#hell I've talked alot here i should shut up now
kulemii · 2 years
i never really realized until recently that i could write smut for myself in the 1st pov and not go to jail. i am a free woman
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mywifeymax · 3 months
Who Would have thought---💌🌲 Part5(Bellamy x reader)
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(Y/n pov)
*Waking up I felt a hard surface under me and Clarke and Raven over me* "Where am I?"I said weakly "You're in the dropship Bellamy carried you here"Clarke said "Since when did he have a soft side"I mumbled out"Who knows with him"Raven said
*I smiled weakly* It was Bellamy again something inside knew I felt something deeper for Bellamy something I never felt with anyone not even Jasper but I pushed thoses feelings away
*As I was about to sit up I felt this new pain shot up inside and I gasp as my eyes suddenly went back and I start shaking violently and I felt foaming white stuff come out of my mouth*
"The blade it was poisoned!"Raven said in panick "Shit help me get her on her side then I go up to that grounder and see if there's a cute"Clarke said
*A few moments later I felt Clarke lifting my head up and I drink the cure as the burning sensation through out my Body came down* "Better?"Raven asked "Way better thank you guys for taking care of me"I said "Don't thank us you are our people now take it easy and get alot of rest "Clarke said
*Getting to my tent I saw jasper there* "How are you doing are you alright?"He asked "Fine now leave"I said coldly "Y/n why are you being so cold"he said "I'm not now go I need rest"I said "Fine but we are not done talking about it"Jasper said *I rolled my eyes as I watched him leave my tent* Asshole.
*getting inside my makeshift bed I breathed out as I rolled on my side and shut my eyes just as I was about to fall asleep another person entered my tent and I groaned out* "Now what!"I said "Woah princess it's just me I wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing"Bellamy said *I opened my eyes* "Well my body hurt and I felt like hell froze over me but other than that I'm fine"I said "I also wanted to say thank you for saving my life back there"Bellamy said "I wasn't going to let you die ...The camp they need a leader and you're that leader they listen to you"I said "I guess you're right but still I don't want you to be that risky anymore"Bellamy said "I can take it"I said "I know you can but I'm gonna leave you to get some rest and I'm not gonna assign you with any heavy labor"Bellamy said *I smiled* "That's good"I said which cause Bellamy to chuckle
*The next day I woke up and got up as I braided my hair and I walked out of my tent and I walked over to Bellamy* "How is everything looking?"I asked "Great we got the wall fully done"Bellamy said *I smiled* "That's good"I said "Should you be out of bed right now?"Bellamy asked "I'm fine Bellamy I'm not going to let anything stop me"I said "you are a stubborn one"He said
*looking over my shoulder I saw Clarke walk up to us and she smiled* "I need you two to go off somewhere"She said "and why would we do that?"Bellamy asked "It's supplies for our people"Clarke said "I'm listening"Bellamy said "I want you to get them and bring them back to camp"Clarke said *We both nodded* "Wait y/n I need to check your bandage over"She said*I looked over at Bellamy* "It's fine I'll wait for you"He said
*Going into the medical tent Clarke treated my wounds* "There it's looking good"Clarke said "That's good"I said *looking up I saw Bellamy peak his head in* "you ready to go?"He asked me "Yeah I'm ready"I said
*Getting up I walked out of the tent and then left the camp with Bellamy* "So have you and Jasper talked?"Bellamy asked "No I've been giving him the silent treatment"I said "Your gonna have to talk to him eventually just a matter of time"Bellamy said "I know"I said "if he says anything to upset you come to me I don't want you to go off alone where there is grounders"Bellamy said
*Getting inside the underground shuttle I covered my nose* "It smells like musty air and mold"I said "It does"Bellamy agreed "So far for living done here"I said
*getting inside one of the rooms I looked around and found blankets* "Hey I found blankets"I said "Wow blankets so cool"Bellamy sarcastically said *I watched as he got mad and kicked something over and a few guns came out* "We don't need to be scared of grounders anymore not when we can protect ourselves"Bellamy said
*I felt my body tensed up as I held the gun and Bellamy shakes his head* "Not like that"He said *He then walked over and put the handle part on my shoulder and then my hand under the part and put one of fingers on the trigger* "Like this"He said I noticed how close our bodies were to eachother and I felt that nervousness raise up inside of me "Try to shoot"Bellamy whisper in my ear *I gulp as I press the trigger and it hit the X* "Good job"Bellamy said
Right then I knew I didn't have feelings for Jasper alest not anymore I knew that it was Bellamy all along the way he made sure I was okay the way he made sure I wasn't alone the way he carried me back it's been Bellamy this whole time I just couldn't open my eyes to see it my body was giving me signals this whole time
"Bellamy"I said "hmm?"He hummed *I walked up to him dropping the gun and pulled him in close to me before standing on my tippy toes and press my lips against his soft ones he widen his eyes but quickly pulled me in and wrap his arm around my waist and we stayed like that for alittle while*
*Getting back to camp we told everyone that we got guns and blankets and I begin to hand the blankets out to everyone*
*After a few hours I walked to my tent and I saw jasper there* "So are we going to talk now?"He asked "Fine let's talk"I said "Why have you been so cold?"He asked
"I don't know I guess I was jeleous that you were talking to Octavia the truth I had a crush on you since we were in third grade but you don't have to worry about that anymore since I like someone else"I said "You liked me for that long?"He asked *I laugh and nodded* "Yeah I did but not anymore"I said "Good because I didn't want that ruining our friendship and I'll make sure to talk to you more"Jasper said *I smiled* "Alright then"I said
*With that I watched Jasper leave and I sighed as I took down my braids and I smiled and touched my lips* I was definitely not going to forget that kiss or even him
-To be continued -
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years
(The request for @thisbloghasnoaesthetic for winning the item from Hamon Daze Chapter 3. I hope you enjoy it my dear 😏😘)
A night of Stardust lust
Part 3 Jotaro (aged up) x fem reader fanfiction
Sweet N Saucy edition
You all had arrived in Egypt, you stayed with Jotaro and Joseph as they made a call Suzie. You smiled and admired Jotaro standing with his hands in his pockets. Since you joined them on their quest to stop Dio you couldn't help from developing a little crush on Jotaro. When he spoke to his grandmother you couldn't help love his low and soft voice, he certainly was a man of little words but my god, his voice was like velvet.
You all fought against countless minions of Dio and now you all arrived safely in Egypt.
"Alright Honey Muffin, we need to go. Yes, I know. We will. Okay, love you too. Mwah. Bye~" Joseph made kissy faces on the phone as he was hanging up.
You smiled as he came off the phone standing next to Jotaro you couldn't help but admire him so much. You all heard a car horn go off and it grabbed your attention.
"Oi Mr Joestar, we got the car hurry before the sun set. Let's hit the road" Kakyoin called out.
You all got into the car. Joseph sat in the drivers seat on the left, Avdol was on the right in the passenger seat, in the back seat Kakyion sat behind Joseph, Jotaro sitting behind Avdol and you and Polnaraff squished in the middle. You were sitting in between Polarneff and Jotaro, on your right was Jotaro and your left was Polneraff. You and Jotaro had shared an earphone bud each and listened to Joseph's cassette tape of the Beatles. Jotaro was asleep leaning his head against the window and you looked out at the beautiful sunset as you drove across the desert.
"Oi Y/N, do us a favour and pass me the sunscreen my shoulders need some coverage." The frenchman pointed to the seat pocket in front of Jotaro.
You sighed leaning forward, Polanerff grinned and grabbed the small tube of sunscreen and rolled your eyes as you passed it to him "Here. I don't get why you didn't cover your shoulders beforehand."
