#health foam
huginsmemory · 3 months
Everytime someone draws laios with the usual anime chiseled abs an angel dies
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batshape · 5 months
A question re: the way you handle elf teeth: assuming that the multiple sets of teeth grow in slowly over time, does elf diet influence the speed at which they grow in? Or the health/durability of the new set once they are grown in? For instance, if Aredhel lost a tooth in a hunting accident but didn't damage the foundation/new growth, could she alter her diet to grow the new tooth in faster? (I assume nan elmoth would not have a cosmetic dentist in residence. )(Related: would times of privation, like the helcaraxe or the dying days of beleriand do long-term damage to the growing-in set of teeth??)
jrrt show me the dark and fucked up nan elmoth prosthodontia
ok OKAY taking with a large pinch of salt that i have never studied dentistry and performed extremely averagely in 100 level biology years ago, i think yes and yes!
aredhel eating a calcium-or-whatever rich diet to prompt faster and healthier tooth regrowth or regeneration makes a lot of sense to me, mostly because i firmly believe in the inverse—gwindor definitely lost teeth in angband, due to a poor diet as well as obvious physical trauma, and was unable to recuperate and replace them afterward; maedhros was a frequent client of the himring dentist because he just kept breaking his weakened teeth off in things (living and not) post-thangorodrim; etc.
regarding the trek over helcaraxe—during which i think the nolofinweans and their ilk were eating their horses and drinking seal blood to avoid starvation and thus not receiving much vitamin c, d, or otherwise—a lot of them suffered tooth loss and found themselves with slow-growing and very brittle replacements. i think disability and chronic pain struck the exiles quickly and in ways they didnt imagine: who would have suffered serious nutrient deficiencies in a fantastically plentiful land? certainly someone, but not a significant enough population that i think the amanyar would give a shit pre-darkening. so what do you think and do when your teeth start falling out on the ice? what is the precedent for that? is there one? were there dentists in aman? periodontists? orthodontists? or was the declining health and quality of ones teeth an entirely new experience in beleriand?
all teeth-related questions that keep me up at night
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u3pxx · 6 months
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is this anything
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loubetcha · 10 months
i need more mike talking about seeing himself as inferior and i need it now.
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caressthosecheekbones · 3 months
guess who foamed up some oat milk for their coffee on a sunday morning without even a trace of a guest present? guess who only did that for the second time in their life?
me. I did it. For myself.
*flips hair* 'cause I'm worth it.
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angeltism · 6 days
chat i might have failed a science test
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iamfabiloz · 1 year
i am sorry for the person i will become soon <-- watched the super mario bros movie yesterday
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teachingrounds · 2 months
Q. Where in the world is there measles?
A. It's not just the United States: the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and Austria (among other countries) are experiencing measles outbreaks.
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beeapartments · 3 months
I keep saying I should find a new hobby, but actually starting anything is so challenging for some reason and i can't tell if it's an adhd thing, depression thing, perfectionist thing, or some concoction of all three.
That said I have felt less depressed this year! Not sure if the TMS helped but having my middle ear myoclonus episodes only be 2 hours long instead of 8+ as of the beginning of the year probably helps. Still hoping that will go away eventually.
This week I'm gonna apply for my american passport, maybe then I'll feel more american?? It means a lil' trip to santa cruz on tuesday because otherwise I have to wait a month for an appointment.
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honeycombhank · 3 months
I went to open mic and saw some friends and talked quite a lot with people! My brother was on time with setting up and there were so many people ready to play! It was a lot of fun.
I am feeling quite over weight for what I’m usually comfortable with being in my body but I always seem to manage it okay and I’ll be eating more fruits and vegetables and working out more soon here so I’m trying to give myself grace but dang it’s hard some days.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Transsexuals who don't have Fallout: New Vegas: Get it now
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
“i can’t do this,” Ash says about an area that’s infested with poisonous gas, which will damage her repeatedly if she goes into it and will need an ability upgrade to safely dispel it (i will completely ignore this fact and will not get the ability upgrade, instead opting to throw Ash directly into the poisonous gas simply to get the chest inside of it like the greedy rat i am, watching as Ash’s health rapidly drains just so i can add a few more monster teeth and eyeballs to my collection)
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taimoorkhan · 1 year
Myocarditis in Emergency Practice
Myocarditis, an inflammatory condition affecting the heart's myocardial tissues, is a significant cause of sudden cardiac death and dilated cardiomyopathy. With diverse etiologies ranging from viral and immune-mediated causes to toxic exposures, diagnosing and managing myocarditis can be challenging. In this blog post, we will explore the important points regarding the etiology, pathophysiology, presentation, diagnostic testing, and treatment options for myocarditis, with a focus on the perspective of emergency physicians.
