wandlores · 7 years
fred or george X oliver wood, oliver wood x marcus flint, fred or george x cedric diggory
fred x oliver - ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
i only see them as friends.
george x oliver - ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
i only see them as friends, too. lol.
flintwood - ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
fred x cedric - ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
i don’t really see it.
george x cedric - ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
i can kind of see them more with how i imagine the twin’s difference in personality lol.
send me a ship!
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plotlinehotline · 8 years
I have a few questions about subplots: How do you weave them into your main story line? What are some ideas for subplots that compliment the story? How do you come up with an idea for a subplot? Thank you for all your hard work on this blog and the wonderful amount of information you have provided to the writing community.
You’re welcome! I never know what to blog about so your questions always give me great ideas :)
Plotting the Subplot
So I did do a post about subplots like a year and a half ago, but I’m going to use this opportunity to expand on the points I brought up in that post and hopefully add some additional comments (and try extremely hard not to use the word “plot” too many times). 
Dictionary.com definition of a subplot: a subordinate plot in a play, novel, or similar work.
Okay, yes, a subplot tends to be subordinate to everything else that’s going on, but I like to think that they also serve as diversions. They sometimes act as red herrings to keep us distracted from the main mystery of the story, and often times they appear insignificant when we first meet them. 
A good subplot appears innocent, unimportant, unassuming…until we reach the pivotal point of the story where it all comes together. 
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Subplots can surprise us in the best possible way, because it’s often unpredictable yet totally, completely believable when we stop and think back to all the clues we might have glossed over before, because we were so focused on what we thought was the “real plot.” 
How do I find my subplot/subplots?
You shouldn’t have to look too hard to find a potential subplot. They shouldn’t just be “mini-plots;” they should be born from the main plot. You think about the narrative arc of your story, and you ask yourself, how can I enhance it? How can I deepen it? When it comes to the climax or the big reveal, what could help give it more clarity or believability? 
Let’s say you have a secondary/minor character sacrifice themselves for the protagonist in the climax of the story. A great subplot might follow an arc of that character that might explain why they’re able to make this sacrifice, or why they feel it’s necessary. A subplot also might explore the relationship between the two characters, so that this sacrifice is not only the climax of the conflict with the antagonist, but also the climax of their relationship. Without this character’s journey included in the story, this sacrifice might seem lackluster, or even convenient/out-of-the-blue. 
Telling this other character’s story does not necessarily mean you use their point of view. Subplots can be told from any POV; in fact, sometimes they work better from someone else’s. If we’re seeing this other character’s story through the eyes of the protagonist, it stays relegated to the subordinate, ensuring that we pay it little attention until the moment it finally steps into the spotlight. 
Basically, subplots should come organically. They should come to you as you’re figuring out the main conflict. Subplots are often the answers to side-questions that a reader might be curious to know more about, but the side-questions must have some kind of significance to the overall plot. Once you’ve chosen a subplot that stems from the main plot, you’re able to brainstorm ways to connect it more intrinsically. 
Harlan Coben wrote a YA mystery series featuring the character Mickey Bolitar, and his cunning, clever friends. In the third book of the series, Mickey has a mystery surrounding the guys on his basketball team, while his friend Ema is concerned when her online boyfriend suddenly disappears. Mickey’s plot seems more important, simply because we’re from his point of view, but when the mysteries are solved, we learn that the two plots were actually more interconnected than we initially thought. 
A subplot also might be the cause of something important later on, or it might serve as a parallel to the bigger problem the character must face down the line. 
There was a comment on my last post involving subplots, where @jackalediting briefly mentioned the importance of Quidditch to Harry Potter. Quidditch is unarguably a subplot throughout the entire series, but the first snitch that Harry ever caught playing Quidditch ends up playing a key role in the final showdown in the last book.  A smaller scale example sits compactly in the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry developing his skills as a Seeker served as a parallel to the task set before him beneath the trap door when he had to use a broomstick to grab one specific key out of hundreds. These are just a couple instances where a seemingly innocent subplot found a way to contribute to the climax of the story.
How do I incorporate them into the story?
If you’ve developed your subplot well, scenes surrounding the subplot should fit nicely into your chronology. You should be able to look at main events and think, “Well, this subplot scene needs to happen before this main plot scene, and you really need to understand this aspect of the subplot to appreciate its significance in this later scene.” 
Rather than two colleagues working independently side-by-side, they should be working together. 
If you’re at a complete loss for how to outline a subplot into a story, try writing your subplot independently first. Brainstorm all the scenes that contribute to the subplot, and then see how they might fit in to the rest of your outline. It might be more seamless than you think. 
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nxrcissamxlfoy · 8 years
Blaise/Zacharias Smith - People are beginning to notice.