"I forgot.." He shrugged. He squeezed the tub as he took it from you and a tiny amount shot out and landed straight on Jotaros lap "Oh whoops." He leaned in close to you and whispered " Hey Y/N, you better clean that up otherwise everyone will think you made him..."
"KNOCK IT OFF!" Your face lit up, your cheeks went bright red. You nudged him, you turned to Jotaro and saw he was still asleep and back to Polnareff. "Look what you did! You did that on purpose!"
"Ha ha ha, Y/N should be thanking me. Here use this and wipe it from Jotaro's lap" He smirked, wiggled his eyebrows and handed you a handkerchief.
You snacthed it from him and gritted your teeth and gently rubbed the sunscreen off Jotaro's lap. You looked back to Polneraff and he smirked and rubbed the sunscreen into his shoulders. His smirk turned into a grin and pulled out a camera and took a photo of your hand still on Jotato's lap.
"You ass! You think this is funny?" You pouted at him.
"Oh! Y/N, I am shocked, whatever do you mean? I'm SO sorry I squeezed the tub too hard.." Polnareff raised his eyes and pretended to be innocent and hid the camera in his pocket.
You threw the handkerchief at him and he ducked and it smacked Kakyion, (who was looking out his window minding his own business) right in the face. He pulled it off his face and looked at you annoyed.
"What the hell Y/N!" the red headed young man wasn't a happy bunny.
"Sorry Kakyion, if Pol Pol wasn't being a total asshole.." You started to crack your knuckles.
"Oh shit! Kakyion save me!" Polnareff cuddled into Kakyion his eyes widened, the red headed young man looked at him annoyed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't think Kakyion is gonna save you Pol Pol...." You rolled up your sleeve and he screamed in fear.
"CHILDREN! CHILDREN! Behave yourselves. We are almost there please settle down. Mr Joestar is trying to concentrate." Avdol turned around and waggled his finger at you all. "I thought you would be all mature by this point, now stop acting like children and make up..."
You folded your arms and looked at him, Polnareff smiled at you and rubbed your shoulder.
"Awwww don't be like that Y/N~ You know I was only teasing you..." He smiled and laughed. He leaned in closely "I know you have the major hots for Jotaro, I've seen the look in your eye."
Annoyed with Polnareff you looked out the window on Jotaro's side and huffed, you couldn't look him in the eye, he was right you did like Jotaro, but you felt like you had no chance with him. you sighed in defeat and admired the sunset once again.
About half an hour later Joseph parked the car and suggested setting up camp for the night in the desert, you all got out of the car and you followed Avdol and Joseph to set up the tents. As for Kakyion he went to get some water by the river. Meanwhile Jotaro and Polnareff went for a smoke by the rocks overlooking the river.
"By the way Star saw everything you did in the car.. "Jotaro flicked his cigarette bud away and glared at him.
"Oh... you know I was only playing. Y/N cleaned your trousers.. So it's all good right? Right?" Polnereff grinned "Heh you know she totally likes you"
"Again I saw that too." He huffed
"Yeah but" He gripped his cheek and turned his head to you helping Kakyoin with the large jugs of water to the campfire. "Y/N really admires you, You would be silly not to ask her out."
Jotaro gripped his wrist and summoned Star Platinum and ORA'D him into the air and joined you all, while he landed in the sand with a dizzy expression.
An hour later you all sat around the campfire and enjoyed some scrambled eggs and baked beans. You couldn't help but look at Jotaro when he talked to the others, he was right next to you, the soft glow of the campfire made his face look even more beautiful. You started to shiver with the night air kicking in.
"Here, have this you are cold." Jotaro smiled at you and wrapped his jacket around your shoulders.
"Ah thank you Jotaro" You smiled and felt such comfort from his jacket, the scent from him rubbed onto your shoulders.
Polnareff was about to make a statement but you both glared at him and he shut his mouth and smiled nervously. Jotaro rolled his eyes and stood up.
"Y/N, come join me." Jotaro nodded to you and held out his hand. "I'm going for a smoke and I thought you would like a breather."
You nodded and blushed as he took your hand in his, your hand was so soft and small compared to his. He walked beside you to the rocks where he had his smoke break before, not once letting go of your hand. Your mind raced and your cheeks started to flare up.
Once you were behind the rock Jotaro let your hand go and reached into his pocket rummaging about for a cigarette. He leaned against the rock and you squatted down and enjoyed the peace and quiet from everyone else.
"Hey Y/N, is it true what Pol Pol said in the car?" Jotaro looked down at you starting to smoke.
"Huh? You heard that?" You blushed more.
"Y/N, Star was awake the whole time" Jotaro flicked his cigarette away and folded his arms. He wanted to know the answer.
"Oh... so you saw the whole..." You started to become nervous
"Just answer me Y/N, is what he says true or not?" He placed his hand by the rock next to you almost trapping you in place.
You looked up and saw his sapphire eyes locked down to you, you swallowed hard and nodded softly.
"I want to hear you finally admit it to my face" Jotaro leaned closer.
"Okay, Okay I admit from the day I started to travel with you all, I started to have a crush on you. Yes, I like you alot. Oh god." You covered your mouth from spilling everything out at once.
"Glad my gut instinct was right then" He pulled your hands away.
He held your hands and gently placed them on his hips as he leaned more in his hands trapping you in place, he closed his eyes and gently pecked your lips. He pulled back and saw your face go bright red. He smirked and leaned in for another, you felt like you were in dreamland, but this time round you placed your hands to his chest and kissed him gently, he was surprised but glad you got the hint and deepened the kiss. your bodies tingled with excitment, your tongues danced, it felt like your body was having a party.
"Jotaro?!" You gasped for a breath "I had no idea you liked me back."
"You didn't ask and the whole time you were admiring me I guess I did it back, I didn't want to jump to conclusions but I'm glad my gut was right." Jotaro sighed with relief.
"Jotaro, I'm sorry I kept it from you. I thought you wouldn't like me back." You looked down and smiled
He cupped your chin " A gorgeous girl like you, nonsense, only a fool would say no to you."
(Sweet N Saucy warning)
You both couldn't get enough of each other and started to kiss and cuddle more sliding down the side of the rock he pulled off his tank top for you to admire his bare chest. You gasped and smiled and did the same for him, showing off your naked breasts for him to marvel at.
" Please may I?" Jotaro rubbed his hands on your sides.
"Please Jotaro I'm all yours." You couldn't contain yourself around him anymore.
He placed his big hands to your chest and gently squeezed them and planted a kiss on each of them, in turn you leaned forward and kissed down his chest. He started to get excited and cupped your chin again and crashed his lips into yours. You softly moaned into his smokey kiss, his scent drove you wild and ran your fingers through his hair. He gripped your ass and pulled out the kiss with a growl.
"Y/N, I can't help myself." Jotaro blushed and started to pant hard
"Don't hold back please, Jotaro I'm all yours." You held his hands gently
"Y/N, lean over for me." Jotaro pointed to the rock for you to rest your hand on.
"Okay" You loved the lustful look in his eyes and did as he asked and leaned over holding onto the wall.
Jotaro shifted himself in front of you, looked down at you and smiled "Hmm you deserve a little reward but first, Star please if you don't mind."
"ORA!" Star was summoned on the spot.
The purple stand turned your face and kissed you gently, his lips felt like static and it drove you crazy from his kisses. As you were having wild kisses from Star.
Jotaro growled with excitement and pinned you down to the ground covering you in kisses. He slowly got off you and kissed your cheek.
He sat on his jacket and patted his lap ushering you to join him "Y/N, come sit here for me."
You crawled over to him not once losing eye contact. Once you reached him you kissed down his neck and ran your hands down his body. He bit his lip and moaned softly, he loved the feeling of your soft lips against his muscular body. He gripped your hips and slowly lowered you down on him, you held onto his shoulders for support.
