#how did they top themselves.
notitlemp3 · 11 months
my review of the fontaine archon quest act v:
i thought the sumeru story was sad. I THOUGHT THE SUMERU STORY WAS SAD
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so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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camellcat · 8 months
WTFFF I thought thirteen would be my new girl crush love of my life heart eyes wife you-came-after-twelve-you-must-be-better-than-they're-all-saying bbygirl and then I had to sit down and watch as she told a man who (if he were not a murderer, of course) literally every regeneration before her would've LOVED and FULLY SUPPORTED that "the systems aren't the problem. how people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. people like you" </33333 !?!?
#WHERE IS THAT POST THAT SAID NINE WOULD KILL THIRTEEN FOR BEING A CLASS TRAITOR#WHY WOULD YOU SAY “ERODE PEOPLE'S TRUST IN AUTOMATION” ALL WORRIED AND CONCERNED LIKE THAT???#WHEN DID YOU START LIKING AUTOMATION OVER PEOPLE THINKING AND DOING THINGS FOR THEMSELVES???#AND WHY ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH A COPPER??? WE HATE COPPERS??????#did we FORGET into the dalek?? how about how he treated danny?? god there's so much more I can't even remember off the top of my head#(I understand soldiers are different from cops but c'mon don't even PRETEND twelve would've been any nicer if blue or danny were just COPS)#also a bit off topic bUT MAY I JUST TALK ABOUT ARACHNIDS IN THE UK FOR HALF A GODAMNED SECOND—#I know the companions are usually the ones to do the doctor's dirty work here but like#I just can't see the other doctors NOT having the business man lure the spider for being so fuckin annoying about it#like I was genuinely surprised when they had him do that whole song and dance about not doing it and then he actually just. didn't do it#the doctor LOVES fucking with evil rich business men this is PERFECT. plus why not get back at him for being awful to their companions?#absolutely gobsmacked thirteen let him act like that. I am wrong in thinking that the others would've shut his shit down a LOT quicker??#anyways. I love jodie whittaker and it's just so upsetting to have her doctor do something so wildly off#THIRTEEN PLEASE I HAD SUCH FAITH IN YOUUU I WAS IGNORING THE HATERS AND FOR WHAT#I can SEE the other doctors in her still I can FEEL them they're there she's doing an AMAZING job but. oh my god. what did they make her do#I can't even say she feels ooc as a whole because jodie is bloody brilliant. it's just these... moments. that don't make ANY sense to me...#especially coming off of twelve?? I get the radical personality switch but that belief is a core part of the doctor. or at least I THOUGHT#thirteenth doctor#doctor who#I still love all of you who love her and reading ur posts/fics but I. will not be making any myself. I do not think.
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nie7027 · 27 days
You know what I've been thinking? I ve been thinking that Atlus shot itself in the foot by honoring p2 and making the explosion on the bridge caused by the death arcana to happen on the same year as p2 instead of a few years later.
Because imagine this.If it had happened a few years later we could have this narrative:
After the events of p2 EP Nanjo, not satisfied with the resolution reached, decides to take Kandoris research(that he had previously saved and kept under lock so it wouldnt fall on the wrong hands), create an investigation team and fund further research regarding Shadows and the collective unconscious/the des of souls in hopes to find a better solution to the fragile situation the splitting of realities caused.
Unbeknownst to him (as the P1 team had no idea about the true extent of Nyx power, only having fought a small scrap of it in the form of the Snow Queen Mask) Nyx starts to take control of the minds of the scientists working for him who start to commit unethical experimentation in the name of the research to fulfill Nyx objective.
Eventually Nanjo finds about the unethical experimentation, including a future project regarding experimentation on children, and immediatelly shuts down the research, angering the group of scientists and causing the fights that eventually lead to the separation of the group who will go on to become the Kirijo group under the leadership of Kouetsu Kirijo.
They of course take/steal the research with them.
As Nanjo couldn't draw the media attention and risk the knowledge that his company was involved with unethical experimentation to come out Nanjo couldn't stop them and he had to play the card about how the separation was a mutual accord caused by a difference of interests while trying to find a way to close in and stop the Kirijo group from the shadows without the research leaking out even more (here's where he hires Baofu and Ulala and starts working with them to find a way to subtly bring the Kirijo group down)
This all comes to an end when the Kirijo lab explodes and all the research is seemingly lost.
Nobody knows what happened and everybody involved died in the accident.
