#he's really just stunning in this episode like his eyelashes are just as beautiful as always
t-u-i-t-c · 9 months
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"Gira is Gira. Not a tool."
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joekeeryswife · 7 months
Episode 2 : Chats
a/n: episode 2! thank you for so much love on the first imagine, i really do appreciate you all. here is part two, trying to make it a bit more interesting lol but the ending is awful, next part will be better, anyways enjoy reading loves🩰
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“should we go over to the swing? i want to know more about you” you nodded your head and smiled. Mason grabbed ahold of your hand and the two of you headed over to the swing.
you sat down on the swing and he sat opposite you, now you were alone you could finally have a good look at him and you were in shock at how pretty he was. now, you’ve had crushes in the past but he was practically perfect. “so, tell me about yourself then y/n. what do you do for work and how old are you? ” Mason said as he got comfortable on the swing.
“well, i’m an influencer and model and im 22.” Mason wasn’t shocked that you were a model, you were absolutely stunning. when he first made his way down the steps his eyes were fixated on you. you were utterly perfect and he couldn’t believe someone like you was on love island, not that it was a bad thing but how could someone like you be single?
“that doesn’t surprise me, you’re beautiful” he said making you blush brightly. “thank you” you smiled at him “what do you do for work? and how old are you?” you said as you tucked your hair behind your ear. “i’m a footballer and i’m 25” you nodded “what team do you play for?” you were honestly still in a little bit of shock that Mason had picked you, he was so good looking and even though you were pretty the other girls were just as beautiful.
“yeah, i play for Man United” your eyes widened, you thought maybe he would say a team you didn’t know but you did not expect that to come out of his mouth. “i know, embarrassing that a footballer is on love island” Mason didn’t know why but he was a embarrassed. he was quite popular and that wasn’t him being big headed but he felt like every girl was just using him for his money.
“no i don’t think it is, you shouldn’t be embarrassed for wanting to find someone” he felt at ease after you said that, he wanted to impress you because he felt a connection “so, what’s your type y/n” he ran a hand through his hair, the two of you hadn’t broke eye contact since you’d been sat here.
“i like someone who’s taller than me, older, tanned, has tattoos, athletic.” you had practically described him and he was happy about that. “what about you? what’s your usual type?”
“i don’t have a usual type really, i’m open to everyone” you nodded, you thought it was a good outlook to have. “it’s good that you’re open to everyone, it shows maturity i think.” Mason went to talk before you heard the sound of a phone chime and Molly called out saying she had gotten a text.
she was sat on the day beds with Tommy and the two of you looked at her as she stood up getting everyones attention. “islanders, tonight you will have a party to celebrate this series of love island. #getthispartystarted” you all cheered and decided it was time you should start getting ready.
you were in the dressing room doing your makeup next to Amber and Anna. “so girls how’s your chats been with your boys?” Anna said as she straightened her hair. “Curtis isn’t my type at all but he’s sweet. nothing would ever happen between us though. i hope someone comes in for me though” Amber said as she stuck on her eyelashes.
“you are beautiful and someone will definitely come in for you Amber” you said as you applied your eyeliner. “how was your chat with Mason, he seems really into you” Amber replied and you smiled at the thought. “he is very pretty. he’s really sweet and he was really interested in getting to know me but i guess that’s what you do on love island” they both laughed.
“the two of you make a perfect pair” Anna said. “how are you and Ovie?” she groaned “he is so hot i can’t get over it” you and Amber agreed, you nodded your head. “i’m going to get to know him more and see where things go” she continued.
“what were you girls thinking of wearing?” Chloe said as she came into the dressing room from the bathroom. “well, i’m thinking of this dress, it’s one of my favourites” you said getting up to show the leopard print dress. “oh my goodness that is perfect, Mason is going to love it” Chloe said and the other girls agreed.
you had all done your hair and makeup to perfection, definitely trying to impress the boys on the first night which you all succeeded. when you all finally came out of the villa into the garden all of the boys whistled at the sight of you.
you all grabbed a glass of wine and split off with your partners, you and Mason sat on the day beds next to each other. “so, you model and you’re an influencer, what do you like to do in your free time?” Mason was thinking of things to ask you. “i love makeup, very into fashion so when im free i go to Paris and visit the House of Dior exhibition with my friends which may seem weird but i love it” he listened intently as you spoke about things that you loved.
“i also love shopping, going to the gym, painting and travelling. what about you? other than football what do you like to do?” you asked “i love the gym obviously, i play video games, i love watching the formula 1 and i love to travel too” you almost squealed with joy when you heard he loved to travel.
it was one of your favourite things to do. “where have you been? and where would you like to go?” you asked as you took a sip of your drink “i’ve been to pretty much all the main places you go to when travelling like Australia, America, Japan, South Korea, Bali. what about you?” he felt at ease when he spoke to you and this had never happened to him before.
“the same, Australia is my favourite. i think if i could live anywhere in the world it would be there, but i don’t think i could leave my family just to live there” he nodded his head “is your family important to you then?” he almost shook his head at the silly question but you smiled.
“very important. my mum is my best friend, im very close with my siblings and cousins too. i have two nieces as well who are the cutest thing ever. to be honest its going to be weird not seeing them for however long i’m in here for. i see them practically every day” you loved your family and he could see that by the way you spoke about them.
“you have two nieces? so do i” another thing you bonded over “no way? isn’t that crazy, we like almost all the same things and now we have bonded over our nieces” you both laughed “i miss them so much. i moved to Manchester last year and they live in portsmouth so that’s like an almost five hour drive which is hard for them. i went from seeing them every other week to seeing them every other month” even though he loved Manchester he wished his family was closer.
“that must be really difficult for you. i don’t want to sound rude but do you not get lonely? i assume you live alone” he shook his head “that’s not rude at all. yeah, i live alone and that does get pretty lonely. i mean i have my dog Max and i have friends up there but there’s nothing like coming home to someone you know? that’s why i’ve come on here, to find someone so im not lonely” you felt sad for him, he had been living in Manchester for almost a year meaning he must have been feeling like this for all that time.
“i’m not going trying to jinx it but maybe i could be that person?” you cringed at what you had just said and pulled a face making Mason laugh, you had gone bright red. “sorry that was disgusting i cannot believe i just said that” you laughed at yourself which made Mason laugh even harder.
“no don’t say that, that was a good one until you made that face. who said i didn’t want you to be that person?” he flirted which made you feel better. his eyes flickered to your lips then back up to your eyes. “do you mind if i kiss you?” you shook your head at his comment. he lent in, one of his hands going to your cheek as he kissed you. the kiss was filled with passion, it almost made you dizzy. he was a good kisser. a very good kisser.
you both pulled away, breathless but in awe at how amazing that first kiss was. you had never had a kiss like that before and it was the first night? no one had ever kissed you as passionately as him. “wow, that was just, incredible” he said making you drop your head as you blushed.
“why did you decide to pick me then? out of the girls why me?” you were curious, i wasn’t that you were insecure or anything but you just wanted to know why “why was i the only boy you stepped forward for?” he retaliated. he was quick witted which took you by surprise.
“i stepped forward because you were the only boy i seemed to have an attraction too. none of the other boys are my type and so far you’re ticking every box. and you’re very very attractive” you shrugged and he nodded, he felt his face heat up as you spoke about him. “well, i picked you because when i walked down them steps i was honestly mesmerised by you. i was in shock at how pretty you were and you’re the only person i wanted to get to know” you also blushed at his comment.
you felt giddy “let’s see how this goes then, who knows you could be the love of my life” you joked making him laugh. “maybe you could be” you both smiled at one another and as you made eye contact with him you felt your body filling with this feeling you’d never felt before, you felt bonded to him, like you needed to get to know him more and you were going to do just that. you just hoped no one else would feel this way about Mason too.
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Buckle up let me tell you all about my Crush on Omar Rudberg. Okay so one of my absolute favorite things about Omar is how he can sing in both English, Spanish and Swedish and sometimes all in one song. And he does it well! His range is...wow. His eyes are so big and doe like. I have brown eyes too but his are like pools of burning coal. He has gorgeous curls, and I have curly hair too but he looks like botticelli would weep over him. He has these beautiful eyelashes and when he looked down at the beginning of I'm so excited they fluttered just a little and I went omgomgomg. He's so damn pretty and he knows it! He also is such a good actor. His ability to emote as Simon is stunning. Valentine ball, after the August gun thing, when he says he can't be a secret, when he messes with the sweater at the beginning of season 2 episode 5, basically all the scenes. The way he brings that character to life is so good. Like I really think when he was on stage at the Gaygalan he was Simon, it felt different than Omar. Also he has the best taste in fashion and his outfit at fashion week Paris was perfect for him. Even when they put the outfit together for him he looks stunning. And he's so smart too, I love hearing him talk about anything and everything. He seems to be a truly caring friend as well, and I just admire that so much. I hope that every day he has someone he cares about like a friend or family member tell him they love him or that he's wonderful.
Wow, I told you to tell me everything, and you certainly did. I must agree with every point you have made. He is a perfect human, 10/10. He's incredibly talented and absolutely stunning. My favorite part of this whole ask, though, is "he looks like botticelli would weep over him." I quite literally lost my mind when I read that. That is... so hilariously accurate.
I appreciate your passion, anon. You are welcome here at all times. We can obsess over Omar whenever you want.
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wistfulrat · 4 years
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a 4-part rec list of my fave drarry fics - the thrillers, dramas, soft bois, and wankbanks getting me through 2020′s shitstorm
[the soft boi list is here and truly i’m not surprised this rec is going to be the longest bc if there’s one thing a bitch is going to do, it’s yearn.
as always! if you love a fic, follow the authors, leave kudos & comments, send them nice msgs bc free art is still labor xoxo]
part 3: soft bois
mood: for when I need respite, a balm to the all-consuming shittiness of life
includes: fluff, comfort, low-stakes, slow-burn fics. a wistful look, a rainy morning, an unexpected grace, a stupidly disarming joke. i could live inside these fics. the smallness of human lives removed from the site of that which hurts & irreparably changes. the story-equivalent of a deep breath after a long day. pregnant silences & pensive mundanity & shy smiles. banter with bite but without the cruelty. the color lavender. weirdly whimsical. soft fics are not necessarily conflict-averse (no drarry fic rly can be, considering the context) but, they offer the reader a generous distance from the initial harm. they’re the quiet cleaning up after a storm. sometimes healing is an exacting surgical knife and other times it’s a slow scabbing. you read these fics to be reassured that the way forward is not always ruthless. and honestly?? they deserve a semblance of peace godDAMmit.
