#heard people in the lobby talking about him and his sex life
killjoy-prince · 1 year
Look I get Raphael is the literal devil but thats not gonna stop me from thinking his voice is hot
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irkimatsu · 1 month
OK so I rewatched helluva boss the other day and thanks to CHERUB (stay with me here) I have been plagued with horny thoughts (STAY WITH ME).
But, okay, so the CHERUBs have no idea what sex toys/bondage/bdsm gear are, and I had the thought... what if heaven is like, really vanilla when it comes to sex? Like sure, it could just be them that are ignorant of it, but what if like, as a whole, sex is pretty... wholesome in heaven?
Cue the idea of a fallen angel!reader wanting to try out all these different kinks they've heard about since they got to hell, and who better to ask than the gruff but sweet bartender who looks out for them and sounds so casually knowledgeable about it when Angel's talking about work?
Seriously tempted to make a series that's basically just a falling in love fic but also a tasting board of kink lol.
- Salem 🖤🐈‍⬛
If you wrote a series like that I would inhale it like Kirby, Salem, you have no idea
I already love the idea of Husk teaching an unexperienced reader about sex in general. Teaching them about kinks they've never even heard of? Delicious. I agree with you that sex is probably more "wholesome" in Heaven - I'm sure you have a few people who practiced BDSM in life and then died and went to heaven, and lord knows what Adam gets up to... but for your average civilian, especially Heaven-born civilians who aren't part of the exorcists (is there such a thing?)... it's not like there's a sex shop on every corner like there is in hell. Reader could have found out about BDSM if they thought to look, but they didn't, never heard of it, they're clueless. The first time Angel plays one of his videos in the lobby is... eye-opening, to say the least. It's so intense. So terrifying.
And it lights a fire in their gut that they want to explore more of...
Husk would be such a good teacher. You've said it before, he's done things as an Overlord that would give Angel pause. He's experienced, he knows what he's doing. But he's also patient, respectful of boundaries, determined to make this a good experience for both of you, not just him...
God I wanna see this now <3
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fayes-fics · 1 year
It Had To Be You: Chapter 4 - You've Got A Friend
Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: Set a couple of months after Chapter 3, Benedict and you are becoming best friends.
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artwork credit @colettebronte
Warnings: discussions of sex, swearing, publically faked orgasm
Word Count: 3.1k
Authors Note: Unbetaed. A multi-chapter modern rom-com retelling of When Harry Met Sally. In this chapter, we see vignettes of Benedict and reader's growing friendship. And well... this ends with a twist on the famous scene. Yep. You know the one. Enjoy <3
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21 months ago (3 months later)
Benedict Bridgerton is one of your best friends. 
If you had uttered that sentence to yourself ten, even five, years ago, you would have laughed your head off. But it's funny how life turns out. In the months after you reconnect, you start to meet up regularly, at least once a week, sometimes more, and you text almost constantly. Becoming each other’s crutch as you rebuild your lives as single people. 
On the surface, you couldn’t be more opposites, but he’s matured, and you find his company the most soothing and the most fun. Be it while having dim sum in Chinatown, wandering Victoria Park or helping him set up his new warehouse flat. There's always a tiny frisson, an undercurrent of something between you that, to be honest, makes it more appealing. A pilot light of heat that could, maybe one day, become a bonfire if the timing were right. You are not sure it ever would be, but it would be stupid to deny to yourself that it's there. There is certainly no one you like to verbally spar with more.
He FaceTimes you as you lay in bed on a regular Tuesday in September; it's become a habit. Just jabbering away until one of you falls asleep. Talking about everything, anything, and something nothing, watching a show or film together in digital silence. A comforting presence. 
“What are you watching?” he hums, scratching his beard.
“Don't judge me,” is your instant response, and he chuckles.
“Tell me,” his voice drops an octave in a way you are sure he knows has an effect on you. Physically. A little shiver down your spine. Bastard.
“Titanic,” you mutter as he bursts out laughing.
“You hate that film!” he exclaims, and you wish you could throw a pillow through the screen.
“That doesn’t sound like not judging!” you bemoan but concede he is right.
“Channel?” he asks, still giggling.
“Four… wait, are you going to watch too?” 
“Of course, then we can argue about it in real-time,” something in that offer makes you feel comforted. “It's near the end!” he decries after briefly pausing to change channels.
“How would you know?” you lobby, and he fixes you with a pointed stare.
“Please. This was Gen’s favourite; I had to sit through it five bloody times.”
“How is she?”
“No idea. She didn't speak to me after the breakup. Besides, wasn't she your friend?!”
“Yeah, but we lost touch,” you sigh, “sometime about seven or eight years ago, she moved to Bristol, and then we sort of drifted.”
He hums noncommittally, watching the movie, “So you’re saying Rose should not have saved him by sharing that door,” he states as the final scenes unfold onscreen before you both.
“I never said that!” you argue.
“Yes, you did! In the car on the way from uni!” he smirks.
“No, I didn’t!” you volley back indignantly.
“Fine, okay, you didn’t.” He rolls his eyes.
“I mean, that dick was so good, they fucked one time, and she returned to the ocean to say goodbye to it 70 years later,” you point out drolly.
He tosses his head back and laughs so hard you can’t help but join in. 
“Fuck that’s the funniest take on this film I’ve ever heard,” he wheezes.
“Right?! I can’t take credit; it's a comedy routine; I’ll send you a Spotify link,” you offer.
“Look forward to it,” he giggles.
The urge to ask him if he’s ever had sex so good he’d go to the spot it happened to commemorate it is on the tip of your tongue. You’re almost surprised he doesn’t use the opportunity himself. He’s definitely grown up.
“Are you sleeping okay?” he asks, rubbing his eye wearily.
“Doing better,” you admit, “not completely there, but better than I was.”
“Do you still sleep on ‘your’ side of the bed?” he inquires with air quotes.
“No. I’ve taken to sleeping wherever now,” you answer truthfully.
“Wow, you’re doing so well,” he sighs. “I feel weird if even a leg wanders over to ‘her’ side… and this isn’t even a bed we shared.” 
“Yours was a marriage, mine merely a long-term relationship,” you try to justify why he might still be more impacted than you.
“Same difference, except you don’t have a lawyer bleeding you dry arguing about shit…. Urghh, I need a drink.”
“No, you don’t,” you argue, “stay in bed and drink your water.”
“You can be very bossy sometimes, you know?” he opines but reaches for his glass of water on his bedside table as he says it, doing exactly what you suggest.
“It’s for your own good,” you point out.
“I know, I know. I suppose I should thank you. You’d be surprised how little men give a shit about their friends' well-being, even their best friends.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” you fire back. “You’re all clueless idiots with the EQ of a shrimp.”
“Wowwww, okay,” he mimes being shot in the chest, “please don’t take out your Dr Tom issues on the rest of us unsuspecting shrimps.” It’s in jest, but you can hear the underlying argument and know he’s right.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. You don’t have the EQ of a shrimp. I’ll give you, hmmm, a crawfish,” you offer with a giggle.
“Oh great, thanks,” he deadpans, “Could you not at least give me lobster?”
“Okay, fine. I hear lobsters are very smart, so you flatter yourself there, but yes, okay, lobster Ben. Please go get some sleep.”
“Alright,” he yawns, “can I call you my lobster too?”
“Why?” you frown sleepily, bemused.
“Some lobster thought it could predict the World Cup winning team—always thought it was right. That’s very you,” he stares pointedly down the phone camera at you.
“Fine, I’m your lobster too,” you stick out your tongue a little.
He chuckles as you settle deeper into your pillow, flicking off the TV as the credits scroll. Even you can acknowledge having a person to talk to is so comforting right before sleep. 
“Goodnight, lobster Ben,” you yawn, your eyes drooping.
“Goodnight, my little blue lobster,” he murmurs.
“Why blue? Cos I’m sad?” you hum, eyes closed.
“No,” he chuckles gently, “I have my reasons,” he says quietly, and you pass out as the call drops off. 
“So I had that dream again,” you mention offhand as you wander down the Southbank from Waterloo a few weeks later. It’s a crisp October day; you’ve taken the afternoon off work to visit the Tate Modern—there’s some exhibit he wants to see.
“The sex dream?” he verifies, weaving around an old lady who shoots him a disapproving look.
“Yup,” you confirm, kicking through the colourful pile of leaves under one of the trees. “So we are going at it up on this roof terrace, and this time he flies away just before I orgasm. I mean, what the fuck is that!?”
“Let me get this straight: you’re having sex with some mythical half-man half-dragon creature?” he seems completely bamboozled by the idea. “And just before you can come, he flies off?” 
“Yeah. What do you think it means?” you ponder.
“I think it means you need to get laid,” he laughs.
“Great fucking insight Sherlock Holmes,” body-checking him with your shoulder. “What about you? What’s your latest sex dream?”
“It’s always the same one. There’s this woman. She walks in, just wordlessly strips off my jeans and climbs onboard,” his cheeks have a high dot of pink that looks adorable, almost as if he’s embarrassed to say it.
“What does she look like? Are we talking Halle Berry? Helen Mirren? Florence Pugh?”
“I dunno… she’s just sort of faceless,” he gestures vaguely.
“Hmmm. Unusual. So then what happens?”
“I always wake up,” he sighs, staring into the middle distance, over to the Millennium Bridge.
“Wait….,” you stop walking and grab his arm, “...a faceless woman strips off your jeans and sits on you, and that’s the only sex dream you’ve had… ever?!” You can scarcely believe it.
“Yeah, it’s ridiculous, I know. I’d like to state for the record that I’ve had a much more varied actual sex life. And daydreams? Top fucking notch. But my unconscious, sleeping dreams? Very not sexy or just this one recurring one.”
“Does it ever change? At all?”
“I mean, sometimes I’m wearing trousers, not jeans?” he offers, looking nonplussed as to what else to add.
You cannot think of anything to say to that, so you just shoot him an exasperated look and walk away towards the entrance. How on earth can he get to sleep at night if that’s all he’s got to look forward to?
“Dinner after this?” he offers as you stare up at the giant sculpture suspended in the main Turbine Hall. It's been a fun few hours of wandering the exhibits.
“Oh, I’d love to, but I can’t,” you obfuscate, feeling sheepish as you bring your gaze to him.
“Hooking up?” he inquires with a comedy eyebrow wiggle.
“Maybe,” you deflect, tucking your hair behind an ear, somehow bashful to talk with him about your first date in six years. “I’ll have to see how the date goes first.”
“A date? That’s wonderful!” He seems genuinely enthused, a big smile claiming his whole face.
“Yeah, I mean… I hope so? Let’s see. It’s been a bloody long time,” and saying that, nerves flare in your belly. “Not sure what I should wear, to be honest,” you admit, glancing down, self-conscious of your jeans and simple black top. “You think this is okay?”
“Of course it is,” he dismisses casually. “You look as beautiful as you always do,” the compliment just falls from his lips as if you asked about the weather. It still gives you that slightly gooey sensation under your ribs. Bastard.
The next evening you’re three cocktails down at Bar Americain on a night out with some work friends when your phone buzzes. 
BB: How was the date?
Y/N: He cried about his custody arrangement at the table.
BB: Divorced dad, eh? How fast did you scarper?!
BB: Guess it will be a while until you can get that orgasm, lol.
Y/N: ... I err, didn't?
Y/N: Oh, I got one.
BB: You slept with him?!? 
You always love to push it with him when you are tipsy, be a little daring with what you say. So you have your tongue in your cheek, wishing you could see his face when he reads what you are about to reply.
Y/N: Yeah, I mean, to be clear, the crying didn't turn me on. Not one of my kinks. But he had these nice hands, and I could tell from his jeans something good was going on down there. I was right. 8 out of 10, very nice. 
Y/N: And he didn't grow wings to fly off before I had an orgasm, either…  so win!
BB: How does one hang up on a text….?
Y/N: 😜
Five minutes later, your phone buzzes again.
BB: Wait. Do all women rate the dicks of the men they sleep with?
Y/N: I don't know all the women in the world, Ben…
BB: How is that an answer?
Y/N: 🤷‍♀️
“Ant…” Benedict calls, tossing his phone aside on his kitchen island and going to consult his brother across the room. He’s pretty sure that can't be all women, can it?
“I don't understand this at all,” Kate frowns, resting her weapon on her shoulder like a lumberjack.
“What don’t you understand?” you reply, staring at the target at the other end of the cage. You've decided this is an excellent cathartic way to do girls' night—just flinging axes at Whistle Punks after a hard work day in early November.
“You think he's attractive?” she pauses to applaud your throw as it smacks just below the bullseye.
“You get on really well and Facetime and text every day?”
“He’s straight?”
“But you’re NOT fucking?” Kate quizzes, shooting you a look as she steps up to the plate.
“I literally don't understand,” brow creasing as she takes her aim.
“Why can't you be proud of me? Not just crawling into bed with him on the rebound. He’s become a really close friend. Plus, I get the straight man’s perspective on things. It's really helpful now that I’m back on the market again. I can talk to him about sex stuff, and he's honest,” you argue.
“Sounds wrong to me…”
“Kate, you are fucking a married man,” you point out her hypocrisy archly.
“Yeah… and that's the point! I'm actually fucking him. What sort of Bert and Ernie shit do you and this Ben have going on?!”
“Please. Bert and Ernie are lovers,” you answer scornfully.
“Well, if they were, all the more reason you guys should be?!” she practically yells, hurling her axe with such gusto the manager comes to check on you.
Benedict takes you for dinner in the run-up to Christmas at some place so trendy it doesn't even appear to have a name. It's also where something transpires that haunts your spicier dreams for weeks. 
As usual, it starts with you both squabbling.
“Oh please, women fake them all the time,” you dismiss, stirring your soup.
“I don't doubt it,” he agrees, “but men can do it too.”
You shoot him a withering look. “Please. Half of men can't even fake enthusiasm; there's no way a man could fake an orgasm,” you argue with finality.
His eyebrows shoot up briefly as you take a triumphant sip. He puts his fork down and wipes his face with a napkin. Then he makes a low rumbling noise. Perhaps the food doesn't agree with him. When he does it again a second later, you get concerned.
“You okay?” 
He doesn't answer; he just makes the noise again. It's a low growl that almost reverberates around in his chest cavity, and something about it makes every hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
“Is your food bad?” you ask, a frown flitting over your face.
Again no answer. Benedict just makes another noise, louder this time. It’s definitely closer to a moan, and he takes a deep breath rolling his head to one side as if he's stretching his neck and really enjoying the sensation. Somehow you can't look away; you just stare at him, spoon in hand. Wondering what the hell he is doing, but captivated at the same time.
“Mmmm, that's it, baby,” he groans, and your insides are suddenly aflame. You've never heard his voice go into that register, it's low and throaty, and you feel a flush creeping up your chest. 
“Don't stop,” he moans and throws his head back with a gasp, his Adam’s Apple bobbing hard, and it's then you realise what he is doing. He is faking an orgasm. Right here. In public. In a bloody restaurant.
“Okay, Ben,” you hiss, “fine, you win the argument,” attempting to get him to stop.
But it doesn't work. His head tips back down, and two dilated pupils bore into yours, a hazy ring of blue around black.
“Do you like that?” He’s staring you down as he says it, panting slightly, his jaw firm, challenging, goading.
You want to crawl into a ball and disappear. How much of that is because your fellow diners are starting to look over versus how much your body is rioting is undetermined.
“Yesssss,” he hisses, closing his eyes and biting his lip. 
“Ben,” you warn, but again it falls on deaf ears. There is nothing you can do to stop this. Mortification routes you to the spot—that and the pounding in your ears and the little frisson of static running down your spine.
“You feel so good, baby,” he groans with a tiny tilt of his body; it's enough to make your imagination run wild—places it shouldn't. Dear god, this isn't right. He is your friend, one of your best friends; you can't be thinking such things.
To distract yourself, you look around at your fellow diners apologetically, shrugging as if you don't understand what he is doing. Thankful there are no kids in sight.
“Look at me,” he commands gruffly, and without thought, you obey; your eyes tear back to his. He is doing this deliberately, goading a response from you, from your body. And something in your snaps, you won't let him win like this.
“Go ahead, do it,” you mutter through slightly clenched teeth, so quiet only he can hear it. If he is going to do this, damn him, let him. 
His hands wrap around the edges of the small table separating you, long fingers splaying out, and then his short blunt nails scratch down the wood. You don't think about those big, shapely hands doing the same thing on your body, no, definitely not. He is groaning and panting hard now, and it's utterly convincing. You can just picture him on top of….. STOP IT! You screech your mind to a halt. Don't go there.
“Come with me,” he snarls softly, just for you, and part of you wants to whisper back: yes, please, but instead, you bite the corner of your tongue to prevent a sound from escaping.
Then he turns theatrical, open hands thumping the table, grunting hard and rhythmically, and you just have to sit there and take it, so to speak. Just endure this weird mix of utter embarrassment and confusing arousal. Knowing you are flushed from head to toe. You daren't look around at the rest of the place, the buzz of conversation mostly dying out as they watch this formidable reenactment.
“Yessss, yesss, yessss,” he chants, and with a few convulsive body jerks and a long groan, his head lolls back, and he exhales a ragged breath loudly. 
There are a few seconds of silence, and then he clears his throat, straightens up in his chair, shoots you a shit-eating grin, picks up his forks and jubilantly takes a bite of his dinner. He doesn't even bother to say anything; he knows he has won that argument, fair and square. You are still too shocked and disconcerted to speak.
“Sir, Ma’am,” the maître d' is suddenly at your table, “we would like you to leave, please.” his tone is decidedly stern. After a brief exchange of glances, you both burst into spontaneous giggles.
As you are bundled out of the door unceremoniously, not even being asked to pay, you hear a man ask a waiter a question that makes you laugh even louder.
“Did he have the daily special?”
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @Mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau
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jungkookjeon0007 · 2 months
Nights in Vegas | CH. 2 (JJK FF)
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☆ summary: When Olivia flies to Las Vegas for her first ever BTS concert w/ her best friend, she was expecting to make lots of unforgettable memories... What she wasn't expecting was to end up with the lead singer, Jeon Jungkook, knocking on her hotel room door only to find her in nothing but a towel. What will happen when the golden maknae wants to see her again? Will it lead to heartbreak, or a promising future for them both?
☆ pairing(s): jungkook x olivia.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language.
☆ genre: smut, angst, fluff.
☆ word count: 1.32k.
Once I was able to collect myself off of the floor, I walked over to where my clothes were laid out and started to get ready for lunch. I couldn't for the life of me get Jungkook out of my mind and never would have imagined in a million years that I could be lucky enough to meet any of the members in person, let alone my bias.
As I continued to replay the events from earlier throughout my head, I heard Lacie unlocking the door and coming back into the room. She leaned on the door frame of the bathroom smiling. "Hey babe, you ready to roll?"
"Yes, I just finished my makeup. How do I look?" I spun around waiting, for her to give a yay or nay about my appearance.
"You always look so damn cute and I am obsessed with your whole outfit."
I smiled and thanked her.
After making sure we have our wallets, phones, and keys for the room, we made our way down the hallway and towards the elevators. Once it showed up and the doors opened, I heard her gasp. As I looked up from my phone, I was met with 2 of the most handsome men staring back at us, one of them being Jungkook and the other was Hobi.
"Are you ladies going down too?" Hobi asked in his best English accent. We nodded our heads and as we entered, Lacie clung onto my arm for dear life.
As soon as the doors shut, I had a strange feeling that someone was staring at me. Sure enough when I glanced around, my eyes were instantly met with Jungkook's as he flashed his best smile and winked at me. I felt like I was going to spontaneous combust inside of this elevator but somehow played it cool and flirtatiously smiled back instead.
Hobi looked at us strangely before starting a conversation with him in Korean so Lacie and I couldn't understand, but the moment he gave a shocked expression and looked directly at me after Jungkook replied, I knew he was informed about the encounter between the two of us earlier.
Once we arrived to the lobby, Lacie darted out dragging me to the main entrance. We walked outside onto the sidewalk and that's when she finally turned to me with a huge smile on her face. "Liv! Do you realize who we were just in that elevator with?!"
Chuckling at her behavior, I smiled. "Well of course I know who they were! We've only been obsessed with them for 6 years, Lace."
I started to laugh nervously as she stared at me with a curious expression. "You are way too calm for someone who just had their bias, smile and wink at them in an elevator. What the hell is going on?"
I told her about the run in I had with Jungkook this morning while she was gone. By the time I was finished explaining, she looked as though she was about to explode unable to control her excitement any longer.
"Okay, you can let it out now. That was the whole story."
"OH MY GOSH! Jeon Jungkook saw you in your towel and talked to you outside of our room! You are seriously so fucking lucky and I am 100% jealous of you right now. That's amazing."
I couldn't stop laughing at her reaction. "Shhhh, keep your voice down so people won't hear you!"
"This is seriously so huge. You have to see him again before the concert."
I have never turned my head so fast in all my life, "What are you talking about? He's beyond famous. Why would he want to see me again when he literally has thousands of other girls he could easily go after."
"Liv listen, he told you that he hoped he'd see you again soon then not even 2 hours later, you see him in an elevator when he fucking winked at you. Why can't you see that he's clearly flirting with you?"
Was he flirting with me or just being nice?
Of course the thought had run through my mind, but I am a nobody. Why in the world would he waste his time flirting with me when he could have someone way better and prettier. Lacie took my silence as a hint and dropped it, noting that I didn't want to talk about it anymore right now.
She knows me well enough to know that we are going to be talking about this later, within the privacy of our room, and with champagne. "Okay babe, let's just go get some lunch and shop around the city."
As we spent several hours exploring the city, a part of me couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. Could he actually be interested in me?
[Jungkook's POV]
I exited the elevator making sure it was the right floor this time, and quickly made my way to Namjoon's room.
When I entered, Taehyung was the first person to speak. "Where have you been? We've been waiting for you for at least 20 minutes or longer."
The rest of them looked at me, waiting for an explanation to my tardiness. I didn't know what to say but since the question came up, I may as well talk to them about my encounter with that beautiful ARMY girl. "Well, funny story actually... I kind of went to the wrong floor."
They looked at me for a second then busted out into laughter, making jokes until they noticed I was not laughing along. "What's the matter Kook? What's going on?" Hobi always feels when my vibe is different, it's one thing I think is so special about him.
"I met an ARMY today and she is not at all like any of the others I've ever met before. She didn't bombard me with photos or have a phone shoved in my face. It was honestly so pleasant to talk with her, almost like a breath of fresh air."
That seemed to really get their attention as they looked at me curiously. "What do you mean she isn't like any of the others? What happened between you?" Namjoon asked in a semi worried tone.
Knowing there was no turning back, I spilled everything that happened earlier at her hotel room... even the towel scenario. I told them how it had made me feel and about the weird butterflies I had gotten.
"Why don't you see her again then?" Yoongi asked casually while scrolling on his phone.
Each of us turned to look at him, waiting for an explanation. "What I mean is, we are literally in Vegas. You are so young JK and I've never even heard you talk about a girl before. I don't see why you couldn't break the rules for once to go see her."
Silence filled the air but he continued, "Namjoon, what do you think about Kook's dilemma? If she signed an NDA and he feels like he can trust her, do you think there would be any harm in allowing him to spend time with her?"
It took Namjoon a minute to process everything that was discussed between us in the past 15 minutes. He then began to text on his phone for what seemed like ages, until he locked it and turned to me. "So, I have discussed this situation with the managers, and they said that if she agrees to sign an NDA, then there should be no harm in you seeing her. There will be a few ground rules that will need to be covered for the both of you that she will need to be present for, but other than that they don't see much of a problem with it."
