#the devil knows how to put on a show ill say that much
killjoy-prince · 1 year
Look I get Raphael is the literal devil but thats not gonna stop me from thinking his voice is hot
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
ok so here are my thoughts on the first three chapters and the prologue of tgg (and like the two other chapters we got before)
don't read if you don't wanna hear criticism on lyra, other characters, and stuff. these are my opinions and you can have your own (obviously)
also, i just want to say that my opinions will definitely change as a i read the book. this is based off of what we know now (which isn't much).
also i counted the amount of chapters for each character. lyra has 31. gigi has 28, and rohan has 24 (25 with the prologue). there's an epilogue called the watcher who i'm pretty sure is eve (and probably sets up book 2)
ok. i'll split this into parts so it makes more sense
lyra: most people here seem to love lyra, but i honestly don't think she's anything special (so far). she seems to be a mix of avery, grayson, and jameson. her inner monologue resembles avery, her coping mechanism (running) is similar to grayson's, and the fact that she showed up at school in pajamas and went to a class she wasn't even enrolled in gives off jameson vibes (the jameson vibes are not as strong as grayson and avery but they're still there). i do find her backstory interesting, and i'd like to learn more about it. i also find her acing a test for a class she didn't attend weird. it was only 10 questions but why? her attachment to numbers isn't weird, but for her to be able to detect a pattern in an test is kind of excessive in my opinion. i get that jlb probably wrote her this way so that she's able to play the game, but, idk, i honestly don't know how to feel about it (all ik is that im a bit iffy about it. avery acing a test made sense. she attended the class and studied really hard for it, but for lyra to just randomly ace an exam for a class she doesn't even attend just seems a bit random). i did like the scene where she throws a ball at her catcaller's face.
she's not a bad character, per se, and we literally know next to nothing about her character so its not that i don't like her, its just that, so far, she seems to be like every single other jlb main character (avery, cassie, etc). this literally goes for the other characters (gigi and rohan). don't get me wrong, avery is my favorite character and if lyra is anything like her, i think i'll like her. i just wish lyra wasn't a copy paste of avery.
oh, and, idk why, but thought her having a little brother was kind of cute (especially if he's really young, i'd like to read about their dynamic). her being a dancer is also nice.
i do hope lyra and avery become good friends. i think they have a lot in common (the hawthornes ruined (or tried to ruin) their lives (tobias giving avery the fortune knowing she might die, using her, skye trying to get her killed, etc), they seem to think similarly, etc) and could really hit it off. avery also needs friends who aren't trying to get her killed (*cough* rebecca and thea *cough*)
its really late, and i have more thoughts on lyra but i can't seem to put them into words so ill make another post someday.
rohan seems very similar to grayson and jameson. in tbh, he seemed to be more like jameson, but, reading from his pov, his inner monologue is clearly more similar to grayson's (at least from what i remember, i read the chapters a while ago). im glad that he's not an exact copy paste of another character and at least a little different. after what we got from tbh, i expected him to be a jameson 2.0.
i'm glad we now know his motives and why he's participating in the game. also, i think its crazy he's been in the devils mercy since he was 5. he probably hasn't been training since he was five, but i still find this interesting. im excited to read more about his childhood. where exactly are his parents?
i don't have many thoughts on him. im still kinda disappointed he's similar to jameson and grayson, but i was sort of expecting it so it wasn't like what i felt with lyra. anyways, i think i'll like his character. i'm especially excited to read more about his childhood.
ik she's similar to xander, but i've liked her ever since i read tbh. im still disappointed (like with lyra and rohan) about her being like xander, but i've come to terms with it. she seems really sweet and kind-hearted (a bit like sloane from the naturals whom i love). she's definitely not my favorite (that title goes to avery), but i do really enjoy her. some people find her character annoying, but i don't think so. i'm really want to read more about her (just like the other characters).
i don't think all of her chapters will be similar to the one we got bc i remember a scene in tbh where grayson said smth like 'maybe she isn't happy all the time' after seeing her a little sad (or maybe she's the one that mentioned not being happy all the time. idk i just remember a scene that mentioned that gigi isn't always happy). i doubt that all of her chapters will be like the one we got bc of this, but i might be wrong. if they are all like that, i dont think itll get too annoying bc we have rohan and lyra chapters in between hers. anways, ik i'll like her in tgg (bc i liked her in tbh even though sometimes she made me cringe)
final thoughts:
i think i'll like tgg (i liked all of the jlb books ive read so far). i'm a bit disappointed that the characters are so similar to some that we already have but i think i'll get over it. i do think that it is safe to say that, bc of this, tgg won't take tig's spot as one of my all time fav contemporary books (i separate contemporary from fantasy and stuff bc it doesn't make sense to me how im supposed to rank books that are completely different) and none of the pov characters will replace avery as my fav (this is confirmed, i see so much of myself in avery and i read her books when i was at my lowest. no one will replace her). i am quite tired so this may not make sense or might be repetitive. i have some other thoughts, but im too tired to write them down.
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antiadvil · 4 months
what are some phancoded songs?
okay i have been sitting on this for a while bc i feel like all of my suggestions are basic but i've been emboldened by the recent phan song posting. a lot of the songs on my phlaylist i added because i associate them with wad/ii/etc but here are the ones i can actually lyrically defend:
the tortured poet's department (taylor swift): look. this song is way more toxic than i usually like to imagine dan and phil. but some lyrics are just SO. look.
But you're in self-sabotage mode Throwing spikes down on the road But I've seen this episode and still loved the show
imagine: it is 2010. dan is saying he doesn't know if he and phil should move in together because phil makes him too happy and complacent in life. self sabotage mode!! throwing spikes down on the road!!
Who else decodes you? And who's gonna hold you like me? And who's gonna know you, if not me?
like. when you just click with someone. and you're like: this is it for me. if they leave me i will never love or be loved again. one of the things i like about this song is just how intense it is- i think it captures the intensity of their relationship (especially their early relationship) or at least, the intensity i feel about their relationship lmao
I chose this cyclone with you
this is probably my favorite lyric on the song and i think it's something many mentally ill people want to hear from our partners: you're an intense, dramatic mess, but you're my intense, dramatic mess, and i love you.
they don't know about us (one direction): okay this one is a little more self explanatory and like, thank god, because if i go to that level of depth on every song i'm going to be here all night.
They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the I love you's But I bet you, if they only knew (They don't know) They would just be jealous of us They don't know about the up all nights They don't know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right (They don't know) Baby, they don't know about, they don't know about us
like. you get it right? it's just. it's just them
that's so us (allie x): this one is sooo basic but i just had to put it. "we've been a wreck together since 2009." <3333333333
danny don't you know (ninja sex party) just has some really crazy parallels lmao, i saw someone use its lyrics once for a gifset and i was never able to unsee it:
Hey little Danny, don’t you cry I am you from much later in your life I know your hair is wild, I know you have no style
Danny, don’t you know that you are cool as fuck on the inside? You’re just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29
Now you’re on tour and they want more! You step on stage and they come alive No one cares that you’re 35 You’re a rock star on a centaur! Where'd he get a centaur? You’re still a nerdy kid inside But now you’ve finally found your tribe Hear the crowd roar! Give ‘em what they came for!
like!!! they even got the hair!!! (dan has always had a sense of style though i think. not always a good one. but he had one)
sinners (lauren aquilina): this song just reminds me a lot of how dan talks about his internalized homophobia (and of my own experiences with that).
And judgement taught us that our hearts were wrong
The rules say our emotions don't comply But we'll defy the rules until we die
The world may disapprove But my world is only you
You showed me feelings I've never felt before We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door And how can you expect me not to eat When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
yeah this is like half the song. deal with it. like. i think there can be something very healing about entering into a queer relationship with someone who makes you feel loved and safe after years of being told that was wrong. "how can you expect me not to eat / when the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?" when i was young i had a very powerful sort of reverse conversion experience, where i had been struggling to make sense of catholic teachings on homosexuality because like... it just didn't seem that bad. but everyone around me was saying it was. parents, teachers, family friends. and i was like, 14, and at that age, you kind of assume that adults do know more than you. they wouldn't all be against this if there was no reason, right? and then i fell in love with a girl and i was just like. wow. okay. these people are just wrong?? because this feels so good and normal and right?? like. yeah. the forbidden fruit tastes good. and is good for you, actually.
the alchemy (taylor swift) is just like, a power couple song. i don't know that any lyrics are super specifically phan coded (phoded if you will) like i just hear anything about love and go "oh my god that's so dan and phil coded." but:
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat
These blokes warm the benches We've been on a winning streak
like! they are THE youtube couple sorry everyone else is just trying to be as cool as them.
'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me
Where's the trophy? He just comes runnin' over to me
boncas anyone????
okay this is like so long and i have so many chores to do so i'll cut it here but not without adding still into you (paramore). self explanatory
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vizkopa · 6 months
Damned if you Do (Devil!Doflamingo x Reader) Part 3
I WAS planning on updating something else first, but this fic really has a hold on me right now and I might just be falling for Rosinante a little so hope you don't mind :P Usual warnings for NSFW stuff and religious themes. Mentions of terminal illness in this one too.
Part 3: Chokehold
It was odd to see Rosinante in a t-shirt and jeans. You had stared at him for so long, he’d had to wave his hand in front of your face before you realised he had asked you a question.
“Sorry, what?”