The Way Down by @letteredlettered - 65k - T “and I thought that if someone talked to you as though you were a human being you might—maybe you could act like one” --the way i think about this line daily. the characterization of draco in this fic is one my favorites bc he’s earnest and neurotic and tired of harry’s shit. which is to say, he cares so so much. and harry doesn’t know what to do with that bc he’s got a monster in his chest and lives as a recluse. but they both humanize each other in ways no one else can. “you’re just a person” has to be some kind of drarry ethics of belonging and it makes me CRY. -
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by @greaseonmymouth and dustmouth - 96k - T “Maybe it’s not about deserving it? Maybe you just get to have it anyway. . .I’m allowing myself to want something and to let myself have it and to fight for it.” --harry runs a daycare and also works at a library. draco spends a lot of time in said library. they bond over sci-fi books and therapy anecdotes and quiet philosophical conversations held over cafeteria soup. and harry’s struggling to understand his asexuality. draco’s learning how to live with anxiety and depression. they both want to be deserving of love. incredible fic with beautiful art by dustmouth. -��
Open for Repairs by @drarrytrash - 35k - T “A few leaves rustle in the gutter and the muggle world pays no mind to them, to two lost boys holding on for dear life.” --all of their fics feel exactly like this. like you’ve been allowed to look at something private, tender, unexpected. draco, known abba fan, is a repairman in the muggle world & harry can’t stop breaking thrifted things in order to see him? say less, i'm thERE. also “I think I have a crush on you” goddddd  - other faves by them: Counting Down By Ten - 2k - T: draco’s stepped outside of the party for a smoke. harry follows him bc of course he does. i could read this 100 times and not get tired of it. - Clouds That Veil the Midnight Moon - 36k - E: FUCKING HILARIOUS I CACKLED THROUGH THE WHOLE THING. draco’s wolfy problem and harry helping him and harry being flustered by how much he likes draco and draco’s hot heroic moment. shutup it’s perfect. “He almost asks if Draco ever gets tired of being a miserable complaining shit all the time, but he knows that he, personally, never ever gets tired of being a miserable complaining shit.” and “It’s the traumas,” Harry says gravely” --lines that live rent free in my head -
Harry Potter and the Future He Doesn't Really Want, Thanks by seefin - 70k - E “That was the only logical thing to do here, wasn’t it? It was the next step, it was the end of hurting each other and the beginning of the exact opposite.” --harry lives with luna and neville and also he dreams about the future sometimes? and he keeps running into draco. draco thinks this is sus as hell, until he doesn’t. feat. taxi rides, museums, cinemas, rooftop conversations beneath a lunar eclipse, mid-sex innocuous banter, draco and harry discussing nicki minaj. this fic charmed my ass off. seefin writes the most effortlessly hilarious dialogues. i smiled at my phone like an idiot at least 7 times. -  other faves by them: Wild - 93k - E: “he liked feeling needed, for the things that he was needed for back at the house in Ireland. For cooking and gardening and driving. Easy things.” --this shit makes me cry it’s so good. harry lives in Ireland with these three brilliant, hilarious, wandless witches and draco’s a potions student who's come to study under one of the housemates and the boys have so much shit to work through but their love becomes so tender and honest. draco yells at harry a lot and harry lets him and they both keep each other grounded in something real and fuCK.  - Divination for Dickheads - 7k - G: “I’m terrible at having crushes. I’ve never played anything cool a day in my life.” -- oh harry, we knOW. a bus ride, a fortune teller, an aquarium birthday party. god i love this fic. -
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic​ - 61k - E “But we’ve worked so hard at this, haven’t we? Yeah, I know it’s a horror to have to talk about it, but fuck it. We’re friends now, but it took so long to get here. Have you ever had to work so hard at something before?" --the steady blossoming of their friendship in this fic is so goddamn beautiful i want to yell. it’s draco and harry learning to trust each other and the whole thing unfolds so slowly, in this whimsical mix of london streets, wizarding politics, church halls feat. a Hot vicar, and a magical antique shop owner who’s married to literal poseidon?? goD the environment of this fic. immaculate. [also there’s a tender shower scene that makes me cry every single fucking time so if you read this fic pls dm me so we can be embarrassing about it together tbh] -
Nice Things by aideomai - 22k - M “He kept waiting for the weird shock of touch to not knock him clean out of his head, leave him quiet and warm and happy.” --8th year. harry forms an unlikely friendship with draco that begins with smoking weed on a windowsill. harry is touch-starved and draco touches him like he touches all his close friends - like it’s easy. the quiet affection in this fic, the way harry burrows himself into touch bc he’s been without it for his entire life. reading this is like being held. -
Running On Air by @tinyhistory​ - 74k - T “do you remember when we were eleven?” --alexa play coldplay’s the scientist it’s sad girl hours and we’re about to fucking yearn. you’ve seen this fic rec on every drarry list under the sun and i'm here to be redundant. the hype is so goddamn real. this story is a lyrical masterpiece held together by lines that act as refrains that will rattle around your brain until you die, probably. draco’s been missing for 3yrs. harry goes to find him. it’s their odyssey of homecoming. -
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken - 12k - T “But Draco, Draco was everything but boring. Draco made sitting in the rain watching an empty house fun.” --auror partners pining and draco being eccentric and harry being very earnestly gay about draco’s eccentricities!! god this fic is so genuinely fun skskd feat. undercover missions, murderous faeries, a book heist, a stunning navy dress, harry’s eyelashes. -
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by @thistle-verse - 14k - T “Draco is about to say something else— to thank Potter for what he’d done, however poorly— but Harry is smiling at him again, and it’s so soft and perfect that Draco holds in any inadequate words, lest he spoil it.” --draco collects tea cozies and of course harry has the one he wants. the sad and tender gays are at it again feat. conversations in the rain at a train station, melancholy Blaise, muggle photos, wizarding e-bay, the Dursleys.  -
Helix by Saras_Girl - 92k - E “Draco sighs in his sleep and Harry clings on to consciousness, needing to hold on, to give this tiny, insignificant moment the attention it deserves” --I think maybe you can describe every soft Saras_Girl story as giving tiny, insignificant moments the attention they deserve. like, this is an 8th year fic about snails and it’s full of whimsy, grief, compassion, and easy humor. an absolute must-read author in this genre if you want languorous, episodic fics full of distinct OCs and affectionate creatures. - other faves by them: Light up the Night Sky - 98k - M “Draco, sometimes you make my head feel like soup” --the one where harry is a fireworks artist and has a pet chameleon named ken. draco is on the wizarding arts council. they both pine like hell. - Headlights in the Snow - 71k - M “they stare at each other in silence, Harry’s heart beating so loud in his chest that he thinks the biddies must be able to hear it over the sound of their card game.” --the one where draco drives the knight bus and carts around the biddy club, a group of rambunctious old ladies who knit and drink tea and gossip. harry can’t help but fall in love with the everything about this. -
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 - 38k - T “Harry’s heavy thoughts lift at the sight, like dark clouds blown away from the sun by the wind. The tent doesn’t feel so cramped and stifling now. It feels cozy. And safe. It’s the same feeling that Harry gets when he’s at the Burrow for Sunday roasts, when a group of people who care for each other deeply are crammed into too-small a space.” --harry wanders to the lovegood house on a sunday afternoon. he’s baffled to see that luna’s taken pansy, greg, and draco under her wing. what follows is a summer of forest walks, scavenger hunts, gardening, water fights, odd cakes, faerie rings, and picnics. so many picnics. i love the pace of this fic, the innocent return to childhood things, the way luna brings out the best in all her friends. reluctantly soft slytherins are just *chefs kiss*!! -
Going Postal (A 125pg comic) by dustmouth - T what. a. beautiful. ass. comic. the wizarding fashion, the textures, the character design!! harry travels a lot for his job as a resourcer. draco works in the regulations dept. they pine like a bunch of lovesick idiots via field report notes. god i love dustmouth’s art. -
All the Earnest Young Men by @tepre​ - 29k - E “Draco is twenty-seven layers of personality wrapped up in drama and humour, and a wit so sharp it still stings when he doesn’t see it coming. But there is something below that, too. Something that makes Harry ache just looking at him.” --the way i would lay down my little life for tepre’s characterization of draco, whom invented the word earnest. he’s a magical art theory expert and portraits are disappearing all over London and harry’s the auror assigned to this case. and well. they’re both so very avoidant about how gay they are for each other and it’s like!! shutup and kiss!! which they do in fact, shutup and kiss.  -
Trenches by sara_holmes - 3k - M “Somewhere in the distant part of his mind that hasn't frozen solid, he thinks that maybe he and Draco are about to become more than auror partners, smoking buddies, wine-mates and co-inhabitants of a snow filled trench somewhere in western Scotland.” --the plot line here is literally “it’s cold and i need a fucking cigarette” but let me tell you how I never tire of the shared loaded-silences of two emotionally repressed gays. -
The Years Before Love by lomonaaeren - 13k - M “That’s one of the meanings of peace, he thinks, as Hermione hugs him...That he can do things slowly, softly, without worrying that they won’t be there tomorrow.” --andromeda taking harry under her wing and harry finding solace in teddy. narcissa and draco showing up and the tentative relationships that slowly develop in the quiet calm of andromeda’s house. found families and kisses in the snow and special xmas gifts ugh what’s not to love -
The Moon Looks Lovely Tonight by Omi_Ohmy - 35k - M “I want this to be a house where people are welcome, where they don’t have to be any one way or another” --in which harry collects lost things--owls, best friends, inept bakers, potions experimenters--and turns the mausoleum that is grimmauld place into a home. feat. your fave drarry tropes like shared-beds and reluctant waltzing partners. -
[part 1: thrillers | part 2: dramas | part 3: soft bois | part 4: wankbanks]
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lafox · 3 years
I just finished watching Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness and made some scene pack which you can find here. 
I’m not the biggest fan of putting my opinion out there on the internet but I'll try to write my opinion while still be careful.
Anyhow, I need to talk about it! 
First of all, amazing character design and rendering. All the characters looks amazing and I adore the little details, for example, Leon's little head twitch or look at the president’s facial details. I think we all agree that they aced in that department. (will talk more about that subject after character analysis)
Now, the plot... the plot.
Look in all honesty it was a nice plot but i felt it went a bit too fast, not enough build up and stuff. I don't have much to say on it, only a few default on the characters and why and how things happen but I'll talk about that through character analysis. 
Okay, about our main character Leon.
He was badass, I'm so surprised he knew what to do in the submarine, honestly that was a good scene I was really anxious for him. He did care for the people around him but I didn’t get that sweet side of him like he had in RE2 or in DAM, I'm saying this because even if he saw Shen May’s brother, he didn’t have the empathy of his last wishes, like Shen May basically said: “He doesn’t want this to happen again and that why this *the chip* can help us.” And what annoys me the most and that both the ‘villain's’ didn’t deserve to die so the least he could do is to not make it *the virus* happen again. 
I am revolted at Leon for not giving the chip to Claire, not even telling the president about this shit! LIKE BRO. Also denying Claire, thinking he knows best?! Excuse me but Claire literally interviews people, she knows the Press! Anyhow, Annoyed...
Now let’s talk about Claire. 
My girl Claire! They made her a side character that didn’t have much to add only confirmation to our suspicions which is good yes, but it isn’t Claire’s job, she deserve a much bigger role in the RE universe! I get it, she was also a ‘side’ character in RE2 and Leon is the star but still tho! She did give #girlboss energy which I am LIVING for! She was stunning! her character design and CGI was beautiful and I've seen a lot of people saying that she is ‘ugly as shit’ as i quote. I’m sorry but she looks realistic and you are going to cry about it? She is around her mid-tweenies, maybe around 27 and you gonna tell me that her being realistic is ‘ugly as shit’?! Yeah nah sorry pal, go and like Shen May (no hate to her, she is gorgeous) then and not our OG Girl Claire! 
Claire deserved a bigger role and she is smart, like she is fucking smart! She almost decoded everything before the agents came and kidnap her, one of many reasons she should’ve had a bigger role! (Also please, your hand in marriage Claire ilysm)
Next on the list is Jason.
Okay, I'm sorry but i am in love with him.
I’m sorry okay! He fits the dilf characteristics and I cant-
Anyhow back to analysis. 
I feel horrible, he didn’t deserve to die, the man had serious mental illness and PTSD involved, they showed that but they killed him off. Why? Because he wanted to stop the virus from ever happening by his own ways? Even if it is a violent way, there is still, there was a logical and reasonable. Honestly i think and/or probably, a lot of people might relate to him and Shen Mei, because he has PTSD and mental health issues and Shen Mei lost someone close to her and they are both trying to make the world better, in their own way and for Capcom to kill them both is such a shame.. 
Jason is such a badass tho like.. damn~  He was really well written as a side character, like, I enjoyed when he was on screen (Maybe because i like him but whatever) 
Last but not least, Shen Mei!
I’m gonna be real and probs a lot of people are not going to like this but she was the least prominent character for me, like, yes she stands out a bit but for at least 2 episode she is.. just there and having little dialogue. But i did enjoy her twist, i felt like all that nothing from her was worth in someway. She is definitely #girlboss *chef kiss* and i can relate to her on a deeper level. I enjoyed that she silent for 2 episode because i can relate that she doesn’t talk, that she only listen and observes. I enjoy how she will do anything to help the people she love and that think that's what make Shen Mei a great character! Overall i did enjoy her character and i think her side role is very well placed with her personality.
CGI and Rendering Rant
I need to talk about the amount of details in the male characters but lack of it for female characters... You can see how, The President, Jason or Leon have detail, you can see their pores on their skin, you can see their history and age through those CGI detail on their skin and others but.. Claire or Shen May, their skin is  perfect. They do have a few details under her eyes but no pores, no small wrinkles, nothing. I think that's a shame. Shen Mei looks absolutely perfect, you cannot tell me that there is any default on her. I think that is marketing.. what I mean is that Shen Mei is an attraction for people to watch REID. She is absolutely stunning and has no default. 
I was talking with a friend of mine that studies human biology and we were talking about those details, we went on the subject of the women representation and rendering and we both suspect makeup is involve. What i am saying is that Capcom doesn’t show those pores because : Makeup. 
It can be a valid point. Exhibit A is Shen Mei eyelashes and slight makeup, she is meeting the President after all. So of course she would whip out some makeup. (I know i would.) Shen Mei eye Lashes are way longer longer than Claire’s which would go back to out theory of make up.
Photo comparation: 
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Claire in her hotel room.
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Shen Mei in the submarine. You might think that it’s not convincing enough but keep in mind that Shen Mei is looking up as her head is downwards!
Coming back to skin. In the last two picture, yes, you can see pours and details of the face of Shen Mei but i want to talk about normal viewing of the two character VS male character same view point.
Photo comparation: 
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The girls, looking perfect (ily both sm) 
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Leon at the (almost) same camera leveling and depth and you see way more characteristic then other female character even when Leon and Claire are around the same age. But they did nail it when the camera was close on both women. 
Adding a note that Claire does show a it of characteristics, more than Shen Mei and the we get people calling her ‘Ugly as shit’ for having a realistic face.
Maybe Shen Mei is younger, Probably and surely but I'm 18, i have facial characteristics. the only thing that is realistic is her beauty spot which is a really nice touch I love it. 
Anyhow i think I'm done talking about it. 
I enjoyed watching the show and i was excited for it! i hope everyone enjoyed it! Also I love all the character, I'm not bullying them or critic them for their physic or anything else! I’m just ranting about things that was ‘negative’ only because i enjoyed so many aspect of it that the post would be longer aahh. 
A few positives I will list are:
Camera angles (immerced) 
Character movement (No awkward movement or glitch) 
Motion blur (None sickening blur, right place Motion blur)
Lighting (Accurate lighting, not forgetting lighting through hair, ear etc)
Animation (Overall fucking amazing like holy shit)
Tension (Performed very well through animation and plot) 
Emotion and facial expression ( I could write a whole essay on that, that’s how well they did it)
I think that's it :) 
I hope you enjoyed me rambling on about this, i will write soon I've just had a holiday! scheduled writing around the end of next week!
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
As Above, So Below - Kim Seungmin Paranormal Investigator AU Part 1
(Next Part ->)
I’m finally posting it ya’ll! :D
The reader's abilities are based off of those of Lorraine Warren's. She and her husband, Ed, were paranormal investigators. If you need an insight on her abilities, watch 'the conjuring'. It's great movie, hands down one of my faves.
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“These pictures were taken during the exorcism last year." Seungmin's voice rang throughout the large classroom.
Kim Seungmin, the well renown paranormal investigator, stood before you in a classroom in your town. You watched his videos all the time, followed his social media. He was a big inspiration for you, someone you knew would understand you.
You have a gift, you see. One not many people would understand. You had gotten into a car accident when you were younger, leaving you not only with PTSD, but with an unnatural gift. You could see and hear things no one else could, you could be brought into almost another dimension, the other side showing you things from the past. You were known as a clairvoyant.
You watched Seungmin’s presentation in awe, excitement filling you every time he showed something new, something you didn’t see on his blog. Your eyes kept meeting his, but every time they met, the girls behind you would squeal, especially the one in the middle. 
