#healthiest drinks
itzabouthealth · 1 year
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Best Drinks For An Upset Stomach
#drinksforanupsetstomach #upsetstomach #indigestion #heartburn #acidreflux #healing #gerdawareness #lifestylechanges #gerdmanagement #lifeaftergerd #gerdhelp #gerd #tif #treatmentoptions #tifprocedure #acidrefluxeducation #learnmoreaboutgerd #valverepair #esophagealcancerawareness #dysfunctionalanatomy #esophagealvalverepair #esophagealcancer #tifprocedureforreflux #growth #socialdistancingt #digestion #diarrhea #bloating #health #constipation #healthydrinks
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h-didanart · 2 days
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It was quiet.
And empty.
Very empty.
Way too empty.
He didn’t like the emptiness.
For starters he probably should be in way more pain than he is right now. And then there was the whole fire and sin theme missing from this place, making it a lot boringer than he was expecting.
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So he was confused, to that he’ll admit. He hadn’t even seen whatever-the-hell-that-was coming! It was just- poof! Dead. Probably. More than likely.
Hell, that half an hour had just been those idiots debating on who gets to kill him, of course he’s dead! It would’ve been so funny to see the crazed moon fail at whether-the-hell he was doing. Or been an awesome way to die, who knows, it’s not like he can go back and ask that guy to shoot him with magic again.
Whatever, he was bored. Very bored.
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Checking his limbs, all of them there. Could he move? Yes he could.
For an afterlife of eternal torment this didn’t seem much like torment. He just got to live in some white void or whatever. Oh maybe that was the torment, being bored in death, creative if anticlimactic.
And then a sound.
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Imminent danger, a threat, newcomer, invader, something— he turned around towards the sound, fully ready to fight.
And then he froze.
Because that face— that wasn’t— he— holy shit
Holy shit
He didn’t like the pile of feelings dumped on him. He didn’t like it at all. It was like a rock bashed into his chest, but the rock was on fire and also weighed as much as an anvil.
He… he… knew those eyes. Better than the back of his hand. And that hat, those clothes, the godforsaken fluff surrounding that face. He didn’t register the damages, but they were extensive he’s broken in the ground, Monty reaches for his neck— they were so extensive. But the eyes hadn’t changed.
He hadn’t changed.
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His brother…
His brother.
He stood there. It was all moving so fast, but also slow, there were a billion thoughts in his head. He could feel warmth building up on his face.
His brother looked at him, then down to himself. Oh. He was missing a leg. Never had he thought he’d feel disgust at seeing an injury. Clearly he had to be the one to get closer. And so he took a step forward. And another.
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And then he was running.
He knew there was a smile on his face, he didn’t care. He knew the feelings were building up, he also didn’t care. All he wanted was to get to him.
And he did. The twins collided, he lifted his other up and spun a few times.
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It had been so long. So goddamn long.
He remembers the last hug they had, the last interaction they had, his last view of him the screen is wound back he dares not look back— it had been an eternity. Agonizing eternity. He didn’t think he could’ve taken it had it lasted longer.
He missed him.
So fucking much.
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He didn’t care that he was crying. He didn’t care that he was sobbing, wailing even.
To hell with self consciousness.
To hell with humiliation.
To hell with this place.
To hell with revenge.
To hell with the world.
To hell with blood.
None of that mattered in the now.
His world was finally complete again.
And he will never lose him again.
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lazyunknownmess · 13 days
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Look how cute this cup is 🥺
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thelastspeecher · 26 days
Look, I don't support banning high-fructose corn syrup. Despite fear-mongering, it's essentially a different form of sugar, only really a problem if you have specific medical conditions.
Unfortunately, I happen to have one of those medical conditions and every day I have to navigate avoiding high-fructose corn syrup in the fucking Midwestern USA, I get just a little bit more radicalized against it.