“I said, do you want to take the bed and I’ll take the couch?”
“Oh. Don’t put yourself out just because of me. I’ll take the couch.”
“You’ll take the bed.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, Dad.”
Rosi’s little one-room cottage on the property behind the church was barely bigger than your studio apartment, but it was cosy. Crocheted blankets and piles of books seemed to cover every surface, and the windowsill was overflowing with plants all in various stages of dying. You wanted nothing more than to just collapse onto the plush looking couch and sleep the afternoon away, but Rosi had piled the tiny dining table high with books on demon hierarchies and exorcisms and intended to read every single one of them in the hopes of finding a way to banish a Demon Lord.
“I’m not that much older than you, you know.”
“It’s not my fault you give off dad energy! The priest getup really doesn’t do you any favours.”
“Yes, well, that’s kind of the point of it.”
You walked to the neatly made bed and dropped your rucksack onto it, feeling a little weird about sleeping in a priest’s bed. The duvet was pink with little red hearts all over and for some reason you found that endearing.
“I’m going to order us some food. Any preferences?”
And so it was that the afternoon crawled by, Rosi absorbed in reading, you alternating between skimming whatever you could find that wasn’t in Latin, and texting Law while empty Thai takeout boxes slowly piled up in front of you.
I can’t see you for a while. These protections Rosi put on me are hardcore. He says lesser demons won’t be able to come within fifty feet of me.
I’ll be fine. Do what you need to do. Stay safe.
You sighed and scratched absently at the skin of your neck. You reeked of holy oils and incense, and would kill for a shower, but Rosi had forbidden you from doing so until it was time to renew the wards. He had also forbidden you to leave the church grounds. Not that you had anywhere else to be, but the thought alone was enough to have you feeling cooped up.
You sighed again and snapped your book shut. “How about I just kill him?”
Rosi looked up, surprised as if he’d forgotten you were even there. “Well, there’s the small problem of him possessing control over your body. Not to mention any Lord of Hell would have considerable physical strength too.”
“What if I took him by surprise?”
“He would likely possess supernatural senses as well. I doubt it would end well for you.”
You pouted and folded your arms over your chest. “It was just an idea.”
“An idea that’s likely to get you killed.”
He set the book down on the table with a sigh and rubbed his eyes. Then he surprised you by taking a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one, cracking the window to blow the smoke out into the dreary twilight air.
You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m trying to quit,” he said defensively.
“How have I known you for two whole years and never knew you were a smoker?”
“It’s not exactly a good look for a priest to show up to mass reeking of tobacco.” He offered you one.
You shook your head. “I’m good. But I wouldn’t say no to some of that nasty communion wine.”
Rosi grinned sheepishly. “I can do you one better.” He stubbed out the cigarette and opened the dining room cabinet, from which he pulled a bottle of bourbon whiskey. A very expensive bottle of bourbon whiskey.
You raised both eyebrows. “Father, you continue to surprise me.”
He poured you each a healthy measure, then clinked his glass against yours and took his seat again. The bourbon was smooth and rich and you could feel your nerves ease at the soothing notes of butterscotch and oak.
“Not bad for a Priest,” you admitted. “How old are you anyway?”
“I turned 30 last July.”
You were speechless. He was so young. Only four years your senior.
“The hell makes someone want to be a priest at your age?”
He frowned at your use of language, but otherwise said nothing for a long while. Not until he had finished his glass and poured both you and himself another did he finally speak.
“When I was a child, my older brother was possessed by a demon.”
Shock hung in the air between you. You’d had no idea. Not when you first came to him two years ago begging for help, and not in the years since had he ever mentioned anything about his history. You supposed you hadn’t really made the effort to get to know him beyond a professional relationship though. Not when you knew your time was limited.
“What happened?”
“He killed our parents. He almost killed me. A priest died trying to exorcise the demon and… my brother didn’t survive the ordeal…” His tone was clipped.
“Holy shit, Rosi… I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head. “I became a priest because once I knew that kind of evil was out there, destroying lives, I couldn’t just turn a blind eye.” He finished off his drink once more and lit another cigarette.
You didn’t know what to say.
“You wanna tell me what you sold your soul for?”
You winced. Honestly, you had been expecting that question for two years.
“Not particularly,” you said. “But I suppose it’s only fair.”
You reached across the table and took the cigarette from Rosi’s finger, letting yourself take one long drag to calm your racing heart before handing it back.
“I was 16 and stupid. I was in love with a boy. I mean, I thought I was in love. You know how teenagers are.” You laughed awkwardly. “We’d been best friends for years but in our sophomore year, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.”
“Oh, [Name]…”
You could feel tears prick the corners of your eyes but you willed them away. “I was so desperate, I was willing to do anything… And when I met a man at a crossroads one night while I was walking home from the hospital, I believed him when he said he could make my wildest, deepest desire a reality. And, well..”
“Your soul for a life.”
“Yep.” You took another sip of your drink, letting it cast its welcome fog over your mind. “It worked. He lived. And at that age ten years felt like an eternity.”
“And you and your… friend?”
You shrugged. “We grew apart. He was never interested in me the same way and eventually I moved on too.” You cleared your throat loudly, banishing the last of the tears that threatened to escape. “I was young and stupid and I guess I’m just getting what I deserve now.”
You looked up at Rosi to find that his eyes had softened. “You may have done a stupid thing,” he said gently. “But you were not stupid. And you deserve to live a full and happy life just as much as that boy you saved.”
You almost teared up again at his words, but instead you just gave him a warm, genuine smile and poured yourself another drink.
Many hours and half a bottle of bourbon later, the two of you finally turned in—you, stumbling, to the bed, Rosi to the couch once more despite your insistence that you would have been fine on the couch.
You were out in moments, but when you opened your eyes, you were no longer in the priest’s little cottage, but an extravagant bed chamber, draped in burgundy velvets and silks. On the bed, was the Demon Lord.
His eyes were closed, head tilted back against the headboard, and he was… stroking himself. Languidly. As if he had nowhere else in the world to be. Your mouth suddenly dry, you scanned the room for an exit, hoping against hope you could leave before he noticed you were there (were you there? Or were you still back in the cottage?). His voice stopped you before you could even take a step.
“I’d been wondering where you’d got to,” he purred. “Have you been hiding from me, my dear?”
His eyes were open now, fixing you with a mesmerising ice blue stare. You struggled to keep your gaze level with his as that hand continued to do sinful things beneath the silk covers. “Clearly not well enough,” you said. The words did not come out as cool as you were hoping they would.
He clicked his tongue. “Found yourself a holy man, I see. How long before he sees who you truly are and leaves you like the rest?”
“And you think you know who I truly am?”
“I can see the darkness inside you, my dear. It calls to me like mine calls to you. Don’t try to deny it.” He pressed a hand to his chest and you felt your own heart lurch in response.
How easy it would be to just crawl into his bed, to let him claim you. To finally stop fighting for a soul you were sure was even worth saving. Faster than you could blink, he was before you, naked and beautiful and terrifying. He lifted a hand to cup your chin, tilting your face until his mouth only inches from yours. You felt a twist of desire deep in your gut. “We are bound, you and I. I wore a different form then, but I still remember the kiss we shared. Do you?”
You nodded. How could you forget. It had been your first kiss. A seal on the contract that damned your immortal soul.
“I have been waiting for the moment I could taste you again.”
You didn’t fight it when he lowered his lips to yours. He tasted of pomegranate and honey, intoxicating as the whiskey that still clouded your thoughts. A small voice in the back of your head told you you were dreaming, but you shoved it aside. If this was a dream, then there was no harm in indulging. Just a little.
He deepened the kiss, and you parted you lips for him, eager to taste more of that heady sweetness. His hand found your waist and tugged you against his tall, hard body, the evidence of his arousal hot and eager against your stomach. You wound your hands in his blond hair, nails scraping as you tugged him impossibly closer.
Wake up.
The voice was there again, more insistent this time. You growled and shoved it away harder. The demon seemed to be laughing at your internal battle. His other hand grazed the length of your body, from shoulder to thigh, leaving fire in its wake and fuelling the fire between your legs. Almost as if he had read your thoughts, he hoisted you into his arms and pressed your back against the velvet-draped wall.
Fuck. You could feel all of him against you, your drenched sleep shorts the only barrier between you and that impressive length. You wanted it. You wanted him. More than anything you’ve ever wanted in your life—
You gasped awake. Darkness surrounded you. Your skin burned like a fever and your nightclothes were twisted around you and drenched in sweat, but a cool pair of hands held your shoulders. For a fraction of a second, you thought you were still dreaming and the demon was holding you down, but a familiar voice gave you pause.
Rosi knelt above you, dressed in only his boxers. He sighed in relief when he noticed you were awake.
“Thank God,” he said. “You were dreaming. I couldn’t wake you.”
“I—,” you croaked, your throat dry. You swallowed and tried again. “I don’t think it was a dream. He found me.”
You couldn’t see Rosi’s face in the darkness, but he sat up on his heels, concern lacing every word. “How? I gave you every protection I knew of!”
You shook your head. “Maybe the whiskey made it easier to slip past the wards, I don’t know.”
Now that the sweat was drying on your skin, you shivered in the cool night air. Rosi almost fell off the bed in his haste to fetch you a blanket, wrapping it tightly around your shoulders. You were grateful not just for the warmth, but because you could still feel a slickness between your thighs that—though he couldn’t see it in the dark—felt indecent in the presence of a priest.
