#her being vegetarian her whole life is actually really fucking funny when you consider she does blood magic
momo-de-avis · 3 years
Okay, it was really hard coming up with something for this one cause I genuinely can't remember anything involving ice cream
Something did come to mind though. It's a bit of a stretch, and I'm risking a lot telling this story because there's a twist, but here it goes.
2006, I was a highscooler. Like any highscooler in the mid-2000s, I thought the coolest kid in my school was the ugly ass, six-pack looking ass dude who played the guitar, and my friends all drooled over the cool guys who sat on the exact same spot every day: the bench scribbled all over with stupid shit under the pine tree by the common room.
If anyone here is from Almada and studied in Pragal, I have PICTURES
I also stood out back then because I pierced my nose, wore a bazillion colours and then decided to dye my hair pink shortly after. I went through a vegetarian phase (which didn't last cause I love picanha so much) and a pseudo-hippie one, a pagan one, and a metal one. As one goes.
I had this friend. It was something close to a best friend. The only reason I never claimed her best friend was because she claimed someone else best friend, and I felt it was rude. We talked on MSN every day (lmao) and she was a social person. Mind you, I was super social too, but she had a wild life. We did the tackiest, stupidest shit a teenager can do, like drinking energy drinks and ditching class to read poetry. I am not joking, I was a complete clown.
This story is super convoluted, so I'm going to suppress some details both for the sake of her identity and because it's sincerely long as shit. But from one point on, her life started to get messy. We would be talking on MSN and she's tell me shit like "brb, [friend] just popped over in my house with 32 roses". Or: "oh my god, [same friend] just showed up here with his guitar and singing at my window". Another instance, she started weaving this tale about how the guitarist I had a crush on winked at her at the bus stop (man teenage girls have one braincell). And one ANOTHER instance she wove this really complex tale that made us believe she got drunk, passed out, had sex, and then had urges for mango ice cream (yes, ice cream will be a recurrent topic for some reason) which made us believe she was pregnant.
If you guys are seeing where this is going, it means you're adults. I did not, which meant I was a clown. Rest assured, I'm laughing my ass off as I am typing this.
That's when a new player comes in, who everyone called the Peruvian guy. Yes, because he was Peru.
Peruvian guy was the only one nobody had claimed in the band, except this girl. Until she started coming off with wild claims. It all started with the wildest love story I've ever heard in my life, like not even lifetime comes up with this shit. And unfortunately, only portuguese people will see the level of atrocious in this. Because it all started in a 25th of April Da Weasel concert, inside a crammed TST bus (the 124 OF ALL BUSES) as everything should begin.
These two lovebirds spot each other inside a bus that smells of sweat, vomit and nutsack and thing "damn, we're going to fall in love right now". The Almada main plaza is filled with drunken teens and two stops later they get off. My friend and him decide the best way to discuss the nonexistent relationship is the backdoor of our school, which is a plot hole if I've ever seen one, and he says, with no introduction, that he is madly in love with her. Just like that, going in raw. She is baffled. He repeats himself.
I should remind you that this was all relayed to me by her the following day.
To prove himself, he takes off his shirt, in the middle of the road, and despite being the least busy street in the entirety of the city and 1AM, he, according to her, stops traffic, and bare chested, starts slapping that shit on the concrete screaming I LOVE YOUUUUUUU like some coked up Peruvian Chris Pine. She is still baffled. It is still not enough. So he then grabs her by the shoulders, and SMACKS her against the school gates, which by now are a good 10 meters away, so it must have been a dance. Yes, she showed me the bruises the next day, I need you to remember this detail. And there, in front of a line of enraged drivers that clearly did not exist, he kissed her passionately. I do not think a part of her considered any of this to be assault, I genuinely think she thought this was romantic.
From here on out started the romantic walks by the beach and the gallons of digested ice cream. I mean, gallons. She even showed me receipts. She even relayed back to me his favourite ice cream flavours, where they went together at 9AM and where they sat as they tasted their ice creams together, hand in hand, holding a cone and licking away.
As you have all gathered already, all of this was horseshit.
It started falling apart when I actually befriended Peruvian guy lmfao
Man it was the worst fallout i ever witnessed. Her whole family actually protected this shit, it was wild. We were pretty angry (I mean, I was particularly angry cause these lies were specifically aimed at me, and it turns out only her name was real) and we didn't deal with it the best way, but some of us offered help, but man I lost it when she laughed in my face and said "of course it was all fake". Then again, I was 17 and hormonal, so not the best judgement.
The twist here is that I found her on tumblr again and can safely say she hasn't changed much. From what I've seen, I wouldn't trust much of what she says, but at least she seems more confident in herself. She doesn't come off as an outright pathological liar, and I certainly wouldn't believe shit, but looking back it now it is so fucking funny the lengths through which she went to make up this fake romance, man. Especially because we were teenagers fantasising about these dudes in a band and then my friends and I actually befriended them in our senior year of high school and they were actually pretty cool, chill dudes and the fantasy shattered completely, they were just guys (and the guitarist was a bit of a piece of shit too, and ugly if I'm being honest, but that's my standard today speaking).
But man, I hope to achieve that level of originality. What is so wild to me is that she showed me the bruises, bro. That girl bashed herself against a wall or something to prove a dude had a rough, passionate kiss with her. At least she had help and is better today (though she's not active on tumblr anymore, at least I haven't seen her in the past year or so)
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faedawayyy · 3 years
part 1
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BASICALLY, this is a masterlist of things i want people to know about them but they’d never necessarily say or show outloud bc most of them as stubborn as fuck.
he doesn’t regret or hate any of his exes at all. he is completely indifferent towards liana and gisele, still loves soraya and has a kind of up-down mood towards riley and zara. ruby’s a friend.
he believes he’ll end up with soraya...like one thousand percent. she’s the only person he’s loved. 
charlie, matt and evan are the only people he’d give the label of ‘true friends’ and it definitely isn’t what he would’ve expected a few years ago.
his weakness is people feeling proud of him. like that’s something he craves constantly and when it happens, or you show it genuinely, you’re most likely to get through to him.
his natural coping mechanism is to act out; some people shut down/drink/take drugs. the more extreme dallas’s behaviour is and the harsher he’s behaving, the more you know he’s hurting/in a bad place. 
definitely the victim of a serious god complex. he believes with his whole heart that some of his worst work is still better than a lot of peoples best (so do i cause im a bieber fan LOL) 
he’s intelligent - scarily so...he got into several top colleges after high school including yale (where he attended for half of a semester/term), oxford and UCL. 
before his dad’s debt engulfed his family, he had a really good relationship with him and played multiple sports including hockey and golf. 
he can’t picture himself living past 30...or 27 some days. 
biggest character flaw EASILY is not knowing how to ask for or accept help. it’s been the root of ALL of his bad decisions and shitty actions. 
this literally isn’t a secret but he doesn’t give up. if you push him, he’ll push back harder and would sooner escalate a situation than be the one to walk away. 
he does everything in his power to not have to sleep in his family home. 
a cute hidden quality - he’s shockingly very good with children 
a shit hidden quality - a lot of his choice of girlfriend’s have to do whether he finds them physically attractive or not. if it’s an ‘or not’, chances are he won’t even consider it. 
his personality type is estp - bold, practical, original, direct, insensitive, risk-prone, unstructured, defiant 
he is HIGHLY impulsive and quick to act on feelings. back to his exes, this has often made him feel like he loves people that he definitely doesn’t. 
he’s actually HUGELY affectionate and that’s the tell tale sign of who he likes and who he doesn’t. if you’ve known him and he’s never acted soft/affectionate, he didn’t care in the first place. 
he’s one million percent had his heartbroken. he’ll tell you he hasn’t all day. 
conflicting with his god complex is crushingly low self-esteem when it comes to things like being worth of peoples time/energy/genuine interest beyond just being funny/hooking up with. 
silent reassurance is a thing for him. he’ll check that someone he’s comfortable with/loves is there every so often as social events and eye contact/acknowledgement definitely helps 
confrontation and disputes gives him huge anxiety but the carmichael house is the definition of toxic masculinity, so he swallows it and tries to be as rational as possible in arguments. 
comparison is a very real thing for him. he compares every element and detail of his life to others; especially the other boys. 
he considers madison his first love 
his love language is definitely acts of service, if he’s willing to help and  work towards something w.you, then he cares. 
he is definitely a burnt out over-achiever. he struggles with the concept of ‘reaching his full potential’ and no matter what he does, he doesn’t feel like he’s ever there
between leo and brody, he feels like he was never a child or even young. he’s always had a really wise head on his shoulders and is rarely impulsive. it’s the thing he hates most about himself...yet the thing a lot of people find appealing 
if you mention a critically acclaimed movie as your favourite, it gives him a bad first impression of you LOL 
he struggles to show emotion more than the others, who tend to act out and make rash decisions. i doubt anybody’s seen him cry ever. 
he didn’t peak in high school but he 100% misses who he was back then 
nostalgia is something that consumes him sometimes - if he’s shared a deep connection or memories with you, he won’t forget about you 
he’s literally never been on the wrong side of the law but police sirens make him anxious 
he never wants to be turn out like his dad, but also wants everything his dad created and had and it’s his biggest dilemma 
dogs are and have always been his favourite animal
organisation is a big thing to him. people probably assume kendall is the one who keeps things in check in their apartment, but it’s totally him. cabinets, wardrobes, shelves and everything...he can’t leave it alone if it’s disorganised 
he struggles being spoken down to or feeling like he’s being patronised. it’s the quickest way to piss him off 
he over-thinks everything, even if it doesn’t feel like it 
his worst habit is nail biting. he even had the stuff you put on your fingers as a kid and it didn’t squash it
he’s vegetarian 
if he wasn’t a carmichael, he definitely would’ve gone backpacking and worked from place to place after school but his dad definitely wouldn’t have approved
feeling useful to people is something that makes him feel self-worth 
it’s very rare for him to quit ANYTHING. if he’s committed, he’ll be in it until it comes to a natural end or just forever
an actual clean freak. he hates mess. 
he doesn’t know if imogen is/was his first love but he definitely considers her his soulmate
when he falls for someone, he falls HARD and will definitely give up some of his own values or change to impress somebody 
he has a lot of opinions and ideas but finds it hard to articulate them, he’s always found it easier to fall into the ‘hot guy’ trope and it’s got him far enough so he can’t complain 
he’s lowkey into zodiac signs and astrology but wouldn’t ever outwardly show it 
he’s VERY domestic; cooking, cleaning handy-work etc. are all strong points of his. it’s rare you’ll find any space he’s living in a mess 
he’s a romantic but quietly. the amount of time he spends thinking about dating/his love life/his future wife/kids scares him sometimes 
if he shouts, he’s not even that mad. when he gives up and just let’s someone go off/or he walks off, that’s usually when he’s hit rock bottom with someone 
big hero 6 is his favourite movie but he says black panther because it’s more acceptable to most LOL 
he suffers with health anxiety; not working out properly, or eating too much junk food will send him on a weird spiral where he’s hard on himself for months 
he always smells good. always. 
he doesn’t like people who act dumb for attention, it’s probably his pet peeve 
his harry potter house is slytherin, i took the test for him. 
he loves all of his sisters but is definitely the closest to evie, it may have something to do with them being the youngest of the 5. 
the thought of having to play any board game upsets him a lot 
if he sleeps over at anybody’s house, he has to bring his own pillow. most people who know him have just accepted it 
even now he’s older, his parents are very much his parents - he hasn’t got that friendly vibe some people get with their parents once they pass 20.
he’s a pretty good chameleon. he can shift and change depending on the crowd he’s with without being too obvious 
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hiiIiIiIiIIiIIiIIII umm??? your stories water my face and cleans my plants ❤✨✨ can you do 23 in sprace? ✨✨
Ahhh thank you so much, sorry this took so long!
23. “Sorry I can’t make it tonight.” “Why not?” “I got stabbed and I’m on my way to the hospital.” 
Spot never considered himself a very patient person up until a few months ago. It hadn’t been a conscious change, or a change he necessarily had planned, but something that had happened so gradually he didn’t notice at first. The reason for this strange development was, like so many things in Spot’s life, because of Racetrack Higgins. Dating Race kind of came with the understanding that you’d need the same patience as when you’re babysitting a five-year old. Spot knew that, even if he didn’t always like it. More often than not his life circulated around whatever idiotic thing his boyfriend had gotten himself into this time. Once it had been getting stuck in a tree at four o’clock in the morning, and another time he had locked himself into his own bathroom (How he had managed that one was still a mystery to Spot). 
But despite him getting used to - and even growing to find the humour in - his boyfriend’s shenanigans, Spot wasn’t always ready for them. Tonight was an excellent example of that. It had been supposed to be a calm and uneventful night for the two of them, in which the most exciting thing should have been trying out a new take-out place. Spot was in the moment everything went to shit standing alone in his kitchen reading a menu from said take-out place. His phone rang.
“Hey, Higgins,” he greeted, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder to continue flipping through the menu. “I was just gonna call. Are you feeling more for pad thai or spring rolls? They also have some vegetarian dishes that seem pretty-”
“Sorry, I can’t make it tonight.”
Spot lowered his hand with the menu. “Why not?” he asked, trying his hardest to keep the disappointment from sipping into his voice. It had been almost two weeks since the two of them had a whole night to themselves, without their friends around. Spot had been looking forward to it for days, even if he’d never tell Race that. 
Race’s voice was a bit wobbly when he answered. “I got stabbed and I’m on my way to the hospital.”
This is the moment the night turned from enjoyable and laid-back, to straight up terrifying. And Spot hadn’t been ready for it. Which resulted in not only the feeling of his heart stopping for a moment, but also him dropping the menu on the floor. It slid across the tiles until it came to a stop under the sink. “You what?”
“But I’m okay!”
In the background Spot could hear some curses coming from someone who was decidedly not Race, and something that sounded suspiciously close to a car swerving to avoid hitting something. “The hell you are,” Spot exclaimed and all but ran to grab his jacket. “What happened? Who are you with? And what hospital are you going to?”
“Bellevue hospital. I’m with Jack, he’s- Hey, watch the fucking road, Kelly! We don’t need a car crash on top of this! Sorry babe, I’m back. Yeah, like I said, I’m fine, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about, and you definitely do not have to come to the hospital.”
