonna miss Emily when I leave." Maria said "Hop up here and let me take another look at your scars, just to make sure they aren't drying up." Doria said and Maria hopped up on the table to get checked out. Doria looked over Maria's scars, they seemed to be healing perfectly, but thought maybe another week should have them healed and 'used to' the bandages not on them. "Ok, just let me add this ointment and they'll be fine within a week!" Doria said grabbing the medicine from the rocky cabinet, "WHAT!? But you said-" Maria cried "Yes I know what I said, but I'm just trying to make sure your scars don't go bad and begin to wither, wrinkling your scales so that they look old." Doria said applying the medicine onto Maria's scars, Maria groaned in anger, how long must she wait? Seriously, she's starting to act like her mother, Firtha.
Once Doria was finished applying the ointment, she sent Maria to bed. Maria was very upset that she had to wait longer than expected, she sighed and turned over towards the record player again. Every time she looked at the record player, she can't help but think or feel like Alberto is right behind her, but he isn't. She missed him a lot, he was fun to hang out with, and willing to be in a relationship with her that easily, especially since he wasn't even in a trance. That's odd, usually the Siren Song would hypnotize their victims, but Maria didn't sing the Siren Song, she sang something else, something she felt besides the song. These feelings were something weird, Maria never felt like this before, like she's being left alone or forgotten, invisible from everyone and everything. But Alberto, when she first met him, he showed her everything, he wasn't ignoring her or making her feel invisible, he was helping her see for the first time in millennia that she was truly 'free' that she was able to be herself and that she didn't have to hide anymore! He was the actually the one who 'cared' for her and not keeping her away from the world, he gave her ice cream, knew that the rules were wrong and was there for her when she was on the edge of death. Its just like he said: 'I would follow you through ANY deep ocean depth.' It was so weird, besides her mother, she never missed someone so much in her life. What was this feeling? Maria knew she's seen and felt it before, but what? Was this feeling perhaps what everyone called... Love? Maria just had to see Alberto again, to stop all these weird emotions from circling around in her head, to be comfortable without worrying so much, but she didn't want to wait that long, so she came up with a plan.
Alberto was swimming in the water rounding up some fish for Massimo, he managed to get them entangled in the net and Massimo pulled them up onto the boat. "Perfetto, Alberto." He said "Yeah, I'm pretty much an expert on fish." Alberto said turning back into his human form. Then Massimo started the boat and they began heading back to shore just as Giulia and Luca were getting done with the deliveries. Once everything was finished, they went back inside and ate pasta. Alberto was back on top of the tree, not wanting to talk or hear Giulia and Luca going awe over some stupid books. Giulia climbed on top of the tree to see if she could try to talk to him.
"Alberto, can we talk? I know you miss Maria, and there isn't anything you can say to me that's going to get me to not talk to you." Giulia said "Can you at least tell me what's wrong? Besides venting about Maria?"
"Ugh, fine, since you won't shut up about it." Alberto sighed annoyed, "Look, I don't know what's wrong with me. I've just been getting these really weird feelings I don't know about, and they hurt, mostly in my chest. And every time I think of Maria these weird feelings race around my head, like I miss her or I need, like REALLY need to see her!" Alberto cried.
"Aye, Alberto. You have 'Broken Heart Syndrome.'" Giulia said
"What's that?" He asked
"Its when you miss someone so much that your heart begins to ache and you feel like you can't breathe, they're caused by stressful events." Giulia said
"So I'm stressed and... Brokenhearted?" Alberto said,
"Yes! Because of how much you love Maria, yet, she's not here and hasn't been here for a while, your brokenhearted." Giulia said,
"Love?" Alberto asked
"Yeah! Wait, you were really in love with Maria, Right?" Giulia asked,
"Well, most of the time I was just hanging out with her cause I saw you with Luca and it made me feel isolated... But then, after a while, when we were swimming to my island, I think that's when these feelings started, when we were having fun jumping out the water. Then there was a moment where we just looked at each other, I dunno, I thought I was just dizzy from jumping too much." Alberto said
"Yes! That's what love is! A great interest in something or an intense feeling of deep affection!" Giulia exclaimed.
Alberto looked down and thought about it for a moment, all those times with Maria, getting ice cream, fighting Ercole, swimming together, even down there in the Midnight Zone when he kissed Maria on the forehead, he really just did it cause he saw humans do it, but now that he thought about it, was that actually...? For once, he actually believed Giulia, he was in love with Maria! "But, how do I cure my 'Broken' Heart?" he asked "First off, STAND UP STRAIGHT! Just because Maria's been gone for a few weeks doesn't mean she isn't coming back, and it doesn't mean its the end of the world! Second, don't beat yourself up, its not your fault she left. She's injured and wounds take up time to heal. You need to stop worrying and get over it, Maria's fine." Giulia said. "Uhh... Ok?" Alberto said a little scared whenever Giulia yells like that, "Anyways, that's all I wanted to say! Goodnight Alberto!" Giulia said heading back to her window into her room and closing the window.
Alberto turned back and looked down, he was really thinking about what Giulia just said about 'love.' 'An intense feeling of deep affection' he thought, he layed back down and looked at the sky, for some reason he could hear Maria's song play in his head, he remembers the lyrics: 'Let's run away into the sea as I hold you close to me. Let's slide beneath the waves down into the caves. If you wanna escape with me, come take my hand. We'll run away to a better land, a better land.' He told her to sing something she felt, is that what she felt about him? To run away with him into the sea to some place better? After finding that out, it just seemed to worsen his affection for Maria, he wanted to find her, to tell her he's sorry for kind of faking his love interest in her, and that after realizing his great interest in Maria he wanted to tell her how much he really loved her, how much he 'needed' to be with her, to SEE her. Giulia's words echoed in his head, 'A great interest in something or an intense feeling of deep affection, that's what love is.' "So... these 'intense feelings' are...  love?" He said to himself looking down and then looking back up at the starry sky.
Link to other chapters: chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
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appalachianwiine · 4 years
Swim - Chapter 5 - A Light In the Darkness
I need light in the dark as I search for the resolution   
-"The Resolution" by Jacks Mannequin
“Well we’re not going to be starting Chemo tonight after all.” Dr. Rhee says as she walks in shortly after lunch. 
“We’re not?” Daryl frowns.
“No her post op lab results show just a little bit of an increase in white blood cells.” Dr. Rhee explains. “I’m going to give her some antibiotics and retest tomorrow morning. But the good news is that means she can go down to the playroom for a bit.” 
“Can she have visitors?” Daryl asks. Lydia had been asking about seeing Carl since the child life specialist, Beth, had left. 
“Yeah she can, but visiting hours for non family end at 8pm” Dr. Rhee informs him. 
“Want me t’ call ‘em baby girl?” Daryl asks. 
“Can you?” Lydia pleads. 
“Yeah.” Daryl picks up his phone and dials Lori. 
“Daryl?!” Her voice is a little strained. “We’ve been calling all day. Is everything okay?” 
Its with a rush of guilt he realizes he’s hardly looked at his phone since she called him yesterday. “Shit sorry Lori.” He gives her the short version of it all, about the leukemia, the lumbar puncture, the results they were waiting on.
“I can’t believe you didn’t call earlier.” Lori scolds. “Daryl, we should’ve been there. I can’t believe you had to do all this alone.” 
Daryl grimaces. “Sorry, I uh - I actually had a meetin’ this mornin’. With a nice woman who runs the support group here fer parents. She was a single parent when she went through this with her daughter.” 
“Oh.” Lori says. “Is - is there a lot of that? Single parents I mean.” 
Daryl glances over at Lydia, who’s drawn back into the television. “I ain’ even the only adoptive parent righ’ now. There’s a guy across the hall, Ezekiel, an’ his kid.” 
“Shit.” Lori mutters. “Well um - do you - do you want us to come by? Can she have visitors?” 
“Yeah she can. She’s been askin’ t’ see Carl. Real disappointed in not getting t’ see him yesterday.” Daryl says. 
“I’ll give Rick a call and we’ll be by.” Lori says. “You need anything from home?” 
“No we’re alright.” Daryl says. “Thanks Lori.” 
“Of course.” Lori says. “We’ll see you around 3?” 
“See you then.” He hangs up, turning back to Lydia, who’s watching him with hopeful eyes. “They’ll be here around three.” 
“Yay!” Lydia grins, bouncing up and down. 
“Ya know,” Dr. Rhee says. “Maybe Miss Lydia would like to check out the playroom. She’ll have to wear a mask and stay connected to the infusion pump, but they’ve got a lot of good stuff in there.”
“Can we daddy?” Lydia asks. 
“Sure.” Daryl agrees, he’ll do anything to keep her in good spirits right now. She seems to be feeling good and he’d like to keep it that way. “You know there’s a little boy yer age across the hall?” 
“There is?” Lydia asks. “Can I see him?” 
“Sure, lets go over and see if he wants to come with us.” Daryl helps Lydia out of bed and sets her carefully on the floor. “Hang on let me get the pole.” He reaches for the infusion pole, fumbling with the latch that attaches it to the bed for a moment. It releases and he pulls it towards him, it’s surprisingly heavy. “Alright lets go kiddo.” 
They have to pause twice for Daryl to gather up the tubing that comes out of Lydia’s arm and up to the bag of antibiotics. As he loops them around his hand it strikes him that this isn’t unlike Dog’s long line, wrapped around his hands and unraveling as they move. Lydia looks back at Daryl as they reach the door of 323. 
“You knock daddy.” Lydia mutters, reaching out to grab his hand. The wariness returns to her as they stand in front of the door. 
“Okay.” He says, squeezing her hand and reaching out to knock. 
“A moment!” Ezekiel’s voice comes from beyond the door. There’s some scrambling and then the door pulls open. “Daryl!” 
The booming voice makes Lydia flinch and draw closer to Daryl. Daryl reassures her with a hand on her head, stroking her hair back. “Uh, Ezekiel. This is Lydia.” He smiles. “She was wondering if - if Henry might want to come to the playroom.” 
Ezekiel kneels in front of them, and it’s then that Daryl sees he’s wearing a paper crown colored in yellow and pink. “Hello Lydia.” His voice drops. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ezekiel.” He holds out a hand. 