The girl in the middle used to be your best friend, until a few years ago. Kim Eunmi , now one of the most popular girls in your college/university. She always walked around with two other girls, Lim Hyuna and Song Inhye. They were your “bullies” if you’d call it that. They wouldn’t say much to you, usually a sly remark here and there, but they would always openly giggle behind your back or whisper almost loud enough for you to hear; and it all came from an incident a few years back, the incident where Eunmi abandoned you as a friend then spread rumors about you, making your high school career a living Hell. You were labeled a “freak” and spent your high school years by yourself.
“Here is another slide from the case of Go Jinjoo, the man who was possessed and kill thirteen women in a span of three months.” Seungmin’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, your eyes landing on the pictures of the man on the screen.
He had blood covering his shirt, his teeth grit and blood splattered across his face. His iris’ were completely black, his veins popping out of his face and neck. He looked possessed, to say the least. Your eyes searched the picture, your eyes sensing the dark aura around him. Your eyes scanned every detail you can, and you felt someone’s eyes on you.
You peeled your eyes from the screen and made direct eye contact with Seungmin, his eyes staying on you longer than you could never believe. You heard a squeal behind you, and your heart dropped, thinking he could’ve just been admiring Eunmi. Eunmi was very attractive, with her silky dark hair, large eyes, and beautiful face. She was much more to look at, or that’s what you thought at least. You remembered all the boys would gawk and stare at her when you two would hangout, and it got worse in high school. You tried not to pay attention to it, but it was hard when every time you went to your locker, which was straight across from hers, a guy was either trying to confess or give her something. You were shocked and disappointed when Seungmin ended the presentation, cursing yourself for not paying enough attention. Oh well, there’s always a next time. Seungmin looked at you, and your heart fluttered, then quickly dropped as you felt someone bump your shoulder, and realized Eunmi was walking down the stairs. Her eyes were mocking towards you, and you knew she was going to purposely try to flirt with Seungmin right in front of you. Eunmi knew she was naturally pretty, and she flaunted it a lot. You never understood why she wore the amount of makeup that she did, she was effortlessly and naturally stunning. She bat her false eyelashes at Seungmin, pressing her arms closer to her chest to make her boobs pop out more. You rolled your eyes and packed your notebook in your bag, having had taken notes while listening.
“Hi Seungmin-ahhh!” Eunmi greeted him in a sweet voice.
“Oh, hello.” He greeted with a pretty smile.
“I’m Eunmi, and I’m a huge fan. That presentation was something else!” She giggled.
“Ah, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He said with a polite bow.
“Now Seungmin-ahhh.” She giggled, leaning close to him.
You wanted to snap your pencil in half. Eunmi knee how much you had loved his documentaries, you had started watching his videos when you were in middle school together, and she always told you it was lame. Seungmin has the gift since he was younger, and you had admired him ever since your accident.
“Saw you looking at me this whole lecture.” She purred, fixing the buttons on his white button up. “Is there something you wanted to say?”
You quickly made your way out of the room, and Eunmi watched you walk out with a smirk, but another set of eyes were on you as well.
“Actually… Uh… That girl that was sitting in front of you, what’s her name?” He asked.
“Who? Y/N?” She scoffed. “Just some weirdo. She thinks she can see and sense ghosts. She just does it for attention.”
“I see. Well, it was nice meeting the three of you.” Seungmin said with a smile before grabbing his bag and walking away.
“Wait, Seungmin!” Eunmi called, grabbing his shirt sleeve.
“Weren’t you looking at me?” She asked, her eyes big.
“You’re very pretty, but it wasn’t you I was looking at. And I don’t look at petty women.” He said casually, pulling his sleeve out of her grasp. “Have a nice day, ladies.”
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You walked into the courtyard, the pink trees of the garden glowing in the soft spring sunlight. You sat on the stone bench and opened your notebook, going through the notes you took and sighing.
“I should’ve paid better attention.” You groaned, dropping your head into your notebook. “Stupid stupid stupid.”
“I think you’re pretty smart, actually.”
Your head shot up at the voice, your nose almost brushing Seungmin’s. Shock was in your eyes as he smiled down at you.
“Mind if I sit?” He asked, pointing to the empty spot on the stone bench.
“Oh, sure!” You said in a voice a little too high pitches for your liking, making you almost cringe.
He sat down beside you, his eyes going to your notebook.
“You took notes on the session?” He asked, his eyes full of admiration.
“U-Um yeah… I love what you do.” You said shyly.
“I see… You seemed very interested in the whole thing. Almost like you knew how it felt to have these abilities.” He said, looking directly at you.
Although he had such a sweet looking face, his eyes held a ferocity that you have never seen before. It was breathtaking to look into massive orbs you’ve only ever saw on a screen.
“I… I guess you can say I have a gift.” You said lowly, your eyes not leaving his.
“What kind of gift is that?” He asked, his eyes still searching yours.
You slid him the notebook that you had written your notes down in. He looked at the notebook and slowly went to the first page, reading what you wrote and drew sketches of, all of your experiences on the finely outlined pages. His long finger tips followed where he was reading, his eyes quickly scanning the pages as he continued to flip through it. He stopped at one, an amused smile on his face.
“So you know, huh?” He asked.
“What?” You asked.
“Most of the episodes of Ghost Hunters is staged and acted out.” He said with a light chuckle.
“Even if I didn’t have this ability, it’s painfully obvious.” You pointed out, scrunching your nose in distaste. 
“How else do you know? And how can you tell when it isn’t staged?” Seungmin asked.
“Well, for starters, their reactions. When it’s fake, you can tell when they over dramatize it, like it’s too much. I also don’t see anything when it’s fake.” You said.
“See anything?” He asked.
“I can see shadows… Morphs… Whole spirits.” You said hesitantly. 
His eyes searched yours, seeing the sincerity in them.
“You can just see shapes and figures?” He asked.
“No…” You said lowly. “I can see them… Usually when they just want to be seen.”
“What if they don’t want to be seen?” He asked.
“I can see their shapes and figures, and I can feel them.” You responded.
Silence fell over the two of you, Seungmin’s eyes going back down to your notebook and flicking through the pages, stopping at a certain one.
“What’s this?” He asked.
It was from the last night you and Eunmi had spent the night together as friends. The night she got scared away, the night she held a grudge against you for. You slid it out of his hands and closed it, a sigh leaving your lips.
“An experience I wish I could forget.” You sighed.
He went on to say something, when you gave him a sad smile.
“They show me things.” You said.
“They show you things?” He asked.
You nodded and played with your fingers.
“They show me what happened to them… Or what could happen to other people.” You whispered.
His eyes were soft as he laid a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving it a soft rub.
“You’re a clairvoyant Y/N.” He said.
You nodded and sighed when he lightly grabbed your chin and turned your head towards him.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. I know what it’s like to have a gift no one understands, I know it’s lonely, but I’m here for you now, okay?” He said with a bright smile.
“You’re only in town for a couple of days.” You giggled with a small blush.
He fell silent for a moment, biting his lip and thinking.
“Why don’t you come for an investigation? We’re also here to investigate a house about an hour away from here.” He suggested with a smile.
“Will that really be okay?” You asked.
“Of course!” He laughed. “It’s just me and three other people.”
“O-Okay.” You nodded with a shy smile.
“Perfect! We have to leave in an hour, do you need to get changed or anything?” He asked.
“No, I think I’m okay.” You laughed. “Why? Is my outfit bad?”
“Not at all, just don’t want you to catch a cold.” He laughed.
You put your notebook back in your bag as he stood up and stretched his hand out to you, a smile on his face. You smiled back and lightly took his hand as he helped you up, and you felt something in that little touch. It was like a spark, a small fire emitting itself in through your hand and all throughout your body, warming your heart as you walked step for step beside him. His light brown hair caught the sun in a beautiful way, his hair shining brightly. He glanced at you, giving you the whitest smile you’ve ever seen, and you swore it could blind anyone with how white his teeth were.
He lead you to a small, hippie fashioned Volkswagen (if ya’ll know, ya’ll know.) Two men and a woman were standing outside of it, and the one turned and gave you a friendly smile.
“Hi there.” He greeted you.
“Hi.” You greeted him and the others with a polite bow.
“Seungmin, who is this?” The woman asked.
“This is Y/N, she’ll be joining us today.” He said, introducing you.
“I’m Hyunjin.” The one who smiled at you said.
“I’m Felix.” The other said with a big smile. “And that little ball of sunshine over there is Haru.”
You looked over at the woman, who scowled at you and Felix.
“Why is she coming?” Haru asked.
Wow, rude.
“She has talents that we need.” Seungmin said, putting his stuff in the back.
Haru scoffed and eyed you up.
“And what talent is that? Taking up space?” She asked.
“Haru, stop being so rude.” Hyunjin gasped. “Seungmin doesn’t invite just anybody.”
Haru went to open her mouth, when Seungmin shot her and look, making her purse her lips.
“She’s a clairvoyant. I’m curious about her, and she’s welcome to come with us. Don’t make this hard on her, she doesn’t deserve that.” Seungmin said, his voice serious.
Haru rolled her eyes and turned away, stalking towards the back of the SUV. Felix gave you a friendly smile and took you to the front seat.
“You’ll ride up front with Seungmin so you won’t have to deal with our little ball of sunshine in the back.” He said with a smile.
You nodded and slid into the front seat, catching the glare from Haru. Eunmi was already a lot to deal with, but now this girl? You only have known her five minutes! Seungmin sat next to you, flashing you a smile as he pulled out his GPS.
“So, what exactly is going on at this home?” You asked.
Haru scoffed in the back seat, and Felix elbowed her.
“A couple has been hearing strange noises around their home, and we’re just going over to see what exactly is happening.” Seungmin said.
“Most likely nothing too exciting.” Hyunjin said, getting the camera he had in his hands ready.
“Do you record before you even find out if it’s haunted or not?” You asked.
“Of course, I wanted to start a vlog where we post the most stupidest encounters and how goofy the residents look when they realize their house isn’t haunted.” Hyunjin giggled.
“Why didn’t you?” You asked with a laugh.
He pouted and looked at Seungmin. “Seungmin said it’s unprofessional.”
“And it is.” Seungmin said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“I don’t know, I’d love to watch them.” You laughed. “It might attract more viewers.”
“We’re not doing this for viewers.” Haru snapped.
“Lose the attitude Haru.” Hyunjin said, looking at her. “The more viewers we get, the more recommendations we’ll receive.
“People like horror and humor, if you give them both, they’ll be all over you guys.” You said.
“Or attract people who just want the attention.” Haru said.
You fell silent, not wanting to say anything else. Seungmin flicked a look at Haru through the rearview mirror and she huffed, shoving her headphones in. 
“I’m sorry about her, she doesn’t take to people easily.” Seungmin sighed.
“It’s okay, it’s no big deal.” You said with a small reassuring smile.
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When you pulled up to the house, you noticed the roof looked a little caved in, probably from the recent storm. You followed Seungmin out of the SUV and up to the house as the other three grabbed their cameras and setup. The couple who owned the property came out, and you noticed the two of them were fairly young.
“Mr. Im, Mrs. Im.” Seungmin greeted both of them with a bow, and you followed suit.
“We’re so glad you’re here, we haven't been able to sleep for days.” Mrs. Im sighed.
“What seems to be keeping you up?” Seungmin asked.
“There’s this terrible creaking sound that usually happens at night, and it sounds like there’s footsteps coming from the attic.” Mr. Im said, his eyes wide.
“We’ll take a look.” Seungmin reassured them.
He beckoned you to follow him, Hyunjin coming in directly behind you both with the camera on the both of you. Seungmin stopped at the top step, turning towards the camera and smiling. He bumped you with his elbow, and you turned and smiled as the camera started rolling.
“This is Seungmin back with another video, and today we’re investing a couples house. Mr. Im says there’s been strange creaking and what sounds like footsteps coming from the attic. Today we have with us a new friend of mine, Y/N.” He said, giving you a smile.
You bowed to the camera and smiled brightly as you followed Seungmin up the stairs. Your eyes scanned the hallway and rooms you passed by, hoping to catch something on this case.
“I’ll show you guys the attic.” Mr. Im said.
“Stay here for a moment.” Seungmin whispered to you as he walked up behind Mr. Im, Haru walking by you and giving you a petty smirk as she did.
You rolled your eyes and turned to see Mrs. Im, a small smile on her face.
“Are you new?” She asked.
“Um- sorta? I mean, I was at one of his sessions and he invited me to come here.” You said with a smile.
You turned your head and saw a picture on the wall, Mr. Im holidng Mrs. Im up in the air, the both of them smiling brightly.
A scene of the two of them running through the autumn leaves filled your vision. Mr. Im tackled Mrs. Im in a hug and they toppled over into a big pile of leaves. They both laughed like crazy as Mr. Im covered Mrs. Im in kisses, her bright white smile glistening in the sunlight. Another flash and he was on one knee, a beautiful ring in a carefully crafted box in his hand.
“What a beautiful fall day to propose.” You said as you held the picture in your hands.
“What? How could you tell?” Mrs. Im asked in shock.
“It’s called an insight, you get to see little pieces of someones life.” You said with a smile.
You heard something and turned to see Seungmin standing there, a smile on his face.
“Was she right?” He asked.
“She was.” Mrs. Im breathed, her eyes full of curiosity. 
His smile grew wider as he walked over to you.
“Why don’t you come upstairs and help us get this figured out.” He said.
You nodded and followed him up the stairs and into the attic, scanning the room. You couldn't’ feel or detect anything, it felt normal.
“And we just keep hearing THUD THUD THUD THUD!” Mr. Im explained to Felix and Haru.
“Seems like you’ve got an annoying one on your hands.” Haru said, then turning to you and arching brow. “And what do you think, little miss clairvoyant?”
“Not sure yet.” You said flatly, looking around.
The place wasn’t haunted, obviously. But you needed to show them that it was something else. You pressed your foot on a board that looked worn out.
“I found your ghost.” You said.
“Who is it? Is it an old man? A woman? GASP! Is it a little girl?!” Mrs. Im squealed.
“No, no, and no.” You replied, pushing on the board as it thud.
“Was that the sound you were hearing?” You asked.
