#here i was just thinking it was funny that kenny was running around looking for the pr
yazzydream · 10 months
Just had a funny thought.
So we know Toji's appearance and murder of Riko was unexpected for everyone. (2006, 12 years ago)
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Besides the TVA and Q, it didn't look like anyone else was going for Amanai. So, Kenjaku was probably going to wait another 500 years before their plan was going to start.
At this point they'd already gotten Kaori Itadori's Antigravity System and given birth to Yuji, though, which is interesting. (2003, 15 years ago) So, maybe Yuuji really wasn't initially meant to serve a greater purpose. Housing of Sukuna or otherwise... Or maybe Yuji was a happy coincidental prototype? An experimental run through? Or maybe Yuuji is just singularly unique.
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Anyway, what I thought was funny is that after Toji killed Amanai, Kenjaku was probably sweating and rushing to find the Prison Realm. (2012, 6 years ago) Like, "Holy shit I've gotta take advantage of this opportunity! 💦"
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But yeah, it probably moved up their plans by A LOT.
And then you got Geto with his Cursed Manipulation. He has a falling out with Gojo, then Gojo kills him and leaves his body ripe for the picking. (2017, 1 year ago) And since the merger didn't happen, Tengen is more Curse than human, it's like, everything perfectly fell into place.
Actually, sure Toji fucked up a lot of shit for everyone in the current timeline, but you can also see it as a good thing. This specific group of individuals (Satoru Gojo, Yuji Itadori) wouldn't be around in 500 years to disrupt Kenjaku's plans otherwise.
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The Star Plasma Vessel, Six Eyes, and Tengen are fated. Fate is a tangible concept that exists in JJK. Which throws Toji's role in an interesting light...
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Kenjaku says Toji's presence destroyed their destinies. But if there is a higher power in JJK... the one who bestows "Heavenly Restriction"... I'd say it's actually the opposite. Toji's actions may've saved the greater human race.
TL;DR Toji Fushiguro's murder of Riko Amanai is part of Heaven's greater plan to counteract Kenjaku's plan.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰REQUEST: Having a sleepover with Superhero!Stan, Kyle, and Kenny when Professor Chaos attacks South Park!
✧.* tags: college au, neighbors, superhero au
✧.* Characters: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters scotch
a/n: i didn't know how to introduce or end this piece so i made it a mix of headcannons/oneshot! do you guys prefer reading one over the other? i lowkey think a miraculous au with the superheros would be SO COOL
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living in the same apartment building means it's super easy to have SLEEPOVERS!! 
Butters usually joins you, but he said he was feeling under the weather today :(
just dance is a MUST 
Kyle and Kenny get really into it 
Stan definitely is the type just to move his arm 
"why are you guys doing the legs too, it only tracks the remote"
"it tracks you SPIRIT too Stan that's why you're fucking losing"
"you're literally in last place Kenny"
the night always ends with a funny or scary movie 
but tonight when you're setting up, a notification interrupts you 
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Four phone's simultaneously erupt in the iconic bird tweet, screens around the room lighting up with the same words: 
ALERT: Villain activity has been spotted in the park! Unknown plants with spiked teeth have sprouted from the ground and have begun eating local teens. 
I went to grab my phone, squinting to see the words from the bright screen in the dark room.
"Dude, what the fuck-"
"I HAVE TO GO WATER MY PLANTS!" Kenny suddenly shouted, running out the door before any of us had a chance to react. 
I turned to look at Kyle but he'd already gotten up from the couch and was lacing up his shoes. 
He looked up and met my gaze, giving an apologetic smile before standing, "Sorry, yn, I just remembered I've got a paper due tomorrow and I've got to finish a few paragraphs still." He explained, rushing out the door in a similar style to Kenny. 
But Kyle finishes his papers a week before theyre due. why would he still need to write a few paragraphs?
"Do you know what's up with them?" I asked, turning to the kitchen where Stan was making popcorn. Well, was as in past tense. By the time I turned to the kitchen, Stan was gone with a bowl of popcorn sitting on the counter. 
Hearing the doorknob turn, I whipped my head around to see Stan halfway out the door. 
He paused with one foot out when he noticed my eyes on him.
"uh…" he trailed off, searching for the words for his reason, "We'll do this tomorrow! bye yn!" and with that, Stan Marsh shut the door and I was sitting alone in my apartment. 
What the fuck just happened?
Without anything else to do, I decided to put on my shoes as well and investigate what was happening in the park. I had a youtube channel to run, after all. And who knows, maybe I'll get some good superhero shots tonight!
Halfway to the park, my wish comes true. Through the sky, a blur of color speeds through the air. 
That’s got to be Human Kite!
I pull out my phone and aim it towards the sky, zooming in on his face as he looks down. Through the screen, I can see his eyes widen as his mouth moves in words I can’t hear. Suddenly, he’s nose diving towards the ground. I worry he’s going to crash but he pulled up at the last second and lands on his feet. 
"You really shouldn't be in this area, we don't know how far the plant problem has spread." He holds up a hand to block your camera as he speaks to you. Human Kite always was more camera shy than the others. It was rare that you got a good shot of him during your on-site reporting. 
God damnit, Kite, I’m trying to speak for the people here!
"That's exactly why I need to be here! how else are the people of south park going to know the true events!" You refute, moving the camera above his hand to refocus my frame. 
Down the street, a plant burst through the concrete, purple and green spotted head screaming at an ear piercing volume. The head lunged at a teen trying to escape on their bike, cutting off their cries of terror with a single chomp. 
“See that! That’s the type of truth the people of South Park need to see!” I exclaimed, leaning to the right to zoom in on the plant happily crunching on the teen as muffled cries of “oh god!” and “Why, Jesus! WHY!” echoed down the street. 
Human Kite stepped to the right, blocking my frame, “I’m serious, this area is extremely dangerous. You need to get as far away as-” The jaws of a mutant plant closed around him before the sentence could finish. I scrambled away from the plant, clutching my phone close to my heart in case it attempted to beat out of my chest. 
“NO!” A shout sounded from behind me. I spun with my camera to catch Toolshed rushing down the street with a weed wacker in hand. 
“KY- I MEAN KITE, HUMAN KITE!” He stuttered, likely due to the stress of watching your partner in crime fighting be eaten by a giant piranha plant. It was at this point he noticed you standing there, camera still held up to catch his expression shift. 
“Uh- Civilian! You need to get back!” He said, holding out an arm between me and the plant to push me back. I lifted my arms to keep my shot clear. 
“No, no, it’s alright! I’m just here to film this for the town! I’ll just be back here, this camera has a great zoom.” I flashed the snazzy camera setup in his direction before refocusing on the plant that ate Kite. 
Toolshed opened his mouth to protest but before he could, Professor Chaos emerged from behind the plant, maniacally cackling with arms outstretched as if to bask in his own villainous glory. 
Wow, this is a great shot. The people are going to love this. 
I focused my camera on the villain as he began to speak. 
“That’s right! I’ve captured the Human Kite within my carnivorous plants! And soon you will all be-” Chaos stopped his monologue as our eyes met. The devious smile shifted to a wide grin as he waved a tinfoil wrapped hand, “oh hey yn!” 
I gave a quick wave back, “Hey Chaos!” 
“Chaos? Oh yeah, CHAOS!” Professor Chaos snapped back into action, strutting around the plant which held the Human Kite as if it were the prize pig at the fair. 
“This is some of my best work yet! Months of experimenting have allowed me to develop the perfect containment for you stupid heroes! And soon, you’ll all be nothing but plant food!” 
A flash of darkness crossed my vision to my left. 
“You’ll never get away with this, Chaos.” Mysterion crouched atop a boulder, deep voice reverberating through the air. 
Holy shit it’s Mysterion! The viewers are going to love this!
The statement only made Professor Chaos laugh, “Never get away with this? But I already have! Half of the town is being digested in my plants of chaos and the other half is soon to follow!”
God damn, this is good. I can’t wait to tell the guys about this!
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After professor chaos is defeated (like always), Mysterion leads to back to your apartment, chastising you for getting in the middle of another hero/villain altercation
At this point, you know the whole script he goes through about how “it’s really not safe” and “you can’t just run into a fight between superhumans” 
And you nod and say you’ll never do it again
But you totally will
The next day, you tell the guys all about it
But they all seem super tired for some reason
You asked Kyle what paper he had to write so suddenly and he responded that he wrote a philosophy paper’s due date wrong in his phone and only noticed when the Call Girl notification went out
Seems a little sketchy but okay
At the end of the day, they’re your friends and you love them
You all make plans to redo your sleepover that weekend! And Butters is able to come this time since he’s feeling better! 
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matchacowbee · 1 year
Hhhggghhgb I did it guys I wrote the South Park fic about them discovering my blog (´-ω-`) I’m still not the best writer so I hope it doesn’t sound too off or weird >< i also couldn’t figure out how to do Kenny’s muffles so they’re not in here. sorry if the ending kinda sucks 😭
Who tf is matchacowbee??
- this is a tickle fic so if that’s not ur thing bye
- cw for minors swearing
The four boys stared at the computer as each of their faces went red.
“Who the FUCK is matchacowbee? Seriously you guys, this is not funny.” Cartman yelled.
“Whoever is doing this better fess up soon!”
As Cartman was growling at the others, Stan and Kenny looked over at the computer in a sense of shock and confusion.
“Uhh, this is all just fake right?” None of this is true right guys?” Stan said quietly.
“Of course it’s not fucking true! These psychos made me sound like a little pussy!” Cartman shouted.
“Relax dude, let’s just calm down for a second. This is obviously just someone fucking with us, right Kyle?” Stan responded.
“…uh Kyle?”
The three boys looked over at the redhead.
Kyle’s face was flushed with a shade of bright pink, as he looked at the computer mortified.
For Kyle, this wasn’t just some blog talking about how sensitive and ticklish he was, this was his deepest secret being exposed to anyone. Kyle couldn’t take any type of tickles, and this was dangerous information for his friends to know. A new wave of embarrassment sent a chill down his spine and he covered his face with his hands.
“Hey, hey! Kyle you good?” Kenny said. Reaching a hand out, he pokes Kyle in the side.
“Gah!! H-hey Kenny!” Kyle jerks away from Kenny and then scrambled to the other side of Cartmans room.
“Well it looks like the rumors about Kyle are true.” Cartman sneered
“No it’s not fatass!” Kyle said with a red face.
