#headers the neighbourhood
staincastle · 9 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ★ rina's message is here! random headers
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pedrometal · 3 months
䕽 . .◞ 🥩↝𓋼🗯️ 𝙱✺𝗿𝗱ᴥᩚ𝕣𝕝!𑈤𑂓 ⟡鑻 ⇶ 舞꙳⋆ ᨀ 𝑙𝕚𝕜ᦕᩨ 🚫 𠺬⌇ ꢯᩚ𝗘𝗯𝗹𑄹❡ ✫㕎 🔜 ⛩❣ 𓏰 𑄚εᡶ ᩚ𝔸𝗅 𖡎🧂꒟꘎ 🗨️ ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)
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goolips · 2 years
— the nbhd long locs !
️ ️️️️️ ️ ️️️️ ️️️️️ ️
sometimes the silence
guides our minds to,
so move to a place so far away.
️ ️️️️️ ️ ️️️
and if you were my little girl
i'd do whatever i could do,
i'd run away and hide with you.
️ ️️️️️ ️ ️️️
i got this anxious feeling
but it goes away for a minute
when i'm with you breathing.
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monibx · 2 years
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ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ📺 ◦ headers 1200x350 ── spirit fanfics :(:
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠse usar dê reblog ou favorito !! créditos não obrig. ⩩🌑00
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solnoogallery · 7 months
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♡. soobin instagram icons + headers!
✎ 23.02.24 | psd: neighbourhood-ps
★. curta ou reblogue se pegar, créditos não são necessários, mas são bem vindos!
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helfan · 1 year
RECOMENDAÇÕES (e especificações)
🌙: AVISO DE POST LONGO! use translator, sorry :(
Olá! Finalmente trouxe um post com recomendações de psd! Esse post vai ter bastante texto, por questões de: eu sou fresco detalhista, esclareço mínimos detalhes que às vezes nem precisa. Todos os icons aqui são de minha autoria, e deixo dito desde já: não sei fazer psd! Eu só invento cor e taco.
Por começarmos, minhas edições tem dois psds como base em quase todos eles, que são bem conhecidos.
vibrum por oprum.
vibrant por neighbourhood-ps.
Esses dois eu uso junto! O vibrant (que tem no pack junto de outros que serão citado) por baixo com poucas opacidade e oprum do jeitinho dele, e às vezes, saturação e mudança de hue, como nos icons aqui embaixo:
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Igual os icons de naruto e jibaku shonen! Ou os de kpop que são bem saturados. Quase sempre faço assim, com 3D ocasionalmente. Eles se dão bem praticamente tudo.
filtro 1 por mim.
Aqui já começam minhas loucuras. Eu faço muuuuito psd-não-psd, ou seja, aquela brincadeira com as ferramentas, fazendo minha mente achar bom, em um deles, esse aqui! Uso muitíssimo ele, inclusive usei recentemente. Ele é um blackout louco, fica tudo preto com branco mas ainda tem cor. Eu faço ele funcionar, diminuo a opacidade e por aí. Se dá bem com 3D vermelho-azul.
adendo, embora cabuloso que ele é, com os ajustes fica sussa na pele negra/morena, coloquei os ajustes no psd.
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rosinha 1 por mim.
rosinha 2 por mim.
Esses aqui são outras loucuras, uso eles dependendo da foto, eles deixam um rosinha com branco e o outro é só um rosa. Linha de cima, rosinha básica, linha de baixo um rosa com brilho intenso, então fica branco. Eu usava bastante nos meus icons antigos. Obs.: fica bem com ícone da tomie, colorido ou não.
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maçã caramelizada por mim.
Auto explicativo. Ou não. Ele deixa tudo chocolate, caramelo, tudo marrom se dá bem com iluminação boa da foto, mas com o ajuste de iluminação certo ele fica bem. 3D após mesclar ícone com as cores.
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manga por mim.
Vai chegar mais de outros, prometo! Esse eu adoro, deixa meio rosado e é o básico do básico (dois ajustes só), eu amo usar com esse 3D aqui, recomendo. Ele também fica legal com outros estilos sem ser manga + neutro pra escurecer detalhes.
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sft por neighbourhood-ps.
anemo por stardustinqs.
Os de jojo! E qualquer outro com essas cores vibrantes! Dá pra se notar, que ele é usado para "vibrar" tudo. Foi qual usei nas headers de jojo postadas aqui no perfil. A PROCURA DE CORES (presente no anemo) muda tudo! Às vezes fica belo e às vezes você diz não. Eu uso eles diminuindo a opacidade. Com 3D bem colocado, xablau.
