#her talking to both Luka and Chat Noir about how she's not sure if she really loves him or just the idea of him she's built in her head
karlrose · 4 months
thinking about the statue scene in puppeteer 2.
thinking about it's possible connection to the story of Pygmalion and Galatea.
just thinking.......
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ninadove · 21 days
i’m so sorry if you’ve already made a post or answered an ask like this before, but i remember you saying a couple times how the lovesquare is queer-coded.
i think that’s such an interesting observation, and i was wondering if you’d be willing to elaborate on that a little more?
i’d love to hear your thoughts!! and thank you for taking the time to read this. :)
Absolutely Anon! Thanks for dropping by! ❤️🖤
I’m sure there are a lot of wonderful, more complete posts on the topic out there — my Sentikids tunnel vision means I don’t always grant other characters/relationships the attention they deserve. That being said, here are some things that popped into my head:
1. Secret identities
You know ‘em, you love ‘em. Secret identities are the core of the show — the very reason the Love Square is a square! Hiding part or the entirety of who you are for safety reasons is a theme most queer people unfortunately relate to, and the great thing is that we get two very different perspectives on the matter from our two protagonists.
For Adrien, Chat Noir means freedom: being away from his father’s grasp (read: from a power structure that tries to sculpt him into something perfect and bland — more on that later) allows him to become bolder, funnier, more like himself or at least more like the person he wants to be — which very prominently features being in love with Ladybug, aka exploring romantic connections outside of Kagami, the only acceptable option for Adrien.
And yet… Chat Noir is also something dangerous. When Chat Noir gets rejected, Adrien tries to renounce his Miraculous, aka to bury this part of himself as far down as possible; when Chat Noir gets unmasked by Ladybug, the object of his affections, IT’S THE LITERAL END THE WORLD (twice and a half now). There’s an entire post to be made about Cat Walker and Aspik and Adrien folding himself into what he thinks Ladybug’s perfect partner should be.
The point is: Adrien being himself puts him (and the people he loves) in harm’s way, both emotionally and physically. You see the themes, I see the themes, we cry together and hold hands.
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Marinette, on the other hand, fucking hates being Ladybug for most of the series. She wants to be a normal girl (!) with a normal life (!!) and it’s just not happening. The reason? There’s something about her that no one knows yet (!!!) ‘cause she has a secret (!!!!).
If anything, being Ladybug keeps getting in the way of her romantic shenanigans: she can’t be with Adrien/Chat Noir because Apocalypse, she can’t be with Cat Walker because her Lucky Charm doesn’t like him, she can’t be with Luka because she has to lie all the time! Not only that, it endangers her friendships as well, as seen in The Gang of Secrets. Look at the wording of her talk with Alya in this episode:
“I won’t try to figure it out our force it out of you. If you can’t tell me what’s in your heart… it’s your right.”
“Will we still be friends?”
“Marinette, I’m your best friend, and I’ll always be. That’s why it kills me that I can’t help you with whatever’s making you feel so alone.”
[…] “You know why I broke up with Luka? Not because I don’t like him! He’s amazing! It’s because there’s something that I can’t tell him. You know why I have to forget Adrien? For the exact same reason. You’re right! I keep secrets, I lie all the time, I lie to my friends, to my parents, everyone, and the worst thing is I can’t do it any other way. […] I tell you, things will never be the same between us again, it will mess up everything — maybe even destroy it!
“Marinette, I’m your very best friend.”
“And I… I’m Ladybug.”
If this isn’t a coming out scene, I don’t know what is.
Of course, Marinette progressively steps into her role as a superheroine and learns to navigate her relationships accordingly — but she’s still carrying this secret that sets her apart from the rest of the world. It’s the othering, isolating part of queerness, and it’s really well portrayed throughout the seasons.
2. The Adrigaminette-to-Lukadrinette pipeline
I cannot not mention it, because what the hell was going on here.
Adrigaminette felt less like a love triangle and more like the girls voting themselves out of the polycule in quick succession. We got an entire episode of the three of them running around, holding hands and jumping in ballpits together. Both Adrien and Kagami went heart eyes over Marinette’s loose hair.
Then André came in with his cart and clown shoes and said “Nah you can’t all share the Magical Ice Cream Of Romance. :( Yeah sorry my ice cream is for two people and two people only. :( Also I guess I could serve Marigami and Marigami only but the flavours would taste gross together. :( Don’t look into the subtext too much” HE JUST HAD TO RUIN IT FOR THEM DIDN’T HE
I’m really happy he ruined it for them, for bird reasons, but still. Adrigami is also the one time we get to see Chat Noir ruin Adrien’s love life, and most of the fuel for my aroace Adrien thoughts, but I digress — LUKADRINETTE
Luka is in the unique position of knowing both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities, aka the most secret part of their souls, and immediately went in repression mode in Wishmaker upon finding out his two crushes were basically soulmates. It pays off in Migration, when he becomes their de facto safe place, the one person they know has both of their backs no matter what. Just look at the way they all look at each other:
With Marinette knowing she does not have to lie to him anymore and Adrien being Adrien. I’m sorry but in my mind they both independently proposed to him right then and there. This is the timeline I live in now.
Parenthesis over. Let’s get back to business:
3. Feligami Adrinette
By which I mean the themes explored throughout their relationship.
Adrinette’s story has always been about rescuing Adrien from the abusive environment he grew up in, as Marc and Nathaniel so helpfully drove across through their delightful storyboards:
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(Note the gender role reversal here, blurring the lines between Marinette and Ladybug as she takes on the role of the knight in shining armour, while Adrien is the princess locked away in her tower… Adrien’s gender deserves another other essay in itself, but for today, let’s just agree that he is Not Cis.)
In S5, this theme escalates into a full-on Romeo and Juliet situation. Gabriel and Tomoe are of course the main obstacles to Adrinette’s happy ending: given A. Gabriel’s history of forcing his son into a mold, B. the strict expectations placed on Tsurugi women and C. the oppressive, uniformly white world they want to create through Perfect Alliance (Perfect!!! Alliance!!! Rings!!! Marriage!!!), it’s not a stretch to see them as the messengers of a certain vision of masculinity, femininity and relationships. You see it, I see it, Marinette doesn’t see it because she’s too busy sobbing on the floor, which finally brings me to my favourite thing ever:
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“But Nina!” I hear you protest, “you’re making everything about Feligami again!” To which I reply: first of all, yes I am. Second of all, you can’t stop me. Third of all —
Third of all, characters don’t exist in a vacuum, and this is particularly true of the Adrinette & Feligami quartet. Kagami’s name literally means mirror; Felix is a foil to Adrien, of course, but also to Marinette (and Gabriel and Emilie and a bunch of other characters and I love him so much but let’s not stray too far from the point). Of course Feligami is going to parallel and contrast Adrinette, especially since Felix is Aware of the Themes and Motifs and has decided to make it everyone’s problem.
So in June (!) 2023, a little thing called Representation (!!) aired.
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There are sooo many things to say about the queer-coding of the Senti-lore in general and of Felix and Feligami in particular. Today, though, I want to draw your attention to the way the kids talk about themselves at the end of the play, drawing clear narrative links to the Love Square (and most specifically Ladybug):
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“You know what it’s like to not be able to love the one you want.”
“To constantly fight to save the people you love.”
“To have to lie all the time and never reveal who you truly are.”
[Wipes a single tear away] They grow up so fast…
At the end of the day, this is what both Feligami and the Love Square are all about: embracing who you are and the love you feel, no matter its form, in a world that perpetually tries to enslave and/or kill you for it. I don’t know about you, but I find it hella queer in nature.
Thank you for coming to my DUUSUTalk! 💙🦚
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Hi! I think Season 5 was a really weird time to invert the love square - it just kind of happens, and the reasons don’t feel very organic, to say the least - I think fandom already has enough to say about it (and hey, you’ve probably talked about it too!)
So if you had to do it (keeping in mind 5 seasons, and canon’s overall structure), where would you invert it? I’ve had this question for a while, and recently arrived to, I’d do it in Miracle Queen, possibly show Marinette or Adrien reconsidering in a post credit scene (or in general, after the scene where they’re all sitting and Marinette goes for Luka). Main reason for me is, Miracle Queen is pretty inconclusive on the shipping aspect - it opens with Adrien being uncertain of his relationship with Kagami, and ends with Adrien still unsure, and Marinette finally accepting Luka.
On the Marinette side, that last part might seem pretty conclusive, but after she suffered a major loss (going with canon’s “Marinette lost Fu” here despite the many problems I have with the way Fu was written), I think the emotional void really couldn’t be properly filled with Luka, and had Chat Noir’s character not gone down the drain after the season finale, he’d be the only real option Marinette can consider even talking to - temp heroes outed, kwamis being glorified toys, barely anyone even knowing Fu and all that. In my ideal world, she would’ve at least moved on from Adrien (wherein canon of course has to insist on the OTP), and I feel Chat Noir fills the void very naturally.
On the Adrien side, I think him interrupting the kiss was a sign of him not knowing what he wants out of a relationship in general - he seemed to be moving on from Ladybug in Hearthunter, and the Ladynoir in Miracle Queen to me felt much closer to them being together against the world (which is… exactly what the episode says out loud), not falling in love. I don’t think Kagami would want a relationship with Adrien after that whole mess (and that did end up being the case), so the closest non Ladybug option would be Marinette. So not a random “I love Marinette because she’s so nice and she kissed me after I pranked her” (canon please 🙄), but more of a “Marinette has always been so nice to me, instead of bothering Ladybug even more I’ll at least try getting a little closer to Marinette” and things develop from there on out.
But Season 4 threw my hope and dreams onto a burning landfill so that was cool. Anyways, how would you structure it? This got a bit long haha
Don't apologize, that was an interesting and quite good argument for flipping the crushes at Miracle Queen. I hadn't really thought about it before, but that would have been a much more satisfying way to shake things up in season four instead of waiting until season five and then speed running the flip only to immediately undo Marinette's side of the flip all within six episodes. I think that your alternate season four could have worked, though it would require season four to really lean into the ending of season three instead of largely ignoring it.
Since you asked where I'd do it if I had to flip the crushes, I'll give you my thoughts, but first I want it put on the record that I hate the idea of both crushes flipping mid-show. One crush flipping feels reasonable, but both? At the same time? That's really hard for me to buy, especially since you'd have to do it pretty quickly given the way canon is structured. You can't drag things out for episodes at a time. Most things take, at most, two episodes.
I'm also not sure what the point of flipping the crushes is. It feels less like narrative progression and more like a stalling tactic since the love square will only get together if one crush flips. Both crushes? Same square, different angle (I jokingly call it the love diamond.)
And yet, canon actually managed to pull off a very solid reverse crush setup. If season five had started off with the crushes flipped, then I would have totally believed it. Marinette just had her crush on Adrien cost her all of the miraculous. That's a very good way to kill a crush just like finding out Chat Noir's identity is a very good way to banish her fears from that event, allowing her to have the confidence to stay with Adrien post-reveal.
Similarly, Adrien just spent a whole season being sad about Ladybug not giving him enough attention, leading up to an episode where Marinette saw that he was suffering and reached out (if only because of magic). I absolutely believe that he'd start falling for Marinette and be less upset with Ladybug post-reveal now that he knows that she has been supporting him all along. He was just looking for support on the wrong side of the mask.
Instead of taking advantage of that setup, canon delayed the flip a few episodes and made it wholly unbelievable. They really give us an episode where Ladynoir got married and had children, followed it up with the episode where the crushes flipped, and then tried to convince us that Marinette was the one who hadn't really fallen in love with Chat Noir. Marinette. The girl whose deepest desire is apparently marriage and children with Chat Noir. But her love isn't real? Really? Yet Adrien is really over Ladybug?
Bull. Shit.
Jubilation is not that setup you go with if Adrienette is your goal. It's the setup for Ladynoir.
Anyway, back to your question! As I detailed above, season five's intro episodes feel like the most obvious place to flip the square. I'd also be interested to see someone do it at Miracle Queen like you discussed, though it would be much less straight forward than season five, making it a better fit for a fanfic than canon in my opinion as I think you'd be hard pressed to do it well within the confines of canon's structure.