I have never felt more happy.
All I had to do now is talk to her again and find an opportunity to bring up the NDA. The doubts were obviously there that she wouldn't agree, but I shoved them to the back of my mind. I refuse to talk myself out of it because there is no harm in hanging out and getting to know her better.
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rougepancake · 1 year
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Jotaro Kujo x Afab!Reader
Not proofread because we face the consequences of our actions here 💪
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, angst with a happy ending, soft Joot, soft dom!Jotaro, both of you are hurting inside, slightly inexperienced Jotaro, fingering, soft sex, slightly ooc Joot but I did my best (he is really hard to write for)
Summary: He loved your cousin just as you did, however you can’t bring yourself to do the same for him. You could both easily comfort one another, yet you hate him so. It adds a painful irony to your whole ordeal that you’re not too fond of.
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It was raining, funny enough. Just like it did in the movies. It always rained when the main character was in tears.
It hurt to sit there and watch, unable to say or do anything. You were his cousin, after all. The two of you had grown up together, thick as thieves. Yet you had nothing to say at his funeral.
And it wasn’t because you didn’t want to.
It’s because you couldn’t.
You couldn’t bring yourself to walk up there and speak about what a wonderful young man he was in front of his friends and the rest of your shared family. You were already in so much pain from the whole event, as was everyone else.
How could they not?
The death of a young man who had such a wonderful life ahead of him. A young man who was loved by all and loved everyone. A young man who was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs.
It was soul crushing.
So there you sat, in the back of the group next to some of his friends who didn’t know you all that well, but comforted you nonetheless. They had heard of you. You were practically his best friend, like a sibling to him in ways that people didn’t understand.
You were seventeen.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t experience this type of pain.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t lose their lives to some supposed vampire that had a hundred year old grudge.
It just shouldn’t happen.
It’s not right.
You felt the tears slide down your cheeks as you sat and listened to the speakers.
It’s unjust.
After the service, you ran into the friend that you had heard oh so much about. The one who’s name had been mentioned on many phone calls and written on various letters.
Jotaro Kujo.
“So you’re y/n.”
And those three words stuck with you until college.
It took you all you had to refrain from crying like a child in front of him, but he said nothing as you broke down before him. It was as if he understood, as if he felt your pain to some extent. But he kept to himself.
“So you’re y/n.”
The words echoed in your head, repeating over and over on a never ending cycle. Kakyoin talked about you whilst on his travels. He told his friends all about you and how you loved him like a brother. He loved you. He loved you so much that he bothered his newfound friends with your name. He loved you so much that he wrote to you at every town he stopped at, even calling if he could. He loved you so much.
And it hurt.
Because seventeen year olds aren’t supposed to lose their best friends to tragic and violent situations.
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“Hey y/n! What classes do you have?” Your friend asked enthusiastically, running up to you and grabbing your arm excitedly. You shrugged and continued to walk on, pulling out the piece of paper from the pocket of your skirt.
“It’s just what I wanted.” You say simply and head to your dormitory, which was right in the center of the college campus, large and glorified as if to say ‘we want the best for our students’.
“And what would that be silly?” You roll your eyes, unable to hold in the frustrated groan that escapes you.
“What do you think? Marine Biochemistry, Biological Oceanography, Invertebrate Zoology, and Physics.” You huff and walk into the lobby of your dormitory. It’s a coed dorm, since the school believes that it makes socializing easier for students.
However it just increases the std rate.
“I really don’t understand what made you want to become a marine biologist.” Your friend huffs as you fumble with the keys to your room. It’s not like she’d understand anyways.
“I find it interesting, that’s all.” You sigh and open the door, dropping your back to the floor with a sigh. Classes start tomorrow, so you’d better get a good nights rest. “Just like how you wanted to become a Zoologist.” You look over your shoulder. “Now scram, I’ve got a busy day ahead of me.”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Call me if you need anything y/n.”
And like that, you were left alone in your new room.
Supposedly you had a roommate, but they never showed, so you had the room to yourself, which was quite nice. However, you did have neighbors. Which you didn’t really mind as long as they weren’t loud.
But you hadn’t even seen them yet, so you couldn’t gauge anything until they showed their faces.
So here you were, stumbling around tiredly to find the kitchen in your new apartment-like dorm room. It was swanky, really. Almost too fancy to be considered a college dorm room.
Once you got something to eat, you plopped onto the couch and went to sleep, too lazy to head to your bedroom and sleep properly. The television ran loudly in the background, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care about anything anymore, and if you did, it was something serious.
To you at least.
Your alarm forced you awake, ruining your mood entirely. You wanted to wake up well rested and ready for the day ahead, not the other way around.
“Shut the hell up.” You grumbled as you tripped your way over to your bedroom, slamming your alarm clock to the floor before hopping in the shower.
A mediocre schedule for a mediocre person. Nothing too out of the ordinary for someone who really didn’t do that much.
After a quick, far from healthy, breakfast, you headed down and began to walk around the campus blindly. It was beautiful and well kept, with students chatting and smiling practically everywhere you looked. The atmosphere was one of youth and happiness, one that would make someone in their forties shiver in nostalgic remembrance.
You ran a hand through your hair as you walked, trying to get your thoughts together before you went to class. The last thing you wanted to do was show up looking like a mess when you’ve wanted nothing but to make an impression on your instructors.
“Hey watch where you’re going” An all too familiar voice says behind you, forcing you to stop dead in your tracks. He’s not talking to you, or is he? You can’t really tell- but you have to turn around to look at him.
“Jotaro..?” You whisper, looking at him with surprise. He looks at you, sneering in slight disgust as if he doesn’t remember you.
It really is him, standing at 6’5 in all his buff glory. You haven’t seen him in at least three years, and can’t help but be surprised at how much he’s changed. It has you in slight awe, but you push it back and continue on with your day.
“Punk.” You hear him grumble as you walk, which sets off something in you.
The next thing you know, you’re face to face with him, glaring at him as you speak.
“Listen here, Mr. Kujo. I may be many things, but I am no punk.” You growl, taking a step back and placing a cocky hand on your hip. He may have seen you at your worst, but you weren’t about to let him think you were weak. You’re just as strong as he is and you’re willing to give him hell as long as it gets your point across.
“Get out of my face, bitch.” He scoffs, pushing past you effortlessly. It only pisses you off more, but you bite your tongue, figuring you’ll have plenty of chances to get back at him.
And boy were you right.
There he is, front and center in the lecture hall for your Marine Biochemistry class. He looked bored, as if he had better things to do than attend the classes that he most likely picked out for himself.
It seemed like he followed you for the rest of the day, because everywhere you went, he was there. All of your classes, all of your little hiding spots on campus.
There was just no escaping him.
And it’s not like he was purposefully trying to agitate you- it was just one coincidence after another.
“What do you want?” He raised an eyebrow at you, scowling as you walked over to the vending machines.
“What does it look like, Kujo?” Your tone was laced with sarcasm, your words like knives that failed to affect him.
“Shut up.”
“You’re the one who asked.”
“I said shut up!” He raised his voice slightly, his fist slamming into the wall beside him and leaving a slight indent in its wake. There was an unnerving amount of power behind it.
“Fine, whatever.” With a heavy sigh, you got what you came for and left, shooting him a glare before you headed back to your dorm for the night.
Funny enough, it turns out that Jotaro Kujo himself was one of your neighbors. Which utterly enraged you.
He’s everywhere! What kind of cruelty is this?!?
There really no escaping him. And coincidentally enough, you were both seemingly on the same track as far as careers. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering why he chose this path, but it was none of your business. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with you, and you felt the same about him.
It’s not like you wanted to talk to him, but if you ever got the chance, you’d ask him about your cousin. You had to. He was there when he died, and you wanted to know how he was on his travels. Of course, it’s been a couple years since he passed, so it would probably be hard to just talk about it with him.
The sound of your phone reading pulled you from your thoughts, leaving you to face reality once again.
You took a second to process what she said before putting the phone back to your ear.
“What happened..?”
“Really? Describe him to me.” You were beginning to return her energy, feeling slight excitement for her. However, you were slightly concerned given that she claims it was love at first sight.
“Oh yeah! He’s really tall and has curly black hair, but he covers it with a ha-“
You’ve never hung up on a person so fast.
You’d make it up to her, of course, but you just needed to collect your thoughts. Oh if she only knew.
Jotaro Kujo was NOT the guy for her.
You began to pace around your living room, your hands waving around frantically as you spoke to yourself. If anyone were to walk in on you in this very moment, they’d assume you were mental.
“What the hell was that?” It came from next door, where Jotaro was staying. You couldn’t hear anything after that, even if you pressed your ear against the wall. Reluctantly, you decided to go over there and check on him.
You knocked on his door and he opened it, a large red mark forming on his cheek and a dark look in his eyes. You couldn’t help but admire how strong he looked in this moment. Like he had been fighting for everything his whole life…
“What do you want?” His tone was harsh, his grip on the doorway a clear sign that you should run away. Never look back. Maybe even never interact with him ever again. He was purposefully trying to intimidate you.
But you had a problem with backing down.
“I’m trying to sleep, Kujo.” You scoffed, using the lie to cover up your curiosity. “Then I heard some noise coming from here.” You raised a brow and crossed your arms, looking into his eyes with a challenging glare. “Does the brute need assisted living to survive?”
“Shut up.”
“Didn’t you have a roommate? Don’t tell me you killed them or something.” You rolled your eyes. It was too late to back down, so why not continue?
“That’s none of your business.”
“Oh so you did?” You could feel a smirk forming on your lips. “Is that what that noise was? You should have said so sooner, I would have left you alone.” Your tone was lazy, feigning a carefree attitude as you taunted him. It was a risky move, but you knew you’d make it out alive.
He may be an asshole, but like everyone else, he has a soft spot. You just had to figure out what it was and use it to your advantage.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jotaro practically growled, leaning down and getting in your face as he spoke.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” You retorted, standing up on your tiptoes so your foreheads were almost touching.
“You’re just as annoying as your cousin said.”
You froze. So he did remember you. And he was using Kakyoin as leverage to get you to leave him be.
What a low blow.
Without thinking, you curled your hand into a fist and punched him right in the gut. He took a step back, his eyes shining with anger before he returned the favor, punching you in the face with an ungodly amount of force.
You stumbled back, rubbing your cheek with a hurt sigh. There really was no winning.
“Whatever. Just don’t keep me up tonight.” You grumbled before heading back to your room. You had seen it. The purple being that appeared behind him. It had looked at you with such curiosity, unlike the glare that Jotaro had been giving you.
You plopped down onto your bed and continued to think. What was that thing? Was that what Kakyoin was talking about? Was that a Stand? If that’s the case then how could you see it..? From what you remember Kakyoin saying, only other Stand users could see them… but as far as you knew, you didn’t have a stand. What brought this on? What was going on…
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He’s avoided you since that night, ignoring your existence like it was nothing. But you didn’t mind. It’s not like you cared. How could you?
He was a good for nothing punk.
Yeah. Just a good for nothing punk…
“Y/n l/n for this project, you’ll be paired with Jotaro Kujo. I expect both of you to get along great since you two are both the highest scoring in the class.” Your professor wrote your names on the chalkboard, turning around to confirm that the both of you had heard him.
You wanted to stand up from your seat and shout in disbelief, to tell him that such a thing was simply outrageous. This project was going to go to shit! All because your professor was oblivious!
“Your assignment over the break is to observe and collect data on these types of fish.” He wrote down the species on the board, the chalk echoing in your ears. Dread overwhelmed you. “Be prepared, you’re going to end up spending quite a lot of time together.”
The bell rang.
“Alright everyone, I’ll see you in about three weeks. Don’t forget about your projects! They’re test grades!”
You grabbed your things and rushed out of the room, desperate for some fresh air. You rounded a corner and slid down the wall, bringing your knees to your chest as you thought.
“How stupid! Going based off of grades?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of!” You mumbled to yourself, groaning in frustration.
“That’s one thing we can agree on.” The all too familiar voice reached your ears, causing you to laugh bitterly.
“I don’t wanna hear it from you.” You sneered.
“Oh shut up. Just come back to my family’s place. It’s right on the water.” He left no room for you to argue and walked away, heading back to the dormitory. Why his place? Your family had a cabin out by the ocean so why his? Oh well… you’d fight with him later.
Right now you needed to get packing.
Or something like that.
Either way, you and Jotaro were going to be getting real close real fast.
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“So where is this cabin exactly?” Jotaro leaned back into the seat of your car, his arms crossed and his hat covering his eyes.
“Oh shut up. We’re almost there.” You rolled your eyes. It’s been a while since you’ve been to the cabin, but from what you remember, there’s enough stuff to support two people living in it for three weeks.
The car rounded a curve and a beautiful view of the beach came into sight, the waves lapping at the sand gorgeously as the wind swayed the greenery. The cabin could be seen located off to the side, hidden behind the trees.
“See. We’re practically here already.” You smirked. It took a lot of convincing, but you managed to bring him out here instead of having to stay with his family. That was the last thing you wanted.
“Yeah whatever.” He huffed and turned away from you, his eyes fixated on the ocean that seemed to be mere meters away.
You parked off to the side and hopped out of the car, taking the keys and stuffing them in your pocket as you walked towards the trunk of the vehicle.
“Let me get your shit.” Jotaro now stood behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he reached for your bags. Once he got ahold of them, he pulled away like it was nothing, leaving you to stand there, face flushed and heart pounding.
What had come over you?
Slowly, you headed back to the cabin, leaving your shoes by the door and looking around. Damn, it’s been taken care of quite well since the last time you visited.
“Right. It’s getting late. Do you want anything for dinner?” You looked at him. He was sitting on the couch, his eyes closed and his head resting on the cushion behind him. His hat had fallen off, revealing his messy locks. You could’ve sworn you heard him snoring.
Had he fallen asleep? Oh well. You’d make yourself something and leave him leftovers in the fridge in case he woke up.
Surprisingly enough, he happened to wake up while you were cooking, his eyes watching you closely. It looked like he had something to say, but couldn’t get it out.
“Do you want any? If not I’ll leave it in the fridge for you.” You looked over your shoulder and saw him look away, turning his body to avoid your gaze.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“Right..” You sighed and finished cooking, sitting at the table and eating in silence. Jotaro had since turned on the television, watching Bubblegum Crisis intently.
Which was odd given that it was directed towards a female audience.
“Priss is my favorite character.” You sighed, standing up from the table and walking over to the couch. You leaned on it, your face nearing his. “It’s a shame that the series wasn’t a hit. Maybe then they would’ve had more episodes instead of having the A.D. Police.” You could practically feel Jotaro’s surprise as you talked. Clearly he hadn’t expected you to have similar interests as him.
“My favorite character is Nene.” He turned to look at you, observing you. “And the A.D. Police isn’t bad, but they could have definitely had more episodes of Bubblegum Crisis.” His tone was the same as always, uninterested and bored, but you knew he was excited.
“Bubblegum Crisis vaguely reminds me of Project A-Ko. But only vaguely.” You hopped over the back of the couch and sat down beside him, picking his hat up off the floor and handing it to him. “I wonder if they’ll turn it into a movie franchise.” You trailed off, pursing your lips in thought.
“I..” Jotaro stopped himself, shifting slightly before looking back at the television. “I actually like Appleseed. It was good for its time.”
“Ranma 1/2.”
“Demon City Shinjuku.”
“Castle in the Sky.”
“Mobile Suit Gundam!”
The two of you had said it at the same time, turning to look each other in the eyes excitedly. However, you both quickly looked away once you realized you were supposed to hate each other.
“I uh… I own a copy of Mobile Suit Gundam’s first season... If you wanna watch it, that is.” You trailed off awkwardly, embarrassed by the sudden enthusiasm he brought out in you.
“Yeah… why not… I grew up watching Mobile Suit Gundam.” He sounded just as awkward as you did, which was weird since he didn’t really show his emotions.
You got up slowly and put in the cassette, pressing play and skipping through the previews before returning to the couch. Jotaro cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. It was dark outside. The clock read 11:34 pm. You probably should have gone to bed sooner, but you didn’t overly feel safe just falling asleep in the presence of a man you’re supposed to hate.
The intro to the show began playing and you could have sworn that you saw Jotaro’s eyes light up. It was nice, actually. To have someone to geek out with.
But it felt weird.
“Kakyoin never said you were annoying.” Jotaro said out of the blue, his eyes still fixated on the television. The words made you freeze, and you could feel tears forming in your eyes. But why? Why were you crying? Because you were right?
No. That wasn’t.
“He…” You swallowed back the lump that was forming in your throat. “He always had wonderful things to say about you.”
It was Jotaro’s turn to freeze, his eyes widening slightly as he sat in silence. It turns out he missed your cousin just as much as you did.
“Did he now…” He sighed, slowly turning to look at you. That expression of his was unreadable, but you couldn’t mistake that look in his eyes.
You nodded, a smile forming on your lips. It was soft, like the way you touched his cheek. Gentle, in the sense that he was allowing himself to show the slightest bit of emotion whilst around you, which made you feel slightly better about your teary state.
“You know…” He leaned into your touch slightly, avoiding your gentle gaze. “I remember that day…” It felt like he was leaning in, his face ever so slightly getting closer to your own. You could feel your heart rate increase and see the light glint in his eyes.
It was all so surreal.
“I wanted nothing more than to hug you.” He admitted, his arms wrapping around your body slowly. He pulled your body close to his own and rested his head on your shoulder, as if to apologize for not hugging you that day. “I felt so bad… it’s my fault… all of them… it’s my fault…”
Tears slid down your cheeks now, his words slowly sinking in. That’s it. He blamed himself. For everything. He shouldn’t but he does. It makes sense as to why he wanted nothing to do with you. Because he felt guilty, that’s all.
He went through all of that at the rough age of seventeen. The age when you were worrying about boys and college, he was worrying if he was going to make it to see another day.
And for what?
That stupid vampire that Kakyoin told you about. It seems like it had been years ago, like a distant memory that you could only relive through daydreams. He told you everything, actually, just in case he did happen to die. He wanted you to be informed. It was risky for him as is, but you knew everything. From knowing about Stands to what happened in Egypt. You knew it all.
Slowly, you returned his embrace, rubbing his back gently. You could feel him tense up, but he made no effort to stop you.
“He said you were his best friend.” The both of you whispered at the same time, which resulted in you biting back a sob. Jotaro leaned back so he could look at you, and without hesitation, he leaned in and began kissing the tears off of your cheeks.
“Jotaro. You’ve said my name before, so say it now.” He stopped himself, his lips hovering just above yours as he stared into your eyes. “P…Please.” It was almost as if he had trouble saying the word, like he was embarrassed to sound so… desperate.
“Jotaro…” You breathed out, your fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck, your face flushed and your heart pounding so loud you could’ve sworn that he was able to hear it. And there it was again- the purple being from before- peeking out over his shoulder to look at you.
However, you paid it no mind as Jotaro pulled you in for a tender kiss. Before you knew it, your back was pressed against the plush cushions of the couch and you were trapped in between his arms.
His eyes studied yours, his knee between your legs, just barely touching your clothed cunt. His breathing was slightly erratic, his hair falling into his face as he leaned in for another, much more heated kiss.
It was all a blur- your lips on his, your clothes being thrown to the floor, your hands moving against his bare back. It was like both of you craved the warmth of another person. Like you both wanted to feel something again.
Your hands explored the other’s bodies as you made out, Jotaro’s hand slowly finding its way to your slick lips. He hesitated slightly before running a finger along it, causing you to shiver. He proceeded to do that, seemingly unsure of what to do.
But once he found your clit, it was over for you.
Within seconds you were reduced to a moaning mess, unable to say nothing but his name. Then, he experimentally dipped a finger into your cunt, freezing when your body tensed.
You reassured him that it was alright and he continued to finger you, watching you intently.
One thing led to another and he was balls deep inside of you, thrusting at a slow and loving pace. It was like he wanted this moment to last forever, for fear that you would vanish like everyone else in his life.
However- you loved it. The way he groaned when you clenched around him, how he looked at you, the way his voice cracked slightly when he moaned your name. He was so unbelievably beautiful. And he thought the same thing about you.
You were both totally enamored by one another, too busy thinking of the other to be able to think properly.
Be thankful you’ve got three weeks to do that project, because you’re not gonna be up to doing anything but him any time soon.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
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More Than Life
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, Kells in denial, Dom trying to be sneaky, ADHD mishaps, OCD mishaps, fighting, threats, cursing, Dom getting hit, past abuse, past miscarriage, scared boys, Dom hunting, mentions of murder, awkward boys, distance, deep talks, sleeping alone, couch cuddles, Dom showing off, fingering, presenting, nervous sex, biting/marking, making an effort, playful chasing, boys in love, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: explicit
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom had found a little hope the night his lover seemed to admit they were having a child and thankfully he even allowed the Alpha to take him into The Doctor’s office a few days later for labs and an even better ultrasound. The omega had barely looked at the screen but when Dom asked for multiple copies of the clearer picture he didn't put up a fuss. He didn't take one but the killer kept one for him in case he changed his mind. After that though any time the subject was broached the man brushed him off or at times got angry. He allowed nightly cuddles but nothing during the day. It was the strangest juxtaposition.
He was resigning himself to months of the same and tried to just be happy in his own mind. Colson couldn't stop him from thinking up names no matter how hard he glared. Nothing had changed between them, they were still close and normally loving behind closed doors but the office was getting harder and harder for the boy. He hated other people getting too close to his mate unless he trusted them and most of the guys just didn't understand why he was there enough to make friends. He spent most of his time sitting back and watching but occasionally Kells would ask him to make a run of some kind.
It was just that sort of day when he first bought something for their baby. He was heading for his lover's favorite coffee shop- he was allowed a cup, Dom had asked. Even in the heat he had his hoodie on and the hood up, he hated being perceived when the sun was out. Daylight people weren't his kind of people and the press of bodies around him made his palm itch for a knife. His terrible mood was lifted when he passed a small punk shop and he glanced inside the window to see something he could only describe as precious. It was simple really, a small black onesie with a pink skull on the front and it had a fake safety pin on the hip. He knew it was a little soon and it was probably silly of him but he couldn't stop himself from going inside to buy it.
He wasn't daft, he made sure to fold it tight and slip it into his pocket. If Col saw it he'd probably get shot again. He lingered long enough to find a gift for his mate, a skull ring he knew would leave a bruise if the omega found his other purchase. He was still considered late when he made it back to the office with the coffee and his gift bag in tow. The older man glared at him and obviously wondered at what he found but the Alpha just stuck his tongue out and mouthed ‘later’.
Later took so long to reach that when they finally arrived home Dom was exhausted. When they hit the lobby his partner was stopped and called to talk about something. It happened more than the boy liked since his lover and sort of mother owned part of the building together. It was probably something security related or even as simple as hiring. He kissed his mate's cheek and headed for their flat. He always tried to let Kells be the boss he was, and honestly he was so desperate for a shower and rest it was driving him mental. Once inside he left the gift on the edge of the bed and stripped off his clothes, hoping Colson would join him once he was up but… he never did. The Alpha took his time and savored the hot water but even when he heard the bedroom door close nothing happened. Was Kells so tired he wouldn't need him that night?
Eventually he gave up waiting and dried himself off. When he glanced back through the shower wall he could see the other man sitting on the bed. What the fuck? “You alright luv?” He asked, stepping from the bathroom completely nude and freshly clean. He was still rubbing his hair dry but when he saw what stopped his lover he froze in place.
