#truck driver exercise tips
artisticdivasworld · 4 months
Staying Healthy as a Long-Haul Truck Driver: Straight Talk
Hitting the open road as a long-haul truck driver isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. And let’s be real, it’s one that comes with its fair share of health challenges. With the long hours and endless miles, staying healthy might seem like a battle. But with a bit of know-how and discipline, you can keep yourself in top shape. We talked about this before here, but feel it bears repeating because…
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
Prompt for your little Hallmark AU: Christmas market (You know, those markets where there are booths who sell Glühwein and Punsch, Im not sure how to correctly translate it in English in Austria we call it Christkindlmarkt)
it’s grey outside, the clouds heavy but not quite snowing yet; it’s warmer than it’s been on clearer days, still cold but almost pleasant, and quiet.
you make sure to give yourself extra time to do your stretches in the morning after you go to camila’s to get breakfast. the atmospheric pressure of the incoming storm is, unsurprisingly, causing your back to ache, but that’s not new and it doesn’t really faze you at this point. if things get bad enough — and they do, sometimes — you just reschedule your plans and take pain meds and muscle relaxers from dr salvius after you do your physical therapy exercises. but your hands don’t ache and you don’t have any numbness in your feet, your temperature is normal, and so you go through your routine and feel better by the end of it.
beatrice picks you up at eleven on the dot, as she confirmed twice over text the evening before with perfect punctuation that made you feel a little bit like you were in trouble but was charming anyway. 
‘hey stranger,’ you say when she knocks on your door, and she blushes and smiles and you’re delighted by the effect you have on her, almost immediately — this exceedingly smart and competent person stumbling over herself the second you smile. it makes you feel powerful and it also makes you want to treat her kindly, to make her laugh.
‘good morning, ava.’ she fidgets, for a moment, and you’re curious why you’re not just going to her truck, but then she takes a hand out of the pocket of her peacoat and opens her palm. ‘i, uh, i noticed your cane was getting stuck in the snow.’
‘oh.’ your first instinct is to be embarrassed, eleven years of abuse rearing its ugly, awful head, but then you look at what she’s actually holding.
‘i already had it,’ she explains, slightly rushed like she’s trying to make sure you’re not upset, like it was just a thoughtful aside of hers. ‘i tore my acl a few years ago and used both on my crutches, and so, i just figured, well… if it doesn’t work, that’s fine, but maybe worth a try?’
you take the winter cane tip attachment from her outstretched hand and it really does feel like some kind of offering for a moment. it’s nice, the crampon itself retractable, and easy enough to put on your cane. when you try it outside the door on the way to her truck, you can’t help but smile, remember a little bit of the joy that first came with movement as you started receiving proper care and accessibility and mobility aids. you don’t take healing for granted, even now. ’thank you,’ you tell her as she unlocks her truck and goes around to the driver’s side. 
she nods. ‘like i said, i already had it sitting around. not a problem at all.’
‘still,’ you say, climbing up and twisting around to greet a suddenly very excited theo in her kennel strapped into the backseat. ‘not many people have been particularly thoughtful in my life, especially not at this.’
she frowns at your admission, her jaw clenching, her face stormy. she’s handsome in her rich maroon scarf and camel wool coat, careful hands on the wheel.
‘anyway,’ you say, a little overcome, ‘how’d you tear your acl?’
she immediately reddens, pulling out of the driveway and trying to act like she’s concentrating very hard on her turn signal to merge onto the completely empty road. 
‘bea, please.’
she sighs, refusing to look at you even at the red light. ‘i was training with theo,’ she says.
‘that’s not horribly embarrassing on its own.’ you grin. ‘there’s got to be more to it.’
‘fine,’ she says, mostly just to humor you, you’re pretty sure. ‘she was small, and we were both learning how to herd. i, well — i tripped over one of the sheep.’
you wait a beat to picture it and then laugh, not unkindly but without any remorse. ‘thank you truly so much for telling me.’
she rolls her eyes. ‘you’re so welcome,’ she says flatly, and you laugh again.
you’re confused if your little outing to the christmas market is a date or not for the two minutes it takes for beatrice to park the car, get the small pack holding treats that she carries around for theo buckled around her waist — a little nerdy and totally adorable — and then letting theo out of the kennel. she’s in a little green coat, the same as the other day, and it kind of makes you feel like you’re going to scream, she’s so cute. she greets you fully now, with happy little wiggles, and then situates herself at beatrice’s side. she has a leash connected to her harness, the other half slung over beatrice’s shoulder and across her chest so her hands are free; you think theo doesn’t need it at all, but beatrice explains, ‘in crowded public access areas, it’s appropriate.’ theo, for her part, is busy sniffing a few treats beatrice scattered around her feet in the snow, and then she smiles at you and gestures to head inside.
you’re confused no longer when you see camila’s booth, advertising hot chocolate, apple cider, and egg nog, and she whistles. ‘beatrice, you look so nice with your fancy jacket.’
beatrice glares. 
camila turns to face you fully, a smirk on her face. ‘she never wears that unless it’s a special occasion.’
you can’t help yourself: ‘well, i am a special occasion, if i do say so myself.’
’no one else is saying it,’ lilith grumbles from her seat behind camila, and beatrice fights a laugh while you pout.
‘you look nice too, ava,’ camila says, keeping the peace as you’ve quickly figured out she always does. 
you preen a little, just for the fun of it. ‘why thank you. i love your sweater.’
camila looks down at her jesus was palestinian sweater. ‘’tis the season and all that.’ she beams at you, then beatrice. ‘well, what can i get you both on this romantic outing?’
beatrice sighs in defeat but you grin and look at the menu. ‘well, i’m on vacation and bea picked me up—‘ camila perks up even more at this— ‘so i’m going to do your bailey’s hot chocolate.’
‘i’ll have a cider,’ bea says, and you shoo away her attempt to pay for things, which brings a blush back to her cheeks when you tap your card with a pointed flourish. 
you go through the market with your warm drinks, your cane not sinking into the snow as it had been the past few days, making everything easier, simpler, less nervous with every step. once you have half of your hot chocolate, you lean into beatrice with a smile, and she offers her arm, all clove and pine and her soft scarf. there are booths with ornaments, knitted coasters; you convince her to buy a pretty wreath for the front door of her cabin, which you kind of hope she’ll invite you to see.
it starts to snow when you’re about to leave, the sky darkening early, and she feed theo a few treats before she situates her in the kennel. 
it’s quiet when she starts the truck, and she seems nervous, her hands white knuckled around the steering wheel. ‘i apologize if i was presumptuous.’
you soften. ‘that was a really wonderful date, bea. you can be as presumptuous as you want.’
her smile is shy, bathed in the waning light. ‘well, in that case, would you like to come to my house for dinner?’
‘yes, obviously.’
 she laughs. ‘alright then.’
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lostlegendaerie · 2 years
How to care for your new truck
The Honda-Days are a time of celebration, spending time with family, and exchanging gifts. But as popular of a vehicle as they are, trucks are actually a fairly specialized type with their own specific needs! Here are some tips to make your truck's life long and fulfilling.
Space - contrary to what you might see, trucks do not do well in cities. They need bigger parking spaces (especially the extended cab varieties) and gobble up lots of fuel. Keep them in areas with at least 50 feet of driveway and adequate ventilation to ensure their fumes aren't building up around them.
Exercise - trucks are working breeds, meant to be hauling trailers and driving through deep mud. Try to spend at least a few hours each week filling up the bed with feed, furniture, dirt or other heavy objects to be delivered several miles away to give your truck the enrichment it needs.
Grooming - the natural state of the working truck is to be covered with a fine layer of dust and mud to the midline or higher. The occasional small crack in the windshield from gravel or tree branches can look alarming, but is quite common and moderately normal. Most trucks love having small children write on their sides and backs with their fingers. Excessive washing may make your truck look nice, but it is actually unhealthy for them and will make them very unappealing to other trucks.
Socializing - trucks do best driving alongside other trucks, tractors, and trailers, but a well behaved truck can share the road with vehicles of any size. Stickers are welcome, especially ones that warn other drivers that your truck is a bootlicker, racist, or otherwise shouldn't be approached by children and other vehicles.
These are just a few tips I can share from raising a couple mixed-breed trucks of my own. I know it can look really appealing to get one - they look so cool in commercials!! - but there's lots of other more compact (and even hybrid!) vehicles out there that would love an urban or suburban home with you. Happy Honda-Days and take care!!!!