Lydia’s brown eyes look back up at Daryl, and then, slowly, she reaches out to shake Ezekiel’s hand. “Hi.” 
“Would you like to come in and meet Henry?” Ezekiel asks. Lydia nods silently, and Ezekiel stands, offering a smile and stepping back from the door. “Come in, he’s over there with Carol.” 
Daryl pushes the IV pole into the room, it’s a mirror image of their own, except this one is decorated. Behind the bed is one of those banners you get from the party store spelling out ‘Henry’ in bold green letters, and a bunch of printer sheet sized papers with colorful backsplash and lettering taped around the room. As he walks past one Daryl sees it’s a bible verse, the others appear to be too. Over by the window the bald little boy is sitting on Carol’s lap and holding plastic dinosaurs. 
“Henry.” Ezekiel calls. “Someone is here to see you.” 
The boy’s head turns and Daryl is struck by how in the light of day his skin appears almost translucent but his eyes are bright and alert. “Hi.” He says, climbing off of Carol’s lap and trotting across the floor, his own infusion tube trailing after him. “I’m Henry.” 
“Lydia.” She mumbles, hiding her face against Daryl’s leg. 
“Go on.” Daryl mutters, nudging her forward. “Ask him.” 
“Do you um… want to go to the… to the playroom?” She mutters, half into Daryl’s leg. 
“Sure.” A smile stretches across Henry’s face. “Can we daddy?” 
“Sure Henry.” Ezekiel says, already fumbling with the latch on the infusion pole. 
“Hi Daryl.” Carol says. “She doing okay?” 
“Yeah I think so.” Daryl nods. “Better now that she ate, and uh her friend is coming to visit soon.” 
“Are you coming with us?” Henry asks Carol as he drops a few plastic dinosaurs into a tub. 
“If your daddy doesn’t mind.” Carol smiles. 
“Never do.” Ezekiel smiles, sliding Henry’s own infusion pole over to them. “Ready?” 
The playroom is at the other end of the floor, it’s empty and clean, even here everything smells sterile and controlled. There’s a sign telling the kids to wear masks before they go in, and two boxes, one with princesses and the other with trucks. A bit gendered but it’s an option. Henry reaches confidently for the princess one and puts it on, Lydia on the other hand looks warily at them. 
“I don’t want those.” Lydia murmurs. 
“I know.” Daryl sighs. “But those are the rules, if you don’t follow them you have to go back to the room.” 
“Fine.” Lydia scowls, grabbing one of the pink princess ones and putting it on. “Can we go play now?” 
“Go on.” Daryl says, pushing her infusion pole over to one of the small tables and watching her drag out the barbies.
“They seem to be hitting it off.” Carol comes to stand next to him, Ezekiel is helping the kids pull the toys out, still wearing the paper crown. 
“Yeah.” Daryl mutters. “What’s uh - what’s with the crown?” 
“Oh,” Carol chuckles. “Henry was making us play something he calls ‘’Kingdom” It changes but the theme is usually he’s a prince and Ezekiel is the King and they have to fight monsters.” 
“Ah.” Daryl chuckles. “A fun kid?” 
“Oh tons of fun.” Carol nods. “When he feels good anyway, he’ll probably take a hit after this round of Chemo.” Her smile fades a little bit. 
“Oh.” Dary mutters. 
“Sorry.” Carol apologizes. “It’s just - it’s always a little hard being here.” 
“I can’t even imagine.” Daryl sighs. “Losing her it’s -” 
“Don’t.” Carol cuts him off. “I’m sorry just - the words don’t… they don’t help and you don’t need to go there right now.” 
“Right.” He’s quiet for a while, an awkward silence stretching out in front of them. 
“What do you do?” Carol says after a moment. 
“Cop. Special Victims, domestic violence and child abuse mostly” He nods. “‘S how I met Lydia. You?” 
“High School English teacher.” Carol says. Daryl chuckles. “What?” 
“I don’ know I didn’t picture that.” He shrugs. 
“Oh really?” Carol raises her eyebrows. “What did you picture Mr. Cop?” 
“I don’t know. I just can’t picture you as a strict highschool English teacher.” He scratches his chin. “You uh make the kids write a million drafts?” 
“If I don't, no one will.” She chuckles. “I wanted to teach Elementary though, but after Sophia… highschool was easier.” 
“Ah.” Daryl nods. “And uh, you an’ Ezekiel, how long has that been a thing? Just since he moved down here? Or did you know him before?” 
“Me and Ezekiel?” She raises her eyebrows. “Oh we’re not - no, just friends. Trust me the last thing either of us has the time or energy for is dating. He got in contact with me a lot like you did actually, referral through Maggie.” 
“Oh.” Daryl says. “I uh, sorry I just assumed, I mean Henry seems to adore you and I just assumed.” 
“It’s fine.” Carol promises. “So what’s her plan?” 
“Lydias?” Daryl asks, Carol nods. “Oh um, well apparently the lab is closed on Sundays, but we should have results by Thursday, but I think she’s supposed to start Chemo tomorrow. What uh… what can I expect? I mean Dr. Rhee told me but it’s kind of overwhelming.”
“Daryl.” Carol sighs. “Are you sure you can handle this right now?” 
“I’m fine.” He insists. “The hallway was just -” 
“It’s okay.” Carol reaches over and squeezes his arm. “You don’t have to explain, I promise we’ve all had breakdowns in the hallway.” 
“Right.” Daryl rubs his hands on his jeans.
“So um,” Carol says. “So they’ll probably give about four hours of fluids first, chemo does a lot of damage to the kidneys so they’ll want her to flush it as quickly as possible. So expect a lot of potty breaks, then she’ll get her chemo, then another four hours of fluids. She’ll feel pretty tired, nauseous, she might get constipated, and her blood counts will plummet.” 
“What does that mean?” Daryl asks. “Like what do I - what will she look like.” 
“Um, pale, they’ll watch her for a certain kind of bruising, she’ll have a higher chance of infection. It’s not too bad when they’re checking her all the time, but it’s nerve wracking when you’re at home.” Carol sighs, chewing her lip. 
“Her hair.” He says quietly. “How long… um will that take to…” 
“To fall out?” Carol says slowly, he can still sense some reluctance on her part. “Sophia's took about 2 weeks to really start coming out and then we shaved it after the third week, it was starting to upset her. But Henry kept all of his until it was gone and that was about a month.” 
“A month.” He mutters. “That’s uh - that’s not very long.” 
“No.” Carol shakes her head. “But you’re gonna get through this Daryl. It’s like Ezekiel said, you’re not alone in this. You can call me any time, seriously.” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “I uh - I will.” 
“I know that look.” Carol says. “Which means I’m going to be calling you to check in.” 
“What d’ ya mean?” He gowns. 
“That look means you’re not going to reach out first and you’re going to be stubborn about it.” Carol nudges him. 
He blushes, that had been what he was thinking. “Fine. FIne. I’ll call.” 
“Before you’re discharged. You’ll need help with that. There’s a lot that needs to be done for her to come home.” Carol insists. 
“Yeah alright. Before she’s discharged.” Daryl promises. 
They linger in the playroom for another half an hour, after which Henry starts complaining that he’s tired. Ezekiel takes Henry back to their room and Daryl helps Lydia put away some of the toys. 
“Come on kiddo, Carl will be here soon.” Daryl says, putting a few barbies in the bin. 
“Alright.” Lydia pouts putting a couple more barbies away. “Is she coming with us?” 
Daryl looks over at Carol who’s putting away a few plastic animals. “Um, I don’t think so. Why?” 
“I thought she’s Henry’s mom.” Lydia shrugs. “But he says she’s not.” 
“Yeah.” Daryl nods.
“You two want some help getting back to the room?” Carol offers. 
“Nah.” Daryl shakes his head, sliding the bin of barbies back into the cupboard and starting to gather up Lydia’s infusion line. “I think we got it. Don’t we Lydia?” 
“We got it.” Lydia nods. 
“Alright.” Carol smiles. “I’ll get going then okay?” 
“Yeah.” Daryl nods. “And uh… thanks for everything.” 
“Of course.” Carol says, holding the door open so he can push the heavy infusion pole through it. “And I mean it, I’ll be calling you. I want to see you in our meeting on Tuesday okay?”
Daryl’s about to answer but he’s cut off by a sharp yelp, Lydia has rushed forward to the end of her line and tugged it. “Lydia!” He mutters, hurrying over to her and kneeling in front of her, it doesn’t appear to have come out. “What are you-” 
“Lydia!” And in a blur another eight year old has rushed up beside him, hugging her tightly. 
“Carl!” Lydia grins, barely noticing the worry she’d caused Daryl. “Move Daddy!” 
“I - “ He looks over at Carol, she’s covered her mouth trying to suppress a giggle. 
“It’s cute.” She says apologetically. “Tuesday?” 
“Yeah.” His shoulders relax. “Tuesday.” Carol walks past him towards the elevator and Daryl pulls the infusion pump closer to them. “Carl where’s your mom?” 
“I don’t know.” Caryl shrugs, sticking his thumbs in his belt looks. “Somewhere.” 
“Carl Grimes!” Lori’s harsh voice says, coming up rapidly behind them, baby Judith on her hip. “Don’t you ever run off like that again you understand?”
“Sorry. I saw Lydia.” Carl shrugs. 
“I can see that.” Lori sighs. “Daryl, sorry about him he knows better.” 
“It’s fine Lori.” Daryl assures. “We’re just heading back to the room.” 
“Who was the woman?” Carl asks, holding Lydia’s hand as Daryl gathers up the cords again and loops them around his arm.
“Oh that’s Carol. She’s not Henry’s mom.” Lydia shrugs. 
“Then who is she?” Carl frowns. 
“I don’t know. Daddy's friend I guess.” Lydia doesn’t seem phased by it and the two start off down the hall, leaving Daryl and Lori to hurry after them. 
“Woman?” Lori raises her eyebrows. 
“Carol.” Daryl says. “She’s from the single parents support group. She uh - saw that whole fiasco.” 
“Ah.” Lori chuckles. “She's pretty?” 
“Yeah I guess. Why?” Daryl narrows his eyes.
“No reason.” Lori smirks. 
“Oh no no no.” Daryl says. “My kid has cancer, you're not playing matchmaker.” 
