#hellboy x reader x abe
clownistyping · 2 years
Howdy,this maybe a strange ask but could you do Hellboy and Abe with a reader who is basically a cryptid. Like they only come out at night,not many people are sure they are actually real,have glowing eyes for some unknown reason and they collect skulls because why not. (Also I love your stuff keep up the good work queen)
That's right, I'm alive. It's been….a year? That relationship I restarted? ended, I dropped out of college also. So rn I'm just here and need to get some creativity out.
Thx u for requesting, sorry for the long wait to everybody.
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Abe and Hellboy adore you bc they love freaks of nature. Abe doesn't have an actual sleep schedule since he isn't normally sent out on missions so he sleeps when he is tired which isn't often.
Hellboy always imagines you like a pet of sorts for some reason, not in a weird way but in a way of you're my lil squishy.
Hellboy also has a bad sleep schedule so you and him always end up meeting in the lunchroom at 3 am for snacks.
On missions Hellboy will literally seek out skulls for you, he knows seeing you is lucky so he just puts it at your door and hopes you see it before the cleaners do.
They are avid (Y/N) is real believers, other agents try to play you off as some ghost but they will pull out boards of evidence that you exist.
"Maybe (Y/N) is some kind of animal hybrid bc of their eyes?" "Or maybe a robot." "Could you two please stop saying I'm a dog." Cue screaming.
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n3onstarss · 2 years
Hellboy x GN!reader x Abe
Cuddling, hurt/comfort but not really hurt, can be seen as platonic or romantic depending on preference, idiots in love? mayhaps?, self indulgent
Hellboy had always been a strange looking person to onlookers, and even stranger inside for those who knew him. intense mood swings and temperamental at the best of times, even Abe had a hard time reading him. I, however. I'd seemed to get him. Always able to tell what was wrong, what needed fixing and when he needed to be told (albeit gently) that 'hey, no, you're in the wrong.' every once in a while. But reading me? nearly impossible. Yes, I was a creature of the night, hard to read in the first place if anybody was able to see me first. But that was all before the bureau found me. Now, it was much more common for there to be sightings of the 'night prowler' or 'wood stalker', but only when missions called for it. it didn't make me any easy to read, despite Abe and Hellboy's best efforts.
Today had been shitty, to say the least. overwhelmed, overstimulated and pissy was a awful day to end the work day. Best case scenario was that I could somehow avoid all my coworkers in the halls or at least not snap at anyone, make it to my room and take a nap for a few days. unluckily, that's exactly what didn't happen. As my lithe form prowled the halls in hopes of making it to my 'cave' i was stuck in the home rush for the other employees. Trapped in a crowd and moving like a salmon swimming upstream in a flood. At one point a 30-something year old named Todd, my least favorite person, shoved me way too much for my liking and i snapped at him. literally. Everyone froze as the sound of teeth and jaws slamming shut and the tearing of fabric echoed through the crowds. Todd was missing a section of loose shirt from near his shoulder and the torn fabric hung from my snout. Blank stares and wild eyes watched my every move as i spit out the fabric, flipped him off and kept moving. weaving was much easier as i marched through, mainly because i wasn't weaving anymore. the familiar hole in the wall was within sight and the crowds were gone. I crouched down, glancing around one last time before ducking inside.
it was cozy. a pitch black hole in the wall that lead to a old locked up storage closet. The hole itself was in a hallway that was too out of the way for employees to come find, let alone patch. the closet had been locked up due to a venomous snake getting loose in there during temporary storage. Abe had helped me out in convincing everyone it might be alive and to just leave the closet alone. I'd cleaned it out and filled it with blankets and even one of those Walmart mini fridges. it was dark unless Abe decided to join. For those occasions we had got fish themed string lights at the same Walmart. Hellboy couldn't care if the light we're on or off, it didn't disturb him at all.
Finally settled in my nest of throw pillows and stolen blankets, i let all the emotion loose. sobs racked my body as i struggled to take a breath. hot tears of sadness and anger and exhaustion streamed down my face and made tracks across the thin, white, almost translucent flesh. I didn't know how long it had been before the storage door opened. Launching myself away from the light and holding my arms above my face for fear it was a agent, i growled weakly in warning. I hadn't calmed down at all and didn't have a moment to think before familiar warm arms scooped me up. while being held against Hellboy's chest i could feel him nod at someone or something. I hear rustling for a bit before Hellboy stepped into the closet and closed the door.
It turned out Abe had come too. the familiar cold hands creating stark contrast between the warm arms. the lights were turned on as dim as possible as we all say huddled. The familiar scents of leather and brimstone behind me and salt water and old books infront was comforting. I finally began to calm, the tears and hyperventilation coming to a slow stop. Hellboy then set me down between the two of them. The spot where Abe sat was weirdly damp, but he was also a fish-man-thing so what did i really expect? Sleep weighed down my eyelids and threatened to drag me under. I flicked my tail half-heartedly in thanks.
"We heard about the stunt with Todd," Hellboy finally spoke up. His voice was creaky and broke once or twice due to not being used for so long.
"hmm?" I didn't have the energy for a real response.
"are you okay?" I could tell he was trying not to let the worry seep into his voice. for the record, he failed.
"yes, you haven't been, as you say, 'doing so hot' recently. Are you alright?" Abe piped in. his voice was much more confident then Hellboy's and much smoother.
"I'll be fine, pinky promise."
"whatever you say, hotshot." and with that Hellboy scooted down against the wall even further, laying down fully now. he patted the spot next to him.
Abe and I got the hint at about the same time and scooted down as well, settling into our usual nap spots. We always ended up with Red being the big spoon and either Abe or I taking turns being the smallest spoon. Today Abe got elected based on where he'd sat alone. Hugging Abe to my chest and being hugged to Hellboy's was almost therapeutic. the lights were shut off and quiet music was turned on.
"goodnight you twi, thankd" i tried to say, muffled by the blankets and sleep. Soft giggles wracked the man held against my chest gently and a chuckle or two escaped Red.
"goodnight idiot, get some rest."
"goodnight, sleep well."
and with that, sleep carried me away.
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bprdeeznuts · 2 years
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Could you do Prince Nuada from Hellboy 2 and reader?
This one has taken me a while- Also thank you for reigniting the LOVE I had for Prince Nuada! Ugh! So sexy!!
I do hope this is to your liking since it did take some warping.
1. I gotta keep Nuada and Nuala alive so the ending didn't happen
2. Introduce elements from the comics aka Hellboy had adopted siblings.
Half Breed
Prince Nuada x FemReader
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Support me on Ko-Fi I'm poor!
After the fortunately failed suicide attempt from Nuala which had horribly injured both twins- Nuafa had been captured and the two rushed back to the Bureau for emergency treatment, Which fortunately allowed the Elves to survive the whole ordeal.