“What happened?” Rosi sat back on the edge of the bed.
“I fell asleep and suddenly I was… somewhere else. Not physically, I guess, if my body was still here. But everything felt real.”
“Did he hurt you?”
You laughed. “I assure you, Father, it was quite the opposite.” You changed the subject quickly. “He said something interesting though, before… He said he’s bound by this contract too. Maybe that means there’s a loophole somewhere, or that he can be convinced to break it somehow.”
“You think so?”
“Maybe. I don’t know..
“We’ll look into it tomorrow. We should try and get some sleep.”
“I… don’t know if I can.”
Rosi thought for a second, then rummaged in the drawer in the bedside table. As he did so, it suddenly clicked that he was very much shirtless. And… kind of jacked? You pushed the thought out of your clearly sex-addled brain as he looped something around your neck. It was a rosary.
“Wear this to sleep. If you know the Hail Mary, maybe say a few. I think it should work until we can find a better solution in the morning, okay?”
You nodded your thanks and curled up on your side, clutching the rosary to you chest. But you didn’t sleep. You couldn’t.
From Rosi’s whispered prayers in the other room, neither could he.
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mejomonster · 5 months
So Sherlock Holmes Chapter One (from my naive just-started-playing perspective) seems to be a soft reboot of Frogwares Sherlock games, in the sense its a sort of origin story of Sherlock before he meets John Watson amd is the generally well known investigator with the personality and talents we (overall) expect. Since its a sort of origin story, it opens on a Sherlock (Sherry) with some personality traits in different values to the standard Later Sherlock, and with some skills just not as good yet (his deductions Feel far more fallible as they can be wrong in this game, or impossible to determine for sure if correct, amd from a gameplay perspective a young still growing Sherlock makes this feel more realistic, vice versa from a story perspective the gameplay lets them show Sherlock's young character and growth in the game). As a sort of original origin story, Frogwares has this creative freedom to change Sherlock (and add to/remove/edit) the Series as much as Sherlock adaptations do when they veer into some brand new aspects (like say Elementary, House, Psych). This is still the Sherlock Holmes we mostly know (or rather will BECOME the Sherlock Holmes from the original books mostly), but the changes made to him in Chapter One carry over into The Awakened. The 2nd game using this adapted version of Sherlock Holmes with the character changes and background history context that this original story in Chapter One added to the character. So it makes The Awakened feel more like an adaptation (like say Elementary or House etc) rather than an attempt to be mostly matching Book Sherlock.
Mostly, i like it. I like seeing original ideas and how theyre played with. Its like seeing an AU of sherlock, or a canon compliant add on (like in fanfiction). Its like the stories of Sherlock written after ACDs stories, based on them, but making new Sherlocks to some extent. Or interpreting in new ways by adding new ideas, or changing one or two, or changing setting and seeing how that effects the characters/story (like time period changed in Elementary etc).
I havent played the older Frogwares games (Crimes and Punishments is next on my list to play, maybe The Devils Daughter?), but i assume for the most part theyre going to be what i expect of BOOK Sherlock if put into new cases/situations.
Whereas Chapter One, is one (of a million) possible ideas of who book Sherlock might have been Before. Possibly taken to a bit of an AU route, just because i think in Chapter One they lean into a few character traits and growth arcs (and quirks) that make this Sherlock feel a bit distinctly different from the Original Sherlock cultural expectations from audiences. Chapter One Sherlock wants no friends, no anyone close to him, is bad with people. Thats a trait he gets better at by The Awakened, but its also one that some Adaptations give to Sherlock more than perhaps original Sherlock may actually have. Chapter One Sherlock, most notably, is given an origin story where his mom suffered from intense grief of his father's death, her own mental health deteriorated and she got ill, he felt unable to help (and was sheltered/lied to about the whole situation), was attacked by his mom (which his childhood self somewhat blamed himself for), and she died (and he blocked out the memory it was so painful). The origin story in the game is why he ultimately withdrew from people: he feared hurting them (fearing he hurt his mother), he feared them hurting him (his mom dying, mycroft lying, dad dying), he feared loving and losing them (for understandable reasons). Its not just a trait in general, that he doesnt like socializing with people or simply isnt good at it, in the game its a trait in part Because he's afraid of connecting to people and at least partly is pushing them away on purpose. The origin story in the game also has Sherlock react so strong to his dads death, his general childhood, that he has an imaginary friend Jon he relies on to self sooth. Because its a game, its a wonderfully utilized aspect that lets the player have a companion and Sherlock bounce off ideas aloud (when to a degree its just him working things out to himself). Its a tangible visible manifestation of what Sherlock emotionally goes through inside: his disassociation from reality and his own feelings, his desires FOR companionship and relating to people, his love of mystery and adventure and its escapist purpose for him, his care for people embodied by Jons compassion for others, his morality clearly more than sherlock lets on as he insists he doesnt value connection but does value Jon and Jon values connection so on some level Sherlock does and knows its valuable, its his hopes and fears, his self soothing to heal himself And his coping mechanisms of avoiding his own feelings and reality. Jon is a wonderful way to externalize all that so the audience can understand Sherlock internally, and so Sherlock can understand himself. (It also makes for an interesting original and emotional young Sherlock story).
But it has consequences. Jon is handled very significantly, which means going forward, when THIS chapter one Sherlock is used in future games its no longer just the Expected Overall General Sherlock. Its now a very specifically adapted Sherlock, with the character changes and history from chapter one informing how this new version of Sherlock is unique.
In The Awakened, this is a Sherlock we the player know had his own imaginary friend. We know he'd dissociated before. We know his mom had memory loss and believed her dead husband was alive, and how real it seemed to her while it was also very Painful to her family, we know Sherlock's seen doctors fail to heal mental health and potentially do harm without it being stopped in time. And its very interesting to see a Chapter One adaptation Sherlock in The Awakened scenarios. This version of Sherlock isnt going to question being transported to another dimension: partly because as any Sherlock does, he will assume a logical explanation like having breathed in drugs and hallucinated. But also, this Sherlock has seen things that no one else can like his imaginary friend Jon, his false memories then remembered memories, knows he's lied to himself with his own memories or completely blocked things out before. So it makes sense he wouldnt think a new dimension is weird to see: it could be his own mind making it up, or blocking out whats really there, he'd just accept the current thing he's seeing and act practical. When they go to the mental hospital, he sees the girl talk to her doll and to him its not much different than how he talked to Jon, when the doll talks it doesnt really matter if the girl is pretending to talk for the doll OR if the doll genuinely talks and is sentient. Its the girls business, Sherlock just intends to solve the mystery. He's not better than the girl, he's not judging the girl or her situation, he's quite neutral. He's been to some extent where she is, and still calls out to Jon when afraid, and can understand some of her own perspective. When he meets Becker, and realizes who it is, there's a parallel there between a mom who in Chapter One has the backstory of memory loss (and how Sherlock saw it growing up) and seeing Becker who's had that fate intentionally done to him by the head doctor. So from this version of Sherlock, theres an added weight to how cruel that is viewed by him. This Sherlock sees intentionally making someone forget as an extremely cruel thing to do. He views his own forgetting and then remembering the truth in chapter one, as ultimately a good thing despite being incredibly painful. So we know going into The Awakened that hes going to hate people who cause others to forget, who hurt other's minds or medically abuse others, he's going to have some compassion and understanding for the victims, and he's going to value people remembering the truth and the truth being Revealed to more people as positives. He's going to not question possibly supernatural things, as he's seen things others dont before and might even assume seeing such things is normal For him (so he doesnt question why he might see something Watson doesnt for example). The whole Chapter One shaping of Sherlock Holmes adds this interesting angle on a new Story. It could be any story now, and if Sherlock saw things others didnt we may not know for sure if they were there or just there for Sherlock. It could be any story now, and Sherlock may not question some things and instead consider them normal, and might have a particular hatred for lies and medical abuse to an extent even greater than perhaps expected of other Sherlock adaptations. And in this particular The Awakened story, it has things to play with that make Sherlock interact with the mystery in some ways that i dont think another adaptation might have. (Again, about the girl and her doll, i think a version of Sherlock who'e never had Jon might view and judge her thinking differently, i think a version of Sherlock who'd never forgotten his own memories or had Jon might question going to another dimension or hearing voices a Bit More).
Im only about 50% through the Awakened so feel free to ignore as i may get some things totally wrong. I just find it interesting how some Chapter One writing decisions make this Holmes a new version.
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shybunny · 2 years
more nun stuff PLEASE love. maybe she wakes up to the devil fucking her or maybe fucking another nun
🔞 this post contains erotic writing intended for adults. do not interact with this post if you are a minor/under eighteen
😇 nuns, wlw, masturbation, groping, fingering, innocence, corruption 🤔 shame, mildish dubcon
There’s another nun in the convent who you think of as your particular friend. You spend more time with her than any of the other women, frequently working together and often confiding in each other.
Right now the two of you are happily working and talking in the kitchen. You watch her surreptitiously as she kneads the bread dough. She’s such a pretty little thing, always cheerful and smiling, with generous curves that even her shapeless habit can’t hide. As she rolls out the dough, learning over the kitchen counter, her breasts swing back and forth beneath the rough wool of her tunic. You’re mesmerized by the sight, but you jerk your gaze away, flustered, when she turns to you with a smile.
