#henry cavill love hate
dadralt · 11 months
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An ode to Henry Cavill by The Witcher cast
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super-henry · 5 months
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“Good morning South Korea!
First day of press for Argylle today, very excited to see my good friends Bryce and Sam today and to get this tour started!
@brycedhoward@marv_films #SouthKorea#Argylle”
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mk-wizard · 2 years
“Thor” Speaks Out: We won’t take the hate that you give
First, the She-Hulk TV series’ creators admitted that they made the show with the objective of mocking fans, then Henry Cavill walked out on the Netflix Witcher because he had enough, and now, Chris Hemsworth who is famous for playing Thor in the MCU has had enough and is putting his foot (and hammer) down hard in how he is sick of being ridiculous on purpose.
THIS is what Disney, Netflix and a lot of media have to show making films and series that are not only devoid of love, but openly hate the source material and will create a media based on it just to spite it and its fans. Back when I was growing up, if someone on the set of a movie or show mocked the very piece they were creating and did not take it seriously, they got fired. If you don’t really want to be there and don’t even like what you’re working, then you shouldn’t be there. Now, it looks like insulting the media has become part of the creative process and is even encouraged. And that’s bad.
I admit that even fans laugh at the very fiction they love sometimes because we are not blind to its flaws or silly parts. It is even an art form to sit back and laugh at the silly side of our fandoms hence why we have spoof films like Dracula Dead and Loving it, the famous Naked Gun series, the Lethal Weapon TV series on Netflix, Shaun of the Dead, The Orville, the webcomic 8-Bit Theater and more.
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But even then, it was still obvious that behind these parody pieces was a very obvious love and endearment towards the source material. In other words, we are laughing with them together with no hard feelings and we all still love what we love. The creators did not make these films or series because they wanted to make the original material look bad. They did it because they wanted to make us laugh. And even then, they were put together with care and with intent of making something great that all audiences could enjoy.
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Now, pieces that are meant to be part of the official lore feel like hate letters to both the original fans and creators. And what do you really have to show for it when you create something with hate, resentment and with the intent to insult and punish the audience? Nothing. All you did was waste your time and made yourself look bad. Not to mention that when you make bad media on purpose, it becomes permanent on your record. Moreover, when you have a chance to work with something as big as She-Hulk, Star Wars, Superman, He-Man or other iconic figures in fiction, it would be wiser to give it your all and make it into something great like Noelle Stevenson did with She-Ra. Even if you aren’t a die-hard fan of the material, it is still honour to be picked to work on it, so it is better to treat it like an honour instead of a joke. And if you dislike it that much, it is better to kindly turn down the job.
The point is that Hollywood needs to not only remove hate from the equation, but to also put love back into the creative process. Too much of Marvel, Disney, DC and now, Netflix are plagued with meanness and hate, and the material is suffering for it. I also truly believe that deep down, these companies don’t want to be hateful or mean to anyone including themselves. They don’t really want to lose their loyal fans and don’t really want to make half-baked films or shows.
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I believe that things are going to change and while I admit that maybe it will get worse before it gets better, I have faith. After all, DC, Marvel and Disney have been around long before this new wave of media came along. And it had its bad times before yet braved them. The Dark Knight rose once, he can do it again and so will all the other heroes.
After all, love is stronger than hate. If anything, the fact that these actors are taking a stand and speaking out is a sign of positive change. They are finally saying “no” and if there is one thing I have learned as a parent, “no” has love behind it.
Thank you for reading and as always, stay safe.
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kassylin · 2 years
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Eskel. Go to sleep.
But will you kiss it better first?
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itsjustmeok · 2 years
Some nicknames suit people perfectly, even if they don't think it does.
Like for example:
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No, I'm not talking "dark angel" or "fallen angel". I'm talking about the angel in your angelic form. He does not understand why you call him "my angel", but you know why. He saved you from the darkness of your insecurities about your body and yourself. You were not the type that men first chose, not the most confident woman, always trying to hide in oversize clothes because your body wasn't good enough. You never had a flat tummy and that's why you thought that the mustache man across the room was actually judging you. Not that at the end of the party both of you were sweating over the bed sheets. He hates when you say you're ugly, that's why he punishes you with his very heavy and skilled hands. He saved you from yourself, he carried you to the light, showing you how beautiful and amazing the woman he loves is.
