#her parents left the alienage with her when she was like 6 or 7 in hopes of finding a clan of Dalish willing to take them in
attractthecrows · 4 months
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Ilithra my beloved. Ilithra my darling my doll
#ilithra tillahnen#me: yeah this guy revallen's got a dead wife. (<- a fool who is going to get attached sooo so fast)#why am i so INTO characters whose optimism is what ultimately kills them. fucked up behavior tbh#anyways. ilithra is nessie's mom#she was born in an alienage in (throws a dart at the free marches) wildervale#her parents left the alienage with her when she was like 6 or 7 in hopes of finding a clan of Dalish willing to take them in#they were found some months later by clan Tillahnen on their way back from an Arlathvhen#she and revallen were the closest in age#so while dirennen took over directing & helping her parents to acclimate - revallen did the same for her#and they became very close#(it still surprised the fuck outta him the first time she kissed him. he also was not expecting her proposal)#she took to the dalish ways quickly & easily thanks to revallen's help and became one of their better hunters#during the famine it was her idea to trade with the local human village. she remembered a few kind humans from the alienage#unfortunately the village was also starving and panicked. when her hunting party approached they attacked assuming it was a raiding party#by the time they realized their mistake - that the elves had come with things to trade - ilithra and 4 other hunters had been killed#the humans apologized to the survivor and gave them as much food as they could spare but the damage was done#and from the humans' perspective - the local dalish clan scattered to the winds#(revallen took his daughter and left the clan. the clan set out to search for them. none of them ever returned to the area)#maybe i should tag this so i can find it!#atc arts#revallen lavellan#dragon age
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electricshoebox · 4 years
first lines meme
Tagged by: @poemsfromthealley, thanks so much! This was fun!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I’m gonna do those of these that are part of a series in series order, and then the rest in posting order. For a few, I’ve included one or two more lines after the first to put it in better context.
1. A Line in the Sand (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, multi-chapter, complete): 
The first time Deacon lays eyes on Robert Joseph MacCready, he’s sitting at a beer-stained high top table in the Third Rail, because where else would you find someone shady, untrustworthy, and not currently out getting paid for it?
2. Another Shore: Scenes from the Other Side (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, reverse POV and missing scenes from ALITS, WIP)
MacCready knocks back the last of his beer, tipping his head back until the last drop hits his tongue.
3. We Have Not Touched the Stars (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, oneshot, part of the ALITS series)
“Come on, Deacon, she said it was going to start at midnight!”
4. The Eye of the Storm (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, sequel to ALITS, WIP)
“On your left!”
Deacon crouches back behind a splintered reception desk as he shouts across the lobby. 
5. By Any Other Name (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, oneshot, part of the ALITS series)
MacCready drums his fingers on the neck of his beer bottle, once and then again.
6. Only Human (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, oneshot, part of the ALITS series)
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
MacCready shoulders out of the elevator as soon as the doors roll back.
7. Rearrange the Stars (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, part of the ALITS series, WIP collection of oneshots)
Deacon’s not used to gentle wake up calls.
8. Siren Song - Part I (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, noir-inspired AU, twoshot)
MacCready pulls the last of his cigarette to his lips as he reaches the end of the block.
9. On the Rocks - Part II (Fallout 4, Deacon/MacCready, noir-inspired AU, twoshot)
When the knock comes on Deacon’s door this time, he doesn’t ask who it is. He knows, even before it gets elbowed open on its own.
10. Broken Masks (Critical Role, Caleb & Nott friendship, oneshot)
She doesn’t deserve this.
She wraps herself in rags, and he covers himself in dirt, and they move through the streets like shadows where the lights can’t reach.
11. Between Sunset and Sunrise (Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur/Charles with past Arthur/John, oneshot)
The dark tents scattered around the hunching ruins of Shady Belle light up at the sound of hooves on the foot bridge.
12. In the Shadow of Dreams (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Inception AU)
Sand. He felt it under his fingers, against his cheek, scraping beneath his horns as he turned his head.
13. Counting the Cost (Dragon Age 2, Orana/Merrill, oneshot)
For a long time, Orana simply stood on the threshold. Behind her, there was a clatter of wood crates and the heavy clink of metal as the alienage merchants shuttered their stalls for the evening.
