#he's transtrending!!!!
obstinatecondolement · 5 months
This thing a lot of people do where they make assumptions about how dysphoric a trans person is based on how passable they find them because they directly equate that to how much they want to pass is like... not great. I cannot help being short and having giant tits that I have never successfully been able to bind flat enough to not seem like tits. This is not something I can achieve solely through wanting it hard enough.
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s1llycilantro · 2 years
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shuichi doodle on the history homework? more likely than youd think
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astrolotte · 2 years
Something that is so. frustrating to me. is my internalized transphobia.
Because really, I shouldn't have it.
I live in an accepting environment. Sure, my parents mess up a lot, but it's not out of malice. And all my friends have adapted well. As a young kid, I never watched anything that was anti-trans.
Well. Until I did. Of my own will I watched Kalvin Garrah or Blaire White or Storm Ryan videos when I was, what, 13? And being young and impressionable I quickly assumed that this was the Right Opinion, that the "transtrenders" really were awful or taking away resources or being cringy. God. It sucks.
I was never one of his fans to go out and harass the people he made videos about, so at least I have that on my conscience.
Over time, my opinions changed as I met people who I would have considered "transtrenders", and realized that they really were just people like me. And I realized that hating them was wrong.
And now I use neos! Now I identify as "starboy", a combo of stargender and male! Now I use the name 'Charlotte' despite it being very much feminine! But.
But I'm still stuck with those shitty views, engrained in my head. I still think, so, so often, that I'm not "really trans" because of that. I think that I must be stupid or cringy or wrong because I use pronouns made of nouns since they make me happy.
It's awful. It really is. I wouldn't have this problem if I never discovered their channels in the first place.
And I think, looking back on it, I only liked them in the first place because I was scared. I was scared of being the person they hated, of being a cringy transtrender.
I already knew that plenty of transphobes hated us, and I was lead to believe that if I was the right kind of trans person, they'd change their ways.
But they're never going to. That's the truth, y'know? It's been said before, but it's the truth. Just because you're "not like them" doesn't mean they're going to like you, the only reason they might be taking your side is because they're teaming up with you to destroy our fellow trans folk! If people with neos didn't exist, they'd just hate the binary people too.
God. I'm just rambling at this point.
Anyway. I might pick up new neos, soon. Working on trying to convince myself that neopronouns can be for a bit of fun sometimes, and don't necessarily have to be. Idk. I dunno how to describe it. They don't have to have the same spark that star/stars did for me.
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youji-burgers · 4 months
i think its funny when u have an oc for a really long time and you just start giving them random traits like what do you mean he has a minor peanut allergy now
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viscerast · 2 years
does any other trans person have like... kalvin garrah trauma bc
like that mf gave me internalized transphobia, i didn't know much about gender but i was a huge mogai enthusiast pre-garrah and now that ive gone through hell and back with him i just. yknow. like im afraid to even say that i like more pronouns then He/Him irl, yknow?
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sailordee · 2 years
That’s enough Twitter for today
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WIBTA If I Faked My Gender Online?
I want to pretend I'm not a cis girl when I'm online, even though I'm not actually agender or nonbinary. My gender hasn't affected me online, I've never faced sexism or sexual harassment, I'm not escaping anything. Nothing would change except the pronouns people would use for me (my online name is already unisex, which is part of why I chose it). I know this is the "do what you want forever" website, which is why I think I might not be the asshole. But I'm also scared of what could happen if I did pretend to be agender or enby and people found out I was just faking it. I know there's already a problem with "transtrenders" and how people like me would make it harder for real trans people to be taken seriously. This is why I think I might be the asshole. In advance of people going "INFO: Why do you want to fake your gender online?": My parents are transphobic, so it can only be online. And why I want to fake my gender…I don't have a good reason for it. People using they/them when they don't know my gender or incorrectly using he/him just makes me really happy. I'm not opposed to she/her, but it doesn't make me happy like the others do. But I know my own happiness as a cis person shouldn't come at the price of belittling the struggles real trans people face to be taken seriously. But I'm just one blog on Tumblr, and I don't think this would affect a lot - also why I think I might not be an asshole.
So, WIBTA if I faked my gender online just for funsies?