My other top choice is Origins because I am a love diamond purist. I think that it's the easiest way to fix a lot of canon's issues. For example: Marinette hanging magazine clippings of her friend/crush all over her walls for all to see with the full knowledge that she actually knows this guy? Kinda weird. Why are you writing it like she has a celebrity crush and not a "real person" crush?
Marinette hanging magazine clippings of her secret hero partner all over her walls? Totally understandable. It's not like she can act like it's a "real person" crush without giving herself away or looking unhinged. Plus how else is she supposed to get pictures of him? It's not like she can take some of her own. That would lead to a lot of awkward questions! She'd also have no reason to think that he'd ever see her shrine. 😈
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I was just thinking that given that Lila/Cerise is going to be a/the main antagonist in the future, it's a good thing that the Miraculous team now seem to have Félix on their side (and in their friend group too I suppose) as he might be the only one who will be able to see through her future's alias lies.
I mean, sure Marinette saw through her the first time, but not only was her jealousy over Adrien a major factor, she also knew for a fact that Lila didn't know Ladybug.
Similarly, Adrien, being Chat Noir, could find it suspect that Ladybug would be friend with a civilan, let alone one who talked about it so freely. What's more, while he might be a bit naive at times, his fame has him used to liars up to a point.
The rest of their friends though all seem pretty willing to trust her. I guess the only odd-one-out is Luka who I believe never interacted with her.
If she goes with more subtle lies, the way I seem to remember she did with Kagami, not lies about extraordinary achievements or famous acquaintances, but lies or implicit suggestions about interpersonal relationships, I'm not sure any if the Miraculous holders will see through it.
Félix might be the only exception in my eyes. While he seems to be somewhat sheltered, like Adrien and Kagami, and thus not the best when it comes to social cues and conventions, he is the most wary, the one most used to fend for himself. He is naturally suspicious where Adrien would give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure if his Miraculous might give him an additional advantage (make him some kind of empath), but that's also something to keep in mind. His own acting skill might be, to our knowledge, limited to imitating his cousin, but his skills as a magician might help him catch Lila/Cerise red-handed at some point. And he has shown an ability to come up with ambitious plans and to achieve his goals through a variety of means that only Lila/Cerise can rival with so far.
The rest of them are just too "innocent".
Though Luka could also be a candidate, due to his "empath" music skills.
For both of them though, there is the question of how much interaction they might actually have with Lila/Cerise as they have been rather secondary characters so far. And the show seems to stubbornly only focus on Marinette/Ladybug, and Adrien/Chat Noir to a lesser extent. The start of a new villain arc would be a great time to change the dynamic, but I'm not very optimistic regarding the probability of this actually happening (this is a kids' show with a vested (economic) interest to keep focusing on the friendly heroine and her cool & gentlemanly sidekick, rather than the deeper, somewhat ambivalent secondary characters).
In the end I wouldn't be surprised if they have Marinette being the one to see through her because of Lila/Cerise's animosity towards her and Ladybug. Possibly with Adrien/Chat Noir being taken advantage of, with the true circumstances of his father's death being kept from him by Ladybug, and Lila/Cerise telling him the truth or something close to it, plus not having "been there to save his father" and him still being just "one of the (Miraculous) team" getting to him.
If they are going to stick to Marinette and Adrien instead of giving a bigger role to secondary characters, let's hope they at least make it somewhat interesting by having Marinette completely falling for the "new girl's" friendly attitude and Adrien being the suspicious one.
But yeah, fingers crossed for more Félix screen time (he's definitely the most interesting character so far, toeing the line between "good and bad") and him being key to "defeating" Lila/Cerise. And in general to more "mature" storylines than what we've had so far. And/or more realistic ones.
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IOTA Reviews: Perfection
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This is another Lila episode, so get ready for dumb writing and lies only an infant would find convincing.
Let's get into the twelfth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Perfection
We start off with a sort of funny scene of Ladybug and Cat Noir doing heroic things while casually discussing the new relationships they're both in, unaware that they're talking about each other. It's less the irony that I like, but just the visuals showing how they're so experienced as superheroes at this point, they can casually chat while saving people.
Of course, even though the last scene confirmed that Marinette and Adrien are officially dating after four and a half seasons, the main conflict for the civilian plotline is that Marinette somehow isn't able to simply tell Adrien that she loves him. So basically, even though they're now in a relationship, the show is still going to rely on Marinette stuttering around Adrien like an idiot. Oh, thank God! I thought the writers were actually going to have Marinette and Adrien talk with each other like humans beings for a second there.
We then get a montage of Marinette struggling to get closer to Adrien, stumbling around and breaking stuff as if she was a character in an infomercial, culminating in a scene where Marinette attempts to confess to a picture of a cow, only to say “I love moo” instead. Get used to her saying this, because it's going to be a running gag.
During the aforementioned montage, we get a decent moment where Lila helps Chloe realize she needs to be more discreet when it comes to screwing with Marinette instead of her usual blunt attitude, which does a good job showing the one thing that sets Chloe and Lila apart: Their approaches to dealing with Marinette. It's not much, but it's something.
Meanwhile, the writers remembered Adrien is a musician, as he wrote a song for Marinette. A bunch of their friends come over to the Liberty, including Kagami.
Adrien: It's great to see you here, Kagami. You get to hear the song I wrote for Marinette.
Kagami: You made your feelings clear and you're dealing with them. That's good. I'm very proud of you.
Man, even the characters are glad the Love Square is finally going somewhere.
After another scene where Marinette once again tries to confess to the picture of a cow (the writers are really running with this gag, aren't they?), Adrien starts to perform the song he wrote for Marinette. Fun Fact: Adrien was originally going to sing a cover of that one song from Miami Connection, but Luka helped convince him that it would be better if he used his own song instead.
As for the song itself? Well, the music itself is nice, but the lyrics? They're decent, showing how Adrien doesn't want anything complex from his relationship with Marinette, but I'm just going to say it: I don't like the way Bryce Papenbrook sings. Like, I don't know how to describe it. It's not awful, but I just don't like the way he delivers the lyrics. He just sounds so monotone when he sings, which makes it hard to take this grand romantic gesture seriously.
Marinette once again struggles to tell Adrien she loves him, so we get even more of Marinette blaming other things for her hesitance, but not before we get more jokes about the cow picture.
Marinette: I'm just grabbing the cow to tell Adrien that I love him because I have the "I love" but not the “moo”. I know it's ridiculous. I'm ridiculous.
You know, at least C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa, a show full of cow puns, actually did more with the jokes instead of just saying the words “cow” and “moo”.
Kagami tries to talk to Marinette, only for her to essentially be ignored. After Marinette transforms into Ladybug as an excuse to get out of there, Kagami then decides to call Lila about Marinette failing some kind of “friendship test”.
Kagami: You were right, Lila. I checked every box on your friendship test. Marinette doesn't consider me her best friend. I'm not even sure she ever considered me a friend.
Lila: Oh, no, Kagami... I'm so sorry she didn't see all the effort you've been making to get closer to her. Someone as amazing as you deserves a more considerate friend and... I'd be honored to be that friend.
I know I used this clip last time, but this is essentially the same problem I had there. Lila only had a single line in this episode before this scene, and it was her talking to Chloe, and I don't think Lila and Kagami have even shared a scene together before this episode, much less exchange numbers. Yeah, Kagami had been checking off things on a sheet of paper earlier in the episode, but we never got any explanation as to where and when Lila even gave her the friendship test. While we know that Lila's test was obviously fake, it seems out of character for Kagami to be this gullible, given that she was able to easily see through Adrien's lies last season (Lies).
Kagami then decides to just give up on having friends entirely, deleting all of her contacts except her mother's. I'm not sure if it was an animation error, or if the writers forgot, but for some reason, Adrien wasn't listed in there. We then cut to Lila, cutting Marinette's face out of some random pictures she got.
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The scene's clearly supposed to be menacing, but I'd be more invested if I actually knew why Lila was so obsessed with Marinette outside of Marinette telling her to stop being a liar.
Kagami goes somewhere so she can be alone where she cries, where Monarch senses this and akumatizes her into Ryukomori through her ring.
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Ryukomori's design is simple, but I think the concept behind it and use of Miraculous power makes it work. Monarch gives her the power to make it hard for her to see or hear anyone (insert your own Helen Keller joke here), and thanks to the Dragon Miraculous's Wind/Lightning/Water Dragon, Ryukomori is now a giant cloud person who can shoot lightning. Yeah, you have to wonder why Monarch gave her powers that would make it harder to see people, much less get Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous, but this is the kind of stuff I wanted to see from the Miraculous powers used this season: Past heroes getting akumatized and having perverted versions of the powers they're familiar with.
Adrien sees this and transforms into Cat Noir, meeting up with Ladybug and showing her the friendship test he found earlier. Ladybug and Cat Noir try to talk with Ryukomori, but in her current state, it's hard to talk to her, so they'll need to find a different way to communicate. Ladybug and Cat Noir try arranging some cars into a kanji sign.
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Hey, this is a French show! I'm supposed to be seeing french words I don't understand, not Japanese words I don't understand.
Ryukomori ignores the kanji, so now, the two have to come up with another plan while Monarch goads her into trying to kill them so she can finally be alone, whipping up a storm in anger.
Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a box of ironing beads, and gets an idea. Cat Noir goes to Socqueline's art shop (because I guess the animators really want to get their money's worth out of this character model and set) for supplies while Ladybug assembles a bunch of her friends and shows her a picture she made using the beads, wanting to make a bigger one for Ryukomori to see by holding up these panels to reveal it.
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As simplistic as it is, it's a pretty cute visual, and it does the trick, causing Ryukomori to reject the Akuma. While I guess the Akuma was already de-evilized by Kagami, Ladybug hands her a Magical Charm as the students cheer for her.
Marinette apologizes to Kagami about how insensitive she was, but Kagami explains that she feels pressured to be perfect around others, which is meant to parallel Marinette's anxiety around Adrien. The two make up, and Marinette calls Kagami her best friend alongside Alya. Of course, Marinette somehow never asked about the friendship test, because that would actually clear everything up, and then we wouldn't have Kagami and Lila becoming friends again. Marinette and Alya talk about what exactly is keeping her from getting closer to Adrien, something that they'll figure out together. And so the episode ends with Tomoe storming into Gabriel's office that she endangered her daughter's life by akumatizing her... ignoring the last four times she's been akumatized (Riposte, Heroes' Day, Oni-Chan, Lies). In fact, if she's working with Gabriel, shouldn't she know Kagami was also Ryuko, and—okay, forget it, episode's over.
This episode was very hit or miss. The scenes with Ryukomori were well done. I like the way they called back to earlier episodes and how emotional the memories made Ryukomori, and the overall message of friendship was handled pretty well. But while I really like the way Ryukomori was handled, the road there was a pretty bumpy one. The subplot with Marinette wasn't funny, Adrien's song was really forgettable, and the writers just expect us to assume Kagami would fall for Lila's lies when earlier episodes have shown how perceptive she is. I get that the episode's probably setting up Kagami learning the truth in a later episode, it seems very out of character for her.
Overall, this episode just had a great Akuma fight, and a mediocre first half. Nothing too special, but it's still better than “Illusion” or “Determination”.
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While Marinette came close thanks for her inability to say three basic words, Kagami ended up taking the award home. Not only did she fall for Lila's lies without even questioning her, she assumed that Marinette didn't care for her in the slightest, and after that, decided she had no other friends, not even Adrien, and after everything that happened, she still chose to believe Lila even though her test ended up being false when earlier episodes showed her being able to see through lies.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
ML au: Lady of Second Chances (Season 2)
(Season 1)
-So Fu introduces himself and Marinette greets him.
-Marinette had thought about this before this meeting. How much she should tell him? Should she tell him.
-After some thought, she decided she should tell him, since she never finished her training and there is more she doesn’t know.
-She tells him that she was his student and that she knows a lot, explaining the cliff notes of what happened to him and what he taught her.
-Fu was surprised and believed her because what she knew about feast and Marianne. She had to be telling the truth.
