#hence the fixation
fairly-local-fairy · 6 months
Alex in the sense that I think I’m too much and everyone secretly hates me so I have to preform at top capacity to receive love and keep the peace for those around me. Henry in the sense that I’m too gay to function.
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gltzpzy · 2 months
kiss kiss ૮꒰⸝⸝> <⸝⸝꒱ა
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krashlite · 3 months
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I got caught up on Skyjacks and needed to draw him so have some character concepts (+ Calivar, Sifa, and Dref)
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nat-20s · 4 months
I think I could deal with Master way easier than the Doctor does because unlike them I started taking Prozac and stopped being repressed so I'm fully able to recognize it's easy as hell to manipulate horny people
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angelsdean · 7 months
my nested hyperfixations: spn --> destiel --> dean. matryoshka dolls in my brain
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
am probably like the only person who has this hc but like i love the idea that half ghosts dont have obsessions (in the traditional sense) like ghosts dont have that choice its like something theyre compelled to do regardless of rational but also because without an obsession there’s nothing anchoring them down to the physical realm.
but half ghosts are already anchored via human body so no need for an obsession. something about the humanity of half ghosts giving them a choice, like thats why they aren’t as focused on a theme like say the lunch lady or the box ghost or ember. like they have the agency to be whatever the hell they want do whatever they want.
plus the theme of choice with vlad and danny as foils bc theyre similar but vlad chose to be an absolute dipshit while danny ultimately chose to save others its just more satisfying than when both are effectively forced to act out the hero villain role
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entelecchia · 2 years
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two households, both alike in dignity -
tybalt and benvolio.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 11 months
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karma and charmarielle, and angel and demon who are roommates !
redesigns of ocs from 2012 (this is actually the 2nd redesign I did of them, first was in 2019 or 2020 but I was unhappy w that redesign)
they got in a fight where charmarielle was trying to hunt down karma and send her back to hell, and in the fight karma stole her halo where her divinity is, and charmarielle stole karma's horns, where her malice is. theyre both stuck as humans now with all the Human Emotions they both lacked before...
they live together bc they were both lookn for roommates to afford an apartment on the low wage jobs they had to get, and theyre both looking for each other knowing they rendered the other powerless but they other holds their key to getting they powers back/getting back to heaven and hell. but neither know who the other one is/what they look like in their human forms and become friends accidentally (gfs later) the story is like. them trying to convince the other theyre a Very Normal Human :) while being wildly dysfunctional abt it LOL. average late 20s girlies. by the end ofc they dont care abt returning bc theyve learned to be human and are in LOVE 🫶
(they are still both objectively kinda jerks tho <3)
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dad finished reading Stellarlune! he said “this book was *checks random page* all talking.” and “if this was what she was building to—which she said in the acknowledgements—why didn’t we do this like. four books ago.” and “this was an information dump, telling us everything to get us caught up. and where’s Ro?? she’s the next problem.” just thought I’d let you know.
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gltzpzy · 2 months
guy i fear my spiderverse fixation is slowly coming to an end..
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the Real x-file for jose chung's from outer space is how many takes did david duchovny have to do of the scene where mulder eats an entire sweet potato pie, and did he actually eat the equivalent of an an entire pie, and what did they do with all half-eaten pies that were left over?
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bodywhorror · 3 months
not to be all like "its bad to portray bad things in HORROR" becausse...no..lol... but I can't lie the sa scene in reanimator feels so pointlessly thrown in there at the end...
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aliceindaisychains999 · 7 months
This song reminds me of urban exploring late at night
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enviousennui · 6 months
In ref to a previous post, here's what I meant by the cake. Feat cosplay pics of me
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Bonus tz under cut
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Kinda funny pic ngl
God that wig was awful. This was like my first cosplay btw. Don't be too harsh on em future me
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Hey Libra! Hope you're well! I just had to ask... how on earth do you write for so many characters, so well?
Yooo, im quite content actually got a new plant im excited to repot. Im also (hopefully) gonna have chicken cuddles later today
Anyhoo! the answer is practice!! Lots of practice. And study the character like a bug in a jar. How do they react to danger, to happiness, to friends, to family ... how does their past color their actions, what are their current goals and desires. Are they even aware of what their desires are, etc.
From there you can start to extrapolate how they'd act in the new Situations you're putting them in! Romance is fun and my favorite to write because some people really do act differently with their loved ones and that's fun to explore, plus relationships can lead to emotional highs and lows. And awaken lots of trauma and angst. You know how it goes.
Practice is essential tho! Itll be bad and okay before it gets good. In my own experience sometimes doing a fuckton of characters becomes "meh" because I worry Im repeating myself - characters of the same temperment can have really similar reactions to a Situation! So I try to put a unique spin it, bc they dont have the same experiences/pasts.
And then ofc I worry I write so much fanfiction that the character isn't like their canon self at all ... I really need to reread asoiaf bc I worry abt that often. So referencing canon scenes/quotes/episodes/chapters/blah blah is essential. Asoiaf wiki is always up, I have notes on Lackadaisy stuff, I'll rewatch scenes in Peaky, etc etc.
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stranded-labyrinth · 1 year
i'm supposed to be trying to get a grip on that fic but illness has led to me rambling in one shots about Will being Hannibal's god
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