“Too late,” Spot said as he dashed down the flights of stairs to get to the entrance floor. “Tell me what happened.”
“Funny story,” Race said. Spot doubted he would agree. “Turns out, big shock, that Jack Kelly is a big dumbass who can’t handle a kitchen knife at all.”
There were more swearing in the background, but Spot’s brain ignored it like it was white noise. “Are you bleeding a lot?”
“Uh, I have a compression on, let me check-”
“Don’t fucking check, what the fuck Race!” Spot exclaimed and felt his heart do somersaults in his chest. He clenched his fist and then forced himself to relax. “Jesus fucking christ, you’re gonna be the death of me.” He almost choked when he realized what he just had said. “I mean… Uh, where did he...?”
“In the shoulder, or, well, upper arm. It’s not deep, but it was bleeding a lot, so we figured…”
Spot nodded even though Race couldn’t see him. “Yeah, of course, good. How are you feeling?” 
“Uh, okay, to be honest. A bit… What’s the word? Faint?”
“That makes sense, if you’re losing blood. Get me Jack on the phone, will you? You shouldn’t strain yourself.” He hailed a cab and got in quickly, telling the driver to drive to Bellevue Hospital as fast as possible. There was a shuffling on the phone as Race let Jack take over the call. 
“Yeah, hey Spot.”
“You fucking idiot, you walking disaster, what the actual fuck, Kelly.”
Jack sounded like he spoke through clenched teeth. “Yeah, thanks, I know.”
“If he gets seriously hurt because of this, I will hunt you down. Don’t think I won’t.”
Jack sounded impatient. “I know. I’m pulling up to the hospital in a minute. You meeting us here?”
“Of course, I’m in a cab. Try not to run someone over, okay? And keep pressure on the wound.”
Then he hung up without saying goodbye and forced himself to not follow his instinct to throw the phone out of the half-opened car window. He pressed his eyes closed and put his head between his legs. He couldn’t breathe. His shoulders were shaking. There wasn’t enough oxygen in the car. Darkness pressed around him, only adding onto the feeling of choking, until Spot sat up with a gasp and forced himself to open his eyes. 
He felt the taxi driver’s gaze on him, and then how the car picked up speed. 
The car ride felt as if took hours and not the mere twenty minutes that was the reality. Every second that passed brought another wave of anxiety to wash over Spot, making his thoughts dizzy and skin to crawl. He tried to focus on small details to not drown in his feelings. The leather of the seat in front of him was old and dried up. The window felt cool when he placed his cheek against it The trees passing by blurred together in a mass of green and brown. Street lights shone into the car at a steady pace.
He handed some bills to the driver and shoot out of the car as soon as it stopped outside of the massive, white building.
The emergency room was large and filled with beds and people. It smelled like fear and panic, and something else that Spot feared was the smell of death. He forced down a new wave of nausea.
 A short, plump nurse with a high ponytail and a kind face checked a couple of papers as Spot stood and drummed his pointy finger on the reception. It took only a minute until she smiled at him and pointed towards a bed in the back of the emergency room. Spot barely remembered to nod politely and thank her before he dashed across the room. 
Race’s face was scrunched up and looked red from the strain, but he was sitting up the bed. A middle aged doctor was sitting on a stool beside him, speaking calmly as she stitched Race’s upper arm. Jack was standing at the foot of the bed watching his friend, a tightly clenched fist covering his mouth. There were stains of dark red on the sleeves of his hoodie. His face - or, what was visible of it - was a ashen shade. 
When Spot halted at the bed, Race looked up. His face split up into a grin and he made as if to move or even stand up, but grimaced and relaxed against the pillow as he noted the doctor beside him and realized it wouldn’t end well. “Hey, Spotty,” he mumbled instead and grinned even wider. “I’m high.”
The doctor smiled at him and then glanced up at Spot. “Hello. Spot, was it? Anthony hasn’t stopped talking about you. Boyfriend, I assume?”
“Yeah,” Spot said and moved so he was standing beside the bed. He brushed a finger over Race’s forehead, just to make sure he was actually there, and then threaded through his hair. It was matted with sweat. 
Jack coughed and dragged his hand over his mouth. “I’ll…” he took a deep breath. “I’ll get us some coffee.” 
Spot barely acknowledged him as he left. “How is he?” he asked the doctor, who had gone back to the stitches. 
“He’ll be fine. It was a minor wound, considering. I have a couple of more stitches to do, but then it’s only a matter of letting the drugs wear off.” 
Race pushed his head into Spot’s hand, silently asking for more touching. “I’m high,” he repeated, and Spot let out a laugh without meaning to. He clamped a hand over his mouth. The doctor must have noticed the horrified look on his face, because she smiled kindly.
“It’s normal to laugh when you have been under stress. If you ask one of the nurses, I’m sure they can show you where you can find some water and a place to sit. I’m afraid it’ll be at least another hour before Anthony can go home.”
The idea of leaving the bed even for a second was so foreign to Spot that he almost laughed again. “No. Thank you, but I don’t mind waiting.” 
She nodded. “Okay, that’s fine.” She smiled at him. “It’s nice to see that you care so much.”
“Yeah, he loves me,” Race muttered in a low, sing-song voice and tried to turn his head so he could kiss Spot’s palm. “And I loooove him.”
“That’s nice,” the doctor said and rose from her seat. “I’m all done. I’ll send a nurse over in a while to check on him.”
“Thank you,” Spot said and sank down into the chair she just abandoned. When he left he turned to Race, who looked very pleased with the prospect of being alone with Spot. “You’re such an idiot.”
“What did I do?” Race asked, furrowing his eyebrows as if he was trying really hard to understand what he had fucked up this time. 
Spot let out a breathy laugh and leaned down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. “You missed our date, for one. You owe me take-out.”
Race nodded seriously. “I’ll buy you take-out now if you want.”
“I don’t think the doctors would like that.”
He pouted. “Mean.”
“Hey, they’re the ones sewing you closed after you got yourself stabbed. Show some respect.”
Race snorted and nodded before letting his head fall back against the pillow. “Yeah, yeah.” He had a slightly hazy look in his eyes. As Spot stroked his forehead, he sank down deeper and deeper into the pillow. “I’m sleepy.”
“Go to sleep, then.”
He nodded and then yawned. “Smart.” He looked up at Spot. “Will you stay?”
Spot took his hand in his and brought it up to his lips. His whole body ached in a way that was far to painful for it to only be physical. It was a hurt only the brain could cause, strong and powerful enough to make him forget trivial things as his own name, or breathing. Nothing else mattered except the fact that Race was okay, that he would be all right. Spot blinked away the tears, because high or not, Race would never let him forget him actually crying beside his hospital bed. He kissed Race’s hand again, and then once more. “Of course I’ll stay. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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allforthecourtt · 6 years
rereading aftg with my dumbass opinions pt. 2 (tfc chapters 6-10)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
look guys! its the highly unanticipated continuation of my reread of aftg!
chapter 6 (aka. meet this MESS of a team)
“My mother's family is French." It was a lie that probably had his British mother rolling over in her sandy grave.”
neil really never misses an opportunity to remind readers that he fucking buried his mom on the beach huh?
“A liar who practices occasional honesty. Clever. Keeps people guessing. Very effective. I would know. I do it myself, you see. Come on, then. After you.”
have i mentioned how entertaining high andrew is? because he’s funny as hell
also rereading these are fun because Nora is incredible at foreshadowing just sayin
“Neil automatically reached for his seatbelt, but one of the brothers was sitting on it.”
how neil would be in the back of the cousins’ car if they let him:
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“You?" Neil said. "You can't." Andrew's smile curved wider. "Ohhh, that sounds like a challenge. Mother may I?" "Your mother's dead. I don't think she cares what you do.”
“Starting a fight was too out of character for who he portrayed "Neil” to be, though.”
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“Consider this your official invite, you suicidal wretch. I'm bringing you to Columbia with us this Friday.”
awe suicidal wretch... glad they’re starting those pet names early
“I don't drink or dance," Neil said.
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andrew: i kno u can
“Kevin doesn't dance anymore”
anymore? ANYMORE??? release the cursed events that led to him not dancing anymore Nora im begging you
“Are you bleeding anywhere?" Matt asked. "Nowhere vital," Neil said.
gskjgnsak god i stan this little asshole so much
“She said it gently, with the hint of a smile on her face, but Neil still felt the rebuke. It was subtler but somehow deadlier”
have i mentioned how gay i am for renee? because im very gay for renee
“Allison looked ready for a photo shoot with perfect platinum curls, spiked heels, and a skintight dress.”
im also gay for allison ngl
“I can move if you want to sit here," Neil said. "No, this is fine." She smiled, but it had a smug edge to it, probably because Seth was glaring at them like he could kill them with willpower alone. ”
lol remember how neil doesn’t think he’s attractive and yet in 0.1 seconds after meeting him allison is like “yes this idiot is hot enough to piss off the other idiot im dating”
“Personal favorite was when someone told the police we were running a meth lab out of the dorm," Dan said sourly. "Police raids are awesome.”
no offence dan but that’s fucking hilarious omg
that’s kind of like the time my residence floor had to get evacuated bc some kids hotboxed their dorm room
god i love uni
“The death threats were creative, though," Nicky said. "Maybe this time they'll follow through and actually kill one of us. Let's vote. I nominate Seth.”
pfffffttttt i love Nicky omg
also hahahahahah foreshadowing!
“It'll be fine," Andrew said. "I promised, didn't I? Don't you believe me?" It took a while, but at last Kevin visibly relaxed. ”
again this is why i thought they were fucking for like the better part of the first two books
“The dead look Kevin turned on Andrew today was the same look Neil saw in his reflection. When Neil stopped acting, when he stopped worrying about who was watching, when he let go of the lies that kept him alive, that was the only expression he could make.”
it’s fine i didnt need a heart anyways
this kid is 18 hes A BABY
the first time i read this i was 18 too and like jfc i was a BABY at 18 and so i neil
“One of us has to make it, Mom." It wasn't going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it.”
sorry let me just wipe my TEARS off my fucking laptop neil honey what the fuck
“He felt distant as he watched them walk in. Maybe he was already dying, his stupid soul fading from his short body in preparation for a brutal end.”
neil we get it you have depression (me too bitch u aint special)
“Fuck running," Seth said.
now that’s a whole ass mood
“he didn't know how Renee could smile so warmly when she was speaking to Andrew.”
haha bitch just wait
“when he slept, he dreamed of his father waiting for him on the Foxhole Court.”
remember how at the end of the series his father is waiting on the court but neil wins??? god we love good storytelling
this is such a fucking wild chapter
could you imagine? coming back from the summer and your first introduction to this amateur from arizona is this neil josten level of sass? because i’d probably kill him
first years are bad enough but first years who dont care about other people’s opinions? the fucking worst
chapter 7 (aka. neil does NOT have a fun night out)
“It seemed Allison and Seth didn't believe in middle ground: either they were slinging vile insults at each other or they were making out in the locker room regardless of whoever might be around.”
that’s just how the straights are
“It reminded Neil a little of Allison and Seth, except without the desperate sexual undertones.”
i’ll just leave this gem of a line here
“His teammates held so little regard for him he didn't even have the dubious honor of being dead last.”
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neil shading himself is actually hilarious how relatable
“Neil watched him do it, trying to remember the last time someone gave him a gift and coming up blank. That his first one should be from Andrew was unsettling.”
i actually love the fact that andrew bought him clothes so early on like andrew your gay is showing
“Neil debated how much damage the thick heels of his new boots would do against Andrew's face and liked what his mind came up with.”
i thank god everyday that these books are neil’s pov
“Andrew gave Neil another slow once-over and let go. "We're going.”
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^andrew seeing neil w/o contacts (aka. the ‘i can’t think straight’ vine)
“Most of the men wore leather, half the women had corsets, and a good number of both genders were covered in buckles and chains.”
this... is a... gay bar
“Andrew saluted the bouncers on his way by and led the way into the club, bypassing the line entirely.”
i always forget the drinking age in the us is 21 but like this bar really dont care about their liquor license AT ALL lmao
“You think Kevin would risk his future over a night out at the club?" "What future?" Neil asked.”
“Neil hadn't seen Aaron get up, but he was waiting behind Neil when Andrew let go. Neil reached for Andrew with lethal intent, but Aaron grabbed the back of his chair and pulled hard enough to topple it over.”
why are the twins literally this gif:
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real talk nicky kissing neil like that is horrible and really reflects poorly on nicky as a character
andrew for this entire chapter:
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chapter 8 (aka. a hitchhiker’s guide to lying about your identity)
“I don't know how your conversation with Andrew went, but it didn't end well. Rumor has it you paid a busboy a hundred bucks to knock you out. Way to cut our night short.”
this is probably my favourite thing neil does in the entire series ngl
“Wymack grabbed his elbow and hauled him inside. He slowed just long enough to slam the door behind Neil. "Are you stupid or just crazy? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you between here and there? What were you thinking?”
Why does Wymack literally sound like my father?
foxes: daddy?
wymack: DO I LOOK LIKE
follow up:
kevin: daddy?
wymack: uh yeah
“I don't know what the beef is between you two, but it ends here and now.”
Wymack @ neil: tell your boyfriend, if he says he’s got beef that your a vegetarian and your not fucking scared of him
“Then correct me." "Give me a reason." "Besides the obvious?" Andrew said. "If I can't get an answer from you, I'll get it wherever I can.”
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“I'm—" Neil didn't want to say it, but the word was already there, broken and pathetic between them, "—nothing. I'll always have and be nothing.”
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“He wondered for a moment if Andrew could handle the entire truth so calmly, but that was too dangerous and stupid to consider.”
“Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.”
this is such a good fucking line like i am shooketh
chapter 9 (aka. neil is, like, really horny for exy)
“Are you stupid?" Seth asked. "Yeah," Neil said.”
what a fuckin MOOD
“Neil had almost forgotten why he liked Exy so much. He did his best at practices but these days he worked mostly to keep his teammates off his back. As Neil surveyed Kevin's damage, he finally felt inspired again. On its heels was a hungry, desperate rush.”
