#help i am dying /hyp
I am once again mentally ill about a niche blorbo
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treesthatarepeachy · 1 year
Mockingjay Epilogue
So, I don’t think the Mockingjay Epilogue is bad in the way the Harry Potter Epilogue is. It doesn’t butcher character motivations, change fundamental character traits, or give the main character’s child a stupid name. The Mockingjay Epilogue is good, great even, in many ways: it shows Katniss & Peeta “growing back together” and repairing their relationship, Katniss heals enough to trust the world to have children and love completely, Katniss doesn’t provide her children’s names, etc. But like three things about the epilogue really bother me and I have no where to talk about - so now it’s your problem.
1. The Time Frame for Children. Part of my problem with this is very me-based and part of it is more objective. I think it would’ve been better if the timeframe of Peeta and Katniss having children was indefinite and not specified. (Like years later or when they were ready; the whole passage would have to change but Suzanne could do it. I have faith). For me, partly because I’m young, 15 years is such a long time that it’s hard to grasp. I don’t think that 33 is old to have children (my mom was 40 when I was born) but it just feels like a long time. I am also someone who wants children but would wait until I am  financially stable and in a good place in my career - but I can’t help but wondering what the fuck Katniss and Peeta are doing for 15 years. (I personally lean more to like 8 years - I just vibe with it more). More substantially, I think leaving the timeframe to the readers’ imagination is better (and gives a more diverse array of post-canon fics); if people don’t know the timeline and they are curious they will keep thinking about.
2. Peeta Begging for Kids. /hyp, but still. The idea that Peeta is super eager to have children, asks her to have them, and is ready a decade before Katniss is ludicrous to me. Peeta, first of all, knows how Katniss feels about children when they get married and he is sensitive enough to not bring it up directly. More importantly, though, Peeta has probably the same amount of shit to work through before he would be comfortable having kids. You guys don’t think he’s terrified of having a flashback and KILLING HIS BABY? (Obviously people do think that). Peeta is also a victim of abuse from his mother and definitely needs to sort through that shit with Dr. Aurelius. I imagine him being ready 3 years before Katniss max, but I don’t think he would ask her to have kids. 
3. Mrs. Everdeen. Okay, I could literally write an essay about this (and I will if someone asks) so here’s the abridged version: I think that Katniss could eventually forgive Mrs. Everdeen for her neglect after Mr. Everdeen died. Katniss also struggles with depression (she can empathize) and Mrs. Everdeen didn’t have access to a support system, social safety net, or psychiatric care. Mrs. Everdeen’s most unforgivable act - that really pisses me off - is not following Katniss to D12 and taking care of her. I understand not wanting to go back there - but Katniss is her daughter who cannot leave. Her last remaining family member is struggling, slowly dying really, and Mrs. Everdeen didn’t get help (which is hard, don’t get me wrong) and take care of Katniss. She has one chance to be a mother to Katniss and blows it. I have a good mother, I have a good grandmother - it would be inconceivable for either of them to stay away from their child when they are suffering. Mrs. Everdeen does not deserve to be forgiven after abandoning her last remaining family member at the worst point of her life. [Depression is a serious illness and I don’t want to minimize that. Mrs Everdeen isn’t explicitly depressed after Prim’s death (so she could just be grieving) or she could be depressed and struggling, and still help Katniss. Peeta is so not fine when he comes back to D12 but he and Katniss still help each other. My point is that she still should’ve come to D12 and shouldn’t be forgiven for abandoning Katniss.] 
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unseeliethot · 2 years
Hypatia Info Dump
Hypatia Dogmatiko (Pasha to friends, family, beloveds, and One Beloathed) is the OC that gets sent to Tir Na Nog for adventure and fun
I've mentioned previously that Hypatia's concept started off in 2020 as a dead woman, but after a revamp of her family's lore (and Plenty of motivation from needing an oc for NDM! And even more from @bella-daonna !) She gets to live.
Which is everyone else's problem forever now, and it Is my ultimate goal for her to annoyances to lovers every route. Every route. 
