#her on the arm of some hot jock because he's a hot jock? makes sense
pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Dave Lizewski x fem!reader
Summary: Being partners with Kick-Ass is far more intimidating when you have a huge crush on him, especially when he won't stop talking about his crush.
Prompt: hurt and comfort - "I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay."
here you go, my darling @lavieenvalentina! ily! seeing you in my notifs always makes me so happy!
The night is humid and hot and nothing seems to be going your way. 
First, your costume had shrunk in the laundry making the middle feel three sizes too small. Second, it had been drizzling outside and now your hair is frizzy, and third—your partner, Kick-Ass, has been going on and on about this girl Katie from his high school. 
You know Katie. You've deduced you go to the same school. She's all sugary sweet on the outside, but she's been casually teasing you since middle school, which is something you can't exactly tell him considering your identity must remain a secret. 
It doesn't help that you don't know who Kick-Ass is either. Hell, he could be one of the stupid popular jocks for all you know and then you'd so feel silly.
"And her hair is so silky and smooth, I wonder how she—" Kick-Ass continues as you walk, grinning like an idiot. You don't know how much longer you can take this agony, but you try and listen to him anyway.
"You okay?" he asks after more rambling because he can now sense you aren't listening. 
You pause, stopping at a crossroads and then you turn to him. "I should go home, there isn't any crime happening," you say, needing some time alone and away from him. 
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks, his voice low and hoarse. It's the tone that makes your cheeks feel warm and your heart flutters uncontrollably. Behind his mask, his bright blue eyes shine and he's looking at you like some poor puppy who can't understand why his owner won't give him a bone. 
"Don't look at me like that," you say, taking his arm and pulling him into a small alley. 
"Like what?" he sounds genuinely confused as he leans against the brick wall. 
"Like a damn wounded puppy!" you exclaim, throwing up your arms in exasperation, "As if I've kicked you or something stupid. Why do you always have to act like the one who's hurt when all you do is hurt me?!"
The words tumble from your lips.
"I hurt you?" he whispers, his concerned expression obvious even with almost his entire face covered. "How? I thought we were friends. You're the best damn friend I've ever had."
"You don't know me," you interrupt him and fiddle with the latex of your glove, "not really." 
"Well, I could know you," Kick-Ass says, sounding very determined. "You're the one who doesn't want to know me. I've told you a thousand times you can trust me. I've even told you my name."
Your eyes widen at this revelation. "What? When?"
"The first week we met, you never told me yours but whatever," he shakes his head and then outstretches his hand, "Here, I don't mind. I trust you. My name is Dave," he says casually.
You suddenly click all the pieces in your head and your smile drops.
"Dave Lizewski?" you whisper, suddenly recognizing his voice. Of course, how could you not have recognized him? You sit next to Dave in Pre-Calculus every single day. Dave hangs around with Katie all the time. You look him up and down.
His eyebrows crease. "How did you know that?" he asks suspiciously.
You think, screw this, and untie your mask from behind your head, letting it drop into your hands. You look up, almost afraid of his reaction.
Dave's eyes widen and he stutters out your name, the syllables stuck in his throat as he processes that it's you.
He didn't consider you a friend at school, but you always helped him in Pre-Calculus when you could so he liked you. Plus, you're gorgeous and he can't deny that before Katie Deauxma, he'd thought of you in inappropriate ways—sometimes he still does.
His cheeks burn bright red. 
"It's you," is all he can muster.
You shrug and look away from him. "This is so stupid," you say and then turn to him again, "We're so stupid for not knowing. I mean, we talk all the time."
Dave pulls off his mask. Luckily no one is walking around this dinghy alley to see you both. Your breath catches in your throat at seeing Dave, his hair messy and stuck to his skin, his glasses abandoned and dressed in his Kick-Ass suit. 
You start to laugh. You aren't laughing at him but at this absurd situation. 
Dave doesn't take it like that and he scrunches up his nose. "Are you laughing at me?"
You shake your head and look at him seriously. "No, I'm laughing because if I had known waking up today that the boy I have a crush on was none other than Dave Lizewski from Pre-Calculus—I think I would have pinched myself."
Your words sink and Dave's eyes widen until he looks almost scared. "What?"
"You know Katie thinks you're gay. That's the only reason she's your friend," you interrupt. You feel the need to tell him, like jealousy and pure venom is slipping from your mouth. Is it mean? A little, but you think it's time someone should burst his bubble.
Dave frowns, your previous statement slipping his mind momentarily. "I know that," he tells you, defensive. 
"Then why on earth do you have to go on and on about her all the time?"
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was inconveniencing you, Y/n," he snaps without hesitation, crossing his arms.
"Well, you are," you snap back, glaring at him and looking at him like this, knowing who he is, makes this a thousand times harder.
If Kick-Ass did turn out to be a stupid, meat-head, jock then this would be so much easier. Only he isn't. He's Dave Lizewski  and Dave is sweet and he's funny and he's brave and—
"I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay," you blurt out and bury your face in your hands. 
Dave is quiet for a moment until he walks closer and pulls your hands down so he can look at you. "Okay, listen, can we please rewind for a second?" he asks, "y-you said you have a crush on me."
You shake your head and warmth spreads across your cheeks. 
"You did," Dave insists. 
"Doesn't matter, it's stupid."
"It does matter," he says and his hands cup your cheeks, hair falling and tickling his wrists as his mask hangs from his hand. "It matters because you're lovely and kind and I really like you." 
"Not the way I like you," you counter, "you like Katie Deauxma." 
Dave winces and he can't argue. His feelings don't just magically disappear, although he can admit that for some reason—after seeing you in this light—something inside him shifted. Something he can't explain right now.
"Y/n, you don't know me either," he tells you honestly, "you may know Kick-Ass a little, and you may like him, but you don't like Dave."
Not yet, you want to finish but you don't. You keep your mouth shut. He has a point.
"Just don't talk about her anymore, will you?"
Dave smiles a little, nodding his head. "Okay. Promise," he looks into your eyes, his gaze flickering to your lips. 
He has a really strong feeling he won't need to talk about Katie anymore. 
tags: @earth-elemental18
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dawnisatotalqueen · 7 months
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title: promise
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: alcohol use, marijuana use, mentions of virginity, mentions of assault, cursing, semi frequent use of l/n (last name), zen masters (jackie x hyde) if u squint
summary: when you met the boys, you made a promise to never date any of them. though this gets harder and harder to follow as you all get older and more attractive.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3
word count: 2972
part two
You were a maneater. At least, that’s what your friends said and you didn’t necessarily disagree. In your mere 17 years of life, you had accumulated nearly 30 boyfriends. In a town like Pointplace, there weren’t very many eligible bachelors, and it didn’t help that you swore off dating the hottest one.
Years prior, at the very beginning of middle school, when you had met Kelso, Foreman, and Hyde, you made a promise. You promised to yourself, and to them, that you would never date them. You enjoyed their company a lot, which is exactly why you didn’t want to risk dating any of them.
Naturally, as time progressed and Fez joined the group, he was included in the group of boys you wouldn’t date, though in all honesty, you probably never would have dated him regardless.
As you got older, you had started to ever so slightly regret your promise because as you got older, so did the boys, and oh boy, was one of them hot.
Hyde was gorgeous and exactly your type. But did you think Hyde was hot because he was your type, or did you think he was hot because he set the standard for your type? The world may never know.
To put those feelings aside, you upped the ante on your dating game. You were the most “desirable” out of your friend group except for maybe Donna or Jackie. You dated jocks, nerds, stoners, and basically any other clique in your high school.
That led you to now, walking into Eric Foreman’s basement, which is where you usually were, waiting for a guy to show up for a date.
You wore a pretty black dress and your signature green bomber jacket.
Donna was the first to look over, whistling with a grin. “Damn! You look great.”
Jackie looked over, gasping a little and pushing up off of Kelso to rush over to you. “That dress is gorgeous!! Much better than what you usually wear.” She looked over the dress.
You giggled at the backhanded compliment. It was something you were used to with Jackie, and you found it endearing. “Thanks! Got it just for the date. Definitely keeping it, though.”
Hyde raised a brow. “You don’t usually dress up for dates. Must really like the guy, huh?” You didn’t notice it then, but he shifted uncomfortably, his posture tensing.
“Damn it!! Stupid lucky guy, getting (L/N) to dress up all nice for him..” Kelso crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.
“At least we get to be blessed with the sight.” Fez sighed happily.
“I don’t know, I don’t really like him.” You shrugged. “He’s just takin’ me somewhere fancy, figured it was the least I could do.”
“Well, you look great. Hope you have fun.” Donna got up, patting you on the back.
“Thanks!! I’ll swing by after, yeah?”
“We’ll leave the door unlocked.” Eric commented, smiling.
“Great!” You heard a honk outside. “That’s my queue. Cya!” You grinned, heading out the door.
Hyde rolled his eyes, or, that’s what everyone assumed. It was a little hard to tell with the glasses. “Doesn’t even have the decency to knock, and she’s giving this guy a shot?” He scoffed.
“Someone sounds jeaaalouusss!!” Kelso snickered.
“I’m not jealous. I just think (L/N) could do better than some dude who can’t even knock on the door.”
“It’s okay if you’re jealous, Hyde! I mean, she’s going out with a popular jock. It makes sense you’d feel insecure.” Jackie returned to her spot next to Kelso.
“Why would I care?”
“It’s obvious you guys have a little back and forth thing.” Jackie giggled.
Donna hummed, leaning against the couch. “I figured you guys would’ve at least made out by now.”
Hyde scoffed. “Never gonna happen. She literally swore off ever dating me, Foreman, and Kelso.”
“Is that all that’s stopping you?” Eric raised a brow.
“No.” Hyde was almost too quick to answer. What he didn’t say was that he thought you were out of his league. He was a teenage dirtbag, and while you were their friend, you also were more of a social floater than anything. You dated jocks and the most popular guys in school. He’d be stupid to think you could ever be interested in dating him..
It had been a couple of hours since you left, and everyone had sort of faded out. Eric retreated upstairs to his room, heading to bed, and everyone else had returned to their respective houses.. Everyone except for Hyde, that is, as he had found himself recently staying in the Foreman’s basement after an incident with his Mom.
He lounged on the couch, taking a puff from a blunt that he had rolled when he heard the door open.
You stumbled in, reeking of cheap booze. More importantly, though, you had visibly been crying. Your mascara left streaks down your face, and your nose was red and puffy.
“What happened?” Hyde sat up straight, stiffening. Did that guy hurt you? He would kick his ass if he hurt you–
“That guy was a douche.” You huffed. “Got me drunk, then tried to get laid.” You wobbled over to the couch, sitting next to him. You held out your hand, and Hyde got the message, passing you the blunt.
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Pushed him off.” You deeply inhaled the smoke before blowing it out, sighing. “Sucks. Used to it, but it sucks.”
“You’re used to it?” He stared at you, a little bewildered.
“Most guys get pissy when I won’t sleep with them.” You kicked off your heels, leaning back. “Don’t wanna lose my virginity to some guy I don’t even like.. Is that bad?” You looked at him, frowning.
“That’s not a bad thing.” He pushed a piece of your hair out of your face. “Plenty of people wanna save it for someone special. Like the whole til marriage shit.” He shrugged.
“Guess so..” You looked down before smiling, nudging him. “Why can’t every guy be as nice as you?”
He raised a brow. “You think I’m nice?”
“Yeahh!” You grinned, your slurring words the evidence of the alcohol still in your system. “In your own way. Liike, you may not act like it, but I think you care about everyone. At least a little. Like when you took Jackie to prom! Or now, you’re comforting me after a shitty date.”
“If you keep goin’ you’re gonna make my ego big.” He snickered.
You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Shut upp.. Point iss, you’re super sweet in your own way, and that’s what mattersss..”
He wrapped his arm around you. “You flatter me too much.”
After you didn’t respond, he looked over and realized you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He sighed a little, propping you up and then picking you up. He took you to his room, laying you down on his bed and tucking you in.
He sat down next to you, watching you for a second. You looked so completely and utterly peaceful. He let out a breath before standing up.
Was your promise all that was stopping him from pursuing you?
He stood still for a second before heading to the door and flipping off the light. “Night, doll.”
You were very confused when you woke up the next morning, and you were in Hyde’s bed. You were still in the same clothes from the night before, and there was no evidence that anyone else had been in bed with you, so you felt pretty confident that you didn’t sleep together.
You scooted off of the mattress, getting up and peeking your head out the door. You didn’t see anyone in the basement, so you figured it must’ve been earlier in the day. You walked around, spotting a blanket on the couch, and you figured Hyde must’ve slept on it. But, he was nowhere to be found.
You decided to head upstairs and hopefully wash your face, maybe even get a change of clothes that Laurie left behind.
When you opened the door to the basement, you hissed a little upon seeing that the Foreman family were all sitting around the table, eating breakfast like the classic sitcom family.
You turned around, trying to tiptoe down the hallway when the floor board underneath you squeaked. You hissed, turning around when you heard Kitty’s voice behind you. “Y/N? Is that you? This early in the morning?”
You turned around, smiling awkwardly. “Ah.. Yeah, sorry. I um– I let myself in.”
Kitty gasped a little, getting up from her chair. “Goodness! You look awful!”
You assumed she was referencing your tear smudged makeup. “Yyyeah.. Rough night.”
“Let me get you cleaned up.” She put a hand on your shoulder, ushering you through the hall.
That left the boys in the kitchen. Red looked at Hyde, raising a brow. “You slept on the couch last night.
Hyde paused. “Yup.” He shoved a bite of his food in his mouth.
“Did she stay over?” Red leaned back in his chair, eyeing the curly haired boy.
Eric whistled lowly. “Dang, Hyde. Maybe Jackie was right about you being jealous.”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t like that. She had a crappy date and passed out. I didn’t wanna wake her up just to make her leave.”
Red looked at him for a second before raising his brows. “Well, that was nice. But you two really need to stop letting random kids crash here.” He cringed.
Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom with Kitty. You washed your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were a little swollen, but it was nothing major. You sighed a little before Kitty spoke. “I’ll get some clothes from Laurie’s room for you to change into. I can wash your clothes for you.”