“Let’s find out” Kenny said as he began walking towards Kyle while wiggling his fingers at him.
“Kenny, you… you wouldn’t..” Kyle said as he backed away into a corner, and nervously sunk to the floor.
Cartman and Stan returned their gaze to the computer, as shrieks of laughter erupted in the background.
“This is so not cool I’m gonna fucking kill these people” Cartman said.
Stan thought about the idea of Wendy tickling him and his face went red as well. He was embarrassed to admit it, but Stan was indeed ticklish as well. The thought of his girlfriend wrecking him gave him butterflies in his stomach. If Wendy ever found out his weakness, he wouldn’t know what to do.
Kenny had his hands under Kyles jacket and was running his fingers along his sides, until he hit a more sensitive spot on his ribs.
“Heh, sweet. Kyles totally a ticklish little pussy.” Cartman said, as he looked at Kyle wriggling underneath Kenny on the floor.
“S-shut uhuhup Cartmahan!” Kyle let out with a fit of giggles.
Stan walked over and pulled Kenny off Kyle.
“Yeah Cartman, it said we were all sensitive. Check it out.” Stan said as he scribbled his fingers underneath Kenny’s arms. Kenny thrashed around in Stan’s grip as muffled giggles poured out of his parka.
“Hehe see! Kenny’s ticklish too. It’s not just Kyle.” Stan said as he slipped his hands lower, meeting Kenny’s sides.
“A-aAhaHa! Stahahan stohohop!!” Kenny cried out. Then he let out a loud squeal as Stan squeezed his hips.
“Whatever guys this is totally gay. At least I’m not a whiny little bitch like you guys.” Cartman protested.
Stan rolled his eyes as he let Kenny go from his hold.
“..Lets just forget that we ever saw that okay…” Kyle said shyly.
“I agree, this is total bull-“ as Stan was cut off from his sentence, Kenny tackled him onto Cartmans bed.
“Whoa Kenny what do you think, wait WAIT!!” Kenny began scritching around Stan’s navel and belly button. “whaHahAt theheh ehehell!!”
Kenny grinned at Stan. “Someone mentioned this was a sensitive spot of yours Stan.”
As Kenny tickled Stan, he couldn’t help but think back to some of the things he had read about himself. Him and his siblings did have tickle fights from time to time. So wrecking Stan and Kyle was easier with his past experience. But like the others, Kenny couldn’t deny his ticklishness either.
As Stan squirmed around on top of the bed, Cartman glared at them and Kyle looked away embarrassed.
“Okay all you fags need to get out of my house right now. Go make out somewhere else.”
Kenny quits tickling Stan, and pulls him up off the bed. Cartman ushers them to the door.
The three friends exit Cartmans house. Stan and Kenny in front, as Kyle trailed behind, still visibly embarrassed. Stan and Kenny both gave him some pokes on his sides to try and snap him out of it.
As Cartman watched them walk away from his front door he sighed. He then shut the door and prepared to get ready to go to bed. Then suddenly, he felt a squeeze on his side.
“AY!” He whipped his head around and looked up.
Ms. Cartman smiles sweetly at her son. “Eric did you have fun with your little friends today? I heard a lot of laughter up there.”
Cartman looks down at the floor, "Yeah I guess, they were acting all gay tickling eachother."
His mom leans down to give her son a quick kiss on his cheek. She wraps her arms around him and gives him a hug.
"Ugh meeem stop!" Cartman tried to squirm out of her grip, until he suddenly felt a ticklish sensation on his stomach.
"Aw is my little muffin also ticklish?" Liane said as she tickled her son’s sides and stomach.
“N-naha no NO! Gehet off me meheheem!” Cartman said while pushing away her hands.
He hated to admit it but even Cartman couldn’t deny that he wasn’t immune to tickles. He kinda sorta liked it in a way, coming from his mom only though. With the other boys, he was definitely going to consider tickling them as a torture method. Just as long as they never tried it on him.
Turns out that all the blogs the four boys had seen, weren’t totally wrong about them.
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Smut incoming. Final part, I think. It's also very long, sorry. and a lot of fluff
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You continued backstage, not even sure where to go. Typically you'd just get your things and head to the hotel for the night at this point. But Kenny asked you to wait up for him, and you're not letting anything get in the way of this moment.
You head back near the locker rooms where you approach Mox and Renée on their way out. Renée runs up to hug you and tell you how happy she is for you. Mox by her side, patting you on the back. "It's about damn time to be honest. I wanted to just lock you two in a room and sell tickets to watch." He joked as Renée gently slapped him across his stomach. Renée hugs you again, "we have to get going but text me what happens. I'm so excited" as they start to walk away jon looks back and yells "Be gentle with Omega, NO BITING!"
"Jon... really?" Renée replies, "What? It's funny." He pauses and yells back down "Unless you're into that, then have fun!" "Jesus Christ, Jon..." to which Jon just laughs as they walk away.
"What was that all about?" You hear Matt Jackson ask from behind you. "Oh Jon, just assumes I'm that I'm about to ride Kenny in the hallway. Ya know, normal stuff." You laugh as you turn around to see the three of them behind you, Kenny's eyes widened and slightly blushed as he smiled again. Your face returns to the blood red state of earlier and the Bucks laugh at the situation. "Well on that note, were going shower and pack up. We'll see you guys at the hotel. We're probably going to doordash something to the room if you want to come by." You both nodded and said to be safe on their way home.
"Thanks for waiting on me, it took a little longer than I expected, sorry." Kenny stated. "It's okay, i don't mind." An awkward pause fills the space between you. "Uh, so I have my stuffed packed already if you want a ride to the hotel."
You agreed and rode in the passenger seat beside him. As the two of you are stuck in traffic just a turn away from your hotel, the low music the only sound in the air, you finally break the silence. "So, I'm just going to say it. I like you, like a lot. And i think you're really nice and funny and sweet and caring and you make me nervous but in the best way possible. And ever since you kissed me I've been going insane trying to figure everything out. Was the kiss significant? Were you just being nice? Was it like a joke?" You continued to babble as you grew more and more nervous. Kenny parked and started to get both of your bags together as he continued to listen to your questions. You both rode up the elevator as he looks at his phone to see which room he was in. Meanwhile you continued to word vomit and blindly follow him to the room. Not even realizing that you didn't even check-in on your app yet. Kenny opens the door and let's you inside.
"And then tonight, you said you loved me... well i guess technically not me but this other person. But Matt and Nick looked at me and you smiled at me when you said it. So i thought you meant me but now I'm worried because what if you didn't mean me and now im just standing here completely in love with you and you were talking about some random per-"
In the middle of your sentence, Kenny quickly but gently grabbed you and pulled you close to his body, tilting you chin upward and kissed you softly yet passionately. You were stunned at first, but as the kiss deepened you wrapped your arms over his shoulder and matched his passion of the kiss. Your heart was racing, you were thrilled, terrified, and wanted to cry and scream of joy all at the same time. Kenny broke the kiss, looked into you eyes for a moment. "I meant you, i love you, I've always loved you. I'm sorry that it's taken me this long and that I've done everything ass backwards but I mean it. I am completely in love with you. Look, I definitely didn't do this proper and I'm sorry but-"
You reached up and kissed him deeply, cupping his cheek in your hand, "I love you too, Kenny". The kiss deepened as the two of you started to head toward the hotel bed. Kenny started to feel up your thigh, and you could feel you grow wet between your legs. You slipped your hand up the bottom of his shirt as he kissed your neck making you let out soft needy moan. Kenny broke away to remove his tshirt and you took the second to gaze at his chest. You had seen him shirtless before, obviously, but never shirtless in this context. Your thoughts escaped your head as you let out a breathy "wow".
He chuckled softly to himself as he kissed you again slowly bringing your back to meet the bed. Undoing the buttons of your blouse, he can't help but stop and stare at your breast. You get nervous for a moment, but as he breathes in deeply biting his lip, he looks at you and says "wow". You both laugh at the joke but it's cut short as he quickly does away with your bra and encapsulates your nipple in his mouth. Your back arches upwards at the feeling but that only gives him the opportunity to pull your pants down as well.
He sits up, a large bulge prevalent through his shorts as he sees the black lace panties you had been wearing. "Fuck y/n, you're so beautiful" his fingertips trace down your body and stop at your panty line. "May I?" You nod eagerly as he removes the from your body, without missing a beat he leans down between your legs and inhales your scent quickly before his tongue slowly licks the length of your folds. He continues to slowly tease you with his tongue. Only tracing over your clit softly. His hands grips your thighs tighter as he moans against your body, sending shivers throughout your body. You can't help but let out "oh fuck yes, you have no idea how many times I've dreamed about this please don't stop." as your eyes shut and your head falls back into the bed.
"I'm willing to bet not as much as I have baby girl." You smiled at the pet name blushing harder as you look into his eyes. "Y/N i promise I'm going to take you on a date but if it's okay, i really just want to make love to you right now." You wrap your arms and bring him back to your level. Kissing and suckling his neck as you whisper in his ear, a new found wave of confidence sweeping over you, "I'll let you make love to me now as long as you promise to fuck me hard later tonight too." You say and you nibble on his ear, earning a moan to escape his mouth. He looks at you with a smile of bewilderment on his face, "God you're amazing. And so fucking soaked, fuck y/n. Just promise me one thing, don't hold back i love to hear that I'm making you feel good." He says as he slips his fingers between your folds, gently teasing your clit. "Fuck, i don't think that will be much of an option on my end, so you have a deal."
He smiles as he retreated back between your legs, propping your legs on his shoulders. Kissing and biting gently along you thighs until you feel the tickle of his stubble on against your clit. You moan in pleasure as he immediately takes your clit into his mouth. He smiles against your pussy and slides a finger inside of you, "Fuck you're so tight y/n. Might have to go a little slower then planned." You asked what he meant but he said not to worry about it. To just focus on the the moment.