Anon honey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using whatever pronouns that make you happy online, so much so that I'm not even posting the poll on this one. If you'd rather use they/them or he/him, go for it! You're not faking anything
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Seeing some trans people say that using singular 'they' for a stranger whose pronouns you don't know is transphobic actually is just ... so mind boggling. Yeah, degendering is when you don't want to assume stuff about someone based on their appearance /s
Idk as a nonbinary person who uses they/them pronouns it just feels like both binary cis and trans people only ever see me as either an attention seeking transtrender cis woman or a future trans man currently in denial. They don't see nonbinary genders as real. Even some binary multigender people do this, saying that they/them pronouns are automatically degendering. And I can understand that you are angry with people using they/them pronouns for you even after you've told them your pronouns. That IS degendering. But let's not act like using they/them for strangers is inherently degendering. Sometimes I literally feel like a harmful stereotype for being a nonbinary they/them user. And nonbinary they/them users don't get our pronouns respected either, people will constantly use she/her or he/him for us depending upon which binary gender they perceive us to be. For me, this is also degendering as well as misgendering. But you never see the word 'degendering' being used when people use those pronouns for they/them users. It's literally just double standards and hypocrisy and exorsexism.
it's such an exhausting fuck you got mine mentality to demand that everyone assume your pronouns when they've never met you and have no idea who you are or what you identify as and I desperately need people to realize how amazingly selfish they are
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parksrway · 2 months
What's it like being trans? Like how do you know? A few of my friends have explained it as a feeling of being in the wrong body but I still don't quite get it. Is it like wanting to tear your skin off or not wanting a body? I genuinely want to understand what my friends are experiencing. The way they describe it, I don't understand.
Respectfully, a curious fellow.
for me it's kind of like a constant lingering discomfort and sense of wrongness but some days are worse than others. my feelings of dysphoria are a bit more social rather than physical (how I'm referred to/perceived as by other people rather than how my body looks to myself) and being referred to incorrectly kind of makes me feel like I've been punched in the gut. physical dysphoria does make me feel like I want to peel my skin off some days bc it's not that I don't want a body, I just feel like this one doesn't belong to me. everyone's experiences are different though, and it took me a long time to figure myself out because my experience wasn't the same as how other people were describing theirs (as well as unfortunately being in bad discoursey communities where experimenting and figuring yourself out was outright discouraged bc you would likely be pinned as a "transtrender" and get harassed for it)
but tbh euphoria helped me figure it out a lot faster than dysphoria did. the sort of happy, warm feeling I get when someone refers to me as a he or a sir or something else masculine. it's like something was wrong your whole life without you really realizing and then once it's corrected you finally realize how horrible you were feeling without being aware of it.
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Idk why calling transmasc people "cunts" & "bitches" in an insulting way is so normalised by fellow transmascs and trans guys in the Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia tags.... like you realise you're just doing toxic masculinity and transphobia right?
Trans women never asked you to do this and it's pretty transmisogynistic and chauvinistic to claim you're doing it on their behalf or to fight for their liberation when it's actually the same self centred bullshit that predatory cishet men do when they go "I'm a feminist and all men are trash (but not mee I'm one of the good ones)"
the tone of many of these kinds of posts is very "I'm not like those other guys I'm one of the cool guys who is better than all the whiny boys who are behaving like girls (Derogatory) for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity and I'm gonna prove how feminist I am by calling them cunts and bitches and telling them they aren't real men because IMO 'real men' (white pericishet abled men) don't face gender based oppression or talk about facing it"
it's just very thinly veiled truscum "you're a transtrender for talking about Anti-Transmasculinity " BS trying to hide behind "I'm defending trans women & fighting transmisogyny by calling out these whiny bitchcunt tboys who won't man up and suffer in silence for the good of trans women like I do" when you're not even centring trans women in this kind of "advocacy";
you're just doing the classic thing of making it all about your own insecurities with masculinity and attacking other trans people for not being 'stoic' enough about transphobia and violence they face & claiming that trans women benefit from our erasure and silence .