Hypatia's 'canon' route is definitely going to be Flannán, though she'll of course be used for all 6 of the love interests she is a slut and I love her. Hypatia is quick-witted, a little mean when it's fun, but very compassionate. She's pansexual, demiromantic, she's a switch leaning domme who loves to tease in and out of the bedroom. She can definitely be stoic, aloof, apathetic or seem just straight up grumpy when first meeting her (especially due to that ever present frown. She has a resting bitch face she can't help it) but she's got the ability to be kind, and is joking a lot more than people think she is. Her symbols are lambs, the full moon (it's in her eyes, literally it's part of the process of shading her eyes) and luna moths. She's also got autism, because I have autism and it was going in her anyway. Her perfume smells like almonds, chocolate, and old books, and I am very excited to use for NDM and write about torturing her. And fluff, fluff too. 
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More details (because I cannot shut up about her) will be below the cut. 
I'm going to very briefly go over her family (as their lore is not compatible exactly with ndm canon, and largely they're not much but backstory for Hypatia in this case anyway) and then go over Hypatia in more detail 
Her family tree with some in character annotation for the fun of it
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Hypatia's parents are Galatea Dogmatiko and Acis Dogmatiko (formerly Vivek), they immigrated to Ireland when Galatea (Or Galah for short) was pregnant with Hypatia due to... Conflict between her and her family, though this meant leaving behind a more well off style of living, neither of them have regretted the decision. Especially as it allowed them to raise Hypatia and her siblings with indulgence and freedom. 
(Silas, Galah's brother, and Delilah, her sister-in-law, were named by @bella-daonna so the reference to critrole is their fault ) 
Hypatia is, obviously, the eldest of her siblings, followed by the twins, Eos and Hyp, and then the baby of the family Aether. 
Eos and Hyp are more often rivals than they are co-conspirators, a rivalry that Hypatia does exploit when one gets on her nerves, and together they might make a good grab for a cluster of brain cells. They're both annoying, and chaotic, and love their big sister, even if they'd never admit it as they get older. 
Aether, the youngest, is extremely haunted in every canon, verse, or au. As the youngest she's doted on, especially by Hypatia, before falling into TNN it wouldn't be an uncommon sight to find Aether underfoot around Hypatia.
Hypatia worries greatly for her siblings, especially for Eos who besides being an asthmatic has a poor immune system in general. Before she begins the ride to Galway, Eos comes down with another bout of sickness. The desperation to get home again is, of course, greatly increased when Hypatia remembers this fact.
After all, she wants to help her sister, and she doesn't want her dying thinking she's abandoned their family. If it comes to that.
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Hypatia herself is one of the (outwardly) least expressive of her siblings. Which, due to her unintentionally rather sullen or grumpy neutral expression, has her come off quite harsh. That doesn't mean she isn't harsh, she certainly can be. Often she speaks her thoughts before she thinks of their impact and appropriateness, truth, as she sees it, spills from her easily. Her tongue is quick and sharp, and her glare sharper. She is not without kindness, or a strong sense of justice and equity, though. She can be brusque, but she has a strong desire to help people and being quite stubborn, you might not have a choice in that help.
She can seem apathetic, or sarcastic, but more often than not she's quite sincere in kindness. Though it might take some work to see beyond the persona that's put upon her, and maybe even some friendly(?) debate. Though some of her quirks relate to her autism, sometimes not grasping facial expressions as well or reading social cues, a lot of her quirks are learned from her family or grown from the way she's been treated by non-family members growing up.
There are few things, and people she's afraid of, her growing romantic interest in certain people is one of them, by the time of NDM's beginning she's never felt romantic attraction, being demiromantic. Though she can certainly appreciate a few things about people that might begin to ever so subtly spark that interest.
Romance does make her a bit nervous, she's got a desperate desire to be seen and understood but worries that she won't be liked for the person she actually is rather than who she is perceived as. She's worried about giving herself up only to have someone else be disappointed in her, that they spent the effort getting to know her and the pay off isn't what they wanted. That she isn't what they wanted. In fact, she's so terrified of romance, of sharing her life with someone, before NDM she pictured herself as never finding anyone. She could simply be a fun aunt to her siblings' children. Otherwise, she isn’t intimidated by very much, other than heights and spiders and failure to accomplish her goals. Normal stuff. 
