#hello crule world
kinkshame-puncher-666 · 9 months
Does anyone even listen to bad religion in their most emotional state??
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lxdymoon0357 · 11 months
I kinda miss the prompt where Sovieshu Reincarnated or Reborn into Modern Era 2005 and live for years, knows technologies, has vast curiosity to learn new things, faced Asia strict parents and Corona pandamic until he was at age of 30. He thinks that after years keeping himself virgin until 30th birthday will give you to become a witch or wizard. He scoffs because he thinks that's random nonsense until he met end of life, truck-kun killed him... bruh... so he got back to his first life where he used to be Emperor. He woke up at age of 25 year old Emperor, he still has mistress Rasta and Empress Navier but he wants to clear the mess and to stop the slavery and the crule plan coming from Heinrey that was secretly harming Eastern Empire without knowing and plaing to invade Eastern Empire. His habit from 2005 to 2035 modern era never changes. He is too humble, kind, caring, helpful, maybe strict but understandable, has common sense, germaphobic, always wears mask to keep himself from getting germs or that's make him feel secured and comfortable, always listening and fix misunderstanding. He can cook, clean, folds his clothes, can bath himself, everything that single person can do themselves. That's makes every servants worried whenever they asks to help but Sovieshu insisted and manages all by himself. Whenever he hears insult, sarcasm, blackmail to him, he can just simply laugh at him and give harsh truth and brutal insults with soft expression. He got all learned from his Asian Parents.
Here the link
Sovieshu would be such a big germaphobe during this time, cause from what I can tell cleaning isn't the best during those times and even though he spent one whole life, he spent the next one in modern world....
He would also be able to do so many things and absolutely hate it at times when servants stop him and he would insult him like an Asian parent would with a polite smile and a petite form despite being tall an large and saying the most ruthless shit ever, like that audio:
"Guys, look at what he's wearing, it's giving the gap!"
Sovieshu: *with the sweetest smile ever* You mean the gap between your teeth?
yeah I'm cringe I know...also Navier can't handle this much shit...Rashta is like eh..she doesn't really care...
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Jonathan Fray. Part 1.
Quick Disclaimer: Alot of this story is taken directly from the Last Stand Of The New York Institute by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. The next part will have much more original content and much more of my own writing.
It is a warm June evening in 1991 when Magnus Bane first spots Jocelyn Morgenstern hurrying through the streets of New York. Though at the time he did not know it was Jocelyn, from his living room window he could only make out the shape of a woman with bright red hair.
''So whats the plan for this evening, do you want to go out?'' Magnus is pulled from his thoughts by Tessa coming up behind him.
''Out on a Friday night during the summer holidays? Are you mad? I think you're rubbng off on me Tessa Gray, a night in sounds good to me.'' Magnus says in an amused tone, turning to face Tessa and grinning at her.
''So what do you want to do then?'' Tessa asks. Just as Magnus opens his mouth to reply, there is a sharp knock on the door.
''That's probably Catarina, she said she'd call around after work.'' Magnus says, striding over to the door. When the door swings open, the smile immediately drops off Magnus' face. Standng before him is not Catarina Loss, but a slender, willowy woman with long tangled red hair and sparkling green eyes. Peeping out of the top of the sling wrapped around the woman's chest is a small pale hand, clutching the woman's ty-dyed t-shirt.
''Who are you?'' Magnus demands.
In a shaky tone the woman says
''I am- I was Jocelyn Morgenstern.'' The name conjures up memoires of years old. Magnus remebers Valentine Morgenstern's blade going into his back and the taste of blood. It makes him want to spit.
''I don't remember ordering the bride of an evil maniac.'' he says in a cold, harsh voice. ''What about you Tessa? Did you order the bride of an evil maniac?''
''I have come here, Magnus Bane, to beg your aid.'' Jocelyn quietly says.
Magnus grips the edge of the door until his knuckles turn white.
''Let me think.'' he says. ''No.''
He is stopped from closing the door in Jocelyn Morgentsern's face, by Tessa's voice.
''Let her in Magnus.'' Tessa softly says.
Magnus wheels around to look at Tessa.
''Seriously?'' He asks in a tone of disbelief.
''I want to speak with her.'' Tessa says in a strange tone.
Magnus relecuntly allows Jocelyn in and closes the door behind her.
Jocelyn stands awkardly by the door, the tiny person in the sling kicks its feet and stretches its legs.
