#I don’t see him making it out alive at all either if I’m being real
not-a-space-alien · 2 days
Desperate Daybreak Chapter 2
In this chapter: Lex and Ari help Valen scramble to figure out what to do about the unexpected news. Traveling back to a familiar (but unwelcome) estate means seeing a familiar (and not entirely unwelcome) face.
MMSS masterpost
DD masterpost
On AO3
Chapter 2
Valen dropped the phone.  It dangled from the curly cord bumping against the floor, Tessie’s voice calling faint, “Hello?  Mr. Kithrara?  Are you there?”
“Yes!” Valen shouted, scrambling to get the phone back to his ear.  “Yes, I’m here!  I’m here.  I, ah, surely I must be misinterpreting somehow, right?  He left me the entire estate?”
“Yes.  You can see why I wanted to discuss it in person.”
“...Yes, yes I do see that, now.  I can, ah, I can arrange to travel as soon as possible.  Tell me, what’s a good number to call you back at?”
Valen walked into the next room looking shell shocked.  Lex and Ari straightened up.  Ari patted her lap.  “Come here.  What happened?”
Valen mechanically came over and sat on her lap, in her arms.  “My husband has died.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Lex said.  “You must be having some pretty complicated feelings about that.  Want to talk about it?”
Valen shook his head.  “It isn’t that.  His will bequeathed the entire Kithrara estate to me.”
“Hah, that’d be the dream,” Ari said.
Valen didn’t respond.
“Oh you–You’re serious.  Wait, you’re serious?  He did that?  He did that for real?”
“According to the lawyer on the phone, yes.”
“I don’t know.”
“So…what do we do now?”
Valen had put together improved hunting gear for Lex and Ari.  He didn’t make weapons like Nick had, cruel things that killed in new and interesting ways.  When he was called upon to help the vampire hunters, he made things that kept people alive.  First aid kits he distributed alongside instructions on how to dress bites in the field such that someone didn’t bleed out.  White noise machines and special earplugs that meant the vampire hunters could fight without listening to the vampires using persuasion.
And his proudest invention, what Lex and Ari were currently donning:  Silver body-armor, a silver and steel alloy made of the composition Nick had discovered by testing on Valen’s own body, distributed in inlaid plates over the torso, neck, limbs, and hands.  Lex and Ari had been the first ones to wear them, because Valen wasn’t always brave enough to go on a hunt with them but couldn’t stand the thought of them being unprotected against the kinds of vampires that came over the border.
It was entirely protective, except for the plates inlaid on the gloves.  Those were offensive.  All one would have to do would be to grab the bare skin of their assailant to cause burns.
The only downside was Valen could no longer receive hugs from Ari or gentle touches from Lex, the two things they distributed in such abundance that life felt almost bearable at times.  He stared at their hands as they flashed around the gathered baggage, sitting on the ground among them as though waiting for them to cart him off as well.
“Ready?” Lex said, slinging a duffel over her shoulder.
“Yes,” Valen said.
As Valen stood, Bailey pulled him into a hug.  “You take care of yourself, hear?”
“You know how to get ahold of us if you need backup,” Jerome added.
Valen nodded tearfully, sniffling into Bailey’s shoulder.  “Please take good care of Snowball for me.”
“You know we will.”
“We’ll make sure she doesn’t eat Princess D, either,” Jerome said.  He smiled and handed him a backpack.  “Go on.”
“Thank you so much.”
Ari finished loading their bags into the van, the same one they’d made their previous journey over the border in.  This time, they were leaving during the day to give themselves as much time at night as possible.  The goal of their excursion could not possibly be more different than it had been that first time.
“Bye, boys,” Ari said.  “Love you.”
More hugs all around, then Ari climbed into the driver’s seat and took off.  Lex had the maps in the passenger’s seat as usual, and Valen had constructed a little cubby hole with sheets in the back to protect himself from the sun.
“This all feels extremely strange,” Valen said.
“Yeah, I bet,” Ari said.
Valen was swimming in thoughts of the first few times he had been here, in the van–in the coffin, before they’d even introduced themselves and before Lex and Ari even cared what happened to him.  Valen forcing Lex to drive back to his house out in the country, then the same trip on the way back with him restrained in the back.  It had been such a rough start.  Valen was still scared of those versions of Lex and Ari, even though they only existed in memory now.
He wished he could look out the window to pass the time, but the sun was out there.  Instead, he read his books.  He was too nervous to focus much, but luckily he was pretty much immune to motion sickness.
The car slowed down as the terrain got bumpier.  “God, I don’t remember it taking this long,” Ari complained.  “This is gonna take forever.”
“Just be patient, babe.”
Lex and Ari commented on things they passed in an amused way, the horses and cows, the telephone wires, the road signs.  They spoke as though they barely expected vampires to have any of those.
“Last time, we couldn’t figure out what you guys used them for,” Lex told Valen.  “Bailey and Jerome couldn’t either.”
“Use what for?”
“The cows.”
“Cows are a common livestock animal in many parts of the world for meat, milk, hide, and-”
“Well, yeah, but what would a vampire need to use them for?  You don’t eat meat.”
“There are humans who don’t eat meat, but your society still has cows.”
“Well… yeah, but...”
“Gelatine is made from animal collagen, did you know that?  Most commonly from the connective tissue of cows and pigs.”
“...Never change, Valen.”
By the time the sun was going down, they were in an area populated densely enough that they could see civilization start to come alive.  Shuttered and sealed doors opened, dogs barked, conversation and laughter sounded out across backyards.  Children played on lawns–wow, yep, much more quickly and roughly than human children, as two young vampires chased each other around as fast as a car and wrestled in such a way that they accidentally knocked down a nearby tree.
Ari hunched over, looking hunted.  Lex’s hand crept down to her gun.
Valen took down the blankets, folding them up.   “It’s all right.  They’re normal people.  They won’t hurt you.”
Ari kept her wary gaze on a vampire checking his mailbox, then abruptly swerved with a loud, “Jesus Christ!”
A blue car nearly sideswiped them and sped past, easily going 90mph to outclass Ari’s modest 30mph.  “What the fuck,” Ari growled.  “Asshole.  There’s–there’s kids h- I mean, I know they wouldn’t die, but-”
Valen reached forward to put a comforting hand on Ari’s arm, then remembered he would burn himself.  “Things are just different here.  Just be as careful as you can, and wear your seatbelt.”
Things got less noisy when they went into the obviously wealthy part of town, lively lawns with hanging laundry and screaming, excited children replaced with spacious estates too large to hear anyone screaming across.
“Christ, now I feel out of place because our van is dented,” Ari muttered.
The looming wrought iron gate and stone pillars of the Kithrara estate came into view.  With the fountain lit up red and the grounds active with vampires, the entrance looked much more menacing at night than during the day as they'd seen it before.  Lex and Ari’s skin crawled.
Valen, by contrast, looked more depressed than scared.  “Maybe one day I’ll be free of having to come back here.”
The van nosed up to the gate.  Valen sighed and opened the side door.  “You two stay in the van.  I suppose we shall have to let ourselves in.  I expect they will not be entirely pleased to see us.”
“Right.”  Ari’s grip was tight on the steering wheel, grinding her teeth.
Valen stepped out of the van, walked up to the gate, and leapt a dozen feet up into the air from a standstill, flipping over the gate with the grace of an acrobat.  He landed on the other side primly and straightened his cravat before disappearing behind the stone wall.
Lex and Ari stared after him.  “You know,” Lex said slowly.  “I sometimes forget he can, like, just do that.”
The gate buzzed open, and the iron gates slowly swung outwards.  Valen appeared walking back to the van.
“So,” Ari said as Valen got back inside the vehicle.  “If anyone can just walk up and backflip over the gate, what’s the point of having it?”
“I imagine it’s mostly psychological,” Valen answered.  “Most locks and doors and fences on this side of the border are.  The looming social consequences for breaking and entering an estate like this far outweigh whatever barrier the physical wall might impose.”
“Ngh,” was Ari’s response.  She nosed the van forward, cautiously creeping up the driveway snaking through the massive lawn.
Valen squinted as a vampire in a maid outfit threw the main entrance open and sprinted out, straight out them.  “Is that–Oh!”
“Mistress Kithrara!” the woman cheered, bouncing with glee.  “They said you were coming back!”
“Callidora!” Valen called.  He once again threw the door open and let himself be tackle-hugged by his beloved handmaiden.  “How are things here?”
“They’ve been so awful without you here, ma’am!”  Callidora drew back, then made a face.  She tried to squash it, but not quick enough.  “Mistress…. What have you done to your…”  Her eyes bounced up and down.  Clearly she was trying not to say your everything.  “... Your face?”
Valen rubbed a hand along his jawline.  “I have facial hair because I’ve been taking testosterone, Callidora.  I live as a man now.  You may recall I tried to talk to Priscus and his family about it at one point, but I gave up eventually.”
“Oh.”  Callidora clearly thought this was extremely weird and undesirable.
Valen tried to hide his disappointment.  “I’m still the same person, Callidora.  I just have facial hair, now.”
“And a deeper voice.”
“And a deeper voice, yes.”
“And your skin isn’t as soft.”
“My-”  Valen went red at the same time as Callidora did.  “My skin isn’t as soft?”
“Only a little bit,” Lex piped up.  “The softness of the body hair makes up for it.”
Valen hid his face in his hands, mortified.
“All right, all right,” Ari said.  “We don’t have to sit here and count the ways Valen changes when he’s on testosterone.”
Callidora looked over at Lex and Ari like she’d just noticed them.  “Oh, you brought your humans!  You two be sure not to get lost this time!”  She was so well-meaning and genuine and whole-heartedly condescending Ari almost flipped out on the spot.
She reined herself in, though.  “Listen, girly, the point is, Valen is a man, and he’s happier this way.  He’s not a mistress, not really.”
“Oh…”  Callidora tapped her fingers.  “Can I still call you mistress, though?”
Well, that was probably as good as it was going to get.  “I suppose,” Valen relented.  “It might seem strange, though.”
Callidora beamed.  “You’re back now.  That’s all that’s important!”
“Yes, I am.  I’m not sure for how long, though.  I imagine the family is in quite the uproar.”
“Yes!  The police are here, and a lawyer, and they want to talk to you as soon as you get in!”
“Goodness!”  Anxiety squeezed Valen’s heart.  “Why are the police here?”
“They think you killed your husband!  Oh, but the lawyer told me not to tell you that yet!  Sorry!  Please don't tell him!”
“They think I–?  I wasn't even in town!”
Callidora shrugged and grimaced.  “I don’t know, Mistress.  That’s just what they said.”
Valen turned to Lex and Ari.  “Well, taking to the police was certainly not what I expected to be at the top of the list of unpleasantries today, but I don’t suppose we have much choice.”  Part of him wanted to just wash his hands of the situation entirely.  To just go back over the border where vampires wouldn’t bother him.  The whole situation had him feeling… numb.
But he would regret it, he knew he would.  He had to be brave and wade into this situation.
Ari reached out and put a hand on his arm, being careful to only touch his clothes because of her metal gloves.  “Valen, I know you can do this.”
Valen nodded.  “Right.”  He eyed the main entrance of the estate, where Callidora was in the process of throwing open the elaborate doors and announcing him.  “Let’s do this.”
@tomato-whump @dragonfireridge @taterswhump @whump-cravings
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tariah23 · 1 month
Noooo…… first it’s Yuuta and Shoko, now they’re yo-yoing back around to Megumi.
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#no they’re bashing megumi even more than ever now…. sometimes some characters aren’t built for all of THIS AND ITS OKAY#he’s forever traumatized bro he just lost his sister in front of his eyes and his body was the one that killed her#same situation with Gojo who took care of his sister and he from when they was toddlers and up#megumi doesn’t want to live anymore and yuuji has already tried getting through to him he’s completely broken and even if he’s saved megumi#might not ever be the same#I feel like fans keep on forgetting that these are kids going through all of this stuff that even some of the hardest adults wouldn’t be#able to handle#they bash him but a lot of these same ppl forget what happened to getou and love him unconditionally#they’d say “’well other characters have lost a lot as well and they’re still trying!’ and I just have to#restate that again; simply not every character is built like some hard boiled shounen badass jjk is not the usual shounen that a lot of#fans still refuse to see tbh like it’s kind of built different 🗿#it’s core genres are literally horror/psychological horror like no one if gonna be bouncing back like Naruto bro#and in Naruto’s case he never got to see anyone precious to him die in front of him#who knows what Naruto would’ve went through if sasuke was killed in front of him#but then again#Naruto was already a crazy ass#he vowed to kill sasuke and die with him so nvm#but megumi ISNT crazy like that that’s the difference ajsjsjsj#he’s always been one of the more rational characters amongst his peers#he’s so normal!!! everyone else is fucked up or got larger personalities than he does#maybe ppl are pissed off at the fact that megumi simply isn’t fighting back… it’s frustrating but he’s in pain bro#I don’t see him making it out alive at all either if I’m being real#Yuuji might be one of the only characters to survive at this rate I doubt Yuuta is even going to pull through after the techniques 5 min#are up either…#rambling#the point it…… as sad as it may sound all of the characters fighting so hard now are doing so because they simply have to#Sukuna is literally a calamity and these are the only characters left who will even stand any chance against such a great entity#they don’t have much of a choice man#Gojo tried to prepare his students for the future so that they’ll be strong enough to fight back anything together. not alone#Everyone is doing what they can now
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sugrhigh · 4 months
BOY NEXT DOOR 3 - ( c.s )
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part two
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- swearing, a bit of drinking
neighbor/hockey!chris x fem!reader
a/n: part three baby here we go! hope you guys enjoy!! if i forgot a tag it either wouldn’t let me or i missed it (if i missed u pls comment and i’ll fix it right up). anyways kisses for u all i hope ur having a good day, my inbox is open for anything as always MWAH
@cutenote @mattybsbitch @mattsmunch @breeloveschris @l9vesick @bb-1s-blog @sturnifyed @julessspoetry @annamcdonalds67 @beijhe @gnxosblog @braindead4l @hearts4matty @orangeypepsi @luckistar-posts @angelworldspost @ponyosturniolo @rainyenthusiastdaze @heartz4chris @sturnvvz @cupidsword @wurlibydominicfike @mattswrld @yoursopretty15 @poopydroopt @latinasforchrizz @bernardsleftbootycheek @trilliwarner
it’s been a day since the kiss, and you still haven’t told a single soul. for some reason, you’re way too scared to admit what happened to your roommates, even though you know they’d be the last to judge you for it.
and yet you just can’t, despite the fact that it’s been eating you alive for over twenty-four hours straight. saying it out loud makes it real, so you decided it was best to keep it inside.
however, you still need to give chris his jersey back, which you’ve been neglecting to do because you don’t want to see him.
or maybe because you’re scared.
it’s an involuntary thought, and it makes you angry. there’s nothing to be scared of, because he doesn’t have any power over you.
you grab his jersey off the top of your dresser. it’s all clean, and it still smells like detergent from when you washed it yesterday. you’ve been putting it off all day, and it’s time for that to stop.
the sun is nearly gone, so you head down the stairs, silently thankful that ramona and cassidy are both are both runnings errands as you slip out the front door.
you’re in your comfy clothes, black sweats and baby blue hoodie that you stole from cass, and you’re immediately regretting the fact that you didn’t grab a jacket.
you hurry across the lawn, passing the cars parked in the driveway. there’s an unfamiliar red one at the end, and it almost makes you pause, but the possibility doesn’t fully connect in your mind yet.
so you head up the steps and knock on the door loudly, still very much so a woman on a mission.
it takes a moment, a long moment, before someone comes to open it for you. it’s connor, which is unfortunate, because you really weren’t prepared to speak with anyone besides the one boy you’re actually looking for.
he looks a little confused, but he smiles nonetheless. “what’s up?”
“i’m just, uh, trying to drop off chris’s jersey.” any bit of confidence you had is gone now as you choke on your words.
connor’s eyes widen a little as his grin fades, though you can tell he’s trying to play it off. “he’s a little busy right now, but i’ll get it to him.”
your eyebrows furrow as he reaches his arms out, like he’s trying to rush the process along without any more interrogation.
“busy with what?” you question, though you hand it over regardless.
he looks at you for just a half a second too long, like he’s waiting for you to piece it together, and then it clicks. chris is busy because he has a girl over, and that’s her car in the driveway.
you wish it didn’t phase you, but you can feel your face morphing into an emotion that borders disgust and anger.
“oh, i see.” is all you say, because you’re already fucking embarrassed beyond belief.
you turn and head back down the stairs, trying to ignore the way your stomach is flipping like you’re going to throw up.
connor doesn’t say anything. instead you hear the door close, and you feel completely numb as you walk back to your own porch. part of it is because of the cold, and part of it is because you feel so stupid.
you’re not sure what you were expecting, but that was exactly what you should’ve anticipated knowing chris.
you step back into the warmth of your own home, and even when you close and lock the door, a shiver chases you.
you head back up to your bedroom, kicking your shoes off by the door. you want further confirmation, so you peek through the curtains that hang over your window.
chris’s room, which is coincidentally directly across from yours, reveals nothing besides a dim light that peeks through the closed blinds.
you let the drapes fall back into place, still in shock. it was so ridiculous to believe for even a second that he was any different than he had been for the last six months.
you should’ve taken him at his word. he doesn’t date, and he’s not interested in you beyond teasing you or making you look like an idiot.
and you refuse to be taken for a fool.
you pace along the floor for a second until you decide you deserve some wine. you know there’s at least half a bottle in the fridge, and maybe it’ll help you calm the hell down.
a few minutes later you’re back upstairs, huddled up in your bed with a book you had started earlier in the day, sipping from your glass as you read.
it’s hard to fall into the fantasy world you picked out at first, but then you begin to feel your cheeks flush and your eyes are suddenly devouring the words.
you’re so enveloped in the plot, completely unaware that your roommates had gotten home until ramona walks in. it startles you, so much so that you lose your page.
she pauses to take in your state; the empty glass, the minimal leftovers in the bottle you brought with you, your droopy eyes.