You smiled at her, nodding. “That’d be appreciated, thank you.” You took off your jacket, handing it to her.
She smiled at you, taking your jacket before freezing when she saw your wrists.
You hadn’t realized it, but the jackass that you went on a date with had left bruises on you when he was trying to get handsy.
“Did.. Someone..” Kitty trailed off.
“No! No, no. Nothing like that. I, uh, I pushed him off of me.” You reassured her.
She frowned. “Oh, dear.. That had to have been hard.”
You looked to the side, frowning a little. “...Yeah.”
She put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Well, you’re safe now. And you’ll have clean clothes soon enough.” She smiled, heading out the door and getting you some clothes.
Laurie’s clothes were comfortable. Kitty got you a pretty simple tank top and some pajama pants, which you didn’t mind. She told you she’d let you know when your clothes were clean, so you made your way down to the basement. It had been about an hour since you had seen Hyde and Eric since you took a shower during that time.
The usual group had gathered in the basement during that time, watching something stupid on TV. You made your way down the stairs, running a hand through your hair.
You casually walked over, sitting on the arm of the couch, putting you next to Kelso and Jackie. Only then did everyone realize you were there.
“Hey (L/N)!” Donna grinned, raising a teasing eyebrow. “How was your hot date–” She paused when she saw your appearance. Slightly swollen eyes and bruised wrists were the first thing to stand out.
“Jeez! You look awful!” Jackie looked over at you, and you couldn’t help the giggle that came out. She sounded just like Kitty.
You hummed. “The date was shit, but it’s cool. Didn’t really like the guy anyway, and I got free food.” You shrugged it off.
Hyde watched you, his eyes drifting down your body before they landed on your wrists. He didn’t see that the night before. You really did have to fight off that douche-bag.
Donna got up from where she was next to Eric, going to the back of the couch and hugging you. “Aw.. I’m sorry, babe. You can do better anyway.”
“Like Hyde said yesterday, you could do way better than a guy who honks!” Fez hummed, nodding to himself.
You blinked, looking in Hyde’s direction, seeing him shrug. “It’s true.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up, and your eyes soften, but before you could dwell on the butterflies in your stomach, you heard a honk from outside. You all paused, and Eric looked in your direction. “Do you have another date?”
You shook your head, getting up off the couch. “Who could that be?” You went to the door, opening it and going up the outside stairs, spotting a familiar car. “..Oh god.”
The guy you had gone out with the day before got out of his car, spotting you. “(Y/N)-- Can we talk?”
You grimaced, crossing your arms. “Why?”
You could hear your friends gathering up behind you as you walked up the driveway.
“Listen, I get kind of weird when I’m drunk, I didn’t mean to be so pushy.” The boy frowned, looking down at you.
You grumbled, rolling your eyes. “And I suppose you didn’t mean to ditch me and make me walk home too then?”
“You had to walk here?” Before you knew it, Hyde was by your side, looking at you.
You looked at him, frowning a little before shrugging. “Yeah. It’s–”
“Please, just– just give me another chance.” The boy stepped closer to you, trying to grab your shoulders.
Hyde stepped between you, pushing the guy away by his chest. “I think you’ve done enough.”
“And who do you think you are?” The guy stood up straight, getting in Hyde’s face.
“I’m her friend. And I don’t appreciate how you treated her.”
“Well, frankly, I think it’s none of your business how I treat her.”
“It kind of is when she busts into my basement crying.”
“Don’t be dramatic. I was just trying to have some fun.” The guy rolled his eyes. “And the bitch was basically asking for it with that dress–”
Hyde punched him, and he held his bleeding nose. The guy growled, throwing a punch at Hyde, and before you knew it, they were fighting. You squeaked, reaching your hand out. “H– hey there’s no need to fight it’s fine–”
The guy elbowed you. Right in the eye.
You hissed, holding your face. “Fuck–”
Hyde looked between you and the guy for a split second before he nailed his knee into his stomach. “You’d seriously fucking hit a chick?! What is wrong with you?!”
The guy coughed, holding his stomach and backing up toward his car, hurrying in.
“Yeah, screw off!” Hyde called after him, looking over to you.
Donna and Jackie rushed over to you, Donna, holding your shoulders. “O– ow shit– How bad is it?” You moved your hand off of your eye.
Jackie hissed. “Yikes. That’s gonna bruise. But it’s okay!! I have some absolutely great makeup that’ll cover it up, no problem!”
You giggled a little through the pain. “Ah, I don’t think that’s my biggest concern–” You looked in Hyde’s direction. “Are you okay?”
You and Hyde were left alone in the basement as the others were grabbing some stuff to help with your current conditions. Donna and Eric were getting an ice pack, Jackie was getting her makeup, and Kelso and Fez… Well, they were doing something.
You held a warm washcloth, dabbing at the little cuts and bruises on Hyde’s face. It was one of the few times you had seen him without his glasses for such a long period of time.
Once you were done, you sighed, smiling at him. “Y’know, you don’t need to get into fights for me.”
Hyde leaned back. “What? For you? Nah, the guy just had a very punchable face.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Right, right, my bad.”
He straightened up a little, clearing his throat. “Well, uh, are you good? I mean, that guy said some pretty nasty things..”
You shrugged a little, looking down. “I’m all good. He’s not the first guy to react like that to me rejecting them. He is the first guy to give me a black eye though.”
At the mention of your black eye, Hyde leaned forward, pushing your hair out of your face and oh so carefully touching your cheek. “Does it hurt?”
You stared at him, your breath hitching. “A little.”
He seemed to take in the fact that the two of you were mere inches away. He swallowed, looking down at you. “(L/N).. I uh.. I didn’t like that you went out with that guy.”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “Why? Because he was like– a douche?”
“I mean, yeah, but I think it was ‘cause I uh…” He licked his lips. “I might, uh..”
Before he could say what he had on his mind, Donna and Eric made their way down the stairs, and you and Hyde quickly scooted away from each other.
Donna handed you the ice pack, and you pressed it to your eye, hissing a little.
“Jackie will be back with her makeup pretty soon, but I’d suggest not putting it on at least until the swelling goes a little down.” Donna hummed.
“Yeah, she–” Eric had started to go on a ramble about something, but you weren’t paying attention. Your eyes were on Hyde, who had casually gone back to his chair, acting as if your moment didn’t happen.
Was he going to say he liked you? What would that mean for your relationship? You were attracted to him, you had to admit, but did you like him?
Should you break your promise? 
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viviseawrites · 1 year
you know those words you read but never hear so you make up the way they sound based on how you read them? (for instance, stobin, apparently.) have a pre-season 4 pre-relationship steddie thread about one such word:
steve and eddie don’t exactly hang out, but they get along for the kids’ sake. steve waves from his car when he picks the boys up after hellfire; eddie gives steve a nod when he passes in front of family video to meet dustin at the arcade.
slowly, they graduate to the bare bones of conversation:
“how’s it going?”
“can’t complain. you?”
“same here.”
“yeah. alright, see ya around.”
it changes when dustin invites both of them to his birthday party. steve shows up with robin, and eddie shows up alone, intending to say his hellos and bail. but they get trapped at the snack table by mrs. henderson.
claudia thanks them both profusely for watching out for the kids. they side-eye each other, both embarrassed and simultaneously proud, both a little skeptical even as they try to placate her.
“it’s nothing, mrs. henderson. he’s a good kid.”
“yeah, of course, claudia. it’s not a big deal.”
“no, no, you’ve both done so much!” she insists, pulling them each into a warm hug.
she toddles off after a while to take pictures, and they awkwardly glance at each other until finally eddie breaks the silence. “so, what’s she so grateful to you for?”
steve shrugs and shoves his hands into his pockets. “dustin’s been through some stuff. honestly, i was just kinda there for most of it, but she refuses to believe that.”
“hmm,” eddie says. they fall quiet again, but eddie’s still thinking about it, his plans for leaving forgotten in favor of curiosity. because that feels like a half-truth. “i mean,” he says, catching steve’s eye, “henderson talks you up a lot himself.”
steve looks startled, a flush rising in his cheeks. he scrubs his fingers through his hair, glancing away. “oh.”
“yeah. soooo… what gives? what did steeeeve harrington do to impress the dorkiest, nerdiest kid i’ve ever known?”
steve snorts, then realizes he can’t actually explain. “uh.” he scans the room for robin, hoping she can bail him out, but she and max are kicking a soccer ball at the boys while they yell about it. fuck. hopefully dustin catches onto the lie if eddie ever asks him about it. “a couple years ago, i tried to help dustin find his missing cat, and we got cornered by a… pack of… uh, feral dogs? and—”
eddie snorts and quickly covers his mouth with his hand. steve stares at him. eddie flails a little, helpless, and finally says, “sorry, it’s just. did you say FEARAL?”
steve blinks. “yeah, like wild?”
“it’s feral,” eddie says.
steve thinks about it, then shakes his head. he’s pretty sure about it. “nah, because they’re so crazy they strike fear into you, right? so it sounds like fearal?”
now eddie has to think about it, because that kind of makes sense in a weird way. but no. “yeah, dude, it’s feral, like the fair. so, feral dogs.”
“huh.” he considers this, then shakes his head and crosses his arms like he’s disappointed. “well, that’s stupid,” steve mutters. “fearal sounds better than fairal.”
eddie feels a flash of fondness, against his will. he grins and hides it behind a strand of hair. god, is steve harrington, a douchey but hot ex-jock babysitter, actually cute? the world is so unfair.
he decides then and there to start having real conversations with steve whenever he can, just to see what other adorable slip-ups he might make. because ohhh yeah. eddie is screwed.
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veltana · 23 days
@citronbun 's latest Johnny Storm art sparked something in me! Written on phone, not checked!
There was just something about Johnny Storm. You hated that you lusted after him because it was so cliché. He was the hot popular jock and you were just a nerd.
It was so stupid, but every time you saw him your mouth would water and your cunt would throb. Your late night fantasies were often you in front of him, on your knees, getting his cock shoved down your throat. But he would never see you and you were content with your imaginings because they would never ever come true.
One day, as you were sitting in the library you could have sworn you heard his voice, but someone like him was never at the library. After hearing it again you decided to investigate.
You found him together with a girl you've seen around campus, a nerd like you, and it looked like she was trying to tutor him but she ended up leaving in tears. For a second you wondered if Johnny was gonna go after her but he just pulled out his phone and started playing some game.
You stood behind the shelves and watched him for a moment, your mind going hundred miles an hour trying to figure out if you could use this to your advantage. Finally you took a deep breath and approached him.
Nsfw below
“You really did all my homework just so you could suck me off,” Johnny muses as he looks at the bright red A on the paper of his latest assignment. You hum as you suck his balls into your mouth, playing with them. Your senses are full of him and you love it.
“Maybe next time I'll fuck you if you can keep giving me good grades, nerd,” he finishes and puts the paper down as you kiss up the thick length of him. Your eyes meet for a moment and you pop the head into your mouth before gently sucking on him then lowering yourself until he hits the back of your thoat, making your eyes water.
He groans, closing his eyes, and grips the arm of the sofa, spreading his thick thighs more to give you better room. The throb between your legs is at the brink of painful and you decide then and there that you'll do almost anything to feel his dick in your pussy, even if it means burning yourself out because you have to do all his homework too.
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pjunicornart · 4 months
FIRST OF ALL I LOVE UR LITTLE OTP SO MUCH. how they never crossed my mind baffles me bcuz that is gen such a good pair??
ANYWHO any hcs?? im so curious like yes yes tell me more about ur ot4.,.,..
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get to this. It was because my body was basically BEGGING me to take a break... I had a pounding headache and my drawing arm and hand felt heavy and sore. So to any artists out there... don't be like me. Take breaks. In fact, I'm probably not gonna be posting any art for a few days so I can give my body time to rest. Unfortunately, I inherited my father's workaholism...
ANYWAY. Glad you like it! Meet the Robinsons needed more... gay. So, I provided! When I first revisited this movie and saw all four of those characters I knew my gay ass brain was gonna do something with them. And that, it did.
The piece I did was them within the AU. Let's give the characters some brief summaries before going into detail (under the cut)... - Lewis is a nerdy finger gun bi disaster. 'Nuff said. - Goob is a jock type. - Lizzy is the goth girl, with a hint of weirdcore influences. - Franny is the choir girl. - All of them are 16.
Lewis He was the one Goob, Lizzy, and Franny had in common. Essentially, all three of them liked Lewis "in that way." The three of them had kind of silently agreed they all wanted to get with Lewis. Nevermind that Lewis was completely oblivious to all of this and deep within his own bi panic! In this AU, he attends high school like everybody else, but he does go off campus for a couple of periods for college classes. He's a star student! Not popular in the sense that he's the school hot shot, but in the sense that everybody knows him for being very kind and an overachiever. Oh, and Lewis was never given up for adoption! He lives with his birth mom and about-to-be step-dad.
Michael (Goob) He's the ACTUAL school hot shot. Star baseball player who holds the school athletics records. I'll admit, Goob was kind of my way of making Jock Paperjam from the OG NaJ AU not problematic, and like how I imagined him being. To channel the trauma and come out from it, y'know? (Heh, I even gave him his face shape...) He's the tallest of the four, and the strongest, too. Only his girlfriends and boyfriend know how sweet and loving he is. His love language is definitely physical touch and protection. I specifically imagine him holding Lewis close to his chest while laying on the couch. Goob is not a bully, I want to make that clear. He's just a little cocky.
Lizzy Ah yes, the goth girl. I expanded her special interest from ants, to bugs in general. Her favorites are still ants, obviously. I imagine she has a couple of creepy crawlies in resin sitting on top of her dresser. Like a tarantula named Nacho. She's not necessarily full goth, because in the image I drew she has purple as well. So she's more of a pastel goth, maybe nu-goth. Lizzy is definitely a teaser! Her favorite to tease is Goob, because she likes to see him get worked up. She may be small, but she's a fire cracker!
Franny Last - but certainly not least - Franny. She's in the school choir, and is overall very musically gifted. Both of her older brothers are away at college, so it's just her and her mom in the house. Within the relationship, she's the one who showers them with kisses and hugs. She's very bubbly and energetic, and she has no bad bones in her body... except when you talk shit about her boys and girl, then you better hope you're not karate chopped in the throat. I also turned up her love for frogs into a hyperfixation, hence the froggy bucket hat. You have no idea how tempted I was to buy that hat when I saw it in Hot Topic...