You moaned softly as he entered you, he growled and licked and nipped your neck leaving soft love bites, you rolled your hips back and forth feeling him inside pressing further. You were in pure bliss, you bopped up and down on his lap, he leaned back and moaned loudly. He loved your warm insides clenched against him. Your ass slapped against his thighs everytime you thrusted downwards. Both of you started to shake, your breath heavy.
"Jotaro...I can't..." You called out to him
"Do it Y/N" Jotaro growled in your ear. And at that moment you both clenched your eyes shut and unleashed your lustful waves against each other.
You both layed there panting and Star gathered your clothes and gently got you both dressed, you both cuddled into each other and closed your eyes falling into a deep sleep. Star smiled down at you both and placed Jotaro's jacket over you both.
The next morning you stirred awake to the sound of giggling.
"Huh? Wha? What's going on?" You rubbed your eyes.
"Well you two certainly had a wild night didn't you? And we have this picture to prove it." Polneraff grinned and waved the photo of you both cuddling and started to back away
You clenched your fists and darted after him "You! Get your ass back here and don't you dare show that to anyone!"
"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH~ So it's true you and Jotaro like each other oooooh smoochy smoochy. oh shit..." Polnereff started to see you race after him.
He appeared and glared at the panicked Frenchman
"Now Y/N we can talk about this.." Polnareff nervously grinned
Jotaro stood behind him and grinned "What seems to be the issue here Pol Pol?"
The Frenchman dropped the camera and ran for it "SHIT!"
You both chased after him with his stand repeatedly launched him into the air, you both laughed as he landed. He knelt down and swore not to tell anyone and scampered back to the tents, you both stood in the open desert and admired the morning sun and he wrapped his arm around you.
"I love you Y/N" Jotaro softly whispered in your ear.
"I love you too Jotaro" You snuggled into his side.
You both cuddled as you looked at the sunrise and both of you couldn't be happier.
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cottoncandyreaper · 3 years
((I can't stop writing Underfell stories so here's another with Winfred and her Datemate Branch 😊❤))
Today was not a good day; probably one of the worst ones I've had to deal with in months. I guess there was some karma somewhere that had to be settled one way or another. First: getting to school; Dad dropped me off so nothing different there and we had fun singing in the car but then choir? My stupid voice cracked at least three times to where I had to get pulled out by friends so I wouldn't have a panic attack...great. Get that hell over with as well as talking my teacher into believing I would be fine in my next class(she knows me too well) but instead I went on to fail a stupid pop quiz in history instead. Literally the best class ever and I love learning about the surface history so failing a test!?
Sure, let's hit Winfred further down into the hole that was already dug. My teacher in there was a pretty decent individual so after witnessing the look on my face of complete destruction he informed us all that this was just to see what we knew and wouldn't effect our grade. Wow...thanks Mr.Devin, really appreciate you(insert eye roll). Math was after that, nothing terrible, lunch with choir friends and Branch, good. Branch could tell too easily that I was stressed out choosing to keep his hand on my leg under the table knowing I needed some kind of contact from him so when we had to part I had the undeniable urge to curl into him and never leave. Controlling myself was difficult but I managed through almost the rest of the day until....until last period.
Science; the one thing I loathed in all of the universe. It never made sense, never clicked at all and always swam in the opposite direction of the rest of my thoughts. Dad helped me as much as he could given his job involving alot of science and he was amazing at it! But even he could tell it wasn't going to be a easy subject for me. There wasn't a test or anything...far worse then that...my teacher Ms.Higgs signaling me out specifically knowing what my dad did for a living.
"Miss Font, could you come up to the front and please draw the formula for this problem?"
"I-I don't know the formula for that one Ms.Higgs."
I could just barely make out the light chuckles in the back. Shut up.
"You don't? Your fathers job uses this primary formula in ninty percent of what they do."
"That doesn't mean I know it. Dad doesn't talk much about work."
"Well he should, he should be helping you with your class work as much as possible to insure you pass my class this trimester Miss Font."
She did not just, blatantly state that I was failing...did she? My chest tightened up so much it felt like a blazing fire was starting to build consuming every fiber of my soul that as voices began around me I couldn't even piece together what they spoke. But papers fluttering around brought my attention back just enough to a classroom with books and papers all over the floor, what was hanging on the walls now either dangling or completely gone and desks emptied of their contents.
"I'm....I'm so..."
I refused to cry yet the panic was coming back so with the only thought of this being last period I snatched my backpack and bolted. The bell was just ringing as I threw open the front doors and went on my merry way running half way to the house only stopping when my lungs hurt as much as my pride.
I lost control of my magic, I hadn't done that in so long. My emotions controlled my magic and I...I was trained by Uncle Pap to have the best control of them. Yet, I lost it and...so many people saw it. Most if not all knew that I had magic so that didn't bother me; it was the horrid mess that I left behind in a panic as this walk home became slower and slower. I needed to be home in my own space, listen to music, cry, do something other then just be sad like I was right now. Cars driving by faster then needed with birds singing their songs were the only sounds and even most of them seemed so far away. I eventually arrived at the red painted front door focusing just enough to dig through my purse for my...
"Where are my keys?...Are you serious right now universe?"
No where...my keys were no where in my purse or backpack. If I had left them somewhere obvious Dad would have dropped them off at the school. They had to be lost in the oblivion and now I had to go through the hell of waiting for Uncle Pap to get home and let me in. I could have walked to Uncle Grillby's...I loved him but his booming voice mixed with my mood probably wouldn't end very well. Leaning my head against the door I gripped the handle grumbling to myself about the universe hating me for whatever reason today.
"I have no clue what I did but if I need to bake someone a cake of forgiveness I will."
Jiggling the handle randomly I wasn't expecting to almost fall into the entry way as it gave with my weight. But hey, I was in.
"Did Daddy forget to lock up the house again?"
Whatever, it didn't matter. I was inside at last. Shutting and properly locking the door I dropped my backpack on a kitchen chair, left my shoes somewhere along the way and trudged upstairs to my room. That had to be where my keys were, it was the only place that made sense so I guess I had to destroy all the cleaning I did the day before to find them. I needed my music for sure for the task so opening my door heading straight to my desk I screamed not ready for Branch's presence standing almost perfectly in the way.
"What...H-how did you get in here!?"
He gave a cheeky smile pulling my keys out from his pocket and tossed them off to my desk.
"Stole them out of your purse when you went to the bathroom during lunch."
"You...ass...I was freaking out trying to figure out where I-!"
I scanned my room while yelling wanting to throw something only to notice what he had done: every blanket from my bed and even the ones I stored in the closet were down on the floor bunched here and there with pillows lined against the side of the bed shielding from the uncomfortable wooden pieces of the frame. Some snacks and soda off to the side with my laptop set up and ready on YouTube.
"You stole my keys, broke into my house and...made a nest in my room?"
I had no idea what he was up too crossing my arms giving a puzzled look as he rubbed the back of his tan fur covered neck sheepishly looking towards a wall.
"You were really stressed earlier and didn't tell me why. Then everytime you passed me in the halls you looked zoned out and even worse so I wanted to um, try and...distress ya some?"
If he didn't have fur covering his face I would probably see the red cheeks from a blush build all over his features. Letting my arms drop I took two big steps falling into his arms letting my body finally melt.
"I'm sorry, thank you."
One arm around my waist as the other slid into my hair his hold was the only thing keeping me together.
"You think I'd let ya have a shit day and not do anything about it? Dork, I've planned this the moment I stole your keys."
I should be mad about the stolen keys but hearing him only made me giggle about the ordeal as he brought us down into the best thing ever, adjusted the lap top closer and gave me the sweet carbonated beverage.
