#headcanon. camille preaker.
godblooded · 1 year
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file this under ‘things i can’t forgive camille for when talking about a child’.
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n0spins · 2 years
headcanon + mother
       *  send  headcanon  +  a  word  and  i’ll  write  a  blurb  about  it  !!
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        KWON  EUNSOO  ,  45  ,  HAIRDRESSER 
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          minjun’s  mother  eunsoo  is  currently  a  hairdresser  at  a  family  owned  salon  back  home  in  daegu.  when  he  was  a  bit  younger,  she  also  used  to  work  as  a  housekeeper  and  a  waitress,  but  ever  since  minjun  made  it  big  and  started  shouldering  more  of  the  finacial  load,  his  mother  left  the  two  professions.
          minjun  was  a  complete  accident  —  his  mother  was  on  the  way  to  becoming  a  classical  pianist  and  had  no  intentions  of  having  kids  anytime  soon.  she  was  wanted  by  the  korean  national  symphony  orchestra,  held  in  high  regard  for  her  amazing  piano  skills  at  such  a  young  age  —  but  she  had  to  give  it  all  up  to  become  a  stay  at  home  mother.  minjun  wasn’t  unwanted  per  say,  but  there  was  definitely  the  resentment  eunsoo  held  towards  him  for  halting  her  music  career.  but  she  was  raising  him  with  the  love  of  her  life,  so  surely  everything  would  be  alright.
          minjun  longs  for  the  days  when  he  was  little  and  he’d  sit  on  his  mother’s  knee  and  learn  the  piano  from  her  talented  fingertips.  things  would  change  drastically  when  minjun’s  father  passed  away,  the  main  bread - winner  of  the  house,  eunsoo  was  forced  to  give  up  being  a  stay  at  home  mom  to  now  take  on  a  multitude  of  jobs  to  provide  for  her  three  kids. 
          minjun,  only  eleven  years  old  at  the  time,  would  have  to  step  up  to  the  plate  to  take  care  of  his  younger  sisters.  he’d  see  his  mother  once  in  the  morning  before  school,  and  then  as  soon  as  the  kids  got  home,  it  was  minjun’s  job  to  take  care  of  youngmi  and  hyunae.  he’d  remember  the  meals  his  mother  made  and  would  try  to  replicate  them,  or  they’d  be  eating  convenience  store  ramyeon  for  the  third  day  in  a  row  because  it  was  something  easy  he  couldn’t  fuck  up.  he’d  do  their  laundry,  he’d  clean  the  house,  he’d  help  his  sisters  with  the  cleanup  following  a  bedwetting  incident,  he  was  the  mother  that  was  too  busy  working  all  the  time.
          minjun  doesn’t  blame  his  mother,  how  could  he  ?  it  wasn’t  her  fault  her  husband  died,  and  it  wasn’t  her  fault  that  she  had  to  put  her  grief  on  the  backburner  while  trying  to  keep  her  family  afloat.  but  there  is  still  a  sense  of  resentment  on  minjun’s  side  for  having  to  grow  up  too  quickly,  to  be  okay  for  his  little  sisters.  he  couldn’t  process  his  own  grief  or  just  be  a  kid  without  worrying  how  he  would  care  of  youngmi  and  hyunae  at  home.  he’d  stay  up  late  in  hopes  of  seeing  his  mom  if  only  for  a  brief  moment,  but  she’d  brush  his  affections  off  and  claim  she  was  tired  before  retiring  to  her  room.  he  just  wanted  somebody  to  take  care  of  him,  since  he  spent  all  his  time  taking  care  of  his  sisters.  he  just  wanted  his  mom  again.
          she’d  guilt  minjun  into  getting  a  job  as  early  as  he  could,  a  paid  under  the  table  job  and  anything  he  made  would  go  directly  into  her  pocket.  if  minjun  tried  to  protest,  she’d  spin  it  onto  his  head  that  he  didn’t  care  for  his  family,  when  that  couldn’t  be  further  from  the  truth.  now  basically  in  the  same  boat  as  his  mother,  minjun  would  start  to  fall  behind  in  his  own  studies  from  working  and  being  a  parent.
          after  minjun  was  scouted,  eunsoo  saw  the  possibility  for  her  son  to  get  the  fame  that  she  was  denied  —  wanting  to  live  vicariously  through  him,  and  the  aspect  of  the  money  he  could  bring  home  if  he  made  it  big,  she’d  urge  him  to  go  to  the  audition  and  chase  after  his  dreams.
          minjun  is  not  as  close  to  his  mother  as  he  used  to  be,  sending  money  back  home  out  of  a  feeling  of  obligation.  she  was  the  one  who  made  him  go  to  the  mightee  one  audition  all  those  years  ago,  so  he  feels  he  owes  everything  to  her,  that  she’s  entitled  to  his  hardwork  simply  because  she’s  his  mother.  even  when  minjun  wasn’t  making  much  when  no  spin  was  severely  struggling,  she  still  requested  almost  every  and  any  paycheck  minjun  got.  
         after  no  spin  blew  up,  she  started  demanding  more  and  more  from  him,  and  minjun  would  just  give  her  anything  she  asked  for,  because  didn’t  she  deserve  it  ?  his  mother  had  gone  through  so  much,  she  deserved  the  break  minjun  could  give  her.  now  dependant  on  his  money  and  fame,  she’s  certainly  not  the  woman  minjun  remembers,  the  woman  who  kissed  his  cuts  and  taught  him  his  endless  love  for  music.  his  fame  is  hers,  letting  her  live  the  luxury  she  should’ve  had  minjun  never  been  born  in  the  first  place.
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camillecrellin · 10 months
Could you maybe do some headcanons please for dating either shiv roy or camille preaker? 💜💜
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Dating Camille Preaker Headcannons
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Warnings: self-harm scars, the murders mentioned, alcohol addiction, mentions of sex problems
Word Count: 260
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Camille has been through a lot, and so she was initially scared when you first asked her out.
She hadn't had a proper relationship almost ever and you knew that.
You both met at a bar when she came back from Wind Gap after her sister, Amma, was charged.
Camille was very closed off when you first started dating but she slowly opened up to you: about her mom, her sisters, her scars, Alice.
Sex is difficult for Camille, she was initially scared you'd run away from her scars, be physically disgusted, but you weren't.
Camille is very touch starved, but she doesn't want to beg for hugs, but when you get home from work you always make sure to hug her while putting on TV.
Sometimes when you got home, Camille would be laying on the couch, snoring from all the vodka she had drunk during the day.
When Camille decided to quit drinking, you did to, helping her every step of the way.
You would listen to music while cooking.
You two had a shared playlist of both your favourite music.
When you both had days off, you'd stay at home watching old 90s movies all day.
When Camille had to travel for her job, you would call her every day and make sure Frank Curry was treating her well.
Oh also, Curry loves you too like his own daughters. He'd definitely talk about you two to his wife.
Overall, Camille loves you and relies on you to keep her sane, and you’d do that for her, always.
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brynnterpretations · 4 months
Welcome to Brynnterpretations! ☻
I am a 20-year-old pre-law student looking to unwind by writing about my favorite characters!