''You have a baby.'' Magnus observes.
Tessa pads toward them silently and stands by Jocelyn. Even though she is wearing black leggings and an oversize gray T-shirt that reads WILLIAM WANTS A DOLL, she still aways carries an air of formality about her. The t-shirt is a feminist statement that boys like to play with dolls and girls with trucks, but Magnus suspects she had chosen it partly because of the name. Tessa's husband has been dead for long enough that his name brings back happy, faded memories instead of the raw agnoy she had felt for years after his passing. Other warlocks had loved and lost, but few are as hoplessley faithful as Tessa. Decades later she has never let anyone else come even close to winning her heart.
''Jocelyn Farichild.'' Tessa says. ''Descended from Henry Branwell and Charlotte Fairchild.''
Jocelyn blinks in shock, clealry not expecting a lecture about her own genealogy.
''That's right.'' Jocelyn cautiously says.
''I knew them you see, you have a great look of Henry.'' Tessa softly says.
''Knew them? Then you must be.... are you a warlock too?'' Jocelyn asks suspiciously.
''Yes I am.'' Tessa calmly says.
''I understand if you find my crimes against Downworlders unforgivable.'' Jocelyn says. ''But I- I have nowhere else to go. I need help. My son needs your help. He is a Shadowhunter and Valentine's son. He cannot live among his own kind. We can never go back. I need a spell to shield his eyes from all but the mundane world. He can grow up safe and happy in the mundane world. He never needs to know who his father was.'' Jocelyn almost chokes but she lifts her chin and adds ''Or what his mother did.''
''So you come begging to us.'' Magnus says. ''The monsters.''
''I have no quarrel with Downworlders." Jocelyn says. "I... my best friend is a Downworlder and I do not believe he is so changed from the person I always loved. I was wrong. I'll have to live forever with what I did. But please, my son did nothing.
Tessa edges closer to Jocelyn and softly asks
"May I hold him?" Jocelyn hesitates for a moment, holding the tightly wrapped bundle of the child close. Then slowly, reluctantly, her movements, almost jerky, she leans forward and places the baby with enormous care into the arms of a woman she has just met.
When the baby is no longer clutched against Jocelyn's front, the swell of her stomach is immediately obvious. She must be about 6 months pregnant. Tessa's heart goes out to her. Jocelyn is clearly very young and is going to be a single mother to two very young children, it will not be easy for her.
"It seems you forgot to tell us something." Magnus calmly says.
Jocelyn places a protective hand over her stomach and quietly says
"I came here about my son, I know for a fact that he has the sight and more, but this baby might not."
"Have you had any medical care throughout your pregnancy?" Tessa asks in a concerned tone. Jocelyn shakes her head, her red hair falling into her eyes.
"No, I knew I was pregnant right after the uprising when I began to have all the same symptoms I had with my son. I know no mundane doctors I could go to and I will not go to The Silent Brothers." Jocelyn firmly says.
"Would you allow me to have a friend set you up with a mundane midwife? My friend Catarina Loss works at the local hospital, she can organise for you to have care there and you could deliver the baby there." Tessa asks in a hopeful tone. Going for 6 months without any pre-natal care is extremely dangerous, especially with all the stress Jocelyn has been is bound to have been under lately.
Jocelyn is quiet for a moment, before she reluctantly nods and says
"Yes alright."
"Who's going to look after the kid when you give birth? You mentioned your best friend, is he around to help?" Magnus asks. He isn't about to offer to watch Valentine's son, but prehaps Catarina could arrange child care for Jocelyn.
"No, its just me and my son, and the baby." Jocelyn says. She hasnt thougth about who will watch her son while she is in labor, it has been the last thing on her mind lately.
"I could watch him, I promise not to do any magic or anything around him, I live not far from here, I could watch him at my home or yours, whatever you're comofortable with." Tessa offers, wanting to help out as much as she can.
"I..." Jocelyn hesitaes, looking from her son to Tessa.
"Its not as though you have anyone else to help out." Magnus points out.
"I understand why you are hesitant, we are strangers, but over the next few months you could get to know me and I you, little Jonathan here could get to know me too, I can help you at anytime, I had two children and plenty of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on, I am extremely expierenced in caring for children of all ages." Tessa explains.
"Okay... thank you." Jocelyn queitly says.
Tessa smiles and turns back to the baby in her arms.
