#healthy habits for truck drivers
Managing Stress on the Road: A Guide for New Truck Drivers
If you bought it, a trucker hauled it. As we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, it’s important to not only acknowledge the hard work and dedication of drivers but also to address the challenges they face on the road—especially the stress that comes with the job. For new drivers, adjusting to long hours, unpredictable schedules, and the isolation that comes with being on the road…
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umbra-vulpes · 1 year
Alegraves' Daily Life Headcanons Vol.1
*Just some Alegraves’ daily life hcs and smut that continue from the previous post. Cheesy af but I just want them to be cute🥺
This is a continuation hcs to this post:
• Alejandro and Graves are both truck guys.
Graves is definitely Ford or RAM 4x4 big-ass off-road truck with all fancy technology in it kind of guy, while Ale just loves trucks because it’s convenient, multi-purpose, and feel good to drive.
Also, Graves definitely has an all-black touring motorcycle because he wants it, he gets it (7 rings playing in the background) and after a few short motorcycle trips together, Alejandro started to consider buying one as well.
• Graves loves to play and sing along with country music while driving and always has a pair of spare sunglasses and a cowboy hat in the car, cause just in case he feels like wearing one.
•Graves has a habit of cleaning his car every time he leaves the car, that’s why his car is mostly clean but always has some random plastic water bottles or a few coins tossed around here and there. Alejandro will toss his gear and stuff to the backseat every time he drives, that’s why his front seat is clean af but the backseat carpet always have mugs, dirt, or tree leaves on it.
• Alejandro has serious road rage and He is proud af of it. Cause drives like a madman did save them from KIA thousand times during missions, but that’s also why Rudy and Graves strictly forbid him to drive in the city or highway during traffic time. Otherwise, there will be a very high chance of seeing a full-on Latino mode Alejandro, head out of the window, yelling and arguing with other drivers on the road while whoever is on the shotgun tries to save everyone’s life somewhere on the road in Texas or Mexico. (Jesus take the wheel!)
•Both loathe big and crowded cities like New York and will never miss the chance of trashing it.
•Graves is that 7-in-1 head and shoulders and random body wash guys. His skin care routine is basically non exist, water, face cleanser and water, because Yeehaw he is a Texas rough man, and he always says he can use all the shower and skincare time to do something more productive.
The fact that he somehow manage to have healthy and glowing hair and skin in such manners makes the British members of 141 and Alejandro a bit jealous about it.
•On the other hand , Alejandro has an intense skincare routine like a movie star and definitely use specific products for skincare and haircare. He knows he is handsome af and intends to use his charm as a weapon. He definitely has spa days during his holidays. Needless to say, Graves ‘care routine’ has definitely given him a shock when he first know.
•Both of them use the word ‘cowboy’ or ‘Vaqueros’ with different meanings depending on the occasion, they can compliment each other using the word and use it as a sweet nickname for each other but can also attack each other using the same word. Nevertheless, if the conversation happens in bed, the term definitely means something good:)
•The ‘oh shit they really are made for each other moment’ for their friends is when the 141, Vaqueros, and Shadows decided to have a barbecue party, and Graves and Alejandro just automatically took over the grill together like two dads and working like they been doing this for 20 years. They just casually feed each other food for ‘taste testing’, and process to lick or suck their own fingers after feeding the other. They also drink each other beer without even asking the other, and the ridiculous amounts of PDA without warning just make their friends stunned and screaming for help(except Rudy who has already seen too much daily)
• Even though both have colognes at home but they always prefer the smell of fabric conditioner and aftershave they use because it smells like home and each other.
•Which brings us to the next hc that Graves is a sense monster, or in Alejandro's words a puppy who has his own blanket that it never lets its owner wash the blanket. He cares A LOT about smells, will steal and hoard Alejandro’s clothes if he is away from home for too long, and loves to wear and give boyfriend hoodies. He also LOVES a good sweaty after training Alejandro. And will always use smells as a compliment.
•Meanwhile Alejandro is a physical touch and kisses monster. ALWAYS TOUCH STAVING. Just LOVES to grab a kiss and hug here and there, Will hug you from behind while you are cooking that type of man, and have no personal boundaries at all, if Graves sits on the couch on his own, he will automatically sit right next to him and wrap him into his arms.
•They are both affectionate af, Like Very Very Very Affectionate at Maximum level. While they both try to be professional when they are at work, the natural habits of showing affection to each other just never seem to be under control. The hand on the waist or sometimes ass, the hug that may be a little too long too tie for comrades, or just random kisses on the cheek and neck, these types of self-displayed PDA just make the Vaqueros roll their eyes and sign, and hope that long time exposure of PDA could consider as mental trauma.
•Graves is a very southern man that will use nicknames like ‘Honey’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘dear’ etc. on a daily basis, such as calling waitresses or cashiers ‘sweetheart’. At first, Alejandro is a bit bothered by it, but then he realizes that there are some nicknames that Graves used just for him, such as calling him different kinds of nicknames that relate to food(sugar, sweets, pumpkin, pecan pie, muffins, biscuits, butter, donuts), Boo, Babe, Sunshine, handsome and Alejandro’s personal favorites—— my (little) Cowboy (Vaquero).
•Alejandro uses more classic Spanish nicknames such as 'Mi Amor', 'Mi alma', or 'Cariño' etc. he also uses cowboy(Vaquero) referring to Graves but he also calls Graves 'Mi Sombra/Umbra' which Graves loves it.
•But their favorites are calling each other husband, partner, or my man(Mr.) when they talk to other people. It’s very Cheesy but they love it.
•They both are dog person. They adopted a retired military dog, the dog sometime will go to the Vaqueros base with Alejandro.
•Alejandro is good at cooking anything in general and is always happy to challenge himself with new recipes. While Graves is only good at grilling meat and a few southern dishes that become his signature dishes. Alejandro approves those signature dishes are really god-tier but other foods that Graves made are…interesting.
•Alejandro, Graves, and Rodolfo formed a bully triangle where the two of the trio with work together to make fun of the one that in the trio who is being stupid or mean. Graves and Rudy will exchange Alejandro's past and present secrets and embarrassing stories to make fun of him; Alejandro and Graves will act like super lovey-dovey exaggeratedly to disgust Rudy; Rudy and Alejandro just loved to use Spanish to make fun of Graves when he beings too ‘American’.
•Both are beer lovers, both have a high tolerance for alcohol, and not easy to get drunk, but Alejandro can definitely outdrink Graves. While Graves' face turns red quickly with a small amount of alcohol and gets more excited like a drunk college student, he actually gets quieter and more sleepy as he drinks more. Alejandro looks normal with a few beers but gets high and loud as he drinks more, will yell his heart on karaoke type of drunk.
Should I continue posting this?
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truck2290 · 3 months
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Master the Road: 10 Essential Tips for Safe Trucking
Master the road with essential tips for safe trucking, including thorough pre-trip inspections, regular maintenance, and mastering defensive driving techniques. Prioritize driver well-being with proper rest, healthy habits, and continuous learning to stay updated on safety protocols and technologies. Ensure a safer journey for everyone on the road by adopting these proactive measures.
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drivedocfl · 7 months
Physical Examinations for Truck Drivers Florida
At Physical Examinations for Truck Drivers Florida, DriveDocFL, we understand the vital role that truck drivers play in keeping our economy moving. Additionally, these exams serve as an opportunity for education on maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road – from proper ergonomics to exercise routines that combat sedentary habits. We believe that investing in regular physical examinations not only benefits individual truck drivers but also contributes significantly to ensuring safer roads for everyone. Contact us at (727) 648-2402.
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Mental health and running your own business
Entrepreneurs in the trucking industry must take the necessary steps to prioritize their mental health. Running a business is inherently stressful, and the trucking industry is known for its high-stress environment. One way to manage stress and promote good mental health in the trucking industry is by establishing a routine. This can help drivers stay organized and feel in control of their schedules, leading to reduced stress levels. Additionally, regular exercise and healthy eating habits can help reduce stress and promote mental well-being. Many entrepreneurs in the trucking industry may feel guilty about taking time off, but it's important to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout and improve overall well-being. In addition to the aforementioned steps, entrepreneurs in the trucking industry can take other measures to support their mental health. One such measure is setting realistic goals and expectations for themselves and their business. Often, business owners may feel pressure to achieve unrealistic goals or take on too much work. Another way to maintain good mental health while running a business in the trucking industry is by seeking support from others. This can include connecting with other entrepreneurs in the industry, joining a support group, or seeking the help of a mental health professional. #mentalhealth #truckingindustry #logisticscompany
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The Role of GPS in Revolutionizing the Logistics Industry
GPS is a form of technology that has proven itself beneficial to innumerable companies and businesses. Delivery firms, in particular, reap massive profits from vehicle GPS tracking solutions in terms of efficiency, security, and precision. Installing GPS units assures multiple benefits and many possibilities. Understandably, it has an invaluable impact on fleet management.
