#here it is on my graceling blog
asexualmisconduct · 7 months
ok so I realized i didn’t have an intro post so heres my intro post
ok turns out i don’t know how to make an intro post..
ummmmm ok so i guess umm stuff about me???? Ummm oh ya! Dni criteria
DONT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG if you are / support
pro shipping
abuse of any kind
hate against religions
anti recovery
think a-spec people don’t belong in lgbt+
hate on furrys, cosplayers and other stuff like that
(just basic dni criteria)
Im apart of many different fandoms so ya. heres a few I’ll update it as i remember/join more:
🔱Percy Jackson and the Olympians🔱
🏛️Heroes of Olympus🏛️
🏃‍♂️the maze runner🏃‍♂️
🪄Harry Potter🪄
🔥the hunger games 🔥
🌿the graceling series🌿
⚙️the girl who dared series⚙️
✨alex rider
🌲gravity falls🌲 (kinda?)
🍬spicy mints🍬
🔮morgana and oz🔮
💜homesick 💜
⭐️the d!ckheads⭐️
‼️school bus graveyard‼️
🛸down to earth🛸
🎭our walk home🎭
📓jacksons diary📓
🧜‍♂️castle swimmer🧜‍♂️
💖maybe meant to be💖
🩸vampire husband🩸
🔆day break🔆
👻rooftops and roommates👻
*to be continued*
I’ve been reading these so if you have any recommendations or questions please send me them :3
ALSO im asexual ( if you didn’t get that from my username well….)
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I sometimes post/reblog triggering stuff.. so ya.. I normally tag those: tw [x] if I forget to tag something please tell me so nobody gets triggered by it please. Edit: i now have a vent sideblog @tir3d-and-confus3d so probably wont post anything triggering unless its on accident:3
also if you tag me in something or message me and i don’t reply back quickly i either didn’t see it or i got busy and will reply back as soon as possible
I also don’t know what or how to use the queue so if i like something im gonna reblog right then just fyi :3
Edit if i ever say anything imma tag it #the gremlin speaks
My Name: idk make something up you think would suit me
My Gender: Your Mother
My Pronouns: I honestly couldn’t give a shit go crazy
My Age: Fuck You
💥user box blast 💥
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unrestricted-chaos · 7 months
Introductions are kinda important:
Since I haven't gotten anything edited and ready, I suppose I should introduce myself so my blog isn't just blank. I may have jumped the gun creating this without having a post you know ready... But I digress. Now let's see, I'm in multiple fandoms, actively and passively. There are ones that I only write, some I only read, a few that I do both [though to be honest if I write the fandom, I don't usually read it... I'm usually too distracted by the plot bunnies], and others that are from my younger days. The fandoms I started with when I was in my early teens I haven't interacted with too much, but still go out of my way to look through, even though they are small and some of the fandoms are just about dead. I read more than a dozen fandoms though, and write at least half of them. Most of my Arcane knowledge comes from my League of Legends days and the lore of Runeterra. I don't have netflix, and have only seen parts of the show. So nearly everything I write is Canon Divergent from that alone. That being said some of the things I have written fanfiction [or plotted] stories for in the past couple years include the fandoms of:
The Isle of the Lost
Graceling Realm
League of Legends/Arcane
Ghost Hunt (Anime)
Devil May Cry 5
Stranger Things
Miraculous Ladybug
Fullmetal Alchemist
K (Anime)
That being said, right now I am writing quite a few different Timebomb fics and will be editing up a bunch that I wrote this month.
I think I'll probably post some drabbles here as well as some fics.
Now I do have a few rules for myself when I write going forward to post online. The first is simply that I do not want to post a multi-chapter fic if I do not have at least 80% of the story written down and half of that in edited format. I often get bad cases of the plot bunnies, and I will write more than I have time to edit. All of the time. The second is trying to keep a schedule for updates. I write nearly entirely for myself, and I will read my absolute bare bone fics all of the time without editing them, because I know my brain. This usually means editing is on the back burner. I don't want that. I want to be better at editing and have the practice since I also write original fiction in my spare time to entertain myself. I don't care to much for TV or Movies, but I do watch youtube sometimes, though it's not very often. I do enjoy reading and going for walks as much as I can. For anyone who has stumbled upon this introduction and read all the way through, I have a question, if you are in any of my fandoms, what your favorite ships?