“People are beginning to notice,” Zach had said, sitting across from him there in the library, his hand on his knee under the table.
“Like who,” Blaise had responded, as if he didn’t believe him. He’d watched Zach’s face fall, a micro-expression that anyone else would have missed, and his own heart had given out a pang of regret. But still, he’d clapped his hand over Zach’s and leaned in. “No one knows,” he’d assured. 
“People are beginning to notice.”
“No one knows.” 
Blaise closed the book he hadn’t even been reading. That hadn’t been the right answer. Maybe a year ago it would have been perfectly acceptable but it wasn’t anymore. They were no longer a quick and exciting hook up in an empty classroom, or heated make-out sessions in the quidditch broom closet. That ship had long since sailed. 
He scoffed to himself. Just last week he’d concocted some lame excuse to sit out on the stands and watch Zach’s practice. Had he cared then how thin his ruse was? No, he hadn’t even given it a second thought. He hadn’t even realized how ridiculous it was that he was out there until Zach brought it up later. He was getting sloppy, and he didn’t even care. 
That was it. He didn’t care.
Blaise pushed his chair back, the legs scraping loudly against the stone floor, and left his books and homework spread out on the table. His feet carried him confidently through the library and his heart surged as he spotted Zach’s golden blonde hair just in front of the door. He quickened his pace and reached a hand out, grabbing Zach by the arm. 
“I don’t care,” he stated. Zach barely had time to register what he’d said before Blaise pulled him in, holding his face with both of his hands, kissing him right there for all of the library to see. “I don’t care,” he said, softer this time, and with a smile on his face.
[send me a character / pairing + a sentence & i’ll write the next five]
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hexiewrites · 8 years
heartlikethunder replied to your post “my heart’s always yours”
So much looooove! Welcome to femslash bingo btw! ;) was wondering if you could share how you made your bingo card? I was trying to do something similar but it didn't work out :/
thank you, @heartlikethunder ! I’m gonna do my best to explain what I did here! I am not super experienced with html or css (these days) and mostly I am just very stubborn, so I played around for a few hours until I got it doing what I wanted. I have limited theme experience and but I think you need a basic understanding of how tumblr does theme codes to pull this off, and a lot of patience. if you’re good at themes you should be great!
I started with a network page theme because it was “closest” to what I wanted to achieve. I used this one: http://nbthm.tk/post/146288980478/network-page-preview-code-page-version-code because it was simple but nice. 
I made a lot of edits and I’m not sure it would be alright to share ‘my version’ of the theme because it is so different. obviously all credit still goes to neonbike! so I’ll just try and explain here and you can message me if you want if this makes no sense?
first I went through the whole code to figure out what changing different things did (change a number, update preview, OH SHIT, change it back mostly). I found the values for the image size and dropped them down to 100px by 100px, and then the container size, and then a few other things (padding, etc) so that the images would be smaller and touching and in a 5x5 square. this was mostly trial and error on my part and if you’re really curious I can try and compare this with the base code to figure out exactly what I changed.
the biggest challenge was figuring out how to get the name (the type of au) to stay in place and then have the hover come up with the “description” which I used as the title of the fic. I’m still not entirely sure how I pulled this off and it’s not perfect (if you hover over meet ugly or boarding school you’ll see some of the words shift slightly - I have no idea how to fix this other than if I made the text tiny and I still wanted it readable), it was kind of just dumb luck... (I also deleted the bit that turned urls into boxes because I didn’t like it)
for the background picture: I googled “blurry background” and picked one I liked. I opened that in photoshop and cropped it to a 500px by 500px square (100 px icons, times the 5x5 bingo square). i put in guides every 100px and then basically copied each square into a separate document (keeping them in order) so that at the end i would have the look of a unified background picture. then I’m just replacing the pictures in each one when I finish the fic which is easy - you just need a new image url.
I had to upload those pics to a separate page because I needed image url’s for the theme - if you had a photobucket or whatever I’m sure that would work too.
okay. I’m not sure if this helped at all, but I hope it did! good luck - and let me know if you end up doing it, I’d love to see yours!!
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figbian · 8 years
thank you so much for the bingo card! i was wondering what the rules were for fics? how long do they have to be?
of course!! regarding the rules: there are none! literally go wild write as much as u want!! the only rule is just write hp femslash 
want to participate in hp femslash trope bingo?