Like you realise most trans women don't see you hurting trans dudes, misgendering them or mocking trans survivors of DV & SA and go "woo yeah this helps me fight transmisogyny & SA and DV against trans women please tell another guy that he deserves to be SA'd or detransitioned for being whiny"
and it's pretty telling of your unexamined transmisogynistic assumptions about how this behaviour must somehow benefit trans women that your first go to for "how can I be an ally to trans women? " is apparently to seek out trans guys and tell them they deserve sexual or domestic violence while calling them bitches and cunts and misgendering them to try to threaten them into silence on issues that effect them
... Just yuck behaviour like how to say you agree with terf rhetoric about trans women being pro DV and SA MRAs without saying it.
Seriously if you want to advocate for trans women and trans fems (and trans neuts) try to actually listen to them and stop trying to use them and their struggle for liberation (which is inextricably entwined with our own) as an excuse to play out this tired self obsessed "I'm more of a real man than you" dominance paradigm BS
And also maybe while you're at it listen to some of your fellow trans men and transmascs talking about their own issues and don't be so quick to assume without cause that they're blaming trans women for Anti-Transmasculinity existing in the first place or that they think trans women as a group are oppressing them.
Like there's a HUGE difference between talking about societal violence from cis people, lateral in community violence and anti transmasculinity and going into terf GC & radfem BS that claims that trans women are "using mAlE pRiVeLeGe to rule the trans community and oppress the poor TIFs" & listening to the good faith discussions and understanding what people actually mean when they talk about Anti-Transmasculinity and transandrophobia actuall helps you to quickly identify and discard BS terf rhetoric that tries to pretend to be pro transmasc rather than just writing off anyone speaking on these issues as "you're just a detransitioner (Derogatory) in waiting you're not a real trans man because real men don't have or talk about problems"
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hexagon-club · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about your reblog where you stated that “there's something about the way gendies argue where I can't help but get the feeling that they don't even comprehend opposing views” and especially the line “they understand so little of how other people think that they don't even understand that they don't understand how others think.” 
I remember arguing with a TRA and explaining to her that I wholly supported womens (ie., females) right to be as masculine and gender-non-conforming as they wanted. Somehow we started arguing about this TIM who has a full-on beard and basically makes no effort to convey that he wishes to be perceived as a woman. I said that I wouldn’t want someone like that in women’s spaces, and the TRA I was arguing with said, “It’s funny how you talk about her beard, and then parade around like you don’t care if women are masculine.” Like, she really thought my issue was that the TIM we were arguing about was masculine, not that he was male. She couldn’t even conceptualize the idea that I did not view him as a woman. 
I think TRAs are such a unique category of people with delusional beliefs, because every other group of people with delusional beliefs at least has the language and vocabulary to articulate what they think (religious people, conspiracy theorists, etc). They can at least demonstrate a degree of reasoning behind their thoughts, no matter how flawed that reasoning may be. TRAs don’t even have that—they don’t even pretend to. It’s just circular definitions and the assertion that their internal feelings change material reality. I’m so dismayed that this ideology which is not grounded in linguistics, science, reason, material reality, or anything else has gained the popularity that it has.
I wanted to ask you what you think will become of the trans movement in the next five to ten years? Do you think we will continue to descend more and more into unreason? Do you think radfems will become more appealing in the process? I would love to know your thoughts. 
I think you're on to something. Other belief systems, even ones that are considered to be absurd by the general public, have a consistent internal vocabulary based on words that have a very clear meaning among the group members. Often they will use words in a way that is different to the way people outside the group would use them, cults love jargon after all, but they can generally communicate quite clearly with each other. If not with outsiders.
One of the many things that makes arguing with TRAs difficult is that they are not even on the same page as each other, there's the trutrans/transtrender divide, but even among the "transtrenders" which have become the mainstream of the trans movement their beliefs seem weirdly inconsistent. One of them will try to make a point, I'll debunk it, and then another will accuse me of attacking a strawman and insist that no trans person believes the thing I just debunked. They can't even clearly communicate their beliefs to each other, so they're not on the same page. But in a weird sort of way this is a strength not a weakness, because it means we're constantly trying to hit a moving target, can't really debunk an ideology if the ideology is so inconsistent no one can agree on what it even is.