Later that night you lie in bed and abuse yourself. You commit this shameful act every night now, imagining any number of lewd and shameful things, but tonight you're thinking of your friend, thinking of her ample breasts swinging back and forth over the kitchen counter, thinking of her hands kneading the thick dough and imagining them on your chest.
The next day you do another long set of chores with her. You try to keep your eyes from her bosom, but by the end of the day, your pussy is buzzing with need, and all you want to do is go back to your room and rub that aching wetness between your legs.
Your friend walks you back to your plain little cell. She hesitates at the door, and looks shyly at the ground as she speaks.
“Would you mind if I asked your advice on something, Sister?”
“Of course,” you tell her, surprised.
“Well… It’s just that I’ve been experiencing a lot of… discomfort lately, in my… between my…” She’s still staring down at the ground, tongue-tied and blushing. You feel your own face getting hot when you realize what she means.
“Oh,” you say, voice cracking nervously.
"Lately it's been getting so swollen and wet all the time... I can barely keep my mind on my work." She looks back up at you with her big worried eyes. “I just don’t know what it means. You don’t think I could be ill, do you?”
She doesn’t know what it means? Could she truly be that innocent? You can’t respond for a moment, because you’re vividly imagining her plump wet privates, and your own privates start to throb in response. You know you should put a stop to this conversation, but she looks so worried and confused.
You noisily clear your throat. “It happens to me too sometimes… But there are things you can do to relieve your discomfort.”
“Really?” she says, looking suddenly hopeful. “Will you show me what to do?” She catches your hand and presses closer to you, excited, inadvertently pressing her plump breasts into your arm. Oh God… They’re so much softer than you imagined. And she’s looking up at you with such a sweet, trusting expression.
Against your better judgment, you let her follow you into your cell. You shouldn’t be doing this; you’re making her complicit in your sin. But she’s still looking at you with those big, trusting eyes, relying on you to help her in her hour of need. How can you say no to her?
You sit down on your thin mattress, scoot back and spread your knees to create a space between your thighs. You gesture her over gingerly, patting the mattress so that she sits between your legs, looking over her shoulder at you, shyly but with affectionate attention and interest. Good lord… You look away from her sweet face and concentrate on slowly pulling up the fabric of her skirts, then reaching down and carefully feeling the lips of her pussy. She lets out a little “Oh…” of surprise as you gently explore her folds. You swallow convulsively. She’s already so swollen and wet… You’ve never done this to anyone else, but you try to imagine how you do it to yourself. How you tease yourself, lightly massaging your fingers over the soft folds, stroking the sensitive edges and dipping between them to feel the growing wetness. You feel her breathing get faster as you tease her like this, and she leans back against your chest.
Unable to resist the temptation, you slide your other hand onto her chest and heft one of her plump breasts, soft and moldable even through the layers of fabric. You can't help it, you start kneading and groping her breast, and she moans gently in your arms.
“Tell me if you want me to stop…” you whisper.
“No, please,” she begs, breathless, “please keep going, it’s just what I need. It feels so good—” She gasps as you start to rub her faster. She lets her head loll back against your shoulder, her eyes squeezed gently shut and her pretty lips parted on a little moan as you rub her swollen pussy. She moans sweetly and undulates her hips as you bring her closer and closer to release, rubbing her harder and faster and fondling her breasts more eagerly until she bites back a little cry and starts cumming against your fingers, writhing in your arms, breasts heaving under your hand.
With an effort of will, you remove your hand from her bosom, and pull your other hand out from between her legs. She’s still leaning back against you, panting.
“Oh…” she says, breathless. “That was so… so wonderful… I feel so much better… Thank you…” She looks up at you with her sweet face all dreamy, and you wonder if she would mind very much if you kissed her. But before you can broach the subject, she stands herself up, swaying a bit as she rights her skirts. She grins at you, thanking you again, but she really should be getting off the bed now.
Feeling terribly embarrassed, you walk her to the door of your cell. You’re about to let her go when she turns in the doorway and looks back up at you. “Um…” she says, blushing, “if I get like this again… will you help me the next time too?”
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
Firstly - get better soon Sarc!! Secondly, a question - how about a rating of doctors/medical professionals in One Piece? Worst to best, and why =D
Worst to best, eh? Going to have to consult the wiki on this, but I’ll give it my best shot
Hogback: I considered putting him higher since he seems to be a competent surgeon—successfully transferring animal parts onto Absolom, among other things—but his utter disregard for ethics puts him at the bottom. Doc Q is a terrible human being, but he doesn’t claim to be advancing medical science. Plus, his supposed greatest feat isn’t even his own. Without Moriah’s devil fruit, Hogback’s “resurrections” don’t exist. He’s a fraud and a creep, -100/10
Doc Q: We haven’t seen him do much doctoring but considering his own health and that of his horse, I have my doubts. That, and handing out exploding apples and then blaming fate when they explode is generally regarded as bad practice. He’s caused much harm and brought no health, so -10/10
Hiliruk: An inspirational figure does not a good doctor make. Please don’t force feed children frog spawn in order to treat their broken bones 0/10
Dr. Blackbeard: we didn’t see his medical practice, but he seemed nice and probably didn’t deserve to be kicked in the head by an Emperor’s commander ???/10
Masked Deuce: I read both Ace novels and didn’t remember he was a doctor, but the wiki says he was a dropout with sucky grades so we’ll say 2/10
Aladine: Also did not remember he was a doctor, but unlike almost everyone else on this list he was sensitive to mental health issues. But without seeing him more in action I can’t give him higher than a 5/10
Nako: Don’t know much about him, but he gave Nami her tattoo and stitched up Zoro’s chest so 5/10 for being partially responsible in universe for two iconic character designs
Marco: Devil. Fruit. Hax. Seen more slapping on temporary (albeit effective) bandaid solutions than truly healing underlying conditions and hasn’t shown himself to be any great specialist or researcher 7/10
Crocus: He’s a doctor and a veterinarian, so he gets bonus points. Couldn’t heal Roger, but kept him alive for his last journey, and is a good enough engineer to hook Laboons stomach up with electric lighting without killing him 8/10
Kureha: If this were based purely on knowledge and expertise she’d win hands down, but we don’t see here treat the range of injuries and illness as some others, and her predatory business practices run the risk of causing real harm to her patients. Don’t through scalpels at your patients while robbing them blind. 10/10 doctor, -100/10 bedside manner
Law: Devil Fruit hax with legitimate medical genius is a dangerous combination in a man who literally steals hearts as a hobby. 10/10 doctor, but there’s a good chance he’ll just murder you instead
Chopper: Protagonist powers, and is the only upper tier doctor who is genuinely altruistic while conducting ground breaking research in the area of manipulating his devil fruit abilities with the power of SCIENCE. He was fifteen years old when he kept Zoro from dying at the end of Thriller Bark and reverse engineered viruses in the middle of a battle as the equivalent as a high school junior. 11/10 doctor, I will be forever mad that Oda never shows more off his efforts keeping these morons alive
Whitebeard’s nurses get a bonus shout out, because as great as he was as a person Edward Newgate was a shit patient and they all had to work in those ridiculous outfits. 15/10 for the lot of of them, I hope he at least paid well
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animnerd · 2 months
WANNA BET? (part one)
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i'm known in the Tennessee state as the best cowboy country singer but that all changed one day as a devil captured my heart. 
One day I was just finished with my concert. It was a great concert. I went back to my dressing room to relax. I was sitting in my chair relaxing I closed my eyes. When all of a sudden I hear a voice. "Are you the famous mortal country singer I heard so much about?" The voice sneered. I decided not to answer I figured it was all in my head. Plus no one should be in my dressing room. Unless this is a prank that my band members are pulling….I thought. So I said "Joey if this is you leave now please I want to be alone" the voice laughed. "This is not one of your so called band members open your eyes you pompous meer mortal!" The voice hisses. I opens my eyes and what I see shocked me. I was face to face with the devil himself or what looks like the devil. 
He was tall taller then me but that could be because im sitting down…. He had black hair muscled body that was carved from God himself. I couldn't see his eyes they were covered by a very sexy pompadour hat. He chuckles and lifts his head to show fire red eyes. Which made me gulp. He just smirked as he placed his right hand on his hips. "So you didn't answer my question are you the famous country singer I heard about?" I just gulped nods my head he had the biggest cheshire cat grin as he leans over me.  "I'm in a rush I need to meet my quota so please give me your soul." I was in shocked I stood up stared at him. "No I like to keep my soul thank you very much." He smirked as he took a step back as he thought about my statment. "Its funny how you mortals think you have a choice.  I'll repet myself one more time.  I WANT YOUR SOUL!" "I'll repeat myself one more time as well.  No!"
He sighed moves back as he walks little fire would be left in his wake as he thinks. I worried that the room would be set on fire.  He turns looks at me his hair flips around. "I havs a proposition for you we place a bet if you say your the best country singer of these parts. You can out sing me then i'll leave you alone.  Do we have a deal?" He leans down our noses, almost  touching. I look up at him biting my lip. I'm trying to keep the blushing off my checks. "Yes we have a deal." I wasn't much of a betting man but my reputarion was on the line how could I not say no! "When do you want to do this?" "Like I said…" as he brushes his thumb over my check and tuck a hair behind my right ear whisper in my ear. "Im in a rush so lets do it now in this room." He answers my second question even before I had the chance to ask it. "Ok ill go first." I get up and walks over to my dresser and grabs my gutair. I open the case to see my old warn out guitar. I pulled it out and walk over to the sexy man who at that moment I didn't catch his name. 