Moments later he's relentlessly suckling your clit and bringing his now three fingers inside you to tease a spot of yourself you've never been able to reach alone. He notices your hips grinding against his stubbleed face, he looks up at you and while keeping his head there he says "that's it baby, cum on my face. I want to taste you." With those words you couldn't hold back any longer as your orgasm washed over you. Kenny didn't move as you started to squirt over his face. Instead he growled into your clit and sent an oversensitive shiver through your core again. A slew of swears and praises left your body as Kenny quicky got off the bed and took away his shorts, you looked up right as his length bounced free of his underwear. Your eyes widened the sight, everyone joked about his size but you never thought it to be an accurate description. However, your mouth watered at the sight. He stood there noticing your reaction, laughing slightly as he told you, with a smirk across his face "dont worry, i will go slowly. I want to make this night perfect for you." You get on your knees and crawl to the side of the bed where he stood. Your eyes never leaving his cock, until locking with his and ask "may i?" He smiles and says of course.
He watches as you take his length in your hand, not able to fully close around him. Stroking slowly and feeling every vein in his throbbing cock. "You're so big" as you look him in the eyes sticking your tongue out to trace around the head if his cock. Stroking him firmly as you start to take his length into your mouth. His head falls back only to look back down as you manage to gently take his whole length down your throat. "Fuck y/n, shit. God you look so hot with my cock in your mouth." He starts to buck his hips forward and you take the motion with ease. "Jesus, i didn't expect you to be this good at this. Fuck" he looks back down your now watery eyes meet his as you swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock and stroke him faster.
Letting out a low growl he picks you up and throws you back onto your back, "come here". He spreads your legs out as he lines his cock up with your entrance. "I've wanted to do this for so long" he says as he teasing his cock against your clit. You're dripping wet and desperate body can only reply back "please Kenny i need you. Please baby." He leans over your body and kisses you as his head slowly starts to penetrate your folds. He sits back up and pushes further into you, both of you moan in pleasure.
"Oh fuck you're really big"
"don't worry darling, I've got you. Nice and slow."
After some blissful and soft passionate moments, your walls clamp around his thickness pulsing and begging for more. "I'll be fine. I promise. Please Kenny, I'm yours. Take me."
He needed no further instruction. He took your ankles and placed the his shoulders as he realigned his cockhead to your body. Watching your face as he slammed his length into you. Steadily gaining speed and power beyond his thrusts. His voice grew deeper and animalistic almost. His hands on your hips as he pounds into you. "God you're so fucking tight" looking down at you, a moaning mess, unable to even form a sentence at the moment. "I've thought about this so many times. And you look so perfect around my cock."
You reach to rub your clit, getting so close to you release as he continues to talk dirty, but he moves your hand away and replaces the sensation with his own. "Oh no baby, not so fast. You're mine tonight. Remember? Only i get to touch your little clit." He says as he pulls out of you, letting a whimper leave you but is instantly transformed as he bends down and sucks on your clit again. His bearded face adding even more stimulation. "That's it baby, you wanna cum?" He slams back into you. "Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock. I want you to make a mess of the both of us." With that you couldn't hold back as your release washed over you in waves, your legs shaking in Kenny's grasp, your walls pulsing and clenching around him. The only thing you could say was a string of swears and Kenny's name.
Kenny couldn't look away at the look of your face looking back at him as you came on his cock, the way your pussy was milking him halfway through your release you hear, "fuck y/n, that's it, so perfect. Fuck im going to cum"
"Dont you dare stop, cum inside me"
He looks to make sure he heard you right. Confirmed by your expression. His pace quickens, folding your body beneath himself so that you two are face to face, pouncing into you, hitting your cervix and causing you to go into another orgasmic state. "Fuck, i love you y/n" as he gutterly moans as his cum floods inside of you. He lingers over you for a moment. Kissing your neck and face, you both look at each other and simultaneously say 'ive wanted to do that for a while" you smile and kiss him deeply, turning the two of you to the side. Making your way to be nestled in his chest with his arm around you. "that was amazing" you say nuzzling closer to him with your hand and head on his chest. "Way better than i ever imagined." he replied "how many times have you thought about fucking me?" you asked he quickly retorted back "not important"
a moment passes and both of your phones go off, MATT: food is here
MATT: are you guys coming? we can put it in the fridge.
With that, the two of you go to their room trying to act normal. you eventually escape to the bathroom when matt asks "so are you two good now or is it still weird?" "considering the scratches on his back, it seems they're really good." nick replied.
kenny turned to try to and see in the mirror, smiled quickly and threw his tshirt on. "am i weird for actually being kinda happy?" he said
"about the marks on your back? nick asked
you walk out of the bathroom. "no, about finally having her." he wraps his arm around you and kisses you in front of them. You blush harder than ever before.
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scaredcacticle · 6 months
Fire Bomb | ch 3
Stu macher x reader | slowburn
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Ring ring
Looking at the clock you scoffed at whoever thought you’d be answering THIS late.
“It’s 2 am you idiot just hang up” you say absentmindedly at the phone as it continue to ring.
But then it rings again… and again……. and again.
“What the fuck do you want,” you angrily say into the phone.
“Why don’t you want to talk to me,” that all too familiar voice from the news replies.
“Oh haha who is this? Are senseless murders really that funny you low-life?” You reply disgusted at whoever was on the other line before hanging up again.
The string of murders recently had everyone on edge or at least the smart ones. And you just so happened to be one of the smart ones.
But just like before the line rings over and over even when you try to ignore for at LEAST 5 minutes.
“My favorite scary movie is Texas chainsaw massacre part 2, something about choptop gets me going,” you reply sarcastically figuring they weren’t going to leave you alone anytime soon.
“How’d you know what I was gonna ask?”
“Well the actual killers ask that every time not that hard to use context clues, are you done now?”
“I am the-“ click
In the middle of their sentence you hang up no longer putting up with the bored individual on the other end, and getting ready for a shower.
But before you even make it out of the living room you hear it.
Bumping coming from directly above you, in your bedroom.
Not letting the prank from before get to you, you assume that it’s your cat Porkchop and head up.
Your heart finally settles in your chest as you see him sitting there cleaning himself on your bed.
“You scared me you asshole,” you laugh, hugging him close.
Ring ring
Your bedroom phone rings this time, nearly making you jump out of bed.
This time you’re less on edge thinking maybe it’s one of your friends calling from out of state.
“Heeeyyy who is this? Kennie?” You ask with a smile.
“Why are you ignoring me?” Your heart stops immediately, it’s the same caller. But your bedroom has a completely different number just like most of the phones in the house.
Going to hang up once again the caller yells at you.
“You hang up on me and I’ll use your little pink pajamas ,” they say mockingly” to choke the life out of you while I watch you die pig”
“Try it” and with that you hang up, grab porkchop, and run to the downstairs office.
As soon as you close and lock the door the office phone rings but you refuse no matter what to answer the phone.
While you wait you grab your fathers gun from his desk and hold it in front of you.
After a few minutes the ringing finally stops and you let out a sigh of relief.
Banging so loud it sounds like the doors being kicked in soon replaces the ringing of the phone along with the screams of two voices.
Not one. TWO.
You let off one shot directly at the door and hear a pained groan and slow shuffling away from the door.
You don’t know how long you stayed im the office but it’s long enough to fall asleep until the very next day.
You’re only awoken by the sound of the office phone ringing which sends a shockwave of panic through you.
“H-hello?” You say, voice shaking.
“Y/n why did the neighbors call and say they heard gunshots. What did we tell you about the damn guns you never listen. We let you stay there so that you-“
“Nice talking to you too dad, oh me yeah I’m fine just had to use your gun to save my life…prick” you say to yourself before slowly opening the office door.
With a sigh you take a look around the house and it’s exactly as it was the night before except for the new bullet hole in the door.
After feeding Porkchop you see that it’s 1:45 and decide to go to school while you still can.
Ch 2
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dawn-petrichor-world · 11 months
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Warning: none, I think. Let me know please.
MB stands for Mama Bear, the reader's nickname.
+ 550 words no proofread.
A/N: It's @princessmisery666 fault with her quiz who is your soa boy. 😑
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The sound of your voice couldn’t reach him. You called him again and again, but it was like he was deaf and around a minute or two, standing next to him he finally look at you with sadness and horror in his eyes.
- “Hi! Did you know women could feel pain, a week before and a week after their period. And the pain during it, is equivalent to a heart attack for a man. This is awful. You barely have just a few days of peace. It sucks, man.”
- “And did you know that I broke my water several minutes ago, but you were so deeply focused on this magazine you never heard me calling you.”
- “You what?” He tried to understand looking at your belly and noticed you were dry. “Fuck! Babe, you should yell or snatch this stupid magazine instead of watching me. Where are the bags again? Wait here? I’m looking for the keys."
- “Where do you think I could go in my condition?”
- “Don’t panic babe, everything is going to be okay! Where are these stupid keys.” He growled.
You were looking at your Grizzly running and swearing into the house and throwing away pillows, stuff or unfolded clothes laid in the hallway. From time to time he heard some rattling but didn’t realize they were in your hand and you played with.
- “Kenny farted in the car and it’s getting hot even with windows open. Um .. MB? What’s daddy doing?” Asked Ellie, concerned about the mess, in the living room, absent when she left the house approximately ten minutes ago. “Daddy! She has the keys in her hand. Can we go now?”
- “It was funny.” You said, following your stepdaughter.
- “We should've been in the hospital for a while now, why are you playing like kids? Ugh!”
Opie’s head appeared on the frame of the door to understand what was going on, squinted at the keys you rolled between your fingers. He wasn’t amused at all. He snatched them, kissed your forehead and drove to the hospital in silence while you couldn’t stop laughing about how cute and funny and panicked, he was.
Hours later of work and you gave birth to an amazing, beautiful and healthy girl, you could rest but you saw something in your husband’s bag. It took all your attention that time it was you who didn’t hear him coming into the room.
Sure, it was the middle of the night, the kids wanted to stay with you and they were sleeping on a futon, but it was like Opie spawned from nowhere, you bit your lips to hold back a scream.
- “I can’t believe you did that without me!” You showed him the magazine opened on a quiz page and the betrayal in your voice hurt him. “You did it wrong. See, on which planet you are like Freddy Krueger, at least as a tough man you could be Michael Myers.”
- “Really!” He asked disappointed. “I can scare people”
- “Dude! Why do you think I always choose lovely and cute petnames? You’re literally a bear or Chewbacca”.
He climbed on the bed to tingle you, not happy with the comparison but the baby started to cry, time to feed her.
You took her and breastfed her while Opie with a pen and the mag asked you some questions to know which movie serial killer you were.
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Thanks for reading it. Hope you like it. My Masterlists .
