#he's simply not rational
averrse · 1 year
love that, when kaz is mad at jesper for telling inej about their job to get the neshyener sword, he sarcastically calls him jes.
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liesmyth · 9 months
Do you have any Coronabeth Worsetwin thoughts about Abigail's reaction to finding out Ianthe become a Lyctor in HtN ("Blast. It should have been Coronabeth. Ianthe never was quite the thing")? I love Abigail but ngl I am also a Corona Worsetwin truther in part because I would find it much more satisfying for one of the series' designated Rational Moral Adults to be categorically wrong about Corona.
OH I love this! I hadn't really thought out it until now, but my first reaction is that it might have been just the general "Ugh, yuck, Ianthe?" vibe that she seems to evoke, since she's very much unpleasant on main. But when thinking about it more in-depth, I think Abigail's perception of WHY Corona would be more suited to Lyctorhood depends on which qualities Abigail thinks a Lyctor should possess that Ianthe lacks.
One thing about Abigail in HtN is that she is as much of an atheist as you can get in TLT, but also she seems to have a sort of romanticised view of John (calling him "the Kindly Emperor", "I've longed my whole life to give him my findings") and I wonder if this extends to her conception of Lyctorhood as a sort of state of idyllic quest for knowledge — "the beauty of necromantic mysteries" as Harrow puts it. She's also the leader of a House known for its diplomacy, influence, and not-so-subtle expansionistic ambitions.
So, is she thinking about Corona's diplomatic skills? Her political knowledge? Or — because at this point she still believes Coronabeth is also a necromancer — is she thinking that Corona was the better necromancer than Ianthe, as it was widely speculated?
Going wildly off into headcanon land, we know Abigail has anti-Cohort sympathies (as per Judith's files) and I wonder if that plays a part. We know that Corona regards the Houses's expansionistic strategy as inefficient, but I don't think it's something Abigail would know. Maybe she just thinks Corona would be able to assert authority over the Cohort better? (One of my pet speculations is that there's some antagonism between the Cohort and the Lyctors, and if that's actually a thing Abigail could be aware of it.)
I think it's a combination of Corona's people skill, her personal experience with both twins, and the fact that Ianthe actively puts off everyone she meets.
(If anyone has any opinions about Abigail here PLS feel free to add, I too love her but she's one of the hardest characters to figure out for me)
Personally, a solid 40% of why I am a Corona Worsetwin truther is because I think it's hot. The rest is her everything in NtN / AYU from the threatening suicide to statecraft scheming, with a smattering of that one Taz interview <3 I'm excited to see her wreck havoc in AtN.
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kanene-yaaay · 6 months
Sousou no Frieren- Tickle Headcanons
This anime has me in a chockehold and ain't letting me go so soon so I might as well share all the daydreams and thoughts living in my mind rent free since I watched it and decided that!!! Hey!!! I can add tickles to that!!!
Anyway, at first I was going to just write about Himmel and a few other selected characters from both adventures but GOSH suddenly all out of nowhere I start daydreaming about ALL OF THEM and so... This long post was born. kjhgfdfghjklkj not all of them are going to be very long and it can be OOC but I hope you still like to read it as much as I liked to write! <3
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(We are not going to talk about how much time I spent trying to choose just one gif) Our dear dead wife <3
He LOVES tickles and no one can convice me otherwise, I mean! Look at him! He definitely play that card at any moment he can
Cheering someone up? They say that laughter is the best medicine! Another boring day stuck in a cabin waiting for the snowstorm to go away? Nothing better than a tickle fight to make the time pass! Comforting a sad kid they just saved and are bringing to safety? Add a few wiggling fingers and watch that beautiful smile appear right way! Someone is literally just minding their own business doing nothing at all GET TICKLE ATTACKED!
He is a charming, playful, dramatic bastard and he knows it. He is using every and any opportunity to plentily tease the person, praising their laughter, pointing how lovely is their every reaction, gasping in false offense at any threat of revenge.