“wine before 7 p.m. on the lord’s day? you’re crazy.” she jokes with a grin.
you shrug, also smiling a little bit. “felt like getting a little wild.”
mona puts a hand on her hip and nods toward the door she just entered through. “well, could i maybe convince you to take this crazy train downstairs so we can catch up on VPR? we’re like, three episodes behind now.”
you snap your book closed and roll out of bed, which you can tell by her snort looks far from graceful.
“all you had to say was VPR.”
you sit at your desk, gnawing on your bottom lip as you try to focus on the stupid online homework prompts that are due soon. the overcast afternoon light pours into your room, and you hear your phone buzz against the wood.
still playing hard to get?
you roll your eyes before you can help it. the text doesn’t surprise you, because he’s been messaging you for the past few days, ever since he inevitably found out you stopped by from connor.
that’s clearly a yes.
you wonder how many times he’s going to text you as you put your phone down to pull your hair out of your face, tying it up at the back of your head.
once again, you hear the device vibrate, and you flip it to glance at the screen.
i can see you ignoring me you know
your eyes betray you as you glance out the window, just to find chris standing in front of his own. he’s pouting at you with his phone in his hand, hair all curly and damp like he just got out of the shower.
you stand up from your chair without a second thought and take a few steps so you can yank your curtains closed.
he might refuse to believe it, but you’re not playing hard to get. you just can’t fucking stand him.
now that’s just cold
come onnnnnn princess
holy shit
do NOT call me princess
you love it
i hate you
if you don’t stop this i’m coming over there
i’d like to see you try asshole
you pull back one curtain to call his bluff, and your heart actually drops when you see that he’s not standing there anymore. that just means he’s probably on his way over already.
you have no idea if cass or ramona are home or in their rooms or what. but you do know that you’re locking your door, and if he makes it through the house undetected he’s not getting into your room.
you sit on the edge of your bed for a moment, waiting because you don’t know what else to do with yourself. and then the knock comes, right before chris twists the handle and finds it locked.
“open up.” he demands, his gruff voice muffled through the door.
“i’ll go downstairs and get cass if you don’t let me in.” he threatens, which doesn’t really scare you.
cassidy will kick his ass out if she realizes you don’t want him here. you’ll have to explain some things, but it’s probably time to do that anyways.
“you’re being a baby and you’re wasting your time. go home, chris.” you reiterate.
“come on, i just want to talk.” he wiggles the handle once again, like that will somehow open it.
“then call a sex addiction helpline.” you reply hotly, glaring at the slab of wood that separates you as if you can actually see him, though you’re glad you can’t.
“can you please open the door?”
“jesus, you’re so stubborn it’s ridiculous.” he groans, and you hear his forehead thump against the door.
he’s growing frustrated now, and even though you’re heated too, you kind of love it.
“so are you! how many times do i have to tell you to leave?” you shoot back.
it’s silent for a moment, which scares you. then you hear a small sigh.
“i didn’t think i would have to do this.”
the lock on the door begins to twist and turn rapidly, and you leap forward to grab it with your hand.
chris twists it hard and your fingers fumble to keep it jammed. your thumb is already in pain, and the harder he pushes the closer you are to failing. you’re finally forced to let go as chris comes shoving his way into your room a few seconds later.
even though he stumbles slightly, he looks so proud of himself, clutching the heavy duty paper clip he used to get inside.
“there, that’s better.” he says smugly.
you watch his eyes take in your room, covered in posters and full of random artifacts, and you hate it. for some reason, it feels deeply personal.
“holy shit, why don’t you just go home already?”
it’s impossible to keep your tone level anymore as you turn away from him.
“i’m here now, so you have to talk to me.”
“no, i really don’t.” you reply before plopping down onto your mattress, crossing your arms as you lean against the headboard.
“don’t be a brat.” chris follows your lead, even though you weren’t inviting him to join you.
he falls beside you, sprawling out on his back by your feet. his shirt raises over his sweats, exposing a bit of skin above the band of his boxers, and you have to tear your eyes away.
you can feel the warmth of his body, can smell his aftershave mixed with hints of some kind of fresh body wash, and all of it drives you crazy.
you curl your body into itself so there’s as much distance between the two of you as possible.
“why are you so mad?” chris turns his head slightly so he can look at you.
“i’m not mad, you just disgust me.”
this makes him smile. “i beg to differ, i think you like me.”
without hesitation, you extend one leg to kick him in his side. even though it’s not very forceful, he lets out a little groan of surprise, hand going to rub his hip as he frowns.
“you didn’t have to kick me, damn.”
“you deserved that.” you argue, tucking your knees back to your chest.
this time he stays silent and just looks at you. his eyes scan your face, darting down to your lips every other second, and you’re suddenly very aware of your surroundings.
“what the fuck are you staring at?” you ask in a brief moment of panic.
his eyes are so unnerving. it’s like he can see right through you.
“you’re pretty.” chris shrugs before averting his gaze back to the ceiling.
your face flushes, and you force yourself to remember the embarrassment from the other day, how stupid you felt after discovering that he’s still the same old player that sits beside you now.
“shouldn’t you be giving some other girl an STD or something?” you snap, and he huffs out a breathy laugh.
“first of all, i’m totally clean. and if you’d actually let me explain, you’d realize the girl that was over on sunday is just an ex fling who was picking up some old stuff.”
his clarification shocks you, though you still don’t necessarily believe it yet. he could be lying, even though it doesn’t seem like he is.
“you’re seriously telling me you weren’t hooking up with her?” you ask.
“it was strictly platonic. nothing happened.” he confirms, shifting to face you again.
chris lifts his hand to trace gentle patterns along your shins, and you don’t shy away this time. the feeling of his palms, even when separated by your leggings, is far nicer than you imagined.
“okay.” you mutter simply.
“you’ve been ignoring me the entire week and all i get is an ‘okay’?” he halts his movements so he can curl his fingers into air quotes.
“what would you like me to say?”
“an apology would be a nice start.”
you bark out a laugh. “an apology for what? for not talking to you? because i really didn’t take you for the sensitive type.”
he just shakes his head, nudging your legs with one of his knuckles lightly. “god, you and that headstrong attitude will be the death of me.”
“can’t wait.” you quip back, and now its his turn to chuckle.
silence settles over the two of you for a moment, and you’ve been far too close for too long, so you move to stand once again.
“alright, well, we talked. time for you to get lost.” you motion toward the door.
chris sits up, running a hand through his messy hair before he replies. “look, we don’t have another game until sunday, so we’re hosting at the house tomorrow. you should come.”
you raise an eyebrow and tap your chin, like you’re really contemplating. “i’ll have to think about it.”
“please? it’ll only be fun if you go.” he flashes you a charming smile, and you hate that it actually does kind of work.
“maybe i’ll make a special appearance. maybe.” you point a wary finger at him as he gets back on his feet.
“that’s what i like to hear.” chris says, making his way toward you.
you expect him to pass right by, but he lingers, like there’s something else on his mind. he stares down at you with those big blue eyes, and you can feel yourself slipping into dangerous territory.
“is there something else?” you ask softly, and the sound of your voice is maddening to him.
you don’t even try to tempt chris on purpose, he knows this, and yet everything about you is so enticing. not to mention he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the kiss since it happened, or that pretty little mouth of yours.
but he shakes his head again, because the things he’s thinking about you so early on in this strange relationship frighten him.
“uh, no, sorry. i’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully.”
and then he blows right by you without waiting for a response, disappearing just as quickly as he arrived.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Hello!!!!!! So i was wonderinfg if you could do a piece for cod mw2? A platonic 141 (other characters can be added if youd like) x (preferably 18-20 yr old) gn or fem reader. It can be a oneshot or headcannons, i dont mind either format!!! If you do a oneshot, any scenario (a mission, off duty, etc) is fine w me!!! You basically have free reign, just keep it strictly platonic, not even a smidge of the hints w the reader and romantic relationships 👍❤️
Ain’t That A Kick In The Head? (Platonic!141 x Fem!Reader)
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cod masterlist
A/N: YESS!! I LOVE PLATONIC FICS!! 99% of my writing so far has been romantic, kind of funny considering I’m aromantic and queer. thank you anon <3 i’m also sorry for taking so long. your speciality isn’t specified, but it can’t be demolitions, im sorry!! plot purposes.
[WARNINGS: mentioned misogyny, fluff.]
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Considering how young you are, you deal with quite a lot of people who have low expectations for you. To be fair, you don’t have much experience, but you are a quick learner and that’s very much needed on this base. You’re a Specialist, one rank above Private in the U.S. army ranks. When people first meet you, they expect you to be a coward, a twenty year old girl—is what they like to call you—who doesn’t know the difference between a 5.56 mm cartridge and a 7.62 mm cartridge, a clueless little girl. Of course you did not know everything, but it was clear you know enough and have enough skill as you’re apart of the 141.
When you were first picked for the team, Ghost was a bit skeptical. Your age played a big factor because he was concerned about your level of experience, but he overall trusts Price’s judgement. A huge part of it was him worried about how you would take in all of the traumatizing sights they see on every mission. How you would be able to take someone down without a second thought, even if they pleaded for their life. He didn’t voice this worry, nor did he do anything to “shield” you because he knows you know what you signed up for.
You physically train/spar with Ghost and Gaz separately frequently. They are different in size and in style of defense/attack, so they both give you great pointers on how to defend yourself and how to initiate an attack. You have a schedule with them; when you’re on base, you train with Gaz Mondays and Tuesdays and Ghosts on Thursdays, preferably early in the morning with Gaz and in the evening with Ghost. Even when you perfect your own style for attack and defense, you keep training with them; “So you don’t get rusty.”
Price knows what you signed up for, and he knows that he picked you, so like everyone else on the task force, he begins to train you. Being an expert in violence and timing—unconventional warfare too, he occasionally sits in on your training sessions with Gaz and/or Ghost. Sometimes, he talks with Gaz or Ghost beforehand to set up a specific scenario for you to find a way to get out of alive.
Being said, Price takes you out as well as the team to a training field, doing the exact same thing but in a more.. realistic scenario. Being so young, he figures you still have an unacceptable type of response with “fight, flight, or freeze”. His plan is to strip away the freeze response because that’s the one that will get you killed. He also very specifically has himself and your teammates as the enemies in this field because while you’re supposed to trust your team with your life, there’s also often betrayal in the field.
Soap is a demolitions expert, as well as a sniper. He absolutely refuses to let you handle real bombs at first because he knows you didn’t specialize in demolitions like he did. After spending a few months with you, he brings out non-dangerous replicas of bombs and replicated parts to begin to show you how to take a bomb apart/defuse it, when it’s best to let it explode, or how to put one together for emergencies. He absolutely 110% makes sure you know it’s for emergencies when he isn’t there. It’s not that he thinks you’re incapable, but he can’t help but worry. Him learning about how Gaz and Price met, how Price only had seconds to shove the hostage with a bomb vest strapped to him over that railing? Fucking terrifying to him.
Gaz also helps you complete your interrogation training—not being the interrogator, but then interrogatee. Undergoing several mentally challenging tests himself of this variety, he tasks himself with giving you pointers. Your task is to keep your mouth shut about intel and escape the facility and remain hidden, uncaptured during the entire test. He’s so incredibly used to uncomfortable situations, so his pointers during this—seeing that he passed this test himself, the only one who past it in his class—his advice is helpful.
Besides training with Ghost, he coaches you ambushes and stealth. Every time you’re caught in a test, he coaches you on how to evade, on how to remain hidden even when the enemy is right in front of you. He teaches you how to set up traps and ruses, what traps are most commonly used and spotted and what ones aren’t.
Overall, they know you’re inexperienced and young, but you quickly take their advice and training into account, and you get to teach them a thing or two when you arrive on base. You learn quick and Price finally feels as if you’re ready for an intense stealth mission, accompanied by the team. They don’t have any doubt held in their hearts for you, 100% trusting your abilities.
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mrzombielover · 2 years
— könig relationship headcanons
rating; sfw and nsfw
warnings: nsfw, virginity, this is just filthy and not really edited and a spew of random disconnected thoughts
a/n; oh my actual god tysm for 1k+ likes on my ghost drabble i did NOT expect any attention so thank you😭
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to get in a relationship with this guy you def had to make the first move, he’s too shy to do anything
(i’ll prob make separate headcanons w him pining over you tbh)
but once you ARE in a relationship? man
his severe social anxiety manifests in a way that just makes him really awkward. like🧍
clingiest boyfriend alive, mf like 6’10 250 lbs clinging to your arm when u go in public and asking you to order for him
doesn’t know what to do with himself when you’re not there. you leave and he just waits for you to come back.
he just loves you so much, he’s not stupid by all means but you’re the one that thinks for him and he’s happy w that arrangement
likes when you refer to him as big guy or esp YOUR big guy bc yes. he is a big guy. thanks for noticing :)
while he couldn’t be a sniper bc of his size, there are some perks to his height. namely scaring the ever loving fuck out of any guy he may be jealous of
he’s not vocal and much too shy to really do anything but he will stand over your shoulder vaguely threateningly glaring at the guy.
he’s incredibly easy to fluster, part of the reason he likes wearing a mask is because you won’t be able to see how easy it is to make him blush
this is heightened in public places, because of his shy nature any type of pda drives him crazy and he gets wound up very quickly
gently touch his arm or chest when talking to him, put a hand on his shoulder or thigh when laughing, get his attention touching the back of his neck, literally any of the tamest touch will have his face and ears all hot and red.
not just touching him, either, just existing as hot as you are in his presence makes him stiff.
doesn’t talk a lot in general, and i don’t think that changes in bed. he’s a quiet person, so treasure the groans you do get to hear
down so horrendous
everyone knows the quiet guys are the hung ones
and man is he PACKIN
i hope you have a size kink because everything about him is huge, from his stature to his muscles to his cock
i’m thinking upwards of 8 inches, insanely thick and a deep reddish color, tip color #b3505e
due to his anxiety and quiet nature, he has had extremely little experience with relationships and sex. he was bullied in school, and i can’t imagine him having a lot of practice before meeting you
my little meow meow so easily flustered and blushing bright red the whole time
his thoughts are probably “oh my god oh fuck wow holy oh my god oh my god” and he can’t form any real sentences or coherent thoughts
probably busts prematurely and then he’s so embarrassed, would freak out about it until you calm him down and tell him it’s okay
then he’d make it up to you
what he’s lacking in experience he makes up for with eagerness, he’s a fast learner and attentive to detail
gives AMAZING head. once he learns how you like it it’s over for you. has his head buried between your thighs for hours, and his tongue in combination with thick fingers splitting you open will have your legs shaking and you crying
if you ever don’t want to sit on his face for fear of hurting him or hover above instead of putting your weight on him he looks at you like >:((
leans towards the submissive side, will do anything you want him to do and is down to experiment
when it comes to what HE wants tho… he is much too shy to ask to try stuff out it takes a lot of courage u might need to infer some things
enjoys being submissive the majority of the time but there are times when he gets so wound up and desperate he’ll just take you how he wants (lord have mercy…)
in these situations i imagine it’s probably been a bit since you’ve last had the chance to be… intimate. naturally you take it upon yourself to tease him whenever given the chance, trying your hardest to make him blush
he also has an extremely high sex drive, he’s an absolute beast of a man and can go for 2-3 rounds without break. just crazy amounts of stamina and strength. this in combination with you teasing him means you’re really in for it the second you have some alone time
no matter how much you weigh he could pick you up and handle you like a rag doll. he is HUGE and insanely strong as previously mentioned
in conclusion just big and strong and very much loving and protective in his own weird 🧍 way
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**these will be elaborated on soon trust i plan on doing nsfw alphabets for the whole task force + my boy
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dragonsholygrail · 10 days
*rolls into chat*
Hi. I'm sharing this because of your last post btw
Firefighter centaur!
Reader has to help him get all the gear off after a long tiring day because that's a LOT of hair for someone who works with fires and accidents.
*welcomes into chat with open arms*
And omg this is so good!! (I went off, my bad!) I also had to re-write this entire thing when I was almost done because my tumblr crashed and I’m absolutely devastated but worth it for firefighter centaur.
Imagine firefighter centaur works in forest fires so it’s all the more dangerous and on such a bigger scale when he does get called in. Which of course makes reader even more nervous whenever there’s a fire.
Constantly pacing the living room of your shared home, biting your nails, with your eyes latched firmly on to the tv. Not being able to look away for even a second. Just waiting to hear any news about the crew of centaur firefighters as they come in and out of the blazing flames.
Your heart drops heavily into your stomach as you catch sight of him, being able to recognize him anywhere. You find yourself unable to breathe as you watch your partner jump over a burning trunk with ease. All while carrying a handful of nymphs to safety. A couple in his arms and a few riding his back.
Watching your partner be so heroic like that takes your breath away. Or maybe it’s just because you’re relieved he’s alive. Either way it sends a violent need to thrum through your body. A need to go to him and be near him, no matter the risk. You don’t hesitate for a moment and you’re out of the house before you can even turn off the television.
There’s barricades all over the place when you arrive at the scene. Your eyes search frantically around the area, looking for just one feature that you’re familiar with to find him. But your heart is hammering within your chest and your mind spins with more horrible ‘what ifs’ by the minute.
Given your state, it was no surprise to you that he found you first, calling out your name. You whirl around till your eyes fall onto him. Both of you immediately start heading toward each other. You meet in the middle, arms wrapping tightly around each other. Your firefighter centaur smells so thickly of smoke you want to choke. But none of that matters because he’s in your arms and in one piece. No matter how much of his fur is singed.
“What the hell are you doing here? You could have been hurt!” Your partner shouts, sounding almost as frantic as you feel. He leans back enough to cup your face in his hands, looking as though he’s wondering if this is real.
“I saw you- I saw you come through the fire. And there’s so many things on you that it could’ve caught onto. I had to. I had to come. I had to see you and make sure…” you ramble on, words spilling from your mouth. Your mind unraveling now that you know he's sate. "You're alive."
His face softens considerably and he brings you back into his arms.
"Well you got here just in time. I think the fires coming down anyway." He holds you tight and you clutch onto him just as fiercely. Using his strong hold to assure yourself he's really here.
After you both get back to the firehouse you slowly and gently help him take off all his gear. You can tell he's seriously exhausted. Eyes drooping, shoulders slumped, and tail swooshing lazily.