-Marinette even explained how she made the akuma charms.
-Fu asks how much if the timeline she already altered?
-Marinette explained that she is trying to keep the core events the same, but certain things that were disastrous she can change.
-Fu decides to trust her judgement, but warns her that this could be dangerous, all this knowledge. So be sure that using this knowledge it is for the betterment. Which Ladybug agrees
-First thing Marinette does is tell Fu he should go introduce himself to chat noir and explain his story.
-“he’s trust worthy and all the waiting only causes issues.”
-Fu nods that he will make time after he decides the book.
-Gabriel still gets akumatized because he wanted to ensure ladybug and chat noir were off his trail.
-Gabriel never pulls adrien out of school since he had no reason to. But he makes up some bs to be mad about it.
-Ladybug tells Chat noir of her theory and just like in canon they beat collector.
-Ladybug gives Gabriel a charm so no akumatizations.
-Gabriel finds out how what the thing he gave her is and now realizes things will be tough since he can’t akumatize the same person 2 times in a row.
-Prime queen happens,but ladybug doesn’t let herself get flustered by the images this time. Ladybug leaves with much more tact and chat noir agrees that it wasn’t cool for this to be sprung on them. Though chat noir does mention he wishes he remembered the kiss.
-“Akuma involved kisses don’t count kitty.” Which Chat noir agreed that next kiss they have it will be unrelated to the akuma. Ladybug smiles and says that she agrees with that.
-Chat noir doesn’t suggest kissing plans, since after his talk with Ladybug, why would he jeopardize that? But ladybug suggests it though just like in canon, it was a fake out.
- despair bear, Gigatitan, Befana, and Frightningale are all the same. Marinette taking Fu’s advice and not altering things too much.
-Riposte has Marinette determine that Kagami won. Since she is a bit more measured around Adrien. Which prevents the akuma, but also does shift how Kagami views Adrien and Marinette. Kagami still has her confidence and doesn’t view Adrien as a flirty rival. Marinette wonders if that correction was for the right call.
-Troublemaker changes. Marinette remembers the live show and hides all her pictures in advance. Also locking her door. Troublemaker happens but Marinette doesn’t end up humiliated. Adrien does check on Marinette because her home was attacked, but it’s less embarrassing for her. Though Adrien knows cause chat noir knows.
-Gorizilla is the same but Marinette is not in her pj’s she actually bothered to change
-Sapotis, Anansi are both the same cause hero debuts
-Syren changed. Chat noir met Fu much earlier so he doesn’t have the hang up he had. Ladybug and chat noir already had the potions thanks to Marinette knowing half the recipes. Syren was beat easy
-Reverser was avoided because Marinette handled the exchange better. No misunderstandings
-Captain hardrock still happened because the reason the akuma happened was stupid. Marinette meets Luka, but after everything she remembered, she thinks just keeping him as a friend is better in the long run, plus mentally she got over him already. So it’s still awkward for her. She manages.
-Glaciator is actually avoided. So Ladybug remembered the confusion that happened over this and tells chat noir she couldn’t make it, but that they could schedule another time. Which Chat noir agrees with. So no miscommunication to be had. Adrien sneaks out to get ice cream with his friends instead of prepping the romantic dinner. Which means Adrien is there and he has ice cream with Marinette. Which also adds more to Adrien’s muddled feelings.
-Frozer doesn’t happen because After riposte, Kagami and Adrien never get that close. They fence but it’s the event of riposte that made it happen.
-Zombizou happens because it’s important for Chloé’s growth. And Marinette still thinks what bustier said was dumb. Robostus and dark owl both happen.
-So Marinette gets to the day of the fashion week. And she had to contemplate if she lets things happen as is or if she fixes it. Marinette decides to alter course. By giving the bee to Chloe. Seeing if this would help change some things.
-Bee Chloe helps and thanks to her they beat style queen. The problem this time was that Chloé didn’t want to give up the bee. Resulting in queen wasp. Just a slight alteration to the plot.
-Gabriel doesn’t give up because he picks up on the fact that the super heroine bee is going against ladybug. He could use that.
-Chloe had ditched her akuma charm as she felt she didn’t need it with her powers. And things took a turn.
-Queen wasp ends up happening and Chloe realizes ladybug is right. Apologizing, saying she just wanted to be exceptional… to make her mom proud.
-So Maledikator doesn’t happen because, due to the events of Queen wasp. Chloe never exposed herself and doesn’t try to gloat she was queen bee. So her presentation was different.
-Sandboy was basically unchanged but Marinette warned the kwami that Hawkmoth was in control and nixed the plan. So less struggle of finding the kwamis
-So this is where things shift. So Volpina didn’t happen, because Marinette intercepted early. Also, it should be noted that Marinette did tell Alya that Hawkmoth might go after Lila if he saw that interview. Which Alya agreed and took it down.
-Marinette is still annoyed with Lila’s lies. But right now she’s harmless.
-Lila never got akumatized and has no hatred for ladybug or chat noir. The only person she isn’t stoked on is Marinette. But like it was only one interruption. So Lila doesn’t think much of it. I guess she sees how popular the heroes are and gets jealous. So Hawkmoth akumatizes her. To get the events going. (And for the sake of laziness, I say sure)
-Hawkmoth had Catalyst make it so he could akumatize a bunch of people. AND ignore the charm. Which because work arounds. It worked.
-Ladybug does assemble her team. But here is the big question. (Which I leave up to you all)
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mlwritersguild · 6 months
Luka/Marinette/Adrien/Kagami - No One Can Know That I Know That He Knows That She Knows That One Thing
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The response to this prompt is a collaborative effort by @galahadwilder and @deinde-prandium!
Luka wasn’t an idiot, but there were times he suspected Kagami thought he was. In fairness to him, however, it wasn’t exactly his fault that he was trying to put some space between them since accidentally discovering that she was Ryuuko. It’s not that the news upset him or anything. It was just…he was now at three secret identities that he’d discovered, all without even trying. And he wasn’t even a Guardian! As good as he was at projecting an air of calm around Marinette and Adrien, somehow knowing about Kagami as well threatened to set him off kilter. Honestly, he didn’t know how Marinette did it, keeping the kinds of secrets she did. But it’s not like he could talk to her about the situation…or Adrien, for that matter. He shuddered to think how awkward the conversation would go if it turned out that his boyfriend, a superhero, didn’t actually realize his boyfriend and girlfriends were also superheroes…
No. He just needed time to process. And to figure out what to do. The important thing was, no one could know that he knew. 
Kagami wasn’t an idiot, but she certainly felt like Luka was treating her like one. It’s not like she’d treated him any differently when she accidentally discovered he was Viperion— not that she told him that she knew, but still. Then again, it was one thing knowing Viperon’s secret identity, but quite another to learn the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. That discovery had thrown her for a loop, even though she really should have seen it coming, and now she found herself wishing she had a confidant. Talking to Adrien about it was out of the question, and Marinette— as the Guardian, she had enough on her plate. Luka, on the other hand…he would be an excellent secret keeper, if only it didn’t feel like he was avoiding her. Did he suspect that she knew about him? Hmm. 
Whatever Luka’s motives for avoiding her, perhaps he had the right idea. No matter how awkward things got, it was critical that no one knew that she knew. 
Adrien wasn’t an idiot, but he was starting to wonder if Marinette thought he was. Kagami had blown her identity on her first time out, and Miracle Queen had shown Luka’s directly to Hawkmoth, but only Marinette wasn’t allowed to have a Miraculous back after only he had seen her? Sure, do whatever it takes to protect your identity, but then. Luka—Viperion—had found out his, somehow, and she hadn’t seemed surprised. Which meant she knew and didn’t tell him. That hurt. He wanted to ask her about it, but he wasn’t supposed to know who she was, was he? She’d been adamant that nobody was supposed to know, but apparently it was just nobody but him.
He could get the picture. He wasn’t let in, again. And that was fine. He still cared about her, about all of them, even if they didn’t about him, so it’s not like anyone really needed to know he was hurting. It’s not like anyone needed to know he knew.
Marinette wasn’t an idiot. Both of her boyfriends, and her girlfriend, were all avoiding each other. Clearly there’d been some kind of fight, and all of them were… mad? Maybe?
Okay, maybe she was an idiot. Because she had no idea what had happened, why none of them were talking, and none of them were telling her anything. She’d gotten so engrossed in her duties as Ladybug, and the Guardian, that she hadn’t really kept up with her datemates, so she’d clearly missed something, and she had no idea what. And she couldn’t just ask them—they’d flip out and be mad at her and they’d stop being able to protect Paris and then Monarch would win and the city would be overrun by Nazi Zombies! No, she needed a plan. Some way to investigate what had happened. Maybe she could get the rest of Operation Secret Garden involved in her scheme? It didn’t matter. Whatever it took, she had to know.
Want to participate in this month’s event? Check out the rules, and send us a prompt!
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redtippedfox · 11 months
I’m not sure if you answered this before but can you give us a timeline for the Corrupted Holders AU like how long has Gabriel been Monarch, how long were the temp heroes holders before Felix stole the Miraculous, how long did they all fight Gabriel as Hawk Moth and Shadow Moth also I was curious are you planning on sticking to the canon powers or are you planning on changing them at all like I was curious how Ziggy and Orikko’s powers would all play out specifically
Timey Wimey Timeline:
Spoilers underneath:
Marinette and Adrien become heroes at the age of 13, Season 1 is one year, and Akuma attacks happen every week or month.
Season 2 is two years, Marinette turns 14, and Adrien turns 15, Kagami and Luka enter the picture but there is no romance yet. Marinette and Adrien start hanging out, Marinette starts to lose hope.
Season 3 is two years, and Marinette is now 16 and Adrien is now 17, Marinette slowly loses feelings for Adrien and begins having romantic feelings for Chat Noir as she starts to hang out with him more, Chat Blanc happens, and Marinette becomes Guardian. Adrien starts dating Kagami, Marinette starts dating Luka.
Season 4 is one year, Marinette struggles with her Guardianship and the consequences of Chat Blanc, and Adrien feels left out and alone. Luka and Marinette date for four months, and Kagami and Adrien date for three.
Season 4: Rewritten: Events that happen
Lies- Kagami dumps Adrien, Adrien is now single and sad, and Marinette is still dating Luka
Gang of Secrets-The girls are worried about Marinette due to the lack of sleep and her missing on dates with Luka. Marinette does not reveal her identity to Alya, she instead talks to Chat Noir about the pressure and he offers to help, Chat Noir becomes Co-Guardian(He has certain kwami babysitting days)
Mr.Pigeon 72- Ladybug and Chat Noir are trying to decipher the grimoire and make some potions. Marinette finds out that Kagami broke up with Adrien and goes to support her friend and try to get them together. Chat Noir figures out the grimoire and both heroes get upgrades. Adrien hangs out with Marinette.
Psycomedian- Adrien finds Marinette's humor funny, Ladynoir bonding, Marinette's nightmares about Chat Blanc begin.
Furious Fu- Su Han appears Marinette feels insecure about her being Guardian, Chat Noir shuts Su Han down and reminds him that times have changed and he hasn't helped at all with Shadowmoth. Su Han goes after Fu. Marinette proves herself to Su Han but Chat Noir keeps an eye on him. Su Han doesn't like Chat Noir but grows fond of Marinette. Marinette's duties as Guardian grew due to Su Han and his teachings.
Truth- Marinette breaks up with Luka after four months together due to Shadowmoth's more persistent attacks and Su Han's teachings and giving Marinette more duties.
Sole Crusher- Two weeks later Zoe meets Marinette. After Chloe's betrayal, Chloe is more silent and lashes out more, suddenly Audrey reappears after years of being gone and brings a half-daughter with her. Chloe feels replaced and lashes out. Zoe meets the friend group. Chloe feels replaced and starts distancing herself from others. Sabrina starts gaining freedom.
Queen Banana- Chloe is lashing out, Zoe is making friends, and Adrien is somewhat happy to spend time with Marinette and doesn't know why he is happy that she broke up with Luka. Zoe becomes Vesperia temporarily. Marinette has her first chosen as Guardian and has a Bee in her order. After seeing Vesperia, Chloe feels replaced entirely and breaks. Chloe ends her friendship with Sabrina. Zoe starts worrying about her half-sister.
