#head canon request
milkmaidovich · 10 months
Ya girl is HELLA SICK (like went home from work early, can't breathe through either nostril, head full of cotton, big time fever sick), so pls if you have them, send me your most silly headcanons.
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fizzyxcustard · 3 years
Hello! Are your requests open? If not that’s okay but I was wondering if you could do Headcannons for after sex care with Thorin??
(I hope this is okay for you, sweetie pie)
* You let Thorin rest against your chest for a short while as you both regain your breaths.
* Thorin is the first one to begin a long, passionate kiss that lasts for some time.
* As Thorin kisses you, his hands massage your back and stomach, and he silently prays to Mahal for you to be blessed with a little one as a result of your union.
* Thorin always asks if you are hungry and/or thirsty. Most of the time you are.
* Food is ordered by Thorin when he goes to a guard who is standing just down the hallway from your royal quarters.
* Once the food is brought, Thorin brings it to you, wanting you to rest.
* Both of you share in food, drink and laughter.
* The plates and goblets are left to one side and Thorin beckons you down into the fur of the bed. He holds you from behind, kissing your hair and telling you how much he adores you.
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damn-stark · 3 years
Taking a small break starting today, but if any of you have any headcanon request for these characters let me know!!
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Porco Galliard
Connie Springer
Sasha Braus
Eren Jeager
Mikasa Ackerman
Pietro maximoff
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
(Tell me who theirs a lot more characters)
Stranger things
Harry Potter
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belch-huggins · 6 years
HCs for belch proposing marriage?
[The Deed is done]
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w0lfx · 6 years
Joseph Seed Head-canon
Summary: Head-cons where you are new in the church and Seed brothers fall in love with you and go talk with you for the first time. 
Requested by: anon 
Warnings: none
He had taken notice of you from the moment you had first stepped into his church. You were different, that he knew at most. When he first gazed at you he saw a lamb rather then a child to be carried under his wing. No, there was something different, the voice even faintly murmured it in the back of his mind.
    Your visits had turned more frequent and each time the Father was drawn more and more to you until finally he built up the courage to speak to you.
“Hello my little lamb, may I ask your name?” his question caused you to look at him, moving to become level with you. Joseph felt butterflies lift off in his stomach when your eyes locked with his. The use of  a pet name put you at ease and you swallowed before answering.
“Y/n,” you watched as his face contorted into a smile.
“That’s a beautiful name,” he said, his voice cracking slightly as he rose to sit next you, “I’ve seen you here a couple times before. What do you think?”
You had to think for a moment before you answered, “it’s all very….it’s, it’s a lot to take in,” you finally settled on.
“But you are at least open to it, are you not?” he asked, tipping his head to the side. You gave a soft little nod and he smiled, taking your hands in his.
“That’s wonderful my little lamb, if you will pardon me there are a few things I must attend to. But, I do hope to see you again,” Joseph said, standing to his full height and smiling down at you.
That night Joseph fell asleep thinking of you. As he stared at his rosary, squeezing the beads between his fingers, a question burned into his mind.
Have I fallen in love? 
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blackwatershipper · 6 years
For @shitfromtwilight
Becoming Hers
{ Female Partner (POV) X Leah Clearwater }
You notice her the moment you see her; beautiful, blown up with self-importance, and just standing there surrounded by guys, laughing and joking
At first you resent her for the amount of attention she warrants, but you soon realise it’s something that doesn’t matter to her
She just fits in with the guys (and yes, you do get a little jealous)
You can’t help but get uncomfortably flustered when she’s wearing her EMT uniform and passes by your desk each morning (you’re pretty sure it’s illegal to look that good in work clothes)
She smirks your way but you clam up and spin around on the office chair nervously. She can’t be looking at YOU… right?