Colson was perched on their mattress, his new ring shining on his hand, but held between them was something Dom had known he was forgetting. Damn ADHD. “What the fuck is this?” The omega's voice was flat and he just kept staring at the little black outfit. It did something to his heart and stomach but the fact that Dom had done it without talking to him… the fact that he somehow thought he was far enough along to be safe made him nervous.
“I fhought it were cute. I only got one. I weren't even gonna show yas yet but Cols-”
“Don't Cols me! You know it's too soon! You know we don't know if it's safe yet! You haven't been through this. You don't fucking get it!” He hadn't yelled at the boy in a while and he caught the wince but he couldn't seem to stop himself. Even with his lover nude and dripping wet and absolutely gorgeous his fear was overwhelming anything else.
“We allowed to be ‘appy. You can't live ya whole life in fear of the over bloody shoe dropping. I'm scared too but I believe in you. In us.” The Alpha didn't raise his voice, he tried to never even get close no matter what his mate returned. He knew it was mostly trauma and hormones and he wouldn't be his father.
“I'm not borrowing trouble. Are you fucking shitting me? This isn't happening to us- it's me. You just caused it.” Colson wanted to swallow the words as he said them but he couldn't and he was surprised when Dom knelt in front of him and wrapped his hands around his own.
“Don't ya bloody dare. If you really fhought tha’ I'd support wha’ever you wanted to do about it but we in it tog’ever. I saw you looking at ‘em. I know a part of you is ‘appy. But if you really truly blame me for it and you ain't in it at all? I'll go. I ain't one of ‘em pushy controlling Alphas. Ya know me better ‘an tha’.” Jade eyes pleaded with Kells to just meet him halfway. “I genuinely jus’ fhought it were cute. I don't wanna miss all the good fings because we too scared.”
“Oh so it's my fucking fault? You can't enjoy what you did to me because I'm scared? Because you're obviously fucking not! How dare you! Maybe you are one of those Alphas.” He saw the pain and fear in his boy’s eyes and he told himself to stop but the Alpha was still so close and panic was welling inside his chest. He just needed everything to fucking stop! The back of his hand connected with the killer's cheek before he realized he was lashing out. The sound of his new ring on flesh was sickening.
Dominic fell back, catching himself on trembling hands but he could barely make himself move. All his fears were becoming reality. He was his father and they were just like his parents. Col had been doing so good not reacting physically and he knew it was from fear but it still hurt. One thing he'd started to realize was his omega might just have OCD and massive control issues from his past. He knew he shouldn't change anything without a talk first but he'd truly meant to keep it to himself.
Col watched as Dom stood up and licked his split lip. He'd reopened the old scar and obviously done more damage. When the boy spoke his teeth were red and Kells swallowed hard. He'd really fucked up hadn't he? “I'll let you ‘ave the bed tonight. If you need me I'll be on the sofa.” He explained, heading into their closet to dress before he grabbed his pillow off the bed. He didn't even look at Kells once.
Colson was stubborn enough he couldn't make himself apologize. Not while he went through his nightly routine. Not when he laid down in his empty bed and felt cold for the first time in months. Not even when he closed his eyes and couldn't sleep. It was like he could feel the small onesie in the room and it was a bomb threatening his life. He was the explosive though and he was terrified he'd already blown his universe to smithereens.
Neither man really slept and Col didn't feel up to his walk the next morning. Dom didn't help Tom with breakfast and their home felt strange all day. It was a weekend so they didn't have to head to work but at some point the Alpha left without explaining why or where he was going. A job Tom said, which meant he could be out all night. Kells had pushed his lover so hard he had to kill. Fuck. The omega spent the day in his closet, trying to rearrange everything to calm his mental chaos but even as he added a little something extra he was scared it wouldn't help. He knew he'd gone too far.
He didn't come out to eat but the photographer set food outside the door. It killed him to know he might lose both of them if his mate never came home but he tried to act as if he knew Dom was returning. The extra stress couldn't be good for him. He didn't even know how long he worked with his clothes but eventually he passed out among them, too exhausted to even walk back to bed.
When he woke up the room was still dark and he was under the covers on his mattress. Someone had carried him back but he was still alone. He could scent his Alpha on his skin and it told him all he needed to know. Dom had come back and he still cared enough to take care of him.
He pushed himself up and crawled out of bed to make his way out to the couch. He could see how hurt his lover was in the tightness in his brow and dark circles under his eyes. The omega took a deep breath and a chance and crawled onto the sofa straight into Dom’s arms. When he kissed the boy's split lip the Alpha stirred. Jade eyes went wide when he realized what was happening and he went a bit stiff next to him. “You okay?”
“No. Missed you. Did your hunt go alright?” Fuck he felt awkward. Like they had months before when he'd last hurt the man who loved him most.
“Aye. Some CEO arse’ole who wouldn't let his son leave the ‘ouse. ‘Ad the boy locked in ‘is room. Dumbarse left the WiFi on.” The killer chuckled. That one he did for free. The poor boy had said when he was given his inheritance he'd pay but Dom didn't need an IOU. “I took ‘im to The Doc, told ‘im I'd ‘ave somebody check the will and fix it if nuffin were left to ‘im.” That happened a lot with omegas, their parents would leave them destitute or the government would steal from them. It was despicable.
“I'll let Mod know.”
“Already did. Fanks. You sure you feeling okay? Ya passed out on the floor. Can't be good for ya back.” Colson was shocked at his lover's worry and even more so at his absentminded caresses of his spine. He felt his body react even though he was still so scared and sad.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Of course you have the right to be happy, I'm just… I'm so fucking scared.” He fought the waterworks he could feel burning his eyes but when Dom gave him his patent pout he broke. “I can't lose either of you. Maybe you can make it but I can't. And you just… you make me want it all. Everything I've fought against for so fucking long. I destroyed myself to make sure I couldn't but now-”
“Now we doing it. You gonna be a daddy Cols.” With that one word Dom was terrified he'd messed something up because the other man sobbed and shook his head.
“No I'm not. You are. I- I'm- but we may not make it. And I can't change that I'm terrified. I can't allow myself to do what you are. I'm trying to protect myself.” He couldn't say the word and he knew he could take the other. In public with everyone else he planned to but just between them there was only one he wanted to hear from their child. It wasn't like he had a good relationship with his father to want the title anyway. But he couldn't say it. He didn't feel like he was parent enough to deserve it from Dom either.
“Tha's alright. I ain't asking you to change who you is, I'm jus' asking maybe don't punch me when I wanna do summat for our baby. I knew tha’ ring would leave a mark.” They both chuckled at that but Kells knew he had so much more to apologize for.
“I shouldn't have. I was panicking and you were breaking down my fucking walls again and I just-” He paused to press a kiss to the bruised skin.
Dom hissed from the pain that felt so much like pleasure because of who was giving it. “You don't ‘ave to do nuffin you ain't ready for but one of us ‘as to get prepared. We only got a while and I wanna enjoy it. I'd love it if you could share it wiv me but I understand why ya can't. I'm trying to ‘elp as much as I can luv.”
Colson nodded, sniffling and wiping his face on his mate's pillow before he attempted another gentle kiss. He didn't want to hurt Dom more than he already had and he wasn't sure if they were okay yet or not. It was quick and soft but so loving it comforted something messy inside him. “Will you come to bed? I'm cold.”
“Aye? Ya poor fing.” Dom hummed playfully as he held the other man close. His hands wandered under Col’s shirt and slid against heated inked skin. He always ran warm but they both knew the Alpha ran hot so he could imagine the bed felt too chilled without them together. “I almost joined yas after I put you to bed but I didn't know if you wanted me.”
Kells cursed under his breath and surged somehow closer, pressing his sensitive chest tight to his lover's as their lips met. He hated his need for control could have pushed them so far that Dom didn't feel wanted. Needed. Craved. There was never a time he wouldn't be. It was absolute no matter what. A warm rush moved through him as their bodies pressed together and the boy's thigh slipped automatically between his legs. The tingling was immediate and overwhelming. The press of heat had him dripping wet.
“Guess ya do.” Dom panted teasingly against spit wet lips, one of his hands dipped under Col’s waistband to explore between the crease of his ass and follow it down.
“Always. I'm sorry I made you- fuck- wonder.” He whimpered back, his hips moving in sharp small jerks he couldn't stop. He needed control over everything but he lost it over himself with his Alpha so close. Yet Dom had never truly scared him. “We should probably- bed? Did you really carry me?” He knew it logically but he couldn't get over his surprise. The boy seemed shocked he was asking about it in the moment but he just laughed and nodded.
“Ya might be a giant but you a mostly skinny bitch. Wanna see?” Kells didn't know whether to be offended about the ‘mostly’, the ‘skinny’, or ‘bitch’ even, but he didn't have long to worry. Dominic kept his hand where it was, his fingers playing slowly through dripping folds, but his other arm wrapped around the omega's back. “‘Old on.” He hummed as he sat them up quickly and stood. No part of him even trembled. “Pillow.” He huffed and Colson had to make his mind start working again before he could remember how to move his limbs like a human. How could his lover think he could process anything when showing off like that?
With the pillow between his fingers and the probably messy blanket left behind Col whined as his psycho carried him back to bed. When he accidentally thrust forward too hard Dom's finger slipped deeper inside him. “Fuck-”
“Don't wiggle so m-”
Dominic smirked. He'd worried for a moment he hurt his man but he should have known better by the rush of slick in his palm. As he stood at the foot of their bed with his mate soaking both their pants he knew not everything was perfectly fixed but it didn't have to fall into place automatically. They could love each other and take their time working through everything else, as long as they were together. “Wha' ya need?” He rasped, taking his pillow and tossing it back in its place. Just that calmed something hurt in his chest, he was back where he belonged.
“You.” The omega whispered simply but honestly. When his mate set him down and pulled his hands free Kells groaned but flushed hot when Dom licked his fingers clean. He scrambled to pull his shirt off over his head before laying back to work off his pants. He could feel the Alpha's heavy gaze on his skin but it wasn't enough. He needed everything. They wouldn't feel right again until they were joined. “I'm sorry. Need you.” He tried again but his predator just stared a bit longer. He felt exposed all over but he made it worse himself by letting his legs fall open wide.
“Stop apologizing. Not upset.” The boy huffed back but he still didn't make a move and Col whined.
“Please? Come here?” He hated begging but if Dom waited much longer he truly would.
Dominic watched his lovely mate- the way his gold eyes went hazy with need, the way sweat broke out in a soft glow over his skin, how his pulsing hard cock rested just so over the swell of his belly, and of course how he shined so silky wet between his thighs. He was throbbing as he undressed himself but something was still holding him back that he couldn't place. It was tearing him up inside.
“You're not like them. I'm so sorry I even fucking implied it. You're not. You're my Alpha. Mine. Now get your dick in me before I rip it off.” He couldn't be blamed for the threat, it was the hormones as Dom liked to say repeatedly under his breath when the omega got mean. The rest of it he meant wholeheartedly. When the boy still didn't move he could only think of one way to prove his trust and he hoped it wouldn't send the Alpha running away.
Dominic cursed when his mate rolled to his side before laying on his belly and presenting. The Alpha had to grip the base of his cock at the sight but his pulse raced faster. They hadn't tried this yet. Neither could bring themselves to. “Please? T-trust you.” With those soft words on his lover's lips he took a deep breath and made himself move, crawling up behind and pressing himself close, chest to spine. Both were shaking, both covered in sweat, but neither was going to back down. “Say it? Just once. What am I?” The man might be presenting but it didn't mean he wasn't still in control and that soothed the killer more than he could say.
“Me omega. Perfect mumma for our babe. Mine. I love you so fucking much, me.” Dom moaned, licking over the mark he left on his lover's throat. His cockhead slot against Col’s sloppy cunt but he was having trouble moving himself inside.
“I can't do it for you. Not this time.” Kells soothed. He refused with what he knew of his mate. This first time Dom had to make the first move. “I love you. Please? Mate?” He wouldn't call him Alpha again, he knew better but that one word said all they needed. All they were for each other.
Dom felt half soft from nerves even though he was aching for his lover. To make a point to himself as much as for Colson he curled his palm around his tip and led himself inside. His thumb eased his foreskin back completely and he rubbed himself teasingly between his mate's folds, but even so wet Kells was tighter than normal and they slipped. His fangs grazed the top notch of the man's spine and he could feel Col relax all over. The next time their hips rolled he felt his dick slip inside and hit home.
“Fuck-” They moaned together as Dom’s hands found Colson's. Their fingers twined together and they found a languid pace. Even in a new position that made them both anxious their bodies knew each other well, they just had to get out of their heads and let themselves go.
Dom grunted low as he kissed and nipped over inked skin, he'd had sex with Kells so many times but somehow his pussy felt different like this. Tighter. Hotter. Every spasm had him bucking harder, too close to the edge already. He felt wild every time they joined but he'd never felt so animalistic. He would keep it gentle enough though, he'd never hurt his love.
Colson shook and squeezed his Alpha’s hands tight, his inner walls a vise around the other man. His own cock felt almost secondary to his needy wet insides, he could feel himself swollen deep and getting closer with every thrust. Dom felt somehow larger from this position or maybe the omega felt smaller. He couldn't do much but pant and tremble and try to kiss back when the boy's lips found his.
They both felt Dom's knot already forming, popping in and out of Col's drenched hole. It wasn't full yet but he was close and the Alpha wasn't sure he should but he knew he couldn't stop. The omega was mouthy at times but usually not too loud when they fucked. This time he couldn't swallow his noises and he didn't even care that he might come across like a porn star. Every roll deep had him moaning and every thrust back out made him whine. His ass canted back, meeting every pump, until their messy bodies slapped together almost louder than his cries.
“I'm gonna-” Dom tried to warn as he bit love marks in Colson's skin. He couldn't breathe enough to finish but the other man nodded, his hips rolling harder back so the boy knew not to pull out. He tried to reposition and press them both down, grinding his mate's cock against the mattress. If Col was noisy before he was wild after, his body near convulsing when he hit his peak. The Alpha never stopped, he couldn't slow when his mate showered them both and the bed in slick, he was too close to his own release. 
“Knot me- knot me?” The omega was muttering it on a loop like a prayer. He was scared his boy wouldn't be able to but as he spread his thighs wider and thrust back Dom met him there. He pulled his Alpha's arm closer by their joined hands and tried to quiet himself by biting over his old mark, making the other curse and his hips stutter. The next roll forward Dom’s knot locked inside him and he felt his rapture hit again. Or still, he wasn't sure. 
Their bodies grinded through their pleasure as the Alpha filled his mate full. He couldn't help wondering how his lover's bump would look after, he knew he was cumming more than normal. 
Eventually amid aftershocks and trembling he moved them gently to their sides and held Col closer as the other licked softly over his reopened wound. He pressed soft kisses behind the man's ear and savored every shiver he felt against him. “I fink we ruined another set of sheets.” He joked, needing to feel a little normal as they came down. He hoped eventually he would lose all anxiety over their position but he knew it might take time. 
“Worth the money. Besides, I bought these in bulk when you moved in.” Colson huffed, turning his head enough to kiss his mate's plush lips. When Dom's hand found his swollen belly he didn't even care. He was too lost in pleasure and whatever mating hormones came with it. A perfect high. 
They drifted eventually though at some point Dom woke to cover them up and whisper love to their child but they were too exhausted after sleeping apart for anything else. Surprisingly the Alpha was first up the next morning and he pulled free as carefully as he could with a hell of a case of morning wood. Part of him was tempted to wake his man up in the same way they passed out but that felt too much like not having consent. He made his way to the bathroom to get a warm cloth for his omega but realized there wasn't any left. Col must have done laundry and left it all together in the closet. It was one of his calming tasks when he was stressed. 
He hadn't looked around the room very well the night before when he found his sleeping partner but he finally did and found himself standing in front of his part of the closet. Where it had been mostly empty before now it was full of so much, tartan and leather and distressed tees. There was a section full of Seditionaries that almost made him cry. It was everything he'd always wanted. 
“I've been collecting it for a while. I was saving it for your next birthday since I just missed your last…” Dom heard his mate's voice close and felt long arms wrap around his waist from behind. He'd been so distracted he hadn't even noticed him come in. He couldn't help but laugh at the pointed jab about his age but Col continued. “I figured after I fucked up you deserved something nice a little early. Some of this is Saks and shit too so don't wear it on hunts you messy bitch.” He teased and kissed the boy's wet cheek. “Check the drawer.” His voice went soft. Nervous. 
Dom slid the drawer open underneath all his clothes but it was mostly empty beside a few things. The onesie he'd found was there but so was something else that he picked up gently. It was a little black jacket with a label that told the Alpha to be gentle. He was pretty sure his lover didn't realize how messy children were but he wouldn't shame him for actually buying something. He could feel Col’s baby bump against his back and that coupled with what he held gave him something akin to butterflies. He wanted nothing more than to take Kells back to bed. 
“There's a blanket too. I bought them a while ago but… I'm sorry I let you doing it too scare the shit out of me. I just can't have it out yet.” The omega explained and Dom nodded, putting the jacket up and petting over the soft black blanket before he closed the drawer again. 
“Ya do know babies are messy aye?” The Alpha asked playfully as he turned in his man's hold. 
“Sure but I think my kid will understand the importance of Rick Owens. You're messy so if they get it from anywhere…” The omega shrugged. 
“I'll show you messy. Who's dripping all over the bloody floor?” Dom huffed as Kells pulled away and darted off but the boy got one good teasing slap to Col's ass that had them both laughing as the predator chased his prey back to bed. 
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
I know! It was a little heavy again but they have a lot to work through. I hope the fluff and smut made up for it. Look how good they're doing! Yay! Lol. I hope you enjoyed it 🩸🖤
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 1 year
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Let Me Comfort PT 1
Paring: Javier Penña x Reader
Word count: 9k
Summary: When you take a sort term job in Colombia to clear your head and have a fresh start you form a unlikely bond with you're DEA Agent neighbor and your life is changed forever
Warnings: Slow Build, Pining ,Mutual Pining ,Fluff Tooth-Rotting Fluff Falling In Love, fluffy Javier, protective Javier, Javier falling for you angst, mentions of being followed and fighting.
A/N: I’m so nervous to start posting this story because I know the fandom for Pedro and Javier Pena are strong but I’m so proud of it and am currently working on Part 2. Some slight elements are the same from the show but is mostly AU
You hadn’t been in Colombia long, about a month at this point. The last couple years have been a painful whirlwind for you and you took this job to get away from it all, hitting a reset button on your life.
Not that this was the ideal situation either, working as a part of the cleaning crew at the United States Embassy at the height of the war on drugs against Pablo Escobar.
The Embassy thankfully set you up with an apartment as part of your contract. It was in a smallish apartment building with only 3 other units not far from where the embassy was located. You hadn’t met any of your neighbors yet, all thought you often heard your neighbor having sex. Sometimes leaving for work or coming home you’d cross paths with someone of the women coming and going from his apartment, almost never the same girl but always exchanging friendly smiles and “hellos”.
“Hey, (Y/N) some of us are going to grab a drink after work if you’d like to come along?”
“Oh um…sure I’d like that!” You replied smiling
“We’ll meet in the lobby and walk down to the bar in 30” Kate said walking off to finish her tasks and change.
Your coworkers seemed nice, you hadn’t talked much but it felt nice to be invited. You hasn’t really made any friends since arriving in Columbia and mostly just kept to yourself.
You met your coworkers in the lobby and you all walked down to the bar, where you all ordered your drinks and grabbed a empty table. You sat there and made small talk with everyone, smiling and laughing along, trying not to be anxious about being out with new people.
“Thank you for inviting me, I’m going head to the market and then head home” you said, finishing your second drink before heading out.
You walked around the corner and headed to the market picking up some food for the week and some other toiletries that you needed.
You had more bags than you intended, but the walk back to the apartment wasn’t to far. As you crossed the street to make you way back home this man about your age approached and started talking and walking with you. The feeling of panic washed over you, it was dark at this point and he was insisting he carry your bags. He forced the bags from your hands and caressed your arm with his free hand. Reluctantly you walked to your place trying to get the man to leave you alone, he wouldn’t let up and followed you into the building. As you approached your apartment you pretended you couldn’t find your keys in your bag to stall as much as possible. This made him angry, he dropped your bags and grabbed your arm just above your elbow and squeezed , yelling mostly in Spanish but saying in English “unlock the door bitch”
You screamed “no” trying to pull away from him but he squeezed tighter and pulled you back, causing you to knock into your neighbors door.
You hear the lock on the door click and it swings open, a man’s deep horse voice shouts “ what the fuck is happening out here” as he opens it hanging half way out his door way.
“Fuck, fuck fuck” you mumble. You hadn’t even met your neighbor yet and this was going to be his first impression of you. Youre face flushed with fear and tears.
He sees the man your with is a local and the two men start yelling at each other in Spanish.
“I’m sorry” you whisper turning to the man. He takes one look at you and realizes your completely terrified and that the man you’re with has ahold of your arm. His whole demeanor changes as he slams his door shut and comes fully into the hallway. You notice right away the badge on his belt and then your eyes scan to the gun stuck in the front of his pants. He whispers “trust me”as he grabs your wrist and pulls you away from the stranger. He draws his gun and shouts in one swift motion. The guy takes one look at him and takes off, running down the hallway and out of the building.
You just stood there in complete shock staring at the floor covered in your things from the market, tears streaming down your face.
“Are you ok?”
Your trance broken, you quickly wipe the tears from you face, picking up your things.
“Let me help you with those”
You wordlessly take the bags from him and unlock your door.
You turn to him with a blank expression
It had been a few days since the incident and you were feeling less shaken by it all. The one thing on your mind was how you never actually thanked your neighbor for saving you, and that guilt was driving you crazy. I know what I’ll do you thought to yourself, I’ll make a big meal and bring him over a plate and say thank you and introduce myself. You loved cooking and baking and you haven’t done much of it down here while you were settling into your new life. Being one of your favorite things was putting on the record player and getting lost in the kitchen. It made you feel relaxed but also helped numb the sadness in your life. You dug around in your fridge and cabinets and settled on making pasta with Parmesan cream sauce with chicken and sun dried tomatoes and some cookies.
You made a nice plate full and wrapped it in tin foil and put some of the cookies in a container. You walked out to the hall way double checking your door, making sure it wasn’t locked before closing it and walking the little ways down the hall to his door. You knocked on the door and just stood there quietly thinking of what to say. After a minute you gave the door one more knock before realizing no one was home. Thinking quickly you shuffled back to your apartment, setting the plate down and grabbing a small piece of paper to scribble a thank you on it and taping it to the tin foil. You walked back over to his door and set the plate down in front of it then headed back to your apartment.
You let out a big yawn and stretched standing from the couch, turning off the tv. You make yourself a drink, put on a record and return to the couch to lay down. You take a big sip of your whiskey and soda, let out a big sigh as the sounds of David Bowie comes through speakers, filling the room and making you smile. You sink completely into the couch stretching out and completely relaxing. You sit up thinking you heard a faint knock at the door, pausing for a minute. You didn’t hear it again so you laid back down,!only to hear it again louder this time. You got up and walked to the door unlocking it but leaving the chain lock intact for it to only to open a crack. You peak out to see your neighbor leaning against your door fame, “Hi” He says waving your empty plate up for you to see.
“Oh! Hi hold on” you say surprised. Closing the door and opening the chain lock to open the door fully.
“Did you make this stuff for me?” He asks holding up the plate and the container that held the cookies his voice had a smooth deepness to it.