“Oh my god, it was! But doesn’t that mean something had to be stepping on it?” Mr. Im asked.
“By the looks of it, you keep that old rocking chair on it.” You said, tilting your head to the rocking chair in the corner.
“The wind or draft push the rocking chair, which creaks.” You said, moving the chair over top of the board.
You rocked it, and it thumped and creaked. Sighs of relief left the couple, then embarrassment washed over both of them.
“We are so sorry for wasting your time!” Mr. Im gasped.
“It’s okay!” Seungmin laughed. “Usually these places aren’t haunted, there’s always a logical explanation, and it looks like Y/N found it.”
“I’ll get that old board fixed right away.” He reassured everyone and his wife.
The couple walked you both out, and Mrs. Im held your hand.
“Thank you so much, you really impressed me with that insight. I hope they keep you.” She said.
“No, thank you for that experience! I’ve always loved Seungmin’s adventures, and being on one was a dream come true.” You said with a smile.
“I hope you get to stay. You really are talented.” She said, waving goodbye to you.
Seungmin drove to a small diner as you all sat down to eat.
“I’ll cover yours.” Seungmin said.
“No its fine-”
“Listen, that investigation went so quick because of you. And that insight? You’re very talent Y/N.” He said.
As you ate, you kept feeling Haru’s glare, and it was starting to make you uncomfortable.
“Haru, look at your food.” Felix said, glancing at her.
She slammed her fork into her food and continued eating, chewing angrily.
“I need to use the restroom.” She said, abruptly getting up and walking away.
“She’s just made because she believed it was haunted, and you knew it wasn’t and proved her wrong.” Hyunjin reassured you.
You nodded awkwardly and Seungmin rubbed your shoulder.
“You were amazing back there Y/N.” He said.
“Thank you, it was nothing really.” You bowed with a blush.
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When Haru got back, you all ate quietly then left. Before you made it to the SUV, Seungmin turned to you, Felix and Hyunjin smiling brightly. Haru narrowed her eyes, anger on her face.
“No.” She growled.
“This isn’t your decision.” Seungmin said.
She stormed off to the SUV, slamming the door. You looked at them in confusion, and Seungmin gently held your hand.
“Y/N, I have a huge question.” He said.
Your heart hammered through your chest as he smiled at you.
“Will you be apart of our crew?”
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adrrianraines · 5 years
―of knights and kings. | (hunter)
genre: coming of age book: the royal masquerade characters: hunter fierro, kayden vescovi + sensory prompts 6) walking through the woods; 46) the waver in a person’s voice when they’re stressed. hunter taglist: @princess-geek @kamisayeed @onomatorina
disclaimer: welcome to another episode of my writing exercises lmao. reviews and feed backs are always welcome!! it would be lovely xx
HE’S EIGHT YEARS OLD when the weight of his family name began to make sense. And for the first time, his eyes looked at the world in an entirely different angle. He hears his own ragged breathing despite the heave of his chest, great expectations reflected in his parents’ eyes making him fret. This was a circumstance he accepted upon receiving the responsibility of being the appointed next head of house. The rattle of leaves and the sway of the wind were no longer something he can prize, no longer something he can enjoy. So his heart cries, and mourns for the loss of his own youth.
Rest easy as his mother would say, but knowing his father will never let it be. Many times had he wanted to escape and be free―to breathe, explore and bask under the high spring sun. But he knew better than to thwart, and so he embarks on a mission, to vigorously follow after his father’s path, making him proud. Setting it in stone that he’d make his name be remembered by all the great achievements he’d conquer.
But great leaders rests too, and so does he, as he readies himself to sleep, carrying a torch of hope for a new beginning.
He’ll make his family proud tomorrow.
He’s nine years old when his mind began to think of various things outside his responsibility. Wandering in the midst of a lesson, pressing the wrong piano keys, even spacing out during sparring. He’d ponder, as much as the countless books he’d read, that little boys his age ran around freely, so why can’t he? But the lack of focus would earn him quite a mouthful from his father. Afterwards, he’d spend time outside, but only to an extent until he would be dragged to countless lessons being pounded inside his head.
So he tries again as his eyes adjust to the light that seeped through draperies, smiling against the chirps of the birds and the smell of morning dew slipping through the cracks of wooden frameworks. It’s another day, he’d think, as he’d rush towards the windows, yanking open the curtains to savour the leaves among the trees and the call of animals waking up that day. Then he’d turn to the voice of his sister’s giggle, just standing outside his door, beckoning him that breakfast was ready and their father wouldn’t want them to be late at the dining table.
He loves her so much and always, always wished her well.
He’s ten years old when he was taught the etiquette of court entertainment. Various noble ladies, friends a few, would make a point of how he grew to be a fine-looking boy. But of course, his father would laugh it off, stating that no Fierro was ever born without the grace of good looks. And he’ll start to feel a bit better about himself.
He was taught to read between the lines―ascertain real intentions yet never exposing his own, use the chance to his advantage, play it within his grasp and toss it after it’s used. The lessons were strict, but he had to endure. All these were imprinted to him, pointing that the nobles were all fickle and vulnerable in the guise of a dance. By then he’d already be equating the sick methods to the melody of waltz.
Flamboyant dinner galas were what his family creates, and he was accustomed to tradition. As aureate as these functions can be, he never fancied such notion.
But no one knew about it―of what he really felt. And he plans to keep it to himself.
He’s fifteen years old when he was introduced properly to society as the young Lord of House Fierro. One would think it was a celebratory affair, however, the steel grip of his father on his shoulders cancels the mirth. Five years passed, nothing changed, knowledge and ideas poured to his head, sealed shut, never intending to escape. In the midst of it all, nobody listened, his mind feeling like it was no longer his own to interpret. It frustrated him to no end, feeling like he didn’t have the steer of his own sails.
He’d rebel by then, his own form of silent cry. Tete-a-tete in courtly gatherings became a norm, kissing one lip and pouring compliments for another, squeezing them dry. The wiles he acquired through the years were never well-meant for this, but it was his diversion. Being in court felt like crashing inside a den of vultures who circled up in their snobbish, high social statuses, ready to devour the weak and undeserving. But he must revel in the numerous opportunities he can use to his will, like a magician twisting the realm to alter it towards his version of reality.
His thoughts were interrupted when a lady asked him for a dance as he remembered where he was. He offered a smile, gaze raking in everything she presented bare. She flirtatiously batted her eyelashes his way, and boy―who was he to deny an affair? Fifteen year old Hunter was rash, but he was not stupid. She was beautiful, the elegant gown hugging tightly her curves, steering to his grasp, away from the ballroom floor.
And he’d offer her a smile so captivating, finally putting his masquerade on.
He’s sixteen years old when he and his sister had a fight. She wanted to be the one to learn about Cordonia’s recorded history and more. She didn’t talk to him for days, arguing that he knew well that it was one thing she desired most. Perhaps hormones would be to blame for the outburst? After all, they are both teens growing like fine wine.
He tried talking to his father, wanting to make his sister happy. However, only dismissal was given. Stating as far as that if Renza craved the privilege of wanting to have the world at her feet, she’d need to prove herself to be worthy of the Fierro name. Then one day, out of the blue, his sister hugged him tight and whispered, I’m with you brother, I’m with you. Forever and always, I will be your sister.
However, her words never mirrored her real emotions.
He’s seventeen when House Vescovi came to visit, the head of House wanting to speak to his father. He was out in the gardens, sporting a rapier, wearing an armor as he stood in a battle stance against the opponent assigned to train him.
Then there was a lad who looked lost and quiet yet calm and collected. He was standing a few feet off, gazing their way. His eyes drifted its focus towards the new face he’d seen, causing him to lose his concentration, eventually getting defeated. Their instructor ordered a small break as Hunter’s curiosity brought him towards the mysterious guest.
“Who are you?” He’d ask, and there was never an answer. By then, little did he know, that he found himself more than what he bargained for―in the form of a friendship that he came to associate with the brood of a dark, starless sky. But despite the lack of words, each day, he’d see him in their estate, observing, watching, however, never letting himself near. Until one afternoon, Hunter found the Vescovis departing as he watched one Cyrus Vescovi play tricks for some sick amusement.
Not his problem, so he thinks.
He’s eighteen when there’d been an attempt at their life. He’d never been the same.
They were on their way to meet the Queen when their carriage was ambushed in the woods and he got separated from his family during the attack. Latching himself into the darkness of the shrubs, afraid for his life and without a weapon at hand. He felt lost, utterly and terribly devastated that years of knowledge never prepared him for such endeavors.
There was a rustle in the shrubs as he tentatively stepped back, bile almost spilling, mouth quivering, hands shaking. He thought, it’s the end, it’s the end, but to his surprise, the heavens smiled down upon him. And he’d never been more relieved to see the Vescovi boy emerge from the shadows.
Then he lifted his brow and asked, “What are you doing here?”
And he still remembered how the other laughed at the question. “Saving you.”
He was about to speak when his arm was pulled and he was yanked to the sidelines, causing him to lose balance. His eyes watched at how the other pulled a short sword from his waist, using the hilt to hit the neck of the assailant with fast reflexes, ease and expertise. They watched him fall to the ground, unconscious as Hunter gaped and struggled to normalize his breathing, unable to find words.
He was stunned and speechless when he was offered help with a welcoming hand ready to pull him up again.
“Kayden.” The other’s quiet voice echoed through the night, like the sound of the crickets and the soft hum of fluttering leaves. “My name is Kayden.”
“Hunter.” He said, breathless as he propped himself up with a ridiculous smile on his face. It felt as if he was young again, out in the woods, exploring it with a friend, if not for such dire circumstances.
“I know. I’ve been told.” Kayden responded and a hint of a smile at the edge of his mouth made Hunter laugh despite the adrenaline pumping his veins.
“You do talk. And smile.” Despite the obvious teasing, Kayden shrugged it off and began to trek their way back, the crunch of branches on their feet a soothing noise, the soft soil on the ground a mush, and the temporary companion shaking away his fear a delight.
And so, the blades of destiny successfully carved the king and the knight.
He was twenty three years old and he’s the appointed heir to the throne. Queen Kendra was deeply fond of him. And in her, he found a mother. Yet, despite the security of his lineage, the legacy of his family name, the future of his Kingdom-his desire to rule and be the King that Cordonia deemed worthy, he can’t deny his hands weren’t stained. He was different. He’s never the same.
“I can’t… I can’t do this.” He looks at his hands and he sees the scars from years of failures and desperation, and he realizes, dear heavens, that something wasn’t right. But Kayden was there, silently watching over him, equally sharing the burden.
“My hands are more stained than yours.” He’d say to ease him and Hunter would only sigh despite the efforts.
He opens his mouth, closes it again, drowning. The constricting beating of his heart forces him the desire to escape, every inch of his being to scream. He didn’t know if he deserved it—if he wanted to sit on a throne he knew that somehow, he never deserved. And he’d think back to his family, to his father, who so much as he grew, never graced him a smile to convey that he was proud.
“What if I’ll never be the King this country deserves?” To be twice the man he could be, he’d desire nothing more— to perform well his duties by heart. But he was no King. He’s only a man with a title, born into nobility, hands stained with all the sins he accumulated through the years. Disgusted, revolted and doubtful of himself, he doesn’t risk another glance toward Kayden.
He just can’t.
“I will be with you until the end of the line.” The words he never knew he needed to hear resonated deep within as he felt Kayden squeeze his shoulder. His dear friend’s voice the anchor that’s saving him from drowning against the wild currents of his thoughts.
He cracks a smile so small it wasn’t almost visible. Then, he steadies himself, taking a step forward and forward for a renewed resolve that’s high, soaring, as his hands outstretched to whatever lies beneath his path and even beyond that.
He need not to fret. He’s never alone.
For the path of the King was forged with the Knight’s a long time ago.
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justreadingfics · 7 years
To Make a Soldier Blush: Part 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: You’re a new avenger and you have your own mission to accomplish: making Bucky Barnes blush everytime you see him.
Warnings: I don’t know, forward reader maybe?, shy Bucky, violence. 
Words Count: 2.8k (ish)
A/N: This is my submission for Bee’s 2.1k challenge from @amarvelouswritings (thank you for also being the beta for this Bee, I love you to death). I got prompt 14- “Well, geez, if you don’t like what I’m wearing, I can go and change.” English is not my first language, so excuse any mistakes.
 Part 2
It was hard for you to focus on the projected figure of a giant rotten alien grape that apparently was the one of the possible newest threats to the universe. The reason of your disregarded distraction? How fuckable the group of super-heroes sitting with you around the table was.
Being a shameless admirer of human beauty, that assemble was just a field day for you. When you were recruited to join forces with the Avengers for being one of the few enhanced agents of SHIELD with a healing ability, you didn’t expect to meet with a full cast of super models and be all hot and bothered on your first day on the job. Well, you kinda did, since they were everywhere on the mass media and you were very aware of their looks. But the real deal exceeded all your expectations.
Your hungry eyes danced around the table while you absentmindedly chewed the top of a pencil and swayed your body side to side on the swivel office chair you were sitting on.
There was Captain America, proudly standing and giving a lecture about the Thanos guy, you almost moaned to picture that newly grown beard scratching your inner thighs… The dude had to go and let a beard grow, like Steve Rogers wasn’t already distracting enough.
Sitting right next to him rested Sam Wilson, the Falcon, paying attention to the speech of his Captain. You sighed deeply remembering how that broad-shouldered Adonis had mischievously winked at you when you were introduced earlier.
Keeping your deep analyzes of the Avengers hot squad, your eyes fixated on the two goddesses of the group: Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff, sitting side by side across from you. Drawing out your tongue to moisture your lips, you thought that, being the only girls in the group, you could dedicate some especial attention to them. While you scrutinized the two gorgeous women, you saw the Black Widow directing an intense gaze towards you, smirking lightly, like she could read your dirty mind. Wasn’t Maximoff the psychic one? You cleared your throat and averted your eyes from hers. Better not mess with that one.