He smirks and snaps his fingers he puts fire around the door frame which at first freaks me out. But instead of setting the room on fire it puts a barrier around the door. I look over at him shocked he just shrugs his shoulders. As if he does this everyday which I guess for him he does. I take a breath and walk over close to him and start playing one of my popular songs. I get into the song ignoring the world around me I close my eyes as I sing. Little do I know the devil is inthralled with my song and he becomes nervous. But he hides his demeanor and goes back to the ice cold devil he is. Even Though deep down his ice cold heart has a heartbeat for one particular singer. 
When he was done he wanted to clap and declare him the winner but instead he put back on his evil smirk. "Not bad not bad at all but let a real pro show you how is done." He just hoped his cool was showing because he never felt this way about anyone before. He gets up snaps his fingers a bolt of fire appears and a band of demon's and a piano shows up. He walks over to the panio and sits down as he plays the same song as I did. He closes his eyes and gets into the song. I am shocked when I noticed that the piano lifts off the ground and flies around the room. He notices the band going faster not as slow as they first started. They picked up speed and tempo as he goes faster into the middle of the song. He could tell he was really into the song. He had his body moving with the music and what really shocked me was there was musical notes flying around him and he saw flowers? He was very confused. He noticed that once the song was coming to an end the piano came down and I clapped. He oopens his eyes to look over to him smile as I walked over and leans on the piano only to quickly back away. He laughed "it's hot there hot man…. I mean singer… * blushed but cleared his throat he sighs* you won I won't take your soil but I will give you this piano instead." I smiled "thank you for the piano but you keep it." As I wink at him I rather keep the memories." They stared at each other for a while basking in each other's presence. They both didn't want to leave but he smiled, looked at his love one last time bowed and snaped his fingers and they were gone
@vbecker10 @superdcchick
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yohangaontdj · 1 year
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 3 (Part 1)
This episode is the one that have me falling hard for Yohan x Gaon. And I have so many screenshots for this episode that it had taken me a while to organise it all.
And this episode which is titled A Quiet Mansion. It should have, in my opinion, be titled The Many Faces of Kang Yohan. Cause there were so many different aspects of him in just one episode, I have to devote the first part of my post solely to him.
The Opening Scene
Here we have Kang Yohan being cool and frankly, a tad too dressed up for someone who's at home. That black suit and red scarf of his.
Then we get to see him interacting with Elijah for the first time, and being so different from his public image as a judge. Quite childish cute in a way as he reacted to Elijah's remarks.
Then the moment when Gaon was awake, going back to being suave and cool again. And I'm just so tickled by it.
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Press Conference Scene
Here we get to see Kang Yohan being confidence and business-like as he dealt with the press.
And there is his Harry-Potter-like scar and fake hand injury. Not at all aware that he will indeed get a real hand injury - his left - towards the end of the drama.
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Encountering Soohyun Scene
Gosh, I just couldn't stop smiling at how Yohan was just like a jealous boyfriend as he questioned her.
And I don't believe, not one bit, that he didn't know who Soohyun was and what kind of relationship Gaon has with her. He did a background check on Gaon, so I'm sure he will already know everything.
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Undressing Gaon Scene
This one! Gosh, you have no idea how many times I repeat it to watch again and again. Its just hot and hot and hot!
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The Elijah Questioning Scene
This is my absolute favourite other than the Gaon undressing scene. And I love love this cause on this re-watch, I realise that Yohan already knew Elijah was dying to question him. Cause as he walked past her to put the medical stuff down. She had been eyeing him. And there was this scene when he had tightened the tie around his robe, looking like he was bracing himself for what is to come.
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Then all his cute and comical expression afterwards. And my suspicion is that Yohan expected to be questioned about Gaon and not about his love life.
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And the moment that Elijah finally mentioned Gaon. Look at how he had smiled like - 'Ah, I knew that was coming'.
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And him talking to the cat and then sighing in the end. He's like, 'I'm glad I got through a difficult task'. And my feeling is that he didn't like the words he had spoken to Elijah. There maybe no ill intention behind them but they weren't nice either.
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The Walking Into An Empty Office Scene
I hadn't thought much of it until this re-watch and it just struck me that it was like Yohan was saying his goodbye. Cause he knew in the end, he will destroy everything that had to do with courts. And walk out without taking anything with him.
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The 'Are You Doing It Because of Kim Gaon' Scene
Here I can only gush over how beautiful Kang Yohan look. Like a sculpture. His injury making him even more mesmerising.
And the way he couldn't quite look K in the eye. It just goes to show how Gaon isn't just merely someone working for him. He has a place in his heart.
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More to come in Part 2, and I'm not done with Yohan yet. Couldn't continue on cause had reached the limit for number of pics I can post.
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Crossroads - Member Exclusive Mini Series
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Summary: A waitress at the elite strip club Crossroads, Y/N wants to audition for a spot on stage to help make ends meet. Instead, the owner–Sam–offers her a position that would earn her plenty of money without having to strip in public every night. But is she prepared to dance with the Devil himself just to get by? 
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Reader not realising she's mentally ill, anxiety, casual thoughts about suicide, attempted sexual assault Tags: ​​Strip Club AU, StripClubOwner!Sam, Waitress!Reader, Stripper!Benny, Manager!Jo, Stripper!Reader, SugarDaddy!Sam, Creepy!Dean, Bi!Dean, Bi!Benny, mentions of past Denny, Dean's canon love of strippers, infatuation, possessiveness, jealousy, mutual pining, money troubles, antagonistic co-workers, sexual fantasies, masturbation, overly controlling, misguided romantic gestures, very bad choices, attempted sexual assault, coercion, angst, light drug use, lap dances, semi-public sex, making out, dry humping, dirty talk, fingering, p in v sex, d/s overtones/fantasies, multiple orgasms Word Count: 33k
A/N: Commissioned by the lovely @jbbarnesgirl! She came to me with this idea over the summer and I’ve been putting it off because I immediately thought it had potential for so much more than a quick oneshot; I didn’t want to rush it. I hope the final product is worth the wait!
Keep reading for a teaser 😏
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“But, puttin’ your women troubles aside, how ‘bout you tell the waitress to come talk to me quick on her next shift. If she’s a trainwreck I’ll be the bad guy, make sure she knows you want to keep her on. Which one is it, by the way?” Benny had begun to turn away but looked back over his shoulder when he thought of his last question. 
“It’s Y/N,” Sam said, rubbing at the back of his neck in aggravation. He saw the recognition in Benny’s eyes. 
“The one with the–” he held his hands in front of his chest in mimicry of Y/N’s fantastic cleavage, and Sam gave him a hard look that very clearly said ‘knock it off’. “Brotha’, if there was anyone on the wait-staff who probably can strip worth a damn, I’d say it’s her,” Benny grinned, ignoring Sam’s displeasure. 
“Just, let her down easy if she doesn’t make the cut,” Sam sighed bitterly. 
“You don’t want her to be good enough,” Benny spoke with the cadence of someone coming to a realization and voicing it aloud as the thought presented itself to him. “This ain’t about her quittin’ serving, you don’t want her stripping at all,” his lips spread wide in a shit-eating grin and Sam tried to interrupt him but the dancer barrelled right on: “‘less it’s a private show in your bedroom, amiright?” His thick, bushy brows danced agilely above his smirking eyes, and Sam wanted very much to punch the smug look right off the Cajun’s face, but he couldn’t with so many witnesses around. 
Taking a steadying breath, Sam rebuttoned the fastening on his jacket and fixed the strand of hair that had fallen over his face. “She’s working tonight, I’ll tell her to stop by your dressing room.” And then he spun on his heel and made his retreat. 
“I look forward to it,” Benny called after him, but Sam made no reply, letting the door to the studio slam heavily behind him. 
Sam felt his fists clench and unclench rhythmically in the pockets of his trousers as he walked back to his car, thinking about what Benny had said. “–if there was anyone on the wait-staff who probably can strip worth a damn, I’d say it’s her.” Inwardly, Sam thought Benny was probably right. He’d spent long enough studying the movements of Y/N’s body through the club, always light on her feet and easily balanced. She had never dropped a tray or tripped over dancing club-goers, even in the stilettos she wore to serve. And there was something about the shape of her calves… Sam could imagine all too easily what she would look like dropping to the floor and arching her back, balancing on her toes, the sleek muscles of her legs flexing while the curves of her ass bounced in barely-there lace. 
Sliding behind the wheel of his car, Sam slammed his head against the edge of the steering wheel, trying to knock the image out of his brain before he got himself into trouble. He made himself take a deep breath and consider his options. Say Y/N auditioned for Benny and he wanted to hire her, how could Sam convince her that it would be a bad idea to take the job? 
He would have to offer her something better; something that could make her just as much money without requiring her to get naked in front of crowds of people every night. If he thought she’d take it, Sam would have simply offered her a raise in her salary, but she’d already told him she didn’t want to be treated specially. Could he make up some new position for her? He didn’t really need an assistant, and Sam knew he was horrible at delegating, but maybe he could learn? If it kept Y/N off the stage it would be worth the anxiety about letting somebody else handle some of his work for him. The problem with that was he knew Jo would get suspicious. If anybody was being promoted to a role handling more of the business operations, it should be Jo, and Sam had no idea if Y/N would even be interested in that kind of job. 
