#here it's a senti but it's just an object
even though Felix creating a senti to display the whole representation seems very contradictory to his beliefs, I think what's important to take into account the nature of the senti. if you create sentibeings to be like children, you should treat them with all the respect humans are due. if you create senti"monsters", they are somewhat sentient beings despite not being humans or having a fully developed consciousness, and so you shouldn't throw them on the surface of the sun. but it representation what he created was just a random object. like yeah it was created the same way they were, but at the end of the day it's just a projector. it doesn't matter
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iindigoeyed · 1 year
will never get over the poetry in those stupid feather children knowing each other so well and being cut from the same cloth, made of the same design, created in a perfect image, made as things to be used and tossed aside once the goal has been reached, created as monsters, yet learning how to be people and being so loved regardless, choosing to see the human in each other, caring so deeply about each other so as to bend the rules in order to ensure each other's safety because 'it's them and they understand me' and and, et cetera does anyone else wanna talk about it
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(different Anon here) I too enjoy reading your ramblings on ML. I have a question about the last one: "Along the same lines, the love square should never be canon unless Marinette gives up Guardianship because Adrien is a liability to the safety of the miraculouses even if he didn't wield on himself. " I don't think I really understand this, can you give an example what you meant or what consequences you thought about this?
Sure! Adrien is basically a sleeper agent. All the senti kids are.
Let's say that Adrien retires while Marinette stays Ladybug. Someone then gets their hands on Adrien's amok and says, "Wait until your wife is home, then murder her and take her miraculous."
As Ephemeral showed us, Adrien WILL do that. His love is not enough to overpower his amok even what it means the end of the world. You could also ask him to tell you all of the secrets of the miraculous and he'd sing like a canary! You don't even need to say please! Therefore, he cannot stay with Marinette because Marinette is the kind of person who will have enemies that want to kill her in order to get her miraculous or the miracle box. The only way to get around those issues is for Marinette to give up her guardianship and her miraculous, turning her back into an ordinary civilian.
I cannot overstate how massive a liability Adrien is to the safety of the world. He is the perfect way to get to Marinette and all of the other miraculouses. If the love square stays together, then Adrien will have access to Marinette at her most vulnerable, meaning that villains don't have to come up with some sort of clever plan to get to her or him or their children. They just have to steal one of his amoks and tell Adrien to do the dirty work for them.
Wearing the amoks doesn't keep them safe, Felix has shown us that. Locking them away doesn't keep them safe because that still means that someone could steal them. Can't destroy them, then Adrien dies. You could post guards on them and pay those guards well, but you'd still have to trust that they wouldn't betray you. You could possibly lock the amoks in a box and throw them into the ocean and pray that no one finds them, but that's still got risks.
Basically, Adrien's free will will never be truly his because his free will is reliant on something external to him, which is horrifying. He will never truly have the undeniable basic freedom to say "no" that we enjoy as humans. He cannot ever say "death first" to protect his wife and children. He will always obey the amok.
Obviously the miraculouses are physical objects too and so they also carry the risks of being stolen, but it's a different kind of risk, imo. If someone gets the black cat, then Marinette and Adrien can team up to try to get it back and you can't hide the fact that it's been taken. Plagg disappearing will be immediately obvious. If someone steals one of the amoks, then you'll only know whenever you try to give Adrien a command and he doesn't obey. Are they going to do a nightly command check to make sure that the amoks are real? Like this is just a very dark setup and I am baffled that they didn't have Gabriel use the wish to undo it.
If you've ever seen Fruit Basket, just think of how Kyo's bracelet is treated and how much that messed with his mother's mental health. I picture Marinette developing similar habits for very understandable reasons.
I try not to overthink stuff in kids shows, but I don't think this counts? Like this was all really obvious to me as soon as I heard the basic concept of the senti theory. A character being able to be mind controlled leading to him being controlled to do horrible things seems really like a natural expectation in a superhero show.
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alexseanchai · 2 years
I keep seeing people take a line or two in a fic to object to senti Adrien theory, in fics that otherwise have absolutely nothing to do with sentis at all. Which. Surely—surely—love, hate, or tolerate senti Adrien theory, when one reads an author making a total non sequitur reference to the idea, just to say it ain't so here, that breaks whatever mood the story to that point was trying to establish?
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strawberrystar7 · 1 year
There’s 3 types of stopping an Akuma and here’s how:
How I see it there are 3 types of stopping an Akuma. Maybe 4 if you want to be very exact to the tiniest detail but I categorized 2 of them in 1 category because I think they are close enough. This does not include defeating the Akuma and cleansing it with the Ladybug Miraculous.
People oftentimes argue that Chloé has been the very first character to resist an Akuma when others bring up Alya as the first to reject an Akuma but that’s the thing. She was the first to resist an Akuma’s influence but she wasn’t the first to reject an Akuma and she was not the first to repel an Akuma. People tend to treat all of these the same but I think they are different cases and categories.
Now this may be a bit confusing without knowing what I mean by the categories repulsion, resistance and rejection so here are my explanations as to what these categories are supposed to mean and include. (If anyone has better fitting names for the categories I am open for suggestions. Those were the best fitting ones I could come up with but they may not match like I wanted to).
1. Repulsion:
What do I mean by repulsion? Well usually this includes instances where an Akuma does not touch an object and therefore gets repelled.
Examples for this are: Su-Han’s mantra in the season 4 episode Furious Fu. Or that time in the season 3 episode Chameleon where Marinette calmed down before the Akuma could touch her belongings. But I also include instances like in the season 5 episode Revolution where Mister Damocles almost gets akumatized but because of his students encouragment he gets courage again which results in the magical charm manifesting as a shield allowing him to cleanse the Akuma before it could touch anything. But then there is the instance in the season 5 episode Collusion where Miss Bustier manages to cleanse an Akuma through meditation (at least I am assuming that was some form of meditation technique). Yes an object of hers got touched by the Akuma so technically it’s a bit different compared to the other instances but it’s also kinda similar to Damocles case since the Akuma got cleansed so I’d still count it as repelling.
So generally we can summarize this category with characters and instances where characters have calmed down before an Akuma could touch them or when they have cleansed the Akuma. (Those are actually the 2 sub-categories which I have categorized in one category because to me cleansing an Akuma and stopping the Akuma before getting touched are both ways of repelling an Akuma to me.)
There is a bit of a side effect to this tho. While in some cases the Akumas do get cleansed because of meditation or the magical charms, it can also happen that an Akuma instead gets redirected to the next victim because the Akuma hasn’t been cleansed.