“You’re no fun.” Lori pouts. 
“Where’s Lori and Michonne?” He’s eager to change the subject. 
“Already in the room probably, they didn’t have a baby to hold them up.” Lori chuckles. “Or a little boy who likes to play the world tour of bathrooms every time we’re somewhere new. They brought some decorations for Lydia.” 
“Daddy look!” Lydia grins from the doorway. “Look what aunt Michonne and Uncle Rick brought!” 
Sure enough, when he gets to the door the entire room has been done up like a Little Mermaid party. Balloons, streamers, and a big ‘get well soon lydia’ sign hanging above the bed.’. He grins sheepishly at rick. “Y’all didn’t have t’ do this.” 
“Of course we did.” Michonne grins. “Now come on Lydia we brought you some presents.”
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nemossubmarine · 3 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath &Glory RP #29
The party gathers together themselves, aliens and Ferrus for a little party in the conference room. Alien booze is involved. There’s a game of Truth or Dare (mostly Truth tbh) that gets called. Larry and Alice do a little arm wrestling, which Larry totally cheats in, and Alice says that she let him win.  Coco asks Tirak what’s her favorite thing about La’awali is, and Tirak says it’s how her mind works, how she always thinks about things more deeply. Tirak dares La’awali to give her a kiss. La’awali asks Larry whether he finds Tau attractive, and Larry says that sure, they’re not bad looking. Larry asks Ferrus why he doesn’t sleep with his employers, and Ferrus tells that he used to sleep with a Captain, who, when Ferrus told him he could drop off some of his crewpeople on a war-torn planet, the Captain, apparently offended for being challenged, stranded Ferrus on the planet as well for several months. La’awali does a little dance and Coco admits to being afraid of flying beavers.
We learn that Alice has once pulled a truck off from top of a sewer grate and Alice is the only one who manages to learn a Kroot swearword. Ferrus asks what Izarak’s first time was like, and Izarak admits to maybe having some relations at the Ministrum school. Izarak asks Alice, what she would like to keep hidden from someone. Alice says she wouldn’t have liked her mom to know that she worked in the pits, but apparently her mom died young. Alice asks Ferrus what’s up with his name, and Ferrus tells that all his siblings are named after primarchs in some strange ploy to gain the family some luck (he has a sister named Leman, it’s not great). Larry tells about the worst instructor he had, a flight teacher who liked to humiliate his students.
Coco tells the tale of how she and Ace met; her family had found some eldar artifacts and invited an Inquisitor to look them over, Ace was the Inquisitor’s acolyte and that’s how Coco and Ace first came to know each other, but they started dating only after Ace had been made an Inquisitor. Coco asks Izarak what his favorite part of his job is and he says helping people. La’awali shows a hidden talent for handstands. La’awali inquires about what exactly Inquisitors do, and Coco doesn’t exactly answer the question, saying she doesn’t involve herself with Ace’s business much, but as far as she know, he studies eldar culture and artifacts. Larry tells Coco how he got to Dimmamar with Iris. Ferrus tells a bit what the Captain he used to sleep with was like (some rich kid, kind of handsome, okay in bed).
Ferrus wants to know what Tirak thinks of humans and she says that they’re oddly soft and squishy with no claws and blunt teeth, which she takes to mean that they must have been peaceful at one time, but she’s sure she could crack their skulls open very easily, except maybe Alice. Tirak asks Larry what the biggest human crime is, and Larry answers that it’s heresy (ie believing in wrong stuff). Larry asks Izarak if he has any kids, Izarak says no. Alice recounts walking in on a friend working (as a lady of the night) as the most embarrassing thing ever happened to her. Alice asks Ferrus who in this room he’d fuck. Well, he’s gay and both of the men in the room are employing him in some form, so... Larry’s apparently more his type. Ferrus asks Larry to name a person in his life that he misses the most, and when Larry is unable to name a single person, Ferrus asks whether this is the sort of game where stripping is punishment. Larry answers by taking off his shirt. He also calls out for Izarak to take off his robe (implication being he has lied on a question).
Tirak tells that she might want to be a painter if she wasn’t an engineer/soldier. Coco says that she and Ace might have kids one day, and humans do not lay eggs. Ferrus isn’t quite sure what he’d do if he weren’t a Navigator, which is what Coco asks, as he has literally no experience or knowledge with anything else. Maybe something like piloting? Settling down onto a planet is out of the question. Ferrus asks Alice what she is looking for in a woman, since that’s what they had been talking about. Alice says she would like someone smaller than her, someone quite homely and kind, someone to have a quiet life with. Alice questions Coco about who she was looking for in Asphodel, and whether she was doing it at the behest of Inquisition, as Alice had heard some rumors about that. Coco tells that she was looking for Ranan, and that the Inquisition had nothing to do with it, purely personal. La’awali says she’d like to take a holiday on a Tau planet renowned for its art. La’awali asks Larry for the meaning of his name and Larry lets her know he’s actually named Laurel, presumably after the wreath, though he isn’t sure if there’s more meaning to it than that. Alice tells Larry that she joined the gang by Julo seeing her fight in the pits. She could have become his second-hand woman immediately, but she opted to work for it instead. That’s enough of truth-or-dareing for the night. But the party is far from over.
At some point during the evening(?) Larry takes Alice aside. Alice asks how Larry is finding the party. Larry says it’s good to get to relax a bit after the ordeal they’ve been through. Larry asks about Alice’s lung and says it might be good to get a doctor to look it, at the same time as they get a doctor to take the spores off. Alice says that’s probably good, but she’ll have to save a lot of money to get it replaced. There’s a bit of confusion whether Alice actually works for Larry or not, but anyway Larry hasn’t paid her. There’s many people Larry hasn’t paid, but he’s getting in a better spot with his money, hustling, picking up stray rings here and there. You know, that sort of stuff. Anyway, he asked her to join him, because there’s something he wants to tell her, namely that he actually was educated to be a pilot, by the Imperial army and used to be a pilot for the army, a genuine navy boy. Alice takes this well, or as she says “there was a saying in the gang that all soldiers are bastards, but we’re okay with hanging around with Inquisitor’s girlfriend so I guess it’s okay” and “you might have been a bastard but you haven’t stayed a bastard”. Larry lets Alice know that the navy thinks him dead, so that might become a problem at some point. Alice lets Larry know that he can ask her for help if he needs it at any point.
Rest of the party goes pretty well. Coco gets quite talkative and friendly when drunk, but she is among the first to retire. Larry makes sure to act nice and friendly with Izarak, apparently feeling bad for calling him out. Izarak seems… not too pissed (?). 
In the morning Alice talks with Michael, wanting to know about how his acid spit affects his kissing abilities. Michael lets her know he can turn it off, so if he were to kiss someone (which he is not in the habit of doing) the receiver of the kiss would not get hurt. Alice is fascinated by this answer, as she is apparently really interested in Space Marine biology. And other biology too, as she mentions talking with Ferrus about Navigator eye makeup. Michael, somewhat confused, says he doesn’t wear makeup. Alice looks at him like he’s a bit of a dummy. Michael makes the point that he’s mostly just like humans, except bigger (somehow also him not sleeping with people gets brought up). Alice bravely resists asking about Michael’s dick size.
They eventually get to Mpandex. The Forge World is covered in a thick layer of smoke as is very common with the Mechanicus owned planets. They descend through the layer of smoke and find a factory the size of a continent and a sea. They locate an archipelago with movement and a light house. They agree that La’awali should hang around the empty islands of the archipelago, while the party drops off into the sea near the islands. They drift ashore and pretend to be unconscious, except for Alice who starts dragging people away from the water.
Pretty soon some servitors approach and grab them. They are taken inside the lighthouse, where someone begins to examine them. Alice “wakes up” at some point and comes face to face with a tech-priest, who appears to be wearing a swim-suit. He’s mostly human looking, except he lacks hair and eyebrows and appears to have cut off his own eyelids. His name is Chaerilus.
Alice claims to Chaerilus that she doesn’t remember anything, and when he gets a bit suspicious Larry miraculously wakes up and confirms her lie by also not remembering anything. Larry complains pains, saying he has some kind of tumors. Chaerilus also notes that Alice’s lung should be checked out, but she says she can manage, so Larry gets taken in first. Chaerilus asks if Larry would like to stop feeling pain, seeing that he is planning on opening his stomach up. Larry agrees and Chaerilus does something to his brain, so Larry is awake during the operation. Next he takes Alice in and does the same thing. He lets her know that she should look into getting a lung replacement through whichever faction she works for, when/if she remembers it. She asks how expensive they are, he says very.
Once Chaerilus has returned Alice everyone is a bit awake. All claim memory loss. Larry says he remembers the name Ross, but nothing else. None of the others remember anything before falling into the water. Chaerilus provides them with some Mpandex swimsuits to wear, and says that tomorrow he’ll take them to the mainland so that they can be put to use. After some prodding it turns out that Chaerilus tests how clothing fares against elements / weaponry. Mpandex is the biggest under-armor / swim garment manufacturer in the whole segmentum. The party says they’re getting tired, so Chaerilus says he’ll let them sleep and he himself grabs his wide-brimmed hat and heads out to fish.
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monstrous-femme · 4 years
C + Student
Written for @mcuthere for the prompt:  Maybe Paxton asks Devi to help him study for a test in their shared history class and Paxton opens up to Devi about his insecurity of people assuming he’s dumb
Read it here or on ao3.
The halls are full of noise. Football players shoving each other and landing in lockers, couples talking slightly louder than normal people ever talked (what, did they think they were on reality TV or something? There’s no hidden cameras,) and most of all, the noise that stomped its way through his brain the harder he tried not to think about the crumpled essay at the bottom of his bag.
 not good enough not good enough not good enough not good enough not
 and it’s almost midterms and last time he tried to take a test his mind had frozen up, his hands had sweat through the page like they never did before a swim meet, did teachers mark down for sweat marks on the paper, did they notice his lips moving as he read the questions to himself over and over
 Paxton Hall-Yoshida needs a fucking miracle, which was why he’s forcing himself to move, down the racket of the hallway, (and really, did high schoolers need to be this loud?), wondering if there was any good way to tell a girl you were mad at that she was your only hope if you didn’t want to retake sophomore history a third time.