Fuck, why do I have no good ideas anymore? Sam berated himself as he drove back to Crossroads. Business is just problem solving. I’m good at problem solving. I should be able to figure this out.
As he pulled into the private parking lot reserved for employees at the club, the idea came to Sam in a rush. It was just business. He didn’t have to show his hand. He could keep himself to himself and still get everything he wanted. He could keep Y/N all to himself and make sure she was being taken care of. Yes, he could take care of everything; and if Y/N didn’t really want to be a stripper to begin with, wouldn’t stripping for just one person be preferable to hundreds? It was perfect.
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cinnnam0nngir16 · 6 months
Why is my body rotting? 
Why is my body rotting? 
When the skin on my left index finger begins to shed and I start picking it
until it bleeds and my flesh opens up like a worm hole 
Why is my body rotting? 
On my face is a bruise from the man that chased me down the street 
outside the pub at 3 AM
where I had too much to drink 
where I buried my pride in somebody’s face
where I forgot about self respect
My parents raised me to be a reasonable young woman 
compassionate, kind, confident, empathetic, gentle,
who knows her self worth and sets boundaries when people come too close
who understands how to be normal:
when to stop drinking, 
when to go home, 
when to say “I love you”.
She is all the things I am not 
Like my rotting body, 
disgust churns in me like a chronic disease 
reflecting in every surface where I see my smudged mascara
It twists in my stomach wherever I go.
Shame clings to me like the fucking devil
“You are not unloveable,
people don’t know how to hold you.”
Why is my body rotting? 
I look it up on google. 
It tells me that it could be the result of bacteria invasion under the skin
An infection
A deathly illness
A sign of cancer and liver failure
It doesn’t tell me if it probes beneath the flesh
from the very centre of my entire being,
Frail and thin
It doesn’t tell me if it was the drunk man putting out his cigarette on my face 
and when I ran 
I ran like I had just grown legs
I wanted to stop crying - my tears burnt the wound 
Maybe if I didn’t loathe what I see when I look in the mirror,
I would not give him the chance
to get close to me, to raise his cigarette to my face 
I would not give anyone the chance to use me 
my body, my emotions, my intensity 
using all these beautiful things about me 
to hurt me
At the art gallery, I read
I don’t want to hurt, I just want to be cradled 
I took a picture of the towering spider sculpture beside it
When I showed it to my friend, 
she said this creature will not cradle you. 
My body is rotting,
and I think I know why. 
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sollucets · 1 year
@troubled-mind's 5 ql songs tag ✨
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to. 🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
i'm not sure who to tag (maybe @hoppipolla my other Music Mutual; no pressure 💜) i hope i've done this right; let's go!
boun - your smile / between us
actually all of the between us osts they released post-series & their mvs slap, so it was really really hard to pick one. (regular ost good also,💜 u boy sompob). please also consider prem's it's always you & yacht&o's unexpectedly (yacht is such a good singer?????) but this one's my favorite. it's just so peppy and cute :')
coldin - romantic devil / semantic error
i went into this tag game knowing it'd ruin any chance of people thinking i am an Obscure Music Liker:tm:. yes my choices are popular but it's okay. romantic devil slaps so hard you guys there's just no getting around it. i highly recommend it for pretending u are in a music video while shopping, it's a really good soundtrack for that (also this live clip??? 💜💜💜)
khaotung - over the moon / the eclipse
look. look what did you expect
(to be clear my favorite khaotung song is actually never too late, but i haven't seen 55:15, so i can't in good conscience put that on here. listen to it it's so good)
i listened to over the moon prior to watching the series actually, courtesy of my spotify recs, and i do just really like it. there's a pretty decent chance it's gonna be in my top 10 in spotify later this year, i'd say. i love how echoey & vibey it is
gemini - hook / my school president
this is the best msp song don't @ me. sorry rock & star it is pretty close, but not that close. i always like a song like this that is about other songs (hozier's almost / sweet music too, ex); it suits tinn's character and the themes of the episode it's introduced in and it's just a very pretty song. gemini has such a nice high singing voice
beverly - andante hourglass / our dining table
i don't think i've seen it like, listed as that english title, but that's what sunadokei means. the ending theme of bokushoku is on kat's original list and also very very good, so a secondary add here, but i really like this op. her voice is very pretty & the song is bouncy and cute, and the lyrics meaning is so..... soft. about a slow-moving hourglass and the precious, dreamlike time we have, and that even when it runs out itll be okay. share all your sorrows and happiness as much as possible [cries a little]
bonus: gawin caskey's cover of bird thongchai's fog or smoke / dark blue kiss
gawin is the only bl guitar boy i'll defend to the death. ill defend some others but not to the death). this scene in dbk.... i actually stopped & went hunting for the original song (a banger!) bc i just really enjoyed his voice & how well the song & the ensuing conversation suited mork.
here's a full cover from a fanmeet with podd (although beware the audio quality and, bless him, podd joining in)
(also ALSO dbk's opening has such memorable violins i had to say something. its so catchy)
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thefictioness · 1 year
4. Dodge
This story is part of a fictober series. For more information, click here.
- On the boat back from Wolfschlucht to England - Sullivan looked over the railing of the main deck, watching mainland EUrope shrink smaller with the second. She couldn’t say that she was feeling homesick, but the idea of going to a foreign country without knowing too much was a little frightening. Still, she knew to be brave. It’s a promise she made to herself and Ciel Phantomhive after all. Speaking of the devil… “Lady Sullivan, there you are.” Ciel Phantomhive entered the deck with his butler Sebastian in tow. “I asked Finnian to put me down here after Wolf needed some rest,” Sullivan answered. “I’m glad he’s feeling better. How are you enjoying the boat trip so far?” Sebastian excused himself to go and make afternoon tea as Sullivan replied. “I’ve never traveled this far before. It’s exciting but also a little scary.” They both stared at the water. “I’m sure you’ll love London. It’s always bustling with new things to discover,” Ciel said. Sullivan smiled. “No doubt about it.” After a pause, she continued. “Say, lord Phantomhive? There is something I wondered…” Ciel looked at her in anticipation while she struggled to find the words. “I.. Uh.. I told Sebastian that I would drop prying for it while you were ill, but my curiosity won’t let it be. Are you… Is Sebastian… A demon?” Before Ciel could begin to stutter, Sebastian re-entered with the afternoon tea. “S-Sebastian, tell us, what are you serving today?” Ciel asked, not quite able to hide the trembling in his voice. Sebastian looked a little surprised. His master never showed particular interest in the layout of the afternoon tea. Nevertheless, he started explaining. “This afternoon’s tea consists of a refreshing blend of Darjeeling which also counters the effects of seasickness.” “Oh my how interesting,” Ciel said as Sebastian began pouring the tea. “Lady Sullivan, do you have any questions about the tea?” The little lady looked at Ciel in confusion. “no, but I would like to-” Before she could finish, Ciel cut in again. “Pastries! Sebastian, What are you serving along with the tea?” Sebastian looked from a flustered young master to a confused master Sullivan. “We have macaroons in the flavours vanilla, strawberry, pistachio, chocolate and caramel.” “Hmmmm, I’ll take the caramel. How about you, lady Sullivan?” Ciel urged Sebastian to hold out the plate to Sullivan, who was becoming a little agitated. “I’m not hungry, but-” “Not hungry? Then you must be seasick, take a sip of the tea, you’ll feel better!” Ciel hastily interrupted her, taking a big gulp from his own cup. Sullivan became annoyed. “I just want an answer to my question!” Ciel choked on his sip. Gasping for air, he tried to change the subject again. “Gosh that is hot. Better wait a little longer before drinking, lady Sullivan.” Sullivan now reacted angrily. “Cut it out lord Phantomhive! If you won’t answer me, I’ll ask Sebastian directly!” She turned to Sebastian. “Sebastian, are you a demon or not?” Ciel tried to get her attention back to him again, but was silenced with a finger from his butler. “Now, now young master, where are your manners? It’s rude to keep interrupting a lady…” Then, he turned to master Sullivan with a smile. “The answer is: I’m simply one hell of a butler..”
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
BABES I watched the great and oml peter and catherine are so Aegon and or Aemond with an s.o coded 🤭 esp in 1x10 🤭 (absolutely love how they banter) @ nonnies who talked about the great thank you for the new blurb Idea and new show🥹 Ilyasm 💗🤧
The weeks leading up to yours and Aemond's wedding was long and dark. Before, you were neutral. Not wanting to stir up a frenzy as Aegon - sorry, King Aegon the second of his name - striped you of all your titles and officially and publicly, declared you a bastard. You wanted to let your mother, Rhaenyra, know you were going to do your duty. And with sadness in her eyes, she nodded before kissing your head, and sending you away. But just as you were settled and content with Aemond, word got you that he had chased your little brother, lucerys into the storm with his war dragon and killed him. Now you were furious. You then made a new promise to your mother, you would avenge luke.
And eye for an eye. A son for a son. A brother for a brother.
As the days came and went, your name day arrived just as quickly as it had left. The day was as it was before. You were woken up by a maid, Luciana, bathed, and dressed. But something was off. The dress you had choose was more tight around your waist, even your maid, as she dressed you, said so. You didn't too much of it until as you ate, you felt ill...at food you were known to love. Your mother managed to to put two and two together and sure enough, it was confirmed. You were with child.
