commiepinkofag · 1 year
The killing of a budding activist, and the San Francisco district attorney’s decision not to release video footage of the incident or charge the security guard, has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking disgust at the quick use of deadly force by a private guard and protests about the city’s continued failures to provide housing, services and basic safety for Black trans youth like Brown.
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[📷 Banko Brown’s family on the steps of City Hall, May 7, 2023]
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“What makes this case deadly serious,” said Black Alliance for Peace member Jeremy Miller over the mic, “is if we do not respond appropriately to this lynching, we stand the risk of normalizing murder over loss prevention — murder over alleged theft from a retail establishment.”
Banko “always tried to think about all the other social justice movements that were happening. He organized over extended foster care services, lobbying Nancy Skinner. Free Palestine — he was there at that march. During the pandemic, he surveyed people on the street to collect data on the street to see what kinds of services young people needed.”
“He was just selfless,” Julia Arroyo, close confidante of Brown’s and co-executive director of the Young Women’s Freedom Center.
https://missionlocal.org/2023/05/100-rally-sf-city-hall-banko-brown/ [by Griffin Jones, Mission Local, May 7, 2023]
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[Marching while holding a poster that reads ‘In Solidarity with Iran,’ Banko Brown was a regular presence at rallies and town halls in San Francisco. 📷: Courtesy of Young Women’s Freedom Center.]
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diseaseincontext · 7 months
Debunking the Romanticization of the Medical Field: Unveiling the Reality of a Doctor's Career
The medical field has long been a subject of romanticization in popular culture, often depicted as an extraordinary and noble profession. From iconic television shows like "Grey's Anatomy" to heartwarming movies that highlight doctors as heroes, society has become accustomed to an idealized image of the medical profession. However, it is crucial to recognize that this portrayal often misrepresents the realities of being a doctor and overlooks the challenges, sacrifices, and complexities that come with the profession.
One of the primary misconceptions perpetuated by the romanticization of the medical field is the notion of glamour. The media tends to focus on the adrenaline rush of emergency rooms, the portrayal of doctors as constantly saving lives, and the extravagant lifestyles they supposedly lead. While it is true that medical professionals experience moments of triumph, these moments are often overshadowed by the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and immense pressure that comes with the job.
Another aspect that is often ignored in the romanticized portrayal is the toll that a medical career can take on an individual's mental and physical well-being. Doctors face long and grueling work hours, often stretching far beyond the standard 40-hour workweek. The constant exposure to human suffering, traumatic events, and the responsibility of making life-or-death decisions can lead to high levels of stress, anxiety, and even burnout. The pressure to maintain a perfect work-life balance can be overwhelming, with many doctors sacrificing personal relationships and time for self-care.
Contrary to the glorified depiction of doctors as infallible and all-knowing, the reality is that they are humans who face limitations and challenges. While medical professionals strive to provide the best care possible, they are not immune to mistakes or the limitations of medical science. Coping with patient loss, dealing with the emotional weight of delivering difficult news, and making tough ethical decisions are all part of a doctor's reality that is often overlooked in the romanticized portrayal.
The depiction of doctors enjoying lavish lifestyles and exorbitant incomes is another misleading aspect perpetuated by the romanticization of the medical field. While doctors can earn comfortable salaries, the years of extensive education, student loan debt, and the costs associated with running a medical practice often eat into those earnings. Moreover, the increasing complexity of the healthcare system and the administrative burdens can detract from the core practice of medicine, leading to frustration and financial strain.
It is essential to move beyond the romanticized portrayal of the medical field and acknowledge the reality faced by doctors. While the profession can be immensely rewarding, it is not without its challenges, sacrifices, and limitations. By shedding light on the true complexities of a doctor's career, we can encourage a more realistic understanding and appreciation for the incredible work done by medical professionals. It is crucial that aspiring doctors, as well as the general public, understand the realities of the medical field to make informed decisions and support those who dedicate their lives to healing and saving others.
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hospitalrecruiting · 2 years
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Cities with the highest vs. lowest average salary for nurse practitioners.
Browse NP jobs: https://www.hospitalrecruiting.com/jobs/Nurse-Practitioner-Jobs/
#np #pa #nursepractioner #advancedpractitioner #healthcare #sanjose #puntagorda #career #nursing
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fetomatwellness · 2 years
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g0om · 1 year
hungarian heatlhcare b like wow ur dying!!!! u need to get help!!!....... ur appointment is in 7 years and 4 months in another city its a duel surgery w 6 other people gettinf suregy in the same room as u w one doctor doing the operatikns at the same time. also you wont have a bed available so get ready to leave 10 mins after ur awake oh and also we dont have money to put u to sleep so that must suck for you if its not good for u we will give u another one in 23 years also we dont actually know whats wrong with you im just guessing here
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weirdstrangeandawful · 7 months
TW: medical
Not-so-fun-fact about Canada and our "free" healthcare is that our heatlhcare system is entirely provincially managed. As in it is set out in the BNA Act (part of our constitution) that the federal government cannot meddle (there's nuance but whatever).