Nuada had been placed in custody of B.P.R.D first as a high level prisoner for many months after his attempt to wipe out humanity.
After being in solitary confinement for far too long a deal was struck with him to work for the organization due to his knowlege of the world and to get out of solitary help all that had been damaged.
He had agreed- begrudgingly and because Nuala insisted.. it had been nearly a year of this all- When something interesting took place.
Nuala and Abe walked down the corridors together, talking about recent books they had shared before Abe paused.
"Oh?-" He looked around calmly before seeing the warning lights come down shining blue instead of the normal red for emergencies.
"Is there an emergancy?" Nuala questioned, a bit nervous of what it could mean, But Abe gently touched her shoulder with his gloved hand.
"No no- Just a old friend. Everytime she visits her and Red play a.. Game of sorts like tag" Abe explained, Nuala smiling at hearing this. Nuada who had just returned from a mission turned the corner seeing his sister and the fish man, frowning but looking to the lights.
"Whats this?" He asked shortly, Abe repeating his answer from before.
"Warning lights for a Game?" He questioned, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Well they are only allowed to have this game once a year and for 5 minutes- mainly due to the property damage that always happens" Abe said truthfully as the elven twins looked surprised by this. A childish game causing property damage?
As if right on cue there was a loud crash the trio turning to see Hellboy running full force in their direction like a train.
"MOVE MOVE!" He yelled loudly, as he ran past them. This was the fastest any of them had seen him run even in a life or death situation, right as he was about to turn the corner a black boot came barrowing down on the side of his cheek, knocking him to the ground hard before the smaller figure ran down the hall Red had just gone through.
"You're it!" She yelled and the trio watched- There running past was a women. Dressed in all black leather tactical gear with her silver hair in a long braid, the ends a sunset gold- (Y/S/C) skin with unique etchings found in only elvish culture paired with amber eyes. It didn't take a genius to figure see what she was-
"Timer Abe!" She yelled, Abe looking to the small watch he carried.
"4 minutes and 26 seconds left- Also happy youve returned safely" He called out to (Y/N) who dashed down the hallway.
Nuada eyes widened as he couldnt help but follower her with his gaze, something about her drew him in. The trio sticking to the walls as they tried to follow the action- it was like a massive battle taking black between a giant and a tiny titan. While Red was slamming into walls cracking cement with his weight and arm- (Y/N) was doing flips and hung to the light fixtures above to keep an advantage.
"Happy to see you too!!!"
He could only describe himself as being mesmerized by her.. Every turn, giggle and jump just seemed to bewitch him and it terrified him.. It wasn't till a loud alarm snapped him his gaze making him jump a bit in surprise- the game was over it seemed and Hellboy returned with his sister, the demon clearly glum from losing.
Nuala eyes widened as she watched (Y/N) jump around Hellboy with a happy smile at winning the game. Figuring what she was but disbelieving of course even after this entire endeavor. A leath-fola. A Half-Blood Actually existed in this world? The embodiment of a union between a human and one of his own kind-
"I win Red! So that's 28 for me and 25 for you. Best luck next you!" She said cheerfully as Hellboy grumbled and pushed her head away with his small hand.
"Yada Yada short stack-"
She noticed the looks of the two meeting their gazes and Nuada immediately felt his heart beat pick up- Confused by the sensation he glanced to Nuala assuming it must be her however she seemed calm and relaxed.
"New Agents?" She questioned looking at the twins, Abe nodding with a 'smile'
"Prince Nuada of the Bethmora clan.. This here is my sister Princess Nuala" He introduced both formally, watching how her smile seemed to radiate as he spoke. It made him feel like he had had stepped into the sun for the first time in years..
"It's lovely to meet you both! It's so lovely to have new faces here in the facility" She said cheerfully, reaching out in a friendly matter and patting both twins on the shoulders.
It felt like Nuada had been shocked by the most pleasant bit of electricity that left him flustered and confused. His sister finally glancing at him as she felt his emotions and gaze a smile, a twinkle of what could only be described as mischief in her golden gaze.
"Yes.. new faces... now if you'll excuse me" Nuada said quickly before dismissing himself- trying to control the panic that was eating him on the inside and the warmth that bloomed in his body. He practically ran back to the space he was forced to call a room and lock himself inside. Nuada stood in his room pacing back and forth. His mind racing and heart uneasy- unknowingly for hours as he tried to calm himself from the sudden feelings that seemed to slam into him.
A knock on the door bringing him from his thoughts as he quickly opened the door, surprised to see his sister standing there in a evening gown.
"Sister, what are you doing up? You should be resting.." He said softly, allowing Nuala into the room.
"I can not rest with you so worked up brother" Nuala said softly. The prince sighing as he realized he had kept her up and took a seat on the corner of the bed, Nuala sitting next to him as well.
"Well- It sounds like she is your fated partner" She pointed out and Nuada immediately felt anger in his blood.
"You're thinking about the leath-fola (Y/N)? Right?" Nuala said softly as she rubbed her brothers shoulder to comfort him. He frowned at being so obvious and also for the form of comfort.
"Yes- She... makes me uneasy" He says, lying a bit to avoid the words he wanted to use. Nuala smiling at this.
"Do not speak such foolish things-" He hissed, Nuala flinching at his harsh words.
"I am not fated to a mortal of all beings" He started but Nuala held up a hand.
"She is not a mortal however brother.. You saw" Nuada was ready to argue but couldnt- his face twisting up.. The damn half-breed was not his fated partner NOR was it going to be the siblings of the demon.
He would prove it...
For the first few weeks that (Y/N) was there, Nuada had been rude and snide. Hissing insults about her mixed blood, shoving past her or even straight up ignoring her. He expected she would take the abuse since she didnt say anything about it but he had been wrong- so terribly wrong.
It took only one time calling her "Dirty" in terms of her blood to get the hardest punch he had ever taken to the nose- It made his eyes water and fall to a knee infront of her..
She grabbed his silver hair and pulled him close so they were eye to eye-
"Listen here- Keep insulting me like this and I'm going to tear your ass a new one. I don't give a Flying fuck if your a price or whatever- I will fuck you up" She hissed at him-
Nuada felt more confused then he ever had before- The pain seemingly going with the fluttering warmth he felt in his face and blatant arousal that was Damm near impossible to miss- (Y/N) seeing his widened eyes and the flush of color on his pale face, like he was frozen and her own golden eyes traveled down at noticing some new movement.
"O-Oh-" Was all she said- Clearly just as surprised as Nuada was at this point. Her fingers carefully releasing his silver hair as warmth went to her own cheeks.
Nuada wanted a blade to the heart at this point...