AO3 ⋆ KoFi (any and all $ goes to my tuition costs) ⋆ Rules ⋆ Spotify ⋆ Main (IFB from here!)
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Currently writing for...
Eileen (Moshfegh, 2015)
It (Muschietti, 2017)
Headcanons, Fics, & Ship Requests
Midnight Mass (Flanagan, 2021)
Sharp Objects (Flynn, 2006)
The Boys (Kripke, 2019)
Headcanons, Fics, & Ship Requests
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Masterlist ⬇
Bowers Gang
Suck Patrick Hockstetter All his life, Patrick had been chasing that feeling again.
Enneagram types Familial relationships Fashion tastes Favorite quality in others Favorite school subjects Heights Ideal partners In a zombie apocalypse Music tastes (with linked playlists!) Myers-Briggs types Older lives, twenty-seven years later Older looks, twenty-seven years later Pet peeves Preferred bullying methods Songs that match their personalities Spiritual and religious beliefs
Bowers Gang Ship #1 Bowers Gang Ship #2
Broadway Girls
I'll Be the Biggest Scar on Your Back Beverly Marsh x Gretta Keene "Their dads got along." Vomit My Heart, Pull My Legs Apart Beverly Marsh x Gretta Keene "If it was what Beverly was good for, nobody could fault Gretta for wanting a taste."
None yet — read the rules and request!
Long Goes The Night (Longer The Day) Dark!Eileen Dunlop x Rebecca St. John "Rebecca was good company. "
Losers Club
I'll Be the Biggest Scar on Your Back Beverly Marsh x Gretta Keene "Their dads got along." Vomit My Heart, Pull My Legs Apart Beverly Marsh x Gretta Keene "If it was what Beverly was good for, nobody could fault Gretta for wanting a taste.'
High school lives Music tastes
Midnight Mass
Like Air That Stops From Breathing Riley Flynn "Chicken or the egg — that's what Ms. Keane calls it."
Sharp Objects
Heart-Shaped Box Camille Preaker & Amma Crellin "Sometimes I think you’re scared of me." Wax Me, Mold Me Camille Preaker "There was something mechanical about sex to Camille, something almost like cutting. " Let Me Clip (Dirty Wings) Camille Preaker & Amma Crellin "Amma likes to take things that others haven't. Camille is an anomaly."
The Boys
Writing for Annie January, Billy Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie Campbell, Kimiko, Marvin T. Milk (M.M.), and Victoria Neuman.
Where Damage Isn't Already Done Victoria Neuman x Wife!Reader "The worst thing about it is the coffee."
Dating Boss!Victoria Neuman Dating Frenchie Favorite foods/meals Music tastes Postsecondary educations
The Boys Ship #1 The Boys Ship #2 The Boys Ship #3 The Boys Ship #4 The Boys Ship #5 The Boys Ship #6 The Boys Ship #7 The Boys Ship #8 The Boys Ship #9 The Boys Ship #10 The Boys Ship #11
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tthelovers · 4 months
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𝐯𝐢. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
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inspirações: kanako ( the world of kanako ), carrie ( carrie ), lux lisbon ( the virgin suicides ), amma crellin & camille preaker ( sharp objects ), jeanne ( belladonna of sadness ).
ainda me lembro das vezes que cruzei com lola constanza navarro na kappa phi! ela era tão parecida com lizeth selene, mas, atualmente, aos 30 anos, me lembra muito mais melissa barrera. fiquei sabendo que, depois de cursar medicina, atualmente é policial e que ainda é imprevisível e volátil. uma pena acabar encontrando ela assim… não é possível que esteja envolvida com o acidente de fiona e a morte de victor, certo? 
gênero do personagem: mulher cis. 
aesthetic: jaquetas de couro / botas militares / tatuagens / inocência corrompida / filmes de terror em uma tv antiga com estática / casas assombradas por fantasmas do passado / dark pastel / beleza perturbadora / crucifixos / segredos velados entre badaladas de sinos de igreja / máscaras grotescas e surreais / subtons de violência.
+ pinterest.
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nascida em um lar disfuncional, lola nunca soube o que era ser verdadeiramente amada. Abandonada por seu pai - um ex-policial corrupto e violento - e criada com punho de ferro por sua mãe - uma fanática religiosa -, ela vivia em constante estado de alerta. precisou aprender a sobreviver dentro dos moldes forçados a si, aprendendo desde bem nova a perceber o que as pessoas esperavam dela, se adaptando para cada situação. distanciando a pessoa que mostrava ser daquela que realmente era. 
a vida dupla surgiu para navarro como se fosse natural para si, apenas aqueles escolhidos por ela conheciam sua verdadeira persona. manipuladora, violenta e egoísta. a mexicana se mostrava o total oposto, aproveitando da sua posição como amiga para introduzir os outros em todo tipo de situação ilícita e perigosa. 
lola não apenas havia aprendido a sobreviver aos perigos do mundo, como ela havia se tornado um. longe das amarras da mãe, cresceu para se tornar aquilo que mais detestava no mundo, o pai. seguindo carreira como policial, seu status segue em constante xeque pelo risco de seus podres se revelarem.  a notícia da morte de victor e a intimação recebida eram a última coisa que precisava. 
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Adora, looking out her window like "Oh, there's a thunderstorm. Must be Camille's fault."
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mobiusstripper · 2 years
Thank you for the tag, @pastel-junkyard!
Note: A lot of my favorite characters are ones that I felt never got a proper treatment in canon and I therefore supplemented with 90% headcanon. I'm going to exclude those characters here just for the sake of simplicity.
Favourite characters:
Anime/manga: Wolfgang Grimmer (Monster), Eva Heinemann (Monster), Pino (Ergo Proxy)
Books: Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects), Clarissa Mao (The Expanse), Amos Burton (The Expanse), Violet Durn (Feed), Wintermute (Neuromancer)
Other: David (A.I. Artificial Intelligence), Prairie/OA (The OA), Ada McGrath (The Piano), Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place), Maria (On Body and Soul), Hamlet
I tag @lethotep, @somepallings, @allsortsoflicorice, @rosemochi, and @breserker, but please don't feel pressured to participate!