Gabriel Agreste- Felix comes back to Paris to steal the ring, Felix is an asshole to Adrien, and Marinette sneaks in under suspicion that Gabriel Agreste might be Shadowmoth. Felix finds out that Gabriel is Shadowmoth and starts to take an interest in the Miraculouses and in Ladybug. Marinette holds onto her theory that Gabriel is Shadowmoth. Gabriels allies make deals with Gabriel about the Miraculouses.
Mega Leech- Polymouses debut
Guiltrip- Pigella’s debut, Ladybug talks to Chat Noir about his feelings and the two support each other
Crocoduel- Purple Tigress’s debut, Marinette talks to Luka, Adrien grows a bit jealous when seeing Luka and Marinette together. Chat Noir treats Purple Tigress like a sister.
Sentibubbler- Shadowmoth targets Alya believing that she has the Fox Miraculous, Pegabug and Chat Noir save the day. Alya is assigned the Fox Miraculous in secret and has to report to Chat Noir by the end of everyday, Rena Furative debuts. Shadowmoth starts targeting the previous holders.
Glaciator 2- Paris is obsessed with Ladynoir pestering Ladybug and Chat Noir. Both hero’s are annoyed and a bit upset that it can’t be true as they both have feelings for each other but Ladybug is traumatized by Chat Blanc and denies it harshly. Adrien is upset at the thought that Ladybug will never love him, Marinette sees Adrien in the park and goes to check up on him. Marichat talk to each other about feelings. Marinette is falling more in love with Chat Noir but is heartbroken as she remembers Chat Blanc. Adriens feelings are confused.
Rocketear- Nino fears Alya is cheating on him with Chat Noir, Nino tells his fears to Adrien who does his best to support his friend. Alya lies to Nino. Rocketear beats Chat Noir up, Marinette is horrified and scared for her partners safety. Ladybug tells Rena Furative to talk to Nino. On patrol Carapace talks to Chat Noir, Chat Noir reassures Nino that he is not in love with Rena Rouge and he would never do that to his turtle friend. Caracpace says he will help Chat Noir win Ladybug over.(Bros for life, fuck you zag my boy Nino would never). Nino is in on the Rena Furative secret with Ladybug and Chat Noir. Caracpace becomes the protector of secrets.
Wishmaker- Luka finds out Ladybug and Chat Noirs secret Identities, he does not tell them. He talks with Sass after battle, Sass tells Luka that Adrien and Marinette are soulmates. Luka is respectful but heartbroken. The snake begins to know all.
Dearest Family- Tikki gets hangry, Marinette learns more about the kwamis and their history. Marinette gets a glimpse of Tikki’s real form and makes sure Tikki never goes hangry again.
Ephemeral- Su Han manipulates Marinette into revealing Chat Noirs identity, Adrienette start to date after reveal, Gabriel akumatizes his son. Luka stops the wish and learns of the consequences of what happens when Creation and Destruction reveal identities when there is still a threat, Marinette is murdered by Gabriel, Adrien is forced to watch the love of his life die. Bunnyx separates the timeline and resets everything. Marinette wakes up with ‘neck pain’.
Penalteam- The class play soccer, Marinette creates the Miraculous team, Sabrina proves herself to earn the Dog Miraculous by sticking up to Chloe who is still lashing out. Rooster Bold, Minotaurax, Caprikid, and Miss Hound debut. The Miraculous Team is created and official.
Risk- After half a year, the Miraculous Team is official in Paris and are constantly joining Ladybug and Chat Noir on patrol. Chat Noir still feels sad about the team but has warmed up to them and treats them like his family. Risk happens, Adrien and Felix switch places. Felix pretends to be Adrien, Ladybug is affected by Risk and old feelings begin to rise. Adrien is conflicted with how his father treats him.
Strikeback- Felix finds the fake Peacock Miraculous, Ladybug and Chat Noir argue, Pennybug finds Felix and believing he is Adrien gives him the Dog Miraculous, Felix is amused and interested in Ladybug. Felix uses Fetch on Ladybugs yo-yo. Strikeback is defeated, Felix makes a deal with Gabriel. Ladybug realizes that Felix was pretending to be Adrien. Marinette’s trust and feeling of safety is shattered. Felix trades all the Miraculouses for the Peacock. Ladybug breaks down in Adriens bathroom sobbing over the lost Miraculouses. Adrien listens to his partners heartbreaking cries. Monarch is born. Chat Noir supports Ladybug and Marinette’s feeling for Chat Noir starts to show and Chat Noir realizes he can’t stop thinking about Marinette.
Season 5 rewritten:
Evolution- Ladynoir steal the rabbit Miraculous back from Monarch, Bunnyx debut, Alix begins her duty as time Guardian. Marinette is depressed after having the Miraculouses stolen from her, Marinette says goodbye to Fluff and is all alone. Adrien can’t stop thinking about Marinette. Marinette cries in a very empty room.
Multiplication- Adrien admits that he is in love with Marinette but Marinette seems to want nothing to do with Adrien, Marinette’s hopes of getting the Miraculouses back one by one are shattered when Ms. Tsurgi reveals no Mouse Miraculous on her. Marinette becomes depressed and begins rejecting everyone of Adriens attempts to kiss her.
Destruction- Monarch attempts to find Ladybug through the kwamis, Monarch goes on a wild goose chase, Monarch is cataclysmed. Gabriel melts the Miraculouses down creating the Miraculous rings, the magic in the Miraculouses begin to malfunction leaving the Miraculouses vulnerable. Adrien stops modeling, Marinette supports him. The alliance rings are published. Monarchs reign begins
Jubilation: Marinette is unhappy with how Gabriel uses Adriens image and how he treats his son, Marinette saves Socqueline, Dark Owl traps Ladybug and Chat Noir in the gift using the Pig Miraculouses power, Ladynoir get married and live the lives they dreamed of having. Ladybug realizes its a dream and Chat Noir breaks over realizing its not real. Ladynoir kiss and accept that they can’t be with each other till Monarch is defeated. Chat Noir almost cataclysms Dark Owl. Ladynoir lose hope.
Determination- Adrien goes to the wax museum with Kagami who promised to help him win Marinette over, Marinette doesn’t want to be left alone with Adrien and calls Luka. Adrien grows jealous seeing Luka with Marinette. Kagami and Luka meet. Adrien flirts with an uncomfortable Marinette. Marinette realizes she’s over Adrien but Adrien is only falling harder.
Passion- Lady Noire is thirsty for Misterbug that’s it.
Reunion- Marinette meets Joan of Arc who tells her story of her time as Ladybug, Joan tells Marinette how heavy their duty is and Marinette realizes she can’t be in a relationship until her duty as Ladybug is over only then can she be free. Adrien tries flirting with Marinette. Paris begins blaming Ladybug for losing the Miraculouses, Marinettte’s insecurities start coming back.
Monarchs reign continues for 8 years.
I left out a few details that will be in the story but here is the timeline, I did this on short notice but here ya go!
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 31 - Captain Hardrock
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix leaned back in her desk chair as she worked on her assignments. She glanced up at the time, mindful of it for when she needed to head to Jagged Stone’s concert tonight. She sighed and took deep breaths when her phone rang. She picked it up to a video call with Rose and Juleka. Both Rose and Juleka were decked out in Jagged Stone merch.
            “Well, this is a surprise. Heading to the concert tonight?” Alix asked.
            “Yup. We called to see if we all wanted to go together?” Rose asked.
            “We?” Alix echoed.
            “Yeah. Didn’t you get a ticket too?”
            “Uh, no.”
            “What? But you looked relieved when you and Adrien took your stockings. I thought for sure you got one.”
            “Yeah, sorry, but I didn’t.”
            “Oh! I’m so sorry. I should have asked instead of assuming. I-!” Rose started.
            “Rose, it’s all good. I don’t mind. Besides, it’s probably best that I don’t go. A Christmas party is one thing. A stadium full of smelly strangers is another.”
            “Hey, check out Luka,” Juleka interrupted.
            Alix tilted her head as Juleka turned the camera around to him. The tips of his hair were dyed a teal-ish blue and messed up akin to Jagged Stone’s hair. His usual black hoodie replaced with a blue zip-up with a jean jacket over it.
            Alix whistled. “Looking good, Luka.”
            Luka’s eyes widened as he blushed.
            “Make sure to get lots of pictures.”
            “Oh, you bet. There’s no way we aren’t. It’s a Jagged Stone concert after-,” Juleka started.
            Juleka and Luka’s mom, Anarka stormed into view. “What is this mutiny I hear? A Jagged Stone concert? None of my crew shall pay that wretch a visit. Do we have an accord, mates?”
            “Fuck! Run, Luka!” Juleka yelled.
            Alix raised a brow while Juleka’s screen blacked out and she heard muffled yells and breathing.
            “I hope they didn’t forget their tickets,” Alix remarked.
            “Oh, they’re good. Juleka knew something like this would happen, so they had me hold onto the tickets.”
            “So, what is the deal? Why does their mom not want them to see Jagged Stone’s concert? I thought she was the ‘do whatever you want’ type of mom.”
            “I’m not sure. As long as I’ve known, Anarka hates Jagged Stone with a fiery passion. I just don’t know why. You should have seen this one time when a Jagged Stone song came on the radio and Anarka threw the boombox into the Seine.”
            Alix grimaced. She pulled up her messages and warned Adrien of a potential Akuma that may come from Anarka if they see Juleka and Luka at the concert.
            “Well, I think you need to come to the rescue there, Rose, so I’ll let you go.”
            “Ok. I’ll be sure to get lots of pictures. Oh! And a souvenir. What size do you wear?”
            “You’re asking me that like we’re not the same size?”
            “Well, you are, uh, muscle-y? Uh, you know. You’re built, not like me.”
            “Right. See about an oversized shirt if you must. I’d rather have it to sleep in.”
            “You got it! Talk to after the concert.”
            Alix hung up and smiled. “Alright, Tikki, Ziggy, we have a concert to attend. Tikki, spots on.”
            Tikki disappeared into the earrings and transformed Alix into Bloody Bug. Bloody Bug headed out to the concert. She met up with Chat Noir, Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Carapace atop the stadium.
            “What’s up, dudes? Who’s ready to rock n’ rule?” Carapace asked.
            “You three head down. We likely have an Akuma coming here shortly,” Bloody Bug instructed.
            “Then shouldn’t we all wait?” Porcelet asked.
            “Nah. I don’t expect this to take long. Besides, we don’t want to rise suspicion.”
            “How about this then. You go down and I’ll stay up here with Porcelet?” Chat Noir offered.
            “Are you sure?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Yeah. I know the fans are just dying to see me, but they want to see their Bug more. Besides, I can handle this with Porcelet.”
            Porcelet gasped and beamed. “Really?”
            “Of course. We’re just as-.”
            Chat Noir was just off by cannon fire that hit the stadium. Screams erupted from the civilians in line. They looked out on the horizon as a flying ship approached with Anarka dressed up like a pirate captain. Bloody Bug snorted and took out her yo-yo.
            “Looks like she’s here sooner than expected. How about we start the pre-show here?”
            Bloody Bug and Chat Noir leapt from the stadium to the ship’s deck, followed by Carapace, Gallic Chick, and Porcelet.
            “Seize them!” Captain Hardrock commanded.
            Chains shot out to capture the heroes but were deflected as Carapace put a shield around them.
            Captain Hardrock laughed. “You aren’t going anywhere now, heroes. Trapped by your own doings.”
            “That’s where you’re utterly wrong. Allow me, Bloody Bug,” Gallic Chick said.
            Gallic Chick used Sublimation and used the power of chaos to create a field around herself. Captain Hardrock ordered the ship to seize them, but the chains that entered the field froze midair.
            “Woah! How did you think of this one?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Porcelet showed me some crazy villain that could use chaos to do things like this. Seemed useful enough,” Gallic Chick answered.
            “What are we waiting for? Take the ship! Throw the captain overboard!” Bloody Bug yelled.