He will definitely laugh and snicker together with the person and sometimes let out honest comments that weren't supposed to be teasy but are like 'I didn't expect you to be so ticklish' or 'Wait, it tickles? Right here? That is so cute' and take the matters on his own hands to find at least one (1) new tickle spot when he tickles a friend because their surprised face right before descending in unstoppable giggling is way too priceless
Now, I need you to listen to this very very carefully: he can NOT take what he dishes out. at all.
So much squirming and trashing around. He can't control himself at all and won't even try to hold his laughter back, letting it ring loud and free, dying with any kind (literally, anything will do) of tease and pleading for his life as if he is being killed on the spot.
Somehow is totally blind to tickle traps. Sometimes just to mess with him Heiter would hold his cup up and ask for a toast and when Himmel complied he would latch on his ribs and rip my bro. he's dead on the floor. He never seems it coming even if they already done this a dozen time before.
Always crumbles with the tickles. A squeeze on his side and his legs transform in noodles immediately. That doesn't mean that he is a easy target though, if you decide to tickle him be prepared for some revenge
His main target and partner of tickle fights is Heiter, even though they manage to pull the rest of the party to their shenanigans sometimes too, even getting to listen to listen Eisen low, amused chuckles and Freiren tiny smile.
Talking about that. There is just one very specific occasion all his self preservations, squirms and defense disappear in the same second: when Frieren is involved.
Once, when both Heiter and Einsen decided to gang up on him, she decided to get into the fun with a few pokes and the VERY MOMENT Himmel realized that she was tickling him it was over.
He became a boneless mess of hysterical giggles on the floor not moving a single inch and taking all the tickling with no protests, completely lost in the fact that this was Frieren having fun, being silly and playful with them and his brain shortcurted and suddenly he became 1000000000000 more ticklish instantly.
Excuse me honor he is SMITTEN
If he is tickled for long enough or on a specially ticklish spot he lets out a loud, high pitched crackling that never fail to amuse his friends because he gets extremely red at that and tries to cover his face at any cost.
Besides that, he is not flustered at all about his liking to tickle and be tickled. It's a fun activity, a nice way to bond and it bring happiness to everyone! What is there to be embarrased about it?
Though other teases can destroy him rip
Is extremely and I say extremely gentle and caring when tickling Frieren. Soft scribbles, light scratching and steeping away not before too long has passed. Sometimes get lost in the happiness and joy of the moment but it's quick to come back to reality so that his tickling never lasts too long and he gets smiley about it for the rest of the day.
Gets grumpy about how he never manages to catch Einsen by surprise but immediately loses his pout when the warrior decides that he is not the one who started that war but he is the one who will finish it.
When he takes too long to decide a pose for their statue they start to attack him with plenty of pokes and squeezes until he finally makes up his mind.
Sometimes they just do that while he is posing to mess with him too. Especially because Himmel will try to pretend nothing is happening and attempt to keep his pose on the very beginning until he eventually breaks down in titters and protesting giggles.
It never lasts long. But he keeps trying
Has The Smirk.
Softest and most playful aftercare ever. With plenty of comfort and smiles.
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Our flawed priest <3
Do not have The Smirk but he has an entire aura about him that you can't really point what it is but suddenly there's ringing danger bells in your mind and on outside he looks normal, just taking a drink but then you blink and then BOOM he strikes
Can and will destroy someone with tickles with just one (1) hand because his other one is too busy carrying his cup
Gets stupidly silly when tickling someone. He will chuckle together with the person and use the goofiest nicknames, teases, tickle traps and everything else he can think of. It's the whole ordeal, really. He has no shame.
It's quite neutral but leaning to positive when it comes to tickling, but since Himmel is always dragging him into tickle fights he can't help but get a little bit of playful revenge. After a few years he started a couple of them by himself too.
Is horribly skilled with the nimblest and deadliest tickles ever.
Also. Changes from side to side of a tickle fight easy as water and will always help who offers him more drinks. So be careful when siding up with him to not get too close or comfortably into tickling range.
Somehow, incredibly lucky in finding tickle spots, be with random pokes to call the person's attention or some soft scribbling to hear some giggles and smile amused and content at them.
Also adept to cheer up or comforting tickles, creating a lot of fond memories with Fern in the nights she couldn't sleep and they both shared some good tea while watching the sky.