On that note I just realised something, so I don't know how aware you are of this, I only learned about this after the fact, but there was something of a war on tumblr in the early 2010s between the two wings of the trans movement. The trutrans/transmedicalists represent what was essentially the mainstream of the transgender movement in the 2000s, their philosophy is essentially that being trans is something akin to a chronic illness. One that can be treated through transition, but not cured. This is in contrast to the more modern wave of TRAs who think of "gender" something more like a form of self expression. The trutrans were actually some of the earliest critics of tumblr identities and mogai stuff, because they saw that as making light of (what they believed to be) their legitimate medical disorder.
Anyway, my point is that I don't think the current mainstream of the trans community even have a word for themselves. The trutrans people call them tucutes and transtrenders. But they don't seem to have a word that refers exclusively to themselves, but not to the trutrans. That's weird, they don't even have the language to acknowledge that they are a subfaction of a larger ideology.
As to your last paragraph, I really don't know where we go from here, it's amazing that the trans movement has gotten as far as it has given how ideologically incoherent it is. But it is incredibly profitable, gender affirming care is big business, and plastic surgeons and drug companies aren't going to want to leave money on the table by letting it become less accessible. Incidentally I think this is one of the reasons why other trans identities (transrace, transage, transabled, otherkin) are never going to catch on, they are much harder to monetise, so there's no point marketing them.
The left seems to have decided this is the hill they want to die on. They seem to view gender as a sort of individual freedom. And think that people not acknowledging it is the same thing as trying to force people into rigidly defined gender roles. Like, in their minds, if they hear me say something like "non-binary is nonsense" they equate that to me saying "all women need to become stay at home housewives who wear high heels and dresses." Because they equate the word "woman" to the feminine gender role, and don't even really understand the concept of it as a purely biological classification. Even though that's what they basically all believed 15 years ago.
If the current trans position becomes untenable I think there will probably be a retreat to the "trutrans" identity. People like Blair White, Marcus Dibbs, and Buck Angel are hated by a lot of the mainstream trans community, but they are actually helping them out by preparing a fallback position for when mainstream society gets sick of their shit. I think people will mostly tolerate that, not that I think "trutrans" makes any more sense than the current position, but it's less evangelical and overall less annoying than what they currently preach. Also, quite frankly I think there are a lot of men (left wing and right wing) who are sick of TRA nonsense, but are also deeply antifeminist, and who will want to keep transgender ideology alive because they can use it against feminists.
I'm thinking of this meme I got from Sargon of Akkad's twitter account:
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So there's a group of men who know that transgender ideology is nonsense, but still get a certain sadistic pleasure at seeing it get used against women.
I'm not really sure if things are going to get more irrational from here. Both the left and the right seem to be getting more and more unhinged, the left has chosen transgender/queer ideology as its cult of choice, whereas the right has QAnon and it's weird offshoots. It does seem like we are entering an era of unreality where people are giving up on the concept of a shared objective truth and are retreating into fantasy.
That's a depressing note to end on, sorry if I rambled a bit.
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brainpal-gachapon · 4 months
Hi can i get a (small) system of brain made alters? no ramcoa programs please! tysm !!
Under cut since it's pretty long lol.
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Meet Glen! The subsystem's host!
Name(s): Glen, Wilfred, Roxxie, Gwen, Glass, Gayna
Prns: mirror pronouns
Gender(s): pangender
Species: human/aligator hybrid
TransID(s): transwheelchairuser, transpunk, permaneonhair, translesbian, transsinger, transrockstar, nullcaneuser, transcharacter (Monty from FNAF, or your choice if you would prefer someone else!), permasunglasses, transscene, perma2020's
Age: identifies with the main body's chronoage and ages with it
Role(s) (if you want them): host, conference holder
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Meet Mico! The god that's just trying its best to be an actual god.
Name(s): Mico, Milo, Zombie, Will, Billie, Melod, Stare, Name
Prns: it/its, god/gods, watch/watches, see/sees, eye/eyes, all/alls, pan/pans, sky/skys, star/stars, above/above, fly/flys, better/betters
Gender(s): godagender
Species: chrono biblically accurate angel, transgod
TransID(s): transageless, transgod, transhpd (cis and trans), pantrans, transpanpara, transfultleader, transfamous, transworshipped, transfloatingeyes
Age: transageless, chrono53, godage
Role(s) (if you want them): persecutor + cohost + npd and hpd holder (all of the Subsystem (and/or main system) experiences it)
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Meet Maxx! The "just a normal guy" sysmate. Literally he's that. His job is to help mask around folx that aren't accepting of the others (and main system's) identities.