"Wild Horse"
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He is a free spirit. Like, for real. Adventurous, fearless, strong... But the reason you call him that isn't because of it. He is IMPOSSIBLE to control! He knows that something will go wrong, you warned him multiple times. But what he does do? Exactly what you said not to do. He is indomitable, and can't stay in a place for a long time without feeling trapped. It surprises you how much he loves to be a married man, but girl, how difficult it is to put something on that thick head. Like when he almost broke an arm doing a backflip in the neighbor's pool. He is just... Urg. And then he laughs looking at you like: "See? I did it!" You can't help but shake your head smiling at your wild horse. And let's be honest... Wild horses are the best to ride.
"The Beast"
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Ok, maybe this one was obvious, but he is not "a" beast. He is "THE" Beast from the Belle story. Every single coworker of his is frightened by his glare or how his voice gets deeper whenever he is angry at something. He is amazing at intimidating those disgusting guys and no one dares to stare at his blue eyes for more than a second. But at home... He is soft. He is a calm soul looking for rest with his head on your chest. He loves to read, as much as you do. Maybe he learned it from you. You both love to drink wine and talk about nothing while admiring the sky or in silence taking care of the housework. He is an amazing friend and an exceptional boyfriend. He does not know how to dance but never denies it to you when you ask. Everything is a learning experience for him, but he is ready to take the next step.
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inthethickofbleeding · 11 months
I REALLY need someone to explain The Witcher Season 3 to me. Especially part 2…BECAUSE WHAT IN THE FRESH AND PUTRID HELL WAS ALL THAT???!?!?! The story was aaaaallll over the place. Sure there were shining moments, but damn they were few and spread thin. This is our farewell with Henry?? This season was not good. I’m desperate to change my mind tho- so please, someone enlighten me
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words-and-pages · 11 months
Someone interpreted one of my posts as being critical of The Witcher Netflix and I need you guys to know that I will NEVER criticise my stupid little fantasy show I love it with all my heart and it is the ONLY thing that brings me joy
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
How tf did I just learn that my husband geralt is being replaced by punk ass liam hemsworth, thru wattpad?!?!? Of all places!!!!
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tacosaysroar · 2 years
(Unpopular) swimwear opinion: American men should embrace briefs.
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heartman · 2 years
So Henry Cavill is no longer Superman and he's no longer Geralt what's the point why ever do anything can we please let this man keep ONE THING he was passionate about? Just one please?? I'm begging you Netflix or DC he deserves better than this
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
the witcher producers are considering releasing s3 in two parts?? the sheer arrogance of this is insane
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super-oddity · 2 years
listen, i’m a massive superman fan who hated man of steel & most dceu movies. but FUCK do i feel bad for henry cavill
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I was just watching a video and u know idk where snyder got the idea that characters themselves need to be dark and absolutely unhero-like to make a dark and realistic superhero film. As if genuinely good people can't go through the most heartbreaking situations ever. As if good people arent realistic or something.
Make superman feel like superman again
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1llusionmachine · 2 years
sculptures literally reminds me of muse(fyi not necessarily in a bad way) and i need to sit on it for a few days, not an instant love for me but i feel it will be a grower
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
My Favorite Cardio
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x wife!reader
Summary: When he gives you that look, you know you’re in for it. Basically porn without plot.
Warnings: RPF. Cursing. SMUT. Oral (F receiving), bondage, dom/sub vibes, slight pain kink, slight choking kink, unprotected sex (P in V). Use of pet names
A/N: inspired by Henry’s interview about how he gets his cardio 😉
“Well that was quite the interview, babe,” you said with a smirk when your husband came into the living room.
Henry chuckled lightly. “You saw that, huh?”
