#heatwave x kade
uselessmicrowave · 1 year
How about Kade x Heatwave (rescue bots)? Something like they realise they're in love/declaration of love, oneshot or headcanons doesn't matter tbh
Btw congratulations on your recovery^^
When realization hits, Heatwave’s fans will be on for most of the day. It’s loud. All the time.
Kade will make excuses so that he doesn’t have to be around Heatwave (on minor issues/emergencies)
Overall really dysfunctional, not good for the team.
They’d both run into eachother on the way to confess, Heatwave stutters himself into silence. His faceplates are flushed with blue and he’s trying so hard to keep his fans quiet.
Kade manages to choke out the words he wanted Heatwave to hear, the conversation ceases and melts into a comfortable-ish silence.
War movies! Probably the best way to keep Kade quiet and entertained. He’ll sit on Heatwave’s shoulder or lap while watching.
Once, only once, Heatwave jumped (because of a loud sound effect) and Kade went flying off of his shoulder.
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dorkwalf · 1 year
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Heatwave and kade before they lest for cybertron
Heatwave and kade had built a connection
They had feels for each other but never admitted it becuase they are both pride full
On heat waves last day on earth him and kade went stargazing together
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frosty-tian · 7 months
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Day 1 of @heartsandsparksshipweek!
Culture Shock/Date Night
“… Did he just fucking hand me a whole jar of his own energon? Blood??”
(Context for those who don’t know: Heatwave gifted a jar of his innermost energon to Kade. Such gesture showed how important someone is to them, and they cared for them very much.)
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sargentstyrofoam · 2 months
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Realistically, I doubt Hana and Kade would get along, but I like to pretend they might
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phantom31516 · 1 month
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is this a safe space for my kadewave angst
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sleepysloth99 · 3 months
Not me about to make a self-indulgent Graham Burns x ADHD!Reader comfort headcanons because I'm physically incapable of doing my homework. Wooooo stay tuned Rescue Bots!
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Rated: G
Pairing: Heatwave/Kade Burns
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: Day five of @heartsandsparksshipweek fairy tale; dragon shapeshifter Heatwave, (very) loosely inspired by the prince in the dragon's skin
The second Kade is home, he’s punching Huxley for putting them through this. It was one thing to cause normal problems. Sure, the occasional fake call or even the stupid ‘I dare me’ series was annoying. But at least those didn’t end with a griffin– because Cody was somehow right and those things really did exist– kidnapping his little brother for its nest. And because this was the way their day went, it led to them listening to Mrs. Neederlander to try and find a dragon because apparently they were a griffin’s ‘natural enemy’. A dragon! On one of the four islands that surrounded Griffin Rock. Sure, why not. At this point Kade could scream.
He pushed through underbrush, already deep in the forest on the island he ended up on. The four of them split up among the islands so they could find the possible dragon– if Mrs. Neederlander wasn’t full of shit– faster. Personally, Kade didn’t think he’d find anything here. The birds sang like usual and none of the trees were knocked down or missing any branches like he’d expect them to be with a dragon around. If not for Cody he’d turn around right now. But until anyone else in his family com’d that they found the dragon, he’d search. And search.
And search.
The sun was much lower in the sky now then when he started. Kade sighed. Much longer and he won't be able to see much, depending on how bright the moon shone through the canopy. His comm crackled to life as if on cue. It made him stop dead, branch half pushed out of the way.
"Hey, I want everybody to start heading back now," Dad said through it.
"What? No," Graham;
"We can keep searching," Dani;
"Dad come on," And Kade all protested at the same time.
"No," Dad said. "It'll be dark soon and all of you know we won't be any good to Cody if we can't see. We'll pick up the search first thing in the morning."
"But Dad," Graham tried again, with Dani throwing in a "I can see fine with the helicopter!"
"No, Dani. You know that’s not true.” Dad sighed over the comm. If he's really with a griffin, according to Mrs. Neederlander he'll be fine for the night."
"Are we really going to trust her?" Kade asked.
"Kade," Dad said.
"I agree with Kade on this one," Dani said. "It's one thing for griffins to be real, but a dragon? And why would Mrs. Neederlander know about it?”
"Mrs. Neederlander does know about a lot of weird stuff for whatever reason," Graham said.