Name(s): Max(x), Jack(son), John, Josh, Tom, Bobby
Prns: he/him
Gender(s): guy
Species: human
TransID(s): transnormal
Age: 23
Role(s) (if you want them): primary protector, masker
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Meet Casper! The subsystem's trauma holder plus protector if Maxx can't handle something.
Name(s): Casper, Spook, Gasp, Ghost, Horror
Prns: it/its, that/thats, gho/ghost, void/voids
Gender(s): gendernull
Species: ghost + shapeshifter (but can only turn into objects)
TransID(s): polycorpus, transweightless, permabruised, transnightcore, chronicpainbloodic, transchronicwastingdisease, transcolorblind, transaddict, transballjointdoll, permahalloween, transwicca
Age: ghostage + agenull
Role(s) (if you want them): trauma holder, protector, emergency fronter
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Meet Cringe!
Name(s): Cringe, Elliot, Maggot, Blood, Moss, Bones, Arson, Alex, Loki
Prns: any
Gender(s): genderfluid, transtrender (reclaimed)
Species: speciesfuck
TransID(s): transintersex, trans🗺, transidol, transadhd, transautism, permabunnyhat, trans2000, transscene, permaroleplay, transnice, permamakeup, transpower
Age: permateen, teenfluid
Role(s) (if you want them): fixholder, gayxenorole, heartbeat
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aropride · 1 year
(using past tense because i don't see this type of art/comic around much anymore, tho im sure they still exist. using "body image" as shorthand for all the other stuff bc character limit lol. also i wanted to use a more neutral(?) word for "tucute" but i couldn't remember what we called ourselves at the time/if there was another word lmao. but y'all know what i mean)
(if at the time they were helpful but in retrospect were harmful, vote for the "negatively" option)
examples of these under the cut if you don't know what i'm talking about. warning for misgendering, transphobic, possibly dysphoria inducing caricatures of trans men.
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(ID 1: art of a white feminine trans man. he has pink hair, is wearing makeup and a choker that says "boi," a flower in his hair, a shirt that says "kawaii," a pink skirt, and pink leggings with hearts on them. he has a large chest, a slim waist, and leg and armpit hair. he is surrounded by tumblr tags, mostly trans ones.)
(ID 2: a comic showing two white trans guys labelled "gnc trans guy" and "transtrender". the first has a short undercut with grown-out pink hair. he is wearing a pastel blue and pink shirt, grey shorts, and trans striped socks. his chest is flat and he is drawn with sharper features. the second has a slightly longer undercut and is wearing a tight pansexual pride crop top, a he/him pronoun pin, blue shorts, and rainbow socks. he has visible boobs, a slim waist, and is drawn with softer features. a list of what makes them either "really" trans or a "transtrender" according to the artist is next to each person.)
(ID 3: a comic showing two trans guys. one is titled "this is damian. damian is a trans man. he is an average looking brown man with short brown hair and facial hair. he has a sweater on and is wearing jeans. a speech bubble says "i just want to live my life like everyone else". the other person is titled "this is skye. skye wants to be a trans boy, but she's just a cis girl who needs to feel special." skye has a blue undercut and a pink clip in his hair. he is wearing a galaxy shirt and the straps of his binder are visible. he is wearing jeans. speech bubbles surrounding him read, "soft boy~," "space child! ❤️," "gender is a feeling," "you don't need to have dysphoria to be trans," "truscum don't interact," cisgender people are sooo boring!," and "I bought a binder so I'm a real trans boy!"
end image descriptions.)
