#her people never even met her. will they know what she did for them QAQ
notitlemp3 · 11 months
my review of the fontaine archon quest act v:
i thought the sumeru story was sad. I THOUGHT THE SUMERU STORY WAS SAD
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ariadnasdiary · 3 years
Part 2 of the spam HERE WE GOOOO 💖💤🛍️💜🌸 (JFGHDFKJGH de verdad que lo siento pero es que necesito más qaq)
*Mun Ari: Has anyone ever told you are an angel sent from heaven? If not, well now I’ll tell you… you are <3
From this ask set~
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
Ariadna: *blushes* Oh dear! *looks in both ways cautiously* I was once in love with a boy from my school called Isaac. I fell in love in my last year of junior high school. We had various classes together and he was nice with me. Many friends and classmates told me he treated me differently, in a good way, unlike how he was with the rest. As he was rather reserved and I thought I had a chance with him, but I never actually told him how I felt for him. I didn’t dare for many reasons: I’ve always been very shy and because I thought he was already in love with someone else. I never confirmed he was in love with that girl, but then I changed schools and I lost track of him. Now, here I am~ I met Kino and I’m in love with him now!
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💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
(*Mun Ari: As a baby Ari was a very cute and cheerful baby! She never liked using the pacifier and she never crawled ^^’. As a child she was cheerful, playfull, friendly, easygoing, funny, extroverted and kind to mention some (before the bullying that is ;-;). After her experience with the bullying she became more reserved, introverted, insecure and shy. However, we know Ari and you can see many aspects remain as they are part of her personality! As an adult, Ari grew up to be kind, understanding, ambivert, wise, loving and funny. She grew up to be more comfortable with herself and confident too :D).
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*(Ari as a baby) (Ari as a child)*
Ariadna: Hmm… to be honest I do miss how optimistic and extrovert I used to be as a child. Also, I had a great self esteem and I lost that as I grew up which is a shame really since it’s a struggle I need to work on. But thanks to bullying I learnt to be more cautious and observant with the people I surround myself with. Not everyone will approach you with good intentions. Some may take advantage of you or even try to hurt you, so you need to be careful who you make friends with. I’m in the process to heal and recover my self esteem and to love myself… little by little one day I’ll make it!
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🛍️ Function or Aesthetic? Skirts or Pants? Heels or Flats?
Ariadna: Hmmm I believe there should be a balance between function and aesthetic. Although function sometimes is better, sometimes the function of something aesthetic is to make you feel an emotion… Does that make sense? Like when you buy something you can get it depending on how useful or necessary it is in your daily life, but you can also buy something just because it is pretty and that’s ok~! Example: buying a shirt and buying a cute vase for decoration.
Ariadna: Both! I like pants since they are comfy and practical, but also stylish and pretty! But also skirts are girly, cute and lovely! They make me feel girly and femenine! Perfect for going out on a date!
Ariadna: Ahh! Both too! I use mainly flats since they are comfortable and cute! But heels are femenine and chic! Also pretty much helpful to make me look taller! Also… they make me feel sexy and chic *blushes*. D-Depends the occasion is what I’ll wear! ^^'
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💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
Ariadna: Both… *giggles* I’m sorry I keep saying “both”, but is the truth. Music feeds the soul and heart! It improves my mood and I love dancing and singing. Music can make you feel at ease, happy, sad, inspiration and many things more! However, silence is also enjoyable on its own too! Silence help you concentrate, think and relax. You need silence to study and to have a good night sleep! So yeah, depends the situation but I mostly have music.
Ariadna: Hmm… that’s strange. I’ll say spells since some of them can snatch/disappear/melt swords from their owner and may be quicker. Also some can be used from a certain distance and you look cool! Like witches, wizards or fairies!
Ariadna: Both again! *laughs* I’m a city girl and life in cities is exciting! So many things to do and see! Always something new to experience or discover! Everything is accessible and somehow easier. Although the rhythm can be exhausting and stressful from time to time and nature can help a LOT. When I feel stressed I go to the park as is the closest I have to nature and I can feel myself relaxing. Once in a while I also like to visit some little villages or cities nearby to have a change of scenery and air and it’s incredibly helpful! It's like charging your battery once more!