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snapbackslide · 1 month
two traumatic things happened to me today but then i got to watch twenty one pilots’ first live show of the new era on someone’s instagram live so ! 😁
it actually felt like i was right there and i can’t believe this is all real rn. i have waited for this era for SO LONG. and to think i got to hear overcompensate, next semester, and backslide in a live version… wow.
i got really tipsy earlier, which i don't drink anymore but i was in so much emotional pain and needed to forget. there was a form of abuse that took place at work, then almost got into a car accident because some dude was pissed at me and tried to cut in front of me violently and gave me the finger. and to top it off he looked exactly like my ex. i was shaking for hours after i got home because i couldn’t believe all this would happen. and i just don’t think i ever want to remember today. so i’m prolly gonna delete this post later.
but i wanted to vent a little cause i missed talking to people on here, even though no one wants to hear my sob stories anymore. i just can’t believe the trauma i’ve been going through repeatedly. just so much abuse i was never even aware of, and some that i’m still going through and i’m having a hard time breaking free from.
having my favourite band back though is doing so much for me mentally, their songs feel like emotional support, and my drives were my therapy until the bullshit from today happened. i’m just always scared and broken and i’m really trying my hardest, i swear. i’ve healed from a lot but then new shit happened and my loneliness has been the worst it’s ever been. i don’t know.
i know i need therapy but i don’t know where to get it from, because i can’t trust anyone with my mind apparently. i’ve tried, twice, and both instances failed. once from a stranger, once from someone i knew. it just feels so crippling and lonely and in the morning i feel like i can get through it myself, but when i near the afternoons i just want to never wake up again. i know that’s dark and i’m sorry but like, yeah, that’s just where i am rn.
hence the lengthy breaks and being more quiet on my public social media. and then, watching guys i liked being wrapped around other girls, watching all my friends be coupled up and achieve their goals and being happy, it just enhances the loneliness, and i want to be happy for them but how do you do that when depression is so loud it won’t even let you breathe sometimes.
i don’t know how but it feels like i’m both getting better and getting worse with the years. maybe medication’s the only way, maybe i just need to find one single person who will genuinely care about me, maybe it won’t get better because our world is fucked and watching the news only makes me want to dig the hole deeper. all i know is that i want to be alive and i want to heal. i just wish it wasn’t so hard and fragile.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Grinning horribly with all my teeth bared......
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kintatsujo · 1 year
Literally though when you get people who are like "WATER ONLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" when it comes to hydrating
And it's like buddy
When you sweat?
You are also losing a TON of salt and other nutrients
Why do you think sweat smells like that
And for those of us who literally can't drink water straight because we tend to throw it up (me) or we just can't bring ourselves to drink it because it doesn't taste good
That slurpee isn't actually an alternative to water because water isn't an alternative at that point
Honestly frozen ice drinks are probably one of the best ways to hydrate in hot weather because there's a lot more water in there than you think there is
Because ice IS water???
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floral-hex · 1 year
I just get so tired of waking up every day and having to claw my way up to some emotional baseline
#but really what choice do I have#just not wake up? not the healthiest option#probably need to up my meds#I just feel so defeated living each day like this#bleggghhh#so I take a small handful of pills and vitamins and drink my little coffee and chug water and try try try to distract myself#wining. whinging and wining and bitching and moaning.#what would my therapist suggest? try focusing on what’s real and logical and rational. not feelings and emotions?#but I just can’t always be logical with fucking chemicals in my brain#I can’t outthink chemicals or the days when my hearing gets real bad or even when I just don’t feel too fucking good my dude#try to focus on the good parts of tinnitus and bug hurty tummy ya butthole#okay he’s not a butthole he’s actually very very nice and has been very patient with me#but just let me be negative about this for a minute jeez#I’m so fucking grumpy these last few days#trying to… ugh I guess eat my feelings? I hate that phrase and I’m not over eating#but I have been I guess STRATEGICALLY EATING things I hope would temporarily boost my mood. sugary stuff. caffeine. junk.#god I wish I just had drugs for this. for when it gets too hard.#this sounds so pathetic. oooo nooo I just want to get high because im soooo sad 😭#I have three (3) klonopin left I save for bad days or anxiety or whatever and I doubt my doc is gonna give me more#I’ve been taking buspar for the past couple of weeks and I really don’t know if it helps#hell im not entirely convinced buspar is not only NOT adding anything but if I stop my body will hate me#need to go talk about that with the dr but my appointment is next month and im lazy about pushing it up sooner#we’ll see. probably do that tomorrow after I run some errands#is this exciting? getting to see me plan out my day tomorrow? gonna grab groceries and med refills. wow it’s an inside scoop just for you#anyway this is a lot of rambling and I’m sorry if you read any of this#I’m super duper poor right now but I think I’ll run to the gas station and get a big fucking huge soda so I can ride a small sugar high#uggghhhh what a waste of a post#you can ignore this#text
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duelistkingdom · 1 year
there's this tweet going around making fun of a girl on tiktok for making flavored water using sugar free packets & sugar free syrup acting like she's going to go into acute kidney failure, speculating on her health, claiming it's giving "eating disorder" and like. all of these claims are so gross but the one that really got me was "why don't americans just drink tap water"
and that's when i nearly lost it. like y'all KNOW of the flint water crisis, y'all KNOW urban spaces in america have a higher rate of latino/black populations and therefore worse water like i need y'all to realize the racism you're saying in "why don't americans just drink tap water" like fuck you.
