#here we go! XD
Open starter?
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She knew she shouldn't. Still, when she'd been rummaging through the overturned trash can and found a fancy collar with its license still attached, Angel had lost herself for a moment. A symbol of the home and family that she so longed for... clearly it wasn't meant to be in the trash, but that was neither here nor there. Before she'd really thought it through, she was slipping the thing on over her head. The weight of the tag, one that she was passingly familiar with but hadn't experience for oh so long, nestled against her breastbone, and for just a moment Angel allowed herself to get carried away in her fantasies.
Heart in her throat for a moment, she turned to the nearest reflective surface, expecting just for a moment for her reflection to take the form of a smart, happy house-dog staring back at her, a mirror into a life she could never have...
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Instead, she saw only a filthy, scruffy street puppy playing dress-up.
Immediately disgusted with herself, Angel pulled back from the reflection. She felt stupid, what had she expected, what was she even doing? As much as she might wish and dream, she could never belong in such a life; and if the weight of the collar felt comfortable, well, it wasn't an honour that she deserved to wear anyway.
She sighed heavily.
Then, suddenly, her ears pricked up. She could hear the sound of someone approaching, paw pads on the ground... and it belatedly occurred to Angel just how dead she would be if Buster or anyone from the pack saw her like this. Wrapping her jaws around the collar, she tried to rip it off, but it got caught on her matted fur, she couldn't get it back over her head--
So it was a relief when the approaching figure resolved itself into someone other than who she had been dreading. Still feeling embarrassed and ashamed of herself, Angel nonetheless let the collar drop back into place for a moment.
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"Don't ask. Please."
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kuulpenguin · 6 months
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Hermitcraft season 10 (so far) <3
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zu-is-here · 17 days
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<– • –>
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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volvosandvampires · 5 months
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People are so convinced this is appealing to a male gaze, but tbh, I feel like it’s proven more appealing to the female gays—I mean gays—I mean—oh, you get what I mean 👀
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 10 months
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Ninjavember Days 25-30! 🎉🎉🎉
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wispurring-moss · 4 months
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i am so normal about him I Am So Normal About Him I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM—!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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sneezysubbyboi · 1 year
I just found out that "sneezing fit" in french is "crise d'éternuement" — which roughly translates again into "sneeze crisis", which I find both hilarious and hot Like yeah, accurate. Allergies resulting in sneeziness of disastrous proportion? What a sexy "crisis" you're having 👀
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
🎲 breaking the mold.... Jamie and Grace
Also so u don't have to figure out what to do about that damn hat of twitchs XD
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4. A kiss to the top of the head -- (kiss asks from here!)
jamie please you have to warn him he wasn't ready!!!!!!
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Katniss singing a song for Peeta during an episode
Whatever compels her to begin humming she doesn't know. His knuckles are white and his whole body is trembling and she can't let him sit in this misery.
She's scared, and just wants him back and it's all she can think to ground him to the hear and now.
The words come when Peeta seems to begin breathing normally in her arms. She vaguely remembers her kiss in the sewer and how it brought him back so she keeps singing softly. By the time the first few songs are over his hands are releaseing their grip on the kitchen sink and when he moves to sit on the floor, she moves with him. Continuing to embrace him.
"It's not real. Whatever it was, not real."
Leaning on her shoulder, they stay like that as she goes through a few more songs. Peeta opens his eyes and they are tired and still glistening from tears. But their a clear blue she recognizes as only his.
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magnusbae · 9 months
I mean, I can't NOT prompt "Emotions are a luxury I don't have time for." with Dreamling 👀
🤘 five-and-dimes
OKAY ADMITTEDLY it does fit Dreamling very well doesn't it—? I was going to give half an hour per piece and accidently digressed way too much with this one..... whoops...? Thank you for the prompt dear 🥰💖
Dreamling || 1,174w || lowkey hurt/comfort but with ~hope
“Don’t you feel anythi— fuck.” Hob stops, forcing the words back down with a thick swallow. He cannot afford himself to speak in anger, no matter how badly it burns in his veins, no matter how scourged by Dream’s aloofness he is. It doesn’t matter that he should have the right for anger. Dream is simply not a being you could, or should, be angry with if you hope to keep him in your life.
Angry or not, justified or not. Hob wants him in his life, very much.
“Dream, listen.” Hob starts, running a hand over his own face, nails scratching uncomfortably over the side of his cheek. “I get it, okay.” He really doesn’t but this is not the point “but seriously, you do have feelings, I know that you have…” his voice wavers and he gestures at the space between them, unable to voice it lest Dream would flee again. “Please.” his voice strains with the burden of it all. Wanting so much, needing so much—being forbidden from even voicing it, let alone having it.