“I got 30 text messages from family and friends with links to the video literally 10 minutes after it aired.”
He blushed. “Sorry, sweets. I didn’t know how to respond and I panicked.”
You laughed warmly. “Well you didn’t lie…”
He grinned. “You’re my favorite cardio.”
“I think I prefer running,” you teased.
His expression darkened and he gave you an almost predatory look. You felt wetness pool in your panties and you bit your lip as you stared at him.
“You sure you wanna tease me right now, (Y/N)?”
You shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I? It’s kinda fun.”
He took a step towards you, arms folded across his chest. “Yeah? You know the rules, sweets.”
“Rules?” you asked, tone light. “I can’t seem to remember any rules.” You knew exactly what your bratty behavior would do to him and you couldn’t wait for your reward.
He crossed the room in a moment, bending down to pin you against the couch, arms on either side of your body. His pupils were blown with lust and desire oozed from every pore in his body. “It sounds like you need to be reminded, princess.”
You nearly moaned at the pet name. Whenever Henry called you princess, you knew he was going to dominate the hell out of you.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed by your husband. “You want me to remind you? I’d be more than happy to put you back in your place.”
“My place?” you teased.
Henry let out a low growl. “Get your ass into the bedroom so I can fuck the brat out of you.”
You loved when he spoke so harshly to you. Your pussy was dripping and you had to rub your thighs together as you stood up, desperate for some kind of relief.
Once again, Henry noticed. “Already desperate, baby? Such a sweet little slut,” he murmured as he slapped your ass.
You gasped in surprise at the intensity of his smack. You turned to look at him, eyes filled with intense need. “Only for you, sir.”
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Bed. Now.”
You ran into the bedroom, tearing clothes off as you went, Henry not far behind you. You flopped down onto the bed, completely bare, as your husband entered the room in nothing but his tie and boxer briefs.
Your mouth watered as you took in his gorgeous body. Your entire body pulsated with need and you wanted to drag the man on top of you and use him for your own pleasure.
“Hands on the headboard,” he said firmly as he came up to the head of the bed.
You did as you were told, watching him secure your wrists to the headboard with handcuffs. He took off his tie and used it to blindfold you.
You whimpered softly, earning a much softer tone from Henry. “You okay with this, sweets?”
You nodded. “Yes, sir.”
He grinned. “That’s my good girl.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss to your forehead. “Tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
You nodded again.
“Words, pretty girl.”
“Yes, sir.”
You hated not being able to see what he was doing, but you couldn’t deny that you were more turned on than you’d been in ages. Henry was usually a pretty soft dom, but in moments like these, you weren’t sure what he would do. He could be deliciously brutal when he wanted to be.
You could hear Henry moving around, and you were dying to see what he was doing. You whimpered softly and tugged at the handcuffs, trying fruitlessly to escape them. “Henry,” you whined.
“Patience, my love.” His voice carried to you from the other side of the room and you once again wondered what he was doing.
You were soon informed by a light tickling sensation on your feet. You giggled lightly, unable to contain the sound as the sensation traveled up one leg and down the other.
You knew without being able to see that Henry had pulled out some of his favorite items from the sex box in your closet. The current one was a feathered tickling wand that he just loved to tease you with.
“You know there is absolutely no need to torture me, Hen. I’ll be good, I promise,” you say softly.
“Oh my sweet girl, we are past the point of promises. You behave like a brat, you get treated like one.”
With that, Henry went back to teasing you relentlessly with the feathers, never once giving you the firm touch you really needed.
After several minutes, you heard the telltale sound of a vibrator being turned on. Moments later, you felt the cool silicone against your burning pussy, eliciting a gasping moan from you.
Instead of giving you what he knew you wanted, Henry slowly inserted the vibrating dildo into your dripping hole and left it there.
You whined and shifted your hips, trying to get more friction where you really needed it. “Henry, please,” you begged.
You felt a harsh slap against your thigh. “What did you call me?”
You bit your lip. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to, I just want you so badly.”