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Over the last decade, online delivery services have gained immense popularity, with more and more people opting for home delivery. Whether someone needs clothing, food, or electronic goods, they buy things online and opt for doorstep delivery. Vehicles dispatched by these service providers carry numerous items, including packages and documents. These organizations are responsible to turn over the cargo safely to the customers. Companies like these thrive on safety, promptness, and customer satisfaction.
GPS technology allows employees to prevent losses and ensures the safe transportation of goods. After product delivery or arrival at a specific spot, the manager will receive a push notification or email.
Driver Monitoring
Delivery vehicle data, such as speed, location, braking, fuel efficiency, acceleration, and engine data are among the vital information GPS devices can gather and analyze. Its live tracking capabilities provide you with this data automatically once the predefined limits are breached.
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance via GPS tracking lets delivery companies monitor vehicles, predict quality issues & upcoming maintenance, and conduct necessary repairs on time to minimize disruptions to daily operations. With predictive maintenance, neither clients nor companies need to react to sudden, unexpected breakdowns. By providing insights into when and where parts are necessary, GPS solutions greatly help reduce expensive, rushed shipping costs for spares, making it easier to save money.
Reduced Fuel Consumption
Transport industries have reported a significant reduction in fuel usage as one of the most noteworthy advantages of realtime GPS tracking. Using a tracking device gives better route options for locomotive drivers. Getting a chance to select the best route makes fleet vehicle driving more efficient, saving time and money for companies. In doing so, GPS solutions can eliminate unnecessary costs and reduce unproductive work.
Customer Satisfaction
Most businesses suffer from one bad habit. In a bid to attract new customers, owners and managers neglect old ones. This prevents growth in clientele, but with delivery tracking solutions, business companies can prioritize new and old customers simultaneously. Fleet vehicles can deliver goods on time more often, prevent merchandise damage, calculate the estimated time of delivery and maintain healthy business relationships.
A Beacon for Logistics
The world has entered a new era in logistics. Today, it is feasible to oversee the entire supply chain in real-time by tracking pallets, containers, trucks, trailers, cargo, and even employees anywhere and anytime without spending a large sum of money or wasting too much energy. The pointers described above are just a few examples of how GPS can transform delivery firms and the logistics industry.
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nolan said what do u call a graff bro w no gf? …homeless…
We hooked up recently and it felt. Weird and distant and like i was ? High? Or dissociated? Not present. Maybe it was just hitting his damn vape. Shit has so much nic. I dont think i can do the whole casual sex thing especially not while i rebuild (or build? Did it ever exist?) a healthy relationship to physical intimacy.
Every time i try masturbate i start to think of cam and my stomach drops. Its like meditating or focusing on your breath and the same thoughts about your breathing start to make u feel faint or like ur not really breathing. I cut him off. He responded to my letter at 3 am clearly fucked up. Probably should block him. Cant leave the door ajar because the desire to open it again never rests. Not fully.
Substance abuse as accountability/excuse/apology.
Jack sent me his “detox” playlist today from rehab. As if that will just…close all the gaps?
What is it with these boys and wanting to show up just to share music and disappear back into the night? Or their drug habit.
The boys w out moms….always the boys w out moms or very fraught relationships w them.
Holly the hairdresser ive had since i was like 11 told me today that she was a slut before she met her husband. Her words not mine. And she says he doesnt rly know. That when things from her past come up she’s like….erp and tells him to cover his ears and im like…?! Cant imagine sharing my life w someone or having kids w someone who doesnt know like. Everything about me. She and i talked about how our first boyfriends/crushes in middle school haunt our dreams consistently. She said hers stopped when she looked him up on facebook and saw that hes a truck driver/trump supporter these days. She will be 50 this year. I dont think ill ever stop having dreams of nico. Even though hes puffy faced from alcohol now, and getting swallowed up by both his ego/clout/fame and his demons.
Things i thought about today that i want to write about. San quentin and its location. The old people holding political signs that i saw over 580 east and on the road side in Berkeley. Generational shit. Connection…lack there of. Road rage and kindness in the service industry/ interacting w strangers. Rural life.
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stevenstrucking · 2 years
6 Truck Driver Health Tips To Stay Sharp On the Road For The Best Trucking Companies In Oklahoma
Truck drivers for the best trucking companies to work for, encounter several physical health risks while doing their jobs like Heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorders, and stress. They can also get depressed due to lengthy periods of seclusion.
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Here are 6 truck driver health tips to help you deal with those typical difficulties.
1. Exercise
There are several exercise methods while driving if you are determined and creative. It can be as easy as taking a stroll anytime you get to a rest or truck stop. You may even buy a small set of gym equipment to keep in the cabin of your truck and use while you are at a stop.
2. Eat Light
While it can be tempting to get over to a large dinner by truck drivers of the top trucking companies in Oklahoma, eating lighter will benefit them more.
When you eat three large meals a day, your body needs to spend more time digesting them, which means it takes longer for the nutrients to get absorbed by the rest of your body.
3. Stay hydrated
It is critical to stay hydrated while battling infections. Dehydration can result in several ailments, and thirst is a common symptom of dehydration. To guarantee you are getting enough water, an average person should drink eight glasses of water every day. Keep a water bottle at your side and refill it during the day, so make sure it is always available.
4. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
While it may seem apparent, drinking and driving are dangerous activities to be prevented at all costs. Drugs include anything affecting your judgment or physical faculties, like drowsy drugs. In addition to safety problems, being under the influence might cost you your job.
5. Find time to relax
Being away from home, traveling in congested areas, and delivering items on time are all demanding duties you will face regularly. Try relaxing by reading a book, spending time alone, chatting with other truckers at truck stops, and staying in touch with friends and family.
6. Additional advice
Use the following tips to understand how to live a healthy life as a truck driver:
● Begin slowly- Don't go all in all at once; you'll be more likely to fail. Instead, begin by altering one thing at a time, such as your workout regimen or the foods you eat.
● Never give up Whatever adjustments you make, commit to remain with them for at least a month. It becomes a habit by then, making quitting more difficult.
● Keep track of your progress- Keep note of your daily eating and workouts to hold yourself accountable. Seeing your writing progress motivates you to work harder.
A truck driver's task is to deliver the merchandise when and where it is needed. Not only should freight be transported safely and on schedule, but so should the truck driver.
The crucial instructions and advice for every truck driver are to avoid accidents and keep the roads safer for everyone driving from A to B.
Stevens Trucking, the best trucking company for new drivers, runs around 1500 trailers and 300 tractors between our oilfield-flatbed and dry freight sectors. We can help you! Visit stevenstrucking.com, to find out more about us and our services. 
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morkleemelon · 3 years
things I love about mark
I love him. I love the sound of his voice and the way he laughs. he giggles wildly and his eyes squint into crescent moons and his claps syncopate over the sound of his laughter. I love how he has a habit of hitting the person next to him too. I love how round his teeth are and when he grins, they’re so even and he truly does look like a baby lion. I love his little freckles- the one on the corner of his lip, the one on his cheek, and the one on the side of his neck. I love the way he could be smiling and laughing and suddenly something in his mind switches and his face goes all serious like 0_0 and his eyebrows raise and he looks so goofy and I love him. I love him when he posts his writing even though he’s nervous about sharing his work. I love reading over them to try to see what he’s feeling. he claims they’re “scribbles” I cherish them more than any literature written by others. I love the way he’s the nicest guy in the world and he’s always willing to help. he’s hardworking and grounded. I love his fuzzy black coat and his old jansport backpack. I love how he goes to bed pretty early because he really likes sleeping. I love how he’s supportive of his friends through thick and thin and he makes everyone feel included. I love how much he adores his parents and big brother and how he still prays before he eats because he was raised that way and he’s loyal. I love how he rarely ever cries but he did once at what he thought was his last concert with dream and another time watching sad video compilations on youtube with taeil. he loves justin bieber and bruno mars and his favorite doja cat song is candy. he does his little tip taps when he’s excited and if he’s especially thrilled, he’ll start jumping up and down full-force. he hates ketchup and frozen yogurt and he loves watermelon and fried chicken. his favorite song is viva la vida by coldplay and he’s really, really bad at cooking. when donghyuck broke his leg, mark was worried for him well after he was healed. his favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream and he used to dream of being an ice cream truck driver when he was young. he’s so gullible and boyishly innocent. yet, he also wrote whiplash. he loves wearing beanies when his hair is messy and he takes loads of vitamins and supplements to stay healthy. he’s extremely afraid of heights but he’s not afraid of bugs. I love him, I love it all. he makes me want to be a better person because I want him to be proud of who his fans are. he’s forever the best person I know and I pray everyday that he’s happy, that he’s had a good day. he’s my first thoughts in the morning and my last thoughts at night. he’s one in a lifetime, him, and I don’t know what I’d do without it all.