"She's like you, except not a nerd," Kade said.
"Meet back at Doc's floating lab, we'll continue the search in the morning," Dad said pointedly and no one protested this time. Maybe he could search a little further, but he didn't want to get stuck in the dark. Whatever, they could find the dragon tomorrow. They had time.
If Mrs. Neederlander was right.
Kade bit his lip. Maybe just a little further. He trekked deeper for several minutes, still without finding anything, until the woods started to darken with the first real touches of twilight. Best to turn back.
A bush near him rustled as he turned. He paused to watch it for a moment. There were wild animals out here, so he wanted to be careful. It rustled again, near the bottom, and Kade rolled his eyes. It was probably just a rabbit. The bush continued to rustle– getting more frantic– before it stopped suddenly when Kade took a step and broke a dry branch. The branch crunched oddly loud in thr forest.
A bear broke out of the bushes and Kade screamed. "Oh god, that's not a rabbit." Somewhere high. He had to get somewhere high. But he really didn't want to turn his back on the bear to climb a tree. Instead, Kade stood half frozen there in front of the bear, like he had never done in any other emergency before. But a fire with tools to stop it and family he trusts is very different from a wild animal in the middle of the woods with no one else around. More rustling came from behind him. He only got the confidence to turn and look when whatever appeared behind him roared. And the bear whimpered and ran. Or maybe 'confidence' was the wrong word and he simply wanted to know what would get him instead. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two rows of sharp teeth. Until he registered the long red hair, freckles, and deep laugh. It wasn't another animal, but a very tall man.
"Sorry I scared you," the strange man said, though he didn't look sorry. Orange eyes sparkled at him over a sharp smile.
"You didn't scare me," Kade scoffed.
"Sure I didn't," the man said. "So what're you doing out here?"
"None of your business."
"This is my property."
"No one lives here."
"Someone clearly does. Me," the man said. He crossed his arms over his chest. "So what are you doing out here, in the woods, so close to night."
"Just leaving," Kade said.
"Then I'll go with you," the man said. The toothy grin was back. It was too sharp, just on the edges of uncomfortable and uncanny. "I wouldn't want you to get attacked by any more bears."
Kade swallowed down what fight was in himself. He also didn't want himself to be attacked by any more bears. But he also didn't want this man to think he was just okay with this, so he simply walked away, back out toward the shore. No sound followed him, but the stranger was there when he glanced back. Was there every time he glanced back. Maybe he'd get Graham or Dani to trade him for their island, so he wouldn't have to deal with this stranger again tomorrow.
"Would you get off my back?" Kade snapped the fifth time he spotted the man.
The man shrugged. "You know, if you told me what you were looking for I could probably help you find it."
"Why would you?" Kade grumbled as he walked.
"Not that I'm looking for something or anything," Kade added.
"Because if you don't find it, you come back. If you do, I don't have to deal with you on my island again," the man said.
Kade stopped walking to look back at him. The man's arms were still crossed over his chest. This time, Kade registered that the man was shirtless. Also shoeless. The only piece of clothing he wore were white pants that didn't look like any pants he knew, though he didn't really pay attention to that kind of stuff. "And you think you can find it?"
"Yeah," the man said.
Kade scoffed. "Good luck finding a dragon."
"A dragon, huh?" The man said.
"It's nothing but a wild goose chase, some fantasy cooked up by a crazy old lady, meanwhile Cody is in real danger-" Kade trailed off the rant, because the man- The man-
The man transformed– because that was the only word for it–, limbs suddenly longer, body and head bigger, wings sprouting from his back, all in a matter of seconds. Where the man stood, a dragon now was. A large, red dragon. If he wanted to, he could probably pick Kade up with a single clawed hand. Or eat Kade in a single bite. He looked down at Kade with large orange eyes and sharp teeth that finally made sense. Kade bit off a scream; it came out as more of a high-pitched squeak. Apparently dragons could smirk. Because that is what the man-dragon did.
"You didn't scare me," Kade nonchalantly snapped.
"I didn't say I did," the man-dragon's voice rumbled, though his mouth didn't open. "So now what, tough guy?"
Kade straightened up. "Now you… come with me."
"Mmhmm. For this griffin of yours? Cody?" The man-dragon said.
