tienaotructuyen · 2 years
HeroFi là dự án game NFT aRPG như thế nào?
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Một sự thật là HeroFi đã bị hack bởi một lỗ hổng bảo mật trên mạng BSC vào 05/12/2021 và tổn thất tối thiểu lên đến con số 150 nghìn USD. Tuy nhiên ngay lập tức đội ngũ đã giải quyết một cách thỏa đáng cho traders của mình. Bằng cách bù vào số token ROFI bị hack và hoàn trả token của các giao dịch mua/bán vào thời điểm dự án bị hacker xâm nhập.
Là một trong các dự án có tiềm năng hy vọng bùng nổ trong tương lai về một thị trường game NFT dần thay thế cho game truyền thống, HeroFi nhận được sự ưu ái rõ rệt. Nếu bạn đang phân vân việc có nên đầu tư thời gian và tiền bạc vào dự án này cùng HEROEGG, ROFI token hay không hãy tìm hiểu thật kỹ qua bài viết bên dưới.
Nguồn bài viết: https://tienaotructuyen.com/herofi/
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autisticandroids · 1 year
@pingnova replied to this post:
One of the things I like the most about your interpretations of spn and destiel is that they're both "bad people" and that's interesting. I was explaining to a friend how I loved some comedies bc all of the characters are "bad people" so when the slapstick and pettiness happens back and forth I can just laugh at all of them. it goes further for me (all humans are flawed and probably seem irredeemable and disgusting to someone else, no matter what). but I have never…
…been into interpretation that relies on characters being "right" or essentially perfect and sinless. I find drama between sinless characters utterly boring and contrived. I like characters that are messy and human. its a good reminder for me about myself and makes entertaining stories. sometimes when i talk about a character friends mistake me for criticizing them because I talk about their flaws. nah, I think it's great they're assholes. they're fictional, the only..
...place I want to deal w assholes in my life. stories are just complex bad people getting tangled with other complex bad people. my fave spn character outside cas is Meg, to the shock of many. I have given up explaining it to most people lol. "but she's bad!" yeah ok I thought it was hot? and kind of funny. I don't feel like explaining rn. 😅
oh thank you! this is something i always put a lot of thought into. like, one of the things that frustrates me about fandoms generally is i think the rough edges tend to get sanded off characters. like, some characters are vilified, yes, but that happens as a result of other characters getting herofied. like, if characters we're meant to like and root for can't be mean and self-serving and destructive, then to create conflict, one must invent flat, cartoonish villains to pit them against.
actually, as a sidenote, i was talking to @spriteofmushrooms on the phone the other day and trying to come up with a working definition of "darkfic" and we ended up deciding that it seems to mean "fic where characters are allowed to have unacceptable desires and motivations." and that's not exactly what it is, darkfic is hard to pin down, and it has some stylistic and genre conventions that are its own. for example, the first church at the end of the world by @withbloodstainedclothingon is a fic i love, and a really vicious and uncomfortable and vicious character study on both dean and cas (but especially dean). it is also unabashedly darkfic, and the reason it expresses the things it wants to express about cas through cas running like a misogynistic cannibalism sex cult is because one of the conventions of darkfic is a kind of aggressive edginess. that isn't a criticism, it's just saying that had the fic been working in a different genre, the author might have chosen a different method. or another example, my fic i fold in half so easily and @twoheadedcas' fic samson went back to bed are both kind of similar in various ways. they're both attempts to take late seasons canon seriously, attempts to reconcile with the position cas is in re: dean and jack in the late seasons, and attempts to put cas through a meat grinder. and they're both, i would say, darkfic. i know for a fact i didn't really start out with ifihse intending to write darkfic, and while melanie (hiiiii) might correct me here, there's a good chance they didn't either while writing swbtb. these are just the places one is naturally led to when engaging with the late seasons seriously. but there's a big difference between ifihse and swbtb in terms of: i am, on the balance, a darkfic writer. a lot of my fic is out and out darkfic, and even when it's