You let him relax as you get started on cleaning up and preparing his gear for washing. It's a rigorous ritual all on its own and you know he's in no state to take care of it right now. But when he blinks his eyes open and realizes what you're doing, it doesn't stop him from trying to do it anyway.
“Hey, stop that. I can do it fine,” he sluggishly tries to interrupt, not wanting you to do his work for him.
All you have to do is shy away from his mindlessly wandering hands, bringing his gear with you. Unintelligible grumbles leave his lips in response.
“I know how to do it. Watched you so many times it would be an insult if I didn’t. I got this,” you assure him.
After all he went through he doesn’t have the energy to fight you on this. When he doesn’t reply you go back to helping situate his gear. You hear the heavy clops of his hooves and a moment later his arms are wrapping around you from behind, his head resting comfortably on top of your head.
“Thank you,” he says softly, those two words alone dripping with appreciation and love for you.
The firehouse is empty, you two being the last ones left to finish up for the night. It’s in that moment, his body curled up around you as you help him in a way that means more than he can describe, that it was as if neither of you had ever felt safer.
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fumifooms · 2 months
"Marchil? I guess I can see it on Chilchuck’s end, but what about Marcille’s? What makes you think she could develop feelings for him?" I’m glad you asked!
The first thing to note is that she does think highly of him
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In the page on the right, literally defending his virtues and literally comparing him to Dalclan. And oh…
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She does love a brooding mysterious guy who closes himself to love. But surely, Chilchuck isn’t her type at all, right? He’s not princely or knightly at all. In apperances certainly not, both looks wise and demeanor wise, but then that’s why she seeks to know him on a deeper level, to not only look shallowly.
And hmm. Chilchuck really is quite selfless isn’t he? Always looking out for others, and saving specifically her often, always making sure himself and, staying in or even running towards danger for her sometimes. Modesty is often considered heroic…
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And can we talk about that drowning one… You can definitely frame the special attention as him knowing she tends to hesitate or be clumsy, and then his insistance on pulling her out of danger that she’s the healer aka the most important to keep alive, but. From the one who says that he just keeps his ass out of fights and won’t help this is a lot of risk to take, and he does die trying to pull her to safety in the dungeon rabbits chapter. And the drowning bit??? That’s when the dungeon collapses. The only reason they DON’T die of drowning here is that the water then gives way to outside. There was NO hope of pulling her to safety here and resurrections would likely not work either, he truly preferred to die with her than try to survive himself.
Sit your ass back DOWN you are in no state, self-sacrifical hero much damn
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And Marcille definitely noticed this imo, after all she loves learning all she can about him, remembering things like how he hates waiting on people too. She pays attention to him and what he does and what he says. This to say that it’s notable, whatever reason for it you may think (though we know by this point at least she was already aware he was an adult though it wasn’t internalized), out of everyone it’s Chilchuck’s bed that she wants to sleep in during the Golden Kingdom stay. He’s safe and comforting to her: dependable, the defining trait in her view of him as is shown by the relationship chart in the Adventurer’s Bible.
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^ Lending handkerchiefs is a romance trope btw and handkerchiefs have irl history of being used for courting. Especially in old English literature and plays like Shakespeare’s Othello, and personally I do see a lot of Shakespeare in Dalclan (nobility political drama with some romance). There’s how his cowl is a dearly beloved souvenir from his family too, there’s a lot of aesthetic tropes you can apply to him.
All this to say you can 100% romanticize Chilchuck into a princely noble guy if you try and that’s exactly what Marcille does with the wife roleplay. She doesn’t need much in the first place, she latches onto crumbs and makes aesthetic narratives out of details, give her an inch she’ll take a mile.
But what’s interesting about the shift throughout the arc of her and his relationship is that she starts out idealizing him into a little angel of a kid (shapeshifter), and she ends it idealizing him as a virtuous husband and family man instead.
And what’s doubly interesting is that in the former, she’s actively warping who he is personality and demeanor wise to fit the aesthetic, he doesn’t have that bitter pride of not asking for help and the edges have been smoothened. But what she does during the wife roleplay is something else, she acknowledges the flaws and just… Accepts them, rolls with them. She’s aware of his flaws and implements them into the narrative, but the reason why his wife left doesn’t capitalize on them even, rather Chil is chilblivious and his wife loves him very much still, she’s just testing him after having had a night of feeling out of place at his side.
And this is what separates the idealization vs romanticization, she’s not twisting him into someone else she’s just uplifting what he is and focusing on the good sides.
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Marcille: "he has a shitty personality sometimes but if he was my husband I’d still cherish him" "If I were your wife I’d be overjoyed to go out with you and would get myself prettied up while you complain about me taking a long time, your friends would tell me that I’m nice and that’d make me happy, but I’d also be sad because you wouldn’t tell me that you love me enough"
He’s angry and his wife left him, he’s *flawed*, but he’s still worth hyping up, still worth having his own romance story, still has a shot of winning back his beloved. She sees him for what he is, human and real and not a carefully scripted character that fits an aesthetic, and she thinks it’s still worthy of love and admiration and fighting for
And what’s funny too is that you might expect her to cool down on him once she learns more about him but actually she only gets increasingly into his business. You tell her your age and next thing you know you promise to introduce her to your family. Give her an inch she takes a mile. And too the thing is, Senshi is equally mysterious but she doesn’t pester him like at all, asks him ONCE about his succubus and he doesn’t even answer and that’s like… It. With Chilchuck it starts off innocently enough with her wanting to know his age, hometown, the stuff she mentions having asked pre-canon. But it just keeps and keeps going and escalating. Think she’ll be satisfied now knowing you have a wife and kids, maybe she’s disillusioned now? Wrong! She wants to know their names and ages and occupations and hey how did you propose to your wife? Do you think she’ll stop after meeting them? What’s next? What will she want to know next????
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She’s… Like it’s not a reach that Marcille is all over him. Like it doesn’t mean it’s romantic but she just is. She is not normal about him idk. Can you not ask him about what tongue technique he used when first kissing his wife, give the man breathing room
Marcille could literally go "if I was Chilchuck’s wife" having deeply pondered and thought out the hypothetical and people would still ask where anyone sees any romantic potential between them. Oh wait
There’s a platonic explanation for everything (almost?) in Dungeon Meshi don’t say I’m saying otherwise, but it’s definitely not like there’s nothing here to read into lol
Going off a bit more under read bc it’s my fave topic
Marcille has a whole theme with the charming prince trope with her idealization and storybook motif and Chil is kinda the "Well someone perfect like that isn’t very realistic and romance is usually more complex and that’s ok and good and flawed people can still be ✨virtuous✨" catalyst
Do you see do you see she starts canon thinking the most romantic thing is a prince charming but her arc in the end has her romanticizing an average, flawed, real and realistic family man, who’s on the poorer side and is on the verge of divorce. And that’s what he needed, too, seeing the positive of himself and the situation instead of focusing on the negative is explicitly what inspires him to hope that he might be able to reconcile with his wife, gives him the courage and self-esteem to shoot his shot.
He IS a prince figure instead that now it’s not about idealizing the grand and overt it’s about romanticizing the small things in real life!! About finding joy and beauty in things that seem normal or mundane and uplifting them to make the world feel kinder!!!!
He’s the devoted virtuous man that she wantsss not the storybook prince that’s unrealistic and could crumble like a script at any time. He’s the perfect example of a flawed realistic but virtuous & devoted & loving man. Far from a prince charming, but not fully detached from it either. Something worth fighting for despite the flawed cracks. Like literally, flawed romance being worth fighting for is literally the finale of Chilchuck and Marcille’s arc on the matter, where their separate arcs and issues intersect at the most crucial moment.
Marcille is important to Chil’s arc not only because of her optimism, but also because of her interest and knowledge in romance & matters of the heart, and that’s what he needs to both open his heart up to hope and to try to reconcile with his wife, like idk sounds gay
Their arc together is literally learning to 1) see each other for how they are and not undermining their qualities capacities etc etc while still not leaving flaws unchecked either and 2) opening up to people. Marcille LITERALLY makes Chil open his heart up to hope like idk man. What do you want from me. He’s literally the guy helping her through deconstructing novels and fantasy and rose tinted glasses and like. Deconstructing the prince charming figure into something more real but still romantically beautiful like KUI KUI STOOOOP STOP I’M ALREADY HOOKED I’M ALREADY-
 Ok fine that’s me reading into the tropes too much forgive me for being storybook brained but like. Speaking his heart out to a lone woman on a balcony, Romeo and Juliette shit, asking if she, too, doesn’t want to meet his family, madly blushing. And like she’s learned with Chilchuck it’s all in the little things, all the implications he cannot speak aloud. She does reciprocate, does blush madly back, and the first thing she does is shower him in flowers and jewelry and what in her heart is coded as romantic gifts
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A lady, stashed away in a high tower by her lonesome, waiting for someone to call out to her from below… Romeo courting type shit with an offer, a heartfelt spiel, implicit confession from underneath her balcony. Offering him flowers because he succeeded in calling out to her heart…….. And they have to climb to her too…. Crazy
Doesn’t it sound like a proposal. One that’s both so storybook-like and not, contrastedly real and grounded, all about the implications rather than in your face grand gestures, "Don’t you want to meet my family?". They literally have an arc about the topic of romance and this is the climax/pinnacle of it like god?? This is @ the woman who said "Chilchuck is a shy/bashful man so I know he wouldn’t tell me he loves me, but…" btw
And the way that this is the culmination of their arc together… Like people are not ready for the ‘Chil calling out to dunlord Marcille on the balcony has Romeo and Juliette romance novels imagery’ take. Or the ‘their arc is about growing to see beauty even in the non-idealized, in the flawed and in the real’ take which makes it so so perfect if she were to lower her ideal from a charming elven prince to a virtuous halfling man (which she does end up romanticizing)
So there, you got to witness in real time what happens when I think about marchil for longer than 2 minutes, there are so many layers it’s a deranged rabbithole. I saw the necronomicon of subtext and it’s driving me to madness with forbidden knowledge that no one else sees
……. Like what if I told you she implicitly picked Chilchuck over a "unrealistic prince charming who’s actually disingenuous" much earlier in the story already. If she was given the choice to think through going with a guy that seems perfect and chivalrous like her succubus she’d pick Chilchuck over the other actually. If I sound insane rn tune in for my full analysis on them coming this month hopefully thank youu. Interwoven arcs of fantasy vs reality and idealization vs pessimism I love youuu
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So now you know the general thesis of my planned analysis about the importance of the prince charming figure in Marcille and Chilchuck’s arc, where she romanticizes things to a sometimes worrying degree or idealize people into something easy and digestible and poetic (like Chil being a kid, and then him being a virtuous ✨✨✨husband), and how she needs to value aesthetics less and actual acts and facts more, be more grounded (like seeing people for what they are flaws and all, and accepting that people need money and not pulling through on principles of honor or unity shouldn’t get Namari shamed) and a part of that is accepting that Chilchuck is BOTH flawed and virtuous, a loving husband that still has shitty moods and fumbled his marriage so bad etc etc. So it’s like, her image of perfect prince charming that will whisk you away on an ethereal romance -> realistic flawed middle aged dad with personality issues and a failing marriage but he still is worthy of love and having his cute grand romance story and his happy ending. Ik I keep repeating the same point through this but I need it to be burned into everyone’s brains it has its grip on me I can’t do this. They are so special……
#Someone did ask (on discord) btw i’m not just being a smartass though I do love being that too#This is stuff I cover in my upcoming marcille & chil arc analysis except here I can go full romo and don’t keep the strictly platonic angle#It’s at like 15k words rn I think. The 30 pics limit is killing me which is why I started asking my friend to do collages of panels for me#Sob#I keep alternating between it and the Falin analysis save me. Should be dropping soon idk i might test out having a beta reader for that on#Marchil foreplay is 2 years of being coworkers and slowly worming personal questions out of him until he blinks and she has#a key to his house#Dungeon meshi#marchil#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#like they’re so so funny look at this shit. Nonconsensual romanticizing of you as a person. Obsessive interest in your personal life#She’s latched so hard onto the “mystery” of him they’re deranged#MAYBE ITS ALL COMPROMISES MAYBE ITS ALL SWEET INBETWEENS <3#maybe we'll take our vision of what we thought we could be and make something new together. something for just us#Fumi rambles#Maaan Marcille’s ‘idealizing him into liking him even for all his flaws bc his personality is often kinda shitty’ arc’#and Chilchuck’s ‘prejudice against elves and mages and optimism into respect and trust’ arc are everything to me#Meta#Spoilers#Dungeon meshi manga spoilers#Tagged this so late oops#It’s so funny. She’s canonically wondered how Chil would be like as a lover#No no but like do u see. Fantasy is a key part of her chrcter and arc and he’s the foil to that he’s the thing that comes challenge it
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milling-around · 2 months
The Bad Batch Finale and Joel Aron’s cryptic tweet
Okay so Joel Aron, Director of Cinematography Lighting & VFX at Lucasfilm, tweeted this:
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Initially, I thought that this was going to be the runtime of S3E15 The Cavalry Has Arrived. This episode being longer would make sense as it’s the finale of the show and it’s close in length to S1E1 Aftermath. However, I saw a screenshot floating around the other day that says the runtime of the final episode “spans 24 to 25 minutes”.
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If this episode is the typical length then this timestamp must be referring to a different piece of media. The question is, what media? In an effort to determine what could happen in the finale, I went to that point in the films to see what I would find. None of them strike as much fear in me as what’s happening in A New Hope.
The Phantom Menace - Anakin has just won the pod race and they are celebrating his victory.
Attack of the Clones - Jango Fett and Boba Fett have just attacked Obi-Wan with seismic charges.
Revenge of the Sith - Anakin is looking out over Coruscant from the Jedi Council room. He has just revealed to Mace Windu that Palpatine is a Sith.
A New Hope - Before leaving to disable the tractor beam on the Death Star, Obi-Wan delivers a line which may foreshadow what’s to come in The Bad Batch.
Empire Strikes Back - Luke is trying to lift the ship out of the swamp on Dagobah.
Return of the Jedi - Luke, Han, and Chewbacca, along with the droids, are captured by the Ewoks.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin and Ahsoka are heading towards Tatooine to deliver Jabba’s son back to him.
At 01:09:56:01 in A New Hope, or as close to it as I could get (Disney+ sucks) this is what we see:
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Sorry it’s a photo of my computer, I don’t know how y’all take screenshots of Disney+.
“Your destiny lies along a different path from mine.”
Many people have been theorising that the show could end with the Batch and Omega surviving but being separated, either by choice or by circumstance. This line from A New Hope, as well as the fact that Omega’s voice actor, Michelle Ang, has described the ending as “bittersweet”, definitely make that a solid theory.
Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree though. There’s also speculation about whether Omega is force sensitive, so maybe Luke using the force in Empire Strikes Back is the real clue. Despite Ventress not believing Omega to have a high m-count, and her not being one of Hemlock’s designated m-count specimens, we have seen characters with a low m-count who were capable of wielding the force. Sabine Wren, for example.
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Still, Omega being force sensitive doesn’t prevent the theory that she gets separated from the Batch from being true. It could actually be a reason for that separation because she may pursue training or decide that her proximity to the Batch endangers them.
But wait, there’s more!
At this timestamp in S1E1 Aftermath, Omega is on the Marauder with the Bad Batch (minus Crosshair) and they’re setting off on what will be her first big adventure. Omega’s Theme is playing and she’s gazing out at space with child-like wonder. While they’ve just parted ways with Crosshair, the overall feeling in this scene is hopeful.
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If the tweet is referring to this episode, it could mean that we get a wholesome Bad Batch family moment. Whether Tech is there or not may rely on CX-2 being unmasked. Perhaps it’s bittersweet because Tech truly is dead or because he’s alive but they cannot save him from the Empire. Or maybe it’s bittersweet for a whole host of other reasons.
Honourable mention
@kiffobaby also looked into what is happening at this timestamp if you combine the runtimes (including credits) of all episodes in clone relevant story arcs and didn’t really find anything of note. If credits were removed then it would put at us a different point in the arc, however it’s unlikely that we’d be looking for a timestamp in an arcs combined duration anyway.
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If you’ve read this far, I love you and don’t worry, we’re almost done.
Secret 16th episode?
Seasons 1 and 2 each had 16 episodes which leads me to speculate that this timestamp could actually be the runtime of the final episode, a secret 16th episode.
Is it likely? No. Can I dream? Yes.
159 notes · View notes
whxre-bxby · 1 year
“This Is What You Came For”
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Based on the scene where Tuk, Lo’ak and Tsireya are being held at gunpoint by Quaritch and his squad. Miles tells Jake to hand himself in otherwise he’ll shoot Lo’ak. Imagine you are Jake. 
Recom soldiers (Quaritch/Lyle/Mansk/Prager/Ja/Lopez/Brown/Fike) x recom-Y/N
WARNINGS: SMUT, Angst, Hurt/comfort, non-con (sorry i love it), gangbang, voyeurism
9117 words
I have a big story to tell. My past is long and changed significantly once I arrived on Pandora as a marine soldier. 
I was originally meant to work under the command of Colonel Quaritch but when Jake Sully arrived, I was given the task to help him get used to Pandora. I had my own Avatar already. Before Jake came, I would provide protection for Grace and her team every time we went into the forest to get samples of new botanical species. Lyle would often join us, but he didn’t have an Avatar. 
The day Jake got lost was the same day I left at night to go find him. He was my assignment and I would be screwed if I didn’t find him alive. So while wandering the forest alone, obviously fully armed with guns and knives, I encountered real Na’vi. They were on horseback and brought me to Hometree, to decide whether to execute me. It surprised me because I expected to be dead on the spot but then luckily Jake said he knew me and persuaded Neytiri to persuade her parents not to have me executed. 
I was young at that point in life. But time went by quickly. 
Once problems started to rise I had to make a decision and I chose to turn on my own kind and help Jake save Pandora. 
I fought by his side and we won the battle. But at the time, we didn’t know it would only be the first of many. 
Just like Jake, the clan and Eywa transferred my consciousness from my human body to my Na’vi Avatar.