"What do you know about the griffin?" Kade glared up at the man-dragon. He may be the scariest thing Kade has ever come across, but if he did anything to Cody- "Were you in on it somehow?!"
"Woah, calm down." The man-dragon held up a clawed hand. "I just overheard a part of your conversation. You mentioned finding a dragon for a griffin and just now you mentioned Cody, that's everything."
Kade took a breath through his nose, but the flare of worry didn't really go away. "A griffin's got my little brother, Cody."
"We were hoping to get a dragon to help us, so if you know any other, perhaps better dragons?"
The man-dragon blew frost at him. It crinkled against his hair and chilled his cheeks. Kade thought dragons only had smoke and fire. "None that I'm willing to foist you on."
"Hey, I'm a delight!" Kade said.
"I'm sure that's what everyone says," the man-dragon said with a sarcastic look Kade didn't know dragons could make. He was unwillingly learning a lot about dragons today, it seemed.
"So, do you want help or not?"
No, not from you, Kade desperately wanted to say. But he had Cody to think about. All alone in a griffin's nest, away on that island he'd talked about last year probably. He couldn't just leave Cody. It'd be a shitty thing for an older brother to do. And he just… really loves Cody, okay? "Yes," Kade grit out.
"Great." The man-dragon lowered himself again. "Now get on and hold tight. I won't catch you if you fall off, tough guy."
"What do you mean you wo- Woah!" Kade yelped and grabbed onto the man-dragon's neck as tight as he could; the second he’d sat, the man-dragon took to the air.
"I'd like to get this done before it gets too dark, I'm sure you understand," the man-dragon said. His tone made Kade's hackles rise. Though not quite in the bad way, like when bullies made fun of Graham or tried to pick on Dani back in their high school days. It was more like the competitiveness he felt when he played basketball with his family or when Dani and he raced to see who could perform a rescue faster. (Currently Graham held the unofficial Mister Pettipaws record, for getting him out of the tree in five seconds. Dani and him both agreed it was unofficial because Mister Pettipaws had jumped on Graham's face as soon as he was close enough, but they brought it up sometimes when they argued about who actually held the record.)
"Whatever, you lizard," Kade grumbled. He screamed and clutched what scales he could when the man-dragon tilted to the side. The laugh it garnered rumbled under him.
"Why are you helping me?" Kade asked, long enough into the flight that the stars are around them and his com is out of range of the others.
"It gets you off my island and it keeps you off my island," the man-dragon said. For some reason the idea that he wanted to stay alone on a remote island struck Kade wrong, but he's used to being around family all the time so who knew. Though of course sometimes it wouldn't be so bad… "We're here."
Kade looked carefully over the side. There was a dark blob in the distance, steadily becoming larger and clearer till he could make out the outline of trees and eventually of a beach. Once they are close enough, Kade can see the waves lapping softly at the shore and leaves made dark green by the night. The man-dragon remained airborne until they reached the base of a mountain.
Kade sighed loudly. "We have to climb?"
"Unless you want the griffin to spot us," the man– because he was a man again, transforming back in the seconds it took Kade to turn around after he slid down– said with a smile, arms crossed back over his chest.
Much as Kade complained, he didn't actually mind the hike all that much. His family always did hikes together, even before Graham and Dani and Cody were also adopted, so he was pretty accustomed to them. Though he would've preferred doing it during the day. It wasn't very safe for people to travel the forest at night, especially forests they didn't know, so any rare nighttime hikes were usually reserved for dumb teenage shenanigans or nighttime rescue training; both in a forest they could probably navigate blindfolded. Of course, if you knew one forest you knew them all, so Kade was pretty confident.
The forest isn’t silent or spaced out oddly like Kade expected it might be with a griffin living in it. If the man even brought him to the right island. None of them searched for Cody yet, though they knew the direction he went in was Wayward, the island from when he was trying to get his lad pioneer patch. If the man’s only motivation was for Kade to never return, dropping him on an island with no way back was a much easier solution than helping him save his baby brother. Though that didn’t really explain why the man stayed. Or why Kade got the serious feeling the man was going much slower than he could, just so Kade was able to follow. Maybe he really did want to help. Maybe the man-dragon-whatever was as much a rescuer as Kade’s family is. It didn’t really matter in the end, so long as Cody was saved.