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água de arroz por arson1st.
algodão doce por arson1st.
No link tem vários outros dessa pessoa maravilhosamente talentosa (que eu sou fã) mas esses dois são xodós, recomendo muito. No ícone da power coloquei mais saturação (fora do psd). Tão na pasta rosa, e preto e branco.
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nature flavor por oprum.
nature por color-source.
cute por neighbourhood-ps.
Respectivamente cada um deles. Eu amo estes e uso bastante, sendo presentes demais nos meus icons antigos.
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Eu sofro de dor nas costas intensa, por este motivo, daqui pra baixo são recomendações apenas no link.
blue madness por oprum.
reflections por melino.
icy por chacha (iapetite).
jennie red por dayaze.
peaches and cyan por neighbourhood-ps.
cottagecore by dayaze.
godsddudu por autuunm20.
103 por sttoneds.
É ISSO! *palmas* chegamos ao fim. Eu teria feito mais, porém sou velho acabado, sinônimo de dor nas costas.
Do resto das minhas edições é tudo coisas da minha mente, PORÉM a maioria tenho salvo, então se tiver algum específico (psd) que eu usei em certa imagem, fique livre pra perguntar <3
até~ (acho que ninguém vai notar mas prfvr não façam bully com meu eu bambino na conta do drive)
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 months
i'm not at ALL asking that we model our political campaigns any further on US politics than we do already... but there are incredibly pivotal elections in Saxony in a MONTH and the only sign of it is election posters - and the extreme right has clearly spent way more money on those than all the other parties. For every lamp post with a Green party or SPD poster, there's another lamp post with FIVE AfD posters in my neighbourhood, or one for a tiny extreme-right splinter party full of batshit insane claims like "Free State (official term for the state of Saxony) instead of caliphate". The AfD paid for huge posters all along the university campus, which is so concerning to me. Also, every month or so there's some bizarre AfD party newspaper or flyer in my mailbox. Only AfD.
On state news, it's CRICKETS. On the mdr website, there's one big header, and it's about the summer holidays.
I got my voting papers in the mail yesterday. I live in the state capital. Where are the reports? Where are the politicians? Where are the public events? Am I *that* out of touch with public life here and they're happening and I just haven't heard about it?
I honestly feel insane. Polls are saying we might get a majority for the AfD and uh. Where is everyone? Elections are in THIRTY-ONE days and nobody seems to be having a conversation about it what the fuck
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Those neighbourhood busybodies are up in arms again. This time it’s about loud exhausts, popping and shrieking as they race by the collector road near our community. You might think, being a car person, that I am being targeted by their ire. Nothing could be further from the truth: none of my cars run right now.
Now, it is true that I’ve had cars with loud exhausts. This is not for any measurable performance improvement. In fact, in most cases, I bet I could drive much faster without all the carbon monoxide creeping into the cabin. No, my deafening bangs and pops on upshifts come fully-earned: rusty mild-steel Walker mufflers from Canadian Tire meeting a badly tuned carb and a distributor that is “a little dicky,” as Grandpa Switch would put it.
Of course, I won’t deny that there is some primal attraction to loud noises. It feels great to be under control of a series of deafening explosions that respond eagerly to the smallest motion of your right foot. In my particular case, though, very few of my cars have a chance of breaking into three digits of horsepower. Installing a wider exhaust onto them just means that, in addition to the usual mice who build nests inside my engine, I’d also have several varieties of Norway rat, some porcupines, juvenile raccoons, and maybe a ferret or two trying to clog up the collector on the header as well. And all that extra backpressure absolutely won’t be good for the intake manifold gaskets, which I made out of an old shoe that I found on the side of the road.
The next time you get angry at a loud exhaust, ask yourself: are they trying to make it sound like that? And if the answer might be no, maybe offer the person some duct tape. No, not the melty fabric kind. You’re gonna want to get the really nice foil kind, the sort they use on stovepipes. Maybe offer up a few split flanges while you’re at it. Hey, isn’t your family’s sleep worth a few bucks?
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in4geto · 5 months
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header by me, in4geto on twt/x.
if use, like and repost <3
for sisi ★
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tarithenurse · 24 days
I see fire
Fandom: D&D 5E/homebrew campaign. Warnings: None A/N: Any questions are welcome. Please comment and like and reblog. Let me know if you want a tag. Header by @firefly-graphics
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[Age 17. Dejected, heartbroken, frustrated, fidgeting. Despite the blow to the family’s reputation and the mother’s demotion as a punishment for Zilvra’s transgression, Allaunira didn’t seem to resent her daughter for the rash actions. Instead, she threw herself headfirst into getting to know her own child.]