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ofeva · 4 years
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⌠ REINA HARDESTY, 21, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, EVANGELINE ASTOR! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in MEDICAL TRAINING + COVERT OPERATIONS; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (lace bralettes under pressed collared shirts, the sound of mozart’s piano sonata no. 11 echoing from another room, reading at candlelight with a bottle of merlot, holding your breath underwater until your lungs burst). when it’s the (taurus)’s birthday on 5/12/99, they always request their EGG CUSTARD TART from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 23, she/her, est ⍀ @gallagherintro
camille preaker – sharp objects
ophelia – hamlet
marla singer – fight club
mia wallace – pulp fiction
celeste wright – big little lies
hester argyll – ordeal by innocence
melisandre – game of thrones
tbh i wrote these bullets and the bio is better if you have time for it. but if not: 
so, james and elizabeth weren’t supposed to have children...they tried and they just couldn’t do it ! at an older age, they wound up adopting evangeline, their heir and saving grace. eva doesn’t know anything about her birth parents, she was adopted as a baby.
james and elizabeth were very strict about eva’s upbringing and she was a lonely child. she didn’t understand why they didn’t want her playing with other children, why they got so upset when she did typical child things like coming home covered in dirt and climbing trees. 
she was a very imaginative child and therefore made up her own friends, playing in the woods as she pictures elves, fairies, and goblins, telling herself stories and creating her own adventures. it helped ease the loneliness, but she was always a little...strange. the other children called her names. she never really outgrew it. 
when eva stumbles home one night with bloody knees, patched up by the nanny, she can hear her parents whisper: "maybe this was a mistake. we weren't ready." 
eva has a wild imagination and likes to talk about how her room is haunted sometimes, always making up stories about ghosts and things she hears in the woods. the sort of thing a normal parent would dismiss, but her mother seems visibly nervous. 
on eva’s twelfth birthday, it all makes sense: eva is not their first child. james and elizabeth managed to have one child before her, named isabella. she was sickly from the day she was born, and now eva understands why your james and elizabeth are so concerned about cleanliness, why she can't go play with the other kids. isabella never turned twelve. eva’s been walking the halls of the astor estate like the ghost of a girl she never knew existed, she never had a fucking chance.
she goes to school in the city and she attempts to persevere, to be the daughter that james and elizabeth want. her grades are immaculate, she shows strokes of genius and she devours books faster than most people can get through a chapter. james and elizabeth think it might be easier if they send eva to prep school, away from their home. they say that she’s just too smart, but evangeline knows the truth deep down ; they don’t want her there.
she goes to a rich, private school in new england and easily sticks out like a sore thumb. so, she learns to assimilate, emulating characters from her favorite stories, trying to bend herself into someone else that people might like. eva has a hard time being herself.
assimilation, covert operations, these are not the only skills she gains as she tries to fit in with your peers. a study she does for her science project about the effects of teenage vaping is published in an academic journal. it's funny because eva loves nicotine herself. she knows better than anyone what that shit does to her lungs, but she’s too in love with the aesthetic tbh. she just doesn’t care.
welcome to the breaking point ! as it’s been mentioned, eva doesn’t really fit in with the cool crowd and high schoolers can be vicious. there’s a group of mean girls she often clashes with. eva likes to sneak out at night with a bottle of merlot and a flashlight and read, but one night some girls follow her. they start pushing her around and she pushes back just a little too hard, and lucy prescott tumbles down the side of a hill.
oh, lucy prescott is fine.
she’s just a bitch about her broken leg and busted elbow and her dad is a big donor, so eva gets fucking expelled and loses her scholarship. no college is gonna accept her now. she doesn’t know how to tell her parents, fearful of being a disappointment.
in the airport, she’s given strange letter. apparently, her parents don’t know anything...someone’s covered the incident up and she’s been accepted into a college that she didn’t even apply for. a school for espionage with a straightforward track to mi6. eva’s parents are so proud, they start bragging about her...but it’s too little too late. the bitterness that's grown inside of her heart is there because they only care about her successes, and she knows they’d never support her in her failures and fuck ups. they don’t see her for who she really is and they don’t care.
she gets on pretty well in school, but it quickly becomes clear that she’s most interested in people. what makes them tick, what makes their heart beat, how the blood courses through their veins. so, she transfers to gallagher academy because it offers a medical training program that her spy school in london doesn’t. at least...that’s the story. 
yeah, that spy school isn’t just any spy school. it’s fucking CALEDONIA. eva easily gets obsessed with things and her latest is the world of espionage. what’s special about caledonia? the students there have nothing to lose. caledonia is all eva has left, and it’s all that she knows to be loyal to. 
mr. stewart noticed her when no one else did. he tells her that he's been watching her for a long time, that she’s so much more than her family's prowess or the expectations she could never live up to. it makes her feel valuable, worth something. he is the parent she’s always wanted.
she’s no longer competing against a ghost of a sister that no longer exists. no, her competition is tangible, real, and so much more annoying: his name is cole conner. 
so, meet eva’s new obsession. as her years at caledonia progress together, he’s one step ahead of her at every turn. it’s true that she spends late nights studying, but it’s not just medical journals. it’s everything. it’s how to be the best at everything. 
when cole is sent on the gallagher mission, eva is not even surprised. of course he would, he's the favorite. but months go by with no word, it almost seems like he's doing nothing at all, and rumors turn in the mill. in short: he sucks. so, mr. stewart asks eva to start in the fall and work alongside cole. she’ll be a transfer student, repeating a year to catch up on medical credits that her old school lacked, and she’ll also take on the second specialization of covert ops, to keep an eye on cole, of course.
CREATIVE. eva is very much lost in her mind sometimes, but she’s always full of new ideas, new thoughts, and has an uncanny ability to keep herself occupied. she’s hardly ever bored and as much as she likes to read, she also likes to write, keeping notebooks full of random scribblings mostly, but the occasional poem or short story will come to fruition. 
RESILIENT. she’s been through a lot and continues to take it. the home where she grew up could leave anyone battered down and discouraged, but every time someone else wins, eva gets back up and continues to fight. whether it’s against her parents, against the world, or against, well, cole, she’ll bite back at what stands in her way despite the fact that obstacles keep coming up over and over again. she does not give up.
INTELLIGENT. eva is just really smart! how else can you say it? she has a voracious appetite for learning, for getting her hands on as much of the world as she can, and she is genuinely clever and calculating, the the point where she hasn’t been able to fit in with her peers growing up. that’s why schools that specialize in teaching gifted people, like gallagher, are the best fit for her. she can find her people. 
HEDONISTIC. however, the one thing about her is that she is not exactly disciplined, and it’s probably what sets her behind her rivals; she’s hopelessly self-indulgent, engaging in activities that make her happy over what she’s being told to do. that’s why she has a weakness for good wine, for staying up way too late, for reading an entire book in a day because she can’t hold back. 
OBSESSIVE. eva is so prone to obsession! she can’t stop herself when she fixates on something and yes, this can be a strength when she is trying to learn or accomplish her goals, but it’s a bit much. she puts all of herself into everything and she can’t just casually like something by half – either she’s so bored by it or she is all in. – “i never really learned how to like something. i always let it consume me.” 