Will try to curl up in a ball when tickled and his only protest is to be careful with his glasses.
Not really very affected by teases. Says a lot of nonsense when is tickled tho
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HEEEEERRRRRRRR <3 <3 Our old lady
Has the tiniest, sweetest smile when tickling someone. it's adorable.
Do not engage in tickle fights but it's not against them. Usually would just stay in the background with Einsen while the other two got caught up in their giggly shenaningans
Her biggest moment was when she decided to show everyone this magic spell she learned some decades ago and then suddenly everyone is attacked by a bunch of wiggly, fluffy feathers that followed them no matter how much they squirmed or jumped.
Tickle spell tehee
They never got to know if she did that to mess with them or if she truly just wanted to show the spell.
Is more curious about tickling than anything. Thinks it's a nice way to make her friends laugh, but it's also very neutral about it, won't actively seek revenge or anything.
After years with both Himmel and Heiter, also lightly tickled Fern once or twice for the sake of cheering her up.
Ticklish ears ticklish ears ticklish ears ticklish ears-
The first time Himmel tickled her he immediately fell on the floor ded because it was too much cute.
(The way he looked at her that day is a fond memory for her, she doesn't quite know why, tho.)
Not really a squirmer and her laughter is mostly silence, full of small giggles and one or two hiccups. Like soft tickles the best, since it is not unbearable to feel and actively leaves her w a light, quite content feeling afterwards. She could take a tickle fight, tho.
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<3 Somehow the most responsible adult in the party <3
Terrifying ler, can and will use your weakness against you.
Just as she does when fighting, thrives when her victim understimate her power and is quick and ruthless to bring them to their destruction.
Will tickle the person usually as a way to get them to do something (probably a chore they forgot) or admit something while having the most unimpressed face ever seen by humankind
She can be both incredibly merciless and very very kind, depends on her mood, the person and the context
Only like being tickled by someone she really trusts and not around another people so no one will her being silly like this.
Get very embarrassed just for thinking how childish tickling is, but treasures the soft moments with har friends and family, just like every other playful, fun, nice memory
When the person (let's be honest here, probably Spark) is too occupied laughing their heart out also let's out the tiniest, softest smile, pretty much like Frieren
Used tickles to cheer up Spark once and promised to do 10 times worse if he even THINKS about mentioning that to anyone
Snorts. SO much of them. If she is laughing they will automatically appear no matter how much she tried to hide them between her hands.
Her shoulders and head shake with giddy energy when is being tickled. It's everything <3
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As I said on Himmel's part, not really one to start the tickle fight but a quick one to finish it.
Not really very ticklish and not very easy to be caught out of guard so rip his opponents, really
HOWEVER, he has one single incredibly and horribly ticklish spot right under his knee that he immediately DIES when it's tickled and it's an automatic win for the person, so the thing is of every fight is: will them be able to get him there before he gets them? That is the big question
Not really a teaser, prefers to tickle the person in silence while mapping the places that get the biggest reactions so he can focus there.
Could or could not have used this techinique with Spark to 'train his resistence' once (an excuse that his friends were very fond to use with him) but no one will ever know because if you ask him he will just stare at you and let out a single chuckle before going on about his day and Spark will Blush and Die before answering
Made mental bets and always knew the score by heart of Himmel x Heiter fights
Used to think it was a silly and pointless activity. But after their ten year adventure came to treasure and be fond of silly, pointless activities
Loud, booming laughter or no laughing at all. No in between.
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Do not mind tickling at all!
It kind of reminds he of his brother, since when he was a kid he was the biggest tickle monster ever. Not only on those training tips he used to give even while being extremely busy, but he just loved to appear out of nowhere behind him, carry and put him on his shoulder and tickle him while walking back home, pretenidng he was carrying a bag of 'extremely wiggly vegetables!'
He also used pokes and prodding to help him with maintaining his form while wielding a sword. Even if extremely common, Spark still squeaked everytime he poked his armpit to remind him to not his arms so far away from his torso
Still, everytime he is tickled that boi just can't form ANY coherent sentence at all, no matter if he is full on belly laughter with just a few giggles, his mind immediately turn into a mushy mess
Won't go down without a fight. Running away, attacking back, squirming as his life depends on that. Most of the time squirming away from it only to dash in a sudden bolt of energy and then come back in a surprise tickle attack to get revenge.