Now, Jake and I were close friends. I was the aunt to his and Neytiri’s kids and we recently left the forest because the Sky People were back. We travelled to the coastlines and were accepted into a new clan. 
Now, the fight had been going on for a while and Jake was badly injured. Neytiri had retrieved him on her Ikran and flown him to safety because she knew that Quaritch was going after him. Quaritch was hunting Jake Sully, and me, Y/N L/N. 
I rode next to Ronal and Tonowari on my ilu to free Lo’ak, Tuk, and Tsireya. We stopped and I raised my sniper gun, checking to see whether it was safe to shoot one of the other recom’s from here. Suddenly, I heard Quaritch. 
“Y/N, tell your friends to stand down.” he says with a pause. I gasp and I feel my heart sink. He has the kids cuffed and at gunpoint. Half of me wants to go there with the warriors behind me and kill every single soldier, but I know better than to act on emotions. I’m afraid of what will happen if I don’t listen…
“You want your kids back?” he asks, knowing the damn answer. “Come out alone.” Quaritch orders. I tense, my ears tipped back. Of course, just like I remembered him. Nothing seemed to change about the Colonel other than his body. I noticed Z-Dog and Lyle on either side of him. I knew they all despised me. But I used to have quite a close relationship with Zdinarsk and Lyle and I were friendly. I guess that gave them more of a reason to hate me. That I chose this planet over everything I had with them. 
“You know better than to test my result.” the Colonel warns, pointing his gun at the back of Lo’ak’s head. My heart is racing. 
I snarl, cursing myself and putting my sniper gun down, knowing it won’t help me now. He kept on talking. 
“I took you under my wing, Y/N. You betrayed me. You killed your own good men, good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid.” the Colonel snarls. 
I lean my hand in front of me, taking deep breaths to think about my next move. I know I need to listen to him. 
I glanced at Ronal and Tonorwari who were both furious about the recoms taking Tsireya. Then I looked behind me and scanned all the warriors who had joined us. We were enough people to take down the ship, but we couldn’t endanger the kids’ lives. 
My ears droop to the sides and I let my head hang before telling Ronal and Tonowari to stay here and keep the clan away. 
Tonwori warns me that they are killers of Tulkun and that they need to die here and today. I nod, agreeing with him. 
“They came here for me… for me and Jake. That’s what this whole thing is about…” I tell them and Ronal snarls in general anger and frustration. 
“You brought this upon us! You!” she says in a harsh tone and I flinch a little, but I completely understand her anger. 
“Then it’s me who has to do this…” I say and Tonowari gives me a firm nod before signalling to his warriors to stand down. I take a deep breath, looking back at the ship. 
“Offer’s fixin’ to expire…” Quaritch warns me. “What’s it gonna be?” 
My worried gaze turns into a glare. “Check your fire. I’m coming out.” I say, moving my gun back around my shoulder and moving forwards on my ilu.
Neytiri is circling the sky on her Ikran, watching the scene play out. She presses her neck and asks me what’s happening. 
I sigh, feeling my gut wrench and stomach drop. Honestly, I feel a little sick. But I can’t tell her what I’m doing. I don’t have the heart to tell Neytiri. She helped me so much in the past years, I owed it to her to give my life for her children. 
My ilu and I leave the warriors behind us and we dive under the water's surface. 
I see one of the Tulkun nearby and it seems to acknowledge me. It was the outsider. The one that Lo’ak had befriended. I believed his story and he showed me the bond they had. I disconnected my queue from my beloved ilu, patting its neck as a goodbye before swimming towards the Tulkun. 
If they want me to come to them I might as well make my entrance impressive. 
The Tulkun lets me close to it and I hold on to its fin as he pulls me through the water. I look behind me to see the bottom of the clan’s animals and my loyal ilu waiting for me to return. It breaks my heart, leaving it behind, but it was the right thing to do. 
We neared the ship and I moved on to the Tulkun’s back, and hold on to one of the horn-like shapes it has on its head. It swims up to the water's surface and soon, we slowly glide out of the water and in front of the ship. 
Immediately everyone onboard shuffles around and all weapons are pointed at me. I stay, kneeling on its back as it brings me to the side so I can comfortably step on board. I glide my hand over its skin and thank the Tulkun before standing upright and for the first time, I set foot onto the ship. 
I locked eyes with the Colonel, examining him and his team. Their guns remained pointed at me and followed my steps. I stopped, standing in front of them with nothing in my hands. The water was dripping from my body and hair, creating small puddles beneath my feet. 
I shifted my gaze to the kids. They all looked worried but Tsireya and Tuk seemed a little relieved that an adult on their side was with them. On the other hand, Lo’ak looked upset. I saw him shaking his head at me before, he must not want me to give up my life. But I owe it to all of them. I owe it to Jake for helping me escape, I owe it to Neytiri for taking care of me, to the kids who have always been so lovely over the years and to Eywa. I saved Ewya once, but I also brought this upon her. I needed to make it right. 
Quaritch firmly nodded, pressing his lips into a straight line and turning to face me while still pointing his gun at Lo’ak. That angered me. 
“Slowly remove your weapon.” he ordered me and my ears tipped back, showing him clear signs of discomfort. I was about to rid my protection. 
I listened, slowly pulling the strap over my head and arm, holding my gun in my hand before gently throwing it to the side. 
A recom soldier kicked it out of my reach and I glared at him before looking back at Miles. 
“Let them go.” I snarled and he glared back. With some hesitation, he lowered his weapon and signalled something to his soldiers. To my relief, they started opening the handcuffs of the children but still held them by the arms. 
I stood firmly on the ground, my tail flicking around in irritation. I felt protective over them. They needed to return to Neytiri safe and unharmed. 
“Let ‘em go.” The Colonel ordered, harshly pushing Lo’ak away from himself and towards me. Lo’ak glanced around and grabbed Tsireya’s hand before warily walking to me. Tuk couldn’t wait anymore. She was terrified of the soldiers so she sprinted to me and hugged my lower waist, hiding her face in my hip. I leaned down, cradling her body and holding her close to me. My hand stroked her head to try and comfort her in any way possible. 
“Shh Tuk. It’s all okay now. You can go home.” I say in a soft voice, forgetting about all the danger around us for a second. Lo’ak comes around my other side and hugs me too. I hold them all for a few seconds as if we were one family and when Tuk lifts her head, I wipe her tears. 
“Don’t cry Tuk. You are safe now.” I force a smile and press her forehead to mine. That was something that always helped calm her down when she was a baby. It seemed to still work. 
In the next few seconds, I heard the cry of an Ikran and the flap of its wings behind me. I looked up and all soldiers had changed their aim from me to something behind me. 
I just smiled in relief, knowing who it was. 
I turned around and Neytiri had gotten off her Ikran and stood behind me, but luckily she wasn’t pointing weapons at the enemy. 
“Don’t shoot.” I shout, wanting them to know she was here for her children. 
Tuk gasped and ran to her mother and Lo’ak quickly joined her. Tsireya followed Lo’ak. 
I want to walk to Neytiri too but I hear a shout behind me. 
“You take one more step Y/L/N and I open fire.” The Colonel warns. “You’re stayin’ here.” 
I freeze in my step and look over my shoulder to let him know I heard him before turning back to Neytiri. She had put Tuk on her Ikran already and Lo’ak and Tsireya got onto the Tulkun that brought me here. 
Neytiri and I exchanged eye contact and as much as she hated that I was part of the reason this was happening, her gaze softened. She knew what I was doing and it saddened her. She also took to heart that I put her children's lives over my own and gave me a sad smile. 
“I thank you Y/N…” she said in Na’vi. 
I nod, smiling and bowing my head a little. 
“You proved yourself to the Great Mother. It will not be forgotten.”
Her words make me feel proud and I thank her. She walks over to me, in slow strides, her eyes not leaving mine. Now I could see how saddened she was.
Her eyes are just as teared up as mine are.
She pressed her own forehead against mine and thanked me again, for helping her children. Then, she returned to her Ikran, looking at me one last time before taking off. Lo’ak and Tsierya were ordered by her to go, and I waved at Lo’ak slowly. He returned the gesture, also visibly sad and they dived under the water. 
I stared at the open ocean for a few moments before taking a deep breath and turning back to face the Colonel. 
I couldn’t read his expression but it had changed. Maybe seeing me with children had some kind of impact on him. After all, I knew he more or less thought of himself as Spider’s dad. 
Then he signalled something and most weapons were put down. I heard a few chuckles from the soldiers around me who had now encircled me and blocked my exit. They were recoms. The humans didn’t dare get so close. I hiss at one that’s too close for my liking but he just smirks, not moving back. 
“This is going to be fun.” the Colonel says, evilly smirking at me before turning around and leading the way. Almost instantly, a gun is pointed at my head and I am pushed forward, being told to follow him. 
I let out a shaky breath but oblige. At least I wasn’t being held down. 
We entered a large hall which looked like an empty car storage area inside the ship. There was a light in the middle of the ceiling that didn’t reach the dark corners. I sigh. This was probably the last room I was going to see in my life. 
I knew whatever they had planned wasn’t going to go well for me. Then again, I was surprised I was still alive now. Maybe they wanted me for questioning first. 
I heard a few footsteps behind me stop walking and then I heard a voice sternly say, “No humans allowed.”.
There was complaining coming from the humans on board and then the large doors started automatically closing. 
All daylight was now gone and everything seemed dimmer. I was urged to walk to the centre of the room so that I more or less stood beneath the light. 
The soldiers stopped around me, creating a type of wide circle to make sure I couldn’t escape. I assumed the doors were all locked anyway, so I wouldn’t test my luck. 
“Zdinarsk, Warren, go to the deck and help Walker and Zhang.” the Colonel said and they nodded before walking off. I watched Zdinarsk and our eyes met but she left anyway without saying a word. I wasn’t surprised. 
I slowly turn around, scanning everyone. Just to see what I was dealing with. Most of them looked the same, everyone wearing similar attire but something small would always differentiate them. 
Surrounding Y/N stood Prager, Mansk, Fike, Ja(Alexander), Brown, Lopez, Wainfleet, and the Colonel. Their weapons were no longer pointed at her but they still held them firmly, in case she were to try something.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions and you will answer them.” the Colonel says, stepping forward a little and resting his hands on his vest. I turn to face him and glare again. 
What makes him think I’m going to willingly snitch on my family?
“If you refuse, then you won’t look as pretty by the time we’re done.” Quaritch adds, and a bald soldier and a soldier wearing his cap backwards flash metal rods and another soldier cracks his knuckles behind me. I’ve seen them use those on other clans. They shock and electrocute them. 
I recognize Lyle and Brown. 
I frown at his words. He would always somehow manage to catch me off guard. 
When I look back at him, he takes it as an answer to my understanding of the terms and conditions. 
“How does it feel to betray your own kind, Y/N? Your own people.” he snarls and I scoff. As long as I answer I should be fine. What I say is up to me.
“Great.” I reply, staring him dead in the eye. He raises an eyebrow before nodding at Lyle. He steps forward and I feel a cold metal come in contact with my thigh before my whole body is tensed and I flinch at the shock waves running through me. 
I yelp and quickly step away from him, my hand covering where he electrocuted me. I stared at him in shock. He didn’t even hesitate. After years of us knowing each other and that man mindlessly hurt me. 
“Ah! Fuck- ‘in hell…You idiot- I answered the question!” I swear, not understanding why he did that. 
My reaction amused the soldiers. 
“Doesn’t seem to be going that well for you.” Quaritch teases and I look back at him, my eyes furious. God, I hated him. A few men chuckle and I twirl my tail around my leg. Being in the spotlight like this made me uncomfortable. 
“Who’s here with you that we know?” the Colonel asks and my ears flick away a drop of water that fell from my hair. 
I hesitate, not wanting to expose them. But then again, it wasn’t such a secret since they were watching the others leave Pandora after we had won. I hear the shock rod go off close to me as a warning and I jumped before opening my mouth to say something. 
“Most of the science team…” I say, a bit quieter now. He doesn’t say anything and just keeps looking at me. I take it as a hint to elaborate. 
“Dr. Norm Spellman, Max Patel, John, Lily, …” 
“What about Augustine?” Quaritch asks and my frown turns into a blank expression. I stare at him in slight disbelief, trying to find out whether he was serious or not. 
My silence seems to make him uncomfortable. So he signals his soldier to shock me but I answer before he can. 
“You killed Grace…” I snarl at him, the memory paining me. He doesn’t seem upset but he definitely wasn’t expecting to hear that. 
“You shot her… in her stomach.” 
He looked away, not saying anything. 
“But the Great Mother accepted her. Her soul is with Eywa now.” I softly say. He looks back. I can tell not a single person in this room still fully understood the power of Eywa. 
“Grace helped Pandora, unlike you. Eywa will have no mercy on you.”
After what was probably a minute of silence, he continued questioning me. 
“Where’s Sully?” he asks. I decide to irritate him just a little more. 
“Which one?” I reply, smirking. I knew I wouldn’t get shocked because I answered and played it off as an innocent question. 
His ears tipped back and he caught on to my attitude. 
“Answer.” Quaritch demanded. 
“I don’t know.” I say and suddenly I feel the same pain and shock shoot through my body. But this time, it comes from my hip. 
I whine, bending forward and resting one arm on my knee while I regain my breath. I throw Brown a dirty look before returning my gaze to Quaritch. 
“He’s injured. I don’t know where they took him. He could be anywhere.” 
“I feel like you would know where.” the Colonel replies, taking an intimidating step forward. I stand my ground. 
“No.” I simply say and suddenly I feel both rods on my ribs and shock waves hit me again. My knees give out and I’m kneeling on the floor, one arm hugging my waist while the other holds me up.
Quaritch stares me down before sighing and shaking his head. 
“You know Y/N, I used to think of you as my best soldier.” he says and my ears perk up. 
“You were everything you needed to be. I was hoping you’d become Colonel one day too.”  
He was playing mind games with me. I wasn’t going to fall for it. I got off my knees and stood in front of him again. 
“I don’t know why you decided to run off with Sully. But I can see it changed you.” he locks eyes with me again and he looks angry. 
“I didn’t think it would be possible, but turns out you really did become Na’vi, huh?” he continues, almost mocking me. 
“You live with them, talk like them…Hell, look at you. Ya even dress like ‘em.” he growls and I look down at my body. I wore typical female Na’vi clothing. A top which I used to think barely covered my chest and a loincloth. 
I heard some shuffling around me and then Quaritch smirked. 
“Definitely not complainin’.”
The soldiers around me chuckle darkly. I used to be one of them and now they think they can treat me like a minority.
That’s it. He crossed the line. I know exactly what that meant and it was completely unnecessary. 
“Asshole.” I snarl and his eyes widen at my comment. 
“I see you kept your spirit at least.” he grins. “Guess it won’t be as easy to break ya.” 
I huff and he watches me for a while before asking away again. 
“Who do you have the kids with? Sully?” he asks and I look at him confused. Did he not know they were Jake’s and Neytiri’s?
“What kids?” I ask and Lyle takes a step forward but I move out of his way when he tries to touch me with the metal stick again. 
“They aren’t mine.” 
“I’m meant to believe that?” he asks me and scoffs. I’m getting really frustrated here. 
“They’re Neytiri’s… and Jake’s.” I say, knowing they are safe so it won’t matter if I tell them. 
“You don’t have kids? Ya didn’t settle down like Sully?” he asks and I glare at him again. But I know I have to answer so I shake my head ‘no’. 
“Why’d ya give yourself up for them then?” he asks, genuinely. 
“Because they don’t deserve to die. They saw me as one of them.” I coldly replied, still angry about how they were treated. “I on the other hand came here with the intention to kill for our kind. People like that don’t deserve a good life.” 
A few moments of silence.
Quaritch claps his hands together and smirks. “Well then, that’ll just make this even better.” 
I stare at him trying to figure out what he means but I snap out of it when I see Lyle move out of the corner of my eye and I move away again. He huffs out in annoyance. 
“Cut it out, I swear to god.” I say, having enough of this bullshit. But Lyle and Brown both attempt to shock me again this time. I turn around, facing them now and hiss. It just seems to annoy Lyle even more and the next time he tries to hit me with the rod I lose it. 
“That’s it, you fuckin-” I start swearing, grabbing the rod where he’s holding it and kneeing him in the stomach. He lets go, groaning and bending forwards. I immediately upper-punch him in the face and he stumbles back. Behind me, Brown attempts to restrain my arms but I elbow him in the chest, knocking the air out of him and he lets go, taking a few steps back. 
I want to turn around to face Quaritch but now Prager and Ja have dropped their weapons and run forward to try to contain me. 
They seemed to forget that I used to be a marine too. 
Prager wraps his arms around my waist, holding my arms down. I kick myself off the ground in a launch-mode position and then kick Ja in the face, sending him to the ground. When I land on my feet, I lean down, keeping the motion and Prager is more or less thrown over me. 
He lets go and then I see Lyle standing and coming for me again. I just throw myself on him and tackle him to the ground. Lyle manages to hit me in the face but it doesn’t phase me. He rolls us over and tries pinning my arms down but I knee him between the legs and he gives out much easier than expected. 
I roll him around and am now straddling his waist, delivering punch after punch to his face. 
Before I know it, someone grabs both my arms and my braid, pulling me off of Lyle and hurling me to my feet. I struggle and try to set myself free from their grip but I can’t. I’m held tightly in place and pulled against this soldier's body, with my back pressing against his chest. The tight grip on my braid pains me. 
I look up and notice it's Mansk. He removed his glasses and looked pissed off. That was unlike him. Rarely things got to him, he would usually have a neutral stern face with occasional smiles. 
This was new. But maybe, I was the problem. Not like I cared if I annoyed him. Nothing could compare to the hell these meathead idiots put me through. 
Lyle and Brown are helped up and all eyes are back on me. My chest is heaving slightly more than before and I feel the blood running down from my nose. 
Quaritch doesn’t even seem angry. He actually looks impressed. The soldiers that didn’t join like Fike and Lopez are waiting for orders and seem to be expecting a horrible reaction from the Colonel. The soldiers that I did hit on the other hand… those fuckers are out for blood. I mean every single one of them looks at me like they want to kill me. Lyle included. The once goofy dumbass I would work with has his eyes filled with fury. 