 “Hey,” he says when he reaches her. His voice is so quiet that he doesn’t know if she can hear him over the din.
 But Devi, of course, looks up. She smiles hesitantly. “Hey! I’m so glad you’re talking to me. I thought you were mad at me. For lying. About us, having—”
 Paxton really, really does want to go over this all again. “I’ve thought of a way you can make it up to me.”
 He’s not trying to take advantage. He knows she has a crush on him, but he also knows that she’s brave, the kind of whirlpool of a girl who can proposition a boy for sex or talk to a coyote like it’s her dad. And he knows she’s loyal, and loves the people in her life, but most of all, what Paxton knows about Devi Vishwakumar is that when they turned in that project a few weeks ago, he and Trent had gotten by with B minuses and a suspicious glance from Mr. Shapiro. Devi had gotten an A and a little note from their teacher saying they knew she’d done most of the work.
 (He hadn’t meant to peek. He just couldn’t imagine Devi Vishwakumar getting a B minus.)
 “I need your help studying for our history midterm.”
 A favor that would have made any of his other friends laugh in his face, and here she is, beaming at him like he just brought her a dozen fucking roses, and he knows she idolizes him, but he really needs to pass this class.
 “I’ll meet you at your house after school,” she promises. “We won’t stop studying until you’re perfect to go. A+. I promise.”
 Paxton tries to smile, but the pounding in his head is getting worse. “I’ll give you a ride,” he offers. “I’m skipping practice to study. We can go right after school.”
 “Even better.”
 The words in this textbook are too tiny and the section on Japanese internment uses misleading language to imply that it was voluntary. It wasn’t. Paxton might not be great at school, but he always listens when his grandpa talks to him, so he knows about his time in Manzanar, which the textbook misspells as Mazanar.
 “So, if you write down three important things from every page, it’ll help your brain anchor itself so you can remember more of what’s on here. Sort of like a mind map. Detail one and detail two will help you remember what connects them. That way you don’t have to write down every single thing.”
 Paxton nods, only half listening. The D- in his backpack is still weighing on him, and he doesn’t see how writing down three details from each page will do him any good when he wrote down every detail for the last test and still only scraped by with a C.
 “Are you listening?”
 “Not really, sorry, I just hate this stuff.” He tries to pass it off with a shrug, but he’s not sure it looks casual. Makes sense. He’s not feeling very casual right now.
 “What stuff?”
 Paxton sighs. “I don’t know. I freeze up, and then I read the questions wrong, and I can hear everyone else writing while I’m still trying to understand what the hell I’m looking at.”
 Devi’s nose scrunches up like it does when she’s confused. “Do you want to be good at school?”
 “Um, yeah?”
 “Why wouldn’t I? You know, my mom has a PHD in philosophy and my dad writes these crazy, like, sci-fi stories that I don’t understand at all.”
 “But you don’t have to be smart. You’re hot and popular.”
 He groans. “Devi, don’t do that.”
 “What? What am I doing?”
 “That thing where you refuse to notice that I’m a person because I have qualities that you specifically are interested in.”
 “Everyone’s interested in being hot and popular.”
 “Is that why you told the whole school you were having sex with me?”
 “Technically I just told them when we were going to have sex and didn’t tell them it didn’t happen. Anyway, you said that this would be a way I could make it up to you.”
 Paxton looks at her levelly. “But is that why you told them?”
 Devi hesitates. “Because you’re hot and popular?”
 “That’s what I thought.”
 She looks down for a moment, and this isn’t what he wanted, he wasn’t trying to dampen her spark, he’s just sick of everybody needing him for all the wrong things. All he wants to do is get into a pool and swim until his calves burn. Swimming makes sense. Taking care of his friends makes sense. Being popular makes enough sense, because there are rules to follow.
 But none of the rules should involve making someone as vibrant as Devi Vishwakumar look this sad.
 “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
 Devi shakes her head. “No. I’m just thinking about—something my dad taught me. He said he wasn’t good at tests either, so he taught me all these tricks—maybe that’s what you need.”
 “What kind of tricks?”
 She stretches out her legs, shoving the textbooks off to the side. “Have you ever read through a test and realized that one question has the answer for another one in it?”
 “Um, no.”
 “Well, it happens. And Mr. Shapiro is the kind of teacher who does that a lot, so you could start by reading through the whole test at the beginning and see what clues he gives you. And my dad had this whole thing about gum—he said if you chew gum while you study and chew the same gum while you take the test, it’ll help you do better.”
 “I don’t think Mr. Shapiro will let me have gum in class.”
 “He has to if you have a learning disability. Do you think you might be dyslexic? It’d be easy to find out and that might be why you have trouble reading quickly.”
 Paxton nods. “Okay,” he said. “Tell me more of these tricks. Maybe this’ll actually help.”
 He listens as well as he can, but his mind keeps drifting to Devi’s smile. He’s never heard her talk about her dad, except after the coyote attack. Her eyes grow soft, even as she’s explaining to him about how to phrase an answer to hide the parts you don’t know. She talks for a good forty-five minutes, and he doesn’t interrupt. Maybe he’ll get through a test for once, and maybe he won’t, but either way, he’ll be glad he got to see her like this.
 “Do you think that’ll help?” she asks finally.
 Paxton shakes himself back to reality. “Honestly? I don’t know. But if it works for Devi Vishwakumar, I’ll give it a try.”
 “So do you forgive me for telling everyone—you know?” Her fingers twitch nervously in her lap.
 “I do. Honestly, I might even owe you one at this point.”
 “I take Venmo and Cashapp.”
 Paxton laughes, and then, for the first time he can remember, Paxton Hall-Yoshida does something that isn’t in the rulebook.
 “How about this?” he says, and leans in.
 The kiss burns through him, the way Devi’s energy burns through everything. Paxton’s stomach drops like he’s thirteen fucking years old and being kissed for the first time. Only Devi’s lips are much softer, even as she moves in closer to bite his lower lip, and Devi’s hands are firmer, fingers gliding into his hair and holding him in place. He forgets to breath, but his hands have moved to her waist, and now he’s the one pulling her closer.
 And then, it’s over. And it’s just a moment. He could walk it back, like he’s done before with girls at parties who want more than he can give.
 “There,” he says. “Now you can tell the whole school you’ve kissed Paxton Hall-Yoshida, and you won’t be lying.”
 Devi’s mouth sharpens. “I’m not going to do that.”
 “Why not?”
 “Because,” she says, and there’s that fierceness of hers, that same energy she’d had when she propositioned him that first time he noticed her, the same energy she won battles with in the classroom. “You were right. I need to treat you like a person. Especially if I want this to happen again.”
 Paxton’s face feels warm. “Do you want it to happen again?”
 “If you do. If you can—I don’t know, trust me or whatever.”
 He nods. “I’ll, um, let you know.”
 Devi kisses him on the cheek, then gathers her textbook and notes into her backpack. “Knock ‘em dead tomorrow.”
 “The test?”
 “Right. Yeah, of course.” Paxton stands to get the door for her. “Thanks again.”
 “Any time.”
 It sounds like she means it.
 The next week, Paxton’s test comes back with a C plus.
 He couldn’t be happier about it.  
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crackimagines · 4 years
Welcome to Abyss (FE: Three Houses Full Fic)
Prologue (House Isekai - Cindered Shadows)
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What started as a small investigation leads Byleth and House Isekai to discovering the Ashen Wolves, beginning an adventure that they will never forget...
All 3H Au’s Listed Here!
[Evening Moments - Trails of Cold Steel]
It was a late Friday evening when Byleth and the other instructors left the Listening Chamber.
Manuela, Hanneman, and Seteth went to bed early that day while House Isekai's staff were heading towards the mess hall.
(Sara) “Ugh, finally it’s over! I thought he’d never shut up.”
(Megumi) “Come on, what he was talking about was important!”
(Sara) “Yeah, for them! We teach our classes in a completely different way! We don’t even follow the same curriculum.”
(Byleth) “It’d go faster if you didn’t constantly drink at the meetings.”
(Towa) “With all due respect, professor Byleth, it’s far better than the alternative...”
(Angelica) “Yeah, no drinks means Sara becomes whiny.”
(Sharon) “Normally, absolutely not! It’s just that Sara is special!”
(Sara) “What’s that supposed to mean?!” 
Doomguy shook his head and walked a little behind to walk with Megumi and Byleth. They all grabbed a late dinner and had a lively conversation.
Megumin and her cat Chomsuke quietly sat at the lake, watching the fish swim by. 
She didn’t have anything in particular to do that night, and she couldn’t sleep yet since it was still so early. She WOULD have liked to use an explosion spell sometime this week, but her professors forbid her from doing so, on the grounds it’d do property damage.
Pouting, she laid on the ground and looked up into the skies.
(Edelgard) “Are you bored, Megumin?”
(Megumin) “Edie!”
Her mood was instantly brought up and she turned around to face Edelgard. The two began talking about various things while watching the stars glisten across the waters.
Ainz and Narberal returned from a mission with the Knights of Seiros and kept a leisurely pace behind the teams passing through the market square.
(Momon) “That mission was a bit longer than I expected it to be.”
(Nabe) “I imagine it would have gone quite longer if you weren’t there Loooor-...Momon.”
(Momon) “Hm, most likely.”
(Jeralt) “I could use a cold drink after we report in.”
(Shamir) “I’d be down for that.”
(Alois) “As would I!”
(Catherine) “How ‘bout you two?”
(Momon) “Not tonight. We are quite tired from the trip.”
That was a lie. He didn’t ever get exhausted with his undead body, and he was pretty sure Narberal wasn’t either.
They needed to have a meeting with their folks to discuss what the Knights actions have been and find out where to go from there.
(Momon) “We’ll catch you tomorrow. Come along, Nabe.”
(Nabe) “Yes, Momon.”
They walked off towards the dorms.
Akechi was walking to his dorm room when he saw Ainz and Narberal passing by.
(Akechi) “Ah, good evening! You all just got back?”
(Momon) “Yeah, a few moments ago in fact. How’s everything at the Monastery?”
(Akechi) “Quiet as ever. It is quite dull!”
(Nabe) “...No one is around, you know.”