The ship name is really quite simple: Family.
I saw the templates in your other ask! I'm gonna keep there for a bit, and I'll fill them out when I'm not actively dying hopefully!
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 15: Hot Chocolate
(I am fighting a headcold. I hope this makes some modicum of sense.)
December, 1987 Hawkins, Indiana
That’s all he gets before he’s barreled into by a tiny elf wearing glitter antlers. Arms wrapped around his waist, a dopey grin on her face, and… yeah. Booze on her breath. So much booze on her breath. 
“Hey, Chris,” he says, all casual, as though it’s normal for the girl who works at the Santa photo booth while he serves time in Sam Goody to hug him like he’s just come back from two tours in ’Nam. “Uh, good party?” 
“The best. The best. Oh, my gosh, I’m so glad you came.” 
And, like, he normally wouldn’t have. But she asked him to. Waltzed into the store in her little tights-and-suspenders outfit and said a bunch of the mall employees were having a party at Steve Harrington’s house, and Eddie’d figured why not, and once a townie always a townie, and that skirt’s so fucking short. 
The thing is, Chrissy Cunningham is still way the fuck out of his league. It doesn’t matter that she stayed in Hawkins while her stupid jock boyfriend went off to college. Doesn’t matter that they’re both working dead-end mall jobs, because Eddie’s trying not to be a drug dealer for the rest of his life, and Chrissy needs pocket money, probably. Doesn’t even matter that they’re kind of almost friends, because they’ve shared the same breakroom a handful of times, and once, he smoked up in the parking lot with her and Steve and Robin Buckley out of the back of his van. 
None of that changes the fact that Chrissy is a walking wet dream while Eddie’s… fine. Okay. Not the sort of guy you bring home to mom and dad, though. 
“Come get some hot chocolate,” she says, grabbing his arm and pressing the lithe line of her body against his lanky frame. God, she smells good. Something floral and spicy, and he wants to bend down and sniff her hair, but that’d be weird, so he lets her lead him into the kitchen and over to the stove. A pot of melted chocolate is bubbling away, alongside marshmallows and sprinkles, and—seriously, did Steve do this?—giant bottles of whisky, rum, and bourbon. 
That explains the booze on her breath. 
Eddie watches, shboggled, as Chrissy pours at least four fingers of bourbon into a mug, then tops it off with a hearty helping of the hot chocolate. She sips, makes a face, then holds it out to him. 
“Little strong, don’t you think?” he asks, aiming for casual and landing in the neighborhood of mild condescension.
“No. I need it.” 
“For what?” He tries a sip, and he can handle his liquor, but ye gods, Cunningham. 
“Liquid courage,” she says, then leans on her tip-toes and kisses him. 
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Could you write a fic for Gareth Emerson (angst to fluff) with reader asking him out but he believes it's a dare (happy ending though and the reader is GN) thank you!<3
Yes, of course! Also, I used Chrissy as a bestie, she is the only popular person I think that would not judge and be a total snob .
Terms that are usually gender specific used, 'pretty'. It is not a gendered term.
Requests are open!
Gareth Emerson x GN!Reader
He didn't believe it. There was no way Y/N Y/L/N was asking him out. But they did, and he denied.
He assumed it was a dare. Why would they? They were pretty and popular. Friends with Chrissy Cunningham and some of the other jocks or cheerleaders.
It didn't make sense. Gareth was to confused to even notice the disappointment on their face as they walked off.
Y/N was very upset. They wanted to go out with him. Why wouldn't they? He was cute, and sweet. Absolutely adorable.
He was also in a band, cute, his hair was to die for. Y/N couldn't help themselves but to fall for the boy.
They were devastated. Gareth had rejected them. He gave them a weird look and scoffed 'no'. They didn't know why, they never thought about the fact that he might think it was a prank, or a dare.
Gareth made his way back to Hellfire. He was surprised with how disappointed he was. He thought Y/N was kind of attractive. But, why the hell would a popular person ask him out?
They wouldn't. Not unless it was a prank or a stupid dare. But, what was the chance Y/N liked him? He shoved that thought as far out of his brain as possible, and took a seat with the rest of the club.
"What happened to you?" Eddie asks with concern. He didn't like when people upset his little sheep. Even less when those people were asshole popular kids.
"Nothing, someone asked me out," he said and started to unwrap his lunch. The rest of the club was bewildered. Why was he upset he got asked out?
"I'm going to need some more context," Eddie states and folds his hands before deciding to shove a pretzel in his mouth.
"It was Y/N Y/L/N, and I had to say no. Why would they ask me out if it wasn't a dare?" Gareth says as he takes a bite of his sandwich.
Eddie has to think of what to say. He didn't want to upset Gareth, but the obvious needed to be said.
"What if they like you? If it was a prank or a dare, wouldn't they go after a bigger freak," Eddie states and motions to himself.
Gareth gets confused. And then upset. He goes through all five stages of grief, he just let his crush go because he was afraid of getting humiliated.
"Shit," he mutters and tosses a chip into his mouth. "I'm an idiot," he rests his head in his hands.
Y/N sits at their table dejected. Gareth didn't just say no, he scoffed at them. Chrissy notices what's wrong.
Y/N had mentioned that they were asking out their crush. Chrissy knew. There was no way Y/N would be this upset if their crush had said yes.
Chrissy takes Y/N's shoulder and motions for them to follow her. Chrissy walks with Y/N down the hallway and into an empty classroom.
"He said no," Y/N blurted the second they were clear to not get caught, "Gareth didn't just say no, he scoffed," they give Chrissy a tearful look.
Chrissy doesn't hesitate to wrap her arms around them. She gives them a big hug and whispers words of encouragement.
"Hey, you can have anybody in this school. Don't get your hopes up over one stupid boy," Chrissy finshes. She related them and they give her a small smile.
"But he's pretty. And in a band. And his hair," Y/N goes on and Chrissy listens, surprised; Y/N didn't seem to have just a crush.... They seemed to be in love.
"Um, you sound like you're in love," Chrissy states with a smile. They smile and reply while getting up.
"I think so to,"
Y/N runs into Gareth in the hallway.
"Y/N please I thought it was a dare," he begs and they give him a look of shock. He sounded upset?
"And?" They said. He wasn't going to get off that easy. He might be super cute, and kinda hot ... But they didn't believe in pretty privilege.
"I said no because I really liked you and thought the popular kids found out. I thought they had you ask me out as a stupid date," Gareth blurts with surprise.
"Fine," Y/N hands him a piece of paper with their address scribbled down, "Pick me up at 7," and with that Y/N leaves Gareth speechless.
He was going to have the time of his life. He smiled and had a skip to his step as he went to find the rest of Hellfire. Chrissy could be seen smiling from outside the classroom.
Requests are open; check my pinned post for details!
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terrorwail · 2 years
lydia holds stiles at knife point (figuratively, though she would do this literally if she must) to get him to help her investigate the fire at starcourt mall.  she knows his dad is a cop and he probably has files on it.  stiles is mildly terrified he is going to be killed for arguing  (lydia has never spoken to him before,  and exclusively hangs out with the cool kid crowd)  but he tells her he will only help if they investigate together (he knows something fishy is up too).  they fall in love
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hi! So I was driving in my car today and was listening to misery business by Paramore and I just feel like it would make a good one shot for a Eddie and reader fic!
So the reader would be the one kinda singing it/thinking it!
So say Eddie and Chrissy were together and the reader was just Eddie's friend and then chrissy cheated on him with Jason? And Eddie finally saw the reader and felt all the feels!
Does that make sense?
Love this, sorry that it took so long for me to write! It's a bit angsty and a bit fluffy. This is so long btw.
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Watching from the sidelines is one of the worst experiences.
Watching the person you're in love with be so oblivious to you and so obsessively in love with someone you consider a friend, someone who's not good enough for him.
Eddie was in love with Chrissy the minute he found her, standing there in the middle of the clearing in the woods. She wasn't much younger than him, doe-eyed, soft, beautiful and most importantly kind. She had a lot going on at home, enough to pursue Eddie and I remember the night he drove over to my house in a hurry just to tell me about his interaction with her.
His eyes were gleaming in adoration, heart pounding, a nervous sweat running down his back. Falling in love with Chrissy was like a fever in Eddie's body, the words 'I love you' wanting to spill from his lips like his body sweating a fever out. He was desperate for her, clingy and boyish- he was so different with her than he ever was with me.
He's always treated me like a friend, a close friend, shoulder bumping me, giving me high fives and playfully picking on me. But before Chrissy, it would be more than that- subtle touches, longing looks, lingering lips on my temple or forehead.
But it all went away when she became the object of his affection.
Chrissy had been my friend for years, since middle school when the both of us were pretty ugly and fairly annoying. But then she got prettier and started gaining the attention from everyone and anyone around her and, again, I was in the background.
So when the two of them started dating, the choices were either third wheeling or being alone.
I tried to hang out with them for a while; going to the movies, the bowling alley, smoking in Eddie's living room. But it just never fit and when I stopped coming, they just didn't notice because they were too busy gazing at each other and kissing each other.
It was torture.
They didn't reach out, they didn't realize, they didn't care.
That is, until Chrissy and Jason were forced together as prom king and queen and the two of them connected over being jocks and blonde. I can only imagine the intelligent conversations shared between the two of them with the amount of hairspray and hair-gel seeping through their skulls and absorbing into their brains.
Eddie wasn't too thrilled about Jason's existence in his girlfriends life so he came back to me, ranting and rambling about his insecurities and worried. He worried that they would have more in common, that they would get together behind his back and he would be left 'alone' again.
He only ever needed me when he didn't have anyone else filling that hole and I was pissed when I realized that.
But the love for him takes precedence over the anger, especially now, as I stare at my phone, waiting for his call after my ten voicemails I've left him. He's been MIA for days now, not returning my calls, not at the music store or the arcade, and Dustin claims that he hasn't seen him in about a week.
It's hard to be mad at someone who you're in love with because, even though they're the person inflicting the pain, they're the only person you want to comfort you.
My knuckles rap against the door as I rub my arms, my jaw trembling in gentle shivers. The fall weather is some of my favorite weather but this season is just different without Eddie making us hot chocolate, without us going to pumpkin patches and then smashing pumpkins on the front steps of racist bigots in our town.
I can see Eddie peak through the curtain on the window, his eyes meeting mine briefly as I raise my hand in a small wave but he's gone before he can see it. Moments later, the door in front of me opens and Eddie yanks me into the trailer.
"Jesus Eddie- where the fuck have you bee-" I pause, my jaw dropping as I look around at the state of the trailer, shocked at the strong smell of booze and weed, beer bottles tossed all around the living room. There's a discarded pizza box on the counter and a ton of tissues scattered across the floor. There's also soft music playing over the speaker, the opposite of his normal heavy metal.
I turn to him with frantic and frightened eyes, the words on the tip of my tongue not forming as I take in Eddie's physical state. His eyes are tired and red, emotionless and bottomless, as he stares at me, his shoulders rising in a sad shrug.
"She cheated on me. With the Jason kid." My heart aches in my chest as he sniffles loudly, reaching up to tug at his curls. "Didn't want to tell you cuz I knew you wanted us to break up anyways." He chuckles bitterly and my brows furrow, lost at his sudden anger.
"Eddie- I... what?"
"Was I just not good enough for her? I know you've been friends for a while but you and I have been best friends- like 'follow you into Mordor' friends- since we were in pull-ups." He grits, his wide eyes frantically searching mine for answers that I don't have and I shake my head, reaching up to cover my face as I try to process what he's implying. "So was it me? Was I not good enough for her and y-you said something to her about how Jason was better?"
"Are you seriously blaming this on me?" I snap, watching his face soften a bit as my hands shake furiously, anger coursing through my ever vessel. "Eddie, I wanted nothing to do with you or her." I take a step closer to him, throwing my hands up in the air as he watches me with the same sense of confusion and betray in his eyes. "Or your relationship for that matter. Yeah, I didn't want you guys together but it had nothing to do with you. Get your head out of your ass and remember who you're fucking speaking to." He looks taken back by my sudden outburst, a tragically sad expression flashing across his face as his shoulders droop.
"W-what? Why didn't you want us together?" He asks, voice cracking as tears tip over his waterline, dropping down onto his flushed cheeks and his bottom lip wobbles. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"Did you ever even ask me what I thought about your relationship?" I ask, dropping the 'get well soon' bag full of spaghettis and shitty comics to the ground and I fold my arms over my chest. "No, sorry- you weren't asking me anything because you forgot that I existed for almost six months." I laugh, suddenly feeling so stupid that I came all the way out here with presents for him, just to be accused of sabotaging his relationship.
He frowns, his lips parting as if he's going to say something, to argue, but he doesn't. His gaze just drops to the floor, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
"You don't care about me as soon as you have someone else-"
"That's not true-"
"- and the minute they leave you, you're back to me, missing me, confiding in me. I'm just a fucking back up." I cry, angry tears spilling down my cheeks as he stops, a heartbreaking frown on his face. "You only have room in your mind, your heart and your dick for one person at a time and you abandon everyone else you care about when you find someone knew."
"Stop." He pleads, taking a step closer to me as he reaches out to me but I just shove him off, knowing that I would just crack if he touched me. "You make it sound like I think you're re-"
"I am replaceable to you so don't argue that." I hold my hand up to him and my coldness makes a shiver run down his spine, his shoulders trembling briefly as he reaches out to take my hands in his. I let him, my eyes fluttering shut as I enjoy the weight of his hands around mine, not realizing until now that I missed him more than I've been angry at him.
"You're not replaceable. Stop." He says again, sternly.
"I've been here, ya know?" I whisper, letting silence consume us as my stomach twists in anxious nausea, never thinking I'd be in the position to tell him this- to tell him about how I feel. "Being your emotional and physical fluffer, letting you use me for affection and comfort- while I would just count down the minutes that you leave me for someone else." His head shakes softly at my words, big, brown doe-eyes staring down at me as he leans down to wipe his nose on his shirt. "And you always do. So if you want to talk about someone not being good enough, it's me." My lips curl in a sad smile, a weight leaving my shoulders that I hadn't realized was there.
