#hehe YEET
z-1-wolfe · 4 months
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lyss-butterscotch · 5 months
I may not fully understand the new alt weapon but being able to nyoom full speed at something, slap it with a hydraulic press, then get flinged back with the power of a thousand suns while your enemy gets absolutely ATOMIZED makes brain go :)
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cloudstrifing · 1 year
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i love the drunk cats/strike your fancy series sm and realized it fits trigun perfectly so i did these silly redraws hehe
the original prints by ravi zupa and arna miller can be found here and here!!
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decarbry · 2 years
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Yabureme 1-3
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worstloki · 1 year
how funny would it be if Loki didn't even know Baldur would not be immune to mistletoe. clearly everything in the world was promised to not hurt Baldur, so why would one specific plant do the trick?
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oobbbear · 2 years
*eats you lovingly*
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+baby sun
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eff-plays · 7 months
"Durge is the only true protagonist, all Tavs feel and play the same!" Girl I am so sorry about your lost braincells but my Chaotic Neutral tiefling bard playthrough is SO different compared to my Neutral Good half-elf monk playthrough it literally FEELS different and the quest outcomes are different and their approaches to conversations are different. But sure keep replaying the same origin over and over because you have critical thinking skills or whatever<3
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scottishoctopus · 7 months
Since it's not happening any time sooner, Maccus could ya go give Jones a smooch? ;)
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"Cheeky seagull you are, but I ain't gonna ever deny an opportunity like this." Maccus gives a toothy grin with a chuckle, and heads out towards the Captain's cabin above deck.
He passes by his fellow crewmembers and especially the recent ones, ordering for them to resume their duties as he opens the door to the cabin and walks inside. Jones had been playing his beloved pipe organ but finished over ten minutes ago and he currently was also planning on heading through the door of his quarters.
The two cursed men nearly bumped into each other in their paths, both suddenly stepping back with a thunk.
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"Maccus. Yah very nearly frightened me- uh. If yer intendin' on scarin' yer old Captain then yah know tah do bettah than that attempt." Jones responded, his clouded eyes widened with surprise. But an amused grin soon made it's way onto his slimey face.
Maccus returned the smile, shaking his head.
"Apologies, Cap'n. But Ah did intend on seein' ye." He informed the other who stared at Maccus curiously.
"Tah what do Ah owe the pleasure, hm?"
The question that Jones asked seemed to have such perfect timing, and nothing could stop the knowing smile that still hadn't faded from Maccus' face. And so, the first mate took one single step closer to his captain who quirked an brow in suspicion, Maccus gently gripped onto the lapels of Jones' tattered coat and pulled him closer.
Maccus planted an affectionate kiss upon the other's cold lips, noticing how Jones had instantly froze in shock before then quickly relaxing. He placed his hand against the Captain's jaw, desiring to make sure that it lingered. One of the tentacles making up Jones' spectacular beard curled around Maccus' calloused and barnacle encrusted wrist in response.
The first mate then drew back, admiring the cursed Captain's faintly reddened face with a knowing smirk as his clouded eyes fluttered open.
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"Oh..." Jones muttered quietly, his beard seemingly ceasing to wriggle from shock. He even looked as though he was struggling with forming a single sentence.
Maccus chuckled deeply, greatly enjoying how Jones seemed to become to incredibly shy all of a sudden. And with that, he stepped back towards the doors as if to leave, and then shot him back another grin.
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"See ya back on deck...Davy."
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yonglixx · 3 months
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this is me, pls dont throw
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kideartzz · 3 months
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invre · 2 months
Canon Mithrun things to note (this is me christening the hc tag with canon info just to get started hehe):
This man has the most awful sense of direction. He canonically came down some stairs, had a brief conversation, and went to go back up the same stairs. The Adventurer's Bible says, "Kabru suspects his memories of the time when he was lord of the dungeon are affecting him, and that his body just moves on its own." I don't think his body moves of it's own accord, but I do think it's the memories of his time as dungeon lord that caused this — though, I do also think he is simply directionally challenged, and probably always has been (to a lesser degree).