You start finding random notes on your desk and flush when you realise they’re from HER
They aren’t lewd but they definitely get your heart racing
You close up the station one rainy night, and find that your car battery is flat... just what you needed *eyeroll*
You stand shivering in the rain until she appears out of nowhere and offers you a ride home (she’s chuckling and you don’t find it funny one bit so you pout the whole way)
When you don’t show up at work a few days later (stupid flu) she knocks on your door with a bowl of hot chicken soup and chilli (she tells you chilli helps and you trust her because she’s a medic and you aren’t)
PLUS she tells you when you’re ready, to grab the car, cause she’s magically done mechanical stuff (you don’t understand but definitely appreciate it)
You start hanging out and can’t help but notice the way she runs her tongue over her bottom lip while she watches you explain stupid things like why you’re a Trekkie and not a Star Wars fan or why you can speak Spanish or why you find the colour pink nauseating
When your curls fall in front of your face when you laugh, she leans forward and sweeps them back behind your ear
She’s staring at you with those hazel eyes and you want to squeak, because HELLO! She’s Leah Clearwater, literally the sexiest woman you’ve ever seen and when she’s looking at you like THAT…
She kisses you. It isn’t needy, no. It’s delicate and damn if you weren’t swooning before, you fucking are now
Stupid Leah Clearwater making you want her
When she asks you out on an official date you stutter and blush like a fool. She’s so upfront it almost embarrasses you
She apologises with a tiny flower left on your paperwork
The note reads: ‘I’m sorry I made you blush. Can’t wait to see if your thighs blush the same colour when I…’
You quickly throw the note away and straighten your blouse in an attempt not to either giggle or squeal excitedly because she totally LIKES likes you
After a few weeks you find that spending time with her is helping you come out of your shell
You also feel less stressed
You kinda feel prettier too, because when she looks at you and touches you, you feel like you’re not the only one drowning
You like being the strong one (because you aren’t often), especially after a hard day for her
She clings to you, and you’re a little scared because she’s Leah. Strong, beautiful, wonderful (sometimes harsh) Leah and you do your best to be there
The first time she takes you to bed, you swear to yourself that God was so close you could have reached out and touched him. You’re not even religious but you definitely called His name a few times
When she tugs your curls, tinting your head back, lips climbing your throat... it feels like you’re going to die. Right there. And then.
She worships you, not because you are perfect, but because you aren’t
‘Don’t cover yourself from me,’ she says tugging your hands away, ‘You are you, and that’s who I’m in love with.’
When she says the word LOVE you want to cry
But she kisses your cheeks and nose and smiles down at you. ‘Silly rabbit, how could I not love you and those big brown eyes. From the very first moment...’
You spend months living on a cloud, enamoured with her and the person she’s making you. No real changes; just more smiles, maybe a little more confidence, and a LOT more kissing
When she introduces you to her brother and he sweeps you into a hug with his big huge smile, you feel like maybe all the Clearwater’s are stunning and find it not fair… AT ALL
When she smacks your bum when saying goodbye in the morning
When she kisses your forehead
When she gets jealous when you meet her friends (you’re not sure why they’re ALL hot guys, but you brush it off) and they all hug you and congratulate you both
When you have to accept that Jacob Black (apparently he’s her best friend) stays over sometimes and walks around in boxers (to your embarrassment) and drinks out of the juice carton (annoying)
When she holds you hand in the middle of the street, and even though you’re still not sure if this is forever, you accept it because she makes you happy. More happy than you’ve ever been. And it’s scary. But that’s the risk. And as scared as you are and as risky as this whole thing is, you wouldn’t change it for the world. EVER.
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Can you do more HCs for Mint Eye? I fucking loved your Rika HCs and your ideas on how the organization worked. Maybe your take on a Mint Eye MC AU? :> Thank you for your writing anyways, it's a pleasure to read really
I can certainly do this! 
Mint Eye/Mint Eye MC AU::
-I’ve said before that Mint Eye is a bastardization of Catholicism.  Rika either designed the drug she uses for communion herself or was very involved (I think she either worked in medicine or as a social worker I can’t decide which).  I think it’s opiate based possibly some off shot of Fentanyl.  Possibly dangerously easy to OD on, so she could say people who died were not devout enough.-Speaking of Devoutness, Savior rewards the faithful.  Usually with the less faithful.  A punishment for you could be someone else’s lucky night-However gifts are given at Savior’s preference and there is no refusal,  She absolutely rewards people to entertain herself.  Mint Eye is really about indulging her after all.-There are tiers to the cult, at the top people call them The Family.  Savior, V, Saeran and MC.  They have private rooms outside the dormitory where everyone else is expected to sleep, they never eat in the common room with everyone else and aside from V they come and go as they please.  MC even lives outside the castle.-V is known to most as Savior’s Sad Dog, probably a nick name started by Unknown.-MC is known as Savior’s Peach, a pet name given by Savior herself.  She can be hard and cruel but is usually soft and sweet-Unknown is known as The Big Man, he’s probably the smallest adult in the ranks of Mint Eye but he’s almost as frightening as Savior.  He has no thoughts of self preservation, he can be anyone she wants him to be.  He’s a ghost and he’ll harm or even kill anyone if he thinks it would serve her better, whether she asks or not.-As Unknown Saeran thinks of himself as a ghost, dying itself is just a formality, nothing he does can really impact him.  He’s jealous of V in a way, that Savior plans to reward him with death so soon.-Saeran and MC were in a foster home together, arranged by Rika in the time between Seven joining the Agency and Rika faking her death.  