The trail the man leads him through is mostly softer inclines. It’s a hiking trail without the actual trail. Kade might even say it reminded him of the trail up Mt. Griffin back home. Just, with more trees. A lot more trees.
The longer they walk, the thicker the forest gets. And the thicker the forest gets, the quieter it becomes. Unlike the dragon’s island, it feels unnatural, like the forest was holding its breath. It makes an unsettled shiver run down Kade’s spine. He tripped on something– not a root, it was too hard and too jagged for that– and the man caught him by the collar so he didn’t fully fall. But there was a face whne he looked up that loomed over him. It was a bird, beak wide open. Kade screamed and shut his eyes. He only opened them when nothing happened after several seconds. Other than the man’s laughter.
“Shut up,” Kade grumbled. The man smiled at him. As the man’s laughter faded, Kade looked up at the ‘griffin’ that simply surprised him. It was a statue acting as a silent guardian. Under it was a doorway to a long, stone corridor with nothing but vines acting as a roof. He took a step to go inside, but the hand that was apparently still on his collar stopped him.
“Vikings. It’s probably booby-trapped and besides, it’s not what we’re here for,” the man said. He let go of Kade and began to walk beside the long corridor. It seemed a hastle to continue through the thickening forest instead of going down the stone walkway, but Kade didn’t know where it led and somehow the man seemed to. He followed him.
“What is it, anyway?” Kade asked. The stone wall beside him seemed old. It was cracked in places and the vines crawled up it. Some of the cracks Kade saw, he only saw through gaps in the dark greenery.
“A temple,” the man said.
“To the griffins?” Kade asked.
“Yeah,” the man said with clear distaste.
“You don’t like them,” Kade said.
“No,” the man agreed.
Kade nodded. “After this introduction, I don’t think I like them either.” The man made an amused noise through his nose.
“Well that’s good.”
“You won’t see them,” the man said when they make it to the nest. It was a large thing, thick branches and leaves and things that glint like metal, all on top of stone. For a glorified birds nest, it was intimidating. On top of all of that, Kade can see Cody. But he can’t see any griffins, outside the eggs.
“What?” Kade asked.
“The griffins. They’re away from their nest, so they’re invisible. You won’t see them,” the man said. Kade refused to admit the thing he felt at that sentence was fear.
"Can you see them?" Kade asked.
"No, but I can smell them." The man said and smiled so Kade could see the twin rows of unnaturally sharp teeth.
“Great, so you get the griffins and I’ll get Cody,” Kade said and went to stand up before the man could protest. Without so much as a word, the man yanked him back down.
“Maybe wait till I’m actually fighting the griffins before you run off, hot shot,” the man said.
“Yeah, of course,” Kade said. He felt eager to get Cody out of there. The griffins weren’t right in the nest right now, and the eggs were still unhatched, but who knew for how much longer that would last? Kade could swear one of the eggs twitched. The man rolled his eyes.
“Stay here until you hear the griffin scream, then grab your brother,” the man said. He transformed again before Kade’s eyes, skin becoming scales and limbs and face elongating unnaturally in a matter of seconds before the man-dragon took off. For just a moment, Kade stared after him. Then the screams came. They were beastly things. Deep and grating like metal. One of Doc Greene’s machines sounded like that once, Kade was pretty sure, when it was still just a prototype. It’d almost destroyed a house before they stopped it.
Kade took off running.
Cody was right in the middle of the nest, eyes on the sky and the man-dragon. Whatever he was fighting was still invisible. It looked like a lone dance in the air. He twirled and his tail moved like a colour guard flag. Even if Kade couldn’t see it, it seemed like the man-dragon was doing fine fighting it. Probably.
“Kade!” Cody lit up when he saw him. “You’re here!”
“Of course,” Kade said. “You didn’t think I’d just let you be kidnapped by some mythical beast or something, did you?”
Cody smiled. “No.” The griffin howled again, and both of them looked up toward it. There was a flash of colour that spurted sort of like a firework. Kade is sure it was blood.
“Is that a dragon?” Cody asked, looking awestruck, mouth hung open in an excited smile.
“Yeah. According to Mrs. Neederlander, it’s the only thing that could help us get you back,” Kade said. “I found it of course, like the expert I am.” Cody gave him a doubtful look. “What, you don’t think I could?”