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artisticdivasworld · 4 months
Staying Healthy as a Long-Haul Truck Driver: Straight Talk
Hitting the open road as a long-haul truck driver isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. And let’s be real, it’s one that comes with its fair share of health challenges. With the long hours and endless miles, staying healthy might seem like a battle. But with a bit of know-how and discipline, you can keep yourself in top shape. We talked about this before here, but feel it bears repeating because…
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Those Linked by Destiny (1)
Summary: Bucky, Sam, and Natasha are on a mission to once again defeat Hydra who this time had opened a time portal that unleashed monsters and beasts that were extinct for centuries for good reason. On the way, they try to recruit the only remaining person who had any knowledge on how to defeat these creatures. Her kind also almost extinct. A Witcher.
Fandoms: Avengers, The Witcher
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Witcher!OFC (Female)
Warnings: Angst (coz this is me), Dry Dark Humour, Violence, Gore, Lots of Blood, Burning Sarcasm, Lots of Cussing
A/N: Hello, beautiful creatures! I’m back with a new hurricane of a crossover. This continues on from my completed series There’s More Than One Way To Start An Apocalypse (AvengersxSupernatural) but this can be read by itself. I made this an OFC instead of an xReader since I needed to be specific with how the Witcher character looked. I hope you enjoy and I welcome all kinds of feedback.
No permission is granted to repost my work. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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1: Returning a Favor
The sun was preparing to set when Sam, Bucky, and Natasha reached the small sleepy town. Their clothes were starting to scratch and bite at their skin from the sweat and grime of trying to make it to their destination on foot. They had been taking back roads and keeping to thick forests to keep hidden from Hydra and the monsters they had unleashed. It hasn't always gone smoothly for them.
The Avengers and Team Free Will had split up to tackle three major missions; hunting down every remaining grace powered monster created by the Archangel Michael, re-establishing the Avengers initiative and operations, and this new unfamiliar threat. They had discovered that Hydra was back and had opened a portal that unleashed creatures that were wholly unknown to even the Hunters.
The trio was tasked with gathering as much intel as they could and searching for a friend of Natasha and the Nephilim who they said was the only person who could help them. It had taken them eight months to track down someone who was practically a ghost.
They were all on edge and nearly losing hope, but finally they got a lead on an exact location. It took nearly two weeks to reach the town after a particularly nasty encounter with a cluster of monsters. They were outnumbered and had no knowledge about the enemy to even properly fight. They barely made it out alive.
Sam sat on the forest floor with his back to the trunk of a tree clutching his open abdomen. He was bleeding on the grass and the first aid they had been continuously applying on him was the only thing keeping him alive at this point. They needed to get him patched up properly. Bucky switched his legs to lean more on his left as he crouched behind thick shrubbery beside Natasha. Judging by the sharp pain from his other leg, he was sure it was broken. The female assassin wasn't any better off having taken multiple large slashing wounds to her back.
Bucky suggested that they go back to Avengers headquarters. It was Natasha though that insisted this is where they needed to go. They needed to lie low, heal, regroup, and find backup, but they were running out of time. The more time Hydra was left alone, the worse it was going to get. Bucky was skeptical, especially with Sam clinging on to his life, but he knew that Natasha was in fact right.
In front of them was a medium sized log cabin tucked away in the forest with a garden and a small greenhouse out back. Bucky's enhanced senses could pick up common vegetables and herbs like tomatoes, carrots, and basil, but he also caught whiffs of plants that smelled like exotic flowers of some sort. The house was still fairly close to town with only a 45-minute drive but it was miles away to the next house.
The serene silence of the isolated area was disrupted by peels of laughter from a group of children that were running around the garden. Their hands and clothes were stained with either paint or dirt. Some more gleeful that they had both. Bucky frowned. 
Were they supposed to seek shelter in a daycare?
The children would surely be scarred for life if they saw the Falcon bleeding out nevermind who his two companions were. His worry for his friend’s wellbeing clouded the Sergeant’s capability to grasp why this was where they needed to be.
The slow crunch of tires on the dirt road followed by two soft beeps disrupted Bucky's tired brooding. A mini bus parked beside a weathered brown truck in the driveway. A woman came out the back door clutching a child, that was practically a baby with how small it was, securely to her chest. Bucky couldn't see her face, only her slender figure and the wavy hair that fell down her back in a mess of random pastel colors that seemed to be popular with the youth these days. Her short yellow sun dress flowed with each movement she made.
Bucky's doubts at Natasha's plan grew. How could this hipster possibly help them? The low groan of pain from behind reminded him that they had no choice at this point. They were here now and Sam needed urgent medical attention. He would just have to trust Natasha a bit more.
He watched as she instructed the children to put away their art materials and wash up. He watched as she hugged or petted each beaming child as they boarded the mini bus. He watched as she carefully strapped in the baby in his designated seat while exchanging conversation with the middle aged driver who smiled warmly at her. He still couldn't see her face, but he could hear her laugh at something the driver said. After a final wave the bus full of energetic children started to pull out of the driveway.
Bucky's doubts continued to gnaw at him, but now for a different reason. This woman seemed so kind and carefree. Must they really disturb her peaceful life for their chaos? He turned then to voice his worries to Natasha, but before he could get a word out he felt an unbelievably strong force hit his chest and propel him backwards. He was forcefully pinned to a tree with the air knocked clear out of his lungs.
His first instinct was to fight back, but opening his eyes after the attack he froze when he met with the most peculiar yet mesmerizing pair. Round almond shaped and framed with thick heavy lashes were eyes the color of bright molten gold with irises in dark slits like that of a cat's. He would swear they were contacts if he didn't notice how they stretched and dilated as they retained their murderous gaze on him. Her hair fell like a cloud around her face softening her sharp bone structure and the snarl on her gloss covered lips.
So enthralled was Bucky at her unique features, that it took him an embarrassingly long time to register the double bladed axe she held easily with one hand outstretched flush against the skin of his throat. One small flick of her wrist and Bucky would be bleeding to his death in minutes.
"Why have you brought him here, Natasha?" she said, her voice even and low. Bucky noticed a European accent but he couldn't quite place which particular area.
"You know me?" Bucky met her unfaltering glare with his own.
"Everyone knows you, Winter Soldier," she sneered. "Everyone knows all of you."
Bucky scowled at the name. He didn't appreciate the tone she had when she said it. There was an obvious disdain and anger in her tone that he wasn't sure was warranted.
"Easy, Prima. We need your help," Natasha tried to coax her but she did not advance in case she gets provoked.
"And if I refuse?"
"Well then I'm cashing in that favor."
There was a long tense silence before his throat was reluctantly freed. He rubbed the shallow angry line it had left. The woman with cat-like eyes sighed as she swung the large weapon to hook over one shoulder like it weighed nothing. She rolled her eyes before she turned and gestured for you all to follow.
Bucky noted how Natasha's shoulders sagged in relief. She was worried that her contact might decline. They each took one of Sam's sides and practically hauled his barely conscious form to the cabin. They followed the woman into her home, the receding skyline bouncing light and shadow on her figure. It wasn't even ten minutes ago that Bucky was hesitant to disrupt this woman's very normal life, but normal people don't just carry battle axes let alone have the skill to wield it.
"Natasha," he whispered. "What exactly is she?"