Hypatia is an incredibly intelligent woman, sometimes to her detriment when that combines with that mouth of hers. Her love of reading was given to her by her mother, from countless bedtime stories of course, and often as she grew up was her only company outside of her siblings and... One other person. She's particularly observational, and does actively try to infer knowledge from the world, people, and conversation that happens around her. Acquiring and hoarding knowledge is something she's inclined to do, the more she knows, the happier she is. The less she knows, the more uncertain and cautious she becomes. Of course, she'd have to feel like she doesn't know much or anything to be concerned, a rarity in itself.
While intellectually she's skilled, her physical skills lack in most areas aside from one: Running from things
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Hypatia may not have any skill whatsoever with weaponry, or climbing, or many things requiring hand-eye coordination...... She Does happen to be particularly fast, and rather enjoys running, and as a child used to race her siblings or other children she had something to prove to. If she cannot solve conflict that gets physical with words (or maybe gets physical because of her words) running away is her next plan of action and there are only a few times it hasn't turned out well for her. So it's not a bad track record! One incident in particular did lead to a scar on her lip and a rather badly chipped tooth.
This scar and chipped tooth of Hypatia's didn't come from an accident or from any sort of clumsiness.
It came from her best friend (term used very loosely) her worst enemy and her beloathed, a man (at the time a boy) her age called Giovanni.
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Giovanni's feelings and intents are... Messier, a little more distorted. And were often kept under wraps or rather subtle for a long time until they were about 13-14 years old, during a game or competition that had Hypatia gaining the upper hand thanks to her speed, something went very wrong, and Hypatia got her scar on her lip and chipped tooth after Giovanni knocked her off her feet and smashed her face into the ground.
Giovanni is Hypatia's best friend from childhood, he's the son of her mother's best friend, and they spent a lot of time together growing up. For a long time she was very, very fond of him. He was, and is, her only friend up to the time of the beginning of NDM.
He had to get pulled off of her, and they were not friends after that. Neither were their parents.
He doesn't hate her, however, that'd be too simple to do their... Relationship justice. He despises her, he wants to be her source of fear and joy, and he wants to spend a good amount of his time making her miserable and dependent. He feels very entitled to her life itself. Whether it's hurting her as he did or worse, or meddling and manipulating her relationships to make potential suitors jealous or turned off, he wants control.
He's affectionate and brutal to her in equal amounts. Hypatia tends to avoid him more as she gets older, and he hasn't done something awful to her so publicly since her tooth.
As a character he's awful, as a plot device he's my favourite boy ever, and I love him Soooooooo much.
Unfortunately, he won't feature in any fics that take place during the events of the NDM story, but before and after are fair game. And AU's.
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Forgetting about Giovanni, the relationship she has that means the most to her would naturally be her relationship with Flannán.
I think, unfortunately for Hypatia, he draws tenderness out of her a little too easily. She wants to care for him, she wants to look after him. I can definitely see them butting heads very early on, they’re both stubborn and Hypatia can be unintentionally harsh but honest, but I think for once Flannán might draw out more active consideration for her words from her. She is demiromantic, and it is going to scare her a little to fall in love with him, but I also think it’ll be so easy for her to fall in love with him regardless of the time it takes to get her to admit her own feelings. She will definitely want to be something, someone, safe and comforting for him. He’ll certainly make her feel safe, which isn’t exactly something people tend to make her feel. 
She likes his hands, a lot. And his hair, she could spend a lot of time braiding it while waxing philosophical at him or talking about absolutely anything in the world together. She definitely wants to hear stories from him, she wants to hear anything and everything he wants to share with her, she wants to know him.
And she wants to be known by him, for him to know the differences in subtle expression changes and how to make her smile and laugh. She wants to know the same about him, she wants to know how to make him happy.
Which is a terrifying thought.
It is an appealing thought too. 
Side note, she'd even be willing to get a tattoo that reminds her of him. Which would look like:
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Other than that I don’t think there’s much more to say on Hypatia, there’s probably things im forgetting and tidbits I haven’t included but this is enough on her I think. Other than playlists there’s not much more to share! 
I love this woman, as much as I cannot wait to put her through agony, I am so excited to see her happy with her boy. 
Hypatia core
Giovanni and Hypatia
Flannán and Hypatia
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writteninpinecones · 7 years
Petal by Precious Petal (Jason Todd x Reader)
Okay here’s the deal: I have a lot of requests from like about two months ago. And they’re all half finished and I’ve lost inspiration. But I do have inspiration for this and a love for Jason “I died once lol” Todd. Why am I writing after midnight? That’s a good question.