You smiled reaching up to take them from him. “I did, I wanted to say thank you for helping me the other night and figured it was the least i could do”
“That wasn’t nessecary, but thank you it was good”
You offer him a warm smile while taking the dishes.
“Im Javier…Javier Peña”
“Nice you meet you, I’m (Y/N)” you reach out your hand to shake his, he returns the smile and shakes your hand.
“I was coming over to see if you’d to come over and have a drink?”
You’re surprised by his offer and conflicted as to how to respond. He picks up on your hesitation but doesn’t let on that he does.
“Sure, I’d like that actually”
You return your gaze to him with a smile. “Just let me grab my keys and turn off my record player. Come in if you’d like, it’ll only take a minute.” He nods and follows you into your apartment. Letting the door close behind you two. “Sorry it’s a little messy it’s been along week” you say as your walking away from him towards your bedroom, he stops at your living room as you keep walking, enjoying the music and looking around at pictures on your wall.
You return with your keys and a sweatshirt and put them on your counter. He turns to you when he hears you enter the room again. “You like Bowie?” He says motioning yo the record player. As soon as he says it he thinks to himself what a stupid fucking question Javier. taking the record off the turntable and returning it back to its jacket you smile and nod looking at him “I do, he’s one of my favorites”
“Mine too” he reply’s holding your gaze.
He was in complete awe of you. He couldn’t take his eyes away from you, the way the dim light shinned on your face highlighting your smile and soft hazel eyes sent his head spinning. He had butterfly’s in his stomach, something that he had never felt with anyone before, and this scared him to his core. He broke your gaze walking past in to the kitchen….”ready to go” he says quickly hoping you didn’t pick up on his mood change. Really hoping you didn’t realize in that moment that you completely turned his world upside down.
You grab your sweatshirt and keys following behind him. He sees the sweatshirt in your arms as you’re locking the door. Rubbing the back of his neck he nervously gestures to it and says “you know I meant having drinks at my place not out right?”
“Yea I know, I just get cold easily sometimes so I figured I’d come prepared” you say with a small chuckle in your voice.
He makes a mental not of this comment, wanting to remember every detail he can about you incase you decided you like spending time with him.
He opens the door to his place for you and you both step in, him locking the door behind you both. His apartment is layed out about the same as yours and roughly the same size.
“ Make yourself comfortable I gonna change and I’ll grab us drinks”
You make yourself comfortable on the couch scanning around at the stuff in his living room, he didn’t have much on the way of pictures or anything about his life around. He has stacks of folders with papers filling them and empty glasses and a half full ash tray on his coffee table. A Tv and a VCR on a stand In front of the couch but not much else. He returns a moment later with two drinks in his hand and sits on the other side of the couch.
“You’re American I’m guessing?”
“I am”
“What are you doing down here?
“Oh, I work on the cleaning crew at the Embassy”
“You do? How come I’ve never seen you there before?” His tone sounds like he’s interrogating you.
“I usually keep to myself, I mostly clean of offices and conference rooms stuff like that after people are done with them. I’m also in charge of the supply rooms and make sure our team have the supplies we need. I mostly like to go unnoticed…so I don’t do the group cleaning jobs that the others do” you say looking down at your drink.
Changing the subject quickly you ask “are you American as well? do you work there too?”
“Not really but sort of, my team comes there sometimes for conferences, meetings and to use the file rooms to get more files and return ones we’ve taken”
“And yeah I’m American, my parents are both from South America. But I was born and raised in Texas. You never did say where you were from” he says raising a eyebrow
You chuckle” you know you sound like you’re interrogating me”
He chuckles and shrugs “well you don’t seem to mind because you keep talking to me”
“I guess one could say that” you say smiling looking up from you glass to realize he was looking at you intensely with his soft brown eyes. He notices you blush and looks away quickly.
“Most recently I’m from Boston” you say answering his question.
“Most recently?”he say puzzled by your answer.
You don’t want to elaborate but you realize your answer sounds sketchy.
“ I’ve moved around a lot the last couple years, trying to find somewhere that felt….that felt comforting I guess.”
“I-I’ve been through a-a lot” your voice shakes a little and you start to panic that you’re getting into a conversation you don’t want to have. He doesn’t let on that he notices but he does.
“But I moved out there with my best friend a little over a year ago, we share a place.”
“So what is it you do down here, I don’t believe you mentioned that”
“Oh look who’s interrogating who now” he chuckles smiling at you.
“Well you don’t seem to mind since you haven’t asked me to leave yet” you reply sarcastically smiling.
“Nah I guess your company isn’t terrible”he said smirking at you.
“Refill on your drink?” he asks, motioning to your glass as he stands
“Sure” you smile warmly as you meet his gaze as he reaches for your glass.
“Oh do you work with that Tall skinny blonde guy that’s at the embassy sometimes?”
We returns from the kitchen with the drinks. Puzzled he reply’s “you know Steve?”
“No not really” motioning to his badge on the coffee table. “I just recognized that you guys have the same kind of badges. He talks to me sometimes at the embassy, he’s come into the file room while I’m cleaning it before, usually makes small talk telling me about his wife. He seems nice.”
“Yea Steve is a good guy and a good partner. Glad to hear he’s nice to you, we’re both DEA Agents investigating Escobar.”
You sit up stretching your back with your arms over your head when your sleeve moves slightly and he notices the bruises on you’re upper arm. He reaches over and softly caresses the bruises catching you off guard.
“Are these from the situation the other night?”
You pull your arms down covering the bruises with your hand looking down into your glass of whiskey.
“Yes… they are, but they’re not from you pulling me away from him, they are from him grabbing me when you come out of your apartment.”
Silence filled the room for a moment.
“Y-You know you didn’t hurt me that night, I’m very thankful that you stepped in and pretty much saved me.”
“So what happened that night, is that guy your boyfriend?”
“He was a complete stranger, he was following me around the market down the street and insisted on carrying my bags for me because I was walking. He forced the bags out of my hands. I was really anxious and terrified so I went along with it because it was getting dark. When we reached the building he forced himself in the entry way. So I started acting like I couldn’t find my apartment keys as we were walking down the hall and that’s when he got really angry and grabbed me. I tried to pull away from him and that’s when I knocked into your door.”
“I hope I didn’t scare you more when I drew my gun on him.” He says staring down into his whiskey. “That’s the last thing I wanted do”
You reach over putting you hand on his shoulder, when you do he pulls his gaze up meet your. You had to admit there was something soothing about looking into his deep brown kind eyes.
“You didn’t scare me, in that moment I knew I was safe… or atleast I felt safe. I wasn’t scared of you at all.” You said giving him comforting smile. He puts his hand over yours for a moments giving it a squeeze.
You notice the time, it’s just past 12 am. You realize you’ve been here for hours. You stand up to stretch and yawn.
“ I should go, it’s getting late and I wouldn’t want to over stay my welcome.”
He stands and follows you into the kitchen as you put your glass in the sink.
“You’re welcome to stay over if you’d like”
Your both surprised by the offer. You feel your face heating up, you can feel your cheeks turning red and turn your gaze to the floor. Your showing a shyness that you hadn’t shown yet.
“T-Thank you for the offer but…but I can’t” your desire to stay and your need to throw up emotional walls competing.
“I’m im sor…” he cuts you off before you can finish. He places his large hand on your arm.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me and I’m sorry if I freaked you out.”
He pauses for a moment lightly rubbing his thumb pack and forth on your arm.
“ I would stay on the couch and give you the bed.”
In the moment you understand that he’s not trying to push you into sleeping with him. You give him a warm smile letting him know you understand what he means.
He would never admit it but he really enjoyed your company. Your nature was similar to his, you made him want to let his guard down and have a real conversation and and connection with someone. This was something he’s never experienced with anyone and that scared him. He Invited you to stay because he wanted to spend every moment he could in your presence because he was preparing himself for the strong possibility that you wouldn’t want to hang out again.
“Could I atleast walk you to your door?”
“Sure” you said trying to hid your huge smile.
“Thank you for the drinks, I had a nice time and it was nice to actually meet you outside of the circumstances of the other night”
“It was my pleasure” he said with the warmest smile. His striking deep brown eye locked on yours.
“ I know your work is busy and I image you don’t have a ton of free time but if you ever find yourself wanting some company you know where to find me.” You say turning to unlock your door and open it. You can’t see it but he has a huge smile on his face.
You turn back as your walking through your door.
“You know you don’t have to be afraid to smoke in front of me, I know you’ve wanted one all night, what do I look like some kind of prude?” You say chuckling and smiling at your joke he smiles and laughs back.
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hargrove-brainrot · 2 years
|The Afternoon Lifeguard|
🌶a smutty billy hargrove x fem! reader🌶
this is an older smut, but i didn’t feel like going back and editing everything 🏃‍♀️ so if there’s typos or anything just know that.
descriptive smut, (unprotected) sex, biting, cussing, oral stimulation, 69, car sex, teasing
as always, don’t like it? keep scrolling! don’t spread hate 🦇
one summer, you visit the hawkins community pool to cool down. however, you weren’t expecting one of the most desired boys in hawkins to be there. he greets you, takes you out to lunch, but the tension only rises.
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it was mid summer, and the weather had gotten hot as hell. it was late in the afternoon, and you just rinsed off in a cold shower. you were cooled off for a minute, but it didn’t last long. 
you then had an idea. the community pool was still open for a few more hours. it was close by, so you could walk there from your house. you also had a chance to try on your brand new bikini that you bought a few days ago while shopping around with a couple of your friends, nancy and robin. you would have invited steve, but you guys didn’t think he would be interested in following you guys around a mall while you shopped. 
you went to your walk in closet and changed into your new bikini. the top was black with two purple strings tying it together in the front. the bottoms were also black with tied purple strings on the sides. after that, you blow dried your hair and tied it in a low messy bun. you then put on some light makeup and sprayed on some vanilla scented perfume. you slung a dark colored blouse over your bikini, leaving it unbuttoned. after that, you slipped on your favorite pair of sandals, grabbed a duffle bag and made it out the door.
you’ve been to the pool a few times before. you never dressed up like you did today whenever you went because you knew that all your makeup and perfume would melt off anyways. 
you had a massive crush on a boy at school, and you certainly weren’t alone. you wanted nothing but to run your hands through his dirty-blonde curls. the way he wore his shirts nearly halfway unbuttoned drove you wild. and his arms, ugh, his arms were to die for. you imagined that he would know exactly how to touch you in all the right places, and all the lewd things he would whisper in your ear. 
you and billy talked a couple times, but it wasn’t enough to actually get to know each other well. all you knew was that he didn’t have an easy home life and that he was a total jack ass (the last part was what steve had told you, of course). 
your friends steve, robin and nancy were the only people you told about your crush on billy, because you knew they wouldn’t tell anyone. your circle of friends was good at keeping secrets, and you would do the same for any of them. the only person who MIGHT tell billy about your crush on him would be steve, but they hated each other so there was really no possibility to that. every time you brought it up to your friends, steve would tell you it’s not worth it to break your heart over a piece of shit. however, given that he hated billy, you couldn’t really expect a positive response. you still wanted to try, but you didn’t know how.
until today…
after you arrived to the pool, you walked to the main desk in the lobby and checked yourself in. you then walked outside to the pool and placed your bag and towel on one of the beach chairs. to your surprise, the pool was hardly busy at all. there were just a couple of kids and a mom. 
you laid back and relaxed yourself on the beach chair. you then pulled out a bottle of water and opened a bag of snacks you brought for yourself in your bag. you took a sip of your water before setting it in the small cup holder on the arm rest of the chair. 
just a moment later, you heard a door open from the main building. you saw a puff of smoke linger from the mens locker room before someone walked out. you grinned lightly, realizing that your prediction was right. your crush, billy hargrove, was indeed working the afternoon lifeguard shift.
you watched billy quietly, as he walked over to a lifeguard chair on the far end of the pool. his sweaty chest glistened in the sunlight. his toned abs were to die for, and so were his arms. his cut hips were irresistible, and his ass looked good in anything he wore.
moments after billy took a seat, you stood up from the beach chair you were seated on and let your hair down. you then took off the loosely fit blouse and set it down on the chair behind you. you took a breath and strolled over to the pool, making sure to be on billy’s side. 
billy looked down at you and pulled his sunglasses down off of his face. you noticed him looking at you and grinned awkwardly. billy grinned back at you, only cuter this time. you looked down for a second before looking back at him, and then looking away awkwardly. billy’s grin became wider until it was a full smile. he then put his sunglasses back on and leaned back in the lifeguard chair.
you began to step into the pool and let your body get used to the water temperature. it was a little chilly at first, but it felt good after a minute. you spent your time swimming a few laps, chilling in the shallow end, and then swimming a few more laps. little did you know, billy had been taking glimpses at you the whole time. 
 as you stepped out of the pool, you stroked your wet hair out of your face and took a deep breath. you looked up at the lifeguard chair and saw that billy wasn’t there, and assumed that he left. you looked around once more before fully stepping out of the pool.
“hey there”, a deep voice said behind you. startled, you turned around. “billy! hi” you responded, trying not to be awkward. “i brought you this”. billy handed you the towel you brought with you from your house. “oh, thanks”, you said as you took the towel from him. 
“ah, don’t mention it”, billy said, smirking at you, “i’m lovin’ these colors”. his eyes slowly scanned down your body. “oh! right”, you looked down at your bikini, “it’s… new”. “it keeps you cool, doesn’t it?”, he asked, putting gum in his mouth, “it’s nice and… revealing”. 
you got lost in his eyes and nearly dropped the towel you held. you jumped as you grabbed a hold of it. “woah”, billy chuckled, “you okay, doll?”. flustered, you look up at him, “i’m sorry, what?”. 
“you heard me”, billy cooed, licking his lips. you looked down and away from him, trying to hide the redness in your cheeks. “what are you doing after this?” billy asked, acting as if your face wasn’t flushed red. “i- um… just gonna hang at home probably”, you answered awkwardly, “wh… why do you ask?”. “well i just… don’t have anything to do after this” he responded, “my shift ends in a minute, maybe we could go stop for late lunch and maybe… stop by your place too?”
holy shit. billy hargrove asking YOU to hang out? you couldn’t believe it, you felt like you were dreaming. but you couldn’t pass this opportunity.
“sure!”, you responded quickly, “what did you have in mind?”. “i was thinkin’ maybe that place up the road by the pawn shop”, billy said, grinning, “i hear they have some fine entrées… whadya say?”. he said the last part with a more endearing tone as he gave another toothy smirk. god, did his smiles have you by the neck. 
“yeah… that sounds good”, you replied, feeding into his flirtatious behavior. “go get changed, i’ll meet you out front”. billy put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it before walking to the men’s locker room. you scurried to the women’s locker room, a giddy feeling filling your veins.
as you finished changing, you heard billy’s car engine revving out front. you jogged out of the women’s locker room with your wet bikini and tossed it in your duffle bag. billy rolled down the passenger side window as you made your way to his car. “you have everything?”, billy asked, cigarette smoke puffing out of his mouth. “yep, i have everything”, you said, leaning further into the door and pulling it shut. billy grinned as he licked the inside of his lip, switching the car to drive. 
billy drove fast. you knew that already from seeing him drive away after school, and each time you would imagine being in the car with him. you imagined him gripping your thigh as he waited impatiently to have his way with you, driving well over the speed limit. you imagined his hand slipping up over your clit, and all the naughty things he would whisper to you. as soon as you two would arrive, you imagined his lips all over your’s and down your neck. you imagined his big, skilled palms dancing all over you, touching you in all the right places.
you looked over at billy, his eyes on the road. his strong, bony hand was gripped firmly on the steering wheel, and it was intoxicating. every thing he did made you swoon.
you mindlessly began squeezing your legs together, creating friction against your sweet bits. you leaned your head back slightly, forgetting that billy was sitting right next to you. billy’s eyes left the road and his attention turned to you. “hey”, he said, noticing you squirming in the passenger seat, “you alright?”. “yeah!- yeah i’m, i’m good…”. billy’s mouth slightly hung open as he grinned. “yeah? you sure you don’t need… something else?”. his hand rested on your knee, his thumb making soft stroking motions. your legs splayed open slightly, billy moving his hand up your thigh. 
you looked at him deeply, a doe eyed look on your face. billy released some pressure on the gas peddle and began to drive slower. he leaned in and kissed you softly at first, but then it became harsher and more dominant. you let out little breaths and whimpers as his hand traveled further up your thigh. your hips gyrated forward as you craved billy’s touch, him groaning into your mouth as you did so. he knew exactly what you wanted, and made sure to make you as eager as possible. you couldn’t believe this was happening, and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 
billy’s lips traveled down your jaw and to your neck. he couldn’t get enough of the sounds that were escaping from you. he could already feel himself growling hard in his pants, and you could feel your wetness spreading in your panties. 
“billy- slow down” you whined, “you’re driving, remember?”. “calm down, babes”, billy cooed, continuing to nibble and lick your neck. his curls tickled your neck, making you groan in satisfaction. you closed your eyes and grinned, biting your lip.
“we’re here”, billy said, pulling into a parking spot. “get in the back seat”, he said, unbuckling his seatbelt. you stood up out of the car and slammed your door shut. you sat down on the back seat, billy kissing you roughly before you could shut the back door. you squealed before pulling your mouth off of his and shutting the car door, his hands sliding all over you still. 
as the door slammed shut, you sat up on billy’s lap and continued to kiss him, one of his hands firmly gripping your ass. you straddled yourself over one of billy’s legs and began grinding on his thigh. “so greedy”, he teased. soft breaths and whimpers left your lips as you continued to gyrate your hips on his leg. “alright enough of this”, billy said, “i want you to strip”. 
you paused for a moment. “billy, what if someone sees us?”. “let ‘em”, billy said with an endearing look in his eyes, “let them wish you were theirs”. “we can do it all we want when we get home- it won’t take that long to finish eating-“. you were suddenly pinned down to the seat, billy kissing you harshly. “here’s what’s gonna happen; i’m gonna pleasure you, and you’re gonna be a good girl and please me too”. 
“okay fi-“. “ah ah ah” billy teased, “what’s my name?”. you stayed silent as he began rubbing your clit through your undies. “say it”, he spat impatiently. “…daddy”. “good girl”. he unbuckled his belt and yanked off his shirt. “now, what did i say?”, he said, “strip.”. you pulled your shirt over your head and tossed to the side as billy began fumbling with the clamp of your bra, desperate to see your breasts. the clamp popped open as it slid off of your shoulders, billy licking his lips and grinning at the sight.
you whimpered as you puffed your chest out towards billy. “awww”, he purred, “i know you want me to touch them, but i wanna tease you somewhere else”. he unzipped his jeans and pulled off his boxers, his hardened member slinging out. you shimmied off your pants and undies and laid back onto the seat, eager for him to climb on top of you. “sit up”. you sat up immediately and hovered your hips over his. “ass in my face, now” billy ordered. “what do you mean-“. “- i said now”. you turned yourself around, your cunt over his face and your face over his cock. 
“you’re gonna suck me off while i eat you”, billy grinned, “and you’re gonna be a good girl and not lift yourself off”. excitement filled your body as you bit your lip at thought. billy growled into your cunt as he began lapping his tongue back and forth from your clit to your hole. you let out a moan and slowly lowered your mouth onto billy’s cock, making him growl again below you. he started poking his tongue into you, making you clench suddenly. you felt a harsh slap on one of your ass cheeks.
“don’t fucking cum” billy growled, “good girls don’t cum this early, do they?”. you wined in response, sending vibrations over his hard. he groaned again and harshly sucked at your clit, making you squeal. billy felt your clit throbbing in his mouth even after he told you not to cum.
“fuck”, billy growled, “i’m so fucking close”. he was trying his hardest not to jerk his hips upward, and you could tell. his nails dug into your ass, and you did the same to his. “cum in my mouth” he groaned, “cum all over my face like the naughty girl you are”. you squealed with pleasure, which would have been a scream if billy’s cock wasn’t in the way. you ground your hips down onto his face, your cunt gushing all over his face. 
seconds later, billy released in your mouth. his juices shot to the back of your throat, making you choke. a mixture of his juices and your saliva dribbled out of your mouth as your lifted yourself off. 
you were suddenly pinned backwards to the seat, the cold leather making you flinch. billy kissed you harshly before you could say anything. “i’m gonna fuck you now”, billy whispered in your ear. he eagerly lined his hard up with your cunt, rubbing it between your folds.
a subtle moan left your lips as your back arched. billy stared deeply in your eyes as you did the same. after a moment, billy perked up. “fuck, im not holding back anymore”, billy seethed. he suddenly thrusted into you, both of you letting out loud moans.
billy started thrusting. hard and fast, just as you imagined. he was loudly grunting and growling, as if he had been craving this for as long as you have. 
“you have no idea how- mmm-“, billy groaned, “how long i’ve been waiting for- this~”. “i could say- AHH~”, you let out, “the same~”. he sloppily kissed you, his tongue slipping into your mouth. you groaned into his mouth as he did so. 
“awww, look at that”, billy purred, glancing at your hardened nipples, “do these want some attention?”. you whined, your cunt throbbing at the thought. billy felt it, grunting louder. his mouth latched onto one of your nipples, your mouth lolling open. your head stretched backwards as your fingers intertwined with billy’s curls. 
billy was still thrusting into you at a mind numbing pace. your tongue was hung out of your mouth. billy noticed and stuck a thumb in your mouth, pressing it onto your tongue. “that better?”. you mindlessly let out a winey groan, whirling your tongue around his finger. 
“fuck”, billy growled, picking up his speed, “such a naughty girl~”. he went back to nibbling and sucking your breasts, this time giving the opposite breast more attention. your clit throbbed again, gushing out a bit of juices. billy grunted against your breast as he felt your juices trickle down his cock. 
“you wanna cum”, billy purred, “don’t you?”. you wined in response. “say it.”, he growled. “yes- billy- let me cum!”. “good girl~”, billy praised. he snaked his hand to the back of your head and tugged your hair. you tightened around him and squealed, biting your lip afterwards.
“you like that?”, billy breathed, tugging your hair harder, “hmm?”. he felt you clench even harder. he thrusted harder and faster, knowing that your orgasm was close. your back arched as he did so. 
you suddenly squeezed around his cock as your juices spewed out of you. billy growled as you did, his member becoming extremely sensitive. “good fucking girl”, he spat.
billy nibbled on your neck and thrusted even harder. you were lost on pleasure as you were being fucked through your orgasm. “i’m not holding back anymore-“ billy grunted, “i’m gonna, i’m gonna-“. 
billy growled loudly into your ear as he released inside you. he bit down on your shoulder, making you squeal. you couldn’t believe what you just did. you never thought this day would come.
“you okay?”, billy huffed. “mhm…”, you groaned weakly. “you did so good, babes”, he praised, “is your throat okay?”. “it’s already a little sore”, you said, swallowing afterwards. billy chuckled, kissing down your neck a couple times.
you guys rested for a bit, but not for long. after all, you still had a long-awaited date to attend.