IDEALISTIC. always unrealistically aiming for a perfection she can’t achieve, she holds herself and others to impossible standards. she does this in relationships too, which is probably why she finds herself falling in love with fictions at times, sometimes lacking the perception to separate her dreams and her realities. she’s a dangerous enemy but a powerful ally because of this. she doesn’t fear going after what she wants. i actually have no idea if she’s ever been in love or if she’s just emulating the idea of love that she reads about in literature. 
eva’s reasons for doing things: 1) spite. or 2) the aesthetic. eva is so fucking about the aesthetic, it’s literally why she smokes cigarettes or wears skirts on a windy day, she can’t stop herself. catch her in the forest, drinking a bottle of wine and reading her book by CANDLELIGHT when she could just sit inside by a lamp but no, she has to look fucking feral at all times.
does not really have a sleep schedule. she’ll just sleep when she’s tired, kind of just collapses when she feels like she should. time isn’t real, she likes the nighttime, sleeps whenever.
loves used bookstores and will probably bribe fourth years to bring her back books that are worn and loved when they go into roseville. just likes the feeling of worn down paper, slightly smudged ink, and the annotations of a stranger.
her favorite weather is rain and thunderstorms! for the aesthetic a bit, she will be melancholy for the sake of it, sitting by the window with a cup of tea, just thinking, journaling, writing poems about a lost lover and how she misses being tangled up in bedsheets, forgetting her own name. so dramatic.
used to be on a swim team as a kid and zoom zooms in the water, she’s not very fast on land but she’s a fucking shark !!! 
grew up with piano lessons and can play the piano. sometimes writes her own music but it’s mostly for herself, will write songs about the people that she cares for. she’s talented!
her parents were much older when they adopted her and due to the secluded nature of her upbringing, most of her interests are older movies, older classic novels, older music...the stuff from the house she grew up in, she has old-fashioned taste. 
does not really understand or use social media :/ tiktok terrifies her, doesn’t like the idea of the government having her info so. she is not really on any social networking, but she can be reached via text of course! does like emojis! 
do i have to say it........obviously she’s bisexual......please forthe love of god if she doesn’t kiss a girl in the woods while she’s here i will lose my damn mind. 
FELLOW BOOK LOVERS? someone who’s into reading like she is, perhaps she will join the book club but they stay up late and discuss poems together and they just love to talk about media! maybe someone who’s a little more hip to contemporary things and can expose eva to some different genres, or get her to read some cheesy ridiculous romances or YA that she never would’ve touched otherwise. or they’re snobs like her. i’m just thinking rly hard about this pin. 
MESSY EX PLS. hmm oh my god give me someone for eva to obsess over, please? not even in a positive way, but i’d love someone from her past; they could’ve met a) in america while she went to school there, b) her summers in london, c) any of her summer travels, maybe a summer romance...literally i’m down to work with anywhere in the world, but this would be someone that knows TOO MUCH about her and therefore she has to avoid them due to her role as a double agent, but she probably really wants to talk to them. they probably ended on bad terms without much closure but honestly, she can’t talk to them. terrified they’ll catch her in a lie, they just know her too damn well. 
SOMEONE WHO IS SUSPICIOUS OF HER. they think she’s a bit odd, and while eva is good....there’s good spies at gallagher too and they just get a bad vibe from her. ask her a lot of questions, think she’s strange, and after the brotherhood bullshit last year, they’re wary of a new transfer student. eva is determined to give your character the runaround. 
CRUSH. obviously eva is prone to obsession anyways, so let me have your dreamy, interesting muse that she can idealize in her head and write some poems about, maybe they vibe and talk about books and they have the same fave book and so she’s like instant heart eyes but obv. can’t and won’t do anything about it ever <3 she will act like this. i can see maybe this person being a legacy or someone eva needs to learn more about n she just becomes obsessed with them on a personal level too. 
KINDRED SPIRITS. best friends but like they click INSTANTLY ah ! literally it’s like they’re soul mates, they have shared interests and they can spend all night talking. this is someone that eva is also tempted to reveal all of herself to but she can’t. she doesn’t feel bad about lying but she does to this person because they click on such an intimate level that it feels like they’ve known one another forever. terribly sad betrayal to come later <3 homies but make it dark academia tbh. also a vibe. also this.
SECRET FWB. obviously because of her job she prob shouldn’t be getting distracted or involved with anyone, but! sometimes a girl has needs. they probably sneak around a lot and they don’t really understand eva’s need for keeping things so secret? but she’s trying to keep the other agents like cecilia, cole, & allister from knowing that she’s being self-indulgent. 
OPPOSITES ATTRACT FRIENDSHIP. give me your sunshine girls, your sparkly pink princesses, your muses that are always laughing...eva is attracted to her light and wants to be around her all the time, finds her adorable and compelling! they’re very different in energy but they find each other fascinating and eva finds her energy just so infectious, this girl makes eva feel optimistic about life and she adores her. would protect this girl with her life. 
FLIRTATIONSHIP. this. probably like a flirtationship where they don’t take each other seriously or where she flirts with your muse a lot because she finds it funny and your muse continually puts down her advances but it’s all like jokes and amusing. 
PEOPLE FROM HER PAST. not a ton of these obviously, but i wouldn’t mind one or two people that kind of make her squirm. maybe the angst of old friends that lost touch would be really fun? i’m a sucker for ex-friend things and then we can build them back up or ruminate in the awkwardness, whatever the vibe turns out to be. 
PEN PAL. obviously eva was a lonely child so she found ways to make her own fun or...make her own friends. whether through an exchange program at school or something she found on the internet, these two have been writing letters for years. i feel like she stuck with it because she was such a lonely person whereas most people lose touch or you’re a kid so you forget about it. they probably graduated to text message over the years. 
CARETAKER? idk someone who is like an older sibling figure to evangeline. she’s obviously never had that in her life, but someone who...sees that she’s struggling and wants to look after her? develops a soft spot for her? she’s like their weird daughter/younger sister/whatever and we love that. like that quote....ur such a soft and messy thing, no one knows how to take care of you...but this person does <3 holding her hair when she’s had too much wine, giving her tissues when her fave character in a book dies, etc.
GENERAL SPY STUFF. obviously eva is trying to get the best of cole and learn about her classmates so we’ll get to that. but also, eva is really interested in characters that cole is close to/cole cares about ... she shall be asking them lots of things and reporting back to mr. stewart, thanks.
also down to plot dynamics among classmates, roommates, and things relating to caledonia or whatever else, we can always just vibe with it. 
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doctorcarson · 4 years
introducing wheeler’s town doctor, GUS CARSON...
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hi everyone!! my name is tara (she/her; PST) and i’m excited to write with all of you!! under the cut is a snapshot of who gus is and what she’s about as well as some fun random headcanons. content warnings for parental neglect, abortion, emotional abuse, infidelity, sexual assault, & murder
&& basics––
full name: augustine carson nicknames: “gus” (do not call her augustine, you don’t want to know what will happen) or “doc” age: thirty-five sexuality: bisexual monster gender & pronouns: cis, she/her character comps: clytemnestra ( oresteia ), villanelle ( killing eve ), dolores abernathy ( westworld ), camille preaker ( sharp objects ), bellatrix lestrange ( harry potter )
&& history––
gus was the kind of messy chaotic kid who was always getting into trouble and no one ever really expected much of her. her dad was the town doctor, and he was a good person, but being one of the only medical professionals in a place like wheeler is a fucking hellish job, and therefore, the one positive influence on gus’ life was pretty much absent her whole childhood, leading to rebellion and anarchy.
everyone was therefore surprised when gus proved them all wrong and got a full ride to university of michigan. she was pre-med, finished early, started her residency at johns hopkins, and everything was on track for her to be a great and brilliant success.