Then, you spotted what you decided to call the Sugar Daddies Trinity: Tony Stark, Colonel Rhodey and Clint Barton. Together or separately, it didn’t matter; you definitely could make them sweat a little. Your inner chuckle gave room to a roll of your eyes when you noticed that even the android or something, the Vision dude, had a fit physique.
Being hot was certainly a requirement to be part of that team.
Your sinful and very unprofessional line of thought was interrupted by the noise coming from the doors of the conference room opening abruptly. All the heads turned to see what had caused the sudden sound and Hot Damn if that wasn’t the Winter Soldier himself. Your eyebrows furrowed in curious interest when you noticed his eyes widening by the attention he had attracted and hanging his head low after he quietly nod his sorry to Steve. With his shoulders curving down, he proceeded to seat on the only spot available, which, for your delight, happened to be right next to yours.
The Captain nodded back and started speaking again making everyone just focused back on him. Everyone, except you, of course. You had a much more noteworthy task to engage on.
If you were enjoying the view so far it was only because you didn’t know what was yet to come. That man sitting beside you was absolutely trouble. You rotated the chair, positioning yourself to almost face his side, tapping the pencil on your hand to the table. Your gaze started exploring the thick thighs tightly detained inside the jeans, running up to the covered massive build of his arms and chest and then, his incredibly beautiful face. The extraordinarily sharpened stubbled jaw line, the grey blue eyes framed in long eyelashes, the succulent soft lips…        
Bucky Barnes was good enough to eat. In one single bite. You almost tasted blood in your inner lips from how tightly they were pressed between your teeth.  
But what really made you squeak inside was that you could see him glancing your unashamed scan by the corner of his eyes, and the fact that he kept scrambling with his hands on the table and his cheeks were almost purple forced your face to a wicked grin.
That was the first time you made Bucky Barnes blush and, from that moment on, you made it your personal mission to get him to do that again, and again, and again...
Being an avenger would be much more fun than you thought.
As the new recruit you had to move into the compound and do lot of training with every one of the team, so you didn’t face no shorter of opportunities to achieve your goal.
The second time you made Bucky Barnes blush happened during breakfast on the morning after the meeting. You were wearing your new tactical gear, perfect for sparring sessions, since training was the next thing you would do. You were pretty much aware of the effect the tight jumpsuit could have on your curves, so you decided it would be perfect to meet with your victim as well.
As soon as you entered the kitchen, you met the place already crowded with Avengers engaged in their morning meals. Your eyes rested on your clueless prey, who took a glance at you and quickly returned his gaze to his food, apparently trying to hide himself behind the mountain of pancakes in front of him.
He was sitting next to Natasha, who took in your appearance with a cocked eyebrow and switched her eyes from your form to Bucky, then back at you with a devilish smirk curling up her lips “Y/N, you can sit here dear, I’m finished.” she proposed with a taunting expression, getting up from the chair to give you room, even if there was plenty of empty seats around the table. You eyed her suspiciously before she turn around to put her mug and plate in the dishwasher. Damn this perceptive stunning spy. You smirked back and accepted the offer.
You made yourself comfortable beside a static Bucky, making sure to brush your legs lightly on his muscular ones while you did so, feeling his body flinching at the faint touch. You picked a clean mug from the table and filled it with coffee. When your eyes searched for the sugar bowl and found it lying on the table just right next to Bucky you simply couldn’t miss the opportunity.
“Hey Bucky,” You called in a nonchalantly voice, but made it lower and deeper to continue, “would you pour some sugar on me?”
Chokes, snickers and muffled chuckles were heard all around the table coming from the rest of the team.
Given the fact that he had been frozen for most parts of the last 70 years, you didn’t know if the expression would have the expected effect on him, but for your contentment he nearly spilled his own coffee and a rush of red crept up from his neck to his kissable cheeks, giving him away.
“What?” He looked at you, eyes bigger than ever, struggling to keep a trembling grip on his mug.
A child-like innocent smile graced up your features “My coffee… would you pour some sugar on my coffee, please?” you raised your mug up and signaled towards the sugar bowl, batting your eyelashes at him.
From that episode on, the whole team started to figure out your intentions and just played along with you, to the point that an unspoken rule was settled: you would always sit next to Bucky. Meals, movie nights, meetings; if anyone were already on his side when you arrived; they would get up for you to seat without even saying a word.
You used all the cheeky moves you knew: fake yawn to put your arms around his shoulders on the sofa, accidentally brush your hands on his under the table, rest your legs on his lap or your head on his shoulders during lazy movie nights...
Also, since you were enhanced with fast healing process and were an expert in hand-to-hand combat, it wasn’t rare that you would be paired up with him on sparring sessions. Of course, you used that in your advantage too, lingering the touches, forcing compromising fighting positions and even squeezing his delicious fleshy buttocks whenever you could.
With every single one of your approaches you were able to fluster the Super Soldier to bits, eliciting endearing physical reactions, blushing being your outright favorite.
However, despite how much you were fond of his shy manners, it was kind of frustrating that he would stick with his silent and brooding behavior, not responding directly to your advances, or engaging to any kind of deeper interactions, even if his physical state showed how much he was affected by you…
You wondered if your relationship would ever get to somewhere beyond light touches and teasing remarks…
During a specific morning, your horniness level kept coaxing Bucky’s burly and lustful image to occupy every corner of your mind, so you sat up your still awakening body on your bed and asked Friday where he was, being informed by the A.I. that the man was in the gym.
Bucky. Working Out. Muscles. Sweat. You didn’t need any more convincing to get up and swiftly make your way to the exercise room, not bothering to change the tank top and the very revealing pajama briefs for something that would be considered more suitable for the place you were heading to.
As soon as you got to the gym, you saw Natasha doing some core exercises and took a long and deep breath when you laid eyes upon the object of your growing desire, working his beefy arms and chest on the fly machine, wearing a white tank top that was probably at least two numbers smaller than him, drenched in sweat, along with grey sweatpants.  
“Good Morning, Sergeant.” You greeted while passing by him, stretching your arms, heading to the place where Nat was standing, which was on a mat a few steps in front of him. His gaze following the premeditated sashay of your hips didn’t go unnoticed by you, neither did the loud sound of the weights bumping together due a sudden drop, making you giggle to yourself.
You ignored the glare coming from the redhead beside you when you put on a show of stretching limbs.
“Seriously?” she howled, making you tilt your head to her with a faked clueless expression.
“What?” you asked, keeping a guiltless voice.
“Is this what you wear for working out?” she inquired waving her hand over your front.
You placed a hand on your chest and dropped your mouth in mocked outrage before retorting “Well, geez, if you don’t like what I’m wearing, I can go and change.”
“No!” the shout coming from where Bucky had been sitting motionless on the fly machine startled both of you, forcing your widened gazes back at him.
You pitied his ruffled state. His cheeks were instantly deliciously rosy and he had averted his eyes to his hands playing with the hem of his tank top. “I-I mean, y-you’re already here, you d-don’t have to g-go upstairs just to get change.” He quietly stuttered making you wonder how much more adorable that guy could be.   
You shrugged and snickered to a rolling eyes Nat before bending over to collect a pair of kettlebells that rested on the mat in front of you to start your exercise of choice: deadlift. With your almost bear rear facing Bucky, obviously.
The sounds of a gasp from the soldier and an impatient huff combined with annoyed unintelligible words from the Black Widow filled the place while she dashed out of the room with heavy feet.
You continued your mischievous activity while Bucky struggled to work on the weights. Between every other squat you turned your head slightly, pleased by discovering his stare continuously trained on your moving body and his jaw on a permanent clench.
But, since the Avengers life wasn’t all about training and cheeky teasing, a loud alarm echoed throughout the room, signalizing that the compound had been invaded with by enemy forces.
Fight or flight instinct kicked in instantaneously and you both rushed to the door, only to find out it was too late. Before having the chance to get out you heard the steps of a number of hostile agents already marching for the room, blocking your way out.  
Since neither you nor Bucky had any kind of weapons in hand you reached for a barbell that was nearby and positioned yourself on Bucky’s left side, half shielding yourself behind his back, so you could take advantage of his metal arm’s blocks.
You thanked the heavens for having trained with Bucky all those times, because you fought in flawless synchrony. As the first one crossed the door, Bucky blocked the bullets that were shot and, using the barbell, you were able to snatch the gun from the asshole, kicking it to Bucky so he could use it against the second agent coming in, knowing there was more to come.
The avid battle made it difficult for you to count how many of the intruders you had to fight against, but you and Bucky kept the team work and not much time had passed before they were all defeated down on the floor and the only sound in the room was your panted breathing matching Bucky’s who was standing a few feet away from you, planting a foot on the back of an agent sprawled on the floor.
You frowned noticing his gaze hooked on your waist and when you looked down you saw what was locking his attention: a bullet hole, blood spilling freely out of it. Apparently the adrenaline didn’t allow you to notice you had been hit.
A grimace contorted your features and you hissed at the sight. You were starting to become aware of the pain. “Shit, don’t worry Bucky, it’ll heal in a sec-” Your attentive to ease your partner was shut by the feeling of metal cupping the nape of your neck and soft, but demanding lips being pressed against yours. Distracted by the ugly wound on your hips, you missed the murderous strut that had driven Bucky to you.
The unexpected move drew the already scarce air out of your lungs in a gasp and you let the barbell you used to take down your enemies drop to the floor, causing a loud thud to resound around the room.  His lips moved in a desperate claiming way around yours, but the contrast with the velvet feeling made you moan and wrap your arms around his neck, melting under his kiss. Soon your tongues were franticly entangling each other, and a wave of heat washed over your core.
That was when you heard the tinkling of the bullet that had injured you falling on the floor, signalizing the healing process. Bucky broke the kiss, leaving you fighting to fill up your lungs. Your mind went blank when he dropped to his knees and started to ravish the recently restored part of your skin with feverish smooches, unaffected by the already dry blood surrounding the spot, his hands slightly skimming up your sides under your top, making it lift a little. The action drawing out your completely your capacity to move.  Who was this man? Was he the same shy silent guy that blushed to every small move from yours? You didn’t know how to respond that, and it was so hard to form coherent thoughts when you were trying to gather some strength to keep your numb legs steady when his lips was grazing the sensitive skin of your hips.
He stood up again, towering over you, keeping his hold on your waist. “Are you ok?” He asked you in sweet low voice and eyes full of concern, in a very divergent attitude from his previous wild ministrations.
“Huh?” That was all you could mumble, looking up at him dumbfounded even if you had heard him perfectly.
His worried demeanor softened and he chuckled a little. “Do you have any other injures, doll?” He insisted, looking intensively at you while drawing circles on your waist with his thumbs.
“Huh?” Huh? Really? Again? Have you suddenly become deaf? Or was it the sweet pet name that made you pathetically speechless? Or was it the hot and cold of his fingers brushing your skin making your mind lost in dizziness. Hard to decide.
The object of your distress grinned widely and by the movement of your mouth you guessed you did the same, like in a trance. You could only wonder how dull your eyes were when the heat invaded your cheeks.
“Just a little flustered, then?” He leaned down his face closer to yours and winked smugly, causing a shiver to run down your spine and your mouth to hypnotically navigate closer to his. He patted your sides before depriving you from any kind of touch “Let’s go doll, the team might be needing us upstairs.” He passed by you to the door, leaving your weak form with no choice but to follow his trail like a lost compliant puppy. Not a single saucy remark rolling off your tongue.   
 Part 2
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aion-rsa · 4 years
American Gods Season 3: What Awaits Shadow in Lakeside
When asked about the evolution of American Gods from Shadow and Wednesday on the road to the more hidebound setting of Lakeside, Ricky Whittle makes no secret of his feelings about American Gods season 3’s bold change in scenery.
“This is my favorite part of the book. I’ve always been looking forward to doing this,” Whittle tells Den of Geek.
In a sense, if you are hiding from the world, there is no better place to do it than Lakeside, which is as far out in the middle of nowhere as can be managed by someone in the modern world. There is no radio or television station; only a local newspaper. There are no megastores or malls; only a general store. There is no fast food; only a beloved local diner with famous, addictive Cornish pasties. 
Lakeside is a significant change in the story of Shadow Moon. Rather than staying on the road with Wednesday, traveling across America and meeting Gods, Shadow settles in for a very long winter in a strange little town, walking away from Odin’s revelations and washing his hands of the war. On the surface, Lakeside, Minnesota (played by Toronto, Canada) is a frosty Americana of friendly people unbothered by the troubles of the outside world. Under the surface, things are never what they seem; Shadow is pulled into a mystery that has repercussions throughout the American Gods universe. One of the fan-favorite sections of Neil Gaiman’s book is now coming into play.
Regardless of the lack of comfort provided by shooting outdoors in Canada in winter, Lakeside as a setting does offer something more valuable than the contents of Hinzelmann’s General Store or the clunkers at the bottom of the lake to Shadow Moon a.k.a. Mike Ainsel. Rest. Rest, and a chance to work through the information that Shadow learns over the course of two packed seasons.
“There’s a lot on Shadow’s mind. He’s been given a whole sack full of information that he’s got to process now. His first decision was he’s done. He was always being attacked, one way or another. We found out in season two that his mother died from cancer when he was 15. He never grew up with a father. Then we find out that Wednesday killed Laura. Wednesday wasn’t working in the local store, the local bowling alley. He’s a God. He’s Odin. He could have changed his life at any time. That’s a lot sitting with Shadow right now.”
For Shadow, Lakeside offers more than just breathing room and a chance to process information, it is a chance for Shadow to have the only thing he has ever really wanted, from the time he was a teenager. 
“Shadow is more than happy to live a normal life. That’s all he’s ever really truly wanted. We find Shadow, beginning of season three, he’s grown his hair and his beard out. He’s hiding from the FBI, the police, the authorities. He’s changed his name. He’s Mike Ainsel. He’s working in a factory. He’s got his eyes on a local girl. Because that’s all he ever truly has wanted is to live that normal life after being pounded constantly by the universe.” 