No matter how much they search they can't find anything.
Not even the son of Kouetsu, Takeharu Kouetsu, who now that his father is dead has inherited the company seems to know anything (in part because Kirijo is keeping everything under wraps, in part because even they actually don't know what really happened. The only one who knows it's Ikutsuki and he's manipulating everyone).
So believing everything was truly lost and there's nothing more to do, ridden with guilt born from everything bad that happened since he decided to revive Kandoris research (he should have know anything related to THAT would need up this way, he should have known it was a terrible desicion, why did he have to be so arrogant to want to take everything in his hands...) Nanjo ceases and decides to focus on his company and watching over his own team and the p2 cast (keeping watch on them and making sure they don't accidentally bring the end of the world by recovering their memories)
But there's always something inside of him telling him to keep an eye on the Kirijo group, to not ignore them and he kinda does by maintaining close business relationships.
But it isn't enought.
He's not as as meticulous as he was before, as he should have been.
Thisakes him completely unprepared when the Fall happens years later.
And again nobody knows what happened, worst of all, everybody seems to have actually completely forgotten anything even happened.
But he knows.
He knows whatever happened was Persona/Shadow related so he once again turns his full attention to the Kirijo Group but this time he keeps a careful eye on the young heiress, Mitsuru Kirijo, as it's clear to him she isn't all that it seems.
He keeps his distance, not interfering, but staying watchful. Hoping to learn anything about what truly happened before acting seeing as how badly trying to take everything in his hand went last time.
And that's how Nanjo eventually learns about the Shadows ops (but funnily enough still knows nothing about the Fall being this the most guarded secret the Shadow ops, NO, SEES has).
And this narrative would have been great.
It would have been good way to keep everything connected ... IF ONLY the kirijo lab had happened a few years later.
By making it happen a few months after p2 it gives a very tiny widow of time for the fallout between the Nanjo and Kirijo groups to occur.
In fact it gives too little time for everything to happen considering P1 takes place in 1996.
By 1999 only 3 years have happened since the P1 cast found out about personas, shadows and defeated Kandori.
Only 3 years for the Nanjo group to start its research, a fallout to occur which ends up creating the Kirijo group AND then the Kirijo group doing everything they did until the formation of the death arcana and it's battle with Aigis on the bridge...
All of that in the span of just 3 years with everything in P2 happening at the same time.
And I KNOW I could change it.
I could move the dates a little to make everything fit better without really changing anything...
(Makoto losing his parents at the age of 8 instead of 4 for example doesn't really change anything. He would repress equally the same)
BUT changing the 10 years that Minato stored death inside of him feels SO WRONG.
It feels likes it's something quintessential to the narrative...AND I DONT KNOW WHY.
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undead-potatoes · 1 year
I think if we stop putting certain companies on pedestals for being "better" or "different" from the rest, we'll stop being surprised when they do things just like everyone else
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mv x er question that you may have answered. Where does their journey start since Arthur could have succumbed to the frenzied flame at any point on his journey and now doesn't remember much. Are they starting at the chapel of anticipation?
RIGHT NOW what i'm imagining is that arthur goes through the chapel like normal, dies to the grafted scion, and then when he wakes up afterwards in the cave (or maybe on the beach? they've never really explained how you get from the chapel to the cave so i like the interpretation that you were originally supposed to just wash up on the limgrave beach lol) john is there. i feel like that makes sense?
as in, the inciting incident that led to the flame finding him was probably waking up in the chapel, walking outside, and then immediately being pounced on and slaughtered by a fucked up abomination manspider. this i feel would be a pretty good straw that broke the camel's back in terms of making him (temporarily) go "fuck it why am i even bothering to try anymore. wtf did grace even want with me. no. i quit. call someone else i'm just gonna lie here and die."
HOWEVER the idea of him having been around as a tarnished for a little while before that is also very fun... possibly running into people who recognize him but that he doesn't know... hmm...
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autumnrory · 5 days
oh. my god. i went into my queue and i thought it seemed lower than i remembered but i didn't think much of it bc i'm not always paying attention to how many posts are in there but i had gifsets I MADE near the top and they must have like. tried to go through and left my queue and then just disappeared bc my blog COULDN'T post??? i just shot them an email to see if that stuff can be restored but i doubt it but like what the FUCK that is fucking unfair especially because one i worked hard on plus that means a few other things are missing from there too but the main thing is the gifsets like.............i cannot remake those i will fucking cry
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ilaiyayaya · 4 months
It's crazy how wearing at least 1 piece of clothing that doesn't make me want to hang myself feels kinda good sometimes who would've guessed?
