#hell the montanas and marks are around too
paigemathews · 3 months
Getting close to the end of that list now, but for the February ficlets prompt:
a charmed one with their ex bf in an unexpected situation (gen, again dealers choice of who)
Pairing: Paige Matthews & Glen Belland
Background Pairings: Paige Matthews/Henry Mitchell & Glen Belland/Jessica Belland
The call was loud enough that several people looked over in annoyance, but Paige couldn't have cared less. Glen swept her into a hug while she laughed against his shoulder.
It'd been ages since she'd seen him, and so much had happened since. He seemed to agree as he pulled back, hands on her shoulders, and demanded, "You faked your death?"
"I can explain!" Paige immediately exclaimed.
"And were working for Homeland Security? When did that happen? And-" Finally noticing Henry standing behind Paige, he furrowed his brow and nodded towards him. "And whose that?"
Stepping back, Paige couldn't help her uncharacteristically shy smile as she introduced him. "Henry, this is Glen, my best friend. Glen, this is Henry. My husband."
"What?" Glen squawked.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 months
Slice Of Normal
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Summary: The reader has just moved to Montana to live with her estranged father and out of a place where she no longer feels welcome. But it's been a long time since the pair have lived together and while Beau might think things can slip back to normal, it's not quite that easy...
Pairing: dad!Beau x daughter!reader
Word Count: 5,000ish
Warnings: language, family angst, divorce, mention of murder case
A/N: Here's a little Beau and daughter!reader for the first time!
“Hey, kiddo,” said your dad as you tossed your backpack in the backseat. “How was school?”
“Fine,” you forced out, pilling into the front, glaring out the windshield. You felt his heated stare but he dropped it, pulling out of the line of cars at pick up and heading for home. He tapped his fingers against the wheel, words clearly on the tip of his tongue. But once again he didn’t say anything. 
Sometimes it was like living with a damn stranger.
Two years ago, life was normal. Your parents were married. Dad had a good job as a cop. Mom was doing her consulting. Every day you went home to two parents. You had the same friends you had your whole life. You got a starbucks with your mom every Saturday morning and you made homemade pizzas for dinner. You watched trash reality shows with your dad and you’d both get way too invested in the petty drama. It was all perfectly normal.
Until he went to work one day and it went to hell. Dad’s partner was killed and he blamed himself for not stopping it. He was…strange after that. He still asked about school and your day, still watched your shitty shows with you. But there was no joy in him. He felt guilty and dad wasn’t much of one for sharing his own feelings. You knew he’d get better with time. 
That’s when things got strange with mom too. She started to pick fights with him. She kept trying to force him to go to some expensive trauma therapist. All three of you knew he was hurting but she was the only one that said he was broken. You’d never forget the look on his face when she barked it at him in a fight. 
Watching one parent fall out of love with another in front of your own eyes was your own strange experience. You knew in that moment she’d left a mark on him, one that’d make him shutdown even more, hold even more feelings back from her. There’d be more fights. More snide comments. She’d get fed up and divorce him.
Four months after the shootout, she handed him the divorce papers and a flip switched in him. He started to fight back, the both of them bickering and arguing so much you found yourself storming downstairs and yelling at them both to act like adults. Dad moved out not long after that and within a month mom had a new boyfriend.
You stuck it out until last week before you knew you’d go crazy if you stayed in that house, your house, with her and that guy for one more second. 
Which meant moving halfway across the country to fucking Montana to live with a guy you hadn’t seen in person in six months.
“Mom’s marrying her boyfriend,” you said when he stopped at a red light. You didn’t look at him, sure he once again didn’t know what to say. “That’s why I wanted to move here. He doesn’t give two shits about me but he fakes it real good when she’s around.”
“Your mother should know-”
“She doesn’t listen to me when I try to talk and I’m sick of it. I know you know she’s like that,” you said, turning your head. He glanced down, gaze back on the road. “She’s a bitch.”
“Hey. Don’t talk about your mother like that.”
“Why not?” you scoffed. “She is one. You of all people know she is.”
“Mom is not a bitch,” he said, hitting the gas when the light turned, getting you off a busy street and heading for the outskirts of town. “Y/N, we raised you better than to call people names.”
“You’re defending her? You? She only drove you out of your own home, own family.” He gripped the wheel tighter, clenching his jaw. “Jesus christ. You still love her, don’t you. Why the hell would-”
“I am the reason…I moved out and I left. I refused to acknowledge the shit going on in my head and all mom tried to do was get me help. Do not blame her for-”
“Bullshit,” you scoffed. “I’d get out of her ass if I were you. Some other guy is fucking it now and she’s never taking you back.”
He pulled over fast, shaking his head at you. His green eyes narrowed, mouth opening just as his car radio crackled to life.
“Arlen,” he growled into the radio, frowning at you, a clear message to not say another word right now. 
“Chief we got reports of a murder-suicide at the Breckenridge Ranch. Jenny and Pop are taking lead but are requesting your presence,” said a woman’s voice on the other end. 
“I’ll be there in twenty.” He clipped the radio back in, taking a deep breath. “Y/N you are going to listen to me and I mean listen to me because I am about to have a very long night and we are not dropping this discussion. I don’t care for the way you speak and I do not like the way you talk about your mom. You don’t like her boyfriend, fiance, fine. But you’ll at least respect him. You don’t like you mother? Then at a minimum you will respect her. You do not call people bitch. You are grounded until further notice.”
“Wow,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m on your side and I’m the asshole. My old dad would have understood that but you? I don’t know who the fuck you are. Go ahead and ground me. I literally don’t care. You’re a fucking stranger.”
He was pissed. Very pissed. He turned back on the road and did a u-turn, heading back into town. You raised an eyebrow but he held up a finger. “No. You want to swear at me? Call me a stranger? Fine. I’m going to work. You’re a big enough girl to have a potty mouth then you don’t mind a little murder scene, hmm? You want to know what the fuck I do all day? Well now’s your chance to see, maybe I’ll be less of a damn stranger that way.”
You kept quiet, staring out the window for the next twenty minutes. You swallowed when he drove past a cruiser at the ranch entrance and yellow tape, driving silently down the dirt road. 
“Stay in the truck,” he said when he parked behind another cruiser outside a nearby barn. You bit the inside of your lip, hearing him shift around behind you. A few seconds later you had your backpack in your lap. “Do your homework.”
“I thought you wanted me to see dead bodies,” you mumbled, fisting one of the straps. His heavy sigh filled the space, a twinge of guilt in your gut.
“I never want that for you. We’ll get dinner out somewhere in a few hours. We need to talk. Not fight. Talk,” he said, pausing a beat before opening his door.
“Why didn’t you take me home?” you asked. He slid out, his shoulders sagging with his back to you.
“Because I’m scared you won’t be there when I get back.” He turned around, plucking his hat from the center console. You stared at him as he frowned. “I know you ran away from home two weeks ago, kid. We are not letting that happen again. Understand?”
You gave a small nod, the door closing loudly in the small space before you shut your eyes.
Maybe you should have just stayed in Texas.
Three Hours Later
You’d finished your homework awhile ago and were watching videos on your phone when you saw your dad approach the truck. He said something to a blonde cop lady and another guy, giving them a quick wave.
“Sorry it took so long,” he said, back in the truck, tossing his hat in the back.
“S’fine.” He was backed out and heading for the road quickly, rubbing his hand against his jaw. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Yeah. Why?”
“You were at a murder scene…” you said, catching a quick twitch of his lip. “Do dead bodies not scare you?”
“Not really. Sometimes you see bad things but a vast majority of the time, murders are…” he bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. “There are scenes that are gruesome but most murders are not something out of a horror film, at least to me. You get desensitized to it somewhat. Even the bad ones, it doesn’t tend to bother me. They were a person and unfortunately they lost their life in a violent way. My job is to act on their behalf and get them the justice they deserve. They aren’t scary bodies. It’s a soul that’s gone that I can help is the way I look at it.”
He cleared his throat as he pulled back onto the road.
“But Helena is much safer than Houston. Not as many murders or any of that.” You hummed, glancing out the window. “Y/N, I know you’re upset with me right now but I want you to be careful. Something is…happening. I don’t know what it is but be careful. No going out at night alone. Keep the doors and windows locked all the time. Be smart, alright?”
“Ok,” you said quietly. “That wasn’t a murder-suicide, was it.”
“It was a very good attempt at making it look like one. If my officers weren’t as good at their jobs, they would have written it up as one instead of what it was. A double murder. My gut says it wasn’t random though which means it’s less likely anyone else winds up hurt.” 
“S’good,” you mumbled before the air went quiet. He only tapped the steering wheel, no rhythm to it. Tap tap. Tap tap. 
He had no problem talking about work since you’d moved in a week ago. God, the first day he’d talked too much, trying to fill the awkward silences. Maybe he’d been gone too long and this is what your relationship was now.
You closed your eyes, resting your head on the glass, wishing he’d never left in the first place. 
You jerked and flashed open your eyes when he shook your shoulder. The inside of the truck smelled like grease and the brown bag on the dash confirmed your suspicions. He nodded out the window and you turned, finding you were at a fairly deserted park. You left your backpack behind and crawled out, walking over to the nearest picnic table. A moment later he was sat across from you, pulling out a box of chicken nuggets, fries and two packets of sauce.
“Thanks,” you said quietly, taking the food from him as he took out a bigger box and more fries for himself.
“Well, I figured your McDonald’s go to hadn’t changed at least.” You shrugged, the two of you eating without saying another word. But it didn’t last, the food soon gone, the trash bundled up and tossed in a nearby can. 
Your dad sighed when he returned to his seat, resting his forearms against the faded wood top.
“Y/N. I…I left you and mom. If there’s anyone you should hate-”
“Why do you keep lying for her?” you interrupted. He swallowed thickly, breathing out a slow breath. “You left because she tossed you out. You didn’t leave because you wanted to.”
“...She had every right to.” You rolled your eyes, his hand raising. “Please. Just listen. Mom tried to get me help and I was the one that was an asshole about it. I blamed myself, I still do. She did what you’re supposed to for a partner. I pushed her away and us not being together anymore is because of me.”
You shook your head, a frown forming on his face. “I lived in that house too. I know you or at least I used to. I knew you were hurting and we couldn’t fix it. But I got that. It was something you had to go through, at your pace. You did the same thing when grandpa died. You got all quiet and pushed it down. And mom…she was a bitch back then too and tried to force you to get better faster all because she didn’t like having a grieving husband. You are supposed to help your partner, not hurt them more. Your problem has always been that you’re too in love with her to see that she hurts you. Just for one second imagine that was my husband that did that to me. Imagine he tried to force me into therapy less than a week after my best friend died because I was fucking sad and didn’t want to talk about it. Imagine my partner made me feel even worse and like I was the problem during one of the lowest moments of my life. Imagine that he was the one that made me feel like all of it was my fault when I was grieving. You’d tell me to leave his ass so I’m asking you to please, please stop defending her. I’m not a little kid anymore, dad.”
“No, you’re clearly not,” he said quietly, staring down at his lap. “I just don’t want you to hate your mother. Her heart was in the right place, even if that’s not how I process things.”
“I don’t hate her. I just don’t like her anymore. I told her so many times I didn’t like her boyfriend and she wouldn’t listen to me. You would have listened to me. S’why I ran away. I was trying to come here.” 
He pursed his lips and you waited, giving him time to respond the way he wanted to. 
“I wish…I wish mom and I had handled things differently. But what happened, happened. I would like to see you attempt to reconcile with your mom but I won’t force it.”
“Thank you,” you said, a quick nod coming from him.
“But…you are also a bit thick headed.” You frowned. “I know you are a teenager and dad isn’t the cool guy anymore but I reached out every single day and you definitely didn’t answer. I invited you to visit so many times and you never would. So cut your mom some slack because if you’re giving me that treatment, I can only imagine it’s the same for her.”
“Fine,” you grit out, trying to ignore how he may have had a point about why your relationship had soured. You sort of started ignoring him but you’d been busy and he needed space to work through his crap, hadn’t he?
“And for the record, it’s possible to still love someone but not want to be married to them ever again.” You stared at him, his shoulders sagging. “I don’t want to deal with an attitude all the time and you don’t want me to be a grump that hounds you every day. Can we try a clean slate? Pretend this afternoon didn’t happen?”
“Alright. We can try.”
The Next Day
You rubbed your jaw as you sat on the hard bench outside of the principal’s office. You had to hand it to Mara Hoyt. The little bitch knew how to throw a right hook. You guess that’s what happened when the star softball pitcher decided she hated your guts all because her boyfriend said hi to you on your first day.
On her own, you could have handled that. But this school was cliche central and the mean popular girl got all her mean popular friends to start bullying you after that. You were honestly surprised it took a whole eight days for things to get physical.
She was already in the office with her parents, crying the blues about how awful you were and bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Shit, you hadn’t even touched the girl yet you were the one the school resource officer threw a pair of cuffs on. 
The sharp skid of a rubber sole against linoleum made both you and the officer turn your heads, your dad staring at you both wide eyed.
“Todd, get those cuffs of her or so help me,” growled your dad, storming over. 
“Sir? What are you-”
“How many Arlen’s do you think there are in this town? That’s my daughter,” he grit out. Todd moved at lightning speed the second he had the keys out of his pocket, apologizing to his boss and not you. You had to fight to not roll your eyes. You had a feeling with the way your dad’s face looked murderous that wouldn’t go over well.
“Excuse me,” said the vice principal, coming out to the hall with a stern expression. “Why is she uncuffed? She attacked-”
“Sheriff Beau Arlen,” said your dad with a scary undertone in his voice, neglecting to offer his hand. “Y/N’s father and Chief of police over at the station. We don’t cuff seventeen year old girls unless they’ve committed a crime. Now, if after our discussion and I hear all the facts it turns out she did, I’ll cuff her myself and take her down for booking. Am I clear?”
The vice principal narrowed his eyes but said nothing, holding the door open. You trudged inside, your dad hot on your heels. You sat in the empty chair in front of the desk, Mara doing a good job of looking like a sobbing mess in the one nearby.
“Mr. Arlen?” the principal asked. He hummed, finding a spot along the wall and leaning against it with crossed arms, his eyes shooting to Mara. “I’m afraid we’ll have to suspend Y/N for attacking Mara for five days out of school.”
“And we’re pressing charges, even if you are the sheriff,” said a snotty woman. 
God were you working hard to not flip that whole family off. You were about to open your mouth and try to give your side of the story when you saw your dad’s face and his finger wag at you.
Uh oh. 
“Where do we want to begin? The way this school only got one students side of the story-”
“There are witnesses,” cut in the vice principal, your dad holding up a hand.
“Let me guess, Mara’s friends?” he shot back, clenching his jaw, returning his focus to the principal. “Now I know for a fact my daughter is getting bullied by this girl and her friends every single day since she started last week.”
You swallowed. You hadn’t told him that. How had he known?
He stepped forward, putting his hands on the back of your chair, leaning over it so you felt his chest against the top of your head.
“Do we want to start with the blatant bullying? Or perhaps with Mara?” he asked, turning his head to her, shooting her parents a glare. “You know, the one who actually did the attacking.”
“My daughter did no such thing,” snapped her dad. You felt your dad reach an arm around, gently grasping your forearm and holding it up.
“One girl has only defensive injuries. Bruises, nail marks. The other has scrapped knuckles, two broken fingernails and can’t look me in the eye. Guess which one is which,” growled your dad, his hand still gentle as he lowered your arm to your lap. Mara’s parents didn’t look like they were about to backdown though.
“There are witnesses. This is ridiculous. Mara acted in self-defense then,” said her mom. You glanced at the principal, his words caught in his throat and you couldn’t help but smile for a moment.
“Oh so now her story is changing?” poked your dad.
“No!” said her mom. “Your daughter said something so vile and threatening-”
“To her bully? Did Y/N say something like that to you Mara? Did she say something because her bully’s been so mean to her?”
“Don’t speak to our daughter!” shouted her dad. Mara glanced at you, as if you’d somehow help her. Meanwhile this was turning out to be the best day of your new school yet.
“I don’t hear her denying she was bullying Y/N? In fact, I don’t hear her saying anything. If it’s so abhorrent and you felt in so much danger, why don’t you tell us all what it was that made you act in self-defense, hm?” said your dad, his focus narrowed in on Mara. 
She was so fucked and she knew it. 
“I said don’t-”
“Alec,” interrupted the vice principal, his focus turned onto Mara as well. “Mara. Answer the question.”
But she couldn’t. She was floundering, face turning red under the interrogation. 
“Tell the truth and the Arlen family,” growled your dad, pointed straight back at her parents, “Will not press any charges.”
Mara contorted her face before throwing her hands up. “She called me insecure and said I should get help for that so I got mad and punched and kicked her.”
“And why did she call you that?” cut in your dad, laser focused on Mara. She closed her eyes, lowering her head. “Mara.”
“Because I’ve been bullying her because my boyfriend said hi to her and said we should get to know her because she’s new but I know he just wants to get in her pants so I told all my friends to keep her away from him no matter what.”
“I expect an apology,” he said. She looked up, eyes full of unshed tears. “Oh, not to me.”
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, barely looking at you.
“Thanks. I don’t accept it and that is perfectly within my rights,” you said. 
“Regardless, Mara you’re suspended for five days out of school. Y/N, you’re suspended for two. We have a zero tolerance policy on fighting,” said the principal.
“She didn’t fight,” said your dad, his voice stern. 
“It’s a rule,” said the principal.
“Fine,” said your dad, grabbing your bicep and pulling you to your feet. “Let’s go get lunch out, maybe catch a movie.”
You couldn’t hide the smile on your face as he led you out, his hand falling away when he looked over his shoulder. “Three more things. One, I fully expect punishments for the students that lied about what they saw. Two, I hear of anymore bullying happening at this school to any kid, I will make it my personal mission in life to get you fired and three? You people get your daughter in therapy sooner than later because that’s the sort of thing that gets her tossed in jail when she’s older.”
He tossed your backpack over his shoulder as he led you out to the hall, hand on your back leading you towards the front doors. You grinned as you stared, his face blank when he opened the door to fresh air.
“That was fucking awesome,” you said, jogging down the steps and over to the truck. “You went full cop mode and scared the shit of her! That was-”
“Are you okay?” he asked when you sat in the passenger seat. You tilted your head when he cupped your cheeks, running his thumb over the scuffed up skin on the left. “We need to clean that.”
He pushed up your short sleeves, finding more bruises, a few older ones, before trailing down to your nicked up arms.
“Y/N, I know you’re a good kid that doesn’t like to get in trouble but promise me something?” You nodded when he fixed your braid behind your ear. “Next time someone touches you without permission, you lay their ass out.”
“You told me I shouldn’t hit people.”
“Yeah, well the little bitch would have deserved it.” Your jaw dropped into a grin, his attempt at holding a blank face faltering, a smile creeping up. “Yeah, I know I said not to call people that but that kid’s a psycho waiting to happen. Promise me?”
“I promise,” you said, getting a kiss on the forehead. “How’d you know I didn’t start the fight?”
“I know you. I also know there would have been no fight because if you had thrown the first punch, that girl would be knocked out.” He stroked your cheek again and sighed. “No headache? Anything like that?”
“She punches like a pussy.” He closed his eyes, shaking his head. “Too far?”
“Just a tad. Come on. Let’s go enjoy your suspension.”
Later That Evening
“Alec’s my second cousin, such a dickhead,” said one of dad’s officer’s, the blonde woman named Jenny you’d seen last night. “Mara’s always been awful.”