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pendragonrph · 8 months
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PENDRAGONRPH . . . hello there, I'm belle! I'm 30+, she/her. this blog is my little resource blog where I'll reblog memes, helpful rp resources, themes and the like. I do on occasion make google site templates for free of use and base icons from time to time. I used to make themes and may dapple in that again one day, but for now this is what I've got going on here. I do also rp in the rpc.
psa: please do not use my sites/themes or anything else if you have blocked me on any of my accounts.
affiliates: @avalonrph
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DISCORD: available to those who ask for it
RP BLOGS: ask for the urls
EDITOR: affinity photo or photopea
CURRENTLY READING: the idea of you, graceling & the unlikely heir
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google site templates.    /    deviantart.    /    themes.
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Hi! I love your blog!
What are your favorite movies, and if you like reading, what is your favorite book?
Happy Halloween!!
Hi! Thank you so much for this ask, anon. you're lovely.
my favorite movie of all time is strange magic (2019). I love legally blonde (except it uses spastic and retard which I'm not a fan of... but i love the satire). I really liked strange world as well. I love scooby doo zombie island. huge fan also of the shrek franchise.
I liked graceling as well, not my usual type of book i go for but i thought the character was well written and i also HCed her as autistic so that might color my bias a bit. of course, there is the hunger games series need i say more.
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe was FUCKING INCREDIBLE. its about 2 gay spanish boys who fall in love with each other and overcoming homophobia to accept yourself and who you are. i read it when i was closeted and it really resonated with me for that reason.
i really like this one wife husband romantic duo amy and austin? something? idk they wrote a book called if I'm being honest but i read anything by them. the female characters are unlikeable in a way i can respect and i enjoy the romance they set up most of the time actually which is rare for me.
i LOVED queenie but god did i fucking hate queenie for the middle third of this book. seriously, i think this book is technically fantastic because it actually was the first book in a long time that i sat and pondered my reaction to queenie's behaviors and why i disliked them so much. the ending was so satisfying in a way that was realistic and you really root for queenie the entire time.
i hope you had a fantastic halloween anon!!! tell me your favorites at the moment too!!!
here is a little treat for you even though this is a day late now.
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jinlian · 3 years
Thanks for answering my ask about Giddon/Bitterblue. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it's handled.
the moment i clocked it was going to happen all i could think was how important the rest of that development was going to be and how cashore had to proceed very carefully. and i think no matter what, not everyone would be okay with it, and that is completely understandable. how it did end up playing out was, for me, all right in the end--of course if someone disagrees, i can definitely understand that point of view as well. 
i don’t believe that age gaps are inherently bad. however, the context of when a relationship develops and the ages at which the two partners meet are the most important factors for whether or not i think it enters the realm of being bad. i don’t see an issue with a relationship between two people meeting at the ages of 50 and 60, for example. but if they’ve known each other since--say--10 and 20? yikes. of course, since bitterblue and giddon were introduced to us at 10 and 18, respectively, it doesn’t make for a great setup.
so it was important to me to know the nature of their relationship at those younger ages--if they even had one at all!--and how and when did it grow (in any sense). there isn’t any evidence they interact in graceling. from there, we don’t have any sense of their having even been introduced to each other until bitterblue, when she is 18 and he is 26. and to be fair, that’s not a great look for a relationship between them, either. i don’t think they were close? she attended council meetings--he does grow closer to her in this book, as they comfort each other. so from what we see of them in bitterblue--and if i remember correctly, which i might not--i don’t think the two of them ever had much of a friendship or even an acqaintance-ship until she’s in her late teens. maybe i just hope that, because otherwise i will have a much bigger problem, but i believe that to be an accurate reading.