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andromxche · 8 years
Hurts Too Good - Ruelle, In My Veins - Andrew Belle, Ghost - Halsey, Don't Speak - Far East Movement, Eurielle - Je t'Adore
Hurts Too Good - Ruelle
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
In My Veins - Andrew Belle
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
send me song recs
Ghost - Halsey
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library (im such halsey trash its casual its fine its okay)
Don't Speak - Far East Movement
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library (oh my god i didnt know they were still around what a throwback tbh)
Eurielle - Je t'Adore
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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t0asty-mail · 8 years
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#outgoing mail~ To new penpals~ @ginalb93 and @heartlikethunder
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wandlores · 8 years
Neville quirks/mannerisms headcannons! :D Thank you!
so, neville has a habit of rubbing his hands together a lot when he is nervous.
like this is his tell-tale sign. 
he also bounces his legs a lot when he is sitting, because he honestly has to do something rhythmically to keep himself calm. he gets anxious a lot. 
when he is lying, he always sneezes right after.
whenever he curses, he blinks four times very quickly. 
he bites the inside of his mouth right before he is about to tell someone something bad.
every time he smells fruit, he crinkles his nose up because he doesn’t like the smell.
he bites his cuticles rather than his actual nails. it can be a bloody mess.
when he feels awkward around someone, he will randomly push their shoulder back when they’re talking like they’re old pals.
he just makes it more awkward by doing that.
he can wiggle one ear at a time?? i have no idea how he does it, but it’s weird.
and that’s honestly all i could come up with, so i hope i satisfied your needs.
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parkersprincessxo · 8 years
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Tagged by @sebstantrashx How cute is young James Franco though😻 I tag @cuddlingmess @heartlikethunder @nothingbutimagines @acciomarvel @tomhollandislife
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fangroyal · 8 years
Draco/Neville, with Neville trying to sneak into the Slytherin dorms because some character has stolen something of his and he really wants it back because it's precious to him and he gets caught by Draco.
(Thank you SO much once again for both requests! You’re awesome.
Read on AO3
“What will you give me for it, then?”
Neville should’ve known better. He really should’ve. There was no way a Malfoy would ever do something for free. Honestly, of all people to catch him down here, it just had to be him…Damn Harper for stealing it from him; he wouldn’t have had to be sneaking ‘round the dungeons in the first place if he hadn’t, but–
“What could you possibly want from me?!”
Malfoy shrugged. “Surprise me. Make it good, though. It’s got to be worth my while, you know.”
His gran had given it to him, the watch. It used to belong to his father. When he’d initially made his way down here, he hadn’t had the foggiest idea how he was going to get into the Slytherin dorms unnoticed anyhow, but with something like that…Take his quill, a book, his homework, for Merlin’s sake, but not that. Not that. He was about to go mad over it, the grief, the need to have it back with him, safe and sound. It was a very dangerous question, what Malfoy was asking him, because he was just about ready to do anything, if only the pompous blonde would stop being so bloody cryptic!
“What do you want me to do?! I don’t have anything to give you! I mean…Why the hell can’t you just be nice, for once?! Honestly! What do you want me to do, kiss your feet?!”
Neville spluttered, raking his hands through his hair in frustration. And there was Malfoy, just staring back at him with that smug look on his face, even if it was faltering a bit now at his uncharacteristic outburst. It was enough to drive any man to terrible lengths. Normally the mousy Gryffindor wouldn’t have had the gall to talk back to him, but he had nothing to blame now but the dire straits he was in. And that’s exactly what Neville continued to choose to blame, as he suddenly made the decision for him, grabbing Malfoy by each side of his face and yanking him forward in order to kiss something else entirely…
Their lips parted again soon after with an audible “smack” as Neville jumped backward. He couldn’t believe he’d just done that; he had no clue what had come over him. But he tried his best to stand his ground, adding to it a somewhat definitive, “T-there. Happy?”, as if suggesting that had been their arrangement all along.
For his part, Malfoy appeared more speechless than Neville had ever seen him. In fact, he hadn’t known it was even in the Slytherin’s personality to be so shocked silent. His look of cool arrogance had faded quicker than it had appeared, replaced instead with an expression of pure incredulity, eyes bugging out of his head as if he’d just been informed that Harry Potter’s scar was fake and the Dark Lord was merely a wives’ tale used to scare children. His jaw flapped uselessly, attempting to form words that just wouldn’t come, until he finally managed:
“W-well. Alright, then. I’ll just…go get it, shall I?”
Malfoy returned minutes later with the coveted item–no more teasing, no more demands, just simply handed it over with slightly trembling fingers. Neville hurried back to the Gryffindor common room as fast as his legs would carry him, ducking his head to hide his raging blush, praying with everything in him that they’d never speak of this violation again.
Gay!Draco Challenge
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figbian · 8 years
Hello! I was wondering if i could request for a bingo card for femslash February?
of course!!
want to participate in hp femslash trope bingo?
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pocketpadfoot · 10 years
when i read your url i thought of a tiny little puppy sirius tucked away into your pocket ^^
Yessss that would be so adorable I want 7 ^^
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fangroyal · 8 years
Draco/Theo, with Draco sending inappropriate hand drawn images to Theo in the middle of class and getting caught by a professor.