Tried to get Fern back once for tickling and they ended up actually fighting but some days later she started a tickle fight so he ??? is just very confused??? if she actually hates it???
(But to see her loosing up, giggling, laughing out loud and being so full of playfulness and joy... wow)
He likes to throw a few playful teases here and there when he is tickling his friends, with plenty of snickers of his own and pointing out how ticklish the other person is or about their delight reactions.
!!Tickles games!!!
His entire face gets extremely red when his laughter begins to sound higher or crackly. Can NOT take any tease about that at all.
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OUR EVEN MORE FLAWED PRIEST <3 <3 <3 Come back pls
And his best, amazing, ruthless friend Gorilla was more than happy to remind him about it all the time
Until nowadays he can't really see fingers wiggling in his direction without immediately getting a wobbly smile and giggles instinctively creeping up on his throat
His brother also would tickle him when he was a kid and later would gladly snitch all the 'truly good, hidden tickle spots' to his friend much to his dismisse
Will trash, squirm, plea, beg and promise to do anything when tickled. Especially if we'retalking about light, soft tickles. Those make him go absolutely crazy out of his own mind
Even so, he doesn't mind it too much. Still, gets extremely embarrased and complains about how childish it is.
Def made AND lost bets again his friend and got tickled as a "payament". Also I can see them both having competitions to see who takes the longest to laugh, say uncle, keep their arms up and etc :D
Sometimes gives Spark a few tickles just to mess w him and snicker at the jumps he gives.
Spark got revenge so rip.
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lesbianjodie · 1 year
Think about characters that the show tends to portray as innocent and chill but still 100% know Conan is Not who he pretends to be. Jodie should by now at least strongly suspect Conan is Shinichi. We have seen she's not a bad detective (in figuring out Akai faked his death), she knows Vermouth has stayed young for 20+ years and she heard her talking to Haibara at the docks, so she could probably do some research and put two and two together. Like by now she should know. Maybe she's just not addressing it to protect him?
And then there's Takagi. He doesn't have half the information Jodie does, but come on. After the "who are you" scene in the elevator???? Being answered he'll tell him in the afterlife and ending up not getting a reply???? And then moving on like nothing happened???? Like you gotta admit. Something weird must've happened inside his brain. How do you even justify that. "Maybe he's the spirit protector of cops incarnate I'd better do as he says and act natural lest he casts a Curse upon me" or some shit similar. Surely not Shinichi Kudo shrunk by a criminal organisation that would be too weird.
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detectiveneve · 11 months
pondering on a meta diving into Gale's abstract brand of selflessness (willingness to go away to a corner of the world to die so that none of the faceless masses will be harmed by his mistake) vs his personal selfishness (willingness to stick by tav despite being repulsed by tiefling camp murder + general vocal approval or interest in accumulating more power) and Gale's status as someone who is good aligned but generally ineffectual at enforcing actual good (the way that wyll or karlach will actually leave the party) which is fascinating for a fairly good-aligned person. just love when the Good Guy is actually kind of fucking weird. edit: tumblr cut off my tags Okay. and how all of this ties back in an interesting way to his relationship and power imbalance with mystra. he was wronged, deeply, but he also desires still that ... status / closeness to divinity in some way, by her influence. Gale thinks that he would be a better god simply by virtue of his mortality but he cannot escape the appeal of holding himself apart from others and being more than, greater than, something closer to godliness and thus inherently removed from mortal values and standards of right and wrong, which the gods themselves don't adhere to in the same way.