Natasha had told them a little about Witchers in between dashing from town to town, but it amused Prima that Bucky was still thoroughly surprised when they actually met her. Clearly she didn't go into the specifics.
He could hear the smirk in her tone despite still having her back to them. She had heard his hushed question despite walking far ahead of them and decided to answer.
"Perhaps we can discuss my nature when your friend is no longer seeping Water Hag poison from his wounds."
"So that's what that thing was. How do you know it's Water Hag poison?" Natasha grunted under Sam's weight.
"I can smell it and that's the only reason I'm granting you this favor."
Prima rushed inside her home ahead of her guests, going quickly to the kitchen to pull out a large tarpaulin from under the sink. She was definitely going to help them but that didn't mean she was going to damn well leave an Avenger to bleed all over her precious furniture.
She opened the chest that doubled as a coffee table and pulled out thick worn blankets. She was already laying these out on the floor by the fireplace by the time the rest of them came through the front door.
Bucky surveyed the room as he entered. It was a force of habit to commit every detail to memory when entering a new environment. Normally it could mean life or death, but in this instance it was pure curiosity with a healthy mix of suspicion. 
From the outside, the cabin had looked a decent size but from the inside it looked much bigger. He thought that perhaps it was too much space for someone he presumed was living alone.
The house was a mixture of modern and rustic decorated in wood, metal, and splashes of vibrant color here and there. A gray short hair cat perked up in attention from its bedding as they entered. The main floor was open with no walls dividing areas and a set of stairs led to a spacious loft that again had no partitions. Large windows lined the walls providing an almost 360 degree view to the outside. It was almost like being in a glass box, but he knew for a fact that those windows were heavily tinted outside providing the utmost privacy. The state of the home told Bucky a lot about its owner.
"Lay him down here," Prima said pointing to the makeshift cot. "It's best he is by the fire. We need to keep him warm."
Natasha and Bucky gently laid down their friend as instructed. Sam groaned as the material pressed on his injuries and Natasha made quick work of cutting him out of his ruined tactical gear with her knife. His body relaxed the slightest bit after being freed but this also meant that his wounds opened again to spill more of his blood on the tarpaulin.
"It's worse than I thought," Prima murmured. "Take this and apply pressure to the worst of it. I must prepare a few things."
Natasha nodded as she took the towels from her. She rushed through the back door and from its opening, Bucky could see that she went straight into her greenhouse. She was back within minutes carrying a small woven tray filled with plants he couldn't even begin to identify. The cat followed closely on her heels, the small bell on its neck ringing softly.
She headed straight for the other end of the room to what he initially thought was a library and craft area. Looking at it closely now he could see not only books but a wide array of jars, bottles, and small boxes. She grabbed two containers from the shelves and dropped its contents into a wooden bowl. She began mashing and mixing them together quickly before pouring the strange yellowish liquid into glass vials. She grabbed a few more bottles from the shelves before making her way to kneel by Sam's head.
"Help me sit him up. He needs to drink this."
"I'm not sure about this, Nat," came Bucky's worried tone as he eyed their host with narrowed eyes.
"Bucky!" Nat warned. They didn't have time for this.
"What the hell is even in that?"
"Sergeant Barnes, would you like me to educate you on the finer points of alchemy before or after we save your dying friend?" Prima argued, her jaw clenching. "Clock is ticking, Sergeant. The choice may well be taken from you soon."
Bucky's teeth gritted together as his whole body tensed with the decision. His brow was in knots, but ultimately he knew there was only one decision to make. He cursed under his breath but moved to heave Sam into a sitting position.
Prima uncorked one of the bottles and tipped it over Sam's lips carefully making sure that he took every drop. His face scrunched at the taste but his eyes remained closed, too exhausted to open them. His breathing started to speed up until they were shallow huffs and his temperature steadily rose.
"What the hell's happening to him?" Bucky fumed but Prima held out her hand to halt him as she carefully watched Sam's reactions with her strange cat eyes that were now narrowed into slits.
The air in the room was thick with tension and the only sounds were that of Sam's heavy breathing that was rapidly growing more laborious. When it seemed like he was at the height of his torment, Prima acted fast and shoved a second vial of clear liquid to his lips. He almost choked on the liquid but by some grace of the gods he managed to swallow it all.
After the last drop had gone down his throat, his eyes shot wide open before fluttering close as he dropped unconscious against the pillows. Bucky panicked when he couldn't hear his heartbeat and was about to lash out at Prima again when suddenly a faint thump that was fighting to get steadier met his ears in a manner that was uniquely stubborn like Sam.
Prima took a hand to feel his sweaty face and was relieved to find that his temperature was dropping closer to normal. They were past the worst of it now and she was grateful he took well to the potions. It was a gamble. Humans were not meant to take in Witcher brews. She could have just as easily killed him.
"He should be fine by morning. We must allow the potions do the work for now. I'll keep watch in case he needs another dose."
She grabbed one of the other bottles in her stash and tossed one to Natasha who easily caught it. The assassin raised a quizzical brow at her.
"Take only a small sip, Natasha. Pour the rest of it in the bath upstairs and take a long soak. It should help close up your wounds. You are welcome to rummage through my drawers for clean clothes."
"What happens if she takes more?" Bucky asked.
"Well all her injuries and even scars from her childhood will cease to exist. Every broken bone and illness will be cured," she shrugged as she relaxed against a wall stretching out her legs in front of her. She closed her eyes to allow the tension of the last hour to ease off her body as she absentmindedly stroked the cat that had now curled up contentedly beside her.
"That doesn't sound so bad," Natasha mused before carefully taking only the small sip she recommended.
"And then you die," the Witcher chuckled allowing a sharper than usual canine to peak out from her smile.
Bucky was not amused despite Natasha chuckling at the comment before making her way up the stairs. He was understandably wary of anything chemical to be put inside his body after what Hydra had done to him. Their host seemed to somehow sense this so made no move to offer him any concoction for his injuries.
"Bathroom's through the door behind you should you fancy a shower, Sergeant. There should be clothes in the cupboards too but they might be a tad tight. I'll go into town in the morning to purchase more appropriate wear for you and your friend. First aid kit is under the sink."
Bucky gave a small nod as he silently walked to the door she gestured to. As he meticulously washed the dirt and fatigue from his body, he found his thoughts straying to their unusual host. He had realized that her accent was classic old European, with the kind of vocabulary that prim and proper upper-class citizens used. What did not make sense though was how a European socialite would have the practiced ease of wielding a battle axe. Her cat eyes alone tipped him off that she was not merely human. The more he thought about it, the more everything he knew so far contradicted with each other. He was no closer to figuring her out when he stepped out of the bathroom adjusting the shirt and jeans that clung to him.
He saw the Witcher sound asleep on the floor, her head lolled to the side and her mouth softly parted. There were a million questions he wanted to ask her, but he couldn't bring himself to disrupt her peaceful sleep. He instead made his way to crash on the sofa. Sleep came to him as soon as his head met the arm rest. He drifted off with the Witcher's eerie eyes the last on his mind and a nagging feeling that there was something about her that was strangely familiar to him.
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supernovanim · 4 years
Mutual Abduction Part 1
Right, I’m still unemployed and am therefore trying to do inexpensive things (libraries are great!). But I’ve finished my quarantine so can now go outside.
Many apologies to Kurt Vonnegut on this one, as the concept is totally stolen from something that happens in Slaughterhouse Five. If you haven’t read it, I’d highly recommend.
Anyway, I was rereading it recently and then had a weird dream which led to this. It’s a bit unusual so let me know what you think in the comments. There are references to famous AI computers, because I’m such a nerd.
Summary: you get abducted by aliens
Pairing: Female Reader x Dylan O’Brien
Warnings: Totally justified brief panic attack, swearing, abduction and imprisonment (non-violent). There is no smut in this part but you can see where it’s heading.
Word count: 1,443
Taglist: @hernameisnoellex3​
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One minute you were lying on your bed, looking up at a crack in the ceiling and wondering if it was new or you were just now noticing it, and the next you were standing in an unfamiliar room.
Your whole body tingled, like it was charged with static. You suppressed a shudder. What the hell?
Looking down, you saw you were still wearing the same clothes as a minute ago (comfy jeans and a tank top), but a band had appeared on your wrist with some writing on it:
What the fuck?! This was really odd. You shook your head to try and clear it, and closed your eyes taking a deep breath. When you opened them the wristband was still there, and you still weren’t in your own house. You were beginning to doubt if you were still on your own planet. You took another breath, trying desperately not to completely panic.