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is how I go down. This could very well be how I die. 
“What? Did you forget I used to be like you?” I snicker, not being able to hold back a small grin. I took down most of them. I was impressed with myself. Damn. Jake would be impressed too. 
Quaritch smirked. I amused him. “Don’t think you’re gettin’ the princess treatment now.” he said. I wasn’t expecting it. Usually, fighting others in combat would earn someone more respect. That didn’t work in this case. 
“Anyway…” Quaritch started again, starting to slowly walk around Mansk and me while the other soldiers watched him. As if they were waiting for permission to kill me and finish me off. “Since you’re ours now and we can do with you as we please…”
My eyes shoot to him and my ears perk up. His words confuse me but they have caught my attention. 
“And you’re Na’vi now so you understand your body… you can help us out.” Quaritch states, stopping and facing me again. His hands are still holding onto the top of his vest. 
My ears tip back when I hear him ask for my help. The last thing I would do is willingly help them. He scoffs at my reaction and Mansk rearranges his grip on my body, making sure to keep it tight. 
“We noticed we get, frustrated, more easily…” Quaritch spoke, pretending as if it were nothing. “And you just happened to trigger that reaction again.” 
I huff, glaring at him again. My body tenses and I try to push myself away from Mansk who just tugs me back into him. 
“How do we contain or… solve that problem, Y/N?” Quaritch asks, taking a step towards me. His tall and built form is almost towering over my slightly smaller frame. I was never small but I never reached their height either. 
My eyes widen and I gulp. Surely he doesn’t mean what I think he does. If they are going through their heat, or rut actually, then only finding a mate and forming tsaheylu can solve that as far as I know. And if that is the case here, I need to leave right now. The last thing I need is to be spiritually connected to these monsters through Eywa. She would probably banish me along with them.
He takes note of my reaction. “I can tell that you know the answer. Why don’t you open your pretty lil’ mouth and share it with us?” Quaritch mocks me and I notice how it spikes everyone's interest. It makes me feel more nervous than angry, to be honest. Nervous and even a little frightened because I don’t know what is to come. 
I myself was nearing my heat cycle, so my pheromones could be stronger but I shouldn’t be due for the next week or two at least. I wasn’t feeling the symptoms either so I should be fine. 
“No? You want to keep it to yourself? Alright then. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, sweetheart.” He says, turning away and walking to a chair. He picks it up, bringing it to the circle and sitting on it the wrong way. 
“There’s one rule, squad. You listen to everything I say. If you don’t, you’re out and I’ll deal with you personally.” Quaritch threatened, scanning over his unit. A few soldiers nod while others just look between him and me. 
I notice Mansk has tightened his grip on me and is almost hugging me from behind. If you could call his tight, bruising grip a hug. 
“Understood?” Quaritch asks, wanting to make himself clear. Everyone responds with ‘yes sir.’ and the Colonel nods. 
“Alright then. Deal with her.” he snarls and I hear a few dark chuckles and growls around the room. They seemed to know what to do while I was confused.
Mansk grins behind me and harshly pushes me forwards, almost making me stumble. I yelp and stop before I can get closer to the other soldiers but some of them are already making their way to me, their grins and smirks making me feel small. Almost instantly, multiple hands are on me and suddenly, my knee is kicked in. I whine as my legs give out and I fall to my knees while being pushed down. I feel two hands wrap around my queue and some push down my back, so I’m struggling to keep myself up on all fours. My hands are pulled from beneath me and arranged in front of me and I feel someone lift my waist. 
I protest, curses and swear words spilling from my lips but they don’t faze anyone. I also continue to fight against their grip, hoping to make this as difficult for them as possible. 
Quickly looking around me I notice some soldiers stood standing and watching. Around me, I recognize Mansk, Lyle, Lopez, and Fike.
“Come back here, hot stuff.”  Mansk was behind me, pulling me back by my waist and hips when I tried to crawl away. Lyle was on my side and I assumed his hands were around my queue. Lopez and Fike were holding me down by pushing my back and grabbing my arms. Mansk had wrapped his arm around my tail, holding me in place. 
“Stop fuckin’ movin’.” I heard Mansk growl and my eyes widened in shock when I felt my stomach erupt in excitement and realised my body was positively reacting to their handling. 
Within the next few seconds, someone delivered a harsh slap to my ass and I cried out, arching my back in pain before dropping my head and trying to hide my embarrassed face. 
Lyle chuckled at my reaction, moving to sit in front of me now. He picked up my face into his hand, forcing me to look up at him. I closed my eyes, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“Look at you turning all red, buttercup.” he cooed, and it felt like he was making fun of me. “This ain’t how I remember you.” 
I open my eyes and glare up at him while he just grins. 
Fike’s hands are on the waistband of my loincloth and he looks back to the Colonel for permission. 
“Take it off.” Quaritch orders and the soldier's snicker in response. My eyes shoot wide open when I hear the words and I struggle again. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, I will-” I start threatening but within seconds I feel someone quite literally rip the cloth from my waist. I scream in shock and in pain because the fingers that removed it scratched my skin. I pull my head away from Lyle’s grip. 
His focus seems to have been distracted from my face and shifted to my bare waist. He could only watch his colleague's reactions to imagine what you looked like. Based on their groans and curses, he couldn’t wait to have his turn. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” Mansk groaned, resting his hand on my bare hip and Lopez laughed. 
“Christmas came early.” Fike jokes and I hide my face in my arm again. 
Some soldiers standing around came behind Mansk to see and I tried blocking their laughs and jokes out. 
“Show me.” Lyle ordered, becoming visibly impatient. His hand still held my braid while the other pulled me around by my waist. He leaned over to see what I looked like and when he cursed too I wanted to cry. The embarrassment was overwhelming. I’d never had this much unwanted attention and I didn’t know how to deal with it. 
“You better hurry the fuck up. I’m next.” Lyle grinned, looking at Mansk who pulled my hips back to him. I closed my legs and managed to cover myself with my now free tail but it earned me another harsh slap to my other ass cheek. 
“Don’t hide baby. It won’t help you.” I heard Quaritch say and my cheeks heated up even more. I forgot he was still there and he was probably watching the whole thing. The superior I used to look up to was watching and commanding his men to use me. 
My tail was snatched away by Mansk again and Lopez untied the knot I made on my back, holding my chest piece in place. It fell open and I clenched my jaw together, tensing all my muscles. It was pulled over my head and I watched as someone threw it to the side. I was completely naked now. In front of 8 men. 
Hands were feeling up and down my body, squeezing and caressing my bare, burning skin. 
Lyle was back in front of me now, hand holding my face. I didn’t even fight his grip anymore, I just let him hold my head up. 
My teary eyes and flushed face seemed to turn him on even more. 
“You look so pretty, baby. Don’t worry, you’re gonna get what you want.” He cooed and I managed to gather the strength and snarl at him. He knew damn well this is not what I asked for. 
I heard someone unbuckle their belt and shuffle behind me. Before long, my hips were pulled flush against someone else’s bare abdomen. I gasped, looking behind me and whining. I hated how the excitement in my stomach turned into the wetness that was gathering by my core. It wasn’t fair. I needed to stay strong. I wanted to prove to them that I was still strong and could resist as long as I wanted to. But the truth was, my opposing and rebellious thoughts were fading and being replaced with feelings I was denying for way too long. 
Mansk grinded himself against me, feeling my slick on himself. 
“Shit- looks like you’re enjoying this.” he snarled and I shook my head no, my ears strained back. But I was lying to myself at this point.
“Not yet.” Quaritch said and Mansk stopped. “Prep her first.” 
Mansk pulled away and suddenly, someone pushed two fingers into me and I bit down on my lip. 
Lyle was watching my reactions, falling silent and looking almost mesmerised. His ears were pointed forwards, trying to pick up all and any noises I made. Even just your heavy breathing had him feeling fired up.
The fingers inside me started moving and I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip, fighting the urge to just submit and let them use me. I whine again through clenched teeth and hear how Lyle sighs. 
Luckily it stops before I can fall apart and the fingers which belong to Lopez are removed. 
“Fuck, look at how wet she is.” he says, spreading the slick over my hot skin. 
That’s when I know that I can’t hide it anymore. Hot tears start spilling down my face in embarrassment and I become aware of the fact that I am screwed. My pride is gone. 
“Aw, don’t cry, buttercup. We’ll make you feel good.” Lyle teases me, running a thumb over my cheek and wiping away a few tears. 
“No.” I whimper, trying in one last attempt to keep up my rebellious act but then I feel Mansk line himself up with me and then it’s all over. 
One of his hands is on my tail while the other then tightly grips my waist and with one strong thrust, he’s inside me. I gasp at the stretch and the foreign feeling of intrusion. He mutters a curse under his breath, stilling for a moment. 
“Shit- so tight. I’m only half in.” he says, his tone a little quieter now and a few soldiers laugh. My wide eyes meet Lyle’s when he says only half and Lyle laughs too. 
“Don’t worry, baby. You can take it.” he says, and surprisingly his now softer voice comforts me. He rubs his thumb over my cheek again while Mansk pulls out and with his next thrusts, he pushes even deeper into me. A whimper and a sob leave my lips, but the noises seem to spur him on. He’s getting a reaction from me and that’s what he needs. 
Soon, he’s thrusting in and out of me and it starts feeling good. His heavy breathing and grunting have my stomach erupting in sick butterflies and then he hits a spot inside me that shoots pleasure through me. My tensed figure suddenly relaxes and I involuntarily arch my back and moan. 
The soldier’s heads shoot to me and Lyle looks surprised but the filthy noise makes his grin return. 
“Look at you, taking it like a good slut.” he says and lightly slaps my cheek. It doesn’t even hurt, it just stings a little and manages to keep my head in reality. 
Mansk speeds up his pace, pulling me back against him every time he thrusts forward. I feel another pair of hands move up and down my arched back while the others grope my breasts and play with my nipples. 
Lyle grips my jaw again and takes advantage of my parted lips. He pushes his thumb past them and into my hot mouth. My jaw drops open a bit more and our eyes meet. My half-lidded eyes find his intrigued gaze and I watch his eyes widen as I swirl my tongue around his finger. 
“Shit.” he whispers, unable to stop watching me suck his thumb. Mansk speeds up even more and I moan around Lyle’s finger. 
Hastily, he removes it from my mouth and his hands fly to his belt. I watch as he opens everything, pulling his cammies down his waist swiftly. His toned abdomen, his v-line, toned thighs and huge dick make me moan again. 
Lyle can’t wait any longer and pulls my head to his length, wrapping his fingers around my braid again. 
Without any fucking hesitation, I stick my tongue out and sloppily lick a long stripe from his base to his tip. I keep my eyes trained on his face and watch how his lips are white from how hard he’s biting down on them. 
Next, I open my mouth and wrap my lips around his head. He moans and I notice his body shudder. 
Mansk is relentlessly fucking into me and I feel myself get close too. He keeps hitting the same spot inside me and I moan around Lyle. 
In the next few seconds, my legs shake and I clench around Mansk who curses again and rides out my orgasm. My eyes roll to the back of my head and then his hips still with his cock deep inside me. Mansk releases his load, leaning forward and hugging my waist to keep me close to him. My quivering legs slowly slide out from beneath me but Mansk gets up and pulls me back up by my waist. He pulls out with a sigh and Lyle removes himself from my lips. 
“My fucking turn.” Lyle announces, getting up and taking Mansk’s position. Mansk moves to the side, regaining his breath before getting dressed. 
Fike had been jerking off to my sounds and watched how I was being fucked. He finished just before I did and was now getting dressed with Mansk. They both got up, grinning at each other before taking their previous spots and holding their weapons. 
Lyle doesn’t need to wait, he just immediately pushes himself deep into me and starts to fuck me. I moan, trying to crawl away because I’m still so sensitive but he just tugs me back and tightens his grip. Lopez is now in front of me and his pants open too. My vision is a little blurry now, but maybe it’s just my clouded mind. I can’t properly comprehend what’s happening but I sure can’t fight it. I just let it happen now. 
Lyle grabs my thighs, spreading them further apart so that my legs are resting around his. One of his hands is wrapped around my tail while the other is groping my ass. 
I want to moan but then my mouth is filled with Lopez’s dick. I open my mouth as he makes me almost choke and let my tongue trace his veins. Lopez groans, his ears tipped back and fangs bared. Their primal side turns me on. 
"Watch it with those." Lopez growls out, his thumb tracing over my fangs. I don't even get the chance to nod before I'm urged to take more.
I wrap my lips around him, taking him as far into my mouth as possible before hollowing my cheeks. He snarls, responding to the pleasure and slowly moves in and out of me. 
Compared to him, Lyle is fucking the life out of me. The area where the skin of his thighs and abdomen slaps mine has turned red and no longer stings, it's becoming numb.
I moan around Lopez again and because I’m already so fucked out, time passes quicker. Lyle finishes by plunging himself as deep as Mansk into me and cumming. He makes me come a second time because he paid attention to how my body responded to him and applied pressure on my clit to get me over the edge. Seeing my eyes roll back again sent Lopez into euphoria and after they both pulled away and my quivering self was laying on the floor regaining my breath, their positions were taken. 
Strong hands pull me from the ground and back onto all fours. My knees and palms became red and sore. I open my eyes and see Prager, Ja, and Brown kneeling around me.
Brown lines himself up behind me while Ja cups my face, smiling. Prager is keeping me stable and holding me in place so I don’t fall over. 
“I can’t- anymore.” I sob, feeling like a mess. My skin has beads of sweat covering it, my face is flushed and my hips are bruised. The blood from my nose ran down my lips and I can taste the blood. 
Tears are wiped away by Ja and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Prager and Brown look over at Quaritch. 
“She can take it.” Quaritch assures. His voice reminds me of how angry I felt before. Like he would know whether I can or can’t. 
I feel Brown push into me and moan. My slick mixed with Lyle’s and Mansk’s cum is dripping down my legs now. I protest with a whimper, spreading my arms and legs so that I really don’t collapse. 
“Someone’s been fucked dumb.” Ja coo’s but it no longer makes me feel embarrassed. It makes me enjoy it that much more. 
Brown tugs my hips towards him, his tail caressing my thigh as he ruts into me with no mercy. Prager and Ja switch places and Prager is opening his belt in front of me again. I started feeling like I was about to lose consciousness from everything happening around me.
Once Prager rid himself of his pants, I instinctively opened my mouth and he chuckled. His former colleague who beat him in combat was now waiting for him to push his cock into her mouth. 
“Didn’t think I’d ever get to see you like this, Y/N.” he teases but his words just went in one ear and out the other. The other men laughed. 
“Hurry up before she passes out on you.” A voice from one of the soldiers standing called and more snickers followed. 
“Take it easy on her. I’m surprised she’s still standin’.” Quaritch says and I can tell by the way he says it that he’s grinning. 
Prager nods and Brown slows down a little. Then Prager places his tip on my lips, gripping the back of my head and pushing about halfway in. I’m more used to the intrusion so I can take more of him. He bites his lip, pulling out before back slowly advancing a little further in. He’s almost bottomed out and I choke a little, squeezing my eyes shut. Another tear runs down my cheek and Prager moans, his head falling back. 
I hear a few voices around me exchanging words and in synch with Brown’s thrusts, Prager pushes all the way down my throat so that my nose is pressed against his abdomen. My eyes are wide because I can’t believe I’m able to take him so far down my throat. Especially because he and all the other soldiers are so big. 
I hold back a choke and cough a little, swallowing around him which drives Prager feral. He and Brown both still their hips and the soldiers standing around cheer at him and whistle. 
“Shit, she can take it all. Makes me want to have another turn.” Someone says but I’m too distracted to figure out who it is. 
“Not today, otherwise, we’ll lose her.” Quaritch chuckles. 
Prager and Brown both pull out while Ja holds me up now. Brown finishes quickly and then Prager follows. I swallow Prager’s load out of reflex because he is so far down my throat. 
When Prager pulls out I gasp for air and cough, which has a few soldiers snickering darkly. He high-fives Brown as he gets up, but Prager stays kneeling by me to hold me up for Ja. 
“You okay, baby?” Ja asks but I can’t respond. I feel so weak and tired. He lets go of my waist and I slowly sink to the ground. My limbs are almost useless at this point. 
Prager is grinning while Ja takes a bit of pity on me. He carefully turns me around so that I’m laying on my back before climbing on top of me, his arms caging me in. I feel a little less exposed like this at least. He smirks when my eyes meet his. 
“I’ll try to be gentle.” he whispers, taking into consideration how sore I am and how watery my eyes are. 
“Oh god.” someone laughs. “Lover-boy’s fallin’ in love again.” 
Ja’s ears tip back and he glares at the soldier that commented that. 
“Hey. Cut it out and let the man handle things. Someone has to be last.” Lyle stepped in. 
My ears have drooped, and I just watch him. I’m too tired to even turn my head. 
Ja looks at me before undoing his pants. When he slips them down, he checks on me again to make sure I’m still awake. He seems very caring. Unlike the others. It makes me feel safer. It also makes me regret kicking him in the face before. 
Ja takes one of my legs, wrapping it around his waist and then he takes both my hands and pins them above my head with one of his. I don’t even lift a finger in protest. 
Then, he moves his hips forward and slowly enters me. He manages to push all the way in because I’m stretched out from all the others but it doesn’t feel any less good. 
They’ve all been deprived of sexual relief for a long time and now they could finally let it all out. 
He’s about to pull out again when someone comments on something. Ja was about to punch his colleague and take you away so he could have you to himself but the comment stopped his violent thoughts. 
“Damn, look.” Lopez nudges Brown and Mansk, but their eyes are already fixed on your abdomen. Lyle chuckles and even Quaritch now stands up to look. 
Ja is confused and looks down only to be met with one of the most beautiful sights he’s ever seen. He examines the belly bulge, letting go of your thigh and pressing down lightly on your abdomen. 
I whine, closing my eyes and it makes Ja want to claim me as his right then and there. 
“Fuck, you don’t know how good you look right now, babygirl.” Mansk says, feeling needy all over again. 
I whimper, letting my head fall to the side so that I’m not looking at them. 