A few moments of silence goes by, awkward and tense as Eddie looks at me, a mixture of shock and relief passing through his gaze. I just take a deep breath and give him a gentle shrug.
"You would've never know-"
"I should have known." He nods, gulping as he lets go of my hands but doesn't give me a moment to worry, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up and into his arms. I fold immediately at his touch, caving into him as he holds tightly onto me as if I'll leave in a moments notice. "I'm sorry, I should've known."
"I'm really good at hiding things." I chuckle weakly.
"I just feel so stupid." He laughs, pressing a simple kiss to the side of my head before leaning back to look down at me but he doesn't let me go, holds me tightly to his chest with a fond, sad smile. I give him another shrug but he just shakes his head. "I was in love with you and was so fucking scared to tell you because you in middle school and tried to tell you in a Valentines card but I accidentally put it in locker 228 instead of 288. So... Suzy in our eighth period science class got it instead." I look up at him with wide eyes but take a deep breath, not wanting to freak him out with all of my feelings especially after getting dumped and cheated on. "That was really fucking hard to explain to her."
"Typical." I snort, reaching out to playfully punch his shoulder as he feigns hurt, laughing tearily at me. I make my way over to the couch, throwing myself down onto the cushions and I press my face into the mattress, my eyes fluttering shut in relief but also because I'm overwhelmed by the amount of questions running through my head.
"Forgive me?" Eddie asks as he sits down beside me, running his fingers down my back.
"Oh buddy, no. You've gotta work for that shit."
"Yep, that's fair- alright."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
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jiminrings · 3 years
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last name, jeon.
drabble week: day two
drabble week masterlist
pairing: badboy!jungkook x shy!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "can't you tell that i really don't want you to be here?"
notes: a tiny change on the plot!! also: frat boy!jimin from day four makes an appearance :D
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
“do you wanna form-“
... yes
you DO have an alliance with jungkook
it's a very fair trade honestly
he pretends to be your boyfriend!! there's no specific boundaries to it, but he springs into action as soon as you're put into an inconvenience
in exchange, you whore him out to your friends!!! :D
no but literally that's how he called it
the whole reason this came to be in the first place is because you hATE confrontation with a burning passion
especially when it comes to those "i have a crush on you" moments that people spring on you all of a sudden
you don't like them back!!! that's the truth!!! but the problem is that you aLWAYS feel guilty letting people down
you obviously don't have the obligation to like someone back just because you sit next to them in class :// IT'S JUST IN YOUR NATURE TO FEEL THAT WAY
you wouldn't get into a relationship with said confessor to ease your guilt, clearly
do you plan on denying their advances? yes
but hOW????
you always take the passive-aggressive approach
you get jungkook to carry your bag and hold your hand, walk in front of said person and pretend not to see them, jungkook makes sURE to put some snide eye contact in there aaaaand the whole ordeal is finished :D
you've managed to let someone down slowly without having to speak to them in-person!!!
jungkook comes more handy than that too
you take him when you want to eat out because you're too anxious to eat alone
you take him when you want to go somewhere in which lining up is essential and you're also too anxious to stand by yourself
you take him when you want to go shopping when there's a sale but you're almost always intimidated by the barrage of people and salespeople so he asks and answers the questions for you
jungkook, in hindsight, is the perfect fake boyfriend for you <3
ALSO jungkook wants something from you
"whore me out to the girls from the families your family's friends with, and it's a deal :D"
that alliance and exchange is going pretty well so far
you mAY be on the more-reserved side but that doesn't mean you're self-aware!!!
you know that your parents are loaded and your shy nature could be somehow chalked to that since you didn't really have anyone that wasn't as non-superficial as you'd like, since they were the overprotective helicopter two-rotor seven-blade parents :(((
jungkook, however, is the only constant you have in your formula
you've known him since childhood and have been friends ever since
his mom's your mom's personal assistant, and one day when mrs. jeon couldn't find a babysitter for jungkook, your mom didn't hesitate to let four-year old jungkook come with her to work
jungkook's your fIRST actual friend that hates gold spoons with you because of how tacky they look :-) he's your emotional support person basically
your emotional support person who was sO close to running late from picking you up during his free day >:( you were about to break into a sprint if he arrived a second later, because you managed to spot a jock coming to you from the corner of your eye awhile ago
You Do Not Like Him <3
"and i even changed into a short-sleeved shirt to ward off your suitors. how romantic of me, don't you think?"
now that he mentions it, it's only now when you can drink him in in full-display
... wow
his right arm's the only one with his tattoos while his left's completely blank, but something about the balance just makes you !!!!!!!! even more
his arm's not completely covered but it was coming to be, something about the blank spaces of skin that are yet to be inked being a nice touch
"very romantic, kook."
now tHAT'S the answer he wanted to hear
he forcibly on your helmet for you to showcase, your grunts of annoyance being drowned out by whistling
(he's even looking left and right and making eye contact with anyone who has their eyes landing on you!!!!)
your cheeks smushed is a look he'll never be tired being in awe of, but he'll never tell you that, of course
"do you ever wonder if your parents would kill me if i misplace even a single hair on you?" jungkook thinks out loud and you don't even flinch with how sudden his thoughts could be, sitting on his seat first so it'd already be balanced when you do, "you sure you’re okay riding with me?? on a motorcycle????"
he usually uses yOUR family's vehicles (they let him and insisted he just takes one at this point) but when you called him, he was en route to kim kradle (it's a one-stop vehicle shop apparently) to get new rims for his motorcycle, bUT NOT ANYMORE HE GUESSES????
you come first compared to the booking he's waited on for three weeks
"i have insurance, i think."
no that's the wrong answer
why did you even bother.,,.,
jungkook flicks your nose because your forehead's protected by the helmet, his face contorted in half faux frustration
"you were supposed to be mad at me for asking that — not logical!! don't even joke about that."
"... my life insurance? like, in the instance that i-"
he flicked even harder this time!!!
you roll your eyes at him and it doesn't go unnoticed, a hand outstretching instead of his fingers flexing
“wallet, please.”
jungkook's surprised that you even look confused, this time rolling his eyes at you
“you rolled your eyes at me. you need to bribe me so i won’t rat you out.”
he has a never-ending knack for the you're rich jokes
you also know that he likes the cold and would turn the fan on even if it's too hot for a blanket, just because he wants to feel cocooned
you also know that he picks from the fourth row of drinks from the front because it's always been a habit
("the germs cling on to the first row!!!")
you also know that maybe, just maybe, you can't stand it tonight when he's putting himself out there instead of being your faux boyfriend
you keep on zoning out and hoseok, perhaps the only tolerable fellow rich kid you can tolerate within your circle, finally connects the dots in his head and snickers
he's been talking about finding the vintage sneakers he's always wanted on depop and how he almost got scammed for like tWENTY minutes already
in reality, all your nods and scowls aren't towards his story
it's to jungkook and... who's that? jihye whose dad is so colossally shitty, that this one rapper wrote a diss song for him? oh yeah, that jihye
"you like him. like actually 'lose your virginity to him' love him."
there's no way
"how did you-"
"you blush like one."
alright that answer was too quick
hoseok should've ATLEAST tried to wait for a few seconds before answering
"a-and the love part?"
"babe, jungkook may not be the richest one here and that should say a lot," you peer up at him nervously and he actually chuckles, peering to everyone at this function, "dude's humble — he could also just be dense to not see you love him."
okay very true
hobi's making a dig rn at how jungkook coinicidentaally happens to be blonde and maybe this is your cue to leave
hobi does not realize that his hair is aLSO dyed blonde while talking shit about jungkook and his hari
okay this is it
once again, you are NOT listening to hoseok and he's figured out what you're doing by now
you're psyching yourself up with a couple of shots and your heels are digging on the carpeted ballroom
"pretend to wobble. it doesn't help that nothing can sink you."
oh okay makes sense
if you're gonna try and charm jungkook while trying to play it off as just being tipsy playfulness, atleast make it believable
hoseok snickers because this is just A+ content with the things that you choose to do in your way
shy girl with high alcohol tolerance mannn coming of age film writers would LOVE you ://
you're about to cross the distance between you and jungkook, but something knocks you on your shoulder with a gentle force that seemed intentional
is that-
hold on a second
"what a coincidence :O"
as in, wholesome yet slightly fuckboy-ish frat guy jimin???
he looks dashing and composed, meeting your eyes perfectly and he doesn't let your confusion startle him
"i know that look. what am i doing here?"
he says it eloquently as if he's practiced it
you must've looked so shocked that you immediately apologized, shaking your head no
"i-i didn’t mean-..."
you're confused, sure, but that doesn't mean you're immediately judging
it's just that you never saw jimin here or any function of the like, but you wouldn't put it past him if he does go to these things!!! he looks like a million dollars anyways
"relax, doll. you’re so far the only other person i know that i've seen in these type of things."
he looks calm and collected, but maybe that's just because he spent the last five minutes waiting for you to stand so he could bump into you
this place is just sO suffocating and a familiar face is gonna be his relief from something so fancy that it became mundane
"have we been in the same event before this?"
"not that i recall, no. i get invited but this is only the first time after awhile that i went."
jimin drinks from his champagne flute, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, "wanna know why i'm here?"
you're curious!!! what can you say!!!!
you never really interacted with jimin at all before this, but a familiar face like his is comforting
because hoseok's already engaged in another conversation and jungkook's,,,, being jungkook and is fawning all over jihye
jimin chuckles at your insistent nodding, leaning closer to whisper to your ear
"my stepdad’s loaded as fuck."
oh so that's why
he tugs you down to sit at the nearest possible empty chairs, all its occupants gone anyways because they're in the dancefloor busting tRULY horrendous moves
maybe it's because jimin feels lonely too like you are, and it's him feeling comfortable because he's pulled you like ten seconds ago and not once asked him anything out of bounds
maybe that's why he fell into conversation with you easily because you're always intently listening
"might love me as a real son too. maybe that’s a bonus? you don’t really expect that shit in the things you see."
this situation is actually pretty cute
you snort because maybe you’re nOT that shy when you drink,, that’s the only thing that changes in you probably
this whole conversation that sprung from boredom was unknowingly the subject of many stares, including jungkook who you were initially supposed to go to
“you’re worthy of love, jimin.”
jimin sPITS his drink because where the fuck did THAT come from???
why did you say that and why does he feel that he needed to hear that
“i-i think — i think you need more,” he raises his own glass to your lips hurriedly, caught in surprise but you still gulp nonetheless
“you’re-“ you keep sputtering as he keeps making you drink, but he rubs circles on your back at the same time and it's when you realize that jimin the frat guy may not be that bad, “what??? don’t think you’re not the only one with daddy issues! shouldn’t we have like, a radar for each other?”
jimin snorts at your counter and his eyes crinkle to the point where he can't see anything, not being able to see how you're still trying to recover with all that fizz down your throat
wow ur really enjoyable to talk to
“you’re insane and i think-“
you're not really big on feeling beyond a sense and all that stuff, but you feel as if the aura around you just got dark all of a sudden
"who are you calling insane?"
jungkook appears at your side in an instant, hands wrapped around your shoulders while you remain seated
you've honestly forgotten that you were supposed to go to jungkook, but you're reminded of that vERY clearly now
"go away, jimin," he mutters through his teeth, looking at him dead in the eye
hold on
okay now he's confused
sometimes jungkook's mouth just moves on its own without loading the thought process
"why are YOU here?"
jimin furrows his brows, shocked that he'd even see jungkook here out of all people
the guy barely even attends classes!!! and that's coming from him!!
"why’s he here?"
he crouches to your ear, eyes still furrowed at the younger guy
"long story."
jungkook scowls bitterly because jesus fuck
he left for one second, and the moment he comes back, that's when this fucking frat guy approaches you?? was he waiting on him to leave??
you and jungkook only act as a couple when the need arises, and even if you don't feel it, hE feels that this is the need!!! this is the need and it is arising!!!
"get back to uh, alpha bravo charlie or something, park. beat it."
why’s he reciting the nato phonetic alphabet???
jungkook sounds half-angry and half-sad at the same time, and you don't know which side should you focus on
“move,” he repeats this time again but more sternly, making jimin much more confused since jungkook's trying to pull him away from his seat
jimin doesn't budge and it makes the frown even more evident in jungkook's face
what is he FEELING
“can’t you tell that i really don’t want you to be here?”
“i’m not here for you, though. i’m here for y/n.”
he answers honestly, shis gut telling him that there's definitely something going on between the two of you
“y/n doesn’t want you here," kook argues back surely, only noticing your bitten lips now that makes him realize that you're not exactly sober; just a happy kind of rush
he sees you raise your hand timidly, an equally cheeky smile on your face that's only directed to jungkook like it's meant for him
"i-i actually don’t mind."
you don't,,,
you don't mind?
why aren't you signaling him to commence the faux boyfriend act!!
"y/n has a boyfriend."
“... i’m not hitting on her.”
alright this is more than the entertainment that jimin wished for lol
“yeah, well she has a boyfriend still so beat it.”
you do??
the last time you checked, jihye's gonna have jungkook as her boyfriend within the night!!
“i don-“
jimin decides to indulge jungkook, knocking his knee with yours as he winks slyly, urging you silently to watch on, turning to look at you and ask
“what’s your boyfriend’s name?”
you don't answer.
that gives him all the more reason to do so.
“last name, jeon.”
jungkook looks the most determined you've ever seen him, eyes characteristically angry with his arms across his chest that his suit tightens, “first name, me.”
the three of you know that’s not the truth
jimin takes it in, sighing when he sense that something else is about to be unfold and he does noT want to be a part of it
not before whispering to your ear again for the last time, of course
“pretty weird name if you ask me,” you laugh automatically, momentarily forgetting that jungkook's standing by you on just your opposite side and could hear you
he leaves and that only leaves you with jungkook, looking up at him as he's too frantic to even sit
“what are you doing?”
“being a social butterfly," you quip just as fast, drinking your water afterwards
jungkook only clenches his jaw by then, being taken-aback when you speak again
“who are you doing?”