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🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
*Mun Ari: For you… I’m willing to record how Ari would sound like if you like~
Ariadna: I think I have an average voice. Sometimes people mention I have a soft and cute voice, but how can they know a voice is cute? Is that possible? *giggles*. As japanese isn’t my first language, I wouldn’t be surprised I was told I have an accent. Kino sometimes teases me about my accent or my pronunciation of certain words. But it is hard translating what I think in Spanish into japanese! I sometimes make mistakes and I can’t help but blush!
Ariadna: My laugh? I think it is normal? Although Naomi sometimes mentions I have an adorable and childish laugh. But when I truly laugh at something really funny I guess it is a more contagious type of laugh since it is just funny, but all laughs are contagious in one way or another!
Ariadna: Hmm… singing? W-Well, I like to think I sing decently. I like to hum and sing for myself and I like my voice, but I wouldn’t dare singing in public! I think it is average and nothing special, but once in a while Kino would say it is enjoyable or at least he’ll say it is fine. And so far I haven’t hurt someone’s ears so… yeah I think dencet is the best word *giggles*.
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sharpnothashtag · 4 years
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 29
Naomi is on a shuttle with Greskrendtregk.  She looks up at him nervously.  He smiles back warmly.
Naomi: Father, I don’t remember much of my experience as a Borg.  Why must I go to Mars and talk about it with your class? Greskrendtregk: (gently) Because, Naomi, you went through a very bad thing.  You need to talk about it, whether you realize it or not. Naomi: But I’m fine! Greskrendtregk: I know, and I’m glad you are.  This is just to ensure that you stay that way.  Plus, you’re also going to be learning about what some of the other Borg children went through.  These are people that would be coming to your camp--don’t you want to know how to help them, too? Naomi: I do, Father!  I do. Greskrendtregk: (grabs her hand, squeeze)  I know you do.  You are your mother’s daughter.  
In the class with DeAnna
DeAnna: In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, there was a television program, kind of like a non-interactive holonovel, called Sesame Street.  It was geared toward children, and a number of times, the muppets-- Naomi: Muppets? DeAnna: It’s a combination of a marionette and a puppet.  It’s hard to explain, but they looked like this: (shows this picture)
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Naomi: Aww!  They look like fun characters.  DeAnna: (smiling warmly) Yes, they do.  As I was saying, these characters were often used to explain difficult things to children.  One that I think directly applies to our ideals (if not our initial subject matter) is their inclusion of a character in foster care.  Here’s a portion of the episode: (she shows this video)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF2w5qdn1-o
KJ is getting dressed.  She brushes her hair, and Bev hugs her from behind.
Bev: Hey.  Did you ever get back to sleep? KJ: Not really.  I was having nightmares. Bev: You could have woken me up--I would have held you. KJ: I know, but you needed the sleep.  I went and talked to DeAnna. Bev: ...you did? KJ: Yeah.  I asked if I could be a volunteer patient for the counselors she’s training. Bev: Are you sure you’re ready to talk about it? KJ: I have to.  Keeping it inside is more than I can take. Bev: (cupping KJ’s face in her hands) I will be here for you.  I will not move.  I will not leave.  I will never give up. KJ: (brushing Bev’s hair out of her face) I know.  (kiss) You need to head on down.  Seven will come up here to bring you down there.  Don’t test her on that one. Bev: Oh, I wouldn’t put that past her.  (pulling her close one more time)  Please, take care of yourself.  I love you. KJ: I love you.
KJ waits outside of the counseling classroom  DeAnna exits with a Klingon woman, Biquv.
DeAnna: I’m so glad to see you in a more hospitable hour, Kathryn. KJ: I cannot apologize enough for that, DeAnna. DeAnna: Nonsense.  I’m glad I could be there for you when you needed me.  Kathryn, this is Biquv.  Talking to both of you makes me think you two are a good match. KJ: It’s good to meet you, Biquv.  Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam. Biquv:  Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.  Your Klingon is very impressive. KJ: Thank you! Biquv: Shall we go to an office? KJ: I think that’s a good idea.
Sitting down in an office, Biquv takes a cup of tea from the replicator.