#it's just one of those things that's really compelling about his character to me in terms of ...#Gale hesitates with the shadow lantern not really because he's put off by the magic#in fact if a sorcerer Tav condemns dark magic he rebukes it and argues that all magic is inherently neutral; some simply more#frowned upon than others#He appreciates good acts. he'll say We Should Do The Good Act. but he's not going to really fight FOR doing the right thing the way#others might; and when you get beyond the act itself he can very quickly rationalize#necessity. or mistake. or the value of power + strength behind it.#the dichotomy between his fearful willingness to die at Mystra's behest while not really tamping down his interest in power and survival#that peers out and I think (?) feels almost obfuscated behind his eloquence and his manners and charm and general clockability as a#guy who approves of good things.#and there are things he says & does that are further beyond the expectations of what you might expect from someone who is 'good'#the initial interest in a deal with Raphael; the approval of taking tadpoles despite the uncertainty and possible cost; the acknowledgment#that powerful forms (slayer form or ascending astarion) will be useful onward#His Fucking Speech to Tav after the grove slaughter where he's outraged and disgusted but can be swayed to stay#he's so... sunk cost fallacy too I think. at some point the ends must surely justify the means right#and his God of Ambition thing is sooo compelling because it really drives to the max the part of gale's personality that is always there#but obfuscated by his immediate insistence that he's a moral person right. you know him to be of sound judgement. trust him.#He likes seeing good happen and he's happy to go along with doing good things and he'll#state his opinion when he thinks something EVIL is happening. but he's not necessarily#going out of his way here either if tav isn't -- and to be fair game mechanics technically mean#no one is - but we can read from Wyll/Karlach removing themselves from the situation#(need to double check but can't Wyll also leave a slayer dark urge?)#that they CAN go out of their way#Wizard Apathy Baby! you feel benevolent toward others but you crave what is beyond humanity and#deeply rooted in the arcane; which you see as beyond too basic concepts of 'good' vs 'bad' magic; neutrality that sways with intent#you trust good actions but you didn't ACTUALLY use your power at the time For Others either; you probably could have but#you craved MORE. something BETTER.#and there's a lot there in how that interacts with his relationship to mystra too#his desire to achieve something closer to godliness and both thinking that he can do better because he's mortal but at the same time#has proven that he can separate himself or his technical moralities from a situation if it means exploration of power/knowledge Beyond
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alloutofgoddesses · 5 months
The new clip of them preparing for the bachelor party right. I am having thoughts. Namely: I am so Buck-coded it hurts; and this clip shows that ultimately Buck & Tommy aren’t compatible. Tommy doesn’t show up even slightly dressed up, meanwhile Buck & Eddie are wearing matching outfits and arguing over who is who.
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the discourse around taylor [checks notes, pointedly not contemplating how i am spending my one wild and precious life] hugging a football guy’s wife who hearted a trump post on insta has a lot of people saying variations on “she can be friends with trump supporters bc none of it really effects her” which is an example of one of my personal pet peeves, which is people wildly overestimating how salient politics as a concept is to the vast majority of people in the US at least. it is simply not true that only rich white straight people believe themselves to have the luxury of having friends on the opposite side of the political aisle. this is a philosophical viewpoint espoused by people all over the place demographically and a lot of it is because they just don’t think of politics as meaningfully important. which, again, is NOT always because political events don’t affect their lived! frequently they just like truly do not connect the dots the way that eg very online politically semi-curious people
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devilsainz · 7 months
hes a 10 but he has a cult of deranged fans that slanders my fave driver 😔
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wokesmoki · 5 months
I used to find professor Membrane hot but the more I watched IZ the more he reminded me of my dad which was a big mood killer so now he's just stashed in my "haha funny but I kinda hate you" folder
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tariah23 · 4 months
Noooo…… first it’s Yuuta and Shoko, now they’re yo-yoing back around to Megumi.