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kayleecane · 10 months
addict : a tweek tweak fic
a loud, angry smack against leather sounds throughout the room, bouncing off of the concrete walls. tweek steps back from the punching bag, raising a hand to wipe the sweat dripping down his forehead. he sighed heavily while looking at the moisture newly covering the back of his hand.
tweek wasn’t planning on coming to the gym today, but after running out of his house in frustrated tears an hour or two ago, driving here was subconscious. thinking back on it, his eyes started to burn again.
kenny had approached him in the coffee shop earlier that day, which wasn’t unusual, they had become friends in middle school. but what offset tweek was the unreadable emotions on his face. it was so unlike his normal, carefree expressions.
“hey, tweekers. can we talk?” he asked, eyebrows pulling together in a weird way when tweek chugged his tumblr full of coffee before answering.
“uh, sure man. is it anything bad-?” kenny just shrugged, so he twitched uncomfortably, setting his drink down and glancing around the shop. it was empty, so he pushed the back door open and brought kenny outside.
“wh- what’s up, ken?” he leaned against the bumpy concrete of the wall, shifting a little as it poked into his back. kenny sighed heavily.
“look, dude. this is kinda super hard for me to say, okay? so, uh.. i’m just gonna come right on out with it. you know how every monday, you come over to my house at night to pick up that bag?” kenny started, moving his weight from one leg to the other. tweek watched him, squinting a little.
“the coffee grounds? yeah, why..?” tweek crossed his arms over his stomach as he felt a wave of anxiety wash over him, that was normal for him, though.
kenny sucked it a breath. “have you.. ever thought of why you come to my house for ‘coffee grounds’?” tweek shrugged, “of course i have man.. but my dad told me not to worry about it, so..” he shook his head, “just get on with it, why are you talking about this right now?” kenny looked down.
“what you pick up every week…it’s meth. not coffee grounds.”
tweek went completely still, maybe for the first time in his life. “…what?”
“my parents make meth and sell it to your parents. your parents put it into the coffee so people will get addicted to it. you’re… y’know.”
tweek scoffed out a laugh, “this isn’t funny dude. did cartman put you up to this? go mess with butters, not me.” he turned away from kenny, moving to go back into the coffee shop.
“i’m not kidding! listen to me, tweek.” kenny pleaded, grabbing tweek’s wrist. “i couldn’t just keep it from you. i don’t.. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier.” tweek looked back at the other blonde, staring into his violet eyes desperately, looking for any signs that kenny was lying.
of course there weren’t any. ken was probably the most honest kid in this town. “…i have to go home.” tweek mumbled, pulling his hand out of kenny’s hold.
kenny frowned, wringing his hands in his baggy, hand-me-down jeans. “text me if you need me, okay? i want to help however i can.” and with that, he left. tweek let out a heavy breath, sprinting back into the shop and grabbing all of his things before leaving in a rush, not even bothering to lock the front doors.
while he was driving home, his breathing quickened, what was he going to say to his parents? oh god, what would he say to craig?! surely he wouldn’t want to date an addict, unknowing or not.
tweek’s eyes widened as the word seeped into his veins, slipping into the marrow of his bones, wrapping around the mush of his brain and squeezing as hard as it can.
tweek tweak, a meth addict at the ripe old age of fifteen years old…tweek tweak, a meth addict since before he was even seven years old.
tears filled his eyes as he swerved into the driveway of his house. turning the car off, tweek didn’t even grab his phone from the passenger seat before running into the house.
the first thing he heard was humming. his mother was in the kitchen, scrubbing away at the dishes in the sink. she didn’t bother to look back as she called out, “tweek, is that you? your shift isn’t over for another four hours.”
tweek couldn’t think. “..mom, why- what’s in the bag that you make me get every week?” he mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear him.
“our special coffee grounds, tweek. you know this. why are you asking?” tweek moved into the kitchen, body drained of everything in it, he was pale, knees shaking, cheek twitching uncontrollably. tweek could feel everything going on in his knocky, too-tall, addict body.
“don’t lie to me, mom. what is it? is it really meth?” he stared at the back of his mother’s head, the humming quieted, before stopping completely. tweek waited for an answer, but it was like his mother shut down. like someone turned her off. the only thing that made tweek know that she was even still alive was the aggressive scrubbing, the sponge squeaking painfully against the poor plate that she was currently cleaning.
tweek cracked, his face contorting before he let out a weak sob. he knew it was true. that was all she had to do. this was all she ever did. “mom.” he croaked out.
“mama..” he cried in barely concealed anger, sorrow, he didn’t even know what he felt anymore. “answer me. look at me. please… look at me, mama.” he gripped the back of her dress, tears falling onto the floor in front of him.
tweek felt like he was five. tiny hands begging for his mother’s love and attention, sobbing when all she did was ignore him. seeking comfort in his plushies and pillows. tweek would surround himself in them as tightly as he could, pretending it was his parents holding him instead of his own thin arms.
fifteen year old tweek didn’t do that anymore. he pushed all of his feelings down until they erupted, and he started sobbing uncontrollably, just like this moment.
his mother just kept on scrubbing. scratch, scratch, squeak. tweek’s mind spiraled, everything blurred. he ripped the plate from his mother’s hands and threw it as hard as he could, it smashed against the wall, and along with his heart, it shattered into a hundred pieces.
helen barely even twitched. “god- fuck, what is wrong with you?! look at me! look at what you did to me!” tweek grabbed her by her shoulders, tears fully streamed down his face now, he didnt even have the will to look up at richard as he came down the stairs.
“what is going on down here? now tweek, let your mother go this instant.” richard was calm as he spoke. too calm. did he even care about what was happening?! tweek stared down at helen’s eyes, they were void, staring down at the floor. for the first time in what felt like forever, she spoke. “tweek, honey.. you’ll understand-“ tweek cut her off quickly, pulling back from her and letting out a weak laugh.
“..whatever, dude.” he shook his head, pushed past richard carelessly, and left the house.
which brought him back to this moment, sitting on the gym floor, it was strangely empty. tweek couldn’t tell if he liked that or not. he hadn’t even called craig yet, to tell him anything about what had happened.
all tweek knew was that he could not go home, there’s no way. he pulled out his phone, staring down at the picture of him and craig as his lockscreen. he blinked, smiling tiredly.
he called craig, putting the phone against his ear and standing up. as he waited for his boyfriend to answer, he lifted himself onto and off of his tiptoes repeatedly nervously.
the phone made a quiet cracking sound, and a familiar, nasally voice sounded through the speaker. “hello?” craig sounded tired. “hi. sorry, were you sleeping?” tweek spoke softly, looping the hem of his shirt around his index finger.
“napping, but it’s fine, honey. what’s up?” there was a shuffling sound on the other end of the phone, and tweek sighed quietly. “..a lot. i ran away from home.”
there was silence for a couple moments, tweek gave craig a minute to process, hell, tweek’s nowhere near close to processing it yet. he could hear craig breathe in deeply, “ok, come over.” tweek mumbled out an ‘ok’ and ended the call, gathering all of his things, getting back in his car for the fourth time that day.
craig was waiting on his porch for tweek as he got to his house. tweek was barely out of the car before he was pulled into a warm hug, craig’s arms slithered snugly around his waist. tweek leaned his head on craig’s shoulder and closed his eyes, he was too tired to cry.
craig didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to. he knew this was all tweek wanted. he gently guided the blonde boy inside, where he was met with craig’s mother. “hi.. mrs. tucker.” she smiled sadly at him, taking his hands in hers. “oh, mijo. come, come.” she gently pulled him to the couch, sitting him down.
“do you want to talk about it?” she asked tweek, still holding his hands. craig placed his hand on tweek’s knee, grounding him. tweek thought for a moment. “my-“ he paused, laura and craig waited for him, he took in a deep breath, and he told them everything. about the meth, how his mom acted like a thoughtless robot, how his dad never did anything ever.
tweek looked over to craig as he finished, and was surprised to see the boy tearing up, gripping his knee hard. craig was never one to cry, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes was the closest tweek had ever seen to it. “oh, man.. please don’t cry, craig.” he pleaded, guilt filling his heart.
craig wiped his tears, blinking them away. “i fucking hate your parents.“ was all he said, and tweek laughed weakly. laura stood up, “you must be exhausted from today, honey. come on, you can stay here as long as you need to.”
she pulled tweek up, “craig, please take him to your room.” craig nodded, wrapping an arm around tweek’s shoulder and taking him up the stairs and into his room.
craig’s room was cozy, no bright lights that blinded tweek and gave him a headache like at school. just soft yellow string lights and a galaxy protector pointed at his wall lit the room up. stripe slept comfortably in her cage. tweek and craig laid down on the bed, craig moved onto his back and pulled tweek close to him. they could hear laura and thomas speaking loudly downstairs, laura sounded like she was on the phone.
craig combed his fingers through tweek’s hair, gently untangling it. “i’ll help you through this, i promise.” and all tweek could do was hum softly before he passed out, lulled to sleep by craig’s soft but firm touches.
tweek didn’t have his plushies and pillows anymore, but craig was better than those anyway.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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I hate day lights savings. I am so stupidly tired. Like I want to cry and put my head down. Ugh. I didn't even sleep terribly but I did not sleep enough. I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. And then we lost a whole hour! Horrible.
When I did wake up for real the sun was so bright and I was furious about it. Like just miserable and was not having a good time!!!
I got up and tried to shake off how upset I was but man. I was going through it.
I thought I would enjoy going to goodwill before I had to go to camp. But I couldn't figure out which goodwill I wanted and had to ask James for help. But like I was just not having fun.
I got dressed. I could not find the green puhtok shirt I wanted to wear so I wore the grey one. I tried not to be miserable.
I had a vegan sausage patty and two rice crispies for breakfast. I hung out at my desk in our bedroom and put on my jewelery and was very excited to wear my necklace that I made last night. Made is a strong word. The jewelery drill came yesterday and I was able to drill out the ring I wanted to turn into a pendant and it worked! I'm thrilled.
I left here at 1015. Even though the goodwill didn't open until 11? I thought I could walk around Aldi first.
And I did that but I didn't life this Aldi and it was very very busy. I felt very stressed. I felt very upset. I was texting Jess and just absolutely going through it.
I think some of my upset was being exhausted. But also just wanting to desperately going home and being alone. That's all I wanted. But there was to much to do.