Biquv: May I offer you some moHbogh? KJ: (making the grossed out face) No thank you. Biquv: (laughing) I’ve never met a human who likes it.  In fact, I’m sure sure I know a Klingon who actually likes it either.  It’s a tradition, though, to take it before trying to purge our feelings and all weakness. KJ: Yeah, purging basically anything is what it’s good for. Biquv: (smiling) What is it that you need help with, Kathryn? KJ: I lost my sister recently.  She...she killed herself. Biquv: Is this the Phoebe Janeway? KJ: Yes?  How did you know her? Biquv: Oh, I never met her.  I was familiar with her work, though.  My brother once commissioned her to sculpt a bust of Kahless.  She is--was extremely talented. KJ: Yes, she was. Biquv: Did you get the chance to tell her goodbye? KJ: Yes.  When she did finally drift off, she was peaceful. Biquv: How do you feel about her death? KJ: I feel like I’m not enough. (Biquv cocks her head) She threw herself off a bridge because she couldn’t deal with never seeing me again.  The doctors kept her alive in a terrible state until I came home so I could say goodbye.  She told me she gave up because the pain of losing me was too much.  Biquv...am I responsible for her death?  Because I kept my ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the universe lost an amazing artist.  Would it have been better to stay at home? Biquv: What is the name of the race of beings you saved? KJ: The Ocampans. Biquv: And the Borg.  Her name is? KJ: Seven of Nine.   BIquv: No, the other one. KJ: Erin Hansen.  Seven’s mother. Biquv: It seems to me that the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. KJ: But she was MY few.  Biquv: And you’re angry with her. KJ: She couldn’t wait for me make it home. Biquv: Voyager was declared lost--your whole crew was assumed to be dead.  She had no hope left, Kathryn. KJ: Why couldn’t she have fought a little longer?  I did.  I fought to get home to her...to mom.  To Mark.  She was so selfish to have done this. Biquv: I guarantee you she felt like a burden.  The most selfless thing she could have done in her mind was to take herself out of the equation. KJ: But without her, the equation doesn’t equate.  It doesn’t make sense.  It means nothing. Biquv: She couldn’t have known that.   KJ: I”m angry.  I am sad.  I’m confused.  I feel betrayed.  I feel abandoned.  I just feel so many things.  I feel like I need to purge them.  To feel them, one by one, and then let them go. Biquv: I might have something that can help with that. KJ: It’s not that tea, is it? Biquv: (chuckling in spite of herself)  No.  I’ve got something a bit...louder.  Do you have a picture of her? KJ: Yes, in my quarters. Biquv: Ok.  Go get it, and meet me back here at 20:15.  (KJ nods and exits)
Bev is in her quarters reading.  KJ walks in.  
Bev: Hi.  How’d your session go? KJ: It’s not over.  I’m supposed to bring a picture of Phoebe to my counselor in a few minutes. Bev: Who is your counselor? KJ: She’s a Klingon woman named Biquv. Bev: Do you like her? KJ: She has made some good points already.  I’m interested to see what she wants me to do with Phoebe’s picture. Bev: I am, too. KJ: What if she tells me to get rid of it? Bev: You don’t have to do that. KJ: But I need to have her help to move on. Bev: Yes, but you don’t have to throw away memories.  Her job is to help you cope with your memories, not rid you of them.  Do you want me to come with you tonight? KJ: Yes.  That would be really helpful. Bev: (takes her hand) Let’s go.
They go to meet Biquv.  Biquv takes them to an outdoor section of the station.
Biquv: In ancient Klingon tradition, when a warrior falls in battle, the nearest Klingon goes to this warrior, opens their eyes, and then screams to Sto-vo-kor to look out--a warrior is coming their way.  I know Phoebe was very special to you.  In ancient human traditions, there were people who decided to scream when they stopped understanding what was going on, or when they had a lot of emotions to deal with.  That’s what I want you to do. KJ: You want me to scream? Biquv: Scream for the loss of your sister.  Scream for your anger.  Scream for your confusion.  Scream for sadness.  Scream for your betrayal.  Scream for your abandonment.  Scream for the loss of one you love so much.
KJ walks to the center of the room.  She lays Phoebe’s photo on the ground.  She looks deep into her sister’s eyes.  She lifts her head, and screams.  The pain seems to ooze from her.  She continues bellowing without words.  She stops for a minute to take a breath.  Bev laces her fingers through KJ’s, and she begins to yell, too.  Biquv takes hold of KJ’s other hand, and the three women scream until they no longer can.  KJ collapses from exhaustion.  Biquv and Bev help carry her to the room, where she sleeps.  PJ appears in KJ’s dream again.