"So, your datemate what happened."
Oh boy...here we go; telling him every issue, every emotion, every thought just spilled out like a flood wall was broken down with just his presence alone. Ending with the magic ordeal in science feeling those few tears build up he guided me to lay my back against his chest and held out his hand.
"Gimme your hand sweets."
"What are you about to do?"
"Just do it."
Rolling hazel eyes I did as instructed.
"Now make one of those bones appear."
His name came through as a whine that he silenced by covering my mouth.
"Come on ya big baby."
"Oh my stars..."
Doing as he asked with the glow of violet magic from my eyes covering the room the bone stood calm in my hand waiting to either be thrown or dismissed.
"Well....I got good news and bad news."
"Branch I swear to the-"
"Good news is, your magic is fine. You have amazing control like you always do and I'm kinda jealous still that you can summon bones. Bad news, you have one of the rudest teachers in the building that everyone talks about and I think you should tell your dad what she said to you today. She shouldn't have spoken to you like that sweets, no one should. Ya best be glad my tail wasn't in there or I would have gone off."
My weight settled into him as the bone vanished smiling now at last relaxed more then I had been all day.
"I'll let dad know, I promise...thank you though, for this. Even though you stole my keys."
"Hey it was worth it sweets to surprise ya like this, how about we jam to one of your playlists you've made and just chill?"
"That sounds nice."
He pulled the laptop infront while handing over a ear piece settling the other in his own carefully. Cuddling into his arms as the first melody started I came to terms with the day and remembered that even if it happened again, Branch would make it seem like it never existed.
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tk-productions · 3 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.20 Vampire Princess
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Yua’s pov 
Hikari and I quickly went back to the hotel to grab our things while the boys waited outside. They ended up taking us to a house on the other side of Yokosuka since now were all being hunted. They have apparently been here before. They told us they had a safe house in case anything happened to them or if they needed to get away. I had so many questions. Like who is the VHA and why are they after us? Where did we get powers from? Why were they trying to bring us to the VHA. What the hell did Riyoshi do to Haru? We now sat at a table in the living room in silence. Riyoshi stared angrily at Akio while Hikari kept her head low. 
“I swear Akio-”
“What? Are you gonna put me in another headlock?” Akio asked, annoyed. Riyoshi stood up slamming his hands on the table in front of Akio.
“No this time I might actually kill you. We wouldn’t be in this mess if you weren't so in lo-” Riyoshi yelled but Akio kicked him, shutting him up for a moment. 
“Did you really just kick me?” Riyoshi said as his eyes got darker. He grabbed his shirt while Akio smirked. 
“Hit me, Nothing new.” He challenged. 
“Is anyone gonna tell us why we're here and why there are people coming after us?” I asked attempting to break up the soon to be fight. 
“Not right now princess.” Riyoshi said with anger still seething in his voice.
I cut my eyes at Riyoshi. “No, you're gonna explain now. We wouldn’t be running if you hadn’t been chasing us! Our life was fine until you guys waltzed in and ruined everything. Now we have nowhere to go.” That was partially true. We still had to deal with our parents and Saki but if it weren't for them then we wouldn't be where we are now.
Riyoshi aggressively let go of Akio, almost making him fall. “Who are you talking to?”
I looked around then back at him. “I mean you're the only Riyoshi here.” I looked at Akio “Why don’t you explain since your friend seems a bit slow and temperamental.”
They both stared at me. Akio was shocked at my boldness and Riyoshi was triggered. “Wow i’m talking to brick walls.” I looked at Hikari “Sis, we are as good as dead at this point, what are we gonna do?”
“You have a mouth on you.” Riyoshi finally spoke.
Riyoshi smirked at me and walked right in my face. “Let’s get one thing straight alright. I don’t take orders from you so watch your tone next time.”
“Well you see I don’t take orders either so we might have a problem.” and then I smiled in his face which caught him off guard but I wasn’t looking at him I was looking at the ice dagger now floating towards him. The dagger went above my head facing Riyoshi then I heard Hikari speak.
“Get out of my sister’s face or this will be in yours.” Hikari said tauntingly
Riyoshi glanced at Hikari and back at me. Before walking over to a nearby couch and leaning on the leg of it. “Wow you two are something else.”
“We get that alot now are gonna answer my question or not we need answers.” Akio walked over to Riyoshi and tapped him on the shoulder. “Might as well tell them.”
Riyoshi sighed and then looked at me. Obviously he was still triggered. “If you must know we worked for the VHA and were assigned to bring both of you back under a certain timeframe which we failed to do.”
“Bring us back for what and what is the VHA?”
“Well I wasn’t done so be quiet and listen.”
“Sorry.” I mumbled under my breath
“The guy you met yesterday was Levi, an underclassman of ours and very jealous of Akio and I. We don't get along so he jumped at the chance to make us look as though we were trader’s. The VHA is short for Vampire Hunter Association. Our boss wanted us to bring you two back but they didn’t give us a reason why.”
“Ok what does the Vampire Hunter Association want with us?” Then I started to think about the words Vampire Hunter and got even more confused. Riyoshi laughed and Akio laughed with him while Hikari and I just stared blank faced.
“Oh wow.” Riyoshi stopped laughing after registering our faces. “You two are actually serious.” I nodded my head.
 “Do you even know what you are.”Riyoshi asks me. 
I looked at him confused. “I’m human and in highschool what kind of question is that?”
“So, Is he always this aggressive?” Hikari asks Akio since they were both standing off to the side.
“Is SHE always this aggressive?” Akio answering a question with a question. Hikari just looked at him with a done face and just sat down before answering Akio. “She’s been like that her whole life sadly.”
“Same with him.” Akio answered.
Riyoshi looks at me with a blank expression before sighing. “Damn that’s tuff. I’m sorry to break it to you but you're a vampire princess.”
Hikari, getting excited, nearly flew off the ground and jumped up “ A princess!?”
Akio gives her a dirty look. “It’s just a metaphor, what's wrong with you?” he said, giving Riyoshi a look. 
“Is that what you heard?” Yua asked “he said we’re vampires and the only thing you picked up was princess?” she yelled. 
“I mean Vampires are pretty cool.” Hikari shrugged.
I sighed and turned back to Riyoshi. “Don’t vampires drink blood? I've never tasted an ounce of blood in my life.”
“You're a pureblood so the blood thirst should start once you fully awaken your powers and from what it looks like you've already started.”
“Is that why I can chug down a gallon of water in minutes?” Hikari chimes in
“Yea she's been extremely thirsty.”
“So she’s already feeling it. But you're not?”
“Nope, but she got her powers first.”
“Well then you’ll have to wait but both of you are pureblood vampires and purebloods are not from around here.”
“Where's your parent’s and how did they not tell you?” Akio asked in a confused tone.
“Well we were adopted when we were five and four years old. Our adoptive parents are human or well I think they are.” I said getting a little sad thinking about my mom. “Was she worried about us at all? We've been gone for almost two weeks and they haven't come to look for us. They didn't even call.”
“Now that I think about it. My boyfriend, what did you do to him?”
“I find it really sad you call that weakling your boyfriend.” Riyosohi shook his head in disappointment. “If you must know he was actually out looking for you and ran into us accusing us as your kidnappers. I mean that was our goal but we didn’t have you yet. He got annoying and I shut him up by putting a few daggers in him.”
I gasped and was about to say something until he continued to speak.
“Actually your  boyfriend got real lucky because I wanted to kill him but I didn’t have any wooden bullets for him.”
“Oh my god why would you need wooden bullets for Haru?!”
“Princess please don't tell me you're this slow.” He seemed as if he was going to tell me something until Akio elbowed him.