I would finally get to walk around goodwill. I did not find shoes. But I did find a new fleece and it would only be $2.99! Amazing. And while the shape is a little funny, and gives me big shoulders, it's very cozy. And it's lined and I really like it.
I went to camp next. Somehow missed a turn and got confused and it took me an extra 15 minutes but whatever.
I missed Alexi's text about getting us something from dough run. But that's okay.
I had to tell Alexi that someone stole the quad poster from the car. I feel terrible about it. And she was so nice about it. I'm horribly embarrassed. Cause literally nothing else was taken from the car, except my Nike hoodie. And we are all like. What did they think it was?? It's a big black case. Elizabeth thinks they thought it might be a gun case? Who knows. But I am still really bummed.
This afternoon was super busy. First I had to drive around camp looking for the TV. Then headed to the lodge and directed some of the counselors that volunteered to work today to get soap and HDMI cords and move tables.
And for some reason they were not good at moving tables and I had to take over so they didn't hurt themselves. But they were great help and it was honestly just really nice to see them.
I would hang out with Josephine and Louisa and Kenny. Kenny made me do a scavenger hunt and then I made one for him (finding/hiding sticky notes around the lodge) and it was very fun.
And pretty soon it was time for tours! I gave 9 tours. I only took groups to youth village. And I would run them through a whole day of camp. What a week looks like. What drop off looks like. Some advice for things to pack. I answered questions and tried to make it fun. Like I would make the kids cover their ears when I told parents about sending mail (you just drop it all off on Sunday and we hand it out throughout the week) and then the kids would be like "we heard you!!" And I would pretend to be surprised.
It was fun giving tours. I love tours. But also I would get frustrated when my coworkers tried to bring their tours into the cabin we were in!! There are 4 others! Stop that!! Messing with my groove.
I would take a little break. The Friends of Puhtok group was there selling hotdogs. No veggie dogs so instead I got a roll and chips and put mustard and relish on it and ate my silly sandwich. The woman there thought I was very funny and we talked about metal casting and how cool it was we were able to do it with the older campers last year. And how we're going to do it again this year.
I would really enjoy talking to everyone today. Lots of really sweet people. Also some hardcore parents with tattoos and boots and I was like. Can we be friends??? It was a really fun day, even if I was exhausted.
Like by 3 I was like. I'm dying. But I gave 2 more tours. And would finish up right before 4. When Elizabeth said I could be free. She asked me to jump on a zoom call meeting tomorrow so we could discuss the week (everyone except me and Sarah are going to a conference) and I said sure. And would walk to the art building where my car was parked.
I texted Celia and she said she would meet me at Indian Ocean, the new Indian place that just opened.
And it was so nice! I didn't take any pictures but it was so pretty inside. Very blue. And big TV screens with fish. And very good music. It was great.
She told me all about her surgery and how the weeks been going. I told her about my struggles and wins this week. The updates at the house. We both got paneer and naan and it was so much food. Am very excited for leftovers.
We hung out for an hour. Telling jokes and being silly. I was very very tired but I was still having a good time.
We headed out and said goodbye and I went home. I was so happy to go home.
I would hug James and immediately go lay on the couch. I didn't event and my jacket off. I just laid on my face for 45 minutes before I even talked to James.
We would catch up about the day. And James would run to the store to get milk before making cinnamon Hawaiian rolls for us. Which would be fabulous. They also did some painting. I did nothing. And was so tired.
I am going to go take a quick shower and try to go to sleep. And just hope tomorrow is better. I want to enjoy the sun and not be angry at it.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all. Goodnight
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Love Language - Damian x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of Bullet Club series
So last week's poll winner was the ever charming, Damian Priest. Of the 40 votes I received, 35% of you wanted to see Damian x Emery, so here we are!
Kenny and Hangman were tied for 2nd place at 25% and poor Finn had 15% and I kinda done a Hangman x Emery. I might do a different one as well, that's more... unique. Kenny... his will be a series of Kenny x Emery only because I love that man so much.
There are several translations that occur in this, so I'll include the translation (provided via google) below it for your reference. There is a precursor to this, that I plan to write out when I get a chance. It's the wrestling convention I mention at the very beginning. Stay tuned for that!
Prompt used: Don’t look at me. I thought I was coming here for tacos.
Word Count: 1747
Tag List: @blxxckheart @starwithaheart @shedevil22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee
((if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! I have 3 separate wrestling ones. NJPW, WWE and AEW))
Warnings: Fluff, romantic & charming Damian; nothing too bad really
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August 2022
“Hey, Lass. I wanted to see if you wanted to meet up for lunch. I figured we could talk some since you mentioned having questions about ring and character work.”
The text out of nowhere was odd, but it thrilled Emery to no extent. Two months prior, she had attended a wrestling convention in Atlanta with several other members of the AEW roster. Also, there were wrestlers from several Indy companies, New Japan, Impact, and WWE. It was such a fun time, allowing her to meet one of her favorites—Finn Balor.
She deeply respected the Irishman, from his in-ring work and character-building of the Demon. Emery had drawn some inspiration from it for her Dark Angel persona when she was in New Japan- and when Finn had complimented it at the convention, she was elated and shocked. So, she agreed to meet him in Jacksonville for lunch- some taco place he knew of.
They had agreed to meet around one at the address the next day, but here it was, five minutes past, and no sign of Finn. Frowning, Emery fished her phone out of her pocket and sent him a text as she walked. She should have known better, but of course, she didn’t think about it at the moment; just as she hit the send button, Emery ran straight into a firm body, which surprised her. With wide brown eyes, she looked up at the person she ran into, an apology quick on her tongue.
“I’m so sorry, I—wait… Damian?”
The tall Puerto Rican wrestler smiled down at her, seeming not even to be affected by her running into him.
“Hah, hey,” Damian chuckled, “Imagine running into you here.”
“Yeah,” Emery nodded in agreement; the air between them was filled with anxious tension, as neither knew the other well, “I was supposed to meet— Oh, one second. That’s him calling now.”
Damian gave a nod, gesturing for her to answer the call. He leaned back against the railing behind him, waiting patiently.
“Hey Finnabon--- I, eh. I mean. Uh…” Emery felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment as laughter came from the other end of the call, “I’m sorry—I just. I saw that name somewhere online years ago, and it just kinda… stuck…”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Lass. I figured callin’ ya would be easier than textin’. I hate doin’ this to ya, but I’m not feelin’ too well tis’morning.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Emery frowned, “I hope you feel better soon.”
“Thanks, lass. We’ll reschedule for anotha’ time, yeah?”
“Definitely! You focus on getting better, Finn.”
“Will do. Bye now.”
Hanging up from the call, Emery pursed her lips sadly as she put her phone in her back pocket.
“Finn?” Damian questioned, looking over at her curiously.
“Yeah—he texted me yesterday. We were supposed to meet here today at one… but I guess he’s feeling under the weather?”
Damian started chuckling, lowering his head slightly as he shook it.
“What’s so funny?” Emery asked him, confused. He looked back up at her, a strange, knowing twinkle in his eyes. As he answered, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it, giving it a nod before lowering his hands across his body.
“He called me yesterday and did the same. Said we could talk about the directions we could possibly take Judgement Day down. Just got a text from him. ‘Sorry, can’t make it. Not feeling the greatest this morning. Enjoy your day.’”
“That’s… weird,” Emery frowned, trying to figure out what was happening. Damian pushed off the railing as he put his phone away, shaking his head again at Finn’s antics. He couldn’t figure out if he should tell Emery or not but decided against it for the moment.
“Well, we’re both here…” Damian trailed off, looking at Emery thoughtfully as if trying to figure out what to do.
“Don’t look at me. I thought I was coming here for tacos,” she deadpanned, frowning at the thought of not having tacos. Thanks to Finn’s mentioning of them yesterday, that had been all she craved all day. Damian laughed out loud, his deep, rich voice booming, before reaching out a hand towards her.
“Well, let’s go get some taco’s then.”
She smiled at him before taking his hand and letting him lead her through the crowds.
Half an hour later, they had made it to a small, local taco joint and were eating outside under an umbrella.
“Mmm, these are so good,” Emery moaned as she took another bite.
“I know; it’s one of the reasons I told Finn about this place.”
Emery’s eyes went wide as she swallowed her food,” Wait- you told Finn about this place?”
“Yeah,” Damian smiled, “Why, what did he say?”
“Just that he knew of a perfect taco place,” Emery laughed, shaking her head.
“I come here at least once a month,” Damian told her, picking up a taco from his plate, “One of the best places in town.”
“I’ll have to agree- the food is amazing. Well—I guess I’ll thank you then for introducing me to it instead of Finn.”
Damian chuckled again, covering his mouth with his hand since he was still chewing. After he swallowed the bite, he told her, “Mi placer carino.” (My pleasure, sweetheart)
Emery tweaked her head to the side as she tried to figure out what he had said.
“You’re gonna have to help me here. My Spanish is terrible.”
“Por que te ayudaria? Ahora puedo decir lo que quiera y nunca lo sabrias.” (Why would I help you? Now I can say anything I want, and you’d never know.)
Emery pouted, which only caused Damian to laugh again; huffing out a breath, she glared playfully at him.
“Fine, two can play that game. Ich habe meine eigene geheimsprache.” (I have my own secret language.)
She watched as Damian leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk still on his face.
“Okay, I see you. Apuesto a que te mata no saber lo que estoy diciendo.” (I bet it kills you not knowing what I am saying.)
Squinting her eyes at him, she said, “Verdammt, du unertraglicher riese. Ein sehr hubscher… charmanter… riese…,” Realizing what she was saying, Emery leaned back in her chair, her tone lowering, “Nein, Emery nicht.” (Damn you, you insufferable giant. A very handsome… charming… giant… No, Emery don’t.)
Damian seemed to sense the shift in her behavior, because he leaned forward and placed his arms on the table, his gaze softening slightly, “Eres una mujer muy hermosa. Ojala tuviera el coraje de decirte que te quiero en mi vida.” (You are a very beautiful woman. I wish I had the courage to tell you that I want you in my life.)
Emery noticed the change in his tone, biting her bottom lip briefly before changing tactics, “Non ho idea di cosa hai appena detto, ma sembrava… dolce.” (I have no idea what you just said, but it sounded… sweet.)
She could see his eyes light up as a smile lifted the corners of his lips, “German and Italian? Impressive.”