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scholastic-dragon · 8 months
This will not leave my brain so now you have to deal with it :)
Abe Sapien x Fem!reader
Falling Books
Warnings: SMUT, minors DNI, spelling mistakes, p in v sex,
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The bookcase groaned with another hard thrust, Abes thighs smacking against your own.
You moan, broken and loud against his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck, clawing at his scales for purchase. Your legs bouncing, hooked around his hips.
His hands each grab an ass cheek, holding you up like you weight nothing, keeping you at the perfect height for him to thrust.
Dress yanked up your hips, underwear pulled to the side, his tight swim shorts pooling at his ankles.
The wood of the bookcase shelves press into your shoulder blades and lower back, but you can't find a reason to care when he's pounding you so thoroughly.
Sharp, powerful, thrusts, bouncing you against the wall, knocking the air from your lungs.
Sweat drips from your face, down your neck, and disappearing down your cleavage.
Abe pushes you back into the shelf, kissing your neck, licking and sucking bruises into your skin.
"Abe," You pant, rolling your hips against him. Pulling your legs tighter against him, locking your ankles together to keep him close.
With a deep inhale, he presses his forehead to yours, not stopping his thrusts.
"Yes, my love?" He moans, big eyes searching yours.
Your voice catches in your throat, his eyes so full of love and admiration, looking at you like you were the most precious thing in this world.
Splaying your hands on his bare shoulders, you repeat the phrase over and over in your head.
Harder, please.
He nods, fingers gripping into the meat of your ass, pulling out to his tip. He waits a beat, then slams forward.
Bending and snapping his hips, he reaches a spot inside you that makes stars explode behind your eyes.
The shelves groan with your weight, books falling and clattering to the floor.
Some song is playing out from the speakers, you're not sure what it is. It could have been playing on repeat for all you knew. But it did its purpose so you couldn't complain.
Concealing your moans, groans, grunts and now the sound of the shelves banging against the wall and books thumping to the floor.
Pleasure rushed up your spine, making your chest and neck flush, a band building in your lower stomach.
With one strong hand, he holds you up, but the other snakes down to rub at your clit.
You moan and buck, cupping his face and kissing him hard, teeth clashing together.
"Don't stop, don't stop," You chant, eyes rolling into the back of your head. His name falls from your lips like a prayer.
The band builds and builds, Abes hips thrusting erratically, tumbling both of you toward you release.
"Abe!" You scream, body gushing around him, fluttering, clenching and gripping him like a vise.
He moans, pressing his lips to your neck, panting into the skin. He shouts your name, thrusting as far as he could, unloading himself in your welcoming body.
His hand leaves your clit, reaching past your body and hitting the shelves by your side.
His legs shake, thighs and hips twitching.
The shelf under his hand snaps, the wood cracking and sending a berage of books to the floor.
But Abe doesn't move, the books piling at his feet.
"That's gonna be tough to explain," You pant with a soft laugh.
"It's my library," He kisses your neck. "What is anyone going to say?" You both laugh.
He pulls back, sweaty, hot, and shaking with you in his arms. He kisses you, firm and loving and happy.
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colacherry1999 · 3 months
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Ofc I find him attractive....
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oceansrose2002 · 8 months
Bestie need Hellboy and Abe fluff thoughts 🥺
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Fluff headcanons
Now this man will take care of you if you are sad or upset, the moment he sees your lip quiver he’s fighting whoever did it and will start an argument with manning.
Cuddles? Food? Favorite drink? Sit your butt down because big red will handle whatever you need no matter the time. Doesn’t matter if it’s three and he’s getting his baby their stuff.
Cats plus hellboy? Gooood that’s a cuddle party waiting to happen just to end up with a mission to happen which hb gets mad about but he knows you’ll be fine with the cats. They will get put out of the bed when he gets back.
This man is the sweetest most caring man their ever could be! Like with the mind thing too! Oh my he will always be right by your side.
Abe will always be there the moment he’s out of his tank knowing you are back from a mission he’s getting a heated blanket and some food for you.
He will suggest some cuddle time in the tank if he’s been out of it for too long and is starting to dry too quick. (The tank is heated)
All in all if you had to pick between the two? Just go for both because both is good and knowing abe and hellboy? There will never be a time where you are alone or need a cuddle partner .
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rebornologist · 5 months
I know he is the king of softness but how about some 🚨 nasty where abe is dom, like we were teasing him so bad holding his hand all over a meeting and having nasty thoughts of him taking control that after the meeting he show us how rough and dom he can be, that he leaves us not being able to walk. I AM BLUSHING HARD RIGHT NOW THINKING OF IT
dom abe ♡ sends u to the ER?!⁎⁺˳✧༚
I love this prompt because I actually recently got into reading the BPRD comics, and our dearest agent sapien is not as much of an awkward nerdy softie mess in that depiction :’) That man is so FOINE y’all I’m obsessed..
warnings: biting, fingering, ambiguous reader parts lol, pinning reader down, it's pretty feral with a subtle prey/predator undertone, could be read as cnc, lil suggestion of facefucking, and ofc.. I love talking about his cum ♡
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So your hand brushes his during the debrief, and he innocently lifts it up to cover yours, lightly going back and forth over your knuckles and the back of your hand. His cold fingers juxtapose your warm skin, but you smile at the subtle gesture of affection. Then, your mind wanders.. to other times when his body temperature juxtaposed yours.
You notice his breathing pause for a moment, out of the corner of your eye, and you actively realize where your mind has wandered to. When he nervously exhales and draws his hand away, you double down and move your hand to his under the table, discreetly. You also lean over to rest your head on his shoulder, casually. It’s not a startling display of affection, especially because it was only HB, Liz, and Johann present at this particular meeting, but it also meant that Abe was unable to move away without drawing more attention to the two of you.
With Johann droning on and on, you let your mind wander, telepathically insisting that Abe not be shy about getting a little rougher with you. You’re an agent of the BPRD, you can handle a bit more forcefulness… To this, his eyes get a little shifty, side-eyeing you the best he can (he is literally fish-eyed) and clearing his throat, before trying to keep up with the topic at hand. He diverts the attention to you, in a vain attempt to put a pause on your dirty thoughts.
“Oh, yeah.. Kraus is onto something with that theory, I think the pieces do fit together into some kind of key,” you pip up, moving your hand off of Abe’s to brush against his bare thigh. He mentally curses himself for not wearing full length pants that day. As you casually draw little circles over the top of his leg, moving ever closer to the inside of his thigh, you continue, “and the key has to fit a lock..” you raise your eyebrow, as you picture a completely different kind of key and lock in your mind.
Abe snorts, sitting upright and putting his hand over yours to stop that incessant caressing, and clears his throat gently before adding his input to the conversation.