He took a quick glance and sighed in relief.
(Akechi) “Thank god. Anyways, nothing’s changed as usual, same shit.”
Ainz sighed as well, dropping his persona too.
(Ainz) “Everyone is free tomorrow for the meeting, correct?”
(Akechi) “Yeah.”
(Ainz) “Good. Now we should-”
Narberal’s eyes quickly squinted and got in front of Ainz.
(Narberal) “Lord Ainz!”
[Restlessness - Persona 5]
Akechi and Ainz turned to where she was facing and saw it too.
A man they hadn’t seen before in the Monastery was walking quickly out of sight.
(Akechi) “Shit, he didn’t hear us did he?”
(Ainz) “Unlikely. But to be safe, we should go back to using our personas once more.”
Everyone nodded and began to tail the figure.
After a pleasant conversation with Edelgard, they parted ways for the night. When she was turning the corner, she ran into a large man, knocking her back.
It was an extremely loud collision, as the man was wearing heavy armor and appeared to be carrying seemingly expensive wares.
(Megumin) “O-Ow!”
(Man) “Hey, watch where you’re going!”
Before she could even respond, he quickly began to walk away.
(Megumin) “Jerk!”
Getting up, and turning back to keep walking, Ainz, Narberal, and Akechi came around the corner.
(Megumin) “Oh, hey guys!”
(Momon) “Megumin, did you see a man pass by just now?”
(Megumin) “Huh? Uh, yeah I did actually. He went this way.”
(Akechi) “Could you show us?”
Sharon came out from the mess hall to investigate the noise and saw a small group walking out of view.
(Sharon) “Oh?”
She hopped over the wall and landed elegantly. Even though the railing from the Mess Hall to the lake wasn’t that big of a drop, it would’ve been impressive to see a maid do that regardless. But luckily for her, no one was around to make such a comment and followed the group.
They all watched the man go into a hole in the wall. It was completely out of the way in the Monastery, but the fact no one knew that it was here after several months seemed suspicious. 
(Akechi) “What is that?”
(Nabe) “A secret entrance of some kind...”
(Megumin) “Are we going to follow?”
(Momon) “With just us? That’s too dangerous. We should at least get a few more people.”
(Sharon) “A sound call, Lord Momon!”
All four of them spun around and pulled out their weapons to see Sharon standing behind them with her trademark smile.
(Akechi) “Tch, damn it! Stop doing that!”
They all sheathed their weapons as Sharon giggled.
(Momon) “When were you here?”
(Sharon) “Just now. I heard a loud crash from outside the mess hall and came to investigate. That’s when I saw all of you.”
(Akechi) “Come to think of it, what WAS that noise?”
(Megumin) “Oh, that jerk had a lot of stuff on him! I’m not sure what it was exactly, but it looked expensive. And shiny!”
(Sharon) “A thief, perhaps?”
(Momon) “The question remains, what was it he stole?...Nabe!”
(Nabe) “Yes, Momon?”
(Momon) “Go get Byleth and bring him here. I’m going to order the Floor Guardians and Pleiades to be on maximum alert, and to notify anyone else of our house.”
(Akechi) “I’ll stand guard here in case he comes out.”
Megumin dramatically posed.
(Megumin) “The Crimson Demon shall stand with Akechi!”
(Everyone) “...”
(Sharon) “Since time is of the essence, I will be alerting the others as well!”
Sharon bowed then quickly walked off. Narberal did the same.
Momon put two fingers to his helmet’s side.
(Momon) “Message.”
(Demiurge’s Voice) Lord Ainz? Is something the matter?
(Momon) “We’ve got a situation...”
Byleth returned with Narberal, with Sharon arriving at the same time.
(Momon) “All right, word should be getting around now.”
(Byleth) “Nabe told me what was going on. What’s the status now?”
(Megumin) “Nothing’s happened as of yet!”
(Akechi) “This ought to be a good enough scouting party.”
Ainz nodded and turned to Byleth.   
(Momon) “There’s no telling what will happen down there, professor. What’s your orders?”
(Byleth) “Hm. There’s too many unknowns so at the first sign of trouble, we’re getting out of there.”
Everyone nodded and looked at the entrance.
(Byleth) “I’ll head in first.”
(Sharon) “I’ll cover our flank.”
With positions confirmed, they went inside the hole in the wall.
[Woven By Fate - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
(Rogue) “Hey, boss!”
Four figures turned to a suspicious looking individual, carrying several items that looked rather expensive.
(Yuri) “Back already, huh? I see you got the items we needed from the Cardinals.”
(Rogue) “Yeah, but the thing is, I think I was spotted by some weirdos! They chased after me and everything!”
(Yuri) “Some weirdos you say, so very helpful. They weren’t knights were they?”
(Rogue) “M-Maybe? There were three of ‘em. Some tall kid, a woman, and a man decked out in full black armor. I’m pretty sure they’re armed to the teeth if someone like that armored guy is around!”
(Yuri) “Just three? I doubt they’d take on the entirety of Abyss with those meager numbers.”
(Balthus) “They probably took you as some kinda villain. I bet they’ll lock you up if they catch ya. Finally, a little action! Let’s go find ‘em first and throw some punches!”
(Constance) “Hold Balthus, ‘tis ignorance itself to rush headfirst in trouble!”
(Hapi) “You’re excited to fight too. You’ve been waiting for a chance to try out your shiny new magic.”
(Yuri) “Heh heh, surface laws don’t apply down here. That gives us a bit of freedom to have some fun with them. They’re probably not knights, but they definitely work for the church.”
They all began to walk away and prepare for battle.
(Constance) “You had best not be leaving me behind!
Byleth emerged from the passage first, with Narberal, Momon, Akechi, Megumin, and Sharon falling behind.
(Megumin) “This place is really well lit!”
(Momon) “Yeah, I thought Night Vision spells would have to be used to see but...”
(Sharon) “It seems that there is a group of people living here.”
(Akechi) “Which means we’re right in enemy territory.”
(Narberal) “Tch, humans living underground. They’re like cockroaches...”
(Byleth) “Right...Anyways, we should probably go get reinforcements. I don’t like the looks of this.”
(Momon) “Agreed.”
Right as they were all about to head up, Akechi’s clothes changed from his school uniform to his Phantom Thief outfit.
(Megumin) “Woah, that was awesome!”
(Sharon) “Miss Megumin, that’s not a good thing.”
(Akechi) “She’s right, my clothes only do that when someone sees me as a threat, which means-!”
Everyone pulled out their weapons and turned around, seeing Balthus with his arms crossed.
(Balthus) “Hello, strangers! Welcome to Abyss!”
(Narberal) “Identify yourself!”
Byleth noticed that he was wearing an officer’s academy uniform, though it was a different color and completely shredded almost beyond recognition.
(Balthus) “Well, pleased to meet you too, missy! Name’s Balthus! Now, what brings upstanding citizens such as yourselves to our humble abode?”
Sharon stepped out in front and lightly bowed. She kept her smile as she talked.
(Sharon) “We apologize for intruding this late at night. We saw a suspicious individual running around with valuables that are assumed to be stolen. May we be allowed to pass?”
(Constance) “Ahaha! Such indulgence simply cannot be permitted! Your words and smile may fool the fool, but not I cannot be so easily deceived! I, Constance Von Nuvelle, shall divine your true intentions!”
(Momon) They have a read minds skill?!
(Constance) “You are here by order of the church...which cruelly plots to eliminate the inhabitants of Abyss!”
(Momon) Oh...No, they’re just idiots jumping to conclusions.
(Megumin) “Lady, we don’t even know who you are! Why would we wanna do that?!”
(Byleth) “We aren’t here to harm you!”
(Balthus) “Frankly, I don’t care what the reason for a brawl is, nor do I believe you guys! I mean, your weapons being pulled out kinda makes us assume!”
(Akechi) “I don’t think their bravado is just for show...I’d dare say they’re on par with us.”
(Megumin) “BOOK IT!”
Everyone turned to dash for the exit before realizing people were already standing there.
Several rogues were at the entrance and backing up Constance and Balthus, including Yuri and Hapi.
(Yuri) “Turning back already? Oh, but you’ll make me so sad! Now why would you wanna do that? Everyone’s been starved of amusement! They’ve been waiting for a good fight!”
(Momon) “Damn, they’re smarter than they look too!”
(Balthus) “Way I see it, you guys have two options right now! Get the beating of a lifetime, or let us lock you up look the good girls and boys you are!”
(Akechi) “I’m afraid we cannot allow that!”
(Megumin) “Psh, think you all can take on the Crimson Demon?!”
(Nabe) “Touch him, and I slit your throats!”
(Yuri) “Well, looks like we’re going to have do this the hard way!”
[As Swift As Wind - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
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Begin the battle?
>[Yes] No
Victory Conditions: Defeat the enemy commanders.
Defeat Conditions: Byleth falls in battle.
[Fatal Conflict - Yakuza 0]
(Hapi) “Come on, you’re not gonna seriously send your maid and kid after us too, are you?”
(Constance) “It would be quite shameful to allow non-combatants-”
(Sharon) “Pardon my interruption-”
Everyone turned to Sharon, who still had a smile on her face.
(Sharon) “You should worry more about yourselves than us!”
Before anyone could realize what she was doing, several wires emerged from her sleeve and shot it towards several of the rogues.
Yuri jumped out of the way as they were dragged towards Sharon as she pulled out a massive dagger.
Wasting no time, Akechi brought out his pistol and shot the Rogues armed with magic and bows in the arm while tearing off his mask.
Sharon twirled the wires as she flipped the dagger to a more comfortable position.
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(Sharon) “Shall I take the ones in front?”
(Akechi) “By all means, be my guest!”
(Hapi) “Ooooh, that’s not good.” 
(Megumin) “MAGIC BUFF, NOW!”
Nodding, Ainz casted a magic buffing spell on Megumin.
(Megumin) “HAHAHAHA-”
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Turning to Balthus, Ainz got into a battle stance. and looked at Narberal.
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(Balthus) “Hah, this is gonna be GREAT!”
Byleth pulled the Sword of the Creator out.
(Yuri) “Alright then, LET’S DANCE!”
Using her wires, she brought one of the rogues she captured in front of her. 