“i’m busy being mad at- wait a minute, WHO???”
who instead of what??
the short-lived enthusiasm you had with jimin left with him, crashing just as hard when you're reminded of jungkook's presence
“jihye’s a pretty nice girl. you should go home early tonight.”
his brows furrow, trying to get you to look at him but you avoid his gaze insistently, “what? what are you talking about?”
“she’s not my girlfriend though.”
you're not at all satisfied with the answer because it sounds so wrong, knowing that jungkook's a handsome guy and everyone wants to be with him!!!
and he probably wants to be with everyone else besides you.
“then who-...”
“don’t know yourself anymore? jimin must’ve really swept you off your feet, huh?”
jungkook huffs as he qualifies for a rebutt, your internal wallowing being cut short
“he’s not my boyfriend.”
“well would you look at that,” jungkook snickers, sighing through his nose as your eyes finally meet his, directly stubborn yet soft around the edges
“she’s not my girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend. what a coincidence.”
god did he feel so threatened the moment his eyes couldn't find you besides hobi and instead next to jimin, eyes crinkled in laughter without hesitation
have you been chasing after one another this whole time?
jungkook silently grabs you by the hand and you wave no opposition to it
maybe it's your liquor-influenced vision or maybe it's you hyperfixating on such a warm moment, but your eyes immediately lock to see the matching red thread bracelet he wore like yours
you're dressed in next year's spring collection line, and the structured silk black gown that has a train behind it doesn't exactly scream to have a simple red thread bracelet as its accessory according to your mom's designer and everyone else —
but you don't have the heart to take it off
there's no need to take it off
jungkook drives your car and no one says a single thing about anything
his hand’s on your thigh and you don’t question it, eyes locking into the way his hand looks perfect and the way the bracelet looks meant to be wrapped in his wrist in the first place
you're sure this time that it's not the newfound courage you have, but rather the need to do it
you kiss jungkook's cheek on a red light.
it's on a red light that jungkook realizes he could fit the visage of his world within one hand, finally kissing you like he's always wanted to
“yeah. what a coincidence.”
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zekeluvr · 4 years
i,, i’m going through an eren brainrot rn and i was hoping if i could request a sub n very needy eren x f!reader. something along the lines of him pissing off the reader and she teases him to the max and eren’s just begginggg ; and then reader gets herself off without letting him release and he’s just cryinG AGGHHABA I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE <//3 ty have a nice day ≧ω≦
oh lord................................... i have to....................... think alot oh god,,, also college au bc head empty <333
vvv nsfw under the cut vvv
today has been so fucking stressful for you. class has not been treating you well and your asshole of a boyfriend has been acting more like an asshole than usual. you loved him, of course you did, but god did you wish he would shut his fucking mouth sometimes.
you often confided in your dorm-mate, ymir for advice, causing her to just laugh and nudge you with a: “sorry can’t relate, my girlfriend is basically an angel on earth.” to which you respond with a snicker and nudge her back.
you often wished you had what historia and ymir had between them with eren but he had a weird charm that had you fall for him in the first place. 
you had a free period sandwiched between two lessons of english literature. so, instead of going back to your dorm for a nap or to the nearest starbucks, you spent it in the library with a classmate of yours. she was quite standoffish when you first met her. a short blond who intimidated nearly everyone around her. 
you were one of the few lucky ones who were able to get close to her. the other two being a jock and his sidekick but more into that later. 
sighing as your phone buzzed against the wooden table, you saw the multiple notifications from eren pop up on screen. your eye twitched as you tried focusing on studying and annie let out a small chuckle at your reaction. 
“problem in paradise?” she mused, watching as you tensed for a second before letting out a deep breath.
“man, i don’t know.  i love eren but-” you were about to go on until annie kicked you under the desk, jutting her head towards the right. you furrowed your brows, looking behind you to see your boyfriend enter with his two friends.
“speak of the devil.”
“y/n.” eren smirked, taking a chair and spinning it around, sitting down with his legs on either side. his arms rested on the top of the back of the wooden chair. “whatcha doin’” his head cocked to the side to look at you, like a lost puppy.
his hair was slowly falling out of his bun, causing small strands to frame his face. you would be lying if you said he didn’t look ethereal.
“im studying, jaeger.” you let out, running a yellow highlighter along a few keywords, keeping your eyes on your textbook.
eren rolled his eyes in response, peering over the chair to take a look at your various notes before snorting. “fuckin’ nerd.” 
you threw a look over at him. could he not take anything seriously? “don’t you guys have somewhere to be maybe? like i don’t know, catching up with professor erwin?” annie spoke up, causing all of you to have a moment of shock. armin nodded, agreeing with her, tugging on eren’s hood.
“they’re trying to study, c’mon don’t bother them.”
mikasa was silent, giving you an apologising smile. 
“bother my own girlfriend? more likely than you think, but yeah, my brother will be on my ass if i miss another fucking meeting.” he sighs, giving you a playful two finger salute before rushing off with the other two. you slumped into your chair.
“sorry annie-” 
“just teach him a lesson or something, if you catch my drift.” she mumbles quickly, collecting her stuff. you look at her in surprise.
“what?” she snickers at your reaction, “im not a fucking virgin. time for class.” she mentions, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
“good idea..” you mumble to yourself as she walks off, leaving you to your own thoughts. 
good idea indeed. 
and eren gave you just the perfect opportunity. he burst in with no knock, no indication he was coming over, nothing. 
ymir was spending the night at historia’s so you didn’t have to worry about that. 
“eren what the fuck have i told you about coming in unannounced? ymir could’ve been i dont know, getting it on with historia for all you know.” you looked over at him, smiling internally at how he remembered to take his shoes off before joining you on your bed. you were not about to have his dirty ass shoes on your clean bed.
“sorry but to be fair i did see ymir walk into historia’s dorm so i knew you were alone.” he steals your soda to take a sip of it before placing it back on the bedside table. 
annie’s words echoed in your head, causing you to jump into action. 
you threw yourself over him, straddling his waist as he straightened up, excitement flashing in his eyes at where the night was leading. your threw your arms over his shoulders, shuffling so that you purposefully pressed onto his bulge through his jeans. 
he moved forward to catch your lips but you ducked your head, kissing down his cheek and jaw, running your tongue along the skin. your continued down, relishing in the way his hips jutted up once you pressed your lips to that one spot on his neck. you bit and sucked, marking him as yours. 
eren’s hands rested at your hips, his fingers digging into your thin tank top. 
you spot ymir’s tie on the floor. perfect.
you climb off of him, a quizzical look painting his face as you picked it up along with one of your (clean) socks. the brunet seemed to put two and two together.
“ohhh is that what we’re doing huh baby?” he threw his jacket off along with his shirt, expecting you to stare. however, he got the opposite. you ignored his movements, simply binding his hands to the bed and the using the (CLEAN!!!) sock as a makeshift ballgag. 
you were impressed with yourself. taking your phone out to take a quick picture before tossing it away and getting to work.
“you’ve been such a bitch boy for the past few days. why?” you questioned him, enjoying how he struggled to form words with the cloth in his mouth.
“is it because you haven’t got your dick wet in a while? is that it?” you tease, slipping your clothes off, leaving you in your underwear and bra. his eyes trailed your form, every curve and beauty mark. he flicked his eyes from you to his pants, which had a much evident tent in them now. 
you gave a little bit of mercy, pulling his jeans off and dragging a palm over his boxers where his cock had already leaked with precum. after a few teasing presses, you give him the relief of taking off his boxers.
you took his dick in your hands, pumping it a few times. you swiped your tongue along the tip, causing him to shudder under you. you stepped out of your panties, letting them drop to the floor. his eyes took notice of your arousal dripping down your thighs. your finger toyed with your clit, spreading your legs for him to see, his cock twitching when you shoved a finger into your cunt. 
eren wanted nothing more than to shove his face between your thighs right now. to lap and lick at your juices as you moaned his name. he tugged at the binding, brows furrowing as his cock begged for attention. 
you giggled at his neediness, crawling over to him and hovering over his length before fulling sitting down on him. drool split out of his mouth, causing the cloth ti go damp. a dull moan escaping his throat.
you were so hot and tight around him and he couldn’t help but buck his hips upwards into yours. though he easily hit into your sensitive spot.
“holy fuck, you’re so fucking big fuck.” you cursed, lifting yourself before slamming down onto him, causing him to throw his head back at the feeling. the lewd sound of skin on skin echoed throughout your room and whoever walked past would definitely know what was going on. 
you continue fucking yourself on his cock, using your fingers to pinch at your clit. the sight alone could’ve made eren cum in you but it was nothing compared to how you creamed around him, your walls pulsing around him. he was literally about to fall off the edge, before you pulled off of him. his cock falling limp as a tiny drop of cum dribbled out of him. 
“wha fe hell!” he yelled through the fabric. you pulled the sock in his mouth down, letting him talk freely.
“please y/n! i want to cum! please let me cum!” eren begged, tugging on the bindings harder. “please fuck- i just wanna feel your pretty pussy please.” he pressed on further, causing the corners of your lips to curl up into a teasing smile. his eyes were glassy, tears falling with a single blink. long brown hair sticking to his damp forehead, messy on the pillow under his head. 
“sorry baby..” you threw on a hoodie, your panties and some shorts after cleaning yourself up. 
“maybe if you weren’t such a little bitchy boy, i would’ve let you cum.” you slid his boxers and jeans back on for him, zipping him up.
“now, you stay here, im gonna get us some pizza, yeah?” you pulled his hair into a bun and loosened the tie around his wrists slightly. 
you’ll untie them completely later, but for now, you wanted to have your fun. 
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lorata · 3 years
Okay, first off, I'd like to say again that I love your writing and AU stories! Your characters are so well-written and I'm very attached to all of them.
This is a probably a weird question, but I've recently been so fascinated by what makes people have such varied taste in romantic partners and it made me wonder what some of your OCs "types" (physical, mental, whatever) are?
I know you made a post about Callista's type in the past, and also once told me in a comment that she likes short people (I gotta say, every time I feel stumpy and small, I just remember that and honestly? Instant confidence boost). So that got me wondering if you had any ideas about some of the others?
oh that is a fascinating one!
Petra: justin bieber i love arm dot tweet, she can't help it she's a jock with a specific weakness and that's girls who could murder her. she spent her formative years locked in extremely homoerotic close-quarters combat with a bunch of other girls and. well. it stuck. terminally into hate-sex but gets upset if it goes wrong. she also develops an authority kink thanks to all the trainers being ex-Centre and so hot, older women who tell her what to do is an embarrassing not-so-secret thing she desperately wishes people didn't know about her. contrary to speculation, Petra is very toppy but not all the time, she's into partners who like to switch it up.
Claudius: oh he has a type but it's not physical. the thing with Claudius is he doesn't go for people, he attracts them, and then eventually catches up after a very long time of being baffled. if I had to quantify it I'd say the men are pretty chill with a hidden side that few people get to see (Dash, Alec in EXTREMELY NICHE AUs) and the women (Selene & Eibhlin) are 100% unhinged.
Enobaria: no
Devon: don't ask him this question you will be here for HOURS. Enobaria has suffered through this because she is a good friend, Devon, you better remember this Devon, I am chewing through your shirt now Devon, Devon has all these theories about sexuality and why it is or isn't useless as a category (he loves Misha, he absolutely can't have sex with her -- they tried once, it was so bad -- but does that matter? no!) and what attraction means or why, where is the soul housed in a person, and Enobaria is like, I. am trying. to get you. laid. what. do you. want. me. to. look. for. tonight. and Devon goes what? oh. I like 'em thick.
Misha: girl. next question*
*though hilariously she is not into hate-sex, the one thing she's NOT into is if she thinks you're like ... a douche. like does she NEED a personality? nope, Misha would happily go to bed with a brick wall, but if you neg her? lol are we fourteen, pass
Lyme: I think we all know, her type is a meme at this point, she likes pretty, subby men who want to be pegged. that's it that's the tweet. she likes to go to the gym and tell men they're doing it wrong and help them~ with their technique, then take them home. someone once points out Devon is her type if he were into women and it's the worst day of her life because it's. I mean. not wrong
Emory: not for her thank you :) but all of you have fun
Brutus: Brutus likes pretty, femme women who are on the subby side (but also like ... push him around? but in the kind of way that means he's in charge later, but also yes wrap him around her finger, look it MAKES SENSE). all you really need to know is that Lyme and Brutus are both each other's anti-type
Nero: oh lord. he doesn't have one anymore, Nero and sex are like Michael Phelps and food, he just does it because he has to. but if he did, tiny women who take charge are his kryptonite. his rare dude exception is unquantifiable and strongly based on vibes.
Callista: this is who the Harkness Test was designed for. first contact WHEN she is absolutely down to f the aliens. HOWEVER I WILL SAY Callista is like ..... 100% morosexual. sapiosexuals do not apply. if you try to talk to her about cryptocurrency or deconstructionism she will remember an urgent vet appointment and leave you. on the other hand if you tell her you like sporks and you wonder why there's no forfe or spife she will have you on the ground before you even finish talking. and yes, SHORT KINGS KNOW YOUR WORTH, she is statuesque and enjoys anyone who improves her value
Odin: I feel like Misha and Odin would be oddly handshake meme about this if they ever talked about it, which they would not, because that's vulgar, but honestly, women
Hera: the human body is very beautiful, in an athletic way, but at the same time, very gross
Adessa: listen, all you need to know is Adessa watched this scrawny, half-starved tribute electrocute half a dozen teenagers with a box of scaps and thought that one, I want that one, and never looked back
(after this I don't know sorry)
Ronan: Ronan's tragic, star-crossed, one-sided never-were romances were with female mentors from other districts so I'm not saying it's a thing but it's, I mean, it could be
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Egg the Cat
Chapter 2
Read on Ao3
Nancy flinched as an engine revved, a sleek blue muscle car pulling into the lot. 
Steve let himself focus on it. It was better than dwelling on his fucking essay, his impending shitty night spent with Barb’s parents, like he didn’t feel horrible enough about that whole situation. 
He watched the car pull into a space at the front of the lot. 
California plates.
“Who’s that?” Steve could picture Nancy wrinkling her nose as she said it, too focused on Billy getting out of his car to turn and see it for real. 