PJ: Katie, I know you love me.  I will always love you.  I’m not physically here anymore, no, but I will never leave you.  There is  nothing that could keep me away from my sister--not even death itself.   Now, let’s rest.  (She puts her arms around KJ and holds her as they rest.  PJ fades out, and in her place in the bed is Bev, holding KJ as Bev herself drifts off as well.)
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pokemon-au · 7 years
[Meds, Lin, Kin and Lorn belong to @filthy-alien-meat]
Aoi introducing Kin to Cery: "Kin, meet my girlfriend/big sis Cery. You may address her as Ceryneian. 'Cery' is mine. So you cannot use it."
“....ceryninium..cermunin..” CANT SAY IT....it’s difficult..
"Hmm... Then you can call her Lady Bisharp. Isn't that right, Cery?"
“Eat your ice cream” *gives him a smol head pat.*
“>:o your girlfriend is a warrior...I’ve seen her ribbons of valor..” 
Lorn is a very impressive "little weed" from Sprout Tower. He hopped ship and done a bit of traveling. He likes to fight and he's adamant. Lin, his mentor tugs him back from ridiculous opponents he thinks he can handle like "no no little weed..."
"You wanna go!! YOU WANNA GO!!" And starts pinwheeling his little leaves. LET HIM FIGHT
Meds cannot understand why she is BOTHERING...since clearly he's going to evolve into something with even less limbs. If he grows up he can just swallow Meds whole and whip like his sensei. I imagine he becomes heavy like a roly-poly toy that can't be knocked down.
Lin calls him "little weed". Unlike Kin and Aoi who like to poke fun about their mentors he would not stand for it.... That's when the Riolu tie this nerd to a tree.
Lorn can best Kin in most situations just cause he's a freaking noodle and uses others weight and moves against them so idk what he'd do against someone like Naga. Lmao Naga not sure how to feel about beating a piece of grass in battle....
Aoi thinks Lorn is cheating cuz he can't land a hit. In the end he'll dig and pull Lorn's root feet down and trap him in the dirt so he can kick him with fire. Aoi please. (!!!!!! CLEVER kin would be most impressed)
Lorn's sneaky too, has the powder moves. He's stubborn about using them though; he wants to hit stuff, not throw fairy dust at things in order to win.
He knows Leech Seed (gets Aoi all tangled up and gives a tiny evil cackle)
Lorn is probably a smart little bugger but a major snipe, he will rat you out, brag and cause unnecessary discourse but in Lin's eyes he's a perfect little weed.  If he saw that fence art, he would be all ">:O Ohhhh....i'm tellin'"
If they drew one of Lorn, he would cry. AND KIN WOULD HAVE A PANIC LIKE..."ahhh that was a bad idea, why did we do that, it was MEAN....no no no...." FRANTIC WIPING OF CHALK. Aoi's like "Aw it's just a joke, Lorn. Don't be a baby." This is when Don would usually smack him with his leaf hand if he was around.
If Don and Kirby ever cross paths and have to battle, I think Don is infinitely more experienced but Kirby could put up a tough fight. He's outmatched though, since Don has not missed a single day of training in his life (well, except for the rare occasions when he's sick)
Zion and Don are the kind who will insist to work even tho they are sick. Aoi will fake illness to sleep in. Naga will help him sometimes with enough pleading.
Meds: "Or you could just...NEVER GET SICK????" (Has never experienced a virus ever) Kin probably gets the sniffles but nothing more than that, not with that brutal diet he's on.
If Kin does get to the point of immobility due to training and his limbs are all bruised and torn up, Meds does take care of him and shows an uncharacteristic tender side, so if Kin became very ill he would handle that as well, if it got serious he'd address his trainer. You can only do so much on the mountain and while it is possible to make cures from whats there he just isn't that inclined...
There's a time Zion was ill and Aoi was looking after him. As Zion is laying in his futon, he beckons to Aoi and gives him a pat on the head, telling him that he's a good boy; and I imagine Aoi looks very touched at first, looking tearful and all...but then he grabs Zion's hand and goes "Are you going to die?! QAQ" and he recieves a withering glare.
He IS A GOOD BOY. If Cery catches wind of Aoi being sick at some point, she just kicks in doors...WHERE IS HE?! She can't be stopped, it is futile. Her precious darling baby is SICK. The evil would just be radiating off her for the entire household, how could you let this happen. She likes pampering him, they aren't together all the time so it's A-OK.