I first discovered the hanahaki disease AU from a piece by @loudmouthwally made me bawl so I highly suggest checking that out, and also @writing-yj has done two that never cease to make me cry, so yeah, their writing is beautiful and they have no idea who I am so y'all better go and read their stuff so this isn’t creepy but instead benefits them too and I’m rambling okay! Let’s do this!
There are flowers in your lungs and you aren’t quite sure how to feel.
Every breath is painfilled as you feel the petals desperate to break free. It hurts so much, god it hurts so fucking much, roots taking place, trying valiantly to rip apart the soft tissue.
And yet, you’re used to it.
You’re used to the pain because you’ve been in love for what seems to have been forever, and it has never not been unrequited. [three years you went without incident and then you had to fall in love again, and shatter a well sculpted illusion]
You weren’t supposed to be able to love, years ago, the last time you had this disease, you hadn’t even hesitated on getting the surgery. You’d rather live life without some neurotic emotion than not at all.
But now?
Now it was back, and you were finding it increasingly harder to hate the man who did this to you. You know, seeing as you were in love with Jason Peter Todd.
This shouldn’t even be possible; you had lost your ability to love, had been condemned to a world of mediocre contentment. You shouldn’t be able to love this man, but you did.
It was infuriating to say the least.
But, you think as you cough up another basket of petals, he’d done the extraordinary and somehow tricked you into love.
It’s just too bad he didn’t love you back.
It’s too bad because, well, you’re dying. You waited just slightly too long to get the surgery yet again and now you think you might have a month.
If you’re lucky.
Seventeen days pass and no one’s found out. Well actually, maybe Bruce knows, but he’s the goddamn Batman so you reckon you didn’t stand a chance at deceiving him. And you’re not sure you’d want to.
But Bruce allows you to continue helping Barbara with her Oracle duties and doesn’t tell her so it’s not that bad.
And you think he probably knows who’s responsible for your disease, but he never says anything.
It’s been seventeen days and your times cut short.
Surrounded by friends and family, mere feet away from Jason, you fall to the ground hacking up blood and flowers.
And for a moment everyone freezes- then suddenly your overwhelmed with stimulation.
There’s screaming and crying and you know this is the end because you can feel the tingling on your wrist as a name starts to form, and there’s a hand on your back and it’s big and warm, and someone’s stroking your hair, and another’s searching desperately for a name.
Bruce, Stephanie, Barbara. That order.
You can vaguely hear someone calling out, asking who did this to you, and suddenly the coughing stops and your lungs are no longer working and you are dying of asphyxiation.
It’s the last thing you hear accompanied by anguished screams, some more angry than others, and his utterly remorseful face is the last thing you see.
And loving someone unrequitedly stops hurting.
And then your heart stops beating and the branches of a cherry blossom tree crawls up and out of your throat.
[they bury you in the family cemetery, and in a year's time your tree is fully grown]
[and everyday, jason lies under it basking in your presence and rambling about his day]
[and how he wishes he had known, because now he's destined to your fate, coughing up petals for the dead]
TAGGING: @hyp-oh-critical, @nightwingasm
Want to be tagged? Let me know!
I hope this is enough to tie y'all over, I am sorry it’s kind of sad and not so much about interactions but moreso a stream of consciousness. I do hope y'all like it, loves. And hope y'all have a fantastic evening as per usual!
Remember! You are loved!
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Holy shit okay thank you so much @lessracquetball I’m so happy you tagged me!