He narrowed his eyes at a young redhead getting out of the passenger side. 
Billy hadn’t said anything about a sibling. 
“That’s Billy. I met him last night.” He finally looked back at Nancy as Billy set off towards the school. “He found Egg downtown.” 
Nancy’s eyebrows flew nearly to her hairline. 
“Steve, I’m sorry, I forgot. Is she okay?”
“Yeah, Billy got her safe and sound. Still don’t know how she got out, though. Let alone made it all the way downtown.” He locked his car as they headed towards the high school, the warning bell sounding through the parking lot.
He reached for Nancy’s hand, his heart soaring when she let him take it. 
Sometimes she said his hands were too clammy. 
He walked her to her first class, kissing her softly by the door. 
Billy glared at the tiny brunette sitting in front of him. 
Steve hadn’t said anything about having a fucking girlfriend last night. 
And really, Billy should’ve known. He’s a hot guy, living in a town of not a lot of hot guys. It makes sense some girl would snap him up. 
It just felt like a slap in the face. 
It’s not like Billy thought he actually had a chance with Steve, but now all of his daydreams, any of his dirty thoughts featuring one Steve Harrington were gonna be tainted, by this prissy fucking bitch. 
Billy just spent all of his AP biology lecture boring holes into the back of her head. 
He didn’t really give a fuck if people noticed, thought it was weird. He was too busy channeling all of his anger, all of his hatred onto this skinny little priss. 
He hoped she could feel it, like maybe his anger gaze gave off palpable heat or something. 
Based on how many times she stuck her hand up to answer every question posed by the teacher, no, she couldn’t feel the heat of Billy’s rage. 
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough, only to find they shared all three of their morning classes. 
Because fuck Billy. 
And then he had to watch, had to stand there like a stupid gay fucking idiot as Steve lifted nancy off her feet, and made out with her against her locker. 
He stomped past, hoping to go unnoticed by-
He stopped dead in his tracks, taking a few deep breaths before turning, plastering his best I am so charming and I don’t hate your girlfriend for no reason smile on his face. 
Steve was all sunshiney again today. Billy mentally kicked the little voice in his head saying that sunshine is for you. 
“Hey, man! How’s your first day going?” Steve had his girl tucked under his arm. She looked like a frail little bird. Billy hoped Steve’s cat ate her for breakfast one day soon.
“Well, you got mad at me last night when I called this place a shithole, so I’m just going to heavily imply it.” Steve laughed, his head tipping back a little, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
Billy tried to think about his dad, tied to think about the shelf bruises on his back. 
And then Steve was pressing a sheet of paper into his hand, and their fingers fucking brushed and Billy tried, tried to think of a broken arm and cops at his house, and not holding fucking hands with Steve Harrington. 
He studied the paper, just to look somewhere that wasn’t Steve’s eyes. A lighter shade of brown in the fluorescent lights, a shade bordering on green. 
Come and get sheetfaced. 
“Hawkins parties will probably be lame compared to what you’re familiar with, but I mean, it should be fun.” Billy just nodded, eyes trained on the little ghost. “We’ll be there. Nancy and I.” Nancy. That’s a stupid fucking name. “Y’know, if you aren’t too cool for us by then.”
Steve was smirking at him a little when Billy finally looked up. 
“I’m already cooler than you, Harrington.” Fuck. It sounded way meaner than Billy had wanted, sounded actually rude, not like a little ribbing. Not like a little tongue-in-cheek reference to last night. Cold shit. 
But then Steve tossed his head back, and he laughed, a full belly laugh, and he clapped Billy on the shoulder, and Billy has never felt gayer in his entire life. 
“Harsh, man. Real harsh. Wait ‘til I tell Egg you said that, she’ll never want to see you again .” And Steve was still smiling at him, and he had maybe, alluded to Billy seeing his cat again, which meant seeing Steve outside of school, and Nancy was looking down the hall, like this conversation was below her pay grade, and Billy wanted. 
“See, that’s why I’m cooler than you. I don’t go telling my cat all my lame drama.”
“That’s because you don’t have a cat,” Steve said playfully, his face falling a bit. “Wait, you don’t have a cat, do you?” Billy shrugged.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” And Steve smiled at him, and the bell rang, and Nancy rolled her eyes before pressing herself out from underneath Steve’s arm, and Steve’s big sweet eyes snapped onto her. 
“I’ve got to get to Calculus.” Billy’s heart sank. They shared four classes so far. 
Steve just leaned down to kiss her, one hand cradling the side of her face. Billy looked away.
“I love you.” He had to suppress a snort as Nancy said it back, her voice all pitchy and off. 
But Steve reached out to clap Billy on the shoulder again. 
“I better see you tonight!” And he was off down the hall, and Billy, once again, made a point not to look at his ass. 
“You gotta be home by nine-thirty, okay, Shitbird?” Max rolled her eyes again. 
“Billy, I know what time I need to be home by.”
“Just making sure, because you know if you don’t make curfew, I’m somehow gonna be blamed for it.” Billy had only gotten out of playing babysitter this evening when Max had nearly thrown a full tantrum at the idea of trick-or-treating with adult supervision while she’s trying to make friends. 
She just looked at him sharply, her lips pursing a bit. 
“I’ll be home.” Her voice had an edge to it. Billy didn’t really know how to take it.
“Be safe.” She didn’t acknowledge him, just got out of the car, a little Michael Myers heading into the swarm of children. 
He pulled down the road, the party address only a few blocks from where Max was meeting her friends. 
He slammed a beer the minute he entered the party, didn’t want to be sober for a second of this shitfest. 
Steve had been right. This party didn’t hold a fuckin’ candle to what he frequented down in Cali. 
He tried to make the best of it, beat the keg stand record, found some stupid jocks that were more than happy to parade around him all night. 
He just had to get to that sweet spot, drunk enough he would actually get hard with a girl, but not too drunk he’d get whiskey dick. He didn’t need that to be his reputation in this shitty town. 
He was being pulled through the crowd by some freckly fucker dressed as the guy from Karate Kid. Max had made him take her to that movie six times in the theaters. Billy had slept through it every time. 
He was feeling pretty okay, the beer settling into his system, giving him a warm buzz as he studied the party. Maybe he could find some punk kids, score some weed or-
Steve Harrington.  
The karate guy had shoved him in front of Steve, had said, guess who’s the new Keg King, Harrington?
Steve was glaring at the guy, drawn up to his full height, shoulders squared, all of that melting as he turned to Billy, smiling warmly at him. 
Fucking sunshine. 
“Nice job, Dude!” And Steve took Billy’s hand, and he pulled him into a one-armed fucking hug. 
Billy was absolutely stunned. Maybe a little bit hard as he pat his hand against Steve’s back. Felt his muscles moving under his jacket. 
But then Steve pulled back, his eyes trailing after his fucking girlfriend, and he was gone, followed her into the kitchen. 
Billy wanted to tear out his fucking hair. 
He went the opposite way as Steve, pushing through the sweaty crowd. 
He really didn’t need to see Steve coddling his girl. 
He shoved his way into the backyard, vaulting the low fence on the porch, making his way out of the yellowed light spilling out of the house. 
He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it quickly. 
Fucking idiot. You knew you couldn’t have any fucking boy in this goddamn town.
But Billy had come into this town really not expecting any boy to actually catch his eye. 
Not like Steve has. 
Steve with his stupid big eyes, and his stupid big hair, and his stupid cat named fucking Egg. Who names a cat Egg? That’s a dumb fucking name. 
Billy lit his next cigarette with the dying remains of the last one. 
He thought about calling it quits, heading home early. 
But it wasn’t even ten yet, and really, he needed to fool around with a chick tonight. He needed to establish himself as a lady killer. 
Sleep with one girl, and the rumors would build enough that he probably wouldn’t have to fuck any others, just not deny it when any girl claims they had a wild night of passion. 
It was safer that way. Gave him some cushion. 
Then, if any of the lies began to unravel, he’ll just fuck another one, and let the rumor mill do its trick. 
Besides, he can find a brunette, make her take it from behind. If he’s lucky, the party’ll be loud enough he can tune out her moans, picture someone else, picture him -
The backdoor slammed against the wall as someone stomped outside. 
Billy just took another deep drag, hoped he wouldn’t be noticed. 
But, of course-
Steve didn’t even ask, just took the cigarette out of Billy’s mouth, taking a long fucking drag. 
He rolled his shoulders, let his head fall back, blowing the smoke out towards the sky. 
“Y’know, I fucking quit smoking because of her. Not like I did it a lot, but still .” Billy just stayed quiet. He really didn’t want to talk about Steve’s fucking girlfriend. “Because I actually cared .” Oh, now wait a minute.
“What happened?” 
Steve shot him a dark look.
“You weren’t inside?” 
Billy just gestured to the cigarette Steve was now sucking on once again. Billy kept his focus on Steve’s left earlobe. Didn’t care to get a semi just from looking at his lips. 
“Lovers’ quarrel?”
“Does repeatedly being called bullshit and having her tell you she doesn’t love you count as a lovers’ quarrel?”
“Yeah.” Steve tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. Billy didn’t know what to say. 
What he wanted to say was you ever sucked dick? And then maybe take Steve’s mind off of everything by fucking his face, but that felt a little forward, felt a little gay. 
“ Fuck .”
Oh, shit. 
Steve was fucking, Steve was gonna cry. Standing outside with Billy, barely lit by the light filtering through the small frosted bathroom window. 
“ Next week .” Steve’s voice cracked. “We would’ve been together one year next week. And she was pretending .” Steve slumped back against the wall, his face buried in both his hands. “I, I changed everything for her. I stopped seeing my friends because she didn’t like them, I stopped smoking because she said it was gross, I changed who I am as a fucking person. And you know, granted, I am a better person. But I’m different, because of her, and she just, she threw all of it away.”
He sniffed loudly, his shoulders stuttering. 
Billy felt like his guts were on fucking fire. 
“Fuck her. Fuck her. You are a good guy. And if she’s too much of a bitch to see that, she doesn’t deserve you.” Steve didn’t acknowledge him for a while. Billy just let it be, lit another cigarette. 
“I think I’m gonna go home. I wanna see my cat.” Steve sounded like a little kid. Like a heartbroken little kid. 
“You good to drive?” And Steve finally pulled his head out of his hands. 
His big eyes were shining, his cheeks wet, glistening in the low light. 
“I don’t drink anymore. Because she said I’m an asshole when I’m drunk.”
Billy weighed his words carefully. 
“I’ve got a bottle of tequila in my car if you wanna stick it to her.” Steve gave him a watery smile. 
“You wanna follow me to my place?”
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Time-Travel feat. Ino, Sakura, TenTen
The short of it is "Ino, in the Founders Era, sees Izuna and makes it her personal mission to Tap That."
The time-travelers are Ino, Sakura, and TenTen. Why them? I like girls being badasses, these three make a badass trio, and I don't want to deal with Caged Bird Seal politics. (Hyuuga just... complicate time-travel plots.)
Ino is the one that is clearly clan, and they make a group decision that the benefits of Yamanaka backing (and by extension Akimichi and Nara) outweigh the potential drawbacks.
It's pretty easy to convince them that they're Worth It. Ino doesn't bring anything new, really, but she's clever and knows the clan techniques and is very good at them, so the clan head (after performing a mind search to confirm the story) is like Sure, You're In.
Meanwhile, Sakura is a terrifyingly competent medic that knows hundreds, if not thousands, of medical techniques that don't even EXIST yet, and TenTen might not be a medic like the other two, or capable of explodey punches, or clan-trained, but the girl is a taijutsu powerhouse that's probably fast as hell because she was trained by GAI, and she's got at minimum a journeyman-level training in fuuinjutsu.
(Also just, don't argue with the 100% accuracy lady. Just don't. The reason she doesn't have a body-count to rival Minato's eventual count is because she doesn't want to and basically no other reason. There are some opponents that a Kunai to the Neck won't take down for whatever reason? Iron-skin, water body, super healing/shapeshifting, but for the rank and file? That's a one-hit. And she can throw hundreds of kunai at a time, so... if you take the 100% accuracy statements literally, she's a nightmare if she decides to go lethal.)
They run missions for a bit, and Ino is... usually the one sent out on field missions, because Sakura's busy teaching people how to save lives, and TenTen is currently the closest thing the Yamanaka have to a seal master--she's not a master, not on the level of an Uzumaki or even a Senju, but she's way better than most on account of village training schema and it's cheaper to give her a long-term role in the triple clan system than to hire independent contractors--but sometimes they all go out!
And... okay, I'm gonna be real here: Nobody approves of the way Ino dresses other than Ino and her girls.
Sakura extends her pants a bit. TenTen's fine. Ino refuses to stop wearing crop tops and short skirts, and none of you can stop her.
It helps that Ino's response to guys propositioning her is to tell them to back off, and then if they get handsy, she breaks their wrists. If they're ninjas getting handsy, she starts a fight, but most ninjas are smarter than that because they realize she's not just A Kunoichi, based on how she's moving, but a kunoichi with long, free-flowing hair, which is like... basically a big "I'm A-rank or better, come at me if you dare" flag. On the off chance that someone tries to fuck with Ino and they're actually out of her league in taijutsu, she has Mind Scrambling or, if absolutely necessary, an ear-piercing scream that summons a woman that can fistfight gods.
(And absolutely has.)
But anyway, The Girls go for a Girls Night Out one day. No plans to get laid, but they want to go shopping and have fruity drinks and maybe cause a little trouble.
They visit a blacksmith at one point, because weapons shops aren't quite a thing yet due to lack of centralized shinobi systems, and TenTen's talking up a storm with the smith about things like carbon infusion and alloys preferences, and Sakura's just standing off to a side reading something because most of what she wants/needs can be made by Akimichi blacksmiths, so she's not really in need of anything specialty. She wanders off after a bit, tells them all she wants to visit the apothecary to see if they have any herbs she's running low on. Ino is browsing examples of the blacksmith's more esoteric handiwork When In Walks An Uchiha.
TenTen has a VERY basic look, more or less civilian who got some ninja training, so Izuna doesn't pay her much attention, but blonde isn't a very common color in the Land of Fire, unless one happens to be a Yamanaka or Senju, and even among them it's not like EVERY clan member. (Or Namikaze but imo Minato's color is actually from Land of Earth immigrants and is a BLATANTLY different shade from characters like Ino and Tsunade.)