He thinks of her as a little sister.  Savior has warped that view to suit her needs, spread resentment there but it never really fades.  Saeran would kill MC only if Savior asked it.-MC is mostly kept outside the castle, her job is to assimilate so that there’s no real connection between her and Mint Eye.  She’s still given the drug but like Saeran she administers it herslef rather than regularly attending Communion.-Saeran and MC are not immune to being give as gifts, or being used to entertain Savior.- A Family Dinner would consist of Savior at the head of the table, V at the foot with an empty plate, Unknown and the Peach would join if they are both in the castle.-Savior encourages indulgence, Drugs, sex, violence, anything one might desire, she’s pleased to provide, the more she provides the more control over you she might have.-Savior has a weak spot for Yoosung, she offers him to MC and Saeran as a reward to whoever delivers her the RFA so that he’s not at her side to soften her in some way.-100% the apartment would have blown with MC inside if Seven hadn’t caught Unknown hacking in.-Early on V tries to undermine the cult and bring things around on his own. He tries to tip people off without involving the RFA but she has too many people on the outside in positions of power.  He’s always punished, used as an ashtray, beaten, given as a gift to be used, eventual she breaks him his final act of rebellion is sitting with a lawyer waiting for him to die to be delivered to Jumin.-Savior uses drug interactions to assassinate people-There are Mint Eye members everywhere, Rika has her hands in every pie and even after the Secret Ends Mint Eye lives on in those plants.That’s all I have for now but I have written a few fics plus I have a few in the works that deal with a Mint Eye MC AU, if YooRan is your thing Catalyst is a post Yoosung Route Mint Eye MC AU, More Yooran in that AU here, I have a pre game Mint Eye MC drabble here  I also have a V fic in the works in that same AU that will cover some Mint eye stuff. Lost Boys also deals with some of my Mint Eye headcanons. 
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Hi lovely followers--
So I’m very stressed out right now and kinda scared (but not in a serious way, just in an anxiety way) and I’m moving to a new place on Tuesday, after a very sudden decision. I can’t find my equilibrium and I’m just looking for reassurance and warmth. 
So here’s my request. Fluffy Johnlock head canons, or little snippets of stuff that’s floating through your head that you think would be reassuring, or just images that bring you comfort. If you have a second, I’ll be forever grateful. 
I just need to not feel so lonely right now, I guess. 
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everdreamer-blog-blog · 11 years
Head canon request?
After a discussion with a friend I've decided to make a separate blog for my various head canons. I've got a lot simmering in my head that haven't quite been fully articulated yet and I'll slowly be putting them down and publishing them. But I figured I'd ask for requests before I start the blog if there are any particular shows/movies/books that people would like to see my head canons for first.
Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Bones, Sleepy Hollow, Avengers, Vampire Diaries/Originals, Person of Interest, Grimm, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Tamora Pierce's Tortall Book Series, Star Wars. Anything not on the list you are free to ask for since I know I'm missing a lot of my fandoms on this list.
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Headcannon???Been along for the journey for a month. No one trusts reader still. The hobbit cast reactions to them seeing slave marks or scars for the first time. What they might do to earn readers trust first? Bonus if elves are included. Lol hopefully I did this right. Lol
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* Your scars serve as a constant reminder of the dark years you left behind, having been enslaved by orcs and used for all kinds of barbaric and disgusting uses. 
* One day you are bathing in a river, thinking you are alone and it is Dwalin who first sees your scars. He is hurt and outraged by them, wondering who on earth would ever want to hurt you. 
* You keep yourself to yourself through the journey, but you notice that Dwalin begins to talk to you more and offers you blankets at night and second helpings of any hot food. 
* Next it is Oin who sees your scars, accidentally when you are changing your tunic. You allow him to check them, but ask that he promises not to tell anyone else. However, one or two of the other Dwarves have noticed scars on your arms and one or two on your legs. 
* You notice that they all seem to show you more warmth over the following days. One morning, Balin finds you weeping. The memories of the slavery has become too much to bear and you tell him your story. 
* You were enslaved for many years by orcs and then found by the Elves of Rivendell who helped you heal. But your mental wounds were far too deep to heal completely. 
* Thorin does not want to go to Rivendell, but you plead with him to at least be open-minded. When Thorin becomes angry with you, you tell him your story. The rest of the Company, watch on in disbelief. Bilbo sidles closer to you and puts his arm consolingly around your shoulder. 
* The Company show more compassion towards you, but you notice that you develop quite a deep friendship with Dwalin. He has become a father of sorts to you. You trust him more than anyone else through his kindness and patience. 
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Re your found head cannons, would love the getting drunk with the dwarves. Sounds humorous!
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Being pregnant with and having Richard’s child would include:
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Requested by @purplerain85 Please send asks for head canon requests and I will get to them as soon as I can. 
Headcanon masterlist here
* You finally tell him you’re pregnant when he comes home after a long filming project. You wanted to be with him in person to announce your pregnancy, in which you are already around 10 weeks. 
* You’ve been in a relationship with Richard for about 2 years at this point, and began trying for a baby only 6 months or so ago. 