14. To Have and to Hold (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Trespasser oneshot)
The first time Dorian’s parents brought him to a wedding he was eight years old, and it rained.
15. The Lady Herself (Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Randy Dowager/Female Dwarf OC, oneshot)
Petra never grew tired of the sound of her own heels on marble. Even all these years later, when silk curtains and shining floors had long ago lost their novelty, the crisp echo always made her feel so important. 
16. Resolution (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, oneshot)
The last night of the year fell on Skyhold with snow.
17. Till the Stars Fall Out of the Sky (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, oneshot)
Evening is falling when the Bull reaches the winding lane that leads up to their villa.
18. Dawn (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, oneshot)
Minrathous fell still in the hour before dawn, as the sky turned the heavy gray of a night yielding.
19. Something Sweet (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, oneshot)
Autumn comes quickly to Skyhold. The handful of snowless weeks that pass for a summer yield easily back to crisp, frostbitten winds, and whatever green crept into the foliage flees again, the trees turning gold and brown.
20. May This Night Keep You Here (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, oneshot)
Dorian finds Bull on a stool by his hearth, his greataxe resting across his legs, his head bent to the task as he cleans the dust of Redcliffe from it.
Well, what I’m learning is in my older pieces I relied a lot on weather and time of day to open things and set the scene. And now I tend to tie my openings to physical actions, or two start with dialogue, things that almost make it feel in medias res. I’d like them to have a little more impact and interest in the future, so this was an interesting exercise to kind of examine that! I think my favorite is the opener to To Have and to Hold. 
Tagging: @adventuresofmeghatron, @molliehaswords, @velvet-verve, @valkyriejack, @diredigression, @desynchimminent, and anyone else that would like to! No pressure as always, this was just for fun. 
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arcenergy · 5 years
arcretri evens up to 26 :)
*fucking GETS you*
this got really long so
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? the main titles she has is hero of ferelden+the warden+warden commander+arlessa of amaranthine. she used 2 have the title red jenny when she was like. in the red jenny’s as a Teen but not so much anymore 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
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COMPLICATED………. very complicated. arcetri loved adaia more than anything but her memory of her is only limited to the interactions she had with her as a kid bc adaia got F’d when the templars killed her :(. adaia and arcetri spent nearly 24/7 together for 8 ish years straight. a bad memory arcetri has w/ adaia is definitely when the templars stopped the two of them on the street and pretty much everyone knew that adaia was clearly an apostate that escaped the circle but arcetri was too young to like Get It so adaia told her to run off n that was the last time arcetri saw her :^(…..a good memory arcetri has w/ adaia is when they were cooking together is when they were cooking together and adaia gives arcetri a halla bracelet adaia had from her clan (adaia left her clan at a young age and didnt get her vallaslin which is why the templars assumed she was just a random apostate and not a dalish mage) 
cyrion however. hoo. since arcetri didnt spend a lot of time w/ her old man cuz he normally worked day shifts while adaia worked nights so the two of them had a rotating schedule so someone could always look after arcetri and after adaia died arcetri didnt really have anyone to feel comforted by bc she didnt really Know her dad and in a way she was angry at him for not being able to help her so the gap between them just kinda continued to grow and cyrion was so distraught so he just kinda like. shut down. at one point cyrion tries selling a few of adaia’s things like clothes and whatnot to get some extra cash and arcetri freaks out and steals them back and hides them somewhere in the alienage and tells him that he didnt care for her as much as she did. their relationship improves after the blight but idk if arcetri really truly forgives cyrion for making her get married even tho valenderian was the one who forced cyrion into arranging it. arcetri kinda thinks he’s a coward at times GHDSGHSDHSDF. a good memory is when they first reunite after they got separated during the blight bc even tho arcetri would break cyrion’s shitty little spine any day of the week she’s just glad he’s alive 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?i think most of arcetri’s education is street smarts and she didnt really go to an actual school. most of her education was done through cyrion and the other alienage elders/hahrens. id say that she probably has an education level of like a 9th grader by age 20. after the blight though since alistair is learning all of this stuff to become a big brained king she hangs around and learns a lot..her favorite subject is any language classes and she’s fluent in 2 other languages by the time da2 hits (she already knew sign language bc of a friend in the jenny’s who used it she just learns antivan for funsies). i can definitely see arcetri hating math though..idk if she’d be too interested in science. i guess you could say she has like..a college ish level of education after all of that????? idk it’s medieval times everyone’s dumb as shit 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? pets were banned in the tabris household because cyrion didnt want some “mangy mutt with fleas” around and most people told her to stay away from strays because of what diseases they may carry and so arcetri never had a particular opinion abt animals. after the blight she really opens up to the idea though and adopts stray cats to keep around the barn to help with pests and she helps feed a few stray dogs before giving them off to farmers so they can become herding dogs. her favorite pet is her pet horse named peanut butter which was apart of the royal stables that came from the previous owners aka king cailin and co. 