With that, your mind goes wild; It’s full of thoughts of him being more stern with you, suggesting that he should leave some marks for you to cover up, maybe putting you in your place so you don’t dare distract him during the next meeting, maybe making it so you are the one that has to hold in your moans this time around, the list goes on and on..
And finally, finally, when the meeting is adjourned, you happily stand and bid the team good evening, walking off down the halls back to your living space, not knowing that you’re in for a long night ahead..
You unwind a little bit, not thinking too much about how badly you teased him. The thought of apologizing for your misbehaviour crosses your mind, and you decide to pay your partner a visit in the library before you turn in for the night. He did furiously avoid your gaze as he left the meeting room, and only nodded politely and agreeably when  you said you’d see him later.
As usual, you knock lightly on the door before entering, and you’re surprised to not see him anywhere. “Abe..?” You call out, walking in slowly, ducking your head between the aisles and shelves to look for him. He’s clearly not in his tank, but you don’t see him anywhere else.
Suddenly, the record player starts up, and you breathe a sigh of relief, “Oh, I was looking for you—OH!” Your brief moment of calm is interrupted by a cold, firm grip around your wrist, as you’re pressed up against the book shelf by none other than your sweet and loving partner.
“What had gotten into you during the debrief? Were you possessed or something?” He starts, incredulously. A jumbled reply falls from your lips, but you’re still in a bit of shock to defend yourself at this point. You manage to stutter a meek, “I’m sorry?” but that’s followed by a sharp gasp as you feel his hands running down your back and groping at your ass, with the other gripping your chin and turning your head to face him.
“I’m afraid that’s not adequate reasoning for such unprofessional behaviour, my dear,” he blinks at you, clicking his tongue in disapproval as he brushes against your sensitive spots harshly. That’s when you realize he’s definitely going to make you regret asking him to be rough with you (he couldn’t if he tried, but anyway…)
"If you're going to act like such a.. brat," he bites down hard at the junction of your neck, and pulls away as you squeal. “Oh?” He would have an eyebrow raised if he had eyebrows, but the tone of his voice says it all. “Going to make a fuss now that I’m testing your bold claims, love?” He frowns, almost mockingly. You feel the heat building in your face, and you fumble your words as you try to explain that you were just messing with him. This doesn’t stop him from shaking his head and pressing you back up against the wall, littering your neck and shoulders with bites and sucking harshly at the surface wounds, licking and lapping at your hot flesh while you squirm and slap a hand over your lips to quiet your sounds.
He will catch on and replace your hand with his, and every delicious little mewl he draws from you reverberates right into his palm, and it nearly sends him into a frenzy. He uses his lanky frame to his advantage as he turns you around and presses himself up against you. “You know well enough what you do to me,” he mumbles, rubbing you through your shorts as one hand brushes up under your shirt to grope at your chest and pinch at your nipples, “and to abuse that power.. oh, your heart is racing,” he notes, almost with a hint of amusement in his tone, as he roughly pulls your shorts down just enough to swipe a finger across your warmth. “and.. so wet, huh?”
He grips your shoulder and forces you to bend over for him as he wets and slips a digit or two inside of you, curling it to brush against your sweet spot. “I guess the feeling is mutual, hm?” He teases as he fingerfucks you while you grip the edge of the bookshelf, biting down on your lip as you struggle to contain your noises.
“Ah ah ah, keep it down.. in the library,” he leans over just to whisper that in your ear, mock scolding you and lifting your shirt up to slip the hem of it between your teeth, punctuating his comment with a soft bite to your earlobe and chuckling when you whine and try to pull away. You’re just showing him how fun you are to play with, and it unlocks a new fascination within him.
You get to decide just how many orgasms he chooses to wring out of you until he deems it appropriate to push your shoulders down and listen to your sweet garbled and muffled begging while he rails you from behind, a few fallen magazines being pushed aside as you shake under him like a thoroughly fucked out mess. It was mind-blowing, simply put.
How do you feel about tasting the mix of you two together? If you’re open to it, and he’s feeling extra offended by what you thought of during the meeting, I hope you enjoy getting held down and facefucked by your darling fishman while he coos and shushes you and praises you for taking it so well. He runs out of degrading words really quickly, actually, and can only continue to praise you because he knows that you’re enjoying the rough treatment, and he thinks it’s incredibly sexy to use you like this. You end up literally covered in his cum, with it leaking out of you and painting your face and chest and lower stomach and back, because he was.. pent up, so to speak, and he feels so guilty after he’s done with you.
“Oh dear.. oh my goodness, are you okay?” He finally asks, full of worry and chest heaving from exertion as he fusses over your limp form. You nod weakly with a content smile, stifling a giggle, your nose scrunching happily as you bask in your afterglow. He's so gentle with you afterwards, apologizing for fear of taking it too far, but you reassure him that you had a great time, despite your protests.
It isn’t until a few hours later (post bath and diligent aftercare, ofc) that you realize you’re sore in places you’ve never been sore before, and he may have bitten harder than he thought in some spots. Needless to say, you refused to pull anything at the next meeting because you were too busy feeling sorry for your poor bruised and bandaged self. It was totally worth it, though.
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moltedphoenix · 2 years
Reunited| HellboyxGn!Reader
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Hellboy x Gn! Reader
They/them pronouns
You get back early from a mission and decide to suprise Hellboy. He is escatic to see you again
You have been gone for a few months on a mission and anyone at the BPRD could tell how much it had upset Hellboy. He was unresponsive to most and started leaving more often.
They attempted to fix the situation by hiring another person to keep him under wraps. This man was John Myers. Hellboy didn't mind him but he wasn't you. He hated the idea of someone replacing you.
He didn't have much time to dwell on it before they were sent out to subdue some other threat.
During the ride there Hellboy remained silent." they will be coming back you know" Abe spoke up tilting his head to look at Hellboy who continue to look out the one way window. Hellboy slowly turned his head " Don't get physic with me Fella" Hellboy replied his voice getting snippy." Nothing Physic about it. You're easy"
Your trip had ended early and you were on your way back to the BPRD a month before you were expected to be back. While in your cab you contact Professor Broom you were on your way back and to not tell anyone. You wanted to suprise Hellboy.
" Guess they're out" you mumble, walking into the BPRD and setting your bags down. You wander around seeing what had changed, not much did. While you were walking back to the main area you heard a small meow. You bent down and looked up a book case. That's where you saw a little kitten. Poor thing looked terrified. You reach under and pulled it out holding it gently in your arms.
" what are you doing out here honey?" You asked petting the kitten who still meowed loudly crawling near your face. " have you guys been fed yet?" You walk down the hall to where you remembered Hellboys room to be.
You open the door and are met with countless hungry felines. You feed them and shower them with love before you hear the main door open.