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mother-trucker-yoga · 2 months
The Importance of a Truck Driver Workout Routine
Truck drivers often lead sedentary lifestyles, spending long hours behind the wheel with limited opportunities for physical activity. This can lead to a range of health issues, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and musculoskeletal problems. Incorporating a regular truck driver workout routine is essential for maintaining physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. This guide outlines effective exercises and tips for truck drivers to stay fit.
Benefits of Workout for Truck Drivers
Improved Cardiovascular Health: Regular aerobic exercise helps maintain a healthy heart and reduces the risk of heart disease, which is crucial for truck drivers who often have higher-than-average risk factors.
Weight Management: Exercise aids in burning calories and maintaining a healthy weight, counteracting the sedentary nature of the job.
Enhanced Mental Health: Physical activity releases endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving overall mood and mental clarity.
Increased Energy Levels: Regular exercise boosts energy and reduces fatigue, helping drivers stay alert and focused on the road.
Reduced Musculoskeletal Pain: Strengthening and stretching exercises can alleviate back, neck, and shoulder pain, common among truck drivers due to prolonged sitting.
Effective Truck Driver Workout
1. Stretching Routine:
Neck Stretches: Gently tilt your head towards each shoulder, holding for 15-20 seconds on each side. This helps relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.
Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion to loosen up tight muscles.
Hamstring Stretch: Place one foot on a raised surface and lean forward, keeping your back straight, to stretch the back of your thigh.
2. Cardiovascular Exercises:
Walking/Jogging: Whenever you stop at a rest area or truck stop, take a brisk walk or jog for 10-15 minutes. This helps get your heart rate up and improves circulation.
Jumping Jacks: Perform jumping jacks for a quick burst of cardio. Aim for sets of 30 seconds to a minute.
Skipping Rope: A jump rope is easy to carry and provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. Skipping for a few minutes each day can significantly improve cardiovascular fitness.
3. Strength Training:
o Bodyweight Exercises:
Push-Ups: Perform push-ups on a flat surface to strengthen your chest, shoulders, and arms. Start with sets of 10 and gradually increase.
Squats: Squats are great for building leg strength. Ensure you maintain proper form by keeping your back straight and knees aligned with your toes.
Lunges: Perform lunges to target your thighs, hips, and glutes. Alternate legs and aim for sets of 10-15 reps per leg.
o Resistance Bands:
Bicep Curls: Stand on the band and curl your arms up to work your biceps.
Shoulder Press: Hold the bands at shoulder height and push them upwards to strengthen your shoulders.
Leg Presses: Loop the band around your feet and push out to work your legs.
4. Core Exercises:
Planks: Hold a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line. Start with 20-30 seconds and increase over time.
Leg Raises: Lie on your back and lift your legs to work your lower abs. Keep your legs straight and avoid using momentum.
5.     Flexibility and Mobility:
Yoga: Incorporate basic yoga poses into your routine to improve flexibility and reduce stress. Poses like the downward dog, child’s pose, and seated forward bend are particularly beneficial.
Foam Rolling: Use a foam roller to massage tight muscles and improve blood flow. Focus on areas like your back, thighs, and calves.
Tips for Staying Motivated
Set Realistic Goals: Start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your truck driver workouts.
Schedule Workouts: Plan your workouts into your daily schedule, just like any other important task. Consistency is key to seeing results.
Track Progress: Keep a journal or use a fitness app to track your truck driver workouts and progress. This can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.
Find a Workout Buddy: If possible, find another truck driver who is interested in staying fit and work out together. Having a partner can keep you accountable and make exercise more enjoyable.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially during workouts.
Overcoming Common Challenges
Limited Space: Use exercises that require minimal space, such as bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, and skipping rope.
Time Constraints: Opt for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that can be completed in a short amount of time but still provide significant benefits.
Weather Conditions: Prepare for various weather conditions by having both indoor and outdoor workout options. When the weather is unfavorable, focus on exercises that can be done inside your truck cab or at a rest stop.
Maintaining a regular truck driver workout routine is crucial for truck drivers to combat the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. By incorporating a mix of stretching, cardiovascular, strength, and core exercises, drivers can significantly improve their physical and mental health. Setting realistic goals, staying consistent, and overcoming common challenges will help truck drivers stay fit, healthy, and ready to handle the demands of the road. With dedication and the right approach, staying fit on the road is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding.
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Trucking Lifestyle Survival Tips: Navigating Life on the Road
Trucking isn't just a job; it's a lifestyle that requires adaptability, resilience, and a commitment to safety and well-being. At Immense Trucking Solutions Ltd., we understand the challenges and rewards of life on the road. Here are some essential tips to help you thrive while you're out there:
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Stay Connected and Informed
Communication is when you're on the road. Stay connected with your dispatch team, fellow drivers, and loved ones back home. Use technology wisely to keep updated on weather conditions, traffic alerts, and route changes that could affect your journey. 2. Prioritize Health and Wellness
Maintaining your health is crucial for a successful trucking career. Make time for regular exercise, even if it's just stretching and walking during breaks. Plan nutritious meals and avoid the temptation of fast food—packing your snacks and meals can save money and keep you feeling better on the road. 3. Plan Your Rest
Driving fatigue is a serious concern in the industry. Plan your trips with adequate rest breaks and adhere to hours-of-service regulations. Ensure your sleeping area in the truck is comfortable and conducive to quality sleep. 4. Embrace Routine and Organization
Create a routine that works for you, balancing driving hours with breaks, meals, and rest. Stay organized with paperwork, delivery schedules, and maintenance checks to avoid unnecessary stress on the road.
5. Invest in Professional Development
Continuous learning keeps you sharp and prepared for changes in the industry. Attend workshops, seminars, and online courses to enhance your skills and stay updated on regulations and best practices. 6. Stay Safe and Alert
Safety is non-negotiable in trucking. Always wear your seatbelt, obey speed limits, and use caution in adverse weather conditions. Regularly inspect your vehicle and report any issues promptly to ensure safe operations. 7. Balance Work and Personal Life
Finding a balance between work and personal life is challenging but essential. Schedule regular home time to recharge and reconnect with family and friends. Use technology to stay connected, even when you're miles away. 8. Cultivate a Positive Mindset
Trucking can be demanding, but maintaining a positive attitude goes a long way. Focus on the rewards of your career, celebrate milestones, and find joy in the journey.
At Immense Trucking Solutions Ltd., we support our drivers with resources, training, and a commitment to their well-being. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your trucking journey, these tips can help you navigate the unique challenges and rewards of life on the road. For more information or support, contact us—we're here to help you succeed in every mile you drive.
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edmonotn4 · 6 months
Title: Ensuring Safety During Towing: A Guide for Vehicle Owners in Sherwood Park
Towing services are essential for vehicle owners in Sherwood Park, providing assistance in various situations, from breakdowns to parking violations. However, while towing companies play a vital role in maintaining order and safety on the roads, it's crucial for vehicle owners to prioritize safety during the towing process. Whether it's a tow truck in Sherwood Park or towing services in Spruce Grove, understanding and following safety guidelines is paramount. In this article, we'll explore key safety tips to ensure a smooth towing experience for both drivers and towing operators.
1. Choose a Reputable Towing Service:
When selecting a towing service in Sherwood Park or Spruce Grove, prioritize reputable companies with proper licensing, insurance, and a history of positive customer reviews. Researching towing services beforehand can help you make an informed decision and ensure that your vehicle is in capable hands.
2. Communicate Clearly:
Effective communication is essential during towing operations. When requesting towing services in Sherwood Park, provide clear and accurate information about your location, vehicle type, and any specific requirements or concerns. This helps towing operators arrive prepared and minimizes the risk of misunderstandings.
3. Stay Safe While Waiting:
If your vehicle breaks down or requires towing, prioritize your safety while waiting for assistance. Move your vehicle to a safe location if possible, such as the shoulder of the road or a designated parking area. Turn on hazard lights to alert other drivers, and if available, deploy reflective triangles or flares to increase visibility.
4. Follow Towing Capacity Limits:
When towing a vehicle, whether it's a tow truck in Sherwood Park or a personal vehicle towing a trailer, always adhere to towing capacity limits. Exceeding these limits can compromise vehicle stability and increase the risk of accidents. Refer to your vehicle's owner's manual for towing capacity specifications and never tow a load that exceeds these limits.