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“Seth made as if to throw his beer at Neil. "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented.”
sometimes i really wish seth was actually given a chance to have some character development
“ "Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought." "Maybe I am," Neil said”
another big fucking MOOD
chapter 10 (aka. shocking: university is hard :/ )
“It's fun telling Kevin no," Andrew said with a wicked grin.”
why is andrew like this omg
betsy probably was like just looking for a chill job and was like “oh cool uni students? ill have to deal with like a lot of anxiety, sexual tension, depression and like confusion about the future, not to bad” but NOPE welcome to the fucking MAFIA WARS
“That wasn't so bad, was it? Andrew was convinced it would be a disaster. He put money on you hating Betsy." "Did you bet against him?" "Yes," Renee said. "It was a private bet between the two of us.”
“I hope you didn't lose much," Neil said.”
god why is he such an asshole at every opportunity i love him
“I can take care of myself," Neil said. "Watch me beam with pride.”
wymack is the best father in the world and you cant convince me otherwise
“There was one for every fall team with schedules printed on each. Neil kept the Exy one, tossed the rest into the trash, and buried his magnet deep in his pocket where he didn't have to look at the dates.”
neil “i only care about exy” josten strikes again with his great school spirit
“Palmetto State was facing Edgar Allan on Friday, October 13th”
that’s such a cliche and i love it
“He detoured around students toward one of Palmetto State's three dining halls. Two were for the general student body. The third was for athletes only”
lmao my school literally has one dining hall and it couldnt give less of a fuck what type of student they’re selling food too as long as they’ll pay $15 for chicken fingers
what kind of money does palmetto state fuckin have
like i get us tuition is a lot but jesus so’s mine and my school couldn’t be less fucked
“It was only the first day of school and he already had three assignments: a short paper, a fifty-page chapter to read, and a page of questions about said chapter. Neil debated for a minute as to which one sounded least painful. Five minutes later he was still uninspired, so he put his head down on his desk.”
2. first years are so cute thinking that’s a lot of assignments i remember in first year being like “i have to read 40 pages thats so unfair :(” and now i’m like “ah sick only 200 pgs of readings this week? im gonna have so much free time!”
upper year history sucks ngl
“I'm fine," Neil said.”
neil knows exactly two (2) words and those are it
“You say that an awful lot," Matt said. "I'm starting to think you don't know what it means.”
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overall thoughts:
the plot is pickinnnng upppp
i kind of forget how much world building happens in the first book but like its good
also i love neil literally hating everyone its so funny bc like bby these going to be your best friends just wait
anyways that’s all for now
part 3 will be the rest of tfc and then we’ll move onto trk if you guys still want more of this? let me know
love u all bye
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Survey #217
“roses are red, and my heart is black. we creep about the floor to indulge like rats.”
Do you know anyone who works in a laboratory? No. What was the very first social media site you signed up for? MySpace. Can you see yourself marrying your current partner? (if you have a partner) Easily. If you were in a coma, who would be making healthcare decisions for you? My mom. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? Not entirely, but mostly. Do you have commitment issues? Not at all. What was the last thing you had an allergic reaction to? Silver. Have you gone out to dinner in the past week? No. What’s something you’ve done that sounds too crazy to be true? The only thing I think someone would actually find "crazy" would be I've been in a psychiatric hospital five or six times (I seriously can't remember). Are there any flowers planted outside your house? No. Well, not by us. There's a camellia tree by our back door that we didn't plant. What’s the weirdest decoration you’ve seen in someone else’s home? I'unno. I generally don't find decorations strange. Spice up your house with what you like. Did you have your own bathroom when you were growing up? No. Do you know anyone who never disciplines their children? I know of people. What’s the longest you’ve gone without leaving the house? Weeks. Are you more of a practical thinker, or more of an imaginative thinker? I think I can be on either end depending on the situation. Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad does. How well do you know your neighbors? I've never interacted with the ones to the right of us, but Mom knows the woman to the left, and she's apparently very nice. Mom was talking about her just the other day about how she always brings our trash can back to the fence, actually. How far are you into the book you’re currently reading? N/A Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? I don't believe so, at least not permanently. Do any of your exes know each other? Jason and Juan did. Girt and Jason know each other because of me; we all hung out a few times. It's both funny and sad now to know how friendzoned Girt was... ha ha. Sorry man. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? "Dinosaurs didn't exist." What the fuck are fossils then, bitch. What was the very first election you voted in? I haven't voted in any yet. Do you know how to make omelettes? No. I could probably figure it out, but I don't know for sure. What is your favorite summer month? Fuck summer. What do you want to be for Halloween this year? One of the witches from Hocus Pocus would be super cool, but yeah, I don't have the money to even try to make a costume. Do you have a desk in your room? If so, do you use it as a desk that you sit and work at? No. Do you wear band tees? if yes, which one is your favorite? Yes. I love my Metallica one. It's got a really cool design. Would you ever want to live in a home with all-white walls and furniture? "Not white furniture, no. That seems like it’d be a pain to keep clean." <<< Definitely. Do you have pajama days often? I'm literally always in pjs unless I have to leave the house and get out of the car. There's no point in changing otherwise; I'd just be creating more laundry. What is one thing you’re behind on? Instead of the usual "life in general" answer, I'll make it more interesting. RP. Jesus fucking holy Christ, I am over a year behind in SO MUCH because I just haven't had motivation, all the while plots have grown like mad. Thank god my partners are really damn patient, lol. And/or have other business, too. Do you ever re-arrange your room? No. I HATE moving/changing shit. Do you share a room with anyone? No. Who was your first roommate? Jason, Jacob, and Amanda. What season do you want to get married in? AUTUMN!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frosting: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Ice cream: chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla. Milkshake: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, more often. Do you drink protein shakes? EW that shit mad gross. What was the last type of candy you ate? Uhhhh what was it. I don't have candy a lot now, so uh... I think Airheads? What was the last craft project you completed? It was VERY weakly a "craft," but Sara's first Valentine's Day present. Which is better: starting things or finishing them? Finishing. I start things all the damn time and never finish them. What is the highest name-brand thing you own? Good question. What color GameBoy did you have as a kid? Red. What was your favorite GameBoy game? Hm. I liked a lot. We had a whole case of different ones. I suppose maybe the Spyro one I could never get far into. But I liked it anyway because yeah. Spyro. What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? "The Call" probably tops the list, but also you're full of shit if you thought "Larger Than Life" wasn't a fuckin BANGER. Damn, "The Shape of My Heart" was great, too. BSB were/are just great, man. Did you ever wonder what it felt like to get slimed? Ha ha you mean like on Nickelodeon? Yup. Did you ever name a pet after an imaginary friend? I never had one. Do you believe in angels and demons? I don't know. I believe in spirits, but I don't know about actual angels and demons. Do you have a PayPal account? No. What race do you consider yourself? ... You can "consider" yourself a race? You don't get to pick that. Whatever, I'm Caucasian. Should unwanted animals in shelters be killed to make room? Fuck that shit. Should cows be killed for human food? See, this is why I want to return to vegetarianism. TECHNICALLY, no. It's murder upon a conscious, feeling, living being. But at the same time, humans are designed as omnivores, and surviving off of a plant-based diet is, sadly, extremely difficult. It's difficult to obtain the proper nutrients and their advised amounts to be healthy. Therefore, I can't confidently answer this question. I wish they didn't have to be, but human civilization would have an incredibly more difficult time continuing with all meat products removed for consumption. Does the technique used to kill an animal matter to you? I mean if I KNEW, yes, but at least from the research I've done, there's no real "humane" method used to kill livestock. Most live in awful conditions/are already unhealthy, too, and that should matter . Should farmers be allowed to cause suffering in animals to save money? Fuck off. Should production of medicines be justification to cause animals to suffer? No. We neeeeeeed to find other ways. Use pedophiles or some shit. Should violence against animals; such as rodeos/ bullfights be legal? Fuck to the hell no. I get some kind of dark pleasure out of hearing about shitheads being gored and stuff for it, honestly. Should homosexuals be allowed to work with children? This shit pisses me the fuck off. Of course they should be. Like I'm sorry, but your children aren't going to be hidden from them forever. Do you believe homosexuality is caused by genetics? Well yeah. You don't get to choose your sexuality; something has to be responsible. Are Americans are truly free, or suffering from controlled freedom? CONTROLLED FREEDOM JFC TRY TO DENY IT. Are there other countries that offer more personal freedoms? Not that I KNOW of. Like yeah, my above answer clearly states I think America could be better, but I don't know I place where it's actually better. Do you trust your government? Fuck no. They hide a lot of shit. Should religious beliefs outweigh science in the making of laws? Lolololololol no, hunny. Separation of church and state. What is one moment that you missed out on that you wished you didn’t? Hm. OH, that solar eclipse that happened I think last year? We saw nothing here. :< Do you or have you ever had braces? For a long time. Got them on, then didn't have the money to take them off for a while. Can you text? Yeah, but not quickly. I am - usually - very thankful for autocorrect. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? OH BOY HAVE I!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you scared to death of? My mom dying, for one. I DO NOT know what would happen to me. Are you good at art? I'm told so at least; I'm aware I'm at least decent. It also depends on the art form. Are you afraid of needles? Nah. What TV show is the stupidest to you? I honestly had a really big problem (and have, if it's still even on) with the Teen Mom series. Yes, I do in fact believe it made looking like one cooler and more normal than it is. Do you hate being ignored? Yes; I start to think I'm not cared about, badly. Especially if it's family or "friends." Like no, I don't at all expect attention constantly, or even a lot of it, but I think it's only natural people who claim they love you should not pretend they don't know you, particularly when you actually reach out. THEN it hurts. Where do you currently live? North Carolina, please get me out. Do you like marijuana? I wouldn't know. Do you donate to charity? I can't. I seriously don't have money. Where is your favorite place to go out to eat? Olive Garden. What is your favorite TV station? Discovery. Do you think you’re clever? No. Did you wear socks today? No. I avoid wearing socks as much as I can. Know any magic tricks? I don't remember the ones I learned as a kid. Do you sleep well most nights? No. When’s the last time you baked a cake? Never. What’s your preferred frozen snack? Ice cream, yum. Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? CLEAN. It inspires me to do well and with an organized strategy. Do you know any vegans? I don't believe so. Earphones or headphones? I personally prefer earphones since they go into the ear and are just more comfortable than a weight on your head that can move easier. Do you like bananas? Yeah, but the timespan in which I enjoy them is short. They have to be "perfect." What’s a film you’ve seen that confused you? I know there are some, but none are coming to me curr- WAIT NO okay so I saw Warcraft when it came out into theaters, and I barely understood a single thing because the orcs' voices were way too deep. I need to rewatch it with subtitles. Do you ever wear black lipstick? I pretty much always do if I wear lipstick. What would you change about yourself appearance-wise? HEY can I Please fix my fucking weight??? Because I do like everything I can do already & nothing works??? :') How long do you normally spend in the shower? Just short of ten minutes, I think. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? *opens novel of ideas* Don't make me pick just one. When trick-or-treating as a kid, was there any kind of candy that you didn’t like to get? Tootsie rolls, ew. What is your favorite memory of Christmases past? The time my mom, sisters, and I went to a Christmas light show one night, and we got back to the car only to realize Mom left the keys in there. Sooo while we waited for my drunk dad and brother to come help us, we all chilled on the car's hood with chocolate covered peanuts and THE best hot chocolate. That place is no longer around, and I'll forever be mad tilted about it. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? Lmfao remember the days I denied evolution and gay rights? Them were the wild times. When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why? First, paleontologist because I adored (and still adore) dinosaurs, then a vet as I wanted to help animals. In high school, it changed from movie director to game designer. Name the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with. No one. If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? Um like have y'all ever heard of this guy named Mark Edward Fischbach because I have time to enlighten you of all the reasons- What article of clothing most closely describes your personality? Pj pants, lmao. Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them? Steve Irwin. I adore animals in general, push very firmly for conservation, and madly support proper education of wildlife, especially your local kinds. How did you learn to ride a bicycle? I had a bike with training wheels at first, then my dad took them off and would jog alongside me, holding the bars and then releasing them after a few moments for me to go on my own. Repeated 'til I got it! Based on something you’ve already done, how might you make it into the Guinness Book of World Records? This is going to be VERY embarrassing to share, but fuck it. I have so little reason to leave my bed that my legs have actually experienced muscle atrophy. My knees especially are extremely prone to awful pain when standing or walking. I don't really have a way to exercise in this tiny house, my road is too sketchy to walk along, and at least this time of year, I physically can't handle the heat if I was to walk in the back yard. I'm dying to go somewhere where I can swim to fix this shit. I could ramble on forever about how painful it is to be on my feet. I'd be happy enough with even just a treadmill. When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? Hm. I guess foreplay with a girl. I don't exactly experience new things much. What is your concept of a fruitful day? Actually doing productive shit. If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? Violence. What is your best personal characteristic? I am like, incredibly passionate. If I believe in something, you'll know. If I love something, it's to an insane degree. If you had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would your talent be? Being able to hide my thumb under my palm to where it looks like it's entirely non-existent lmao. What is your worst personality characteristic? I am VERY sensitive. I also have a hard time taking criticism without beating my ass up because I feel like I did something "bad." I don't get defensive, I just get hurt. Man, I could go on. There's a lot I don't like about myself. If you had to be a teacher of something, what would you teach? I'd be most interested in teaching science. How would you like to be remembered? I loved ferociously and spoke strong of peace. What is one thing that you constantly think about (other than material things)? The future. Does your country have free healthcare? *points at top five list of things America needs to fucking fix* Does your job allow visible tattoos? N/A How is your road rage? I drive so timidly and rarely that I don't think I really even have a clue. Who are your closest friends and how did you meet them? I'll exclude Sara as she's more than "a close friend." I don't have many close friends otherwise tho, so really... I think only Girt applies. We met in high school band. Well, then there's Alex, but considering she now acts like I don't exist as well, I don't know how close we really are. But anyway, we met in WoW because we were both camping the time-lost protodrake and talking w/ others in the general chat... but she and I really clicked. That was an awesome day. Started some damn adventures with her lmao. Are you still cool with any of your exes? The only two who may still have a problem with me are Jason and Tyler, but I have no bad feelings towards them. What Hogwarts House are you in? I took quizzes once for a survey because I was curious, but I couldn't answer most of the ones I found bc they had HP references I didn't get. But anyway, I think Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were pretty much tied. What’s the next special event in your life? Returning to school. :') Whose birthday is coming up soon? My nephew's. :''''') Do you delete people from Facebook if their views are vastly different than yours? It depends on the views and their severity. Usually I can handle averse opinions if you're actually a friendly person and composed and mature about what you believe and how you express that. What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? Cream cheese. What’s the most important key on your key ring? I only have one, and that's to my house. What was the last argument you got in about and who was it with? AHAHAHAAHAHA okay so. There was a video on FB of a pet