You hurry out to meet the group returning. You distinctly hear a familiar voice. You move out with open arms and a big smile
" Suprise!" You call out before your smile falters " Jesus H.B what happened" the man was bloodied and battered. Hellboy hardly seems to notice was condition he's in after he saw you.
He stumbles over nearly falling on his way there. It wasn't until you go to him and help hold in up when he's able to steady himself " Y/N! You're back!" Hellboy exclaims a big grin
John leaned over to Abe whispered " Who's that?" He asked.
" Hellboys other 'Nanny' " he responded as John nodded
" Let's go fix you up. You look like a wreck" you continue to hold him upright as you make your way to the infirmary.
" I thought you said you'd survive with me gone" you asked as he lets out a dry laugh " I'm alive ain't I?"
" Hardly, you look like a train wreck, I just got back and you're already stressing my out" you smiled despite your clear worry. He reached over a tilted your head up to face him. Oh those soft golden eyes made you weak. You let out a soft sigh.
" I missed you"
" missed you too"
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beetlesstuff · 1 year
Abe sapien x reader smut
I've been fighting with tumblr to post this for like 45 minutes, so i posted it to my ao3 really quickly just to feed you all. enjoy: "Your mind is really telling on you" an Abe Sapien x reader smut fic
enjoy you dirty whores. it's full of feelings and i cried making it because i know no man could love me quite like abe. anyways.
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c-estlamour · 8 months
Hellboy fans!
I'm making a self insert romance between Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and the reader and I need your help to decide which the reader should be!
If you'd like more info on either choice please feel free to ask!
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suvidrache · 10 months
Hi!! Can i request fluff alphabet to Abe Sapien???
SFW Alphabet - Abraham Sapien
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 1,263 | Read it on AO3
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A: Affectionate - How affectionate are they? How do they show it?
He would love to be affectionate. He would hug you close to him. He would let you take the lead in doing things. He isn't sure how to go about this…
B: Best Friend - What would they be like? How did it start?
He would be there to support you through anything. Sometimes, he would give you advice if you want or need it. It would start with you being in the BRPD or winding up in his tank somehow, whether it was intentional or not. Somehow, you came into contact with him, or maybe even just walked by the library.
C: Cuddles - Do they like it? How would they do it?
He loves it and would do it much more often if he could. The time you invited him to sleep in your bed, he was very hesitant at first. He wasn't sure what to do. He had never slept in one before. It was always a tub or his tank. He would lay there and just accept his fate of you cuddling him. He has no complaints and would wrap an arm around you. He's still unsure of the bed.
D: Domestic - Do they want to settle? Cooking, cleaning?
He would love to settle! He may be intelligent, but I don't think he can cook. He would probably leave the stove on too long and get distracted. If that doesn't catch fire, the next thing he cooks would be. He can clean, though. Just tell him how you want it done.
E: Ending - How would they end things if they had to?
He would probably avoid you. He doesn't want to say it and watch the pain in your face as he tells you how he feels. He just hopes and assumes you'll get the hint when security escorts you away from his tank, no longer allowed to join him in it.
F: Fiance - Do they want to marry/when?
Yes, he would love to marry. Whenever you feel it. Sorry, he read your thoughts. It wasn't intentional.
G: Gentle - How gentle are they physically and emotionally?
He is very gentle physically. He doesn't want to hurt you in any way. Emotionally, he is good at being there for others and helping them however they need. He, himself, can not express facial emotions.
H: Hugs
He gives a very gentle hug. Almost as if he were afraid to touch you. He wouldn't go harder unless you asked.
I: I Love You
When you asked how he felt about you, he would stammer, saying he likes you. Friends, you're a very good friend. He would state he loves you very quietly as you walked away. If you heard him, turned around, and asked about it, he would admit what he said and apologize.
J: Jealousy - How jealous are they? What do they do?
He's jealous if he sees or feels you are more friendly and affectionate towards one specific person who isn't him. He can't be out of the water for long periods, so he wouldn't know if you're cheating unless he reads your thoughts, which he isn't going to do. He would avoid you until you confronted him on it.
K: Kisses - What are they like? Where do they kiss?
Not as gentle as his hugs. He kisses your lips and only ever there when you two are alone. Sometimes, he may kiss your head if you're shorter than he is. He wouldn't go elsewhere unless you told him he could. Those would be reserved for special times.
L: Little Ones - How are they around children?
He's okay around children. One moment, they're there, and they take off. He would try to keep up with them. He'd probably cry on his first day of babysitting if he could cry. With water babies, he would thoroughly enjoy babysitting them. They have nowhere to go and no chaos to cause.
M: Mornings - How are mornings with them?
He wakes up early and lays there for a while. If it's early in the morning, he'll sit with his back to you, waiting for you to do something. He's usually up before you.
N: Nights - How are nights with them?
He would be very anxious sleeping in a bed for the first time. Unsure of what to do and how to do it. He would lay there, slightly uncomfortable, but not saying a word. He feels better when you're holding onto him. It relaxes him. Over time, he would get used to it and be able to fall asleep after you do.
O: Open - When would they reveal things? How open are they?
He wouldn't reveal things until you did first. He isn't sure how to state how he feels. Although you may like him back, he's just a very nervous and shy person. After the few problems here and there are gone, he would eventually warm up and be able to express himself better. It all gets better through time.
P: Patience - How easily angered are they?
It's easier to make him flustered than it is to anger him. He is calm, and it would be very interesting to anger him. If ever angered, he would probably hide away and stay in his tank, not expecting you to follow him. When he's calm, he'll pretend as if nothing had happened, just an overreaction. Nevermind… He'll do better next time.
Q: Quizzes - How much do they remember about you?
He remembers every detail about you. If for some reason he forgets, he would put a hand on you to remember what it was he had forgotten.
R: Remember - Favorite moment with you?
The time he taught you to swim, if you didn't know how. If you did know, then just the time you swam in his tank with him.
S: Security - How protective are they of you?
He tries his best. He would protect you from any danger, however, if it happens while he's in his tank. He would constantly think about that time that he failed you. The time that he should have done better, and he didn't. The time when you needed him the most, and he wasn't there for you.
T: Try - How hard do they try with dates, etc?
He tries very hard. He likes to impress you, and he does sometimes worry that you will one day move on or find someone better than him.
U: Ugly - Bad habits of theirs?
Constantly judging himself and comparing himself to others.
V: Vanity - How concerned with their looks are they?
There isn't much to change… However, he is insecure that he is a fish and maybe a land man can treat you better than he could. He often mentally compares himself to your people.
W: Whole - Would they feel incomplete without you?
Yes, he would. You came into his life. Whether friends or more, you live here now. He would miss you dearly and refuse to come out of his tank for months if you died, or you went missing.