The rogue started to scream as her smile didn’t even flinch.
Putting a dagger against his throat, she heard Byleth’s voice.
(Sharon) “Ah, my apologies!”
Using the hilt of the dagger she hit him on the head, knocking him unconscious.
A magic mirror was put in front of Sharon as spells reflected off it.
(Akechi) “Mages! Get the warriors, I’ll handle them!”
Nodding, she quickly ran towards the rogues wielding axes as Akechi’s Persona fired several arrows at them.
The arrows dissipated once they hit the mages, acting as magic missiles, they sent the mages flying back.
Turning around, Sharon had already disarmed most of the rogues. Some of them tried running away but she used her wires to wrap around their legs.
(Hapi) “Damn!”
A bright circle formed and surrounded Sharon. She jumped out the way as the ground she was standing on exploded with dark energy.
Before Hapi could fire another spell, an explosion came from behind and the force of it sent her tumbling forward.
When she tried to get back up, Akechi hit her in the back of the head with his pistol, knocking her out.
Her staff kept shooting off explosive spells, sending everyone flying into walls or the air.
Constance countered with her own magic, trying to seal Megumin.
A green sphere formed around Megumin as the spell almost made contact.
Ainz had cast a magic protection spell just in time and barely blocked the attack coming from Balthus.
Megumin turned her attention to Constance and smiled.
A bright red flame emerged in front of Constance, which she tried using magic to cushion the blow.
When the explosion went off, her hearing went completely deaf as the explosion’s force sent her rolling backwards.
She tried to get back up, but Akechi hit her in the back of the neck with his pistol.
Megumin cackled as she provided supporting explosions elsewhere, making the entire area shake.
Opening her eyes, Constance felt Balthus grabbing her and standing her back up.
Constance couldn’t tell what he was saying, but whatever it he was saying got cut off with Narberal swinging her sword, Balthus catching it with his gauntlets.
(Balthus) “Damn, you guys fight dirty!”
He barely managed to get that sentence out as Narberal fired a lightning spell from her fingertips, it shooting forward and piercing through the wall, creating a massive hole.
Ainz rushed in, swinging his greatswords as if they sticks, slamming it with full force against Balthus’s gauntlets, each strike making him fall back.
When Constance finally snapped out of her daze, she was ready to fire a spell at Ainz’s back.
Casting a fireball, it almost hit had Narberal not suddenly spun around and tanked it for him.
Bits of her cloth was on fire, but she shook it off as if it were dust.
(Constance) “What an annoyance, their mages!”
(Yuri) “DUCK!”
Constance turned and her eyes went wide as she dived for cover.
Byleth’s whip sword swung across and almost struck her, Yuri dodging the attacks and trying to find a good time to counter.
When Byleth swung his sword upwards, Yuri managed to swipe at his arm, ripping a bit of cloth and causing a cut.
Byleth only gave the wound a glance and went back into his fighting stance.
(Yuri) “You’re pretty good!”
Byleth said nothing as he charged forward, Yuri blocking the attack with his sword.
Yuri stepped to the side while Byleth was pushing his sword forward, making him fall over.
Byleth turned around and had Yuri’s blade at his throat.
(Yuri) “Call off this attack, and I won’t have to gut you!”
His sword was shot out of his hands by Akechi.
Byleth swung his sword at Yuri, but before the blade connected he quickly stepped back.
Frowning, Yuri pulled out a dagger.
(Yuri) “Jeez, you guys DO play dirty!”
Yuri did a quick scan of the battlefield.
The one with the weird sword and mask were right in front of him.
Hapi was unconscious on the floor.
Constance and her men were cornered by the girl with the hat.
Balthus was starting to run out of stamina, the black knight and his servant never relenting with their attacks for even a moment.
The only person that was unaccounted for was that maid-
Turning around, he managed to block the dagger that was almost about to plunge into him, and used his leg to kick Sharon.
She almost fumbled, but somehow managed to catch herself and flip back into position.
Sharon dusted herself off where Yuri kicked her. She kept her smile up as her hand raised upward.
Yuri didn’t have time to swear as he felt the wires enclose around him, making him fall over and drop his dagger to the floor.
It seemed like the more he resisted, the more she tightened her grip.
(Yuri) “Tch, dying by a maid? Can’t say I know this would be how I’d die...If I order everyone to stand down, will at you least have the decency to make this quick?”
(Sharon) “Professor?”
(Byleth) “We’re not going to kill anyone-”
(Yuri) “Professor...As in, Professor Byleth?”
(Byleth) “You...know me?”
(Yuri) “Wow, alright, probably should have asked before we started swinging-EVERYONE! STAND DOWN!”
All of the rogues and Byleth’s group turned to Yuri and stepped away from each other.
(Byleth) “Sharon, release him.”
Sharon nodded and loosened her grip, letting Yuri untangle himself.
Balthus helped Hapi up while Constance and the others went over to Yuri.
Narberal and Ainz still had their weapons out while Megumin kept a close eye on their men.
Akechi started to reload his pistol before Byleth made everyone put their weapons away.
(Yuri) “Damn, wish you at least said your names before you started throwing punches! Sorry about the confusion there.”
[Shut up, lower life form - Overlord]
(Megumin) “Confusion?! you tried to kill us!”
(Constance) “Us try to kill you?! We were not the maniacs casting explosions left and right that could have brought the entire roof down on us!”
(Balthus) “Plus, we don’t have the killer maid who was about ready to slit our throats...”
(Hapi) “Ow...ugh that’s gonna bruise. Anyway, Yuri-bird what’s with the surrender?”
(Yuri) “We’re talking to Byleth, that new professor. Which means...”
Yuri examined the others.
(Yuri) “You all must be that newly formed house, House Isekai. And you two are Momon and Nabe.”
(Megumin) “How did you know....t-that...?”
Megumin hit the floor facefirst, and her voice was slightly muffled.
(Megumin) “...Ow.”
(Balthus) “Oh, crap!”
(Constance) “O-Oh dear! Did I wound her deeply someh-”
When they looked back up, all of them were either facepalming or sighing.
The exception being Sharon, who was still smiling.
(Yuri) “Are you guys not worried-”
(Sharon) “Not in the slightest!”
Sharon helped Megumin up, wiping a bit of the blood off from the impact from her face.
(Momon) “I...might have buffed her too much.”
(Nabe) “She should be grateful you decided to give her any to begin with.”
(Akechi) “Oh, we should make sure there are no injuries on you or the others as well. I...don’t think we held back as much as we should have.”
The mages who were shot by Akechi were glaring at him.
(Momon) “I’ll take care of Megumin. Sharon, you should assist the others.”
Sharon bowed and walked towards everyone, bringing medicine out.
The rogues all started to back up from her as she walked forwards.
(Sharon) “Come now, I don’t bite!”
(Akechi) “That’s reassuring.”
(Momon) “Nabe, you should help provide the medicine to the others-”
(Nabe) “And let these lower life forms continue living, Momon!?”
(Hapi) “...Lower life forms?”
Narberal realized she had shouted that and coughed loudly.
She was blushing at her outburst, but she started sulking when she saw Ainz facepalm.
Byleth sighed as the exchanges were going on.
Yuri walked up to Byleth and rubbed the back of his head.
(Yuri) “Er...sorry about, well that introduction. I think it’d be better if we explained what was going on. How about we start again?”
Yuri stuck his hand out to Byleth.
(Yuri) “Name’s Yuri Leclerc. That’s Constance, Balthus, and Hapi.”
Byleth nodded and reached for Yuri’s hand.
(Byleth) “Byleth. That’s Momon, Nabe, Akechi, Megumin, and Sharon.”
(Yuri) “Pleasure. Hah, well this time it is anyway. Professor and friends...
...Welcome to Abyss.”
To be Continued...
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animeniacss · 4 years
A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader - Chapter 8 - Invitations and Standing Ovations
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Synopsis: Taehyung dreams of being a professional and famous artist one day, but finds that the sea of creativity can be lurking with blood hungry sharks, as well as bland, motionless starfish. Swimming through the sea of opportunities somehow washed him up onto the shore of Bright Star Preschool, as an art teacher. This wasn’t where he expected to be 4 years into his career, but anything to get his big break though, right?
Feat. BTS, TXT, ITZY, Jisoo (BlackPink), Taeyong (NCT)
Genre: Romance, Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, School Setting, Working!AU
Length: approx. 4.6k words
Chapter 8 - Invitations and Standing Ovations 
           Taehyung stared at Jimin for what felt like forever. He wasn’t sure what to say in response to his friend, who just sat there with a wide grin on his face. Taehyung had to try to process it, but he couldn’t. With a shake of his head, he took Jimin’s shoulders.
            “What did you say?” He asked curiously.
            “I said that I was able to get you a vendor permit for the Annual Ilsan Art Fair at the end of the month,” Jimin repeated, chuckling. Taehyung blinked. “I saw you watching the news last night at the bar, and it took almost all of my strength not to say anything then. I was waiting for the right moment.” Taehyung blinked. “Does that help your hangover?”
            “What hangover?!  I can focus on a hangover; I need to start preparing and deciding which of my pieces I am going to bring.” Taehyung practically leaped out of his seat, only to see his vision go black momentarily. His fast-paced movements along with his headache caused him to lose balance for a moment, and he stumbled back on the couch. Jimin couldn’t help back laugh. “Fuck…” Taehyung huffed.
            “Don’t worry, you have more than enough time to focus on all of that.” He said. “And don’t get too overzealous, I was only able to snag you a smaller part of the venue. “
            “Any place is fine with me. That means that even more people are going to see my work and maybe I can finally start selling stuff and…you know, making a name for myself.” Jimin watched as Taehyung leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared at his walls that were still covered in his paintings. He sipped his ginger ale. “How did you even manage it?”
            “Well, Mr. Kim had a business meeting with one of the men who appraises some of the art. I managed to catch him as he was walking out, we got on the same elevator, and we started talking. He talked about the show and I brought you up. He gave me all of the information and even waived our vending fee for me.” He grinned. “He was so nice; older guy. Nothing like your best friend, Mr. Oh Min-Jae.” Taehyung rolled his eyes as the mere mention of that man’s name. However, honestly, he could care less. Taehyung quickly embraced Jimin in a tight hug, which stunned an unexpecting Jimin for a moment. However, he almost immediately hugged him back.