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?arcetri doesnt really interact w/ kids bc she’s worried she’s gonna slip up and do something bad to them but she eventually comes around to the idea (after the blight) mostly because there’s always a lot of kids trailing her around bc they think she’s cool and she entertains them with stories. i dont think she ever really wants kids though bc her life is always very hectic and unpredictable 
12. What is their favourite food? any kind of sweets! she loves sugary things. cinnamon apples r her fave :)
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?hrmmm i think the first time zevran joined the party that’s probably when really good meals started getting cooked for the group DSHGFSDHGDSHDS but just the memory of being surrounded by friends and they r joking and having a good time and she’s eating good food and for once the blight doesnt seem so bad 
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? AH she keeps a LOT of momentos..she presses flowers and plants into her journal and she has a ton of knives/jewelry/random things from all sorts of people she’s met. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything elseconsidering it’s the blight i think ill just put down books and music…she loves sea shanties and her favorite genre to read about are like classic fairy tales and myths 
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?she LOVES music but she’s also really reserved so i think she would just tap her finger or her foot when her fav song comes around. i dont think she likes musicals/plays bc those are generally reserved for nobles and *arcetri voice* i hate the rich. i hate narcs. kill cops 
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?she can be very rude but she’ll be very subtle about it……she’ll bring up minor mistakes that ppl have done that they hope that other people didnt catch them doing like tripping or making a mistake during battle to embarass them. if she actually wants to genuinely insult someone then she’ll probably call them stupid but make it sound fancy. sometimes she gets really flustered though and just starts yellin at them DSHGHDSGSD 
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?her sleep schedule is a mess bc of warden nightmares and shit. she generally just passes out from exhaustion and she will sleep ANYWHERE and on ANYONE. she doesnt snore though. 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? she will have a little smirk on her face and her ears will perk up and so will her eyebrows and sometimes she’ll start bouncing on her heels if she cant contain her excitement or start shifting her weight from one leg to the other
thank u king
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shannaraisles · 6 years
Get into My OC - Sian
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Name: Sian Demarchion
Nickname: (I know Varric’s got one for her, I just can’t work it out yet)
Age: Born on 4th Drakonis 9:19 Dragon, she is 22 when the Conclave is called
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Former servant; Herald of Andraste; Inquisitor
Background: Born in the Starkhaven alienage, Sian has always been among the lowest of the low when it comes to so-called civilisation. Her parents’ only child, her father was killed by his employer when she was five years old - an action that introduced her to the injustice faced by elves in human society when it emerged that the killing was deliberate, but was not considered a crime because he was just an elf. Poor even by alienage standards, she was set to work as soon as she was old enough to apply herself to it, her mother and herself struggling to keep payments of rent on their little house. Over the course of her early years of work, Sian encountered some of the worst bigotry she would ever encounter, including an attempt by her master’s son and his friends to cut the points from her ears because she would “be so pretty if she wasn’t such an obvious knife-ear”. She toyed with the idea of running away to the Dalish, but was cowed by the rumor of what the Dalish did to what they were said to refer to as “flat-ears”.