“Thanks,” Emery blushed, looking down at the table, unable to meet his eyes, “I’m not the greatest at it, but I know enough to string together some sentences. I wish I were more fluent.”
“Hey,” Damian murmured, reaching out across the small table; his fingers gently cupped her chin, bringing her gaze up to meet his, “I think you’re pretty damn good. Inteligente, atractiva y divertida.” (Smart, attractive, and funny)
It was like the entire atmosphere around them had changed, despite them not understanding the other person’s words entirely.
“Stai… flirtando con me, Damian?” (are you… flirting with me, Damian?)
Catching a few similar phrases in her question, Damian was able to reply back with confidence, “Si, lo soy.” (Yes, I am)
A smile crossed her face, a pink tinge to her cheeks as they stared into each other’s eyes. Both were leaning across the small table, incredibly close to one another, the outside world completely forgotten, as they began toeing the line.
“Quiero besar tus labios,” Damian told her, his gaze briefly floating down to her lips before returning to her eyes. (I want to kiss your lips.)
“Allora fallo.” (Then do it.)
Damian didn’t take any more convincing to lean forward and capture Emery’s lips with his own. Despite the strength she knew that he possessed, the kiss was gentle and tender- and over all too soon. As they pulled apart, her eyes fluttered open to find him smiling warmly at her.
“I think… Finn set us up on purpose.”
“What do you mean?” Emery asked him, curious.
“Rhea told me on Raw this past week that I talk about you too much. Finn had realized it too, I guess, because he agreed with her,” Damian admitted, not the least ashamed of it, “Since I met you a few months back- I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.”
Emery would be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same way. Damian was impossible to forget, and her mind often wandered to him when she was backstage at AEW.
“Yeah?” She asked him, almost shyly.
“Yeah,” Damian nodded before leaning back and standing up. He offered Emery his hand once more, “What do you say we get out of here?”
With a smile, she stood up and laced her fingers with his. They picked up their trash and threw it in the bin on the way out as Damian reached his arm across her shoulders, keeping their hands entwined.
March 2023
It was late at night, nearing two in the morning, yet Emery could not seem to fall asleep. Her mind is wired as thoughts of everything and anything flew through her mind. The raging storm outside didn’t help any, as lightning would brighten the room in flashes and the thunder would rattle the glass in the windows of the bedroom. Exhaling a deep breath, Emery moved to get up but a strong, muscular arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. Her back gently connected to a firm chest, and then the soft breathing near her ear.
“Trate de relajarse, Princesa,” Damian mumbled, his deep voice groggy with sleep. It sent shivers down her spine, but as she listened to his steady breathing, Emery found herself growing tired and soon, drifted off to sleep. (Try to relax, princess)
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
Characters Out of Context
➥ Include one character quote — of your choosing ⁠— from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like).
➥ Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
Tagged by
Thank you for the tag!! :D
So I now have. Two multi-chapter fics going lskghsdlkgha I don’t have much written for the second one which is called Double Troubles, and I can talk more about that for anyone interested, but it’s basically an eighth bird AU except the eighth bird is an OC named Meadow, and they have a body in the Material Plane and a body in the Plane of Logic, and the two bodies share one consciousness that switches between the two when one body goes to sleep and the other wakes up.
Just thought I’d give that little bit of context because I’ve literally never talked about it even existing with anyone except Sunny lol
Also, most of the stuff I have written in the Julia AU is still random pieces of different points in the campaign, so I’m just going to pick a quote from each individual file I have saved lol
And this is all going under a read more because it’s gonna get long
Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore
Prologue Memory: Steven Waxmen: “I want you to know that no matter what you decide, whether you're ready to do this or not, I'm always going to be here waiting for you.”
Chapter 1: Yeemick: “We got attacked by these four idiots who came to take back our captive. We managed to chase them off, but they said something about wanting to kill you, sir.”
Klaarg: “Oh, that's so weird because four of the loveliest people I have ever met came here, also looking for Barry Bluejeans, and they told me that you sent them to kill me!”
(I know I know, but I had to add Klaarg’s line too because that exchange is really funny slkghsdlgkh)
Chapter 2: Julia: “One, what is electronic dance music? And two, Kenny Chesney isn't that bad. My dad used to be a big fan too, but as far as I know, he wasn't a big enough fan to actually get him tattooed on his ass!”
Taking the Gauntlet and Going to the Moon: Taako: “I did a traveling cooking show called Sizzle it Up with Taako,” Taako says proudly. “And a TV, Julia, is...” His gaze gets a little unfocused as he scrunches his face up in confusion. “It's like... um... I remember there's moving pictures. It lets people see what people are doing from far away I think. That's why I say I'm from TV.”
Killian: “Are you talking about a telescope?”
Julia: “It kind of sounds like those video james Magnus talks about sometimes from his dreams. Doesn't it, babe?”
Meeting the Director: (this isn’t really dialogue, but it is a thought Julia has, so I’m counting it lol) Julia: Oh to be able to be slightly irritated at his ego again instead of full on wanting to murder him, it truly is a blessing.
Lunch Conversation with the Director: Julia: “It's a long time ago now. I just...” She sighs. “I just wish I knew sooner, you know? I understand why everything had to be erased, but it makes it harder knowing in retrospect. Now I'm mourning them again, but it hits a little harder this time around.”
Briefing Before Rockport: Julia: “If she thinks I'm gettin' dress for this, she's sorely mistaken.”
Petals to the Metal Elevator Incident: Julia: “Don't worry, it is plenty impressive for me, babe.” She smirks at the way Magnus' face goes even redder and ignores the other boys cackling behind her. “Should we go up to the vault now?”
Julia’s First Conversation with Leon: Leon: “I don't think it's supposed to make sense to people like us. If it did, we probably wouldn't be here trying to do our part to save the world.”
Lucretia Confronts Them about RR Crystal Kingdom: Julia: “We have the Stones, Merle. And Director, I– I'm sorry, but even if we did try to run away, there weren't many options of places for us to go. He stopped time, or at least, he stopped Lucas and Killian and Carey and Noelle from moving and perceiving time while he was there, so there wasn't anyone we could turn to for help, and our other option was to run out of the room to a crystallized central hallway with almost all of the airlocks shut down. We couldn't go anywhere, and even if we did have a place to hide, it would have been a waste of time to wait for him to leave, and we might not have been able to stop the crystal from spreading.”
Julia Catches Taako Crying After Refuge: Taako: “When I was with the Chalice, some parts of the memories of my childhood looked like static, and I can't help but wonder if the dreams really aren't just another aspect of myself that I've projected as being another person and they actually are something or someone missing. So I started writing a letter to them. Or me. Or whoever or whatever this dream person is.”
Magnus and Julia Talk to Fisher: Julia: “We're going to find out what happened to it. I promise.”
Julia Talks to the Red Robe: Barry: “There's a thing coming. The thing I've been warning you guys about. The hunger of all living things. It'll be here soon, and our only hope of stopping it lies with, well...” The Red Robe looks uncomfortable for a moment. “You were never supposed to get caught up in the equation, Julia, and I am truly sorry for that. None of this was even supposed to happen. But we're here now, and this is happening, so I guess we have to make do with the cards we're dealt with.”
Julia Talks to Magnus About [redacted]: Merle: “You just admitted that you put ketchup on spaghetti when you don't have immediate access to any form of tomato sauce or don't feel like making it.”
Magnus: “I've seen you eat dirt, Merle, so you're one to talk!”
Wonderland Catwalk Scene: Julia: “Leave Taako alone,” Julia says with a shake of her head. She glares at the stupid mannequins and the stupid catwalk with its stupid spotlight shining down on it. “I'll get up there and strut.”
Julia Hears the Story and Song: Julia: “You literally know way more than I do, Merle. You know who the lich that came out of Taako's umbrella is who is apparently his sister I'm assuming?” Magnus nods, so she continues. “I'm assuming you know what's in the sky and currently destroying the world–”
Magnus: “Yup, it's called the Hunger.”
Julia: “According to the Director, you... you're... all of you are from a different reality?” Julia exclaims, and Magnus hums in agreement. “And, what is hap–”
Julia Talks With Leon After S&S: Leon: “You know, your husband is like a roach, you know that right?”
Julia’s Conversation with Taako After S&S: Taako: “I grew up with Lup. Yes. But where the fuck was she for the past twelve years, Julia? Because it certainly wasn't with me!” Taako tries to stand angrily, but as he puts weight on his legs, he curses before sitting back down. “And everyone else! Where were they? Spread all across Faerûn because someone couldn't fucking handle being wrong! Because that person couldn't fucking handle holding a conversation!”
Double Troubles
Chapter 1: Taako: "Fine, if you don't want them, then Merle and I will eat them, and you can just have the stale ass bread."
Chapter 2: Meadow: "Um, yeah actually. I uh– I got back into contact with some old friends in the past couple of days, and just yesterday, I actually got back into contact with a friend I have been trying to reach for a really long time.”
Chapter 3: Merle: “Gundren could be dead by the time we get there, but that's just my opinion.”
Chalice Scene: June/Chalice: “This lead to your fateful argument where you failed to convince her to take off the Amulet, and she used it against you to completely take over your will.”
@institute-of-planar-shitposts @holdmecloser-gandydancer @barry-j-blupjeans @noodyl-blasstal  @yaboyspodcastpalace @lexarga @phantasmagoric-acquaintance @taakosleftshoe @idkanameatall and anyone else who wants to do it!! :D
and if you don’t want to do it, no pressure :)
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thecoffeelorian · 2 years
Bad Batch Headcanons from the Upside Down
In honor of the Season 4 finale, it's time for some Bad Batch headcanons! And not just ANY headcanons, mind you, but something very specific...
What Song Would Help The Batchers Escape Vecna?
(Note--I've chosen 1980s specific songs here to fit the era depicted in Stranger Things, but if anyone wants to do a modern song edition, feel free to post it and then link me to it. Anyways, on with the post!)
Crosshair--"Every Breath You Take", The Police (1983):  The combination of angst and underlying creepiness seemed to fit his general life situation after season 1, as he looks to have become a nameless but willing participant in the military industrial complex-turned dictatorship, but also misses his old squad so much even though sometimes, it's like he's only there to watch them do their thing and then fly off into the sunset.  As this was also the song playing during the Mind Flayer's last scene in ST Season 2 where it's watching all those meddling kids find their dance partners, this song could also hint at Palpatine "watching" everyone else, never mind manipulating them a little at a time like he did with Anakin Skywalker.  Either way, a certain clone is now firmly under someone else’s control, and nobody knows when (or even if) he might ever break free...!