His poor sense of direction combined with teleportation magic can be... interesting. There's always a fair chance he'll miss with his attacks, but there have also been accidents in the past (here is the example with Misyl.......), so the people around him tend to get... nervous.
"The demon ate his desires, so his body no longer registers any". I will do a whole ass meta about this at some point, but a point here is that Mithrun does still have sensations such as hunger, thirst, etc. He still experiences these sensations; he just doesn't have the ability/desire to identify or respond to them. This is why he is forced to rely on others basically to keep him alive — if it doesn't directly relate to his task of slaying the demon, he sees no reason to do it. He won't sleep until he passes out from exhaustion, he won't eat until the dizziness actually interferes with his ability to perform his task — because he simply doesn't realise he has to.
The above includes his ability to identify his own mana levels. This post has some cool information about the magic system, but basically when you run out of mana entirely, you pass out. Usually, the first sign that Mithrun is low on mana is that he either passes out, or he develops symptoms of low mana (struggling to move, shortness of breath, headache, chills, lightheadedness and dizziness).
Mithrun is considered strong in comparison to tall-men/humans, but weaker than other elven soldiers.
Ryoko Kui said that post-canon, Mithrun is working (inspecting dungeons, monitoring monsters, etc) and has hobbies (sadly it seems things got mistranslated and he does NOT in fact open a noodle shop but I do think he tried making noodles for fun lmfao), he's living a happy and fulfilling life. But because he's "not very friendly" he's not taking on any diplomatic role for a while yet, lmfao
Canon: there's ants on him 😔
He said he was unable to fall asleep without either potions or spells (but Kabru managed to get him to sleep). Still, I think when he's alone, he's probably still reliant on potions most of the time.
"His subordinates don't really know how much personal space he wants." He doesn't really seem to have a preference, either way, although he probably does somewhere deep down and just feels no need to express it. Despite this general apathy, we see Mithrun tends to just kind of do whatever a lot of the time and will follow orders even from his subordinates— simply because he very much acts on the path of least resistance. Cithis put him in a dress and made him eat off the floor, and he just obediently did so because he had no reason to fight— he has no desire to save face or be respected. He only fights when she orders him to hurt Pattadol, because it would get him kicked out of the canaries. So personal space, you can probably just do whatever, and he won't really care much.
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leyartser · 1 year
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“Well, let's see if you can break this thing on my head. If you can, then someday... hee hee hee...I may get to toy with you again.”
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the-steming-system · 6 months
Barnaby, holding a bucket for no reason: “this! Is a bucket!”
Wally: “dear god….”
Barnaby, with a few puppies: “there’s more”
Wally, with his eyes dialed like a cat: “no!”
@partycoffin here’s this random silly thingy
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
(dating sim ask) listen. you and i both know who im going to ask for. eliana my beloved 💖💖💖 (also [throws dart at board] secretforger. for laffs.)
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Eliana's Route would include a lot of flirting and fun!! (Setting the timing of this in her piracy phase so I don't have to worry about the Deeply Invested like nine other ppl in her polycules lol) She's all about nicknames and sappy stuff, and if you give her a sea-flavored gift then you'll live in her mind rent-free forever <3 She's also very partial to height differences. She's 4'10" (~147 cm) and if you're a bunch taller than her or just capable of carrying her with ease, she'll be very attached very fast because you'll make her feel safe! ♥ - She's going to encourage piracy, snuggles, smooches - all without labels! If you can't be at least a little down with her wanting snuggles pre-getting together officially, then it probably won't work out :( 'No smooches until official' she'll pout about to be silly but won't press you on! (There are no negative points for wanting to be official before smooches!! she just teases you a bit and asks if she can at least give you cheek and forehead kissies akjsdns) - The first "I love you" moment will involve her panicking about it and immediately finding a way to avoid you for a hot minute! (Think like, a few days at most!) It also will not be her saying it. <3 - IF you've been open to her shenanigans and allowing her to dodge some deeper questions: Most likely, she shows up in your bedroom in the middle of the night (via a window. she broke in ♥ hope you don't mind!) and she's very dodgy about the ily thing but does explain that she has had very bad experiences surrounding those words in the past. But! She promises that as long as you give her time and some space about it, she'll figure out exactly how she feels and let you know when she's ready to!