In 9:37 Dragon, just before the upheaval in Kirkwall and the return of Sebastian Vael as Prince of Starkhaven, Sian allowed her mother to negotiate a marriage for her, on condition that the terms would allow her mother to remain in her own home for the rest of her life. The marriage was contracted between Sian and Alan Demarchion, an Orlesian city elf from Val Royeaux. She left Starkhaven and traveled to Val Royeaux for the wedding, integrating with surprising ease into the alienage and her new job as a kitchen assistant alongside her husband in the Divine’s kitchens. The cook the Divine chose to bring along to Haven and the Conclave chose both Sian and her husband to accompany him, which is how she ended up at the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
Body type: Skinny, almost waif-like
Eyes: Pale gray
Hair: Dirty ash blonde, long, somewhere between waves and curls; always worn in a style that keeps it up and off her neck, but hides her ears as well
Skin: Pale, does not tan, light freckles
Height: 5'2″
Weight: 98 lbs
Distinguishing Marks: Her left ear has been docked below the tip; a corresponding scar suggests that the same was attempted on her right ear
Strength: 7/10. Given the amount of heavy lifting involved in being a kitchen skivvy, this one should be unsurprising.
Perception: 8/10. Awareness of her surroundings is a necessary skill when everyone is looking for a reason to lash out at you.
Endurance:9 /10. Long days of heavy work build you up in ways you might not have realized.
Charisma: 6/10. Shy and afraid of expressing herself; when she does let her personality shine, those close to her generally like what they see.
Intelligence: 6/10. Not educated as most higher classes would recognize it, she has a certain amount of natural intelligence.
Agility: 8/10. When the humans in charge of you like nothing better than to beat and kick, you learn how to dodge early.
Luck: 5/10. Neither good nor bad in general, the odds are 50/50 when it comes to how luck will affect her experiences.
Magic: 0/10. Not a single spark.
Colors: Greens, browns, blues
Smells: Someone else baking, fresh cut grass, rose petals
Food: Has no favorites - food is food
Fruit: Apples
Drinks: Watered-down fruit juices
Alcoholic drinks: She doesn’t drink alcohol
Smoke: Never
Drugs: Only medicinally
Driver’s license?: Until she joined the Inquisition, she never learned to ride. Even now, it’s more the horse keeping her on board than her own skill. 
Want to know more about her? Go ahead and ask! My inbox is always open!
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Allllll the questions for Surana!!
1) Did Surana have any memories of their life before the Circle? If so, what of? If not, how did they feel about not knowing where they’re from?
Ophelia was brought to the circle when she was incredibly young (she thinks 3-4, but she’s not sure, given that she doesn’t know her birthday - just that she was a Spring baby). What little she can remember isn’t pleasant - the tug of unfamiliar hands on her shoulders, a struggle against slavers, the smell of singed robes and blood and the clanking of metal plate and then more pain.
She knows she lived in an Alienage. She’s not sure if it was Denerim.
She knows she had a family - she remembers the softness of her parents’ hands, a warm embrace. She’s not sure if the templars’ intervention stopped the slavers from taking them, like she tried to, but she’s not sure she can give them that much credit. 
2) What was Surana’s relationship with Jowan like? What did they think of the revelation of him being a blood mage?
Ferelden’s Circle has very few elven mages, and almost no apprentices (and, of course, interaction between the two is strictly limited to educational purposes). Ophelia didn’t really take to the other apprentices, and she fit fairly low in the pecking order. Jowan was one of the few who refused to use her as a scapegoat, and while they might not have been the best of friends, he was one of the few to treat her with any kindness, and she values that highly.
His turn to blood magic doesn’t strike her as surprising, but dragging her into a situation in which she is left with the blame is a deep and burning betrayal. 
When she later develops her own blood magic, she feels a small stutter of guilt over her rage, but only momentarily.
3) How prepared was Surana for their Harrowing?
As prepared as she could have been. Ophelia studied well, and was terrified at the thought of giving the templars an excuse to take more from her. The thought of freedom (even a taste) was enticing, and even the notion of failure was perhaps a freedom in itself.
4) What was Surana’s reaction to first entering the Fade?
5) Did Surana believe in “Mouse?” What did they think of his story?
She didn’t buy it for a moment (mostly because I didn’t). The one lesson the Circle taught her well was vigilance, and Mouse set off alarms the second he opened his mouth, most particularly given that he was the first face she saw. She was certain once she fought the Rage Demon. The Harrowing was not a test of power. It was one of resistance.