            “Thank you so much, this is crazy.”
            “Of course. What kind of manager would I be if I didn’t try to support you however I could by totally taking advantage of my position at work?” The duo laughed, and Taehyung pulled from the hug, laying his head on the back of the couch. Jimin did the same thing, grabbing his ginger ale to drink. The duo sat in silence for a moment, before Jimin rolled his head over to look at his friend. “…What are you thinking about now?” he asked curiously.
            “I want to invite my coworkers to come and see me.” He said.
            “That’s a good idea,” Jimin said.
            “I know my Hyung’s will all come, but-.”
            “But you don’t think the teacher will, right?” Jimin asked curiously. Taehyung nodded.
            “I want her to see my real work and how serious and professional I can be.”
 “Just ask anyway. The worst thing that she can say is she can’t come.” Taehyung pouted a bit. “Or maybe ask one of the others to invite her along, if you think that she’ll say yes that way.” Taehyung nodded. “As I said though, don’t worry too much right now because you should probably go inside and sleep so that you can function at work tomorrow.”
“Ugh, I hate when you’re right.”
“I don’t,” Jimin said smugly as he finally lifted himself from the couch. Taehyung got up as well, carefully this time, and set his now empty ginger ale can on the coffee table. “I’ll see you this weekend, alright?” Jimin hummed as he gave his friend a supportive pat on the back. Taehyung nodded.
“Right, see you then,” Taehyung said. He walked Jimin to the door, the duo sharing a final goodbye before Jimin took his leave, and Taehyung shut the door, clicking the lock shut. He stood there for a moment, silently waiting for something to happen on the other side of the door. When he didn’t hear the sound of footprints, he slowly unlocked and opened the door. Upon opening it, Taehyung saw Jimin still standing at his front door, crossing his arms. A sheepishly adorable boxy smile appeared on Taehyung’s face as he stared at his short, unamused friend.
“…Go to sleep. Do not stay up working or you’ll feel worse tomorrow than you do now.” Taehyung groaned.
“Tae.” Jimin huffed, pouting Taehyung groaned.
“Fiiiiiine.” He said. Jimin nodded, finally turning on his heel and heading down the hallway to the elevator at the end. Halfway down the hall, Taehyung waved him off and finally closed the front door. Almost immediately, as if he didn’t hear a word his friend said, Taehyung turned back to his work desk and the paintings that surrounded the top and bottom of it. He huffed. “There’s no way I can sleep now.” He mumbled to himself, walking towards the work desk. He plopped himself down and began shuffling through some recent doodles he had been doing. “I need to get some work done.”
As Taehyung began to skim and doodle, he found himself extremely lost in thought. He was so focused on making sure that he had something new and exciting ready for the end of the month. He was so busy in thought that he had blocked out the rest of the world as soon as he sat himself down in that seat. It was a trait that caused many nights where he would stay up to meet the sun. However, back then, he was unemployed or working part-time, and could afford to go to sleep at his desk for ten hours at a time. This was no longer the case. And Jimin knew that as well, probably even better than Taehyung did.
Taehyung was so focused, he didn’t hear the click of his front door or the slow creaking of it opening up behind him. He didn’t hear footsteps step into the front entrance or the door close behind him. However, he did hear a loud, and extremely annoyed-.
“BEDTIME, KIM TAEHYUNG!” The high-pitched voice startled Taehyung right out of his seat, and he practically darted to his room like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Jimin watched him scurry to his room with his tail between his legs, and he huffed, quickly following after him. “I swear to God, I’ll burn your vendors permit if I find out you fucking stayed up all night.”
“Okay, Mom,” Taehyung shouted from under the covers of his bed. Jimin sighed, crossing his arms. “Telling me about the biggest opportunity of my career is going to keep me up anyways, you know.”
“Yeah, you said that about the last art show I managed to get you into,” Jimin said. “You’ll thank me when you wake up tomorrow with no bags under your eyes.” Taehyung snorted.
“That’s funny. Those bastards live under there now, rent-free and I can’t kick them out because each one has two kids.” Jimin chuckled a bit.
“Goodnight, Tae,” Jimin said. Taehyung only groaned, keeping his head under his pillow as he heard his friend make his exit and close the front door behind him. Once Taehyung was alone, he poked his head out from the covers and stared up at the ceiling. He wanted to get up, he wanted to get up so bad and start to work, his fingers were itchy and eager to draw or paint or something. He gripped the sheets, however, because he knew Jimin was right. He needed to sleep and get ready for the next day. He couldn’t have another mess up like he did today. Not if he could help it.
Taehyung found himself scratching his head as he headed into the building early the next morning. He couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. He was so excited, then anxious, then excited again that he had to get up and pace the room a few times when sleep wouldn’t overtake his body. When the sun came up, he managed to squeeze in about 6 hours of sleep, which when paired with two cups of coffee, was perfect for him. Taehyung put his hands in his pockets as he headed down the hallway, passing Seokjin’s office. As he passed by, he heard voices talking inside. As he got closer, he could hear the voices even clearer. And neither of them seemed happy.
Inside, you were pacing Seokjin’s desk, hands behind your back. Seokjin was sitting at his desk, eyebrow raised in confusion as he watched you.
“Will you stop pacing?” Seokjin asked. “How about you finally tell me what’s on your mind instead of rambling to yourself.” When you finally stopped, you turned to him.
“Do you think your lecture yesterday got to him?” You asked curiously. Seokjin groaned, his head lolling back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling. “Sir, I’m just asking-.”
“I know it did. He looked upset. Now can you stop with all childish behavior please?” Seokjin sounded extremely annoyed. You blinked, the sound of the more annoyed President Kim making its way into the room over the jovial and upbeat Kim Seokjin. You stopped pacing and turned to him. “Seriously, it’s getting old and I’m getting frustrated.”
“N-no, listen. I’m not trying to give him a hard time here-.”
“Yes, you are,” Seokjin said simply. Taehyung blinked, now finding himself pressed up against the door to get a better listen. “It’s enough now. I spoke to him; he knows what is expected from him and now you need to stop.”
“But President-.” You tried to continue but Seokjin stood up. He was much taller than you now, and as you tilted your head up to look at him, you could see how annoyed he was, the fire burning in his eyes. That scary demeanor only made him seem ten times taller, and you a million times smaller. It sent a shiver up your spine.
“I swear to God if you keep this up, I will send you home and have Hoseok run the class himself. You’re not doing any favors to yourself or the kids by acting this way.” Your heart immediately sank into your chest.
Inside, you had your arms crossed and your eyes cast down to the floor, chewing the inside of your lip. Seokjin groaned and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, that was too far.” He said.
“You’re probably right though.” You said softly. “I just want to make sure that the kids are safe no matter what. It’s nothing against him.”
“It seems that way,” Seokjin said. “You were in there; did anything looks out of place yesterday other than him looking a bit tired?”
“No.” You said.
“The kids are fine. If it happens again, it’s for me to worry about, not you. But I trust that it won’t.” Seokjin walked over to you, placing a hand in your hair. “You feel this upset about his hiring?” You shook your head.
“No, not anymore. I know the kids like him and I know in my soul that him working here eases my workload a bit and I should be happy but I don’t know. I want to do it all; I’d teach the physical education if I was athletic at all.” Seokjin laughed a bit. “I can’t describe it.”
“But that’s not Taehyung’s fault.”
“I know.” You admitted. Seokjin grinned a bit.
“So, what do we say when we know we do something wrong?” Seokjin hummed, a mocking tone in his voice. You grimaced as he began to laugh once more, feeling even worse hearing this being said to you instead of saying it to a misbehaving child. You pouted.
“President, please-.”
“What do we do~?” he repeated. You groaned.
“Say sorry.” You mumbled, huffing. Seokjin laughed once again, and you couldn’t help but grin a bit too.
“Then shall we? He must be here by now.” Seokjin spun you around and began leading you towards the door.
The sound of footsteps heading towards the door made Taehyung’s eyes widen. He didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping! His eyes scanned the left, right, and even the ceiling, hoping that a magical hiding spot would appear. However, just as he was about to hide, the door opened and he saw Seokjin and you walk into the hall. He stood at attention; eyes cast to the floor.
“Uh…Good morning…” he said after a long silence rang through the hallway. When he looked up, he saw Seokjin grinning ear to ear.
“Good morning, Taehyung. Do you feel better?”
“Yes. It won’t happen again.” He quickly assured. Seokjin nodded his head. Suddenly, he patted your shoulders quickly, and your eyes shot up from the floor as well, coming in direct contact with Taehyung. You felt your stomach do a flip.
This must be what the kids feel like when I do this whole speech to them. You thought to yourself.
“She has something to say to you,” Seokjin said. Taehyung looked at you, and you forced out a deep breath, crossing your arms. Taehyung put his hands in his pockets as you stayed silent. However, after a slight shake of your shoulders, and the sound of Seokjin’s annoyed voice behind you uttering your name, you huffed. Your heart was pounding
“I’m sorry, okay?” you said. “I shouldn’t take my insecure anger out on you and it was rude and unprofessional….” Taehyung blinked a bit. Unprofessional, hm? It hit Taehyung differently hearing the word directed towards someone else. Taehyung nodded his head after a moment when he realized you had stopped.
“Oh, uh-.” Taehyung stuffed his hands in his pockets, pursing his lips as he tried to think of what to respond with. “Don’t worry about it, okay? I just want us to work…you know…well. So, let’s just have a clean slate?” Pulling one of his hands out of his pocket, he stuck it in your direction. You looked down at it, before glancing back up at him. You huffed, smiling a bit as you stuck your hand out and shook it firmly. Taehyung grinned a bit, and you noticed for the first time how boxy and warm his smile was. Just as you took a moment to admire it, a voice was heard behind you.
“I didn’t buy it, should I have you do a deep bow to him and apologize that way?” Seokjin asked. You immediately turned in the direction of your grinning President, who began laughing as you playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Ow!” He gasped as he continued to laugh.
“Would you stop causing trouble at every turn?” You asked, pouting. Taehyung blinked, unable to hold back an amused chuckle. You looked over at him, a pout still stuck on your face, along with a few tints of blush. “What’s so funny?!”