THANK YOU FOR READING!!!! if you liked this, follow me if you want >:)
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Nonbinary son of Montana’s GOP governor is lobbying their father to protect trans people
David Gianforte, the nonbinary son of Montana’s Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte, has been lobbying their father to oppose the legislature’s anti-trans bills. 32-year-old David’s conversation with the Montana Free Press was the first time they spoke publicly about their gender identity. They said it felt like their duty to speak up and use their influence as the state legislature contemplates three bills to ban gender-affirming care, outlaw drag performances in front of minors, and define sex as exclusively binary and biological. --- Related Stories Montana GOP bans trans lawmaker from House floor after protest & “blood on hands” comment Zooey Zephyr said she would “continue to make the difficult moral choices” to represent her constituents despite the ban. --- “I feel like I have a voice and I can be heard,” David said. “And I feel, not only in communicating with my father, that’s not necessarily the main point, but also just showing support for the transgender community in Montana, I think that could be meaningful, especially at this time.” David met with their father during the workday like an average constituent. They said their family doesn’t talk much about politics or their identity, and they felt coming at this in a more professional manner made the most sense. “He was very willing to meet with me,” David said. David told their father that the bills “would significantly directly affect a number of my friends” and “are immoral, unjust, and frankly a violation of human rights.” According to David, the governor was very open to hearing his son’s concerns but ultimately decided to express support for the gender-affirming care ban and even propose amendments to strengthen it. In his letter to the legislature, Gov. Gianforte called the term gender-affirming care “Orwellian Newspeak” that “masks its true nature of permanent, invasive, life-altering medical and surgical procedures on children.” All of this, even though minors almost never receive gender-affirming surgery and instead are treated with reversible puberty blockers. Additionally, major medical organizations like the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics support age-appropriate gender-affirming care. In the same letter, the governor claimed his “heart goes out” to trans people and that they “deserve love, compassion, and respect.” David blasted the hypocrisy: “It’s bizarre to me to read the press release that my father put out. He talks about compassion toward children, the youth of Montana, while simultaneously taking away health care from the youth in Montana. It’s basically a contradiction in my mind.” They also posited that their father is under immense pressure to follow others in the Republican Party. “He is concerned about his career. He has particular issues that he focuses on, such as jobs and the economy. And he’s aware that being able to stay in the position of governor is dependent on him staying in favor of the Republican Party, and I believe that that affects his decisions on some of these bills.” David has also been speaking out to support trans Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D), who Republicans just banned from the state house chamber in retaliation for supporting protestors who shared her opposition to the anti-trans legislation. “I stand in support of @ZoAndBehold and the entire LGBTQ+ community of Montana,” David tweeted last week, “which includes myself and many of my friends. I have worked to oppose bills in the current MT Legislative session including SB 99 and SB 458.” I stand in support of @ZoAndBehold and the entire LGBTQ+ community of Montana, which includes myself and many of my friends. I have worked to oppose bills in the current MT Legislative session including SB 99 and SB 458.— David Gianforte (@davidfg4) April 20, 2023 http://dlvr.it/SnCPt2
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green-socks · 2 years
Dubious Times at the El Royale
Pairing: Miles Miller x F!reader
Summary: You have a major crush on your colleague Miles. One evening after a long shift Miles takes some new drug, and ends up thinking he's just having very vivid fantasies, when in reality you really are naked under him, even though you thought you knew better.
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Please read these! This is over 18 only!! Unprotected PiV (we know better!), !!dubious consent due to Miles' drug use!!, an unknown/unspecified drug, loss of virginity, coming inside without permission. Reader has a lot of guilt over having sex before marriage because she was raised like that and the movie was set in the 60s and not like 2019, so. If these things make you uncomfortable, don't read, thanks! (All ends well tho so it's alright)
Notes: I have never written anything like this before, but something about Miles' face all bloody and pretty made me want to go a touch darker than usual? I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm experimenting. Fortunately, I can thank @hederasgarden and @lorecraft for being absolutely amazing betas and helping me make sense of all this. Love you! Special shoutout to @hederasgarden for listening me talk about this a lot and not hating me for it <3 Also I'm sorry about the silly title lmaoo
gif by the beautiful @a-reader-and-a-writer
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You liked Miles Miller. Well, more than liked. Head over heels was probably a better way to describe it. He was so sweet and considerate, always so polite to you and everyone, and not to mention handsome. You often found yourself gazing at him from across the hotel lobby, completely lost in a daydream, until something jolted you out of it and you remembered where you were.
But Miles wasn’t all bright eyes and soft smiles. One time you had accidentally discovered his secret, the addiction he was trying to hide from everyone, and while you had been shocked, you also understood. You had heard how many veterans turned to drugs to deal with everything they had experienced in the war. You didn’t know if you could rightly judge him for that, since you couldn’t even imagine the horrors he must have seen.
Of course, you worried for him a bit, but didn’t want to seem overbearing. It wasn’t your place. You just tried to make sure you were always kind to him in return and helped around as much as you could. You wanted to make his life a little bit easier, make him smile more often.
You weren’t sure if he returned your feelings, though that didn’t stop you from dreaming about it. And sometimes you did feel like he maybe liked you back, but then again it was a little hard to tell for certain since he got easily flustered with most people anyway. Which you found totally adorable.
It had been a really long day. You were tidying up the very last of the rooms, but you were stumped. The previous resident had rearranged the room to their liking, apparently, and you were trying to move all the furniture back into their right places.
Thing was, you were only one person, and the furniture was pretty heavy. You would need help to be able to move them all. Everyone else had already gone home, it was just you and Miles, so you left to go get him. Surely the two of you could handle the furniture easily. Plus, you were thrilled at the possibility of spending more time alone with Miles.
Miles wasn’t at the front desk, so you went to check the storage room where he often went. And sure enough, there he was sitting on the floor.
It was clear from his face that he had taken something already. Probably not a lot, but some. He still looked fit to help you work though, so you asked him to come with you.
Miles even removed his jacket to lift and move the pieces of furniture, and you tried not to openly gawk while his surprisingly strong arms lifted the chairs you were unable to. It was making you feel quite tingly. The bed you moved together since it was so big, and afterwards, when the last piece was in its right place and you had changed the sheets, you collapsed on the bed. Just to rest your legs for a little while.
Miles sat down next to you, and when you turned to look at him, he was watching you with a strange expression on his face. You couldn’t really tell what he was thinking at all.
“What?” you chuckled.
“Uhm..” He pulled what looked like a cigarette out of his pocket. “A guest gave this to me earlier. I was thinkin’ of smoking it tonight.”
“Oh. Well, you can go ahead,” you shrugged, not really knowing if it was a good idea or bad to stay with him here, but you figured you could still talk while he smoked.
“He said it was somethin’ new, but that I would be sure to enjoy it,” he explained while lighting it.
“Are you sure that’s safe?” you asked carefully.
“Yeah- yeah he’s gotten me stuff before,” Miles said, giving a rueful smile. “And it can’t be worse than what I usually do.”
His voice was laced with guilt, and you felt bad for him. He clearly carried a lot inside him.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Though you didn’t know what exactly was okay, you still put a hand on his arm to show him you meant to comfort.
“You’re too good to me, you know,” Miles mumbled.
“Nonsense, Miles! Besides, you’re always so kind to me, too. I like you for it,” you finished shyly.
“You’re like an angel on earth,” he said wistfully, as if he didn’t notice he said it out loud.
You were getting well and truly flustered now. Did he really think that? You supposed the drug could be making him think that, but he didn’t seem that high yet. Plus, it would be a weird drug, making someone think something like that out of nowhere, wouldn’t it?
The smell of the drug was in the air now, and so was the smoke, wrapping around you both like a blanket. You felt quite relaxed, sitting here on the bed with Miles, talking quietly. It was nice. You even dared to get a little bolder with your flirting, trying to see if he would respond to it. He seemed more open in this bubble you two shared, with no one else around and the whole place quiet. Like he could forget about everything for a while.
You didn’t know where you found the bravery to put your hand on his thigh, just above his knee, as you leaned in closer and laughed at something he said. It seemed to have an effect on Miles, however. But instead of getting flustered like usually – well, he was still breathing harder and getting redder – he did something unexpected.
He kissed you.
He leaned in and put his mouth on you, and you forgot how to breathe for a second. You made a surprised noise, but once the shock wore off you quickly kissed him back. It was somehow both sweet and desperate at the same time. You grabbed the collar of his shirt to pull him closer to you, which made you topple backwards on your back, effectively pulling Miles on top of you. Both of you let out a little oomph but didn’t stop kissing.
You didn’t plan on deepening the kiss, or rolling your hips against his instinctively, but it happened all the same. It was as if your body knew what it wanted before your brain did, and it all seemed to light a fire inside Miles.
Before you knew it, he was taking off your apron and your work dress, and it didn’t quite occur to you to stop him. Especially not when he ripped off his own shirt, revealing his pale skin to you. How were you supposed to think rationally when he was kissing his way down to your breasts, and you felt yourself getting all slippery between your legs? How were you supposed to remember this was a sin when it felt so good? How were you ever not supposed to give in when the boy you liked was looking down at you like that? 
Or when he gasped, “This can’t be real. This is a dream.”
You giggled breathlessly and told him that it was real, though you had trouble believing it yourself.
However, when Miles started opening his trousers and you came face to face, so to speak, with his arousal, the hazy cloud of lust lifted somewhat. This wasn’t how you had imagined your first time to go, though you had dreamed it would be with Miles, oh you had dreamed it many times, it was in a very different setting. Somewhere romantic, and when you were already at least engaged.
You knew it was wrong to want this now. You should wait. It wasn’t right. But you wanted him so much, you did.
“Miles.. we– we shouldn’t.. you know,” you bit your lip, looking up at him.
But at the same time his hand had found its way to touch you between your legs, and your words trailed off as Miles groaned loudly, as if he was the one getting touched like that.
“So perfect.. Not real,” he whispered.
Miles slid one finger inside you, making you gasp. He moved his finger back and forth, like you sometimes did when you were alone, but it felt so different like this. So much more.
It felt so good, and Miles was clearly enjoying it as much as you were. He was moaning loudly, his eyes screwed shut, and you couldn’t deny it all added to your excitement. He was so handsome.
Your lust addled brain screeched into a halt though when you felt the press of something considerably larger than his finger at your entrance.
“M-miles,” you stammered. “We should wait..“
But Miles wasn’t hearing you. He seemed as if in a trance, eyes still screwed tight shut, his body trembling slightly as he pushed himself inside your tight heat, just that first inch.
“Miles,” you squeaked, feeling it sting as he stretched you. 
“Ohhhh, god, so perfect. My sweet, perfect angel. I never wanna hurt you,” he panted.
You squirmed, trying to adjust to him, which made him groan again. It seemed that he was speaking the truth about not wanting to hurt you however, because when he was finally all the way in, he stopped, hips flush against you.
“So perfect, so good, feel so good around me, better than anythin’. I could never deserve you,” he blabbered, pressing kisses on your skin wherever he could reach.
You were feeling so torn. This wasn’t how you planned it, this shouldn’t be happening, but Miles really seemed to enjoy it, and you didn’t know what to do.
And then he started rocking into you, and your whole world shifted.
It was shameful. You were so ashamed, you were raised better than this, but heavens above, you liked it. It felt good. The slight sting of pain was no longer there, and instead you felt warmth spread all through your torso. Your emotions were all over the place, your brain telling you a different story from your body.
“Miles, we should stop, it’s not right,” you whispered, covering your face with your hands.
Again, it seemed he didn’t even hear you – instead his thrusts picked up pace, and he kept moaning breathlessly, “So good, oh, my angel, I dream of you every night.”
His words made you shiver, and you felt like you were going out of your mind. The feeling only got stronger as he sneaked a hand between your bodies where you were joined, circling his fingers over the bud at the apex.
You felt your whole body buzzing at the feeling, and you knew what would happen next. He was going to make you reach that peak whether it was right or not. Worse, you wanted him to. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably now, and you felt tears in your eyes, though you weren’t sure if they were because it felt so good or because it was so wrong.
“Miles, shit, you’re gonna make me– It’s–“
The rest of what you were going to say got cut off as you gasped and whimpered, feeling the tide take over, and you were helpless to do anything but surrender to it.
Miles panted open-mouthed moans into your neck as you orgasmed, but he didn’t slow down. No, he only picked up his pace, and it was clear he was aiming for his own peak now.
That’s when you heard a car door slam in the parking lot.
“Miles!” Your eyes flew open. “There’s a guest coming, they could come here and oh Miles someone could see!”
Your sweet Miles was fully lost to the pleasure, however – his hips kept ramming into you, hard, all the while his cries got even louder.
“Ohh god, you’re so perfect, you’re gonna make me come!”
“Miles!” you gasped.
“I love to hear you say my name, angel,” he moaned.
“Miles you can’t finish inside me!” He was on top of you so completely you could hardly move, let alone jostle him enough to make him pull out.
And amidst all this, you had the thought of how you’d give anything to have his child, if it were under different, more secure, circumstances. You felt so dirty. Why did you like this so much, even when you knew you shouldn’t have done it in the first place? You whimpered his name one last time as his whole body shook, and he cried out his release into your neck.
Tears pricked in your eyes. You were so overwhelmed with guilt and the slowly fading desire. How could you have done this?
“Miles we have to get up, there’s a guest waiting, come on.”
Apparently now finally mindful enough of not crushing you, Miles slid out of you, making you whimper again. He collapsed on the bed next to you, still panting. You were still in shock, trying to process everything that had happened, blinking up at the ceiling. You knew there could be consequences for doing something like this, especially out of wedlock, but you hadn’t been able to care about that in the moment. Even though you had been taught to do so all your life.
The spiraling thoughts were interrupted when you heard the bell from the front desk ringing again. Then you jumped into action, frantically pulling your work dress back on and scurrying out of the room. You couldn’t deal with this right now, there was a guest waiting and if you stopped to think about what just happened you might freak out a bit. Thinking of things like what did this mean and does he love you and what will happen next, so it was better to just get back to work.
Miles didn’t show up again for the rest of your shift that evening, but you found him absolutely freaking out behind the front desk when you came to work the next day. All the turmoil of the previous night flew out of your head the moment you saw him in distress like that.
“Miles? What’s going on? Is something wrong?”
He turned to look at you, face all scrunched up in worry and like three different kinds of pain.
“You– You left your apron in that room. I woke up in there and was all alone but there was your apron and.. what happened?” he whispered, looking a little bit terrified of what the answer would be.
Your stomach dropped all the way to the floor. Oh no, this was so much worse. Was he really so high he didn’t even remember?
“Y-you don’t remember? What we…. did,” you gulped on the last word.
“We did?!” he cried, making you jump a litte. You’d never heard him so loud, and even after last night that was saying something.
“You mean I wasn’t– That I– It was real??”
“Felt like that to me,” you croaked feebly. This was all kinds of horrible. Maybe he hadn’t even really wanted you. Maybe he’d thought you were someone else. Oh god. You would have to leave the country. This was so embarrassing.
Miles fell out of sight behind the corner. Thinking he had fainted or something in shock you rushed to open the countertop to get to him.
He was on his knees on the floor, tears in his eyes and his chin quivering.
“I am so, so sorry. I can’t believe I did that to you. I thought I imagined it all, but when I woke up and you was gone and your apron and the smell.. and I thought maybe it was real after all and I am so sorry. I swore to myself I’d never hurt you. I swore I’d keep away; I couldn’t deserve you,” he babbled as the tears now leaked out of his eyes.
“I swear I didn’t realize, I thought I was just alone and…. well.. you know… It seemed more vivid than usual but I still never believed it could have been real,” he sniffled.
That part gave you pause. More vivid than usual? He had thought he’d been alone and just fantasizing? As in, he has done that while thinking of you? More than once? Did he do it often?? Your mind was buzzing with questions.
“You don’t have to forgive me, but I’ll do anythin’ to show you I’m sorry. We should of course get married–”
“Now back up just a minute, Miles,” you sternly stopped his rambling.
His head snapped back up, those teary eyes looking up at you now.
“I like you, but I do not want you to shotgun yourself into marrying me. That’s not how I want my marriage to happen.”
You kneeled on the floor opposite him.
“And yeah, I do appreciate the apology, because that would explain some things, maybe, that you were too high to know what was real… But also, in case you don’t remember – and maybe you don’t – I did like it. A lot, actually. Sure, I was really ashamed, too, because I shouldn’t have liked it, we definitely shouldn’t have done it. For god’s sake, we aren’t even together, let alone married or even engaged.. and at work!” You took a deep breath before continuing. “But it was you. Of course I still wanted it.”
Miles’ sniffles had quieted, and he was looking at you with a wide eyed expression.
“I had imagined it going a little differently.. like we’d have at least several dates first and–”
“We could still do that,” Miles blurted out, a little desperate. “If-if you wanted to. You probably don’t, what am I thinkin’, especially after that..” he trailed off.
“It would be a bit of a backwards approach, but maybe we could try a date and see what happens?” you tried to suggest tentatively.
“You mean it?”
You nodded and smiled. “I’d really like that.”
“I promise I won’t touch you again until I’ve at least given you a ring. And I promise I’ll never get high again. I won’t do that again.” His jaw was set, and he had a flushed determination on his sweet face.
 “It’s okay, Miles. One step at a time,” you smiled. “We’ll figure it out.” You leaned in to kiss his still wet cheek. 
And then you heard the sound of a car from the parking lot again, reminding you of where you were. But this time when you jumped up and straightened your dress to get ready to greet the customer, you did so with a much lighter heart and a genuine smile.
tagging: @skvatnavle
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swtki · 3 years
Enemy - E. C
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Vampire! Fem! Reader
Summary: Edward meets his seductress once again
Warnings: Smut, 18+ content, banter between muses, femdom, Sub! Edward, not in an alternate universe just set in the seventies, Volturi! Reader, oral (m), mention of Edward being killed, swearing of course, Vaginal sex, kinda dubcon but not really? Public alley sex.
A/N: Edward smut is hard you mfs better love this.
If he had a working heart, he was sure it would be pounding so loud the whole city could hear. He sat on his balcony, eyes scanning the crowded Paris streets. To find her, the woman who was to destroy him. Alice had warned him just a week ago, her vision being one of chaos and pain. Behind it all, was a womans face. Not just any face however, it was Y/N. A member of the Volturi, whose heart was set on pulling him limb from limb. Everyone in the house had decided it would be best if Edward were to depart from their permanent home, flee to Paris for a short time. He was akin to being alone, but to be alone while watching over your back 24/7 was not the same. While he hated every second of his existence; He knew that if he were to give up and let her kill him, she would surely only continue to his family. He couldn’t let that happen, so he kept moving in the shadows. She wouldn’t move on until she had his head.
He racked his brain, trying to figure out a long term plan as this could only work for so long. She was strong, killing her wouldn’t be easy nor would it be something he wanted to do. Perhaps he could change her mind, he could talk her down from her dedication.
He sighed, walking into the main room and grabbing his jacket.
He needed to eat.
The elevator ride down was slow, and he tapped his finger against his thigh. How he hated human life, but at the same time desired it more than anything. Tedious elevators, the need to eat every single day, the need to sleep. The doors finally slid open, allowing him to walk down the lobby and out of his building.
The street was unusually crowded at this time, the past five days the streets were deserted as soon as the clock struck nine-pm. He couldn’t run to the closest forrest or country plaine, he needed to leave the area before they could see him take off.
So, he started walking. Voices filled his head - the French didn’t try to hold back compared to Americans. Thats when he realized, it was friday night. There were people flooding the streets. More specifically, humans flooding the streets.
“Shit.” He breathed out, knowing that he’d not only have to cancel his meal, but interrupt someone else's. He started walking to the loud music, cursing himself for being this stupid. Who other than Edward Cullen would want to find his potential murderer?
As people danced to the music, he slid toward the bar. He ordered a beer to maintain face amongst the others around him.
“Merci.” He started to turn back to the dancing bodies, but stopped when he heard the order the bartender was receiving.
“Un whisky et un verre de ce champagne.“ The man said, waiting for his drinks to be prepared. Thats when Edward realized. He had ordered champagne. Both the human man and the bartender had thought it was weird someone would order champagne in a club like this. But she always ordered champagne, always. It was what she would tell her victims to order before she took them outside.
He watched the man take the drinks, hoping he was wrong about the partner. He cursed as he realized he wasn’t. She drank, flirted, and of course lured him outside. Throwing some coins on the bartop, he quickly followed. But, he was too late. Her body was flush against the human mans, she was having a bloody good meal. Edward would be lying if he didn’t debate joining her.
“I see you’re still denying your nature.” She pulled off of him, letting the body drop as she stood still.
“I see you’re still wearing red so you don’t need to worry about stains.” He replied. She smiled and turned to him, looking him from head to toe. “I don’t know why you still despise me after all these years, Y/N.” her smile faded.
“Despise you? No, Edward I quite admire you.” She walked over to him and pressed her hand to his shoulder, “I really do think you’re one of the strongest of our kind. You could be stronger, but you suppress yourself. You drink rats blood, while I drink how our kind is meant to. Shame, really.” She walked behind him and her hand wrapped around his neck. He couldn’t move, her powers overtook him. “Imagine the life you and I could lead if you would just submit”. He shuddered at the last word. He was always a sucker for her when it came to seduction and she knew it.
“What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing much. I just want the natural order to be restored.” She smiled and kissed his neck sofly. “Imagine yourself, in Italy with the most powerful of our kind. You could have me every night - for the rest of eternity.” his eyelashes fluttered as she continued kissing his neck. “Do you want to see how good it would feel to be with me every night?”
“Please.” He whimpered. Thats all she needed to release him from her grasp and push him against the dark brick wall. Their lips connected as if they were puzzle pieces, moving in perfect harmony with each other. She pulled away, slithering down on her knees, she was going to make him realize how much he needed her.
“Shall I?” She asked, running her hand up his thigh softly.
“Yes, God, please.” Edward begged, she loved hearing him beg for her touch.
“You always were weak when it came to sex, wonder if you still moan at the smallest, little,” Her hand groped his growing cock. His stomach fluttered with pleasure, and he couldn’t hold his moan, “Touch. Edward, you can read my mind, you can see what I have planned.” He looked inside her head, seeing the pleasure she could inflict upon his body if he would just wave a white flag.
As she took off his trousers, he debated surrendering or not. Was she worth living a life he wanted nothing more than to shun? Every time they saw each other, the sex was electric almost. She made him feel like a prey being hunted by a predator, and he loved that. As much as he hated to admit it, part of the reason he kept turning down the offer was because he didn’t want to ruin the cat and mouse relationship. He knew she loved the chase, that was why she was so persistent. But did he still feel a hatred towards her? Yes. He had seen her slaughter entire groups because she didn’t get her way. But tonight, he decided, he would wave a white flag and lower it once the sun rose.
He snapped back to reality, she hooked her fingers around the waistband of his briefs, looking up at him through her long lashes. He looked down, beginning to place his hands on her head, but was stopped by her pinning him to the wall. Her gift was useful in many situations.
Tugging down, she smiled when his dick was finally isolated. He was all hers tonight, he was painfully hard for her and only her. Her hand grasped the shaft, pumping a few times before licking a long stripe up. He made a moan of pleasure and she rewarded him with taking his length down her throat. She gagged and felt his hips buck, making her withdrawal.
“Wait-” He began.
“No, you broke the rules. What did I tell you about greed, Edward?”
“That it had no place in our sex life.” She smiled and stood, slapping his cheek a few times.
“Dress. We’ll be going to my hotel room, you may not deserve anything, but I do.” He rushed to pull up his pants and follow her.
She pushed him down on the bed as soon as the door was shut, lifting her dress up, she straddled him.
“Imagine, you agree and this is every night for the rest of our time.” Pulling down his pants she spat on her hand and guided him to her slick cunt. He slid in with ease, making her eyes roll into her skull. He could hear her mind scramble as she slowly rocked her hips. “Feel so fucking good, shame you have to be so fucking stupid.”. He was sure if he had blood he would have just bitten it and bled out. She was so fucking hot, watching her nails dig into his firm stomach. He adored her from this angle, especially when she didn’t even bother to to take her clothes off.