5. Secure Your Vehicle Properly:
Before towing begins, ensure that your vehicle is securely attached to the towing equipment. Verify that all straps, chains, or cables are properly fastened and that the towing connection is secure. Failure to secure your vehicle adequately can lead to detachment during transit, posing a danger to both your vehicle and other road users.
6. Maintain a Safe Distance:
If you're driving behind a tow truck in Sherwood Park or Spruce Grove, maintain a safe distance to allow for adequate stopping distance and reaction time. Avoid tailgating or abrupt maneuvers that could endanger yourself or the towing operator. Similarly, towing operators should maintain a safe distance from other vehicles to prevent collisions.
7. Be Cautious During Loading and Unloading:
During the loading and unloading process, exercise caution to prevent accidents or injuries. Follow the towing operator's instructions carefully and avoid standing in or near the path of moving vehicles. If you're assisting with loading or unloading, wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and closed-toe shoes, to protect yourself from potential hazards.
Safety should always be a top priority during towing operations, whether it's a tow truck in Sherwood Park or towing services in Spruce Grove. By choosing reputable towing companies, communicating effectively, and following safety guidelines, vehicle owners can ensure a smooth and secure towing experience for themselves and towing operators alike. By prioritizing safety, we can minimize the risks associated with towing and promote safer roads for everyone.
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schnickelbradley · 7 months
Managing Stress on Long Hauls Tips for Cargo Truck Drivers by Bradley Schnickel
Bradley Schnickel
Managing Stress on Long Hauls: Tips for Cargo Truck Drivers by Bradley Schnickel
Driving long distances as a cargo truck driver is not just physically demanding but can also take a toll on one's mental well-being. The isolation, monotony, and pressure to meet deadlines contribute to elevated stress levels among truckers. However, with effective strategies and coping mechanisms, it's possible to manage stress and maintain mental health on these demanding journeys. This article takes input from Bradley Schnickel, a seasoned cargo trucker, who informs us of the ways he’s developed to combat stress while on the road.
Prioritize Rest and Sleep
Ensuring adequate rest and sleep is paramount for truck drivers to stay alert and focused on the road. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, even amidst irregular working hours, can significantly improve cognitive function and reaction times. Drivers should aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per day, parking in safe and designated rest areas for uninterrupted rest periods. Additionally, incorporating short power naps during breaks can help alleviate fatigue and enhance overall alertness during long hauls.
Regular exercise is essential for mitigating stress and promoting overall well-being. Engaging in physical activities such as stretching, walking, or simple exercises at rest stops can help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and boost mood. Furthermore, maintaining a balanced diet with nutritious meals and staying hydrated is crucial for sustaining energy levels and enhancing resilience against stressors on the road.
Cultivate Positive Mental Attitude
Developing a positive mindset can significantly impact a truck driver's ability to cope with stress and overcome challenges encountered during long hauls. Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and meditation, can promote relaxation and mental clarity amidst the demands of the job. Moreover, fostering a supportive network of colleagues, friends, and family members can provide emotional support and a sense of connection, even while on the road.
Manage Time Effectively
Effective time management is essential for reducing stress and optimizing productivity during long hauls. Utilizing technology tools such as GPS navigation systems and traffic monitoring apps can help drivers plan efficient routes and anticipate potential delays. Breaking down the journey into manageable segments with scheduled breaks for rest, meals, and stretching can prevent burnout and maintain focus throughout the trip, Bradley Schnickel tells us.
Stay Connected with Loved Ones
Maintaining communication with loved ones is crucial for combating feelings of isolation and loneliness experienced by truck drivers during long hauls. Regularly connecting with family and friends through phone calls, video chats, or messaging apps can provide emotional support and a sense of connection to home while on the road. Sharing experiences, concerns, and achievements with loved ones fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens relationships despite physical distance.
Seek Professional Support When Needed
Despite implementing various coping strategies, truck drivers may still encounter overwhelming stress or mental health challenges. It's essential to recognize when professional support is necessary and seek assistance from qualified healthcare professionals or counselors. Many companies offer employee assistance programs that provide access to confidential counseling services and mental health resources tailored to the needs of truck drivers. Seeking help early can prevent stress from escalating and ensure drivers receive the support they need to maintain their well-being on long hauls.
Practice Stress-Relief Techniques
Incorporating stress-relief techniques into daily routines can help truck drivers manage stress levels effectively. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, or listening to calming music can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety during long hauls. Taking a few minutes to engage in these practices during breaks can refresh the mind and body, enhancing overall well-being on the road.
Maintain a Comfortable Driving Environment
Creating a comfortable and ergonomic driving environment can significantly impact a truck driver's comfort and reduce stress levels. Ensuring proper seat adjustment, maintaining a clean and organized cabin, and using supportive cushions or seat covers can enhance driver comfort during long hours behind the wheel. Additionally, regulating cabin temperature and ensuring adequate ventilation can create a more pleasant driving experience, improving overall mood and reducing stress.
Practice Defensive Driving Techniques
Adopting defensive driving techniques can help truck drivers anticipate and respond to potential hazards on the road, reducing stress and enhancing safety. Maintaining a safe following distance, staying alert for signs of aggressive or reckless driving, and anticipating the actions of other motorists can help prevent accidents and minimize stressors while driving. Bradley Schnickel reminds of the importance of staying updated on traffic laws and regulations and practicing patience and courtesy on the road can contribute to a safer and more stress-free driving experience.
Engage in Relaxing Activities During Downtime
During downtime between hauls, Bradley Schnickel recommends engaging in relaxing activities to unwind and recharge for the next journey. Activities such as reading, listening to music, or pursuing hobbies can provide a welcome distraction from work-related stressors and promote mental relaxation. Taking time to enjoy recreational activities during breaks can enhance overall well-being and improve job satisfaction, making long hauls more
Managing stress on long hauls is essential for cargo truck drivers to ensure their safety, well-being, and overall job satisfaction. By prioritizing rest and sleep, engaging in regular exercise, cultivating a positive mindset, managing time effectively, staying connected with loved ones, and seeking professional support from experts like Bradley Schnickel when needed, truck drivers can navigate the challenges of the road with resilience and confidence. Implementing these strategies not only enhances individual health and happiness but also contributes to safer roads and more efficient transportation systems for everyone.
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sherunsittt · 9 months
Overcoming Challenges of OTR Life
Living life over the road (OTR) as a truck driver comes with its own set of challenges, but many individuals find ways to overcome them and make the most of their experiences. One of the primary hurdles is the extended time away from home and loved ones. Being away for days or weeks at a stretch can be tough, but drivers often develop strong coping mechanisms, such as staying connected through regular phone calls or video chats.
Another challenge is the demanding nature of the job itself. Long hours on the road, varying weather conditions, and the need for constant vigilance require resilience and adaptability. Successful OTR drivers learn to prioritize self-care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Additionally, developing a supportive network within the trucking community helps drivers share tips and advice, fostering a sense of camaraderie that eases the challenges of life on the road. Ultimately, with determination and a positive mindset, many OTR drivers find fulfillment and success in overcoming the unique obstacles that come with their profession.
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artisticdivasworld · 2 days
Managing Stress on the Road: A Guide for New Truck Drivers
If you bought it, a trucker hauled it. As we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, it’s important to not only acknowledge the hard work and dedication of drivers but also to address the challenges they face on the road—especially the stress that comes with the job. For new drivers, adjusting to long hours, unpredictable schedules, and the isolation that comes with being on the road…
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eldmandate1 · 1 year
Here Is a Lowdown on Ensuring Fleet Safety ELD Mandate
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Safety is a crucial aspect of being a trucking business owner. There are a number of safety concerns that every driver should be aware of to stay on top of remaining safe at all times through their journey. Any compromise on fleet safety practices and one could be at the receiving end of a mishap.
This blog by the well-acclaimed ELD Mandate, known for our new-age trucking technologies that have contributed to the trucking industry in more ways than one, aims to give a lowdown on some safety tips in order for you to run your trucking business worry-free:
The driver is at the center of ensuring fleet safety due to their (crucial) role behind the wheel. Everything and everyone will seem to be alright when the person at the helm is exercising all the cautions.
Stay Focused: in no way can you (drivers) be distracted while on the road. Steer clear of phones, kids, billboards, scenery, etc. as you are driving on the highway. Loss of concentration even for a minute can have some grave repercussions for you and your owner. So stay laser-focused when on the road, and allow nothing and no one to distract you.