“What” I asked Riyoshi urging him to finish
“Oh I just love wooden bullets. Saves me a lot of money and I can make them more dangerous.”
“You have some serious issues.”
“Thanks for noticing. I have a knick for spilling blood, that's why I was one of the favorites of the VHA.”
I was slightly disturbed and then I walked over to Hikari. “Keep your distance from that one.”
“I like how you're barely noticing he’s a sociopath.”
“Oh I knew. I just didn’t realize how bad it was. We should run when they fall asleep.”  I whispered
“You know we can hear you right? I’m not a sociopath though I’m just not afraid to get my hands dirty. And neither of you are going anywhere.”
“Who made you the boss?”
“I did. You both need us if you're gonna survive anyway.”
“Why should we trust you?”
“Because now we're being hunted by the same people.” He then looked at Akio. “Also for some reason he’s willing to protect your sister which got us here in the first place so you're stuck with us since wherever he goes I go.”
I nodded my head in defeat.  “Fine I guess we have no choice then.”
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dingobabywrites · 4 years
 so, in light of recent events, people have been discussing when they think Dean and Cas realized that they were in love with each other. While I 100% believe dean realized in purgatory, I dont think Castiel realized until Dean broke Naomi's connection.
I also think that is around the same time Sam realized it too. Obviously Charlie already knew ( " what about Castiel, he seems helpful and..Dreamy" she's a lesbian. That comment wasn't for Her!") I think Charlie was the one to point it out to sam and I think the two of them agreed to keep it to themselves since neither of those two would have been able to handle that information. So, I wrote a little thing about how I think it went down.
I also wanted to give myself an explanation for those wierd looks and mystery note from the end of the episode...so yeah...here's that.
Sam hobbled down the hall to the guest room, his hand still throbbing from knocking Dean unconcious . It was…worrisome, to say the least, that he was having this much trouble with healing from such a minor injury, not to mention the other things that were happening to his body; the fatigue, coughing up blood. Troubling, but, as much as he hated to admit it, worth it. Dean had been pissing him off more than usual lately anyway. It wasn't just the trials. Sure, he was frustrated with Dean for thinking he wasn't strong enough to handle them (he had fought against Lucifer in his own mind for christ's sake) but it was everything else too. His loyalty to Benny still didn't sit right with him. He had been so quick to kill Amy, just because she was a monster. He didn't care that she was just feeding her kid. She was just a monster to him. But for some reason, Benny got a pass. Sure, the guy saved both their asses, he was grateful for that, but even Bobby knew it was wrong.
And then there was Cas.
Sam wanted nothing more, than to tell Dean that he should have learned his lesson the first time with the Angel. It wasn't like he didn't like Castiel. Of course he did. He was appreciative of everything the guy had done for them. Dean was right that he had saved their asses more than once. It was just….at the end of the day, whether they liked him or not, Castiel had betrayed them. He understood that perfectly. What he couldn't understand, was why dean was so suprised by him doing it again. Hell, Dean had been the one to bring up that fact that the guy wasn't acting right since he got back and yet, there he was, praying to him, putting his trust in him again. It was maddening, to say the least. He had tried to talk to his brother about it, but Dean immediately shut down.
So, yeah, his hand was still hurting, but it was damn worth it.
He turned the corner to find Charlie stuffing her things into her duffle. He knocked on the door frame with his uninjured hand. "Hey, there."
"Sam." She half smiled, when she turned around, her eyes still a little bleary from crying. "Hi, I'm just…just packing up to head out and…" she sniffled and plopped down on the bed, covering her face as she began crying anew.
Sam walked into the room and pulled up the desk chair, sitting down in front of her. "Dean told me what happened, while you two were under." He said. "I am so sorry about your mom, Charlie." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she began crying harder. "I know how hard it is to let go like that…"
"Dean was right," she sniffed. "I needed to stop holding on."
Sam let out a bitter scoff and pulled his hand back, squeezing both hands between his legs. "Yeah, Dean's always right, isn't he? Too bad he can't follow his own advice."
Charlie looked up, her eyes sad and confused. "Holding on to my mom was the reason I was stuck there. If he hadn't made me let go, I would have died.we both would have."
Sam shook his head at himself, trying his damndest to let go of his own bitterness to be there for his friend. "Ya, I know. I'm sorry…just…I know you're hurting right now, I just want you to know I'm here for you."
Charlie sniffed again, wiping her arm across her face to dry it before leaning back and staring at Sam. "I don't get it." She said, as firmly as possible.
Sam, leaned back and shrugged. "Me neither, really. I always thought all djinn fed off happiness. It's like every time we figure stuff out, something new comes along to throw us off our game."
"Not that." Charlie said, waving his statement off. Sam looked at her, confused, not sure what she was referring to. She took a breath and pulled a book out of her duffle throwing it on Sam's lap. 'Mystery Spot' By Carver Edlund. "You say these books happened in real life. That everything written in them actually went down…but the past two times I've been around you guys…you certainly dont act like you do in the books."
Sam skimmed the first page of the book and chuckled, tossing it back on the bed next to Charlie. "Yeah, well, things have just been different, I guess."
"So, you used to love and support each other, no matter what and now you just, what? Stopped?" She asked.
"It's…" Sam scoffed and shook his head. "things are just, more complicated now…"
"You maybe, wanna elaborate there buddy?" She asked. "I may be a genius, but a mind reader, I am not."
Sam let out a breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. He figured it might feel better to at least get something off his chest. "To be honest Charlie, I dont think Dean is cut out for the job anymore."
"Why not?"
"His judgment, for one thing." Sam answered. "I don't know, just ever since he got back from purgatory… he's been…it's like he can't think straight anymore. He used to be no nonsense when it came to killing monsters and only trusting people he knew he could trust and now… I mean, I get it. Purgatory was rough on him, but the guy has literally been to Hell and back. I don't see why this time is any different."
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked softly.
"I mean like, being friends with a freaking vamp." Sam answered, coldly. "Yeah, Benny wasn't like the others, and I get the whole 'brother's in arms' aspect, but it still doesn't make sense." He waved his hand, gesturing back at the book before letting it drop. "That Dean? That Dean would have never put his trust in a monster. That Dean wouldn't let people back into his life that had screwed him over, and now…I don't know, now it's like he just doesn't care about letting people in that who could hurt him, or…people who already have."
"So, it's not just about the vampire." Charlie said. "Who else has Dean been trusting that you don't think he should?"
Sam gritted his teeth and shook his head. "Cas really messed him up Charlie. I mean, the guy already turned his back on us once and Dean just let him back into our lives like nothing even happened."
"Ah." Charlie said, with complete understanding. "Okay, I get it now."
"Get what?" Sam asked.
"I get why Dean has been acting wierd, duh." She said, like it was obvious. Sam sat, staring at her, trying to peice together what puzzle she seemed to have completed. "Oh, my God. Do you really not see it?" Charlie laughed.
"Um, no?" Sam said, skeptically.
"Wow," she scoffed. "And here I thought you were the observant one." Sam waited for her to explain herself, still utterly lost on what she was talking about. "It's Castiel." She said, speaking to him as if he were a child.
"What about him?" Sam asked, hoping like hell that she wasn't talking about the angel brainwashing his brother or something.
"I've read the books, Sam." She said. "I know all about Dean's special Angel friend."
"No." Sam shook his head. "No, chuck stopped writing after Dean went to hell. There's no way you could have a read anything about Cas."
Charlie scrunched her face and bobbed her head back and forth. "Mmmm, not exactly." She reached into her bag and pulled put her laptop, turning it on. "Remember how I said the books were online now?" Sam nodded waiting for her to continue. "Okay, dont get mad," she said as she typed "but, he may have kept writing a little bit longer than you thought…."