"It's okay, baby girl, I know you do." You felt his hot breath against your ear. "But I'm gonna take as much time as I want."
He nipped at your ear gently before once again pulling away. You groaned in frustration, but kept your thoughts to yourself to avoid further punishment.
To your surprise, you felt a sharp swat against your inner thigh. You gasped loudly as another smack hit your thigh. You whimpered softly and desperately tried to close your legs, but Henry's large body was wedged between them. He chuckled lightly and gently rubbed your thigh.
You felt a pinch on your left nipple, followed by a pinch to your right, as Henry secured his favorite nipple clamps to your breasts. Before you could say a single word, you felt the riding crop smack against your thigh again.
You loved the way he tortured you, the pain a welcome feeling, but you were begging him to give you some relief. "Sir, please," you whimpered.
"Please what, pretty girl?"
"I need you, sir, please."
"Aww, my sweet girl needs me to touch her sexy little body?" he teased.
"Please," you whimpered again.
You felt his large hands rest against your hips. "How could I possibly deny you, my love?" His voice was low and affectionate, but you knew he would be as harsh and as rough as he liked.
Henry got off the bed and you whined again, already missing his touch.
"Be patient, love," he insisted.
You heard him removing his boxer briefs and your mouth began to water involuntarily. Your hips jerked up, seeking any kind of friction, but there was none to be found.
"You're so needy," he teased as he grabbed your left ankle.
To your surprise, he wrapped a soft rope around your ankle and secured it to the end of the bed. "Can't have you moving around," he said as he quickly secured your other ankle.
By the time Henry actually got back on top of you, your entire body was on fire with a desire so intense that you were finding it very difficult to think.
When his large hands gripped your thighs, you whimpered softly. He ignored you and slid a single finger between your folds, collecting a large amount of slick.
"You're so wet for me, sweets." You felt his finger against your lips and he said, "Open up."
You did as you're told, and he slides his finger into your mouth. You moan softly as you taste yourself on your tongue. Henry gripped your jaw and held you still as you sucked his finger clean.
"That's it, baby. So sexy."
When he removed his finger, he pulled the dildo out of your pussy and shut it off. You whimpered at the loss of contact, desperation to feel him touch you threatened to overwhelm you.
"Shh," he whispered. "Such a needy little thing."
Your hips jerked up, your body desperately seeking relief anywhere it could be found. You couldn't see him, but you were certain Henry was purposefully shifting to avoid touching you where you needed him most. It was driving you crazy, and you started begging in earnest.
"Please, sir, touch me. Just do something, anything. I'll do whatever you want sir, just please...please," you whimpered.
Henry's large, warm hands gently caressed your thighs. "I could never deny such sweet pleas, my love. You clearly need me, so I shall oblige."
You could hear the movement, as well as feel his body shifting around, but no matter how you shifted your head, you couldn't see what he was doing. Was he about to thrust into you? Finger you? Eat you out?
Seconds later, you found out as he licked a thick stripe up your pussy, moaning at the taste. You gasped at the sensation, your body overly sensitive from all the teasing.
He moved slowly, taking his time licking you and sucking at your clit, ignoring your pleas to speed it up. It was obvious he was in control and he wasn't going to give it up that easily.
As he continued eating you out, your brain was filled with blinding pleasure. All you wanted was to grab his hair and push him into your pussy...but you couldn't move. You wriggled against the bonds on your legs and arms, struggling to free yourself so you could touch him.
Henry felt your movements and lifted his head to look at your face. Even with your eyes covered, he could see how desperate you were. "What's wrong sweet girl?"
"I--I wanna touch you, sir. Need to. Please."
Henry hummed approvingly, but made no move to untie you. "Beg for me, pretty baby."
You started rambling, words pouring from your mouth almost nonsensically. "Need touch you please can't take it please sir I need you wanna feel you please."
He laughed at your garbled words. "I love it when you beg, baby, but I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to untie you yet." Without another word, he dove back in, eating you out with renewed vigor.