“Jenny,” chided your dad in his office, chowing down on some chinese takeout from behind his desk. You gave her a smile, eating from your carton as she set a file down in front of him. “Don’t be a bad influence.”
“If I were her, I would have decked the little shit,” said Jenny. Your dad rolled his eyes and read through the file, Jenny stealing a fortune cookie for herself. She leaned against his desk and offered you a smile. “So besides the school being crap thing and your dad dragging you to murder scenes, how do you like Montana so far?”
“Jenny,” he said again, glancing over the top of the file at her.
“It’s a lot less boring than I thought it’d be,” you said, offering her one of your egg rolls. 
“Thank you,” she said, popping it in her mouth, returning her attention to your dad. “Both vics had traces of a yellow substance in their air passages.”
“Rat poison?” you asked, both of them slowly turning their heads towards you. They stared blankly as you chewed. “It was in that new hunger games movie, they killed a guy with it.”
“Wow,” said Jenny as your dad closed his eyes. “That’s impressive.”
“I don’t even…” he sighed, rubbing his jaw as he flashed open his eyes. “So rat poison killed them. Why make it look like a murder suicide then? This person must have known we’d do autopsies.”
“Unless they didn’t,” you said, earning a glare from him. “Hey, people are dumb. You taught me that when I was like eight.”
“No, she has a point,” said Jenny, picking up her copy of the file and glancing through it. “Who is smart enough to use rat poison but dumb enough to not realize we’d find it and try to cover it up?”
“No one, that’s who,” said your dad. You bit into another eggroll and shrugged. He threw his hand back and groaned. “Fine. What’s your theory?”
“Well, a kid is dumb enough,” you said. “Maybe they watched that movie too.”
“Genius plan except that couple had no kids,” he said. You finished your bite and shrugged. “What?”
“Weren’t you the one that also told me people aren’t always what they seem and not to trust someone just because they were nice? They could have been whackjobs.”
Jenny cocked her head, glancing at your dad. “Kid has a point, Arlen. It was a large property. Entirely possible we missed something.”
“Fine. We’ll check it out first thing,” he said, nodding to you. “You might as well come along Ms. Detective, since you’re out ot school for a few days.”
“Good with me. As long as it’s not early. I don’t do early,” you said, a tiny smirk on his face that told you you’d be up at dawn.
The Next Afternoon
“What’s going to happen to him?” you asked as your dad drove you both home after a long morning. He was quiet for a beat. “Will he go to juvie?”
“Maybe. Maybe a hospital for people like him. Either way, it’s a better situation than he was in,” he said. He tapped the wheel, his lips pursed. “You know I don’t want you to be a cop right?”
“I know. It’s just…it’s easy to talk to you about your work,” you said. He nodded, turning off to the road just a minute drive from the house. 
“So can you rent this movie with the rat poison?” he asked. You stared, his eyes flickering over for just a moment. “I thought Katniss took out the capital. How can they have another movie?”
“It’s a prequel, about Snow.” 
“Whoa, Donald Sutherland Snow? They made a movie about that jackass?” 
“Well, she wrote another book and then they made it into a movie. It was really good cause you can see how he’s a complete narcissist and he goes from this actually mostly likable guy to the jackass in the other movies.”
“Okay, I definitely have to see this.” He pulled into the driveway, your gaze fixed on him when he turned the car off. “Unless you don’t want to watch it?”
“No I just…I miss when I’d make you watch the hunger games and you’d make me watch the dirty dozen and that was our thing.”
“Still our thing,” he said, brushing his thumb over the healing scrape on your cheek. “How’s that feeling today?”
“I told you, I’m fine.”
“I know, I know. I worry.” He opened the door and smiled as he popped out. “Alright little criminal. Go do that homework you ignored all day while I make us something to eat before our movie.”
“Really? Come on. I’m still suspended tomorrow. Can’t I do it over the weekend?” He looked up like he was thinking about it, a small smile crossing his face. “Thank you!”
“You’re helping me with dinner, missy.” You didn’t really mind that fact though. Making dinner together and watching a movie? That was normal for the two of you. 
A few hours later when you were bundled up under a blanket together on the couch and pressing start, you finally felt like it was a normal thursday night, no more tension or awkwardness in the air. And while murder investigations and school fights were certainly interesting, a little slice of normal again felt damn good.
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chemicallady · 8 months
Heyyy, would you possibly be able to do a Noah Sebastian story that is like a brothers best friend dynamic? I live eat and breathe this stuff lol
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Couple: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
Content Warning: slight mention of sexual intercorse. Nothing too deep, I'm saving it for next Chapters
Summary:  you're a real mess, your life is turning into a living hell, so your brother Matt convinces you to move in with him in LA and start working for the band he's taking care of
A/N: I dont wanna spoil to much in here, because... Well, you' ll see. English is not my native language and no one peer review this ff. It's gonna be a world of fun, I already know it!
Important! I don't know Noah or Matt or any of the real people portrayed un this story. This is fictional!
Enjoy then 😏
Ouch, I've lost myself again
You've always been around, unseen. Having a brother like Matt could be a blessing and a nightmare in equal parts. You were feeded with stories about gigs and musicians while grow up with your older brother, who is dear to you in a way that actually you cant explain. Matt as always been your twin flame even if you are younger than him. You grew up looking at him with a lot of respect and it broke your heart when he left Texas, moving to California. At the time you werent ready for the big change and your brother's friend were still a bit mysterious to you.
You were used to spend as much time as possible in his company, but with this fresh start for him, you just fell into the ordinary. Nothing against your life, by the way; your parents always supporting, best friends ready to drive you to the closer pub and deliver the best night possible, a lovely boyfriend who adored you in any meaning.
You loved the shit out of Shawn. He was your person, the one always there when you were in need. Your high school sweetheart. Maybe he wasnt your first kiss or your first fuck but he was the one who made you feel like it was worthy, living for someone else. The one who pushed you to improve yourself for your own sake, that helped you in finding a job for the local tattoo shop as a piercer when the school was over.
You did everything in your power to be the best girlfriend possible. You decoreted your shared flat in the warmest way possible. You turned down a good scholarship for that college in Montana, pissing your parents and brother for this lost opportunity. You gave up to your dream to be a writer because he had to stay in Texas and take care of his mom. You helped him through the loss, when she die.
But it wasn't enough.
You loved the shit out of Shawn and he loved you in return, but it wasn't enough.
Your relationship suffered a slow, agonizing death with multiple attempt of reanimation. Vacations togheter, a bigger flat, a cat.
Nothing compensate the distance between the two of you and he was the one brave enough to call it for a quit. You knew was gonna happen but it didn't hurt you less. Moving back to your parents, while quitting your job just to avoid to meet him everyday, took you to the bottom. Then the shutdown decided to kick you while you were already down, spending days in bed just listen music or watching anime whitout any chance to go out with your friends or for just a walk.
Everyone was really worried about you. You lose weight and that energy that always marked you.
And you stayed there, drowing in your own misery until Matt decided that enough was enough.
《 Pack your shit, you're moving in with me to LA. You're done making mom and pops that upset.》
The end of fall 2021 signed your rebirth. Matt found a bigger apartment for the two of you and Lucifurr, your vicious black cat which has an obsession in chewing cables and destroy everything paper made. You have always want to leave nearby the ocean and Malibu had a ton of opportunities to offer you. You started a yoga class the same week you moved, in order to make some new friends. Accoding to Matt, there are a lot of things to do around the band he is working with, Bad Omens.
You offer yourself as a merchgirl, but since you're a good writer an even better in tolerate people bullshit (you have to be karmatic, all the teens who came to get a piercing to the shop have always made a scene in front of needles), you could be perfect as a PR/assistant for the band. You remember them barely because someway somehow, these are the guys who steal all the time Matt has. Time that you never get.
You remember this four guys with long hair, basic metalheads, except for the drummer. You remember when you gave him the nostril after a show in 2015, maybe 16, and he took it like a champ whitout complaining. You remember the singer, this slenderman type of guy with beautiful long hair that looks like silk. You've never felt more envy of someone else hair like that. And also the other three guys were nice, especially Vincent. The only one who you can connect to a familiar face because you two got a nice conversation on tattoos when you visited Matt, three years ago.
They are nice.
You've heard stories about them at every phone call.
But still, thieves of precious moments that you want have again in your life again between you and your brother.
All the missing birthday, all the call postponed due to technical issues. He wasn't there to pick up your pieces when Shawn get a rid of you.
And Matt wasn't supposed to, but being selfish, you wish he was there.
But he is now and this is enough to bring the light back to your life. The long talks after dinner, movie nights, everything is back to the normal between you two since you moved and it's restoring.
With this wave of good mood, even if you havent forgotten Shawn yet, you enroll to gym, so you can work out after yoga.
And is in this specific place that you meet Eric.
The first time you caught him lurking at you you were running on the thremill.
There is something familiar in him but still, you dont know anyone in LA. You were the one who actually landed the first conctact with this new alien subject, so introvert to avoid your eyes.
《 Today is hot as hell, right?》
Talking about the weather is the easiest card to play. He smiled a bit shily to you before answering. 《 Don't tell me, I hate how hot is in here. Are you new? I've never seen you around》
《 I just moved in with my brother, actually. 》
《 You're a southie for sure. I like your accent.》
You giggle at his words, while he gets some confidence, passing a hand through this short hair. 《 you got me. You don't sound californian as well》.
《 Maybe because I'm not》. There was a moment in which he seemed to be doubtful, like he changed his mind and he didn't want actually to talk with you. He looked at you with a weird expression, like he realised something was off. 《 What's your name?》, he asked then, almost suspicious.
And then you lied. You rarely give your real name to strangers. A self defence mechanism for girls. 《 Vanessa. You?》
He looked more relaxed, 《 Eric.》
《 Nice to meet you Eric... Do you know a nice bar around? 》
《 Maybe I know a place 》 he reflected, smiling a bit malicious. He was definitely flirting. 《 Can offer you a beer or something? Just to welcome you in town.》
You are not ready for a new story yet, but after almost a year after you broke up with Shawn, you needed at least some human conctact. Eric was nice with you since the beginning. He invited you to this dive bar after the gym a couple of times, not far from your place. He paid for you a couple of cocktails while having a real nice Conversation. A superficial one, about the tattoos that covered him. About living in LA. You mentioned your brother a couple of times and he talked about his roomates and all the crazy things they have done during the pandemic.
He told you he is a Producer and you told him you're still unemployed.
One way or another, he got closer to you in a matter of days. And when he kissed you, you obliged and kiss him back. One thing leaded to another and the two of you ended fucking in the back of his SUV. And oh boy... you needed it so much. It was a quickie, but he seemed to be promising. His long fingers stimulated you untill you cried out for pleasure. His mounth divoured you inch by inch. And his cock....
He knew how to use it, let's say that.
After, he gave you his number and the two of you planned to see each other by the end of the week, at the gym, after your yoga class and his class of jujitsu....
The morning after you're fresh and relaxed like you weren't in months. Matt tends to be overprotective so you didn't told him about Eric while you were having breakfast. You need to know this guys deeply before accept that you know have a situationship. And your brother doesn't need to know about you screacting you itchies.
He has a hot temper when someone looks at his dear little sis.
After breakfast you got ready to meet the band again after almost three years.
《 I can't believe Vincent quitted. He was the nicest.》
Matt sighs while driving to the guys' house, mentally focused on the traffic. 《 youll see him when we'll be in Virginia, don't worry. 》
Your eyes slip on streets and houses, wards and parks but you still feel like You're in a new country. You don't know how much it will take to get used to California.
《 here we are》 , Matt says, parking. 《 let's refresh the rules.》
《 Oh c'mon, I'm not twelve anymore》
《 y/n 》
《 alright! I don't have to embarrass you while you're free to be mean on me. I don't have to embarrass myself talking shit just because I'm nervous and if the music sucks, I can't tell your precious Noah.》
《 You can do better but, more or less, that's it. Lets go. I need another coffe and maybe something sweet before start to film the music video. 》
It's so weird filming inside a house and not in a proper set but all this low budget bullshit are quite the normal for small bands, you think.
You have to be their assistant and eventually a PR- so Matt can stop to bitching on twitter all the time- and you know nothing about bands.
According to Matt, you're going to learn quick.
According to Matt. You know that he picked you up for the job so he can force you to write what he wants.
And continuing to bitch around through you.
The guitar player greets you at the door and introduces himself again as Jolly. The rest of the guys minus Noah are in the garage. It's marvelous how Orie, one of the guys who lives here, a director, reorganize the space with tubes and flashlight.
《 What's the name of the song, again? 》 you ask to Nick Folio, whos already youre favorite.
《 Artifical Suicide》 it's the answer, while he takes his place back behind the drums.
《So emo》 it's your honest observation that makes him laught. Matt looks at you in a way that if he could, you would be incinerated where you're standing. You're already embarrassing him.
You regret nothing.
It's a lil sister job to make her brother in troubles, that's what pops always says.
Mike brings you a coffe that you accept with a smile, than tells everyone the news about the singer that is still not here.
A diva, of course. That's your first thought. Every singer is a natural diva.
《 He is still looking for the glove.》
《 He would lost his head if it wasn't attacked to his neck》 , a solid comment arrives from Ruffilo, immediatly followed by an annoyed reply from behind you.
《 I can ear you motherfucker. You are- what the fuck?》
You turn in time to face the famous singer and almost choke with the coffe.
《 Yo Noah, do you remember my sister, y/n?》
You see Noah turning pale for a second while trying to say something in return.
You're also speechless for a second, before putting your shit togheter so Matt wont finds out in the first five minutes. 《 Howdy! You... you cut your hair. Nice. I didn't know》
You didn't.
That's why was so easy for Noah to be Eric for almost a week. For a hook up with you. His best friend sister.
You're fucked.
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mywifeymax · 6 days
For You (Richard Ramirez x Femreader) AHS
I do not approve any of his behaviors or him in general I am only writing about the fictional one in AHS
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Y/n pov:
Many people try to do many things to fix they're broken minds some people get professional help or even get put on meds for it some choose to use violence and some even go to use drugs what do I do well I just live with my broken mind it doesn't bother me that much
*walking down the street I found this thing about Camp redwood I picked it up* A religious camp but it's free to all maybe I should go I mean it could help me maybe to find god *I nod and stuffed it in my bag as I make my way back to my apartment I unlocked the door and entered inside before throwing my bag off and I shut the door and locked it* I can't be to careful with the creep running around *I walked over and locked the window*
*Going to the calendar I marked the date of the camp on It before going to my room and grabbed my bag of blunts and took one out before inhaling the smoke and I leaned back* It always felt good to get high it was like an escape from life my life was a living hell
It was the day of camp I was in my apartment currently packing up my things *Finishing up I grabbed my bag before leaving to my car and I got in before driving up to the camp and I parked my car in the parking lot and I got out of my car and walked up to the camp sign and I entered inside and I saw other people my age there*
*getting assigned a cabin I went inside and I saw two girls there one had long blond hair and the other had brown hair* "Hi"I said "Hi"They both said "Are you like new here I never saw you before?"The blond girl asked "Yeah I am new here I am y/n"I said "I am Montana"She said "I am brook"The girl with brown hair said *I smiled at them slightly* "well it's nice to meet you guys"I said "You too"They both said
it was night time I've begin to remember about my brother I lost him due to cancer he was all I had in that family *I look up as I saw Montana come in and she walked over to me* "Are you okay?"She asked "yeah why?"I asked "I can see through your happy act"She said "well truth be told I came here to find my way with God but to be honest that isn't working I have a very broken mind"I said "what caused it?"She asked "I uh lost my brother to cancer he was all I had in my family my mother she was a drug user so she died after a couple of years of overdose and my father I haven't seen him in like years"I said "If it helps I can completely understand I also lost my brother so I know how you are feeling"Montana said *I smiled a bit and hugged her* "Thank you for talking with me"I said "to be honest I can see though people and I would be careful around brook"Montana said "why do you say that?"I asked "everyone around her dies and I don't want to loose you because I can tell we are going to be good friends"Montana said *I nod and smiled a bit* "I am going out to get some fresh air"I said "Alright I'll be here"Montana said *I nodded*
*Going to the docks I sit down and stared at the water* I hope my brother is alright up there *hearing a sound behind me I looked behind me and saw a guy in a leather jacket and jeans he had black hair* "Are you one of the guys from the camp?"I asked "Cute but no"He said his voice was deep "oh uh then why are you here?"I asked "well my master led me here to get a girl"He said "well I don't know her sorry"I said *I got up as I walked past him but he grabbed my arm* "I think my master will like you I mean he can sense you're broken soul"The guy said *I looked at him and pulled my arm away* "I need to go"I said *I begin to walk away but he pulled me back as he brought the knife up to my throat* "My master always get's what he wants I am his loyal follower"He said "Let me go"I said "No can do princess"He whispered in my ear *I shivered* "who is your master?"I asked "The devil"He said *I looked up at him* "I'll let you go for right now but just know that I will be back for you"He said *I felt as he ran the blade down my cheek before walking away*
-To be continued-
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deadcityhq · 5 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** leonor “leo” estrada 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** roberta colindrez
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af):** the exact amount of years has gotten away from her, she only knows that she’s roughly around two hundred years old. she remembers ‘our lady of monterrey’ being built. 
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** she/her | cis woman, of the butch persuasion | lesbian
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** oc
**OC OR CANON:** oc
**CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc):** vampire
**HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC:** leo arrived in the seventies, looking for people like her- in multiple respects.
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):** 
her actual bio doc is gonna get Bananas so please enjoy these bullet points- 
born roughly in the mid 1700s in monterrey, nueva leon. most of her pre-immortality life has been carefully locked away in the ol’ mind vault, but she remembers the cathedral being halfway built as a young child. she remembers her family’s leather works shop, but not her parents. she remembers her grandmother’s portrait on the ofrenda. and she remembers seeing the face of her sire for the first time. 
leo was somewhere around her mid-thirties (she thinks?) when it happened. the circumstances are lost to her, but the feeling she had, seeing the lunar glow of her face and the inky dark of her hair swirling around her face… even now feels like a pin through her chest, or an anchor. 
the time immediately after is completely lost to her, roughly forty to fifty years. leo likes to think it’s of her own volition, but sometimes she fears someone or something took those memories from her on purpose. leo hardly remembers her sire’s name, besides a vague number of letters and perhaps a starting letter of ‘m’ or ‘w’. 
the next clearest recollections she has are in virginia city, nevada. a hardy mining town at the time. leo grew to like little boom towns like that, where being awake after dark was standard for the exhausted workers who hoped to numb their minds and suit their pleasures after the backbreaking labor of the day. 
which didn’t mean it all worked out perfectly. there were plenty of humans and mortals that leo developed a distaste for. it was hard not to, when the place leo liked to have a drink was the saloon where virginia city’s hardest-working madam housed her girls. there were plenty of averagely evil men drifting in and out. leo liked to keep an eye on them. 
keeping this kind of eye out meant that there were times when some men proved they needed to get taken care of. leo made herself a pair of boots she still has in her closet that way. but eventually one too well-connected ended up meeting his maker that way, and leo found herself ran out of town. she supposed in the end that she’d gotten a little too careless. 
she never considered herself in all that dire of straits, the western territories had plenty of places to hide. or– perhaps not hide, but exist without the sort of questioning or accusations that might make her existence significantly more difficult. big sky country was large, and got fucking dark as hell at night. 
of course safety or what counted for it didn’t quite match what she’d started to yearn for again. others like her. eventually, this brought her to new york city in the 1970s. 
initially ‘living’ in the village, in the present she’s moved farther down 8th and currently has a one-bed in st. mark’s place. 