            Carapace dismissed his shield as they followed Gallic Chick up to the helm. Bloody Bug used her Lucky Charm to create a pirate cutlass as she took on Captain Hardrock with Chat Noir. They dueled the captain while Porcelet, Gallic Chick, and Carapace destroyed parts of the ship in search of the Akuma. Gallic Chick destroyed the compass and released the Akuma. Bloody Bug glanced over, then kicked Captain Hardrock into the ship.
            “Cat, take the captain overboard! This ship’s about to go down.”
            Chat Noir grabbed Captain Hardrock and jumped off the ship. Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Carapace followed suit. Bloody Bug caught the Akuma before she jumped. She purified and released the Akuma before she used her Miraculous power, relocating Liberty back to the Seine. They landed outside the main entrance of the stadium. Everyone cheered for them while Bloody Bug and Chat Noir spoke with Anarka.
            “What happened? How did I get here?” Anarka asked.
            “You were akumatized. Probably the most fun we’ve had with an Akuma yet,” Bloody Bug commented.
            “Why were you akumatized?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Because my sweet little scallywags ran off to see that horrible Jagged Stone’s concert. And they know we’re not to speak or think about him under my roof.”
            “But why? What do you have against Jagged Stone?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “It’s… it’s a long tale, lass. But I cannot let Jagged see them. I cannot let them near him. Please, you have to get them out.”
            “Tell ya what, captain. Give us the names and what they looked like, and we’ll keep them busy. After all, it’s not just Jagged Stone they’d be meeting tonight, but all their heroes,” Bloody Bug offered.
            Anarka grumbled, then sighed. “Alright, lass. Their names be Luka and Juleka Couffaine. Juleka will look like me with her sweet round face, raven black hair with dyed purple tips, and with her grandmother’s piercing amber eyes. Luka… Luka won’t look like Juleka or me. His face is more angular, serene blue eyes, and raven black hair with blue dyed tips.”
            “Got it. We’ll find them and keep them from Jagged. You have my word, captain.”
            “Thank you, lass.”
            Bloody Bug nodded and headed off. She, Gallic Chick, and Carapace disappeared to recharge their kwamis while Chat Noir and Porcelet headed inside. Bloody Bug, Gallic Chick, and Carapace regrouped and slipped in backstage, meeting up with Jagged Stone, Chat Noir, and Procelet.
            “There she is! Bloody Bug! Welcome to the concert of the century by yours truly. You ready to rock n’ roll?” Jagged Stone asked.
            “Ready as I can be. Let’s rock Paris to its core.”
            Jagged Stone whooped and hollered as everyone got into position. Bloody Bug looked out at the crowd from the rafters with the others. She looked down at the VIP section, recognizing Rose, Juleka, Luka, Alya, Lila, and Marinette. She tilted her head seeing Alya standing away from Marinette. She wondered if what happened at the Louvre had caused a rift between them.
            Bloody Bug was pulled from her thoughts as the concert began. She jumped down with her team as the first song started. The crowd roared with cheers and praises as their heroes took the stage. Chat Noir smiled and nudged her, motioning to the audience. She smiled as she threw her yo-yo onto the rafters and swung around the concert. She high fived the concert goers, did aerial tricks, and landed in the crowd randomly.
            Bloody Bug soaked in the praise and admiration from everyone. She enjoyed the rush and pure, unfiltered joy it filled her with. She took to the air again when a shadow backstage caught her eye. She pulled herself to the ceiling and stared at it. She struggled to focus on it when glowing, fuchsia dots lined the blue shadow. She tilted her head as a fan unfurled with the same fuchsia dots along it, staring back at her like a million eyes. She closed her eyes and shook her head, then opened them again, but the shadow and the fuchsia eyes were gone.
            “Bug. What’s wrong?” Chat Noir yelled.
            Bloody Bug glanced over to see Chat Noir beside her with his claws dug into the ceiling. She hummed as she glanced back at where the shadow once stood. She looked around to find an explanation, but nothing could explain away what she saw.
            “Bug?” Chat Noir asked.
            “I saw something. I don’t know what it was, but it felt… unsettling. Like it was watching me.”
            “What do I look out for?”
            “Look for shadows moving. If you see any hint of blue or fuchsia, get me immediately and we’ll pursue it together.”
            Chat Noir nodded and fell back to the crowd. Bloody Bug took a breath before she joined him. They continued the theatrics for the rest of the concert while they kept an eye out for the mysterious shadow. The shadow didn’t make a reappearance even as the concert came to a close. Bloody Bug furrowed her brows in though when Chat Noir nudged her.
            “You ok?”
            “No. I saw something, and that something never showed back up.”
            “What are you thinking?”
            “Step lightly moving forward. Who or whatever that was meant for that encounter. That, I’m sure.”
            “Will do. For now, we have a meet and greet to attend to.”
            Bloody Bug sighed and followed Chat Noir backstage where Jagged Stone, their team, and the VIP ticket winners waited for them. She took a deep breath and forced a smile as she was separated from her team. She was pushed onto a seat next to Jagged Stone as people swarmed them.
            “Bloody Bug! I’m Alya Cesaire. I was hoping now you would answer some questions for the Ladyblog.”
            “Uh, sure?”
            Alya beamed. “Tell me, had you and Chat Noir met prior to your first meeting with Stoneheart?”
            “Uh, no. Not at all.”
            “What about the others? Gallic Chick? Porcelet? Carapace?”
            “Sorta? I knew of them. I guess.”
            “And what made you put together a team?”
            “It was a decision made by Chat Noir and I. We were just two people, and we can’t be everywhere all at once. It made sense to put together a team of people we trust.”
            “Was this idea pushed further along with incidents like, I don’t know, when Volpina and Heart’s Design kidnapped Adrien Agreste?”
            Bloody Bug stiffened. She glanced around the room. First at Marinette, who flinched and retreated to the back. Second to Lila, who tensed up and stared at Bloody Bug with wide eyes. Lastly to Chat Noir, whose attention turned fully to her and Alya.
            “It was one of many instances.”
            “And, if I may be so bold, what happened exactly that day? Why did the villains steal Adrien Agreste? Did they do anything to him?”
            Bloody Bug narrowed her eyes. “Something happened, yes. However, I will not share private information like that if it is within my power. If you want information like that, you’ll need to convince the victim to share the accounts of what happened. And with that, this charade ends.”
            “No need for it to continue. I have everything I need,” Alya said as she shot a glare at Marinette.
            “Well, that’s weird. Anyway, who’s next?” Jagged Stone asked.
            A few concert goers approached Jagged Stone while Rose, Luka, and Juleka approached Bloody Bug. Rose squealed and tackled Bloody Bug.
            “It’s so good to see you again, Bloody Bug! And under better circumstances too!”
            Bloody Bug grimaced and patted Rose’s head. “Yes, very, but off. I’m not the hugging type. You want that, go tackle Porcelet or Cat. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can get the cat to purr.”
            Rose’s eyes widened. “Chat Noir can purr? Seriously?”
            “Go find out.”
            Rose gasped and tackled Chat Noir. Juleka flinched and rushed after Rose. Bloody Bug snickered as Luka stepped up.
            “Uh, Bloody Bug? Do you… do you remember me?”
            “Your face is familiar. Would you be that kid that was Silencer? Luka?”
            Luka ducked his head down, took a breath, then raised it high and nodded.
            “I thought that was you. You did something different with your hair since then, haven’t you?”
            “Oh, yeah. Just today, actually. It was Jules idea. I don’t know if I’ll keep it yet.”
            “I hope you do. It looks good on you. Suits you both.”
            Luka blushed as he ruffled his hair. “Oh! Uh, thanks. And, well, thank you for everything else.”
            “What everything else?”
            “It’s… a little embarrassing, but you’ve inspired me. After that whole incident and that talk, I’ve done my best to be more like you.”
            “Like me?”
            “Yeah! You’re so strong and fierce, but even you have your own demons to fight. Despite them, you still hold your head high and live to the fullest. At least, from what we’ve all seen. It’s very… inspiring. You’re inspiring.”
            Bloody Bug smiled and messed up Luka’s hair. “Just be the best you that you can be and don’t forget to live for the here and now. If we get stuck in the past, we can’t live for the here and we certainly can’t see our future.”
            “I’ll keep doing my best.”
            “Good. Now go sit with your sister and the cat.”
            “What? But I was hoping to speak with Jagged.”
            “Yeah, well, your mother was akumatized because you two came here. And I made a promise that you two wouldn’t meet with Jagged to keep the peace.”
            “But-!” Luka started.
            “Ah, let them have this. I can handle any woman,” Jagged Stone boasted.
            Bloody Bug rolled her eyes. “Sure, you can, but I’m not about to have Anarka-.”
            Jagged Stone squeaked, jumped out of his seat, and cowered. “Anarka? She’s here? In Paris?”
            “Uh, yeah? She’s our mom,” Juleka commented.
            “Hold up. You and the boy here, your mother is Anarka? Anarka Couffaine?”
            Juleka nodded.
            Jagged Stone pursed his lips. He looked up as he counted on his fingers and went over different thoughts in his head.
            “You ok, Jagged?” Porcelet asked.
            “Huh? Oh, yeah. Uh, girl, I have one last question for you.”
            “I’m waiting.”
            “Would you and that boy’s birthday be roughly, what was it now, early March? Where you’ll be fifteen, yeah?”
            “Uh, yeah. How’d you-?”
            “Marvelous. Alright, back to the groupies!”
            Bloody Bug raised a brow as Jagged Stone returned to the other fans. She looked away as she remembered Anarka’s hatred for Jagged Stone, Jagged Stone knowing Luka and Juleka birthdays and age, and, looking at the two of them and from what Anarka said, seeing an eerie resemblance between Luka and Jagged. Her eyes widened as everything clicked.
            “Oh. That makes so much sense,” Bloody Bug muttered.
            “Bloody Bug?” Lila said.
            Bloody Bug broke from her thoughts and looked at Lila. “Yes?”
            “You wouldn’t mind if I get some pictures with my best friend, would you?”
            Bloody Bug rolled her eyes. “Alright. Let’s get this over with.”
            Lila beamed as she pulled Bloody Bug close for pictures. Bloody Bug moved through the motions until Lila kissed her cheek. Bloody Bug’s eyes widened as Lila stepped away.
            “Thank you, Bugaboo.”
            Bloody Bug furrowed her brow as unease brewed in her. Something would come of this.
            “Uh, Bloody Bug? I have a question for you,” Marinette said.
            “Alright. Out with it.”
            Marinette pulled out a folded note and handed it to Bloody Bug. Bloody Bug took and read the contents. She raised a brow as she read that Marinette wanted to talk with her, alone, in a few nights time. She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.
            Marinette gasped and hugged Bloody Bug. “Thank you.”
            Bloody Bug grimaced as she patted Marinette’s head. “Now, go.”
            Marinette nodded and moved to speak with Jagged Stone.
            Bloody Bug sighed and looked at the time. She whined seeing she had another hour of the meet and greet. She shut off her brain and moved on autopilot through the rest of the night. She said her good-byes once they were finished and headed home. She de-transformed and collapsed onto her bed.
            “I don’t ever want to do something like that again,” Alix groaned.
            “Well, hopefully you won’t have to,” Tikki reassured.
            “Fingers crossed, but I have to ask. Did you see what I did? That shadow?”
            Tikki nodded.
            “What was that?”
            “I’m not sure, but I have a feeling it might have been the peacock.”
            Alix gasped. “The peacock? What was it doing there? What did it want? Who has it?”
            Tikki shrugged. “It went missing with the butterfly brooch, so we don’t know. I know Master has been looking for it. And apparently Adrien’s cousin.”
            “Well, someone has it, and they can’t be up to anything good to be lurking in shadows.”
            “I agree. You both should be careful,” Ziggy butted in.
            Alix nodded. “We will, but we’ll have to also see what their true intentions are.”
            “Oh, what do you think they are?” Ziggy asked.
            “I’m not sure, but only time will tell now.”
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 11 months
Lady In Red
Chapter 4. Puzzle pieces
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2,747 words
"Earth to Adrien. Hello! Are you alright, kid?"