until, of course, she fell “in love” – or as close to love as she’s capable of – with one of her fellow residents, accidentally got pregnant, lied about her abortion to spare his feelings, and then started sleeping with the senior resident because she was feeling so trapped in her relationship that she decided to burn it all down for fun
it all came out, as things are inclined to, and she naturally felt pretty shitty about her behavior (but not shitty enough to apologize ayoo) so she fled to aleppo in a doctors-without-borders type of situation with one of the head surgeons at the hospital. she, for once, felt good about herself and the work she was doing because it was actually meaningful and impactful, but.... nothing can ever stay easy can it....
hobbs, the doctor she was with in syria, was a shady character, and gus started picking up on that, but she had no proof. until she caught him sexually assaulting one of their patients in the triage tent. what a shitbag. and he tried to blackmail her into staying quiet, and she did stay quiet, but that didn’t mean she was going to do nothing. her moment came in a drone strike, and they both got pretty badly injured. gus could have saved him, but she didn’t. she sat there with him and watched him die.
gus was different after that. changed. like something slotted into place and now she finally knew herself and what she’s capable of. and while it wasn’t pretty, it did make sense. but before she could do anything with her newfound self-actualization, her dad died in a car accident back in wheeler on the day that cassie went missing.
she came home for the funeral and saw how badly her mom was doing. her mom, who never loved her, her mom who resented gus for ruining her life. early onset dementia plus intense alcoholism is never a fun combo, and gus’ first impulse was to leave. but then she realized: if she stays, her mother is indebted to her. if she stays, she’ll be the last person georgia carson ever sees. if she stays, she can do what she did to hobbs: watch him die and do nothing to save him. and that is the only resolution gus needs.
&& random facts––
can’t sit properly in a chair bc she’s queer
EPIC sweet tooth. bring her sour candy as a peace offering if you must
played soccer in college, her legs are fucking jacked
sleeps very little, drinks too much coffee because of it
total night owl
always running late
doesn’t have a car, bikes / runs everywhere, give her a ride if she asks for one or she’ll spit in ur drink when ur not looking!!!
gets way too much enjoyment out of making people look like idiots. don’t trust her any farther than u can throw her!!
is actually a good doctor, but has the literal worst bedside manner in the world. “sorry ur dying sucks 2 suck”
lost her phone in syria, hasn’t bothered buying a new one, is just going through burner phone after burner phone as though she has something to hide
VERY skeptical about religion, let’s get into some science vs faith shit!!!
has a giant tattoo of a snake on her back, you are LUCKY if you get to see it
fashion wise, she’s very utilitarian – short hair, no make up, and she will rANT AT YOU about the necessity of pOCKETS if you let her
while she has had a few epic benders, gus is def missing the addiction gene. or at least, her insatiable pit of a soul can’t be filled with booze or pills, but something far more sinister...
shes probably a psychopath but don’t make me put in the effort of diagnosing her just let me be flowery and pretty hannibal style!!!!!!!! (i say this facetiously and with no disrespect to the profession of psychology and psychiatry – if we’re being real, i’m writing her with psychopathic tendencies, but she does have a capacity for empathy, even if it’s small, and because she hasn’t been diagnosed, i’m not trying to diagnose her, but anyone who wants 2 chat about psychology and her psyche, hmu)
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cthayers · 5 years
hiya it is sam back at it with another muse already ... so as you will soon find out i have little to no will power ... and i had no idea we’d be able to take up second muses so soon but i literally was already working on this beotch because i knew i wanted to bring her in eventually ! camila is a v old muse of mine that i have never had the opportunity of playing in a group but i figured this was the perfect opportunity and so here we are . 
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did you hear how CAMILA THAYER is applying to columbia university as an ENGLISH major ?! the TWENTY year old is living in the WATT HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + CREATIVE and + PASSIONATE, but honestly i think SHE can be - RESERVED and -ARROGANT. they’re a real ACADEMIC. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.  
full name : camila allen thayer
nickname : cam , cami 
birthday : june 15, 1999
zodiac : gemini sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising 
nationality : american
ethnicity : 1/2 ashkenazi jewish, 1/2 english 
religion : atheist  
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
hometown : hampton , new hampshire & cheraw , south carolina 
accent : twinge of a southern accent , but mostly a posh new england accent
languages spoken : english , conversational french
major : english 
minor(s) : latin & french
hobbies : reading , horseback riding , tennis , piano playing 
aesthetics : plaid skirts and knee socks , clawfoot bathtubs , sylvia plath poetry books , thin framed glasses , pink highlight , wandering through the met , film cameras , hand written letters + PINTEREST
character parallels : astrid sloan ( the politician ) , camille preaker ( sharp objects ) , amma crellin ( sharp objects ) , camilla macaulay ( the secret history ) , serena vanderwoodson ( gossip girl ) , donna sheridan ( mamma mia here we go again )
personality & headcanons 
camila has always been a quiet individual , especially around those she doesn’t know . calm , cool , collected , many people’s initial impression of her is that she hates them due to her resting bitch face and the lack of acknowledgment she gives before she’s truly comfortable around a person 
she does not open up easily , and doesn’t really know how to handle being loved . so she typically doesn’t let anybody get that close . 
major abandonment issues and daddy issues . so she seeks validation from men and also if she lets you in be prepared to fucking stay 
doesn’t party much because she prefers to stay in and study or be with her closest friends , she drinks but prefers small social gatherings with those she’s close to 
has a nasty cigarette habit and shows no signs of stopping 
her favorite season is the fall , and her favorite holiday is halloween 
i think she’s v mysterious sort of ? like , this really pretty girl that keeps to herself mostly , and her small group of friends , but she’s got this alluring aspect of her that draws some near .. v greek mythology siren esque 
very soft , but also not at all ? like wears skirts and knee socks and berets and flow-y white dresses and sits in coffee shops while it rains reading poetry BUT , she can be dangerous . seductive , arrogant , selfish , and quite emotionless at times . v ice maiden type , will use beauty to get what she wants in the most subtle of ways 
so basically she comes off as this sweet , elegant woman with a soft smile who spends her weekends at museums , but when you get closer to her ( if you get closer to her ) you might see a much darker side to her 
kind of into that witchy shit , so
camila was the second child born to marianne allen, though her older brother has a different father. her brother was born when marianne was just seventeen, running away from her perfect new hampshire home and her perfect new hampshire family to raise the child with his father in a small town in south carolina 
they had planned to run away and meet in south carolina , though the father never showed . so it was just marianne and this baby boy , but it wasn’t long before marianne found herself pregnant again , another local farmer boy , thomas thayer 
so camila was born , and it was the four of them in this tiny home that barely fit all of them , and marianne was just shy of twenty and didn’t even want to be a mother , so life wasn’t all that great for the thayers . 
camila’s mother was never very maternal , and her father was a drunk . he didn’t truly love marianne , nor did he love camila very much . he especially didn’t love her brother , who wasn’t even his child . 
camila and her brother stuck together , a dynamic duo of sorts . they were best friends and had each other’s backs through anything . at night , when they could hear their parents fighting , they would cuddle up in bed together and talk about their happiest thoughts , the lives they wished they had , so on . 