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headmates-for-you · 1 month
can I request a special on an alter that would just fucking send queer discourse people into a coma just because of how radqueer they are? Just one that would piss people off the most.
bits so sillyyyy! hope clouds RQ enough /gen
I also included his fursona and kin list -Slade
TW: very brief mention of sh, lots of bright colors
Name(s): Zeno, Aradius/Iradius
Nickname(s): (for each) Z, Radi
Last Name(s): Whitlock, Winchester, Marbelle
Age(s): chrono 24-25, trans 14
Pronouns: they/them, he/him, she/her, it/its, xe/xim, xhe/xer, xey/xem, chaos/chaoself, remove/removes, empty/emptys, cringe/cringes, XD/XD’s, clown/clowns, squid/squids, thing/things, night/nights, bit/bits, weird/weirds, cryp/cryptid, rain/rains, rain/rainbow, rainbow/rainbows, cloud/clouds, glitch/glitches, ⚫️/⚫️’s, 🦑/🦑’s, ☀️/☀️’s, 🔥/🔥’s, 👑/👑’s, ⭐️/⭐️’s, 🎤/🎤’s, 💫/💫’s, 🌲/🌲’s, 🌈/🌈’s
Height: cis 5’8, trans 5’4
Zodiac: cis cancer, trans taurus
Source(s): brainmade
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Gender(s): chaosgender, tumblrgender, removedgender, raingeXD, squilliclownim, nightchaluiegendie, chaoscoinic, weirdgender, cryptidgender, trendergender
Orientation(s): polyamorous demi-panromantic poly-cupiosexual (femme leaning)
TransID(s): transage, transteen, permateen, transintersex, transbodyparts, transzodiac, transheight, transautism, transADHD, transBPD, transOLD, transhaircolor, permatired, permahappy, transrace, transjapanese, transspecies, transabled, transamputee, transtrender, transsemiverbal, transSZTP, transPTSD, transseveriPTSD, transalien, therian, transseverity, transnonverbal, transharmed, transworshiper, transcontrolled, transprogrammed, transprogrammer, transharmful, transsh, fictionkin
CisID(s): caucasian, dyed hair, braces, verbal, dyslexic, mild ADHD, sh scars, age regressor, furry, proship
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Misc. Information
Paras: zoophilia, necrophilia, MAP, AAM, teratophilia, drakophilia, pyrophilia, hybriphilia, hybristophilia, masquephilia, merinthophilia, cheirophilia, podophilia, spectrophilia, plushophilia, fictophilia, fictoMAP, shotacon, lolicon, acrotomophilia, autagonistophilia, consang, brocon
Positive Trigger(s): squids, marine studies
Other Trigger(s): RQ discourse
Role(s): online social alter, discourse holder
Typing quirk: types with “cringey” things like rawr and X3 and laughs as hehehe, lots of ~
Ex: hehehe thats so cute~! X3 uwu
Emoji Signoff: 🦑
Other: if cryp ever gets their own social media, name is something like “Xx_squidmeat_xX”
Theriotypes: squid, fox
Fursona: rainbow fennec fox clown with tentacles named “Squiddik” that uses he/it/rot/thing
Kins: Dazai (BSD), Kokichi (DR), Karkat (Homestuck), Denji (CSM), L (Death Note), Clear (DMMD), Hanako (TBHK), Aoi (Maid-Sama)
~~~~~ ~~~~~ 01101110 01100101 01111000 01110100 ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Barbie Girl - Aqua
Nyan Cat Theme - Digidudes
I Am A Bummy Bear - Gummibar
Raining Tacos - Parry Gripp
The Duck Song - Bryant Oden
Fan Service - S3RL
Shut up (and Sleep with Me) - Sin With Sebastian
Freshman Boyfriend - h3artcrush
Big Juicy - Ayesha Erotica
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marklikely · 14 days
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sorry i need to bitch about this stupid ass tweet somewhere because like. he literally wears dresses and clothes that are OBVIOUSLY from the womens section and makeup and his face was deliberately done up to look like botched feminine plastic surgery like im pretty sure theres more grounds to be concerned about the films portrayal of this characters gender expression than just "hes a freak".
like you don't have to hate the movie or consider it transphobic yourself but just because they don't have a silence of the lambs style "hes a transtrender" speech doesnt mean that there's no discussion to be had here about the subtext. i wish longlegs fans were not the thinnest skinned people alive who have to shut down their thought completely when any and all criticism is directed toward their movie.
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