Avoid Fatigued Driving: this is one of the major reasons of highway accidents, especially in the context of long-haul drivers who keep on driving hours on end without any break. This must be avoided at all costs. It is important for drivers to take breaks for their much-required rest. So pull over to the side to get rested. Experts also recommend rotating driver duties.
This also highlights the importance of an ELD device for fleet owners. This will help drivers strike a good balance between work and rest. With the device in place, one is able to view real-time record of the time one has already driven and number of hours left before calling it a day. The real-time tracking will make the working environment much easier and safer for the driver.
Exercise Caution in Poor Conditions: this is a no-brainer. You should have the expertise of driving well and good in conditions, such as snow, rain and fog. It is always wise to pull off to a place of safety as you await the storm and wait for it to pass.
Vehicle Maintenance: this is one of the most crucial aspects of vehicle safety that unfortunately, often is ignored (not paid much heed to). There is nothing like making sure your vehicle undergoes maintenance at regular intervals. The importance of always staying updated on your brake work, tire rotations, tire pressure, headlight/taillight bulbs, oil changes and all fluids cannot be stressed enough.
Some other crucial tips for drivers include for them to always keep a tab on their speed (in no way should one exceed the speed limit or drive below the stipulated speed limit), having the seat belt on (it reduces the likelihood of someone getting injured by as much as 50 percent), and avoiding any danger arising from driving under the influence of alcohol.
ELD Mandate has been a pioneer in bringing to the forefront some cutting-edge trucking technologies that have proved to be a game changer for the trucking industry. Our technology solutions in the form of the Tail Light GPS Trackers, Smart Dash Cams, and more have revitalized the whole trucking industry. If you wish to know more about our products, without further ado call us on 800-968-1869 to speak to our representatives who are available to attend to all your doubts and queries around-the-clock. Make an informed choice in regards to investing in the right trucking technology with our experts in tow. 
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lstruckwash · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Truck Washing: Keep Your Rig Gleaming and Road-Ready
Owning a truck comes with a sense of pride and responsibility. Keeping your rig clean not only makes it look great but also plays a crucial role in maintaining its overall condition. Regular truck washing not only boosts its aesthetics but also prevents corrosion and prolongs its lifespan. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of truck washing, from understanding the importance of cleanliness to practical tips, FAQs, and more. Let's dive in and discover the secrets to a gleaming, road-ready rig!
The Significance of Truck Washing
Maintaining the Appeal and Image
Your truck serves as a reflection of your professionalism and attention to detail. A clean, well-maintained rig showcases your commitment to excellence. Whether you're an independent owner-operator or part of a fleet, a sparkling truck creates a positive impression on clients, partners, and fellow drivers.
Protecting Against Corrosion
Trucks are exposed to various environmental factors that can lead to corrosion, such as road salt, grime, and chemicals. Regular washing removes these contaminants, preventing them from causing damage and preserving the integrity of your truck's paint, undercarriage, and metal components.
Ensuring Safety and Visibility on the Road
A clean truck promotes better visibility for both you and other drivers on the road. Dust, dirt, and debris can obstruct your view, potentially leading to accidents. By washing your truck regularly, you enhance safety by ensuring clear sightlines and reducing the risk of collisions.
The Basics of Truck Washing
Gathering the Right Tools and Supplies
Before you embark on your truck washing journey, it's essential to gather the necessary tools and supplies. This ensures that you have everything within reach and can clean your truck effectively. Here's a checklist to get you started:
Proper preparation ensures a smooth and efficient truck washing experience. Begin by parking your rig in a shaded area to prevent the cleaning solution from drying too quickly. Remove any personal belongings, truck accessories, or loose items from the interior and bed. Finally, give your truck a quick rinse with water to loosen any surface dirt and grime.
Choosing the Ideal Washing Technique
When it comes to washing your truck, various tchniques can yield excellent results. The three primary methods include the foam cannon method, hand washing, and pressure washing. Each technique has its advantages and is suitable for different situations. Let's explore these options in detail:
The Foam Cannon Method: Embrace the Power of Suds
The foam cannon technique is a popular choice among truck owners who want to achieve a deep clean with minimal effort. Using a foam cannon attachment connected to a pressure washer, you can cover your truck in a thick layer of foam, allowing the cleaning agents to work their magic and dissolve dirt and grime. After a short dwell time, simply rinse off the foam, leaving behind a clean and shiny surface.
Hand Washing: Get Up Close and Personal
Hand washing gives you full control and allows you to pay close attention to every nook and cranny of your truck. It's a labor-intensive but highly rewarding method. Start by filling a bucket with water and the appropriate cleaning solution. Dip your soft-bristle brush or mitt into the solution and begin washing your truck in sections, working from the top down. Rinse the brush regularly to prevent dirt buildup, and be sure to rinse off the truck thoroughly once you've finished washing.
Pressure Washing: Striking the Perfect Balance
Pressure washing is an efficient and effective way to clean large trucks, especially when dealing with tough grime and stains. However, caution must be exercised to avoid damaging delicate surfaces or forcing water into vulnerable areas. Keep the pressure setting at a moderate level and maintain a safe distance from the truck. Additionally, be mindful of the cleaning solution you use, ensuring it is compatible with pressure washers.
Effective Techniques for Truck Washing
The Foam Cannon Method: Embrace the Power of Suds
The foam cannon method is a popular choice among truck owners who want to achieve a deep clean with minimal effort. Using a foam cannon attachment connected to a pressure washer, you can cover your truck in a thick layer of foam, allowing the cleaning agents to work their magic and dissolve dirt and grime. After a short dwell time, simply rinse off the foam, leaving behind a clean and shiny surface.
To utilize the foam cannon method effectively, follow these steps:
Fill the foam cannon reservoir with the appropriate cleaning solution. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended dilution ratio.
Connect the foam cannon to the pressure washer wand or lance.
Adjust the foam cannon's foam-to-water ratio to achieve the desired thickness of foam. This can typically be adjusted using a knob or dial on the foam cannon.
Starting from the top, apply the foam evenly across the truck's surface, working your way down. Ensure that the foam covers all areas, including the windows, wheels, and undercarriage.
Allow the foam to dwell for the recommended time specified by the cleaning solution manufacturer. This allows the cleaning agents to penetrate and loosen dirt and grime.
Once the dwell time has elapsed, rinse off the foam using the pressure washer, starting from the top and working your way down. Use a broad fan nozzle to ensure even rinsing.
Inspect the truck's surface for any remaining dirt or grime. If necessary, repeat the foam application and rinsing steps until the desired level of cleanliness is achieved.
After the final rinse, dry the truck using a microfiber towel or chamois, starting from the top and working your way down. This prevents water spots and ensures a streak-free finish.
The foam cannon method is highly effective and efficient, making it a popular choice for truck owners looking to save time while achieving exceptional results.
Hand Washing: Get Up Close and Personal
Hand washing gives you full control and allows you to pay close attention to every nook and cranny of your truck. It's a labor-intensive but highly rewarding method. Here's a step-by-step guide to effectively hand washing your truck:
Fill a bucket with water and the appropriate cleaning solution, following the manufacturer's recommended dilution ratio.
Start by rinsing your truck with water to remove loose dirt and grime.
Begin washing your truck in sections, starting from the top and working your way down. This ensures that dirty water doesn't run down onto previously cleaned areas.
Dip your soft-bristle brush or mitt into the cleaning solution and gently scrub the truck's surface, applying moderate pressure where necessary. Pay attention to areas prone to dirt buildup, such as the front grille, wheel wells, and lower body panels.
Rinse the brush or mitt regularly in the bucket of clean water to prevent dirt from accumulating and potentially scratching the truck's surface.
After cleaning each section, rinse off the soap residue using a steady stream of water, starting from the top and working your way down. Be thorough to ensure all soap is removed.
Once you've finished washing the entire truck, give it a final rinse to ensure no cleaning solution remains.
To prevent water spots, dry the truck using a microfiber towel or chamois, starting from the top and working your way down. Use gentle, blotting motions to absorb the water rather than dragging the towel across the surface.
Hand washing allows you to give your truck the personal touch it deserves, ensuring a thorough clean and a sense of accomplishment.
Pressure Washing: Striking the Perfect Balance
Pressure washing is an efficient and effective way to clean large trucks, especially when dealing with tough grime and stains. However, caution must be exercised to avoid damaging delicate surfaces or forcing water into vulnerable areas. Follow these steps for safe and effective pressure washing:
Choose an appropriate pressure washer with an adjustable pressure setting. Opt for a medium-pressure setting to strike the right balance between cleaning power and surface safety.
