batfamfucker · 1 year
Hey guys, I just found this gofundme on TikTok at @helpyouth. It's for a 19yo trans kid who is trying to fight an eviction. Their goal is £350 (British). So far they have £20. They only have a few days. They have no family and are alone so I thought I could help. If you can't donate, please share this post and go like their vid and comment on it so it'll gain traction. Remember not to say 'boost' in TikTok comments as TikTok has apparently been known to hide videos with it in.
Here is their Tiktok account:
Here is the link to their gofundme:
Let's make sure a trans teenager doesn't end up on the streets this pride month, yeah?
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poundcake07 · 13 years
Bullying Documentary 
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