Aoi likes to hold Cery's hand. He loves her!! So much!
Aoi quite enjoys the treatment and attention when he's sick so you can be sure he plays it out more dramatically and longer than nessecary even after he's recovered. But Don always figures it out and puts him back to work. He has a lot of training to catch up.
Meds lets Kin make a full recovery, probably has to make him STAY PUT until he's healed although he can appreciate the determination.
If Don met Kin he's gonna shake his head and wonder why Aoi isn’t more like Kin. Now that's a pupil!
To be fair, Aoi does try to take as many shortcuts and slack off as much as he can. He does his best if you tell him there's a prize in it for him. MOTIVATION!
I don't think Meds would ever ...get sick but if Kin ever saw him lose and get hurt, his whole world would be ruined. He holds him in such high regard anything that tainted that might break his spirit. It's a very fragile dependency I guess, it's terrible.
Meds is legendary as far as Kin is concerned. I bet the boys like to compare and boast that each of their mentors can defeat the other no problem.
Kin would brag that his master has attacked humans :I SEEN HIM DO IT....THEY WON'T BE COMING BACK EITHER!
Aoi's kind of uncomfortable about that bit of information. He thinks Kin is playing it up to sound dangerous and cool.
Kin would have that very unsettling truth to his words, he's too genuine to lie or even try to make something up. "He attacked them,wouldn't tell me why.....I don't think I was supposed to see."
"I think thats why the humans put up signs on the trees....i can't read them all that well but I think it's a warning" He'd trail off, not thinking much of it, he sees them every day...sometimes a new one would be posted.
Aoi is uncomff but doesn't want to be one upped so he's like "Yeah...well...Don can beat up bad guys too...! Burglars are too scared to come by." (changes the subject)
"Don is cool :3..."
"We have signs back home too...!" (thinks about the signs he drew and put up in the garden in hopes to keep pokemon out) "It says KEEP OUT. PRIVATE PROPERTY" ("get your own goddamned veggies")
!!!!! Kin would be impressed that Aoi can read.
Aoi is suddenly very smug. (proudly) "Heh, I can also write" "I wrote the signs actually" (does not mention that his were rejected and replaced)
He makes a grandiose show of "COME! LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO WRITE YOUR NAME (in kanji or something)" and waxes poetic on education that he's heard a thousand times but never cared for until this very moment.
All of Aoi's haikus would go right over his head, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? ...who is this Cery that you love so much...? He is not very artsy or creative to say the least if he can't say it with his fist then .....well.
Lin can probably read and write, she will insist that Lorn know how to as well.
Kin has no experience with people, the ones that have seen him give him weird looks because he's BRIGHT ASS YELLOW but it's never anything he would call positive.
Aoi believes if you hurt a trainer that looks after you, you're a bad Pokemon.
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spaghetticosplay · 7 years
Fanime 2010
I got to go with one of my friends and stay at a hotel with her and a few other people she knew. That day, I was Chibitalia. It wasn't too crowded which was nice.
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GWAHHH @A@ Awesome movie characters!! (sorry the photos were dark, it was around 7PM when I took them xD; )
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I got some hugs and met some nice Hungarys >u<
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I didn't do a lot that day, obviously xD I did bump into some guys with a Soviet flag, and when they saw me they said in a Russian accent, "Oh, look! Another little country! Maybe we should make it part of Mother Russia, да?" We quickly ran away from them xDD
Today I cosplayed Sealand!
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My friends had really pretty outfits *3*
We also came across a couple of Hetalia cosplayers, including an England who I got to bother a bit and call ‘jerk England’ >:3
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So many great cosplays! After we left the dealer's hall, we bumped into a small Hetalia group, and some of them (England, China, Prussia, America, and Italy) were doing a skit! They originally were going to have a France, but their France couldn't do it, so I was the replacement! OAO I was never in a skit before, but I really wanted to try, since it was Monty Python. So I signed a paper that could allow me and all I had to do was wait, and since my friends were going back to their hotels, I decided to join them to kill some time. Meanwhile I photoed some more wonderful cosplayers!