at seven , thomas thayer decided to call it quits . he left in the night without so much as a goodbye , and though he had never felt particularly close to camila , camila felt close to him . it was her father after all , and she craved his attention , his validation . 
at nine , her grandparents in new hampshire were finally able to locate them . getting cps involved , they were granted full custody of the kids , and camila and her brother were taken away from their mother and put into a new , grandeur home with these old people they’d never even heard about before . it was not a welcomed change , though it would soon be . 
the first thing she discovered at her grandparent’s home was her grandfather’s library . he was a retired professor at dartmouth , and had an entire room full of literary classics , academic journals , and other first edition books . as a child , camila was not allowed in without his supervision , though she often snuck in without permission . 
she was put into private school where she was expected to achieve excellent marks and commit to extracurriculars , though she was so behind in her schooling due to the underprivileged education system she’d faced in south carolina , that it took her a while to get back on track . though once she did , she excelled . they found that camila was incredibly gifted in creative and liberal subjects , such as art , english , and history . still , she excelled in math and science , though had to put forth a little more effort . 
she took up horseback riding and tennis , but nothing could replace the comfort she felt in cuddling up with a good book from her grandfather’s library , in front of their grand fire place with a mug of her grandmother’s hot cocoa , or playing the piano in her grand parents’ grand hall
though she lived a life of luxury , her and her brother spent two - four weeks every summer going down to visit their mother . each year , as she got older , she began to realize just how broken her mother was , and truly began to understand why her grandparents felt the need to take her children from her . 
camila , though not necessarily a tomboy , had always surrounded herself with boys . all her best friends were boys , and she hardly ever got along with her girl classmates . perhaps it had something to do with growing up so close to her brother , and often befriending his friends . 
when she was sixteen , though , her guy friends started seeing her differently . boys , in general , began to really notice her . this was the first time she realized she was closed off to love . she had a boyfriend during her junior year of high school , and on the night he told her he loved her , she simply responded “ no , you don’t . ”
anyway ! getting accepted into columbia was a dream come true , though no one was all that surprised . she’d also been accepted to dartmouth ( her grandparents’ alma mater and where he taught , and where he’d urged her to go ) and brown , but something about new york city was enticing . she’d always lived in small towns , under twenty thousand people , and moving to a big city with millions seemed like a nice change of pace 
she has made one close knit group of friends during her freshman year , though she’s still only a sophomore and we know how those things change . nonetheless , if you weren’t one of those people , you probably wouldn’t know who she was , because she didn’t get out much ( mayhaps she was seen around campus though ) 
wanted connections !
alright enough about camila if you got through all that i’m so sorry KJAHKSJGH but ! i have quite a few connections i’d love 
the close friends she made freshman year . these would be pretty much the only people camila hung out with last year , and though things can change , the only people she’ll hang out with at the start of this year . i imagine this group to be mostly guys ( though not necessarily exclusively ) , because she tends to befriends boys as opposed to girls ? i’d say about 5 people ! ( 1 / 5 )
her number one best friend . this would have to be a male or male presenting muse , as camila has never found herself that close to a girl , reasons unknown tbh , she just gets along with boys better IDK inspo : ( x , x )  ( 0 / 1 )
close girl friend . that being said , every girl still needs her girlies . so she’d be fairly close to this girl , even if she doesn’t open up that much , perhaps the girl feels like she can open up to camila ? this can all be plotted out ! i feel like camila is a v good secret keeper , she doesn’t talk all that much so you can expect her to keep anything safe lmao ( 0 / 1 )
toxic relationship . sooo tbh this gotta be with a muse who is not a good guy , because camila is not that good of a gal ? . i see this being sort of on again , off again ? i’m not sure if either of them truly feel anything for one another , but they must feel something that keeps them going back to one another . though camila doesn’t really open herself up to love , she’s not necessarily closed off from relationships . ya girl needs to be satisfied and she ain’t the type to sleep around ok ? anyway i see them being really possessive of one another and having p explosive fights , definitely not right for each other and yet !!! also just to be clear , i see them as mutually bad for one another it’s not one sided ! just give me this angst pls . inspo : ( x , x , x , x ) ( 1 / 1 ) lukas tozer
unrequited crush . this would be unrequited on the other muse’s behalf . open to m/f/nb and whether or not camila knows there is a crush there can be plotted out ! basically this just goes along with the hc that camila is very mysterious and allurring from afar , and that those who don’t know her all that well tend to be drawn to her and a lot of times will romanticize her ? but also for extra angst i am possibly thinking that the two are v close and camila does know and won’t let them like her buT we can figure it all out . lmao .  anyway ya inspo : ( x , x , x  , x ) ( 0 / 1 )  
also just general plots i’d love to see : someone she tutors in english or journalism or literature anything regarding that sort of subject , bad influence / someone determined to get her out of her shell ,  enemy plots !! gimme girls who think she’s a snob or boys who think she’s a bitch or everything in between , study buddies , girl crushes because camila is bi and thinks every girl is pretty , give me anything under the sun tbh i’m open to so much 
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godblooded · 1 year
camille has to struggle to prune southernisms from her speech. retire to the lanai. it’s very embarrassing. it worsens considerably in wind gap for any extension of time, but mostly she doesn’t actually sound like trash from old money.
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wintersmitth · 6 years
📂📂📂, any fandom
Thank you!
Omg are those three?? Do I need to come up with three headcanons??
After the war ends, Sirius Black majors in muggle engineering, you cannot tell me otherwise.
Alistair Theirin and the Warden never break up. 
Later on, Camille Preaker and John Keene reconnect and remain life-long friends. 
Send me  📂 and I’ll tell you a headcanon!
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femmeveined-a · 6 years
i’m gonna finish the few drafts I have, hit the heart for a starter, specify muse (and specify YOUR muse if you’re a mumu)
Quick refresher, current muses are as follows:
Amity “Amma” Crellin (Sharp Objects, novel-based, Southern Gothic muse)
Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects, novel-based, Southern Gothic / Mystery muse)
Cody Jackson (Bloody Mary series, Horror / Supernatural / Mystery muse)
Edith Hawk (OC, Criminal / Steampunk muse)
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter, novel-based, Supernatural muse)
Josie Schuller (Lady Killer comic, Hitwoman / 50s/60s era muse)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider, Survivor Timeline, adventurer muse)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter, book and headcanon based, Supernatural muse)
Rachel Amber (Life is Strange, headcanon based, Contemporary muse)
Victoria Chase (Life is Strange, headcanon based, Contemporary muse)
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romyshq-blog · 6 years
hello lovely people! i’m cathy and i’m super excited to be here with my trash bby, slater. she's messy, so i hope she fits in here!  if u need an enemy, messy ex situation or contemptuous ex-friendship connection, look no further than this bish right here. under the cut you can read about her (she’s a hot mess!!!) and visit her pinterest board here if u’d like (her name is usually rachel but i decided to go wildt and change it *sweats nervously because i actually hate change*). 