The room you were in was sterile and white, with soft light that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. There was a black leather sofa facing what looked like a large built-in flatscreen. There was a giant and very soft-looking bed with pale green sheets, a table with a couple of chairs and a sideboard that looked very like one your grandmother had. It looked out of place here. To be honest, all the furniture did, like a landlord had furnished it with the bare minimum someone might need and no more. None of it matched the futuristic feel of the rest of the room.
The white floor was slightly warm under your bare feet, and was soft – it felt a bit like silicone. Looking up you noticed the ceiling…or lack of ceiling. It was completely clear like glass. Through it you could see darkness with vaguely moving shapes in it, and…were those stars? Your heart started thudding loudly in your chest, and breathing felt difficult. Right, now you were going to panic.
Just as you felt the panic attack start to take over, a robotic voice sounded into the room
Human female Y/N Do not panic Please count to 10 with me 1…2…3…4
Despite your surprise, you found yourself starting to count and your breathing slowed. Realising you’d ended up sitting on the floor, you stood and looked around for the source of the voice. It seemed to be coming from a blinking red light on the wall, set into a black aperture.
Human female Y/N You have been selected for study Do not be afraid
“Right, well it’s pretty hard to not be fucking afraid when you fucking abduct me” you spat out.
We do not like the word abduction We prefer…selection
“Ok, well why have you selected me? And what do you want? And are you going to send me back home at some point? Preferably right now”
You have attributes we would like to study You have been selected for us to monitor the mating habits of humans Once you have mated you will be transported back to Earth
“Wait a minute – MATED?! This is some weird human breeding program? Am I in a zoo? Are you going to get me pregnant and study my children? Because I’m totally not down with that. Or the mating. I might not have had sex in 6 months but I’m not that desperate”
We are only studying mating habits, not reproduction You would get to choose your mate
“I still don’t get it. You seem really technologically advanced to have transported me to wherever the hell this is. Why not just observe humans mating on Earth? We do it a lot. I could recommend some bars to monitor. You probably wouldn’t even need to wear a disguise in most of them.”
There are too many variables on Earth It is confusing We require subjects in a neutral environment to study and question
“Still not sure I want to be your test subject here. Sounds suspicious. And what did you mean by getting to choose my mate?”
You could choose from any man or woman on Earth This way we know you will be…compatible
“What if they’re not attracted to me, hey? I mean there’s definitely some reason I haven’t had sex in 6 months”
We have chosen you for your universal attractiveness Before your mate is transported we will scan them, to make sure of compatibility
“Scan? Not some kind of weird probe thing? I’ve heard you aliens are into that”
A brain scan They won’t sense anything If you are not compatible we will ask you to select someone different
“Right, and once I mate with them you’d send us both back to Earth?”
“I’m still not sure about this. Give me a bit of time to think about it”
If you do not choose a mate you will remain here indefinitely
Well that was certainly an incentive. And being able to choose from anyone on Earth was…tempting. It had been 6 months ok? You’d almost resorted to visiting one of those dodgy bars.
“While I think about it, are you going to feed me in this place? I haven’t had anything since lunch and I’m starving” you sighed, resigned to having to stay here a while.
Certainly Here is some Earth food
On the small table materialised a plate with what smelt like your favourite meal. It was fascinating – one minute there was nothing there and then next small blue lights appeared and then boom – food. Cheeseburger, fries, side salad in a vague attempt to be healthy. And was that a milkshake? Yum.
Not even stopping to think about whether it could be laced with some kind of mind-control drug, you sat down gobbled it up ravenously. This whole alien abduction thing had made you very hungry, and it certainly tasted like a normal burger.
“Hey HAL”
Yes, human female Y/N
“Is there a bathroom somewhere? I mean you must know how humans work, right? Food goes in one end and…”
A human bathroom has been provided Through the door
There was a door?! How had you not noticed that? But there it was, sitting innocuously in the far wall that you swear had been a blank expanse of white a minute ago.
Through it you found what seemed like a totally normal bathroom. Toilet, sink, even a shower and separate bath. It was nicer than your one back on Earth. You noticed that the ceiling here wasn’t clear like the main room – did that mean they weren’t observing you? Nice to have a bit of privacy somewhere.
You washed up and decided to have a bath – you didn’t have one at home and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Besides, maybe a relaxing soak would make you feel more normal.
“Hey GLaDOS, any chance of some bath oil?”
You may ask for anything you wish, human female Y/N
And some bath oil appeared beside you. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all you thought, as you lowered yourself into the hot water.
You were so tired after your meal and soak, you barely registered the lights go off as you passed out in the middle of the bed. It was just as soft as it looked.
You had no way of telling the time as it was still dark above the ceiling, but you thought it must be morning when the lights in the room slowly returned to brightness
Good morning human female Y/N
“Morning Deep Thought” you yawned “any chance of a coffee and a muffin?”
And just like that they materialised on the table. You could definitely get used to the instant room service here.
Once you’d eaten you checked the room for any more doors, just in case a miraculous escape hatch had materialised overnight. No joy.
Human female Y/N Have you decided on a mate?
“It can be anyone, right?” you questioned slowly
Yes As long as they are compatible
“Ok in that case I’d like Dylan O’Brien” you rushed out, before you changed your mind
Dylan O’Brien the actor or Dylan O’Brien the long-distance truck driver?
“Jesus, the actor you idiot”
Ok Scanning for compatibility… Compatibility confirmed Transporting
“Wait, shit – really?” you spurted out in disbelief
But before you had a chance to change your mind the blue lights started to appear in the middle of the room, taking the shape of a man.
And just like that a very confused looking Dylan O’Brien was standing in front of you, wearing grey sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. He looked at you.
“What. The. Fuck”
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Yesterday began in Redding, California, at the Quality Inn Hotel which, incidentally, when we rolled in the previous night we actually had a hard time finding the front office. I actually drove right past it at the front of the property and then spent a bit of time fruitlessly driving around the back looking for it.
Okay not my best moment.
The following morning, yesterday morning, now we've gotta boogie the rest of the way up California into Oregon to Medford. Gotta be there by noon. Definitely gotta return the car between 1 and 130. So we check out and leave by nine on a drive that'll take two-and-a-half-hours.
By the way, something we learned about our rental car while we were gassing up for the day: the car knows the pressure of each tire and displays a handy graphic on the dashboard monitor to that effect. In fact, the graphic updates as you fill up low pressure tires.
So yeah.
This is now a feature I really, really, really want in all our future cars.
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Now we're on the road again and, at some point along the way we pull off at the Weed Rest Area along I-5 because you know... it's the Weed Rest Area. Where you also get a front row view of Mount Shasta for good measure. ;-)
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Back on the road again, we roll into Medford around quarter to noon with the following agenda: put together a gift basket for the good people at Oregon Light Truck & RV and... we've gotta find a car wash.
We hit the GoodWill South Medford first where we score a wicker gift basket (sans treats). Then we continue up the road to the Oil Stop Drive-Thru Oil Change + Car Wash where they take thorough care whilst making our rental look all shiny and new again which is completely unnecessary because the rental company does that immediately upon return of every vehicle anyway.
We just don't want them thinking we trashed their car...
I'm guessing.
Up the road farther is a Fred Meyer where we hope to score gift basket treats. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, we immediately realize it's our old Fred Meyer where we broke down in the first place.
Small world, you know?
Very small, it turns out. We're in there just a few minutes when Kimmer realizes we're running out of time... so we turn around, hoof it back to the car, and complete our return to Oregon Light Truck & RV.
12:40, by the way's when we pull up out front. Perfectly on time. :-)
The drill now is to pay for the RV repairs they completed before we even left Medford a week ago, then unload absolutely everything from our rental, and wipe down the rental's interior which Kimmer accomplishes quickly before sending me off to return the now empty (and completely cleaned) rental car.
Again. We don’t want them to think we trashed their car.
By the time I pull into the Enterprise Rent-A-Car parking lot, it's 1:15. The perfect conclusion to a pretty decent plan we laid out a few days before.
After a quick check-back-in with the super helpful people at Enterprise, I'm standing out front of the building summoning an Uber that shows up a few minutes later. It's a great ride with Marcella whose husband is also a driver and whose car we actually spot at an intersection not five minutes into the ride.