meerkat having its belly rubbed, and it was chirping happily. It was very cute, but especially because this video was on a big page, I commented how awful and unhealthy of an idea it is to have a pet meerkat for both it and yourself. It's illegal in a lot of places for good reason. I got a lot of agreement, but of course there was one imbecile who disagreed enough to tell me to shut the fuck up. Now I am normally very, very terrified of confrontation or even the HINT of it, but for once in my life I couldn't have been more unfazed. At what age did you start picking out your own outfits? I don't know. I've come to find via surveys that I can't really remember events by ages. How spicy do you like your food? Pretty spicy. Spicier than most like, but I don't enjoy it when it's just pure pain. What was the last really intense pain you felt? You know that awwwfuuuulll pinch of pain you sometimes get in your ribs when your lungs expand to a certain, small amount? That. I couldn't take deep breaths for anything. What is the best thing that’s ever happened to you? Recovery from the breakup. What are three things you have been a victim of? Uhhhh. Idk, nothing major. What is your passion? Wildlife conservation, probably more than anything. When was the last time you truly felt alive? Ha, good question. How many siblings do you have? Technically six, but I don't know one at all. Are you married? No. Are you dating someone? Yeah. If not, do you wish you were dating someone? N/A Do you want an indoor or outdoor wedding? I'm not sure. What states (or countries) have you lived in? Just one. Does your first crush know you liked them? No. Do you wish on stars? Nope. Are you happier now than you were 10 years ago? I don't know. I can't really remember exactly what I was like at 13. I think I'm maybe happier now? Are you happier now than you were 5 years ago? Yes. ^If not, why not? N/A ^If yes, why? My depression is under control. Do you live in your dream house? Definitely not. What was your first job? Sales clerk at GameStop. ^Did you like it? No, thanks to feral social anxiety. Have you been bullied? No, very thankfully. What do you wish people knew about you? I sincerely care about my loved ones, a lot, even though I have trouble being the one to reach out first. What health issues do you have? A lot. Don't even feel like putting them all together. Do you still cross paths with your first crush ever? No. What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? None. Do you have a secret nobody knows? Yes. It's nothing major, just little things I don't want to share. Who are some of the most selfish people you have ever met? I don't know. Is there anyone you want back in your life? Yes. What color was the house you grew up in? True shit, I somehow don't remember for sure. I think it was brick? What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Charcoal, a cat, was the first pet I had a serious, deep bond with. Do you receive more insults or compliments? Compliments, I guess. Do you meditate? No. Do you pray? No. Have you ever seen a spirit/ghost/shadowy figure, etc.? I've sure as hell seen something. What would you ask a genie for, if you had three wishes? World peace, end of disease, and the end of poverty. When someone messages you and you know it’s going to be rude, do you ignore it and not read it, or do you read it and reply? Honestly, most of the time, I ignore it. I am so, SO sensitive, so my feelings are super easily hurt by what others have to say. Do you find online drama stressful? Yes. Even more than irl drama because you have to wait painstakingly for them to reply, and you can't hear their tone of voice. How stressful is your life? I'm pretty damn stressed for someone who's trapped inside their house lmao. Was any of your home decor inspired by Pinterest? No. Do you do yoga? No. What is something you have tried and hated? Oral is NOT my jazz. Do you have regrets? Yeah. Are you mad at someone? No. What is this month’s calendar picture? I don't have a calendar. What is your last ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s name? Technically Donald. Do you have an ex-friend that you miss? Yep. What color do you want your wedding dress to be? Most likely black. Would you rather go out for pancakes or steak? Pancakes. I like them more in general, and I'm also suuuper picky with steak. What’s your favorite Ramen noodle flavor? The only kind I've ever liked is the Yakisoba brand of spicy chicken. How do you feel when you read the Bible, if you read it? Encouraged? Angry? I don’t read it. Have you ever suffered from anxiety? I had some anxieties as a little kid, and I was officially diagnosed with it in the 6th grade. Have you ever suffered from depression? Since the 7th grade. What is something a lot of people like but you don’t? Pie is what came to mind first. What’s an uplifting song you like to listen to? "High Hopes" by P!ATD. Think about the person you fell hardest for. Why do you think your feelings for this person were so strong? How is he/she different compared to everyone else you’ve had feelings for? Well, he was my first real love. They're always special. I was fucking crazy for him, and it grew to an unhealthy degree. Trust me, you can love too much. He made me happy when so few could back then, and we had a connection unprecedented in my whole life. He himself felt like my home. I could write you a goddamn novel on why I felt so strongly. Have you ever caught your friend cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend? If you have, what did you do about it? If you haven’t, what do you think you would do? No. Quite honestly, I'd tell them. I could NOT keep that a secret. Whether they believe me or not, I'm not withholding that from them. When your last relationship ended, how long was it before you felt ready to think about being with someone else? I know this technically sounds bad, but Sara and I started dating the day after I broke up with him. One of the reasons we split is because I realized I liked her. It was so quick because I never had to "move on;" I never came to be truly interested in him romantically. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to sleep last night? Do you remember what you talked about? Sara and I were texting, but I don't remember about what. When are you at your happiest? When I'm with Sara. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. I don't really remember if I ever kissed Girt. How many of those people are you still friends with? Two. Where did you go, the last time you left your house? Mom and I went to multiple places. She had errands to run. Do you like your singing voice? Rarely. I think it fits only a few songs. Are most silences awkward for you? UH-HUH UH-HUH. Name someone you wish you had never met. Why? Jabari. He was scary and almost assaulted someone in my family. Who has the nicest singing voice, that you know personally? Probably Sara. Say something nice about someone you really don’t care for: He loves his kids to death. Ever won school awards? Yes. Do you drink more soda than anything else? Not anymore, thankfully. Do you curse a lot? I curse possibly more than anyone you know. Have you ever been in a courtroom? Yes. Do you eat a lot around Thanksgiving? No. I actually don't like 99% of Thanksgiving food. Were you a chubby child? No. Are you afraid to sing in front of people? Yes. Do you enjoy your family? Yeah. When did you last dance with someone? I forced Sara to last June lmao. Do you feel awkward watching sex scenes? VERY. Did you ever have senior photos done? No. Are your parents protective of you? Mom is for sure. I don't see my father much, and he's changed a LOT since the divorce, so I can't really answer for him. I know he is to some degree, I just don't know how much. Have you ever been bullied? I've had some mean shit said to me, but I don't believe I've ever really been consistently "bullied." Do you ever help decorate during the holidays? No. I just don't have the motivation and don't really care enough to put things up that're only coming down in two months. Do you have carpeted floors? Only my room and my sis's old one. Can you count to ten in another language? German, yeah. Have you ever been arrested? No. Do you always lock your door at night? Yeah. Do you get allowance? No, never did. Do you have a Facebook? Yes. Do you enjoy the presence of children? In most cases, no.
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captainseabeans · 5 years
All 1-50 for Cas since I had to do it for Micha.
RDANTE YOU MONSTER1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
His full name would be Francois Castiel Larose. But he just uses Castiel since he prefers others not knowing his real first name. His last name (Larose) comes from a Noble line of vampires that has been long forgotten. He has changed his name quite a few times to keep his true identity hidden.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Oh boy let me think… He was the god of destruction’s right hand man and was given the title “Deathknight”. Timeskip to a few hundred years later and he doesn’t have one since he keeps changing his identity. 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
I can’t say that it was the best. His father always concealed the fact that he married not only a human, but a commoner as well. It did not affect his daily life for the most part. What did affect him was the empire’s laws against vampires, which lead to mass genocide after a short amount of time. After the death of his parents, him and his sister were adopted by a human named Wilfred, who also had children of his own and one adoptive son.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
He did! His relationship with his blood-related parents was not too bad. His father was an extremely caring man who taught him how to play the piano. His mother was a hard working young women who could be strict at times, but was very kind. Castiel’s relationship to his adoptive father was more of a teacher/student bond. Although he cared about him very much, he did not see him as a father. 
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?THIS IS GOING TO BE A PAIN
His little sister named Eris. Wherever he would go, Eris would be there as well. They both cared for each other very much but he was pretty overprotective of her. Their relationship changed quite significantly after a hundred years. With Eris being a vessel for the god of destruction, Castiel now works under her command, hoping to free her from the seal that binds her from the mortal realm.He had three other siblings when him and Eris were adopted. Parker, Daryll,and Serah. Though they all considered each other more as friends than siblings. Him and the other boys worked as scientists/alchemists under Wilfred’s watchful eye. Serah meant very much to him but she passed away before reaching adulthood. After she passed away, things got a lot more tense and matters got worse when Eris and Parker had suddenly disappeared. Daryll technically killed himself after that. Parker returned many years later, but not with Eris. He was told that they both ran away so Eris could avoid being the test subject of a cruel alchemist that worked with them. Nonetheless, Castiel still felt anger towards Parker and their bond was gone for good.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Castiel was home schooled for his whole childhood. His favorite subjects were alchemy and history. After being adopted by Wilfred, he continued to pursue in alchemy along with his two other brothers.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
He didn’t have friends in his early childhood but Parker, Daryll, and Serah were considered friends in his teen years.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? No and no. 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Not exactly. He’s extremely destructive.  
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
He murders and torments families for a living so that should be pretty self explanatory. EDIT: “He is a good parent when he isn't being a destructive little tiny hoe”
- @b4dluckch4arm, talking about the AU’s
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
He’s able to eat human food but it does not give him any nutriments. In order to stay healthy, he needs to drink blood.
12. What is their favourite food? He has a sweet tooth so probably turnovers and other sweet pastries.13. What is their least favourite food?Not really food but he hates the taste of rotting flesh or anything that tastes foul.14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Pastries that both Eris and Serah use to make. Him and the others would all eat them together under a tree. 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He isn’t bad at it but he often doesn’t feel the need to cook so he’s out of practice.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? Fragments of soul energy to get break the seal that prevents Eris from leaving the void.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?In a modern setting he wouldn’t really care to take photos nor take selfies. 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Classical music would probably be his favorite type of music. Any books about alchemy or something that could aid him in his plans would obviously interest him. 
19. What’s their least favourite genres?Romance20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?Castiel adores music and will play the piano when he has the free time to do so. Most of his favorite songs have been long forgotten but he still hums them every once and a while. 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?His facade may make him seem like he doesn’t have a temper. But he does. And if you’re able to break that facade and get under his skin, you’ll be met with cruel comments and possibly a death sentence. 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He will get to know someone and use their insecurities against them. Castiel will not hesitate to bring up someone’s traumatic memories and crush them down if that means getting his way.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?Castiel never forgives and he never forgets. 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?Sleep is almost nonexistent for Castiel unless he needs to recharge his energy. Even then it never makes him feel well rested. 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?He finds irony at the expense of others funny. Castiel is pretty sadistic so he usually likes dark humor. 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? Cas never usually shows when he’s genuinely happy to avoid becoming attached to others. The most he’ll give is a light smile.27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?There isn’t much that gets under his skin. At times he does feel guilty for the horrible things that he did but drowns it out by committing more atrocities. When he can’t hide his sadness, usually he numbs it out and seems almost like a soulless vessel on the outside.  28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?Castiel is terrified of becoming attached to someone. Once he realizes that he feels that way, he will cut them out from his life or ruin it completely. He also doesn’t want people to see him as his past self since he was seen as “weak”. All he wants is for people to see him as a monster and nothing else.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? He’ll try to learn more about it and use it against them when the time arises. 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?Not really but he’s still in good shape. 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?Castiel doesn’t regularly drink because he’s a lightweight. But when he does get drunk, he will act more outgoing and SOMETIMES more provocative. Hungover Cas is usually kinda grouchy and embarrassed. 32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?Despite his family nobility being forgotten, he still dresses the way he would if he was.  33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?Boxers. Unless….34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?Castiel is pretty slim and around 5″11. He doesn’t mind his body all that much but he thinks the scars on it are kinda ugly.35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? ”If his one guilty pleasure is fucking destroying lives and families I’ll actually walk up to [REDACTED] and fucking beat you up”
- @b4dluckch4rm
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?Destroying lives and burning shit down   playing the piano.37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?He’s a very fast reader and usually only reads scriptures or books that have to do with his goals.38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?Nothing because he thinks that he’s the best. Not really actually 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? He isn’t the kind to really send you messages through anything.40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?He can usually stay awake without anything but if he can’t, tea will usually help out a bit.41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?A distinguished bisexual that likes his partners like he likes his vases: Broken 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?All he wants is to break the seal that’s keeping his sister from ruining the world. Even if it kills him. He wants the world to pay for everything that it’s done and finally watch it all burn.43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?He doesn’t really care for religion and thinks extremely religious people are dumb. 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? Winter and stormy weather are his thing. He pretends to hate the rain but truly hates hot sunny days.45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? Due to his multiple facades, it’s hard to pinpoint how people see him. But if I had to, many would see him as a professional young man that knows what he’s doing.46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?He’s great at first impressions. After all, he’s had a few hundred years to prefect it. But he never shows himself to be as cruel as he actually is. 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?Castiel is pretty good when it comes to formal occasions. He knows how to dress and interact with others. But usually the only reason why he would go to such parties would be to gather information from others. And if that doesn’t happen, he’ll get bored and loathe the occasion.48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? He’ll show up to the occasion if he’s invited but isn’t really a party planner himself.  49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?Nothing has much sentimental value to him anymore since he’s either lost it or destroyed it himself. But if he ever lost his sister again, he would be devastated. And maybe a certain soldier50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?Castiel is use to losing things and making due with what he has. But his scythe always follows him. 
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your-hero-imagines · 6 years
can I request headcanons for the 1A kids helping out at a soup kitchen or a shelter or something similar? it's such a pure way to help people and very fitting for heroes in training I think!