Senju is obviously, uh, bad, but the Yamanaka and Uchiha are basically neutral... mostly. There's some tension. Izuna isn't expecting to be attacked, but he's constantly darting glances out the side of his eye just in case.
Ino is... not unaware of Izuna.
She feels his eyes on her, notes the fact that he keeps making faces like he's not sure what to think, and Ino... Ino is of the opinion that this is funny.
She decides to drop something on purpose just so she can beeeeeeeeeeend over to pick it up and see what happens. Ino, again, does not dress appropriately for the decade she is in. Izuna chokes on his own spit.
Ino: I'm gonna be a bit of a ho. Yamanaka Clan: Please don't, our reputation is-- Ino: I'M GONNA BE A BIT OF A HO.
So Ino's fucking with Izuna's head by just... being Ino, really, she turns around like "OMG are you alright???" and lets him see that her eyes are lacking pupils so he doesn't keep worrying about whether she's a Senju, pats him on the back, coos over him, flatters his hair, and then insults his fashion sense.
She is of the firm belief that his expression is hilarious. Flirt Flirt Flirt "but you're wearing that? Really? Oh honey, you should know better."
(Ino pulls pickup artist shit on Izuna.)
Ino is fucking with him, and she is enjoying herself. She's a flirt, she's gorgeous, she's a bit of a ho, and Izuna is a hot, main family clan boy who keeps blushing. He's maybe two years older than her and he squeaks when she squeezes his shoulder and compliments his muscles.
And after all that, after Ino has wound him up and turned him around and gotten him confused and flustered and a little angry...
That is when they feel the ground shake and hear Madara screaming for The Pink-Haired Bitch to "come back here so I can kick your ass!"
So. Yes. Sakura has picked a fight with Madara. I don't know how or why, I just know that Sakura and Madara are fighting, Ino and Izuna are both going 'dude WHY' about their respective fighty person and fleeing the blacksmith to go stop whatever's going on before they get banned from town--because really, they can force their way in, but it's way easier to get those tasty daifuku mochi from that one shop when people WANT to serve them--and TenTen is... still chatting up the blacksmith. The girl is going to get a discount.
Sakura leads Madara on a bit of a merry chase so the fight happens a mile outside of town--Ino loves her more than ever--and there's a flare of "Sakura punches a Susanoo," and by the time Izuna and Ino get there, Sakura is yelling in Madara's face about how he's fucking up his eyes.
Madara is. Offended. Izuna is also offended. Those are clan secrets, and Sakura is just looking him in the eye without fear and I'm like. Half convinced that they want to just tear her throat out.
Except Ino is there, and Sakura called her by name, and they know that names with 'Ino' among the Yamanaka are only for clan heirs, and they can't just pick a fight with the entire clan.
They. They can't afford that right now. Tajima is ramping up the whole Thing with the Senju again and they do not have the resources to add another front.
"For fuck's sake, will you let me go alive if I fix some of the damage you've done to yourself?" "You can fix the Mangekyo?" "Uh, no, nobody can fix that hellscape of a doujutsu without some incredibly invasive surgery that I refuse to do in a non-sterile environment unless there's literally no other choice, but I can reverse some of the chakra strain on your ocular nerve if you stop trying to pick a fight because I got the last of the [some medicinal plant that only grows up in the badlands around Iwa]."
Izuna shrieks and demands if that's really what they were punching down trees for and Madara yells at him to fuck off and Ino just laughs at all of them.
Sakura is like. Two seconds away from putting Madara in a headlock and calling him a nerd. He's like a solid five years older than her and she's smarter than he is and he's a jock but she's going to dunk his head in a toilet, I swear to god.
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[Image Description: a gif from Will and Grace where a man in a dark shirt approaches a woman in a white shirt for a hug. Both characters have their arms spread wide in greeting, but the woman subverts the expected hug and pulls the man into a headlock with an angry expression.]
(Tenten is just, she's having a good time with a random blacksmith, talking shop. She just comes out to see all this crap has happened and it's like she came back with pizzas to see the apartment wrecked.)
Anyway, Sakura does some Medic Mojo on the Uchiha bros, Ino continues to flirt with Izuna until he can't tell up from down anymore, and when they're headed back to meet up with TenTen and see if there are any ruffled feathers that need smoothing, Ino declares that she's going to get that boy to propose to her.
"Don't people usually say 'I'm gonna marry that boy' or--" "Nah, I don't know him well enough to make that decision. I just want him invested in me. Whether or not I do anything with that... depends on how well he woos me."
And anyway, things spiral from there, Ino keeps hitting on Izuna whenever she gets a chance, Izuna keeps being Very Overwhelmed by this girl that shows off so much of her body and has the confidence of a god--because Ino is the epitome of confidence and always will be--while Sakura fucks off to badger the Senju into peace by making friends with Hashirama and bribing Tobirama with medical developments and flirting with Touka (except Touka's almost a decade older than her and is flattered but not interested, thank you), and TenTen is... honestly I'm not sure what TenTen is doing except that there's a very solid chance she's sneaking off to meet with Uzumaki specialists to help her build a Zetsu Trap.
Our trio of badass ladies decides that Hm, Actually, Having Bijuu Backup Would Be Nice.
Ino's the best sensor of the three, but even she's not feeling out where the nearest bijuu is, so they go for the by-that-point tried and true method of "Sakura goes and hassles Tobirama for information while TenTen and Ino play cards with Hashirama."
Tobirama does point them in the direction of the nearest bijuu--it's the Kyuubi, even!--and Sakura just... invites Hashirama along.
Hashirama: Oh! What do I have to do if I come? Sakura: Stand there and look pretty, mostly. Hashirama: Yes, I can do that. Sakura: And then interfere if we piss off the Kyuubi enough that he attacks. He probably won't, but Mokuton is useful if he does. Hashirama: Oooooh yeah, I can do that.
Tobirama is so tired but these gals are pretty determined to do the whole Peace Thing and Hashirama can mostly take care of himself, and Butsuma isn't quite dead but almost there (idk some disease or infected wound, it doesn't matter), so Hashirama isn't a Clan Head ditching his job but there's nobody around that can stop him from running off, so Tobirama's just like "Cool, don't die."
Butsuma: [dying] Sakura: [sipping a mixed drink wearing sunglasses inside] Shame.
So they go find Kurama, and try to barter with him about the whole Zetsu situation, and... ngl okay I have an entire conversation in mind about "your evil goo uncle" and "none of us know how to seal a bijuu without taking away your autonomy, but sealing is the best way to hide you from Zetsu, so do you have any ideas on a compromise" and "I can SORT of figure out how to--"
And then Kurama just. Summons a smaller fox. Which has a scroll. And pokes it towards TenTen because she's the one that's Impressed Him The Right Way over the course of the conversation.
(Mostly by being vaguely sparky about fuuinjutsu and easily distracted by the Ifs of it instead of the Whys.)
And once she's signed--which Ino and Sakura are just like 👀 about because Oh???--Kurama nods and just. Presses his snout to her hand. And without telling her what he's doing, he just enters her body and settles in as a consenting jinchuuriki situation. He can leave without killing her if he wants, but he can also just chill out. He's hidden from Zetsu, TenTen gets a boost, and nobody's in prison.
(Time to belatedly note that TenTen was earlier suggested as the best jinchuuriki option since, among other things, she had the least to lose as far as chakra control went.)
TenTen: My chakra control is pretty shitty, but I can fight hand to hand for literal hours without feeling like I've done more than a light jog, is that good?
TenTen is such a different brand of ninja from most of the heavy hitters. Because her main attack is just More Knife.
Team InoShikaCho has their whole human yoyo thing, Sakura can punch gods, Naruto and Sasuke are literally insane levels of power, Kiba turns into a giant three-headed dog and Shino can insert exploding bugs into people, Lee can kick hard enough to make a bijuu pause, Neji and Hinata are... okay I don't have much to say about the Hyuuga, but... TenTen. She's just here with some seals and whole lot of sharp and pointy things.
Founders era, you have Madara and Hashirama with their god-level techniques, Tobirama is usually sword but has a bajillion other things like his Suiton, Izuna has a Mangekyo, Mito has her chains and was the first jinchuuriki... and then, here’s TenTen, with Many Sharp.
Her special attacks are Throw, Stab, and Kick the Shit Out Of because she still trained under Maito Gai.
TenTen is the current queen of "catch these hands."
After the village is founded, she challenges one of the og founders to taijutsu only and the literal only reason she doesn't win against Hashirama is that he has a healing factor and is built like a brick house.
TenTen: Hey, Izuna, if you beat me in a taijutsu fight, Ino might be impressed. Izuna: No weapons? TenTen: No weapons, no bijuu, no Sharingan. Izuna: Cool, I can do this. [five minutes later] Izuna: [screaming]
The triple clan alliance: We will gladly join Konoha on the condition that-- Izuna, internally, chanting: That I marry Ino That I marry Ino That I marry Ino-- Madara, internally: Please don't say that Izuna marries Ino Tobirama, internally: [math meme because he can imagine like eighty conditions] Hashirama, internally: [elevator music] The triple clan alliance: That you put Haruno Sakura in charge of the hospital. Izuna: [internal screaming] Madara: [sigh of relief] Tobirama: [internal cheering] Hashirama: That sounds great! I've seen her work, she's a great choice for hospital management, do you think she'd be willing to spearhead a medical training program on the side?
Izuna just wanted the politics to be his wingman here, she's killing him.
Ino has broken this man.
(At this point she's mostly made up her mind... unfortunately, she deeply enjoys messing with him! He's too fun to tease!)
Ino: I want to marry him, yeah, but did you see his face when I teased him about visiting the Daimyou's court and looking for a rich husband to bring to Konoha? He even knows I'd never marry a civilian, and yet.
(He knows, it's just that his brain is dumb when she is involved.)
TenTen asks Hashirama if he's opposed to threesomes, mostly because Mito is amazing and TenTen's a little in love with her. Hashirama is NOT opposed to threesomes, but only with Madara, sorry.
Ino is just... the queen of self-confidence. I want to include some gifs to explain but there are just too many.
As a rule, Ino wears high collars, but... she might try to pioneer Tiddy Shirts out of spite because people keep trying to tell her to dress More Appropriately.
Ino, adjusting her wrap top to show more of the chesticles: Relax, Hashirama, I'm just taking a page out of your granddaughter's book. Hashirama: [verbal keysmash]
This one twitter post.
Sakura: You can't just use your tits to get what you want! Ino: I didn't see you complaining when I got us free dango. Ino, misunderstanding Sakura's point: Uh, yeah I can? Watch. Ino: [gets drinks for the table and a free dessert too] Ino: See? Sakura: Oh my god. TenTen, cutting a slice of cake: Yeah I think she's got us here Sakura. TenTen: I love using Ino's tits to get what I want. Sakura: No!
Sakura: Why am I the only one of us who isn't down for Ino using feminine wiles for material gain? TenTen: Does it have anything to do with your unresolved childhood crush on her? Sakura: ..... shut up.
Sakura: Was Sasuke descended straight from Izuna's line? What if you just negated his existence? Ino: I mean, his soul still exists, right? Or will exist? It's not like we could have lined the genetics up perfectly anyway, don't worry about it.
Once Ino finally lets Izuna woo her, they turn into that couple that's just constantly making out in dark corners. PDA is over 9000. Sakura throws erasers at them to make them stop. TenTen catcalls. TenTen just. Not interested in being a thot in the slightest, but delighted by Ino being a thot.
Izuna: Help I don't know how to BDSM and my hot wife is a dominatrix. Madara: Sucks to be you.
(Ino being a bit of a ho fits and feels fun because she's also just like, very convincingly an actualized character. If Ino is acting like a bit of a ho it's very definitely because she wants to and is absolutely going to make that everybody else's problem.)
Ino, at any given moment: Did you miss the part where I'm the hottest person here?
I'm honestly considering platonic-marriage TenTen/Tobirama on the basis of Seals And Sparking. There aren't enough women in the Founders Era for me to ship Sakura with one so I'm going to say she ends up living in domestic bliss with a Nara kunoichi.
Sakura: Can I just. Can I just be Gay here? Like, can I just Be Gay and get Big Gay Married and have 2 dogs and lead a prestigious medical program? Tenten and Ino: Of course you can, hon! We'll be up to our nonsense the entire time, though.
Sakura: Well... at least Shikamaru isn't here to complain about Ino being the way she is.
OH I forgot to mention TenTen wearing Externalized Small Fox Kurama around like a scarf.
Kurama: [Gets to be out of the seal and See Stuff] TenTen: [Constantly has a companion around who is never tired of hearing her Special Interest Rant about smithing techniques and what will eventually be Aerodynamics after TenTen accidentally builds a plane while tinkering]
TenTen: I wonder if I could make Temari's giant fan thing work for me without wind chakra. [two years of tinkering later] TenTen: I can't remember what I was trying to do at the start but I can definitely fly now.
(Sakura's honestly lucky that Karin isn't there.)
(And tbh Sakura's only The Sensible One until Madara pisses her off and then it's time for people to remind her that she can't just go around Punching Things.)
When Sakura is forced to be the Voice of Reason she is always frustrated. When TenTen is freed from the responsibility of being the Voice of Reason? Shenanigans. TenTen's defense is that she never got to be the crazy one in Team Gai. Like, she’s still a little nutty, but she couldn’t go all out because she was constantly overshadowed by the YOUTH and also Neji’s fate situation.
ANYWAY. TenTen and Tobirama.
TenTen: Your brain makes me horny. Tobirama: Oh, finally, someone sensible.
I remember that while I was brainstorming, I had "TenTen tells Tobirama to marry her within five minutes of meeting him because they vibed so hard on weird fuuinjutsu stuff" followed by "Izuna sputtering and saying that everyone told him that he couldn't just propose to a girl he liked, why does Tobirama get to accept a proposal from a clanless kunoichi when Izuna can't even--"
The proposal is from TenTen to Tobirama, which imo is hilarious in the context of the Warring Clans Era, and also is done on a whim and is basically just.