[A readmore because this got very long]
Good Ending: Requires agreeing to wait for her! ;w; She needs time to process such emotions (and them being reciprocated) before she feels okay with acting on them in a serious context. (Also need to be accepting of her being polyamorous! Which she wouldn't know when you get together, but she'd figure it out down the road a little bit lol) But! You'll have a cute new pocket-sized gf who's always down for snuggles and will absolutely shoot people who wrong you, darling. <3
Neutral Ending: If you're not alright with her polyamory or with waiting on her, there's two ways this can go! You part on amicable terms, but there would be an option to be open to flings in the future, lol. but once you Agree to "only flings" then you'll never have another chance because she's going to mentally mark off the possibility of a serious relationship with you entirely KJDNG but you'll still get to see her sometimes! :D Otherwise, just parting ways, you may never see her again at all.
Bad Ending: This could come from several possibilities. Either you haven't been down with her snuggles or smooches or piracy shenanigans at all, and she kinda just drops you because those are all super important to her. :'( Or you get to the point of the nighttime visit and have Big Issues with her about the disappearing act! In which she would likely snap back at you for a moment, scold herself for trusting someone again, and leave to never be seen again. T_T
-- On to Secretforger !! --
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Hey, wh- how'd you get in here?? Did you hack the dating sim?? Are you that down bad for demon snuggles?? because mood, actually. me too.
Secretforger's Route (never thought I'd write those words) would definitely be... Interesting! They are aro/ace so there isn't a romantic possibility, but you could be shooting for a QPR anyway so have at it! - I have no idea how this would start. You either know Eliana who's carrying the book, or Liifa who's carrying the book, or Secretforger picked you as their next victim and you pulled an Eliana and decided you were going to make them into your friend now! I'll work based off that one because it's easiest lol. - They're going to... Well, try to do their 'job' which is haunting you, showing you horrible visions, and implanting paranoia-inducing things into your mind! They're also going to try to get you to make a Deal that gives them access to your soul. If you want to live, Don't ♥ - You'll need to have your own Edgy Angst Streak to garner their interest, but they definitely have a preference for the ambitious and ruthless. Often you can actually distract them from their game by doing horrible things to achieve your goal, and they'll want to see more horrible things so they'll help you out sometimes! But they do also want to see you fail sometimes. :)
Good Ending: You end up with a somehow-amicable friendship with them! If you're on good enough terms, you may be able to talk them into snuggling! (Even if you don't ask, they might swap to Domestic Housecat Form and snuggle you anyway, but you can't say anything about it. Say a word and they leave.) I don't know if they'd ever be in an official QPR? so this is about as close as you can get! (unless i figure smth out later lmao)
Neutral Ending: They're still harassing you, trying to corrupt you, etc. You're treating them like Abaddon's most disappointing child who couldn't balance a pencil on their claw if they really really really tried to. Mutual annoyance! :D
Bad Ending: homeboy (gender neutral) it's a demon from a book of demons, this ending is the most likely probably! :') They're going to corrupt and possess you and use you for evil things, like murder and general mayhem - and then they're going to unpossess you, and leave you to deal with the aftermath of their joyride. >:) honestly their route is kinda one of those... "you're lucky if you die before its over" kind of routes because otherwise you have to deal with their cruel curses and aftermath for the rest of your life. gkfjnKJSDFNJ they are Not Kind <3
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trillgendermetaphor · 2 years
getting ready to leave for my TOP SURGERY and i am so excited
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sleepy-bi666 · 9 months
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