not it tends to contain darkfic stylistic habits. @twoheadedcas has written a bit of darkfic in their tenure, but on the balance, they mostly write non-darkfic. so if you compare ifihse to swbtb, despite their tonal similarities, and despite the fact that both were written (in my opinion) primarily as pure reactions to canon, ifihse has some of the hallmarks of being a darkfic (in particular the emphasis on cas' erotic pleasure and his discomfort/ambivalence about it; darkfic tends to be even smuttier than normal fanfics and that smut tends to be both kinkier and more inclined to play with the lines of emotional comfort and consent), while swbtb has some of the hallmarks of being a non-darkfic (the best example is dean and cas sharing a sweet almost kiss in the middle, which is absolutely a classic destiel fic thing). this is actually one of my favorite things about samson went back to bed: in darkfic that is written to be darkfic, no matter how seriously and genuinely it engages with canon and the characters, there will always be the feeling that there is a finger on the scale, tilting characters to be just a little nastier, grosser, more evil. but non-darkfic is usually skewed the other way: the characters are skewed to be more comfortable and palatable. by aligning itself with non-darkfic, samson went back to bed legitimizes the dark interpretation of canon it presents by saying "i am not skewing things to be worse. i might even be skewing things to be better. and yet we're still here." which i think is cool.
but that's kind of the crux of the thing, isn't it? most darkfic is just a twisted mirror of most non-darkfic. instead of flattening characters to be better than they are, making them paragons of virtue, it flattens them to be worse than they are, making them cartoon villains. obviously, this isn't true of all darkfic, i am a great enjoyer of darkfic and frequently write it myself. there's plenty of good darkfic out there. but if sturgeon's law applies double to fanfic, it applies triple to darkfic. and i think it's because there is this inability, in fandom, to imagine that these beloved characters could be bad people. which means that non-darkfic tends to portray them as flat heroic figures. but it also means that darkfic tends to start from the premise "haha what if (character) was EVIL" rather than recognizing the ways they already kind of are (and the ways in which they are good, as well). both non-darkfic and darkfic frequently hold this black and white mindset, it's just a lot clearer in darkfic because darkfic always sets out to engage with darkness, whereas a lot of non-darkfic is just about things other than whether characters are "good" or "bad," and even when it's about characters' morality, it's usually less contrary to the canon, so there isn't as much emphasis on it or time spent contemplating it. so it's less in your face.
but yeah. i put a lot of work into taking the characters of supernatural seriously as complex and morally suspect people. that's what's fun to me. i find the other way kinda boring. i'm glad you enjoy what i'm selling :3.
(for some supplemental reading check out this post by @astermacguffin)
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vriskasapotheosis · 2 years
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
aLSO all DC muses being added/are already here, which i’m posting bc i don’t have bios posted for all of them so this is a quick rundown. as generally known, the main plotline of this blog is one big universe, but ofc, there are basis for these characters personality traits. And the main verse that is this blog’s verse has a mix of S/nyder and R/eeves, we don’t accept hate to either here. Also technically J/oker 2019. minor comic and other influences but i take what fits into the main world as my wild colorful brain views it (and yes, as an autistic, I view things differently than the non auts who call me names or choose to insult me-- too bad so sad for u tho i’m friends w the block button) 
(obvious content warnings considering the fandom, a lot of these ppl are murderers, one of them considers consent 'optional' canonically, even in her 'good person' phase. some of these people are serial killers. gordon's chill but he's also a cop so that defaultly makes him not great when, like me, you're not white. he's not white either tho, and is trying to fix the issue from the inside, but it's still not a great career. if anyone knows anything abt pamela's backstory, i'm not mentioning it here, but that girl's been through it okay.)