Select a cleaning solution compatible with pressure washers. Read the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended dilution ratio.
Begin by rinsing your truck with water to remove loose dirt and grime.
Apply the cleaning solution using the pressure washer, starting from the top and working your way down. Keep a safe distance from the truck to prevent damage and maintain an even coverage.
Allow the cleaning solution to dwell for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer. This allows the cleaning agents to penetrate and loosen dirt and grime.
After the dwell time has elapsed, switch to the rinse mode on your pressure washer and rinse off the cleaning solution, starting from the top and working your way down. Maintain a safe distance and usea broad fan nozzle for even rinsing.
Inspect the truck's surface for any remaining dirt or grime. If necessary, repeat the application of cleaning solution and rinsing steps until the desired level of cleanliness is achieved.
Once the final rinse is complete, dry the truck using a microfiber towel or chamois, starting from the top and working your way down. This prevents water spots and ensures a streak-free finish.
When using a pressure washer, it's crucial to maintain a safe distance and use the appropriate pressure setting to avoid damaging delicate surfaces or forcing water into vulnerable areas, such as electrical connections or engine components.
Top Tips for a Flawless Truck Washing Experience
Start from the Top: The Roof Matters
When washing your truck, always begin with the roof. The roof accumulates dust, dirt, and other debris that can easily transfer to other surfaces during the washing process. By starting from the top, you prevent dirt from cascading down onto already cleaned areas.
Don't Neglect the Wheels and Tires
The wheels and tires of your truck deserve special attention during the washing process. These areas are prone to accumulating brake dust, grime, and road debris. Use a dedicated wheel cleaner and a tire brush to thoroughly clean the wheels and tires, ensuring they maintain their shine and functionality.
Dealing with Stubborn Stains and Bugs
Sometimes, your truck may encounter stubborn stains or be plagued by bug residue. To tackle these issues effectively, consider using specialized cleaners or bug and tar removers. Apply the cleaner to the affected areas and allow it to dwell for a few minutes before scrubbing gently with a soft-bristle brush. Rinse thoroughly to remove the stains and residue.
Drying and Finishing Touches
Proper drying is essential to prevent water spots and streaks on your truck's surface. Use a microfiber towel or chamois to gently dry the truck, starting from the top and working your way down. For a flawless finish, consider using a detailing spray or quick detailer to enhance the shine and provide added protection.
Maintaining Your Truck's Shine: Post-Wash Care
Waxing: A Protective Shield
After washing your truck, consider applying a layer of wax to protect the paint and maintain its shine. Wax acts as a protective barrier against UV rays, contaminants, and the elements. Choose a high-quality automotive wax and follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. Regular waxing helps to extend the life of your truck's paint and keeps it looking showroom fresh.
Detailing the Interior: Clean from the Inside Out
While the focus of this guide has been on truck washing, it's essential not to neglect the interior. A clean and well-maintained interior not only enhances your driving experience but also contributes to the overall aesthetics and value of your truck. Regularly vacuum the upholstery and carpets, wipe down surfaces with appropriate cleaners, and pay attention to areas prone to dirt buildup, such as cup holders and storage compartments.
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Washing Your Truck
Using Harsh Chemicals: The Gentle Approach Works Best
Avoid using harsh chemicals or household cleaning agents when washing your truck. These can damage the paint, strip away protective coatings, or cause discoloration. Instead, opt for automotive-specific cleaning products that are formulated to be gentle yet effective.
Skipping the Drying Step: Beware of Water Spots
Skipping the drying step after washing your truck can result in unsightly water spots. These spots occur when water evaporates, leaving behind minerals that can mar the surface. Take the extra time to dry your truck thoroughly using a microfiber towel or chamois, ensuring a spot-free and streak-free finish.
Neglecting Regular Maintenance: Prevention is Key
Regular truck washing is essential for maintaining its appearance and preventing the buildup of contaminants that can cause long-term damage. Establishing a routine maintenance schedule and sticking to it ensures that your truck always looks its best and remains in optimal condition.
FAQs About Truck Washing
Q: How often should I wash my truck?
A: The frequency of truck washing depends on several factors, including your location, driving conditions, and exposure to dirt and contaminants. As a general rule, aim to wash your truck at least once a month. However, if your truck is frequently exposed to harsh conditions, such as off-roading or driving in salty or dusty areas, consider washing it more frequently.
Q: Can I use dish soap to wash my truck?
A: It is not recommended to use dish soap to wash your truck. Dish soap is formulated to cut through grease and grime, which can strip away protective coatings and waxes from your truck's paint. Instead, opt for automotive-specific cleaning solutions that are gentle and designed for use on vehicles.
Q: Should I wash my truck's engine?
A: Washing your truck's engine can help remove dirt, grime, and debris, potentially improving its performance and longevity. However, it's essential to exercise caution and follow proper techniques to avoid damaging sensitive engine components. Consult your truck's owner's manual or seek professional assistance if you are unsure about engine washing.
Q: Can I wash my truck in direct sunlight?
A: It is best to avoid washing your truck in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun can cause the cleaning solution to dry quickly, leaving behind streaks and water spots. Additionally, washing your truck in direct sunlight increases the risk of premature drying, making it more challenging to rinse off the soap effectively.
Q: Can I use a pressure washer on my truck's paint?
A: Yes, you can use a pressure washer on your truck's paint. However, it's crucial to adjust the pressure setting to a moderate level and maintain a safe distance to avoid damaging the paint or forcing water into vulnerable areas. Always use a broad fan nozzle for even rinsing and be cautious when pressure washing delicate or sensitive components.
Q: Can I wash my truck in an automatic car wash?
A: While automatic car washes can be convenient, they may not provide the same level of cleanliness and care as hand washing. Automatic car washes can be harsh on trucks, potentially causing scratches or damage to exterior accessories. If possible, opt for hand washing or self-serve car wash bays where you have more control over the process.
Keeping your truck clean and well-maintained not only enhances its appearance but also preserves its value and longevity. By following the proper techniques and using the right tools and products, you can achieve a flawless truck washing experience. Whether you choose the foam cannon method, hand washing, or pressure washing, always prioritize safety, and enjoy the satisfaction of a clean and shiny truck.
Remember, regular truck washing is a crucial part of maintenance, so establish a routine and stick to it. Your truck will thank you with its gleaming exterior and your pride in a job well done.
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Secrets Revealed: How to Run a Profitable Trucking Business
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The trucking business plays a crucial role in the logistics sector. They are transporting goods across the nation, and their success is contingent on many factors. Companies that place a premium on workers, technology, and safety procedures stand a better chance of succeeding in today's cutthroat business environment. 
Trucking firms can boost productivity, lower expenses, and increase profits by concentrating on these factors. This article will reveal some of the best-kept trucking industry secrets, such as confidential tips and tried-and-true procedures, to help other businesses in the industry succeed. Well, let’s proceed before you look for the international fuel tax agreement IFTA.
Building a Strong Company Culture
Developing a solid corporate culture is essential for any business. Drivers in the trucking business spend a lot of time on the road, so it's crucial to cultivate an atmosphere of open dialogue, trust, and respect among employees. When workers believe they are essential and appreciated, they are more apt to put forth their best effort.
Establishing shared principles and objectives that support the company's raison deter can help foster a productive work environment. Management should set a moral tone by modeling these principles for all staff members. 
Building solidarity and cooperation among workers has boosted happiness and retention. Team-building exercises, staff gatherings, awards for accomplishments, and compliance with the international fuel tax agreement IFTA can help with this goal.
Embracing Technology
Technological progress has revolutionized the transportation industry, and the most prosperous businesses have adapted to the new landscape. Companies can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and decrease expenses by incorporating digital tools like GPS tracking, electronic logging devices (ELDs), and telematics. Bus planning, fuel efficiency, and routine upkeep are other areas where businesses can benefit from data analytics.
Trucking companies can benefit from GPS monitoring systems in several ways, including better route planning, less idle time, and lower fuel costs. When it comes to helping businesses meet regulatory requirements, electronic recording devices (ELDs) are another helpful tool. Information gleaned from telematics systems about driver behavior can support enterprises in improving operations and reducing accidents.