X: Xtra - A random headcanon about them?
His children would have the ability to swim in water but be out of the water for longer periods than he can stand. Maybe even be able to survive out of water, unlike him.
Y: Yuck - What are some things they dislike?
People who are rude and people who lie.
Z: ZZZ - A sleep habit of theirs?
He doesn't sleep when he's in his tank, but he does sleep when he's out of it.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @queendeeshorrorimagines, @unlikelypersonalknight1, @phantomheiko / Join my tag list here!
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robin-the-enby · 10 months
Hiya! I would like to request Abe Sapien x my oc it would be the continuation of the first fic and it would include her going on her first mission and how the others react to Abe and my oc getting closer. Hope you have a good day/night ^^
Someone like me p.2
Pairing: Abe Sapien x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of killing and hypothetical bloodthirst :)
A/N: To all the lovely readers besides riya: I do not write for other people's OCs! This is an exception, since I've already written part one in the past :) With that out of the way, I am happy to come back to this, Abe was the first fictional character I ever published a fanfiction about (Confusing feelings on my masterlist, feel free to check it out ;D), so I have a special place in my heart for this man <3). Also, I would like to point out that you have no idea how much research went into this fanfic XD (but some things are completely made up, so don't come at me when some things can't be fact-checked).
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Time passed...as it does. Life at the BPRD was nothing like your calm, quiet and mostly uneventful life in the outside world. The facility was buzzing with life most hours of the day, every day of the week. Luckilly, you weren't completely shut off from the world, like some of your more unfortunate colleagues. You could go outside, thanks to your human appearance. It did take some paperwork and time before your trip got approved, but it was certainly better than being stuck inside. You also had access to the internet and your old social circle, because, well, it would be very strange if you suddenly disappeared.
But you quit your old job and told everyone you're moving somewhere far away, which wasn't a complete lie...And now only few people kept in contact with you. And when they did, you either texted or called. But it was still nice.
And it's not like you minded much. You had a whole new set of friends and a world of possibilities open in front of you. Training with Liz and having some girl time every now and then, because both you and her really needed it from time to time, movie nights with Hellboy- or Red, usually everyone called him red, which Liz almost always joined, and sometimes Abe as well.
Speaking of Abe...
After the accidental confession in the BPRD's exercise pool, the two of you were like two peas in a pod. With your passion for learning about all the different creatures that secretely roam this Earth and your aquatic abilities, you were a perfect partner not only during research, but also on missions that required agents to go underwater. So it's no surprise that the two of you spent a lot of time together while working.
But you never had to worry about being sick of each other. Your personalities mended so beautifully together that you rarely needed to be apart. When you weren't working, you both usually did your own thing, just...together. Of course, you loved to talk and learn about one another, but it was nice to be able to just be...close to someone, with no words needed. Not to mention Abe was a very adaptable person, sometimes you worried he has people pleasing tendencies, but when you needed time alone, he always understood and never pushed past your boundaries. That being said, it's only natural for partner's to argue sometimes. And while that was true and there were instances where you disagreed on one thing or another, you both were smart enough to give each other some time to cool down, when things really escalated, and then talk it through. With Abe's telepathic abbilities, communicating feelings that were hard to put into words was also fairly easy.
Finally, you felt content with the way your life was going. And honestly? Everybody was on board. They were all supportive in their own special ways. Liz was glad that Abe found someone who understood him and wasn't put off by his appearance or his abbilities. Knowing him basically her whole life, it warmed her heart that Abe was happy. Red was proud of Abe. Seeing him always as the more introverted and nerdy friend, he thought Abe would be alone for a much longer time, if not forever. Not that he wouldn't wish a happy romance for the guy, hell, he sure knew about Abe's desire to love and be loved, but the in their line of work, meeting new people is hard and doesn't happen often, and meeting people who stay long enough for romance, or any deeper relationship to bloom is even harder. And he knew that. That was why Red was seriously proud of Abe for shooting his shot. Although when his blue friend revealed to him how exactly the confession went down, Red laughed so hard he couldn't quite catch his breath for a while.
The other agents and staff of the BPRD were happy as well. With the special agents happilly taken, the bureau was just a tad calmer. There was still drama, but nothing serious, like when Hellboy used to escape just to see Liz in the mental hospital, who didn't even want to talk to him at that time. Even Manning seemed calmer, to everyone's relief.
As much as you enjoyed your time at the BPRD, it wasn't always easy. You could still remember the first mission you went on. From your first day at the bureau, you worked hard on yourself to be a good agent. You wanted to go out there and face whatever the world had in store for you. And a few months of intense training and working mostly as a researcher, the day finally came.
Manning had called you, Abe, Liz and Hellboy into the library, for Abe's comfort. And because it was spaceous enough that it easily provided privacy. There, you could go over the details of the mission ahead of you, construct a plan and immediately grab some books to help you learn what you were dealing with at once.
So here you were, sitting around a larger table, listening to Manning tell you about a mysterious creature who, according to secret sources, are responsible for the unsolved disappearings and drownings of multiple people at Wilson lake, Kansas. Based on the evidence and statements from witnesses, every person disappeared at night while going swimming. First outside of swimming zones, but then also right from the designated swimming beaches. First, the victims would swim out into the deep water, where they couldn't feel or see under they're feet. Once they got comfortable, they got pulled under, not to be seen until the next morning. The time the victims spent in water was always different. For some it was ten minutes, for others thirty minutes and for a few even an hour or so.
From what Manning implied, there were some sort of agents scouting the area even before this mission has been ordered, since some of the sources saw a snake like creature, covered in scales, with the head of a cat, or somthng similar. It seems to be able to breathe underwater and above water, and it seems to not have any hind legs.
"First, we need to at least have an idea hat we're dealing with." said Manning with a huff and everyone present turned to look at you and Abe. You tried with all your might, but couldn't remember any creature that would meet the description in a closer way than vaguely. With a slight shake of your head you pushed away from the table and disappeared into the rows of bookshelves in search of amphibian cryptids, monsters, demons and the like. After a few moments, Abe joined you in your search, not knowing sure what it could be either. Luckilly, the two of you knew the library like the back of your hand, so it didn't take long before you came back with what you were searching for.
Each holding a few books, you gave everyone a book or two and you started flipping through them. It couldn't be merfolk, because only a few species live alone and not in groups...it could be a mutant, but most things can be mutants when you think about it...You wondered as you flipped through the pages, sometimes stopping to read the description, most times skipping entire chapters. This went on for roughly half an hour, before Liz suddenly spoke up "And what if it's a Tatzelwurm?"