"Mmm?" Adrien asked absentmindedly, still tapping his chin with his fingers.
"Oh Lord, you both are so silly, you and your ladylove," Plagg sighed in frustration. "Gross! I can't bear all the lovey-dovey stuff and the heart eyes! I need my Camembert!"
While Plagg was munching a slice of Camembert, Adrien returned to his thoughts.
Could it be that Marinette was the love of his life? he asked himself.
He was the kind of guy who always listened to his heart. And now it was telling him he was right. So many things started making sense, clicking together like puzzle pieces.
He thought back to the day not so long ago, when the new ad was filmed at the pool. Marinette was there, and Adrien got so confused about the way he felt that he bumped his head against the car because he couldn't take his eyes off her.
And that day at Musée Grevin, when Marinette tried to kiss him while thinking he was a statue? This almost kiss affected him like an exploding bomb. The way he was freaking out afterwards was only comparable to the day his heart started beating for Ladybug—a real coup de foudre, that is.
That day at the ice rink—if he was being perfectly honest, he wasn't quite sure that what he felt back then upon seeing Marinette in Luka’s arms wasn't jealousy.
The way his heart was melting in his chest whenever he and Marinette slow danced together.
The warmth that filled his entire being when they cuddled together in the Startrain (he felt the same warmth filling him again at the very thought of Marinette pressing her head to his chest like a sleeping kitten).
The way he completely forgot how to breathe, and this is all due to seeing Marinette with her hair down.
And last but not least, the way he felt when Marinette confessed her love to Chat Noir out of nowhere. And although he rejected her, he still felt things.
No, this reverie will lead him nowhere.
Adrien had to make an effort to shake off the daydreams and think more clearly.
What if his heart was wrong? After all, he did not have enough proof. That's what his brain kept telling him.
Adrien rubbed his temples to get his thoughts in order. Then he captured a paper sheet and started scribbling down hastily:
"1. Ladybug wasn't there when Marinette had a birthday date with Evillustrator.
2. Marinette wasn't available when Ladybug attended the Nadja Chamack talk show. Alya was babysitting Manon for her, as she mentioned in her video call.
3. Marinette hid her mask during the filming of the music video for Clara Nightingale, just like I did, in order to avoid being recognised as a superhero.
4. The way Ladybug always seemed to despise Chloé.
5. Ladybug happened to be in New York at the same time as our class did.
6. The way how quickly my letter was delivered to Ladybug. It makes a lot of sense if Alya really is a confidant of Ladybug’s identity.
7. Both girls recently broke up with their boyfriends and are avoiding them now."
"What are you writing so fervently, kid?" Plagg asked suspiciously. "A new sappy poem to your lady in red?"
"Not really", Adrien answered absentmindedly.
He re-read what he had just written and sighed disappointedly.
All of this felt too far-fetched. That proved nothing. He was just clutching at straws.
These were indirect proofs that could be easily debunked by the mere fact that he once saw Ladybug and Marinette side by side.
Yeah, it happened only once, yet it was real.
The day madame Mendeleïev was akumatized and robbed them of their kwamis.
The memorable day he almost figured out Ladybug's identity to be… Marinette.
The day Marinette temporarily wielded almost all the miraculous.
Adrien's throat suddenly went totally dry.
Stop it, Adrien, he internally berated himself.
It might have been just a figment of his imagination. Just a coincidence. Just wishful thinking. Maybe he just really wanted it to be true.
Because if he were to be reasonable and rely on nothing but logic, there was no way Marinette could be Ladybug.
He was now sure that he was the guy Ladybug had been in love with all along.
But Marinette wasn't in love with him! Never has been. She had said so herself multiple times. She liked him as a friend, not as a love interest.
And the more Adrien thought of this, the duller the world around him was getting.
"What is it now, loverboy? Can't tell a good rhyme for "eyes"? You can try "french fries" or whatever."
Plagg's voice again. Adrien must have zoned out for a moment.
Adrien got up and started fumbling around in the desk drawer. It might be his last hope.
There it was—the love letter he got for Valentine's Day, which he believed to be from Ladybug.
And there was also that note from Marinette saying she would see him again tomorrow at school.
Adrien stood up and went to the window, staring into the distance.
It would be fine if he could get a sample of Ladybug’s handwriting.
Because, as nice as it was, the love letter still wasn't enough of a proof. It might've been just wishful thinking that the letter was from Ladybug.
Should he ask her about it when she comes next time?
"Drop it, kid! Just stop!"
Adrien looked up, completely dumbfounded.
Plagg was floating around in the air, holding the paper sheet Adrien had just covered with his thoughts on Ladybug's identity.
"Plagg, what are you do—"
"It's me who should be asking you what you're doing. But I already can see that."
Adrien scowled.
"Give it back to me, you sneaky cat!"
"Here, you can have it." Plagg scoffed, dropping the paper right into Adrien's extended hand. "Look, I see what you're trying to do here, and I don’t like it, like at all."
"Why not?" Adrien asked, staring with wide eyes at his kwami.
"Are you kidding me? Because trying to figure out Ladybug's identity will lead to nothing good, that's why. You know that all too well, boy," Plagg grumbled in a granddad's preachy tone.
"Do you mean I might be on to something, don't you?" Adrien asked mischievously.
"I didn't say that!" Plagg burst out. "Don't try to put words in my mouth!"
The room went quiet as a grave.
"Okay, kid, let's be reasonable," Plagg said a moment later in a much milder voice. "Don't try to investigate who is behind the mask. You know it's a big no-no. Period. And also, make sure to destroy this list by the time your lovebug drops by next time."
"Fine!" Adrien said with a joyless chuckle, crumpling up the paper and slipping it into his pocket, while Plagg occupied himself with another hunk of cheese.
"C'mon, spill it, girl! I won't let you go without hearing all the details".
Marinette was sitting at her sewing machine, crafting a new hat.
"I don't have much to say," Marinette said with a shrug.
"But our boy looks like he was born again. You can't tell me that nothing happened between you two!" Alya exclaimed joyfully, and her glasses flashed in the ray of sunshine streaming in through the window.
Marinette reluctantly turned away from the sewing machine.
"Well, we were just sitting on his bed crying and talking about our broken hearts, that's all".
"Is that really all?" Alya asked incredulously, leaning in so close that her nose almost brushed Marinette’s.
"Not really." Marinette answered, turning immediately the colour of the setting sun.
"Oh, really? What else? I'm dying to know." Alya said eagerly.
"We… uhm… kissed," Marinette articulated as her voice dropped gradually to a barely audible whisper.
"On the lips? Is it true?" Alya gasped, her eyes as big as saucers.
Marinette nodded silently.
"I knew it, I knew it!" Alya cried out, her fist shooting triumphantly into the air. "And what’s now? Our lovebirds are together, aren't they?"
"Yes, kind of," Marinette confirmed, rubbing the back of her neck, her voice returning to its normal volume. "He said I could come whenever I wanted. And then we kissed again."
"Oh Lord, how romantic! Rose would be over the moon to hear that!" Alya cooed, but then she remembered something.
"By the way, I have to make an interview with you to keep your cover." She informed. And upon seeing Marinette’s perplexed expression, she quickly explained: "I told Adrien the other day that I got to know about your feelings for him while making an interview with you for the Ladyblog. He might be getting suspicious if the said interview never comes out."
"Then I have to check my schedule. Maybe I can accord you some time later this evening," Marinette responded, and they both laughed.
"Wait, I'm not done with the news yet." Alya went on. "There will be a birthday party taking place on the Liberty this Sunday. It's Juleka's birthday. You're invited too. Don't you dare miss it."
"A birthday party? That's cool! I'm all in!" Marinette exclaimed ecstatically, turning back to the sewing machine.
She had hardly made two stitches when she started realising something.
"Wait a minute, Alya Césaire! What did you just say? The Liberty? Weren't we supposed to go to the movies?"
"We were, but the plans have changed. We all agreed that throwing a party on the pirate ship would be much cooler." Alya shrugged nonchalantly.
Marinette narrowed her eyes.
"I can smell a trap."
"What trap? What are you talking about?" Alya said, batting her eyes innocently.
"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about! Luka will be there, too, since it's his birthday as well."
"Uhm… Yes, and what of it?" Alya said, still feigning ignorance.
"I know what you are trying to do. You want to trick me into talking to him since I started avoiding him."
"Gotcha!" Alya exclaimed, snapping her fingers. "You basically admitted that you are avoiding Luka."
"What?.. No, I'm not! It's not that!" A totally red Marinette covered her face with her palms so that only flaming red ear tips could be seen. "Alya, you can’t do that to me," Marinette begged miserably from behind her palms. "I can't do this. It will be super awkward."
"But how do you call what you are doing now?" Alya retorted, slamming her fists to her hips. "It's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! You cause everyone around you unnecessary trouble. Even Adrien noticed you were avoiding Luka. It needs to stop!"
At the mention of Adrien Marinette surrendered.
"Okay, you won. I'll be there. But I can't promise that I'll talk to Luka."
"That's my girl!" Alya said way more softly than just a minute ago. "I knew that common sense would triumph. There's no need to overcomplicate your life, Marinette. It's overly complicated as it is." She patted Marinette’s back reassuringly.
Marinette was turning over in her mind the encounters Ladybug had with Adrien in the past.
She gets distracted by his marvellous green eyes looking at her from the limo window, his mouth agape in awe.
He blushes slightly as they awkwardly greet each other at the TV studio.
He rushes to her rescue when Riposte is about to stab her.
He can't bring himself to so much as touch her shoulder, retracting his hand halfway.
He pulls his hand away as soon as he realises that his hand is on her shoulders.
He latches desperately onto her after his akumatized bodyguard throws him off the skyscraper, the look in his eyes telling her more than any words ever could.
Love, respect, and admiration for her came through in all his doings.
So then, he'd been in love with her all along.
And that tender love poem he wrote for Valentine's Day was for her.
Marinette wondered how he was going to get the love letter delivered to her. Would he have asked Alya to do it for him? Or would he have been standing outside all day long, waiting for her to pass by?
She couldn't fight back a giggle at the thought.
Maybe the reason he ended up throwing the letter in the trash can was exactly that he didn't come up with a plan to deliver it.
But the girl it was addressed to got it nonetheless and loved it so, so much.
She rummaged through her things in a desk drawer until she found what she'd been looking for—a crumpled paper sheet covered with Adrien's neat handwriting.
She knew the content of the paper sheet by heart.
Marinette let out a lovesick sigh.
She longed to see Adrien. She couldn't resist the urge to melt into his embrace and hear his comforting words. She had to see him right now.
She got up abruptly.
"Tikki, transforme-moi."
It was a matter of a few minutes to reach his house and find him standing at the window of his room, as if he were waiting for her.
As soon as they pulled apart after a particularly long kiss, Adrien suddenly said, scratching the back of his neck:
"May I ask you something, Ladybug?"
After having gotten a nod of approval, Adrien pulled out a pink-coloured piece of paper from his pocket.
"Was that you who wrote this?"
Ladybug turned bright red so quickly, as if someone had pushed a button inside of her.
She recognised the heart-shaped Valentine's Day card immediately. The silly, sappy love poem she sent him a while ago but forgot to sign.
No matter how embarrassed she was about having written it, there was no use denying the truth.
"Yes, I… Yes, it was me," she mumbled, lowering her gaze to examine the black spots on her hands. "Did you… did you like it?" She dared a question after what seemed like an eternity, cringing at the sound of her own voice, which suddenly became too thick for her liking.
"Yes, I liked it a lot." Adrien's voice was as soft as marshmallows. "It wasn’t signed, so I always hoped it was from you. I'm so glad I guessed it right."
Ladybug didn't expect this. She looked up to see such a loving look in his eyes and such a heartfelt smile on his lips that she could barely resist the urge to kiss him senseless.
Adrien reached out his hand and touched her cheek, giving her goosebumps. Then he leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Ladybug," he said. "This is the best letter I've ever gotten in my life."
Ladybug felt a rush of warmth flood her chest.
How could someone be so kind and gentle? He kept the postcard so dearly, as if it were the most precious thing in the world, just because he thought it was from her. He really loved her so much!