“Can I touch you, please?” She smiled and nodded, letting his hand move so his thumb could skillfully rub her clit, making the coil in her stomach tighten. Her movements got faster, and he heard her mind beg for more. He slightly lifted his hips while continuing his fingers. Her orgasm washed over her, causing her to scream out in pure bliss. She stopped her hips, swinging her leg over his body and straightening her dress. He looked at her in confusion, he still hadn’t cum.
“You can cum when you agree to join me. I had my fun, now leave.” She said coldly. He pulled his pants back up, stumbling back to the apartment he had spent every night and day in. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t consider saying yes to her.
As long as it was her
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This is anthropology/philosophy student!harry who you meet at a museum on a random Wednesday afternoon, when you duck inside on your way home from class because it’s pouring rain and you figure you’ll camp out the storm in the lobby for a bit, just until it’s tame enough for you to finish walking down the block to your apartment. However, it ends up raining longer than you expected, so you end up wandering around to pass the time.
He’s one of the tour guides who works under one of the museum’s anthropologists, and he picks up shifts as part of his shadowing program since he needs the experience and enjoys educating people on the history the exhibits have to offer. You join one of his group sessions that are open to walk-ins, and you find his excitement and motivation about the artifacts and stories to be really adorable.
He’s good at explaining the significance and cultures behind all of the civilizations, and his expertise makes it obvious how passionate he is towards his studies. You wind up talking to him one on one a bit after the tour is finished, wanting to pick his brain for information given how interesting he had made everything sound, and you come to find that his specifications and preferences lie within researching ancient intimacy rituals across all of humanity. In layman terms, he’s spent the last couple of years becoming an expert on sex. He’d ingrained his interest in anthropology with his interest in intimacy (“I guess you could call me a historical sexologist, in a way.”), and wants his doctorate on the matter in order to teach it as a career.
It’s the first time you’ve ever heard someone be so invested in sex from such an unorthodox perspective, so you ask him what had drawn him to that subject. The way he constructs his answer leaves you wonderstruck and itching to get to know him more.
“Traditions that stem from vulnerability are some of the most fundamental behaviors observed across all of humanity, that much is known. I could sit here all fucking day and talk about human sacrifices and Egyptian embalming techniques and journeys through the afterlife, but what I find to be the most vulnerable and compelling phenomenon in humans is something that comes from a place nobody can truly understand: love. Death is interesting, sure— it holds that awe factor that comes from the fact that no one can evade it, and from fear of the unknown. Love lies on the other end of the spectrum, but it’s just as vital. No one controls who they fall in love with, or when, or how, or why, and no one knows what’s going to happen as a result. If you die, you die; you’re gone, and that’s really it. If you fall in love, it only opens a billion more possibilities for the future. No one knows if their infatuation will stay, if it’ll fade, if it’ll come back, if they’ll ever find it. Every single human that has walked this earth has had love cross their mind at one point or another; it’s inevitable, because even the cruelest of rulers have fallen victim to it. Fuck, Greece went to war for it, didn’t it?”
“That’s very true.”
“Of course it is. Why would I lie to such an outstanding pupil?”
“Oh, I’m an outstanding pupil?”
“You stayed after class to ask questions, so that gets you a gold star in my book. Maybe even a higher reward, if I’m feeling generous.”
“And what exactly would this reward be?”
“If you keep stroking my ego by listening to me word vomit my thesis, maybe you’ll find out.”
“Alright, I’ll bite. Go ahead, Plato.”
“Perfect. So with all of this in mind, what’s the one aspect that’s always naturally linked to love? Sex. Life depends on it, happiness comes from it, and it never loses its appeal. Civilizations that span across all of time have had different cultures, languages, customs, and circulated different continents, but the one thing that connects them all is that sex has always been held to a crucial standard. There’s hieroglyphics depicting smut on the walls of pyramids, there’s phallic engravings on the pavement in Roman cities, there’s naked angels painted onto the domes of cathedrals, there’s ancient Chinese art that’s basically just straight porn, Donatien Alphonse François wrote detailed erotica about his bdsm fantasies back in the 1800s, Catherine the Great commissioned furniture whittled into erotic scenes and genitalia— it’s everywhere. It’s always been a way to express some of the most important human emotions a person can experience: romance, passion, and power. Romance is obvious— it’s used as a gateway to connect your heart to someone. Passion is, too— you use sex as a way to perform what you can’t put into words. Power is the most fascinating one— sex is a way to express dominance, or give trust, or hold control, so when you strip it down to its core, it can be seen as an exchange of power. Despite the changes that humans have undergone over thousands of years, the habits and practices that pertain to sex have remained nearly the same. I think that type of timelessness and resilience is very beautiful, and it should be studied more often.”
That’s all it takes for you to get hooked on him. He’s smart, witty, kind, and well-spoken. He has ambition, drive, and philosophical diligence. He stimulates every curiosity you have, and if the way he glances down at you with a faint suggestive glint in his rosemary eyes is any indication, you seem to be stimulating his curiosity quite a bit, as well. You chat for a while longer, and by the time you decide to head home, the rain has long passed to the point where the pavement is dry. He offers to drive you the rest of the way to your apartment since his own is in route, and as you’re getting out of his passenger’s seat and turning around to thank him, you’re met with a scrap of laminated paper cradled towards you in his outstretched hand.
It appears Harry— you’d caught his name from the nametag that had been stapled to his sweater vest— has ripped off the corner of a museum brochure from the stack he keeps in his backseat, and when you take a closer look, his phone number is scribbled across its expanse in messy cursive handwriting. He shrugs his eyebrows playfully (perhaps you detect a bit of hope in his expression, as well) and uses the knuckle of his forefinger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose almost nervously. “If you ever wanna talk more about the philosophical implications of sex rituals, here’s where you can reach me. Only if you’re comfortable, of course.”
You end up getting coffee that Friday evening, and the more you talk and unravel his brain, the more unbelievably attractive he becomes. He’s easy on the eyes already, that much is ridiculously obvious; he has shiny chestnut curls, dimples that carve into his tinted cheeks when he laughs, defined cheekbones and a chiseled jaw, his irises remind you of raw emeralds, and he’s lean and broad in a way that isn’t overwhelming. But aside from his perfect physique, he’s intelligent, self-assured, and clever, yet he doesn’t come off as arrogant or condescending. And he doesn’t mansplain his knowledge, either. He listens to your takes on certain topics with patience and devotion, he compliments your way with words, and he tells you he really enjoys learning through you because, “your opinions and explanations are so elaborate, yet you express them so easily. Like, they’re complex, but you’re so confident in what you’re saying that it comes off really well. And the way you hold yourself when you speak— your brows kinda scrunch a bit when you’re thinking, and you gesture a lot with your hands, and you chew on your bottom lip when you’re analyzing something. It keeps me engaged; I like it.”
“Thank you. I think.” You laugh lightly as you set down your French vanilla latte, tapping your nails distractedly against the ceramic cup. You need somewhere to dispose of all the jitters he’s giving you, and drumming on your drink is the best outlet you have at the moment. “I’ve never had someone compliment me like that before.”
He gives you a cheeky grin over the rim of his coffee mug, humming smugly through the motion as the steam from the liquid fogs up the bottom portion of his glasses slightly. “S’kinda hot, not gonna lie.”
“My brain?”
“You in general, love.”
You can’t stop yourself from inviting him over that night after your date, but much to your surprise, he declines the offer. Apparently, he has a four date rule when it comes to getting intimate with someone. He explains that he does this in order to see if whatever they’re kindling is worth the effort, and you can respect that. It’s a mature state of mind, honestly— it’s a way to avoid getting ghosted or strung along, and that’s admirable and responsible. It’s not often you find a man who so readily turns down sex on the first date, and even though it’s somewhat startling, it’s oddly refreshing.
But you refuse to let Harry know that. His ego isn’t overgrown, but it’s there nonetheless, and you refuse to feed it out of jesting spite. “I mean, I never implied I wanted to have sex with you. I just invited you over for a glass of wine.”
He leans back against his car door, crossing his ankles nonchalantly and folding his strong arms over his sturdy chest, quirking his brows slyly as his lips twitch knowingly. You can see the definition of his muscles even through the thick fabric of his sweater. “We both know that’s just some cordial bullshit on behalf of societal norms. It’s a way of asking to get into someone’s pants without saying it outright.”
“Maybe to you.” You argue stubbornly, taking the spot beside him and copying his posture, craning your head back to gift him a deadpan expression. “I genuinely just wanted to continue our conversation about the ethical boundaries of genetic cloning.”
He gazes down at you with his tongue pressed along the inside of his cheek, his sharp jaw on full display as his eyes go half-lidded with sultry intentions. He’s so fucking fit, and the entrancing scent of his vanilla and tobacco cologne isn’t helping your pride at all. “Whatever you say. All I know is that you’re definitely interested in some genetic material, and I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with Dolly the Sheep.”
Your mouth drops open at his taunting— and perhaps accurate— dig, a sound of insulted astonishment choking out of your throat. You shove at one of his biceps as hard as you can, though his strength allows him to hardly budge even an inch. “Oh, fuck off.”
He giggles boyishly at your petty reaction, nudging you with his elbow teasingly just to ride on your last nerve. He bats his lashes down at you in mild amusement, leaning in close and murmuring his words in a thick, deep voice that’s much lower than his usual tenor. It sends flames racing across the pit of your stomach. “Four dates. That’s all I’m asking.”
You lick your lips carefully, and it takes all your willpower to not glance down at his plush mouth. Your question comes out as a whisper, and you’re not sure why. Maybe it’s the way he’s looming over you dominantly while waging your own desires against you, or the way his eyes are gleaming in the warm lighting that pours out from the large glass walls of the café you’d just left, or the way he’s blinking at you all slow and tempting, urging you to make some sort of move and prove his infuriating point.
You clear your throat softly, parroting his statement back at him as you force yourself to maintain eye contact. “Four dates?”
He nods in a casual manner, the corner of his mouth curling further into a lascivious smirk as he leans in a hair closer, his warm breath is fanning over the bottom half of your face. He smells of hazelnut and chocolate, and it coils a shiver down your spine. “Four dates. If we make it to the last one without getting bored of each other, then I promise I’ll accept that glass of wine. And…” Harry trails off on purpose for the sake of instilling suspense, proceeding to brush the tip of his cold nose down the bridge of your own, daring you to fold under his influence. The feathery sensation makes your fists tighten against the inside of your elbows. “I’ll accept the wine, and anything that comes after.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you release a shaky exhale, and every cell in your body screams to feel his lips flush to your own. With how close he’s gotten and all the subtle hints he’s giving, he doesn’t seem to have a problem with kissing on the first date, and when he turns his torso in your direction and stretches a hand to cup your jaw, that’s all the confirmation your theory needs. It seems like he’s just waiting for you to initiate, and that very reason is why you decide to draw back instead. If he wants to make you wait for his own pleasure and entertainment, then two can play at that game. You won’t kiss him. Not now, and not in the foreseeable future. If he wants your lips on his, he’ll have to cave first. This little charade can go both ways, and you’re desperate to see if he can take it as well as he dishes it out.
You jerk your head sideways to avoid making a mistake, croaking out your response in a shockingly relaxed tone. “Fine. Four dates it is.”
Harry’s eyebrows inch upwards at your decision to stave him off, but he doesn’t argue or rebuke your actions. One glance at your face tells him everything he needs to know: you’re hellbent on playing hard to get, exactly how he is. He’s never been one to turn down a battle of wits and will; it’ll make his final victory all the more satisfying. This should be fun.
He sighs airily as he drops his palm from your cheek, taking a step back and fishing for his keys inside the front pocket of his dark brown slacks. His car unlocks a moment later with a quick flash of its headlights, and he yanks the passenger’s side open in one swift move, tilting his head towards the seat with an easy smile adorning his handsome features. “Ladies first.”
You mount into the cushioned spot, and the second the door slams shut, your puff out a breath you hadn’t noticed you’d been holding in. You only have a heartbeat to compose yourself before Harry is sliding into the other side of the vehicle, closing the door behind him and turning on the ignition with a deft hand and expert ease. He sets the car in reverse, and then halts in place, cocking his attention to the side to capture your own. His eyes glitter at you amidst heavy lashes as he reaches forward and squeezes above your knee, and the intimate action causes you to jolt slightly. The words he says next leaves you strung on a wire for the rest of the ride home.
“For what it’s worth, I hope we make it to the fourth date. I’d love to show you everything I’ve learned for my doctorate.”
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seiyasabi · 3 years
(This is a Yandere Yelena x Fem Reader story ;)) This takes place in a Modern AU outside of the anime, and I won’t justify my reasoning lmao 
TW: Coercion, !Drugging!, Manipulation, !Noncon!, !Dubcon!, Daddy kink (ehehe), spanking, she’s a straight up Dom w her tall ass, kinda a meanie, degradation!, handcuffs!, use of sex toys!, Overstim!, size kink!, dumbification?, unwanted filming!, etc.. 
Proceed with caution! Sorry if this is too self indulgent lmao, when women (lesbians) talk to me, I become the biggest idiot to ever exist :)) ) 
Today wasn’t the best day to wear a skirt. 
Begrudgingly smoothing down the lilac fabric of your skirt, you huff indignantly. All you wanted to do was look cute for your crush, Marco, but it seems that that was too much to ask for. 
Your white sweater, at least, keeps you somewhat warm from the harsh wind. It’s tucked into the waistband of your high waisted skirt, and your thigh high socks push the fat of your cute thighs out slightly. The sound of your white sneakers against the pavement is drowned out by your classmates’ loud voices, and you’re seemingly unaware of a certain black-eyed glare. 
Seeing your classroom come into view, you hurry inside, sliding into your lab assigned seat. Eyeing the dark haired male of your dreams, you can’t help but sigh pathetically at the fact that he hasn’t noticed you. Up until recently, the two of you were great friends-always hanging out and texting one another. But, the moment the both of you picked up this class, everything changed. 
Hearing the seat next to you slide open, you glance up at your seatmate. Smiling up at the tall woman, you greet her kindly, “Hi, Lena! How’re you today?” 
The Russian exchange student smirks down at you, as she plops onto the seat, “Good, now that you’re here.” 
Laughing at her gruff words, you wave her off, “You always say that,” Zipping open your backpack, you pull out your class notes, “What’re you going to do this weekend?”
Her smirk widens, dark eyes gleaming, “Why? Asking me on a date?” You laugh once more, completely oblivious to her hopeful tone. 
“You’re so funny, Lena,” Pulling out your pack of multicoloured pens, you start to set up for your class, “I just heard you speaking with Annie about ‘something big’ the other day, so I became curious.” 
Not one to acknowledge boundaries, the blonde woman starts to play with your (hair/sweater), “I’m throwing a party, one you should come to,” Her tone leaves no room to negotiate, but you don’t really notice. Nodding, you smile up at her. 
“Sounds fun! When is it and who’s going?” Her hand trails down to your thigh, fiddling with your sock. Brushing off your mild alarm at her ministrations, you justify her actions through your cultural differences. 
“Tonight at eight. Annie and her friends should be there, same with Marco and a few others,” She name dropped the kind man on purpose, knowing your misguided infatuation with him. If only you knew how much of a pussy he is. All she did was threaten him once, and suddenly he stayed clear of you. It made her life easier, sure, but it annoyed her that he dropped you like a gutted fish. You’re too good for that. 
Pulling out your phone, you pull up your calendar, showcasing that you have no plans this evening, “Okay, I can go!” 
Her smirk grows wider than before, “Great,” Yelena’s accent seemingly grows thicker, her r rolling more harshly than before. 
With that, class begins without a hitch; Yelena’s hand still glued to your perfect thigh. 
Stepping out of your car, you readjust your new outfit. Keeping the thigh highs from earlier, you changed your lilac skirt for a black, body con one, along with a cropped, black long sleeve shirt that accentuates your cleavage. 
Slamming your car door shut, you lock it with your key, before heading towards Yelena’s luxurious flat. You can hear low music and voices from her open top floor balcony, multiple shadows moving inside her home. 
With a fast beating heart, you can’t help but hope that Marco will speak with you tonight. With that hope deep in your chest, you step inside the fancy building’s lobby. Approaching the front desk, you go to show them your ID, but are met with brightly smiling faces. 
“Go on up to the tenth floor, (Your Name)! Yelena already told us that you’re coming!” Surprise overcomes your form. Why do they know you by appearance alone? You’ve never even been here before. 
“Oh, okay! Thank you,” Deciding to ignore the weird situation at hand, you head towards the lift. Pressing the button, you wait a few moments, before stepping into the open lift doors. The sleek metal walls reflect your appearance back at you, whilst you press the pristine ‘10’ button. With a small beep, the lift begins to move, practically flying at top speed to the top floor. 
Once at the tenth floor, the doors fly open, showing what looks to be a living room. You can’t help but gawk at the large flat displayed before you. Your classmate must be quite wealthy to afford a place like this. 
You awkwardly make your way inside, and are immediately greeted by the party’s host, “Hey, (Your Name), welcome!” You’re side hugged by a buff arm, practically slammed into Yelena’s torso. 
“Hey, thanks for having me!” You pat her back in an attempt to have her let you go, but instead, it seems to spur her on. She drags you towards a large L-shaped couch, which is filled by Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. A handful of others sit at her dining room table and kitchen counter, the open concept allowing everyone to see and speak to each other comfortably. 
Reiner glances up from the story he’s telling Historia and Ymir, a grin painting his handsome features, “Whoa, that’s a new look for you, (Your Name)!” 
Multiple eyes are suddenly glued to your now self conscious form, an uneasy smile on your face, “Hello, everyone.”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look great! It’s just really different from your normal, cute clothes,” People nod and agree with the large man, causing you to break out in a nervous sweat. 
“Well, I hope I don’t look too bad,” You joke halfheartedly, “I just wanted to try something new.” 
Yelena takes your appearance in, practically salivating. Whilst she does enjoy your usual clothing, this look fits you quite well. 
“You look very nice,” Bertholdt reassures soothingly, patting the spot by him, “You can sit next to me, if you’d like.”
The short haired woman glued to your side reacts immediately, “No, the girl needs a drink,” Annie shoots her a knowing look, which she nods to in response. You’re practically ragdolled to the kitchen bar, as the conversation starts up once more. Once at the marble countertop, the large woman releases you in favour of pouring you a cup of spiked punch, “This is very good. Made it myself.” 
You give her a bright smile, accepting the red solo cup, “Cool! I’m sure it’s delicious!” Bringing the cup to your (lipstick/chapstick/lipgloss) coated lips, you take a small sip. A burst of fruity goodness explodes on your tastebuds, making your eyes widen in surprise. You can’t taste a drop of alcohol in it, “Wow! This is really good!” 
A proud grin overtakes her lips, as she nods her thanks, “Of course it is. I knew you were coming, after all,” You laugh in response, and take another sip of the red liquid. 
“I see! Well, you have a very nice home!” The tall woman leans against the counter, holding herself up with an arm that goes behind your form. 
“Thank you. It’s very spacious. I find myself lonely at times,” Her large, black eyes stare down at you, trying to send you a message through them alone. 
“Oh, well, have you tried getting a roommate? Maybe the flat won’t be so empty,” She nods at your words. 
“Yes, that’s a good idea. Would you be my roommate?” You laugh, thinking that she’s joking. Not bothering to look up, as you take another swig of your drink, you don’t see the somewhat hurt look on her face. 
“That would be something! Not only are we seatmates, but we’re also roommates,” You giggle some more, taking more sips of your delicious drink, “But, your flat is a lot nicer than mine. I may take up on your offer.”
Looking up, you see her grin at you approvingly, “Yes, that would be nice,” What you don’t know is that her lease is almost up, making it so she has paperwork she needs to fill out. Paperwork that would look great with your co-sign on it. 
Three drinks in, and you’re feeling a bit woozy. Typically, you’re not a lightweight, but it seems that you are tonight. 
Leaning your upper body onto Yelena’s strong form, you laugh hysterically at something Reiner says, “Oh my God, you’re hilarious-” You cut yourself off with a snort, causing the entire room to laugh at your cute giggling. 
The short haired woman you’re currently using as a pillow holds you tenderly, a pleased smile on her face. The stuff Annie gave her works very well. 
“Man, if you weren’t Yelena’s girl, I would’ve cuffed you a semester ago!” Reiner roars wholeheartedly, slapping the leather couch below him. 
In your cloudy mind, you barely understand the words he just said, “Haha, wha-?” 
Pushing your head into her breasts, Yelena shushes you, “My poor baby is such a lightweight,” She and the others chuckle at that understatement, “I think it’s time to turn in for the night.”
Her civil way of kicking everyone out was enough, as everyone trickles out of her luxurious flat. Once the last person leaves, Yelena stands to her feet, scooping you up in her buff arms. She goes to her lift, pressing the lock input, she types in the lock code, not allowing anyone in or out of her home. Your high mind can barely comprehend what’s going on around you. 
She hums an unknown tune, as she goes up her steps to her master bedroom. Kicking open the door, she flips on her bedroom light with her elbow, before shutting the door with her foot. Sauntering to her California King sized bed, she lays your drugged out form on her light grey coloured sheets. 
“-Lena, wha-” Your head lulls to the side as you giggle uncontrollably, “-Are- are we dating?” She hums in response, starting to pull down your skirt. 
“Yes, my Darling Girl,” She smooches your forehead, “We’ve been together since I moved here,” Pulling your skirt’s fabric down and off of your legs, she tosses it on the floor, exposing your pink panties. 
“Bu-but, I like Marco,” You weakly attempt to push her grabby hands away from you, “I-I wan’ Marco!” 
The feelings of disgust, envy, and fury overwhelm her all at once. How dare you! She’s always treated you so well, that spineless fucker doesn’t deserve anything from you! He especially doesn’t deserve your wonderful heart! 
She says nothing, grabbing your blouse, and chucking it off of you. Your breasts jiggle at her ministrations, your bra just barely containing your tits. Seeing your almost bare, perfect body makes her pussy tingle, but her anger outweighs her arousal. 
Settling on the bed, she grasps your boneless body, and pulls you over her knees. You’re still muttering and questioning the validity of your relationship, all whilst saying that horrible boy’s name, causing her to cup the fat of your ass and squeeze harshly. 
“Baby, you know better than to say those horrible things. I love you very much, and it hurts to hear you say that.” 
Your breasts, arms, and head rest over her left knee, as you try to look up at her stern face, “But-”
“No buts, you know what happens when you act like a brat,” She slaps your ass experimentally, earning a pained yelp. A small smirk covers her lips, and she hits your ass as hard as she can. 
“‘M sorry! ‘M sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Your pleading is cute, so cute. 
“I know you didn’t, Princess. But I have to remind you of your place,” She slams her hand down once more, jolting your entire body. A shrill cry leaves your lips, as you try to move off of her lap, but seemingly can’t find the strength to do so. 
After five more smacks, the blonde pulls you onto her lap in a straddling position. One of her arms wraps around your top half, pushing your crying face into her neck. The other is wrapped around your waist, hand smoothing over your bruising ass, and playing with the hem of your panties. 
“Don’t cry, Princess. You know I had to set you straight,” She coos, “Your stupid, little brain is far too gone to understand at the moment, but you will once you sober up. So, for now, let your Daddy make you feel good.” 