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#no they’re bashing megumi even more than ever now…. sometimes some characters aren’t built for all of THIS AND ITS OKAY#he’s forever traumatized bro he just lost his sister in front of his eyes and his body was the one that killed her#same situation with Gojo who took care of his sister and he from when they was toddlers and up#megumi doesn’t want to live anymore and yuuji has already tried getting through to him he’s completely broken and even if he’s saved megumi#might not ever be the same#I feel like fans keep on forgetting that these are kids going through all of this stuff that even some of the hardest adults wouldn’t be#able to handle#they bash him but a lot of these same ppl forget what happened to getou and love him unconditionally#they’d say “’well other characters have lost a lot as well and they’re still trying!’ and I just have to#restate that again; simply not every character is built like some hard boiled shounen badass jjk is not the usual shounen that a lot of#fans still refuse to see tbh like it’s kind of built different 🗿#it’s core genres are literally horror/psychological horror like no one if gonna be bouncing back like Naruto bro#and in Naruto’s case he never got to see anyone precious to him die in front of him#who knows what Naruto would’ve went through if sasuke was killed in front of him#but then again#Naruto was already a crazy ass#he vowed to kill sasuke and die with him so nvm#but megumi ISNT crazy like that that’s the difference ajsjsjsj#he’s always been one of the more rational characters amongst his peers#he’s so normal!!! everyone else is fucked up or got larger personalities than he does#maybe ppl are pissed off at the fact that megumi simply isn’t fighting back… it’s frustrating but he’s in pain bro#I don’t see him making it out alive at all either if I’m being real#Yuuji might be one of the only characters to survive at this rate I doubt Yuuta is even going to pull through after the techniques 5 min#are up either…#rambling#the point it…… as sad as it may sound all of the characters fighting so hard now are doing so because they simply have to#Sukuna is literally a calamity and these are the only characters left who will even stand any chance against such a great entity#they don’t have much of a choice man#Gojo tried to prepare his students for the future so that they’ll be strong enough to fight back anything together. not alone#Everyone is doing what they can now
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dalandan012 · 9 months
Cytham makes me so emotional uuWUUsAUUgh,..,,,,,, zhongven and chiluc did that too but rn im still hyperfocused on these two .,.,. IjajUijhhauuH.,,,,, They make me crazy so much especially fics where alhaitham gets jealous whenever cyno is hanging out his friends and laughing but can't explain why he feels that way considering he's always been fine being alone his whole life...,,.... Alhaitham is just a normal guy and he has feelings as well, despite what other people think due to his antisocial behavior. He's just a bit more of an idiot with them because he doesn't know how to identify them lmao. I think he'd chalk it all up as admiration for the general's character, but ofc everyone knows it's more than that
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thestamp3d3 · 10 months
i cant get over how absolutely insane satosugu is...gege was born to write yaoi forced to write shounen
#sorry i remembered hidden inventory arc n im insane about them again :(( SAD LITTLE GAY PEOPLE IN MY PHONE!!!#nah but it just...OUGHHH they make me so upset!!!#its just they way they start out immediately understanding each other bc gojo has been alone on a pedestal basically his entire life+#but then he meets geto who treats him like a normal dude!!! not a weapon!!! and just watching them annoy each other as normal teens +#makes me emotional bc theres so much cruelty and just DEATH in their world but at the least they have each other to get through it!!!#theyre the strongest together after all right!!! then toji happens and gojo starts to perfect his abilities with him automating infinity#and then the gap between the two just gets wider and wider...until the final confrontation where the one who understood gojo all this time#not only leaves him but calls him arrogant at the same time showing gojo the ONLY person who he though understood just..doesnt+#and hes left alone again in the same place he was years ago...AND OUGHHHHH#idk i watched a video analysis of hidden inventory where the guy said geto was just as egotistical as gojo except in having a savior comple#and tbh i never though of that before!! but looking back it makes sense with how he spoke to riko + the way he slaughtered the whole villag#to not just save the girls but also prove to himself that he could make the world he wanted#the guy in the video put it basically that since the gap between gojo and geto was so wide geto would rather be the best villain+#than second best hero and that makes a lot of sense since his ideals/goals as a villain go against his usual rational behavior#he KNOWS its probably impossible (for him at least it wouldnt be for gojo which he admits) but he has to do it for himself#sorry im rambling but AHHHHHH how tf did gege write this??? its such a small part of the story but its arguably the catalyst for everything#aside from plot wise it simply just is impactful emotionally! gege had to go thru a toxic codependent homoerotic friendship to write this+#theres just no other way#jjk#jujustu kaisen#gojo satoru#geto suguru#satosugu
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dryeyed · 3 months
hhhhh musician au.
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the-ball-is-round · 4 months
Started explaining to a friend why Jurgen Klopp means so much to me, and found it was easy and yet impossible to put into words.