Since Aizawa thought that some students *cough* Bakugou *cough* needed to humble themselves, he suggested it might be a good idea to make them work in a Soup Kitchen for a whole week, to learn some gratitude and humanity.
Please ignore all the logic gaps I shamefully have to admit I’ve never worked at a soup kitchen before. :/
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- Is probably the most motivated of them all, obviously.
- Will use his speed to go grocery shopping. He doesn’t need to since they have food donations at the location, but he wants to contribute something. Uses his own money.
- The fate of some of the people in need really touches him, and he admires and respects everyone working here in their free time.
- Will probably work here again later on, or at least donate tons of money when he’s a pro hero.
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- Will use her quirk to make new kitchen equipment for the cooks.
- Isn’t really used to this kind of cooking. At home she gets much more fine and delicate food, and never has to cook for herself. Doesn’t know any simple recipes because she never intended to make food with her quirk anyway since it’s kinda weird.
- Knows the Soup Kitchen because she forced her rich parents to donate money here ever since she was a kid and realized some kids at school have a way harder time than she herself has.
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- His ice has many uses, from being used in drinks to keep some indigrents fresh. Even manages to make Slush Ice for the kids.
- The smile a little girl gives him when she thanks him makes his heart melt. It reminds him so much of his sister.
- Feels bad for it but actually admires some of the families there. They may not have much, but they’re holding together and are very affectionate with each other. Unlike his own.
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- Is skilled in basically anything, from slicing indigrents to seasoning it and so on. Everyone always asks for his help and opinion.
- To be honest, his mother told him to fuck off and cook his own meals pretty early in his life. Doesn’t understand why some of the other students can’t take care of themselves. “How petty”.
- Acts like he doesn’t give a shit about all the compliments he receives by his classmates and the guests but he’ll still think about it way later.
- Gives the smaller, weaker children and woman bigger portions and anyone who calls him out gets to feel his rage.
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- Is a vegetarian for obvious reasons. Freaks out every time he even sees people handling with meat. How could they even?!
- So he tries to stay away from the kitchen and help in the dining room, or cleans up the dishes.
- He comes a bit after the cooking is done because he doesn’t like such an intense smell of meat, but stays longer to clean up.
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- Helps making chests and other heavy things lighter for transport, using her quirk.
- Can’t cook for god’s sake, but helps with decorating the food on the plates with much love.
- Her parents once had to go to a Soup Kitchen, too, when the times were really hard. So it’s not easy to bear with the sight for her, but that’s only more reason to give it her best!
- Knows many locations persons with financial problems can get help at, and is glad to inform people.
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- Tries to hit on every female person, may it be another voluntee or a guest.
- Isn’t that much of a help in the beginning because he’s busy creeping around and trying to get under the skirts of the girls.
- Probably only will be portioning the soup on the plates, but isn’t allowed to talk to any of the guests. Constant supervision.
- The others will try to keep him from sneaking outside so he won’t bother the guests.
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- Oh my god this boy is a master chief. Everything he cooks is delicious so he’ll do the main work.
- Also makes some extra sweets for the children.
- Actually donates his food very often. Bakes tons of cakes for a hospiece once a month and so on.
- Insists on helping the others to carry heavy stuff but they want him to stay in the kitchen and keep up his good work.
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- Can literally do twice the work since Dark Shadow helps him. Will probably be cutting indigrents or carrying plates to the guests.
- Is the perfect guy to reach for high places like shelves with his quirk.
- Dark Shadow is really struggling against it because it’s constantly depressed that it itself isn’t able to eat or taste.
- But the children there will love his birdy face and also Dark Shadow so they both cooperate in presenting small tricks to make the children laugh.
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- Her tongue can reach for stuff throughout the whole room. It’s good because sometimes people cannot walk because the kitchen is so small and crowded.
- Is really talented with cooking and also dealing with children since she had to provide for her smaller siblings the whole time.
- Will still prefer making kid’s meals and bringing it to them herself, since she’s so invested in caring for them and assuring they are fine.
- Gets easily flustered whenever someone tells her what a great job she’s doing.
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- Is really good at knowing human nature. She can tell anyone what task they should be doing considering their abilities and preferences.
- Will split the teams so everyone works with people they like and are well to cooperate with.
- Has so many positive vibes and is so happy this whole time so no one really feels like they’re working.
- She herself doesn’t even do much of the work she’s just cheering at everyone to do their best until Aizawa scolds her. No one was mad at her to be the motivational support tho.
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- She’ll be playing some nice music so it’ll feel like fun whenever she’s around.
- Can cut with her sharp earlobes but it always gets messy.
- Will be asking the guests for music suggestions and ends up making the best mood! Feels like a party started! The long-time volunteers said the people there never smiled so much in an eternity!
- Forgets her shyness every time one of the guests needs anything.
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- At first he’s so disinterested and tries to call in sick. His classmates will drag him out of the bed and get him there. But as soon as he sees the grateful faces of the guests it totally touches his heart.
- Helps some people charge their phones because most of them possess elder models but rarely get the chance to charge it.
- Will also do waitress work but is very sloppy and often stumbles.
- Will get many compliments by elder ladies what a sweet guy he is and that he should meet their granddaughters.
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- Is all fired up about it just like always. This little sunshine.
- Tells anyone about how helping people in need is ‘manly’. To him, it doesn’t matter if it’s a great fight or just a small deed. Doesn’t care about the recognition either.
- Sadly isn’t much of a help because he doesn’t know how to cook very well, and is clumsy when it comes to holding more than one plate. But he always does his best. He gives it 200% even if it’s small tasks he’s only given because he cannot fuck them up.
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- His cooking is pretty decent. Above average at least. So he helps in the kitchen under the command of Sato.
- Tells everyone how amazing they are and what wonderful work they are doing.
- Is really humble about every thank you he receives from the people. Has had some nice conversations and even made some new friends. He doesn’t really care about social status as long as the person is friendly.
- Afterwards he’ll come and help there at least once a week.
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- Is very quiet most of the time and just does his work.
- But to make the children crack a smile, even he gets out of his shell. Will make them climb on his arms and stuff.
- Lowkey gets very emotional about those poor people and thinks of it all day. Will need to get cheered up later.
- When he’s a pro hero he’ll have his own foundation to make charity work. This topic never left his mind after he worked there.
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- My boy is really enjoying himself there. He’s good at preparing food and teaching anyone who doesn’t know how to do it right.
- Finally gets some recognition by his classmates and is integrated in the team.
- Will make many stupid jokes no one except himself finds funny but he just wants to lighten up the mood.
- Once tried to roast something using his laser but it didn’t end well. Will have to write an essay about fire safety over the weekend.
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- Is totally hyped but doesn’t really know what to do. Is in desperate need of leadership.
- Will do whatever task you give her and does her best. Get’s distracted very easily tho.
- Spends most of the time adoring the children and complimenting every guest about anything that comes to her mind.
- She’s overlooked very easily so she would get stumbled over in the kitchen. Will help with giving out food in the end. Talks to anyone coming to her to get a plate for several minutes. Wants to get to know anyone.
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- Is pretty stoic about the work but isn’t that invested into helping at first. Wants to fight or train or do action stuff.
- Until a woman he brings some food to tells him he reminds her of her son who’s his age and she tells him a really heartbreaking story.
- He’ll then proceed to follow that woman around and listen to her stories. Many things about that made him think about topics he wasn’t even aware until now.
- In the end, he even gifts her a keychain as a lucky charm.
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- Gets constant anxiety because he’s afraid his work is not good enough for those people. Really doesn’t wanna let their hopes down, and has way too high expectations into himself.
- Isn’t much of a cook, so he mainly runs around, carries some plates, chests and bottles and just listens to anyone who’s asking for his help.
- Constantly gets lost because he’s so invested in talking to the people and their backstories. His fellow classmates need to keep him from trying to help every single one of them.
- At the end of the day determined to find a way to help those people. Realizes there are so many different ways of needing help and helping and he wants to know more about it. The world is so big but he sees is as an opportunity!
They’ll end up raising money for that and many other social service procivers once a month, through plays they present and spending the entry fee, or selling selfmade waffles, and so on.
Every month something different is at place, and they choose together as a class what they’ll do next!
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sweetcatastrophex · 6 years
This is exactly what I hoped it would be. 
i always found bella so interesting. i’ve been following her on instagram and twitter for the past couple years and kind of following her life in that way and anyone observant enough could tell she was leading a kickass lifestyle... the way she interacts with her sister and how close they are, the way she’s so personal with her fans and so transparent about every little thing she does no matter how intimate or what boring regular people would consider TMI like she’s literally posted selfies on the toilet lmao but she’s so raw and genuine and also such an awesome person like so creative and artsy, always making something with her hands (or her mind) and laughing and smiling and dancing to the beat of her own drum while doing it.. and meeting cool people along the way like her boyfriend modsun. they are the most awesome hippie couple and it warms my heart to see the way they support each other and make each other grow. it’s honestly beautiful. they emanate these warm glowy happiness vibes and it’s contagious. you could feel the energy through her posts. she’s also woke af posting about her day at the march for our lives protest and calling out people who make fun of girls who don’t shave their body hair. she’s progressive and uses her platform for good things. and the fact that she’s only 20.. she’s so mentally mature for her age. she went through a lot when she was young, or so it seems, from what she lets us know.. we know she lost her dad in a motorcycle accident when she was little and her mom didn’t always treat her right. she and dani (it feels like they’re a couple friends i have, like just people i know, calling them on a first-name basis) took care of each other when their mom was lacking, it seems, and they became really close... and bella always had to conform to the standards her mom gave her and always had to fit into this box that society, and her own mother, forced onto her.. and like she said, she wasn’t feeling like herself, she literally was losing her identity and she stopped, turned around and said fuck no, i’m taking my life back. i’m so proud of her. she’s strong and brave and deserves to be who she really is. and it’s funny that she gets hate from people because like she said nothing she’s doing is REALLY THAT BIG OF A DEAL! she’s bi, okay, not a big deal but the media had a field day with that. she smokes weed. she’s a 20 year old california kid. i’d be concerned if she didn’t. she’s not snorting lines in nightclub bathrooms with lindsay lohan. but back to dani bc i think she has a big role here. and i’m not just saying that bc i’m a big sister 🤔 but even other people have said it, dani has influenced bella sososo much. you can tell. i could tell as soon as i saw the instagram pics of them and scrolled through dani’s posts and saw HER lifestyle and compared it to bella’s. she clearly has been a large guiding force in bella’s life and it’s been for the better. they even have the same diet (vegetarian). i love that it’s the two of them against the world. and mod just joined the crew and now they have a bunch of puppies and kittens and it’s like one big happy hippie family and it’s awesome. much like it was with miley cyrus, it’s been so fun to watch how they grow and become more like themselves. i just hate how the media slams them for every little thing they do. obsessively. wrongly. i’m glad celebrities are using social media these days though to call people out on their bullshit. the internet creates that direct bridge between content producer and consumer. there’s transparency now. direct communication. i love how she ended the documentary. it’s EXACTLY what lil peep’s mom said last year at his funeral. honestly, i cried. they said the same thing. now that i’m thinking about it actually, bella was friends with peep. maybe she watched the live stream of his mom’s speech from california (it was in ny, i had to cover it for work). his mom basically said — check yourself. if you judged my son during his rap career for the tattoos he had on his face, or the way he chose to dress, or the colors he dyed his hair or for the way he expressed himself, check your judgments. check your projections. peep was a sweet, genuine, honest guy who had the best of intentions for his fans and his family. he was so family oriented (i spoke to his brother and it was surreal). but the point is just because someone dresses differently than you or just isn’t your cup of tea, it doesn’t mean they’re a bad person, a mean person, a criminal, etc. keep an open mind. i couldn’t agree with her more when i heard her say that. i thought it was brave and extremely moving and important for people to hear. i think EVERYONE should hear that. unfortunately the people who were listening/watching probably already knew that. it’s the people who didn’t tune into lil peep’s mom’s funeral speech who need to hear it. but yeah so maybe bella heard that and it resonated. because that was how she ended the whole video. she said stop being so judgmental. it was powerful.  the people who read the title of the video and think “bella thorne is just another out-of-control teen celeb” are the ones who need to watch it.  this link also comments nicely. and the vogue one, of course. 
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hhemeraa-a · 6 years
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Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
(1.) Is there anything you dislike about the character(s) you play? OC or otherwise?  How difficult he can be. He doesn’t make plotting or interactions easy for anyone and it’s hard to be spontaneous with him unless he’s under some influence. It gets bothersome at times when you see muses you as the mun like, but know your OC would never have anything to do with them. 
(2.) How many languages can you speak?  I can only speak English. I took over 2 years of Mandarin but still couldn’t properly speak it, though I can read it pretty decently. Same with Japanese - took 4 years but at most can just read it. I understand a lot of Spanish and some Korean. I took Arabic in high school, but I suck at it. Only know like 3 words now. 
(3.) Where did you first go on vacation?  I remember as a child when my parents were still together, we went on a road trip from Chicago all the way to Disneyland in California. We went through Colorado, I got to hand feed a giraffe, I fell on a cactus, I cried about not being able to go on the monorail, had my first BBQ sauce pizza (which I hated) -- I think that was my first vacation. 
(4.) Do you have any potentially-unpopular opinions about your character or the fandom that they’re involved in?  Since Myles started off as a Starfighter OC, I guess you’re asking me if I have any unpopular opinions on Starfighter? Do you have 8 hours?  I understand that Starfighter is/was supposed to be a smut comic and was actually supposed to stop after “chapter 1″ but got so popular that the author decided to continue writing it. I understand that a majority of the plot is based around two dudes fuckin’ and I understand that expecting or asking for more than that is silly.
BUT THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL JUST WASTED. THE WHOLE REASON I EVEN FUCKIN JOINED THAT FANDOM WAS BECAUSE I THOUGHT I COULD DO IT BETTER AND YOU KNOW WHAT?  I fucking did. Hamlet gives such a great basis and outline for amazing world building that just ends up falling flat because the story is focused on well detailed dick draws (which are great btw, I won’t slight her for that). The concept of the last surviving humans fighting against an alien collective using their own tech against them just gets my dick hard, but all of that is sort of thrown to way side and lost under “who emotionally betrayed who” and “I love you now even if I didn’t at the beginning” nonsense. You can still have a great romance story OR EVEN PWP?? But establish it in a world that makes fucking sense. There are all of these aspects that we’ll never get answers on that she’s just thrown into the story as a vehicle to get to the next sex scene and it just rustles my fucking jimmies. 