This means that if you are like me and live in different parts of the country at different times of the year, your access to healthcare is severely restricted if you're not in the province that you "officially" live.
As in I cannot afford to take an ambulance in this province because I would have to pay out of pocket.
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webdesignclub · 2 years
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Ronas IT on Behance - App Design #health #ui #ux #design #mobile #mobileapp #self-care #heatlhcare - Web Design Inspiration https://www.pinterest.com/pin/367817494580153758/
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latribune · 5 months
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the-wormwormworm · 10 months
Qualitative Research Intro: Research for Health Professionals (Part 3)
Qualitative Research Intro: Research for Health Professionals (Part 3) #FOANed #nurseeducator #research #qualitative
Qualitative allows access to areas that quantative research may not reach, for example in heatlhcare how do we get into the nitty gritty and true investigation of an organisation and it’s culture. Behind the data lies stories and experiences that requires appropriate investigation. As a novice to qualitative research, and coming from a critical care background which commonly leans towards the…
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innomaintcmms · 1 year
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marketingbiotronix · 1 year
Biotronix Solution Forever Heel Stretcher Exerciser
Key Features:
Used for Heel Ankle Strengthening and Rehabilitation
Helpful for strengthening calf muscles, Improves your overall stretch, balance and flexibility, helps prevent foot injuries.
Forward and Backward Ankle movement with Spring Resistance
Mounted on heavy sturdy platform. Easy to use
Contact us / What's app - 9711991264,9015251243,8076549111
Website : www.solutionforever.com
ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
#design #hospitals #physiotherapystudent #physiotherapists #physiotherapy #physiotherapyclinic #physiotherapie #physio #heattherapy #medical #medicaldevices #medicaldevice #medicalequipment #rehabilitation #rehab #rehabilitación #rehabilitationcenter #rehabilitationcommunity #health #heatlhcare #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapystudent #physicaltherapist #heelpain #heels #ankle #anklepain #exercise
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Biotronix Solution Forever Heel Stretcher Exerciser
Key Features:
Used for Heel Ankle Strengthening and Rehabilitation
Helpful for strengthening calf muscles, Improves your overall stretch, balance and flexibility, helps prevent foot injuries.
Forward and Backward Ankle movement with Spring Resistance
Mounted on heavy sturdy platform. Easy to use
Contact us / What's app - 9711991264,9015251243,8076549111
Website : www.solutionforever.com
ADDRESS : F-400, Sudershan Park ,Moti Nagar ,Near Gopal ji Dairy ,ND-110015
#design #hospitals #physiotherapystudent #physiotherapists #physiotherapy #physiotherapyclinic #physiotherapie #physio #heattherapy #medical #medicaldevices #medicaldevice #medicalequipment #rehabilitation #rehab #rehabilitación #rehabilitationcenter #rehabilitationcommunity #health #heatlhcare #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapystudent #physicaltherapist #heelpain #heels #ankle #anklepain #exercise
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Studio su diabete mellito di tipo 1, microinfusore più efficace di iniezioni multiple di insulina
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Nei pazienti con diabete di tipo 1 si conferma la superiorità, rispetto alle iniezioni multiple giornaliere di insulina, del sistema MiniMed, uno dei più avanzati microinfusori per insulina e sensore glicemico, dotato di un sistema di monitoraggio continuo dell’insulina a scansione intermittente. Lo dimostrano i risultato dello studio Adap diffusi oggi in una nota da Medtronic, azienda leader mondiale in heatlhcare technology . Tali risultati - presentati, recentemente alla conferenza Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (Attd) di Berlino - aprono la strada a una gestione del diabete di tipo 1 che abbandona il cosiddetto paradigma ‘Cgm- first’. Attualmente, infatti, la terapia standard prevede un approccio iniziale con Cgm (monitoraggio continuo del glucosio) per il dosaggio dell’insulina, per arrivare a soluzioni automatizzate solo in una fase successiva: è questo il cosiddetto paradigma Cgm-first. Alla luce delle nuove evidenze, è invece possibile sottoporre sin da subito il paziente a un trattamento con un sistema automatico di insulina (Aid) e non dover attendere che questi diventi ‘idoneo’ nel tempo. “Oggi la maggior parte dei pazienti con diabete tipo 1 inizia la terapia con un Cgm per poi passare gradualmente a una terapia con un sistema integrato automatizzato - spiega Ivana Rabbone, docente di pediatria presso la Scuola di medicina dell’Università del Piemonte Orientale e direttore della Struttura complessa di pediatria della Aou Maggiore della Carità di Novara -. I risultati dello studio Adapt, ma