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Still kinda look bad, but like slightly less bad than average! If I don't remember to stop walking in circles and delete this within an hour I'll die a painful gory death and my corpse will idk I didn't think of an end to this sentence I'm just procrastinating posting this. I would just, not post it but I NEED to gain more confidence in looking at pictures of myself and mirrors and also not hiding all evidence of my physical existence.
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if you want to volunteer at a wildlife rehab to satisfy your desire to cuddle animals then you should reconsider volunteering at a wildlife rehab
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subpar-celestial · 9 months
Me and my siblings kept seeing velvet and veneer clips on TikTok and from there decided to rewatch the first movie and then the second and third for the first time.
And can I just say: THEY WERE FUCKING PHENOMENAL!!!!! I have no idea why the mainstream opinion is that they're cringe. Like sure there's some cringe moments and I'm not a fan of all of the songs. But overall they are really, really good. Plus most things I love have cringe moments, it's inevitable.
The animation is soooooo good, and creative. Like the fucking design for all the places they go in the 'world tour' and 'band together' are so cooooollll. And just the overall stop motion/ scrap booking style is everything to me!! It makes me want to be creative and draw and actually do shitttt!! Like I'm obsessed!!
And the characters are amazing too!! I love them and their dynamics with each otherrr!! Just a bunch of cuties the lot of them!!
I LOVED the messages of 'worlds tour', like as it went on I was surprised by how mature it was. The development poppy has to go through is so REAL!! there are plenty of characters like her who never change in any way that matters. It's always "they didn't listen to anyone and did their own thing, but they were right so who cares?". And sure that works sometimes but not all the time and I just loved that they tackled that. Also then going after the "I don't see race" shit was sooo fucking nice. Also history being written by the winners. ITS JUST SO TASTY!!
AND IT WAS FUCKING FUNNY!! I'll admit it, I laughed a LOT, while watching those movies. Don't care if it's cringe, it's funny as hell.
And at this point I'm rambling, and I could ramble about so much more but I'll end it here.
I just gotta say if you are sitting on trolls because it's "cringe", literally just bite the bullet because you won't fucking regret it!!
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saltwukong · 1 year
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Bitches will literally tell you a story that they were the villain of.
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sunnys-sonnets · 1 year
Is there any outfit you like Atreus to be drawn in and or how you mostly imagine him in your fics, what clothes and what attire?
Not the question you asked but I think I do actually like his canon start clothing the best. While the metal armor is practical and elegant in its own way, I like softer vibes. The gentle colors on him and how the fabrics look worn and loved and stitched over and over are so nice. As for what I like seeing Atreus drawn in? I don't know. Maybe nothing 😂 Maybe seeing him in his canon-type clothing more often would be cool- but then I think of all the cute ideas we keep seeing like Modern AU stuff like fun, colorful sweaters and shorts. Even if I don't particularly lean towards Modern AU stuff, it's always nice to see the variety. Or loose fabrics that he's been draped in are so nice and it's fun to see his freckles 🤭
Depends on the fics. Mischief and Foresight has him in his canon gear for the most part. A Hint of Magic is very much up to the imagination because of the vague descriptions given, though his newer outfits do come from the cloths Heimdall gives him. Any fics that take place in the canon universe I picture him in canon gear. In Your Toy, the Modern AU, I imagine colorful big sweaters in the cooler weather to show off his fun and more childish side, and regular jean-like shorts(blue or green) and still colorful baggy shirts slightly tucked in to whatever shorts or pants he's wearing. And maybe stuff he'd borrow from friends or Heimdall to play with.