“Thank you, Kade,” Cody said instead of answering him, but since it was gratitude Kade decided to let it slide. He helped Cody out of the nest, catching him when he tripped over an egg and fully tumbled out. Together they ran back to where the man-dragon and he parted. Hopefully he noticed them run away. The man-dragon probably wouldn’t appreciate being left behind. Plus, he was their only way off this island and to the others. A great flapping of wings followed a few minutes later and Kade turned to see the man. Cody looked even more excited at the possibility that the dragon could transform. Kade could practically see the questions form in his eyes.
“So you’re gonna take us home, right?” Kade asked. Before the man could answer, Cody pipped up with his own question.
"Are you going to stay with us?" Cody looked brightly up at the man and Kade watched Heatwave's face go through several expressions he couldn't follow.
"Uh, sure, kid," the man said. "For a time." Kade snorted and the man narrowed his eyes at him. With as much sarcasm as he could (which was a lot), Kade shrugged. No one could deny Cody. He wondered how their dad and the others would respond to having an actual dragon at the house.
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animewolflover18 · 2 years
An energy spike, an underground cave, and a mysterious sphere. This is not what the burns family and the bots were not expecting at all. Especially Heatwave and Kade, now have a daughter? How in the Allspark did that happen?
No one knows for sure. But little did everyone know that things going about to get strange and crazy.
What does fate have in store for the two of them? Will they be able to raise this girl? What secrets is the universe hiding?
I do not own any of the characters from Transformers Rescue Bots and Transformers Prime. The only characters that I do own are my original characters (OCS).
Here the story I wrote for Kadewave
Why did I write it, thought it was interesting.
It's also on Wattpad too.
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anonymousbeeblurr · 4 months
I already brought quickshadow x heatwave . . . And I warn you that I won't make other ships like kade x heatwave. . . Heatwave is 1000 older than kade Or meaningless ship like human x fixit
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annabelle-creart · 4 months
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How the AViVA’s song says: never understand what i’m cooking (Houdini by AViVA)
Ok, if you remember the post where I said I remembered what I wanted to do before forgetting it, it was something like this
The Sweet Tooth brainrot is making fun of me and wanted me to make an Au
So, here’s my Tf Rescue Bots x Sweet Tooth Au, where the bots (excepting Hightide) are Hybrids kids and the Rescue Team, simple humans from Maine, save them and protect them
At first I wanted them to be like cyberorganic and not completely hybrids but then I said “nah, let’s make them kids” because i wanted some animal kids shenanigans and here we are
I just saw that I forgot to make Sissi, shit, well, Sissi is undetermined, but I want her to be a fox.
The wolves triplet are Shockwave, Soundwave and Heatwave
The kids with Graham are Boulder (left) and Bulkhead (right) and are hedgehogs, the big man is Hightide and the kids he have on his arms are Blurr (left) and Salvage (right), a saanen goat and a german shepherd dog
The kids above Hightide are Cody and Frankie as apocalypse teens HAJAHSJS. Ft. Kade and Quickshadow as an owl
And the red panda and the budgie are Chase and Blades
I sincerely just wanted to sketch a little but let’s make some backstory
When the great crumble happened, Griffin Rock had to close to any kind of person, but chief Burns couldn’t let the kids, the new hybrids, by their own, he was sure they wouldn’t survive with the angry people and wanted to make something, so, he left the island with the hope he could save some, and so he did, a year later he came back with some kids, and after seeing they’re not contagious, Griffin Rock became a secret sanctuary for hybrids, but the job was still undone and Charlie had to go, since then, Kade became rescue chief and made sure to protect both citizens and hybrid orphans, especially when the new pregnancies resulted on hybrids and the people started to really fear the kids, but sometimes, he’s replaced by his siblings to make his dad company at mainland and help him.