"He's beautiful." Tesas murmers. She moves the baby to her hip, held fast in the circle of her arm, with the instinctive loving and casual air of a parent. Magnus had seen her once, holding one of her grandchildren the same way. "What's his name?" Tessa asks.
"Jonathan." Jocelyn says, looking at Tessa intetntly, then, as if she were telling them a secret, she says "I call him John."
Magnus looks over Tessa's shoulder and into the baby's face. He is older than Magnus had initally thought, his face has lost the roundness of babyhood: he must be alomst two, and already looks a great deal like his father, though he does have some of the Fairchild features. He has light blonde curls, the exact same color as Valentine's and many of the other Morgenstern's, clustering on his small head, and green eyes, glass-clear and jewel-bright and blinking arond curiously at his surrondings. He seems to have no objection to being handed to a stranger. Tessa tucks the baby's blanket more securely around him, and Jonathan's small fat fist closes determinedly around Tessa's finger. The child waves Tessa's finger back and forth, as if to display his new posession.
Tessa smiles down at the baby, a slow bright smile, and whispers. "Hello John."
It is clear that Tessa has made up her mind. Magnus leans in, his shoulder resting lightly against Tessa's and peers into the child's face. He waves to catch the baby's attention, movning his fingers so all his rings sparkle in the light. Jonathan laughs, all pearly teeth and the purest joy. Magnus feels the knot of resentment in his chest ease.
Jonathan wriggles in a clear singal that he wants to be let down, but Tessa hands him to Jocelyn so that Jonathan's mother can decide wheather he should be put down or not. Jocelyn may not want her child roaming a Warlock's home.
Jocelyn does look around apprehensively, but either decides it is safe, or small intently squirming Jonathan is stubborn and his mother knows she will have to let him go free. She puts Jonathon down, and Jonathan goes toddling off determinedly on his quest. They stand and watch his bright little head bob as he grabs up, in turn, Tessa's book, one of Magnus' candles and a sliver tray Magnus had left under the sofa.
"Curious little thing, isnt he?" Magnus asks. Jocelyn glances toward Magnus. Her eyes had been anxiously fastened on her son. Magnus finds himself smiling at her. "Not a bad quality." he assures her. "He could grow up to be an adventurer."
"I want him to grow up safe and happy." says Jocelyn. "I dont want him or this baby to have adventures. Adventures happen when life is crule. I want them to have a mundane life, quiet and sweet. I hoped Jonathan had been born unable to see the Shadow World, but I have never had much luck with hope. I saw him trying to play with a faerie in a hedge this afternoon. I need you to help me. I need you to help him. Can you blind hm to all that?"
"Can I tear away an essential part of your child's nature and twist him into a shape that would suit you better?" Magnus asks her. "If you want him mad by the end of it."
He immediately regrets the words when he sees Jocelyn stare at him, white-faced, as if she has just been hit. But Jocelyn Morgenstern is not the kind of woman who weeps, not the kind of woman who breaks, or Valentine would have broken her a long time ago. Jocelyn holds herself tall and asks in a level voice. "Is there anything else you can do?"
"There is... something else I could try." Magnus says. "If you want your child safe though, he doesn't need only a spell to hide his own Sight. He needs to be protected from the supernatural as well, from any demons who might come crawling to him. The same applies for the child you are carrying."
"And what Iron Sister and Silent Brother wil do that ceremony for me without turning me and John over to The Clave?" Jocelyn demands. "No I cannot risk it, if he knows nothing of the Shadow World he will be safe, as will the baby."
"My mother was a Shadowhunter who knew nothing of the Shadow World. " Tessa quietly says.
Jocelyn stares at Tessa in open horror, obvioulsy able to infer the story of what happened: that a demon had gained access to an uprotected Shadowhunter woman, and Tessa had been the result.
There is a silence. John has turned curiously to Tessa and lifts his chubby little arms out to her. Tessa scoops the little boy up and this time John does not try to wriggle away from her.
Jocelyn blinks and begins to smile slowly, before saying.
"Jonathon never goes to strangers, maybe- maybe he can tell you are not a stranger to The Fairchild's."
"Maybe. I will help you with The Ceremony. There is a Silent Brother I know who will keep any secret, if I ask him." Tessa promises.
Jocelyn bows her head in appreciation. "Thank you Theresa Gray."
It occurs to Magus how outraged Valetnine would have been, to see his wife beeseeching Downworlders and to see his child in the arms of a warlock. Magnus' thought of responding to Jocelyn's appeal with cruelty receeds further. This seems the kind of revenge worth getting- to prove how wrong Valentine had been, even after his death.