from there, how does cashore handle the question of power imbalances? i do think overall she is incredibly conscious of power and who holds it: this very topic even arises in winterkeep, including what factors matter, like gender and size. i was very happy with that discussion. i would have liked to see her look explicitly at age in this case, which she unfortunately did not, so that’s a criticism of mine. for someone who is very concerned about relationships and power like cashore, i am a little surprised she didn’t include it! i will give her the benefit of the doubt on this one, though, if you remember some of what she’s talked about on her blog regarding her own experience with sexual abuse and pedophilia. while she is of course not infallible, i do think she tries very hard to be a responsible writer.
i find it very important as well that bitterblue has multiple romances and sexual partners between bitterblue, where she first has feelings for saf and sleeps with him, and winterkeep, where her relationship with lovisa’s uncle (can’t remember his name right now? help) is in part what kicks the whole thing off. giddon, to his credit, does seem to pine silently and privately. he doesn’t display behavior to me that can be read as grooming or predatory. additionally, bitterblue has far more wealth and political power than giddon; she is self assured at this point and supported by plenty of people; and by the time anything even remotely happens between them, she is in her mid-twenties and he is 31.
it’s the context for me that made me okay with it in winterkeep. and again, i certainly understand the criticisms and am not saying everyone needs to agree, i’d be happy to have further conversations around it. (i’d like to point out saf and skye as another “bwuh?” couple with an age gap--though i was very pleased to see our former male romantic lead, whom we already knew was bisexual, find a boyfriend. yes, bitterblue, you’re right he has to stop falling in love with royals, though!) the timeline of development, the mutually-respectful rapport between them, and balance of power are crucial here. 
ultimately, i just wish i could be a fly on the wall when they have to tell katsa they’re getting married, lmao.
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just0nemorepage · 3 years
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Shout-Out Saturday is a weekly feature on my blog to promote one randomly picked lesser-known book blog in order to help it receive a little more attention. Please consider checking them out, following them, or maybe even sending a message!
Every URL featured here will be added for good in the top half of my fellow bookish blogs page. If you are interested in being featured, please fill out this form.
This week’s bookish blog: @letsreadwomen​
Name: Marieke.
Age: 28.
Lives in: UK.
Favorite books: Lumatere Chronicles ; Graceling Series ; Sevenwaters Series ; Station Eleven ; The Trees ; Among Others ; Temeraire Series ; Winternight Trilogy ; The Expanse ; Everything.
“marieke | 28 | she / her | dutch | in 🇬🇧 | feminism & fairy tales”
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ambrosykim · 3 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by: @amlovelies (thank you💖)
tagging: i'm fairly new here so i don't really know anyone but want to get to know people! tagging a few of my mutuals: @pearlsandsteel @thenshe--appeared @mepheesto @cadetzarneki @narrativefoiltrope @natehsewell @agentnatesewell and everyone who wants to do it! no, seriously! (feel free to tag me or ignore it tho🤍)
name/nickname: nett, a nickname. irl no one calls me this but eh (some people call me netti and i always go 🥺 when they do)
gender: i don't like saying female but... i guess that
star sign: gemini (as an air sign i can’t express emotions for the life of me 😗✌)
height: 168 cm (5′6″ 🙄)
time: 9.45 am
birthday: may 25
favorite bands: siames (!), stuck in the sound, the 1975, rare americans, caravan palace
favorite solo artists: blanks (!! i love him), mahmood, dodie (i mostly listen to musicals so that’s it 😅)
song stuck in my head: good times by all time low
last movie: bring it on, it think?
last show: i’ve been watching belgravia with my mom (i love period dramas a lot ok)
when did you create this blog: mid 2019 i think (but revived it like 2 weeks ago!). this is a sideblog tho, i’ve been here for much longer
what do I post: mainly thirst posts aboout vampires. will probably play more ifs and post about them too. (i want to start writing too maybe)
last thing googled: i use incognito for pretty much everything i google but the last thing on my search history is ‘coffee’ (i’m writing a paper about it)
do I get asks: no, i’m a very new blog with a tiny reach!