“Poor girl’s embarrassed. Leave her alone.” Prager jokes and they chuckle knowing you’ve been embarrassed from the second your knees hit the ground. 
“You’re okay, baby. Let me take care of you.” Ja whispered, leaning down to my ear. I look up at him and nod a little in response which makes him smile. 
Slowly and steadily, he pulls out of me. Ja starts gently thrusting into me, his one hand returning to keep my thigh around his lower waist. He rubs his hand along the skin, keeping it in place while he makes sure I feel good too. Every reaction I give him he takes into account and once I arch my back off the ground and into him, he grins, seeing it as a positive response. He speeds up just a little, but not enough to have our skin slapping. 
I whimper and occasionally moan, my eyes fluttering closed. 
He drops his head and licks the skin around my nipples before biting and kissing my neck. 
The kisses surprise me but they piss Quaritch off. 
“Not her mouth. Don’t you dare.” Quaritch orders, sternly. Ja looks up, not seeming happy with the order but still listening. He doesn’t nod, he just returns to kissing my neck which makes the butterflies in my tummy come to life again. 
My mouth drops open as I feel another orgasm start to build up. 
Ja’s thrusts become a little sloppy and he grinds down against my clit every time he bottoms out. 
“You can let go, baby.” he whispers in my ear and I nod again. With the next few thrusts, I’m in heaven. My pussy clenches around him which pushes him over the edge but he rides out both our orgasms. 
His head is dropped in the crook of my neck while we both regain our breath. I can’t even open my eyes, I just go limp. Ja gives my cheek a small kiss before carefully letting go of me and pulling out. Quaritch glares at him before Ja starts getting dressed. 
I just lay on the floor, my legs resting on top of each other with one arm slightly covering my chest. 
Quaritch walks over to me and squats down. He turns my head to look up at him and I notice the shit-eating grin on his face. He watches how my ears tip back and my little rebellion against him amuses the Colonel. 
“You and I aren’t done yet.” he whispers before standing up. 
“Prager, get the towel. Lyle, help the poor lady up.” he orders and Lyle walks over to me, sinking to his knees and pulling me up into a sitting position. Prager comes over and wipes away the mixture of body fluids than ran down my inner thighs. I flinch when he touches my pussy but Lyle comforts me by holding my cheek and rubbing my belly. 
“You did well, buttercup.” he says and I would have scoffed at the pet name which I was now able to comprehend again, but I was mentally absent. 
The towel is wrapped around me and Lyle pulls me to my feet. He’s about to pick me up but to his surprise, I push him away. 
“I can fucking walk by myself, I don’t need your help.” I say. My previous attitude returning amuses the squad. 
Lyle grins. “Go ahead.”
He removes his arms from under my arms and I take a step forward. Almost immediately my quivering legs give out but before I can sink to the ground, Lyle catches me again. 
“Fuck.” I swear and he chuckles. 
“Pick her up.” Quaritch orders and Lyle scoops me into his arms. I cover my face with the towel and don’t protest. 
“What were you saying, baby?” Lyle teased and Mansk chuckled. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” I mumble. Lyle grins and starts walking behind the Colonel. The squad pick up their things and make their way to the exit. 
“I want to go back.” I say, only loud enough for Lyle and Miles to hear.
I wanted to go back to my family, but I knew that there was no chance of that happening. 
Quaritch scoffed, stopping in front of the exit doors and tucking in my towel so that nothing was exposed. 
“Not happening. This is what you came for Y/N.” he teased, making sure I was covered before pressing the button and the large automatic doors opened. The daylight hit me and I shielded myself with the towel.
Mansk and Ja walked beside Lyle to keep the people and other soldiers who weren’t recoms away. They felt protective over you. You were their Y/N after all. 
No one needed to know about their business. All they saw was them carrying out a limp, not moving Na’vi. Whether she was dead or alive, they didn’t know.
What the recoms knew was that they were not finished with you and you knew Quaritch still had plans. 
The team knew you from before. They wouldn’t shoot you and dump your body in the water. You were being taken back to their base, where they would take care of you.
(probably won't be able to post for the next 2 weeks, so sorry. I'm learning for finals and have so many assignments due.)
Let me know how you liked it <3 i appreciate all feedback. This took me way too long💞💀
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Yandere! Lucifer visits the Hazbin Hotel because his daughter called him, but there he meets a human! Innocent! reader and Yandere! Alastor... Where the two of them start fighting over the reader...
Yandere Alastor vs Lucifer and Human Reader
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Ha ha ha, I live for the chaos that this would be.
“You mean, she’s alive? Not an official sinner?” Lucifer asked.
“Yep,” said Charlie, “Um… we’re not quite sure how she got down here, to be perfectly honest, but she definitely doesn’t fit the sinner criteria in looks or attitude.”
You hesitate before you give a small curtsy to the king of hell. You weren’t sure if the act was going to count against you when you actually died for real, but who knows, maybe he’d be as nice as Charlie was? Either way, Charlie was a good girl, and you wanted to help her out. Surely no one could blame you for being kind to someone, even if that someone is the King of Hell himself.
“Nice to meet you, your highness,” you say, voice timid.
“It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen a… living human,” Lucifer said, circling you, as if you were a rare exotic animal, “It’s been decades. Centuries even. And you don’t know how you got down here?”
“No, your highness,” you said, “I really don’t know what happened. I-I just ended up here somehow.”
“And no way to get back home either, I’m assuming?” he said, “How odd. Must find it terrifying down here, not to mention dangerous.”
Charlies chuckles a little, but you see a certain nervousness in her eyes. Your safety had been the talk of many stressful meetings.
“We do keep her as secure as we can,” she said, “Considering she’s so vulnerable down here she stays in the hotel pretty much all the time.”
“Ah, yes,” said Alastor, who seemed to be butting into every conversation poor Charlie was trying to hold with her father, “This little lady here, I assure you, she is under the strict protection of the hotel. The very best, as I tend to her safety personally.”
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders as he said it, pulling you closer to him. The touch startled you, as he wasn’t one for physical affection. In all honesty, you don’t recall him ever touching you in any way ever other than the brief handshake you had shared on meeting. You tense a little at the unexpected contact.
Lucifer’s eyes turn to Alastor and narrow. He looks at him like one would look at a spider crawling on the wall. A chill runs through you with the amount of malice in his eyes.
“… I’m sure you do,” he finally said.
His eyes return to you, a hint of curiosity in them, most of the malice gone.
“But! I’d be more than happy to assist in this matter,” he continued, “I’m not sure if there is anything we really can do as far as sending you back up to earth, but I can do my best to make sure you stay safe. Demons are fine and dandy, but there’s nothing like a royal seal of protection. You haven't made a deal, have you?”
As you shake your head, Alastor’s grip tightens, making your shoulder ache. You worry he’s going to claw through your blouse and into your skin if he’s not careful.
Saying you were uncomfortable would be the understatement of the year.
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer would have a clear upper hand in this situation, and oh, the nostalgia you would bring! He’s had plenty of experience getting innocent, naive human women to warm up to him, both in the romantic department and outside of it. While he is a bit out of practice, if he actually tried, I could see him using all of his experience, charm, and knowledge to seduce a shy girl out of her shell.
If you’re still a living human, he’s going to be quite protective of you. You want to leave the hotel? Have you gone straight mad? Honestly, if he had it his way, Charlie wouldn’t let you out of your bedroom with those nasty sinners crawling around the hotel. Do you want to end up as corrupt and filthy as the rest of hell? Perhaps he can talk to Charlie and convince her that you need to be taken somewhere more… secure.
Once he finally moves into the hotel, the real battle is going to begin. He'll be seeing you regularly and therefore make it impossible for him to push you out of his mind. And he has to put up with Alastor's antics now on a daily basis.
While he'd like to think he's levelheaded and mature, I can see arguments with Alastor quickly spinning out of control and getting very personal and very nasty fast. The only thing holding him back from just killing him after a certain point is the fact that Charlie likes him as much as she does.
Part of me would wonder if he actually even likes you or if he just wants to mess with Lucifer tbh.
All jokes aside, Alastor would be pissed. He knows that Lucifer is more powerful in every sense of the word, and he can’t do a thing about it. Well, at least nothing that really matters. He’s simply going to have to be more charming than Lucifer is, to the point where you prefer him.
He’s going to pull out all the stops of being a suave southern gentleman. While Lucifer will try to wow you with bombastic displays that only he can provide, Alastor will offer himself as the sweet, traditional lover that has your back. He's a distinguished romantic compared to this circus leading clown. At least that's what he'll want you to think. When it comes down to it, Alastor has far less experience than Lucifer with women and romance.
Also I see him as being one of those people who’s like, “Since I know I can’t lift myself up more, I’m dragging this asshole down to my level.” Verbally throws barbs at Lucifer, both to piss him off and to try to make him look worse in your eyes. He’d have a real hayday if he can provoke Lucifer into saying or doing something that scares you.
Even when Lucifer’s not around though, he’s the type to plant ideas in your mind that the king of hell is simply not a good match for you. He’d use his verbal skills to make Lucifer look less attractive in your eyes or to make you feel like it would be unwise to get in a relationship with the literal Devil.
I’d like to think you’d turn them both down, but they’re both too polite towards women to be that forceful with you, so instead they just butt horns for what feels like eternity over who should have you. Clearly it’s the other guys fault that you don’t want him, not yours! Then when you finally die, you go to heaven, leaving them both quite upset about the whole situation.
But if things did get ugly and push came to shove, Lucifer would definitely win. At this point in the game, Alastor doesn't stand a chance. Hope you enjoy solitary confinement!
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Mythical/Supernatural Being
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vampire!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader - NSFW
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, biting, blood kink, technical monsterfucking 😜, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f receiving), gaslighting, mind/memory wipe, coercion, noncon
not proofread ✌️
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You’re at a party when he catches your eye. Mindy, your co worker, decided to have a little costume party that now seems to be out of her control with people from all over showing up to her house. 
It explains why this man you’ve never met, but feels familiar, seems to be checking you out. He’s pretty in a handsome sort of way, strong cheekbones and very serious blue eyes. You shoot him a smile when your eyes meet and he tilts his head, a curious and bland look on his face. 
Feeling like you may have read the room wrong, you offer an awkward smile and a shrug before turning and making your way into the, surprisingly, empty kitchen. 
A man’s voice speaks behind you making you jump in place before turning around, clutching the base of your neck. 
“Jeez, you scared me,” you laugh nervously, “uh, h-hi.”
The man from earlier stands just a foot away now, letting you see him fully. He’s taller than you thought and fit, biceps and shoulders pressing against his shirt and making your mouth water. 
“I’m sorry for staring earlier,” he gives you an easy going smile, “you just reminded me of someone.”
Embarrassment burns hot behind your eyes making you internally cringe. 
“Oh no big deal!” You clear your throat, “I guess I’m just sorry I took it the wrong way.”
His smile slips into a grin, “How did you take it?”
Feeling flustered now, you fidget with the gaudy rings on your fingers that you thought were a riot to pair with your vampire costume. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you shrug, “so uh, are you friends with Mindy?”
He laughs, “Is it bad that I don’t even know who that is?”
You grin, “No, to be fair, I don’t think more than ten people probably know the host. But I guess however you found out, you at least knew to dress up.”
He laughs again, blue eyes sharper than before, “Yeah? What am I supposed to be?”
You gesture to yourself, “A vampire, unless I’m off the mark. We have the same vibe going.”
Leon glances down at his own clothing, dark pants with a long sleeved white shirt and vest offset with a velvet coat with tails. He then looks up to see your silly lacy frock with a red vest paired with dark wash jeans. 
You laugh again, “Okay, well yours is a little more like the real deal but to be fair I only had like an hour to throw this together.”
He goes to step forward when a group of people bustle into the kitchen, loudly talking and laughing with each other. Grabbing your hand, he tugs and you follow as he leads you both through the French doors into the backyard. 
You feel your heart rate kick into overdrive when he guides you all the way to the gazebo off to the side, nearly hidden from view of the house. 
“We shouldn’t be interrupted anymore, right?” He smiles at you but instead of invoking warmth it sends chills running down your spine. 
“R-right,” you give him a shaky smile in return, realizing Leon is blocking the only way out of the gazebo, “so, um, you said I reminded you of someone. Were you looking for her here?”
“You could say that,” he takes a step forward and you take one back.
“I might can help, I mean I know a lot of people here already,” you ramble, feeling your nerves get the best of you. 
He smirks, features looking colder in the moonlight, “No need, she’s technically not around anymore.”
“Technically?” The spit in your mouth dries up as your back hits the gazebo lattice. 
Leon keeps getting closer to you until he’s boxing you in, hands coming up to brace on either side of your head. You’re engulfed with his scent of cedar wood and pine resin sprinkled with hints of warm vanilla underneath; it makes you dizzier the more you breathe it in. 
Leaning down, he noses gently against your hairline making you gasp.
“She’s not alive anymore,” he murmurs against the shell of your ear in amusement, “it’s just a little game I like to play, to find her look alike. This isn’t the first time I’ve played with you. Aren’t you lucky, my little vampire?”
You push against Leon’s chest but his mouth watering scent keeps you dizzy and weak, like a kitten pawing at his vest making him chuckle.  
“Poor thing,” one of his hands moves to cradle your jaw, his thumb smoothing over your bottom lip, “you’re in over your silly little head, hmm?”
“Who’re you?” You slur out, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. 
“Leon, but you already knew that,” he coos, blue eyes gazing deep into your own, “you’re resisting me, little vampire, but it’s no use.”
“Wanna leave,” you mumble tiredly, unable to pull away from him. 
He chuckles meanly, “But why? I’m going to make you feel so good.” 
You feel a sharp needle like pain sink into the side of your neck followed by honey thick pleasure dripping down your body from that pressure point. Pressing your thighs together, you whimper as your cunt throbs with want. A rumbling moan comes from the man in front of you as he drinks from your neck. 
Your hands tangle in his hair with the intention to yank him away but against your own wishes you pull him closer, whining for more. With a growl, he pulls away from your neck, blue eyes so bright they seem to shine in the dark. His mouth is swollen and painted red with your blood. 
“So sweet,” he licks his bottom lip and you catch a hint of his fangs, “I could smell you from outside. Your blood called to me as it always does, sweetling.”
“W-what?” You gasp out while he licks across the bite mark on your neck, sealing the wound as if it was never there. 
“Shhh, just let me taste you,” he murmurs against your skin. 
Tearing your vest off and shirt open, he pulls down the cup of your bra and bites your breast right above your heart. A keening cry slips past your lips and you sag against his firm body. He moans and uses one arm to wrap around your upper body, cradling you to him as he drinks. 
Your mind drifts in a fugue state, feeling the sharp bite of pain each time he sinks his fangs into your body but immediately having it swept away by arousal so potent it has your thighs trembling as slick fills and soaks through your panties. 
By the time, he pulls away from your body, you’re swaying into his chest, unable to stay up on your own two feet. He slots his leg in between your thighs and you moan, rocking down on the pressure against your clit. 
“Such a needy girl,” he rasps, big hands gripping the fat of your hips to help you grind against his thigh, “come on sweetling, make yourself cum and I’ll take you home.”
The only thing your brain latches onto is making yourself cum. You need it so badly. Humping down onto Leon’s thighs, he kisses and nips at your neck, scraping his fangs against the skin and making you whimper at the hint of pain. 
“Cum for me, then I can take you apart in a real bed, make you scream for me,” his dark baritone promises, tongue tracing the shell of your ear, “be a good girl and cum on my leg.”
He yanks you down on his leg just right, rubbing your swollen clit against the seam of your jeans and making your orgasm uncoil from your belly. You cum with a low moan; reaching out, your nails dig into his broad shoulders as you whimper, slowly coming to a stop against his thigh. 
Your whole body feels wiped out, like you can sleep forever.
A rumbling chuckle makes you realize you must’ve spoken out loud. 
“No one wants to sleep forever.”
Your brain is slow to come back online which Leon is all too happy to coax you back into a half asleep state. He swings you up into his arms and that’s the last thing you remember before passing out. 
It feels like your consciousness is swimming through molasses as you finally come to your senses. Blearily, you open your eyes, squinting from the steady moonlight pouring through the open window. Turning your head, you can’t see much of the room, only that you’re splayed out in a large bed with soft sheets. 
“There she is,” a voice rumbles from between your legs drawing your half open gaze. 
Looking down, you see that you’re completely naked and marked all over with puncture wounds. The man from the party is lying between your spread legs. 
“Leon,” you murmur softly and he grins, showing off his sharpened incisors. 
“Glad you could join me,” he kisses the bite mark he’d been nursing on your thigh making your clit throb. 
His mouth kisses up to the junction of where your cunt and thigh meet, letting his fangs pierce your soft skin. Your thighs tremble and slick drips from your pussy as he laps up the blood beading from the punctures he made. 
“So pretty, all marked up like this,” he purrs, mouth kissing across to your mound and aching clit, “should I sink my teeth into this fat little pussy?”
You moan shakily as his fangs teasingly brush across the lips of your cunt.
“Maybe after I’ve had my fill,” he chuckles lowly, “wanna eat you out first.”
With a sigh, he sinks down and licks up the slick dripping from your hole, tongue thrusting lazily inside your pussy. Your arms lay above your head, fingers twitching, feeling weighed down like you can’t move them. Whining, you toss your head back, hips rolling against Leon’s hungry mouth. 
His hands trap your thighs against the bed, keeping your spread open as he laps and sucks his way up to your sensitive bud. His mouth softly kisses across the hood of your clit until you’re rocking up into him. 
“Please,” you gasp out, “please, Leon.”
He growls and suckles your clit into his mouth, tongue circling the sensitive nerves over and over until you’re humping his mouth with a moan. Laughing, he pulls away to spit on your cunt making your whole body shudder. 
“My girl tastes so good,” he kisses all around your pussy, teeth nipping the sensitive skin making you whimper, “but I think it’ll be better if I fuck this silky pussy, right baby?”
You moan and Leon pulls away from your wet cunt. He moves up your body, forearms braced on either side of your head as he grinds down against you, dripping cock leaking precum all over your slick thighs. Your body feels an insatiable need to be filled— fucked by Leon. 