* You’ve always known how much Richard wants to be a father, and the discussion to plan for being parents was a long one due to Richard’s career and work commitments, but he knows ultimately that you and his family always trump his work. 
* Richard makes sure he takes only Audible projects for a while so that he can be close to you and be at every scan. 
* Whenever you ask for food or things to make you comfortable, he is immediately there to make sure you have his full support. 
* At 16 weeks it is announced that you are having a girl. Richard can’t help but break down crying in the middle of the hospital, holding your hand and listening to your daughter’s heartbeat. 
* Normally Richard hates shopping, but he thoroughly enjoys going out with you to begin buying all the necessities for the little one’s arrival. 
* At night, when you’re asleep, Richard holds you from behind and thanks whoever is above that he has finally had this chance to have his own family. 
* When you go into labour, at just over a week early, Richard is with you every second. He drives you to the hospital and never leaves your side as you go through almost 12 hours of labour. 
* When your daughter is born, you only hold her briefly and then hand her to Richard. Tears are streaming down his cheeks. And then he cries harder as you announce you wish to name her after his late mother. 
* When you take her home, Richard is eager to make her bottles, wash her and hold her on his chest. You know then that your daughter could not ever have had a better and more deserving father. 
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Could you please do some Headcanons for Thorin dating a Human Woman with very short hair (like a pixie cut), and what that would entail? Thanks, love your work!
Posted!! :) Hope you enjoy, beautiful. 
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
ooh, if you're still doing them, feel free to ignore or save for later or whatever. Just thought of you. Here's an easy fluffy thorin thing, (not sure what to call it) but him loving your coming in, always managing to be right when he's having a terrible day, leaning on his shoulders and hugging him. Full on snuggles pretending to listen to his problems with some trade deal only to start kissing his neck and eventually ending with him pulling you onto his lap for retaliatory snuggles and kisses.
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* As the King, Thorin is often frustrated and stressed after a long day in council. 
* You are always on hand when he returns to your bed chamber, just before dinner, to soothe him. 
* Thorin smiles as soon as he enters your bed chamber, seeing you. He always gives out a sigh, finally feeling able to relax. 
* You are his strength, his confidant and his refuge. 
* Thorin normally sits down in his big chair and you waltz behind him, drawing your arms around him from behind, kissing his head and reminding him you love him. 
* He feels the warmth and love radiate from you and instantly, the pounding in his head begins to die down. 
* Things begin to get more heated and you kiss his neck, listening to him groan in pleasure. As you kiss his neck, your hands massage his tight shoulders, easing the hard muscles back to their normal softness. 
* Thorin takes your hand and guides you around so you’re standing in front of him and then pulls you into his lap. 
* You both kiss and as the passion dies down, you sit in Thorin’s arms for a while, again telling him you love him. 
Head canon master list here. 
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Thorin headcanon: Thorin was always a shy dwarfling and when he's an adult, sometimes he'll revert to that side of him, making people think he's broody.
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* Thorin’s parents often worried about him as when he was a child he didn’t have many friends. 
* Most of Thorin’s childhood revolved around being readied to take the throne when older. Due to this, he became a little withdrawn, fearing judgement from other Dwarves. 
* Growing up, and becoming an adult, was quite hard for Thorin. He gained his confidence and a few more friends, but never felt he could be entirely himself around other people. 
* He always secretly yearned to meet his One, believing that through that one person, he could find a true connection. 
* Other Dwarves saw much promise, talent and leadership in Thorin, and become naturally drawn to him. However, he did not feel, at first, that many people believed in his leadership skills. 
* Even when on the journey back to Erebor with his Company, Thorin can lead his men, but finds it difficult to open up about his personal life. This gives many people the impression he’s rude, standoffish and arrogant. 
* Thorin sometimes hopes that people would naturally open up to him and talk to him as though he were a person of no status. He feels that his status sometimes gets in the way. 
* Thorin has always been a deep thinker and often, in both childhood and adulthood, and likes to take time out for himself alone. 
– Head canon masterlist here
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Thorin seeing you tend to your own wounds :)
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* At first Thorin wants to help you, but you’re stubborn and independent. 
* He becomes a little irritated that no one is allowed to help you, but sits back and smirks to himself, appreciating your independent nature. 
* He watches intently, feeling emotions rack through him that he’s never felt before. 
* You notice him watching and turn away, embarrassed and ashamed that you had gotten wounded in the first place. 
* “At least let Oin take a look!” he barks at you. You growl in response, getting up and moving away. 
* By the time you have finished cleaning and bandaging your wound, Thorin comes looking for you. 
* You look up at him with suspicion, thinking that he is about to either mock you or shout at you for your recklessness in the first place. 
* Instead, Thorin sits down beside you, asking if you are in pain. 
* In that moment, the two of you sit in the comfortable silence, and an understanding seems to settle. 
– Head canon masterlist here
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