why I chose my url: i meshed the two ifs that inspired me to revive this blog (i used to be a maxwell beaumont fan blog... sigh)
following: 389
followers: 59 🤍
average hours of sleep: usually around 8, but recently i’ve been waking up early to do uni work so around 5-6ish
lucky number: ...7? idk
instruments: i used to play the recorder and then oboe (which i loved a lot but i was lazy to continue)
what am I wearing: a tshirt and shorts (my pjs, i just woke up)
dream job: um... i’ve been asked this a lot but i still don’t know thank u (i want to do some good in the world but also be left alone at the same time)
dream trip: europe road trip!
last book I read: i was born for this by alice oseman
favorite food: my mom’s beef stew (it doesn’t translate well)
nationality: hungarian (😔)
favorite song: changes weekly, but i’d say summer nights by siames (it helped me through a lot)
top three fictional universes: tortall (!!), graceling, middle earth
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bookcub · 4 years
If Kvothe and Denna lived in contemporary era, what type of media (books, music...) do you think they'd like?
I had so much written. . . and then I accidentally hit reload  . . .why am I like this?
Well they are both pretty hipster-y, with their knowledge of obscure plays in their second meeting. Which, like, who can blame them, I have hipster tendencies as well. 
Kvothe, plays: 
Kvothe is obviously a theater nerd. 
He stans Sondheim (he loves those impossibly hard musical arrangements)
he had a Hamilton phase (he’s a nerd about storytelling ofc he loves it) (and loved In the Heights when it first came out, it reminds him of his family)
and Spring Awakening (angry teenagers who want to KNOW things and be treated with RESPECT, heck yeah, he loves that show)
 He loves Shakespeare but tbh, half the reason he loves it is because all his work in in public domain and therefore free to use (Macbeth is his favorite but he’ll pretend it’s something more obscure like Winter’s Tale or something) 
Denna, plays: 
She knows less about musical theater culture, so a little less Pretentious in her likes 
Chicago (because she loves seeing women be like That) (also that aesthetic is great) 
Waitress (she really relates to Jenna and always wants to bake after listening to it)
And she has a soft spot for Grease because she wants to play Rizzo (imagine Denna singing There are Worse Things I Could Do) (is your mind blown?) 
Kvothe, tv shows: 
crazy ex girlfriend (cause this is my blog and I make the rules) (also Kvothe has started every single musical show ever cause he’s a nerd) (and this is his favorite) (because obvs) (he worries about how much he relates to Rebecca) 
jane the virgin (he and sim and wil watched the pilot to be ironic and get drunk but then became emotionally invested and the storytelling is just,,, v good) 
probably mindhunters (is that good???)
ugh and house of cards smh 
and he won’t tell anyone but he binged all seven seasons of gimore girls in like, three weeks 
Denna, tv shows: 
She also watches crazy ex gf (look, the themes of the show line up really well with kkc) (i promise!!) (rebecca’s search to be happy is very moving for denna) 
leverage!!!! (she loves seeing competent people destroy people who abuse power) 
I also think she watches a lot of older sitcoms like Cheers because they are predictable and comforting 
oh and jessica jones makes her very emotional but she absolutely loves it
Kvothe, books: 
I feel like we would have very different taste in books esp based on the fact that pat and i have like barely any overlapping books in our goodreads 
lord of the rings 
harry potter (same) (i think his mom would have read both of these out loud to him along with other books) (like a wrinkle in time) 
gentleman bastards 
lightning struck heart 
the spellman files!!! 
the poppy war???? 
gilded wolves!!! 
Denna, books: 
some girls are 
the giver 
ella enchanted!!! 
six of crows 
howl’s moving castle 
the storyteller (cause why not) 
aristotle and dante discover the secrets to the universe 
kill me softly 
I realize I didn’t do music but I have a play list for Denna here and country music songs I think Kvothe would play here. 