He walks over to the two women, and he glances at Tessa, and he sees her nod.
"Well then, it seems I am going to help you Jocelyn Morgenstern." Jocelyn flinches.
"Don't call me that. I'm- I'm Jocelyn Fairchild." She quietly says.
"I thought you werent a Shadowhunter anymore. If you dont want them to find you, changing your last name seems a fairly elementary first step. Trust me, I'm an expert. I was not born Magnus Bane." Magnus explains.
"I was born Tessa Gray bu you should choose whatever name seems right to you. I've always said there is a great deal of power in words, and that means names too. A name you choose for yourself could tell the story of what your destiny will be, and who you intend to become." Tessa softly says.
"Call me Fray. Let me join togetehr the names of the Fairchilds, my lost family, and the Grays. Because you are... a family friend." says Jocelyn, speaking with sudden firmness.
Tessa smiles at Jocelyn, looking surpirsed but pleased, and Jocelyn smiles down at her son. Jocelyn strokes her little boy's face and they all watch as the baby smiles, lit up with the sheer joy of living. He is a story in himself, sweet and full of hope, just beginning.
"Jocelyn and Jonathan Fray." Magnus says. "Its nice to meet you."
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What dose it matter? (Remus x reader x Severus?)
Back story time. You were in the same grade and year as Lily and James , Remus and Sirius, and none other then Severus Snape. While in school with them you were in the middle constantly. You were first friends with Severus and even as going far for the two of you to be a couple. Tho in reality it seemed Severus was only toying with your emotions in attempt to get over lily. But on the reverse side you were close friends with the infamous group of boys known as the marauders.
He often was angry and grumpy sometimes angsty snippy and Moody wich hurt a lot at times. And who did you run to, the marauders. Yes as much as the four of them loved to bully and pick on the one you held dear, they typically were there for you. Especially one in particular. Remus Lupin. Everyone joked that you should leave Severus for him. To that you would just laugh awkwardly because you felt it was kinda true. You and Remus had a lot more in common then you and Severus. And everytime Severus would be mean or cold to you Remus was there. Remus took you on countless late night walks to clear your mind. He would give you chocolate when you were extra sad, and his hugs were the absolute best thing in the world. You’d be lieing if you said you didn’t have at least a little bit of a crush on him.
Remus loved you, from the moment he laid eyes on you, sorting hat on your head, anxious look on your face, but then a look of pure happiness as you were sorted into (your house). As time went on you two grew closer. He was planning on asking you out sooner but Severus beat him to it. His heart broke. He didn’t hate Severus like his friends but didn’t think he deserved you or would treat you right. And when his prediction came true he was the first person to be there for you. It made picking on Severus easier for him because he now felt he deserved it for treating you poorly. Remus thought the world didn’t even deserve you, you were so pure and sweet and wonderful to him, he couldn’t get it, how someone so full of life, energy and happiness would even want to give him the time of day. It amazed him. But it was one of the things he loved most, you were unpredictable and kind to pretty much everyone. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes it all captivated him from the start.
One day however it got to much, Severus had been crule to you all day, brushing you off ignoring you, giving you snippy come backs and attitude to everything. And just as you had told him how hurt you had been feeling he told you he was busy and couldn’t talk. So you finally did it.
“I’m done Severus” you said as he was walking away from you down the hall. He stopped and turned around looking at you confused.
“it’s clear you don’t truly like me, and that I’m putting in all the effort here, and all I get back is attitude and coldness. I’m tired of it. I don’t even know why you wanted to go out with me in the first place. I think it’s best we stop this, stop the dating, stop the pretending we are a happy couple because we both know we’re not. I’m sorry I can’t be Lily. Goodbye Severus.” And with that you turned around quickly and ran off before he could say anything.
Tho as much as this might not have been what you wanted. You made Severus think to himself. Was it smart of him to use you that way, no not at all. The poor girl wanted a companion in him and all he did was hurt her. Sure it wasn’t her or his fault he was hung up on Lily. Even tho he should have taken it upon himself to build that bridge and get over it. He thought about possibly talking to you and apologiesing for how he’d been. He never realized how truly kind and wonderful you treated him. Even after how cold he could be.