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** well-worn cowboy boots, the saying “still waters run deep”, the smell of a campfire and warm wool on a cold montana night. 
**MUN NAME/ALIAS:** jesse
**MUN AGE:** 30
0 notes
justabumatthepark · 7 months
I lost my heart not my soul so when I hold her
she can still feel my warmth 
you niggas are barely there
she hides ya'll cause' I walk out her life
she'd rather lie to keep me around 
than tell me the truth to keep me from finding another shorty 
to give all my truths 
but the truth still cuts deep 
it stings like I'm freshly wound' 
I never look for competion competion looks for me 
to be quite honest I'm high all the time I barely look down 
she tells me she loves me and kisses me 
with the deepest trenches of her heavy burden 
riddled heart 
I love being with her
y'all can have her when I ain't
what do you think shorty?
a fool that you try to make me but my path is quite clear 
had such a troubled past with cupid 
I started shooting back 
when I leave her side I never look back 
a ball and a chain
the prison cell of the thoughts in my brain
love being inside you and planting a seed to be remembered by 
kissing your neck and ear while you sing sweet lullabys 
hello's and goodbyes just aren't for me 
I'd rather tell you that I want you to find that happiness that you so badly crave 
I mean
I'll see you tonight
and maybe tomorrow
goodmorning sunshine and now that I think about it 
your love has me pale like the moon on a clear sky 
infatuated with the countless nights without sleep 
infatuated with the way your eyes stare at me 
your body my temple has me going to church everyday 
maybe one day we'll be a thing but isn't one day too late? 
sippin' on a bud smokin' on a blunt
I hate being in my feels but I love thinking of you 
would probably give up my life for you like I'm Romeo 
but would you ever do the same for me?
guess not, right?
I'm going solo racing off to Tokyo like I'm Han
singing this to you like I'm Hannah Montana giving her last performance 
but the way I got this shit set up it's more like Tony Montana 
3 lines like Adidas and it's still check marks everywhere
I keep this shit runnin like I'm the energizer bunny 
don't come back when the trips out of town and the bad bunny tickets run out 
I saw this shit comin fortune tellin '
with future sight in my vision
not my first rodeo so I cling on to the bull'
been vacationing in hell so my tan isn't spray
I'll be gone for a few seasons might come back in October 
feelin' real cold 
I pray I don't hear those crazy stories about you
and I hope you keep that smile now that you know what happinness like~
0 notes
brandyllyn · 2 years
Part V
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Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x f!reader
Summary: "You asked for a transfer?" Words: 1.2k
#Soulmate AU
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Rated: T. Warnings: None.
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Jack didn’t follow you.
You weren’t surprised, you might as well have gut punched him when you finally told him the truth. He’d reeled, barely nothing when you’d left the room - just staring off into space. It was one thing to find out you had a soulmate - another entirely to find out it was impossible.
Okay, not impossible. You’d done the research before, Ginger had helped. There had been people with two soulmates before. Cleopatra perhaps most famously. But it always worked two ways. Always the flores were there on both. If it had ever happened one way before there was no record of it.
So not impossible. Just highly improbable.
As improbable as continuing to work at headquarters and not run into Jack. You got lucky for a few days, pulling shifts when you knew he wouldn’t be around. But it wasn’t sustainable. You needed to leave. Needed to be out of his orbit.
You needed to move on.
Of course your supervisor argued with you, you were a good employee and he made a huge fuss over how hard it would be to replace you. But you showed him your rose and he changed his tune immediately, signing the paperwork on the spot and even putting in for the expedited transfer to a satellite facility.
It didn’t take twenty-four hours for Jack to find you.
"You asked for a transfer?"
"Hello to you too," you said, pushing out from under the Jeep you’d been working on. "Something I can help you with?"
"You can’t transfer."
"I can, and I am. Always wanted to go to Montana."
"But this- you and I…" he trailed off, staring at you. Why’d he have to look so good? Jeans, a light plaid shirt. That damn hat. "You can’t just go."
"As it turns out," you dropped your tools onto the cart, pulling your gloves off, "you are not the arbiter of where I go. My boss is and it’s already been approved."
He took a step towards you, using his height to his advantage. "You think if I ask they won’t keep you here?"
"Let me go, Jack," you sighed. "It was bad enough when I was just wanting. But I can’t take this."
"And what is this?"
"You," you nearly scream it, the word bursting out of you before you stop yourself, taking a deep breath. "You and your eyes and whatever the hell you think is going to happen."
"Well darlin’, I don’t rightly know what’s going to happen if you won’t talk to me about it."
He was right. You hated him for it but he was. You’d had a long time to come to terms with things, Jack was only just getting all of this dropped on him. With a sigh you settled onto the nearest stool, propping your heels on the rung and looking up at him. "You’re right."
He blinked. "Come again?"
"You’re right."
With a smile he settled back against the workbench, stretching his legs in front of him. "Well I sure could take a shine to hearing you say that."
You rolled your eyes and tried to hide a wane smile. "Okay, so let’s talk."
Silence settled as Jack frowned slightly, staring off into the distance. "Why didn’t you tell me?" The words were gentle, no accusation in them.
"What good would it have done then? Or even now?" You shrugged nonchalantly, fighting back suddenly welling tears.  "Nothing’s changed, I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything. Be anything."
"But I am." He insisted, eyeing the string of scars under your neck. "Those right there, what was that from?"
You touched the small grouping of flowers, bright columbines and narcissuses. "I don’t know. It was before we met, one of the first I ever got."
"Jesus, I got shot in the ass last year, do you-" he cut himself off. You knew he remembered the cluster of geraniums and orange lilies. There was no way he could have missed them when you two were together. Even standing there you could still feel the ghost of his fingers tracing the marks.
"It’s fine Jack. Really. I don’t want…" you trailed off, thinking. What did you want? "I’ve known about this a lot longer than you, and it’s not really any of your business, so I don’t see why-"
"Not my business?" He stood then, pulling himself to his full height and glaring down his nose at you. "You got marks all over you from my dumbass mistakes and you say it’s not my business?"
"You didn’t know."
"How the fuck could I if you never told me?" He regretted the words as soon as he said them, you could see it on his face. The reminder that the connection between you only went one way. He swallowed and tilted his head. "Darlin’ I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, I just… dammit woman you’re my soulmate."
"No," you shook your head sadly, "I’m not. You had yours and you lost her and I’m- I’m so sorry Jack. If I could bring her back for you I would. Please believe me when I say that." You took a deep breath and set your shoulders "But I can’t have you doing something you don’t mean out of pity. It’s not worth it."
"It’s not pity," he said, and then again more firmly. "It’s not. Lord, I’ve had eyes on you since the day you arrived. You’re cute and you’re funny and you’re whip smart. I only kept my hands to myself because you never seemed interested and I didn’t want to… well hell, I didn’t want to step on your soulmate’s toes." You barked a laugh and he gave you a sheepish look. "Ironic."
"No issue there," you mumbled and Jack smiled at you.
"So, what do you say? Wanna give an old cowboy a shot?"
"But what if…" you paused to swallow and Jack didn’t fill the silence, let you take your moment. "It’s different when it’s two people who know they’re meant to be together - or even if it’s two people who aren’t matched. But this… I just don’t know if I can take it if it doesn’t work."
"Seems to me like you’re worrying about the mule 'fore we’ve even got the wagon loaded." You give him a blank look and he steps close to you, tipping your chin up with a finger. "You’re getting ahead of yourself, darlin’."
"But I have too," you retorted. "For you this is a second chance. Maybe. But for me… Jack I don’t know what I’ll do if this doesn’t work. I don’t know if I can take that. That’s why… if I leave we can both just move on."
"I don’t want to move on," Jack growls. "Look, I’m not going to say this idea isn’t going to take some getting used to. And I ain’t gonna lie to you, I loved my wife with my whole heart. Still do." You blinked and he cupped your jaw in his palm. "But I like to think I’ve got room in my heart to hold more than one person, if you’ll let me."
You wanted to. God how you wanted to. Wanted to lose yourself in those eyes and that soft smile, the touch of his hands on you. Wanted to believe that you could live up to her, and everything she was to him. But Jack was right, people could love more than once. And being soulmates wasn’t the only way to do that.
"Are you sure?"
"I’ve been alone a long time sugar," his thumb stroked over your cheek, "I’m ready to change that."
You surged forward, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him down into a kiss he readily gave. If this ended. If he ever walked away from you… you pushed the thought aside, refusing to follow that thought further. Today, right now, you had a chance.
And you were going to grab it with both hands for as long as you could.
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Note! I am going to be overhauling my taglist soon! I don’t know if I’m starting from scratch or just only keeping the General list but if you are not on my general list and want to keep being tagged you should put your name in again.
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Pedro Pascal Characters
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Jack Daniels
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Dreams are sweet
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uncrownedmox · 3 years
Veil of Secrecy
Noun: The action of suppressing something such as an activity
Throughout the day Liana had watched Dean for signs of any other explosive memories or any other signs of discomfort but he seemed totally relaxed with Roman and Seth. Her would-be brother had cornered her once and asked about the bruise around her neck. His soft brown eyes spoke volumes of his disbelief of her rushed story of accidentally doing it herself. Larkin had come in after midway through their conversation, she said nothing. She helped Liana make lunch wordlessly but with one look she told Liana that she wasn’t buying her story either.
Dismissing Larkin and Seth’s disbelief over her cover story Liana watched carefully as Dean interacted with Roman and Seth throughout the day, noticing how as they spoke of past memories he commented more and more on them. Twice she fetched the Rosemary and Sage potion for him to drink, Seth always snarked out a laugh but Roman watched him like a hawk to make sure he drank it all.
It was late afternoon, Dean, Roman, and Seth were in the second bedroom putting together a crib for Sammy. Their male laughter could be heard echoing down the hallway into the front room and making all three women smile and making young Sammy giggle. Larkin as she pushes a toy back to Sammy scoots closer to Liana and whispers softly, “So what really happened to your neck?” Blushing as Katelyn laughed loudly Liana brought her hand up to massage her throat and look back at the hallway. Sammy suddenly lost interest in the truck he and Larkin had been playing with and moved onto some wooden blocks and started to clack them together.
Liana sighed and looked back at Larkin, “what makes you think anything happened?” Larkin looked at Sammy first then down the hallway then finally at her sharply. After a moment she spoke lightly, “Xavier was into some kinky crap from time to time. I got used to having bruises like that as well, Liana.” There was slight pain and discomfort in Larkin’s eyes but when Liana reached out to her she waved her off, “it’s in the past Lee. I have something way better now.” Nodding in hopes her friend slash sister knew if she needed to talk, then Larkin is looking at her dead on and giving her a wink.
Smiling brightly Liana knew it was just as Larkin said it was, the past. Swallowing, she shyly retold the story she had already told Katelyn. Afterward, she timidly asked Larkin her opinion, “how would you suggest I get him to do it again?” Larkin blinks in shock at her and it makes her blush but Katelyn is chiming in softly, “she is young Lark. She needs to find herself in her sexuality through experimentation, Jon as an experienced man should know this.” She feels her blush deepen, heat radiates with hot heat and she squeaks out. “It’s not like that, Katie. Due to how Mox came into his magic and other circumstances,” here her words stumble for a moment and both women look at her in question.
Taking a deep breath she tries to explain the best she can, “look at it this way. It’s not a split personality pre say but mood swings maybe? As Mox, he is serious about intimate things. Not saying there is no play or anything but you want ‘playful’ that’s ‘Dean.’' Looking at her sisters she sees Larkin is confused and Katelyn is somewhat lost. Sighing she murmured, “think of it like this. Ambrose,” looking at Katelyn because she knew the other woman would understand. “As my hard demanding lover and Mox and my gentler one. Dean is kinda a combination of both.” It takes Katelyn a moment but she only asks, “a playful hard fuck?” Larkin sputters and Liana winces at the language in front of Sammy. In the end, she only sighs and blushes, “si hermama.”
That makes Larkin cough, after she gets herself under control she mutters lightly, “I haven’t seen Jon as this Profeta or Ambrose thingy but I have heard him, and boy oh boy let me say this. That man screamed hardcore sex appeal. I mean by the voice alone I can easily imagine him as a Dom in one of those BDSM playrooms or whatever they are.” Liana blinks at her and Katelyn brings her finger up to tap her chin and questions, “si. Only he would use exotic toys.” Liana reaches for Sammy as he attempts to crawl too far away, bringing him back within their group she asks. “Can’t we just stick to something simple for now? Like handcuffs. I could possibly do those.” Larkin gives her a wide eye look then laughs, “Live dangerous sister! Besides, once you get him into some latex?”
Liana felt her eyes go super wide at the thought of Dean in latex, shaking her head. “I can’t see it! Tight jeans maybe.” Katelyn is laughing hard at her. Larkin is thinking about what she said then adds, “who cares what he wears. Just as long as he uses that voice again I would be putty in his hands.” Liana snickers at her comments but Katelyn turns the tables on their sister-friend. “Seth should invest in a ball gag for you. Since you like toys so much.” Larkin gives her an evil eye then shakes her head, “he would never. He loves how vocal I am!”
Before any of them could respond a male voice chime in, “that I do but when we are visiting one might be a good investment.” They all turn to see Seth leaning against the door jam, once they all see him he pops off the jam and heads into the kitchen. Larkin flops onto her back to watch him go and scrunches up her nose at him, he calls over his shoulder. “Don’t give me any sass woman.”
She pops back up and looks at them and they burst out laughing in pure contentment.
The first time putting a crib together he was thankful to have Roman around to help, who was close to an expert on the matter by now. Looking at his older brother he murmured, “if Larkin is right and you Katie are destined with five-plus the three you already have.” Roman doesn’t even pause to look at him, “I am Samoan Uce. We normally come in large batches.” Seth snorts at that and snarky out, “between you guys it’s going to be a dozen or more.” Dean looks at the half-built crib knowing he would need it again in just a few months.
When they had first stepped into the second bedroom and laid out all the pieces and hardware for the crib their talk had been light and somber. Seth was however like an open book to both him and Roman, so when he had come back from the kitchen shaking his head and handing them a fresh cold beer. Dean asked softly but quietly, “she didn’t say anything to you about it?” He saw Seth was thinking about something, at the moment his younger brother was raising his beer to his lips. He stopped mid-motion and looked at him. “Who? About what?” Grinding his teeth together Dean sighed and took a drink of his own beer. Shooting Seth a haunted look after swallowing hard. “Liana, Seth. I thought she might have mentioned to you about the bruise, it is why you two have been staring a hole in me all day.”
Roman pauses in screwing a screw and innocently questions, “it wasn’t done in some rough foreplay?” Dean could actually hear the hope in his voice and shame flooded him and a blush warmed his face in an instant. Choking out as he lowered his eyes, “hate to break it to you Ro but I am not into that type of foreplay.” Seth actually laughs at his words and when he looks up Seth is looking out the bedroom door. “Here we are talking about choking foreplay and the girls are talking about using ball gags.” Dean blinks as he reaches for a screw to continue to help Roman in putting together the crib. Roman on the other hand laughs out, “might come in handy for your wife baby Uce.” Dean snorts as he finishes screwing in one screw.
Reaching for his beer and another screw as Seth snaps back playfully, “my wife is vocal, Reigns. Not my fault you don’t have Katie screaming the roof off the place.” Seth says it with such a straight face Dean can’t help but to laugh. Roman at first gives both his brothers an evil eye then just shakes his head. Then after a minute, he muses silently just how far this conversation has gotten off topic but is damned if he ain’t enjoying himself. And yet the question is still heavily lingering in the air, “so if she didn’t tell you Seth then how in the hell am I suppose to find out what happened?” Roman is reaching out for his beer and blinks slowly at him, Seth takes another swallow of his beer for good measure and puts the question to him. “Tried asking her yourself?” Rolling his eyes Dean snaps back waspy, “why detective Rollins I do believe you missed your calling in life.” Roman’s big frame is shaking from him trying to hold back his laughter and Dean is somewhat proud of that.
Seth on the other hand, “smart ass. See if I fucking help you again.” Roman finally loses it and laughs out loud, “you call that helping Uce?” Roman then looks at him, the laughter is dying out and there is a somber look in his blueish grey eyes. “Look Uce if it wasn’t some rough foreplay and she hasn't come clean on how it happened, you know.” Dean swallowed hard and nodded his own laughter, dying off. “I know Ro.” Swallowing hard, casting his eyes downward he choked out as he fought against the tears. “It had to be me, I mean it couldn’t be anyone else. They would’ve been,” he doesn’t finish so after a minute Seth murmurs. “They would have been dead before they had time to leave a mark. Plus you are the only one she wouldn’t fight.”
It broke him in a way he couldn’t voice but he managed to grind out, “it’s killing something inside of me knowing I did that to her and she won’t tell me about it.” When the crib was done, with Roman help of course Seth however wasn't done. “Listen, Dean, you’re Montana’s world. Right now you're handicapped because you don’t have all your memories.” Roman is nodding but he cuts Seth off, “I want to remember, Seth. I want to be the man she loves again.” Seth comes up beside him and slaps him in the back of the head, “stupid. You are THAT man.” Narrowing his eyes he opens his mouth but Roman hums out, “point and match to Rollins.” Fighting back actual tears he snarls, “this doesn’t help assholes.” Seth growls at him in open frustration now, “look dickward you asked her point-blank and she shut you down, right? Then fuck it and play hardball and GET your answers. We have seen you use magic to get what you want out of her before.” Seth takes a deep breath and adds, “she finds it charming, I think?” Roman snorts in amusement and adds, “more like a turn on probably?”
Dean glances between his brothers and sputters, “you two want me to force my way in?” Seth laughs out loud as he takes another drink of his beer. “I don’t think you can force her, Dean.” Fighting the rising heat on his face, choking out. “I can’t do what you’re suggesting, it’s not in me.” Roman tosses his screwdriver down in disgust and growls out, “yes it is! Dig deep and fucking find Ambrose. If you taught me one thing it's that she wouldn’t dare disrespect or lie to him.” He knows there must be confusion showing on his face because Seth is laughing like an idiot again but once he stops. “Look Deano, the fact is Montana loves you. All of you, but I agree with Roman. She is more relaxed with you whether you call yourself Dean or Mox. Just remember she was raised to respect the power and title of a Profeta.” Roman is humming in agreement and before he can question it further. “She will answer to Ambrose.” Looking at his brothers he sighed, “I hope to hell you guys are right!”
There is a smirk on both of their faces and Seth just hands him a fresh beer and asks, “So Deano let's talk about this lack of foreplay of yours.” Roman laughs grab a fresh beer and wait on his answer, “magic lil brother with Liana everything is always magical.” Roman bellows out a laugh but Seth is grinning like a madman, “does that go for the sex as well?” Dean lets a matching grin overtake his lips, “no Sethie the sex is out of this world." Seth is helping him pick up the extra bolts and asking, “like your seeing stars or more like mind-numbing, and your soul is exploded from your dick?” Dean is tossing the extra hardware in a ziplock bag but pauses to slyly ask, “Is that even possible?” Roman is rumbling, “hasn’t happened to me yet.” Smirking at their little brother, “sounds like you have a personal problem, lil brother.”
Seth laughs, “naw, not a problem at all I actually like the feeling, I recommend it! But a second-round is usually out of the question if done correctly.” Dean is shaking his head but deep down the darkness that was Ambrose was intrigued.
It was around nine, and after the crib was done he had watched for a moment as Liana and the other girls had moved into the bedroom to make it. After dinner he watched as Liana tended to Sammy and put him down for the night, feeling accomplished and satisfied. He knew it was just a matter of months before she would be repeating this process with their own son and it made his heart swell with pride and love, so much love.