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you know guys theres a lot to be said here.
i know that a lot of people see the word autism and think of all sorts of things but really part of being autistic is that none of us work the same way. entrapta is someone who i really connect with and i know there are other people in this fandom who are autistic, because we’re everywhere. some people are more open and some arent. some people are a lot of things on top of one another and they dont know what to call themselves. when i found out about my autism, i didnt even know if i qualified as human any more. i thought of all the kids in my school and wondered if how i saw them was how others saw me. i was thinking of kids with anger issues and low funtionality. i always thought to myself when i saw them that i was sorry for them, that i was glad i wasnt like them. this is all recent, by the way. within the past month.
then i realized something. i have a friend cate who was born with her umbilical cord around her neck and she was nearly dead, but could also have been autistic if she was born just minutes later. i have a friend online who is probably reading this right now that excells in many things and i couldnt have gussed was autistic. another person online that i knew but lost touch with (hi, a, if you’re reading this) was also autistic and they were a great preson with a bubbly personality and was half of a cute couple for the majority of the time i knew them and i saw it on their blog, but actually didnt think about their autism for a bit. and you know what? theyre all human. all three of them. a, sam, cate, entrapta. i never thought of them as anything else. theyre just a little different, and arent normal people different too? we just have a different level.
i dont really think a lot of people think everything through. like how mermista just freaked out on entrapta, a lot of people do things either unknowingly or impulsively that could have the best of intentions, but stings anyways. mermista is under pressure, and so is everyone else, but entrapta seems unburdended. i dont know whats going on in her head but i assure you, mermista dosen’t either.
so i guess, this whole thing really has 2 messages. one, for anyone who’s autistic: you’re your own person in a lot of ways. you may not see everything around you but that’s okay. you have people who love you, including me.
and two, for not autistic people: chill out, we see things different. hell, if someone autistic did something that didn’t fly with you it probably wasn’t their intention and they may not even know it. not saying everyone is mean, just saying certain people could be mindful of certain things.
i dont know if any of that made sense. if it did, great, and im glad to have helped you or enlightened you or something. if not, sorry; thats just gracelle rambles for you 
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beerecordings · 4 years
There was a fic you posted half an hour or so ago that I can't find on your blog anymore, did it get deleted? Or is tumblr just being wonky for me?
I deleted it. It’s stupid but I’m increasingly self-conscious every time I post a new fic because I get less and less feedback every time. I know the quality of my work is only improving, but it’s humiliating to feel like everyone has lost interest in my work even though I know it’s just that the fandom is shrinking. Every time I post a fic I’m reminded of how quiet it is around here and how the really fun days of this blog are over. (this is only one of the reasons I’m stepping back, I would keep writing stories even if feedback was very low, but lately this blog is much more disheartening than it is fun)
Although Reina gave me feedback!!!!! thank you Reina!!!!!! you have always supported me so much i cry
I plan to finish that fic, but it will be posted on AO3, not on here. Memory and my Graceling fic are also moving to AO3.
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myulalie · 3 years
TAGGED BY: @thatnerdemryn That's a lot of questions D:
TAGGING: @abby0007, @aline-pnhallow, @sometimesidoubtyourcommitmentto, @lalelilolusworld
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20(ish) blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Myulalie (Myu for short)
Gender: she/her
Star sign: Sagittarius (I love it, but damn I never spell it right)
Height: 1m64 (good luck finding out, US folks, because I'm no help ;) )
Time: 10:02 am
Birthday: December 6
Favorite bands: hm, I listen to a lot of music, let's go with The Kooks, The Vamps, 5SOS, Beast/Highlight, Tonight Alive, Skillet (I recently broke up with Little Mix haha)
Favorite solo artists: Jang Hanbyul, Nicole Scherzinger, CL, Loïc Nottet, Tom Grennan
Song stuck in my head: honestly that changes every few minutes, I got Go Your Own Way from Fleetwood Mac because I thought of adding them in my favorite bands, but something else will creep in by the time I'm done with this post... here we go, All I Need by Within Temptation now.
Last movie: Apparently it's Lucy, by Luc Besson? I watched Barbwire the same day I think.
Last show: A:TLA, I binged watched the first season of the Legend of Korra too.
When did I create this blog: Back in 2012 or 2013
What I post: A whole lot of things *coughs* crap *coughs* recently there has been an increase in Shadowhunters stuff, and writing posts. This blog is for inspiration mostly, I reblog things that speak to me in one way or another.