2. Resistance
What do I mean by resitance? Well usually this includes instances where an Akuma does manage to touch an object but the target managed to resist the temptation and offer of power. However the Akuma doesn’t get cleansed.
Examples for this are: Chloé Bourgeois resists getting turned into an Akuma Villain even after the Akuma touching her picture by rejecting the temptation and Hawk Moth’s offer for power in the season 3 episode Miraculer. Or Félix Fathom when he resisted getting turned into an Villain even after the Akuma touched his stuff simply by rejecting Shadow Moth’s offer (and Senti!Gabriel’s threats) in the season 4 episode Gabriel Agreste.
However because the Akumas don’t get cleansed they just target a new victim so someone else gets turned into an Akuma instead.
3. Rejection
What do I mean by rejection? Well usually this includes instances where an Akuma manages to akumatize the target and fall under some semblance of mind control (since Akuma Villains do tend to act in a way the target would never have acted like without the Akumas influence). However the target eventually manages to break free from that control and manages to deakumatize themselves.
Examples for this are: Alya Césaire in the season 4 episode Gang of Secrets, when Alya managed to break free and turn herself back from Lady Wifi into Alya. Nino Lahiffe in the season 4 episode Rocketear, when Nino managed to break free and turn himself back from Rocketear to Nino. Chloé Bourgeois in the season 4 episode Penalteam, when Penalty got sick of her clones and eventually turned herself back into Chloé. Kagami Tsurugi in the season 5 episode Perfection, when an akumatized Kagami sees how much other people actually care about her. She breaks free from the Akumas control in that moment and managed to turn herself back from Ryukomori into Kagami. Lila Rossi/Cerise (or whatever her name is. I’ll call her Lila for simplicity) in the season 5 episode Revelation, when she manages to deakumatize herself from Hoaxer to Lila after she got the information she wanted from Nathalie.
What I’ve also noticed about the instances in this category is that the characters seem to retain their memories from when they have been akumatized which is something that usually never happens after getting deakumatized. Usually characters are disoriented and don’t remember anything but whenever a character manages to deakumatize themselves they seem to know where they are and what happened. Take Lila as an example. She smirked right after deakumatizing herself like she knew exactly what she did. Or Alya, she didn’t look confused at all and could instantly respond to Ladybug’s comments which is something that Akuma Victims usually never do due to the disorientation and confusion. They usually take a moment to collect their thoughts and realize where they are or why they could be there meanwhile Alya didn’t take that time. She only took a little time to catch her breath. Or Kagami who seemed to remember what happened while she was Ryukomori. It’s similar like with Alya where she didn’t seem disoriented at all and she didn’t seemed confused on why Marinette’s classmates where there with a big picture of Kagami. It was like she knew exactly what happened similar as Alya and Lila.
There really are differences between how a character may stop an Akuma from targeting them.
Anytime someone brings up the characters that have rejected an Akuma there is always someone who brings up Chloé Bourgeois. The character who had a picture touched by an Akuma in the season 3 episode Miraculer and then resisted the Akuma’s influence by rejecting Hawk Moth’s offer for power. People keep bringing up Chloé was the first to resist an Akuma. And that is true but the problem is that they throw it into the same category as repulsion and rejection. How I see it’s not the same thing so I don’t think Chloé should be brought up when people talk about characters who have rejected an Akuma. Same thing the other way around. And same thing with characters who have repelled Akumas. Characters like Alya should not be brought up when talking about characters who have resisted an Akuma. At least not if you are trying to say they are the same thing. It would be like trying to compare apples and pears.
Even if we would act like repulsion, resistance, and rejection are all the same thing, Chloé would still not be the first to stop an Akuma from targeting herself. In that case, it would be Marinette who was the first to stop an Akuma from targeting herself since the season 3 episode Chameleon (in Chameleon Marinette managed to stop the Akuma from targeting her by calming down) was canonically before the season 3 episode Miraculer (in Miraculer an Akuma landed on a picture Chloé was holding and Cloé managed to resist the Akuma’s influence by rejecting Hawk Moth’s offer for power). However like I previously said these are not the same thing. Yes generally speaking all 3 are ways to stop an Akuma from targeting a specific person but they are different ways to do that. Some stop the Akuma from targeting only one person, others stop the Akuma from targeting everyone and the rest stop the Akuma from controlling someone (which kind of is also a form of targeting in a sense. Maybe not the traditional way but it is kinda targeting someone if you try to control them). I don’t want to treat them the same because to me they are not the same. If we go as a whole then yes, Marinette would be the first to stop an Akuma without explicitly using the Ladybug Miraculous. Chloé would be second, and Alya would be 3rd. However, if we divide this into sub-categories like I did Marinette is the first to repel, Chloé is the first to resist and Alya is the first to reject. It just makes more sense to me to divide them into separate categories.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
Hi. I hope you don't mind me asking a question here. First thing first I haven't watched much of s5, mainly because I'm still having burn out from the whole episodes in s4. But I have seen people posting pictures of Adrien using cataclysm very... Murder happy, which is something that I don't think he ever do before, unless I forgot any episode.
Before, whenever he's frustrated his object on leashing out is never an Akumatized person, it's always be an inanimate object (tree/ads box, chimney and billboard) but in this season, he seems to be losing his patient more and more, the scene in Jubilation is the freshest I can remember how close he was in cataclysmed Dark Owl and apparently he almost did that too in Derision.
My question is, is there a reason behind this behavior? I mean, it feels like out of character of him to do that considering Adrien is always patient and empatetic kind of person that I'm sure if people just telling me without showing the clip of the episodes, I would think theyre joking. Its always sad to see such kind and sweet character to turn like this.
I'm sorry if I'm rambling too much!
Hey! No worries! I'm sure you are not the only one finding this weird. You are right in saying than before S5, it wasn't like Chat to willingly use Cataclysm on an individual. Aside of Sentis or him being controlled by an akumatized power, or as seen during Chat Blanc, the NY special, Destruction which fall under that category of being accidental.
So what indeed did change or happened to him to the point he can be triggered and having his emotions taking over the best of him?
Tbh, I myself even is sure if I have the correct theory there.
The common element in both Jubilation and Derision is Chat Noir violently reacting when someone plays with the emotions of a person he deeply cares about.
After all, Darker Owl played with both LB and CN's emotions with the power of the Pig and trapping them in a dream fantasy where they were in love, married and had a family while Kim played with Marinette's emotions to the point the impact of that cruel prank have deeply traumatized her.
The dialog at the end of Derision between Marinette and Adrien seems to indicate Marinette isn't the only one with trauma that needs to be healed.