6) How did Surana feel about living in the Circle?
Negatively. Very, very negatively. 
The Deep Roads is slightly worse, she once told Alistair, but only just because the monsters smelled so foul.
At least the Templars bathed on occasion.
7) Did Surana favour a particular Fraternity? What did they think about Circle politics in general?
Ophelia wasn’t obtuse enough to think she’d have any shot at participation in Circle politics.
(She got that one Real Wrong).
If anything, she thinks the Isolationists have the right idea of it.
8) How did Surana feel about working with tranquil mages?
Deeply uncomfortable, but primarily because they were visual reminders of what would happen to her if she ever resisted.
She knew that’s why she was so often assigned to help Owain in the stockroom when Irving didn’t have her in lessons. It was fully intentional.
She gets along with Owain just fine. He never took potshots at her.
9) Did Surana decide to help Jowan and Lily, or did they tell Irving of their plans? Why?
She helped, but incredibly reluctantly. She was livid at Jowan for putting it on her, but knew if she said anything she’d be immediately implicated and there’d be no future there.
10) How did Surana feel about returning to the Circle, and seeing it in chaos?
She felt for the children, if only a little. She felt for a few of the mages - she did not get off well with Wynne at the start, and the fact that they expect her to drag their asses out of there after their shit was frustrating. 
There was an immense sense of justice in watching several of the dying templars beg her for their lives.
Cullen, however, was a different story.
After his little quip about “making her human, at least,” Wynne and Zevran had to physically drag her towards the Harrowing chamber in order to stop her from burning the room down. She wishes Wynne let her kill him then and there, because she lost her chance to do so without consequence after they finished up with the demons.
This regret intensifies after she learns Leliana picks him to lead the Inquisition’s forces. Especially so after she learns what he’s left of the Inquisitor’s clan.
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ragefear · 5 years
OC Interview: Aeriannon Surana
Tagged by @adhd-tabris. Can't believe you're making me flesh out thus absolute shitpost of a character.
Tagging @thornhasalife , @skeletorific , @rookisaknight , and... @friendly-neighbourhood-honeybee .
1. What’s your name?
Aeriannon Surana
2. Do you know why you are named that?
Well, I would assume Surana was my family name. Other than that... No, not really.
3. Are you single or taken?
So I'm definitely taken, several times, but I'm also not opposed to being taken several more times.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
They call me the Punch Wizard Warden Commander for a reason!
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
Red-orange. I've been told it's a fairly common colour for elves.
8. Have any family members?
Theoretically, I have parents. I adopted myself a grandma from the Circle, an antagonistic Qunari uncle, a distinguished lesbian sister, and then I married a king, an assassin, and a witch. Was that what you were asking?
9. Oh? How about any pets?
CheeseStick!!! My darling baby boy... He's a Mabari dog. I miss him.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
Templar rights.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I've only just recently been introduced to the concept of hobbies. I really enjoy fishing and home decorating. Zevran tried teaching me some drawing but I just can't get a feel for it.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
You *do* know I'm the Punch Wizard Warden Commander, right?
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Punch. Wizard. Warden. Commander.
14. What kind of animal are you?
Hmm... Maybe a wolf?
15. Name your worst habits?
Well, Alistair says standing in my own lightning storm while punching demons with my bare hands is a bad habit. If I were one of my allies, I would simply not be weak to lightning. Rip to them but I'm different.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Wynne. She made it through the Circle with her kindness intact.
17. What is your sexuality?
18. Do you go to school?
I basically LIVED at school most of my life. Not anymore, though.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
I'm actually married to three different people, and technically I have one kid? Not quite sure how that works. I wouldn't really want to have more kids now, not with the taint.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
I walked into an Alienage a couple of days before I left Ferelden. I had this... kind of pipe dream, I guess, that I would find my parents. Someone would recognize my face, not because I strangled an archdemon and survived, but because I reminded them of... it was a stupid idea. But there was this little girl playing with her friends, and she raised her arms up, and then made "zap" sound effects and punched the air. "I, the Warden Rianon, will banish you, demon!" And then one of her friends said "I get to be the Warden next time!" I... Well, Alistair will tell you I cried.