I had to stop writing in the fandom because I honestly am incapable of writing with the new people who come in -- nothing against them and their writing abilities, I’m sure they’re great, but everyone always comes in like “I’m looking for an Abel for my Cain” or vice versa, or just some smutty locker room pwp and weird Commander Daddy Doms -- just things I’ve read over and over and over again that have just become absolutely bland. 
DID YOU KNOW??? There are whole constellations?? of crystals floating through space? Shattered diamonds and acidic clouds?? Did you know?? that there are 3 different theorized ways to bend space and time to create warp drives? Could you imagine being the final ship BSG style trying to float your way to what essentially might be your grave in space avoiding stars that are literally eating each other so that you can fight an alien race that has destroyed not only one, but many of your species homelands??? 
(5.) How many kids would you like in the future? 0 is also an acceptable answer!  z e r o -- I can barely take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of another life??
(6.) Have you ever broken down into tears because of writing a roleplay scene?  No, idk, I don’t get that emotional about things? Last time I cried was because I was on drugs after my surgery and there was no ice for my tea. 
(7.) Where did you first get started roleplaying?  Gaiaonline.com sgjkdhskgjs  I still have my account. 
(8.) Quick! Make a list. FIVE FILMS TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE.  That I haven’t seen already??? uhhhh UHHHHHH 1. Schindler’s List 2. Breakfast At Tiffany’s  3. Shape of Water  4. Hurt Locker 5. 13 Assassins 
(9.) If we had to ask your friends to explain you in five words or less, how do you think that they’d describe you?  avoidant, funny, no-shit taking, emotionally strong, positive ((I guess????))
(10.) What is one of your life mottos that helps you get through each and every day?  “No regrets.” “No excuses, nobody cares.” “But will it kill you?”
(11.) Do you feel comfortable writing NSFW themes? Hahahahaha WELL.  Yes - I’m comfortable with plotting out the nasty nast, but when it comes to actually writing it? It takes me forever because I get really really really embarrassed. I once talked to Lex about lube and it was just me screaming uncomfortably for about 15 minutes, but ask me about nasty fuckin and I gotchu. 
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
(1.) Hardest thread/plot you’ve ever done and why? Did you complete it? (2.) A song that triggers a memory and what happened (3.) Favorite subject in school (4.) Do you have any potentially-unpopular opinions about your character or the fandom that they’re involved in? (5.) Would you chose to be immortal? (6.) Have you ever considered veganism / vegetarianism? Why or why not?  (7.) Who/What was your first OC? Describe them. (8.) Be honest... how honest are you with your friends? Your family? (9.) What would be your superpower and would you use it for good? (10.) What did you do before Tumblr? (11.) Guilty pleasure food
Tagged by: @celestialspitfire Tagging: @banditborn / @corpusdxlicti / @sonderrow / @portalipsis / @viclate / @vicariousphotographer / @dcsidcrium / @paxeuropaea / @catastrophicur / @sokrovennyi / @inionnaforaoise / @sukkubxs / @evildcers / @fluffmiester / @flieuthi / @moonsought / STEAL IT AND TAG ME
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whereyouletitgo · 6 years
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes2. Have you ever faked orgasm? Yes lol3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Either being able to fly, mind read, or to manipulate any type of situation. 4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? If things work out 😬5. Tell us some funny drunk story. I don’t really drink sooo 😬6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? Too many things to say7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Natural causes and in my sleep lol8. What are your current goals? To be genuinely happy. To find a job. Have more beautiful babies. 9. Do you like someone? I do!10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Myself11. Do you like your body? Some parts. I would like to lose some weight in some places 12. Can you keep a diet? Maybe if I really wanted to 13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I would tell them to smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out. Too much negativity 14. Do you work? Looking for a job right now15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Chow mein 😊16. Would you get a tattoo? Yeah! I have 417. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Anything my son needs, food18. Can you drive? Yes19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? A little bit ago20. What was the last thing you cried for? Oh god who knows. Probably my current relationship mess lmao21. Do you keep a journal? No22. Is life fun? Sometimes lol 23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I think farts are funny but can be embarrassing in front of certain people. 24. What’s your dream car? I could care less as long as it runs and looks decent lol25. Are grades in school important? They were to me when I was in school. 26. Describe your crush. I have way too many crushes on random people. I literally think everyone is cute 😂27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? I’m really impressed with the show Vikings right now. Super in love with it28. What was your last lie? 🤷🏻‍♀️29. Dumbest lie you ever told? 😂🤷🏻‍♀️30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Yes31. Something you did and you are proud of? I gave birth to my son pretty much naturally because my epidural was clamped. If I can do that, I can do anything lmao.32. What’s your favourite cocktail? Meh lol33. Something you are good at? Having sex 😎34. Do you like small kids? LOVE them35. How are you feeling right now? I’m really sleepy and hungry lol.36. What would you name your daughter/son? My sons name is Liam. I have a lot of different girl name I like. 37. What do you need to be happy? Food lol. My son. I don’t need it but weed makes me happy.38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Always lol39. What was the last gift you received? My girlfriend gives me gifts all the time so maybe the awesome perfume she bought me the other day 40. What was the last gift you gave? I haven’t given it to her yet but I got Teresa some yummy smelling bath bombs & I got my friends baby a bunch of really cute clothes 😍😍😍41. What was the last concert you went to? Dance Gavin dance 😍😍😍42. Favourite place to shop at? Earthbound43. Who inspires you? My mom44. How old were you when you first got drunk? Like 1645. How old were you when you first got high? 1846. How old were you when you first had sex? 1747. When was your first kiss? Technically when I was like 6 lmao but I don’t think that counts. Maybe my 15th birthday party where all my friends found out I never made out with anyone and they were like “okay we’re gonna teach you” and I literally made out with all 4 of them 😂48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? I’m not really sure49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? Yesssss50. Post a selfie. After I post this 😘51. Who are you most comfortable around? My family52. Name one thing that terrifies you. Death of my loved ones53. What kind of books do you read? All kinds! I really love mysteries, horror, teen fiction, fantasy, stuff about different religions, stuff about dreams, paranormal, aliens, conspiracy theories.. all kinds of stuff 54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? That it gets better and that there’s nothing wrong with finding girls attractive 55. What is your favourite flower? I love all flowers!! But my favorites are sunflowers and lilies 56. Any bad habits you have? I bite my nails a lot57. What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind hearted people58. What was the last thing you cried for? I cry a lot about my sweet Kai. I was 16 weeks and miscarried 59. Is there something you don’t eat? I don’t eat a lot of fish60. Some food that truly disgust you? Sweet corn in a can 😂61. Are you in love? Yes62. Something you find romantic? Candles lit while having sex lmao i love that63. How long was your longest relationship? 4 years64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? 65. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 66. What are you saving money for? My trip to California 67. How would you describe your bad side? She’s a bitch68. Are you actually a good person? Why? I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. I do think I’m genuinely a good person though. 69. What are you living for? My son70. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yeah lol71. Do you like your body? Meh72. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? No73. Ever sent nudes? Yes74. Have you ever cheated on someone? Yes75. Favourite candy? Chocolate (dove)76. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @alientere77. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? No78. Favourite TV series? Oh god so many. Game of thrones, Vikings, criminal minds, beat Bobby flay, chopped, bobs burgers, true blood, rick and morty...79. Are you religious? Does God exist? I believe in a higher power. 80. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? It’s been a minute since I’ve read any books. But I love reading and everything I real always impressed me lol81. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? I think that people that can do that have really strong will power lol. Good for them82. How long have you been on Tumblr? Like almost 5 years83. Do you like Chineese food? Yesss84. McDonalds or Subway? I like both. I worked at subway for 4 years so I’m taking a break 😂85. Vodka or whiskey? Vodka 86. Alcohol or drugs? Weed.. lol87. Ever been out of your province/state/country? I’ve been to a lot of other states. I went to Mexico when I was a baby but I don’t think that counts lol88. Meaning behind your blog name? It’s random lol89. What are you scared of? A lot of things90. Last time you were insulted? Not too long ago91. Most traumatic experience? When I had my miscarriage. 92. Perfect date idea? Going to the beach 😍93. Favourite app on your phone? Tumblr, snapchat lol94. What colour are the walls in your room? Brown 🙄95. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? No I don’t really get into that 96. Share your favourite quote. I don’t think I have one97. Do you like horror movies? Yes98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? A few times. I felt bad and still feel bad about it 99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I do 100. Can you keep a secret? Most of the time lol
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too-many-loose-ends · 7 years
All the questions 😘 (even tho you didn't ask me mine 😒😜)
Is a kiss considered cheating?YesHave you ever faked orgasm?NopeIf you could have one superpower, what would it be?The ability to flyDo you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Probably notTell us some funny drunk story.I've never drank so I have noneWhy are you no longer together with your ex?She cheated on meIf you had to choose one way to die, what would it be?Guillotine (I think I spelled that right)What are your current goals?Get a good enough job that I can provide for a bunch of pets and buy a bunch of lingerie for SarahDo you like someone?YesWho was the last person to disappoint you?Me lmaoDo you like your body?YesCan you keep a diet?NopeIf the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?We should just get rid of privatized medicine and Donald Trump, and republicans in generalDo you work?Yes at a hardware store unfortunatelyIf you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?PizzaWould you get a tattoo?Hell yes Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?SarahCan you drive?YesWhen was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?A few weeks agoWhat was the last thing you cried for?I wouldn't really call it arguing but the other night when Sarah and I sort of had a disagreement idk what else to call itDo you keep a journal?Other than this blog noIs life fun?Sometimes Is farting in front of people irrelevant?When other people do it yes, but if it's me it's embarrassing lolWhat’s your dream car?One that works wellAre grades in school important?In the grand scheme of things noDescribe your crush.She's short with red hair and beautiful hazel/green eyes and she really likes pop punk and metal and drawing and her favorite color is yellow and she has the cutest sleepy voice and I love her a lotWhat was the last book/movie that really impressed you?The new power rangers movieWhat was your last lie?When I told a customer to have a good dayDumbest lie you ever told? Anything nice I've ever told a customerIs crying in front of people embarrassing?It shouldn't be but it is for meSomething you did and you are proud of?Got into a D1 track teamWhat’s your favourite cocktail?I don't drink lolSomething you are good at?Hurdling Do you like small kids?Not at allHow are you feeling right now?HungryWhat would you name your daughter/son?Idk bc I don't plan on having anyWhat do you need to be happy?Sarah, all the food I want, and access to a gymIs there some you want to punch in the face right now?Lmao yesWhat was the last gift you received?A record from Sarah What was the last gift you gave?I'm not sure lolWhat was the last concert you went to?Warped TourFavourite place to shop at?Hot topicWho inspires you?Sarah How old were you when you first got drunk?Never been drunkHow old were you when you first got high?Never been highHow old were you when you first had sex?18When was your first kiss?I was 14Something you want to do until the end of this year?Get good grades, I've done that for the spring semester and my summer class so I gotta keep it goingIs there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?Not really because it's all lead me to being where I am rnPost a selfie.Give me a secWho are you most comfortable around?SarahName one thing that terrifies you.Becoming my parents What kind of books do you read?I don't really read but I wish I did What would you tell your 12 year old self?Stop being so cringy and do something with your hair lolWhat is your favourite flower?I don't really have oneAny bad habits you have?When I get too anxious I bite myselfWhat kind of people are you attracted to?The person who asked me thisWhat was the last thing you cried for?The power rangers movie lolIs there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?Sushi but I really wish I liked it tbhAre you in love?YesSomething you find romantic?Idk lmao How long was your longest relationship? This one and it's been a year and almost 10 monthsWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?"No homo," ridiculously low societal standards for boys, mansplainingWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?Idk girls are the best lolWhat are you saving money for?School and concertsHow would you describe your bad side?Jealous, insecure, distrusting, angry, etc. Are you actually a good person? Why?Idk probably not lolWhat are you living for?HappinessHave you ever done anything illegal?I spit off a tall building in Ohio so yesDo you like your body?Yes I doHave you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?YeahEver sent nudes?YesHave you ever cheated on someone?NopeFavourite candy?Probably Twix Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Yes but lately I've kinda been slacking lol and it's starry-eyes-and-blissful-nightsDo you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?No but Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildFavourite TV series?Rick and MortyAre you religious? Does God exist?No and noWhat was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?A Clockwork Orange, and yes bc it was a good story idk lolWhat do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?Don't be a dick about it or I'll be a dick about eating meatHow long have you been on Tumblr?About 6 years now lolDo you like Chineese food?I like some stuff McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds but they're both trash lolVodka or whiskey?NeitherAlcohol or drugs?NeitherEver been out of your province/state/country?YesMeaning behind your blog name?It's kinda from the Real Friends song Loose EndsWhat are you scared of?Big spiders, like if it's a spider that lives in a rainforest or a desert it can fuck off lolLast time you were insulted?Earlier today but tbf me and my brother talk shit all the time lolMost traumatic experience?Finding out I'd been cheated on Perfect date idea?Pizza and then going back to one of our houses to watch movies and cuddleFavourite app on your phone?Tumblr lolWhat colour are the walls in your room?Dark greenDo you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?Yes, either Jacksfims or Adam "Plumpy" Blampied from WhatCultureShare your favourite quote."If I make sound, it better be loud." It's from Rock is Dead by BeartoothWhat is the meaning of life?To give life meaningDo you like horror movies?YesHave you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Yeah but it happened years ago so I don't remember and she probably doesn't either Do you feel lucky or special in a way?I'm dating Sarah so obviously lmaoCan you keep a secret?Yes I can
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Answer all 100 questions!✨