Once Sammy was down and softly snoring he and Liana retreated back into their living room. He was still nursing a beer, she still had an ice tea in her hand but once she sat down she stretched her back and it gave off a loud pop. Sitting his beer down on the coffee table he looped his arm around her neck, his fingers playing with her red-gold hair. She sat her ice tea down next to his beer and leaned more into him, smirking softly as he gently reached out to bring her on top of his lap. Her eyes light up and her hands came to rest on his shoulders, fingers caressing the sides of his neck. Closing his eyes at the simple touch he let a small moan work its way free from his lips as a reward when Liana started to shift and grind herself against his hardening dick. Muttering darkly, “you’re a damn tease sweetheart.” Smiling as she moaned when he placed his own kiss on her neck.
Pulling himself back before this got out of hand and he forgot what he was after. “Sweetheart, please. I would do anything,” with heavy-lidded eyes Liana pulls back and smiled sheepishly at him. She licks her lips and whispers, “please baby. I want you in me.” Moaning loudly because her words make his dick incredibly hard and the temptation was almost too great but he stayed focused. “No sweetheart, first you get one more chance to tell me how I hurt you?” Her beautiful honey eyes snapped completely open and stared right into baby blues in total disbelief. “Dean,” shaking his head he hardened his voice a little more, “you misunderstand me little girl I am not asking this time.” Her breath catches and Dean watches in fascination as her pupils dilate and her face flushes. It’s then he realizes Roman is right, the control was acting as a turn-on for her.
There is also a hint of stubbornness in her eyes that he sees, a willingness to defy and it moves something deep down inside of him. And yet, “last chance sweetheart.” He can almost hear her heart beating against her ribcage, sees her shake her head and her wide-eyed expression. He sighs softly and lets out what little magic he has currently stored up to bubble up to the surface, he expects a large amount of pain but there wasn’t hardly any and yet her reaction. “Stop it, Dean. Please don’t hurt,” he ignored her words instead he concentrated on making sure she didn’t feel any of the excess pain. The darkness was there in an instant, cold and dark, he felt the traces of the evil that lingered within and it had him second-guessing himself. Yet the sheer amount of deep soul-shattering love he felt for Liana told him that it out negated the negative traces he felt in his magic.
Closing down his thoughts and trusting in his magic, trusting in Ambrose and the love for Liana, that the darkness would protect her and get the answers he sought he found he couldn’t completely close his mind away. He found his thoughts and magic was becoming a merger with the darkness and personality. Something told him that as Mox he was never able to accomplish this, that the only time he was able to come close to this was when he was buried deep in the woman that was sitting on top of his lap. A soft murmur of “Dean,” broke through the darkness and brought Ambrose so he was more than willing to do as she commanded. “Liana,” he noticed her eyes were heavy was magic, his own voice coated must respond in kind. “Are you not my Sacerdotisa?” The question had her jerking backward and almost off his lap but his hands steadied her from her hips, his voice low and hot, “I think you are.” Bringing her forward he placed a sweet innocent kiss on her lips. Her eyes never left his and it made his magic hum, sharpening his magic he bit out. “Then you need to fucking act like it,” her answer was to scoot her hips forward more flush against him. A soft meow sigh escaped her lips.
The knowledge that this was arousing her made him harder but at the same time steeled his resolve in getting his answers. Her hands petted him gently through his hair, lips kissing him at his neck, her voice caressing him, “Dean.” Her tone was low and filled with so much desire and passion it had him slipping a hand down and to the side of her shorts and inside her panties to see how wet she was. His fingers found pure wetness, letting his fingers caress her core back and forth then removing them and bringing them to his mouth he moaned, “I will never get tired of tasting you little girl but tonight isn’t going to be about you.” At his words, Liana’s eyes flutter shut and she gasps out, “and you call me a tease.” Shaking his head he bit back a moan and was able to choke out. “This isn't about teasing, little girl. This is about you learning your lesson.” Watching as she licked her parted lips as he thrust his fingers back into her dripping wet heat.
Her hips started to twitch and move in rhythm to his fingers, his thumb brushing her clit ever so often had her buckling hard against him fast. As he watched, she rode his fingers and had her softly panting and gasping then he withdrew his fingers. Smirking as he brought his fingers back up to his lips, sucking them clean, watching Liana watch him lick his fingers clean. Her hips twitched as she watched him, her eyes held disappointment. Her fingernails dug into the skin on his bare shoulders, her small voice begged. “Mox please,” the nickname she tried hard not to call him stumbled out in her time of need but in his state of mind right now it didn’t matter to him, “think about it my Sacerdotisa. I can bring you to that sweet edge countless times, I can even.” He pulled her hips back from his crotch and unzipped his shorts and pulled his boxers down, his cock sprung free and he moaned as he ran a single fingertip down his length. All the while he watched Liana hungrily took in the site he was presenting to her, “I can even make you watch as I find my release, by myself.” Lowering his voice even more, “you and I both don’t want that, do we my sweet young Sacerdotisa, you would much rather we both find our pleasure in one another tonight, right?” At those words, he began to stroke his dick.
He kept his strokes light and unhurried, he tilted his head back- eyes closing because he didn’t need to see Liana to know she was watching his hand intensity nor that she would reach out to overlap his hand with her own. Widening his leg stance, without a second thought he removed his hand he was pleased to feel her continue to stroke him. “That’s right, baby. Nice and slow, depending on how stubborn you want to be, will determine who gets their release tonight.” At his words, she shifts and he knows what she is seeking. Raising his hands back to her hips he harshly tells her, “don’t!” Letting his eyes flutter open he muttered, “don’t make me punish you, little girl.” She whimpers and he feels her free hand on his chest. Her voice is small and filled with so much desire, “my Profeta. I want you, please.” A moment of soft ghosted words, “I am so wet for you Profeta Ambrose.” The sound of that name awakes something so hard and dark in him that he jerks her hips forwards. “Show me Sacerdotisa, show me just how badly you want me.”
Watching as she pushes off of his lap he can only moan as she quietly slips off her shirt then her bra, taking in just how swollen her breasts were he whispered, “your breasts, little girl.” his eyes lit up as she cupped herself and gently pinched her nipples hard, “Is this what you want Ambrose?” Her voice is timid and so soft he growled, “what I want is your ass bare and your legs spread open wide before me.” Her eyes glowed with her magic and he watched as she slowly stepped out of her shorts and solid white panties then make her way back to him. Hand on her elbow he yanks her body to him, moving to give her nipples a quick lick before laying her down onto the couch. Spreading her legs wide, watching her pant in desire, letting his eyes roam over her as he gazes at her core and the dripping mess she is presenting to him. Slipping to lower himself to her sloppy core he used both hands to pry her open and took a moment to stare in appreciation. Licking his lips because she is so soaking wet it almost makes him spill in his boxers. Then she is crying out softly as her hips jerk in his hands, “Ambrose please.” Humming he lowers his head but instead of a lick he takes her clit in hard long suck, it has her back arching, her moaning louder, her legs snapping around his neck in an instant.
Her hands come to bury themselves in his hair as she bolts upright when he flicks his tongue against her clit. The action causes more moisture to gather in his mouth, chuckling as he pulls back and she snarls down at him. Wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, savoring her taste on his tongue he moaned as he let his finger dance at her entrance. Watching as her hips started to buckle harder and her moaning became louder. Letting his finger dip just barely within her drenched pussy, letting her work herself harder onto his finger just to the point when she was about to explode then he withdrew his finger. This caused her to snap, “no please. You just can’t.” Letting his magic glow in his eyes, coming to lean over her he snapped. “This is your lesson Sacerdotisa, not mine.” Shifting onto his knees he lets a hand go back to slowly stroking himself, Liana meows at him and thrusts her hips upwards, “give me what I want, Sacerdotisa. Give me my answers and I will give you your pleasure.”
There is a tightening deep down in his balls and he knows he is almost done for this round. Leaning down to place a kiss on her lips he murmurs, “I am about to cum Sacerdotisa. I had hoped when I did so it would be inside your hot wet pussy but I suppose you're letting your pride deny the both of us.” Her cry is so soul-deep that he almost stops this game he has started, but one looks at the bruise on her neck and continues. Images of her on her knees come crashing down in his mind and he knows in an instant that’s how he will finish this round. Shifting to stand up he reaches out and grabs her under her elbows watching as she reaches down to stroke his dick he rumbles out, “on your knee’s Sacerdotisa. I want your mouth on me when I cum and you will swallow every last drop.” Her answer is to moan and to drop to her knees, the moment her mouth opens and engulfs him he is lost. Letting his head fall back as she sucks him dry he can't help but thank the Gods for her, for making her his.
After a few moments and she swallows she lets out a deep moan and cries out, “Ambrose please it hurts, so badly.” When he tilts his head forward again and looks down at her up-tilt face he moans at the sight of her. Her lips still have traces of his cum on them and there is such a desperate look in her eyes that his dick seems to forget that it should be going soft instead of hardening again. With a tight voice, reaching out to caress her hair. “Dry your lips Sacerdotisa,” watching as she licks at her lips, he moans again. He also notices her hand making its way between her legs, “I don’t want to punish you further Liana but you’re tempting me.” Her hand stills and she blinks up at him shyly and he nods in satisfaction but she manages to sob out, “please Ambrose it hurts.” Yanking her up he snarls out, “ you think I am enjoying this Liana? I want nothing more than to sink deep into you. The need to fuck you is driving me to a point of madness I didn’t know was possible.” Her body is shaking and he knows he needs to end this soon; she is too young to have been thrust into this lesson.
She moans, her voice is broken but she leans against him and murmurs, “yes please.” He tries to be kinder as he holds her, as he brings her in for a kiss. “Please what Sacerdotisa?” A moment of silence then a bare whisper, “fuck me, like before.” Her voice is so soft but her eyes are dark and lost to her need and desire. He growls in frustration he pushed too hard in one direction and it would cost the answers he wanted. Murmuring, he still tried, “like before?” She could only offer a whimper, “Sacerdotisa? Answer me, like before? Did I fuck you last night?” Her voice is painful and full of need, “ anything please just.” Raising his hand to cup her throat as he must’ve last night he asked, “did I punish you as I fucked you last night Sacerdotisa?” Shaking her head, she moaned and pressed harder into his hand around her throat, “just a dream, then you.” He backs her up until she hits the couch and falls, but she keeps his hand around her throat. “Then what baby?” He asks as he falls with her, careful not to hurt her, she instantly opens her legs for him and he blindly thrusts in.
She cums around him before he can bury himself all the way within her. Her voice is airy as she moans, “You, oh Gods you feel so good, Ambrose.” Leaning over her smaller body, “I am going to fuck you hard and fast baby. I need to cum again.” She sobs and her magic flutters in her eyes and her hips are thrusting against him, “you didn’t know me. Didn’t believe I was yours. You didn’t even wait.” Her words were mere sobs and her fingers were digging into his ass trying to get more of him within her. Grinding his teeth together he tries to fight against the pleasure and concentrate on her words but it was unless her body was too hungry and needful and he was too deep in the feel of her to care about the words she was groaning.
Moaning as the sounds of her cries of pleasure filled the room, he is grunting and her sobs of pleasure were louder than normal because he had driven her to such an edge. Then his balls were tightening once again, reaching out to cup her face he gave her a hard kiss as he surges harder into her. Murmuring hotly against her lips, “I am about to cum Sacerdotisa.” Then he feels it as she coats his dick and it triggers him to give a few chaotic pumps before he explodes within her. He is aware that she is mumbling something and he suddenly knows it’s the blessing, feels it when her body greedily takes every drop of his seed.
A few moments later, they both are still panting when he mumbles brokenly, “don’t ever make me do that again Liana.” Her breath is still coming out hot and jagged but she whispers shyly, “and if I want it like that again? Popping his head and raising himself onto his forearms he stares down into her magical glowing golden eyes in wonder and finds himself laughing. “Baby if you want fucked just tell me, I don’t need to go commando on your ass.” Her face goes flush but she reaches up and murmurs, “and if I want it like that again?” There is a moment, looking into her eyes before it registers with him what she means but when he figures it out he moans, “seems like my little girl likes a different form of play than I thought.” She only hums beneath him and places a kiss on his collarbone. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead.
It takes him a moment to gather enough strength to carry her to the bedroom and place her gently on the bed. As he shifts down beside her he quietly asks if she wants to wash up and she moans sleepily that she would in a minute he chuckles and curls up into his arms and blinks at him. “So we can do that again, like soon right?” Moaning he couldn’t help but smile, “next time I won’t cave in so soon little girl. Think you can handle it?” Her body stretches out against his and she wraps her arms around his neck, “I want to be the best Sacerdotisa for my Profeta. I want to serve him in all ways. The best ways.” His heart thunders at her words but she shifts in his arms and he realizes she is waiting for him to say something. Reaching out to caress her hair he mumbled, “then one lesson every night. No cry-offs baby.” Her answer is a soft snore.
Laughing lightly, he simply laid next to her petting her bare hip, and thought over their play. It never occurred to him to explore Liana’s sexual preferences before now, not that he himself had a wide appetite, no out of three of them that had always been Seth. Granted he and Roman had been the two married men and had lived vicariously through their younger brother exploits, then he had met Kayla and became domesticated. At least that’s how Jess and Renee had described it.
So, he had learned a few things tonight, Liana liked to be dominated and pushed to her limits. It told him several things about what must have happened the night before, smiling as he buried his hand in her hair his mind thought over how demanding his little lover was. Renee had liked to be teased and to liked her teasing light but Liana was hard and full throttle. Placing a light kiss in her hair and chuckling as she snuggled closer to him he mused at just how well she took her lesson tonight. Her words are whispering in his mind.
You didn’t know me- didn’t believe I was yours! You didn’t even wait.
Glancing down at her sleeping face he tried to piece her words together, to understand her desire soak riddle knowing the answer to his question was in those words if only he would tease them apart?
Just a dream, then you.
As he yawns, he knows for sure that he ain’t telling Roman and Seth about this. Cause Seth’s remark about coming so hard that your soul is exploding from dick isn’t that far off the mark.
You didn’t even wait. Just a dream.
Mumbled words said in a need to be satisfied but fuck it something was nagging him in the back of his mind. Closing his eyes, fingers combing her hair, body going lax as he starts to drift off then it hits him like a mack truck. You didn’t even wait. Just a dream. Followed by Renee’s question of ‘You don’t know what this will do to you, you honestly want to remember the years of torture you went through in that place?’ His breath caught in his throat as he jerks awake and bolts upright. Glancing as Liana sleepily moved to curl up around him.
Fucking hell!
Slipping from the bed quietly he slipped into the shower to wash the dread away. In the deep of the night, he had woken up from a dream, a memory, and had taken it out on Liana. He could feel his body wanting to shake but he supposed something, something from his time in the Tunnels was preventing him from doing so. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself under the hot water and let his mind chase the rest of what Liana had revealed to him tonight.
He didn’t jump when Liana slipped into the shower with him and wrapped her arms around him, swallowing hard he whispered, “did I force you, Liana?” He had forced himself to stare straight ahead and not turn to hold her but at his question, he felt her push herself away and snap, “Dean, look at me.” When he couldn’t bring himself to do as she requested she growled, “I said look at me, Profeta Ambrose.” Her words were laced with her magic and he felt his soul respond, his eyes lowering to her face as he waited. “You're my Profeta. I could never deny you anything, my heart, my soul, my body is yours to command. What happened last night was unexpected but did you hurt me? No! Did you surprise me? Yes! But I enjoyed it just like tonight, it was a new kind of pleasure and I liked it very much!”
Searching her eyes deeply he saw the truth in her bright beautiful eyes and moaned but nodded in acceptance. They finished their shower in silence and slipped back into bed, he was almost asleep when she whispered. “I really did enjoy it, baby.” Burrowing deeper into the sheets and into her he sleepy tells her, “we will see about that after you take another lesson or two?” With that, she hummed and shifted to spoon against him, and sleep claimed them both.
Sacerdotisa Ruby looked once more at the glass container that held the blood absorbing poppet, blood that was three quarters the way gone, it had been sad to kill the little nino but at this point with his mother was failing in controlling Profeta Ambrose and that made his life’s blood was more valuable to her that his life. Now a little of that life’s blood would power the poppet and let her gain power over the mother.
“I hope his death was a necessity Ruby,” glancing back, Ruby felt disgusted for the taller man, regardless if he was of her blood or not. “You have no power to question me nino,” of her blood or not the boy thought he was better than her, more powerful than her and she wouldn’t stand for that much longer. Humming, it was the man behind her that was the only way to get Liana back into the City, “do you bring me news of your sister nino?” Stilling when she feels hands at her hips, nimble fingers undoing the sash at her waist, she forces her body to respond to the seeking fingers and after a while, she feels a release glide down her thighs.
Hands bunch up her skirt and bend her at the waist in this action she lets her mind drift back to better times, when her brother ruled the City with an iron fist, to when he would take what was his and leave her spent and sometimes blooded in a heap on the floor. The boy behind her now is not even a pale comparison to the man her brother had been all those years ago regardless of that part of her brother's blood that ran through his veins.
There had not been another like her brother within the City since his death, that was until Ambrose. Jericho had been molding him nicely; he by far was still weak compared to her brother but more powerful than Bray and more than satisfying between the legs. That night in the cemetery even though he had not put any effort into their coupling had her body alive in ways she could only dream of now. Closing her eyes she let her body remember that night, trying to give something to the nino in exchange for the news that he would give her. Remembering Ambrose’s cock deep within her had her clenching around his dick and moaning, praying silently that the coupling would end quickly she chanted a blessing softly.
Feeling him empty in her, feeling him lean over her back, panting hotly against her ear as he whispers. “I have it on good word Sacerdotisa Rudy that Profeta Ambrose is taking my sister in like some kind of fucking stray. If that’s the case and if he so much as touches her I will kill him. No matter how much you like his dick.” Snapping around to face the nino she lets her hand fly, smiling icily when sees blood flow from his lower lip. “You will do no such thing, Bray is useless. To access the pools I need Ambrose. Therefore I need to restore his memories and his magic so he can fuel the streams.” She watches as he licks the blood from his lip, his eyes glowed a deep brown and for a moment she is reminded of her brother.
A smirk forms on his lips, “one chance Ruby. Don’t deny me in the matters of Liana, she will choose me and if you like I will let you watch when I take her to the pool and fuck her.” Laughing she can’t help but notice the lack of confidence in his eyes, “why would she choose you when she has someone like Ambrose? Someone that possibly could match her instead of leach off her? Someone that can give her untold pleasures instead of one-minute delights. I raised her better than that!” His scowl was dark but she pushed on, “you are not your father's son, Baron, your just a man playing pretend and the goal you have set forth isn’t in your league.”
Adjusting her skirt and sash she threw the last insult at him again, “my daughter would never choose a pitiful powerless man like you if she has taken Ambrose in between her legs, even if she was only to have pleasure from his pinkie finger it would be more pleasure your whole body could give her and trust me, my daughter will want her desires filled to the fullest.” With that, she swayed away from him and his thunderous expression.
It’s around eight am and Dean knows he is dreaming again but there is no fog and the dreams don’t seem to reach in and tear at his very soul, he thinks for a moment it's because there is a small warm hand shaking him awake that or because his own Sacerdotisa has coated him in her magic, in her body, in her love and he is damn if he wants to explain that cause Sacerdotisa don’t share their magic and they sure as hell don’t love.
But mine does. It’s time to remember.