21. What are you most afraid of?
I suppose this is a cliche, but... abandonment. Alistair is king, you know? He could have anyone. And I'm an elf mage. I'm like... the bottom of the barrel. Zevran is always traveling, and what if he finds another fling, someone who's not tainted? And Morrigan--she left me once. I was so scared I wouldn't get her back. I--can we move on? We're moving on.
22. What do you usually wear?
While I did love my custom robes, I'm getting really into flannel and denim. Comfy, lightweight, durable.
23. What one food tempts you?
My neighbor Grizzly grilled up sone salmon I caught the other day? It was all drizzled with butter and... plants of some kind. I ate my whole fish before I even realized it was on my plate.
24. Am I annoying you?
I love talking about myself. I don't think you could if you tried.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
That's... not easy to answer. Hmm. Well, you can put two marks in the "low" column for being an elf mage. One point in the "high" column for being the king's wife, and one more for being Warden Commander. So I guess it averages out to "middle".
27. How many friends do you have?
Surprisingly enough, I have quite a few.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I had pie for the first time when Wynne came to visit my new house. She made this fresh cherry pie. Flaky crust. Tart yet sweet filling. I would eat pie every day if I could just get the damn crust recipe right.
29. Favorite drink?
Nothing beats a good hot-chocolate-chai-tea combo on a crisp fall evening.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Southeast of my town, there's this cliff face where the river falls into the ocean. You can sit right by the waterfall and stare out to this infinite blue. Or you can walk the path down to the beach. It's empty most of the time, and the water is loud enough to drown out your thoughts. It doesn't seem to have a name, so I secretly call it "Warden's Point."
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Well. Aforementioned King Alistair, former Crow assassin and dismantler Zevran, and local Witch of the Wilds Morrigan. Also, a new addition to the family, sassmaster and cat-lover Anders.
32. That was a stupid question…
Considering that all of Ferelden already knew? Yeah, it kind of was.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Ocean. I like diving for things.
34. What’s your type?
Uhhhh.... Hmm.... Someone who gels with the group, I guess?
35. Any fetishes?
Sex is great and all but have you ever layed down a draw 4 card on top of a STACK of draw cards and watched them dejectedly pick up eighteen cards??? Poetry.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
I camped for a LONG time whike I was campaigning in Ferelden and so when I finally built my house in Raeton I thought I'd be done with it. But it turns out there's something about sleeping under the stars that just never gets old.
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idids0methingbad · 8 years
1. pick an original character: my canon inquisitor Ellana Lavellan (i'm horrible at names so all my characters are almost always the default names), pre trespasser post main plot of inquisition. 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were being interviewed for an article and you were the character/muse 3. tag people to do the same: @spacedivaas @stopitanders @symmtera @inquisitor-julia @vassilian (obviously y'all don't have to do if you don't want to!) and thank you @bannshianni for tagging me in this! i love being tagged in things and i apologize for this taking so long, it took me a bit to do since i am crap at writing, but i did very much like doing this :) 1) What is your name? (She has a slight smile) My name is Ellie. 2) No seriously, what is your real name? (she sighs heavily, and rolls her eyes) Well if you want know my full long name, it is Ellana Lavellan, first to the keeper and I am more officially known as the Inquisitor. 3) Do you know why you were called that? Well I am Ellana because that’s what my parents named me when I was born, I am the first to the keeper because I was the best mage born in my clan (after the keeper, obviously), and inquisitor because I happened to be at the right place at the right time, and grabbed the right orb. 4) Are you single or taken? (a grin grows on her face) I am currently taken, I am with the commander of my armies, Cullen Rutherford. 5) Do you have any abilities or powers? (she takes a minute to answer this) I guess I have magic, specifically I specialized in Storm magic and specializing in being a Knight Enchanter. Oh yeah, and I have my abilities with my mark. (at this she brings her left arm up, and it starts to glow green) 6) Stop being a Mary Sue. (she crinkles her face at this, with a confused look in her eyes) what even is that? Regardless I will still continue to do whatever I want. 7) What is your eye color? I have dark green eyes. 8) How about your hair color? I have brown hair. 9) Have any family members? (she gets a wistful look in her eyes, and a sad smile) My mother and my father are still in my clan, and I have my four siblings, two brothers and two sisters. I miss them all very much and wish they were here of course, but I am also grateful to know that as long as they are in the clan they should all be safe. I was closest to my younger sister, Lalya, we were partners in crime. Of course I love all my siblings though. 