"He what?!" Sam said, furious. They had told that dick to knock it off after that stupid convention."How long?"
"Relax." She said, scrolling through some page on her screen. "He stopped after you sacrifice yourself to Hell, actually. It was beautifully written by the way, super emotional, but no one has seen or heard from him since."
'Good!' Sam thought to himself. He felt a little bad for that thought, since Kevin was now the prophet it meant that the reason no one had heard from Chuck was likely because he was dead, but at least no one else could know more about their lives than they already did. "Okay, but what does any of this have to do with Dean? Why would Cas be the reason he's acting wierd?"
Charlie sighed, cringing to her self a little. "Well, as you already know, where there's a fandom, there's most likely fanfiction…"
"I'm aware." Sam said, peeved by the memory of stumbling upon the fanfiction written about him and Dean.
"Look, I'm not saying anything is definite, but alot of people who write fanfiction are really good at reading between the lines." She clicked her mouse a few times before closing her laptop and setting it back in her bag. "I mean, I've read all the books myself, and I totally know that you guys are real people and not some fictional characters, and it's completely not okay to speculate on your lives and feelings or whatever...but I mean, it's kinda hard not to see where they're all coming from."
"What are you talking about, Charlie?"
"Dean said that Benny helped him fight through purgatory, right?" She said. "He met him pretty early on in his time there, no?"
"Yeah," Sam said, still completely bemused, "I guess…Dean hasn't really talked a lot about what happened while he was there. He told me some things, but he never really went into detail."
Charlie nodded and shrugged sheepishly before continuing. "Okay, so he met Benny early on, and Benny told him he had a way to get back, right off the bat. So, why did it take them so long to get out of there?"
"Dean said he spent alot of his time searching for Cas." Sam answered.
"Exactly!" She exclaimed, like that should have been the answer.
"I'm sorry Charlie, I still don't understand what you're getting at here."
"Sam, he could've come back at any point after meeting Benny. They only spent as much time as they did together, because Dean wanted to bring Castiel back with him. Even after everything he did. Don't you think that's a little…suspicious?"
"That's exactly what I've been saying!" Sam said. "Why would he do that?!"
"Yeah, Sam, why?" She said, still trying to lead him. "Why would someone run back into a fire, when they have a way out? I mean, I think you, of all people, would know the answer to that."
Sam gaped at her in shock. It took a minute for him to register what she was implying, but once he did… "Charlie, that's…"
"Just a thought!" She defended before he finished. "I'm just saying that Dean doesn't normally put his trust in people. Except, maybe…the people he REALLY cares about and the people that protect them. Maybe there's more to the story when it comes to his trust in Benny than you thought. I definitely feel like there's more when it comes to Castiel."
"Charlie, come on." Sam laughed a little. " You know Dean. He's…"
"More complicated than people give him credit for." Charlie cut him off. "He also knows how hard it is to let go of the people he loves. He's actually really bad at it. Maybe, worse than you know."
"Charlie," Sam started, before being cut off once more.
"He's definitely more concerned about you than you think." Charlie said firmly, standing up as she did. She began packing once more, keeping her eyes averted from Sam's. "He's not trying to control you, you know. He raised you, Sam. You mean alot to him. You ever think for a moment that he's just really scared for you? Scared of losing you? I mean, back to my point, he is really bad at losing people."
Sam sat in silence, petulantly mulling over Charlie's words. She was right, probably. Dean may have been scared, but it was still possible that he just couldn't hack the life anymore. Sam wasn't some child. And the other stuff she was saying…she was way off base. There was a big difference between reading about someone's and living it.
"I sent you the link to the website I used to read the books." Charlie said as she zipped up her bags. She slung her backpack over her shoulder crossing her arms as she stared him down. "I know you lived through it all and everything, but not every part was about you. There's a few things you may have missed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." Sam shook his head.
"Just a suggestion." She shrugged. "It might open your eyes to a few things you don't understand. I get not wanting to relive those times but…if you ever decide that's something you might wanna do, hit me up. I can tell you what chapters to skip, or whatever. And, if your really curious about Dean's relationship to Castiel, 'On the Head of a Pin' is a good place to start. The torture chapters are pretty rough, and I know you'll want to skip over your parts…but the other stuff.…" she shrugged.
"Okay." He said, at a loss for more words than that.
"You ready to roll?" Dean said, from the doorway, knocking on the door frame before entering the room.
"Looks, like it." Charlie smiled up at him as he entered.
"I didn't interrupt anything did I?" Dean asked looking between her and Sam with concern written all over his face. "You guys look a little spooked."
"Ew, gross, no." Charlie said, scrunching her face at Dean's implications. "Sam, was just helping me with my bags. Right Sam?"
"Uh, yeah…" Sam said, standing up and grabbing her duffle off the bed.
"Eh, come on, you know I'm just teasin ya!" Dean chuckled, jabbing her on the shoulder playfully. "He may have the hair, but the body parts are all wrong, right?"
"Definitely." Charlie agreed.
"Come on." Dean said, tilting his head toward the door. He waited for Charlie to leave the room, then cast a skeptical glance at Sam before following after. Sam was sure he was in for an earful after she left. He began dreading it as he said his goodbyes, anticipating the lecture as he told Charlie she was welcome to comeback at anytime. But it wasn't the only thing on his mind now. After bidding Charlie farewell, he went inside, giving the two of them their time alone. He hesitated for a moment, convinced that the trials were seriously messing with his head if he was even considering this. Then again…
He headed to the library, grabbing a peice of paper and a pen on his way and sat down. 'This is just stupid.' He thought to himself as he wrote down the words 'On the Head of a Pin'. He heard the bunker door open. Dean walked up, the look on his face telling Sam that it was time for his ass- chewing, so he decided to cut it off before it could start.
He clicked the pen closed and stood up, ready to defend his actions. "Okay, look you were right. I-I should laid low. I-I know." He said as Dean approached him."I should have hung back. I'm glad I was able.."
Then Dean grabbed him. Then Dean pulled him into a hug. It wasn't at all what he was expecting. He was lost, but relieved and hugged his brother back.
Dean chuckled and patted his back before pulling away. "What do you say we find our prophet?." Dean smiled, before smaking him in the chest and walking away.
Sam was left to himself, completely bewildered by what had just occurred. Dean had certainly not been acting like himself, but this was a whole new level. Maybe there was some truth to Charlie's words? Maybe he really was just scared? Maybe Sam really didn't know everything about his brother. Now, wasn't the time to think about that, though. Dean was right, the had to look for Kevin. They had work to do. Research.
But Dean had to sleep at some point. Maybe Sam could do a little light reading in that time.
If Charlie was right about Dean being scared for him, who knew what else she was right about?
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rainycl0udss · 4 years
Chapter 3;
The morning after party
//When can I say "I love you"?//
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Written Chapter!
Word count; 1780
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Moons POV
I lay peacefully in my bed, sleeping.
That was untill I heard one of the most annoying sounds of all time.
My alarm.
Don't get me wrong, I love the song Euphoria but I wish I didn't have to wake up right now.
I turn my head to the noice and pick up my phone so I can turn of the sound of my alarm playing.
I check my phone on social media and I check my mails aswell.
I look at the time, it's 8:35 am.
Way to early for my liking but I don't really have a choice. I've got plenty of things to do today. I'll probably have to go grocery shopping too. I don't think Mimi is going to be in the right state of mind to do it today.
With a sigh I get out of my bed and walk to the kitchen.
Just like I  had suspected, nobody else is awake yet. They're probably going to be sleeping till noon.
I walk to the fridge and take out some banana milk, cheese and eggs. I'll probably make an omelette with some cheese, drink some banana milk and call it breakfast.