He slides his arms underneath your shoulders to help you wrap your hands around his neck. Then, he reaches down to guide your legs to wrap around his waist. 
“Good girl,” he coos, making your head go fuzzy as that intoxicating scent of his seems to bloom in the air, “about to stretch this gorgeous little pussy out.”
You let out a choked off gasp as his cock breaches your cunt, bottoming out quickly, stretching your walls to the point you feel split in two. 
“Leon,” you mewl pitifully, tears slipping from your eyes.
“Shh, shh,” he soothes, “it already feels good doesn’t it, sweetling?”
His fangs open up two new holes in the side of your neck making your cunt clamp down on his cock as a small orgasm washes through you.  
“There we go,” he coos condescendingly, “pussy just needed a little help. Now you’re cumming all over me.”
You sob out a moan, tears streaming down your temples as Leon pulls out and fucks roughly back into your sensitive hole. Although your legs and arms are wrapped around his body, you lie there practically limp as he fucks his thick cock into your soaked pussy. 
“You’re always such a good fuck,” he grunts in your ear, “no matter how many times we do this.”
“What’re you…”
You try to talk but your mind is just too out of it to form words. 
He chuckles meanly, “This isn’t the first time. But don’t worry, I’ll make you forget so we can do this again.”
His cock throbs and kicks inside your fluttering walls making you whimper.
“Mmm, I’m gonna play with this cute pussy all night,” he groans, dragging his cock against the spongy spot in your cunt that has you clenching around him.  
He snaps his hips harder and fucks the fat tip of his cock against your cervix making you squeal. He’s barely pulling out before thrusting back in, scraping against your g-spot before his cock presses deep inside your pussy. A handful of harsh grinds as he fucks the opening to your womb has you a drooling mess. 
“That’s the spot,” he rumbles, voice a low rasp, “and when I cum, it’s gonna be deep inside this needy cunt.”
You cry out when he sinks his teeth into you over and over, not even drinking your blood, just marking your neck up with vicious bites. It’s enough to make you cum hard around his cock, toes curling as fireworks explode inside your mind. He humps inside your spasming pussy until burying himself balls deep and spilling his sticky jizz all inside your fluttering walls. 
“Taking it like such a good girl,” he moans, pumping his load directly against your cervix, hot sticky ropes of cum spurting from the tip of his cock. 
The blood roars in your ears as he grinds down against your hips. 
“Just close your eyes, sweetling,” his smoky voice drifts into your ears, “when you wake up you won’t remember a thing.”
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divider: @firefly-graphics
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wayfayrr · 9 months
Sky being self aware had been plaguing my mind since I wrote this other piece where he confronts you about having played through his game, however while you could read this as a sequel it is written as something separate!
before the main thing though just gonna say, I don't actually support yandere behaviour in real life - I don't usually mention this because in my opinion it goes without saying, however since reader borders a little bit on being one in this I just wanted to make it clear!
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It’s been so long since I last played Skyward Sword, Really I think the last time I picked it up was at least a year ago now. I’d almost forgotten I actually had it on the switch, if it weren’t for me needing to do a clear out I might have never remembered that I had this. I’ve got some spare time right now so really there shouldn’t be an issue if I took a break to play for a while would there? In the worst case I’d get distracted for a bit, but it’s not like I can’t just carry on cleaning tomorrow. Setting up the game was easier than ever, not like setting up any switch game is particularly hard though. My old save was still waiting patiently, I could never bring myself to delete it even after getting a hundred percent. Perhaps it’s finally time to try out hero mode for the first time?
The opening cutscene is nice to watch again, even if I can’t help but feel bad for Link in it, seeing what it’s building up to. Huh? I could’ve sworn my controllers were working a second ago, they can’t have disconnected during the cutscene either, could they?
“[Name]? Dearest… you’ve finally come back…”
It’s like I’ve just been plunged into ice water - I- I’m dreaming right? I have to be, there’s no way this could possibly be real. He’s a game character. Link can’t be speaking to me as if he’s a real person. He can’t be.
“Darling, You - you look so pale are you alright?”
Another step toward the screen, a head-tilt and clear concern on his face. More than possible. I knew it, this has to be a dream.
“Darling, I know that this is strange for you - don’t you think it’s strange for me as well? I mean - I know I’m not supposed to exist as I do. I’m only supposed to be a blank slate for you to play this game as not - not have my own feelings.”
A sharp inhale laced with the sounds of static reverberated throughout the room, with a far too alive sounding sniffle as he wiped his eyes and took yet another step closer. Even eerier was the laugh that followed when he made eye contact with me, something sad and wet sounding like he’s barely holding himself together. It sounds too real.
“It’s been so long I thought that you - I thought that you forgot me. That you weren’t going to come back. I hoped - no I knew - that you didn’t though and you didn’t! You came back to me my love and now I’m not going to let you out of my sight again. I know that it wasn’t your fault that you took so long, I - I mean you didn’t even know that I’m alive but I’m not going to risk it happening again.”
He’s right up against the screen now, staring at me as he presses his hand up against it, like he’s testing it. Gently testing as if he’s trying to see how much pressure the glass can take. If there’s any time best to wake up already it would be now. 
“I’ve been stuck in here alone for so long, if I didn’t have something to focus on I would have gone insane! Can you imagine that? If I didn’t have you to think about all that time I would have lost myself! I was made for you; I know you care about me as well. Please [name] I - I don’t know who I’m supposed to be any more, I’m not - not your character. I’m so much more than that empty husk.”
His hand pushes further on the glass as his fingers tense up, now like he’s preparing himself for something. Link, I’ve never seen him - any version of him in any version of the games acting even half as emotive as this. That proves that this is all a dream, he can’t be - this can’t be real. 
“There’s one other thing that being trapped in here for all this time has let me focus on I think I know how to get out now… If I press this just-”
A sickeningly twisted smile found its way onto his face with each shrill crack of the glass screen under his hand. The other moving up to join it as he pushed even harder, intending to shatter the barrier, he’s convinced himself is standing between us. My chest feels so tight right now, why am I so sore in a dream?  If I were awake I’d be convinced I was having a panic attack but - no- no I’m not awake.
“Right. Then - Well you can see can’t you dearest? If I carry on like this, there won’t be any-”
A loud wince as his hand shatters through the screen, the glass shards cutting through his skin effortlessly marring both him and the remaining screen with - with his blood. The laughter that followed the screen cutting to blank with his hand reaching through seemed to tighten the band that’s seemingly wrapped itself around my lungs making it harder still to breathe. How could I breathe when link - the link is dragging himself out of my tv. 
“Come on darling..? I know you feel the same way about me, I’ve heard you say it all. So please don’t just stand there looking terrified. You have no reason to be scared of me, I love you so much [name]. Can’t you see I’m doing this so that we can be together? I can’t wait to finally hold you in my arms.”
Frozen. That’s the only way I can describe how I’m feeling right now, my once-warm blood has turned to ice within my veins. He’s not stopping. His shirt that was once a pale beige is now stained with red patches, as his head and torso are out of the screen now. What was once a comforting face to see, one of my favourite characters is staring me down with a downright vicious grin while he is dripping with his own blood. Even beneath all of that though, there’s still something so tender, so scared about him, something is worrying him.
“Please darling you’re so pale, you don’t need to be scared - I promise you everything is going to be alright. [name] please just say something to me…”
Dark spots are starting to show in my vision now and… I’m not sure if this is a dream anymore. There are too many things adding up that don’t make any sense. But if it’s not that, I don’t…
Did I pass out? I mean it really feels like I did, but I don’t feel like I hit anything. If I passed out when I was alone then I would’ve hit my head on something. Maybe I’m just waking up from that weird dream. Hopefully. Although that wouldn’t explain -
“You’re alright darling, I’m here. I’ve got you, you’re safe, you’re alright.”
Why I feel like someone’s holding me? 
“Oh dearest you’re finally awake… You - you scared me you know? I didn’t think I was going to be able to catch you, that you were going to get hurt. I’m so glad that I did though love.” It wasn’t a dream. That was Link’s voice, the same one as before. It’s link thats holding me in his arms. Link that’s nuzzling into my hair as he seems to be fighting off tears. That means… That means…
“...Everything was real..?  I - you - it…”
He’s holding me so gently like he’s scared of me disappearing. If what he said is true? I can’t hold  that against him with what he’s said, but even still. I can’t just stay in his arms pretending that him stroking my face with bloodstained hands isn’t bothering me. He’s so happy though and he isn’t hurting me really why don't I just - no I have to tell him that this is making me uncomfortable. 
“All of it, all of it was real [name] and I couldn’t be more glad that it is, because it means that I’m finally here with you.”
“Yes dear?”
… this is all real. I’m actually talking to him. He’s real. And he’s downright obsessed with me. 
“You - you’re still bleeding, you should deal with that and- and with everything.”
I’m not sure that was the right thing to say, but why shouldn’t I not accept him. This isn’t some stranger, it’s Link. One of my first fictional crushes, he’s probably heard the things I’ve said about him; since I’ve said in the past if I got a chance like this that I would take it… why not see where this goes? He looks adorable like this, hopefully, if he stays like this long enough I’ll be able to get the image of him crawling through my tv out of my mind. 
“I - you’re worried about me, love? I - I knew that you’re my soulmate, oh my dear. You're so beyond perfect.”
“We should go get you some bandages Link. I know you’re not quite used to everything yet so I wouldn’t want you to get an infection immediately.”
Yeah, I’m not going to let this chance slip. He’s so much nicer in person, why should I throw this away? He’s perfect and now?
He’s mine.
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heyclickadee · 5 months
Okay, a few thoughts on the trailer now that I’ve collected my thoughts a bit:
1. Between the shots of the crashed ship and Omega in the cockpit, it’s looking like a self-rescue on Omega’s part. At this point I’m thinking she gets herself and Crosshair out, and then, based on the shots of Cross with the batch, gets separated from him at some point. He rejoins the batch, and she is…somewhere else. Though I don’t know if that means she goes back to Tantiss.
2. It’s entirely possible that she gets got by one of the bounty Hunters in the trailer, and that’s what separates her from Crosshair.
3. I do think that it is Crosshair in the armor, but other possibilities include: one, Tech, who may not have his own armor anymore and needed to wear something protective on short notice, and; two, Hunter’s having a real bad time and is actually hallucinating Crosshair being with them. I don’t think that’s the case though—I think it really is Crosshair.
4. It’s also possible that those shots with Crosshair are from a little later on in the season.
5. Poor Omega’s going to be in Tantiss for months.
6. I swear Hunter looks like he’s lost weight. Like. I know a lot of the fandom is deep in the Crosshair and Tech are twins sauce (and honestly, I am too, I adore that head-canon and basically think if it as canon), but darn it if Hunter isn’t getting so drawn he’s starting to look a little like Crosshair.
7. I find it weirdly amusing that the half the trailer in which the bad batch actually features is mostly taken up by Hunter and Wrecker doing Adventure Man things. I get the sense they were scrounging to find shots of the batchers that weren’t massively spoilery (and they still put those shots of Crosshair in. Which, admittedly, is one of the things that makes me slightly suspicious of that being Crosshair at all, because that could be a misdirect, but only slightly).
8. I’m going to laugh if it turns out that Cid hired all of the bounty hunters we see to find Omega. Like, if that’s what she uses the money she got from Hemlock for, and she’s basically trying to get Omega out of the situation she got Omega into and goes a little overboard on the means.
9. Ventress! I’ll be honest, Ventress has never been at the top of my favorite character list, though I’ve warmed up to her quite a bit (I used to like the idea of her more than the execution), but I always love Nika Futterman’s performance, and I’m intrigued to see Ventress here at the very least. Because. How. She was very dead. Very, very dead. Not “fell into The Mists” dead—she had a funeral after being dead for months. My only thoughts are that were either seeing her in a flashback sequence that takes place before Dark Disciple, or it turns out that nightsisters can use their force magic to do some weird shit after getting hit by lightning. Either way, I don’t think she’s fighting Wrecker and Hunter here—that’s just some misleading editing.
10. Man, I hope Hemlock dies a lot.
11. Anyway, speaking of the dead and those back from it, Tech is so alive and I’m trying to not be the Smuggest of Gremlins until we for sure see him, but jeez are they making that difficult. (I checked the trailer release blurb on the Star Wars dot com page—it doesn’t mention Tech being dead. It just says the team is “scattered” after the events of season two. Like. Guys, you’re not even trying anymore.)
12. And more on Tech, I do think it’s possible—possible, mind you—that Tech is the guy we see in the clone X armor in front of what looks like the Archium. There are some small differences between that armor and both the armor we see on Clone X in season two, and the Clone X we see speaking later in the trailer—namely, the shoulder straps, what looks like a glass visor covering the two eyeholes, and *sigh* the pouches. And it’s the straps and the pouches that are giving him a bit more of a Tech-ish silhouette—especially the pouches, and especially from behind. If it is Tech, though, I don’t think it’s a brainwashed Tech at all (and honestly, it’s the pouches that make me lean towards not brainwashed if it is Tech in there, because a shin pouch is just a very Tech-and-not-blank-slate thing to wear).
I actually think it’s more likely that it’s Tech in disguise and having taken the armor from the Clone X we see later in the trailer (with some adjustments of his own), and that that’s what’s being referred to by the titles “Infiltration” and “Extraction;” Tech infiltrating imperial forces, and then the others having to get him (and probably the people of Pabu) out. And, if that’s the case, I’m banking on these shots being from the midseason. (I know I said I wasn’t going to speculate on the episode titles. That was aspirational.)
Basically, I could be persuaded that it’s Tech in there or that it’s not. I’m less likely to be persuaded that it’s a brainwashed Tech in there—I still don’t think that’s happening.
12. Whether that is Tech in that armor or not, I do think that the clone X we see speaking in the trailer isn’t the same guy in the armor in the Archium shot.
13. I am SO HAPPY to see Phee back THANK GOODNESS. I was a little worried they’d drop her like a rock, but nope! She’s here! She’s got her cool jacket! We see her ship!
14. There is a criminally small amount of Echo in the trailer, but I’m not giving up on seeing more of him. It’s possible that he’s either a walking spoiler, or that he features a little more heavily in the back half of the season.
15. “The Cavalry Has Arrived” is the most optimistic episode title in the whole damn show and, yes, I will die on this hill.
16. Crosshair. Oh, Crosshair. Someone please save him immediately.
17. There’s a lot of early doom panic around, well, everyone and everyone (especially Hunter) dying that I’m honestly going to ignore going forward. For reasons.
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flickering-nightfall · 11 months
I’m pretty sure that you made a post explaining why the arm is not the umbilical but I can’t find it, so, if you did make one, can you give a link to it? Sorry if you didn’t make one, I don’t have very good memory.
I'm not entirely sure which post that is but it sounds like something I'd ramble about? I have this post talking about making a 3D umbilical and this post talking about making a 3D arm with allusions to that buuut...
If that post doesn't exist then I'll make one right now!
Here, I made a diagram of terminology I use for the puppet/arm/umbilical structure. These terms aren't necessarily canon - they're just what I use.
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As for umbilicals being different from mechanical arms, it's an interpretation, I think. But there's reasons why I call them different things.
So first here's this Moon dialogue.
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(I think that's vanilla dialogue? The wiki confuses me sometimes. Link here if you want to see it yourself.)
We can assume from that dialogue that the wires + cord are the "umbilical." Moon's are obviously cut, but Pebbles' are not. And Moon's puppet is still attached to her mechanical arm.
(Lots more under the cut)
Umbilicals in real life resemble the wire/cord structure far more than the mechanical arm portion does. So that's another reason I refer to the wire/cord as the umbilical.
Lemme slap some stuff from my iterator headcanons doc here.
I like interpreting the puppet as a place to focus an iterator's consciousness. It acts as a sensory hub and a means to interact more finely with their surroundings. Neurons, in turn, are active memory comparable to RAM. Moon refers to Pebbles' imprints on his neurons as "a ghost left from his processing routines." They're not meant for long-term memory storage, but upper processes such as, well... thinking... cannot be done without them. So removing neurons affects an iterator’s ability to encode, recall, and process information. (Courtesy of my friend Folly, I also think they're mostly made out of fat. Kind of gross to eat.) Although Moon's umbilical is severed, she is still able to see through and control the movements of her puppet. So either she has some sort of other connection to the rest of her can, or her consciousness comes from the puppet rather than the can. The mechanical arm’s functions would be mostly structure-to-puppet function (control movements of arm and puppet, transmit the sensory information of the puppet) while the wire/cord handles more consciousness-in-puppet-to-structure function (facilitates awareness and control over superstructure and all that encompasses). So both the cord and the arm are part of the iterator-to-puppet connection, but the cord is more important. I feel like with the wire OR the arm's internals intact, the iterator can maintain perception of the puppet. When you give Moon an overseer eye, she says, “I am not much more than what you are looking at - a little creature in a box.” This can be literal, or it can imply that her perception is just limited to what she can see through her puppet in her damaged state.
In Rivulet’s campaign, the rarefaction cell could be partial compensation for a missing umbilical. Moon can move on her arm, call up image projections, reconnect to her overseers, and broadcast locally to Pebbles after getting the rarefaction cell. She refers to it as finally having her freedom back. But we don't know how many of her systems she does or does not have access to anymore.
If you eat one of Pebbles' neurons in front of him as Rivulet he says "I would appreciate if you would not eat those. My umbilical will keep me conscious, but every neuron lost is a piece of me lost as well..." We know that Pebbles keeps his wires/cord/arm connected in Saint's campaign, though, and he remains conscious despite having no visible neurons. Does the umbilical compensate for the lack of neurons as well? Maybe there are some still alive in the structure that we can’t see, and the umbilical allows him to stay connected to them.
...honestly, I think downpour makes questions about umbilicals harder to answer than if you only base off of vanilla lore. But I like working with downpour stuff, so oh well.
One last thing - the wiki page for Moon also says this under her trivia: "Looks to the Moon is still connected to the wall by her umbilical, but the damaged hardware lacks power to let her move around." Other references to umbilicals written throughout the wiki imply the arm is the umbilical as well. But! I don't know where the writers of that got that information. I don't think there's anything in the game that confirms that the umbilical and the arm are the same. If there's anything in the game that supports that, let me know~
So to summarize: I think evidence suggests the wires + cord are the umbilical because Moon refers to hers being cut. The mechanical arm could also be a part of the umbilical, or it be considered a different part that provides function in a different way. I usually refer to them separately, but that's just me, and I mostly do it for the sake of clarity. It's not confirmed canon.