(I had SO MUCH FUN with this prompt! Thanks for submitting it!! I’ll have your other one up as soon as possible. ;) )
Read on AO3
“Really?” Theo hissed, a condescending eyebrow rising at the sputter of laughter the boy across the bench hid behind his hand, before looking down once more at the “masterpiece” his friend had deemed to share with him. Then his quill was scribbling furiously, and Draco composed himself long enough to accept the note back.
A rather large splash of ejaculate, to accompany the dancing cock the blonde had provided him with initially, and a crude comment about what Draco must have on the brain all the time to be drawing such things. Said Slytherin smirked to himself as he picked up his own quill and added yet more to the image: a nice, fit gentlemen to which the member belonged, and another on all fours in front of him, an arrow with the word “Theo” beside it pointing to the latter. Juvenile at best, but it didn’t stop the both of them from fighting laughter once again when he passed it back to him.
“Wanker,” the other swore lightly, reaching around to punch Draco on the shoulder.
“Boys, play nicely,” a surly Pansy scolded under her breath, rubbing at her throbbing temple.
Poor girl had been forced to sit between them, as they’d already been caught passing notes one too many times, and McGonagall wasn’t about to take any more chances with them. They’d even tried that paper-connecting charm, and gotten found out with that! One would think they would’ve given up by now; they were probably getting too old for this sort of thing, anyway. But no, instead they’d thought that resorting to the “old fashioned” way of passing them behind Pansy’s back would somehow go unnoticed. Wasn’t their fault that these little pop quizzes they’d been getting in Transfiguration so often lately were boring as hell; they had to find some way to pass the time, didn’t they?
A few more beats than expected had passed, and Draco saw Theo out of the corner of his eye, bent over the paper and writing something with, apparently, a great amount of concentration, chewing on his bottom lip. He almost looked nervous, actually, if his counterpart was guessing correctly. Then he was leaning back again, slowly this time, and Draco reached instinctively, feeling a tiny scrap of parchment be pressed into his hand by long, bony fingers. A quick glance at the front of the room told him McGonagall was busy assisting Longbottom with something, and so he unfolded it, laying it out as casually as possible beside his partially filled-out test…Then he was suddenly snatching it up, holding it to his chest and looking shiftily at Pansy to make sure she hadn’t snuck a peek.
One more hasty scan of the message informed him that–unfortunately or not–his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. Perhaps Theo was. However, the small smile he flashed him when Draco leaned around Pansy to glare at him in confusion told him otherwise. But they’d just been playing, hadn’t they? Surely he hadn’t thought…But the proposition on the paper in front of him–and that gesture, seemingly confident, despite the brief spark of uncertainty in his eyes–was quite clear…Draco felt his cheeks heating of their own accord, betraying his response even before he could write it, and he watched with fascination as Theo’s eyes lit up at his reaction.
McGonagall was on him before he had a moment to even try cover up what they’d been doing. She ripped the note from his hands with the brute force of a tenured teacher and shook it open to read it. Pansy merely rolled her eyes and continued her work. The boys both attempted to explain themselves, before flushing even further under the now avidly observant gazes of their peers. Their Professor was reviewing the inappropriate artwork with the air of someone who’s dealt with this shit for far longer than any sane person should, but Draco knew the very moment she came upon the final message. She looked just about as shocked as he himself had, and he firmly resisted a bout of nervous giggles at the way her eyebrows shot straight into her hairline.
Her lips formed a stern, thin line as she said gravely, “Mr. Malfoy, in my office, now.”
“But Professor, Theo was–!”
“I don’t care who was, you had it, now up!”
“I said NOW, Mr. Malfoy!”
When he’d finally returned, it was with at least twenty pairs of eyes staring him down as he walked solemnly back to his seat, and with only minutes to spare to finish his quiz. Theo and Pansy were whispering conspiratorially to each other, both seemingly very pleased that Draco had gotten his comeuppance, after he’d similarly gotten them in trouble the last time. He took up his space on the bench with an undignified huff of annoyance and attempted to ignore them for the remainder of the period.
It was when the bell rang, as they were gathering their belongings (and Draco was commiserating with himself over how abysmally he must’ve performed on that test) that Theo approached him, sidestepping Pansy to lean in to his friend’s ear. “So…after detention, then?” he whispered, clearly unable to keep the odd mixture of delight and insecurity out of his tone.
“Sod off, Theo,” Draco quietly snarled in return, but he knew there was no use denying it. He’d be there.
Gay!Draco Challenge
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trilliastra · 10 years
Tyler hoechlin vs Dylan o brien
tyler hoechlin, like sometimes it feels like he was born just to torture us
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