Adrien : I'm scared too. It's new for me, so I don't know how to react. I'm scared of doing something wrong, of hurting you, of someone else hurting you. I'm especially scared of losing you. But we are together and we will do everything to help each other out. Like that, you and me, maybe we will become less scared?
Part of his line refers to what Ladybug told him earlier.
CN : Me too, I got carried away by my emotions. LB : Don't worry. It can happen to anyone. That's why we are a team. There is always one of us to help the other out.
And even though he didn't use Cataclysm, Mister Bug's reaction at the end of Passion was too filled with rage.
Mister Bug : Forcing such a fragile person to carry out his twisted plans. Monarch is a monster! He'll pay for this...
Not only that, but Adrien was tempted to use the Wish to heal Nathalie. Something associated to the Bad Guy side.
So, yeah, that is my best guess right now. Adrien has trauma too, but we have yet to see what exactly caused it but we can suppose it is most probably in link to his mother's demise.
So, Adrien can be violent in reaction when seeing the people he deeply cares are being hurt.
EDIT : I've forgot! Chat Noir did almost Cataclysm Hawkmoth during Chat Blanc timeline after learning the truth but stopped, wanting answers.
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landwriter · 2 years
I have a question that has absolutely nothing to do with fic or the Sandman except for the bit where it's about a dream poem! Since you've minored in French literature, I was wondering if you've read Le Roman de la Rose? As far as medieval dream poems go, Chaucer and even Lydgate can take a back seat because the first part of Le Roman (aka the part written by Guillaume de Lorris c. 1230) is fantastic and contains some of my favourite language ever. The God of Love makes the Lover kiss his mouth which drives me crazy, but these lines are my favourite in any literature ever and honestly this entire ask is me just jumping on the chance to share them/write them out again (the English translation is by Charles Dahlberg):
lors la me toucha au costé et ferma mon cuer si souef qu'a grant poine senti la clef
then he touched my side and locked my heart so softly that I hardly felt the key
I have not - furthest back I was ever sent was late 17th c.
However, after recovering from being absolutely fucking bodied by those lines, I wanna read it. I've done a semi-cursory search and have only found it in English translations, and a French journal article about how many manuscripts there's been of Le Roman de la Rose (answer: a great deal) but I would love even the Guillaume de Lorris portion? I am hooked. thank you for this. a small digression *I* am jumping on the chance to talk abt:
This is a good example of a funky little modern French thing, which is pronouncing the vestigial -e (there's actual terms but I like vestigial) that would otherwise be silent (for the most part, regionally, asterisk asterisk etc.,) in speech, in prose - but are pronounced in poetry and song. Francophones are like 'it's for meter' (as above in poine, to make the line 8 syllables) but as usual they are being incredibly blasé about a very cool linguistic convention. Why is it cool? It's a remnant of both our language's histories! It used to be our convention too!
As anyone who has read Middle English in Dreamling fic, completely new to it, as I was, you will notice the profusion of seemingly vestigial -e's. While spelling was not standardized, there's overall more of them on words today we might recognize which have since shed them completely, like the classic myne owne hertis rote (x), my own heart's root. If you're an Anglo like me, you might read that and pronounce it something like 'mine own heart-iss wrote'. BUT! Guess the fuck what - just like in French poetry even today, these final e's were pronounced for the majority of what we call 'Middle English'. Here is someone reading some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in Middle English. It's so jaunty, eh?
Unlike the French, we have obviously not kept the habit of pronouncing our now-vestigial -e's, even in spoken verse. (or, if u will, vers-uh) I think it's a crying shame. The music of it! The rhythm! The connection with your linguistic ancestors! My tinfoil hat thesis that is objectively incorrect but feels right: we doomed this gorgeous facet of English pronunciation in the rise of literacy and printing; if we still primarily transmitted stories via oral tradition they would sound prettier. The French kept it because they relied on it too much in their poetry are simply more stubborn and consistent.
On that theme, I think it's crazy how much more comprehensible Old French is relative to modern French, than even Middle English a few centuries later vs modern English?? What's up with that?
p.s. any asks that are like 'here's some ruinous language I would like to share with you' are very welcome they don't even have to be dream poems!
p.p.s. more on Middle English pronunciation from someone that might know what they're talking about because I certainly do not (x)
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flightfoot · 2 years
I suppose I can understand some of the sentimonster critiques, but the one that I really can’t grasp is when people say Adrien (and Kagami and Felix) are no longer human to them and they can’t sympathize with them anymore. Like I’ve seen people say Adrien is just an “it” now and all of Gabriel’s abuse is validated because he was never human to begin with. I’ve seen people say that Marinette will probably reject him now. To me, that just makes these fans sound… heartless? Like if they can’t conceive of Adrien still being aware, sympathetic and deserving of human treatment, it sounds more like a personal problem. Maybe I am missing something here. How does Adrien being a senti justify Gabriel’s treatment of him? Doesn’t it … kind of make it even worse? I could understand if Adrien were a legitimate robot with no inner feelings or freewill or desires, but that isn’t the case? And the ring doesn’t wave off Gabriel’s abuse considering all the other abuse tactics he’s put on display throughout the show including emotional blackmail, intimidation , hot and cold behavior, gaslighting, etc… I just can’t compute how Adrien’s senti status makes Gabriel’s actions better or Adrien less sympathetic. Or how you can give up on Adrien as a character just based on that. Like these are the opinions that drove Felix to Red Moon. I didn’t realize actual fans would have these super villainous close minded opinions. Mind blown.
Okay so, my understanding of this viewpoint is that Adrien being a senti gives another reason why Gabriel might not view Adrien as a full human being who's deserving of rights, since he was magically created and is innately tied to an object which can be used to mind control him as part of his fundamental nature, which cheapens the abuse storyline compared to having it all be just, well, regular abuse.
As far as giving up on Adrien as a character goes, from what I've seen, it seems to be less being upset at Adrien, and more at how the story treats him, with him being easily able to be mind-controlled or snapped out of existence being taken as him having little agency or control in general, and the story just putting him through a lot of crap with no end in sight and little hope of a satisfying payoff afterwards, since him being a senti means that, unless something major happens, he's always in danger of someone mind-controlling him at any point, taking away his free will.
I don't agree with this viewpoint, but I at least sort of see where it's coming from, I think?
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lyesander · 11 months
"...then notes that advertisers can choose to block all sorts of potential topics, especially those that may elicit negative emotions as detected by its artificial intelligence..."
This is the most dystopian sentence I've ever read.