“How was school?” mother asked as soon as Zilvra stepped in the door but all she got in answer was a noncommittal grunt. Not to be deterred, Allaunira continued in a light tone: “Please go and change to something practical and meet me and our guest out back.”
The Shadowsong household was among the richer ones and as such was a freestanding building with a walled enclosure where the mother had taken up tending to their own mushroom and lichen. Still, there was ample space to move about and as a child, Zilvra had often fought many imaginary foes there. It smells of fungus of course, but also of rich earth and stones and fresh water from the aqueduct that’s been routed through the garden to form a little pond.
Now, Zilvra entered the “garden” dressed in her favourite clothes: the subtle leather trousers and silk shirt that made it possible to move about easily and quietly. It’s not that she didn’t like the fancy dresses her mother preferred her to wear...it was just that it was easier to move and climb wearing this instead. Soft leather boots to finish the outfit made her silent as a shadow (at least in her own mind).
“Ah, there you are,” her mother preened, “I’d like you to meet someone.” Motioning towards a similarly practically dressed woman who stepped out from behind a taller mushroom, Allaunira continued to explain, “this is Ellara Loth’Kar...listen to what she teaches you and we’ll talk when you’re done for the day.”
Alright, to call it an explanation was an exaggeration, but it was at least enough to calm Zilvra’s nerves a bit and rather instill curiosity.
The woman before her was lithe and short (even for a drow) with slate grey skin and shoulder-length white hair that had been tied back carefully and tightly. She was dressed all in black which made her violet eyes stand out more and for a moment reminded Zilvra of Filandrin’s eyes – it made her gut tighten at the thought of her lost friend.
“Here.” The woman, Ellara, tossed something to Zilvra who caught it: it was a wooden dagger, carefully carved to mimic a real one and undoubtedly costly considering the material. “Now defend yourself.” And Ellara launched herself at the young girl with a vigour that she didn’t expect.
The battle was (very) short, finishing in Ellara’s favour, of course.
“You’ve got much to learn, Zilvra, but there is potential. Now I ask you...is the wish to learn there?”
Rubbing her ribs, the younger woman took a moment to consider what might be implied and how she could use this to her own advantage and thus answered with conviction: “Yes. Teach me.”
[Late 23 years old, close to finishing school, starting to formulate an idea for the future.]
There was a soft knock on the door to alert Zilvra of her mother’s arrival. “Darling...I think it’s time we talk,” Allaunira began, immediately making her daughter’s mind streak off in every direction as to what she might have done wrong this time...not that she always got into trouble but lately the tasks from Ellara had been the more serious kind and it had gotten Zilvra to neighbourhoods in Menzoberranzan that she was sure her mother would not approve of.
She attempted an innocent demeanour. “About what, mother?” Turning on the chair, she watched as her mother crossed the room and sat down on the bed.
“About you and your future, dearest.” A deep sigh preceded what came next: “You are getting applications.”
Right away, Zilvra knew what Allaunira meant. Although her heat undoubtedly was a ways off, both she and the other girls in her class were maturing and she knew that some of them had also received notifications of interest...she just didn’t expect to get any herself.
“That’s...uhm...” she found herself at a loss for words.
Allaunira was differently capable of stringing together a proper sentence. “It’s early, is what it is...and there are bound to come more. When I was your age, your grandmother and I sat down and decided on my course of action. As you know, I waited a while but when it finally was time, we sorted through the applicants and your grandmother also sought out a few males we deemed suitable for me. After a series of interviews and trials, I picked one...your father.”
“What was he like? You never talk about him.”
Noticing the way Zilvra had perked up at the mention of her father, Allaunira relented: “His name was...is...Kalannar. He was at least back then a captain. A fine – and a bit younger – male.” For a moment, she was lost in the memories only belonging to herself then she shook herself out of them. “But the question remains. You are young and frankly I do not see you settling down with a child yet...am I wrong?”
“You’re not wrong.” Reaching for her wooden dagger, Zilvra began to pick at the invisible dirt under her fingernails. “I’m not...it’s just...there’s so much to do, still!” As if realizing the implication of her words, the young drow held up the hands in defence. “I’m not saying that life is over once you have kids!”