Echo--"Take On Me", A-ha (1984):  So...the lyrics were a little vague for this one, but I took the basic message as, 'I might have to leave you behind soon, but I want to come back and visit you again, so mmmaybe if you'll hang out with me now, you might enjoy my return later on.'  Fitting words for somebody who was able to aid in his own rescue before, and could easily do so again if he had the right people by his side.
Hunter--"It's Hip To Be Square", Huey Lewis and the News (1986):  If there was ever a song that a hardened fighter could dance to with their foundling daughter, this would be it.  It's got an upbeat tempo and funny lyrics, and on top of that, I can imagine Hunter trying to embarrass the rest of the Marauder crew by singing along on rare occasions.  In other words, Spherical Dad to the bone...so much so that he wouldn’t hesitate to run back toward whatever portal it takes to get himself back home.
Omega--...okay, it’s finally confession time.  I had originally chosen “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany, if only for its ties to the heroically dysfunctional Hargreeves siblings from ‘The Umbrella Academy’ and that dance scene where one of their members moves around like a puppet on strings, kind of like another sibling she would just HAPPEN to know.  After the end of the first season, though...?  Her mindset would have definitely changed, and that mindset leads me to "We Don’t Need Another Hero," Tina Turner (1985):  This song plays at the final credits for Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, a post-apocalyptic tale where the title character has to deal with a dictatorship fronted by a woman; a near-theocracy fronted by children; and then a close conflict between the two societies in which parts of each are broken down and then rebuilt, albeit with a cautious unity between the two--but, in an unexpected twist, the main protagonist that was supposed to be the ‘savior’ actually has no direct hand in this long-term redemption of humanity, which...brings me to my main point for this character.  Given that Omega last witnessed an act of mass destruction by a growing military dictatorship, and of her own home planet no less, is it possible she could begin doubting the protection of most of her brothers even to the point of losing confidence in them?  Or, inversely, will she honor them when the situation demands it, but then grow a little at a time to start making her own decisions, and not use them as emotional crutches in the end?
Tech-- "Danger Zone," Kenny Loggins (1986):  Folks, this is pretty self-explanatory.  This song came from a movie about hotshot pilots.  It’s been chosen for a hotshot pilot.  The singer even has a pair of fancy sunglasses on at one point.  So...would it be too much of a stretch to use this song in aiding said pilot in escaping a bloodthirsty menace from another world...?  I certainly hope not!
Wrecker--”Never Gonna Give You Up,” Rick Astley (1987):  ...Yes, he would use it as a means of trolling the others--surprise, surprise--but given that this is originally a song about romantic devotion to one’s partner/significant other, it definitely could be used for devotion to one’s brothers/sister as well.  Especially if those siblings are literally what stands between you and getting devoured by an eldritch horror...!
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hey uhh. seeing that you're about the only person whose wrestling opinions i trust around here ("here" being like. the whole ass internet), do you have an updated opinion on the whole punk vs elite drama? are you still thinking it's a work? i thought so for sure and now i'm just like. this doesn't make sense on so many levels. i'd just love to hear from someone smarter than myself (i understand if don't want to talk about it in which case just ignore me)!
Hi! Well, first that's very kind of you, and I feel very undeserving, although it would be very funny if you anonymously sent this message to a bunch of people, and also easier for me to take as someone who is bad with compliments, but thank you! I will try to articulate what I think, which I think is very much how it sounds you feel - which is that I was sure it was a work at first, and now I'm very much not, but there are still so many things about it that are weird, so I guess at this point I just want everyone back and okay and healthy, and I hope that can still happen.
There are only a few things I feel certain about, and that is:
-Punk went into the scrum with the intention of addressing the rumors about Colt, and that the Colt stuff had been at least rehearsed in his head beforehand.
-Punk went into the scrum knowing he'd injured himself during that match and was Not Happy about it*
-Punk would still be out and the title vacated regardless of everything else because of the injury.
-It sure looked like Kenny had a bite bruise on his arm in those pictures at the gaming show.
*Things I suspect could be true because of this: Punk knew he wouldn't be having the title match with MJF as planned, and that's why when asked about it he turned to Tony and said something like, "Do I have to -? Yeah, I guess I'll" - like does he really have to still sell that match/keep kayfabe, maybe. And that Punk was so down about getting injured again so soon after coming back, and after how difficult that recovery was for him, possibly just decided to air all his grievances.
Things that still make me go hmm:
-The timing of a suspension just as Kenny was about to go on this trip to Japan, and that they'd already delayed the trios titles until he was back, so I could very easily see them just wanting to let the Elite technically be the first to hold the titles, just like they had the weird squash match just so technically Mox could be a two (now three) time champion.
-"I'm trying to run a business," being such a wild thing to say.
-The feeling that it would be entirely in character for the Bucks to get (fake) suspended to take a vacation and/or a break from BTE.
So yeah, I'm trying to just live in the not knowing, leaning much more towards it being real than at the beginning. I do think Kenny and the Bucks will be back soon. I do hope Punk will be back. At the same time, if it's healthier physically and mentally for him to not return, I will be bummed, but okay with it. I really never thought he would come back to wrestling at all, so no matter what I will treasure his AEW run, especially the MJF feud, and I don't think this tarnishes anything in retrospect, but would only be unfortunate he and Max didn't get to do more.
Thanks for asking and giving me an excuse to get my thoughts out :)
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meowstix · 2 years
OK SO!! here's some bakuten shoot dub changes i find interesting!!!! keep in mind this only covers the first like.. 7 episodes and even then i didn't watch all of them in full (it was only around ep 4 that i actually sat through most of it) so obviously this is nowhere near comprehensive, it's just some things i find noteworthy (also i'm not even getting into the 3 dub-exclusive characters i don't even think i need to explain anything there)
in the japanese version only certain people can see sacred beasts, there's not really any specific criteria or rules about it, meanwhile in the dub it seems everyone can see em. i can kind of get why they changed this seeing as how it's a small detail that doesn't really contribute much yet still raises questions
there's a bit in ep 3 where kyojyu is like... weirdly suspicious of max? like in the japanese version kyojyu's just like "yeah you really shouldn't underestimate this guy takao" in the dub he's like "idk isn't this all a bit Sussy? Imposter Behavior even?" (obviously that is paraphrased but you get the idea)
in the dub Only, kai is mentioned to be the like... regional champion i think? idk what the term is but again it's a thing that's only ever mentioned in the dub
OK SO. kyojyu, manabu, kenny, whatever the hell you wanna call him i just go with kyojyu personally. an interesting little thing about him is that in the dub version, yeah his nickname is the chief but he's still called kenny pretty regularly. in the sub, while kyojyu is very much a nickname aswell, almost everyone refers to him by this. there's like 2 cases i can think of where he's referred to by his first name and neither of them are in the first season you straight up do not hear it at all until v-force and even after that it's barely said. idk it's a weird little thing, again i'm not really surprised the dub changed it
this next one i'm going to admit. bothers the absolute shit out of me i have no idea why they did this one. so in the japanese version, it's stated that the pendant with genbu is from max's mother. and as we know she ends up being a pretty relevant character a bit later in the season. for some reason though, in the dub, it's stated that the pendant was given to max by some basically nonexistent grandma. i'm not really sure how to explain the effect lost here but hopefully it's self-evident
this one is super minor but idk there's something abt it i find notable. so when max runs into kai after their match they have a quick exchange and there's one change that i just find to be. well something, in the dub kai's like "oh uh. thanks i guess?"... meanwhile in the japanese version kai just calls max a naive fool. i'm kind of curious if this is just a one-off case of this or if kai just isn't as much of an asshole in the dub
they literally cannot pronounce driger right every time they say it i die a little inside
ok sorry that line just caught me off guard. emergency alert systems there is an old bitch in the area. anyway so the dub adds an entire bit to this episode of it being tyson's birthday? the title seems to imply it's his 13th more specifically so that's the closest thing you're getting to a canon age confirmation (atleast in the anime) i guess. but yeah in the japanese version the celebration is because his grandpa views takao's match with kai as a duel
this isn't really a specific thing but. as much as i hate to admit it. ok some of the dub's jokes do land pretty well. the commentators in particular just going off these few eps i'd say for the most part their banter is generally funnier than almost all of g-rev's attempts to shove in daichi as comedy relief. dizzi isn't nearly as funny but the "what do i look like a compute- oh yeah" that was pretty good
tldr i am so mad (/hj) that this dub is actually pretty interesting what the fuck
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
People are so much venomous States bye the only people come near him are people looking for something your other people's stuff like John remillard now that a****** get his wagon fixed you got The secret garden and soon he'll be out and he dragged his entire race with him. This responses so what he says I'm doing I'm just going to keep doing it. It keeps losing. The sun says they're made to lose them to you too you're going to take a lot of them with you if you go down got a heart to heart you'll see a little funny John Candy says you'll like them up here to them a little above I'm waiting on the way to nothing. Is continuously yelling at our son. We picked this up today we're going to be the human beings he wants to be in this way the same stupid s*** blocking him I can barely hold my breath so Mac in the surgical outfit, so that tears it so turn the place upside down so I was trying to get somewhere. These people here are the working idiots in the microphone taking a time with stupid s*** running around supposedly, looked at him and said the retire is going to be out in the foreigners will come in and you guys know some are here by the time they get here Tommy F will be out. We are seeing something they don't seem to think so. So it shows up it's one of his more despicable characters probably hoping for Tuesday to happen so you can get it over with. There's a huge a****** who's been hit you had several times the admits it and doesn't try hard to control anything doesn't really care it might be a good guess just likes to get in people's faces make them angry make them my rate and he likes to hit his own family and stuff with real stuff and blame everybody else. Your proceeding and requiring more companies several of them are from John remillard AKA Trump and he had a few automobile companies they didn't sign the other day and today is the signing and the big companies the first one