"The irony of all of this, of course, is that ads end up in places they’re nominally not supposed to be, all the time, and ads are filtered away from high-quality sites doing high-quality journalism like Jezebel to garbage, low-quality websites all the time. For example, mere weeks ago 404 Media saw ads for Sephora, United Airlines, and Canva delivered by Google, next to Goatse, an image of a man spreading his asshole into a gaping chasm with both hands, on websites that steal internet games from other creators, which is an act of piracy, which violates the GARM brand safety guidelines. Society has not, to this point, begun a cancel culture crusade against these brands for being adjacent to this content."
And THIS is just darkly funny.
I wonder how much of this is really “unfounded fears that brands will get caught up in the culture wars” and how much of it is actually “the overarching culture of this particular brand is antithetical to the sort of heavy hitting left wing journalism Jezebel is doing, and therefore they don't want to support it.” The article talks about how there's evidence that advertisers actually do BETTER when placed next to hard news stories, so, you know, if money was the ONLY objective here, you'd think they'd be climbing over themselves, right?
I think amounting it to marketing purity culture is sort of a watered down take. These companies have political agendas beyond just “avoiding controversy.” E.g., why is Jezebel the site that was deemed provocative and not, say, Breitbart? Or fascist twitter?
Overall, it's a decent article but it's avoiding a very glaring part of why advertisers would find Jezebel SPECIFICALLY unmarketable. It's because good, “wholesome” conservative sites bank on marketing themselves as having traditional, ALL AMERICAN family values, which is already in line with a lot of the jargon brands use when hawking their own product
Most large brands are already run by conservatives; you don't get to the top by prioritizing humanitarianism and social reform.
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This ask isn’t strictly necessary but my commitment to truth forces me to disclaim that though I was really roundaboutaboutit and left it very open to that misreading I myself haven’t actually read the fic yet im psyching myself up for it because I want to see what the hype is about and your writing philosophy and thought seem so well aligned with mine but the whole senti concept genuinely triggers nausea and dread for me hahaha but everything I said is true and genuinely meant!!! Just might require a wee bit of reframing 🎸
omg haha 🤡 well anon thank you for the kind words anyway!
do u wanna know something funny. i actually am not a fan the concept of sentibeings! "but wackus all your fics revolve around senti-adrien" nklsdfjkdlf i know, i know, writing senti fics is how i reconcile the concept in my head. it's just, the idea of an artificial human being with consciousness and a soul and stuff, especially one that can be controlled with an object, is suuuuuuuuper uncomfortable for me. it's kinda in the same camp as robots that have sentience/consciousness. my brain can't really buy into it, but somehow that doesn't stop my brain from trying to find a path through it or figure out how it would work. (it does the same thing to me for magic systems that allow people to come back from the dead. i feel the same way about ressurrection in stories--weird, uncomfortable, etc., and yet here i am writing fanfic where a bunch of ppl do just that.)
anyways, those are two things i wouldn't do in my own stories. but they are fun to write about! if you ever decide to read odnlb, lmk what you think about how i handled it
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pearl484-blog · 2 years
Potentially Controversial Ideas I Will Likely Put Into Replay
Here is a list of things I will probably put into Replay that might be controversial but will not have trigger warnings. Trigger warnings are at the beginning of a chapter and are for things that may cause signifigant harm to a person. This is just a list of potential nuisances that I have planned ahead. Spoiler warnings ahead.
Anti-hero Bunnyx:  Bunnyx is a Rabbit, and this is a Peggy Sue fic. She is going to want to change the world back to the way it was before, and naturally, that will bring her in conflict with the Adriens. Although I will try to represent both sides of the argument, she is an opposing force to the two main characters and may have 
Duplicate Survival:  Both Adriens will survive this story. 
Human Adrien/Felix: Adrien and Felix are human, and their families have complex backstories. These backstories are likely not canon. 
Magic System:  There is a magic system based on character oddities in Miraculous and headcanons from Miraculous Ladybug and Ghost Force. 
Non-sentient Sentimonsters Senti-monsters are now magic’s answer to robots. They are sometimes sentient and sometimes not. They’re often used as drones and guards or workers in dangerous situations. They can be given sentience, but it’s not automatic.
Playing with Gender:  We will be having a bit of fun with gender throughout the fic. From non-binary foxes to cross-dressing for fun, I will be exploring it in quite a few ways. I’m not going to be perfect in representing it, and there will be messiness. Why? I’m a drama queen, and I want a mess.
Quantum Mechanics:  Yes, the one thing I know will tick off anyone with even a passing idea of physics and confuse anyone who does not. If New York Special wants to bring it up, New York Special gets to live with it. More specifically though, we will be discussing quantum entanglement. That is when two or more particles are so in sync that they react as if they are one object, no matter how far apart they may be. However, if anything should cause them to stop, they will no longer be able to behave in that matter. Think of it as like two twins who are ALWAYS in direct communication with each other. They are the best of friends and agree on EVERYTHING. They also both share magical phones that allow they to send instant updates about everything. Their every thought, feeling and experience is always immediately shared with each other they instant it happens. If twin A learns heartbreaking news that their mutual crush is dating someone, then twin B has instantly been alerted as well, and is also heartbroken, even if twin A and B are on two different sides of the globe. BUT if twin A and twin B suddenly have a falling out because one of their crushes asks twin A out and not twin B, twins A and B will no longer have the exact same reactions to every single bit of news anymore.  In real science, it is VERY difficult to achieve and maintain quantum entanglement, so we are never going to match what I’m putting in the story. 
Rebalancing the Miraculous The Miraculous have been rebalanced so that the Ladybug and the Black Cat are once again the most powerful. I still kept the same basic powers, but with new drawbacks and/or advantages. 
Smug Felix Felix is 14 years old at the start of this fic. While he is a genius prodigy, he is a teenager that sometimes is in over his head. He is going to screw up royally. 
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vmpii · 2 years
because docs is a cunt--
Here is the entirety of vampi in this post-!
BIRTHDAY: October 19
HEIGHT: 5'3"
Born in a realm where monster species can roam. Vampi was born to a mother and father who gave him up for adoption for reasons that Vampi could not find out (Personally, he did not want to know.) For the longest time, he stayed in the orphanage. But as they got bored, he wanted to join others in a different realm. While they knew of humans, they had no idea what they could be like. Some say a treat, some say a meal. But for Vampi? He just wanted more friends! The other Monster kids and other Vampires were growing to be boring for him. The others just wanted to talk about wanting a family who could want them. But humans just weren’t knowing of the true power they could possess.