After preparing my meal and eating it it's already 09:48 am.
That's not as late as I thought it would be.
I have to be in the studio around noon, so I've got plenty of time to get ready.
I clean my dishes and decide I'll take a shower to clean myself. Something that is definitely needed because my hair smells like liquor.
I walk back to my bedroom and grab a black jeans and a grey hoodie. I also take some fresh underwear and head to the bathroom.
There is one positive about waking up before everyone else and that is,
The bathroom is not occupied.
I undress, step in the shower and start washing my hair.
I'm not really a morning person, I like to sleep in and I probably would never leave my bed if that was an option. Sadly it's not. I'm also normally not a person who showers in the morning. Normally I shower before I go to sleep. I like it better that way. That way my hair can dry naturally at night and I'll feel fresh in the morning. Obviously I had no time for a shower yesterday night. I was way to tired to do anything else but sleep.
I'm curious if the others remember anything about last night. I have a feeling Mimi probably doesn't. She never does.
Jae, that's debatable. She normally remembers everything, but she normally isn't that drunk so I guess we shall see.
For some reason Yun will probably remember everything, even tho that girl can get so drunk she almost dies, she'll always remember everything. It's kinda scary really.
Jae and Mimi, mostly Mimi, complain that she doesn't remember anything and that Yun should be happy she could remember.
Yun always responds with "It's more of a curse then a blessing, sometimes I wish I didn't remember."
I think I understand what she means, in that perspective I'm the same as Yun.
I can drink as much as I want, I'll remember everything. But I don't drink much so it's never a problem.
Ones I'm done showering I change in my clothes and head back to my room.
My hair is still wet so I decide to wear a beanie.
I look at the clock and see it's 10:27 am.
There is still no sign that my friends are waking up anytime soon.
I put on my boots and take my jacket. I take my keys and my bag and leave for the car.
I guess it's time for me to go grocery shopping.
Ones in the grocery I buy whatever I think we'll be needing. I'm normally not the one to do it, but it needs to be done.
Ones I'm back home I see that Jae is awake.
"Good morning." I say while unpacking the groceries.
"Hey Moon. Do you know where the painkillers are?" Jae asks me in a quiet voice.
She's definitely hungover.
"I think in the cabinet next to instant noodles." I exclam while still unpacking.
I hear her open the cabinet and take a painkiller.
"I found them, thanks." She says after taking a painkiller.
"You seem pretty hungover Jae." I state to her.
"I AM pretty hungover. This fucking sucks." She huffes.
"You shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you wouldn't be in this position." I claim.
"Shut up will you. I know I shouldn't have but you know how it goes..." She argues back.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so it's never really been a problem for me.
"Whatever floats your boat Jae." I chuckle.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked me while she goes to sit down.
I look at the clock and see it's 11:36 am.
"About three hours now. I'm guessing you just woke up." I reply.
"Why the fuck would you wake up that early?" Jae exclames
"Because unlike some people I actually have things to do today and wanted to get it done." I articulate.
Jae just rolls with her eyes.
"I made y'all some breakfast btw, it's more like brunch right now but whatever. It's in the fridge." I announce to Jae.
I get up from the table to walk to my room but I get interrupted by Jae.
"You made us breakfast? That's a first." She interjects.
"It's not a first you bitch, I always make y'all breakfast when you're hungover." I remark.
Without waiting for her to respond I walk to my room.
I grab my bag and put all my work in it.
I walk back to the kitchen to see Jae eat the food I made for her.
She's watching her kdrama while eating.
I go to the cabinet and grab a pot of instant noodles and a banana milk out the fridge. I put them both in my bag and walk to the front door of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jae ask me before I could leave.
"To the studio." I answer without looking up.
"It's not even school today." She nags.
"That doesn't mean I can't work for school. Besides, now I'm behind on schedule because of yesterday." I persist.
"Are you leaving already?" I hear a different voice say.
I turn around and look at both Yun and Jae.
"I have to get my work done guys." I sigh.
It's not like it's fun for me to leave them alone all the time. They're my friends and I care about them. But I also care about my future.
"Can't you go to the studio around 1 pm?"
Yun begs me.
I take a deep breath.
I guess I can do that.
I sigh but place my bag on the floor and walk back to the table and sit down.
"I'll stay till 12:30 pm alright." I confirm.
Yun smiles at me.
"Good to hear." She smiles.
"So how are you?" I ask after a short silence.
"I'm oke. I guess." She mumbles while stuffing her face with bacon.
"I honestly don't remember much." Jae confesses.
I'm not surprised about that.
"I fucking wish I didn't remember anything. It was so embarrassing." Yun grumbles.
"I only remember that Mimi started puking and that you were grinding against some guy." Jae laughs.
"Euw, Don't remind me of Mimi puking. You know I hate puke." She recalls disgusted.
"Who was the guy?" I hint in a joking matter.
"Just some guy I made out with, he wasn't my soulmate." She whines.
I just shake my head an laugh a little.
This is typical behavior for her. Same goes for Mimi. Always going around and have one night stands with random guys from clubs. The only rule we have is to not go to his home. Luckily that didn't happen yesterday.
"I really hoped I would have found my soulmate." Jae whimpers.
"Same here, I'll probably just die alone." Yun dramatically states.
"I actually enjoyed myself for and hour are so." I suddenly confess to them.
The both turn their heads to me at the same time and just stare at me.
"Can you both stop staring at me please, it's unsettling." I accuse.
"You enjoyed yourself? At a party? Do I even know you?" Yun jokes while she punches my arm.
"Then what did you do? Because I didn't see you dance even ones." Jae questions.
"I talked to a someone. Her name was Areum. She was very nice. She also helped me find Soo-Yun." I inform them.
"I'm glad you actually enjoyed yourself. Maybe you'll come with us again." Yun smiles at me.
She trying to hint me to go with them again. Oh hell nah.
"I don't think so, but good try." I laugh and pet her on the shoulder.
"But I'm leaving now." I inform them.
I get up and walk to the front door.
"Don't come home to late!" Jae yells.
I pick my bag from the ground and open the door.
"I won't, tell Mi-Hi that her food is in the fridge!" I yell before I close the door.
I decided that I'll go on foot. The studio isn't so far from our apartment it's only a 20 minute walk. I plug in my headphones and start blasting Dimple from BTS.
God I love that song.
Ones I get to the studio I start looking for my ID to show them I have promision to use the studio.
When I look in my wallet for my ID I found an familiar looking card.
It's the card that Ari unnie gave me.
I put it in my pocket and walk in the building.
I show them my ID and walk to my studio.
I poof myself in my seat and pull the card out of my pocket.
Coffee shop Blooming.
It look aesthetically pleasing.
I'll definitely go there this week. I would really like to talk to Ari unnie again. She was very nice.
I put it back in the pocket of my jeans and start to work on my final project of this semester.
I have alot to catching up to do. Definitely now that I'm leaving in a few weeks to Busan for Hanas birthday.
I can't afford to waist time.
I sigh one last time before I take of my headphones and plug them in my computer. I'm in work mode ones again.
This is going to be a long day.
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violentmouths · 5 years
Oho *cracks knuckles* IT'S ON!!!
Hey little ones, can you spare me a moment of ya time? Ok, so, I read Visions of V and to be blunt and to be honest...
I liked it, well, what I've read so far. But while there's those who enjoyed it, there are those who didn't. This topic was brought to me by my dearest friend @skvaderarts and it made my stomach churn because most people... Do not like how V is in the manga...
*Looks around*...Are you fucking serious right now?
Guys stop, just stop. We gotta take a few steps back now.
You don't like him in the manga... Because he doesn't act like he did in the game...