He was perfect! She found herself falling in love with him more and more.
Ladybug cuddled closer to him, and he hugged her tenderly in response.
"I love you so much, Adrien," she murmured into his chest. "You're so kind and so generous."
Adrien said nothing, pulling her closer to him.
"Did you know that your cousin Félix once tried to kiss me against my will?" She continued after having relished his closeness for a while.
Adrien stiffened.
"He did what?"
"I immediately knew it couldn’t have been you because I know you'd never do something like that." She continued in between kisses to his cheek.
Ladybug could feel Adrien's hands on her back balling into fists. He murmured something suspiciously similar to "I'll kill him".
"Don't you worry," she said, placing a soothing hand on his arm. "He got what he deserved—a good punch in the face."
Adrien chuckled a dry, short chuckle.
"You should have told me ages ago." He said, looking her straight in the eyes.
Ladybug smiled fondly at him.
"What would it be good for? I managed to handle it on my own. At least now I know that I'll never mistake him for you again."
She was silenced with an ardent kiss from Adrien.
Her mind immediately went completely blank, and right now she wouldn't want it any other way. Shadow Moth and Félix be damned. As long as she had Adrien by her side (and Alya and Chat Noir, of course), she was sure she could make it.
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
Would you do the honors of explaining what has gone down in the love square. I'm trying to follow along but I admit I've gotten very lost recently lol.
Marienete doesn't like Adrian anymore but like Chat?
Adrian likes Mari but not Ladybug?
Is Luka still here?
Wasn't there some chick with Adrian?
For the first time since the show started I'm well and truly lost lol
Oh BOY. I hope I can.... it's complicated.
So I highly recommend you watch Risk/Strikeback (end of s4) followed by Evolution and Determination and Elation if nothing else.... and like I don't know how much you really know about MLB or how much you've seen... so pardon me if I tell you things you already knew.
But ok. SO.
At the end of season 3 Marinette and Adrien go their seperate ways. Adrien and Kagami are hanging out romantically. Luka and Marinette are kinda dating. There's sweetheart's ice cream involved that Andre the emo ice cream man isn't getting akumatized over.
Ladybug is also named the official guardian of ALL THE MIRACULOUS giving her new responsibilities and causing Master Fu to lose his memories (which means she's on her own now). That's important in season 4.
Because of her new role, Marinette keeps sidelining Luka, forgetting their dates, and being unable to be honest with him... so they promptly break up. (Which is funny later when Luka finds out both Adrien AND Marinette's secret identities... Now HE KNOWS TOO MUCH.) But because he's in a band with all of Marinette's friends and because Luka is suuuper chill about Marinette, they still hang out.
At the beginning of season 4 Adrien and Kagami also broke up after casually dating but not really connecting (also because he is Chat Noir and still in love with Ladybug). But they still have fencing classes together. And Kagami is trying to be over Adrien.
At the END of season 4 Marinette as Ladybug makes a huge mistake.
See, Adrien has a very sus cousin named Félix who looks, well, freakishly identical to him... so much so that fandom is pretty sure at least one, if not both of them, is a sentimonster created by the peacock miraculous. Which, unfortunately, canon is strongly hinting at being true (😠).
Due to a stealthy akuma power that makes people take risks, Adrien confesses to Marinette that he hates modeling and she encourages him to talk to his dad about quitting... Instead, he decides to swap places with Félix... because Adrien doesn't want to be sent away to model on a world tour thing with Lila, and Felix.... has plans of his own.
That means when Marinette as Ladybug thinks she is entrusting Adrien with the dog miraculous.... she is accidentally giving it to Felix who ends up betraying her. He uses the miraculous to give his Uncle Gabe all the miraculous in exchange for the peacock miraculous.
So now Marinette's super-freaked-out that she was so "reckless" around Adrien and telling herself that she doesn't know the real Adrien enough to be in love with him. So now she's punishing herself and avoiding Adrien at all costs...
And Chat Noir is there for her through her entire meltdown. He's constantly reassuring her that she's amazing and he's gonna stay by her side and help her. And Ladybug is totally relying on Chat Noir for support. She's looking at him like she's drowning, and he's her only hope.
Meanwhile Chat Noir/Adrien has also been trying to respect Ladybug's romantic rejection more by the end of season 4. So now he's just consoling Ladybug as a friend when she is at her lowest point. Not expecting anything romantic.
Instead, Adrien realizes he should have listened to Marinette instead of swapping places with Félix. He realizes how amazing she is and how special she is and maybe he can't stop thinking about how pretty his best friend Marinette is. So he does what she told him he should do... He tells his dad he wants to quit modeling.
And Gabriel, who was cataclysmed by Chat Noir (ahhhh) and is currently pretending to be a good dad for about 30 seconds, actually lets Adrien quit.... only to promptly take 3D scans of Adrien to create a CGI deepfake version of his son to use in his new wearable tech line.
Anyway, Adrien is so grateful to Marinette that he can't stop thinking about how special she is. Eventually, Kagami tells him he needs to admit he's in love with Marinette. And so he decides to ask Marinette to go to the wax museum with him to talk about his feelings with her.
Kagami is there to wingman Adrien, and Marinette brings Luka as moral support because she's convinced it can't work with Adrien. It's during that disaster of a date that Adrien realizes he's fallen in love with Marinette. And it's during the ensuing akuma battle that Marinette realizes she's falling in love with Chat Noir.
So anyway, cue the Marichat episode where these two lovestruck idiots, who have had a few good conversations in the past about being heartbroken over other people, forget themselves just long enough to make out. And it's honestly just so right and so wrong at the same time.
But that same night, Chat Noir learns that Marinette was also in love with him as Adrien. But now he thinks she is no longer in love with him, so he breaks it off and tells Marinette it's an unfair relationship because she doesn't know his real identity whereas he knows hers.
And Marinette also realizes that Chat Noir fell for Marinette, but may not have romantic feelings for Ladybug anymore.
Also, she almost gets akumatized by this so she's freaked out even MORE.
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So now Marinette is heartbroken and feeling like she can never be happy and in love, and her instinct is to isolate and break down. Meanwhile Adrien thinks he has a shot trying to win Marinette back.
And like.... they both know that they kissed each other, but they don't fully realize WHO the person that they kissed REALLY is.
Honestly I'm living for the drama this season.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
I don't know if it's just me but it feels like the writers deliberately thrown out Adrien's support system so he's become dependent on Marinette and Marinette alone and I don't think it's good for him.
I don't think it is ill-intentioned. I think it is more the writers team wanting to keep the story focused, but in S5 especially, it is truth there is a lack of narratives involving Adrien considering other aspects of his life other than his love life which is probably why you feel that way (and I'm pretty sure you aren't the only one).
It's not like during S4. The narrative during that season did "put aside" Chat Noir to better illustrate what Ladybug was doing to him and as viewers, we better understand his sentiment of feeling left out. And this lead him to get this interesting arc of questioning himself. Who is he inside Ladybug's team? Who is he as Adrien? What about his future? What does he want to do later? The scenes he got as so important and critical in his evolution during this arc of his.
In S5, it feels like Adrien is more out to figure how he can be a good boyfriend and setting an example for the young audience.
Not a bad thing by itself. Not to mention I don't often see male characters having this kind of narrative in fiction. That is when the characters do become an item before the end of the show/season and that we don't got that couple broke up the next following. We notably didn't have the chance to have this when Marinette and Adrien were respectively dating Luka and Kagami. Though I do like that Kagami, in her case, point out how envious she is that Adrien has now put up the work and fell back in love with him. For me, this is candy.
Anyway, relationship is work. From both sides. And I really like that Miraculous is giving it attention.
Though it is true that once Adrien starts officially dating Marinette, we don't see much scenes of him with Plagg, with Nino, with the other boys alone or any other character than doesn't revolved of him talking about Marinette. Even with Ladynoir interactions are very few now. (sorry, I am missing them).
Marinette has also a lot of focus on her love life as well this season again, but it is a least a bit more balanced with side stories. Like the miscommunication with Kagami during Perfection. Her trauma. The organization of the bal with Zoé during Adoration. Both Chloé and Lila causing her problems. Whatever is happening with Félix/Argos.
For Adrien, it was different at the beginning of the season. Especially with Evolution or even better Illusion in which we got that story involving how Adrien felt about his image used like that for Alliance, Gabriel trying now to be "involved" in his son's life, La Résistance.
Or in Passion, we got a bit of his relationship with Nathalie where he is reacting about the fact she is sick and don't know what he can do to help.
In Intuition, we do see Adrien gets a bit preoccupied by his father's health, but then Gabriel says to him that he is just overworked and wants to work less and be more present for his son, only for to answer his phone and leave the room with his father's permission. Like Karma right back at Gabriel, but at the same time, I hope this will go somewhere. There was an opportunity there even if Gabriel doesn't deserve it.
And we do get this scene in Pretension where Adrien goes to his room as ordered by his father but is paralyzed and cannot go back to support Marinette. Or have Adrien react with disgust at Gabriel after learning that he will move to London once the school year is over. Illustrating how Adrien is still at Gabriel's mercy, feels he is scared or furious at his father. But hey! At least, we have Adrien keeping out this thing about having to move to London a secret to Marinette for now.
So there is tension in the father and son, and I'm glad there is, but Marinette is the only catalyst when it isn't Nathalie backing up and protecting Adrien behind the scene. And on top of that, Félix decides to switch his attention to Kagami instead of Adrien and hasn't yet told him anything.
Like, please, have someone in this household tell this boy the freaking truth about what is going on so we can see him react a bit and contribute to move things out as well in the best of his abilities.
Anyway, despite this, with 7 episodes left to conclude the Agreste Arc. I'm still interested to see where this is going. And with Season 6 and 7, I'm curious to see what will be next.
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
Surprise, @livrever! I'm your @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers secret santa! 😁💖🎅
One of your prompts was "Any kind of Guardian Luka," so I borrowed one of your favorite headcanons for this one! Hope you like it 😊
Read on Ao3
"We need to talk," Marinette had said when she showed up at the Liberty, her mouth set in a determined frown. Luka had just nodded and let her lead the way to his bunk downstairs, where they'd both sat on his bed and were still sitting in an awkward silence. For needing to talk, she didn't seem interested in starting the conversation. 
So instead, Luka just stared at the red and black spotted ball in Marinette's lap and the polka-dotted journal she was clutching in her hands. He didn't know which one was more ominous, but he waited beside her, doing his best not to fiddle with his ring or tap out a nervous rhythm with his heels, until she was ready.
Her grip tightened on the journal until she squeezed her eyes shut and thrust it over at him. 
As soon as it was in his hands, she breathed a deep sigh of relief. 
"Can I read this?" he asked, just to make doubly sure that was her intent. She nodded, bit her lip, and turned her back on him, crossing her legs on his bed as she did. 
He couldn't keep his hands from shaking as he lifted the cover and started reading. 
It was the entire chronicle of her time as Ladybug. From the day she put the earrings on. The Ladybug thing wasn't a huge surprise, thanks to Sass, although he was glad she finally trusted him enough to reveal that part of herself to him. But the whole thing with this 'Master Fu' she kept referencing… at least the ball in her lap made sense now, but why was she showing him? Why was she telling him? Why would she risk—
The last page explained it all. Her decision. Her plan. Her rationalization. 
He looked up when he finished reading and she was still turned around, her shoulders stiff, like she was holding her breath. 
"I'm done," he said, although he was surprised at how loud it sounded in the silence between them. 
She squeaked back and he had to chuckle. 
"So what happens now?" he prompted her. She turned, slowly, to face him again, but now she was hugging the Miracle Box to her chest and her bottom lip was trembling like she was about to cry.
"I don't know," she admitted. "I don't know if… once I hand this over, I might lose all my memories, just like Master Fu did. Everything. Since the day I got the earrings. I would forget about being Ladybug, and Chat Noir, and—" She chewed her lip nervously and wasn't meeting his eyes "—anyone I met after I became Ladybug." 
He tried to ignore the painful way his heart twisted thinking about the way she would look right through him if she didn't remember him. And then he pushed that thought away, too. 