anche di altri studi clinici su popolazioni pediatriche, dimostrano invece che l’utilizzo di una soluzione tecnologica avanzata fin dall’esordio della malattia offre vantaggi significativi non solo sul compenso metabolico e sul raggiungimento dei risultati attesi, ma anche sulla qualità di vita dei pazienti”. “Le evidenze scientifiche - aggiunge Rabbone - ci dicono che l’adozione di un sistema automatico di insulina già dall’età pediatrica costituisce la migliore opzione di trattamento attualmente disponibile, soprattutto se si considera che è proprio in questa fascia d’età che viene prevalentemente diagnosticato il diabete di tipo 1: grazie alla tecnologia, possiamo oggi semplificare significativamente il percorso di cura aiutando i bambini – e ovviamente anche gli adulti -a convivere da subito con questa condizione, evitando lo stress di continui cambiamenti nella terapia e mitigandone per quanto possibile l’impatto nella quotidianità”.  Lo studio Adapt - continua la nota - è stato condotto su adulti (di età pari o superiore a 18 anni) che non raggiungevano gli obiettivi glicemici. I risultati iniziali a 6 mesi, pubblicati su The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, hanno dimostrato che gli utilizzatori del sistema Ahcl1 hanno registrato un aumento assoluto del 27,6% del time in range (Tir, ovvero la percentuale di tempo che il soggetto diabetico trascorre all’interno del periodo glicemico ottimale) e una riduzione dell'1,4% dell'HbA1C (emoglobina glicata) rispetto a coloro che utilizzavano Mdi + isCgm, senza un aumento del tempo di ipoglicemia. Questi risultati sono stati ancora maggiori durante la notte, con un aumento del Tir del 30,2%. Al termine del periodo di studio di 6 mesi, tutti i partecipanti in terapia con Mdi + isCgm sono passati al sistema ibrido avanzato ad ansa chiusa MiniMed™ 780G. A un anno, questi miglioramenti significativi sono stati riprodotti in questo gruppo di cross-over e sostenuti in quelli che hanno iniziato la terapia con Ahcl all'inizio dello studio. “Siamo molto orgogliosi dei risultati presentati - afferma Luigi Morgese, direttore Divisione diabete di Medtronic Italia - Esiste un numero sempre crescente di evidenze cliniche che dimostrano la superiorità dell'uso dei sistemi automatici di somministrazione dell'insulina come trattamento di prima linea per il diabete di tipo 1, in alternativa all'approccio graduale standard che prevede di iniziare i pazienti con un Cgm. Il sistema MiniMed™ 780G è un esempio concreto del nostro impegno nel supportare e affiancare i pazienti nella loro sfida quotidiana contro il diabete di tipo 1”. A questi i dati - continua la nota - si aggiungono quelli di un secondo studio randomizzato e controllato sponsorizzato dalla Juvenile diabetes research foundation (Jdrf), denominato Clver Trial e pubblicato sul 'Journal of the american medical association' (Jama), che ha dimostrato che nei giovani - dai 7 ai 17 anni - con diabete di tipo 1 appena diagnosticato, la gestione intensiva precoce, che include l'uso di un sistema Aid, ha portato a un tempo di autonomia superiore del 78% rispetto al 64% del gruppo di cura standard dopo un anno. Come indicato dalle recenti Raccomandazioni di Consenso Aid degli Stati Uniti e come dimostrato dai due studi clinici controllati randomizzati presentati all’Attd, i sistemi di somministrazione automatica di insulina presentano per il paziente con diabete di tipo 1 più vantaggi rispetto alla terapia standard con iniezioni multiple giornaliere di insulina attraverso Cgm. Un paziente con diabete di tipo 1 ha una lista infinita di regole da seguire, accortezze da tenere in considerazione e molte decisioni da prendere - almeno 180 secondo una ricerca di Stanford - nella propria quotidianità. La decisione più difficile da prendere è al momento dei pasti: quanti carboidrati ci sono, la quantità di insulina necessaria per coprire i carboidrati, come il corpo reagirà quel giorno a un pasto ricco di carboidrati, a dove si deve dosare e quando. Il sistema MiniMed™ 780G - conclude la nota - è stato progettato con l’obiettivo di eliminare l'onere di prendere molte di queste decisioni: è l'unico sistema chefornisce correzioni automatiche in 5 minuti - 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 - in modo che quando gli utenti dimenticano il bolo o sottostimano i carboidrati, il sistema fornisca automaticamente l'insulina di cui hanno bisogno. Read the full article
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simondsilva1203 · 1 year
Billing Service for Complex Medical Care's specialized compliance procedures drastically increase cash flow, eliminate errors and limit payment denials. If you are interested in more information about our services, contact us today!
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LIVE: Heatlhcare Cost Planning, 2023 in Markets Review, & What's Next
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thedailyguides · 3 years
Platinum home care is one of the leading non-medical home care services in New Jersey, which provides quality non-medical home services to your loved ones with love and affection.
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