You shutter at the thought of Aemond finding out. His smirking face. You haven't known peace since Aemond lost his eye to Luke many years ago. Calling you and your brothers bastards with you rushing at him, to defend yourself and your brothers. Ending with him nearly breaking Jace's face in with a large rock and Luke upper cutting a knife, taking Aemond's eye with it.
Through out the day, you had manage to avoid the devil kinslayer himself. You told Luciana and she swore to keep it from Aemond. You made her promise. You already lost Luke, you couldn't lose anymore. You escape him after breakfast, as you ran into him in the gardens, and as you talked with Helena. You also slipped out just in time as you knew Aemond entered the library before going back to your chambers.
A few moments of bliss go by before there is a knock at the door. You don't feel like opening it but when you tell whoever it is to come in, they don't.
"Your grace..."
Luciana! She sounded...sad? Huh.
"Luciana? What are you doing out there? Come in!"
"I think it's best if I just remained out here. For now."
Now you were confused. What in seven hells was going on?
"I...told Aemond."
You nearly drop the book you were reading. "Told him...what? Exactly?"
"That you were with child. His child."
You shoot up and out of your chair, jumping toward the door to spring it open and yell out your lungs. But you hold off. You consider Luciana a friend. Surely there must be a perfectly good reason why she told Aemond when you asked her to keep it to herself.
"I know you want revenge for Luke. And for your mother. But Aemond is too strong. Aegon is too strong. We're done. We have been done. I showed him the plans. He loves you. You have his child. An heir."
The plans? Fuck. The plans. The plans that included how you were going to overthrow the brat king Aegon and place your mother on the iron throne. "Fuck you, Luciana." You quietly say. "I thought you were my friend!"
"I am! Which is why I had to tell him. Believe me. I saved both our lives."
"He's going to come for me now," you state. You weren't terrified of him. Oh no. You were just lost on what to do. You were a planner and as a planner you needed instruction and this was definitely not apart of your plan.
"He won't."
As you hear Luciana walking away, you get up and looking around the room. Then you spot the knife. The knife that Luke used on Aemond's eye. Maybe you didn't need plans...
Just as you thought, as you ripped the fabric from the stomach area of your dress, Aemond rushes in, looking furious.
"I thought we could name him after my brother you killed" you say.
"I will cut your fucking throat!" He grabs his dagger, placing it to your throat.
"Go ahead. Aim for the stomach. You said that worked."
"You think a child will stop me!?"
"Not just any child." You state. "A male heir. Viserys's grandchild. Your son. The preservation of your line. Your blood. And no doubt a cutie."
"I loved you!"
You shake your head. "You don't. But if you did, you feel as though this affected it drastically?"
He nods. "As you did have plans to kill me? Yes, it did."
Chuckling, you say, "I planned to make take your head as a gift to my mother," quoting his words right back to him before he went after lucerys.
"Un-fucking-believable. I'm about to cut your throat and all you can do is make jokes?"
"Perhaps that is why you love me so. Now," you place his free hand onto your lower stomach. "Say hello."
"No..." His voice comes out much softer then when he had came to confront you. "He's really there?"
"Just under your hand."
"Fuck- I can't believe he's really there."
"Just under the skin. Your son."
He lowers the dagger. "You don't know it's a boy."
"He feels dumb, so I suspect it strongly."
He points the dagger toward you. "I have a dagger."
"You won't do it," you say "you love me and you love your son. Our son. You won't kill us."
"Why don't you fucking love me, by the way?"
"I do," you admit. "In a way."
"When I cut your heart out, I'll look in it to see if it was true! Any woman can give me an heir!"
"So, kill us then."
A moment of silence.
"Wait, I just need..." He places the dagger down on the table and bends down, putting his ear to your stomach, listening to the heart beat of his soon to be son. "No...I can't. Fuck!"
You look to see his violet eye teary eye with a tear dropping. Something in you changes as you do. But you stand firm. "Give it up. My mother will be better. She is better. I do not wish for any more bloodshed. I knew killing Lucerys was a misstep for you. After all I am...strong." Using that name that Aemond had used so many times.
"And why would I do that?"
Another moment of silence.
"Hypothetically. A woman. Who has loathed you. Tried to kill you. Planned to over throw you. And planned to imprison you. Were to walk into this room and tells you...she loves you. What would you do?"
OOOOOO nonnie you have blessed us with another blurb, I love this 😍😩
I could so see this with Aemond especially!! he’s torn between his loyalty to serve and protect his family although, you are his family now… growing his family. he genuinely has loved you, although has been in denial about it, cause you never reciprocated anything either.
but once he feels his babs in your stomach, that’s it for him….
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Spoilers for Interview with the Vampire episode 2 if you haven’t watched it.
I found it so comical that he was from the inside of his coffin “I don’t like sleeping angry.” and then lifting up the lid to see if Louis was paying attention because he didn’t respond.
I could talk about how dismissive Lestat was being throughout Louis’ near decade with him at this point about Louis’ unhappiness with being a vampire, but like that’s par for the course. That’s Lestat.
Might add more as it comes to me.
Not exactly episode 2 but I’mma say it anyways There’s a part in one of the trailers where Lestat says “She has poisoned you against me.” I assume the she is Claudia, but all I think is “No sweetie you’ve done that all by yourself.” Especially now that the real Lestat is coming out. I mean there were points in the first episode that Lestat was seen to be toxic and manipulative and dismissive of Louis’ emotions and mental state, but this is multiplied by like a lot.
Also it was like Lestat had lost his romantic luster for me. Which made me not like this episode as much as I did the first. Like I’m over here saying to Louis oh my god get the fuck away from him already.
I asked my sister whether Louis was talking about other vampire when he said he could stand out on his balcony and hear the thoughts of a brute from Madagascar. She said yes, but I was like why did Lestat say that vampires can’t read other vampires minds and her reply was because he’s an asshole liar and other vampires don’t like his ass.
There was a tone and body language and even the words itself that caused Louis’ reaction with the guy he was doing business with. Lestat didn’t get it in the moment he had to marinate in it.
I hope Louis washed up before getting into that coffin from pouring all that what look like milk on himself because I’m sure he’d start to stink along with all that burnt flesh. Lestat didn’t have to get bare butt ass naked he just did it to be petty.
When Lestat says I’m your family I was like but you’re horrible though.
I think Lestat heard Louis’ thoughts at the opera. Maybe about how Louis was having doubts about staying with Lestat because he was humiliated and looked over so much by Lestat so Lestat said what he had to however true it may be to get him to stay. Which is manipulative.
Lestat has no right to lecture Louis on his feeding habits because he himself was dropping bodies left and right when he first came to town. Sure they were probably people no one would miss but still that’s a lot of people for the authorities to consider it some sort of illness. Also figured out what the street light guy did to get himself killed he called Lestat the devil and we’ve seen how much he hates that.
I bet Louis is thinking I wish I had never taken that card from you. Because for me taking that card from him during that poker game was the beginning of their relationship.
So Lestat was lying when he said he liked mama du lac’s gumbo because from Louis we learn presumably everything a vampire eats that isn’t blood taste like paste and chalk.
Louis will never be able to share in Lestat’s world and Lestat will never be able to understand Louis’.
Also when they were at the opera and Lestat held out his hand for the folder of music while staring ahead face void of emotion. I saw what Louis meant when he said sometimes it feels like he’s his slave. Whether they were putting on a show of their own or not it was like he forgot that Louis was his companion. No amount of sweet words or small touches will make up for their dynamic within reputable society
Lestat looked like the headless horseman when he threw the blanket over his head.
You can see Grace’s opinion of Lestat and Louis change over time.
In episode one Lestat says all the roles you conform to and none your true nature when I’m over here saying what you saw of him on Liberty wasn’t his true nature either it was who he had to be to survive and you would know that because you can read minds even if you say you forget you can do that most times. And then in this episode he’s like embrace what you are you are a killer Louis and I’m like who says he has to be? You? Wasn’t the whole point of turning him was so that he wouldn’t have to conform to anyone else’s standards but his own?
Also I wonder if what Lestat says all human thoughts boil down to (I want food, I want sex, I want to go home) is what Louis’ thoughts boiled down to.
Or is Louis one of those exceptional people Lestat has a soft spot for being all that he is as a black man given the time (wealthy successful influential)
Is Lestat in some way fetishizing Louis if the above theory is correct by having Louis be his companion.
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animnerd · 9 months
Wanna Bet?
Pair: Bucky x Loki(winterfrost)
No warnings just two guys pinning over each other.
Synopsis: a local country singer(Bucky) comes back from another great concert but little does he know the devil (loki) pays him a visit. Warning: this is my first "winterfrost" please go easy please and also not beta read but please enjoy!
i'm known in the Tennessee state as the best cowboy country singer but that all changed one day as a devil captured my heart.
One day I was just finished with my concert. It was a great concert. I went back to my dressing room to relax. I was sitting in my chair relaxing I closed my eyes. When all of a sudden I hear a voice. "Are you the famous mortal country singer I heard so much about?" The voice sneered. I decided not to answer I figured it was all in my head. Plus no one should be in my dressing room. Unless this is a prank that my band members are pulling….I thought. So I said "Joey if this is you leave now please I want to be alone" the voice laughed. "This is not one of your so called band members open your eyes you pompous meer mortal!" The voice hisses. I opens my eyes and what I see shocked me. I was face to face with the devil himself or what looks like the devil.