Ayyyy okay! Thank you 😄1.Is a kiss considered cheating?Yes.2.Have you ever faked orgasm?Haven't we all at least once?!3.If you could have one superpower, what would it be?Travel through time.4.Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Not likely.5.Tell us some funny drunk story.Oh god. I have so many. They're stories for another time because they're too long 😂6.Why are you no longer together with your ex?Things just didn't work out.7.If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Natural causes or like a quick death.8.What are your current goals?Honestly just to be healthier mentally and physically.9.Do you like someone?My girlfriend ☺️10.Who was the last person to disappoint you?Myself I think (OooOooOoO deep)11.Do you like your body?Mostly yes ☺️12.Can you keep a diet?God no.13.If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?Look after animals properly, they don't have a voice to tell you how they're feeling, they're so innocent, give them lots of love and care. Adopt don't shop.14.Do you work?Nope.15.If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?Pasta.16.Would you get a tattoo?I already have 12.17.Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?Food, tattoos, friends, family, girlfriend.18.Can you drive?Nah.19.When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?A day or two ago. 😊20.What was the last thing you cried for?My fuckin' hormones made me cry for no reason 😂😂21.Do you keep a journal?On and off yeah.22.Is life fun?It's pretty lit most of the time. 23.Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Depends on who it is.24.What’s your dream car?Convertible.25.Are grades in school important?God no.26.Describe your crush.My girlfriend @cobain-kurt27.What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?Looking for Alaska and basically any horror classics.28.What was your last lie?I don't generally lie to people so idk.29.Dumbest lie you ever told? One time when I was 8 I said "fucking bitch" and a friend tried to run to my house to tell my mam and I cried and wouldn't let them in my garden, then when I was like 11, I went to my mam crying and told her I lied about not saying bad words and she laughed at me and told me to go away 😂30.Is crying in front of people embarrassing?Only if it's someone I don't know well.31.Something you did and you are proud of?Uhm one time I ate 3 take aways in one day, I guess that's something right? 32.What’s your favourite cocktail?Purple Rain from TGI Fridays ❤️33.Something you are good at?HAHAHAHA. I don't really have a skill, I guess socialising? 34.Do you like small kids?If they're well behaved sure, if they're spoilt brats then ew g'way.35.How are you feeling right now?Im alright. Could be better, could be worse.36.What would you name your daughter/son?I've always like the name Sarah, I used to use that name in all the games I played as a kid, for a boy I like the names Ryan and Conor.37.What do you need to be happy?To surround myself in people who care about me.38.Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?Ah there's always at least one.39.What was the last gift you received?Food ❤️40.What was the last gift you gave?Also food 😂41.What was the last concert you went to?Avenged Sevenfold.42.Favourite place to shop at?H&m and Topshop.43.Who inspires you?My mam.44.How old were you when you first got drunk?15.45.How old were you when you first got high?16.46.How old were you when you first had sex?15.47.When was your first kiss?2013 at a Pierce The Veil concert.48.Something you want to do until the end of this year?Sesh and travel.49.Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?The choices I made made me happy and I wanted at the time, so nah.50.Post a selfie.I'll post one later.51.Who are you most comfortable around?My girlfriend and my close friends.52.Name one thing that terrifies you.Losing the people I care about.53.What kind of books do you read?Romance, mystery, supernatural kinda books.54.What would you tell your 12 year old self?M8 you is gay. Stop being so loud and annoying. You're gonna find good friends don't worry, don't be a push over.55.What is your favourite flower?Rose (cliche I know lmao)56.Any bad habits you have?I over think, talk a little too loudly without noticing, interrupting people while talking (I don't mean to I just get excited) I'm stubborn.57.What kind of people are you attracted to?Cocky, forward, confident kinda personality.58.What was the last thing you cried for?There was no reason for it, just hormones and over thinking.59.Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?Fish, squid, lamb, turkey.60.Are you in love?Yes.61.Something you find romantic?Just putting in an effort to show how much you love your parter is enough 😊 62.How long was your longest relationship? 2 years and 8 months.63.What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Girls can be so nasty towards eachother, not much else tbh.64.What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? Sometimes they just can't take no for an answer, when they put their hands down their trousers ew, and when they're like "hmm lesbian? I can turn you" UGH.65.What are you saving money for?Tattoo.66.How would you describe your bad side?When I get angry I can switch off feelings completely and be really cold.67.Are you actually a good person? Why?I think so. I try my best to care for others.68.What are you living for?The people I love, mainly my cat.69.Have you ever done anything illegal?Yas.70.Do you like your body?Didn't I already answer this? 71.Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Nope.72.Ever sent nudes?Yep.73.Have you ever cheated on someone?Nope.74.Favourite candy?ANY CANDY IS MY FAVOURITE CANDY. Probably red liquorice though.75.Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Nope. 😂76.Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?Nah but I play PS4. I like Little Nightmare, Crash Bandicoot, Layers Of Fear, Mirrors Edge, Life Is Strange, Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain etc.77.Favourite TV series?I have too many omg. Black Mirror, OITNB, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, AHS.78.Are you religious? Does God exist? Nope and nopeee.79.What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?It's been a while since I've read, I don't remember.80.What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?It's g, people can choose eat what they want. 81.How long have you been on Tumblr?Like 2010.82.Do you like Chineese food?HELL YEAHHH!83.McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds.84.Vodka or whiskey?Whiskey. 85.Alcohol or drugs?Alcohol.86.Ever been out of your province/state/country?Yas.87.Meaning behind your blog name?It's lyrics from Escape The Fate - Situations (Emo I know, but I will never give up the URL heheheh)88.What are you scared of?Everyone I love leaving me, a painful death, dying young because of CF.89.Last time you were insulted?Ayyy I insult myself all the time 🤙🏻90.Most traumatic experience ?When a friend of mine had died and I never got to say goodbye to her properly, or even get to go to a funeral for closure.91.Perfect date idea? Literally anything, I'm happy as long as I'm with the person and having fun ^.^ 92.Favourite app on your phone?I don't have a favourite.93.What colour are the walls in your room?Cream94.Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Yeah, GloomGames, Idubbbz, Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend Julien.95.Share your favourite quotes."I won't die defeated" "at some point you just gotta pull off the band-aid, and it hurts but then it's over and you're relieved" "I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean toward the opposite" "seize the day or die regretting the time you lost"96.What is the meaning of life?42.97.Do you like horror movies?YASSSSS!!!!98.Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Nope.99.Do you feel lucky or special in a way?I'm lucky to have such amazing people around me who care and look after me when I need it ❤️100.Can you keep a secret?Generally yas.
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mckindor · 6 years
I know you’re usually bored so 1-100 😈
Okay. 1. Is a kiss considered cheating? / Yes. 2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? / Yes. 3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? / I’d want to read minds. 4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? / Probably not. 5. Tell us some funny drunk story. / New Years a few years ago, I took a ton of shots of patron and got drunk and my childhood best friend watched me throw up. 6. Why are you no longer with your ex? / Because they were all terrible people. 7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? / Quick. 8. What are your current goals? / To be happy in every way. 9. Do you like someone? / My boyfriend 10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? / Myself11. Do you like your body? / Sometimes I do, sometimes I’m repulsed by it 12. Can you keep a diet? / Not a chance 13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? / I’d saying nothing because I have nothing important to say 14. Do you work? / Yes15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? / Probably tacos. I love me some tacos16. Would you get a tattoo? / I currently have 34 so yeah, I’m down for another 17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? / My friends18. Can you drive? / Yes19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? / Yesterday I think20. What was the last thing you cried for? / Stupid things21. Do you keep a journey? / I have a second blog, if that counts22. Is life fun? / Life is torture23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? / It’s all natural my dude24. What’s your dream car? / 1954 Chevy pickup25. Are grades in school important? / Yeah, I guess26. Describe your crush. / My boyfriend27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? / The Perfect Storm, every time28. What was your last lie? / I’m not hungry29. Dumbest lie you ever told? / I honestly don’t even remember30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? / Not at all31. Something you did and you’re proud of? / Quit my job32. What’s your favorite cocktail? / Vodka cranberry, my signature 33. Something you’re good at? / Disappointing people34. Do you like small kids? / Yes and no. I like my niece, my nephew, and any other small children who aren’t mine35. How are you feeling right now? / Like shit36. What would you name your daughter/son? / Remora Louise37. What do you need to be happy? / Money, my own place, different brain38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now? / Oh, tons of people39. What was the last gift you received? / My mom bought my ticket for Warped Tour if that counts. 40. What was the last gift you gave? / I bought my boyfriend an ETID shirt41. What was the last concert you went to? / Warped Tour42. Favorite place to shop at? / Forever 2143. Who inspires you? / People who actually doing what they’re passionate about44. How old were you when you first got drunk? / 16, I think45. How old were you when you first got high? / 1546. How old were you when you first had sex? / 1647. When was your first kiss? / 201048. Something you want to do until the end of the year? / Sleep49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? / Tons of things50. Post a selfie. / No51. Who are you most comfortable around? / My boyfriend, my best friend Dereck, my friend Hunter, my sister, my dad52. Name one thing that terrifies you. / Mannequins53. What kind of books do you read? / Books about overcoming addictions, intense stories, things like that54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? / Take chances, and don’t be afraid to tell people how you feel55. What is your favorite flower? / Sunflower56. Any bad habits you have? / Smoking and biting around my nails57. What kind of people are you attracted to? / Funny, similar interests, kind-hearted58. What was the last thing you cried for? / Stupid stuff 59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? / Peanut butter60. Are you in love? / Yes61. Something you find romantic? / Surprising me with flowers, taking cute candid photos, telling the world how you feel about me62. How long was your longest relationship? / 3 years and such a waste of time. My current relationship is almost 3 years so soon it’ll be the one I’m in63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? / Everything64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? / Everything65. What are you saving money for? / Moving out, visiting Idaho66. How would you describe your bad side? / I’m the worst, there is no other side67. Are you actually a good person? Why? / I don’t think I am, but some people could argue that68. What are you living for? / I’m dying inside69. Have you ever done anything illegal? / I made a U-turn when I wasn’t allowed to70. Do you like your body? / Absolutely not. 71. Have you ever made anyone feel bad about themselves intentionally? / Never72. Ever sent nudes? / No73. Have you ever cheated on someone? / No, and I never will74. Favorite candy? / Sour skittles75. Is there a blog you visit every day or almost every day? / My activity on here is so sparse so not really76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favorite game? / I don’t play computer games77. Favorite TV series? / Friends78. Are you religious? Does God exist? / I’m nowhere near religious79. What’s the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? / Lovely Bones and holy yes it did. It was so intense80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? / I was vegetarian for a year and a half and my best friend is vegan. You do you, bro81. How long have you been on tumblr? / Since I was 14 or 1582. Do you like Chinese food? / Oh my god yes83. McDonald’s or subway? / McDonald’s84. Vodka or whiskey? / Vodka85. Alcohol or drugs? / Honestly not big on either but alcohol86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? / I’ve been out of state but never out of country87. Meaning behind your blog name? / Some dumb thing I made up when I was in high school88. What are you scared of? / Dying alone89. Last thing you were insulted by? / I don’t even remember, I’m a child90. Most traumatic experience? / Getting bit by a dog when I was a kid, being assaulted, the list goes on91. Perfect date idea? / Laying in bed listening to music and just laying there with the other person92. Favorite app on your phone? / Instagram probably93. What color are the walls in your room? / Blue94. Do you watch YouTube? Who is your favorite YouTuber? / I do, but I mostly just watch vine comps95. Share your favorite quote. / “Do or do not, there is no try”96. What is the meaning of life? / Who the fuck knows, man97. Do you like horror movies? / Not at all98. Have you ever made your mom cry? What happened? / Yes, I gave her a pin that I made and she cried in Applebee’s99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? / No100. Can you keep a secret? / Yes
0 notes
SDQ: Lilium 2, 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28, 32, 47, 48, 50
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Dr. — both a medical doctor, and a university doctorate. Although technically her medical license was revoked, she still considers herself a valid doctor and continues to practice medicine since she did the work to get there.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
She was always a bit of a loner, but she did have some friends. A lot of them are dead, some believe she’s dead, and still others now hate her. The friends and family she’s still close to she hasn’t contacted in a while.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
No specific requirements, but she eats very little meat. What she eats is usually very healthy, but she only really eats when she remembers. It’s enough to sustain her and that’s all she really needs. Eats so many weird fucking vegetables.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
She tells people she likes nonfiction and documentaries, and she does, but she quietly loves horror and even gothic romance type books on the side.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Her temper is cold and boiling right under the surface. Most of the time you won’t see it until it’s too late. She’s the type of person to keep how she feels about things close to the chest. She might hate you while you believe you’ve been friends for years. When she does yell or get outwardly angry, it’s usually more out of passion than anger.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Her idea of humor is vaguely insulting sarcasm. She’s… not as funny as she thinks she is.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Her biggest physical fear is fire. She can handle campfires and such, especially since she’s able to paint herself as a loner and keep to herself when the fire is burning. In general, she’s scared of failure, of not being able to do what she sets out to do. She won’t admit fear, basically no matter what. Fear and anger she sees as weak and detrimental, especially if shown outwardly.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Goth. Just… so goth. Yet still stuff you can move in and get bodily fluids on without ruining it. (Yet another reason black clothes work so well.) She’d never actually enter a hot topic because she is A Professional thank you very much, but she basically just wears goth fashion under a lab coat. She usually sleeps in leggings/silky pants and a basic v neck, or in whatever she wore that day. She usually wears a decent amount of makeup, also pretty goth, but tasteful enough that it doesn’t take ages to put on and stays on through a full day of work. Eyeliner and dark eyeshadow at least, enough to give her a tired, half lidded look. Her hair is dark blue-black, cut in a bob.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
She’s pretty good at talking people up even if she hates them. She’s not asked to a lot of fancy parties, but when she was with the university there were black tie events sometimes. She never really enjoyed the required parties, but she could go and get funding from rich people attending if she had to. She doesn’t really like formalwear either.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
She’s really not a party person. If she’s going to attend an event she wants there to be a clear purpose behind it. Besides, she’s usually busy. She might have a good time at a good dance if she was dragged along by someone she liked, but it would take some convincing to get her there.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
As much of her lab and medical equipment as possible, and LOTS of paper and writing implements for note taking and just general journaling. She feels like her life is only in order if she’s writing it down. Other than that, clothes and basic makeup supplies, and as many books as she can.