Marcella drops me off at Oregon Light Truck & RV around 2 o'clock where Kimmer's pretty deep into the process of repopulating the inside of the Rialta with all our belongings. She's already impressed the heck out of Katie from OLT&RV. She couldn’t believe how much Kimmer'd manage to Tetris into the rental car. Basically everything that was in the Rialta.
My girl's got serious game. :-)
The clock's rounding three by the time we pull away from OLT&RV. Our plan now is to return to the Fred Meyer we briefly visited earlier and find some tasty treats with which to fill the wicker gift basket we purchased from GoodWill also earlier today.
Out of habit (and an abundance of knowledge) Kimmer finds some very lovely and healthy treats... but abandons that effort in favor of cupcakes and cherry strudels. We also manage to find a Thank You card that reads
"What's bigger:  A gagillion? A bazillion? A quadrillion? Whatever it is I'm thankful that many times plus one."
Upon our return to OLT&RV, Kimmer tells Katie that she was gonna get them something that was healthy and good for them... but chose instead something they'd actually, you know, like.
Given Katie's response to the gift basket, it's pretty likely her crew only ever saw the cupcakes.
Katie's a huuuuge strudel fan, you see. ;-)
Next on our agenda out of town but before we actually leave town... is the Medford GoodWill North. There's a miniature golf course on the other side of I-5 from that GoodWill and we really did have it mind to take a little time miniature golfing.
After a touch of shopping, though, then over a late lunch of salads we picked up at the San Jose Trader Joe's a coupla days before, it's obvious we need to make some actual, you know, progress. So we hatch a plan to indulge a miniature golf road trip in the future and finally, finally, finally...
Bid farewell to Medford.
Six oh six, by the way, is when we hit the road again.
Now our plan isn't to hightail it back to Seattle. In fact, we've gotta swing by the Quality Inn & Suites in Tualatin where we left one of the cushions from the Rialta when we stayed there on our southbound leg.
They're holding it for us at the front desk. :-)
We don't have to make that much progress... and decide to stop in at one of our favorite stops: Roseburg, Oregon, where it's now 745 and the sun's pretty invested in setting.
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We indulge a little shopping at the Dollar Tree here before traveling another sixty miles and a pair of rest stops.
We pull off I-5 at the second rest stop, settling in for the night with a round of Hot In Cleveland streaming through Franklin, our mobile hot spot, before a lovely night's sleep in the Riata's double bed set up in back.
Unfortunately for us (and the Rialta), what we don't realize is that someone will or already has... stolen a part right off the outside of our ride. :-(
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio : @/macbradycoeats | 77.1k followers | just a spiritual being that wishes the best for everyone on their journey 🙏🏼 yes i was on tv once & won’t be again, you may now check the vibe🥬🌱
21 (22)
From Belfast, Northern Ireland
I genuinely believe Rocco didn’t come from much, just like Gary. & it’s never a competition between who’s had it harder in life, cause we all got our own shit, but I don’t think his life was all rainbows and glitter you know? Just don’t get that vibe from him
Maybe he’s lived in a mobile home park and his mom can never hold a job since she’s a hot head & can’t take direction? His father comes in and out of his life, he’s the definition of toxic masculinity yet never does shit to prove his worth of a “man.” goes as he pleases drunk off his ass and stealing whatever $ his mom has saved up
His father used to be a truck driver but got fired after he kept drinking on the job, causing an accident that could have been much worse
They’re one of the few families that aren’t okay in the park. They just happen to be the loudest. At least his parents are, very vocal and try to beat the other in a screaming match. They never married, didn’t see the point in doing so since they stuck around with each other for this long
Very abusive relationship...mostly verbal but rocco’s seen enough to cause trauma
Maybe his parents had him at a young age, cancelling their youth? Sometimes he feels like it’s his fault, his father told him that once; drunk of whiskey so he started to believe it, which pissed his mother off to no end
Rocco knows his mother loves him but he’s not so sure about his dad. She does little things that mean so much to show that, she does try hard it’s just many don’t see that. Maybe he’s bias since it is his mother
Has a half-sister, Roisin. (Ro-sheen) means, “little rose,” and he picked the name out when he watched his mother have a home birth in their bathroom. He loved her just as much as he loved his mother. He’s heard of the name before, liked it and knew it fit when he first saw his little sister. She was the reddest baby he’s ever seen but gorgeous
“You’ve named your sister raisin, huh?”
It didn’t take long for Rocco to figure out that his mother had a boyfriend outside of his father and suddenly had a bump in her stomach a month later after the guy came around. Rocco wanted to hate the guy but he kinda taught him how to be. He was from wales, loved to surf, and always carried philosophy books which he encouraged a young Rocco to read and, “expand his horizons”
At first he didn’t understand the shite or even wanted to. He just knew it would be hell whenever his father decided to pop back up, but this time around? He didn’t for some reason. “I hope he’s dead.” He heard his mother say one night, talking to Elis, when she thought Rocco was asleep on his bed in the living room
Rocco didn’t think he could think that harsh about someone...but the longer Elis stayed around, the more he found himself not missing his father
Before he began to look at life in a different way, he was the type to run through the streets from the age of 16 and getting into some trouble
Such as: Vandalism, stealing booze, trespassing, & public indency
Around 18 was when he decided to turn his life around, after losing a friend he deeply cared about. He went off to uni, because it was what she wanted to do and he never gave it much thought in the first place but he tried for her
Looking back on it, why did he ever think finance was for him? He wanted to be what his mother wasn’t, she tried but she didn’t know how to manage $ well. Elis had to step in every now and then but he was also always on the go due to surfing competitions
Not only that but it was hard to make friends in uni, people were much different here than in the mobile park. He had more in common with people who lived in the same atmosphere as him
He felt judged and it made him deeply insecure so he dropped out mid-semester 
Picked up healthy cooking habits and managed to purchase a food truck after working multiple jobs/ odd jobs from dish cleaner, bartender, doing weekly grocery runs for the people with disabilities in the mobile park, etc...
Guilty pleasure is Mediterranean food
Helps his mother with his sister when she’s out looking for a job + working the job or when she needs a nap. It’s the perfect bonding moment between brother and sister
It doesn’t take long before Rocco feels it’s his time to leave & he does so by going on tv for this show called love island, which is short lived & he comes back empty handed + still feeling like he didn’t make any friends but he met people that changed his life for sure
Marisol being one of those people.
His food truck gains traction after the show and he’s pleased by this. He specializes in a go green environment, which is more expensive but everything costs something
A customer tells him he’d be better off traveling to gain more exposure to his food, although there’s been customers who post his food on the socials—he rarely checks it but it’s 40% negative
Once he saves up enough, he does so and wants for his mother and sister to come with him but she says his sister is too young to be on the road
He’s torn but decides to go on a three month tour, with a few people trying to manage him. Rocco doesn’t take the offer, he feels like that’s a trap to take all of his $.
He can do it all on his own
He meets more people and women on the road in different cities and keeps up with Marisol whenever he can, it kinda hurts to know that she’s found someone knew
So when he’s on psychedelics, he starts sleeping around when the loneliness tries to creep up on him. He doesn’t want to feel that, because if you let it be then it might control you. You’re in control of your emotions.
He always has to find a pay phone when he gets to the next city to let his mom, sister, and Elis know that business is doing okay and he is too. He either forgets to charge his phone or one of the women he invited into his truck stole it
Yeah his food truck is also his home? But people don’t need to know that, he plans to get rid of the truck, buy a storage container to be his new restaurant on wheels and invest in a car where he can pull the storage container along on his car, he’s thinking maybe a Subaru or a pick up truck of some sort. These are all goals, he’ll achieve if he works at his own pace. If it’s meant to be it will be 
Very flirtatious and it can come across as not being loyal but he finds it to be more, “free spirited” than anything
Does yoga, has a bicycle too for days he doesn’t feel like driving his truck around, Elis bought one for his birthday & is studying Buddhism
Plays the ukulele & wants to start a garden
Is he a Scorpio? Is he a Gemini? I don’t really feel like he’s a fire sign? He might have a small amount in his chart if we’re being technical. The only thing I can see, Leo maybe for being idealistic? Flirtatious & optimistic?
Scorpio sun + Leo moon + Gemini rising
His favorite animal is an ostrich?