There is an image of a heavy metal door and when the whispered words of remembering hit him the door isn’t quite blown open but cracked open enough a person could walk through it. Memories not of his Sacerdotisa fill him but of Renee, when they met, their first kiss, the gentle way she had begged him to make love to her after he had returned from his first deployment, their wedding day.
Then there are memories of the day he stepped foot into the City the first time. Of Kai being struck down, of Cassidy dropping to his knees. Of the way Nox’s screamed. Then there is the biting memory of pain as Jericho starts his torture. As Sacerdotisa Lita demanded her lessons of pleasure.
Then the rapture of casting the spell ended Jericho. Seeing the pure horror on Sacerdotisa Lita’s face as she watched. The bliss for the next two months as he couldn’t feel his magic then pain as it came rushing back into his body. As Profeta Punk eased him back into it. As the Army finally found him and Cassidy, they proceeded to drill them for the nearly two-plus years of hell they had lived.
Then the shock awaited him back in Vegas. The rejection from his wife, at the feel of his magic, the cold hard truth at the feel of the new life that grew within her. A life that he had no part of making. Then the heartbreak of coming to the decision of leaving it, HER, all behind and return to the hell that had imprisoned him for two years.
The shock of seeing Roman and Seth stepping off of a chopper and into the City. The pettiness between his brothers and Cassidy. Then a letter from Montana, an offering of fudge. Sad honey-filled eyes haunt his dreams and make his cock hard all at the same time, then a blessing being cast. Pleasure filling his magic but his body staying empty- then there was a snap in his head.
The feel being encased in sweetness. The smell of oranges and the images of a young beautiful woman is reaching for him. And for his magic. As he sinks into her, her magic demands his and it makes him hard in new ways. The beautiful woman is moaning for him, coming all around his cock.
A soft sweet voice is calling out to him, “Dean, baby you need to wake up.” The voice calling out to him belongs to the voice that is moaning for him but it’s all wrong. He wants her to want him as a whole, and he knows (somehow) she is calling out to his weak pitiful side. “Don’t call me that,” there is amusement in her voice. “I cry your pardon Profeta Ambrose,” letting a smile form he knows she is playing now. She likes to play, play hard- hard and fast. Likes to fuck the same way too, “I need to teach to be dirtier baby.” She laughs as she whispers in his ear, “you can make me dirty anyway you want me.” Those words have him moving and rolling on top of her in a flat second, his sleep is long since forgotten.
Sadly, her eyes are laughing at him and her body is fully clothed from him. “The fuck Montana?” Her eyes are wide but her voice is questioning, “Dean?” Narrowing his eyes down at her he reminded her, “I told you not to call me that.” There is a pause and he wonders why she would ever call him by his middle name in the first place? His magic sparks at his right arms and it has her surging up in his arms, “Mox, baby?” Her voice cracks and is questioning him but he doesn’t dwell on it, instead he lowers her back down onto the bed and kisses her roughly.
There is a sound deep within the house that finally pokes his desire fogged mind and he pulls back, “Montana what’s?” Her eyes take a moment to focus and then she is snapping out from under him, “you’re a bad boy distracting me like that.” Smirking as he stretches out in the bed he lets her eyes drink him in, “Mox baby stop, we can’t.” Her voice is uncertain and she is nibbling on her lower lip, letting a hand rub his abs, watching her watch him. “Why not? Is Sammy awake yet?” She shakes her head and whispers, “Lt. Colonel Cena is in the front room, waiting on you.”
Sighing in disappointment he rolled to the beds edge and took his time in getting up, glancing up when Liana brought him a pair of boxers and shorts he smiled and nodded his thanks. Slipping them on when he was standing, he noticed Liana had slipped out of the bedroom and he listened as she started talking lightly to Sammy, glancing around he called out, “babe where’s my hiking tee.” The room, even with the air on, was hot and he wanted to wear as little as possible, she called back quickly, “dresser, left side, three drawers down.” Finding a white tee that had the sleeves cut off he tossed it on and smiled as his dog tags clinked together with the crystal necklace he wore.
Walking out into the living room he noticed that the former Major looked tired and beat all to hell and back, “sorry for the wait sir.” He felt Liana come up behind him, heard Sammy call out his morning ‘dada’, and felt a smile on his lips. Watching Cena nod in silent greeting he sat down and cocked his head when Liana plopped Sammy into his lap, “may I get you anything Colonel?” Cena smiled and shook his head and Liana nodded and went to the kitchen.
“I am sure that Rollin’s and Reign’s have explained the basics to you, LT Moxley?” Jon felt his core shift, sitting Sammy down on the floor he leaned forward, and with his magic brimming in his eyes he asked, “just tell me how the fuck do I get my City back from that greedy ass bastard?” A moment later LT Colonel John Cena smiled and leaned forward as well, “I am so glad you asked.” He could not stop his magic from sparking in pleasure.
This story didn't want to be rewritten. I would nit pick it to death. I this point I am simply giving you this. Sorry. I am tired of staring at it. Plus with a new 4-month-old kitten in the house. Not much is getting done these days.
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The Senator from Montana
CHAPTER SIX: The Bipartisan Deal 
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Featuring Sen. Jon Tester and Sen. Mitt Romney
After weeks of negotiations with the White House and a bipartisan group of nine other Senators, Senator Jon Tester had secured a deal on historic infrastructure legislation. The group includes Republicans Sen. Mitt Romney, Sen. Bill Cassidy, Sen. Rob Portman, Sen. Susan Collins and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, along with Democrats Sen. Joe Manchin, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Sen. Mark Warner. Two or three of the male senators I could fuck, none more than Sen. Rommey. Lets just say, I other things are on my mind besides the negotiations running in and out of that conference room.
So I was horny and with the deal completed, I was hoping Sen. Tester and I could do some after hours celebrating as its been weeks since we last hooked up. But I had a hitch in my plans as I opened conference room door. Jon was sitting facing the door alone with Sen. Romney.
"Ah, there you are. You've meet Sen. Rommey haven't you?" Jon said as he wave me over.
“Yes, Sir.” I said as I walked over to the table.
Sen. Romney eyed me as I approached. With an ageless sheen, at 73 the senator was handsome with his trademark plastic grin and his perfectly sculpted head of suspiciously dark hair.
“Hello, son.” He said as he offered his hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Sen. Romney.” I answered quickly shaking his hand.
“Call me Mitt, son. Jon’s been telling me all about you.” He said.
"Has he now."
“Yea, I told him your a great cock sucker.” Jon added.
“That he did. Why don’t you sit down with us?” Sen. Romney asked as he pulled out the chair next to him.
I glanced over at Jon.
“Come and join us. Like I said, we’ve been talking about you.” Jon said.
“Jon said we could have a little fun with you.” Sen. Romney said.
I glanced over at Jon again. He laughed and said, “Hell what’s the matter. You not in the mood for sex? Got yourself a headache?”
That's when Sen. Romney stood up, unbuckled his belt and jerked his pants down. Suddenly I found myself looking at nice size uncut cock. It wasn't as thick as Jon's, but is was a third longer. And he also had nice hanging set of balls. Then pulling his foreskin back, exposing a big mushroom-shaped dick head, Sen. Romney turned to Jon and asked, “Jon, mind if I let your assistant suck me off?”
“Hell, no! Lucas, suck him.” Jon ordered as he stood up beside Sen. Romney and added, “Come on. Let me see you suck him.”
Apparently, Jon has been reading my mind as I quickly dropped to my knees in front of Sen. Romney. His dick was still hanging limp, but it was beginning to swell up as I closed my mouth around the foreskin draped head of his dick. Sen. Romney let out a sigh as I sucked gently on his foreskin-covered dick head. Then as I slowly pulled back his foreskin and started tonguing his naked dick head, Sen. Romney throw his head back and said, “Damn! That feels good.”
“Didn’t I tell you he was a born cocksucker?” Jon said as he too dropped his pants and started jacking his own dick as he stared down at me. I looked up at Jon. At 64, he was a handsome man with his $12 flattop haircut and scuffed black cowboy boots, looking least like a senator and more like a retired football lineman. But still a Congressional male lust-object in the world’s most exclusive club.
“Go ahead, take all his cock down your throat. I know you can do it.” Jon said as he stared straight at me.
Staring up into Jon’s blue eyes, I started swallowing Sen. Romney’s dick. I could tell he was enjoying watching me suck Romney’s dick. So, I took more dick down my throat than I had ever done before. I swallow inch after long inch of Romney’s dick. I thought I would never be able to swallow all of it, but looking up and seeing Jon staring down at me while he feverishly jacked his dick, urged me to a supreme effort. Finally my lips were pressed against Sen. Romney’s pubic hairs. Jon suddenly flashes a big grin and without missing a beat hollers, “See. I told you he could swallow your dick.”
I started sucking his cock wildly, giving him fast and strong suction around his beautiful thick shaft.
“Damn! It feels wonderful.” Sen. Romney said as he reached down and grabbed me behind the head. He started fucking my mouth with his long dick as Jon watched in glee.
“Yea! Fuck him with that horse dick!” Jon cried out as I watched him pumping his dick faster and faster.
I was in heaven as I felt Tony thrusting his hips into my mouth to make me his personal fuck. I loved it. I love Jon watching me sucking Sen. Romney. I loved that he was forcing his dick down my throat. Suddenly Jon had his gorgeous rod pointing towards my face. Sen. Romney was still in control as I continued to suck his cock until finally pulled his cock out of my mouth and turned my face to Jon's cock. Quickly I was on it, sucking to be fed his honey. These guys had me! I was their whore for the evening.
"Maybe we should get him to a room and put him to work." Jon nodded and we got dressed and head to Sen. Romney’s townhouse.
Sen. Romney led the way as we all went into the bedroom and started undressing. It was a large master bedroom with a nice king size bed, neatly furnished and clean. Jon smacked my ass and told me to get up on the bed on all fours. Both senators came around the bed and kneeled on the bed in front of me. Sen. Romney fed me his cock first, forcing my throat down deep on his long thick cock. Immediately I knew what I was doing to adjust my sucking to please this man. Mitt pulled out and Jon put his cock in, pumping my mouth to his tune.
Mitt said he wanted to fuck me and my excitement grew as I was anticipated a cock up my ass. Jon kept fucking my mouth and playing with the  back of my head to show me his rhythm. I felt Mitt get back on the bed between my legs. My ass was up for him to reach. Kindly, Mitt put some lube on my ass as I felt his two fingers massaging my ass, pushing in and out to loosen me up. He suddenly stopped and I felt the tip of his cock centering my asshole.
As soon as his dick made contact, he immediately thrust all 8 inches into me. I gasped loudly as his big sausage massaging me as my ass lips tighten around his shaft. Jon continued to fuck my mouth, his cock stiffened as he watched Mitt fuck me from behind. These guys were using me to polish their cocks to the tune of their own pleasure. Mitt began slamming my ass and forcing me to deep throat Jon's cock. Mitt was digging deep and what a feeling! His cock was a thrill to have inside of me as I didn't want him to ever pull out; to be his cock sleeve and have him wear my ass was pure excitement and  pleasure.
"You got him ready, Mitt, cause I'm ready for that ass now."
Mitt waited till Jon was ready before he finally pulled out, came around to the front of the bed and brought his slick wet juicy cock back to my mouth. Wow! What a treat! Jon wasted no time sliding his cock up my ass. I knew Jon knew how to himself and in return give me pure satisfaction. He moved my ass to ride up and down his pole, using my hips as handlebars to massage his cock  to his rhythm. He started pounding my ass furiously, slapping it was his free hand like he was riding a bronco. Mitt was stiff as a board and I wanted his cum. Sucking evenly and slow I felt him start to tighten.
“I’m cuming!” Sen. Romney said as my lips locked around his shaft and anticipated his cream. Up it came as I felt the vein on his shaft fill and shoot.
"Mmmmmmm...." Mitt moaned as more and more of his cum flowed in wads as he came in my month. What a load!
Jon was close too as his pumping got faster and faster. Watching Mitt and me must have taken him to the brink as he assaulted my ass with his big cock. Soon he was filling my ass with ropes of cum and I felt it filling me up.
Exhausted, we all back on the bed when Jon said, "We've just been fucked good!"
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sweet-by-and-by · 3 years
You Will Always Be Fond of Me
summary: Arthur, Dutch, and John take on a stage robbery to bring in some cash for the gang. Entry for the first round of Saturday's @red-dead-rodeo!
characters: Dutch Van Der Linde, Arthur Morgan, John Marston
warnings: two seconds of somewhat graphic blood & violence
a/n: An unpolished, lightly edited Rodeo piece from this weekend! It was my first Rodeo and it was so much fun, check out their page and follow to join in on the next one!
The sun beat down hot on his back, a bead of sweat dripping down his neck. They’d been lying face down in the dirt for hours waiting for their mark, the black leather of his hat doing no favours in keeping him cool.
“You sure about this?” John asked for the thousandth time, squirming where he rest on the ground. He adjusted the too-big hat on his head, pushing the brim back so he could see.
“Of course I’m sure about this,” Dutch snapped back, losing his cool for a moment. Arthur couldn’t blame him, hell he’d lost his own after the second time John asked. “I’ve told you, son, the key to any good robbery is patience.”
John huffed at his answer, taking his hat from his head to fan himself dramatically. “Didn’t realize robbing was going to come with so much sitting around.”
Arthur reached around and cuffed him on the back of the head, smacking his skull with a satisfying thwap. John cried out in annoyance, dropping his hat and cradling his head. He glared back at Arthur, met with the man’s own ire filled stare.
“Would you shut the hell up,” Arthur spat. “We’re all hot and tired, John, give it a damn rest.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Arthur spotted their target: a lavish coach driving down the isolated roads near the Lower Montana.
He whistled quickly, drawing the other men’s attention to the oncoming mark. They hunkered down to their rifles, watching the coach through the sights of their scopes.
“Nice and easy,” Dutch said, the timbre of his voice steady and low. “Remember the plan. Arthur, you take out the driver first. John, get up and get ready to ride down and stop those horses once they’re spooked. Let’s keep this nice and clean, boys.”
Arthur nodded curtly, glancing briefly at John and gesturing towards his horse. “You keep that pistol handy, boy. Ain’t lookin’ to save your ass like last time.”
John frowned at the reminder, kicking up dirt as he rose to his feet. “You ever gonna let that go?” he rasped, his voice breaking on the uptick.
Arthur smirked, taking pleasure in the small moment of John’s embarrassment. “Sure, once you prove you can handle yourself.”
“That’s enough,” Dutch intervened. “Both of you, get ready. We ain’t got time for messin around, the stage is almost in the pass.”
Arthur focused himself, staring down the barrel at the oncoming coach. He took a few breaths to steady his aim, watching as the doomed riders entered the mouth of the rocky enclosure.
Once they were far enough in that they couldn’t turn back, Arthur set his sights on the stage’s driver and fired. Through the lens of the scope, he watched the man slump and fall off his seat. He slammed back the bolt, loading another bullet in the chamber and taking out the shotgun rider before the man realized his fate.
He listened as John spurred his horse forward, taking off down to the pass at breakneck speed. If there was one thing little John Marston could do, it was ride like the wind.
Returning his attention to the task at hand, Arthur took down the remaining guards, grimacing as he watched them search frantically for their attackers. Once they were done, no survivors left to flee, he set down his rifle and hoisted himself up.
“Nicely done,” Dutch remarked, an air of admiration to his tone that made Arthur’s pride swell. “Now let’s get after John.”
They mounted their horses and descended the overlook, searching for John at the other end of the pass. Arthur spotted him quickly, riding alongside the coach to catch up to the horses.
“Should we ride down and help him?” Arthur asked, pointing at the boy to get Dutch’s attention.
“Let’s not,” Dutch waved him off, a mischievous grin stretching his lips, “let’s see how long it takes him to get that thing stopped.”
Arthur chuckled, shaking his head at his mentor’s games. He’d been through enough of them to know the kid would be fine with Dutch and his peculiar lessons. Might even make an outlaw of him in the end.
They watched on as John caught up with the horses, making their way down to the pass at a near leisurely pace. Both men were surprised when they saw John pull his foot from the stirrups, perching himself on his saddle before launching at the stage, clinging desperately onto the side of the wagon.
“That damn fool!” Arthur cried, digging his heels into the belly of his horse and taking off after John. He rode hard, leaving Dutch in the dust as he bolted to John.
He lost sight of the kid as he rode down the pass, focusing on getting to the mouth as quickly as he could. Finally reaching flat ground, he skidded around the corner and into the pass, lifting his gaze to look for the stage.
His jaw almost dropped when he saw the coach stopped, John sat atop of the driver’s seat with a break barrel across his lap and a smug smirk across his face. Arthur pulled back the reins, bringing himself to a stop in front of the haltered horses.
“Told’ya I ain’t just some idiot,” John boasted, leaning back in his seat and resting his heels on the foothold.
“You got one job right,” Arthur grunted, “that don’t make you a genius, just makes you lucky.”
John rolled his eyes, his smirk twisting into a frown at Arthur’s words. “You can’t give me even one measly win,” he started, his brows furrowing as he geared up for an argument.
“Boys,” Dutch interrupted, riding up behind Arthur. “I told you, that’s enough. Now get to the lock box before someone else comes along.”
John hopped down from the seat, racing to the side of the coach to beat Arthur to the lockbox. He stooped down to reach underneath, looking for a secured metal chest filled with their take.
Before he could search any further, the door of the coach flew open wide, one final guard making his untimely move. Arthur pulled his rifle up quickly, shooting clean through the man’s arm raised to aim a pistol at John.
Blood sprayed across the ground and the man dropped from the stage, clutching his forearm and screaming in pain. John scrambled back urgently, chest heaving as adrenaline raced through his body.
Dutch swung down from the saddle, drawing his revolver and storming towards the man.
He kicked the guard onto his back, crushing his throat with the toe of his boots. Dutch stared down the barrel aimed at the man’s head, instant hatred twisting his expression into something menacing and vile.
Arthur dropped from his mount and rushed to John, confident that Dutch had this handled. He couldn’t help but draw his own sidearm, keeping an eye trained on Dutch as he fell to his knees next to John.
“Burn in hell,” the guard croaked, barely audible past the force of Dutch’s boot. “You’re monsters, all of ‘ya.”
“We may be monsters in your pitiful, small mind,” Dutch hissed, “but I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.”
The flash of a gunshot ripped through the air, John squeezing his eyes shut at the sound. Arthur shifted in front of him, crowding his vision and shielding him from the sight of the man’s brains smeared in the dirt.
Dutch lowered his gun and looked back at Arthur, blood splattered across his vest and shirt sleeve. The barrel glinted in the sunlight as he slipped it back into the holster, using his other hand to slick the pomade coated strands of hair back into place.
Dutch turned on his heel, closing the gap between him and John. He extended a hand to pull John to his feet, still clearly in shock as he reached out to Dutch. Over John’s shoulder, Dutch motioned to Arthur, wordlessly commanding him to clear out the loot of the stage.
Once their take was strapped over the back of Arthur’s horse, they mounted their steeds and rode back to camp, excited to share their success with the others. And if John lingered at the fringes of the night’s celebrations, shaken up by the near-miss against his life, Arthur would be sure to offer him comfort in the darkness of their tent.
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Sunshine Girl
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: fluff, soft!Bucky, mentions of injury (no graphic descriptions), 3.6k words
Summary: You are the sun and he’s simply basking in your light. And he’s so selfish, he thinks as he holds the velvet box with the diamond ring inside of it, he’s so damn selfish he wants to keep the light all to himself for the rest of his life.
Two years ago you were supposed to enjoy a solo road trip after years of Avenging, but Bucky invited himself along. Now you’re forced back to New York, and your boyfriend is ready to surprise you once again.