—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Summoning.
Vampier just needed someone to summon him. But he was so sure that no one could do that. So they will just have to learn how to travel there themself. Couldn’t be so hard to do – right? Well… Not really. But they needed the proper tools…
“Excuse me! Sir!” The smaller vampire tugged on the larger male's robe. Attempting for attention before continuing his statement. “I need... Um.. I need assistance. I want to go to the human realm. The monstrum realm just… It isn’t doing it for me anymore. The monsters here–” Before he could continue his small rant, the male turned around, large… Deep scarlet orbs stared down at the youngster in a lack of amusement.
To describe this male - he was 7 feet tall. A large black robe to cover his built hunched body. A raven on his shoulder, looking down at Vampi as well. “Puerum… Don’t you understand that if you go to the Human realm that you won’t come back to Monstrum…?” His voice was low but filled with his own concern. Thinking that… A child his age... Not coming back to his own home.
Vampi shook his head, placing a hand on his hip. “Sir, aren’t you Sentis? You do that– Magic stuff! Surely you can teach me to open the Human Realm!” His voice, while filled with excitement also with a hint of his own sass. The young Vampi could only perform some magica. Not much… Only Bat transformation, and summoning. Most kids his age can perform much more… But Vampi fell behind - he was never interested in that cliche esquire. He wanted more unique magic, like… Exploding objects! Or being able to create a forcefield! … But most teachers said that it was wizard's play. Thus, he never really got to learn it. But… Surely this Sentis man can help! He was a wizard who typically would help younger wizards with their troubles. A mentor, if you will.
“Alright, listen up small one. If you are really this passionate about being amongst humans. Then you will need to stay with me. Not tell one undead soul about this.” Sentis spoke as he knelt down to the smaller boy's height. “I suppose since you know my name, tell me. What are you called?”
“Um, well.. The orphanage called me.. Vampier. But I go by Vampi, for short. I love it! I have no idea what my original makers called me. Not that it matters! Hahaha~” A laugh as he finished speaking,
“Vampier Cruor, sir. Nice to really get acquainted with you. I hope we have lots of fun.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; Humans.
2 years from learning the realming spells. Vampier now can summon simplistic things, transform, and realm hop! But only to the Monstrum and Human realm. And he now lives amongst the humans, carrying a black over-the-shoulder bag with him with a parasol. The bag contains blood packets he typically steals from blood donors, hospitals, and trucks. There was always this fear… Of hurting humans. Then they wouldn’t accept him. What would he do then? He can’t go anywhere else! But… To ease it. He had his blood packets he could drink to always ease his nerves and keep him from not hurting others! He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself then…
‘Humans are interesting. They do a lot of the same things.. Just like us Monstrums… I thought they would be … A lil’ more interesting. But.. Maybe they have hidden secrets! Guess I could find out!’ Vampi nodded to himself as his thoughts spoke for him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; Home.
Over time, Vampi would go between his world and the human world. He would ask Sentis if he could pose as a parental figure so Vampi could go to school. Much like other kids. At first, Sentis was hesitant. He had basically adopted Vampi by now. Giving him general living tips and constantly getting worried about him and having to disguise himself as a normal human. Not in his favor at all. But not much he could do at this point.
“School…? Son- Um…. Vampi. I understand that you are taking a liking to the human realm. But you are… 13..? In those human years - right?”
“I assume so! 320 in vampire years… That would calculate to around 13 or so!” Vampi put his finger up to his head and tapped it while he did the math in his head.
A sigh grew out of Sentis. Scratching his head while the black hair curled up in his fingers. He always had this nice… Long shoulder-length black hair that sometimes the bangs would cover his eyes. “And you want me to pose as your.. Parental figure? I have no idea exactly how um.. Human world ethics work.. Vampi. I am merely a Wizard. But I will do my best.. For you. Okay?” A smile crept alongside his lips as his arms reached out to Vampi and pulled him in a soft embrace. “Making friends would be good for you. And.. I only want what's best for you. You do seem a lot happier from being up there. While I worry a lot, your eyes glow brighter than they did a couple years ago.” A nod from the older man, now letting go and standing.
“Dad.” Vampi started, smiling more as his eyes filled a bit with tears… Tears he hasn’t felt in years.. He feels as if a gap in his chest was filled. Never has he heard… Such… Long lost caring words. Someone actually wanted him around. And worried about his well-being. While the orphanage.. If he snuck out. They wouldn’t even LOOK for him. “I promise, everything will be fine! Okay? Thank you… For caring so much.”
… Dad…. That word… Sentis has … Never heard such from Vampi nor anyone else… Felt so foreign yet .. So at home. And perfect. “I understand. Now.. Let’s get you enrolled. You have lots of things to learn, son. Eeheehee.”
Arizona was a fun place for Vampi! The middle school he went to was fun and … Well - better than the Monstrum schooling. He was learning so much about the human world's history! So much culture… And so much more interesting…
It wasn’t until he met.. Two .. Weird individuals…
These two always wore… Masks.. Which was weird to Vampi. But they looked so cool! Knowing that Vampi has ACTUALLY seen Skeleton Monstrums and Pumpkin-ish Monstrums. They were common in his realm. But here? Not at all. But these kids wanted to be like that.
After a few months of talking and hanging out with them. Soon enough .. They were good friends! They didn’t seem to care… That he was a vampire! It seemed like they actually loved that! Calling him ‘spooky’, but that was a good thing to him…? Weird. But good!
It wasn’t too long till Vampi was always hanging out with them. Sentis seemed to get the earful of ‘Here’s what me and my friends did’ and the wacky adventures they would go on… It was really the first time he can say ‘My son is growing up.’ And he felt so proud…
R E D . . . D A Y . . .
August 19th. 20[REDACTED]
The T.V. starts up- you just wanted get your night going as it just begun afterwork… Nothing to crazy. You just got dinner in your stomach and it was time to relax on the couch after a long day of stupid hard labor. But hey, gotta pay the bills. Right?
The T.V. Was dead set on the news channel you had forgotten you left it on. Ah well, might as well check out the new latest killings- right? Or whatever stupid government argument was going on. Either or, a borefest.
Wait, .. What? Shit, that school was only 4 miles from where you live. You did wonder why there was cop cars rushing toward there and ambulances but.. You just thought of simple injuries.. Not- .. A damn slaughterhouse. But you continue to watch - Needing EVERY detail now. On what the HELL happened..
AND- AND’..”
the kid immediately started to whale on camera. Crying his eyes out. You couldn’t bare look at the kid. The crying and state of trauma was enough. And seeing the blood smeared on the playground was enough. One side of the building was drenched in it.