Jurgen is Jurgen, and that’s all there is to it.
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compacflt · 1 year
cymav thoughts?
i Have given it a lot of thought over the last six months bc multiple people have asked and I really don’t have any cymav thoughts unfortunately
from where i sit they have no chemistry and they’re each in their 50s when they canonically meet so there’s no real incentive to get together
cyclone is like ice (annoying version) on steroids. the scene that for me defines the cymav relationship is the scene after ice’s funeral when cyclone a.) kicks mav out of the fucking navy and ends his career after mav just got kicked in the teeth by ice’s death (not endearing or attractive) and b.) scraps Maverick’s mission parameters and recreates them in a way that is technically safer but definitely more likely to get all of the aviators killed, maybe just to cover his own ass—he and maverick think so differently about tactics and strategy that they are diametrically opposed in a way i think is fundamentally incompatible. I don’t think they would ever be friends let alone sexually or romantically involved
Lest we forget cyclone is mav’s superior & commanding officer when they meet so that’s a weird place to start as well—they are never equals in institutional power even meeting. I feel like part of why icemav works so well is because they were both snotty overconfident greenhorned lieutenants when they met/went through unspeakable levels of trauma together. Whereas with cyclone it’s not like “when we met we were both lieutenants who saved each others lives in active combat while fighting side by side for the same mission❤️” it’s “when we met he was an admiral three ranks my senior and he contemptuously ended my whole 35-year career and LITERALLY commanded me to my death from his position of relative safety and if i had died it ostensibly wouldn’t have affected him at all…❤️?”
Cyclone is like ice: he is successful in the navy because he refuses to have any daring or break the rules at all, and only digs up a hint of respect for maverick after he is repeatedly proven wrong (annoying, runs counter to mav’s whole ethos)
if they Were ever to be involved, it would have to be kind of an icemav post-original-tg-mission thing where they learn how to respect each other over a long time, because clearly there’s a lot of deep-seated disrespect for each other especially from cyclones view towards maverick. He straight up does not think mav is a worthwhile asset to the navy, a good tactician, OR capable of basically anything that is asked of him. he openly tells mav the only reason he’s still in the navy is admiral Kazansky, outwardly and rudely dismissing any prior skill or valor maverick has exhibited and earned. For Mav, someone whose ego is his most prized possession, that might be too deep an injury to bear, even if he proved cyclone wrong in the end. And after he retires, there’s nothing keeping him & cyclone in the same place to become friends, and by TGM neither seems to me like the kind of guy to ask former nemeses out to drinks if they don’t have to, so i don’t think they would
those are my wet blanket thoughts. I personally don’t see it sorry
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reploidbuddy · 1 year
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Since I posted Silver’s siblings, it’s time for the parents!
This is their dad Turin, they get the psychic powers from his side of the family. Turin’s psychokinesis makes his body act basically like a magnet to any and all surfaces (including something Venice formed). He can’t draw something to him, but he can always draw himself to it. It makes him the most mobile and quickest of the family, so he might be first or carry something important whenever they go out after curfew or are up to not-allowed things. If they’re all going (except grandpa, he’s their alibi and stays home) and they need Gold to link all of their minds together for communication or need her to do things that might ask more of her than usual, Turin will carry her on his back to ease some of the stress that could plague her.
Turin is a big family man and a very good cook (though he hates the prepping step like cutting veggies, so his wife usually does it since she doesn’t mind it and he does the rest. But that’s if he needs to go out and she’s home early. Else, they do it together. The kids do the dishes though >:]c). He didn’t have good parents as a child with an absent father and a mom that honestly wasn’t much better, so all he had for a very long time was his half-brother (not that he ever says the half part), and once he had a wife (plus her kinda odd but very cool father living in their apartment) and kids he’s been doing his best to keep them happy and well.
Unfortunately the story doesn’t end there and after two days of acting weird, his brother mysteriously vanished. It had been weighing on his mind, but 6 months later when Silver disappeared through a portal while chasing Nega (leading to the events of Rivals 1), it all turned to anxiety and a feeling he was losing them all one by one. It doesn’t help he tried to prevent the disappearances and failed to stop both of them from happening.
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