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butterccupp · 6 years
1-100 do all those questions u posted a long time ago
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? i think it depends? context is everything2. Have you ever faked orgasm? ,,, yes3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? invisibility maybe? idk maybe mind reading would be cool4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? probably not? i mean hopefully but idk where i will be or what i will be doing5. Tell us some funny drunk story. i have never been drunk yikes6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? just reasons? things weren’t working out7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? SHARK ATTACK8. What are your current goals? idk??? i have a lot but also i don’t really have any9. Do you like someone? u silly10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? myself what’s good :-)11. Do you like your body? very rarely ??? i am v large in many senses and it makes me really self conscious 12. Can you keep a diet? no13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? probably “uhhhhhhh” bc i’m so indecisive and couldn’t think of one thing14. Do you work? i babysit and watch dogs but i don’t have like, a formal job15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? pizza16. Would you get a tattoo? yes there are a few that i want17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? tbh most of mine goes to food and gas18. Can you drive? yes i got my license as soon as i possibly could19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? u tell me all the time babe !!20. What was the last thing you cried for? idk i cry multiple times a day over stupid shit probably bc i was just overwhelmed or sad21. Do you keep a journal? i own lots of journals and i would love to keep one but i’m too inconsistent22. Is life fun? life is what u make of it my dude23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? yes? everybody does it like ???? wtf24. What’s your dream car? a range rover would be nice, but i also want a big jeep wrangler25. Are grades in school important? idk i mean i have a 5.0 gpa so yes??? but also in the grand scheme of things no26. Describe your crush. brown eyes, curly hair, the most STUNNING smile i have ever seen, cute dimples, u27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? i don’t really remember? i haven’t been interested in a book or movie for a long time rip28. What was your last lie? uhhh last night i told myself i was going to get up and write a speech this morning 29. Dumbest lie you ever told? idk?? i’m not a great liar so nothing too bad30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? yes but it happens so frequently that i don’t really care anymore31. Something you did and you are proud of? worked my butt off for four years & i’m graduating 2nd in my class32. What’s your favourite cocktail? nothing33. Something you are good at? school34. Do you like small kids? yes my 2 yr old twin cousins are my favorite thing35. How are you feeling right now? tired and overwhelmed. i think frazzled is appropriate 36. What would you name your daughter/son? florence!!!! i lov that name37. What do you need to be happy? minimal stress. u don’t hurt either :’)38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? no i’m not a violent person tbh39. What was the last gift you received? a gift from my kindergarten teacher for graduation40. What was the last gift you gave? i bought the new urban decay palette for my mom today for mother’s day41. What was the last concert you went to? julien baker in pittsburgh42. Favourite place to shop at? like for clothes?? i get a lot of them at tj maxx or marshall’s or target or even charlotte russe43. Who inspires you? my mom, my english teacher, u44. How old were you when you first got drunk? ?????45. How old were you when you first got high? also ???????46. How old were you when you first had sex? 1647. When was your first kiss? 13 maybe ?? it was this boy in my neighborhood bc i was starting to get real feelings for girls and i thought if i kissed him it would fix it. clearly that didn’t work48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? date u :)49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? i wish i wouldn’t have wasted so much time & energy on ppl that didn’t matter50. Post a selfie. idk how to do that in this on the app ??? i guess i could actually post one after this51. Who are you most comfortable around? u52. Name one thing that terrifies you. not being in control of my life, bugs living inside of me, moving water, disappointing the people i love, not meaning anything to people, idk i’m really scared of a lot of things53. What kind of books do you read? memoirs & biographies & nonfiction in general54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? tell your mom how you’re feeling, get into therapy now and maybe things will be easier down the road55. What is your favourite flower? i really like sunflowers and peonies 56. Any bad habits you have? so many, i gnaw my fingers until they bleed it’s pretty bad 57. What kind of people are you attracted to? people named hannah :)58. What was the last thing you cried for? didn’t i already answer this idk it was probably because i was stressed59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? no i’m usually really open to trying foods 60. Are you in love? yes wow61. Something you find romantic? when u rub ur thumb on my face, it’s v small but makes me feel v happy and safe62. How long was your longest relationship? how long have we been dating idk63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? high school girls in particular are v caught up in irrelevant things and like to start useless drama64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? literally everything men just annoy me in general65. What are you saving money for? traveling to london this summer!!66. How would you describe your bad side? i’m very particular and controlling and obsessive and perpetually stressed67. Are you actually a good person? Why? i like to think so68. What are you living for? lots of things69. Have you ever done anything illegal? i mean i’ve probably run a red light once or twice, i’m not a very risky person70. Do you like your body? didn’t i already answer this too?71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? never, i think that’s a pretty shitty thing to do72. Ever sent nudes? yes73. Have you ever cheated on someone? no74. Favourite candy? sour patch kids 75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!@tyegerlily :)76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? no i don’t really play games77. Favourite TV series? the office78. Are you religious? Does God exist? no, yes79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? uhhhh probably the color purple for my junior AP english assignment, i really liked it yes80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? i wish that it was more feasible for me but i just can’t pull it off currently81. How long have you been on Tumblr? only a few months w this blog but like 5 years in total82. Do you like Chineese food? yes83. McDonalds or Subway? subway84. Vodka or whiskey? neither85. Alcohol or drugs? neither86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? i’ve been out of the state, and i’m going out of the country for the first time this summer87. Meaning behind your blog name? it’s something that u call me :’)88. What are you scared of? i already answered this too wtf89. Last time you were insulted? idk honestly90. Most traumatic experience ? my grandma’s death rlly fucked me up, also my experiences w aforementioned first kiss boy91. Perfect date idea? spending time with u!!!!!92. Favourite app on your phone? sandbox it’s a coloring app and it’s v relaxing93. What colour are the walls in your room? ugly brown wood paneling94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? yeah but most of the time it’s just ted talks or vine compilations95. Share your favourite quote. “we all impact the world around us every day. we have to decide what kind of difference we want to make.” or something like that from jane goodall96. What is the meaning of life? i think it’s to make each other’s lives a bit easier97. Do you like horror movies? no they give me panic attacks98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? idk she cried when i came out to her and sometimes she cries if i tell her that my mental health isn’t great99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? yeah i think i’m a pretty lucky person100. Can you keep a secret? yes
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dudence-blog · 6 years
Dear Dudence for 3 January 2018
My resolution for 2018 is to not change a thing because I’m awesome and totally cool with most of my problems.  With some leftover champagne to motivate me it’s time for me to get on to the questions!  Remember, if there’s anything you need to improve yourself it is to like Teh Dudence Facebook!
My cousin recently set me up on a date with a really great guy that she knew from work. At first, I was hesitant to go on a date with him as he is 43 and I am 27, however I decided to give him a chance and I was really glad I did. He’s smart, funny, and easy to hang out with. I am also very attracted to him physically.  The only bad thing, so far, is that during a text conversation, he alluded to believing that 9/11 was an inside job.
Dear Conspiracy Theories, seriously?  You met a real Truther?  In the wild?  Seriously?  Sorry, not helpful.  The other day I’d advised to not let political disagreements torpedo relationships.  While you, me, most everyone might think your date is a whack job it really, shouldn’t, by itself be a killer.  The problem will be that it’s not likely someone is only into 9-11 Truth.  There’s a whole smorgasbord of whack-job ideas you can open your mind to once you believe your government is willing to kill thousands and there are at least as many people who are willing to go along with the lie.  Anti-vax, Moon landings, Kennedy, Monsanto.  The dude is 43, he’s probably not a newcomer to this idea, so he’s an old school Loose Change-sharing, “FIRE CAN’T MELT STEEL!” guy.  I’m not going to tell you that you should cut him off over this, but it’s the sort of issue which is going to make for some awkward moments.  Some very awkward moments.  Like, imagine you told your normie friends you were dating a Scientologist.
Each year, my wife’s niece hosts a Christmas dinner for the entire, relatively large, family. Most years this is in the neighborhood of 40 people. Her mother-in-law is from another country, and they do a dinner theme around the mother-in-law’s native cuisine. The dinner and food are always very enjoyable, and we are sure to express our gratitude openly and often. This year, we received a text stating that we were required to bring $5 per person to cover the costs of the dinner.  On one hand, I enjoy the meal, and I enjoy the family time, so I have no issue paying. The $40 it’s going to cost my family is not going to break the bank. On the other hand, this, to me, is rather rude. If you do not wish to host, then don’t. If you don’t wish to host so many, then don’t invite everyone.
Dear Holiday Hosting Etiquette, I’m going to side with your wife’s niece on this one.  She’s preparing an ethnic cuisine meal for 40 people.  This is well beyond the usual family-gathering etiquette of assigning a couple someones to bring the vegetable and starch sides.  Like, right now, imagine you needed to prepare a meal for 40 people.  Do you even have enough bowls to serve 40 people cereal?  You know it would take 2 and a half gallons of milk to serve 40 people?  Now, let’s take this to an entire holiday meal.  And your wife wants to throw a hissy fit over $40?  If you don’t want to go then don’t go, but don’t go and think that “Well, we tell her how grateful we are for her work” offsets the fact she’s probably out-of-pocket for well over $5/person.  
Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.)  I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. But because he won’t talk to me, I have almost no idea of what I did or said. I am really afraid that I was mean to his sister Amanda, whom I’ve never liked.
Dear Out of Character Behavior, a three year relationship ended with a ghosting because of something you did while back-out drunk.  It’s safe to say you went beyond “being mean to his sister”.  Unless “being mean” is some understated code for “I went on an Anti-semitic tirade and then tried to murder her with a cordless drill”.  You done fucked up and fucked up good.  And it might be the sort of fuck up which you’re just never going to get the closure you want.  
My youngest son has fallen madly in love with a very sweet and ambitious young woman his own age (late 20s). She has a Ph.D. in child psychology and is in her postdoc year. He’s a high-school history teacher with no debt. She’s now looking for permanent employment. But, she’s almost $500k in debt and told him it’s college loans. I’ve done some research and spoken with experts in the field, and we’ve concluded that it is probably loans as well as credit card debt. I want to have an open and frank discussion with my son about how this could impact him should he decide to marry her. But I don’t want to be an interfering mother.
Dear Son’s GF’s College Debt, too late.  You passed “interfering” when you solicited professional guidance on how your son’s girlfriend might have paid for her education.  Listen, any couple that is going to get serious needs to have a serious discussion about the finances.  I think you’d be remiss in your role as a parent to not discuss with your son the importance of such a discussion.  It’s not out-of-bounds for you to inquire about where your son thinks this relationship is going.  So open with that.  You’re making a whole lot of assumptions about where his relationship is, where it’s going, or even what he and she have already discussed.  He told you she told him it was $500k in student loans.  Maybe she told him a bit more detail but he relayed it to you as the less judgmental-inducing “Student Loans” instead of “Student Loans, Credit Card, and a Ford Mustang GT financed at 17%”.
“Eric” and I were together for five years and had a horrible breakup a year ago. While we were together I grew very close to his daughter “Amy,” and she to me. Amy’s mom has not been in the picture for many years. Amy took our breakup badly, and pretty much took my side in everything. We’ve kept in touch and often done things together since Eric and I split. We basically don’t discuss him.  I last spoke to Amy early in September. Since then she hasn’t called or texted. I’ve tried to contact her several times, telling her I miss her and asking about getting together. No response. I’m pretty sure she’s ghosting me, and I suspect Eric worked on her, telling her what a horrible person I am.
Dear Missing “My” Daughter, you need to let it go.  She’s an adult (I’m presuming because if you were sneaking a child out behind her parent’s back to maintain a relationship with them after you broke up that is a whole other level of toxic than whatever you describe of Eric) who has chosen her father over his ex-girlfriend.  Maybe it was an ultimatium, maybe you weren’t as close as you thought, maybe she has moved on and found another woman with whom she can have the relationship you two had.  Yes it sucks, just because someone you cared for has moved on from you.  But, remember, love is an open door so keep it unlocked and maybe she’ll have a change of mind.
My boyfriend eats like an animal! Mouth open, uses his hands instead of the proper utensils, blows his nose at the dinner table, talks with his mouth full—the works! It grosses me out. If we’re at home, I generally turn up the music and try to block it out, but when we’re out it’s so embarrassing! We recently traveled to a foreign country and I was so shocked and embarrassed by his eating habits, I actually left the table and hid out in the bathroom.
Dear Animal Boyfriend, so, how did the “flee to the bathroom and hide” plan work?  There’s no way that “Listen, I think your table manner are atrotious and it embarasses me to the point of retreat when I’m out in public with you” is not going to be a little bit of an awkward situation.  If your response is as obvious as you describe it, there’s also little chance your boyfriend hasn’t noticed.  What the heck did he say when the waiter asked if you wanted a refill on your drink when you were gone for 15 minutes?  You could continue to resent him his behavior and maybe up the passive aggressiveness by choosing “My Fair Lady” next time you choose a movie on Netflix.  Or you could try talking to him about what you’re observed and how his actions at the table make you feel.  If it’s something he’s done for 30+ years it’s probably not going to be something he’s going to take to quickly, but at least you can do him the favor of no longer grinding your teeth in embarrassment at being seen with him in public.
I am getting married next spring, and my fiancé and I are very excited to move to the next phase of our relationship. Wedding planning has been surprisingly easy, save for my mother. My mother has an opinion on everything in that she wants everything to involve her. She wants to pick out music for her to be seated to. She wants my fiancé to walk her down the aisle to her seat. She wants to wear a white dress to the ceremony!
Dear My Mother Is Trying to…, have you considered trying to save money on the catering by going with a couple vegetarian options over the more expensive meat protein dishes?  Before you go returning the money which makes the event you’re planning possible let’s take your mother at her word when she said “no strings”.  Tell her you don’t want her to wear white and she gets the same processional music everyone else in the wedding party does.  Well, unless she wants to walk down the aisle to “Gettin Jiggy Wit It”.  That I would allow.  If she pulls the “hey, I gave you $XX,XXX!” then you go ahead, thank her for the donation and refund it.  All that being said let’s go ahead, back up, and take a holistic look at this.  Will it actually ruin your wedding if, on the day of the event your mother gets a wild hair up her ass and decides to show up in a white dress too?  Even after she said she wouldn’t?  The only one who can make that ruin your day is you.  Having the groom walk her down the aisle might be a bit much, but it’s not unheard of.  Honestly, does anyone in the venue know any bridal processional other than The Bridal Chorus or Canon in D?  Once those notes kick off no one is going to remember that your mother entered to a different classical instrumental.
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