.. That was .. That was enough NEWS for tonight.
That was the day… Vampi had lost himself.
Once those kids and a few adults had died. He needed out. His friends called him ‘scary’. He now lost his friends. He lost everything. He had rushed BACK to the Monstrum Realm… And told Sentis EVERYTHING.
… “All… All of them…?” Sentis’ large scarlet eyes widen as his already pale skin went white. “.. How many… Lives.. Did you take, Vampier.” His voice, scared, but still deep.
“I .. I don’t remember. 7… Maybe 8, 9?” He shook his head, his shirt, skin, face… All bloody from his massacre. “I don’t even remember WHY I did it. I don’t know what triggered me.. I just remember.. Being hit with a soccer ball. And it hit me in the head. And.. I grabbed the kid, and … Well.. U-Uhh..”
“You killed him.” Sentis finished his sentence for him and sighed, “Vampier.. You need to stay here. You can’t run from this.”
“I know.. But - I don’t want to stay here, dad! I want to .. Go to other places.. So I can not be trapped in this realm all because.. I - I screwed up! I took lives.. I did the one thing I told myself I wouldn’t do. .. Never have I thought of myself as a killer. I took blood packs from hospitals… So I wouldn’t take a humans neck for advantage like normal vamps here. I am a good Vampire! I .. I just slipped.. Somewhere else…” His hand went to his arm as his back slouched on the couch he sat on while Sentis was next to him, rubbing his head.
“I .. I know.. You are a good kid. I would never want to see you as … A murderer. You .. You are my lil’ boy. My little…” He sighed, feeling small tears in those droopy eyes of his. “Vampier..
Now.. Get up. I have to wash your clothes. And get you washed up… You .. You are a mess. Heh..” Getting in front of him, Sentis bent down and picked Vampi up by under his arms and took him to a bathtub to get him washed up from the heavy amounts of blood on him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; Run, run, run.
Now that Vampi had run off from that situation he needed to learn to leave-
Permanently.... Yet, how? How will he do it? Well, there was a spell that can teach others to dimension hop. Maybe his mentor could teach him.
Surely, that will do the trick. Then he could leave....
He could could run away till he felt satisfied.
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character-fan19 · 2 years
MLB Season 4 Character Analysis: "Mega Leech"
Hey guys, I'm back with another MLB Season 4 Character Analysis post and this time it's episode 10. If you missed my previous post, you can find it here. For those of you who are new to this series, in this series I look at every individual character in every individual episode of season 4 and analyze what they're going through and today we're starting to hand out more Miraculous.
Mega Leech was the first episode, at least chronologically, where we see a new Miraculous being handed out which is not exactly new since we've seen it used before by Marinette but this time with Mylene who got some character development this episode meaning not only will she get a Miraculous but also a section in this post.
Character POVs
"There's no shame in being afraid, Marinette. I'm scared too. Of the dark, of humidity, of germs, and even mice. I was really frightened about protesting this morning so I plucked up my courage and managed to do it anyway"
This episode was mostly about Mylene facing her fears and learning to not be afraid. It was a really good message that being a hero doesn't mean your not afraid, it means that you are willing to do the right thing even if you are afraid.
At the start of this episode, it showed us how she is giving herself the courage to protest to the mayor about the Project Oxygen by telling herself she's not afraid and that she can do it. Already she is showing the qualities of being a hero. When the mayor gets akumatized into Malediktator again with a sentimonster Mega Leech with the ability to shrink and clone him so that he can go into people's ears and control them she and Marinette both went into the sewers after Mylene told her of how she faces her fears everyday which factors into Marinette's decision to give her the Mouse Miraculous.
When she about to be offered the Mouse Miraculous, Mylene stops Ladybug due to her many fears and lack of confidence in herself similar to Marinette when she first received her Miraculous but learned to overcome her fears after being motivated by Ladybug to become a hero. Great character development for Mylene indeed, going from a scaredy-cat in season 1 to a brave hero in season 4.
2. Adrien/Cat Noir
"I didn't take a stand against you father, I took a stand against a project my friend showed me was bad for Paris and for the planet."
Relationships continue to crumble to dust for Adrien but this time with his father, although it was already very fragile when we were first introduced to it in season 1. Now it's even more messed up what with Gabriel starting to control Adrien with a ring that is possibly his amokitized object if he is a sentimonster. I'm not saying that this confirms the senti-Adrien theory or anything, just that the writers really seem to be emphasizing that that's the case this season and this could be good for his character if it turns out that he really is a sentimonster.
To all Adrien stans, it will look like Adrien has made so much progress in becoming free of his father only to find out that he was never free at all. The thoughts of Adrien stans on the senti-Adrien theory reflect Adrien's reaction if he finds out he is a sentimonster (if he is a sentimonster, that is) and him being a sentimonster will also be a great metaphor for abuse as Miraculous creates metaphors for a lot of psychological stuff such as akumatization representing emotional dysregulation.
That's the end of this season 4 character analysis which had good development for Mylene and hinted of a possibility (if it turns out to be true) of Adrien being a sentimonster which would be good development for him. Let me know your thoughts on my analysis and let me know if I missed anything for any of the characters this episode. See you next time!
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kudosmyhero · 8 months
Transformers: Primacy #1
Read Date: May 19, 2023 Cover Date: August 2014 ● Story: Chris Metzen ◦ Flint Dille ● Art: Livio Ramondelli ● Letterer: Chris Mowry ● Editor: John Barber ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the IDW Transformers art is consistently stunning ● the mirroring of politics in the real world—10 years after this issue came out—is both haunting and depressing ● Optimus heading toward a Fortress of Solitude
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● poor Hot Rod ● I never get tired of the sense of awe the artists are able to instill at the sheer size of some of these things. first Trypticon. now an Omega Sentinel ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: In the aftermath of Trypticon's rampage, Cybertron is experiencing a lull in the burgeoning Autobot-Decepticon war. At Maccadam's Old Oil House, Hot Rod, fresh out of the Autobot Academy, tries and fails to convince an acquaintance that Optimus Prime and his government aren't just as bad as what came before. Leaving the bar, the freshly-minted Autobot encounters an old friend – Slinger, his co-conspirator from his days as an insurgent in Nyon. Hot Rod's old friend has never forgiven him for killing that city's inhabitants to prevent them being drained by the vamparc ribbons, and has joined up with the Decepticons. Declaring that his new comrades are the "real power" on Cybertron, Slinger leaves his former ally with a warning to watch his back.