You mutter nonsensical words in between your sobs, but the large woman isn’t put off. After she’s done with you, you’ll never think of that freckled fuck ever again. At least, you won’t unless you want him dead. 
Wrestling your pliant body to the mattress once more, she leaves you on the bed by yourself, before rolling onto the left side. Opening the top drawer of her nightstand, she pulls out a pair of handcuffs, a battery powered hitachi wand, duct tape, and a small bottle of lube. Setting them on the bed by your writhing form, she quickly makes her way back to you. 
“Shh, it’s alright, Princess. I’m right here,” Yelena reaches under you, fiddling with your bra’s hooks until it pops open, allowing her to slide your useless arms out of the garment. Tossing it aside, she sucks in a deep breath, enjoying the view of your plush chest. Experimentally, she pinches your right nipple, relishing the small moan you let out at the feeling. Gripping the handcuffs next to you, she feeds your dainty wrists through the opening, popping the pink, plush cuffs on tightly. Happy with the result, she continues her endeavour. 
Moving farther down your body, she leaves your socks on, loving how your thigh fat squishes up a bit. Grabbing the hem of your cute, pink panties, she pushes them off of you, exposing your pretty cunny. It separates from you with a small string of slick, filling Yel with a sense of satisfaction. You’re her perfect pain slut, aren’t you? 
Pushing on your pliant legs open, she smiles happily down at you, dark eyes blown wide open, “Awe, is your slutty pussy wet for me?” 
You shake your head rapidly, disorienting yourself more than before, “Nu-no! It’s not!” She clicks her tongue teasingly, her smile growing wider than before. 
“Don’t lie to me, Princess. Now I have to punish you once more,” Forcing your legs open, she holds them down with her own, straddling your waist. Her large form easily overpowers you, as she grabs the blue hitachi wand, and flips it on to the highest setting. Pushing it against your clit with a swift motion, your entire body jolts at the sudden stimulation. A loud whine leaves your lips, as you try to buck it off of your sensitive cunny. 
“Puh-please! Take it off! It’s too much!” Yelena snickers in delight, ignoring your pleading. Grabbing the duct tape from beside you, she rips off a few long strips, before smacking them onto your skin and the vibrator, effectively keeping it attached to you. 
Your moans and whimpers continue to grow louder and louder, as you try your best not to cum. You bite your lips in the hopes of stifling yourself, but it does little to help. If anything, it just spurs the large woman on. 
“Go on, cum for me, cum for Daddy,” You shake your head, a few keens falling from your mouth, as she watches in awe at the way your cunny leaks and clenches around nothing. 
Your toes curl in ecstasy as you cum, a loud whine escaping you. A gush of your orgasm flows from you, wetting the blonde woman and the mattress below. Two long, slender fingers prod at your slick pussy, forcing themselves inside your sensitive walls. 
“Good Girl, You’re so Good for me,” They Start to move in a ‘come hither’ motion, hitting your g-spot repeatedly with how long her fingers are.  
“Too much! Too much!” You cry, as she quickly brings you over the edge once more. 
More slick sprays from your cunny, as overstimulation begins to set in. Yelena captures your lips with hers, thrusting her tongue into your mouth. The kiss is wet and hot, as she grips at your plush chest. 
“No, no it’s not, Baby. It’s not enough,” Fumbling with her fly, she releases the strap she’s been wearing all night. In all honesty, she’s surprised that you hadn’t noticed the bulge or felt it underneath your ass earlier. It’s a good ten inches in length, and around 5.5 inches of girth. 
It is pretty intimidating for most, but due to your fucked out stupor, it should feel amazing for you. Grabbing the lube, she squeezes a small amount onto the silicone cock, smoothing it over the toy in sync with her fingers pumping inside of you. 
Deeming the toy and your cunny ready, she makes the next move. Sliding off of your numb legs, she stands to her feet, towering over you in all of her glory. Hefting you up and off of the mattress, she quickly punched your back against her pristine, white wall. Forcing your arms around the back of her head, she continues to kiss your drooly mouth vigorously. 
Wrapping your legs around her slender waist, her large leg muscles and arms work to hold you up. Guiding your dripping cunny over the tip of her strap, she slowly sinks you onto it. 
A keen of both surprise and pleasure rips out of your throat, as you grip onto her short, blonde locks. Giggling, she bucks her hips into yours sharply, causing you to orgasm on the spot. The vibrator and her strap on feels like heaven. 
Throwing your head back in bliss, you feel your arousal drip onto her dress pants, creating even more wet spots than before. Separating from your lips, she grins down at you. 
“Look at you, dirty Girl,” She spanks your ass harshly with one hand, as she continues a hardcore pace. The tip of the silicone cock batters against your cervix, causing you to cry out in both pleasure and pain, “You love it when Daddy ruins your pussy, don’t you?” 
Too fucked out to think properly, you nod your head vigorously, “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! I love Daddy’s cock!” She kisses your cheek tenderly, not stopping her thrusts for even a moment. Moving her lips down your vulnerable neck, she starts to suck the tender skin, leaving dark love marks on your pretty skin. 
“Mmm, good Princess! Since you’re such a good girl, I think you deserve a treat. Do you want a treat? Does your dumb little mind even understand what I’m saying?” You nod once again, eyes teary and pleading. 
“Yes! Yes! I want a treat, please, Daddy!” Smirking against your skin, she reaches into her pocket from around your thigh. 
“Since you asked so nicely-“ She presses the injector lever, shooting a large load of fake cum into your gummy, needy pussy. You cum almost immediately, this clearly being the biggest orgasm of the night, as you practically convulse and squirt a geyser of cum all over the place, “I think you deserve Daddy’s cum inside you.” 
You practically sob at the overstimulation and the feeling of being so full, “Thank you! Thank you, Daddy!” You kiss her of your own volition, surprising the large woman. Her heart warms, loving how you’ve become so submissive. 
Cradling you’re form to her muscular body, she saunters back towards the bed, pushing any other objects off and into the night side table. 
Placing you on the now dry sheets, she quickly flicks off the vibrator still taped to your clit, before placing it on the table beside her. Plucking off the duct tape, she then takes off your handcuffs, effectively freeing you. Instead of moving away from the woman, you lay there tiredly, no longer processing the situation. 
Sighing in content, Yelena grabs a hand towel from the drawer she keeps her sex toys in, and wrestles it under your hips. Smiling, she removes the strap from inside of you, enjoying the sight of the fake cum flooding out of you. 
Laying next to you, she pulls your head into her chest, curling around you as if she were a safety blanket. 
“You did well, Princess,” You don’t say anything, snuggling into her warmth, “Go to sleep, tomorrow we’ll announce our official status, okay?” 
An slurred ‘Okie’ is heard, before you slip into unconsciousness. Cupping your face in appreciation, her dark eyes glance in the direction of a small green light coming from her video camera. 
Now you’ll have to date her; after all, you wouldn’t want your sex tape to get out, would you? 
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Laisse tomber les filles 1
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Just so you’re aware, this takes place during the mid-60s and Lee is a little older than in the movie :) Just so you’re not confused.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You felt alone on campus. 
When you got your acceptance, your parents swore it would be the experience of a lifetime, not to mention the value of education. Always the quiet one, withdrawn and wispy, the thought of moving away from home and living among strangers made you nervous. 
Your first day in the dormitory assured you of your doubts and a semester in, you were still the sore thumb among the six girls in your unit. Your lectures were your sole respite from the pressure to make friends and fit in. You were always early and always intent on the professor.
That was what you were there for after all. If you wanted to hold onto your bursary, you had to maintain your average. You couldn’t be like the other students; you didn’t have rich parents or a trust fund, your degree actually had to mean something.
That night, you walked back from the evening book club meeting alone, as usual. You signed up in hopes you might meet someone like yourself, someone who didn’t just want to drink or smoke. While the members weren’t interested in the party life, they made you feel awful stupid as you struggled to pick up on the same themes in your readings and your sharing skills were never strong. 
When it was your turn to talk about the chapter, you stuttered and muttered until you just gave up. You replayed the disastrous meeting in your head, the used copy of Nabakov under your arm as your bag swung against your side. 
The sky turned a deepening azure as you reached Greek row and heard the muffled crackle of a record player and the buzz of voices from the largest of white houses painted with their respective fraternity colours. It was that new kind of music, the kind that made you want to hop, the kind the Christian club lobbied against on campus green.
As you got further down the street, the late winter crisp crawled up your thick stockings and made you shiver. You got closer to the raucous façade and watched as a couple stumbled out in bubbly conversation and quickly embraced against a pillar of the porch. You kept your head down and focused on the sidewalk.
A flash of blue and the ‘wop’ of a siren brought you to a halt. You stopped just at the corner of the frosty yard, the cloudy breath of the co-eds filling the air as they parted. The cruiser door opened and closed loudly and steady footsteps crossed the street. You watched from the shadows as the officer strode up the walk and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, propping his foot up on the lowest plank.
“You kids are bein’ awfully loud,” his voice carried above the din, he had the local accent that lilted his tone so that even the meanest words were dampened.
“Sorry, officer,” the girl pulled away from the boy and came to the top of the steps, “it’s Friday and we were just having fun--”
“Yeah, yeah,” the cop said as he hooked his thumb on his belt, “y’all know I’m here every week… you turn that racket down or maybe I come in and find something that needs confiscatin’.”
“Got it,” the frat boy said as he stood beside the girl, “I’ll tell Leighton.”
“Ain’t fun for me neither,” the officer slid his foot down to the ground, “I don’t like to ruin you kids’ night.”
“Thank you, officer,” the boy said, “I’m goin’ now.”
“Mhmm, I’ll see you next week then,” the cop scoffed as the boy grabbed the girl and dragged her inside. His voice called through the noise of the crowd for the boy Leighton and the music dulled just enough that it was only a subtle hum, “funny kids.”
The officer turned and chuckled as he reached into his jacket. He paused and his eyes wandered over to you as you stood silently by the edge of the yard. He pulled out a small box and tapped out a toothpick as he smiled at you. He replaced the box in his pocket as he stopped short.
“You headin’ in, girl?” he asked as he placed the toothpick between his lips, “looks like you late for the party.”
“Uh, no, I was just… going home,” you slowly urged yourself forward, “didn’t want to get in your way.”
You tapped towards him in your mary janes as you adjusted the book in your hand. He watched you approach as you kept your head down, just wanting to get past and get on to your dorm.
“Hold up,” he said just as you reached him, “you walkin’ home all alone after dark?”
“My dorm is just… just around the corner,” you said as you stopped and kept your eyes on his shoes, “thank you, officer.”
“Now, I don’t care if it’s just right there, you shouldn’t be alone,” he insisted, “how’s bout a ride, hmm? I gotta make a round of the campus anyway.”
“I can make it on my own…” you began and he tutted, “I mean, thank you, I suppose it’s rude to… um…”
“You’re not from these parts, huh?” he asked, “you got that accent. Real fine.”
“Uh uh,” you uttered, “it’s a nice place though.”
“City is, but the rest of the county...” he remarked, “you must be far from home then.”
“A little,” you shrugged.
“Well,” he rubbed his hands together, “let’s get goin’, it’s cold tonight.”
“Thank you, again,” you slowly followed him as he backed away and turned to cross the street.
“Not at all,” he said warmly as he neared the car and pulled open the back door, “one thing, it’s against policy to let passengers in the front seat.”
“Oh?” you blinked and looked into the cruiser, “I can walk, I--”
“Go on,” he waved you in, “probably comfier back there anyhow.”
You gave a tight-lipped smile and slid into the back seat. You swept your bag up into your lap as the door snapped shut and tucked the book under the flap. The car shifted as he got in the front and he looked at you in the wide rear view mirror.
“Mind my manners, I didn’t even introduce myself, Sheriff Bodecker,” he jingled his keys as he spoke, “and you, honey?”
You hesitated at the added pet name. No one ever called you anything but ‘miss’ or ‘young woman’. You cleared your throat and shifted as you tugged nervously at your scarf as it pressed against your chin. It was damp from your hot breath. You gave him your name and shrank back against the leather.
“This your first year?” he asked as he pulled out and tossed his toothpick out the window.
“Yes, sir,” you answered and you saw his head tilt just slightly as he drove slowly.
“You like it?” he continued.
“It’s… new,” you said stiffly, “I don’t know many people but I… I’m learning a lot.”
“Oh, I hear they teach lots of interesting things these days. Lotta red nonsense,” he sighed, “which way am I goin’, honey?”
“Left, sir, the third building on your right with the orange brick,” you replied.
“No parties to go to?” he snickered as he came up to your dormitory and rolled to a stop.
“I… I’m not much for them, sir,” you said as you tried the handle but the door didn’t budge.
“Sorry, forgot about that,” he got out and opened the door from outside, “there ya go.”
You stepped out and your foot slipped on a patch of thin ice. You caught yourself on the door as he grabbed your arm and helped steady you. You laughed nervously and thanked him.
“Careful there,” he said, “hate for you to mess up that face, honey.”
“I’m alright,” you assured him and carefully drew away from him, “thank you for the ride, I really appreciate it.”
“It’s just my job,” he sniffed, “you know, keepin’ the campus safe… when I can.”
“I’m sure you have much more to worry about than some college kids,” you said.
“Eh, you’d be surprised,” he intoned, “I’m around on Fridays, there’s always noise complaints ‘round here.”
You were quiet, unsure what to say or how to detach yourself gracefully. You just wanted to go inside and listen to the radio as you reread the chapter. You smiled nervously and he looked down at you beneath the streetlight.
“I might see you around,” he said, “and don’t mind givin’ ya another ride, ya know? Can’t have you lost in the dark, heh.”
“It’s nice of you, sir, but I’m grown now, I can take care of myself,” you assured him, though you hated how black it got on this side of campus.
“Well, don’t be shy, give me a wave if you see me,” he closed the door as you sidestepped it, “and you have a good night. Get yourself warmed up with some nice tea… though I know you college kids prefer a harder comfort.”
“I don’t drink,” you said awkwardly, “but, uh… good night, officer.”
You went around the back of the car and stepped up onto the curb. You went up to the grated door and fished out your key. You peeked over your shoulder as you unlocked the door and found the Sheriff watching you over the roof of his car. 
His large-brimmed hat shadowed his face and his constant gaze sent a shiver through you, but that could’ve been the nightly chill. You gave a small wave and let yourself in, quickly hiding behind the inner door, happy to be home safe.
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lostcausezz · 3 years
𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐱 ( 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱, 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬, 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞,𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈 𝐬𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐱
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The air felt cold as the breeze from the cold Air conditioner gilded against your skin. Goosebumps ran up your arms as you were wearing a black slip dress and some red bottoms. You walked around the lobby of the hotel until you heard music and could feel the beats vibrate on your feet.
You walked towards the secretary and showed them the card or where you were headed. You were nervous because this was a first for you to go into a hidden club. It was recommended by a friend so how could you refuse the opportunity to have this one night to change your life. 
You followed the employee that opened the secret door and you followed behind them as they led the way. "Have fun" they said as they left you on the top of the stairwell as you could feel eyes stabbing you everywhere. You walked down each step and you looked into the VIP booths and one specifically caught your eye. 
It was a buff man with a black blouse  with a cigarette on the corner of his mouth. The look you were giving to him was returned in a glance as he put his hand in the air to signal you to follow his way. You ignored his gesture and went into the crowd where everyone was dancing or talking. 
The music that they were playing wasn't your taste so you walked up to the bar and got some Hennessy to loosen you up a bit. You gulped down the shot then placed your glass on the wooden bar table. On the side of you you saw a man with long black hair that was tucked behind his ears.
The piercings he had were satisfying to you and intrigued you. As you were caught up in his trance he saw you staring at him. "Is there something you like? You're staring pretty hard." You turned your head in another direction since you felt embarrassed.
"Oh  it's nothing you just looked pretty that's all." You felt him move in closer to you as you were hiding your face in your phone. "Can you say that while looking at me?" The feeling of his hand on your chin surprised you. 
The tension in the air was too high for you to handle as your breathing get heavier as you looked into his dark eyes that examined you up and down. You leaned into him more and then moved closer to the point where both lips met as one.
It first started off as pecks until you felt his tongue sneak into your mouth. Moans escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck until you realized you didn't know his name. "Wait what's your name?" He leaned in to you and just as the words were about to escape his mouth you felt a grip on your wrist.
You were swept away from the stranger and pulled you through the crowd of drunks and drug addicts to a black stairwell. Just as you were about to take one step up the stairs you were swept off your feet and brought into an office that looked like it belonged to the owner of the club.
A bodyguard opened the door. The site amazed you that the person you saw in front of you looked familiar. "Who are you? Also why do you want me here?" The man that seemed so short in his office chair. He placed his palms on his desk and reached up to his toes and faced you. 
You were backing up as it seemed like it would be so difficult to look into his eyes since the more you moved back the closer he moved to you. “What do you want, Toji?” His eyes widened as he leaned into your face and puffed a cloud of smoke in your way. 
“Y/n you know how much I missed you and would call you. You never picked up either plus I have Megumi to take care of and I see a dead beat of a mother like you to make out with a stranger at a club I own.” You rolled your eyes and looked over to the side as you crossed your arms. 
“It’s karma bitch.” He leaned in closer to you and you felt his hand grip your cheeks making you connect eyes with him as the tension in the room got stronger and stronger. As you pushed his hand away you approached the edge of the office where the big windows were and saw the crowd of people and the lights changing.
“Toji be honest, really why did you want me all of a sudden?” He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist as he tucked his head in your shoulder and whispered in his deep voice, “I missed you and your attitude. You know what they say toxic sex is the best kind of sex.”
You turned around and faced him as you pressed your body on the glass window and looked up into his dark eyes. Toji had a smirk appear on his face as he leaned into you and bit your ear. The thought of everyone seeing you pressed against the glass and getting your brains fucked out aroused you. 
“Your guards are still here.” Toji put his hand up signaling the guards to leave the room and give the two of you privacy. You didn’t mind people watching but the way you look while Toji fucks you is a sight only for him to see. You knew this night with him wouldn’t be forever but you had to get all you can from him.
Toji approached you and you pulled your phone out and gave it to him. “Let’s make a movie.” Toji’s face grew red from the thought of him being able to replay the video and see you begging and pleading for his dick. “Well let’s undress first.” 
As you slid your dress down leaving you in black lingerie that complimented you looked up to see Toji slowly looking you up and down examining your body as if it was a work of art.
A slight smirk appeared on his face as he walked towards you with the camera in his phone. You looked at him as he paused and an idea shot into his mind. Toji walked to his office door as he covered your top half in his blazer and asked for a guard.
You turned around and saw Toji whispering something to a guard and then closed the door behind himself." Don't worry sweetheart, a guest will be joining us soon." You turned your body around and got out of the chair and met him near the door of his office where he was waiting for his guards at.
"I'm too hungry to wait." You move your body closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck and he moves in close to you and connects his lips with yours. The feeling of his tongue clashing against yours gave you adrenaline. "Let's get started." 
Toji wrapped his muscular arms around your legs and picked you up to the point where his legs were on his shoulders and your crotch was in his face. This was a new position, a new experience and a new sensation that you wanted more of. 
Toji placed his lips on your cunt and started to suck on your clit as you held onto his head for strength. "Fuck! Toji!" As soon as the loud noises escaped your mouth you heard a heavy knock on the door. 
Toji took his lips off your cunt and yelled out to the guards. "Bring him in."
You looked up to see the stranger from the bar that kissed you come into the room. "Geto sit there and record." The name sounded familiar until you realized that it was Gojos boy. 
Toji carefully took you off of his arms and he placed you on your feet on the ground and walked to the desk. "You already know what to do y/n." You laid on your stomach with your ass out and your hands gripping the other side of the desk. 
"Your cunt is soaking." Toji stuck his fingers inside of you and pulled them out to see your juices dripping from his fingers. "I'm putting it in now y/n." You nodded, not expecting one big thrust from him. 
"FUCK!" You felt like your stomach was filled with Toji's cock as if there was a bulge in your stomach. His thrust was deep and slow as you felt each thrust inside of you. 
The room was filled with your moans and grunts toji was making. "Baby look over to Geto as I fuck your brains out." You shook your head as you were being disobedient to his demand. Toji flipped your head over to the side and you expected Geto to be on the brink of tears but instead you saw a surprising sight.
It was of Geto holding the phone in one hand and the other hand was on his dick as he jerked himself off. You bit your lip as the view of Geto turned you on. "Daddy I want more." Toji wondered what more could mean until he looked down at you and saw how your eyes were attached to Geto.
Toji felt left out as he saw you gushing over Geto and asked for him to switch places when it came to the recording. As Toji pulled out of you the corner of your eyes were filled with tears. “You’re such a pretty crier. Now get up and go suck Geto's cock." 
Your legs wobbled as you approached Geto, his eyes were stuck on your beautiful body as you almost made it to his seat. "You looked so helpless as you masturbated to me getting fucked in front of you. I would've pitied you if you weren't such a pervert." He placed his hand around your back and pulled you in close to him to the fact you were able to be eye to eye with him.
Geto's hot breath drifted past your neck and felt a chill down your spine. The tension in the room got stronger as he leaned into your ear. "How am I the pervert of you're the one yahya wet from me playing with my dick."
A smirk appeared on your face and tilted your head to the side. "Touché" Your body moved down to your knees as you were ready to make him whimper and beg for you to stop as you were going to make him come.
You lowered your body and placed your knees on the ground. You looked up at him as you wrapped your hand around his long and thick cock. Your hand moved up and down as your thumb pressed on his tip causing him to hold off on releasing himself.
You spat on his cock and quickened the pace you looked into his eyes that was filled with tears and smirked. As you were enjoying teasing him you felt a slap on your ass. "AAAH! WHAT THE FUCK TOJI!" He smiled as he saw a tear form up in the corner of your eye. 
"Y/n would you like me to fill you up while you give him head?" You nodded and you took your thumb off of the tip of Geto's cock. "Let's start with the real show." Toji placed the camera on a stand as he knew yall would be in the ⁸same place all three of yall together. 
"Aah fuck more Toj~" it was a deep thrust into you making your stomach be filled and to see a bump in your stomach. You felt like you were getting distracted from the task in front of you so you stopped worrying about how deep Toji was and now to pleasure Geto.
"You ready, pretty boy?" Geto nodded and you inserted his cock into your mouth and closed your eyes as you swirl your tongue around his cock and started bobbing your head. You were eager to make Geto come as fast as he could and be pleasured. The stimulation of Toji aggressively thrusting into you and giving head made your mind feel fuzzy. 
Just as you felt yourself about to reach your breaking point you finished Geto off and just as you were about to pass out you said the words Geto wanted to hear. "Good boy."
As the morning came to be the  sunlight beamed on your eyes making you wake up in a tight position. You had your head laying back on a soft pillow. You started to blink your eyes and open them wider as you felt your body tingle.
You looked down and saw Geto sucking your nipple. A slight “aah~”  escaped your mouth and he looked up into your eyes and smiled. “So you're up? Do you remember what happened last night?”  You placed your hand on Geto’s head and rubbed it as you smiled looking at him in his eyes. 
“I think I do but how did I get here?” Geto sat up and faced you as your back rested on the headboard. “After you passed out Toji  left you on the floor laying there.” You would’ve at least expected him to help you clean up but he just left you on the floor like a used up fleshlight. “I put on my clothes and picked you up instead of leaving you there and this is how you ended up here.” 
You placed your hand on Geto’s face and leaned in close to his face and said, “Let’s finish where we left off.”