He was tall taller then me but that could be because im sitting down…. He had black hair muscled body that was carved from God himself. I couldn't see his eyes they were covered by a very sexy pompadour hat. He chuckles and lifts his head to show fire red eyes. Which made me gulp. He just smirked as he placed his right hand on his hips. "So you didn't answer my question are you the famous country singer I heard about?" I just gulped nods my head he had the biggest cheshire cat grin as he leans over me.  "I'm in a rush I need to meet my quota so please give me your soul." I was in shocked I stood up stared at him. "No I like to keep my soul thank you very much." He smirked as he took a step back as he thought about my statment. "Its funny how you mortals think you have a choice.  I'll repet myself one more time.  I WANT YOUR SOUL!" "I'll repeat myself one more time as well.  No!"
He sighed moves back as he walks little fire would be left in his wake as he thinks. I worried that the room would be set on fire.  He turns looks at me his hair flips around. "I havs a proposition for you we place a bet if you say your the best country singer of these parts. You can out sing me then i'll leave you alone.  Do we have a deal?" He leans down our noses, almost  touching. I look up at him biting my lip. I'm trying to keep the blushing off my checks. "Yes we have a deal." I wasn't much of a betting man but my reputarion was on the line how could I not say no! "When do you want to do this?" "Like I said…" as he brushes his thumb over my check and tuck a hair behind my right ear whisper in my ear. "Im in a rush so lets do it now in this room." He answers my second question even before I had the chance to ask it. "Ok ill go first." I get up and walks over to my dresser and grabs my gutair. I open the case to see my old warn out guitar. I pulled it out and walk over to the sexy man who at that moment I didn't catch his name.
He smirks and snaps his fingers he puts fire around the door frame which at first freaks me out. But instead of setting the room on fire it puts a barrier around the door. I look over at him shocked he just shrugs his shoulders. As if he does this everyday which I guess for him he does. I take a breath and walk over close to him and start playing one of my popular songs. I get into the song ignoring the world around me I close my eyes as I sing. Little do I know the devil is inthralled with my song and he becomes nervous. But he hides his demeanor and goes back to the ice cold devil he is. Even Though deep down his ice cold heart has a heartbeat for one particular singer.
When he was done he wanted to clap and declare him the winner but instead he put back on his evil smirk. "Not bad not bad at all but let a real pro show you how is done." He just hoped his cool was showing because he never felt this way about anyone before. He gets up snaps his fingers a bolt of fire appears and a band of demon's and a piano shows up. He walks over to the panio and sits down as he plays the same song as I did. He closes his eyes and gets into the song. I am shocked when I noticed that the piano lifts off the ground and flies around the room. He notices the band going faster not as slow as they first started. They picked up speed and tempo as he goes faster into the middle of the song. He could tell he was really into the song. He had his body moving with the music and what really shocked me was there was musical notes flying around him and he saw flowers? He was very confused. He noticed that once the song was coming to an end the piano came down and I clapped. He oopens his eyes to look over to him smile as I walked over and leans on the piano only to quickly back away. He laughed "it's hot there hot man…. I mean singer… * blushed but cleared his throat he sighs* you won I won't take your soil but I will give you this piano instead." I smiled "thank you for the piano but you keep it." As I wink at him I rather keep the memories." They stared at each other for a while basking in each other's presence. They both didn't want to leave but he smiled, looked at his love one last time bowed and snaped his fingers and they were gone.
Wanna bet part 2
Its been many months since Bucky seen Loki. He almsot gives up hope.....
Loki and Bucky
Warning touch sex. ​​A/n : thank you V(@vbecker10 )for the inspiration for this! Also. Not beta read.
It has been months since I say my crush Loki the devil. During that time I have become more famous and been on more tours. I tried to forget him by telling my heart that it was a one time thing. But every time I tried to date ladies or sleep with them I felt like I was cheating on him. I kept looking around trying to find a sign but six months passed and  nothing. I am starting to give up hope until one day….
I was at my newest concert the stadum was full. I walked out and started singing I observed my fans and the almost packed house. Except the three open balcony seats near me. I brushed it off and just focused on the concert untill I  looked up and say him in all his glory. Sitting down in the middle seat with his fandora hat smirking at me and winks at me. My checks grew warm but I ignored it and kept singing.
When I hit my last note I bowed to my adoring fans and did an encore. I went back stage my heart was telling me "run to him dufous run!" But I had to hold it together for a little bit longer because I had to sign autographs and take pics. I was trying to rush it but not show it to my fans. Once that was done I ran to my dressing room and slammed open the door. Frantically looking around to find him only to come up empty. I felt my heart being tear out of my chest. I close the door and put my hand through my hair sighing. "It was only my imagination … I should not keep my hopes up anymore…. " As I walk over to the couch laying down. I covered my face with my hand biting my lip until I felt hot fire lick my skin. I jolted up from the couch and turned to see him in a very sexy pose. He had his right hand holding that darn sexy pain in my side hat while his left hand was on his hip he lifted to face me. "Sorry I'm late pet, miss me?" As he lifts his hand with the hat firey red eyes stare into my soul I. I gulp as I slowly nods my head and can't form words. I slowly get up in shocked that he is standing infront of me.
Without me knowing what I was doing I ran to him with tears in my eyes crying. I engulfed him in a hug not wanting to let go. But unfortunately I had to his skin was so hot like fire that it was licking my skin. I jumped back blowing cold air onto my hands. Then my brain caught up to me I stand there flappergasted what I just done. My whole face turned red as I look away and I cleared my throat trying to stay calm about the situation. Iooked over to Loki which I shouldn't have done because he was just standing there smirking at me. He snaped his fingers the fire barrier was up again around the door. It was a silent for quite awhile we didn't know what to do. I wanted to hug him again and confess my feelings for him. But I knew that wasnt right so I played with my fingers gulped. "its been awhile….where have you been?" "Sorry pet hell has kept me busy and away from you for longer then I inttend. Miss me?"
I couldn't believe he was asking such a stupid question… Yes I missed him didnt the hug give it away? And the tears? But I gathered my thoughts and squre my shoulder looked into his eyes "yes I missed you like you wouldn't belive…" Bitting my lip to see his reaction. Was he going to reject me? Or is my feelings going to be known to him and it ends positively….. I held my breath for what felt like hours untill he comes my way with open arms and hugs me without the fire.
"Pet I miss you so badly." I was shocked my mouth hang open on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around him.  I smiled big I held him tightly to me as if I don't want to let go of him ever. I felt like he felt the same without saying it. I closed my eyes, smelling his scent. It smelt like fire, wood, mischief… wait is that a smell? I liked his scent. It felt like home, a place where I could be safe from the outside world. I didn't want to let go but I felt him pushing back against me. I pouted looked up into his eyes. He laughed. "Don't look so down pet I was just going to suggest we sit down and talk we can still touch. I know you had a long concert and you must be tired." As he takes my hand I'm shocked that i'm not taking my hand away from him because of being burned as he leads me to the couch.
He sits me down on the couch then lifts me and sits me on his lap and plays with my hair. I look into his eyes. "What took you so long! I almost gave up hope of ever seeing you again!" He looked sad "i don't ever want that to happen to my pet… I'm sorry we had some issues and trouble down in hell and I couldn't leave. Even though my heart aches for you every night when I try to sleep. I kept thinking about your contagious smile, your stubbornness, your can-do attitude, your fire that my heart kept longing for you. Until one day I had enough and we were mostly done anyway so I told my gones to finish up and I came to see you." As he plays with my hair and leans forward he looks into my eyes for permission. Once he is satisfied he leans down and kisses my chine. My body shivers my eyelids flutter, I try to keep my composure. I gulp "im…..glad….you….got…the….job…done…my….devil…. I….was…missing….you…something….fierce…. I tried to find distractions since I didn't see any …..signs of you….but they never worked….. I almost gave up hope…. "
as his tantalizing lips went down from my chin to my neck I could feel his cold lips on my hot burning skin. I could feel he left something on both sides of my neck but I ignored that for now. I was so blissful that I whined and took off his shirt. He laughed and helped take off mine and undo my pants too. He leaned back and looked at his work on my neck and smirked. "I just gave you the biggest hickeys. Now no one can touch you sexually unless it's me. Also, they know who you belong too now." As he helps me undo my pants.
I start to help him with his untill he put a hand over mine and shock his head. "Tonight its about you being pleasured not me." As he lifts me up like I weigh nothing and takes my pants off. Sets me back down on his legs. He brings me close so that we are touching as I face him. He wraps his right hand under my chin and pulls me to him as we kiss and get reacquainted with each other. His left hand goes agonizingly slow down my body wanting to explore. But to get to know every inch of my body I whine into the kiss but he bites my lip.
"bad boys gets slaps do you want that my pet?" As he licks his lips tilts his head. As his fiery red eyes stared into me. I bit my lip smirks. "Do your worse" he laughs "oh your feisty too. I like that as his left hand goes back down and rubs over my left ass check. Before slapping it to the point that there is a firey red handprint on my check. I hisss in pain which makes Loki have a look of concern on his face. But before he says anything the door handel wiggles and a voice says "Bucky are you ready for the after party?" As the door slowly opens…..
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