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Afterward, we decided to have some breakfast (we haven't eaten yet!!) and while we were buying fruit at our hotel, I decided to bug these guys (little did I know back then that I actually watched the America on YT!) These two were amazing! *A*
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*w* We then went outside for a bit, and I encountered the best combo I've seen:
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STEAMPUNK HETALIA!! I honestly didn't know what steampunk was until I saw them (and even since Treasure Planet, I wondered what the style was called!)
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Inglourious Basterds
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Don’t ask, I have no idea xD
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And this Japan was adorable <3
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We were in a hurry to get to the hotel, I didn't realize my friend was the Toph on the right (with her BF as Zuko) ;A;
I almost forgot about the skit that I was supposed to be part of, so I went with one of my friends to the masquerade and tried looking for where my group was (because I forgot to bring my glasses, and it was dark, I couldn't tell where they were), I did find someone to help and finally joined just as the masquerade was starting @A@ Whew! (though we didn't rehearse, and we were just lip-synching to it) Apparently we were the first skit (skit 0 for some reason xD), though we had to wait for the taiko drums to finish and some people to show off their costumes, it was really nervewracking to wait backstage! But we were all being cool and laughing quietly and keeping our worries away. Finally the skit happened (for some reason it wasn't so bad since it was too dark to see the audience, and we just did it as though we were acting by ourselves :) )
After the skit, we were skipping along down the side hallway, glad to get it over with (though it was loads of fun!) America was whooping and hollering with joy until we were shushed xD
We then got to watch all of the other skits (at least 40, and all under 5 minutes in length, and I was getting sleepy) Some of our group members had to leave for sleep, but I stayed to see the results. One of our shoulders was tapped to go backstage (apparently we won something, but we didn't know what yet!) After everyone for the costume contest (including this one guy with HUGE wings) our group won for Junior Acheivement!! 8D (Because we were all under 18) As we recieved our awards, England was piggybacked on America pretending to be drunk and shouted out "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!", and I was carrying the sword casually. That was the best skit (and only skit xD ) I've ever done! I want to do that again! 8D And so after all that, I quickly got back to my hotel room and got some sleep.
I cosplayed Puppy!Italy because there was a Hetalia meet that day. It was hot of course, and we were doing group photos outside xD; I got to meet some of my friends who cosplayed as Seychelles, China, and Shinatty-chan.
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Axis group (plus Romano and Prussia)
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Allies group (plus WHO?, and I think I see a Vietnam and Philippines too)
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Seychelles and Philippines group
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Chibitalia group >u<
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Prussian invasion!!
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Bad Friends trio... (I love the Prussias’ faces here xD )
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...vs. the Austro-Hungarian Empire!
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Ready for battle!
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Chibitalia and Grandpa Rome singing Marukaite Chikyuu (and Austria in the front conducting) <33333
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While I was rushing back into the shade, I caught these two dancing and asked if they would dance for a photo <333 (I'm supporting Latvia+Seychelles as a platonic couple now!)
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GermanyxItaly (still wishing for a Germany ;^; )
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I wish I had brought my own flag, I borrowed this one from the Italy from our skit ;w;
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Females group I know there were more groups (such as Asia and Scandinavia, and surely more pairings) that I missed, but I either couldn't stay out long enough to take photos because of the heat, or I was really busy talking to a friend I was also talking with a Turkey who thought about using an Italy puppy to hunt down Greece like a hunting dog (and use my con badge strap as a leash), but then Italy would get distracted and run for Germany when he saw him and forget the original mission xDD (I wish we could make a skit of that!) I wish I could have talked to more people during then, but I was feeling too shy! orz After that, I had to go back to my hotel (my friends had to leave in the middle of photoshooting because it was so hot), but just as I was about to go back, I had accidently taken Italy's flag with me! QAQ So I thought about the Hetalia panel that was going on a few hours later and was sure she would be there. I actually wasn't in the mood to go to the panel (plus I think I needed something in order to get in), though luckily I did return the flag to her after asking someone if I could quickly. I then got back to my hotel in a kinda bad mood (don't remember what happened) and stayed for the rest of the day, and watched a movie that cheered me up. MONDAY Didn't do much that day since we were leaving. I cosplayed as Chibitalia again. :3 I got to buy a few things (all Hetalia-related of course xD ), hug some people (someone gave me a really tight hug which hurt, and wouldn't let go for a while just to hear the "cute" noises I made when hurt...)
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