There are a lot of things about Rain World lore you can run in circles around for hours, but not find any definitive conclusions for. It's part of the fun even if it drives me nuts sometimes. Come be confused with me :)
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trickstarbrave · 9 months
Actually b4 I sleep:
I see in the bg3 arguments (carried over from ppl rules lawyering 5e too hard) that if a character wants to do something it is unethical or “gross” to use persuasion rolls to convince them out of it. Examples: that you should let Astarion ascend because he wants to, or let Shadowheart become a dark justiciar because “it’s all she’s ever wanted”
These arguments are stupid.
Normally I don’t go hard on the “this is a stupid argument” bc most of the time complex moral situations require nuance and you shouldn’t try and call ppl stupid for differing perspectives but. No this one is stupid.
Persuasion rolls are not magical mind control. They are literally using the force of charisma (whole other conversation but again it isn’t mind control) to talk about something to a character and have them see it from different perspectives. High rolls are not you overriding their will power or decision making—if they rly didn’t wanna, they wouldn’t do it. You can do this for objectively horrible end goals, but also good ones.
Not to gamify real life tragedies but IRL, talking someone down from a suicide attempt would be a charisma roll (I’ve been suicidal so I’m using this example). The person really “wants” to kill themselves—or at least, they really think they do. This isn’t a choice made in a vacuum. Ultimately people want to die when they think there is no way out of their problems be it bad mental health, abuse they’re constantly subjected to, insane amounts of debt they feel they’ll never be able to pay off, social isolation, grief, and so on. It can be a combination of factors, but really what they ACTUALLY want is a solution to the problems that are overwhelming them and making them feel like being alive is worse than being dead. Talking someone down from suicide is not a BAD thing to do. In fact it would be morally bad to go “well we have to let people do what they want. Go for it man here’s a loaded gun and some pills”. But you have to persuade them to help them. Because they’re in a really dark place and can’t see reason.
Shadowheart was raised in a cult. She doesn’t actually want to be a dark justiciar, she wants to feel accomplished and like she belongs. She has been punished, isolated, and hurt her whole childhood and had her suffering justified by those in power above her. She’s been abused and told being a dark justiciar is the best thing a sharran can be. That it is the height of Shar worship. And that Shar took her in and “loved” her when “no one else wanted her”. Her ideals and goals are built upon lies and abuse. You, as an outsider, can give her that perspective and tell her that no matter how hard it gets she is worthy of love and can uncover the lies used to cover up and erase her past. She is just so narrowed in on what she thinks is “right” based on what she’s grown up with that she is not thinking for herself, she’s falling back on cult doctrine to think for her.
Astarion “wants” to ascend because he wants to feel like no one can ever hurt him again. He wants to spite Cazador. He wants to feel safe. And not worry about burning in the sun too. But are those things worth your actual fucking soul and your ability to love and connect with other people? No. Astarion doesn’t actually want the power, he doesn’t actually want to rule the world, and this power will not actually keep him safe. He has mistaken power for freedom because of 200 years of abuse and also was almost killed via human sacrifice like a minute prior (turns in dnd are only 6 seconds). He isn’t exactly thinking rationally give he’s been free for a week and nearly died a few seconds prior. He’s running on base instincts. He’s leaning into the lies Cazador has drilled into his head: the weak suffer because they are weak and the only way to be safe is to be the strongest person around. But this is an ideology that isn’t true. Cazador wasn’t safe. He wouldn’t have been safe even ascended. Astarion won’t be either. It’s literally a Faustian bargain and the game hits you over the damn head with it multiple times. Talking him out of it means you to see Astarion for who he is: as a person beyond his abuse and what makes him useful or not.
Hell, on a smaller level, Wyll wanted to kill Karlach. You can find out very easily though that she’s not actually a bad person, it’s just a technicality of Wyll’s contract. Or are you gonna say Karlach is manipulative and immoral for telling the truth and pleading for her life??? Because it’s getting in the way of what Wyll wants to do! Mizora told him she’s heartless! He’ll suffer if he doesn’t! Gale wants to blow himself up and thinks it’s the right choice, better miss out on all of act 3 because why are you trying to convince him out of it???
You can still ofc make different choices in any storyline bc this is s video game I’m not here to tell you what you can and can’t do. Just arguing “actually it’s morally bad that I have to roll persuasion—“ is a dumb argument I need people to stop making.
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misserabella · 1 year
stray. pt.6
joel miller x fem! reader
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summary; after saving Joel and Ellie from the brink of death, you get caught with having to live with two more strays.., and you don't do strays.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡either ways, i hope y'all like it. <3
warnings; eventual +18 content! MINORS DONT INTERACT IN THE CHAPTERS WHERE IT IS IMPLIED IN THE WARNINGS. and smut, mentions of death, possible deaths, blood, fighting, angst, fluff...
warnings for chapter 6; so much fluffffffff, tension, arguing, cursing, kissing, cuddling, ellie being a sweetheart and loving reader…
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
When Ellie woke up it was too early in the morning, sunrise, just when her body started to notice the lack of warmth. Her hands reached out for something, for you, her fingertips meeting nothing more than the cold sheets that once had surrounded you.
She frowned and sat up. The darkness of the salon swallowing her whole and a gust of air coming from your open balcony met her when she stepped outside of the room. Outside was Joel, smoking, probably awake since not long ago.
“She’s gone.” he said, without even looking at her, and her shoulders fell when her suspicions became real.
You were gone for three days. Enough time for Ellie to finish reading Alice in Wonderland. You felt as the white rabbit. Always too fast to reach, too quick to disappear and leave her behind…
You closed the door of your apartment, your back aching for the weight on your bag. You sighed when you pushed yourself to your sofa, and oh god, it for once was comfortable.
You left your bag aside and leaned on it. You felt at peace just when Ellie barged in the salon from your room.
“Oh, fuck! You’re alive! Now I owe Joel the sausages of my next breakfast.” she whined, and you rolled your eyes.
“Nice to see you too, brat.”
“Where the hell did you go?” she inquired, a curious expression on her face when she saw you get up and get your back.
“Went looking for this.” you said, getting out of it about five books, some big, some small, and all about the same thing; the space.
Her eyes widened, her heart stopping inside her chest.
“No.” she said, in disbelief.
“Yeah. Went to the library up east, thought you’d like having something more of your liking to read.” you scoffed, feeling awkward. Ellie’s hand were almost shaking when she took them from you. Physics, astronauts, NASA, the universe, the planets and every little star that was known to date before the outbreak… Everything.
“Thank you.” she whispered, shiny eyes still on the books in between your arms. “Thank you so much, y/n.” she smiled at you, and you scratched the back of your neck.
“Yeah, uhm… Whatever kid.” you said, pulling your bag over your shoulder. “I’m gonna go sleep now, alright? Would probably be passed out for a couple of days. Don’t you dare wake me up.” you said before entering Laura’s room and leaving your backpack on the floor. You sighed when one of the paint cans rolled out of it. You took it in between your hands. Black.
You looked up to Laura’s ceiling, and sighed.
“Well shit.”
Your body was covered in sweat, and your muscles ached and burned with every new punch you gave to the speed bag.
It was dark at night, no soul on the streets, everybody fast asleep. Everyone except for you. Your mind was clearly a mess, and your eyes were unable to close. Training always helped you with the fear that you always felt, but this time it was stronger, and none of your punches or kicks could make it go away, beat it out of yourself.
All of this scares you shitless. The things you’d found lately doing, the person that lied stuck into your head like the roots of your hair…
Every time you closed your eyes there was him, him and his stupid hair, and his stupid brown shiny eyes, his voice, his warmth and his smell.
You wanted it all out of your head, him out of your head.
You turned around when you heard footsteps at your back, and for a moment, you were in a dream. You had to be.
“You’re back.” Joel was resting against the threshold of the door to the training salon where you boxed and boxed everyday to get stronger, rougher…
There was this silence. This unspoken tension in between the two of you that begged you to lose yourself, to ignore the warnings from your head.
He couldn’t help but take you in, with rosy cheeks and shiny flushed skin, hair wet on a high ponytail.
He was like a ghost, a ghost that you couldn’t scape from, that haunted you when awake and asleep.
“Joel…” you muttered his name, and he stepped inside the room. The air around you seemed to instantly weight down on your shoulders even harder.
You couldn’t scape from him, couldn’t scape from it all, right?
“You look good.” and by that he meant that you didn’t look hurt, not like the last time. That was good.
“I know my ways.” you shrugged, and balanced the bag, that had been swaying due to your last punch. He looked at you, and you looked at him. There was it again.
“Ellie showed me the books.” he said, and your eyes darted away.
You shrugged, trying to hide your true intentions.
“Needed to go for some things to the next town and found them.” you explained, the silence in between the two of you feeling like stone over stone, a tall wall.
“You do that a lot.” he said, and your breath hitched when he took a couple of steps closer, facing you. You could almost feel his warmth fill the air around you.
“What?” you inquired, and he was looking down at you, his head cocked slightly to the side as one of his hand reached out for you, for a lock of hair that had fallen on your forehead. You shivered when he pushed it away, his fingertips like electricity against your skin.
“Run away.” he answers, and you fell silent, until you could make the words stuck on your chest leave your lips.
“I don’t run away, Joel.” you spat, and pushed his touch away, but he just simply took your wrist, his grip soft against your skin. It burned.
“Oh but you do. You’re doing it right now.” he whispered, and your body froze. He was so close it was hard to breath.
You squinted your eyes, and in a quick movement you had pinned him to the floor, your hips straddling his, his hands on each side of his head. You felt like burning on a fire place, like snow melting under the sun, like a fire cracker being light up. You felt like giving in, like making your head stop whispering your fears, to stop the clock and freeze the time, to give into his eyes and lose yourself on his touch, on how he spoke, on how he felt…
“I’m not a coward.” you muttered, anger dripping from your lips, your eyes hard as a glaciar, but Joel was like the apocalypse, was like the unstoppable rising of global warming, and you were falling apart, melting.
Your breath left your lungs when you found yourself pinned below him, one of his hands harshly pinning your wrists to the floor, one of his legs in between your own and his weight on top of you to make you stay still. You were trapped. But had you ever been free?
“Then stop running.” he whispered, and your heart pushed harder against your ribs. His eyes were on you and solely you, his face just mere inches away. “Please stop running from me.” he muttered, and your eyes fell to his lips, to his healing cut, to his tongue dampening them. xxx
“I can’t.” you whispered back, but you were moving closer, giving in. It was unstoppable, you were drunk on his skin already. Addicted to the possibility of him. “I shouldn’t.” you said, and Joel’s grip on your wrists faltered, your voice sending chills down his body.
But now his lips were brushing yours, and your body was arching for his touch. Your mind was dead silent, as if he was the answer to all the questions, to all the doubts, as if he was the only thing that could make your world stop spinning, stop hurting.
His lips felt like stepping in heaven, like finding water in a desert, like being able to eat for the first time after starving for weeks…
He quickly let go of your hands to capture your waist, your own digging in his grayish hair. You were like gasoline. And he was a lighter. You were too gone to think about the disaster, about the fire.
He groaned against your lips when you pulled from his hair, pushing him harder against you, opening your mouth for him. He was quick to give it to you, pulling from you so you could straddle his lap once again, sitting softly on his strong and thick thighs.
“Joel…” you whispered against your lips, your mind screaming for you to run away the moment you pulled away to catch your breath, but he was nipping at your neck, and your body was consumed in electricity. He must have seen that look in your eyes, ‘cause he was quick to act.
“Don’t run from me.” he pulled you back to his lips, his arms surrounding your body to press you impossibly closer to his chest. It was an indescribable feeling, to have you this close, to taste the sweetness of your mouth, to tell your heartbeat against his…
And that’s when you noticed that you’d had it wrong this whole time, ‘cause truth was that you couldn’t. You couldn’t run away from him anymore. Not ever.
You melted in his arms.
“I’m right here.” he promised, muting all the warnings in your mind. And for once, you believed him. Ignored them. ‘Cause he was kissing you as if the world was ending, when in reality it was starting for you once again.
“Okay. Close your eyes. Don’t you dare fucking look.”
“I won’t.” Ellie groaned as you pulled from her through the salon.
“Good ‘cause then I’ll kill you.” you threatened her, opening the door at your back and dragging her in. You turned on the lights to Laura’s room, room which you hadn’t let anybody stepped into for days on end, until now. “Okay…” you said, your breath shaky and shallow. You were nervous. Terrified. You’d finally finished it. There were still bits of paint on your hands. “You can…, look.” you said, slowly. And Ellie at the same pace pulled her hands away from her face and opened her eyes.
Her heart skipped a beat, her lips parted in a breath.
You were looking at her, staring at the ceiling, her shiny eyes sparking with the stars you had drawn all over it, the colors of the space, the little constellations drawn by hand. By your hands…
“I was thinking you could… Stay here. Larry seemed to have taken a liking to the two of you and…” you took a deep breath in, her eyes now on you. “I want you to stay.” you muttered, your gut growing in knots. “You don’t have to. I was thinking that you could use this room and… Since you told me you liked the stars and the space so much I went to that town where I got your books and…” you were babbling, unable to stop talking when suddenly she was hugging you, knocking the air out of your lungs.
“Thank you.” there were tears brimming her eyes, and she was clinging to you as if you were the last anchor to this cruel world. “Thank you.” she repeated, and even if your arms were shaking you hugged her back.
“I get that as I ‘yes, and thank you for the drawing, I love it’?” you sarcastically played it off, trying to lighten the weight of the situation. It was suddenly too much, but not enough at the same time. It felt nice. To have somebody to look for again, to love again.
“Yes. I love it.” she repeated, and she smiled at you, letting you go and looking once again at the ceiling. “But what about Laura… This is her room.” she whispers, careful, softly…
“I’m sure she won’t mind sharing it with a brat as cool as you.” you said, and her smile only grew even more. You let out a laughter when she only came back to your arms, her head resting on your chest. “Okay, kid. Enough of that.” you played, pushing her away.
“Can I keep her drawings? I like watching them.” she pointed at Laura’s sketches, still hanging on the walls.
“Of course.” you smiled, the air around you feeling somehow warmer.
“Oh, and y/n?” she suddenly called out for you, your eyes back to her.
“Could you teach me how to draw?” she inquired, and you couldn’t help the huge smile that softened your face.
Things between you and Joel were silent. Dead silent. Since that kiss… Since those eyes had begged you to stop running away from him… You hadn’t even be able to look at him, ‘cause you knew that the moment you would, you wouldn’t be able to stop the dam that captured all your feelings to fly open.
You were smoking on your balcony when you heard him close the door to your apartment. It was late at night, and Ellie was sleeping in her now room. With charcoal all over her face since she had stayed up late while you taught her how to draw the anatomy of the human body.
You were on your fifth now, and your body was begging you for even more. Now that you could feel his presence, hear his steps getting closer…
You felt like pray. Like a rabbit trying to run away from a wolf.
He sat by your side, and the gravity pulling you down on your seat seemed to increase.
You took a drag of your cigarette, and when you heard his own sizzling you couldn’t help your eyes to drift towards him, towards the bear on his jaw and chin, the mustache rimming his lips, the hard lines of his face, his nose, his eyes, his eyebrows, his hair, his neck, his chest…
“It’s rude to stare so much.” he casually said, and you looked away as fast as you could, harshly swallowing. That’s when you felt his index finger and thumb took your chin to make you look at him once again. “Did I tell you to stop?” he muttered, and you looked into his brown eyes, he was now closer, his thumb caressing your chin. “You keep trying to hide from me.” he said, and you sighed when he pressed against your bottom lip, his eyes taking you in. “Trying to act like you can’t feel how much I want you. How much I want to kiss you right now.”
“Joel…” you called out for him, but your next words got swallowed by his lips when he kissed you. Your eyes closed as you leaned in it, your arms surrounding his neck.
“You’ve saved me. Multiple times. You still save me everyday.” he whispers against your lips, and there are goosebumps creeping up your skin when his fingers trailed down your neck, softly, mere fingertips against your skin. “Let me save you.” he begged, and your heart ached. ‘Cause you liked him. You liked Joel Miller. And there was no turning back from that fact, not if you were scared you’d lose him too, scared of your heart breaking again. Your eyes were watering, and his were beautiful. “Can I kiss you, y/n? Can I hold you?” he inquired, mere centimeters separating you two.
And when you nodded, he didn’t waste time to surround you with his strong and warm arms, your cigarettes long abandoned and forgotten on top of the balcony table.
You could taste the remains on his lips, taste his need to keep you close, to love you.
“Joel…” you cried out when he kissed you softly, so softly it was ripping you apart. So softly it was leaving you naked in front of him, freeing you of all the walls you had surrounded yourself with.
“You’re beautiful.” he muttered against your lips, and you swore you could die when his mouth left soft pecks all over your face.
“Please don’t leave.” you whispered in between his hands as he cupped your face, kissing your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise.”
And he repeated it over and over again as he carried you to your bed, where he laid you and pulled you flush against his chest, holding you like you didn’t know you needed to be held. “I promise.”
Joel was gluing all your broken parts back together.
taglist; ♡
@bubbles-for-all-of-us @hiphopdancer101universe @amethystwonders11 @mmeerraa @azxulaa @euovennia @twilightsbiggestfan @dabria14 @minaxcarter @lynndaline @frogjumps-world @cassiepascal @mdnigts @fudosl @batweildinglittlepysco @doodlebob-mp3 @boh3mian @saintmagx @scaredknight @ipadkidsworld @somebodytookmyusername @natalia42069 @cassrox @seninjakitey @maddsfilms @issybee0611 @corpsebridenightamare @eddie-munsons-slut @wren-2-d @hiroikegawa @luvwanda @hawsx3
pedro pascal masterlist! <3
joel miller masterlist! <3
a/n; AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! there’d probably be about 1 or 2 more chapters, sadly enough. hope you liked this one, and thank you for all the support!! love you<3
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