With Lakeside, Shadow gets a chance to indulge in a little normal life cosplay and pretend he’s just like everyone else. American Gods gets a chance to clear up lingering production issues and settle down after three seasons of instability behind the scenes. For both Shadow and the show, the timing for Lakeside could not be better.
“Shadow is kind of left with no other choices, to be honest. We are starting to head into our very first winter on the show, all other routes are snowed in, and he is left with this quaint little town that he heads to and starts to fall for, because it’s full of humans. This is the first time that we have seen Shadow, in the story, surrounded by humans and not gods. He’s always been the last person in the room to know what’s going on. Here, we find him in a town where he actually knows more than everybody else.”
A place for Shadow Moon, the universe’s punching bag, to catch his breath, make some normal friends, and avoid the world that his father introduced him to? If that sounds too good to be true, that’s because, as Whittle puts it several times in his interview, “this is American Gods, and Shadow’s not allowed to be happy.” On its surface, like the lake itself, Lakeside is calm, placid, and beautiful. Under the ice, however, there is something more going on there.
“There is a dark underbelly, and unfortunately for him, things take a turn,” Whittle says. “The only thing that has changed in the town is there is a new guy. So all the questions and heads start to turn towards Shadow as they start to think that he’s maybe hiding something. Unfortunately, for Shadow, it’s a lot bigger than what they think. So the walls are closing in on Shadow. Again, he finds himself trying to hide information from people he cares about.”
A man with secrets, and a town with secrets. Lakeside slows things down for American Gods, and allows the performer, and the viewer, more opportunities to explore the material and the psychology behind the characters themselves. For once, the mystery is not directly around Shadow, but outside of him, and that gives both the character and Ricky Whittle a chance to be more actively involved in things.
“Shadow really grows in this season. You really start to see him grow into his position as he starts to decide what kind of god and person he wants to be in this world,” Whittle says. 
It is all part of a larger season 3 narrative of self-discovery, both for Shadow and for the other characters involved in the storyline. Everyone is getting a break from the war, at least for a bit, to focus on themselves and their own needs while Wednesday politics in the background. Old One-Eyed’s work isn’t done, not by a longshot, but wars are fought with bodies and resources, and while World is in disarray, Odin has an opportunity to go to work and the gods, both old and new, are given a chance to figure out their place once more.
More than just a chance to breathe and learn, Lakeside will have major implications for the non-Shadow gods on the show.
“Lakeside is almost as if it has been put in a little time capsule and kept away from Tech Boy’s influence,” Technically Boy actor Bruce Langley says. “It’s not impossible for him to get on in there, but it is a lot harder.”
“I’m so excited for Lakeside. I know as any fan of the book probably is,” says Yetide Badaki when asked about Lakeside’s importance to Season 3. “We see these different characters go through journeys of self-discovery. We see that happen for Salim. We see it happen for Laura Moon. We see it happen for Technical Boy. We see it happen for Cordelia, played by the lovely Ashley Reyes. And we see Shadow Moon, not only having this moment of self-discovery, but we’re also seeing him find this whole new agency within him. It’s fascinating to see that the more all of these people learn about themselves, the more they see how interconnected they are.”
Everyone interviewed—regardless of their connection to Lakeside as a plotline in American Gods—is excited to see it brought to life on screen. The enthusiasm the actors have for Neil Gaiman’s twist into mystery is infectious. Langley and Badaki both expressed excitement for that change, but no one seems as happy about it as Whittle. Lakeside as a mystery hangs solely on the broad shoulders of Shadow Moon.
“It didn’t disappoint. It really is my favorite season so far, because it’s Lakeside. It’s my favorite part of the book. It’s where the story really starts to ramp up. So I loved it. I had a great time,” Whittle enthuses. “The show, as always, looks incredible. It has always had that incredible rich tone and stunning look that I have never seen on any other show. It’s just a completely different look this season, very Fargo. Every episode gives you a different feel, a different story, a different moment. This season really is taken to a different level thanks to Mother Nature.”
That enthusiasm for the setting and the story would definitely help keep any actor motivated and engaged with the material. However, there was one thing that neither Ricky Whittle nor Shadow were properly prepared for, and that’s the effect Mother Nature would have on all aspects of the production. Shooting in winter in Toronto, Canada, is an entirely new experience for the actor playing Shadow Moon.
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“Winter in Manchester is pretty tough. It is the worst experience I’ve ever felt in my life. There were takes that I had to redo because my mouth wouldn’t open because it was so frozen. I had icicles on my eyelashes, in my beard, and in my hair. Don’t get me wrong, our makeup and hair department is incredible. They should be receiving awards for what they have done over these past two seasons. But everything you see on screen, if Shadow looks cold, it’s because Ricky is freezing. That is all natural. I’m Daniel Day Lewis. I am method as hell.”
The post American Gods Season 3: What Awaits Shadow in Lakeside appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2JZyDXT
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turbles · 7 years
Thoughts On the Beauty of Katsuki Yuuri
apparently there’s been a debate going on about whether yuuri ought to be called beautiful or not? idk, here’s my thoughts on the issue I guess, for what it’s worth.
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I’m just gonna start off by saying I think yuuri is a REALLY well-designed character. there’s a lot to talk about here! his design is not only appealing and charming (because tadashi hiramatsu is a goddamn professional) but I’d even go a step further and say that the finer points of yuuri’s character design are also a vehicle that communicates the show’s themes. this is a really impressive and unfortunately rare thing in anime these days! 
When Hiramatsu has talked about his thought process for designing yuuri in the past, he’s said that yuuri is meant to look as plain as possible. this is pushed further by comparing him to the rest of the flashy-looking characters in the cast, but I’ll just use victor for now as a point of comparison.
Yuuri: he’s Japanese, obviously. He has many prototypical japanese features (black hair, brown eyes, shorter legs etc). His looks are virtually never commented on by anyone in the story, and when they are it is most often in a negative light, though it is mentioned his skating is beautiful. Victor: he’s russian. he has straight-up silver hair and really bright, somewhere-between-blue-and-turquoise eyes. uh... this is... normal for russians..? he is universally acknowledged in canon as, at the very least, distractingly good looking, causing heart attacks and fainting spells all around him with but one wink.
point is victor looks like an anime character, and yuuri looks like a real person, comparatively.
however, the MOST IMPORTANT feature of yuuri’s design is how dramatically he can change his look and still be recognizable as himself.
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ok yeah this is obvious, I know it is, because I know every single one of us had A Reaction when yuuri turned on the eros for the first time. After inching closer and closer to a nervous breakdown for the first 3 episodes, we get nice and comfortable in our perception of what yuuri’s character type is; then the Onsen On Ice event comes and he suddenly does a 180 and becomes Sexy Confidence Personified for 2 minutes on the ice. I’m thinking woah, this is the fabled Gap Moe, where a character’s seemingly predominant personality traits are contradicted in certain situations. The gap moe only works because we love to be surprised, which just happens to be a recurring theme in YOI. :O 
But yoi handled characterization really well and sidestepped a number of oft-tread tropey paths for most of the characters. Especially Yuuri. The series portrays him as having a wide range of feelings, motivations, and reactions to things. He is revealed more and more to be a really complex, real-feeling person. The expressiveness of his design, and his ability to transform visually in so many different ways (there are so many different variations of his design! his body goes through physical changes as well as his changes of attitude physically changing his design. is this why he has 3 different nendoroids already...?) reinforces the wide range of his personality as well. His well-written character and carefully-designed outward appearance work together to express a really believable person, who is capable of surprising us with his depth episode after episode.
So, think of yourself as Victor, for a moment. The first time he sees yuuri, he arguably doesn’t even recognize him as a skater, from looking at him. Nothing special, probably just a fan, of which he has and has-seen zillions. Victor, like the viewer, comes to appreciate yuuri by experiencing his depths over time, learns how he works and how to exist successfully alongside him, and eventually comes to really capital-L Love him. As the viewer, speaking for myself, I found myself developing my feelings for this character at much the same trajectory as victor: over time, and in response to his gradually-revealed depths. My first impression was indeed of a shy, plain, regular-ass guy. I was like “oh looks like Hiramatsu re-used Parasyte Guy again” (which, lol, joke’s on me: Parasyte Guy is also designed with versatility of his look in mind). That’s all you get when you see a person for the first time. Just an impression based entirely on how they look. It is completely purposeful that he looks pretty regular in the beginning, to the viewer and to victor. Because it makes uncovering all the beautiful details SO much more enchanting.
it’s necessary for yuuri to come off as plain in the beginning, because how else will we feel that sweet, sweet surprise when he brings the Eros all of a sudden?
I think, as viewers, we fall in love with yuuri just as victor does. As we accumulate knowledge of his personality, little things about him start to take on beauty you probably wouldn’t have noticed as keenly at first. It’s what can take you from:
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“This is a pretty cute anime-smile”
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I’d argue it’s appropriate to call yuuri “plain-looking”. He looks like a regular person (well, caveat: he looks like a regular figure skater. that’s the only explanation for his ass) His magnetism is not in blinding, fae-like beauty like Victor’s or Yuri P’s. The effect of his confidence is never as obvious on him as it is one someone like JJ, with his near-permanent smirk and half-lidded eyes. the appeal of his eros isn’t like Chris’ overt, exaggerated sexuality with full lips, bright eyes, and prominent eyelashes. He never even really fits into the Eros costume perfectly. it’s never skin-tight on him. It is even, technically, a borrowed costume. But while not really fitting his body, it grows more becoming on him as he brings more and more of his genuine feelings into his performance.
(as an aside: one of the only times a character outright calls yuuri himself beautiful, it’s Victor, and yuuri is wearing his free skate costume, designed for a routine that expresses yuuri’s own emotions and development of himself. a.k.a.: symbolizes everything I’m talking about here lol)
Yuuri’s beauty is never JUST about how he looks, because that’s not how his character was constructed in the first place. Our impression of him is crafted carefully over the course of the series, using his character design and character writing in tandem with eachother. It is through Yuuri that the show’s recurring theme of Surprise is delivered, as yuuri continuously surprises his audience, himself, Victor, and us as viewers. Just because he is indeed “plain-looking”, doesn’t mean he isn’t also so, so beautiful. Yuuri’s beauty flows out gently from within him and manifests in response to learned facets of his personality. His smiles are so beautiful because you’ve seen him in his worst panic. His eros is so mesmerizing because you’ve seen how hard he’d struggled to access it, because you know what honest feelings he tapped into to release it; alluring, because you realize the shy, plain dude from the beginning is just the top layer. Every Yuuri we see is an honest yuuri, it’s all recognizably him, and the variety and surprise as you watch him open up to you and you begin to piece all these visions of Yuuri together into a cohesive picture of his character... is what leads you to fall in love with him, and see him as beautiful. Much like what drew victor to fall in love with him, and see him as beautiful. Much like how a real person might fall in love with a real person, and come to find their beauty as well. 
Very few of us are like Victor Nikiforov, Instantly Stunning With A Chin So Perfect It Could Fell A God. Most of us are Katsuki Yuuris, overlooked by 99.9999% of people on the street, but whose beauty waits to be seen by someone who wants to look close enough. 
so anyway I guess this is why I’M not completely sold on fics and stuff where victor is immediately all hummina-hummina over him. I just feel like that skips over the most interesting angle of Yuuri himself, and imo it’s just plain less interesting to read about a relationship where BOTH sides are smoking hot in much the same way...? There’s something really interesting to me in acknowledging something is plain but finding it absolutely beautiful in its simplicity at the same time. Somehow reminded I heard of a fic where kissing was described as, instead of sweet or fiery or melting, “tastes like mouth”. That’s just... so memorable and wonderful to me, lol.
this sort of bleeds into a thing I’ve been thinking about writing on designing sets of characters anyway, ideas about contrasting the designs against eachother and using a character design to subvert expectations later on down the line. related, but eh. it’s why I latch so hard onto the idea that yuuri can be considered genuinely plain AND beautiful AND sexy all at the same time, just cause... that’s the kind of effect I’ve been trying to achieve in my characters for a long time XD
Anyway that was a ramble, ty for reading, yuri on ice saved my soul goodnight
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mooseintheocean · 7 years
Season Thirteen, Time For a Nap
Rating: Gen
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Relationship: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: fluff; lot’s of fluff; non-Au
Words: 1737
Summary: They’re only three days into filming season 13 and Jensen is already dead tired.
A/N: I started writing this piece to celebrate the start of filming s13. But real life happened, and now the filming is four episodes in, and I finally menaged to post it. This is basically nearly 2k words of pure schoomp. I have no excuse, just a lot of cuddles...
Also available on AO3
They step into their trailer together. Jared sits down on the couch and throws his head back on the headrest, his eyes closed. Jensen trails after him, putting his knees in his favorite spot - on either side of Jared’s hips (he also really likes having them around his boy’s head, it definitely is not the position for the set, but it sure is fun). This is their eighth hour on the third day of filming season 13, and Jensen can't believe it has only been three days. He is exhausted and his mood is sour because he couldn't get into the character the way he wanted which led to many retakes. And he hates being the reason behind the delays, especially when they are caused by his acting. Jared didn’t moved or even opened his eyes, but there is a smile on his face, big enough to bring out his dimples and Jensen has to bend down and kiss them. Those dimples are out of this world and he is only human after all. He never stood a chance. Jared's arms wrap around older man’s waist to bring him closer. Jensen hides his face in Jared’s neck. He is soft, he loves cuddling, and he loves being held by Jared. Especially when he is as tired as he is right now. Sue him. Jensen’s public persona is far from this, he poses for more Dean-like image, although he did see some fans pick up on it. He loves having his arms full of his boy too. He is mighty possessive and jealous sometimes, he can’t help it. He knows there is nothing to worry about, he knows. Jared is only his and he is only Jared’s and they are on the same page about this. Jared likes to appreciate other men, Jensen gets it, he totally does, just sometimes... Well, sometimes his inner alpha can’t stand listening to or seeing Jared fanboying over other men, especially when he gushes about their physique. Sometimes Jared does that just to tease Jensen. He sees that wicked gleam in Jared's eyes, but even when he just appreciates their friends he always, always confirms that Jensen is so much better than all of them and how he always will choose him over anyone else. That he is the only one, the one that Jared loves. And God, he loves Jared so much too. He is the love of his life and he has it bad. Jensen can’t imagine his life without his boy in it. Just thinking about it nearly makes him cry. He buries himself closer to Jared on instinct. And Jared laughs a little, probably picking up on Jensen getting all emo. Jensen blames this on being dead tired.