Allaunira smiled. “I know you’re not, my child...and I did not expect you to wish to settle down...in fact...what do you want to do? I have an idea.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“No, dear...you first.”
The mother patted the bed beside her, indicating for Zilvra to come over and she did. Still fidgeting with the dagger, the young woman sat meekly for a moment while gathering her thoughts.
“I need to finish school first, I guess...”
“That would be smart.” Allaunira began to re-braid her daughters hair.
“Hm. Then I need to finish training with Ellara...if that’s possible...she’s still much better than I am...”
The mother’s hands hesitated for half a heartbeat but Zilvra didn’t notice. “That probably comes from experience.”
“Probably.” Bringing the wooden knife to rest in her lap, Zilvra had closed her eyes at the feel of her mother’s fingers through her hair. “I’ve considered the university...”
“Really?” The question came out with a bit too much surprise, making the daughter quirk an eyebrow. “I mean...you have improved greatly with our sessions...but I hardly expect you to aim for the Sorcere? And the military school...?”
The girl shrugged. “That’s the thing...I don’t know what else I should do...”
There was a deep sigh that made Zilvra turn her head to watch the mother as her hands fell to her lap. “Perhaps...perhaps you’ll find your answers Topside?”
“Mother!” Zilvra was equally thrilled and scared of the idea that she silently had harboured too.
“I know...it sounds like I’m sending you away....uh, I’m a terrible mother but darling you’re not at peace here! You never have been. Maybe the solution is to see more of the world before settling down.”
Zilvra grabbed her mother’s hands. “No, it doesn’t feel like you’re sending me away! But where would I go?”
“Would it matter? Anywhere, where the society is different and you can see the stars. Am I wrong, my dear?”
“If only I knew...” Zilvra stopped herself. Then a new steely glint stole into her eyes. “No, mother, you’re not wrong.”
Allaunira freed her hand to tuck a loose strand behind her daughter’s ear. “But as you said...finish school and Ellara’s training, will you not? Let me have you for a bit longer?”
“Of course...and know that I’ll miss you once I’m away. Every day.”
They hugged tightly before the mother extricated herself from the embrace and positioned Zilvra to finish the braiding.
[She’s 24 years old and restless like never before.]
”Gotcha!” Still panting, Zilvra wiped the dirt off her knees while waiting for Ellara to get back up from where she had pinned her a second ago.
The tutor got to her feet and took a moment to examine the gash in the vest: just a few millimetres more and the student would have drawn blood. “Not bad...not bad at all. This is, what, the fifth time you’ve bested me?”
“Sixth, but who’s counting,” came the answer with a cheeky smile. “Go again?”
There was a beat of silence, then Ellara shook her head. “No...this was the last time.”
“You heard me...” Ellara stepped over to her dumbfounded student and patted her shoulder, “and you knew this day would come.”
Zilvra nodded, handing back the dagger that she had been borrowing for training. “I know...it’s just...sooner than I expected.”
The look she received was knowing. “Let us tell your mother, hm?”
Anticipation began to bubble in Zilvra’s guts as they entered the house: this was what she had been waiting for. School had ended weeks ago and all there had been keeping her from leaving was the training with Ellara and now...now she could set out. It would be a journey without destination, one meant for bettering herself and learning as much as she could until the day where she returned with a vision of how the drow world could be. And who knew, maybe along the way she could find Filandrin too?
“Zilvra?” Allaunira’s voice brought the young woman back to reality. “Ellara? Why are you not training?”
Ellara smiled her crooked smile. “I have no more left to teach her...your daughter has excelled and what she lacks now she will have to learn through experience.”
“I guess it’s time I give this back,” Zilvra began to pull the wooden dagger from her belt where she always kept it.
The teacher’s hands shot forward to stop the motion. “No, that was a gift. Keep it.”
“And speaking of gifts,” Allaunira explained, “we knew this day would come and we got you something.”
Pulling out a chest, she held it out for her daughter to open. With trembling hands the latch was slid aside and the lid lifted to reveal a set of beautiful daggers.
“Thank you!”
Hugs were exchanged (even between former student and teacher) before Ellara took her leave for the last time.