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Myocarditis can be caused by infectious agents (bacterial, parasitic, viral), immune-mediated conditions, and toxic exposures. Viral causes include enteroviruses, influenza, hepatitis viruses, HIV, herpes viruses, and Parvo B-19. Immune-mediated causes include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), scleroderma, and giant cell types. Toxic agents such as doxorubicin, antiretroviral medications, clozapine, and cocaine can also trigger myocarditis.
Myocarditis follows a three-step process. In the acute phase, infectious, autoimmune, or toxic agents directly damage cardiac myocytes. Subsequent myocyte destruction triggers immune system activation and secondary inflammation. In the later stages, the immune system mistakenly attacks the myocytes themselves, leading to progressive myocardial damage.
Myocarditis presents with a wide range of symptoms, necessitating a high index of suspicion for timely diagnosis. Symptoms may include dyspnea, palpitations, orthopnea, and chest pain. Dyspnea is the most common presenting symptom, while chest pain can vary from pleuritic to anginal. Patients may exhibit symptoms of congestive heart failure, ranging from fatigue and peripheral edema to cardiovascular collapse. Skin manifestations can be present in cases triggered by medication exposure.
Diagnostic testing for myocarditis overlaps with other cardiopulmonary evaluations. Electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, such as sinus tachycardia, ST-segment elevations, T-wave inversions, AV blocks, widened QRS durations, or prolonged QT intervals, may be observed. Troponin assays may be elevated, but their absence does not rule out myocarditis. Additional blood tests, including CBC, CRP, and ESR, are often abnormal but nonspecific. Imaging studies like chest radiography and echocardiography can provide valuable information.
TThe treatment of myocarditis primarily focuses on supportive care to prevent further damage to the heart. Stabilizing the patient's ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) is the priority. Supplemental oxygen and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation may be required for hypoxia or pulmonary edema. Heart failure therapy, including diuretics and nitroglycerin, can be administered if systemic perfusion allows. Cardiac dysrhythmias may necessitate treatment with antidysrhythmic medications. Antimicrobial therapy is required for cases associated with bacterial or parasitic infections. In severe cases, advanced interventions such as intra-aortic balloon pumps, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or ventricular assist devices (VADs) may be necessary.
Myocarditis presents a complex diagnostic and management challenge for emergency physicians. The diverse etiologies, varied clinical presentations, and overlapping diagnostic tests make timely diagnosis crucial. Supportive care, stabilization, and targeted interventions are key elements of treatment. While further research is needed to refine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, understanding the etiology, pathophysiology, presentation, and treatment options can aid emergency physicians in effectively managing myocarditis cases.
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wonusite · 1 year
Twitch streamer!wonu who you are enemies/rivals with
Somehow you need each other to win a multiplayer game and one of the rival teams player is interested in you and asks wonu to change places because he thinks wonu would rather play with anyone than you but surprisingly wonu rejects the offer and stays in the same team as you
Why is that?
a. Because he actually has an admiration to you and the way you play mesmerizes him
b. Because he doesnt like the idea of this boy getting closer to you
c. Because playing with you is actually better than he thought and he is sure that you two will beat the other teams with your team work
d. All of the above
(was actually planning on writing a scenario like the first few asks i sent you but im too lazy)
how dare u drop this masterpiece of an idea about my ult like nothing???
the only way i can see this ending is with wonu confessing his feelings out of jealousy and possessiveness before fucking you raw like an animal in heat 🫠
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I'm just so happy every time I notice even a minor change from taking T.
My happy trail, my stomach, it's gotten a LOT hairier over the last hey months and it's getting curlier. Like my stomach is SO fuzzy it's insane and I'm in complete love with it
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purrvaire · 2 years
friendly reminder that if they really drop the good omens trailer today I'M NOT apologising for the unhinged feral monster I will become
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