also: acute kidney failure is not caused by not drinking "pure" water. we survived thousands of years only being able to drink beer, wine, and juice. it does not have to be "pure" or "organic". those are buzz words. acute kidney failure is caused by a LOT of thing, utis are caused by a LOT of things but you know what ironically is the best thing for a uti? cranberry juice. and why is that? there's nutrients in it that's good for you.
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
genuinely find it insane that ppl will be like. shipping wars are a problem. cant believe people are so dramatic about x and y ship. so on and so on but the moment they see smth they’re uncomfortable with smth they’re like. actually how DARE they. like guys pls calm down. dumbasses will assume that liking a terrible fictional character = supporting all their ideas and that’s so stupid. that’s so so dumb. i didn’t start caring about dankovsky for this. so insane the idea is that all shipping is actually what someone should want in a relationship. like how close minded must you be. why are you in fandom spaces when you can’t even bend ur brain to make the simplest of conclusions.
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missbaphomet · 1 year
Eating cinnamon glazed pecans out of spite for those assholes on reddit. I worked my ass off this week, even if my body is too busy healing to show it. At the bare minimum I walked 15 miles this week, and that's an accomplishment if nothing else. It's a great start to the long road of my weight loss, and I deserve to eat something unhealthy but yummy once in a while <3
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discoverybody · 3 months
The Healthiest Way to Drink Matcha Tea
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Matcha tea has several health benefits, and how it is prepared can dramatically influence its nutritional composition and effectiveness. Traditional Japanese matcha is made by mixing powdered green tea with hot water until frothy, allowing you to eat the full tea leaf and maximize its nutritional content, which includes antioxidants such as catechins and L-theanine. However, various approaches, such as adding matcha to smoothies or putting it into recipes, can provide flexibility while retaining the health advantages.
Matcha is a sort of green tea that originated in China and was imported to Japan during the 12th century. It is prepared from Camellia sinensis plant leaves that are shade-grown before harvesting, which results in a higher concentration of chlorophyll and a brighter green hue. The leaves are then processed to a fine powder with antique stone mills.
Matcha is high in antioxidants, notably catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. It also contains theanine, an amino acid recognized for its relaxing and calming properties. Matcha also contains chlorophyll and polyphenols, which have cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer qualities.
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laikahh · 6 months
aughh im . trying to get better at drinking enough water
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Gotham water is toxic as shit, and the biggest bill people have is buying bottled water from other places so that they can drink water.
A new invention gets introduced, from a kickstarter.
It takes off, and practically overnight becomes the next big thing, the creator becoming a millionaire.
But he doesn't run off with the money. He actually makes the invention and starts up a legitimate business that has payment plans for anyone.
The invention?
A filter that attaches to the sink faucet, or goes in the water towers (there's large versions for this). It uses moon rocks along with other weird things to filter, but test after test confirms that it creates the purest, healthiest drinking water.
The inventor is Tucker Foley.
What's actually happening is that there's tiny ecto blobs hidden in the rocks, which are actually from the moon (Danny ate the radiation off of them), and those little ecto blobs fucking love the toxins in Gotham's water. They'll eat 'em right up.
Problem; now the water companies that were making a living overcharging Gotham residents are hiring hitmen to take Tucker Foley out.
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vitargosupplement · 1 year
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Vitargo- The Healthiest energy drink
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Do you need the Healthiest energy drink? We are your right stop. Vitargo is the fastest carb from mouth to muscle used by Olympians, elites, and weekend warriors across the globe. Vitargo was specifically designed for athletes. For more information, you can visit our website https://vitargo.com/store/.
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pollyanna-nana · 1 year
Ough see I consume caffeine thru other means. Do you have Dutch Bros or something down where you live? They do energy drinks with added flavors that are sooo tasty. I think a lot of coffee shops do stuff like that now.
YOURE SO VALID but here’s the thing. I cannot drink energy drinks they do bad things to me. But it’s okay I have a System :)
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