You however where already in the presence of the four boys you called your friends. You sat with all of them in the Griffindor conman room, you sat in between Remus, and Sirius. As much as you didn’t want to cry over Severus it did hurt a little. They all cheered you on and said you did the right thing. The all even proposed you all go sneak out to get ice cream or something, something to help celebrate and to cheer you up. As you got up and began your adventure you noticed Remus wrapping his arms around your shoulder it was warm and conforting and he smelled nice so you didn’t mind at all. He smelled like cool spring air, old books, and chocolate obviously. The sent was sweet and wonderful and you didn’t even question the gesture now. You looked up at him and smiled.
“I thought this might help, let you know your not truly alone, and it seems pretty cold out” he said looking out the window.
“oh damn your right it seemed really cold on my way over here” you said looking out the window with him. You were looking up at the sky to the stars and he was looking out into the forest.
“do you have a jumper or anything?” He asked looking down at you rubbing your shoulder to warm you up.
“no” you pouted “I forgot it in my dorm” you said defeated he chuckled at how cute you were pouting like that.
“ah don’t worry you can use one of mine” he said ruffling the top of your head and heading into his dorm.
“are you sure Remus? I don’t want you to be cold” you called out. He came out a minute later smiling.
“nonsense I don’t want you to he cold and besides do you think I only own one jumper?” He said smiling and handing you the fuzzy jumper. You laughed realizing how silly that must have sounded and took it happily.
On your adventure you didn’t even noticed Remus holding your hand, the entire time. You didn’t mind it once you did noticed, his hand was soft yet still tough and it was warm. However before that you and him had a little bit of a flirty couple moment that didn’t go unnoticed and I’m not talking about the marauders. Severus went looking for you to apologise and caught you and the four boys sneaking out. He realised tattling on you would just make it seem like he was a jelouse sulking boy trying to get his ex girlfriend in trouble for breaking up with him. And he didn’t want that.
He fallowed you and the boys to your destination and watched the whole time without being noticed. He saw Remus holding your hand, and you wearing his jumper a mix of confusion and anger began to brew in him. He knew he still had feelings for Lily but he questioned if he was beginning to have feelings for you now. Also why was it that not a few hours ago you were his, not happily his but still his, and now here you are wrapped around Remus’s fingure. What really through him over the edge was when Remus and you began playfully fighting with each other trying to try the others ice cream. Laughing giggling being cute. Holding out your tongue lunging at each other, one false move and you two would be french kissing. However he was torn. You looked so happy smiling, giggling, he even saw a spark in your eyes. He had never noticed it before, or was it just never there until now. He felt hurt, he understood slightly that he kept you from being happy. The opposite of what one is suppose to do when in a romantic relationship. She didn’t deserve that Lily didn’t deserve that, no one would ever deserve to be put through Severus’s loveless personality. He turned back sadly.
Time went on, you all graduated. You all had your jobs your lives. You heard the news about Lily and James, and Sirius and Peter. You tried to keep in touch with Remus but it got hard. He was lost without them. He travled you travled. You never spoke to Severus after the day in the hall. He pretty much avoided you. You and Remus almost dated but lets be real here, almost only counts in horse shoes and hand gernades. However, a second chance was handed to you. Dumbledore had asked you to join an order, an order of protection for James and Lily’s son, Harry. He asked you to be a professor at the school. He assured you, you would be welcomed in with open arms and protected you would not be alone. You took the offer.
On your first day you were feeling confident. You were set to be a surprise for the other professors. Dumbledore kinda messed up and hadn’t found an actual class for you so instead made you a helper for all the other professors. You were niceley dressed (fav color) blouse and a black penciled skirt and (fav color) (heels or flats). You certainly looked far more professional then you used to. You entered the dinning hall as you heard Dumbledore introduce you as if this were an opening act.
Upon entering you noticed two particular men sitting with the professors, Severus Snape, and Remus Lupin. Both equally shoked by you, but Remus, Remus had only looked better with age, your heart did leaps and butterflies flittered in your stomach. You noticed a blush creep onto both his and Severus’s face. Severus looked annoyed and tired but still shocked. Not that you truly cared. You made your way twords the teachers table as Dumbledore continued to talk. Stating you would be moving around the school helping with any class that needed it. Rounding the table you noticed what seat was left for you,smack dab between Lupin and Severus. You smirked finding it uncanny. You waved to the students and took your seat.
“why hello there long time no see” Remus whispered smiling.
“and who’s fault is that” you giggled back.
“I believe both of ours my deer” he grinned. You giggled. It was true it takes two to tango and two to keep in touch.