You cried out in pleasure, your climax building within you. Somehow, not being able to touch him only made the pleasure more intense. It took him no time at all to have you falling apart on his lips, his tongue lapping up your juices as you came.
Your body jerked beneath him as he continued to suck on your clit, even after you'd come down from your high. Your whimpers of "too sensitive" fell on deaf ears, but they quickly turned to moans of pleasure as your second orgasm began to near.
After you came a second time, Henry finally relented, head lifting from beneath your thighs to kiss your skin as he moved up your body. He kissed your lips, allowing you another taste of your release, and you moaned desperately.
"Baby, please," you whimpered. "Please let me touch you."
Henry had actually been considering releasing you up until that moment. "Sorry, sweets...but you didn't call me by my title, so you're gonna have to wait a while longer."
"Nonononononono please, sir. I'm sorry, please. Please just untie me, sir, please."
The desperation in your voice made him pause for a moment, his dominant demeanor breaking for a second. "What's your color, my love?"
"Green," you responded instantly.
He grinned and kissed you softly. "Good girl." He sat back up, admiring your body as it writhed beneath him, begging to be touched. "Now...where was I?"
"About to let me go?" you tried.
He chuckled. "Nice try, baby." You felt him shift so he was back between your legs. "I think I remember now."
You felt the tip of his cock tease your entrance and you gasped at the feeling. Even after years of fucking him, his cock still stretched you to an almost painful level, but there was no better feeling in the world.
"Please," you whispered.
Henry wanted to keep teasing you, to deny you some more, but he was finding it more and more difficult by the second. He needed to fuck you and he needed it now.
Normally, he would give you a moment to stretch out, take his time, go slowly, but tonight he was simply too far gone. He couldn't wait.
His cock slammed into your pussy in one quick thrust, eliciting a sharp gasping moan from your throat. He instantly set a brutal pace, hands gripping your hips so tightly you knew there would be bruises tomorrow.
"Fuck, baby girl, feels so good. You're so fucking tiny," he groaned.
You were too far gone to formulate any coherent words, moans all you managed in response.
"Tight little pussy squeezing me so well," he mumbled. "Makes me wanna stay here forever."
His cock was hitting all the right spots, making the pressure build in your abdomen. He could feel how close you were, so his pace never relented. "I know you're close, baby girl."
You hummed in response, silently begging him to never stop.
He thought about it for a moment, but decided against making you wait. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but he wanted at least two more orgasms from you before he came. "Come for me, baby," he whispered.
His command shattered you, orgasm pulsating through your body with such force that you screamed his name.
He had to slow down his thrusts as you came, pussy clenching him so hard he almost lost control. "Shit, baby. You gotta stop doing that or I'm gonna come."
Your body shook with aftershocks as Henry gently rubbed your aching muscles. "Sir, please," you whimpered.
"What is it, darling?"
"Let me touch you," you practically sobbed.
"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. You've been so good." Henry moved to uncuff you, quickly releasing your hands from their hold.
You grabbed at him immediately, wanting to feel his skin against yours. "Can I see you?" you asked softly.
He smiled and slowly removed your blindfold. "Hey beautiful," he whispered.
Your pretty (y/e/c) eyes fluttered open, landing on his incredibly handsome face. His curls were wild, his chest shone with sweat, and his cock was still inside of you...it was easily the sexiest image you'd ever seen.
He grinned, noticing your expression. "See something you like?"
"Mhmm...You're pretty cute," you teased.
He chuckled warmly, preening under your appreciative gaze. He shifted slightly, causing you to gasp as his cock moved inside of you. His eyes darkened and his hands slid up your body, tracing the curves he found along the way. "I'm not quite finished with you, my love."
Your eyes widened. You knew he hadn't come yet, but you figured he would let you off the hook, having come several times already yourself.
He saw your slightly panicked expression and grinned wolfishly. "Just one more, baby. You can do that for me."
"I'm not sure--"
He cut you off with a particularly strong thrust. "You were saying?"
"Don't stop," you gasped.
"That's what I thought," he said smugly, hips once again setting an intense pace.