You all looked towards your raven-haired friend. "The what now?" Red grumbled. "Tatzelwurm, a creature commonly found in Alpine lakes. It's venomous and agressive towards humans. How could it end up in Kansas?" Abe tilted his head to the side. "Look, I'm not saying I'm right, I was just trying to point out that it matches the description almost perfectly." Liz shrugged with a huff and you nodded along her words.
"Well, it seems to be the best we've got so far." Manning said, clasping his hands together. "Are there any weaknesses mentioned in that book? Or something we might use?" you asked. Liz picked up the book and flipped through a few pages, before quickly scanning over the text of one. After a moment, she sighed "No, not really. It just warns to be careful, because a single bite can kill an adult human and supposedly it's able to let out poisonous fumes and has acidic blood." "Well, that's helpful." Hellboy grumbles, not mad at Liz, more annoyed that this case was going to be a tough one.
"Abe, is there a possibility it could be something else?" Manning asked. The amphibian thought for a few seconds about the answer "Well, that depends...Are there any creatures with a similar way of living? Yes, many. Are there any that would match the description given to us that closely? No. Or at least, I can't think of any." he shrugged at last. Manning clapped his hands together and stood up "Alright. We'll assume it's a Tatzelwurm for now. I will have a plan created tonight. Pack your things. Tomorrow at seven o'clock sharp" he looked at Hellboy with that instruction "we'll meet here and you will be given the details of the mission. Then, you'll be leaving for Kansas." he turned on his heel and walked out of the library, dismissing you all in the process.
The next morning, you all met in the library exactly as Manning said. Even Red came on time, although you suspected Liz was to thank for that. Along with Manning came two other agents, the ones who made an elaborate plan for you through the night. It was actually pretty simple, you and Abe would search the water and after you manage to find the creature- there is no "if" as you were told by Manning, you will try to lure it out of the water, where Hellboy and Liz will be waiting to dispose of the creature properly. You and Abe will also be equipped with weapons meant for close combat, which you are strictly advised against, but for safety measures, you'll still have them.
After that, you loaded the super secret garbage truck look-alike and then it was a roughly seven hour journey, spent mostly in silence, as everyone prepared themselves for the mission. You pondered taking a nap, but even if you wanted to sleep, you couldn't. It would be a lie to say you weren't nervous. But you had trained for so long to get to this point. You had done so much in life just to be able to do this. You couldn't, and wouldn't, give up now. But the thought of facing a monster that could kill you with a single bite was terrifying, especially when not that long ago, you were a simple civilian.
As if he could sense your nervousness, Abe softly reached for your hand, encompassing it in his own. As soon as your hands made contact, you knew he could read you like an open book, so you just relaxed and let him feel what you were feeling, hear what you were thinking. In return, Abe reassured you that you had nothing to worry about, that he would do his best not only to accomplish the mission, but to protect you as well. His soothing energy calmed you down significantly and you actually managed to catch some shut eye for the rest of the journey.
After arriving to Wilson lake, you and the rest of the agents set up camp near the lake, away from prying eyes. Since the lake was enormous, and the Tatzelwurm could be literally anywhere, a few technicians came along with underwater drones, which would be placed into the water in several places at the lake, scouting for the creature. After that, you and your friends will be transported as quickly as possible to the place the creature was captured at, where the plan you already were familiar with would be set into motion.
And so you waited. And while waiting, you got you gear set up, Hellboy had his guns loaded and checked, Liz had her gun loaded and checked, as well as her knife and her fire proof jumpsuit. Abe was finally able to get rid of his breathing apparatus and you simply had to put on a tight swimming top, since your legs would turn into a fin.
Abe and you immediately got in the water to warm up for the chase. After such long time of training, you had a better grip on your transformation, so now you were able to get through it more quickly and with less discomfort. Of course, you made sure not to venture too deep into the water, in case the Tatzelwurm was nearby.
After several hours, when the sun was already setting, one of the cameras in a more rocky area of the lake captured something big. A big creature. The technician controlling the drone made sure not to disturb it, and it seemed to have worked, but sadly, the drone caught just a slight glimpse of it, so nobody could be sure if it was realy the creature, or perhaps just a big catfish. But the drones nearby were informed to be on high alert, while the rest were instructed to slowly move towards the one who captured it first. That way, it was nearly impossible to miss it.
While this was all happening, your friends got notified of this progress and you promptly loaded a jeep and were driven to the place where the Tatzelwurm was supposed to be right now. On the way there, your driver got confirmation that another drone got a clear visual of the creature and it's heading towards onbe of the beaches slowly. Putting their foot down on the gas, the driver quickly told you about everything and you and Abe mentally prepared yourself. You needed to be fast, because there were lives in immediate danger.
After finding a good clearing, both you and your blue partner wasted no time and jumped in the water, taking off in the direction you were instructed, while Hellboy and Liz were driven to the location you were supposed to lure the creature to. The bottom of the lake was half muddy, half rocky. It almost seemed like a ghost town, with no creature in immediate sight. They were all probably hidden, but that didn't help the already spooky feeling that was creepin into your heart while looking around for the Tatzelwurm.
You kept close to Abe as you made your way through the dark water. He kept updating you from time to time from where he could sense the creature and if you're getting close. So far, everything was going well. After you made it about a kilometer into the water, where it was more than 8 meters deep, you finally spotted a sillhouette moving almost hypnotically in the water. You both swam faster and each on different side, hoping to be able to get in front of the creature and redirect it away from the beach.
As you got closer, you could clearly see that Manning's informators were right, as well as Liz. It was a Tatzelwurm. It was around two meters long, its scales a rich black colour that reflected the sunrays in small shimmers. Its head was that of a feline, except it had no fur. Its eyes were wide, yellow and wild, hungry for flesh of anything that would cross its path. Its front legs were pretty short, compared to the rest of its body, but they were adorned with long, sharp claws. After a few minutes, you managed get ahead of the creature and you started closing in on it. When you were roughly at the edge of its visual range, you quickly crossed in front of it and darted behind immediately, trying to throw it off guard. At which you succeeded, because the Tatzelwurm stopped dead in its tracks and looked around confusedly, before turning around to finally see what dared cross it.
You simply floated there, not moving for a few seconds, before you flicked your tail swiftly, as if to beckon it, challenge it. The creature's pupils slanted, turning into small slits as it opened its maw, displaying rows of sharp teeth, ready to tear meat from bone. Abe swam slightly closer towards it, seemingly not afraid of the killer cryptid in front of him, although you doubt that if you could see into his thoughts right now, you would see a myriad of emotions going through that brilliant mind of his.
This seemed to rile up he creature even more as it hunched its back threateningly and swam closer to you. You darted a few meters in one direction away from it, but as it turned to look at you, Abe moved exactly in the opposite direction. This was the final straw. The creature, frustrated and angry, let out what would've been a roar on the surface, but here it was just a stream of bubbles coming out of its maw, although that did nothing to make it less imposing. You and Abe started swimming away in the direction where Liz and Red should already be by now, the Tatzelwurm following quickly behind you.