Maintaining a Strong Safety Record
Maintaining a stellar safety record is essential to the continued success of trucking companies, so safety is always a top concern. Businesses that value safety as highly as they value profits benefit from investing in training programs that ensure compliance with laws and implement safety procedures. Insurance costs can be lowered, accidents avoided, and motorists and pedestrians safeguarded if a vehicle has a stellar safety reputation.
Trucking businesses should make training a constant priority for their employees. Things like cautious driving and securing loads properly should be covered. Adhering to regulations by groups like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration helps businesses escape fees and sanctions while increasing overall safety. (FMCSA). Pre-trip checks and regular upkeep are two practices that can help businesses increase their safety records.
Offering Competitive Compensation and Benefits
Successful businesses understand the importance of attracting and retaining top personnel. Trucking firms can accomplish this by providing high wages and perks packages to their drivers. 
Providing perks like health insurance, retirement programs, and other benefits, in addition to competitive pay, has increased job satisfaction and retention. Workers tend to be more dedicated and enthusiastic about their jobs at companies that promote internal promotion and acknowledge their efforts.
Fostering Strong Relationships with Customers
Building solid relationships with customers is critical to the success of trucking companies. Companies prioritizing customer service by providing reliable, on-time delivery and clear communication have a better chance of retaining customers and attracting new ones. 
Investing in customer relationship management (CRM) tools can help companies manage customer interactions and improve the customer experience.
Investing in Maintenance and Equipment
Maintaining a fleet of trucks is a significant expense for trucking companies, but neglecting maintenance can lead to costly breakdowns and repairs. Successful companies prioritize preventative maintenance by performing regular inspections, addressing issues promptly, and replacing aging equipment before it becomes a liability. 
Upgrading to newer, more fuel-efficient trucks can also improve profitability by reducing fuel costs and improving performance.
Staying Ahead of Industry Trends
The trucking industry constantly evolves, and successful companies stay ahead of the curve. Following industry news and trends, attending conferences and trade shows, and networking with other industry professionals can help companies stay up to date on the latest innovations, best practices, and regulatory changes. 
Companies that are adaptable and willing to embrace change are more likely to succeed in a competitive market.
Building a strong company culture, embracing technology, prioritizing safety, providing competitive pay and benefits, cultivating strong relationships with customers, investing in maintenance and equipment, and staying ahead of industry trends are all keys to success for trucking companies. 
Success in transportation requires establishing a strong corporate culture, adopting technology, and keeping a spotless safety record. Companies in the transportation industry can improve their chances of long-term success and financial gain by adopting these best practices.
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stevenstrucking · 2 years
How To Stay Alert At Night Being The Oklahoma Trucking Company's Drivers
Staying alert might seem a daunting task for every truck driver of the Oklahoma Trucking Company traveling at night. But mind you, with just a few tips, you can not only stay alert during nighttime but also prevent any accidents midway.
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First of all, it's crucial to have a sound sleep and get enough balanced diet beforehand. But how about the schedule during the journey to stay awake? Let's find out.  
❖ Keep Your Cab's Temperature Down
A cozy temperature can trigger your sleepiness. Keep your enclosed area's temperature down in-between 'cool' and 'chilly', depending on your health condition. But never go too low, making you shiver.
❖ Mix Up The Night With The Radio
Listening to a steady stream of music, talk shows, audiobooks, or informative audio while driving can make you sleepy. The reason, you need to focus on what's hearing, which triggers your sleepiness. Thus, a regular radio break is a must during the night journey. At least twice during that time!
❖ Check For Any Drawback In Your Truck
At truck driving school, you probably have heard the importance of safety inspections as part of safe driving tips for the trucking companies in Oklahoma City. So, before heading out every time (not just for the night), get the comprehensive truck checkup by yourself or a mechanic. The typical failures include braking problems, low tire pressure, low fuel, and more. Better to get it done at least a day before.
❖ Eat Less!
It's always good to have something to eat during the night journey. But don't overdo it. You may end up being sleepy. So, better to have small meals at regular intervals in between.
❖ Get a Walking/Exercise Break
Just stop your truck in the midway and walk for at least 5 minutes. It will get your heart pumping and make a significant difference in your inactivity during the journey. Or try doing some stretching or cardio exercises instead.
❖ Dim The lights
While driving at night in rural places, you may see complete darkness along with some high-contrast lights coming from other vehicles. Try turning your dashboard light ON but ensure it's in the visibility range. Not too bright!
Final Thoughts!
Every driver needs to be active always rather than just being fit. Remaining active is highly crucial on the night journey. So, follow these pointers above. Moreover, if you are looking for a truck driver's job, contact Stevens Trucking Company OKC by filling in the form at stevenstrucking.com/contact. Dial 855-813-8877 for further assistance. 
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healmefit · 2 years
If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the above signs, Dot wants to help. In addition to seeking support through the options listed below under “Dot’s Assistance for Mental Health,” consider taking the following steps to make your days on the road more enjoyable and productive.
-Talk to Someone This can be extremely difficult, but it’s the most important step to getting help. Do what you can to stay connected with loved ones, even when it feels difficult or burdensome. FaceTime, regular calls, and even social media can help you feel engaged with what’s going on at home.
-Establish a Daily Routine This allows you to know what to expect each day and feel a sense of normalcy and predictability. Whether it’s keeping consistent breaks, starting your morning off with the same breakfast, or going to bed at the same time each night, a regular routine can be beneficial for your mental wellbeing.
-Take Breaks as Needed Do not force yourself to continue working when you are tired, anxious, hungry, etc. Know when it’s time to stop and take a rest. Spend your breaks doing the things that relax you, whether that’s watching television, reading, listening to music, or playing a video game.
-Make Time for Self-Care Self-care is a big buzzword these days, but it all comes down to taking the time to do things that help you feel renewed and energized. For many people, this includes exercise and eating healthy. Maybe it means a long, hot shower or spending the first 10 minutes of your morning meditating. Make sure you’re leaving room in your day for activities that recharge your battery and allow you to take good care of your body.
-Bring Reminders of Home From family photos to your favorite mementos, making your truck feel like an extension of your home can offer comfort to drivers. You may also choose to bring daily supplies and food and beverages, which can help establish a consistent routine and help you avoid unhealthy meal options on the road.
Connect with Heal Me Fit on social media for healthy living tips and truck accident stats!
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
More Than Therapy
Bucky x black!reader
Warning: sooooo there is smut ahead. Okay like, not complete filth but it’s there! Who even knows what this is, but enjoy it!
Pic below from post by @afriendlyblackhottie
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“Look, I’m not saying that she’s not a great therapist, I’m just think that she’s not your style.”
Bucky didn’t hide his eye roll.
For the past 2 weeks, Sam had been trying to convince him he needed a second option. Ever since he had his own encounter with Bucky’s therapist, which consisted of being forcefully included in one of their sessions, he could see it wasn’t really helping Bucky at all. Not that Sam was an expert or anything, he just knew his.....friend.
“Alright Sam, fine.” Bucky sighed tossing the wrench to the side. “So what. I kick my therapist to curb, then what? You got some kind of recommendation or something?”
Sam just smirked before turning and making his way off the boat.
“Actually I do.”
Now here Bucky was, waiting on another person to come and try to break down all his walls and get in his head and help him with through his ‘issues’.
“Waste of time.” He mumbled to his self.
However, when she walked in the door, that thought quickly left.
“I’m Y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you James.”
For the first time in a very long time Bucky felt comfortable almost immediately. The conversation didn’t feel forced, he didn’t feel pressured, it was just easy. Y/n didn’t push and pry. She simply let him answer the way he want and what he wanted. She let him sort of control the conversation. It was refreshing.
From then on, he saw her twice a week. Their first two weeks together was just them getting to know one another. Establishing trust on Buckys end. He appreciated that for once the woman so much pressure for him to be OK so soon. Finally, after about a month or so, they were doing a little exercises here and there to work through his trauma. The first assignment, it was actually pretty similar to the last psychiatrist he had seen. To get out and make at least one friend. Find an activity or something that he enjoys.
“So have you been getting out like we discussed?”
“Yeah I’ve gone out.” He nodded carelessly with a grin as he sat across the table from her.
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “To places besides the bar.”
“Liar.” She said and it was her turn to grin as she held her hand out.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, handing over his phone. Bucky watched her click a few buttons knowing she was checking his contacts. This was like Deja vu.
“You have the same amount of numbers in your phone as last week Barnes.”
“Not true Doc, I have you.” He smiled sheepishly.