*Chrysler corporation and Lock stock and barrel all its assets factories factory equipment stock and vehicles that are already built or partially built or partially assembled in a stored on site or off site all of its assets including monies are now under our control and we are the majority shareholders anywhere firing Trump from the any position he has and any alias he has and under the current character missing their harassing our son saying you'll never recover never amount to anything will never be anybody, in his position is extremely tough and his own position wasn't as bad at the time he's just like this huge loser a****** it goes around picks on people until they pick a fight with him and put him in the dirt you guys died like 50 times this month he's a horrific bag doesn't know when to f*** off but the whole company is coming to us and we have a huge amount of vehicles they were sending out today and they're going out for resale and we're going to sell them to the open market and we're going to use her since system which is to keep them in shelters and just issue them as their purchased and it works the best that way today is the first shipment of Chrysler products my agreement and the max share most of the burden on defending the transport and they're pretty good at it they hit about 80% of those trying to interrupt it and Trump's competitors hit about 20% of the of the remainder almost so kind of just monitoring his annihilation another company that's very large that we're acquiring and John remillard AKA Trump AKA Kenny Paradise was also the major shareholder and he had about 85% of shares and he sold them and he was gloating and proud of it telling everybody to f off now he has almost nothing and it's not really aware that apparently walks around bothering people so he hits zero I guess and that company is Oldsmobile. And we're also acquiring this company complete long stock and barrel all the assets every single piece of equipment every building and all over the world and we're also going after the buildings that he purchased because about 90% of the sales of those properties were illegal and we're going to post why only because and he's going to lose those today and he's going to lose any ensuing fight as he usually does is a very big company Oldsmobile is Fortune 500 Chrysler Fortune 500 the sales before John remillard purchase the company cuz he sucks we're almost that of Ford and I'm talking about Chrysler alone and our son and he's going to do it again Oldsmobile was actually in recovery before Trump bought it from VGA and started ruining it based on a program that was stolen from him over 25 years ago
But without going into depth we will notify him of the penalties cities incurred this afternoon and they are very heavy a lot of them will be stuff that he doesn't want to lose and things that he can't afford to lose you should learn that being a toddler in life is not the way to live it's the way not to so it's going to get his ass home to do a few minutes cuz he's sitting there f****** around with their son doesn't care what we're acquiring doesn't care what we're doing it's completely oblivious to it so they think that he took over Titan or something and that's what they have to look into they probably should that's his attitude that reflects that can't think of anything else
Thor Freya
Maybe he has possession of a couple of Tommy F Stone chips
0 notes
brainrotgobrr · 1 year
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into ! We are ready! Make your choice. - You want No, that's no good. Here she comes! Speak, you fool! Hi! I'm sorry. - You're talking. - Yes, I know. You're talking! I'm so sorry. No, it's OK. It's fine. I know I'm dreaming. But I don't recall going to bed. Well, I'm sure this is very disconcerting. This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bee! I am. And I'm not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me. And if it wasn't for you... I had to thank you. It's just how I was raised. That was a little weird. - I'm talking with a bee. - Yeah. I'm talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me! I just want to say I'm grateful. I'll leave now. - Wait! How did you learn to do that? - What? The talking thing. Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up. - That's very funny. - Yeah. Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with. Anyway... Oan I... ...get you something? - Like what? I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Ooffee? I don't want to put you out. It's no trouble. It takes two minutes. - It's just coffee. - I hate to impose. - Don't be ridiculous! - Actually, I would love a cup. Hey, you want rum cake? - I shouldn't. - Have some. - No, I can't. - Oome on! I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms. - Where? - These stripes don't help. You look great! I don't know if you know anything about fashion. Are you all right? No. He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison. He finally gets there. He runs up the steps into the church. The wedding is on. And he says, "Watermelon? I thought you said Guatemalan. Why would I marry a watermelon?" Is that a bee joke? That's the kind of stuff we do. Yeah, different. So, what are you gonna do, Barry? About work? I don't know. I want to do my part for the hive, but I can't do it the way they want. I Left, right, down, hover. - Hover? - Forget hover. This isn't so hard. Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Barry, what happened?! Wait, I think we were on autopilot the whole time. - That may I was already a blood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a briefcase. Have a great afternoon! Barry, I just got this huge tulip order, and I can't get them anywhere. No problem, Vannie. Just leave it to me. You're a lifesaver, Barry. Oan I help who's next? All right, scramble, jocks! It's time to fly. Thank you, Barry! That bee is living my life! Let it go, Kenny. - When will this nightmare end?! - Let it all go. - Beautiful day to fly. - Sure is. Between you and me, I was dying to get out of that office. You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. - Thinking bee!
ok bro
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 8/10/22
the fite tv feed was down for the first 6 minutes and i was concerned we were gonna have to watch today's dynamite through minute long clips being uploaded to aew's twitter.
brody king vs darby allin wtf brody king is blooded??? already?????? there was an angle where it looked like, instead of darby wearing full tights under shorts, it looked like he had these tall thigh-highs and the tiniest sliver of absolute territory. this is a good outfit idea that should be applied to or realized by any other wrestler lights out! the house of black are here the pointing, the three, and the bird was a good visual its sting! oh his eye is black. Uh Oh!!! COULD IT BE... NO... sting runs off to chase down malakai black. :o and that was that. brody king did a good ko'd roll into that coffin tho
moxley backstage promo! yay moxley! moxley is the roughest and toughest coolguy around oh is his match against jericho tonight tonight? golly
chris jericho backstage promo! im too busy getting into an argument with my friends to hear what jericho is talking about sorry
trios tournament bracket! BEST FRIENDS!!!! BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!! *yelling* (if they lose to trust busters-- something something, my trust, busted and broken, etc etc) (i will scream and cry) (but ultimately wont be surprised)
tornado tag! lucha bros vs andrade & rush rey fenix's gear looks good :)c also like andrade rockin' the tight shirt yes i have a wrestling-in-shirts agenda what of it. i see a wrestler in a shirt and hat and i go awooga not the mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the lucha bros are sooooo good their moves... so smooth whoa andrade with the teammate friendly fire kick rush doesnt seem like hes going to have a fight about it tho. professional penta with the full flip... is he going to destroyer rush on the apron too oh no! rey fenix tightrope move!! TYING PENTA TO THE ROPE??? do NOT make him choose between unmasking or-- AOAUGFHUGHUGGGH RGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH if they make the lucha bros lose after all thi--- HHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH >:(
whatever. im focusing on not being mad. theres an important promo coming up
young bucks? hangman? dark order? backstage promo!!!!!!!!! OHHHHH ITS ON TVVVVVVV TELEVISED APOLOGY!!!!!!!!!! "this is where you won the world title" ;_;!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OAUGHUGHHH down on one knee. proposing. will you be in trios with me HE CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ITS ALL GOOD" NO IT AINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWOOWWOWWWWW who......... are they going to team with now........... they wouldn't have kenny come out next week.....................
luchasaurus squash match there he is! christian cage! on the big screen LMAO JUNGLE BOY ALMOST GOT HIM
miro evil evil darkness promo julia hart you can't touch his face he is a MARRIED MAN who LOVES HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE LMAO HE SAID IT TOO go back to your pagans and tell them i'm accepting their evil power. but im gonna use it on them. theyre gonna get their asses kicked. miro out
powerhouse hobbs backstage promo and qt marshall and the factory are here!! i think qt marshall is so funny. oh hes trying to win hobbs' favor
jay lethal ring promo i didn't watch battle of the belts. what happened? was there a dq? hm! i was afraid jay lethal won the belt off wardlow wardlow: im gonna kick all three of your asses ilu wardlow. yes do it omg ftr???? wardlow WAS their favorite pinnacle guy
JAS backstage promo (sans jericho) love 2point0 love daniel "notice me. respect me" garcia also love anna "i must choke someone out immediately" jay
ricky starks vs aaron solo! immediate cheating by the factory! ejected spears! love it whoa i knew aaron solo was going to lose but that was fast LMAO
whoa! picking up nick comorado just like that lmfao qt marshall struggling to jump over the barricade ooo hobbs is mad...
backstage promo with the gunn club! lmao dad gunn is so disappointed in them stokely again... recruiting...........
best friends trio backstage promo YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GUYS oh its the trust busters! theyre doing a thing to set up their trios match later. i see. i think i saw their introduction/formation on an aew dark i put on while i was doing laundry... evil rich guy heel group i feel like the best friends are going to lose this one if they want to push these new guys :( the best friends are already well known. so they don't need it... so theyre not going to get it huh....... ;_; (boooooOOOOOOOOO)
madison rayne vs jade cargill omg the forehead kiss and headpat jade doing pushups lmao jade cargill has legs for days replaying that pin for my friends by special request
LMAO ATHENA wow kiera saving jade even after jade pumpkicked her huh? loyalty
backstage promo with thunder rosa and toni storm i didnt hear what they were talking about because my friends were yelling about. hold on KRIS STATLANDER INJURED????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
match announcements!! bryan danielson and hook talking on friday! gunn club vs redbeard and danhausen!! oh! SONNY KISS ON TV!!!!!!!!! vs trustbusters... swerve in our glory promo on friday too? OC vs ari daivari of trustbusters............... sammy + tay vs dante + skye... WHY IS SKYE BLUE NOT BLUE I COULDNT RECOGNIZE HER WITHOUT HER BLUE OR HER HAT HELP who is going to trios with the bucks next wednesday... BRYAN DANIELSON DANIEL GARCIA REMATCH????? ON WEDNESDAY???
jon moxley vs chris jericho whoa! jericho with this lionheart entrance. he got njpw footage playing on the big screens i think its cool jericho has all these different, like, forms and personas. defeat all the jerichos and his many boss phases im still really sad about this statlander injury news... oh jeez! the earring! lmao the crowd chants. "you sick fuck! you sick fuck!" i went to get some yogurt for my chips. apparently i missed a lot of gay sex moxley trapped in the walls of jericho for 20 minutes reversal! nevermind... he out! moxley on the ropes???? jumping moves???? FOILED that 2 count SCARED me sending aubrey on a turnbuckle fetch quest... LMAO SAMMY OVERSHOT THE THROW >:( oh phew i wouldve been mad if that baseball bat move caused jericho to win please moxley. you have to protect us from the reign of jericho exposed turnbuckle!!!! NO PHEW......... belt... aubrey what would cause you to dq someone... jericho blood explosion TAP OUT!!!!! yay!!!! moxley wins
oh no its sammy and hager... bcc vs jas in full effect yet again... -_- WHOAHHVHUGHUHHGH!!!!!!!!!! PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SOON?????????? OAOOUGUHHHH BUILDUP FOR ALL OUT??? PUNK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!
CM PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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