“true true how ever will I make it up to you” you said over dramatically.
“how about dinner, just to catch up that is” he said jokingly with a wink. You blushed understanding his hint.
“sounds lovely” you said smiling back at him. You noticed next to you Severus becoming uneasy. He then got up and said he had some paperwork to grade and was off out of the dinning hall.
After that night you and Remus became extreamly close. You spent nights together in his professors apartment, went on plenty of dates, and even helped him through some full moon nights. You were so happy to have had a second chance with him. He was great things were great with you two. Even working at Hogwarts was pretty great. You helped out where ever you could tho you typically went and helped Remus the most. Severus usually denied your help, tho a couple of times you could see he was definitely lieing and over his head in work and thus forced your help upon him. Today was one of those days.
“Severus your dropping things all over the place please let me help you” you said rushing over to him sympathetic look painted on your face catching the ingredients for his various potions before they hit the floor.
“I told you I don’t need nor want your help” he said sternly.
“you may not want it but saying you don’t need it is bullshit” you said taking some more ingridients from his overflowing arms and hands. He sighed realizing there was no changing your mind on helping him. You smirked noting that you won. You walked with him back to his class room still carrying ingredients in your arms. You placed the ingridients on the table as he walked away twords his desk.
“thank you” he said quietly almost unable to be heard.
“what was that?” You asked making sure you heard correctly.
“I said thank you” he said sounding slightly annoyed
“no problem, anytime, it’s kinda my job ya know, typically your not suppose to denie my help but you do you” you said crossing your arms smiling, he rolled his eyes at you.
“well if that is all then you can be off now” he said turning and walking away. You were pretty tired of his attitude.
“is there a reason you hate me?” You asked crossing your arms.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked scoffing while sitting at his desk.
“you, Everytime you talk to me all I get is anger and venom and I want it to stop. Look I know we didn’t leave off on good terms bu-” you were cut off.
“didn’t leave off on good terms then you return making googly eyes at Lupin then proceed to bang his brains out” he said mocking you.
“first I’m not some slut I’m not banging his brains out, and what dose it matter to you who I’m dating?!” You yelled at him.
“because maybe I harbor feelings for you” he shouted back. “Maybe I’ve been harboring feelings for you since the day you left! You leaving made me realize what a miserable twat I was to you!” He snapped. You froze.
“What…” You whispered.
A/N: there will most likely be a part 2 possibly even a like choose your own part where there’s a lupin ending and a Severus ending not sure yet tho let me know what you tnink^^
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ravenempress101 · 7 years
“Bodied” Mikey Pearce Smut imagine *Requested*Sexual parts!  18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!
Anonymous: Hello, can i request a smut for mikey pierce where the reader is feeling really insecure about her body and mikey tries to like show her how wonderful she is, if that makes sense.
thank you for requesting! 
request and ask me anything!
Tumblr media
y/n and mikey planned to see mikey’s parents before thanksgiving. it was the morning to wake up and go see them. mikey was in the living room packing while you were up stairs getting out the shower. once you got out the shower you grabbed your towel and placed it around your slender body. when you placed it around your body you looked down at your body and you felt down to your slightly love handles just looking at them made you cringe. she was so stressed. thoughts running through your mind beating you up.
“do i really look that disgusting?”
“i think i need to lose weight”
y/n walked out the bathroom and walked into the master bedroom and went toward her walk in closet. she started looking for her luxury dress that mikey brought her to wear to her parents house. when she scanned through the 20th dress she finally found the black dress with gold buckles on the side. y/n unzipped the dress and placed it over her slender body dropping the towel. Then she looked for her glass high heels to go with the dress.
once she scanned through her shoes draws, y/n finally found her gucci glass high heels. she put them on but when putting them on, her thoughts were feeding on her.
“your feet are so big”
“why is the big toe so big”
your feet are not porpotioned right"
y/n sighed into disbelif and placed the other high heel on the her foot and then she got up and went over to the makeup station and sat down on her luxury chair and grabbed for a makeup wipe to cleanse her face and then she grabbed for her foundation, placing a generous amount of foundation on her foundation sponge and started smoothing the substance on her face.
Thinking in her mind “maybe makeup would help me to feel atleast pretty”
she tried to trick her troubled mind and then the voices started getting louder.
then the voices started getting louder and louder by the minute
y/n dropped her foundation product and threw her sponge at the mirror and cruled up in to a ball in her makeup seat and screamed
mikey heard the glass of the foundation bottle and your scream he dropped the clothes he was folding and he ran up stairs to the master bedroom and started looking for you.