Well yeah... Of course he ain't. It shows another side of him. And to be honest, I like that side of him. It adds to his personality.
In the game, he's always calm and aloof as well as patient. But in the beginning of the manga he comes off as a bit of a prick when it comes to Griffon;
-Telling him to shut up for a bit
-Telling him he never asked him to attack the man from behind and steal his clothes.
I would like to go on but these are the things that V has done to Griffon, not to mention Griffon continuously speaks and I can see why V would tell him to shut up.
Alot of people got upset because he wasn't the kind gentlemen he was in the game. But we never saw what happened after he saw Urizen, we just see the shadow of Urizen and it cuts back to him talking to Trish about how he was trying to fix Vergil's wrongdoings.
Personally, I don't mind it because it shows he isn't THAT different from Vergil. Yeah, V should be more gentle and less forceful but let's not forget that;
- Something or someone could have knocked V down a peg to make him the way he was in the game.
- Prideful people can be turned to humble people, right?
And the main point...
-He was discarded by Vergil
Vergil doesn't really care about humans and that's even said in the manga! He finds them weak hence why he left V to die...
V, on the other hand. Did not want to die, so he fought for his life, and fought to get back to Urizen to make himself whole again.
It's even in his battle theme!!!!
And this goes to show Vergil; how strong V's will can be. We don't have to be strong physically, but mentally. (Although throughout that whole game I don't remember any of them having a single brain cell, they just walked into battle unaware of the danger, but oh well...)
I obviously said I was gonna talk about Vergil but it would be the shortest observation post I'd ever create so Imma just put it here... Since it somewhat connects... (I think)
Vergil really makes me sad, and he even has a sad story. You can't go without mentioning him. As an older sibling, you have alot of responsibility. And him not being able to protect his mother from the lesser demon must've REALLY took a toll on him. Not to mention his power-hungry ways, and his 'this is mine you, can't have it' mindset is VERY out there.
For example; the part where he rips off Nero's arm, he says "I'm taking this back."
What? I mean yeah it is his but still...
"Goddamn it Nero! This belongs to a SON of Sparda, not the son OF a son of Sparda!!!!"
- Chaddiction, from Reddit
(I found this funny af and had to add it!!! Shoutouts to them for this funny post)
Not to mention in DMC 3 when he lost to Dante, Vergil takes the amulet and says "No one can have this, Dante. It is mine. It belongs to a son of Sparda."
Like what? You mean to tell me he's just throwing his name on everything?!
Vergil: *points at the sky* This sky is mine.
Vergil: *points at the ground* This ground is mine.
Hell, I even heard he and Dante fought over chocolate cake in 1. I-I can only imagine what he was saying in Nero's mother during sex;
Vergil: Who's pussy is this? Who's pussy IS THIS?!
Nero's mother: *moaning* Yours... It's Yours!
Vergil: See Dante, this pussy is mine!
Nero's mother: W-Who is Dante?
Vergil: Shhhh *puts a finger on her lips* don't ask questions, just enjoy me.
Nero's mother: (I don't know who this Dante person is but he's making the sex more intense)
And now you can't unread that. You're welcome.
It made me a bit happy when I saw V give Nico that piece that fell off the knight he fought and said "They're yours." He's just a selfless guy, and yeah him leaving was incredibly sad but, we're missing the moral of the story.
I don't find it to be "bad writing", I find V's disappearing quite impactful. We might not ever get a character that impactful. We gotta accept he's gone...
Also, like, what do you expect him to do in DMC6? Jus' show up with a new outfit on with a beard? Yeah, honey had some stubble coming in...
To be honest, everybody except the ladies and Vergil had a little facial hair coming in
In the game you can't see Nero's but you can right here.
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Dante obviously you can see it from a mile away and he looks pretty damn good with it
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V you can't see right here
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but when he's talking to Dante (or whenever the camera is on his face) in the office you can see it quite well...
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Vergil doesn't have any, which makes it a little sad... But maybe he likes a clean shave!
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Vergil is bound to do something stupid again, it's like him... Who knows, maybe Vergil will die in the next game... I don't know...
Before I leave I have something to leave you with, when V takes the man's clothes he's still wearing his underwear... You mean to tell me that V is wearing no underwear under those pants (my my)?
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I will see you again soon...
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clonebro · 6 years
The State of the account.
Hello everyone @clonebro here. If you've been following my blog ( I hate calling it that) then you've probably noticed that I have just completely stopped posting since, what was it? 1 or 2 months? Any way,I've decided to come back and tell you all about whats going to happen to this memepage.
(I know most of you are just here for the memes and not my "fun" personality so If you want to skip the lore and reasoning behind my decisions and just get to the change log, scroll to the last paragraph. But I recommend reading the lore)
Now my reasoning and some explaining, over the past month and a half I've been suffering stress over midterms and some depression. Now normally this wouldn't make me just stop posting, I'd probably just be on hiatus again but in addition to that l...you know what? I'll be completely honest, over that time I had been trying to get into art and start drawing. My orginal plan was to get to a point where I could sell my art and use my skill to add to my content, but that was, well, a failure. One thing alot of people dont know about me is that I actually went to an art school...for one year before dropping out. I had my reasons, I wasn't inproving over time, it was expensive and it was more trouble than it was worth. my art teacher wasn't the best and I knew that even if I did graduate, I would be in debt and I knew my art wouldn't be able to support me. So I dropped out and went into zoology and veterinary science (which is where I am now). anyway now you know my tassles with art and how that was a catalyst for what was to become. Years later I found the art of @vivziepop and began working on bettering my art technique and once again I saw very little improvement. I even went to art threads and forums for help (Reddit, 4chan, youtube,tumblr etc.) but those did nor help. I began to talk with @eclecticcoyote about my troubles (I wont diverge into our private conservations but I will give a general overview) he helped just by being there to talk to and I owe him so much. I talked with him about my art and he helped as well. Yet for me, it never felt like enough. I was (and still am) not a strong person (physically or mentality) and I dont have any noticeable skills, both of these I realize are kinda my own fault. I started doubting again and began feeling I wasnt contributing enough, that I wasnt showing my worth, Hell I even got jealous of other creators and their success and acomplishments. Seeing people half my age making content mush better than mine made my blood boil. These factors in combination with stress and emotional strain caused me to shut down, I wasn't enjoying this, I was bored and lacking drive. I know thats not vaild excuse and I'm sorry. But I never had anyone else to talk to other than Electiccoyote about this and my irl friends are either away most of the time or didn't know how to deal with this. Im probably not the person you think i am. Im not this charismatic,edgy sometimes bit of a prick dude who makes memes. Im just a boring man living day to day, waking up with no reason why. I know I'm not special and I know others have faced much worse than me. I just ask you to understand. But I've come back, and I'm not really any stronger, yay. Ive more or less decided to discontinue my pursuits in art, If I cant improve after of training with a professional and two years on my own exploring my own horizons and training by myself, the at this point I dont think it's going to go uphill from here. I just wish i knew better. There may just be a better way Thank you @eclecticcoyote. You were always there for me.
(If you've read this far I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much it means to me.)
Change logs
Anyway, assuming I dont just abandon Tumblr and disappear off the face of the internet, I'm going to make some changes
Memes should continue as normal for the most part, but do expect hiatus every other month
I plan on celebrating my 200 follower milestone soon. I will say thanks to all who have sticked with me. (I dont exactly know how though)
Art is an after thought at the moment, I really want to pursue it and get better but recent events have made it hard to do so.
I've open an ask box (finally). So feel free to ask me questions.
I plan on rebranding my Character/Avatar Roger when I have the time, I've been growing less fond of his design.
Anyway, Thank you for reading and listening I plan on coming back soon. See ya. @clonebro / Justin out.
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