Thanks to Griffin Rock’s tech, the island never was found again by people, especially the Last Men, who hunted hybrids, making their own ways to reach mainland without being reached, at that times, Graham, the engineer of the Rescue Team, Ezra Greene, scientist lead, and Hightide, named Horace in this Au, a retired Navy and marine soldier, have to help guiding the kids when Charlie can’t
As Kade, Frankie and Cody became also “saviors of hybrids” because they wanted
And for Morrocco, Madeline and the other zoo guy I don’t remember the name, I wanted to kill them with the Sick (the virus that fucked up everything) but it would be fun to have them trying to reach Griffin Rock, like, Morrocco needs the kids blood to make a cure for the Sick but he really wants to stay young with their blood, and Madeline is a racist who uses the kids as trophies and her influences to hunt the kids and the zoo guy want them for their zoo or something, like with the bots :=)
This group, the triplet, the twins, Blurr, Salvage, Quickshadow, Chase and Blades, were the hardest to find and save, because they were bought by the Last Men to be used on experiments, the wolf triplet could escape before being Last Men's soup and found Charlie using their noses, they told them everything as they could because Shockwave was the only one who knew to talk but poorly, so, Charlie prepared an ambush when the kids were transported by train to save them, the equivalents of Hence, Board, Bridget, Stone and Grill were already used, never were find again, but the rest were rescued and sent to Griffin Rock. their lives became a little brighther since then.
But the Last Men weren't the only ones who wanted the hybrids…
Whatever, don’t mind my crazy ass🙃
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beastieblooddd · 4 months
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I don't ever talk about nor do I want to talk about how that one baby episode made me a chase x heatwave shipper but okay.
(Also quick shadow x heatwave and kade x heatwave fans I know those two are most likely but leave me be.)
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frosty-tian · 28 days
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Day 2 of @heartsandsparksshipweek!
“At this point, they might as well take it to their graves.”
Tagging the KadeWavers @windydrawallday and @azula-nyx.
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sargentstyrofoam · 10 months
I saw your last fanart (the kadewave one) and its so damn good; I really love the drawing style.
Although, I can't help but sense angst vibes from it lol, maybe its just me...but it feels like a goodbye to me, those "I will probably never see you again so I will spill the beans anyway" kind of goodbye lmao. Also, Wave has slitted optics or my eyesight is already fucked up? Anyway, it suits him XD...
Do you have any hc on the ship? It's good to see more fanart of the ship. I would do it too...but unfortunately I can't draw to save my life, and inspiration to write disappears as fast as it comes lol.
Wish you the best!
(My first ask so idk if there is a way you're supposed to do these)
Thanks dude ! And yeah I was attempting to add some type of angst to rb, and ya kinda have to think hard about it. It's a pretty carefree show, but I'd imagine any box x human relationship will run into the issue of the whole one out living the other. Which yeah that really sucks.
Oh man, I had to think about the headcanon stuff. I didn't even realize I mostly have character headcanons rather than ship headcanons. First one I can think of is how they'd show affection with each other, but it's heavily based on what we know from the show.
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Made a little doodle thing. But based on the 5 types of love language, Heatwave leans more towards physical touch. Vs Kade, who shows his affection through acts of service :3c
That's all I can think of rn, maybe I'll come up with more in the future
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therealbl0om-blog · 2 months
In the meantime, I have been getting ideas of other stories that included other series, such as TFP and RiD for example?
So, it's been quite a while since I've made a post or posted a story such as "A DAY OFF", I have been working on Part 3 of it but I an not critically sure on what kind of action for it to happen on there.
Strongarm x Sideswipe; (option 1)
Not literally love, such as getting into a relationship or some sort. But the two are technically Kade and Heatwave 2.0, where they hate each other yet care for each other as if there's no tomorrow. Maybe there can be a part in this story where they actually show the feelings that they care for each other, rather share their story and past and give each other comfort (mainly fluff).
Megatron x Starscream; (option 2)
Same for Strongarm and Sideswipe, although in this story Starscream's emotions finally get to his limit as he just couldn't take it anymore of Megatron's constant abuse, even for every small mistake he does, he feels as if he has been beaten up like he caused WW2. Megatron himself finds the seeker and slowly starts to realize the situation. Where Starscream tries his best to be his SiC, yet always replaced by other Decepticons that make the things better made than Starscream does it.
Knockout x Starscream (option 3)
Maybe a little of flirt in this one, and some relationship stuff. I myself am not a Breakdown x Knockout person since I afore KO's and Seekers partnership more. Knockout could open up about his past in this one, a little tired and exhausted of Starscream's constant shenanigans and stuff. While Starscream also opens up and vents out for everything Megatron does to him.