He called out your name.
“Y/N are you okay love?”
mikey sounding worried he kept looking for you then he saw your walk in closet door open and ran in going straight to you. He couldnt believe what he saw before him. He saw you in a state of anxiety. mikey wrapped his arms around you and rubbed little cirlces in your back trying to calm you down.
Then mikey lifted up and waited for you to talk. when you lifted up your head mikey saw your teared stain face. mikey didnt know why you were crying but he was sure gonna get a answer out of you. when you lifted your head your body was shaking and mikey could feel the hurt that was radiating off of you.
mikey put his slender fingers on your cheek and softly with his thumb rubbed your cheek looking into your warm broken eyes finding any clues to what is wrong and began to asked
“why are you crying babygirl? whats wrong?”
y/n sniffed before talking and tears started coming again.
“mikey why are you with me?”
y/n violenty pulling away her face from mikeys hand and getting up from her makeup chair wipping her tears and backing away from mikey.
mikey looked hurt by the action you did and asked a question
“why would you ask me that y/n? i love everything about you and the things that i find out about you”
y/n laughs a little knowing she is playing herself when mikey said this
“no, you dont mikey.”
mikey looking at you hurt as ever saying what you stated.
“how can you love a girl that looks in the mirror every single freaking day and say i’m ugly my boyfriend doesnt even….“
mikey stood up and charged over to you and stopped y/n from saying what she was about to say by giving her a big kiss on her lips. mikey slipping his tounge in y/n mouth kissing her words away. he pulled back and looked in her eyes started speaking.
“don’t you ever say that your ugly or i dont love you. i will always love you no matter what goes on and your the most beautiful woman ever that i laid my eyes on.”
“i love your body”
mikey touching your love handles and admiring them then taking your spaghetti strap off your shoulder and then the other one letting your dress fall to your feet exposing your naked body to him. then mikey leaning in to kiss your lips passionatley. you can feel his hard on growing by the passionate kiss hes giving you. once he was done he pulled back and began to speak.
“i love your thighs”
mikey trails his hands down to your booty and  puts both his hands on each side of your booty cheeks and starts rubbing your cheeks softly and then pulling you close to him by your cheeks and then his hands trail on to the front of you then he finds your thighs and he rubs passionatly on your thighs. then mikey whispers in your ear.
“i love everything”
mikey hugging your bare body and rubbing you all over your body adoring every inch of you, his touches sends shock waves through your body when you feel with his touch you let out a breathless moan from his rubbing and big hard on he has.
mikey hears you breathlessly and smiles at you under his pleasure.
“never forget that”
mikey whispering in your ear soflty.
“your made out of beauty and adorableness”
mikey kissing your cheek and pinching her cheek in a cute way.
y/n came back to herself and looked at mikey and smiled a little at his silly antic
mikey began to speak again
“makeup or not your still beautiful and sweet nothing less your amazing perfect and will always be those things so dont listen to those insecure comments that feel that troubled mind listen to the truth and the truth is your beautiful baby”
mikey smiled and placed his lips on her forehead and punckering them up and placing a lingering peck on her forehead y/n closing her eyes feeling his warmth of kiss on her feeling like the most luckiest girl in the world.
then he pulled back and then y/n grabbing mikey’s face and placing a passionate but steamy kiss on his lips slipping her tounge in his mouth and mikey melting in her kiss and then y/n head going to one side deeping the kiss and then y/n pulled back leaving mikey still in the kissing positon and y/n laughing at his face.
then mikey take off his white t-shirt and then he unzips his black skinny pants but realizing hes kissing air he opens his eyes looking around feeling embrassed.
mikey complety naked asking a question
“what was that for?”
“it was for making me feel like the most luckiest girl in the world, thank you baby”
mikey smiled and blushed
“well with that kiss i think we should stay home and schedule another day to see my parents.”
y/n laughed at mikey cause mikey was serious.
mikey captured y/n’s naked body in his and picked her up bridal stlye and placed kisses all over while y/n laugh and joy filled the room. mikey carrying her to the bed kissing her and tickling her with his tounge while kissing.
“omg mikey we have to see your parents”
mikey throwing you on the bed and laughing.
