#he's getting special dinner
nabsthevulture · 7 months
Its my sons birthday everyone
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
do you think Branch would still feel somewhat uncomfortable around his Bros in the future? Due to being so unfamiliar with being a part of a family? 😞😞😞😞
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even tho they seemed like they were willing to try at being a family again at the end of TBT but obviously 20 something years is a Hell of a long time and in Branch's case it was pretty much his whole life.
so do you think there'd still be a level of tension and uncomfortability?
like maybe we see the other Bros just playing happy families seemingly easily slotting back into their old dynamic while of course having fun sharing the newer parts of their lives with each other.
but maybe Branch would still feel somewhat uncomfortable about it even if he isn't exactly sure why or maybe he even straight up has a touch of imposter syndrome feeling like he doesn't belong in the family or any kind of family for that matter.
given he spent nearly his entire life as a loner so I can't imagine suddenly being expected to slot into a a big family would be all that easy kinda different from the other Bros where they all mostly grew up together.
and even after splitting apart went on to still have close people in their lives Bruce obviously had his wife and later children Clay had Viva and the rest of the Putt Putt Trolls.
and while Floyd doesn't have any cannon relationships I imagine he was a fairly sociable person who at least had close friends over the years.
only exception is JD given he also lived mostly alone for all those years with only Rhonda for company but he still Grew up with the Brothers and their Grandma up until he was likely a late teenager/young adult.
so I feel Branch would very likely be the one who'd have the Hardest time adjusting to just suddenly being a part of a large family again or any kind of family at all really.
what do you think? do you think there'd still be some awkwardness/uncomfortableness from Branch when it comes to his Family in the future?
I find this stuff interesting to think about lol I Really got my Fingers crossed we do get that Christmas Special in the future and they explore something like this since it'd be a pretty good chance to do so if it does take place around Bro zone's first Christmas back together as a family.
Branch straight up lived by himself as an orphan for most of his life so having him just be all okay and easily adjusting to having 4 Brothers back in his life would be disappointing tbh.
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expelliarmus · 2 years
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kraviolis · 1 year
huntlow is one of the most superior m/f ships ive seen in recent years mostly bcus hunter has cried on screen 10x more than willow. also she will pick him up and throw him into a pile of pillows and hunter will just scamper back over for her to do it again like a small dog
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silliebones · 18 days
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me when im four
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
i'm halfway through this ask meme abt ravenstan staying at the broflovski house for the great hate south park embark and i cannot tell you how much it thrills me that rm!sheila went from hating ravenstan's guts and being like "you are the reason my family is in ruin; you destroyed our lives" to being like *pinches stan's cheek preciously* “this is orev :) and he's my lil matok sheli superstar <3" ft. stan beaming and her constantly mom-whacking jerseykyle with the kochlefl and reprimanding him for 'letting her son in law get away' like not even Raven Of Crimson Dawn but her Literal SON IN LAW.
anyways...branch in my EYE.
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whenthegoldrays · 5 months
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golvio · 1 year
It’s a little weird for me to see all these interpretations of a young Ganondorf as some kind of perpetually -shirtless child supermodel when I personally see him as a cross between Amanda Rule-of-Rose (including the orphanhood and childhood adversity [she DID grow up in a British orphanage run by a neglectful scumbag in the 1910s-20s], its attendant emotional problems and attachment issues, precocious life skills, secret hideout, hilariously overwrought diary entries, and extremely off-putting ways of apologizing and trying to make friends) and an ichimatsu doll.
I know a lot of people think he’s handsome, and want to believe he was always handsome, but I feel like it’d be more fitting if his childhood self was this hilariously awkward, oversensitive, and vulnerable thing that he’s been desperately trying to get away from ever since, and yet in some ways hasn’t changed from at all. For example, he’d be just as likely to do the “leave a letter in their room and watch them through a crack in the door to make sure they read it” thing to someone he’s trying to sincerely apologize to as an adult as he would as a child.
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andrewmnyard · 7 months
hMmm. maybe I’ll get engaged tomorrow. probably not. but a girl can dream.
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imwritesometimes · 1 month
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little man had his routine physical today. Dr said he was 'perfect' 😊🐈‍⬛️❤️
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whatevertheywant · 2 months
I really really really really really fucking wish that I didn't hang on to petty bull shit that my parents say despite being nearly 30 years old
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meguhime · 5 months
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12. laughter for AuRaApril and 12. treasure for VieraprilJust a lil sketchy for today <3 <3 laughing around a table full of delicious food is the real treasure hehe
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dandyshucks · 8 months
Guz would be giving me a great big hug, the kind where you pick someone up and twirl them around, for having such a successful socializing outing today :]
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eversncenewyork · 7 months
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on todays episode of: am i a huge c*nt or did my date last night rly fuck up?
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hellsbroadcaster · 6 months
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Alastor always believed in never forgetting your roots. Growing up, he lived in poverty. His mother worked hard to try and provide for him. It didn't matter how things got, his mother kept him fed, dressed and alive. He learned at an early age, that though his father may have been white, he didn't quite fit in due to his mother. It was never an issue for him, because he adored his mother and the culture he was raised in. They didn't have pretty or shiny things, he learned that to get by in life it required hard work and perseverance.
You had to fight for what you wanted, it wasn't never just handed to you. He values people who try their best no matter the obstacles. His mom taught him to work hard, to appreciate the little things. When he became a famous radio host, he kept these things in mind. Together, they built their own castles out of dirt, and even with riches and living his best life, he did help those who had less than him. He didn't shame or kick people who were already down, and he wasn't greedy with his riches. He never forgot where he came from, how he was raised and he carries it with him.
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feelingpoorly · 1 year
So I was just sitting editing my next chapter to upload to ao3 and my partner comes outside to tell me “I’m gonna go make myself puke now if you wanna watch” 😂
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