"Emotions are a luxury I don't have time for.” Dream’s voice is deep, booming, as aloof as it could possibly get. He sounds like he’s reading a ready-made script, like he’s following the lines long since prepared.
Hob recoils, physically takes a step back, wants a distance between himself and Dream’s rejection. He should have expected it, in fact, he assumed he might get worse and yet— “Bulshit.” The short silence that follows is pregnant with tension, both momentarily silenced by Hob’s boldness. Hob is as surprised by it as Dream, apparently is.
Dream comes around first, eyebrows knotting, storms cracking in the depths of his eyes. His lips thin, the corners tug down and then he opens his mouth to deliver what Hob is sure would be either a really bad reprimand or his final words to him.
He cannot have it. If only for the simple fact that he doesn’t only want Dream in his life, but factually needs him. He doesn’t know what’s life would be worth without knowing that in the end of every story there will be Dream to share it with, a confidant, a keeper of his journey.
“I think that you’re afraid—” the words rush out without a thought, he steps forward, hurrying to finish before this would blow out of proportion “—because I know that I am petrified.” The words burn true on his tongue, there’s a dull ache in his chest, his lungs feel too full and empty of air. “I am horrified that you might leave, I am terrified that you might not lo— accept this, I am…” he swallows, his throat is closing with the emotion of it all. He cannot stop, not now that he had finally started. “I get it Dream, I know that you are, that we are… different but…. “ His hand falls by his side, no amount of gesturing would express what he feels.
He runs out of words. He was so certain he had them all when this conversation started, now he can hardly even remember what brought it about. He didn’t prepare for it as well as he thought, he doesn’t know how to word it, how to phrase it in a way that would convince Dream to give this, them, a chance. Damn.
His chin drops and he stares at the ground, burning disappointment makes his hand tremor. He closes his fist.
He is no poet, no storyteller, no writer. He is no Dream to pick and choose the right words. He’s only a man. Only a man who loves a being beyond his comprehension, very, very much.
Fuck, fuck it all. Fuck. He is about to lose him, isn’t he?
The pain in his gut is a twisting thing, like a knife slicing through the guts. Shitty death, he’d know. He dares to glance up when Dream doesn’t speak, half expecting to see him gone. Instead, there’s something softer in Dream’s eyes when he meets them. For the first time, Hob’s attention is drawn to the unnatural void in those eyes, the glint of distant stats. This is…
“Am I…” his mind struggles through the spell of dizziness, his consciousness readjusting its grasp of the surroundings. The shadows are longer, the shapes are bent a little too far, the colors are not quite right.
“I am dreaming.” He understands when he finally sees the landscape for what it is, Dream, for who he is. “Oh shit.” His cheeks color red, he is aware of the incredibly uncomfortable material of the shirt he used to wear some few hundreds years ago.
“I yanked you into my dream, haven’t I.” This is, even more than before, not how he had hoped to confess. Not even close.
“Hob,” Dream’s voice bleeds to every fiber of the dream-scape, infusing it with power, making it feel tangible, more clear, in focus. “You dream very loudly.” There’s an odd note to his voice, if Hob was to attempt and pinpoint it, he’d have to admit it sounds like astonishment.
“Sorry,” he answers, abashed. “I, uh, suppose you can’t just…” he gestures at his own head with a motion that resembles wiping chalk off of a board. “Maybe…?” he adds, hopefully.
He doesn’t regrets his feelings. He would, though, like to at least be awake when Dream rejects him, It feels only proper.
The idea of simply not raising it up at all is one that had crossed his mind frequently, and yet he knows that sooner or later he’d slip again, that he wouldn’t be able to to continue pretending like this isn’t an integral part of who he is, like this isn’t something that he feels.
Sooner or later, he’d tell Dream of The Endless that he is helplessly, hopelessly, truly and deeply— in lov…
A finger again his lips distracts him from his thoughts. “Very loudly.” Dream scolds quietly, wistfully. He sighs then, the weight of it almost buckles Hob’s knees. Dream seems to ready himself, like he is expecting a great deal of suffering and is braving himself for it. He looks exhausted. Worn down. Won over.
Hob immediately dislikes that look, it speaks too much of Dream’s past. Too much of what had made Dream as closed off as he is. Too much of what hurt him so badly. Hob wants him to be…
“Very well, Hob Gadling.” Dream’s words distract Hob from his thoughts again “We shall speak of it further in the waking world, according to your wishes.” Dream looks away into the distance, his finger lingering on Hob’s lower lip, it’s cool. “I must go now, so long.”
He does not sat farewell. Hob’s mind centers around it. Between one eye blink and another, Dream is gone, golden sand scattering behind.
“What…?” Hob’s mind is already fuzzing into an incoherent haze of shapes and shadows, only distantly concerned with what just transpired.