Lottie accidentally likes his photos (whenever he decides to post) and unlikes them or pops into his lives every now and then just out of curiosity. When he addresses her, she leaves lmao
Hair and eyes shifts just like the seasons, becoming reddish brown + a hazel green
Stops at every farmers markets & side attractions to give back to the people & loves flea markets
What does Rocco listen to? He definitely uses psychedelics & smokes that gas c’mon now so: bob marley & the wailers, Jimi Hendrix, fugees, Fiona apple, Norah Jones, johnnyswim, & Bombay bicycle club
Celeb crush? Emma Roberts, zendaya, halle bailey, camila mendes, Sarah Bolger, & Saoirse Ronan
Anthem = The wombats, “Give Me A Try”
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moonlit-jeno · 5 years
Love Sick
Chapter 2- Donghyuck
pairing: nct dream ‘00 line + reader
genre/warnings: zombie!au, fluff, eventual smut, angst. some graphic violence/ gore
words: 2.3k
“You’re telling me that I slept through the beginning of the zombie   apocalypse.” You deadpan, expecting at least one of them to break   character and laugh. All four boys remain grim.
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They drive for hours, Jeno eventually switching with Jaemin so that he can get some sleep. They’ve only dared to stop once so far to grab a can of gasoline, the empty gas station far too foreboding for them to feel comfortable at. And then they’re driving again, through the dark streets, headed god knows where. There’s no cell reception and GPS isn’t working, so they’re driving blind. The map Jaemin grabbed is ancient and has been folded so many times that the creases blend in with the roads.
It’s early morning when Jaemin takes a right turn that leads them down a dirt road, with the trees growing thicker and blocking out some of the sunlight. Donghyuck shudders at the fear he gets from this place.
“Are you sure we should go this way?” Renjun asks, turning behind them to see how far from the main road they are.
There’s a nod from Jaemin. “Yeah, it looks alright. No harm in exploring.” Donghyuck snorts. Sure, they’re in a fast car with locked doors, but their eyes aren’t protected from the horrific sights around them. He’s still scarred from watching the guy bash his own head in an attempt to get to them, and he doesn’t want to add any more memories to that part of his brain.
The trees get a little thinner in one area, and Donghyuck has to squint to realize that there’s a house there. “Jaem, look.”
The car slows, Jaemin and Renjun leaning closer to get a better look. Jeno is snoring in the passenger seat, having driven for the majority of the trip.
“It’s fucking massive.” Renjun points out, and he isn’t wrong. The house is at least double the size of Hyuck’s own home. “Guess land out here’s cheaper.” It’s quiet as they decide what to do, the car humming idly. Donghyuck knows what they’re all thinking, what they’re all scared to say. They can’t stay in this car forever, and this house seems perfect. Isolated, huge, probably has running water and electricity. Of course, it only seems perfect from the outside. They have no way of knowing what’s on the inside. The place could be crawling with zombies- he cringes just thinking of the word- or it could have some people who don’t take kindly to strangers. He can only pray that it’s empty and that its owners don’t plan on returning.
“We should go in.” Jaemin murmurs, pulling over to the side of the road. Renjun hums in agreement, and Donghyuck hates himself for agreeing too. It’s the logical decision, but he feels sick to his stomach at the prospect of potentially running into a zombie. At the prospect of dying.
Hyuck reaches one shaking hand forward and nudges Jeno awake. He needs his sleep, sure, but he needs to be a part of this decision. He startles awake with a sharp inhale, looking around for a second before his brain fully wakes up.
“Well, shit.” Jeno coughs to clear his throat, laughing humorlessly. “Guess it wasn’t just a bad dream?”
Renjun doesn’t seem to have the patience for small talk. “We found a house. It’s pretty secluded, and we’re going to have to stop at some point anyways. Here seems as good a place as any.” Jeno blinks before turning his head and looking at the house. He shrugs. “I guess. Who’s going in?” Silence. None of them had thought that far ahead. “Someone should stay in the car.” Renjun points out. He doesn’t add the words “in case something goes wrong”, but they all hear them anyways.
Donghyuck considers it for all of one second before he realizes that a) it would leave him alone and vulnerable, b) he’s a horrendous driver, and c) he won’t be able to handle not knowing what’s happening to his friends in the house.
“Not me.” He says, meeting Jaemin’s quirked eyebrow with a stare of his own. “What? You’ve all seen my driving.” That at least gets him a snort and a ‘fair enough’ from Jeno. Renjun shrugs. “I’ll do it.” Another beat of silence. “Guess that means we’re going in.” Jaemin says, looking from Jeno to Donghyuck. “Guess it does.” He hopes his voice isn’t shaking as badly as he thinks it is.
Jeno mumbles a ‘fuck this’ and hops out of the car, Jaemin quickly following suit. Renjun pulls them all in for a quick hug before hopping into the front seat.
The walk up to the house is both the shortest and longest walk Donghyuck has ever experienced. He needs to know if it’s empty, if there’s something inside, but he also doesn’t. His day’s been bad enough already; he doesn’t need to add ‘being chased by zombies’ to the list of things that have happened to him.
They get to the front door, and it’s surprisingly clean- no peeling paint, the tiny windows at the top of the door clear of fingerprints and dust. Donghyuck looks to the side and finds some potted plants next to a pair of shoes. Jeno and Jaemin have noticed it too.
“We should knock?”  Jaemin tries to suggest. It comes out as more of a question, and he clears his throat. “I mean, it looks like there might be someone here. They might be more willing to help us if we’re polite?” Jeno shrugs. Donghyuck glances back to the truck, engine humming softly. Renjun’s looking out the window nervously. “Right. On the count of three?” “One.” Donghyuck puts his fist up first. Jaemin and Jeno follow hesitantly.
“Two.” There so much that could go wrong. Donghyuck’s never been good at running, especially not under pressure. He wonders if an angry zombie is enough to turn him into an Olympic sprinter.
Jeno’s in a fighting stance, probably subconsciously. A habit from all his years of picking fights on the streets, before he started boxing and found a healthy way to channel his anger. He wonders if Jeno would be able to throw a punch, or if all his muscles would lock up. Donghyuck knows what would happen if he tried it himself.
“Three.” They knock together, three hands on one piece of wood. His heartbeat is pounding in his ears, stomach twisting so violently that he has to lean against Jaemin for support. He expects the door to fly open, expects 10 raging monsters to come pouring out, expects to stare straight into the barrel of an angry farmers gun. He holds his breath.
Nothing happens. Jaemin, who’s eyes had been squeezed shut, blinks at the door in confusion, leaning forward to knock again. There’s no response. He tries the doorknob, but it doesn’t budge.
“Strange. Should we break in?” Jeno asks, jumping up on his tiptoes to try and peer in through the windows at the top. It’s useless, they’re too high.
Jaemin nods and Hyuck steps back, prepared to have to ram his full body weight into the door. But the youngest just kneels down, pulling something out of his pocket before setting to work.
“Are you- where did you learn to pick a lock?” Donghyuck squints, watching the door open. Jaemin stands back up and winks, pocketing his paper clip. “That doesn’t answer my question!” They’re all slightly more at ease after no mysterious noises have come from inside. But the fear is still there, curling and stabbing at his gut. “We should check all the rooms first, make sure there’s nothing hiding.” Jeno’s suggestion is logical, of course, but that doesn’t mean Donghyuck likes it. Especially since they’d decided to split up for this part, so he can’t hide behind Jaemin or cling onto Jeno’s hand. He voices his complaints under his breath as he creaks open a door, peering into it and seeing in relief as nothing jumps out. Three more doors are opened, all devoid of zombies.
They regroup in the kitchen, Donghyuck being the last to join. Renjun’s there, groceries lining the table and floor. “Jesus, how long did I take.” Jaemin shrugs. “Pretty long. But there was no screaming, so we figured you were alright. Find anything?”
“Nah. All the rooms upstairs are empty, I even check the closets. You guys?” Two heads are shaken at him. “One of the doors was locked so I couldn’t check it, but I figure it’s fine. Didn’t want to bust it down and find out that I was wrong.” Jeno tries for humor but misses the mark. For once, Donghyuck doesn’t make fun of him.
“I was betting that you passed out in fear.” Renjun pipes up, and Donghyuck sends him a glare that he hopes is scathing. He gets a smile in return.