“I hardly count Barnes.” A small smile graced her face nonetheless.
She was quiet for a moment and he took that opportunity to study her. In deep thought. Y/n had a tell. She’d bite the corner of her bottom lip on the right side every time she was trying to figure something out. Usually before she came up with his homework before the next session.
“I have a thought but you’re not gonna like it.” She began after while.
“Lay it on Doc.”
“I don’t feel like you are actively trying to be a part of society. What you’ve been doing, trying to right your wrongs of the other guy...” she drifted for a moment. “It’s futile. You don’t need to do that. That-“
Y/n paused taking a deep breath.
“That’s not you.” She spoke softly.
“But that is me! I am winter soldier!” He yelled on his feet quickly.
Anger. He was familiar with the feeling. Angry was something he just couldn’t seem to stop feeling. Even if he didn’t show it, it was like he was angry all the time. However feeling it with her was unfamiliar. And he could feel the inner turmoil of him taking his frustrations out on her as he tried to push that anger back down.
“Were.” Y/n stated with finality, voice strong. “You were the winter Solider. And that wasn’t you. That’s just a couple of dark chapters in the book of your life. That’s it.
“You don’t know m-“
“But that is not you.” She repeated a little louder commanding forcing him to look her dead in the eyes. “That’s not who you are, James. And while I may not have known you pre-hydra, or during, but I’m knowing you now. And that’s just not you.”
Y/n leaned back in her chair.
“I know that here, Bucky.” She grinned a little placing her hand over her heart and tapped twice. “And deep down, so do you.”
“. You, James Buchanan Barnes, you are not the bad guy.
The anger he had been feeling had subsided and I was replaced with something that was completely unfamiliar to him. Something he longed for couldn’t quite the grass. Something that he didn’t even realize was in within his reach until noon.. The feeling, regardless of how unfamiliar it was with something Bucky didn’t think he wanted to go away.
The silence between them was comfortable. Y/n could tell that he was processing her words. It was a good thing, she could because he was no longer good tense and his stance was relaxed instead of defensive.
“You know what? We’re finished for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She declared.
“What?” Bucky snapped out of his tranced and frowned. “Doc, come on. I shouldn’t be seeing you til Thursday.”
“Yeah tomorrow,” she nodded with a smile. “I want to try something different.”
The next day but he showed up at their usual time, 11 AM. When he stopped at a reception to ask for Dr. Y/n they informed him she was out for the day. He frowned and turned to leave only to find her approaching him from the elevator.
“Hey! You ready to go?” Y/n offered a gentle smile.
“I thought we were-“ he asked went fo point back toward her office but she stopped him.
“We are. We’re just doing things differently today.” She informed him, before nodding her head toward the elevator. “Let’s go.”
Their day together was eventful to say the least. Their first stop was her favorite coffee spot. It was actually a little hole in the wall called Hippies Brew in the downtown area. A cool modern place full of friendly and eccentric individuals. It was comfortable. Homey. It wasnt one she’d typically recommend clients, but she would recommend it to friends. After that they were too the aquarium followed by the park where they sat on a park bench for lunch. Lunch being tacos from the El Gordo’s taco truck parked near by. Well a lot of the time at the park or spit in silence, it was still comfortable as a people watched together. While Bucky hated to admit it, this is the first time he really just felt at peace. There was no one looking over him with some unrealistic expectation of him to be Steve, and become so hero he wasn’t. There was no pressure to get his shit together right then and there. He was just simply allowed to be Bucky. Unapologetically.
“Walk with me?” He asked.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, surprised he initiated doing something together, but agreed with a smile.
Soon enough they easily fell into conversation of as they began to walk the lake.
Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. Their time together lasted longer than Y/n planned but either was it was nice. She enjoyed today, as did he. Bucky’s offered to walk her back to her car, savoring their last few moments together.
“Are you sure I can’t give you a ride home?” Y/n asked as they got closer to her car in the now empty lot.
“Yeah, Doc, lm sure.” He smiled back at her, her smile and laugh being infectious. “I like walking. It gives me time to think. it’s peaceful. Kind of like today.”
Y/n’s smile widened at his confession. So her idea did work. He was making progress.
“ That’s what you deserve James peace. I can’t promise every day is gonna be like this.” She turned away approaching the driver side door. “I mean, it is life there are going to be some bad days. But you do deserve some peace. Some happiness.
She turned to see that he was a lot closer than she thought saying that he was preparing to open the door for her. She swallowed, suddenly feel in the air around them shift. As she ran her tongue over her lips, Bucky’s eyes zeroed in on the action.
“You just have to let yourself have it.” She said softly.
It was in that exact moment where James decided he was going to do just that; let himself have happiness. And without thinking, he leaned forward and connected his lips with her.
He pulled away almost as soon as it happened eyes wide.
“James…” y/n finger tips traced her lips as she stared at him.
“I am, i, I don’t know-“ Bucky stuttered.
He went to take a step back but was stopped. This time it was her who initiated the kiss.
What started off as gentle, turned into her fisting a handful of his shirt put him closer with his hands wrapped around her waist. The heat that washed over them both, was like a moth to a flame. The passion poured into the kiss from both ends quickly consuming them both. The two fighting for a dominance, it wasn’t until they both harshly pushed against her car setting the alarm off that they snapped out of it.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry wh-“ Y/n’s eyes were wide as she looked around anxiously.
Bucky could sense her panicking.
“ I am so sorry. That was highly inappropriate of me-“
“Breathe for me doll-“ he reached for her but she pulled her hand away shaking her head vigorously.
“I can’t, we can’t, I have never.” She took a deep breath, her next words still coming out shaky. “I’m so sorry. To take a vantage of you like that-“
“I was the one who-“ he attempted once more to no avail.
“I have to go. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She rushed out, flinging her door open and getting in the car.
All Bucky could do was watch as she wasted no time peeling out of the parking lot.
That was the last he had seen or heard of her. It had been almost two weeks and she had canceled both his weekly sessions and hadn’t answered any of his calls or returned any of the messages he left both at the office and on her cell phone.
And boy, was he stressed about it.
He had never felt that kind of passion before. To be honest it was something he didn’t think he was capable of feeling. He had been consumed by anger for so long, he wanted to cling onto whatever else, anything else. Bucky would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel the chemistry between them. He came to the conclusion he’d been falling for her for a while, and was clearly in denial until that day they spent the day together. It’s not like he was trying to fall for his therapist. But now that he had...Ge had to at least try. Make sure what he was feeling wasn’t one sided.That spark. It was a feeling, a high he had never felt. One he knew he’d forever be chasing and he wanted it again and again and again. So when the third week approached he decided to take matters into his own hands.
A knock her door tore her away from Grey’s Anatomy.
Pulling her dress down, she went and answered the door.
“Bucky.” She said his name breathlessly.
“Y/n.” He breathed out, happy to be in her presence even though it hurt slightly to hear her suddenly calling him Bucky.
He quite liked when she called him James. He liked the way she said his name.
“What are you-, how.” She tried to control her breathing. “You can’t be here.”
“I need you,” he signed. “To hear me out.”
“James.” He corrected her. “Look, I know this totally inappropriate but I-“
James paused taking in her appearance, noticing the purple bruising around her lower right eye above her cheekbone.
“Who?” He questioned through gritted teeth.
He huffed pushing past her and moving in and around the apartment as if someone would come out and confess. He turned toward her a wild look in his eye.
“Give me. A name, Y/n.”
“James....” she signed.
While he knew she was talking seeing as her lips were moving, It was like he could hear her but he wasn’t hearing her. Bucky couldn’t focus on anything other than a bruise on the side of Y/n’s beautiful face. It had been along time since Bucky had thought of actually hurting somebody, save for John Walker last week which was another story entirely, whoever did this to her face though, he wanted to hurt them bad and he was going to enjoy it. His eyes traveled down toward her lips and he still couldn’t hear her. All he could hear was his fist repeated smashing into said individuals face. Over, and over, over-
The sound of her voice finally resonated and he finally focused on her words.
“Come back to me James.” Her voice was gently. Inviting.
Everything he noticed both her hands on the side of his face, her thumb rubbing soothingly.
“It’s fine.” She said slowly removing her hands away as she explained. “There’s no need to hunt anyone down. Just a regular 50150 patient and things got out of hand. It happens.”
“No one should touch you.” He stated with seriousness.
Y/n stared at him for a moment, the right side of her lip pulled between her teeth, eyes pooling with something he hadn’t seen in her before. She shrugged nonchalantly.