10) I see… what about pets? We didn’t really have pets in the clan, but I guess I could get one now, I just haven’t really thought about it. (she shrugs with a nonchalant expression) 11) Tell me about something you don’t like. (her face brightens, and she takes a deep breath in) well you’re the one who asked! Honestly I could go on a rant for hours about SO many things I don’t like, but if I HAD to choose one, it would have to be the way mages are treated outside of Dalish clan. Mages are feared and they are pushed into towers and told to not do anything but survive until its useful for things like wars, but magic should be welcomed, it is a gift and such a great one. Magic or mages are NOT what is bad, it is the person inside wielding magic, and bad people aren’t only limited to mages, people with bows or greatswords can be just as equally awful. Magic is just a tool, just like a dagger or a sword. 12) Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing? I love to read and discuss magic with my friend Dorian, but I also LOVE to just relax with my friend Sera by running around and pranking people around Skyhold. (she smirks after saying this) 13) Ever hurt anyone before? (she squints her eyes) Obviously? I fight evil on a daily basis. 14) Ever… killed anyone before. I killed that son of a bitch Corypheus. 15) What kind of animal are you? Hmmm. To be honest I have no idea, I have never thought about it. A halla? I am dalish and they are too, so I guess a halla. 16) Name one of your worst habits. Being a bit too much of smart ass sometimes. If someone talks to me sometimes instead of giving them a more (she thinks for a minute) …sympathetic answer, I will answer very sarcastically instead of being genuine. 17) Do you look up to anyone? I look up to quite a few people. I look up to the woman who ended the blight, Kallian Tabris. She rose up from being a city elf living in an alienage to becoming commander of the grey, but still staying true to herself and crediting her family for all she’s done. I also admire Anders (yes that Anders) because he saw what needed to be done for mages justice everywhere and he did it. (she looks over her shoulder a couple times, looking nervous) just don’t tell anyone around HERE that. 18) Sexual orientation? I am attracted to people based on their soul and heart, not their gender. 19) Do you go to school? No, I was in a Dalish clan. 20) Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? (she has a smile so big you can see all her teeth) of course, I love the idea of having children and getting married! 21) What are you most afraid of? (she has evident discomfort on her face) I am most afraid of something happening to my clan and family, or Cullen going back to lyrium. 22) What do you usually wear? When I am out and about I wear keeper robes, at skyhold I wear a typical Dalish outfit. I miss home what can I say! 23) Do you love someone? I love many people. Romantically I love Cullen. Platonically I love Sera, Dorian, Varric, Cassandra, so many others. And I have family love for… you guessed it, my family. 24) What class are you? (high, middle, low) I guess high since I am the inquisitor. 25) How many friends do you have? More than I deserve, but I have eleven in my inner circle. 26) Thoughts on pie? No really strong opinion, it is good I guess. 27) Favorite drink? A good mug of ale always boosts my spirits. 28) What’s your favorite place? Wherever my clan is. (her face looks melancholy) 29) Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? I have swum in plenty of lakes, now oceans I haven’t. I would love to swim in an ocean to see what It is like. 30) Are you interested in anyone? I am very interested in my strong, powerful partner who used to be a Templar who is just in the next room (she winks and smirks at this) 31) What’s your bra size? Honestly, I don’t know because I pretty much never wear a bra. (she shrugs) My boobs aren’t big enough for me to go through all that. 32) Well, what is your type? And what attracts you? I don’t know if I really have a type, I just kinda like people. Although I do find blondes very attractive. 33) Any fetishes? (she has a look of surprise suddenly) That is definitely none of your business, that’s for who sleeps with me to know, not for some random person. 34) Seme or uke? Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive? What I said before, unless you want to sleep with me I am not telling you. 35) Camping indoors or outdoors? Outdoors, it reminds me if being with my clan. 36) Are you wanting the quiz to end? No, I quite like it when people try to know me as somebody other than just the inquisitor. if anybody wants to tag me in more things like this feel free to, i love these sort of things!
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