"Or?" he asked instead, hoping there was an alternative. 
"Or…" She passed the Miracle Box between her hands gently as she thought. "I'm hoping that since I'm passing it on willingly, instead of in the middle of a battle, under threat, then… it'll be okay and you would… be the new Guardian." Her eyes went wide and she dropped the Miracle Box in her lap as she rushed to reach out to him. "If you want! I mean—I know I haven't technically asked, but I really couldn't think of a better person to take care of them, and Sass loves you and since he's the leader—well, other than Tikki, but she would hopefully stay with me—I figured the others would be okay with it, you know? But you don't have to if you don't want to, I mean, I want this to be your choice, too, and if it's not something you want, then—" 
He smiled and reached out to lay a hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. A blush crept up her cheeks at his touch and she clamped her mouth shut.
"I want to help," he said, "however I can. And if that means taking this off your shoulders, then count me in." 
Another whoosh of breath left her, and her shoulders relaxed for the first time since she'd walked onto the boat. She passed the Miracle Box between her hands a few more times, considering, then hugged it to her again. 
"Okay. So. Um, okay. I guess I didn't think I'd get this far but…" She had another book by her side—older, bound in leather—and she hefted it over to set it next to him. "That's the Book. It explains everything—well, it's encoded, which is tricky, but if you kind of squint and read it sideways…" 
He flipped through the pages and, sure enough, everything was in a code he couldn't understand. But there were pictures, so there was that at least. 
"So, if you accept this, if you do this, there's a chance that what happened to Fu will happen to you, too," Marinette continued. "You could lose everything, Luka, and I need you to be aware of that before we do this." 
He swallowed thickly and nodded as the full weight of the responsibility settled in his chest. "Okay." 
Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked up at him in surprise. "Okay? Just like that? Are you sure? I mean, the kwamis can be kind of a lot—when I first let them out they nearly destroyed my room, and they almost revealed themselves to the whole world, and how are you going to keep them secret in this tiny little bunk? And you share with Juleka, that’s going to be tough. And did I mention that you could lose your memories? Like everything. Wiped clean. Anything that happens from here on out. Are you really sure you’re okay with that?" 
A laugh was startled out of him. "Marinette, you've had this same burden on you this whole time. And Ladybug. And keeping the kwamis secret and leading a double life and…" He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled nervously. "And you're worried about me?" 
She blushed at that, and turned her face to hide what looked like a pleased smile.
“There’s lots of places on this boat to hide,” he thought aloud. “I’m sure I could think of something. The kwamis will be alright, Marinette, and I’ll be alright, too.”
"Okay then," she said, more to herself than him, then she straightened herself and turned back with a steely, determined look in her eye. “If you’re sure you’re sure.” 
He laughed and held his hands out, beckoning gently when she still hesitated. 
"Well, here goes," she muttered, then held her breath and passed the Miracle Box into his hands. It thrummed with energy that pulsed through his fingertips. 
"I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box, and name Luka Couffaine the new Guardian." She squeezed her eyes shut and a whoosh of wind ruffled his bangs as the Miracle Box glowed teal. When the flash of magic subsided, it wasn't a red and black spotted ball anymore, but a guitar case with a red Chinese symbol stamped inconspicuously near the clasp. 
He looked up at Marinette, fearing the worst, hoping for the best, and she was staring back at him blankly. 
"Marinette?" he asked hesitantly. She blinked. Once, twice. Then her eyes focused on him and she grinned. 
"It worked," she breathed. 
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nerdyenby · 2 years
The absolute moments of season five so far (Destruction-Passion) *HEAVY SPOILERS*
• When Gabriel straight up vaporized the miraculous?!??!?? The shock factor was incomparable.
• Marinette is a genuine mastermind, it’s her world and we’re just living in it.
• Gabriel getting himself cataclysmed on purpose?!! The absolute madman!! I saw someone else say he probably did it to get Natalie to stay and I 100% agree. But the raw anguish Adrien went through? My heart broke, he really is just a kid who wants to make the world a safer and happier place.
• Socqueline was also a genius. Figuring out where the Aluma was, recording herself saying as much, and slipping off the ring all unnoticed with a supervillain right in front of her? Unmatched.
• Jubilation’s dream sequence was so much, I cannot describe the emotions it envoked. The alarm clock motif was so good at building a sense of dread and then they have four doll-lookin babies?? And Chat has a mustache for one (1) scene? And the kick to the gut when they’re coming out of it, gosh.
• I’m sure Chat only got that closer to cataclysming Damocles because he already knew it wouldn’t kill him, but dang, it got close there for a minute. I imagine it wouldn’t have hit him as hard if he hadn’t just started to get over Ladybug. Moving on only to get to (think you) live a life with the girl you love, just for it to get ripped away and have never been real in the first place. Hits hard, man.
• I love Marinette and Alya brainstorming Monarch’s technique together, it’s very special to me and I’m glad Nino and Adrien also got to be part of it.
• GABRIEL!!!!!
• I hate him. That is all.
• The museum curator is one of the best akumatized villains we’ve had in a long time, and it’s not even her powers that make her interesting! She felt so genuine and real, and the way Gabe manipulated her made sense. She really did just want to help people and — from her perspective — she was.
• Also Luka and Kagami friendship is all I need, they’re both fed up with their exes’s nonsense and I love it.
• NATALIE OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!! The pure elation I felt when she slammed Gabe’s face into that table. You tell him, queen.
• Seriously this season has done so much for her charactizaton already it’s amazing. Her saying she’s gonna get all the miraculous before Gabe can?! As she should!!
• Natalie calling Monarch’s attention, not the other way around?! Queen moves only!!!
• Also Adrien appreciation, this poor kid is going through it. Realizing he could lose Natalie just like how he lost his mom and he wouldn’t have any (proper *side-eyes Gabriel*) family left is devastating.
• I love how he got an episode to shine, it feels like Adrien’s gotten a good amount of attention this season but Chat Noir hasn’t as much, and Passion helped balance that out. I really enjoyed this episode :))
• Also we REALLY need to talk about how Adrien held both miraculous is one of his hands and genuinely considered using them both. That was a Moment right there!!!
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i know it’s probably late but ⭐️ i am so fascinated by odnlb and i want to hear everything you could possibly have to say about it
no it's not late! this game ends when i say it ends lol.
send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
today i have some odnlb discarded scenes/ plotlines for your enjoyment! 💀
pv kiss plot:
there was going to be this arc from like act 2-3 where ladybug was trying to figure out cat walker's identity. so because she was super pissed at him, she "created" a curse on his miraculous. he would have the ring stuck on his hand & wouldn't be able to take it off, leaving his power to slowly consume him. "how can i break the curse?" cat walker asked in one of my drafts, to which ladybug responded, "with something chat noir always wanted, but never got. something i'll make sure you never get, either." (it was a kiss from ladybug)
anyways i discarded it because 1) why make marinette slowly kill adrien when he would do it himself just to save her and 2) it was kind of redundant to be cursed by 2 rings. also the more i thought about it the more it seemed silly, so i reworked it into matter of luck!
zoe-luka-chloe love triangle:
i actually DON'T like love triangles and especially not when 2 of the people in them are siblings. ...however i could see this one working. originally chloe was touched that luka had so much faith in her, more than zoe seemingly, and her final selfless act of the fic was "letting zoe have him." thinking more on it, i felt really meh about it, so i changed chloe's issues to center more around sibling jealousy and inadequacy while simultaneously wanting a better sister relationship. i like her turning point of selflessness as giving up her miraculous much better!
zoe akumatized bc she thinks luka is cheating:
yes friends la voleuse was going to be akumatized bc she found out luka had "spent the night with marinette" during the fight in chapter 15. she confronted luka about it, and guessed rightly that he had gone to marinette, but obvs for the wrong reasons. i cut this because then it would've led to a marinette/ladybug identity reveal too early. and also because it was just kind of a meh plotline for me that didn't reveal the best or worst of anyone's character.
nino finds out adrien's identity:
i actually really wanted this and couldn't find a way to fit it in! it would have taken place after nino gets his miraculous back. he was kind of going to be adrien's secret-keeper, like an alya to adrien's marinette, and they were going to cry and hug and mourn lost time and stuff. there was also going to be a scene where nino and alya were obviously hiding stuff from each other and wouldn't say, and they both got pissed off at one another in the middle of all their wedding prep lol. but honestly i like the way dj wifi played out in the fic!
deleted scenes:
there was going to be a scene where cat walker played the piano for ladybug, and she recognized it as a tune adrien had played/written for a school thing long ago. adrien was going to play it again at the wedding for dj wifi.
there was another few scenes planned where cat walker would leave roses for ladybug like kid flash from teen titans did to jinx. a few scenes ended like that, and both me and marinette were sorry to have to cut them. keep an eye out though i might recycle these ideas for future fics 👀👀
from the fanfic writer: director's cut ask game.
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miraculoussnowclaw · 1 year
“Wait…so you’re telling me they are dating…?”, she looked at her twin brother with shock and was pretty sure that you could hear her heart shatter. Adrien nodded looking at his twin sister with sympathy. “They’re going on dates and stuff, I’ve seen them on their way to watch the Jagged Stone movie…”, now betrayal mixed into the heartbreak. So you see, there is this cute, adorable, musically talented and most empathetic boy in this whole world, who happens to be a great friend of her, Luka Couffaine. She mostly calls him Lu cause it’s shorter and cuter and it also suits him, but this is starting to get off topic so lets just leave it there. Also there’s this girl whose a good friend of hers, her names Marinette, she’s known for having the biggest crush on her twin brother for ages, but she always gets way too nervous to talk to him. Apparently her feelings changed a whole lot…and now she was taking Aurelies best friend away from her. Adrien knew about his sisters growing crush on the older Couffaine-twin but he kept it a secret. “Now I get it…. He could’ve told me that he had a date, I would’ve got it, it would’ve been okay, but he decided to just forget about our weekly meet-up…”,she sighed and her look went to the ground. “If you’ll excuse me…I’ll be heading to my room now…”, Aurelie left her brothers room and walked into her own room. Overwhelmed by the emotions she was feeling.
Closing the door behind here the young girl turned and slid down the door, her arms wrapping around her knees as the blonde buried her head in the space between her knees and her chest. Tears overflew the teens eyes dripping onto the bare skin of her legs, that where exposed as her skirt had riled up from the position she was sitting in.
She didn’t see nor feel the akumatized butterfly setting itself onto the plectrum of the bracelet that Luca had gifted her, for good luck. Her world view became dark as she lost control over herself.
She came back to, sitting on the cold ground underneath the bridge, that she used to go to with her best friend. She began sobbing and crying violently. Tears didn’t seem to stop anytime soon as her body shook with every sob. She looked up to see blurry people around her. Two seemed to be Ladybug and Chat Noir but she couldn’t see who the third person was until said person crouched in front of her. “Lily?”, she looked up. “L-Lu?”, she mumbled, with a small and vulnerable voice. He wrapped his arms around her , holding her close. “What happened?”, she asked confused. “You got akumatized…and tried to…end Marinettes life for taking me away…”, he explained. Aurelies eyes widened. “She’ll never take me away from you, I’m not gonna leave my best friend behin just because I’m dating…and also I’m sorry that I forgot about our meet-up…let me make it up to you, okay?”, she nodded as she wrapped her arms around his torso. “And even though I’m dating Marinette, you’re still gonna be my first choice, keep that in mind okay, Aurora?”
“Aurora?”, she asked. “Did you now also forget my name?”, she asked concerned.
“I was trying to give you a sweet nickname…and since you always light up my day…I thought that Aurora was pretty much fitting”, she chuckled. “You’re such a dork Lu”, the young blonde in his arms spoke with an amused tone of voice. “Am I?”, he raised a brow on her and chuckled. “Would you prefer if I called you by your last name? Miss Agreste”, she cringed. “No, please don’t do that…”, both laughed a little before getting up. “How does getting snacks and watching movies sound?”, Aurelie smiled. “That sounds great…thanks Lu”, she mumbled, she walked ahead, missing the last thing he said.
“Anything for you… my Aurora.”
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