“….I would really accept your apology if you do a deep bow,” Taehyung added. You huffed.
“I’m going to my classroom.” You said, storming away as the boys continued to chuckle behind you. Suddenly, Taehyung stopped laughing, eyes wide as he remembered what he was planning to stop them about in the first place.
“Ah, w-wait a second.” Taehyung began, turning in your direction.
“NO! I don’t want to hear it, bullies.” You huffed, closing your door with a playful force that shook some of the wall posters nearby. Seokjin snickered as he saw Taehyung push his lips together in annoyance.
“What did you have to tell her?” Seokjin asked curiously. Taehyung looked over at his boss, before sighing.
“Well…” Taehyung pushed his fingers together. “My manager got me a vendor’s permit at the Ilsan Arts Festival this month.” He began. “And well…I wanted to ask if you guys were able to come and see me….” Taehyung waited for a response. He had never really asked anyone to see his work at a show before, as a lot of them were smaller and pretty intimate, only containing the managers, a few family members, and some art critics. Occasionally, the public would come, but in small droves due to low capacity. However, this was now a huge art festival that could hold tons of people. And he wanted his coworkers to be there. For a moment, there was no response from Seokjin, and Taehyung got a bit discouraged. He most likely has plans. Taehyung thought to himself. Taehyung looked at him. “I was going to ask her, and Hobi-Hyung and Yoongi-Hyung too…” Taehyung added.
“Hmm, you’re going to show your art?” Seokjin asked. Taehyung nodded. “…Consider us all there, then.” Taehyung blinked.
“Really?” Taehyung asked, eyes lighting up in excitement. Seokjin nodded.
“I think it’s a great way to promote comradery between everyone here once and for all.” Seokjin clapped his hands together. “I’ll call Yoongi, you tell Hoseok when he gets here.” Taehyung nodded and Seokjin patted his shoulders, a grin on his face. “This is exciting. I finally get to see your work in person.” Taehyung nodded.
“Y-yeah. I’m excited too.” He admitted. “It’s one of the biggest art shows I’ve gotten to show my work at.” Seokjin nodded.
“We’ll talk more later, so get ready for the day.” Taehyung nodded as the duo parted ways. As he passed your room, he peeked into one of the windows beside the door. He could barely see inside from behind the construction paper rocket ship on the door, or the multitude of big stars and a moon on the wall. He had to poke his head in the ‘O’ of the phrase “Lift Off to Pre-School!” that was plastered on top, and he accidentally knocked down a cut-out astronaut with Lia’s name written on it, which he had to sneakily put back in its place. However, when he finally got a good look, he saw you standing by the board. Your back was toward the door, a marker in your hand as you began writing and drawing on the board. Taehyung couldn’t see the entire thing, since your body covered most of it. However, when you looked to your right, he saw the profile of your face and pursed his lips. The look of absolute focus on your face was a vast contrast to the puffy cheeked, childish pout that was on your face only minutes before. He couldn’t stop staring as you tugged your hair into a scrunchie ponytail, before walking over to one of the cabinets and opening it, now completely hiding from his view behind the door, only your feet poking out. Taehyung, realizing he should probably step back, went to do so, when he heard a high-pitched voice.
“Your classroom is down the hall, Taehyungieeee~.” The voice made Taehyung jump, and he spun around to see Hoseok, standing behind him with a grin. “Are you spying?”
“Yes! I mean no.” Taehyung said quickly, cheeks flushed. Hoseok immediately covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. “…I just wanted to see what she was doing. I wanted to ask her a question but-.”
“She’s probably lost in thought right now, there’s almost no getting to her while she’s in prep mode,” Hoseok assured. “Want me to pass a message along?” Taehyung looked back into the room for a moment, seeing you close the closet and walk over to one of the desks, squatting down to its level and spreading out materials.
“Well, I have an art show at the end of the month, and I want everyone to come and see my work,” Taehyung said simply. “She just apologized to me for the ways she’s acting, but Seokjin-Hyung kind of forced her so I don’t know if we made up or not, and I don’t want to be a bother.” Hoseok sighed a bit, fixing his bag.
“I’ll tell her. She’ll come if I force her.” Taehyung looked at his Hyung, who was now smiling with a finger pressed against one of his dimples.
“I guess she can’t say no to that face, huh?” Taehyung mumbled, amused a bit by his childish Hyung. Hoseok laughed a bit.
“You’d be surprised, but I can be pretty convincing when I want to be.” Hoseok patted Taehyung’s back. “I’ll suggest it. See you later.” He grinned. Taehyung nodded, finally heading to his room as Hoseok entered the classroom. He took another glance into the classroom, watching as Hoseok approached you, a spring in his step. When you turned to face him, Taehyung took that as his time to leave and make his way to his classroom. As he sat down at his desk, his eyes scanned the walls, the off-white paint slowly being covered up in all directions by scattered collections of the student’s dried artwork. All he could see as he scanned the room was his childhood bedroom, which looked extremely familiar visually. Scribbles and sketches covered all of his carefully placed wallpaper, crumpled up paper took up more of the floor than any number of toys ever could. He felt as if he was eight years old again, kicking his legs at the desk in his room as he continued to draw on a sheet of slightly crumpled printer paper. He could even hear the footsteps of his mother approach him from the door.
“Taehyung, have you even finished your homework?” She asked. Taehyung looked up, his pencil gripped tightly in his hands.
“No.” He said, much to his mother’s disdain. “But I don’t need homework, Mom. I’m going to be a great artist one day, just like Vincent Van Gogh!” A deep, frustrated groan escaped his mother’s lips as she hit him over the head just slightly, making the boy pout. “Ow!”
“Enough with that nonsense. No son of mine is going to struggle his way through life. Art is a fine hobby, but be practical.” Taehyung watched his mother yank the paper from in front of him, crumpling it up in her hands. “Now get your homework done, and don’t even think about coming out of this room until it’s all finished.” She demanded. Taehyung watched her storm out, slamming the door and ending the conversation right then and there.  
Taehyung’s memory was pulled away by the sound of his phone vibrating. When he looked over, he saw Jimin’s face showing up on it. Quickly he answered it.
“Uh, hello?”
“Hello, future Van Gogh~.” Jimin cooed happily. “Just calling to tell you that I found out exactly where our vendor spot is going to be for the festival. I sent it to you over text but was shocked to not receive a reply right away. Are you working on lessons or something?”
“Oh uh, no,” Taehyung assured. “I just kind of zoned out. Took a trip down memory lane, I guess…” Jimin hummed. “I’ll check the text message right now, though. Thanks.”
“So, what’s the status with your coworkers?” He asked curiously.
“Well, President Seokjin said he can get everyone to come, but Hoseok-Hyung is going to sweeten the pot for her to say yes,” Taehyung said. “So…yeah.” Jimin grinned.
“That’s great.” He said. “Okay, well if you’re not dead, I need to get back to work before Namjoon finds me and beats me up for sneaking off. I’m supposed to be getting him important documents.”
“Enjoy…” Taehyung said. Jimin laughed a bit, saying his goodbyes before the two of them hung up. Taehyung set his phone down and looked at the desks before him. The materials for the day needed to be pulled out, and Taehyung needed to get an example or two prepared for the children to use as a guide for the craft. He stood up, cracking his back as he strolled over to the cabinet, pulling out a bunch of dollar store mirrors and setting them down. He also collected a stack of paper and a box of markers and crayons. He had planned to have the students pair up and draw each other. His example was done, not forcibly of course, with Jimin before today. He was curious to see what such young minds could see when doing this, and how they were able to put that into a visual art on paper. It was bound to have a few laughs. Taehyung looked up at the clock, knowing that he had more than enough time, and he could probably go outside and greet the kids with you and Hoseok, so that was exactly what he planned to do. Strolling out of his room, he saw you and Hoseok already heading down the hall towards the door, talking to one another. As he watched you, he glanced back inside of his class, seeing the two weeks’ worth of artwork that scattered his walls. As he stared now, he was no longer being brought to the past, but instead was being shown the future. The pictures on the walls morphed from cute and amateur children’s work to abstract, stunning canvases of magnificent artwork. Taehyung could recognize some of the portraits as his own, but some he couldn’t recognize visually, but he could identify them deep in his soul as if they were his, he just didn’t know it yet. He could see the vendor spot perfectly in his mind, though he had no idea what it looked like for real. All he knew was that every day that passed, every hour that passed, every minute that passed, he was closer to it. As he closed the door, he hurried towards his coworkers, hoping to catch up with them in time.
He just couldn’t wait for it.
“Hey, guys.” He said when he approached. You and Hoseok turned your heads, only Hoseok offering a smile to Taehyung. “I wanted to come to say good morning to the kids today.”
“…Okay.” You said simply, turning back around. “Hoseok told me you’re showing art at the Ilsan Art Festival this month.” You said simply. Taehyung nodded.
“Uh yeah.” He glanced in Hoseok’s direction, who offered his friend a smile and a thumbs up. “My manager got me the spot through work. I was hoping you guys could come and see my real art.”
“What? Do your paper plate goldfish with glitter not count as real art?” You teased, smirking. When you didn’t get a reply, you turned over your shoulder to see Taehyung, and Hoseok did not look amused. “…What? I was joking.” You had to clarify, though it didn’t seem to help. You sighed.
“Anyway, are you coming? President Kim said everyone was going to, but-.”
“I uh, I mean I guess.” You looked over at him once again. “The way I’ve treated you…and you still want me to come?” Taehyung nodded.
“Well, yeah of course.” He said simply, putting his hands in his pockets. “I want you all to see my art. Besides, I think we’ve already realized as a group that I’m the nicer coworker out of us.” Hoseok snickered as your eyes widened. Taehyung couldn’t help but grin his little boxy grin. “What? I was joking.” Now, Hoseok began to laugh, and you turned to him.
“Oh, but you laugh at that!?” You asked, which only made Hoseok laugh harder. “It’s not funny!” Taehyung watched you shove Hoseok, and despite the annoyance etched on your face, a smile found its way on there as well. Taehyung smiled as he stared at the scene before him, and he could only imagine one thing.
He could only imagine how stunning your face would look sketched out on a beautiful, white canvas.
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