A/N: Bucky’s POV. Sequel to I love my baby to death, but I suppose you could read it on its own. As always forgive any mistakes, English is my third language.
Had to repost this cause it didn’t show up in the tags, hopefully this time it will
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“I swear Buck, if I see one more damn corn plant I’m losing it. I am this close” you say pinching your thumb and pointer finger real close “to a mental breakdown. I’m never eating corn again, mark my words. No corn flakes, no corn on the cobble, no nothing. I’m done.”
“We’re in Iowa, in the middle of the corn belt, I don’t know what you were expecting.” he replies, slightly amused by your little outburst and sour mood.
“Well, clearly not ending up on the set of Children of the corn.” you groan, getting back to sulking in the passenger’s seat, seething at the fields that are only a scapegoat to the real problem.
You’d been merrily skiing in Montana when his skis got somehow tangled with yours and he tumbled down on you, dragging you down the slope. Hadn’t you injured yourself, rolling in the snow like it only ever happens in cartoons would have been pretty comical.
“What?” you screech, almost jumping off the stretcher and grimacing in pain when your left foot hits the metal poles at the side. “No. It’s just pain, I’m sure it will go away, right? I mean I was an Avenger, I’ve suffered worse than a fall.”
“I’m sorry, miss, but knee surgery will be necessary, the MRI here shows you’ve torn your ACL and from the looks of it, your left knee was already damaged badly, numerous times at that, probably a result of your time on the field.”
“I can’t, I can’t just get surgery, we’re miles away from home and I-”
You’re almost sobbing and Bucky feels like shit because he’s the reason for all this and all he can do now is pat your back reassuringly.
“Given the extent of the damage, I’m afraid there’s no other option.”
“How long is the recovery time?” he asks, voice unsure.
“Well, it’s my knowledge she’s not an enhanced individual, so like any average human it will take anywhere from 6 to 9 months to recover fully. In the meantime, no more hikes or sports.”
Bucky inhales a sharp breath. Six to nine months. No more hikes. Surely you’ll have to go back to New York.
God, you are so going to break up with him.
Turns out you didn’t dump him in Montana, you didn’t abandon him in one of those auto stops along Interstate 90 in South Dakota, and you don’t seem to want to break up with him amidst the green fields of Iowa, but still, he knows he will drive through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania anxiously waiting for the other shoe to drop.
It almost seems like a cruel twist of fate, driving the same route you did as friends two years ago, along Interstate 80 headed East instead of West, only this time he’s not hoping to be more than the annoying old man who invited himself on your trip; he’s your boyfriend now, but maybe not for long.
“You know, you really are dramatic.” you say in a teasing tone, “I’m not going to break up with you, stop thinking about that, it was an accident, ‘s not like you beat me.”
“I know, I’m just sorry because you’re in pain and it’s my fault and now we have to get back home but I know you wanted to stay more and I did too and if I didn’t-” he’s rambling, and your place your hand on his thigh and squeeze reassuringly, offering him one of those sweet smiles he dies for.
“Buck, it’s okay” you interrupt his word vomit “like I said a million times before, it was an accident, it’s going to be fine I promise. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise with my mood, I swear I’m just pissed at all this damn corn. We’re never going to a maze again, by the way.” That gets a laugh out of him, and he loves you even more because you’re always there to lift his spirits. “I’m dreading these next months, the surgery, physiotherapy and all, but I know you’re there for me, yes?”
He nods, teary eyed, and you continue, “And I can’t lie, it’s been a while, I’m kind of excited to see everyone again, I mean except for Sam of course,” you say, as if he didn’t “live rent free in your head”, like Sam himself put it, “Jesus that man, how many of our trips has he invited himself on? I’ve lost count. ‘Member when we found him waiting for us in Phoenix? Fuckin’ weirdo.”
You both chuckle at the memory of Sam in your motel room, waiting on your bed with crossed arms like a disappointed parent, pissed off because you hadn’t called in a week and he was worried sick that something may have happened to you, a deadly sniper, and him, the Winter fuckin’ Soldier. Truth is, Bucky was so excited about your new relationship that he rarely let you leave the bed when you were in your room, and when you did you were in no condition to Facetime anyone, with your smudged mascara and swollen lips.
“I’ve heard Clint will come visit us with Laura and the kids. Nathaniel must be so big now.” you add, your eyes glazed over as you think of the little boy who was named after your Natasha.
“God, Morgan is probably all grown up.” he muses, a tinge of sadness in his voice. You squeeze his thigh again. “And the spider kid too, he’s a grown man now.”
“That he is.” you chuckle, “But to me he’ll always be the boy in the red spanx who knocked us on our asses in Berlin.”
He smiles and shakes his head at the memory, and you both fall in a comfortable silence. Now that he’s not consumed by fear anymore, Bucky kind of agrees with you that all this green is, in fact, nauseating.
“You know what, no more popcorn either.”
A year and something ago
“Can you believe there’s a city in New Mexico called Truth or Consequences? We should totally go and visit just for the hell of it, sounds like the type of place Steve Rogers should have been born into.” you state with all the seriousness in the world, and he snorts because after all this time you still haven’t found it in yourself to stop mocking Steve’s righteousness.
You’re walking ahead of him and he’s so distracted by your tiny denim shorts that he, the master of stealth, almost trips over a boulder. You’re always pretty but tonight, illuminated by the orange sky of Arizona, you look like a dream. And you’re so happy, snapping photos at everything you see, that even if Bucky hates the desert and the heat makes him uncomfortable, he won’t tell you, because the look on your face makes it all worth it.
“Baby, look at this big boy here, he’s like 20 feet tall. Oh my god, he’s so cute and beefy, just like you.” you gush at one of the giant cactuses of Saguaro National Park.
He raises his eyebrows skeptically.
All he sees are green spiky motherfuckers that he’s accidentally hurt himself with more times that he’d like to admit in all those damn ‘hikes’ you like so much, but to you cactuses are the most beautiful sight in the word. He genuinely does not see the appeal, but he understands now how you feel when he talks about all his ‘nerd shit’, as you call it.
“I’m cuter.” he says frowning.
“Of course you are.”
For some reason you don’t sound convincing at all.
It’s only spring but here in Tucson the temperature is 85 degrees today and he’s sweating buckets underneath the long sleeved t-shirt he’s wearing to conceal his vibranium arm. He’s long past the time when he was forced to hide from authorities or the general public’s judgement, but still he doesn’t want to be recognized and attract attention. He doesn’t do well with crowds, and he doesn’t understand how you can be so calm and collected when people stare at you and ask for photographs while you’re minding your own business.
As soon as you get back to the motel you’re staying at he takes off his soaked shirt, not caring that the air conditioning is probably going to end his old ass.
“What the hell happened to you?” you ask, scowling as you analyze the skin around his prosthetic.
He shrugs. “It happens sometimes.”
“No idea.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ lie to me James.”
You only call him that when he’s in big trouble. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose: why do you have to be so damn stubborn all the damn time? “It’s nothing sweetheart, just sometimes the skin becomes flared when it’s too hot.”
“Nothing?” you shrill, throwing your hands around animatedly, “Nothing? Bucky your whole shoulder is super red and irritated, don’t act like it’s normal. We’ve been in the sun for hours, for days really, why didn’t you tell me anything? I would have driven us back here immediately. Does it hurt?”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want to ruin your fun, you liked it so much there. And no, it only itches a little.”
Your eyes soften and you move to cup his face in your hands, looking at him with so much love that he feels himself melt away into a puddle, “Baby you don’t need to do that, you know I care more about you than anything else.”
“Even more than the cactuses?”
“Well, now you’re asking too much of me.”
He snorts and playfully hits your arm, then he falls back on the bed and drags you down with him. You stay cuddled like that for a while before you pull back to look into his eyes.
“I appreciate you doing this for me Buck, but you don’t ever need to sacrifice your own comfort for me, okay?”
“I know, I’m sorry. But you looked so happy.”
“Don’t be, and I’m always happy with you, I promise.”
“I’m always happy too.”
“We’re such saps. Gross. Anyways, guess where we’re going next?” you ask him cheerfully, scratching his scalp the way that makes him purr like a cat.
“The plan was New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana, right?” he frowns. You’d made plans together ages ago and you were so excited about visiting Texas of all places for God knows what reason. He’s predicted already that he won’t stand the suffocating, humid heat of that whole area. At least Arizona was dry as hell.
You on the other hand, everyday he’s become more aware of how much of a lizard you are, seeking the sun and walking around in the scorching heat not even breaking a sweat.
“Guess again baby boy, we’re going straight to Oregon. I mean, it's not Alaska but it’s not as hot as the desert here, right?
“Wait, what? Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to overheat?” you state like it’s obvious, rolling your eyes, “We’ll do New Mexico and the rest next fall, and now Oregon and Washington because it’s a little cooler there. So what do you say?” You ask with a hopeful look in your eyes.
“Princess I appreciate you doing this for me, but I promise I’ll be fine. You don’t have to change plans for me, this is your road trip.”
“No you won’t Buck, you’re not doing good and I don’t ever want to see you suffer, you understand? By the time we get to Texas it will be summer and you won’t stand it, it’s better if we visit when it’s colder.”
He smiles softly. He knows he’d do the same for you. “Then Oregon it is.”
You get up from the bed and head to the bathroom to shower, “Oh, and baby?” you call out,  peeking your head from behind the door, “This is your road trip too, never forget that.”
“Why does Thor get to have places named after him and we don’t? We were Avengers too.”
“But are we norse gods?”
“I mean, not yet, but I definitely deserve some nature’s wonder, or at least a star, to be named after me.”
“I’ll call WMO and get them to name a hurricane after you, princess. It seems more fitting.”
You’d been camping somewhere in Oregon’s wilderness when he came up with the idea of visiting all of the State’s so called seven wonders, starting from Thor’s Well on the Coast and ending in Mount Hood near Portland. You took a thousand photos of each attraction and sent a video of the water seemingly draining inside the famous well to the God himself, who enthusiastically expressed his appreciation.
Bucky’s cherished every minute of it, from the hot springs of Crater Lake to the chillier temperatures at night that force you to snuggle closer to him to warm up.
You’re in Portland now, and you’re thoroughly enjoying it, but what’s new about that? You’re always so full of life, so genuinely excited about everything the world has to offer that he’d be worried if you weren’t having the time of your life as you usually are.
He likes the city too, which is saying a lot.
“Blueberries are the superior berry and that’s the hill I’m willing to die on.”
You’ve been eating your way through Portland for weeks, and you’ve been discussing pies for a solid thirty minutes now. It’s raining outside and you’re cooped up in a small pie shop, eating more than an average human can and receiving weird looks from the waitress as you tell her to ‘keep ‘em coming’.
“I’m sorry but you’re wrong princess,” he states with a stuffed mouth just for the sake of aggravating you to no end, “blackberries are just so much better.”
It works as you grimace in disgust, both at his statement and his manners.
He’s found out you are weirdly opinionated when it comes to pies: pecan pies are an abomination, pumpkin doesn’t belong in dessert, lemon pie and key lime pie are only acceptable if someone’s grandma is kindly offering them to you, rhubarb pie without strawberries is a threat to mankind and cherry and blueberry pies are the absolute best. Apple pie is too bland to even take the time to discuss it, although the taste is likeable enough.
He on the other hand likes anything pie and anything sweet. And anything that gets a rise out of you.
“Please Buck, this isn’t even a blackberry pie, it’s some sort of inbred experiment that turned out kinda right.”
He shushes you, barely holding back a laugh when he sees the waiter side eyeing you as you disrespect one of Oregon’s most famous dishes, “First of all, it’s called marionberry and it’s a type of blackberry. And second, keep it down unless you want us to be kicked out, you’re offending a whole state.”
“Sorry.” you shrug, “But blueberry tartness level is where I draw the line, anything more than that is unacceptable.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re still a child and haven’t developed adult taste buds yet baby.” He does love his senior citizen card a bit too much.
This earns him a kick under the table and a scowl. “Stop it, grandpa.” you groan.
He grins and digs in your slice of marionberry pie. You resume to people watching.
God, he loves Oregon. And he loves you.
He really is a sap.
Washington was nice enough. You’ve taken him bar crawling most nights, and all of them have ended with him giving you a piggyback ride, per your request, back to the hotel room you were staying at.
It takes 13 hours to drive from Seattle to Yellowstone and you’ve driven all the way. You refused to disclose the destination of the trip and he’s fallen asleep the last 3 hours in the car. He’d mentioned he wanted to see the geysers somewhere in Pennsylvania two years ago and you remembered and took him.
Bucky couldn’t be happier.
He’s still describing the constellations above you when you fall asleep, and he’s so absorbed by the sky that he doesn’t notice until your head falls on his shoulder and he hears your soft snores.
He picks you up bridal style and takes you back to the fancy tent he bought on a whim in Ohio after you both slept in the SUV and woke up with major back and neck pain. He smiles as he removes your makeup with a wipe and does your skincare just the way you taught him, and admires your relaxed state.
He grazes your pretty face with his vibranium fingers, something so unimaginable to him before he met you, as he never thought his arm could bring anything other than pain.
Back when he was a semi stable 100 year old man thrust in another fight yet again, he hadn’t realized the extent of his feelings for you, believing he was only attracted to your beauty and youth. He hadn’t seen the way your smile lights up a whole room, nor the way you listen, truly listen, to anyone who may have anything to tell you, without ever judging them. He hadn’t witness your kindness and patience, let alone experienced them on his own skin. He hadn’t been lucky enough to watch you feed bird seed to the ducks of every pond of the country, or try to rescue a cat from a rooftop and almost falling off to save it.
Then Sam told him you were leaving and he felt like the word was collapsing on him. He’d found the sunlight and he never wanted to be without it.
Now he’s seen it all, all the little things that make you who you are, including your flaws, and he loves you not regardless of them, nor in spite of them, but because even your worst imperfections make you… you.
Bucky doesn’t know if meeting you was a way for the universe to fix all the wrongs that have been done to him, a sort of payback for all the shit he’s been put through, but in case it is, then he’s got no objections. And maybe he doesn’t deserve someone as good as you, but he’s a selfish man, and now that his sunshine girl is with him he never wants to plunge back into the the darkness ever again.
He tucks you both under the sleeping bag and snuggles next to you.
“Buck?” you mumble in a haze, tugging at his t-shirt, “Love you.”
It’s almost imperceptible, but his supersoldier hearing allows him to pick it up. He kisses the crown of your hair as he caresses your back.
“I love you too sweetheart.”
He wants to spend the rest of his time on Earth proving you how much.
New York
6 months later
The doctor wasn’t lying when she warned you that recovery would take 6 to 9 months.
You said the aftermath of the operation hurt like a bitch and that physiotherapy hurt even more. Today’s your last session and Bucky is glad about it for many reasons, like how you’re not in pain anymore for starters, and maybe because of how annoyingly fun, smart and hot your therapist is. Not like he’d ever admit it to you.
“Jesus,” you groan, “he turned me inside out like a sock, I can’t feel my legs anymore.”
“Sounds fun.” he deadpans.
“Someone’s jealous of the doctor?” you ask with a mischievous smirk.
“‘M not. He’s not all that.” he mumbles, blushing like a school boy.
You snort and drawl a ‘sure’. He sends you his best death glare.
“Whatever. I hope you don’t mind if we take a stop before going home.” he announces, helping you into the car. His palms feel clammy and he’s sweating despite the chilly winds of New York’s fall.
“Sure, where are we going?”
“Actually, that’s kind of a surprise, you’ll see.”
You beam at his words; he knows you love surprises and he hopes you’re going to like this one.
You look radiant as you lie on the blanket he’s spread on the grass, surrounded by colorful foliage. You’re sipping some of your favorite wine and nibbling on crackers as you admire a flock of birds migrating south in the sky.
You are the sun and he’s simply basking in your light. And he’s so selfish, he thinks as he holds the velvet box with the diamond ring inside of it, he’s so damn selfish we wants to keep the light all to himself for the rest of his life.
He’s prepared a long, passionate speech to tell you how much he loves you, of all the ways you’ve changed his life for the better and of all the reasons why he’d be a good husband.
But when you look at him with those bright eyes and beaming smile, he can barely remember his own name. He drops on one knee and holds the box out with shaky hands.
“Marry me, please.”
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please reblog and comment, don’t be shy, feedback is always appreciated 🥺🤲
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the lovely @henbased​ ​ tagged me to do this and I finally took a break from cooking up some fanart (literally for this very OC lmao). this is gonna be a treat! 💕
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everything under the cut [look at this pretty picture of my funky queer little bastard tho, I love her!]
name: Gigi (I guess her last name is Rook? I mean it’s my character but I literally don’t know)
alias(es): Rookie and Dep of course but also Bitch (affectionately)
gender: female, mostly I think
age: 26
birthdate: Aug 4
place of birth: some shithole in the woods, I wouldn’t know
hometown: Missoula, Montana (nobody tell anyone that I just came up with this on the spot solely because I like the way Missoula sounds, this is a secret between you, the internet and me now shhh)
spoken languages: English, some rudimentary Norwegian and Spanish (ja, jeg snakker litt norsk hehe)
sexual preference: none. we just be horny 4 everyone.
occupation: literally Junior Deputy of the Hope County Sheriff’s Department 🤠
eye color: dark brown
hair color: very dark brown
height: 1,60m
scars: some on her arms, mostly scratches from cats (big and small) and running around in the bushes after that fateful night of the helicopter crash on Joseph’s property and even more on her legs. pretty much all from having a very active childhood, scraping her knees and shins often and picking at the scabs - a habit she has yet to quit even as an adult.
then of course there are the sins she got from John. I still cannot decide if he marked her with wrath or pride (which I definitely think would at least be my sins, this bitch be furiously wrathful!) but she definitely got ✨lust✨ on her hip as a lovely little bonus from our favourte baptist/amateur tattoo artist.
color: lemon yellow
hair color: she doesn’t really have any but I’d still consider her at least a fan of a soft shiny brown
eye color: pretty much the same, she doesn’t really have any
song: Make Your Own Kind Of Music by Cass Elliot (but also Reptile by NIN (and Closer, of course))
food: the ikea vegan hot dog. seriously. (listen its US release almost lines up with the FC5 timeline so I’m just gonna indulge in the fantasy and go ahead) no pickles tho. and she has an almost unhealthy obsession with mentos.
non-alcoholic drink: orange juice and ginger beer
alcoholic drink: everything that gets you drunk fast, except for vodka - oh sophisticated teenage years. Gigi can appreciate a nice beer though if it’s not too bitter. pretends to like Guiness but nobody knows or gets why.
passed university: I like to imagine she went to community college.
had sex: yes
had sex in public: maybe 👀
gotten pregnant: the occasional dollar store tests bought in a panic fortunately always said no
kissed a boy: yes
kissed a girl: yes
gotten tattoos: something else I only have a vague idea about. I do wanna say yes, because - and I literally came up with this yesterday - I can imagine John has taken special interest in this smol bundle of rage so to be an extra meanie to his bratty bitch he gave her an Eden’s Gate symbol tattoo just below the neck, between her shoulder blades when she got her scars to basically brand her as the Project’s property... Is that too extra?
gotten piercings: earrings only (she has toyed with the idea of getting a belly button piercing though)
been in love: because I am Gigi is a sappy little ass, she constantly falls in love with the people around her and life itself :) and we love to see it
stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes, but it was no fun for everyone involved
a virgin: no
a cuddler: Y E S
a kisser: not a big one, but she’s most certainly not averse to it
scared easily: not really scared but it’s unfortunately easy to spook her
jealous easily: sadly yes. she does her best to work on it though and not let it affect her relationships
trustworthy: hell yes! this bitch will protect you, your family and your seecrets if you need them to
dominant: only outside of the bedroom
submissive: yes, sexually (but doesn’t like to admit it)
in love: with literally everyone who has ever been kind to her and their dog
single: yes. wait! does having and absolute queen of a workwife, Deputy Joey Hudson, count tho?