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pingchitters · 2 months
were up and running!!
just wanted to thank everyone for their patience whilst i got everything set up!
little guide to the blog below the cut!
usernames, as answered by violet here are as follows:
logan: Unauthorized Quasar Account | Do Not Call Me Starboy / @RealQuasar
roman: The Real Prince Bright / @PrinceyBright
patton: Friendly Neighbourhood Tuney /@Fortuney
virgil: yes i'm the real wraith / @DeadlyZoomies
janus: Anyone You Want / @TheGlamourous
remus: The Doctor Is In Baby! / @DocDukey
logan: Quasar / @KeeperQuasar
roman: The Unbelievable Prince Bright / @KeeperBright
patton: Fortune Teller / @KeeperFortune
#roman chitter, #janus twitter, etc - character tags! just so theyre able to be filtered whilst avoiding clogging canon tags
#pingchitters - all chitter posts on this blog!
#nsfs - there isnt gonna be anything sexually explicit, but anything suggestive is tagged under nsfs, so please block the tag if thats not something youre comfortable seeing
original sources for quotes and stuff ill also mention in the tags
my header and profile image are both artworks by louise bourgeois! not too sure why it just seemed to fit the vibe
if anything changes itll be on this post!
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staincastle · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀ ★ rina's message is here! minimalist headers
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plumbum-art · 1 year
Hi, just discovered your blog and I'm already in love with your art <3 what a talent, seriously!
I was wondering if it'd be okay to use part of your comic as my header here on tumblr (with credit of course)? The "stop it you stupid biiiiiiiiii" is just too perfect for your friendly neighbourhood bisaster :'D
Hi there :)
Thank you for asking and yes you may use the comic part for your header. But please for nothing more and with credit. Have a nice day!
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k6ropii · 1 year
· ꒰ ⊹ intr◌ducti𖦹n ݁ ˖ ࣪ ꒱🦢
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𓈒 about me; 𝅄 ִ 𝆬 ✿
⪧ ◟ivory, ivy, ‘08, ISTP, she/her ˒ ˶ 𖠗
𓈒 groups i stan; 𝅄 ִ 𝆬 ✿
⪧ ◟bts, enhypen, txt, stray kids, nct, treasure, ateez, kep1er, ive, nmixx, le sserafim, gidle, seventeen, newjeans, &team, stayc, p1harmony, cravity, fifty fifty, zb1, boynextdoor, riize ˒ ˶ 𖠗
𓈒 artists that i listen to other than kpop; 𝅄 ִ 𝆬 ✿
⪧ ◟lana del rey, kanye west, cigarettes after sex, the neighbourhood, wave to earth, sza, keshi, 21savage, playboi carti, j. cole, kendrick lamar, travis scott ˒ ˶ 𖠗
𓈒 i loove; 𝅄 ִ 𝆬 ✿
⪧ ◟cats, music, games, makeup, ghibli, kpop ˒ ˶ 𖠗
𓈒 what i post; 𝅄 ִ 𝆬 ✿
⪧ ◟headers, blogs (maybe?), moodboards ˒ ˶ 𖠗
dni if youre homophobic, racist or kpop hater૮₍ ˃‌ࡇ˂‌ ₎ა
⪧ ◟inspo: @/cinnikoi ˒ ˶ 𖠗
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BREAKING NEWS: Teenage Woman Attempts to Recreate the Welcome Home Art Style and Miserably Fails
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SO i made a welcome home oc because its tradition for me to make an fan oc for a new fandom i joined 🤠
here's all the info about her:
Using denuded scripts, we know that Molly was a musician, singer and songwriter who left her old home to express her musical melodies, as she notably mentioned that the residents in her previous neighbourhood "weren't interested in her songs". However, despite having patience as her context, she tends to have a bitter taste in her mouth whenever someone queries her about it.
She only appears as a major character in an episode specifically subjected to tunes and can sometimes have an appearance in the background or in specials, and was the main header in the song "Sunny Skies" (No track found). She was also sometimes used in illustrated books as a cameo. However, it seems that excluding that, she doesn't have much appearances unlike the other neighbours.
Molly was a live hand puppet who apparently wasn't even given a name in her beta designs and was named 'Miss' instead. Illustrated materials also indicate that she had a wired microphone which would come out of the very centre of the bow attached to her back. It is also revealed that the ribbons were sentient and could hold things, although she is only seen using them when her hands are full. She seems to wear it all the time, even when in her pyjamas and swimsuit attire.
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solnoogallery · 7 months
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♡. asakura jo icons + headers !
iquinhos do jo e alguns headers que fiz pra maymay @shykpop! feliz 15 aninhos 😔☝🏻
✎ 18.02.24 | psd: neighbourhood-ps
★. curta ou reblogue se pegar, créditos não são necessários, mas são bem vindos!
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