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parker-razor · 4 years
many a dream about you
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afab!reader x mando (no y/n)
5.2k words, 18+, EXPLICIT!! 
warnings: SMUT (extended warnings under the cut), mentions of injuries, unprotected sex (use protection!), very little editing
summary: when you and mando are forced to share a bed together, you end up having a dream that reveals more than you had hoped...
author’s notes: ahhhh! this is my first fic!! i’ll be honest, i got so excited i wrote most of this in one sitting. indulge me in some of my favorite smutty tropes about everyone’s favorite space dad!
extended warnings: oral (f receiving), wet dreams, thigh grinding, mentions of rough sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation... i think that’s it
Stars, you were exhausted.
You had just spent three weeks on the Razor Crest with the only bed available to you being a cheap mattress that might as well have just been a sack stuffed with sand. On top of the little sleep you were running on, you had just finished loading three bounties onto the Crest and into carbonite while Mando patched himself up. Dragging three grown men onto the ship and freezing them took all the strength out of you.
You finally collapsed into the pilot’s seat in the cockpit, catching your breath and giving your muscles a well-deserved break. Your eyes flutter closed as your body decompresses from the hard work and no sleep it’s been put through these past weeks. Mando had hired you just a month ago to look after the ship while he was away on hunts. Not to mention the little green gremlin he had adopted as his own, who kept you company and looked to you to get taken care of. It was much better than the life you had known; growing up on the outskirts of Tatooine was hard enough as is, but when your little shop had been pillaged and ransacked, you had nothing left on the small, desert planet. Mando had shown up just in time, sitting next to you in a dive bar.
You had never seen one of his kind before, and to be honest, you were overwhelmed with the way he carried himself. He was big, towering over everyone he passed on his way to the barstools. You wondered why he even bothered if he couldn’t remove his helmet to drink, but you’d never ask. He sat himself just a few stools from yours, and after stealing a few glances with flushed cheeks, you finally opened your mouth to say something.
“Bounty hunters like you must be pretty busy on a planet like this,” you said, trying to talk over the loud band playing in the corner. “Not too many upstanding people tend to find themselves here.”
Slowly turning his helmet to face you, the Mandalorian said, “What does that say about you?”
Damn, you thought, he was quick to the draw.
“It’s not exactly my choice to live here. I’d give anything to get off this ball of sand.”
He says nothing, just turns his helmet forward again. You figure that’s the end of that, at least you tried. You can now say that you’ve talked to a Mandalorian before.
After a few beats of silence, he finally speaks. “Anything?”
You whip your head towards him, trying to figure out where this was going. Of course you wanted to leave, but you didn’t want to come off too eager in case he wasn’t serious.
“I mean, what do you have in mind?” you ask, trying to act as calm as possibly, but you couldn’t help but get a little excited at the prospect of leaving.
“I have… a son. He’s very small and can’t take care of himself yet. I don’t like taking him hunting, but I can’t leave him on the ship by himself,” he pauses, piecing together his words carefully. “I need someone to look after him.”
“So, I’d be his babysitter?”
“And ship sitter. Just keep it clean, nothing complicated.”
You pretended to ponder his proposition, but you knew you’d say yes almost immediately. There was nothing left for you here; no family, no livelihood, no friends. This was the best deal you had gotten in a long time. Except…
“So, what do I get in return?”
“I’d pay you, as much as I can afford. But you’d have your own bed and food.”
You’re sold.
You’re brought back to the present when you hear Mando’s footsteps ascend the ladder to the cockpit. The child is holding onto him, smiling when he sees your face.
“How bad are you hurt?” you ask cautiously.
“I’ll live. Just a gash.”
“Well, I got the bounties in carbonite. But I gotta say Mando, I don’t know if I can sleep another night in a row on that shitty mattress.” He says nothing, and you haven’t figured out if that’s a good sign or a bad sign.
“Not that I don’t appreciate you making room for me! I’m just saying, I think we both need a proper rest tonight, especially after today,” you backtrack. You hear him sigh, nodding his head in agreement.
“Alright. I passed an inn on the way back here. Let’s see if they have any vacancy, hopefully with a bed better than the one you have.” You blush, embarrassed that you came off as ungrateful.
Mando was a mystery to you. He was quiet, a man of few words. It was especially hard trying to read him without being able to see any facial cues or expressions. Nevertheless, something about him exuded strength. He was much taller than you, but he was also just… big. Especially with all the beskar adding a whole other layer of strength. You couldn’t explain the attraction you felt for him. Something about how he towered over you, his visor boring into your face made you weak in the knees. How could you feel this way for someone who you’d barely talked to, let alone never seen their face?
He made you feel weak, but for some reason you liked that. Growing up on your home planet, you had to learn to fight for yourself. You were strong, with curves and muscles that showed just how tough life had made you. You never let a man make you feel less than or weak, always ready to defend yourself. But you liked that Mando made you feel small. It made no sense, but it also made perfect sense.
Sometimes at night, you’d let your hands wander. One hand wandered up to your face, whether to bite down on a finger or cover your mouth to keep yourself quiet, and the other down the front of your pants. Being around Mando so much made it difficult to wait until after he fell asleep to take care of the burning need you felt for him. You had your fair share of flings with the boys in your village, but none of them made you feel the way Mando did. With the most subtle actions he could make a heat blossom in your stomach and goosebumps spread over your arms. Sometimes the way he’d fly the Crest made you clench your thighs together; he looked so in charge in that pilot’s seat. Rubbing tight circles on your clit, clenching around nothing while angling your hips just right, you would be sent into orbit at the thought of his hands taking care of you instead.
After you and Mando had packed up your essentials, you got Grogu into his pram and headed off to the village nearby. You had no idea what planet you were on, but the flowering trees brought some joy to you. In the past weeks travelling with Mando, you had seen so many new things. You had never once left your home, and things like trees and streams had you in awe. You would never get used to how it made you feel.
The village was small, and it didn’t seem like there was anything else around for miles. You got to the motel, one of the larger buildings in the area. The lobby was small and surprisingly clean, much cleaner than the interior of the Crest. An older woman, the innkeeper you presumed, stood at the desk.
“We’d like two rooms. How much would that be?” Mando asked, not interested in entertaining niceties.
“So sorry sir, we only have one room available. A few of our rooms are under renovation, and there’s only one unoccupied that is fit to house anyone,” the woman said with a sickly sweet smile.
Mando sighed, obviously conflicted with the choice laid in front of him. He turned to you for your input.
“I- I don’t mind sharing a room. We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable, I just thought it be nice to escape the ship for the night.” You rushed your words out, feeling shy at the prospect of sharing the room with Mando. He had his own quarters on the ship, and you had yours, if you could even consider them quarters. After a few beats, Mando put some credits on the desk, and took the key the woman was offering.
Pushing down the excitement you felt, you grabbed your things that you had set down and followed Mando to your room. It’s not like you hadn’t been living in close proximity with Mando for the past few weeks anyways.
But this was different.
And you didn’t fully realize why it was so different until you opened the door to your room and saw that there was only one queen sized bed. Your jaw dropped, as you looked to Mando for his reaction. Nothing, as usual. He just walked into the room as if nothing had changed.
How was this gonna go? Were you just supposed to… share? The bed wasn’t puny, plenty of room for the both of you. But this was crossing a line that you didn’t even realize had been established. You didn’t really know much about each other and hadn’t been acquainted for very long. Not to mention the burning need you felt for him growing day by day.
And now you had to share a bed with him. No big deal.
Grogu’s cries for attention brought you out of your reverie of thoughts. You picked him up from his pram and placed him on the bed, allowing him to take in the room. The love and affection for the child had grown immensely since Mando had first introduced the two of you. You were initially shocked at how silently affectionate Mando was with him. You had never expected him to be the paternal type. You had yet to learn how the curious pair had found each other; a small part of you wondered if Mando looked similar to the child under his mask.
Mando had set his things on the chair in the corner and mumbled something about using the refresher. And as quickly as the door shut, you heard the shower turn on and the sound of beskar hitting the floor.
The realization that Mando was maskless, naked, just a few feet away sent a shockwave through your body. Was he tan? Did he have blond or brown hair? Was he truly strong or did the beskar just add extra bulk? You imagined he had scars littering his body, with chest hair dusting his front. The thought of it trailing down beneath his pants sent a shiver down your spine. Stars, your mind was in the gutter.
The sun had set, and Grogu’s eyes started to flutter and shut on one of the pillows on the bed. You picked him up and cradled him, resting your cheek to his. You savored moments like this; the ones that made your heart warm and full of comforting joy. Grogu’s breathing slowed, letting out snores every once in a while. You heard the shower shut off, and carefully placed Grogu into his pram, closing the top for him to sleep in peace.  
Mando stepped out of the refresher in a thin pair of sleep trousers, a similar shirt and, of course, his helmet. Your gaze made you realize that he was definitely not wearing underwear, not leaving much to the imagination. You felt your face heat up as you looked anywhere but at him, almost positive that your face has turned as red as the setting sun.
“Your turn,” Mando said as he sauntered to the chair in the corner. He placed his things on the ground, sat in the chair, and crossed his arms as if to get comfortable.
“You’re not sleeping over there, are you?” you asked.
“I… just assumed… I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Your blush was back with a vengeance.
“I don’t mind. We got this room to relax, and you sure as hell don’t seem at ease with the way you’re sitting.” He said nothing for a few moments before sighing and standing to walk over towards the bed.
Oh Maker, this is actually happening, you thought. What act was more intimate than sharing a bed with someone? Well, there was the obvious one, but…
You scurried to the washroom, desperate to cool yourself down and collect your thoughts. This didn’t have to be a big deal, and if you kept acting all standoffish like you had been, you’d chase Mando away with the bizarre energy you were emitting.
You splashed cold water on your face to calm your blush, brushed your teeth with vigor, and changed into your pajamas. Granted, they were much scantier than the ideal, but you hadn’t expected to be sharing a bed, let alone a room, with the Mandalorian.
Stepping out of the refresher, you see Mando lying in bed with the lamplight on. Maker, you wanted to nothing but climb in with him and lay on his chest…
His chest. This was the first time you’d seen him without all that bulky armor. Through his thin clothing you could tell he was strong, with broad shoulders and contoured muscle. His helmet turned towards you, and what you didn’t know was that he was eyeing you in your not-so-modest sleep clothes as well.
What you didn’t know was how Mando gazed at you when you held the child, cooing at him as he gently tugged on your hair or stroked your cheek. His helmet protected him from you finding out how often he stared at you in adoration. Your curves, your smile, your silent strength. Stars, he thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But what you saw when he looked at you was a silent T-visor staring at you with no emotion.
After a beat, your gaze met the floor as you walked to the other side of the bed, closest to the window. You crawled under the covers, waiting for some quick comment or a reaction from the man next to you. Finally, he spoke.
“Are you sure you don’t want me in the chair?” he asked.
“Stars, Mando, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’d want to be as far away from me as possible,” you responded, embarrassed.
“That’s- no, not at all. I, uh, just wanted you to feel comfortable,” he stumbled. You had never seen him so lost for words, so taken back.
“I promise, Mando, if anything I feel more comfortable with you next to me.” Oh Maker, why did you just say that? That was the most upfront you’d been with him. Just as you were about to take back your words…
“I feel the same,” he responded quietly. Stars, if your heart didn’t explode at his words.
It was quiet for a few moments, until you said, “Well… goodnight Mando.”
“Goodnight.” He turned off the lamplight and shuffled deeper under the blankets. You were unsure if you should stay as close to the edge as possible or be truly comfortable and let yourself get a little closer to Mando. Before you could make up your mind, exhaustion overtook you and you drifted to sleep.
Mando stirred in your sleep, disturbed by something he hadn’t recognized yet. As he continued to drift in and out of sleep, he heard something that he wasn’t sure was a part of a dream or reality.
Quiet mumblings came from your side of the bed, mixed with indistinguishable groans. His instincts kicked in, becoming fully awake to survey the room for any threats. It took him a moment to realize that as you slept, you had moved closer to Mando – much closer.
Your leg was draped over his torso, with your chest pressed to his side and your arm resting on his chest. But what he noticed most was the way your hips rolled, your core grinding against the side of his thigh. Looking at your face, he could tell you were asleep. Your breaths grew heavier, quiet groans turning into moans. Mando felt his pants grow tighter, not know whether or not to wake you from your obvious wet dream.
Mando froze when he heard you say his name while your hips sped up. “M-Mando, don’t stop… Please…” Fuck, you were dreaming about him. He wanted nothing more than to rub the growing problem in his pants, but he knew that crossed a line.
As your breath started to hitch, he could tell you were getting close. Just as you were about to cum, you jolted awake, breathing heavily while taking in what was going on.
You looked down at the scene you had caused, rendered speechless. Flooded with humiliation, you jumped out of bed and ran to the refresher as Mando shouted your name. You slammed the refresher door and locked it, tears springing to your eyes. Fuck fuck fuck, this was bad. Did you just ruin everything? Mando must hate you now.
“Please open the door, I’m not mad. Let’s just talk,” Mando said through the door, not wanting to reveal how he felt behind a slab of wood. You said nothing, feeling utterly mortified. There’s no way you could look him in the eye (well, helmet) after getting yourself off on his thigh in your sleep. Fuck.
After twenty minutes of Mando trying to convince you that he wasn’t upset and he just wanted to talk, he gave up. Sighing, he pushed himself off the floor and went back to sit on the bed. Though the tension in his pants had gone down, he couldn’t stop thinking about the sounds you made. He looked down to see that you had left a wet spot on his leg, causing him to groan. He had to stop himself from thinking that way, at least for right now while you were upset.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, you were in shock. You tried your best to recount what had happened, but it didn’t help that you were asleep for most of it. The dream you were having a blur; Mando on top of you, and the intense feeling of being filled to the brim. Then, you remember waking up to Mando staring down at you, putting two and two together, and that was that.
You realized that Mando was awake before you were, which means he was watching you… do that to him. He didn’t try to wake you up or stop you. He was watching you get off. That had to mean… he liked it. He liked seeing you like that. Right?
You slowly stood up from the bathroom floor, wiping the tears you didn’t notice had fallen down your cheeks. Taking a few deep breaths, you calmed your bedhead and opened the washroom door, rounding the corner to face Mando sitting on the bed.
He looked up from the spot on the floor he was staring at as he sat deep in thought.
“Are- are you okay?” he asked, uncertain of what he should say.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I was asleep and I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable,” you admit, eyes glued to the floor. A few moments of deafening silence pass, with you shuffling in the spot where you stood and Mando’s helmet fixed towards you.
“What did you dream about?” Mando asked quietly. The Mandalorian was normally so stoic and strong in his conviction that to hear his voice quiver in nervousness made your gaze shoot up to his.
“It’s… embarrassing. I don’t want you to think less of me.” Your face turned beet red, a trait of yours you didn’t realize you possessed until you met Mando. He was the first person to make you feel shy and flustered.
“I won’t, I promise. I just want to know… I need to know.”
“It was… about me. And you.” Mando rose to walk over to where you were standing, near the foot of the bed.
“What about us, exactly? You can tell me. Tell me everything.” You hesitated to meet his gaze, eyes wide and nervous.
“You were… on me. In me. All over me.” You felt yourself getting breathless as Mando got closer to you, as you retold your dream without getting too graphic yet still admitting that you had dreamt of him taking you.
“And was I gentle, or was I rough?” Mando’s voice grew husky, just as breathless as you. Maker, his voice made you weak at the knees.
“Gentle, at first. But the longer you went you got rougher. Much rougher.” Your voice dropped into a whisper as Mando found himself right in front of you, almost chest to chest. Your eyes dropped to admire his chest, what it’d look like without his shirt. You wanted to trace every scar that marked his skin, kiss him, bite him.
He grabbed your chin with his thumb and forefinger, drawing your gaze from his chest to his helmet.
“And which did you like better? Tell me,” he whispered through the modulator, but there was no filtering out how deep and raspy his voice had gotten, like you had never heard before.
“I… I was just happy you were touching me,” you whispered, in shock that this wasn’t just another dream. His hand drifted from your chin to your neck, caressing every inch of you. You closed your eyes, unable to believe that he was touching you without his gloves on.
Suddenly, both hands came to your waist and pulled you into his chest, your hands finding their place on his chest. You whimpered, never feeling so small, not knowing why you liked it so much.
“Do you want me to touch you, sweet one? Like I did in your dream?” he rasped.
“Please… please touch me, Mando.” He groaned at that, manhandling you so your back turned to the bed and quickly thrown onto the bed.
“I like hearing you beg, love. Beg some more for me.” You whimpered, flushed and embarrassed but in the best way. Mando yanked at your legs so they were hanging off the bed with him standing between your knees. His hands drifted from your stomach up to your breasts, squeezing them while his thumbs rubbed your hardened nipples through your shirt.
Unable to take it any longer, you sat up and yanked your shirt over your head as Mando did the same. His expanse of muscle was all you could think about, the thatches of chest hair made you want to run your hands all over him.
He dropped to his knees in front of you, playing with the waistband of your sleep shorts.
“Tell me, did I eat this sweet pussy of yours in your dream?” You moaned, unable to remember but wanting his mouth on you all the same.
“I want you to, but your helmet…” Mando grabbed the blanket that was at the end of the bed, throwing it so one end covered your stomach and the other fell near the middle of his back. Awkwardly, you saw him maneuver under the blanket to take his helmet off, and then your shorts.
Before you could say so much as a “please,” Mando’s mouth enveloped your cunt with his hot mouth. Your gasp was loud and ragged, not expecting him to feel this good. You felt him moan into you, licking from your hole up to the tip of your clit.
“Am I the one who made you this wet, my sweet one? You’re dripping onto the bed for me,” you heard him rasp under the blankets.
“Please, Mando, you feel so f-fucking good,” you gasp as he puts his mouth on you again. You reach under the blanket to grab his hair to pull him the exact spots you wanted his mouth to be. Maker, his mouth was immaculate. His tongue messily toyed with your clit, groaning in your cunt when you tugged his hair which sent vibrations everywhere.
When he found that one spot, just to the left of your clit, you started to feel that familiar tension in your stomach, the one you’d get when you’d touch yourself in the silence of night in the Crest. You tilted your hips just right as he sucked your clit into your mouth, letting out an animalistic moan.
As soon as you felt him hum into your cunt again, you were gone. You fell over a cliff higher than ever before as everything went utterly white, white in your vision and white noise in your ears.
Maker, you came so fucking hard. And through the whole thing, Mando licked and sucked at you, slowing down when you eventually came down. You felt like you were floating through the aftermath as Mando kissed the inside of your thighs, and through the reverie you were in you felt the tickle of facial hair on your skin. You smiled to yourself, finally able to know something about the appearance of the man you adored so.
Mando quickly put his helmet back on under the blanket before pulling himself over you, stroking your face with the back of his hand.
“Do you want more? Or do you want me to stop?” he asked. As spent as you felt, at the sound of his voice your body began rearing up for more.
“More. I need your cock, Mando, so badly,” you whimpered, feeling a brand new wave of wetness flood at the apex of your legs.
You picked your head up, finally wrenching your eyes open as you felt Mando start to take his pants off. You were very suddenly awake again when you saw his cock spring out. He was big, bigger than the boys you had taken by far.
“I- I don’t know if you’ll fit. I’ve never had a man bigger than you.”
“No, sweet one, you’ve only had boys. I can’t wait to be the first man who wrecks you,” he rasps into your ears as your hands wrap themselves around his neck and down his back. Stars, he was sexy, an odd mix of shy and domineering all at once.
He started rubbing the tip against your cunt, and suddenly you were on fire again. You had never tried to get yourself again after one orgasm, always too spent and high on dopamine to go again. So you never got to realize that once you had one, more orgasms were not very difficult to achieve. Until, Mando’s tip swirled around your clit and you could feel the coil tighten yet again.
“M-Mando, I’m gonna cum again if you keep doing that,” you whimpered, causing him to groan and only put more pressure on your clit.
“Then do it, my love. I want to see your face when you cum for me.” You let out a series of curses until you came again, slightly weaker than the previous one but it rocked through you. Before you could even come down, Mando thrusted himself into you in one go. You let out a yell bordering on a scream, feeling your pussy stretch itself to fit all of him. Stars, the burn of the stretch made you shiver.
“Oh f-fuck, my sweet girl has an even sweeter pussy,” he gasped as he started to thrust himself into you. “S-so fucking t-tight and w-warm, I’m not gonna last…”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Mando’s thrusts sped up, slamming into you at an unfathomable rate.
“No no, look at me. Look at me while I’m making you feel good,” Mando growled as he grabbed your cheeks to make you look at his helmet. You tried so hard to keep your eyes open, but as Mando tilted his hips just right, jamming into your G-spot, you lost control over your body. You were saying something, but you were so far gone that you couldn’t decipher what it was.
“Is that- fuck- all you can say, pretty girl? Please? Please what? What do you need, fuck I’ll give you everything you want, just say the word,” Mando rambled, just as drunk on your pussy as you were on his cock.
“D-d-don’t stop, p-please don’t s-stop,” you uttered out, not completely sure if you were having one long orgasm or if it was building to something even bigger.
“I’m never gonna stop, baby, never wanna stop…” Without warning, an orgasm so strong racked through your body. You had never cum just from penetration before, but the way the hair at the base of Mando’s cock was brushing against your cunt as he fucked you sent you beyond the edge.
“Oh my fucking- stars, baby you’re so tight I can barely move… I-I’m gonna-“ Mando gasped as you felt him cum deep inside you, moaning louder than you thought he would.
You both gasped for breath, utterly exhausted from the best sex in both of your lives. Mando pulled out and laid next you on the bed, stroking your hair gently.
“I wish I could kiss you right now,” you croaked, voice almost gone from overuse. Silence fell over the two of you, and you wanted to take back your words, until…
“Close your eyes. And don’t open them. Promise?” he said.
“I promise, I swear I won’t,” you said, shutting your eyes with your heart leaping at the prospect of finally kissing him. After a few moments of the sounds of shuffling next to you, you felt a soft pair of lips meet yours. It was tentative at first, but after a few gentle pecks Mando caressed your face and kissed you with a passion so strong it took your breath away. You felt his mustache tickle your upper lip as he kissed like if he pulled away, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
When he finally pulled away, you reminded yourself to keep your eyes closed as he put his helmet back on. You pulled yourself over him, almost in the exact position you had found yourself in when you woke up from your dream, except this time Mando’s arm was draped under your neck.
“I’m glad we finally did that,” Mando admitted after a while. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first day you started living on the Crest.” You lifted your head from his chest and rested your chin on his right pec, gazing at his face.
“You mean that?” you ask.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
You grinned from ear to ear, thanking the Maker that this wasn’t just because Mando was horny and he had found you getting yourself off on him. He had wanted you, too.
“For a minute I thought…I thought you’d tell me to leave and never come back. I was so embarrassed to wake up like that. But… I guess it ended up helping us out,” you chuckled. You heard Mando chuckle too as his chest shook a bit, warming your heart.
“I will never ask you to leave. I want you to stay, I need you to stay,” he admitted quietly. “Plus, I don’t know anyone else who would take care of Grogu so well.”
“Oh, Maker, Grogu!” you exclaimed, realizing Grogu had been closed in his pram in the corner throughout the entire… act.
“The device is soundproof, he didn’t hear a thing,” Mando explained. You let out a sigh of relief.
“I don’t know, with those ears?” you laughed, hearing Mando laugh with you.
“Maybe they’re more for balance rather than hearing,” Mando replied, causing you to let out a loud laugh, making joy flood Mando’s body.
“We can only hope…”
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