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: except for occasional binge drinking in her late teens, no
have they thought about suicide: yes (haven’t we all?)
have they attempted suicide: no
wanted to kill someone: each and every day ✨
have/had a job: yes. she is literally the Deputy. hehe
have any fear(s): being alone/lonely and without love; NOT being alone when she should be; not being properly prepared for sudden desaster
(I’m leaving this blank because I have literally never thought about this stuff and I would honestly rather keep it that way. My dep just started existing one day. Poof!)
significant other:
I tag @yeetslovescheese, @josephslittledeputy and everyone else who wants to do this! I would love to read about all of your characters. ♡
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Best Cooking Gifts for $5-$20 USD
Hi friends, it’s your nearly useful, almost cool Doc Holligay here, fulfilling a really common series of questions I get around Christmas time (I am not going to say the holidays, I am a Jew but I KNOW I have like 6 Jewish followers, and these questions don’t come in around Hanukkah time) that boil down to: What Do I Get Someone Who Likes to Cook? 
So I’ve created a series of gift guides, starting with this one, based on things I think are excellent, in different price ranges, for people that could be considered moderate to excellent cooks. People who need a few extra things for the kitchen, but have the basics down. Some of these DO make great basic gifts, but that’s not what this gift guide is FOR. 
I get no kickback from any of this, unless specifically marked, and then you have to use my referral code. A lot of these places SHOULD give me a kickback for the years I’ve spent referring them, but they don’t. If I can make one request of you, it’s don’t buy this shit from Amazon. Amazon is a horrible company working to break the back of the American worker, and the least you can do for me is not use them for my recommendations. THEY HIRED THE FUCKING PINKERTONS. Galaxy brain is to try and pick this up from your locally owned kitchen store, as I did with most of these! I bet they’d love to hear from you! 
IF this was useful to you and YOU’D like to give me a kickback, check out my Ko-fi! 
Kuhn Rikon Swiss Peeler-- $5
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I bought one of these and it changed my peeling life. It’s light, it’s agile, it’s sharp as hell, and for only five dollars you won’t feel too bad about it dulling and needing to be replaced in a year. Comes in many different colors for easy finding! 
Danish Dough Whisk-- $15 
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This is the kitchen product you didn’t know you needed--I didn’t until I had one. The rough and ready lovechild of a whisk and a spoon, and I use this for nearly all of my muffin and quick bread batters. Pick a high-quality wood one like this, especially for gift-giving. 
Terra Scraper-- $18
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This is the most used tool in my kitchen, and whenever someone uses one, they end up asking me to get them one for a birthday or something. Handmade in Red Lodge Montana, it works great for ground meat, saute, or anything else you can throw at it. 
Chicago Metallic Jelly Roll Pan -- $15
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There are good pans, and there are GREAT pans, and Chicago Metallic are great pans. They hold up well after years of service, the construction is heavy and built as a workhorse, and there’s no one who can’t use a 11 x 17 Jelly Roll pan. Works for cookies and bars and roasting vegetables and meat. I cooked my turkey on it this year. 
Air-Bake Cookie sheets-- $20
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If you have someone in your life who’s a huge cookie baker, this is a great purchase for them. Air-bake are designed with insulation that allows for the bottom of the cookie to get crispier while the inside stays softer, and shaves time off bakes. I notice the difference when I make cookies, for sure 
High Fat Cocoa Powder-- $8 
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Another gift for the baker or the ice cream maker, this is some of the highest quality and richest cocoa powder I’ve ever come across. A really delectable upgrade for any home baker--I’d pair it with maybe some good vanilla or maybe the above cookie sheets for a nice gift basket. 
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This is one of the most useful items for anyone who finds themselves trying to rasp a piece of citrus with a knife small enough to make it integrate into a dish, or uses fresh nutmeg, or grates their own parmesan. Mine came with a sleeve that keeps it from dulling in the drawer, and this one also comes with that. 
Assorted Prices: Unique ingredients (I may do a separate post on this if y’all want.) 
Depending on what kind of cuisine your person is into, and what they can get in their area, this can be a very welcome gift: Makrut lime leaves, Ras-al-hanout, Lyle’s golden syrup, date syrup, and many others, can be packaged with small tools or recipes to make a really fun gift. 
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 6 - The Man Who Sold The World
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence, some Kate and Wheaty cutensss, usage of drugs (Bliss)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: In the penultimate chapter, Paige, Kate and Mandy finally meet face to face with Joseph Seed, but there will be bloodshed, and maybe a few sacrifices the family will have to make. 
Guest OCs: Just the usuals. 
Guest Characters: Archangel Raphael [Supernatural: mentioned], God/Chuck [mentioned], An Archangel? [read until the end]
Note: One more chapter!!! Then New Dawn begins.
Another few weeks have passed, October is here and that means Fall in Montana is beautiful. The fallen leaves, the crispy cool breezes, orange, red and yellow leaves. Fall colors.
Pumpkins, hot chocolate, sweater season, blood shed, violence, and crazy fucking Cultists. 
The Winchester-Smith compound has never looked more alive. The trees on the property with their orange, and yellow leaves.
The threatening words of graffiti on the gates of the compound. Sinner. The Father. The Power of Yes. 
John Seed’s followers tried to retaliate, and avenged his death, but the Winchester family is always 10 steps ahead of them.
7:00 am. A letter arrived at their front door for the 3 females of the Winchester family that morning. From the man whom they’ve been looking for, The Father Joseph Seed himself.
Telling them to go to his church at 5:30 that evening. He didn’t say for what, or why, but they weren’t gonna let this opportunity slip.
“It’s clearly a trap” Kenny tells his wife.
“What if it isn’t?” she asks.
“Why would Joseph send you a letter telling you to go to his church?!?” Nate asks, as he pours coffee in a cup.
“I don’t know, but we’re going” Kate says.
“You two are pregnant!!” Kenny exclaims, “You aren’t going”.
“Okay! Then who else is gonna take our place?” Paige asks.
“I’ll take your place, Mandy and one of the guys can go” he replies. 
“Joseph asked us, and us only to go. We aren’t risking you two going, and probably getting killed” Kate tells him.
“What if he kills you guys?!” Mark asks.
“Remember the letter he left us? When we killed his brothers? He said that we were forgiven for all the shit we’ve done” Paige informs them.
“He could be lying!” Mark adds in.
“Joseph is telling the truth” Mandy steps in. 
They all turn around to face her, “How do you know?!?” Kenny asks.
“I spent 6 months with him. I can tell if he’s lying or not. Writing or speaking I can tell” she says.
Paige looks down at the letter, “So what do we do?!?”.
Mandy takes a deep breath, “When 5:30 comes we leave for church. Whatever happens, happens. This is where it all ends”.
They all stare at her in anticipation.
“I just got the chills when you said that” Mark mutters.
“Yeah for real” Adrian says, looking at her like she just gave him life changing news.
A few hours later. 
10:00 am, everyone had just eaten breakfast, Paige is feeding Cristina 2nd her morning bottle.
Kate just threw up, morning sickness and she hates it. 
She called Wheaty, and they’re gonna hang that afternoon. Not telling him about the letter from Joseph to meet at his church.
Kenny, Mark, Nate, Cody, Marty, Adrian and a few others finished putting up one of the 2 houses. Rachel is having a panic attack, knowing that Joseph knows she’s living with the Winchesters. Mandy sitting in her room, blinded by her thoughts. Wondering why Joseph wants the 3 of them to go to his church.
What could he possibly want?. What is the meaning, or purpose of this?. Is he gonna kill them? Does he want to make peace with them?. Is he gonna surrender himself? What is he gonna do?.
Paige is sitting on the front porch swing, holding Cristina while “Fade to Black” by Metallica plays on her bluetooth speaker. Humming along with the song, with Cristina falling asleep in her arms.
2 hours have gone by, 12:00pm.
“Things not what they used to be. Missing one inside of me. Deathly loss l, this can't be real. I cannot stand this hell I feel. Emptiness is filling me. To the point of agony. Growing darkness taking dawn. I was me, but now he's gone.”
Kenny steps outside, and sees this. A huge smile grows on his face. He takes a seat next to Paige on the swing, putting his arm around her. She leans closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He places a kiss on her head, rests his cheek on her head. 
Lightly swing back and forth on the swing. Little moments like this they love. They don’t need to go out to fancy restaurants every weekend, or a weekend get away for the both of them. 
Cristina falls asleep in her mothers arms, letting out soft nasal snores, making Kenny snickers at this.
“You know I still don’t like the plan” he tells her. 
“I know you don’t” she responds. They sit in silence for a moment.
“If you could guess what Joseph wants. What would you guess?” he asks.
She sighs, “I don’t know. Maybe make peace with us, or make some sort of treaty between everyone in Hope County”.
“Your mom seems to know a lot about Joseph. Like how he thinks, or what possibly goes through his head.” he tells her.
“Yeah, my mom is really good at reading people, even if she’s not trying to. It’s like a power she has. Growing up I couldn’t even lie to her, and I’m really good at lying, but she knew. She always knew. Kate takes a lot after her, they both try to see the good in people even if they don’t deserve it. I take after my dad, he didn’t trust anyone outside the family. Like if he was still alive, and all this shit that happened, like Rachel turning on the Project, he wouldn't trust her either. Even if she had a change of heart, he wouldn’t trust her at all”.
Kenny zones out as she’s talking, still being able to hear every word she says. He places his hand on her 9 in half weeks pregnant belly. 
“You think your dad would’ve liked me?” he asks, looking up at the sky.
Paige looks up at him, looking into his blue orbs and smiles “If he knew I trusted you, then he would’ve trusted you as well”.
He looks down at her, and kisses her forehead. 
Paige sighs, “My mom-” she says before getting cut off by a soft “mom” from the infant in her arms.
Her and Kenny look at each other wide eyed, then down at Cristina who is half asleep.
She picks her up, having her stand on her lap.
“Say that again” she tells the 11 month old in her hands, “Say mom”.
“Say mama” she tells her again, “Say mama”.
“Say dadda” he jumps in.
Paige glares at him, “This is my moment”.
“Say mama” she tells her again slowly.
“Mama” Cristina mutters her first word, very softly that it sounds like a mumble.
Paige gasps loudly, her eyes widened “She just- she. She said mama. She said her first word!!!”. She gets up from the swing, and goes inside the house.
“Mom!!!” she calls out as she goes inside.
Kate went on her date with Wheaty. She wanted to go hunting, but since she’s 7 in half weeks pregnant, they changed their date plans. They decided to go to the camping spot where they first met a few years back.
“It looks the same” she jokes.
“Camping spots usually never change” he replies. They sit near the water, on some boulders. 
“So how’s the pregnancy?” he asks.
She looks down at her belly, chuckling “I threw up this morning. I’m peeing a lot but my mom and sister said that's normal, other than that it’s going pretty good”. 
“Thought of any names?” he asks, putting his arm around her. 
She thinks about it for a brief moment, “If it’s a boy his name would be either Gabriel Joel Eddard, or Samuel Dean Rhaegar. For a girl Daenerys Arya Brienne, or Lyanna Pamela Cersei”.
“What is up with you and these Game of Thrones names?!” he laughs, kissing the side of her head. 
“They’re nice names!. It’ll give them character, plus Pamela isn’t a name from Game of Thrones, and neither is Samuel, Dean, Gabriel and Joel” she laughs. 
“Don’t be surprised if little Daenerys asks for a dragon, or 3 for her birthday, or an Iron Throne” he jokes. 
“And if she does I’ll be very happy about it, and I’ll get her a stuffed dragon. One of those giant plush ones that are like 5-6 feet tall”.
They talked, they laughed, they made out. They enjoyed their time together, holding her in his arms as they watched the lake. Watching the boats, and jet skies go by.
Even the subject of marriage and kids came up on their date. Even though they've started dating back in August but have known each other over 2 years. 
She starts reminiscing back when they first met. She still remembers that night very clearly. She still has the photos. 
"I still remember that day when we first met" she tells him.
A smile appears on his face, "Yeah me too". 
"I never had a crush on anyone until I met you" he tells her. She looks up at him. 
"Really?" she asks. He nods his head, she moves closer into his arms. Enjoying every single moment of it. 
Kate knows this might be the last time her and Wheaty ever hang out again. Their last date together, and they don’t know it.
Resting her head against his shoulder as they sit by the lake. His arms wrapped around her. 
"Also I wanted to give you this" he says, getting something out of his pants pocket. He pulls out a bracelet, similar to the ones he wears and puts it on her wrist. She smiles as he puts it on her, holding her hand in his. She looks up at him, and kisses him.
4:15 pm Kate is still on her date with Wheaty. Her sister and mother prepare themselves as they wait for her.
“Where is she?!” Paige asks, getting annoyed.
“We still have a whole hour” Mandy tells her, “She’ll be back. Soon hopefully”.
15 minutes later Kate pulls into the driveway. 
She enters the house, “It’s about time you show up” Paige tells her.
“Well sorry!” she responds sarcastically, “I had a date with Wheaty, and I wanted to see him before we’re killed!”.
“We’re not gonna get killed” Mandy steps in, “Because we’re not going”.
They all look over at her in confusion. Mandy was having 2nd thoughts about confronting Joseph, and she made the decision not to go to the church.
“What do you mean we’re not going?!?” Paige questions her, “You literally said a few seconds ago that we’re going. Implied it”.
“We’re not going. We’re not gonna give Joseph what he wants” she tells them. 
“Mom?!” Kate mutters in disbelief and confusion.
Paige scoffs, shaking her head “Mom, this is our only chance. To get rid of Joseph. Put an end to the Cult, and kill whoever is left”.  
Everyone, Paige, Kate, Kenny, Adrian, Martin, Cody, Mark, Nate, Barbara, Rachel, and everyone else in the house look at Mandy. About 30, plus, eyes staring back at her. 
“We’re not going” she tells them, “I don’t care what Joseph wants. We’re not going”.
Paige, scoffs at her mother, “Why?. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?!?”.
Mandy glares at her eldest child, and says “You wouldn’t understand”.
Kate stops her older sister from doing or saying anything else to their mom. 
She still plans to go and confront Joseph. All the damage, pain. suffering and bloodshed he had caused. It’ll all end that evening, nothing will stop Paige from ending The Father. 
5:20 rolls around, Kate and Mandy have no intentions of leaving for church. 
The youngest Winchester thinks they should go.
“Mom?” she asks.
“We’re not going Katella” she says, not looking up at her youngest daughter. 
Paige comes downstairs, and is immediately out the door, and goes to the Impala. 
“Paige?!?” Kate exclaims, going after her. Too late she’s already driving like a maniac off of the property. Leaving behind a cloud of dirt.
“Son of bitch!!” she mutters, “She’s going after Joseph”.
They grab the keys to the Monte Carlo, and drive after Paige who is probably already at the church.
Church of Eden’s Gate
Paige enters the compound, breaking down the front gate with the car. She stops the car, exits it. Pistol ready in her holster. A few peggies on the property staring at her. She ignores them, she’s there for Joseph. She’ll handle the hillbillies later.
“Joseph!!!” she shouts his name, echoing in the sky “Joseph!!!”. 
Approaching the church, the man himself Joseph Seed steps out. She stares at him intensely. He looks up at the sky, closes his eyes and says, “And the lamb broke the 5th seal, and I saw under the altar the souls of Martyrs. Slain because of the Word of God”.
Pointing to Paige, “You. You turned my sister. You poisoned her mind with your wretched words”.
She pulls her pistol out of its holster and aims at him, “I didn’t change her. She finally saw your monstrous ways. She changed on her own”.
“Lies” he hisses, “Your disgusting words against God, and his word”. 
She turns off the safety on her pistol, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here. Right now”. Her voice filled with anger, and violent intentions. 
He walks around her, she follows his movements. Gun still aimed at him. 
“I told you. Your mother. I told you that we were living in a world on the brink. Where every slight. Every injustice. Where every choice reveals our sins”.
Paige narrows her eyes at him, her pistol still aimed at him, not lowering it once. 
“And where have those sins led us?, Where have those sins led you?”. 
The sound of tires screeching, breaks Paige’s concentration, she turns her head and sees her sister's car drive on the property.
Kate and Mandy get out. “Paige don’t!!!” Mandy exclaims, running towards her. 
She turns back to Joseph, and aims her gun at him again. 
“Paige what are you doing?!?!” Kate exclaims.
“What does it look like I’m doing??!” she replies sarcastically, “I’m ending it all”. 
Joseph stares at Mandy, “Paige, you can’t do this” she pleads.
“Uhh, sure I can” she replies back. Rolling her eyes. 
Mandy gets in between the gun and Joseph. “No, I mean you can’t kill him”.
Lowering her gun, glaring at her mother, “What are you talking about?!?”.
Before she could explain herself, Joseph speaks up. 
“Mandeline”, his voice so calm that it sends shivers up her spine. Giving her goosebumps. 
She closes her eyes, sadness and shame written all over her face. She turns to face him. Her eyes meeting his. He stares at her with so much intensity that you can almost feel the anger radiating off of him, and the fear radiating off of her. 
“You betrayed me, my family, my flock, and God. You dare to show yourself to me” he tells her, slowly approaching her. 
“Joseph, I’m sorry, but I had no choice. I couldn’t stand by and watch everything happen” she explains to him.
He points at her, “You turn my family into Martyrs. And I plan to do the same with yours”. He walks around them, and they see their friends Mary May, Nick Rye, Pastor Jerome, Grace Armstrong, Jess Black, Tracey Lader, Wheaty, and Tammy Barnes all under the influence of Bliss holding Kenny, Mark and Nate hostage. 
“Wheaty!!!!” Kate cries out, seeing her boyfriend drugged up with Bliss.
“Kenny?!?” Paige says under her breath, “How the fuck did you get to them!?!?!”. 
“Joseph let them go!!!!” Mandy yells.
He turns to her, and says, “Your friends, and family have been taken and torture, and it’s your fault. Countless people have been killed, and it is your fault. The world is on fire, and it’s your fault. Was it worth it?. Was it?”.
“You motherfucker” Paige mutters angrily, “Me killing you will fucking worth it, and I can promise you that”. 
The followers on the property gather behind the 3 Winchesters, blocking them from escaping. 
“Kenny what happened?!? Was it Rachel?!?” Paige asks.
“No!” he mutters. 
“The others are fine. They got us, Rachel took off when they showed up” Nate wheezes. 
“Paige?” Mandy mutters softly.
“Not now” she responds, “Joseph I swear you better-”
“Paige!” she yells, breaking her attention from him. 
“Mom!. Now's not the time” she tells her.
“You can’t kill him” she tells her almost in a whisper.
She looks at her, eyes furrow, “Yeah I can, he has our friends and family hostage!!”.
Mandy looks back at Joseph then back at Paige, “No I mean you can’t kill him”.
“What do you mean I can’t-” She stands in front of her once again, blocking the bullet from hitting Joseph.
“Raphael” she mutters, interrupting her. 
“Raphael?!?” Kate whispers, “The Archangel?!?”.
She nods her head, “Yes, I was told by Archangel Raphael that Joseph had to be protected, and I was the one to do it. That’s why you can’t kill him.”
Kate and Paige look at their mother in disbelief, and confusion.