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( MARGARET QUALLEY / CISFEMALE / SHE/HER ). [ ROMY SLATER ] is a [ TWENTY-ONE ] year old [ UNDERGRAD ] student studying [ JOURNALISM ]. they are known for being [ RESILIENT & PERCEPTIVE ], but also being [ CAPRICIOUS & CONTEMPTIBLE ]. if there was a song that described their life, it would be [ ACRYLIC BY FOG LAKE ].
first thing’s first, you should call her slater. in fact, unless you’re in one of her classes where they take attendance, you probably don’t know her real name is romy. she hates her name and has been going by her last name for as long as she can remember. 
she’s from new york. her dad is very demanding and tempered and her mom is carping, cold and judgmental. so she didn’t grow up in a great situation. 
her dad owns a bunch of properties in the city and in new jersey and they’ve made him very wealthy. they’re mostly crap apartments, motels & strip clubs. he has a lot of criminal ties and is pretty much just a creep.
he has a lot of cops, district attorneys, city council members, deputy mayors etc. on his payroll from bribery and/or blackmail stemming from his strip clubs and the dancers and prostitutes who work there. not to mention his mob affiliation. sooo basically he’s teflon. 
slater’s mom is a social climber who won’t leave her husband despite him being….Not Nice™ since she wants to live lavishly. she’s long island trash...very real housewives
her mom is very selfish and refuses to take any responsibility for the way her life choices have fucked up her daughter while also constantly criticizing slater and her behaviors as if slater just…made herself into the person she is today?? and wasn’t molded by her parents and environment, ya know??
anyway, slater’s mom used to pharmacy shop and put slater on drugs to curb her justified behaviors. like having anxiety due to growing up in a dysfunctional and abusive situation. but she also did it to have slater basically labeled as “mentally ill” and on meds to keep her quiet about their family secrets. so slater has always felt like she’s messed up, even as a kid :///
slater still sees her parents occasionally on breaks and holidays and you can expect her to act out in interesting ways after being forced to go home. 
sO! if slater had a label or trope or whatever, she’d totally be the anti-heroine. ya know, the girl who does fucked up shit and can be amoral and you want to hate her but she’s also sympathetic in a way and good (deep down). 
warning: she’s a messy girl to be involved with. she’s got this emptiness inside of her. a hollowness. (hint; it’s depression). she uses anything she can to try and fill it up. drinking, drugs, sex. but she’s incredibly selfish & impulsive in her pursuits and ends up hurting people. a lot. and she always hates herself after but then just does it again.
she’s not a sociopath or narcissist in a clinical sense. she’s actually an insecure, self-conscious ball of anxiety but pushes all that down and plays the Cool Girl role. she does things she knows are wrong and can be a manipulative bitch. then it all eventually bubbles over like a pot on a stove, and paired with the guilt she feels, it causes a few public and many private meltdowns. but she's usually always the source of her own interpersonal issues tbh.
like, you can confront her with receipts of shit she’s done and she’ll just nod and stare at the ground and walk away. but then go into the nearest public bathroom and sob and feel so bad. but then??? still?? never??? apologize???? she’s a trip. 
her aesthetic is uncombed hair, scuffed docs, flannels, torn jeans, tshirts from goodwill with moth holes. doesn’t shower or sleep often and chews her fingernails into stubs. like, she almost makes it a point to just look...Bad.
she gets really good grades because she can be very manic and intense. people in her high school used to tell her she had “crazy eyes” when she got like this because she gets very focused, perfectionistic, talks a mile a minute and you can practically see the gears turning in her brain. she works well under extreme stress, which is why most of her papers are typed up the night before their due date on five cups of coffee and a half pack of cigarettes. 
perceptive of others and can be manipulative and a liar to either a. get what she wants or b. hide her transgressions. she was raised by narcissists so....this is what ya get.
she’s complicated. because on one hand, she wants to be a good person but on the other hand, she fucks people over and betrays people a lot. 
i actually have a headcanon of how she lost her core group of high school friends that’s a good insight into her M.O. if you'd like to hear it:
so senior year slater got drunk and slept with her best friend alyssa’s boyfriend. she didn’t do it to be malicious. but she was too selfish, drunk & thinking about herself to care about how fucked up it was. she felt so bad about it but then caved and did it again and they had an affair. slater eventually broke it off, bottled up her guilt, continued the friendship with alyssa.
soon after, alyssa got pregnant by the same boyfriend. slater knew that alyssa’s bf was trash and supported her friend through an abortion.
but THEN, the boyfriend came clean and admitted the affair long after the fact. so alyssa thought slater supported her abortion for selfish gains because SHE wanted her boyfriend and (rightfully) felt betrayed. when in actuality, slater had long since stopped fucking him and only wanted what was best for alyssa when she supported her through the abortion. SO she did a bad thing in the past but still had good intentions. however, the past came back to bite her and she lost everything. don't get me wrong, she's not the victim in this situation. she fucked up. but not in the way her friends thought. so when she held her best friend's hand in the procedure, that came from a real place of love and she thought she was doing the right thing. however, she did do unforgivable things to the friend she loved. like i said, she's complicated because you can't outright say she's a soulless monster but you also can't justify or support her actions. 
YEAH! that’s my messy slater. she can never make it out of a situation as the good guy. she makes mistakes that are unjustifiable but she has a good heart and isn’t a horrible person inside. she doesn’t know why she is the way she is but she hates it tbh. she hates the things she does and the way she feels. but she just!!! keeps!!! fucking people over!!!! like, there’s no sugarcoating it: she’s done some terrible things for awful reasons and never apologized for any of it. but she regrets. she just can’t seem to break the cycle. (she's v much inspired by rachel goldberg from unreal as well as gretchen cutler from you're the worst, mickey dobbs from love, camille preaker from sharp objects and mavis gary from the film young adult!!)
i’m a HOE for drama, as you can probably tell my my angsty, messy character.
so maybe ex-boyfriends on bad terms or ex-friends. someone slater fucked over n won’t take responsibility for what she did
OR someone who fucked slater over for a change. taste of her own medicine tbh
maybe someone naive and innocent she can corrupt since misery loves company
childhood friends or enemies, family friends, a cousin maybe? characters with criminal connects who maybe know her dad??
fellow journalism majors that hate her for giving journalism a bad name cuz they’re actually dedicated to journalism and integrity n slater sleeps with sources and barely ever shows up or turns things in on time lmao
a professor she’s fucking lol idk 
someone who can see her at her worst. 
someone who’s innocent and good and slater actually tries to protect them, like a sisterly bond
trouble-maker, burnout friends. or toxic friendships
friends with benefits 
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Okay, but imagine the happy childhood Camille would have had if the people in it were normal... Dancing around with her sisters by the stereo, baking with her mama and Gayla, actually wanting to celebrate her birthday, racing to bed to be tucked in with a goodnight kiss on the forehead, politely reigning dominance over Wind Gap with the rest of her family... The Crellin house would feel like a home.
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
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“We are always in a hurry to be happy… for when we have suffered a long time, we have great difficulty in believing in good fortune.”