#Big question here and I probably could go into depth on some fics but it'd be just me going over how I think his canon gear can look#Like in Mischief and Foresight#Atreus is in canon gear yeah but then they're there in the Snow Glode thing for a very long time! and he's then pregnant and eventually#it is showing so that would mean he can't wear his typical gear and tends to stick to being comfortable and can wear less even if it's#considered indecent because he's literally with the person that got him pregnant so decency isn't that important#So he might eventually wear a spare shirt Heimdall has if Atreus outgrows his usual stuff to get by#just a plain tunic and no armor since he can't wear it anyways and maybe blankets on top to keep warm#But it also just depends on reader imagination since I doubt fully describing an outfit is what everyone wanted when compared to plot#The fic with the most reader interpretation on Atreus's clothes has got to be A Hint of Magic because I don't think I describe anything#I leave everyone fend for themselves and think! And picture little cute Fairy Atreus in fabrics or nature stuff#Sometimes he did have pants in my mind though#like green and vaguely leaf-like#Though most times he's just wearing stuff Heimdall gave after Heimdall gives him stuff#Fabrics that he my have stitched into something new and stylish with Angrboda or maybe he just wraps it around himself#very much up to the reader#I could probably even point out what fanarts I may have vaguely pictured for some fics#Sorry this this BRICK#I'm all sleepy so I hope I make sense!#heimtreus#sunny's answers
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transfemgorgug · 2 years
saw a tiktok about a schizophrenic man committing a violent hate crime and a lot of the comments were fearmongering about schizophrenic people in general, not the specific situation. and it just got me thinking about how schizophrenia is treated in media and the news, how you only hear about schizophrenic people when they’ve committed a violent crime, how society says these people need to be locked up in mental institutions for their own good, and like. i feel like people don’t understand that bodily autonomy applies to everybody. yes, even truly awful people. and truly awful people who happen to be mentally ill are not awful because of their mental illness, the two are totally unrelated. obviously, someone who’s committing violent hate crimes should not be allowed to continue to do those crimes. but just because a person poses a threat, the way to neutralize that threat is not involuntary commitment. because when you start to shove the “bad” crazy people in mental institutions against their will, that opens the gates for all mentally ill people to be institutionalized.
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deanwithscissors · 1 year
they may get a good deal, but less people will be hired back
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deltastorm101 · 2 years
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“do the face, do the face! :D”
@subjectsix ‘s K.Y.E. and Raster from her original story Botan City!
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samwisefamgee · 1 year
The funny thing about constantly telling yourself that things could be worse is that sometimes. They are :)
#youd think the moldy trailer was gonna be rock bottom#but apparently its staying in a basement covered in the dust of a thousand thousand catshits#with the same people who traumatized me over 22 years until I moved into the moldy box in the first place :)#because im STILL dumb enough to believe their promises after decades of betrayal! or more accurately i dont get the choice lol#either way if i dont get outta here fast it is game the fuck over. been too much mental and physical pain for this shit to be worth it#fucked anyway given how much debt and permanent degenerative damage has been done but at least I can live whatever shit years I get left#in relative peace#I mean fuck I used all my fucking energy yesterday doing shit for them instead of taking care of my own stuff and WHY#all I got was get asked over and over to work even fucking harder like what the fuck did I expect#years pass and nothing changes for the better with these people what the fuck#and even if I DO manage to find somwhere to stay with folks who WONT lie to me for years to abuse my labor and psyche#I'll be broken in body and mind and spirit and ill need a job within the week to not fall behind#i still havent gotten on my feet and every attempt to rely on family. no matter who.#was just an excuse for them to use me for all I had for nothing in return#cant exactly find roommates with no money no credit no will to live and 20 problems on top of that that mean I cant pay rent yet#and without any family who wont try to kill me slowly or any friends who arent so fucked themselves they cant help its lookin like#im fucked once again gang#to think i was so fucking close to escaping all of this before the pandemic happened lol. even what I had then just isnt possible anymore#if I hear one more baseless 'things get better with time :)))' I WILL vomit until I choke to death like buddy that just isnt true sometimes#straight up some people are born to eat shit and die. babies get cancer. its been 24 consecutive years of eating it and I aint whistful fam#not anymore at least#keep sayin 'well it could be worse' when its about the worst its been and youre just asking fate to prove you right#only reason Im not completely homeless instead of technically homeless is that folks actually on the streets are much tougher sort than I#gonna jinx this whole fuckin rant but it really is a fuckin joke. i cant live like this but most folk Ive met on the street#would jump the moon just to live in the moldy trailer I got kicked out of let alone a filthy basement.#this COULD be a home I could work and live out of. fellas is it picky to prefer despair over living with people who traumatize you#does that answer change depending on circumstance and time or is there truly no justification in not making your life worth it#or am I really just the pathetic stoner burnout dropout that my folks see me as? I mean categorically yes.#is there any justification redemption or even just comfort to be found in that state considering the Weight that induced it#does it even matter if no other person knows what that Weight has been or for how long its built. if no one ever will know? whats the point
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