Your legs were still tied to the end of the bed, which only heightened your experience...you couldn't get away from him if you tried, not that you wanted to. He was pounding into you with such force that you would have been slammed into the headboard if your legs weren't secured.
It didn't take long for you to be so far gone that all you could do was cling to his body, nails digging into his flesh. "Close," you mumbled.
Henry grinned. "I know baby girl. I can feel you squeezing me."
He reached between your bodies, thumb finding your clit with ease. He gently teased the sensitive nub as he continued to fuck you into the mattress.
Your moans shook the walls, mixing with his deep groans of pleasure. Through your haze, you could see that he was close. His eyebrows were weaved together in concentration, eyes focusing on a spot just above your head.
He'd been teasing you relentlessly since he got home, so you decided it was only fair to get back at him. "Look at me, baby," you whispered.
His eyes dropped to yours and you immediately clenched your pussy tightly.
"Fuck," he growled, body straining with the effort of staving off his orgasm. "What do you think you're doing, (Y/N)?"
You smiled. "Giving you a taste of your own medicine."
He raised a single eyebrow, eyes still glued to yours. Normally he would have corrected you, reminded you that you were his to command, but he secretly loved it when you took the reins.
You slid your own hand between your bodies, knocking his out of the way and taking over massaging your clit. "Keep your eyes on me handsome, and don't come until I tell you to."
His eyes widened slightly, but he nodded his agreement.
"Henry," you warned.
"Yes, ma'am. I won't come until you tell me to."
You smiled. "Good boy. Now, fuck me like you mean it."
Henry renewed his pace, quickly bringing your orgasm closer. You matched his pace against your clit, pussy clenching every few seconds to urge him on.
He was beginning to truly struggle, body so close to the edge he could barely breathe. His eyes closed as he thrust into you, but fluttered back open when he felt you grab his jaw.
"Eyes. On. Me," you said firmly.
The intensity of your gaze nearly pushed him over the edge, and he found himself begging you for permission to come. "Can't take much more, baby. Need to come. Please."
You enjoyed the neediness in his voice, and even though your own orgasm was impending, you decided to prolong his pain just a while longer. "Not yet, handsome. Be patient."
He groaned and his hand snaked up your chest, landing directly at the base of your neck. He might be letting you have some control, but he wanted you to know that you were still at his mercy.
He also knew exactly what that action would do to you, even without any pressure. You gasped in pleasure, the feeling of euphoria mere seconds away. "Come with me baby," you ordered, finally allowing yourself to orgasm.
Henry's hips stuttered as he came, filling you with his spend. He thrust a few more times as he emptied within you, voice hoarse and broken, a mixture of curses and your name falling from his lips.
When he was finally spent, he collapsed on top of you, breathing heavily. You immediately wrapped your arms around his large frame, entangling your fingers in his curly hair.
The two of you laid like that for some time before he broke the comfortable silence. "I think we need to do cardio more often, I'm exhausted."
You laughed lightly. "You're exhausted? I came...three times? Or four? I can't remember."
He shifted, lifting his torso off you, angling his head to look at your pretty face. "It was four," he said with a grin.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head good-naturedly. "My apologies, sir. I shall endeavor to count next time."
His eyes lit up. "Oh that's a good idea, sweets. I should make you count them."
You groaned. "I regret opening my mouth."
"You love me," he teased.
"You know I do."
He kissed you sweetly before sitting up completely and dragging himself off the bed. "Not as much as I love you," he said softly.
He disappeared into the en suite, returning a few moments later with a warm, wet towel, which he used to clean you up. He took his time, admiring your body and all the love marks he'd made on your skin. He liked the idea of you walking around with the evidence of his adoration adorning your body.
Once you were clean, he laid down beside you, pulling you close to him. You laid your head on his chest and let out a sigh, "I love you, Hen."
He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you tightly. "I love you too, sweets."
You quickly fell asleep, but Henry laid awake for a while, basking in the feeling of your warm body in his arms, along with the afterglow of the best cardio a man could ask for.
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