FULL NAME: Lucinda Deandra Dyer
AGE: 44
DATE OF BIRTH: October 28
OCCUPATION: Bookstore Employee
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Non-binary & She/They
HEIGHT: 5'4" (162.56 cm)
TATTOOS: They have the tarot cards Temperance and the Devil on opposite triceps, a simple lotus flower on her left ankle, the words ‘fate fell short’ along the right side of their rib cage, a skull and flowers on her right thigh, and Jordan’s initials on the side of ring finger on their left hand (the only one they regrets but refuses to get rid of).
ZODIAC: Scorpio
POSITIVE TRAITS: Rational, Compassionate, Adaptable
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Secretive, Contradictory, Stubborn
SKILLS: Pretending not to give a shit, Zoning out, Organization
HOBBIES: Smoking, Walking/Hiking, Traveling
DISLIKES: Her past, The people from the town they grew up in, Temptations
INSPIRATION(S): Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects) Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Dick Grayson (Titans) Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)
Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)
FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS Wayne Dyer (Father) Danielle Dyer née Atchinson (Mother)
ROMANTIC CONNECTIONS Jordan Greer (Ex-Girlfriend) Alexis Caine
PLATONIC CONNECTIONS Sean Eddison (Deceased)
Lucy is a person who is trying their best even when it gets exhausting and all they want to do is give up. They’re far from a good person, but they’d like to believe tehy’re not the worst either. When it comes to actually describing themselves though, she always draws a blank.
She doesn’t drink (at least more than a glass a day), she doesn’t do drugs (anymore), but she is a smoker (the only habit she wasn’t willing to quit out of the three). 
They are vague, but straightforward. They are confident yet insecure. 
Bold but afraid of the backlash. 
She loves the idea of love, but was terrified of finding it. 
They always feel like they’re half of a person or someone constantly changing themselves to fit the needs (or sometimes to rebel against) of those around them.
She use physical intimacy as a defense mechanism to avoid feelings
► Biography
TW: Alcohol / Drug Use, Child Abuse Mention, Death Mention
They’re five the first time their father backhands them across the face. Who knew a five year old could already be such a disappointment in a parent’s eye? There were no apologies in the Dyer household, only expectations, and for Lucy, she somehow never managed to live up to what her father wanted. Instead of a childhood of love, fun, and exploration, they were met with a coldness that managed to seep into every room and every moment of their life.
Lucy still doesn’t know what it was about her that made him hate her so.
They’re twelve when they becomes a stranger to herself. Nothing about her life was of her own choosing. She lived only by the words of her parents and dared not step out of line. By now, she’s learned to don a mask. It is a mask of a person she does not recognize or know. Nothing about the life she’s leading is hers, and somewhere along the line her world became dull and lifeless.
Lucy had to think keeping her parents happy was better than becoming her own person.
They’re sixteen when she learns what money-lined pockets can do. Something was always crawling under her skin, waiting for a chance to escape. They craved for something to make them feel alive for once. And then they found it in empty classrooms and back lots of the school grounds. She enters a world of pills and smoke, hidden flasks to add an extra kick to that 8am coffee, and in the backseats of cars with strangers she didn’t care about. Somehow she makes it work – playing the part of a dedicated daughter while trying to take some control over their life – until she doesn’t.
Lucy knew it was the beginning of the end for her, but she didn’t think she could care anymore.
They’re young, impressionable, and so incredibly lost when she meets them. Maybe they saw her need to escape her life in favor of something different. Maybe she clung to them because they seemed to light a fire in her she had yet to experience. Regardless, they finds solace in their arms, the way their lips felt pressed against hers on cold night, and in whatever else they had to offer her to help make her life feel easier and the world a little brighter.
Lucy still can’t figure out if she regrets meeting them or if it was all meant to be.
They’re barely eighteen when her parents decide they’ve had it with her. They don’t hesitate to kick them out and cut her out from their lives. A part of her is heartbroken. Another part of her is remorseful. The biggest part of her was relieved. She doesn’t look back once they closed that door on her. She doesn’t now what she’s going to do now, but she wants to be the person she was never allowed to be. But years of pretending left her empty and it takes her longer than she likes to figure out a semblance of who she is. She claims to the few friends she has that she’s not dependent on the pills or the booze, but they can’t help reaching out for more when offered to her at any time of the day.
Lucy can’t remember much about the months that passed, but she has to think it’s for the better.
They’re in her twenties and she’s managing as best she can. Some habits die hard – she’s in places she shouldn’t be with someone who isn’t good for her, she has more than a drink in her 8am coffee, and sometimes she itches for a manufactured high from a stupid little pill more than live her life like everyone else. They knows they have responsibilities and all they want is to feel like their life is stable, but they can’t shake those pesky habits. She just can’t say no when they offer her just a small taste, especially when they flash her a cheeky grin and promise her an experience she’ll never forget.
Lucy wishes here and then that she had pulled herself out of the fire.
She sees death uncomfortably close in the eyes of a friend who had only wanted a couch to crash on and a buddy to keep the party going with. It’s finally the kick she needs to realize she needs a real change in her life. As much as they fears that numb coldness they grew up with as a child, they’re much more afraid of not waking to see another day because of their cowardice. They throw out every stash they own, empties the bottles of liquor they kept in cupboards, and finally calls it quits with them. It’s the last one that ends up being harder for her to let go of.
Lucy wonders if she’ll ever really have a normal life.
She first got help for the lack of control she felt in her life and her dependency on a pill or a drink. The next thing she did was move back home. A part of her hoped facing her demons head on would prove she’d had changed over the years, but sometimes she wonders if the challenges she has to face are too high for her to overcome in a place with nothing but hazy and bad memories. They see the way eyes notice her with pointed looks before whispers about her past are discussed (”Her poor parents.” “Do they know she’s back?” “What in the world is she thinking showing her face back here?”) The words stung of course, but they learned to keep their head held high and act as if nothing in the world could affect her – it was funny how some of her parents’ upbringing became a shield she could use rather than the sword she’d impale herself on time and time again.
Lucy knows this is the real uphill battle in their life.
They’re what the world deems an actual adult and it’s odd how old they can be and still not feel like they knows enough. She’s in and out of the town she grew up in, sometimes more gone than not. Some days she runs away from the disappointments of her past. Some days they leave out of boredom and the need for something to make them feel less stir crazy. Some days they leave out of anger and the fear if they stayed a minute longer they’d fall back down that slippery slope. Some days she just wanders and wonders if she’s really any different from the person she had been for so long. But even on the days she leaves, she always finds herself coming back. Even if she isn’t different, she still wants to try. And it’s the thought that counts, right?
Of course only time would tell what kind of person Lucy would end up being.
HERITAGE: English, Irish, Scottish
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English, French, Italian, German (Not Fluently)
EDUCATION LEVEL: B.A. in Sociology from Boston University
ECONOMIC STATUS: Lower Middle Class
Inspo | Meme Headcanons | Meme Prompts | Ship Tag
Plot 1 (Muse A Preference), Plot 2 (Muse A Preference)
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