“will see them just some other time i want to treat my baby cause she so beautiful.”
mikey jumping on top of you and mikey capturing your heartshapped lips in his passionatly kissing you and you melting in the kiss forgetting about what you guys had to do. 
then mikey slips his tounge in your mouth and explores your mouth. y/n smiles in the kiss and slips her tounge in his mouth. both of your tounges waltzing each other. y/n moans from the warmth of his intense kissing then mikey hearing you  he takes his tounge back in and puckers his lips and pecks yours and then he stops kissing you and pecks your cheek and then trails down your neck pecking your neck but finding your sweet spot on your neck he kisses and bites.
y/n moans from the biting mikey is doing.
mikey keeps kissing and biting a little making a blue and purple mark. when mikey gets done he licks the newly made mark he done and trails down to your chest. he adds a mark to your chest.
once he gets done with your chest he trails down to your left breast and kisses the breast.
y/n feels his lips working on her she groans and moans lowly. mikey smiles hearing his babygirl whimper under him. then he captures her boob in his mouth and starts sucking on them and then he wiggles his tounge on her nipple playing with her nipple in his mouth. then he slightly bite her nipple and y/n moans loudly and then mikey graps her right boob with his hands and start massaging it giving y/n the attention she needs.
mikey stops and says 
“you know i love these”
him biting his lip and then going to the right one and sucking on it and wiggling his tounge.
y/n moans out and says
“shut up mikey you so funny”
y/n couldnt say everything but whimpered
mikey bitting at the nipple making a blue mark appear and then trailing down her stomach with kisses and then getting to the vagina.
He slowly kisses on her vagina. y/n whimper knowing mikey is teasing her. but then mikey kisses pasionalty at her vagina and then slips his tounge in the clit wiggling and licking. 
y/n grabs on to his brown locks of hair enjoying his movements on her. mikey licking inside her walls. y/n guiding mikey’s face deeper in her. mikey going deeper and eating her out. Then y/n moans loudly her legs are shaking from the euphoria hitting her body. Then she screams to Mikey 
“Mikey I’m about to cum”
 Mikey grins at you and stops eating you out then he goes right back up to your lips and starts french kissing you you French kissed him back tasting you on his mouth both of you continued French kissing and he rubbed his Pre cummed dick and lined up at your entrance and then he slowly went inside you. 
Y/n groaned feeling Mikey feel her up and then mikey began to move in and out slowly showing her love the love she need then Mikey picked up pace and started going faster y/n moaned and groan then grabbing on his back and clawing at it then Mikey speeding up and slamming in to you 
y/n screaming Mikey’s name and clawing at his back 
Mikey kissing your neck and your mouth you moaning in the kiss while he pounds in you.
 Mikey pounds in and out of you an then you feel your high come. “Mikey I’m about to cum" 
Mikey pounding
 Mikey begans to say "cum for me beautiful” you hear his deep british accent and cum for Mikey 
when Mikey feels your warm cum he pounds harder and deeper and cums himself you both riding out your oragasms and then he pulls out and then kisses you. 
Then Mikey whispered to you “remember your always beautiful”
mikey jumping on you in a playful way and you giggled while he kissed all over you
y/n bursting out laughing at mikey playfully tickling you and messing with you
inbetween laughs y/n said
“i love you mikey”
Then continued on with you two bringing joy into each others lives.
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outsidergetsin · 7 years
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Hello today we had such an amazing time together when playing uno in Cong cafe. I laughed a lot. In my mind, nothing was processing. There was no such things as worries or confusion. I was devoted all myself to this moment with you. I love you all. I appreciated you all. You are my family, my extended family. This life is hard, and I fucking know little of it; especially today a lecturer shared us the story of life. It’s fucking harsh and crule to people. And I have carved his words on my mind, for me to experiment, improve and practice my dignity. There were 2 things that I was fancy the most. First was that to see our true personality, you had to involve in their own benifits. The other was that it was an obvious line between one’s business and one’ social responsibility. One could be fucking cold in business and head to the only purpose: profit; however, they also may devote the most to the social welfare. I think it’s true, but I think these words doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want to make the largest profit as possible and you can pay back to the society. In my opinion, they mean in your life you should seperate tasks in your life, don’t stay weakly corny. Be strong, be hard, and, at the same time, keep in your mind your innocence and dignity
. You know what, I would try fucking hard to keep my innocence and dignity when I walk out the wild world out there. And, I wish I could be strong and qualified enough to keep yours too. I love all of you. so much. really. I feel lucky to have you.
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