Tobirama: [says a clever thing about one of TenTen's theories] TenTen, grabbing his hands and looking him in the eye, her own eyes full of stars and the classic Team Gai sunset genjutsu around her: Marry me. Tobirama: ...do we have to have sex? TenTen: No. Tobirama: Do you plan on children? TenTen: Students yes, adoption maybe. Tobirama: I'm sold. Hashirama:
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[Image Description: Stephen Colbert, in a suit, dramatically crying at the camera. He has running mascara, and the caption says “I just feel like my heart is going to burst because it’s full of rainbows.” End Description.]
They're Nerd-married and it's the best.
I love the idea of Hashirama just being an Elevator Music Mind when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen. Like. An orange cat. Like, okay, yes Minato is the Hokage with the orange cat energy. And Hashirama is usually golden retriever energy.
But when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen, Hashirama is completely oblivious to their intention to do such things as Raise The Dead For Science.
They're not even raising a specific person for a specific reason, they're just vibing Super Hard and haven't slept enough and forgot this is a bad idea. Got so obsessed with "Can we" that they forgot "should we."
(And I feel like Kurama just encourages them like a chaos entity.)
Tobirama: It was a theoretical exercise. Hashirama, gesturing at the zombie army trying to eat its way out of a Mokuton Cage: !!!! Tobirama: We realized it didn't need to stay theoretical. TenTen: In our defense, we were left unsupervised. Tobirama: It's true, we were.
Sakura: TenTen! I expected better of you! TenTen, with sincere confusion: Why? Sakura: ... TenTen:  Like you knew my team, and my sensei, and also I agreed to help you go back in time and alter the past.
Ino: [here to fluster her pretty boy husband] TenTen: [got platonic married to a necromancer who shares some special interests and hyperfocuses with her] Sakura: [just wants 2.5 kids and a steady paycheck as she runs a world-changing medical program]
Back to TenTen being Wild.
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[Image Description: TenTen in her Shippudent outfit, which is calf-length red pants and a white qipao top with red trim, turning on the spot while flourishing a pair of scrolls that expel weaponry on her command. End description.]
I like to imagine TenTen has an abundance of common sense, but she just never, ever applies it to herself. She can only common sense when other people present her with their problems. TenTen: What if I combined Ribbon dances with the noble art of YEET, then made it into a fighting style?
"I've got 99 problems and all of them can be solved with sharp and pointy objects."
[This section of the brainstorming is removed on account of being deeply inappropriate for a post that should max out at rated M. Just know that Ino and Izuna are freaks, and TenTen and Tobirama are enablers.]
Tobirama: Ugh, I can't match Hashirama's energy levels for another entire day. TenTen, a member of Team Gai: I can do it. Tobirama: Hashirama is literally inhumanly happy and-- TenTen: No, no, I got this.
(You have no idea how much practice she has at this Tobirama, no idea.)
Tobirama: I am currently the fastest man alive. TenTen: Only because you cheat with Hiraishin. I could totally beat you in a five-hundred lap race around Konoha. Hashirama: ...five hundred? Tobirama: Wait, what. TenTen, already stretching: Yeah, let's do this! It's been a while since I had a solid challenge, you know? Hashirama: ???? Tobirama, is she serious? Tobirama: She runs two hundred laps around the village every morning, so... probably. Hashirama, wheezing: That's a lot. TenTen: That's a warmup.
Someone, probably Madara: Okay but that's cheating because you have inhuman stamina from the fox! Kurama, chilling on a tree stump napping: No the fuck she does not. Hashirama: What do you mean she doesn't? Kurama: I don't just leave the faucet running 24/7 Senju, besides, she doesn't need my help to be a ridiculous persistence hunting nightmare monster in this regard. TenTen: Awww, Kurama, you flatterer.
TenTen: I was running 150 laps of the village every morning by the time I was fourteen. Hashirama: Why? TenTen: My teacher was fun.
At least one shitty joke from a stranger about stamina In Bed and TenTen and Tobirama just stare at the person.
Maito Dai would be... maybe a little older than the Sannin, younger than Hiruzen. Solid age for TenTen to take as a student, probably. Very feels-worthy, with the whole Passing the Torch thing that that whole family had going on, and that Gai passed it to his students since he didn't have children of his own, the idea of TenTen taking that shot to make sure she's still part of that... family, for lack of a better term? Even in this strange new world they're making by altering history like that.
And that’s about it.
As per usual, most of this was brainstormed with @firebirdeternal​.
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my opinion on td finalists
spoiler alert, im not a fan of most
TDI: Owen & Gwen
uh I personally don’t like either of these guys for finalists. gwen did do a lot but there were so many times where she just acted so apathetic I was like why?? are you still here?? and as for owen... I didnt like him as a character for a Long Time and he's growing on me but he just doesnt seem like finale material
I think a duncan versus leshawna finale would've been super fun to watch. especially if they teamed up to take down heather in the semifinal. those two had such a fun dynamic, especially in the triathlon episode, that I think taking it to the finale would've been fantastic. also leshawna deserved to win that season and you cannot change my mind
TDA: Duncan & Beth
duncan, while not my first choice, I can see making it through to the finale this season. but beth?? no. im sorry but shes just too much of a side character and is canonically fake nice and annoys everyone else so it doesn’t really make sense
an interesting finale would’ve been duncan versus courtney considering how volatile their relationship was this season. however, bc courtney was kinda awful to duncan, I dont think she deserves to win this season. it would be cool if there was one ending where their votes tied and they made up and decided to split the money but that just feels too tame, both for a finale and for their dynamic
harold versus duncan could be interesting, but because duncan tends to bully harold, I dont think his win would be fair in this situation. I think lindsay versus harold would be the best, as this season is about lindsay learning to take charge and come up with strategies, and while he can be off-putting and occasionally condescending, I think harold has a lot of useful skills that could really flourish in the finale
TDWT: Heather & Alejandro
while I dont ship them at all, I truly dont think there could've been a more satisfying final two. we’ve had their rivalry build up from day one, they have a ton of good songs together, it really completes heather’s arc of antagonist to antihero to protagonist. heather winning is the best ending in my mind, but I like  alejandro winning too. the only problem I have with his ending is that it only happened because heather threw in the wrong dummy-- I think it would’ve been more clever for him to have switched them or something like that
ive been thinking about some other final twos that I think would be interesting, though unable to top the canon one imo. gwen versus courtney would be really cool because of the friends turned enemies thing-- I think it would be interesting for courtney to be put in danger and gwen has a choice of saving her or going for the money and she save courtney before apologizing again (maybe dumping duncan) and the two make up and split the money. 
though I don’t really enjoy either as characters mostly due to their writing, cody and sierra would be an interesting final two. maybe cody finally stands up to sierra, or sierra struggles with wanting to be the winner of total drama or helping the boy she likes win. it definitely wouldn't be as good as the canon two but there would be a lot of clashing dynamics at play that'd be fun to explore
TDROTI: Lightning & Cameron
admittedly, I don’t remember too much from this season, but it really felt like these two kind of coasted by. I never found lightning to be a particularly compelling character and thought it weird how he suddenly went from dumb jock to evil jock in the last episode or two. cameron really felt like he was just carried through the season, similarly to beth, though I dont have as much as an issue with him winning. I dont think it was a bad finale, per se, I just think if those were the final two they should've been written better from the start
seeing as how jo really played the game and went all in, I think she would’ve been a great finalist. it would’ve been interesting to see her versus (commando?) zoey though im not the biggest zoey fan. I think a jo versus lightning finale could actually work (or brick) though if there was a jo versus cameron finale, I couldn't see him logically winning bc jo would just destroy him
TDAS: Mike & Zoey
*BIG FUCKING INHALE* no. just no. im probably not gonna say anything that’s not already been said so ill keep it short. bland, mal writing bad, have someone who's been in the game for 3 previous seasons instead of  1 make it to the ALL STARS FINALE. jfc.
you know what would’ve been an interesting finale? gwen versus courtney. they both said they wanted to reach the final two with the other one, so maybe they do! maybe they start to struggle with their friendship because of courtney’s competitive streak! maybe one of their helpers is duncan and that causes strife between them! maybe they become enemies again and don’t make up until the finale! maybe they decide to split the money! idk! it would've had a hell of a  lot more flavor than what we got
TDPI: Shawn & Sky
I don’t really have an issue with either of these characters making it to the finale. they’re compelling, worked hard, and have distinct goals. I would’ve liked to see jasmine in the finale but I'd be cool replacing either one with her: jasmine and shawn having to compete against one another would be an interesting relationship hurdle and sky versus jasmine would've been cool because they’re both very athletic and it would’ve been the first f vs f total drama finale (we've had m vs f and m vs m but no all-girl finales...)
TDRR: Surfer Dudes & Police Cadets
Again, I don’t really have an issue with this finale. I really like how Sanders and MacArthur both work hard in their own ways and have to learn how to work together (MacArthur breaking Sanders’ arm and realizing that she can negatively affect her partner and also that Sanders is super tough was a GREAT arc). I know there’s been some contention about the Surfer Dudes being eliminated and then coming back so late in the game, but it made sense to me. They chose to lose because they felt that they owed it to Devin and Carrie, and that choice paid off when Devin and Carrie called in a replacement team. I doubt the surfers expected that to happen, they were just trying to be fair, but that kindness was rewarded in a big way which I think was sweet, especially  considering how much of a hot mess this show can be. 
I gotta say, this does kinda remind me of the TDI finale, with the villain (heather/ice dancers) getting eliminated third, and their rival (gwen/police cadets) making it to the finale with the fun guy (owen/surfer dudes). The reason I like the Surfer Dudes as finalists more than Owen is that I felt they put in more effort during challenges and had more of an arc (with Josee’s mind games ending up bonding them as a team after strife, choosing to be eliminated for the sake of fairness, etc). 
Speaking of Owen, it’s kind of ironic that if I had to replace a team in the finale, I would replace the surfer dudes with the reality tv pros. they’re my favorite team and I think it wouldve been great for them to really live up to their name. I think it also would've been funny for the ice dancers to be so focused on their rivalry with the cadets that the pros just completely go under their radar until its the final three and the ice dancers are like “oh crap they’re PROS why haven't we been trying to destroy them??”
I also wouldn't mind replacing the surfer dudes with the sisters. I know emma gets a lot of hate (mostly because of nemma which I only like platonically) but I actually like her as a character (when she wasn’t being obsessive) and I think she and kitty were a great team that had a good arc of learning to work together. I also think it would be really interesting because for the final three they would all have rivalries with one another: the police cadets and the ice dancers (obvious) the ice dancers and the sisters (josee messed with them in at least 2 challenges) and the sister and the police cadets (kitty and macarthur’s game/road rage was hilarious)
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zombinary · 3 years
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Mitch time! More info of her under the cut.
Mitchelle "Mitch" Pony Starr -24, bday October 12th -She/her -Nonbinary, bi -Super cheery, giggly, and intense. Tends to smother people. Can be bossy and ALWAYS wants the last word in what she does or wants. Hates not having control. -Loves frilly things and the color hot pink, everything she owns is pink!! -She's aware of her issues and is uncomfortable talking about them or confronting them, so her deal is that Mitch tries to get it over as fast as possible. Essentially speedrunning recovery and healing, which doesn't work. Then she gets upset, and it's a cycle
-Makes scrapbooks for a living! She has a service of making scrapbooks out of special memories or family albums -Her idea of horror is smth akin to monster inc or monster high. She's always been weirdly skittish even of the most simple stuff... -Has an issue with oversharing though, so she's accidentally pushed people away with that...Literally doesn't pick up on this though and gets confused why some ppl aren't comfy with her. -She tends to miss social cues or whatnot a lot, in fact. It's the autism. also, she's just naturally a airhead that doesn't pay attention to others too much. She's like Michael in that sense but it comes off as...Selfish, llolll...
-She can be immature bc she doesn't like the idea of people having other ideas or not wanting to go with what she wants..Or being wrong about something. She gets flustered n frustrated n grumbles about it. -Her place is just soooo....pink.....so many strawberries for the decor... -Mitch's favorite drink is a strawberry smoothie with strawberry syrup and whipped cream! It sounds very weird. Because it is.
-Is very physically affectionate. She'll hold ur hands and swing em while you walk, wrap her arms around your shoulders, ALWAYS pull you into a full hug if you try to do a sidehug, in some way she's always touching or near the person she's comfortable with. -Mickey is an exception bc he's made it expressively clear he doesn't like touching too much. Same goes for other people who have made it clear. Then she'll just ask for permission sometimes if she goes for it
-She loves Halloween, shockingly! Because then she gets to dress as all cute and silly as she wants! Once she went as Princess Peach and Mickey went as Princess Daisy...EXE version. It was a weird halloween. -She rarely wears heels, actually hates em. She's always in some kind of a flat or VERY VERY low heel. Maybe a boot. -When she's excited and rambling, she'll twirl around and clasp her hands together! and she's kinda singsong near the end of the ramble. -Sings like snow white and cinderella. VERY cocky about this fact. She worked hard for it.
-Ate glitter as a kid because she wanted to be sparkly inside and out -Thought she was overcompsensating in her femininity, so she went through a phase of dressing down and not as colorful. Kinda like Mickey does. But she quickly realized she was just scared of other people looking at her as invalid or whatnot. Now she doesn't care what others think, what matters is what SHE thinks. -Mickey admires this about Mitch. He kinda wishes he could stride around with total confidence like Mitch does...And doesn't realize he already does, he's just being himself. And there's confidence in that! -She loves being tall! It makes her feel powerful and hot!
-Her types are goths. Or hippies. Or nerds. Or gamers. Or jocks....Or anyone. Mitch is a huuuuge romantic and she gets crushes very easily. They last like a week or two and then she'll forget all about it. -Though, she is a sucker for people with a lot of bulk n muscle. She likes beefy folks.
-When it came to coming out, Mitchelle was very excited but nervous. She was happy to share this part of herself with her family! She talked to Mickey a lot about presentation and how she still enjoyed being feminine and whatnot. And he talked to her about not really caring and just wearing what he likes. -Mickey gave her some of his older cuter clothes, a Mickey classic of saying "I love you" without saying it. She felt it, though. And she still has this fuzzy cardigan, even if it ain't pink.
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