Rule #1 Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
Here we go okay: @atomicallyconnected @doctaaaaaaaar @honeesweetness @impossiblesyndicate @hyp-oh-critical @its-a-god-darn-surety @beingpansexualisokay @neochoke-io @ofshadowsandstars
Rule #2 Highlight the true statements in bold
I am 5'7 or taller
I wear glasses (reading glasses)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
My abs are somewhat defined (I took dance for 7.5 hours a week and we had to do workouts. Not fun)
I have or have had braces (for 3 fucking years. But I had bad teeth. Like really bad. I’ve had 12 pulled/)
I love meeting new people (online)
People tell me I’m funny (my one redeeming quality)
Helping people with their problems is a big priority to me (I am incapable of not helping if I am able to even if it affects my personal health)
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude to people I know well 
I started to say something ironically, now I can’t stop saying it (It’s Mood)
There is something I would change about my personality (Come with me/ and you’ll be/ in a world of pure procrastination)
I can play an instrument (piano, some guitar, some ukulele)
I can sing well (I’ve gotten better since I started taking voice lessons)
I can do 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (my art tag is #worksofheart)
I have a good memory (only weird shit)
I’m good at doing maths in my head (except subtraction. idfk why but I can’t do subtraction)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in an arm wrestle (I mean probably)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I can throw a punch
I enjoy sports
I have learned a new song in the past week (Oklahoma because it’s part of my school’s Cabaret show to promote this year’s musical, which is the 50th musical the school has done)
I’ve gone running at least one week in the summer (with my dog to my local dunkin donuts)
I work out at least once a week (I try to)
I have drawn something in the last month (my art instagram is @ hoping_for_inspiration)
I enjoy writing (can’t say I’m any good though)
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss 
I have had alcohol (Russian New Years parties are wild)
I have scored a winning goal in sports
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
I have been to an overnight event (a sleepover)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in hospital/er in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country (I was born in Israel and live in the US and have visited Austria, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, and Bermuda)
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (not a band but Troye Sivan had a band playing with him s o)
I have at least one person I consider a best friend (3)
I live close to my school (7 minute drive)
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the US
There is snow right now where I live (there was like last week tho)
I have hung out with friends in the past month (lots of fun times actually)
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 cds
I share my room with someone
I have a crush on a celebrity (too many to name but tbh Thomas Sanders will forever have my heart)
I have a crush on someone I know (one of said best friends rip)
I have been in at least 3 relationships (depends if you count online but I do)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush for over a year
I have been in a relationship for over a year (longest was 9 months)
I have had feelings for a friend (said best friend)
I have break danced
I know a person called Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i’ve been red, purple, pink)
I am listening to a song on repeat right now (Can’t Help Falling in Love from All Shook Up, my school’s musical this year)
I have punched someone in the past week
I have known someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what to do with my life
I speak at least two languages (English, Russian, and 4.25 years of Spanish)
I have made a new friend in the past year (I have made so many friends in the last few months and I love them all)
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hoteldiscontent · 6 years
Confused and Clear||Yamato||Trial 1|| Re: Junji, Ernest, Rinka, Linh,
Yamato looked genuinely surprised when Rinka ‘confessed’ to having tied him up.  He doesn’t even respond for a few seconds, suspicious if this is some kind of trap to get him to slip up or if she would actually be crazy enough to admit that.
"Well… if you’re admitting it…" 
He wasn’t going to complain, especially if it helped clear his name. It seemed that now the questions weren’t being aimed at him but at Rinka.
"Am I supposed to take accusation after accusation normally and calmly?  Anyone would get fed up after awhile wouldn’t they?  Cut me some slack." 
He grumbles as Inspirations focus seems less on him and more on Junichi’s hurt feelings.
Speaking of feelings, now people apparently wanted to know how he was feeling. 
"What do you mean 'how do I feel’?  Aside from nearly dying of thirst and being the prime suspect of this case I’m not exactly feeling all that cheery.  What the heck are you getting at?”
Once Junichi tried getting the words out he only found himself getting more frustrated that he wasn’t speaking clearly enough for him to understand the words.  
“So what you’re saying is that it’s just the same scenario but I’ve somehow conked myself out in the laundry room and then gotten myself tied up by Rinka.  Guess in the end not much has changed in your little scenario huh?  And what the heck are you going on about?  I mighta been hy…?  High?  Hydrated? Hyp-”
And just like that Yamato stops in his tracks as his eyes go wide in realization.  And slowly a pained resentful look crawls over his face as he leans down and looks at his podium.  His hands ball into fists as he closes his eyes and bites his lip.  
Then it quickly reverts back to a soft cheerful smile as he loosens his hands into a simple wave.
“…I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I’m just fine, nothing about me has changed.  Haha…" 
His awkward laughter contradicts his gleeful expression. 
"That’s quite the imagination you’ve got Linh, but do you really think you can trust someone like Rinka over me at this point?  I mean… I might’ve been a bit aggressive, but I don’t go around tying random people with rope.  Clearly she’s more apart of this than I am.”
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