“Because Chuck spoke to him” she whispers to them, “About the end. You can’t kill him because if you do everything, everyone will die. Cease to exist. The end of life as we know it”. They both glare at her with mixed emotions. 
“You knew this whole time?!?” Paige yells, “This whole time!!. If Joseph gets killed, hurt and harmed in any way. Chuck will drop a bomb on all of humanity?!?”.
“Why didn’t you tell us?!?!” Kate asks, betrayal in her voice.
“I couldn’t say anything. Raphael forbidden me from saying anything to anyone!!” she says.
Paige lowers her pistol, putting it back in her holster.
Shaking her head, “I can’t believe you. He could be playing him for all we know” she tells her.
“Let them go” she orders Joseph, pointing to Kenny, Mark and Nate. 
Joseph stares at her, “Are you deaf?!? I said let them go!!!” she orders him again.
Mandy holds her back, “Let me handle this”.
She turns to face Joseph, and pleads with him “Joseph please, let them go. We don’t want anymore bloodshed. Please let them go, and we’ll leave”.
“Wheaty too!” Kate shouts.
“You betrayed me. Betrayed God. I forgive you for what you’ve done to my family, but that I can’t forgive” he tells her, stepping close to her, “Your family will pay for what you have done”. 
The few followers grab Paige and Kate shoving them onto the ground, taking their guns and other weapons away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!!” Paige yells, struggling.
“Get off me!!” Kate shouts, fighting to be let go. 
“Joseph, it’s not their fault!!. It’s mine. Let them go, and you can deal with me” she pleads with him again.
He grabs her shoulders, “This is where it ends” he whispers to her. Tears stream down her face. 
“You peggie fuckers!!. Pieces of fucking shit!!” Paige mutters as a peggie pushes her face first into the ground. 
“Get the fuck off of her!!” Kenny yells at him.
Tears streaming down Mandy’s cheeks, if only she was honest with her family. If only she had told them the truth. All of this wouldn't have happened. Her family was gonna be killed because of her. Her own greed. 
“When are you gonna realize that every problem cannot be solved with a bullet?” he asks her. 
“It doesn’t have to end this way” she pleads with him. 
Two of his followers, grab her. Preventing her from stopping whatevers gonna happen. 
One of his Chosen has a sharp knife in hand. Almost like a miniature machete, holding it in front of her eldest child. 
“Really Joseph? You’re gonna kill two pregnant women!” Paige yells. Grabbing the Father’s attention.
He stops them, having Paige’s full attention. He looks at her with a questioning look on his face. 
“Yeah” she says, a smug look on her face “I’m pregnant. So is my sister. She’s carrying your little brother's kid. John”. 
He looks over at the youngest sister, and she nods her head. “It’s John’s kid, Joseph. You kill us, you kill your nephew/niece, but keep in mind we’ll never be family”. 
He looks up at the sky, backing away from them. His back to all of them. “Let them go” he says. They free the family of hunters, showing them all mercy. 
“Wheaty?!” Kate cries, trying to snap him out of it, “Wheaty please. It’s me, Kate”. 
She holds his face, cupping it, hoping to get him back into reality. All their friends drugged up, blind from reality. Paige grabs her arm, “Come on, we have to get out of here”. 
She resists, shaking her head “No, Wheaty please snap out of it. We have a child on the way” she cries. The Bliss has taken over his state of mind that he can’t comprehend anything.
Mark and Nate practically dragged Kate back into the car. Her, her mother and sister in the Impala, Kenny, Nate and Mark in the Monte Carlo. They all drive back to the compound.
Little did they know they’re not the only ones that have had an issue with Joseph, and the Cult. The new Deputy has had their fair share of issues with the Seed family, and their followers.
Liberating their outposts and destroying their properties. Making the Seed family look like a family of psychopaths they need to be locked up. 
When Faith took off, she went to her gate and met with the Deputy. They put up a fight against her and they ended up killing her. 
Faith. Rachel would’ve been the adopted sister to the two sisters. Rachel Winchester would’ve been her name. 
They all arrive back at the compound. Kate in tears, Paige in shock.
The others come out, and see all their friends alive. Their children and wifes stand at the front porch. 
“Holy shit!!” Cody says relieved, “You’re all alive!!”.
They all nod, “Yeah, yeah we are” Mandy mutters. 
“Is Joseph alive?!?” Adrian asks. They all nod in disappointment, “Yeah, the fucker is still alive” Kate mutters angrily. 
“Where’s Rachel?” Kate asks them. The others shrug, “We don’t know, she fled the property when the peggies arrived”. 
“So now what?!” Mark asks, shrugging. 
Paige shakes her head “I don’t know, we’re gonna have to-”. 
As she’s speaking, it’s almost like God himself was making a huge entrance. Lighting up the entire sky. 
A bright white light blinds them all, covering their faces from the burning brightness. 
When the bright light clears, a giant mushroom-like cloud in the distance fills the sky. 
“Oh my god!!” Nate mutters in horror, “Oh my god!!”. 
A huge storm flies at them, causing the entire ground to shake violently. Making them stumble, and fall. The trees, and land go up in flames within seconds. Animals running to seek shelter. The whole sky orange, everything is a fiery orange red. 
“Shit! he was right!” Martin screams in horror, “He was right!”.
“Damn it Chuck!” Paige mumbles angrily with a hint of fear in her voice. 
Realization hitting hard, “Wheaty?, I have to get Wheaty!!” Kate yells.  
She gets stopped by her mother and brother in law, “Kate no!!”. 
“I have to go back for him!!” she cries, trying to get to her car. 
Paige tries to hold her back, “It’s too late for him!!. You’ll die if you go back!. Kenny! Adrian! Get the cars underground. Everyone else get the children, pets and go down to the bunker”. They get the cars underground to the bunker garage. They get all their kids, pets, and all go down to the bunker. 
Everyone settles underground. Fear, anger. So much emotion in one room. The distance rumbles of explosions going off, making it sound like the king of all thunderstorms is happening right above their heads. Paige looks around the main room of the bunker to see if everyone made it down. She counts everyone that was on the property. 
Herself, her daughter, Kate, Kenneth, her mother, Barbara, Mark, his wife and 2 kids, Nate, his wife and 3 kids. Cody and his wife, Martin and his fiancee, Adrian and his wife. 
“He was right” Kate mutters, playing with her bracelet, “Joseph Seed was right, and we didn’t see it coming. God, the Collapse, this sort of thing is right up our alley, and we didn’t believe him!!”.
Paige sighs in disappointment, “It’s not that we didn’t believe him. He didn't believe us, which is not surprising. It’s that he claimed that he spoke with Chuck, and for all we know. He couldn’t been played by him”.
Kate is about to say something when a fluttering sound, and a loud thud a few rooms away throws her off. 
“Did you hear that?!?” she asks the others. The others stay back while her and Paige go to investigate it. Kate then sees a single golden, brown feather on the floor.
“Hey, look a feather” she says, pointing at it. Paige, who doesn’t see it, looks at her in confusion. 
“Where?!?” she asks, looking around for it. They get to the source of the sound, and see a man with his back to them, kneeling on the floor. 
Paige pulls out her pistol, and aims at the intruder. 
They both see the same man, but Kate sees a little more. Tattered up golden, brown angelic wings. They approach the man, and stand in front of him. He lifts his head to look up at them, and they see the wounded, beaten up Archangel. 
“Gabriel?!?” Kate mutters. 
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When the bombs fell
Not long after (The Angels fell)
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fckinsupreme · 4 years
First off I want to say I recently discovered your one shots and imagines and I'm addicted to them you are such a talented writer🥺💕 Could you possibly do a nsfw scenario where the reader and Xavier have been flirting since the start of summer and everyone picks up on the flirting and locks in in a cabin together and things escalate from there?
“When do you think they’ll actually let us out of here?” you ask, jiggling the knob of the cabin, but to no avail. “They can’t leave us in here forever, right?”
Xavier turns to look at you as he hears your voice, propping himself on his elbow upon the bed where he’s laying. There’s mischief written over those handsome features, a ghost of a smirk that’s threatening to break across his full lips. He sits up after a moment, patting the spot next to him as he gestures for you. You stroll to him, sitting down and looking over at him with curious eyes.
“Well, Montana told us that we aren’t allowed to leave until we ‘fuck it out,’” Xavier says with a chuckle. “I really didn’t think we were getting /that/ flirty, but it’s second nature to me. I can’t help it.”
“I’ve noticed,” you tease, gently bumping your shoulder against his. “I guess locking us in a cabin is one way to do it.”
“Yeah,” he says with a breathy laugh, tilting your face so that you’re looking at him. He cups your cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb. “The thing is, though, I don’t want this to be some one-night stand. If we do this, I want it to be because we both want it and because it’s the start of something magical. Not just fucking for the sake of ‘getting it out.’ I’ve had plenty of one-night stands in my life, and I don’t want you to be one of them. You mean more to me than that.”
You can’t stop the smile that forms, and you turn so that your body is fully facing him. “You mean a lot to me, too, Xavier. At the start of summer, I thought you were just another pretty face and didn’t give it much more thought. But then I started getting to know you, and I don’t want this to ruin us. That’s the last thing I want.”
He nods, brushing some hair from your eyes before leaning in slowly. “I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?”
You laugh as you nod, grabbing the back of his neck and closing the space between the two of you. He melts against your lips immediately, and you can feel all of the tension between the two of you slowly beginning to dissolve. He keeps the kiss chaste are first, moving his lips against yours at an experimental pace. His tongue runs over your lips after a moment, and you open them to allow him entry. His tongue swipes over yours, and you moan softly as you climb into his lap. His hands guide you further, squeezing your ass when you straddle him, the kiss deepening as you do so. You rest your hands on his chest, moving them to tangle in his hair as you grind against him. You can feel that he’s already hard, and you pull back with a smirk.
“How long have you wanted this, exactly?” you say teasingly, lifting your shirt over your head and tossing it to the floor before attaching your lips to his neck. “Because it feels like you’ve wanted it for a long time.”
“From the moment I saw you,” he breathes, moaning softly as you kiss over the sweet spot on the side of his neck. “Mmm...”
“Feel good?” you ask, sucking a small mark on the same area as you rub your clothed pussy over his cock.
“Yes,” he says, grabbing your ass and placing you flat on the bed. He hovers over you, admiring you for a moment before kissing you feverishly. “It’s my turn.”
He removes his own shirt before yanking your shorts and panties down in one swift motion. Your bra comes next, and Xavier rids himself of the rest of his clothing. His eyes take you in from head to toe, his fingers leaving featherlight touches over your nipples before trailing to your hips. He squeezes them as he climbs on top of you again, and you reach between the two of you to stroke his cock. He’s massive, barely fitting in your hand, throbbing against your palm as you pump his erection at a slow, steady pace.
“Y/N,” he breathes, his lashes fluttering as a breathy moan passes his lips. “Fuck.”
“If only they could see us now,” you say, moaning as he begins kissing your neck. You tilt your head back to give him the room he needs, sighing happily as he sucks needfully in the dip of your clavicle. “They probably wouldn’t know what to do with themselves.”
“Hell, they would be cheering,” he says with a chuckle. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re out there listening right now.”
“Neither would I,” you say, moaning filthily as he dips down, pulling one of your nipples between his soft, plump lips. “Xavier...”
“Your tits are so fucking perfect,” he says, tugging the nipple with his teeth as he massages the other breast. He kneads the skin, rolling the nipple between his fingers as he meets your eyes. “Seriously, they’re the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen.”
You giggle, cut off with another moan as he pushes them together and nuzzles his face into them. He growls softly, his fingers dipping between your legs and swiping through your folds. He pulls you to the end of the bed, throwing your legs over his shoulders as he kisses along your inner thighs. “You’re soaking for me, babe. How long have /you/ been wanting this, exactly?”
“Oh, hush,” you say jokingly, sitting up a little so that you have a better view of him. “But if you must know, my answer is the same as yours. Honestly? One of the first things I thought about when we met was how much I wanted to bounce on your cock. To feel you down my throat, your head between my legs, making me cum against your mouth...”
“Fuck,” he breathes, kissing around your outer labia before dragging his teeth along the groin. “That’s so hot.”
“I touched myself that night to the thought of it,” you tell him, sucking in a harsh breath as he rubs the pad of his index finger against your clit. “I had to be quiet so that I wouldn’t wake Montana.”
“You got off to the thought of me?” Xavier asks, smirking at you from between your legs.
“Yeah,” you say, whining when he draws back. “No, please don’t—“
“I want you to show me,” he says smugly, sitting on the edge of the bed and repositioning you so that he has a full view of your dripping cunt. “I want to know how to make you feel good. I wanna know what you like so that I can give it to you.”
You tilt your head at him, a grin on your lips as you squeeze your breasts. You pinch the nipples, rubbing them between your fingers and mewling as you do so. He licks his lips, not taking his eyes off of you as you trail a hand between your legs. You drag two fingers from your entrance to your clit, moaning shakily as you meet his sultry gaze. He takes your free hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it before running his other hand up your thigh.
“Go ahead,” he coos, his own fingers now gliding alongside yours. “I’ll help you. I’ll move when you move, and when I feel I have it down, I’ll eat that pretty little pussy until you’re screaming for me. Give those assholes out there the show they desperately want. How does that sound?”
Baby taglist: @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @angel-of-dior @leatherduncan @lvngdvns @langdxn @frenchlangdon @apocalxpsetime @wickedlangdon @melodylangdon @dark-mei-rose @xavierplympton @xavierplymptons @littlegirlsdontplaynice @jimmlangdon
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
The Book Store - Ch. 1
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Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 1351
Summary: One evening Y/n’s life is threatened and she makes a decision that change her life, for better or worse she has yet to find out...
Warnings: domestic abuse, violence 
A/N: My first Sam series! I’m so excited to write this series! Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
Pulling the roast out of the oven you sing along softly to  ‘Silent Night’ as it plays softly throughout the house. Cutting up the meat and putting it into the fancy china dish you can’t help but smile as the snow continues to fall. It truly would be a white Christmas this year.
You’d loved snow since you were a child growing up in vermont. Now you lived in Montana with your husband, he was the police chief in your town, adored by all. If only they knew what happened behind the walls of this house. Hearing a car door shut outside you quickly glance at the clock realizing your husband will walk through the door any moment.
Pouring a glass of whiskey quickly you walk into the living room to greet your husband as the door opens.  “Welcome home honey, how was your day?” you ask with a wide smile as he hangs up his jacket.
“Work was work, arrested the bad guys and saved the city” he grabs the drink from your hand walking into the dining room. “Food ready?” he grunts.
“Yes, I made your favorite roast and that chocolate cake you love” you respond as you bring out the dinner, dishing his food first.
Dinner is quiet for the most part, as you dish cake onto his plate he grabs your wrist tightly. “You think I’m stupid? Think I don’t know when you try to talk to other men huh?!” he screams at you
“Chance please, I don't know what youre talking about. I haven’t been talking to anyone.” You cry as you hear a snap in your wrist, pain radiating throughout your hand.
Backhanding you, he stands up, hovering over your fallen body. “You think my boys won’t tell me when they see my wife being a whore at the grocery shop!” red faced, he kicks his foot into your abdomen repeatedly.
Pained screams leave your mouth as you try to get away. “You think it's going to be easy for you? You are going to regret everything you little bitch!” Grabbing the knife from the roast he plunges it deep into your leg. “I think it’s time for some...training” He says with a sick grin. As he drags the knife down your leg.
His large hands wrap around your throat tightly choking you as you gasp. “Please!”
With fear racing through your mind you manage to kick him making him stumble back. You kick him once more as you cough gasping for breath.  He falls to the ground with a pained groan the hell of your shoe stabbing into his cheek. You take the moment to jump up, running out the backdoor into the cold snow as blood runs down your leg.
“y/n! Get back here!” his screams echo through the neighborhood as you continue to run ducking into an alley between houses. Going into a backyard you recognize you crouch down behind the fence as police sirens wail past you.
You wait for another 20 minutes in the freezing cold, shivering, bleeding on the cusp of unconsciousness when the backdoor of the house opens. You recognize Jo Harville as she runs out looking worried. “Oh my god. y/n! Are you ok?!” She shoots questions rapidly.
“Help.” is all you can manage between shivering gasps. Helping you into the house she sets you on the couch wrapping blankets around you and starting a fire. She grabs a first aid kit quickly stitching up your leg and wrapping your wrist.
“My mom works on the force with your husband, should I call him?” she asks cluelessly.
“No!” you panic sitting up. “Please...he did this to me, I need to get away” you beg as tears fall from your eyes
“I know a friend who lives down in maine. You could stay with her for a while…”
-2 days later-
Since Jo had found you hidden in her backyard she had done everything possible to help you, she stitched you up, helped you get a train ticket to Maine and dropped you off at the station. You’d even gone as far as to cut and dye your hair, hoping not to be recognized.
After two days traveling by train you’d finally arrived at the station in Maine, looking around you see a woman with dark hair holding a sign with your name. “Are you Eileen?” you asks
“That's me” she responds with a smile, helping you gather your bags and she guides you to her car. “You’ll love it here.” Driving down the small towns streets Eileen points out different buildings to you, trying to make small talk.
It only takes another 10 minutes for Eileen to pull into the driveway of her house, you grab your small bag following her into the house. “I can stay somewhere else, I really don’t want to be a bother” you tell her quickly.
She smiles at you softly, “Jo told me what happened...y/n i know we just met but i want you to know you will never be alone, and i'm here for whatever you need” you nod slowly as tears build up.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll get a job and help out” you tell her as she shows you your room.
“Just take it easy for a bit, get used to the town and everything. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” She closes the door softly as you sit there taking in everything, thinking about everything that's happened to you in just two short days. Laying down you close your eyes, hoping they don’t open for a long time.
-1 week later-
Since you’d arrived in Maine you mostly kept to yourself only leaving your room when necessary, you were terrified your husband would find you, but Jo would text you if Chance knew anything. It was that small piece of knowledge that had you walking down the snow covered street as you wondered around town. This was the first time you’d stepped foot outside of Eileen’s since you’d arrived.
You were freezing and had been walking around the town for a while. Stopping on the street you smile as you see a small bookstore with a sign in the door advertising free hot chocolate. Opening the door you step inside shaking off the snow from your body. A small smile creeps its way onto your face at the smell of old books.  
Stepping further into the shop you find the hot cocoa, pouring yourself a cup as you browse. Too caught up in browsing the books on the shelf you don’t hear the heavy footsteps behind you.
“Miss? Is there something I can help you find?” A deep voice asks kindly.
Startled you jump in your own skin, hot cocoa spilling onto your hand “Shit! Thats hot!” you set the cup down quickly holding your burned hand.
“I'm so sorry, i didn’t mean to startle you” The mysterious man replies grabbing napkins for your hand. As his hand brushes yours you step back quickly, afraid.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you” you say quickly looking down.
“Really, it's me who should be apologizing. I can’t tell you how many times I get lost in a book” he chuckles. “I’m Sam winchester, the store owner.” he holds his hand out for you to shake
When he notices you don’t reach for his hand he drops it, “Can I help you find something…?” he asks
“Y/n, and no I'm just browsing” you say quietly.
“Well if you need anything just let me know, otherwise enjoy the books” he smiles softly as he goes and sits back behind the counter.
Finding a book you like you sit down on one the couches reading the book as you sip the rest of your drink, unbeknownst to you, a certain shop keeper can’t keep his eyes off you.
Sitting behind the counter he can’t help but notice the bruising marks peeking from behind your scarf and the splint on your wrist. Something happened to you and it leaves an uneasy feeling with Sam.
Chapter 2
Sam/Jared Taglist: 
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