It was a if death itself was chasing after you, the sloshing of water completely ignored by you as the only thing that you could hear was your blood pumping through your ears. The amount of adrenaline coursing through you made your skin prickle and you had to concentrate on keeping the motions of your tail as quick, but also as smooth as possible. From time to time you managed to spare a glance at Abe, who seemed just slightly faster than you, and could afford to look out for you and behind you, to see if the creature was sill following you.
And quite surprisingly, it was. Instead of getting tired of not being able to catch you, your speed, that was putting you just slightly ahead of it, was frustrating it to no end. If you saw any signs of exhaustion or that the Tatzelwurm wasn't interested in chasing you anymore, you'd have to stop and tease it again. However, if you stopped now, it would be certain death.
Slowly, you were reaching the shore. It was just a few hundred meters ahead of you. You could feel the cold water rushing against your sking as you pushed forward, caressing you as if to encourage you to keep going. You could also feel the Tatzelwurm right behind you and you imagine that if there was a way for it to snarl at you, it would, its desire to dig its sharp teeth into your tail so strong you could almost feel it.
Suddenly, you are met with the edge of the lake, the water slightly more shallow. Abe shoots up from the water and before you can stop and ponder how you are going to get out yourself, his hand is reaching for yours. You grasp onto it as if it was the last thing to keep you alive, which in this scenario might as well be true.
Abe pulled you out of the water and away from the shore, behind Hellboy and Liz, who were now dealing with the Tatzelwurm, and continued, until you were safe behind the agents who served as backup for your two friends. You were slightly dazed from the quick change of environment and from the physical strain your body and mind just went through. But feeling Abe's hands on you brought you an unexplainable feeling of safety, though later you started o suspect that was just Abe trying to keep you calm. Nonetheless, under the wave of tranquility and love you were surrounded by thanks to your wonderful partner, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and rest.
You didn't come to until you were in the car again, Abe's arms secured tightly around you with you snuggling into his chest. You closed your eyes as soon as you opened them, relishing in the weight of Abe's head on top of yours, occassionally pressing soft kisses into your hair. Back at the BPRD you learned that the mission was a succsess, the Tatzelwurm having been killed by Red and Liz and even Manning told you that for a first mission, you did a great job.
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clownistyping · 7 months
May I please have some head canons with Liz,Abe and Kraus on signs that they got some mega feels for an S/O? I wonder if they treat them differently and such uwu 💕
My life has changed again ever since I last posted lmao, that's for another post. enjoy the symbolism gifs bc its too hard to find gifs of these three
Liz (movie version) 
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She's a mess, she's sure that the feelings are one sided. But a piece of her is still burning bright to believe that there's a chance you like her back. 
She hides from you and becomes a bit of a stalker, not in a weird way. Like photos on the wall, she boy does she daydream.
She gets help from Professor Broom in how to go about confessing her feelings. Too embarrassed to go to Hellboy since they had a past relationship. (I can't erase what they had) 
She writes letters to you, they always have a crisp edge to them. But it's the one letter that's basically ash that you can tell meant the most from her. Her confession of admiration to you. 
When you do accept it, she has to take a cold shower because she's so overjoyed. 
But then she's terrified, what if she hurts you? Or even worse? It's the last thing she wants but the first thing on her mind. But your comforting words help her immensely. She's never felt so safe. 
Abe (movie version)
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Him and Liz are big writers to be honest, so he's writing sonnets and poems inspired by his admiration and love for you. But he goes out of his way to be with you. 
Checks on you daily, make sure you're eating and well rested especially before a mission. 
Abe loves just being with you, albeit even if you can hear how fast his heart is racing. Especially when you lean closer to hear the story he's reading. Or the retelling of a mission with hellboy. 
He brings you gifts from the missions that take him far off, whatever he knows you like. He brings you. And by the fifth gift, you start to get the hint. There may be more than friendship behind the gifts. 
But still, he's scared of ruining this friendship.
So it's you that steps up and he's shocked when you said you know he likes you. 
'Was it really that obvious?' My brother in Christ, you made a scrapbook. 
But he's giddy, he does the same as he did before the start of the relationship. But now, he can't stop saying 'I love you'
Kraus (can be movie or comic)
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He's never had such a bad stutter before until he realized his love for you. 
How can someone ever love a gas bag like him? He's constantly belittling himself even though he seems to be a confident being. He's far from it. 
He's afraid, but he wants it. Craves being with you. 
Being with you, just standing in the same room. Both takes his breath away and makes him so happy. 
He doesn't stop talking about you, like oh my god bro we get it. You like (Y/N) shut the hell up. 
But when told to make a move on you, he steps back a million times. Saying no one could be with him. He's arrogant, he's selfish. He's insecure. He's. 
It's only when you tell him how much you enjoy being with him. Does it click for him. 
It's real, you do like him. He is loved. And he loves you. 
He buys you so many gifts oh my god. 
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bprdeeznuts · 2 years
It’s Abe Friday and holy crap I can’t believe I haven’t posted this yet, almost forgot about this image
Look at this man and his toilet seat breathing apparatus
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Headcanons for Hellboy and Abe with touch starved s/o?
Touch Starved S/O
Hellboy ❤️‍🔥
This boy LOVES physical attention and love, so he has no problems with anything
You wanna hold hands walking down the hallway? Done! You put your hand on his thigh during dinner? Absolutely! You wanna snuggle every night and fall asleep in his arms? Hell yes!
His favorite thing to do is fidget and play with your fingers. They're so small and cute to him, and he loves the fact that you want to hold his hand.
He'll understand if you're not into PDA, it'll be a struggle at first, but he wants you happy above all else so he makes it work.
He'll arrange more time for the two of you if that's the case, coming home from missions a little earlier, staying in bed later, whatever. So long as he gets to snuggle you, he's good.
Abe 💦
Not into PDA but adores physical touch.
I feel like his scales are super sensitive and any gentle touch or caress from you will bring this boy to his knees.
Especially around his gills and fins, and the webbing between his fingers.
(his favorite is when you come up to him, give him a firm kiss and run your nails up his sides and across his underarm fins) he looses it everytime.
He doesn't really like beds, so you guys don't snuggle all that often. But if you join him in his tank or at the B.P.R.D community pool you will not leave his arms.
He likes reading to you as well, maybe your sitting cuddled up on one of the library couches and just reading to each other
(Here's a little secret - he wants you to put your hand on his leg during dinners, it makes him feel special)
He's willing to hold hands in the hallways or during a meeting, but will not do anything more than a sweet peck if people are around.
He thinks that's personal between you two and it's none of their business.
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