“You wanna take a nap? We’ve got like two hours to waste?”, Jared asks but he is already moving them into position. The fact that he is still able to manhandle him like this, does things to Jensen. They make out like a couple of teenagers for a minute or two or five, but possibly closer to ten, and then Jensen is out like a light, plastered as close to Jared as he can get, both because he wants to and because the couch doesn't grant a lot of space for two grown-ass big Texan guys.
He wakes up some time later to the smell of fresh food and coffee. Jared isn't lying next to him anymore but instead he is sitting on the floor with his head propped up on the side of Jensen's stomach, eating sweet potato fries using only his long and very skilled fingers (Jensen still can feel just how skilled exactly these fingers are, when he tries to sit down). His own fingers move right into that beautiful mop of a hair tickling at his exposed belly where the shirt rode up. He can see Jared's face break into a soft smile at that.
"Brought you some diner, it still should be warm enough to eat. Didn't want to wake you up, you looked like you needed it", his pretty boy tells him and hands him a white styrofoam box with his food and a cup of coffee.
"You. Are. A. Lifesaver. What would I do without you, hm?", Jensen accepts the gifts gratefully and slides down the couch to sit next to Jared on the floor. He steals couple of fries from Jared's plate and takes a big gulp of his still hot coffee. It tastes exactly how he likes it and he knows Jared himself made it for him. He gives his boy a quick peck on the cheek, "Thank you for the coffee, it's perfect".
Jared smiles softly at him, but his voice is fake mocking, "Yeah well, if I didn't bring you your perfect coffee, you'd be all cranky baby for the rest of the day. It really was just self-preservation and trying to get through this hell in one piece. It had nothing to do with me taking care of you. Nothing", Jensen laughs out loud at this, holding up one of his steak strips for Jared to eat as a silent thank you.
After everything is eaten, and with over 40 minutes still to spare, they move back up onto the couch to read some lines before they will be needed on set again. Jared throws one of his mile long legs over Jensen's lap and focuses on his script for all of 3 minutes before he starts placing little kisses all over Jensen's neck and available naked shoulder where the shirt has ridden sideways (let's be honest here, it was Jared who tugged the shirt down, never can't get enough of that warm skin). Jensen lets out the tiniest sigh and for some reason it makes Jared grin stupidly. The older man can feel that big beautiful smile press into his skin where his neck meets his shoulder. God, he loves his boy's smile so much, even if he can't actually see it. Smiling Jared is so beautiful. Now, don't get him wrong, Jared is always stunning, but smiling Jared means happy Jared, and happy Jared is the best thing ever. This wonderful man was hurt so many times already, mostly by his own complicated mind and he so does not deserve any of that. Jared moves again, nipping and worrying the skin under his mouth with his teeth softly. Jensen loves the feeling and probably could spend hours just like that, but-
"Jared, I'm trying to work here".
"Work then. I'm not stopping you", Jared takes the delicate earlobe between his teeth gently and bites it ever so slightly.
"Do you mind?", Jensen pretends to be annoyed, because he has to. That's the game. He can't give in so quickly, no matter how much he wants to.
"Not at all", Jared says with a playful nip to his earlobe.
"What?", wide, ever-changing color eyes blinked up at him from behind the eyelashes. The picture of pure innocence. Damn, he's good. Jensen will give him that. Jared is back to sucking on his neck again, it is one of his most sensitive areas, which Jared very well knows about and isn't shy to use it.
"Just stop it", despite his words Jensen's head falls to the side, the traitor, giving that talented mouth a better access. Jared laughs, a little breathy laugh, and nips playfully right under his ear.
"But I don't wanna", Jared whines, letting go of his skin just for long enough to say that.
"Me neither, to be honest, but we can't. I can't have any visible hickies right now or any hickies at all really".
"Mhm, is that one on your butt completely gone? Should I redo it?"
"Oh god, I've got a hickey on my butt? What the fuck, Jared?", he looks down at Jared's devilish grin. All the innocence from just seconds ago completely gone.
"Yes, Sir! Isn't the first time and you know it".
"Well, I know that, but you never said anything this time. I was wondering what you did to me. It stings a bit every time I try to sit on the hard surfaces".
Jared's grin grows impossibly larger right in front of Jensen eyes, "Good! Job well done then. Just a little reminder I love you all the time".
"You're one sappy sap, you know that?", Jensen's heart skips a bit. It does that every time Jared says he loves him, no matter how many times he hears it. He is the real sap here, he acknowledges that. Just in his head, of course, he has a certain image to uphold after all.
"I believe you said that before, yes. And beside marking you up is more manly and alpha like, and not sappy at all. In fact, you're the sap, you sap".
"Is that so?"
"Yes, it is. Just yesterday you sung me one of Adele's songs. You serenaded me, Jensen. That's like, so romantic", Jared teases, clutching Dean's shirt in his hand, shaking Jensen a little, being all dramatic and over the top.
"A, you asked for it, and B, I didn't sing it to you".
"Oh really? So that part when you bend down on one knee at my feet and gestured at me was just an accident?"
"Basically yeah. It was just a part of the performance. I'd do that for anyone who was in the room. It just happened you were the only one".
"Mhm, I know you wouldn't. You totally serenaded me..."
"Oh, shut up", mumbled Jensen, interrupting Jared.
"And I loved it, and I think you should do it more often... Yes, definitely more often," Jared continues, like he didn't even hear older man speak up. Jensen is about to throw back a totally witty comeback, but there is a knock on the door and a PA calling them back to set. Jensen must admit he is in much better mood then he was when he started his break. He kisses Jared thoroughly one more time, thanking him silently for all of this and moves to stand up and face another couple hours of work.
He can't wait to take Jared home and crash in their amazing big king size bed. Sleep it all off and then start their weekend together making out and maybe, possibly, quite certainly asking Jared to redo that hickey on his butt after all.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
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the one in which ballet dancer Eunwoo meets synchronic dancer Bin 
YOU’RE LITERALLY LIVING A ROMANCE FILM ANON I hope you never get dropped again!!!!
also just a disclaimer i have never attended a single ballet lesson and all my dancing knowledge comes from 1) nyu’s kpop dance team 2) that one weekly idol episode where daniel danced 
Bin flopping around Jinjin's bed because???? He has an extra slot for a two-credit class in his schedule and he doesn't know what to take???? 
Rocky prodding him from where he's sitting cross legged on the floor to take Regression Statistics with him 
But Bin also swore never to take math in his life ever again so 
Jinjin sighing and shoving Bin off his bed and pulling up the course catalog on his laptop 
Jinjin: "I'm going to load up the course catalog right now and we're going to scroll through it" 
Bin, whining; "but I've scrolled through it so many times-" 
Jinjin, smacking Bin's arm to shut him up: "and we're each going to yell stop and from the three we've ended up with, you have to pick one." 
Rocky perking up slightly 
Jinjin: "one,, two,, three,,,,,,,," 
Rocky: "STOP" 
Jinjin: "architecture 101" 
Bin wincing before saying: "stop" 
Jinjin: "probability" 
Bin looking ready to throw up 
Jinjin stopping on his own accord: "Showcase: Ballet - it sounds like it'll be fun????" 
Rocky: "and it'll help?? for our dance minors too?" 
Bin: ??????? "But we're in in the school synchronics team, not fricking ballet???" 
Jinjin rapping Bin on the head: "yeah but Rocky has about 6 more years of ballet experience under his belt than you do and he can do spins better than you - perhaps this will be a good learning experience?" 
Bin squawking in indignation before thinking about it and flopping over, head on Rocky's thigh: "I suppose???? I don't mind ballet?" 
Rocky snorting and ruffling Bin's hair: "you just want to meet cute ballet boys" 
Bin shoving Rocky slightly 
And so it was decided that Bin would take a two-credit ballet class. 
Rip any cute ballet boys, here Bin comes!!
MJ whining into his coffee that he doesn't want to go to claaaaaass, Eunwoo, please make mornings longerrrrrr 
Eunwoo snorting and pushing MJ's head out of his cup: "perhaps you should reconsider taking 8am classes next semester" 
MJ whining that he really had no choice, but Eunwoo's tuned him out 
He's excited (sort of?) for his first day of classes, even if all he has today is Language & Mind and a two-credit ballet class 
He's spent all his life in ballet studios - he'll be fine in this class, he thinks 
A free two-credit class is always good right? 
And since he's majoring in performing arts with a specialisation in ballet it'll be relevant to his major too 
And he can make more friends!! Something MJ's been bugging him to do 
(Okay, more like MJ: "go get laid, Eunwoo" but same thing, right?)
Eunwoo stepping into the ballet studio later in the day 
And he's the first one, of course - Eunwoo's always the first one 
Eunwoo settling down his backpack and starting to stretch 
The door creaking open 
Eunwoo peeks from where his leg is up on the barre 
And sees a boy woefully underdressed for ballet 
??????? What the hell maybe he has clothes in his backpack he hasn't changed into? 
Eunwoo looks down at his own white shirt and black tights and back up at the guy 
In a loose tank and basketball shorts 
And watches as the guy settles down on the floor 
Eunwoo, wincing: "uh you should probably change before the instructor comes?" 
The guy blinking 
Nice eyelashes, Eunwoo's brain comments 
Nice smile too! Eunwoo's brain adds, raking its obviously metaphorical eyes downwards 
Very very nice arms, Eunwoo's brain notes 
Bet you'd like to feel them around you, Eunwoo's brain offers 
Eunwoo chokes slightly and motions to his own clothes 
Bin blinking because uhhh he doesn't have that outfit 
But also woweeeeeee a cute guy already? With a beautiful voice???? 
Bin's blessed 
And is everyone going to be in white shirts and black tights?? Bin's dream tbh 
Bin slightly stunned because wow he finally made eye contact with the angel
His initial overview the moment he stepped into the room was right - this guy's easily one of the most beautiful people he's ever seen 
Perhaps he should change his major from food science to performing arts 
The angel blinks and Bin watches as his eyelashes brush his cheeks in nearly slow motion and feels his heart nearly stop 
Rocky's voice in Bin's head: "cute ballet boys!!" 
Bin smiling slightly up at Eunwoo: "well, I don't have that outfit but I'm sure I'll be able to get some for the next lesson?" 
Eunwoo, slightly stumped because how do you come into a ballet lesson?????? Without the proper attire????????
Is this guy kidding???
Bin wiggling under the angel's stare: "it's my first time taking a ballet class in uni!! I've taken them in a dance academy before though?" 
Eunwoo wondering how on earth someone like this managed to get into a ballet showcase class 
Probably smiled at the placement instructor and charmed his way in 
Not that Eunwoo would have said no either
Eunwoo @ himself: whAt
Bin getting to his feet and sticking out his hand and smirking: "I'm Bin!" 
Eunwoo staring at Bin's hand dubiously before slowly nudging his own into Bin's: "I'm Eunwoo?" 
And as people slowly filter into the class and begin stretching, Eunwoo resumes his stretching and Bin resumes his watching Eunwoo 
Eunwoo: "don't u need 2 stretch" 
Bin: "o right ok" 
Eunwoo blinking in disbelief 
Their instructor coming in and just giving them a briefing in the first half hour then asking them to dance something short for the whole class 
And of course, Cha Eunwoo goes first 
And when he starts dancing Bin's eyes nearly fall out 
Because wow he knows his ballet basics (enough to admit him into a dance minor, he might add) and he's grown up around dance but 
This guy makes it look so effortless
He makes going on pointe look like he's being pulled up by invisible angel wings 
He makes spins look like someone's wrapped him in strings and decided to unravel him like a ball of yarn 
He makes leaps and jumps look like he's floating on clouds and he makes landings sound like he never got pulled down by gravity in the first place 
Bin's eyes following every motion and every line this guy's body makes, every slide and jump until Eunwoo slows to a stop and takes a bow 
Bin's heart sinking as he watches everyone else take their turn - they're mostly performing arts majors doing some kind of ballet and they've more or less 5 or so years of ballet experience under their belt 
But, he notes, Eunwoo seems to be the best one out of all of them 
And then his name is called and he's fumbling his way to the centre of the room and swallowing his dread and "hi, I'm moonbin, I'm a food science major and I'm minoring in modern dance and hip hop and uh,,, I'm one of the main dancers for the uni synchronic dance team?" 
Eunwoo's heart sinking because this guy doesn't even minor in ballet 
How can he work with someone like this for a showcase? 
But then Bin starts popping and moving his body in ways that Eunwoo ?????? has never seen before 
Eunwoo's eyes growing rounder and his mouth falling open 
The way??? Bin dances is mesmerising???? 
His feet move so fast??? And his lines are all controlled and fluid and beautiful and ???  
And the way he's making eye contact with everyone around the room??????? His stage presence ??? amazing???? 
Eunwoo's Shookt™
Eunwoo's heart nearly stopping when Bin glances his way with a smirk and a wink 
Also Bin spinning on his heel instead of his toes and Eunwoo wincing but 
The instructor carefully clapping along with the rest of the class and hesitantly: "uhhhh well that was different,,,, but good!! an interesting different??" 
And Eunwoo can see the confusion on her face as she smiles and waves at Bin to sit down
And he understands because while Bin has skill, where does a hip hop dancer fit into a showcase????
Bin flushing and brushing his bangs away from the forehead and taking a seat 
Sure, someone’s been doing ballet all his life but it doesn’t mean he’s better than Bin at other forms of dance!!