Last thing googled: I checked that Lucy was indeed by Luc Besson xD
Other blogs: Oh that's the juicy stuff *wiggling eyebrows* I have two writing blogs in French for novels I shared with close friends, and one blog I used when I tried making gifs years ago xD
Do I get asks: I get some, either tagging games or the occasional writing prompts (keep them coming, I like the prompts!)
Why I chose my url: my url has always been my username online, so I chose Myulalie when I definitely switched to using it on all my accounts. I came up with it wanting something to do with Mulan, with the Korean pronunciation and added the "lie" ending because it was cute. I also like that it sounds like Mew ^^
Following: 57 (I'm a private person and the numbers are low on every social media)
Followers: a lot of porn bots ;)
Average hours of sleep: Oh I'm pretty good with sleep, around 7 hours every night
Lucky number: 6 because I was born on the 6 and I got 6 letters in my real name!
Instruments: I try to learn piano two years ago, but I don't have any piano to practice with... I also have two guitars, the first one I used to learn on my own, then the one I bought in Australia and brought back on the plane. Long story short, it was expensive as fuck xD
What am I wearing: Jeans, a "it's only rock'n'roll but women love it" shirt, my oversized hoodie from hypokhâgne (first year of university level courses in literature, philosophy, languages, history and geography taught in high school in so called "preparatory classes" to either take a state wide exam to become a teacher or enroll in college with your chosen major - which I did, in English).
Dream trip: I'd love to visit Asia, and do a roadtrip in Europe.
Favorite food: why would I choose?
Nationality: French.
Favorite song: Jet Black Heart, 5SOS.
Last book read: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: oh, good question. Caitlin Brennan's The Mountain's Call, Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore or maybe Cornelia Funke's Inkheart series. Or Charmed! The less dangerous of these haha!
Favorite color: I like all colors.
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My Decade in Books
@aliteraryprincess, thank you for tagging me, sweets!  💛
The rules: respond to the prompt “my decade in books” however you want, & then tag some ppl! I chose a book or series to define each year of the decade, some w/a little description. You can do that, or make up your own response
Oof. This is hard for me because I'm superbad at years/numbers or remembering when things happened, and I don't have a clear picture until I started blogging, but I'll give it a try! I'm also linking my lists of best books of the year from 2016 on.
2010 - It's hard to remember this far back. I think I was pretty obsessed with Chuck Palahniuk, which I fortunately grew out of, and I was probably re-reading a lot of my high school favorites like Christopher Pike and Laurell K. Hamilton. Most memorable: I remember reading Into the Wild at the job I had at the time and liking it well enough.
2011 - I think this was before school got too intense, and I still enjoyed reading. 😂 I remember taking a really fun summer class in children's lit where we got to read The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Francesca Lia Block. Most memorable: reading Weetzie Bat at the bottom of my stairs (the lowest point in my apartment) during a tornado warning.
2012 - In my last year of undergraduate studies, I was reading a lot of pre-WWII American fiction like Sinclair Lewis and John Steinbeck, and a lot of contemporary American fiction like Karen Russell, Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, etc. It pretty much set the tone for the rest of my academic career. Most memorable: reading "All That" by David Foster Wallace and falling absolutely in love with his writer voice.
2013 - I had a bit of break between degrees here, so I used it to binge a lot of the things I had been missing (the new Thirst series by Christopher Pike, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare), along with probably a lot of Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter. Most memorable: ruining a copy of The Whores on the Hill on a trip and somehow ending up with two more copies.
2014 - I was in graduate school for this year (and a bit of some others, but years/semesters do not line up well) so I was reading almost everything David Foster Wallace ever wrote, plus quite a bit of theory, memoirs, and Holocaust fiction. Most memorable: pounding Infinite Jest in a month, and guiltily reading The White Rabbit Chronicles when I was supposed to be doing other things.
2015 - This wasn't a great year. I had a hideous modernism class in which I hated almost everything I had to read (James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot), and a superhard Marlowe/Shakespeare class that covered a LOT of ground: all the major Marlowe plays, plus a bunch of Shakespeare histories. Most memorable: reading Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany and being like wtf on every single page.