Optimus Prime x Smokescreen (option 4)
NOT a relationship or a couple like story, but when Smokescreen joined the Autobots, aka the Team Prime he'd always doubt himself. Even calling himself a rookie in that episode where he had saved Optimus by using the relic of the primes. Smokescreen constantly leaves the base even when told not to. Optimus gets mad at that and small arguments happen, till Prime realizes that something is going inside of Smokescreen's helm that he constantly bottles up.
Megatron x Optimus Prime (option 5)
Not a relationship one either, but I got inspired by a story I saw on tiktok that included a whistle. Where Optimus uses it in battle against Megatron. The whistle's meaning is that Optimus is rather tired and exhausted, back in the past before the war. Orion always used that whistle in case he was in danger, Megatron was the one that always saved him. In the present when Optimus uses it in hopes that Megatron remembers it. The decepticons on purpose retreat to leave Team Prime alone, letting them rest. Especially Optimus.
I will be doing all of them in the future before school starts. But in that case, which one do you want me to do first? And yes, I am open to suggestions in the stories. My ask inbox is opened 24/7.
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gamecrash716 · 29 days
Another One Bites the Dust
For @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
For timing, the TFRB x AEMH happened in season three Snap takes place two years later, one year before season four
Here comes the best part (For me, not you) the list of everyone who lives and dies (All characters that I will write about) (Avengers and Other Marvel characters will be added later)
Cody Burns Kade Burns Myles Priscilla Pynch Anna Baranova CeCe Greene (Anna is just pregnant with her) Frankie Greene Chase Heatwave Blurr Knockout Quickshadow (They haven't met her yet) Bumblebee (He does not take it well with Blades is dead) Servo Shockwave (Shockwave redemption real?) Arcee Ratchet Miko Jack Darby Agent Fowler
Charlie Burns Dani Burns Graham Burns Madeline Pynch Evan Ezra Greene Blades Boulder Hightide Salvage Optimus Prime Megatron Soundwave Breakdown (Airachnid did not kill him) Starscream Raf Bulkhead June Darby
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tftword · 1 year
hihihihi I seen your writing and omgomgomg it's AMAZING
I was wondering if I could request anything (hcs,fic, whatever you want to do) related to Heatwave x Chaotic/Hyper! Reader?
Aaahhh I love this too much!
Heatwave x chaotic/hyper reader.
He's dealt with chaotic and hyper, because of kade Dani blades and Cody.
Because of you he now brings a first aid kit.
He's extra careful because he never knows when you're going to pop up and try to climb him or scare him.
He is unable to get jump scared now.
His reflexes are ten times better, if you accidentally fall of a tall ledge or even off of him, he now expects you to fall or get hurt.
He honestly has a soft spot for your chaoticness and how hyper you are, it lightens up his stoic and tough guy personality.
He also likes how much excitement you bring his day that isn't life threatening, but he'll never tell you that.
Small fic
"y/n? Sweetspark? You're never this quiet or calm! If you don't say something I'm going to assume you're dead or really injured!" Heatwave calls out as he looks all over the firehouse for you, he hadn't seen you all day "if you're trying to jump scare me it won't work, I'm already immune to your jump scares!" He ads, trying to get you out of hiding sooner, though he wouldn't admit it, he was feeling really touch starved. Then he hears a bit of grunting, he looks slightly up and to the side to see you climbing on a decently high pipe,you were wearing headphones so you couldn't hear him, but you looked up and saw him, you pull down your headphone "hi heatwave! How are you?" You ask, smiling at him as you sit on the pipe, lightly swaying your legs off the edge. "That doesn't matter, what are you doing up there?!" He says surprised "I was bored and Dani left, she told me she'd be back in about thirty minutes, don't worry I can come down!" You start to move around "no! No no no! Don't move! I'll get you down, don't move!" Heatwave says sternly as he runs over to the pipe, he picks you up "how do you always have so much energy?" He asks playfully as he puts you down, you shrug and sit on the couch, he sits infront of the couch "I don't know, I'm just randomly energetic, but you love it" you say smugly. "Ppphhhttt, yeah right" he says playfully rolling his eyes, you know just as well as he does that he loves your energetic self.
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