There’s a glass of water on the table and Donghyuck’s sandpaper mouth decides hey, that looks delicious. “Where’d you guys find the water?” Silence. The other three turn to look at the glass, the plate next to it. Jaemin swallows thickly. “It was there when we got here. Probably the owners.” Hyuck frowns, walking over to the plate. There’s breadcrumbs still on it and he pokes them. “Seems pretty fresh.” “It’s probably from yesterday. Left, figured they’d clean it when they came back.” Donghyuck feels bile rise in his throat when he realizes that they probably won’t be coming back, because they won’t be able to. It makes him think of other people that might not be coming back- namely his parents- and he shuts down that train of thought before he starts crying.
There’s another beat of silence before Renjun’s standing, walking over to the fridge. “We should take stock of what food they have. I don’t know how long we’re gonna be here, but we should eat the fresh food first. If there even is any.”
Donghyuck’s brain momentarily short circuits- it’s only been one day since the entire world seemingly turned upside down. It feels like it’s been a year.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by Renjun shoving a plastic bag into his hands. It has four containers in it, and the receipt stapled to the bag reads that it’s from yesterday. His stomach growls.
“Shit, when’s the last time we ate?” His appetite, previously repressed by hunger, makes itself known with a by twisting itself in pain, growling again.
“Too long ago.” Jaemin says, pulling out half a container of soup. “Lunch time?”
The four boys watch impatiently as the food rotates in the microwave, the loud buzzing taunting them. The seconds count down impossibly slow, until finally it beeps. Jeno’s out of his chair in an instant, straight up moaning when the door opens and the scent of Chinese takeout fills the air. “It smells so good.”
“It’s also mine.” That voice doesn’t belong to any of them. All four boys freeze, whipping around to face the source.
A girl stands in the doorway, leaning against the wall. She looks to be around their age. “The cops are on their way. Figured I’d at least give you a chance to avoid jail.” Renjun, always the sharpest, easily replies. “No they aren’t. The phone lines are down. Nice try, though.”
She frowns. “Shit. Are you here to kill me then? Or just to eat my food?” The way she asks the question is so calm, it’s as if she’s asking about the weather. Donghyuck can’t help his giggle. She glances at him and he quickly calms his expression.
“We’re hiding. We thought this house was empty, but apparently these three couldn’t do their job right.” Renjun motions to the other boys, and okay, wow. He feels a little attacked.
“I didn’t check one room because it was locked!” Jeno exclaims, exasperated.
They start bickering, and Hyuck turns his attention back to the girl. She’s wearing a shirt that looks like it’s three sizes too big, the hem reaching past whatever pants she’s wearing. Her hair looks like it hasn’t been brushed in about a week, and there’s smudges of leftover makeup around her eyes. She’s pretty- not the time to be focusing on these things, but whatever, he can’t help it- even though she’s half asleep and looks about ready to give up and go back to bed. The biggest yawn he’s ever seen leaves her and then she’s walking over to the counter, plopping down on it.
“Sorry, hiding from who? I’m going to tell you right now that I will not be happy if the feds come knocking down my door.” She swings her legs back and forth, the action revealing neon pink sleep shorts.
The four boys all share a look. Jaemin opens his mouth, then closes it, considering the options. Obviously they have to tell her the truth, but there’s not really a way to say it that won’t sound crazy. There’s no evidence to back them up. No internet access to show her proof.
They have a silent conversation for a while- consisting of a lot of furrowed brows and widening eyes- before Donghyuck has enough and leans back in his seat, turning to her. “Zombies.” She snorts. “Yeah, I’m sure. Honestly, if you would’ve said aliens, I would’ve let you stay. But zombies? That’s kind of lame, don’t you think.” Renjun rolls his eyes. “Believe me, I wouldn’t be hiding from aliens. They would be hiding from me.” It’s Jeno’s turn to roll his eyes. “Injun, that’s not helping.” “We’re not joking.” Jaemin says, glaring at the other two before turning his attention to the girl. “Believe me, I wish it was. And I know it sounds crazy, but we saw it happen right in front of us.”
“You’re telling me that I slept through the beginning of the zombie   apocalypse.” She deadpans, obviously expecting at least one of them to break character and laugh.
All four boys remain grim.
The smile quickly fades into a frown and she looks at them more carefully. Maybe it’s the fear and pain in their eyes at the memory of yesterday’s events. Maybe she can see through all of them, can see the horrifying images that are printed on the back of their eyelids. Whatever it is, she finally seems to believe them.
“You’re serious?” They all nod. “Shit.” She hops off the counter, walking over to them. “Pass me the food, you have some explaining to do.”
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redtrucking · 3 years
How Truck Drivers Can Combat Diabetes Risks
Long trips on the road coupled with high levels of stress can affect the health of truckers. A study shows that there’s a 50% higher occurrence of diabetes in truck drivers than the national average. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States, approximately 9.4% of the population has diabetes, and for truckers, the number is 14%.
While figuring out the reason behind it, Physicians said truck drivers carry more risk factors like smoking, lack of exercise, and a high-calorie diet. Moreover, almost 70% of truck drivers are suffering from obesity, and surprisingly it is more than twice the nation’s average.
But why do these reasons occur?
The truth is that most truck drivers spend the majority of their time engaging in sedentary activities. For example, they spend hours at a time sitting in the same seat, which leaves little additional time for exercise and other health-conscious practices. Another major contributor to the risk of diabetes is a poor diet; with so much time spent on the road, most of the food that truck drivers consume is high in calories and low in nutritional value.  
Diabetes is progressive when the symptoms worsen; the disease causes more harm to the body, and not only this, for the drivers, it could lead to losing their jobs. Truck drivers could lose their ability to drive if they require insulin to manage their disease.
The great news is that there are many ways that truck drivers can combat the risks of their profession. All it takes is a fair amount of planning, a commitment to their health, and a motivation to stay as active as possible.
How Truck Drivers Can Stay Active
It is no secret that sitting for prolonged periods of time is detrimental to your health, just like poor sleeping habits and smoking. Although most truck drivers are at the mercy of the rules set by their employer regarding breaks and downtime, there are still many ways that they can incorporate more physical activity into their lives.
While long hours are spent sitting in traffic and driving down, highways leave little desire or time to do anything other than relaxing in front of the tv while on and off the job. A little physical activity goes a long way for your health! Take a look at the suggestions below to understand better how you can keep diabetes and other health-related problems at bay.
●   Aerobic exercise includes workouts and practices that put your body into motion. Stretching, Pilates, and yoga are not only great for working out tight muscles, but they also provide necessary mobility and physical activity.
●   Walking is another low-impact way to include more movement into your life. One of the greatest benefits associated with walking is that it helps to keep your circulation and blood-related health in good shape. This is especially important for those who spend a great deal of time sitting, as this is a contributing factor to blood clots.
●   Weight training is excellent for the bones and muscles! It is also easy to keep a few weights in the truck to sneak in a few sets on the road.
Choosing The Right Snack
Diet plays a significant role in our overall health; this is why it is so important to ensure that truck drivers are getting the proper nutrition while on the road. Fried and processed foods are not just contributors to obesity, but they also cause inflammation in the body. The next time you pack for a road trip or drop into a convenience store, consider picking up a few of these healthy options.
●   Fruit is easy, accessible, and provides a great deal of nutritional value, such as antioxidants.
●   Nuts help to keep you full while satisfying the craving for something crunchy. They are also very easy to eat while on the road.
●   Yogurt provides fat that is essential to keeping you feeling satisfied – just make sure to stay away from the ones with all of the artificial sweeteners.
●   Water is crucial! Soda and other soft drinks are loaded with sugar and other processed ingredients that jeopardize your health.
Other Solutions To Consider
Smoking leads to many health issues, including heart and lung disease, as well as COPD and emphysema. Quitting is no easy feat, but it is essential to maintaining your health. Sleep is another sneaky culprit of poor health and wellness. Unfortunately, proper sleep habits are very difficult for truck drivers to maintain. Ensuring that you are getting the proper amount of sleep and trying to adhere to a nightly routine will significantly positively impact your sleep.
The Bottom Line
Though the lifestyle of a truck driver makes it very challenging to stay on top of their health, there are many great options to consider when trying to minimize the risk. With a bit of planning, motivation, and know-how, truck drivers can significantly minimize the risks their profession contributes to their health.
Source: https://bit.ly/3yK9ZiB
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