2016 - This was my first year of blogging! Can you believe it's been this long? This was a golden year of reading for me. Once I was out of school, I had time to catch up on everything I'd missed, and there were so many amazing things! I fell in love with The Raven Cycle, Six of Crows, Graceling, ACOTAR, and everything Rainbow Rowell I could get my hands on. Most memorable: all of those things, since I'm still in love with them.
2017 - This was my second year of blogging, and I fell in love with Nora Sakavic, Seanan McGuire/Mira Grant, and Laini Taylor. I also read a lot of horror, even more than my usual (The Girl With All the Gifts and Newsflesh standing out among them), and I finally read through all the Percy Jackson books for the first time. Most memorable: Wayward Children and All for the Game -- I'm still obsessed!
2018 - In my third year of blogging, I continued my Riordan binge with The Heroes of Olympus and started a year-long read of Les Mis, which worked so well I'll probably be picking a daunting classic like that every year. I had the opportunity to read so many underrated and small press authors that year (The Art of Escaping by Erin Callahan, Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma, The Dark Beneath The Ice by Amelinda Bérubé). Most memorable: Into The Drowning Deep by Mira Grant, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio, and My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix.
2019 - This was probably my worst reading year since I started blogging. I read 145 books (amazing!), but so many of them were three-star and forgettable, including my daunting classic, The Count of Monte Cristo. However, I absolutely crushed my YA backlist doing the Bingo challenge at Forgotten YA Gems, and it was a great year for YA publishing, since 8/15 of my favorite books of the year were actually released that year (Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater and Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell among them). Most memorable: In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire, The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones.
Tagging: @northernbookworm, @zynita, @anassarhenisch, @existential-celestial, @maddie-mux, @infinitebookwrms, @lornaslibrary, @sylvanshiner, @cleo-queen-of-pirates, @paper-stardust, @sleepy-being, @3ammuses, @iridescentetherealdragon
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caitsbooks · 5 years
YA Books As John Mulaney Quotes (Pt. 2)
The Dark Artifices/Shadowhunter Chronicles: And now there’s Nazis again. (Credit: pansexual-lilychen)
The Gilded Wolves: You are never too young to learn our national no snitching policy.
King of Scars: I also don’t want me to be doing what I’m doing.
Serpent & Dove: We’ve been pretty hot and heavy lately. I think it’s time we bring in two older Catholic people.
A Curse So Dark and Lonely: I’m new in town and it gets worse.
The Beautiful: “Detective! We found a pool of the killer’s blood in that hallway!” and he would just be like “Hmmm… gross! Mop it up. Now then, back to my hunch…” 
We Hunt the Flame: Woah! That tall child looks terrible! Get some rest tall child! You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends!
Stalking Jack the Ripper: What I learned from it is that it was really easy to get away with murder before they knew about DNA. It was ridiculously easy. Like, what was even going on back then?
Daughter of the Pirate King: My dad loved us. He just didn’t care about our general happiness or self-esteem. 
Crier’s War: (Specifically Crier) My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I’ll apologize to you.
Shatter Me: I never knew relationships were supposed to make you feel better about yourself.
Graceling: I don’t know how to lightly make fun of people. I can’t be like, “Ah, look at your shirt!” I have to be like, “YOUR WIFE LEFT YOU.”
The Last Namsara: I’ll keep all my emotions right here and then one day I’ll die. 
The Wrath and the Dawn: Anyone who’s seen my dick and met my parents needs to die; I can’t have them roaming around. 
[Alternate: “Get away from my wife!” “No one talk to my wife!” “I didn’t kill my wife!”]
|| YA Books as John Mulaney || YA Books Pt. 2 || SOC || The Lunar Chronicles || ACOTAR || TOG|| The Cruel Prince || Wicked Saints || 
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just0nemorepage · 5 years
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Shout-Out Saturday is a weekly feature on my blog to promote one randomly picked lesser-known book blog in order to help it receive a little more attention. Please consider checking them out, following them, or maybe even sending a message!