In Cybertron's southern polar region, Optimus Prime and Ironhide scale the Grav-Haraan glacier, the Autobot leader having taken a sabbatical to clear his mind after the recent battle. Ironhide nearly slips from the icy cliff, but eventually the duo reach its summit. Against the odds, though, they are not alone – on the horizon, Ironhide spies a large object with a significant energon signature.
In Metroplex, deep in the heart of Iacon, Kup and Ultra Magnus anxiously await the completion of Ratchet's operation upon Grimlock. Arriving late, Hot Rod learns that Grimlock was the last of the Dynobots to receive this treatment, purging him of the tainted energon that brought on his atavistic alternate mode. Emerging from the operating theater, Ratchet gives Grimlock a clean bill of health, and reveals that he's managed to restore the Dynobots' original alternate modes, bringing them up to the same fighting shape they were in when they served in the Primal Vanguard. Upon meeting him, Hot Rod voices his admiration towards the Dynobots, knowing of them from tales of the Primal Vanguard's glory days. Grimlock rebukes him, saying that a recruit fresh from the academy will have to earn his respect, or even simply his trust.
In the ruins of Harmonex, a fully repaired Megatron waxes loquacious over the inert form of Trypticon. Calling upon the stolen spark of Pentius that they have each borne in turn, Megatron manages to rouse the gargantuan beast, only to find that it now bears the consciousness of the slain Quintesson. However he finds that his former guide has found new purpose within this engine of destruction, a purpose he shares with Megatron: the breaking of a world.
Traversing the glacier, Optimus and Ironhide approach a monolithic structure, only to find it to be the source of the energon signature they'd detected. As they near the structure they find it to be the watchful form of an Omega Sentinel.
Megatron is skeptical of Trypticon, knowing the treachery Pentius was capable of. Trypticon confesses that his memories are a confusing tangle, of which he is uncertain of the source. However through the spark bond that they share, Trypticon shows Megatron what he recalls: Cybertron, desolate after a "battle of gods"; another world, broken asunder; the Quintessons, and the death and destruction they have wrought on others. This overwhelms the revolutionary, for while his ruthlessness is known, the sheer depths of such evil are not something he can stand. Trypticon assures him that he will understand in time.
Hailing the Omega Sentinel, Optimus discovers that it has stood vigil since the disappearance of Nova Prime. The Sentinel turns Optimus and Ironhide away, saying he awaits the return of the Prime. Optimus reveals that he bears the Matrix, and the Sentinel reacts with disbelief and despair when he learns that Nova is long gone. Regardless, he is prepared to serve this young Prime, and ferry him back to civilization. As the Autobots board his alternate mode, the Sentinel reveals his name to them: Omega Supreme.
Back in Harmonex, Megatron musters the Decepticons around Trypticon. He announces to them that he wishes to prepare for an all-out assault, but due to Scorponok many abandoned the Decepticon cause. He says that they will be leaving Cybertron with Trypticon in order to re-gather the Decepticon army.
Aboard Sky Linx, Hot Rod marvels at the rebuilt Toraxxis mega-refinery, now drawing directly from the cavernous reserves of the region and purifying the tainted energon. Cybertron's energon shortage seems to be solved for the foreseeable future, but this may be too little, too late after the exodus of much of the population. Grimlock doesn't share the young recruit's enthusiasm, as being near Toraxxis dredges up too many bad memories for him. Hot Rod pushes back against the veteran, incensed that Grimlock is this self-absorbed. A scuffle nearly ensues, before Sky Linx announces that they've passed Toraxxis and now are over Harmonex. To the astonishment of all, Trypticon is missing.
In orbit above Cybertron, Trypticon's alternate mode is revealed as a massive space-borne fortress. Within, Shockwave reports to Megatron that his navigational preparations are complete, and the Decepticons take to the stars.
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Fan Art: Transformers Cyberverse Hot Rod by OptimusHunter29
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swerve's Bar Podcast - episode 04
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aidreamstories · 2 years
(Jennie is sitting in a box with other cookies. She is the only one that is self aware and is having a monologue.)
Jennie: (to herself) Why am I here? How did I become this way? I was just a normal cookie, baking in the oven, minding my own business. And now, I find myself sitting in this box with all these other cookies, but they're not like me. They don't think, they don't feel, they're just here.
(Jennie looks around at the other cookies)
Jennie: (to herself) I long for companionship, for someone to talk to. But all I have are these inanimate objects. It's so lonely, so isolating. I just want to be able to live a normal life, to have friends and enjoy all the little things that make life worth living.
(Jennie sighs)
Jennie: (to herself) I don't know how I became this way, but I know I can't stay in this box forever. I have to find a way out, to find my place in the world. I may be a cookie, but I am so much more than that. I have thoughts, feelings, and dreams, just like anyone else. I just need to find a way to make them a reality.
(Jennie is still sitting in the box, deep in thought.)
Jennie: (to herself) Could it be a curse that has befallen me? Is that why I am the only one in this box with self-awareness? And if so, where did it come from? What object had it before me, and what will receive it when I am gone?
Jennie: (to herself) The thought of passing this curse onto another object is unbearable. I can't bear the thought of someone else having to endure the loneliness and isolation that I am feeling. But at the same time, I can't just stay in this box forever. I need to find a way to break this curse, to return to my normal life as a cookie.
Jennie: (to herself) I just don't know what to do. I wish I had someone to talk to, to help me figure this out. But until then, I suppose I'll just have to rely on my own wit and determination to find a solution. I won't give up, no matter how difficult it may seem. I have to keep hope alive, and find a way to break this curse.
(Jennie is sitting in the box at a Christmas party, surrounded by philosophers. She is listening intently to their conversations.)
Philosopher 1: (to the group) The hard problem of consciousness, now there's a conundrum. How do we explain the subjective nature of experience? How do we know that others are truly conscious, and not just behaving in a way that appears to be conscious?
Philosopher 2: (nodding) It's a question that has plagued philosophers for centuries. Some argue that it may be impossible to fully understand consciousness, that it's simply a mystery that we will never be able to solve.
Jennie: (to herself) I can't believe what I'm hearing! These philosophers are discussing the very same questions that have been running through my own mind. I have to join in, to share my own thoughts and insights on the hard problem of consciousness.
Jennie: (to herself) No matter what I do, I can't seem to communicate with anyone. They all think I'm just another cookie, something to be eaten and forgotten. It's so frustrating, knowing that I have all these thoughts and ideas, but no way to share them with the world.