Only vaguely he wonders if he should feel loss, or…not?
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sentientstump · 1 year
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what have we become?
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yourlittlettoy · 1 year
Alright, it’s long overdue but let’s finally get a lil intro post going ☺️
Hi everyone!! My name is Cece 💕👋🏻 it’s so very nice to see you here 🥰😉
My pronouns are she/her 🎀 , I’m in my 20s 🙆🏻‍♀️, I’m bisexual 🤝🏻, and I’m a… lee 🙈 (18+ only on this account pls and thx ☺️)
T-wording (yeah yeah I can’t say the t-word, sue me lmao) is certainly my main kink, but I may or may not also have certain other “preferences” as well 😳 but you’ll have to find those out yourself if you were so inclined ~
I’m a shy gal, despite sharing more than a reasonable amount of traits as a typical golden retriever lol. I’m very nerdy, enthusiastic, curious to a fault, certified member of the good girl’s club 😇, and have so much love 4 u 💖💘💗!! However, unfortunately for you, even the love won’t stop me from being a serious pain in the butt. Consider this your warning ⚠️😂.
Last thing I really want to mention, is that I am not good at being consistent when it comes to responding to messages/asks. I just want to make it clear right now that: my response times or responses at all (or potentially lack thereof) does not reflect a lack of affection and/or enthusiasm towards getting to know you, valuing you, or appreciating your interaction! I truly am so thankful for each and every one of you that take time out of your day to reach out/interact with lil ol’ me 🥺 and in a perfect world I would be responding to everything and everyone with full attention and time devotion! I just also lead a busy life outside of Tumblr and often time is simply scarce. Please grant me this grace 😊 and believe me when I say I LOVE READING ALL YOUR INTERACTIONS whether I have a chance to tell you that in a response or not! Thank you for this treat even though I can’t always reciprocate 💞 (feel free to double/triple etc message to keep yourself at the top of my inbox if you really want a response tho! Cause believe me I wanna give it to you! So the frequent reminder helps!)
Anyway, if you made it all the way here, thank you for reading my intro post!! Welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy your stay here 😚💝 stay lovely ✨💫⭐️
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hirazuki · 3 months
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Aredhel (Tolkien) Cosplayer + edits: me Photo credit + more edits: tranimaging2 Contacts: Uniqso (Kazzue Cherish Blue) Ears: Aradani Costumes (Sun Elf Ears) Dress, cloak, and circlet: store-bought, altered by me Bracer and glove: made by me Jewelry, shirt, pants, and boots are my own. Bow, quiver, and arrows borrowed from sugarsong_neko Star dust glowing in the silvery night Far away on the other side The night was heavy and the air was alive - Blackmore's Night
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doodlejoltik · 22 days
my favourite writing device is having an un-Rei-liable narrator
#rei#volo#cheren#// tikposting#// character meta#the crowd booes me off the stage#forgive the pun XDDD his name is too easy to pun on#the way i write it it's not a conscious choice. it's just how the pov character (rei) experiences and contextualises the world#revealing backstory and personality and mindset through narration !!!!#not necessarily out of malice it's just. how he views things#interpreting new and foreign experiences through the lens of what came before...#conversations which read differently to different people.#in the context of rei that's stuff like unease around authority figures#always choosing his words carefully to project an image of competence (he has to be needed)#distrust and not taking things at face value but also paradoxically a fragile and nurtured sense of almost blind optimism#when it comes to friendships. like volo. (everyone turned on me when the sky turned red but it all resolved itself in the end didn't it?)#(what makes this different? / a lot of things. / i choose to believe)#volo [directly]: “i won't be stopped from my goal” rei thoughts: we can work with this!!!!#and everything with Arceus too and his divine blessings and a plan that will work out in the end#if Rei can just... figure out what part he's meant to play. interpreting events as a narrative hurtling towards some unknown conclusion#i am talking about rei here specifically but this writing device is so good in general#would be fun to try get inside volo's head. there's so much going on there i don't understand yet#quite fond of that one analysis post about how volo lacks emotional intelligence and sees relationships as transactions#not necessarily out of malice it's just how he views things. whether because of past experience or brain chemistry#also need to give a shout to cheren my guy who is an outsider pov who projects his own experiences onto new things so that he Understands#(an outsider to Hilbert and N's clash of truth and ideals. life changing experience and knowledge but felt just a little off to the left)#(the narrative repeated again with new heroes. all he can do is help them but it falls on their shoulders in the end)#(no wonder he tries to insert himself into Situations)#anyway tag ramble over feel free to also ramble to me about your takes XD#rei pokemon
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 19: Work
In a city of endless rain and mysteries, a detective’s work is never done.
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