Every URL featured here will be added for good in the top half of my fellow bookish blogs page. If you are interested in being featured, please fill out this form.
This week’s bookish blog: @just-plain-steph
Name: Steph.
Age: 31.
Lives in: UK.
Favorite books: Graceling Realm ; Illuminae trilogy ; The Secret Circle ; A Court of Thorns and Roses ; The Mortal Instruments ; The Infernal Devices ; Hunger Games ; Lux ; Onyx & Ivory ; The Host ; Nimona ; Uprooted.
Also found on: Goodreads ; Instagram.
“I'm trying out this book blogging thing. I'm still new at this so please bear with me 😊”
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bookcub · 5 years
Hi! Just discovered your blog and was wondering if you'd give me some book recs. I haven't sat down and read a book properly in a few years and really want to fall back in love with reading. I like YA, mysteries, fantasy, happy or bittersweet endings, and a well written romance, whether it's a main or sideplot. I tend to dislike science fiction and heavy crime thrillers. I know this might be a stretch but if you could point me in the direction of some good authors or books I'd appreciate it.
Oh my god, I LIVE for giving book recs!!!! 
*rubs hands together* here we go!!!! 
The Lynburn Legacy by Sarah Rees Brennan- This is YA and it turns a lot of the tropes on its head while using others that are fun. There is mystery and romance and friendship and humor. Also magic. (I like this author in general, esp The Demon’s Lexicon and In Other Lands) 
Memorable quote: “If I wasn't going to be a world-famous journalist and if I didn't have such respect for truth and justice, I could be an amazing master criminal.”
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor- Taylor has some of the best purple prose and amazing worldbuilding. This one follows a librarian who goes to a mythical city. There’s a bit of instalove but she makes it work. Her other series is amazing as well, but I haven’t finished it yet. 
Memorable quote: “It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming.”
Darkest Powers by Kelly Armstrong- Underrated faves and it’s half urban fantasy, half sci fi, but considering the mc is a necromancer, there is plenty of magic. Filled with evil adults and genre savvy teenagers, this is a very adventurous book. 
Memorable quote: “You know children, always playing with the forces of darkness.”
Graceling by Kristen Cashore- Another high fantasy, although more traditional. This follows a girl who has a Grace (basically a super power) to kill. It’s about her finding inner strength and opening up to the people around her.  
Memorable quote: "Katsa, only you would consider the collapse of the ceiling a good joke.”
Elementals by Brigid Kemmerer- This is a series about a group of brothers who are connected to the elements and there’s a mafia of sorts and they all have love stories in their books but also there’s lot of mysteries as well. This author also has some pretty good realistic fiction, as well as a high fantasy novel. 
Memorable quote: “If you can't fix what went wrong, then fix what you can make right.”
Let me know if any of these catch your eye and if you pick them up!!! I’d love to hear what you think!!! 
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lycorogue · 5 years
Latest Blog Post is Live
The Rogue’s Scribe: New Month; New Drive
Technically, the post was published at it’s normal time of 12pm, but I’ve been busy and haven’t had the time to promote it. To avoid these sorts of delays, there’s a way for you to sign up for email alerts via Blogger. That way you don’t have to rely on these promotional posts.
Anyway, this week’s post includes:
A quick recap of my day-to-day activities this past week, and how that affected my writing.
An update on my car situation
My discussion about how important it was for me to get a piece of fiction completed before the end of May.
The writing process behind “Acting Weird”
As well as stats for the story and the reviews I’ve received
My work on my latest additions to my Meet My OCs series here on Tumblr
Who Wants to Meet My OCs? (Part 3a – Glitches Originals)
Who Wants to Meet My OCs? (Part 3b – Glitches Reworks)
A small discussion about the Tumblr post Console-free Camping, the book/video game pairings listed, and how I am trying out at least three of the suggested books.
I’m starting with "Graceling" by Kristin Cashore
To get the full scoop on all of the above, don’t forget to check out the full post over on Blogger.
The Rogue’s Scribe: New Month; New Drive
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