“I kind of like it when you touch me.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper but he heard her loud and clear.
Just like before, it started off with light kisses, which soon turned into a bit of teasing, a little lip nipping, before things got extremely heated. Both his shirt had been discarded while the straps of her dress were pulled down revealing her black Savage Fenty bra. They had somehow moved from the living room to the kitchen island. Bucky stood between her legs one hand tangled in her braids while her hands held the sides of her face, gently caressing the stubble. Her legs were wrapped around his middles as she began grinding her hips into him. He pulled her closer, the both of them on a high from the friction. Bucky’s metal hand traveled up her bare back giving her goosebumps. They broke apart for air and as soon as Y/n had enough oxygen in her lungs, she went back to licking, kissing and sucking on his neck.
"Shit, Y/n.” Bucky unconsciously tilted his head back giving her better access, his hands palming her ass as his hips bucked into her.
"James." Y/n pulled back panting, lips swollen. " I want you. Now."
Bucky made quick work of removing her panties that coated in her juices , and in return y/n quickly unbuckled his pants using her feet to aid her in pushing them down.
“Shit.” He groaned immediately as she whimpered slightly at the feel of him sliding into her.
Her arms were wound around his neck while his hand gripped the top of her ass to keep her in place as he begin to slowly thrust in and out of her.
Bucky was on a high. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this level of intimacy. Euphoria. He was sure this feeling should be illegal.
The way she were wrapped around him, he knew if he didn’t take it semi slow he wasn’t going to last.
“James,” she moaned, clawing at his back, walls clenching.
He wasn’t sure what sounded sweeter; her moaning or his name leaving her lips.
“Doll?” He responded, kissing the at the base of her neck.
I’m clos-“ Y/n sucked in a breath of air. “Right there.”
“There?” He asked spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could go deeper.
“Yes! Right there!”
It was a bit sloppy from there as Bucky shifted for a better angle. Her ass halfway off the table as he picked up the pace bit her her closer to the edge. He was bouncing her up and down on his shaft effortlessly. Her arms wrapped right around his neck, kiss sloppy as she bit her lip to keep her moans at bay.
“No,” he breathed out, reaching up with one hand forcing her to kissing him, her moans filling his mouth instead. “I want to hear you.”
“James, I’m-“
“I know.”
The sight of Y/n coming undone before him was a glorious one . He couldn’t wait to make her cum again.
Once she came down from her orgasm, she placed her lips back on his, tightening her legs around him once more. He shifted their position a bit and begin again when suddenly the front door opened and in walked Sam.
“Oh shit!” Bucky pulled out of her and struggled to pull up his pants and turned to shield her half naked frame.
“Sam!” Y/n squealed pulling her dress up to her chest as best she could.
“What in the entire fuck!” Sam screamed while covering his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Y/n yelled.
“You told me toy were off!”
“I’m am off!”
“Well I thought I’d bring you dinner! I didn’t know id find this!” Sam said exasperatedly.
Y/n and Bucky were decent informing Sam he no longer had to cover his eyes. Immediately he pointed an accusatory finger at Bucky.
“You! What the fuck did I tell you about my sister?”
Bucky stared at him confused.
“You said not to flirt with your sister.” He repeated Sam’s words. “Sarah’s not..”
He then turned toward Y/n, things finally clicking.
“You’re Sam’s sister.” Bucky concluded.
“Baby sister.” Sam. added.
“I’m grown as hell Samuel!” Y/n fussed.
“Really bruh, my baby sister?!”
“Well how i suppose to know you only refer to her as baby!”
“Once again! I’m grown as fuck-“ she stopped hearing the front door creek open again.
“Who’s that?!” The woman’s eyes were wide with horror as she whispered.
“The boys!” Sam exclaimed in a whisper.
“Why didn’t you say they were here-“ she began frantically washing her hands.
“I’m sorry I was a little fuckin preoccupied with the fact my sister is fucking an assassin-
“Former assassin!” Bucky corrected.
“Hey TT!” Sarah’s boys greeted simultaneously with smiles as they bent the corner.
“Hey my babies!” Y/n instantly put a smile on her face pulling them each into her arms.
“Hey Bucky!” Cass waved
“Hey Bucky!” AJ addressed the solider as well before turning back toward his brother, “Cass , come on.”
“Wait let me put the pizza on the counter-“
“No!” The three adults exclaimed together.
“No boo, I’ll take it.” Y/n smiled again at her nephew taking the pizza.
“why don’t yall go in the living room and get the game set up?” Sam suggested.
“Yes! Let’s take the pizza in there while they bleach the kitchen?” Y/n hinted at the men while telling the kids to follow her.
“Oh yeah! TT, Uncle Sam got us two new video games!”,AJ informed her. “He also said we can watch a scary movie tonight since moms not here.
“Yeah! Andddd, he said we can door dash ice cream!” Cass added as the two kids followed their aunt into the living room.
Though he was silent, throughout the entire interaction but he couldn’t help but want you living room interact with the two kids. Back in the day, if you would’ve asked him if he believed in love at first site he would’ve said no. But he was pretty sure he was in love with Y/n already.
Once out of sight, Bucky took that opportunity to speak after a beat.
“Have I ever told you I’m glad you treat your nephew’s so well, Sam?” He asked after clearing his throat.
Sam sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Bucky turned to him with a huge grin on his face.
“Cuz I’m gonna give you another one.”
Slowly Sam began to laugh, albeit one full of sarcasm, Bucky joined in sincerely. They laughed together for a moment before Sam ceased, his face expressionless.
“Yeah Sam?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
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eldmandate1 · 1 year
Here Is a Lowdown on Ensuring Fleet Safety ELD Mandate
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Safety is a crucial aspect of being a trucking business owner. There are a number of safety concerns that every driver should be aware of to stay on top of remaining safe at all times through their journey. Any compromise on fleet safety practices and one could be at the receiving end of a mishap.
This blog by the well-acclaimed ELD Mandate, known for our new-age trucking technologies that have contributed to the trucking industry in more ways than one, aims to give a lowdown on some safety tips in order for you to run your trucking business worry-free:
The driver is at the center of ensuring fleet safety due to their (crucial) role behind the wheel. Everything and everyone will seem to be alright when the person at the helm is exercising all the cautions.
Stay Focused: in no way can you (drivers) be distracted while on the road. Steer clear of phones, kids, billboards, scenery, etc. as you are driving on the highway. Loss of concentration even for a minute can have some grave repercussions for you and your owner. So stay laser-focused when on the road, and allow nothing and no one to distract you.
Avoid Fatigued Driving: this is one of the major reasons of highway accidents, especially in the context of long-haul drivers who keep on driving hours on end without any break. This must be avoided at all costs. It is important for drivers to take breaks for their much-required rest. So pull over to the side to get rested. Experts also recommend rotating driver duties.
This also highlights the importance of an ELD device for fleet owners. This will help drivers strike a good balance between work and rest. With the device in place, one is able to view real-time record of the time one has already driven and number of hours left before calling it a day. The real-time tracking will make the working environment much easier and safer for the driver.
Exercise Caution in Poor Conditions: this is a no-brainer. You should have the expertise of driving well and good in conditions, such as snow, rain and fog. It is always wise to pull off to a place of safety as you await the storm and wait for it to pass.
Vehicle Maintenance: this is one of the most crucial aspects of vehicle safety that unfortunately, often is ignored (not paid much heed to). There is nothing like making sure your vehicle undergoes maintenance at regular intervals. The importance of always staying updated on your brake work, tire rotations, tire pressure, headlight/taillight bulbs, oil changes and all fluids cannot be stressed enough.
Some other crucial tips for drivers include for them to always keep a tab on their speed (in no way should one exceed the speed limit or drive below the stipulated speed limit), having the seat belt on (it reduces the likelihood of someone getting injured by as much as 50 percent), and avoiding any danger arising from driving under the influence of alcohol.
ELD Mandate has been a pioneer in bringing to the forefront some cutting-edge trucking technologies that have proved to be a game changer for the trucking industry. Our technology solutions in the form of the Tail Light GPS Trackers, Smart Dash Cams, and more have revitalized the whole trucking industry. If you wish to know more about our products, without further ado call us on 800-968-1869 to speak to our representatives who are available to attend to all your doubts and queries around-the-clock. Make an informed choice in regards to investing in the right trucking technology with our experts in tow. 
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