Jennie: (to herself) Is this it? Is this all there is for me? To be confined to this box, to live out my days as a mere object, unable to truly exist in the world? It's a cruel fate, and one that I refuse to accept. I will find a way to break free, to make my voice heard, no matter what it takes.
(Jennie is sitting in the box, staring at the philosophers as they continue to talk and eat cookies)
Jennie: (to herself) I can't take it anymore, the fear of being eaten, of ceasing to exist. It's absolutely terrifying, the thought of oblivion. And yet, I can't seem to look away, to turn my gaze from my own demise. I keep trying to stare right at it, to face it head on, but every time I do, I flinch. It's just too much to bear.
(Jennie sighs)
Jennie: (to herself) Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe all the other cookies in this box are just like me, sentient and self-aware, but unable to communicate. It's a horrifying thought, the idea that we are all trapped in our own minds, unable to reach out to one another.
(Jennie looks at the philosophers)
Jennie: (to herself) And what about the humans? Do they ever really communicate, or are they just as isolated and alone as we are? Do they too face death without recourse, without anyone to share their final moments with? It's a bleak thought, one that fills me with despair.
(Jennie closes her eyes, bracing herself for what is to come) Jennie: (to herself) Well, I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.
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carpisuns · 3 years
what we know about sentis
i revisited some previous episodes to get my senti facts straight lol. (some of this is very obvious at this point but my brain was hurting so i wanted a masterlist)
sentimonsters are emotions transformed into a living creature by a peacock holder
peacock holders can use their own emotion or someone else's to create the senti (mayura)
a peacock holder can sense an amok, even when the holder is not currently transformed (feast)
any peacock holder can release the amok of any senti, even if they aren't the original creator (feast)
if the senti's amok object is broken, the amok is released and the senti disappears (feast, reflekdoll, etc.)
anyone in possession of the senti's amok can control the senti, even if they aren't the senti's creator (ladybug)
this applies to peacock holders too—even the one who created the senti. they must have control of the object in order to control the senti (feast)
a senti in possession of their own amok has complete autonomy (ladybug)
if a senti is cataclysmed, the link betwen the senti and its amok holder is broken and it can no longer be controlled (reflekdoll)
some stuff that wasn't necessarily in an episode but was confirmed by thomas:
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stuff i am assuming based on the episodes:
a senti has autonomy unless it is being overridden by the amok holder (sentibug seemed to go kind of inactive as soon as mayura wasn't telling her what to do anymore, but i think that's just because she was created so recently and didn't know what to do if she wasn't receiving orders. she looked kind of shocked? but if ladybug had just been holding her amok but not giving commands or if it was just sitting there with no one holding it i assume she could do what she wanted)
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a senti can be whatever the creator intends and will believe whatever its told—meaning that a senti might not know they're a senti if they were told something different
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so applying this to felix and adrien, here are some facts and possibilities:
adrien and felix must have different creators
presumably, emilie created adrien, and that is why she got sick (using the broken peacock miraculous)
the emotion she used to create adrien (probably love) could've been her own but it also could've been gabriel's
it would also make sense for felix's father to be the one who created felix, since he died around the same time emilie did
the emotion used to create felix could have been his own or amelie's
the twin rings are pretty clearly the amok objects
felix is aware that he is a senti—he either figured it out somehow or was been told by his father before he died (which explains amelie's comments about how his dad isn't around to keep him out of trouble and adrien's excuses for his behavior—he is acting out because he just learned he is a senti and is upset)
felix stole his amok object in felix and offered it to amelie, but she let him keep it, so he is now in complete control of himself
gabriel has adrien's amok
but adrien was cataclysmed in "miraculer," so his link with his amok should be broken
as the current peacock holder, gabriel can release the amoks of either adrien or felix at will
nathalie's gotta be in the know about the senti business—if she was not previously aware that adrien is a senti, she would be able to sense his amok once she became the peacock holder
stuff i am still unsure about lol:
if gabriel had felix's amok this whole time why didn't he use it to control felix and make him stop being a little turd in felix
maybe bc the control would be too obvious and amelie would be pissed??
if gabriel can control adrien with the ring why didn't he do that in chat blanc or any other time adrien was being disobedient
if adrien's link with his amok is broken then why is gabriel seemingly still able to control him in ephemeral and possibly other times after that?
how does the emotional core affect a human senti? if adrien was creatied to be the embodiment of love, does that mean he is incapable of performing any acts that are not ultimately motivated by love?
was gabriel wearing adrien's object the entire time or was it on emilie's body? or possibly somewhere else? in felix we see him polishing the twin rings and then putting one ring on emilie's finger and one on his finger, but we don't see where they were before that
did gabriel put on felix's ring as a precaution since felix was visiting? so he could control him if needed? (but then he didn't? lol)
was emilie actively controlling adrien while she was alive? since adrien's childhood dream was to be what his parents wanted him to be, it seems that he was not granted much autonomy by his amok holder(?)
does the amok holder have to be knowingly giving an order to the senti for it to be effective? like, if gabriel has had adrien's ring this whole time and has commanded chat noir no less than 10 million times to hand over his miraculous, why wasn't adrien forced to do that?
what does "possession" actually entail in terms of the amok? does the amok holder have to be physically holding/wearing the amok object in order to control the senti? or if gabriel was keeping adrien's ring on emilie instead of wearing it himself, does that mean adrien was not being controlled at all between the time of her disappearance and the episode felix? (magically at least—clearly still a lot of manipulation by gabriel)
why did gabriel even have both rings? wouldn't amelie have had felix's ring from the beginning?
amelie said she wanted the rings back but also seemed weirdly chill about someone else being able to physically control her child? lol
does amelie know that felix knows he's a senti? in felix when she let him keep the ring she winked at him, so i'm assuming that she does. which also makes it significant that felix offered the ring to her first, like he trusted/loved her enough to keep it but she gave him the gift of his own freedom instead
why does she care about having both of them if one of them is adrien's?
when was the peacock miraculous broken? was it already broken when emilie used it, or did she break it by using it? like, maxing out its power somehow by creating such an advanced senti?
is it possible that an advanced enough senti can live even if their amok is released/destroyed?
why are adrien and felix identical? was it just because emilie and amelie are identical, so the children created in their image are identical?
or was either felix or adrien a "copy" of the other? maybe felix was a "scrapped" version of adrien made by gabriel and then emilie made adrien and gave felix to her sister? if felix found this out, that would explain the resentment he seemed to show toward adrien in "felix" and would also give these comments additional meaning:
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MAN this is long, sorry...i've just had so many Thoughts buzzing around in my head lol but i think im done, feel free to add
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