Their instructor telling them about the showcase details and laying out several different items she has planned 
Eunwoo already eyeing the main position for the dances and trying to work out in his head which ones he’d be able to take
Bin inspecting his fingernails and also inspecting other people in the room
And suddenly class is over and their instructor is calling for “Eunwoo and Bin to come up to the front please?”
Eunwoo blinking 
He’s pretty sure he did well - what did he do to get called up first lesson???
Instructor @ Eunwoo: “alright so you seem like the most dependable one here??? also you look like you have the most experience”
Eunwoo: confused nodding
Instructor @ Bin: “ok and you have the least experience”
Bin: also confused nodding but liking where this is going
Eunwoo: very not liking where this is going
Instructor: “Can i pair you up and trust that you’ll help Bin as much as possible? For extra credit, of course?”
Eunwoo, a weakling for extra credit: “ah alright fine”
Bin: :~) 
And that’s how Eunwoo ends up on MJ’s bed, whining about the guy with no current ballet experience who came in in basketball shorts (”basketball shorts !!!!!!!!!!! MJ!!!!! basketball shorts!!!!!!”) to class that Eunwoo now has to partner 
I mean, he still has to wait for the next lesson to see how bad Bin actually is - Bin might actually not be bad at all? but you know, same complaint still stands 
MJ, flipping a page in his magazine: “yeah well, is he cute, at least?”
Eunwoo, pausing to consider and remembering the way Bin’s arm muscles looked in that tank
Eunwoo: “um, I guess?”
MJ, glancing through the page and flipping the page again: “well if he has any cute synchronics dancer friends,,,,”
MJ: “you could always get him to introduce them to me?”
Eunwoo groans and flops back - he swears he’s going to kill MJ in his sleep 
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astrofireworks · 7 years
Kk (possible binu story here we go) so my friend works at a small convenience store and apparently there was this really cute guy that came in once to go to the bathroom so she was like yeah I'll never see him again bUt HE came back and he kept coming back to buy the randomest things and talk to her and then once he walked up to the counter and put five dollars down and asked if he had enough to get her number and they've been on one date so far and they're really cute emergersh
ADSJFHKSDJ THIS IS SO CUTE AND PURE I’M !!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s here it’s your local binu trash coming through w ur daily binu post 
also @binsmoon was talking about a Best Hit AU ehehehehe when you mentioned convenience store I thought of this one scene and their gs25 commercial ayeeee ok to differentiate Myungjun & Eunwoo’s MJ I’ll label Eunwoo as MJ™ 
“Here’s your vest and here’re the keys and yes there you go buddy now you’re prepared" 
Bin shaking because wow his manager seems very blasé 
I mean, he’s been through a training session already so he more or less knows how everything works but 
That’s it? 
No warnings or ?????
At Bin’s mildly confused look, the manager sighs heavily and pats him on the back 
@ Bin: “Try and last as long as you can, buddy" 
Bin, now slightly terrified: 
@ Bin: “if someone in a hood comes in and you think he’s a celebrity don’t say a single word" 
Bin, now not-so-slightly terrified: 
@ Bin: “ok yep bye" 
Bin, with his vest on, standing behind the counter, staring at a display of banana milk & minion tic tacs: “oh good lord" 
He’s not prepared for this and he’ll never be 
MJ™’s dumbfounded 
It’s literally the second time this week his manager’s had a stomachache on the road & they’ve had to stop at the road side 
He peers suspiciously out the window 
Huh a convenience store 
Recoils because he remembers that last time he went to a convenience store 
Ok but what are the chances it’ll happen again???? 
His CEO should have solved whatever the heck went down 
Also this is an entirely different chain so really he shouldn’t have a problem 
He stretches a bit, grabs his wallet and hops off the car, slapping sunglasses & a black face mask on 
Can’t have anyone recognising MJ™ when he’s on a mission to collect all the limited edition minion tic tac bottles 
Huh he’s heard that the banana milk he did a CF for sold really well maybe he should get some too 
MJ™ pushing open the door and- 
"Hi hello welcome to GS25" 
A really nice voice 
MJ™ peers past his sunglasses 
A cute boy !!!! 
Who’s currently wringing his hands and staring at MJ™ 
MJ™ wincing because he hopes this boy doesn’t recognise him 
Turning away to look for that one minion tic tac box he doesn’t have 
Fhskdhsjhd the worst thing about wearing a face mask with glasses / sunglasses is that when you breathe it fogs up your glasses 
MJ™: heck it 
MJ™ removing the damn sunglasses and mask because choosing these boxes are impORTANT 
Bin being frozen because 
Um ???????????? 
A man in a hood & sunglasses & face mask
Either a celebrity or a criminal 
Bin peers at the man’s jeans and shoes 
Nice jeans, nice shoes
Probably not a criminal???????
But he might have stolen those 
Might be a criminal???????
But before he decides, the man turns around again, looking at the banana milk display 
W a i t 
That face
Is the one 
On the banana milk display 
Bin watching as the man warily picks up a banana milk packet and squints at it 
Bin trying to peer at the banana milk display to see if anyone’s put the guy’s name there 
"MJ™”? ???? 
Nah but he looks different 
This one looks a little chubbier and softer 
And looks slightly taller 
Right ????
MJ™ turning around and seeing the cashier squinting at him 
Oh shit did he get recognised? 
He tugs his hood lower over his eyes and walks up to the cashier, depositing his minion tic tacs and banana milk and pulling out some cash
Bin shrugging and scanning the man’s items 
Even if this were MJ™, his manager told him not to say anything so 
But if it isn’t, wow Bin would Tap That 
Eyelashes longer than Bin’s lifespan and bright, bright eyes 
Also soft cheeks that Bin really wants to poke 
Look at them
So soft 
It’s only when the receipt machine beeps that Bin tears his eyes away from the man's 
Truly a blessing 
He guesses that if it were really MJ™ he truly is a famous idol singer for a reason 
As MJ™ swings the door closed Bin slumps on his high chair near the cashier 
Truly about to weep 
He’ll never see this beautiful man again, whether or not he’s MJ™ 
MJ™ slumps in his car seat too 
He’ll highkey never see the cute cashier guy again 
He felt the cashier’s eyes on him the whole time he was in the store
I mean he was highkey uncomfortable at first but 
The cashier didn’t say anything other than his welcome, goodbye and his total 
So perhaps he didn’t recognise MJ™
But wow 
Reddish brown fringe peeking out from under a backwards cap 
Bright, cat-like eyes 
Shiny, MJ™’s brain notes 
You like shiny things, MJ™’s brain continues 
You like this boy, MJ™’s brain concludes 
Flustered, MJ™ scowls and buries himself deeper in his car seat 
He’ll never see him again though 
MJ™ didn’t even think to look at his name tag so now he can’t even google him 
MJ™ groans 
And groans again the next day because wow truly does his manager never go to the toilet before leaving the broadcast station? 
Until the car slows and he peers outside 
MJ™ grabs his wallet and clambers out of the car, hollering at his manager that he’d be getting them drinks only to receive a pained nod in reply 
MJ™ strolling into GS25, heart pounding disproportionately hard 
Bin looking up from where he’s reading the latest episode of Tower of God and standing up to greet whoever it is
I highly recommend Tower of God it’s an amazing webtoon
And being stunned because wow here’s maybe-MJ™ here again?????
Bin mumbling out a hello in shock because like
What were the chances ???????? 
The angel is here again????????? 
MJ™ buying milk this time and casually sneaking a look 
Many looks 
At (squints) 운민?
(Squints slightly more) 운빈?
(Squints more) 문빈? 
Bin feeling a little self conscious because wow he’s only here reading his webtoon but
Maybe-MJ™ is squinting in his general direction 
So he coughs politely and asks, “Can I help you?" 
Cue MJ™ flushing red and going "no no no no” and marching up to the counter and handing Bin his milk 
Bin thinks his blush is really very cute 
it stars with maybe-MJ™’s ears and slowly slides down his cheeks 
cheeks that Bin would really like to kiss 
Bin: uh ok anywAY
Bin: “yes ok your total will be 3.4k w" 
MJ™ sliding his milk back across the counter and taking his change and coughing 
MJ™: "uh yes do you happen to have this minion tictac box it’s the only one I don’t have" 
Bin: oh my god he’s a minion fanatic 
Bin: dammit well nobody’s perfect
Bin: "uh yes hold on I’ll go look in the back for you" 
Looking in the back entails MJ™ trailing Bin to the back of the store to get a ladder & trailing him back to the front to check the boxes at the very top of the shelves 
Also entails MJ™ enjoying a nice view of Bin climbing a ladder because holy shit this boy is fit
Also entails MJ™ blushing when Bin catches sight of him staring 
Bin climbing down with the right tic tac box and heading over to the cashier to ring MJ™ up 
MJ™ staring the whole way because wow cashier boy looks different when he doesn’t have a cap on 
His fringe is combed away from his forehead and he looks older, somehow 
Bin: "yeah I’ve heard that quite often apparently it makes me look smarter too" 
MJ™ spluttering because wow he said that out loud???? 
Gre a t jo b MJ™ 
Bin: "ok but to be fair I think you look better without your mask too" 
MJ™: blushing 
Wow truly he needs to stop blushing whenever Bin says something 
There’s absolutely no reason 
He knows he’s beautiful
Just that 
Hearing it from Bin???????? 
Makes his heart do backflips and scream 
MJ™ casually sliding on sunglasses and rolling his way out of GS25 
Bin staring after him and wondering if that was to cover up the fact that maybe-MJ™ was turning very alarmingly red from blushing 
MJ™’s manager staring at the milk packets in his hand
"You know we have like boxes of these free back at the company after your CF with them you don’t have to go to GS25 for them”
MJ™: “yes well”
MJ™: “what if I’m going for a different reason”
Manager: low-key freaking out because !!!!! what if MJ™ met someone in there and they recognised him and The Incident happened again !!!!!!!!
Manager: also catches sight of MJ™’s new minion tic tac box 
Oh well NEVERMIND then 
Best leave MJ™ to collect them by himself 
MJ™ tapping away at his phone trying to find social media accounts with the name Moon Bin
Because there’s no way he’s letting such a fine man pass by without doing something 
MJ™ finding out that he’s only a year younger than MJ™ is and that he photographs really well holy shit because all the photos of Bin he finds are A+++ 
Bin crying in GS25 because wow two days in a row is already a good streak what are the chances that maybe-MJ™ will visit again
Close to never probably 
Next day passes and while Bin’s harbouring a small hope for it, it’s quickly shattered when his shift is over and maybe-MJ™ doesn’t appear 
Isn’t sad or anything nope not at all
Day after though, 
MJ™: “manager, stop the car pls" 
Manager: wow ok I don’t even have a stomachache what does he want 
MJ™ grabbing his wallet and hopping out of the car 
Manager, yelling out the window: "don’t gET THE DAMN BANANA MILK" 
MJ™, bursting into GS25: GOTTA GET THE BANANA MILK
Bin: aiyah 
And so he rings up two banana milks and a minion tic tacs 
(He wanted to rip the display out of its base the first day he started working but if it’s what keeps maybe-MJ™ coming back then damn what the world thinks of minions, he’ll keep them just for MJ™) 
MJ™ humming in happiness because he finally got the last minion tic tac box in the collection 
Through no help of Bin’s at all nope he totaly didn’t place an order last night for that last remaining box on the chain’s supply site at all nope 
MJ™ realising that this
This is it
This is the last minion box in the collection he doesn’t need to stop by GS25 again
And he wants to say something but his manager honks and MJ™ casts one last look at Bin, smiles charmingly, winks then runs out
Bin nearly has a heart attack 
He thought maybe-MJ™ would protecc but he attACC
Bin’s on a cloud for the rest of the day, truly 
Wow that smile
Crinkly eye smile
Beautiful teeth 
wow i’m so sorry i keep inserting visual aids today but !!!! somE BEAUTIFUL THINGS MUST BE SHARED
Bin, chinhands while thinking about MJ™ & sighing dreamily 
When the store is empty he totally doesn’t talk to the MJ™ banana milk display at all 
Totally not at all
"Hey handsome,,,,,,,,,,,," 
"So uh are you mistaken for MJ™ a lot" 
"If you are,,,,,,,," 
"Haha what does MJ™ stand for,,,,,,,,,, Mr 잘생겼어,,,,,,,,,,,," 
Bin, whacking himself in the head because wow truly this is so dumb he’s so dumb
Doesn’t stop him from looking up excitedly every time someone comes in the store though 
And three days later at the very tail end of Bin’s shift when he’s totally given up hope of seeing maybe-MJ™ again 
MJ™ slides into the store 
MJ™ slapping down a five thousand won note and eyeing Bin 
Bin blinking because son????? 
Bin: "uh I can ring up banana milk but I need you to bring the packets to me so I c-" 
MJ™: "no" 
Bin: ??????????
MJ™, already feeling a flush creep up his neck: "uh" 
MJ™: "is this enough" 
MJ™: "to uh buy your number??????" 
Bin thinks he needs to take a seat 
Bin, coughing to buy time 
MJ™: o my god he doesn’t really want to give me his number he was just being a polite employee the whole time 
Bin, sliding back the five thousand won note after a while
MJ™ crying internally already because wow truly he’s just made a fool of himself time to never step into another GS25 ever again 
Bin: "only if this is enough to buy yours" 
MJ™, eventually unfreezing and laughing in relief and huffing: "well see my number is really expensive but I’d be willing to give it to you along with an autograph in exchange for a date" 
MJ™ trying to cover up the fact that he’s basically floundering inside 
Bin, chinhands @ MJ™ and blinking his bright eyes and smiling 
lmk why when i google moonbin chinhands it’s just pictures of seungjun
Wow truly MJ™’s so so so weak already for his smile but then he remembers Bin hasn’t replied
tsk of course he says yes
He’ll probably say yes to anything MJ™ asks let’s be real
Go on a date with MJ™? yeah sure
Get married to MJ™?? Hell yeah 
Kill a man for MJ™?? Bin is down for it 
Same Binnie same
good lord i’m so in love with both eunwoo and moonbin someone stop me 
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