B/rucey Wayne, obvs E/d Nashton, unfortunately, tho he’s technically an NPC/by request H/arvey D/ent, with a different take primarily based on T/elltale, where yknow, he becomes evil whether he’s mutilated or not. stop being gross DC if T/elltale a company owned by gross ppl can do it so can you. H/arley Q/uinn, who’s been here, she’s not an original take she’s based off her og solo run but ppl think ‘oh she’s mean’ means original take when thats LITERALLY WHO SHE WAS BEFORE THEY WATERED HER DOWN TO HEROFY HER I dont accept that arc here. but i'm also not including all the canonical times she's forced consent on others, aka pushing J/oker into sex, breaking into floyd's house and laying naked in his bed and bullying him until he agrees to have sex, pushing ivy into physical contact until ivy agrees no matter how many times they say no. yeah. none of that happens here. but i do recognize it happens in canon, even if the fandom refuses to. al/exis k/aye, aka p/unchline, also a mostly original storyline not entirely following the comics, but idk i think she’s neat du/ella d/ent, aka h/arvey’s bio daughter who he was so disappointed wasn’t twins he chose to ignore entirely, bc even tho i love harv/ey he is a terrible dad. case in point, his daughter’s obsession w villains and calling herself their daughters (she’s been j/okers daughter, ri/ddler’s daughter, etc, her coping mechanism is a piece of work). pre her taking that route tho, but she is presently obsessed with E/dward post TB2022.  floyd la/wton, aka d/eadshot, based on older comics, with hints of ss2016 but not a lot, deffo inspo from jltas and games tho. i will never write fl/oyd x h/arley please never ask me, she literally wouldn’t leave him alone and broke into his house and sat naked in his bed until he’d have sex w her in canon. we’re not doing that here. keep that away from me.  s/ofia f/alcone, carmine’s legitimate daughter and therefore selina’s half sister. inheritor of carmine’s entire criminal bs, but because she wasn’t a player at the time, now has to become a player in the war for head of gotham crime.  jane mo/riarty, technically started as an original interpretation of a moriarty sibling from s/herlock h/olmes, but i plotted and developed a DC plot relating to her in the TB2022 universe, so she’s here now. university professor by day, weaving the web of gotham’s underground criminal schemes by night.  J/ames G/ordon, currently a detective in go/tham, not yet commissioner, trusts batsy entirely but doesn’t let the team know about his affiliation with him. uncle to and eventually adopted father of his niece, b/arbara g/ordon, when his brother and sister in law die in a car crash. 
P/amela I/sley, who is mostly based between older comics (including her runs in the SS) and A/rkhamverse, NOT watering her down the way the comics and shows did to just turn her into ‘har/ley’s girlfriend’ nor will i pretend the canonical interpretation of their ship is somehow healthy when they’ve beaten the shit out of and mentally abused each other to no end. in general if you want a healthy ship, don’t look towards h/arley, and i/vy deserves better, but all in all I am not watering them down for the sake of romance. they’re villains. we can write them as healthily as we can plot if you want, but pamela deserves better than what the comics and that show have done for her. and the fandom as a whole tbh, which is why i love the interpretations i follow over canon 99% of the time. and if you wanna plot/write w any of them lmk and hit me up w a plot if u have one, or if you wanna try and get to a comic point or game point or anything, it can be discussed, but i will not jump into ships w pamela, alexis, or ivy. everyone else is a case by case basis.
anyways here's the new carrd. almost none of the characters mentioned have bios btw that's why i'm posting this here lol.
#bc everytime i post smthn w pam i get fake accts messaging me abt wanting to write canon scenes that are majorly abusive and getting mad at#everytime i say no lol#'it's a different canon to--' funny how that's only ever said#to excuse hypocrisy#don't think i don't notice i'm autistic i notice almost everything#the slightest hint that you're being weird to me i fucking notice#removing me from your list bc you found sb else who you like writing w more???? yeah i noticed that too lol#i just didn't say anything but i notICED#thx#anyways#abuse cw#sa cw#out.#i love hq don't get me wrong#90% of the fandom including those that recognize that all her ships are abusive not just jhq but h/ivy is too lol#even the ppl that DO recognize that#claim her forcing consent is okay bc 'it's played off as a joke!!!' and no#forcing consent isn't a joke#showing up in a man's bed completely naked when he's already told you no MULTIPLE times isn't okay either#and i'm tired of ppl pretending she's only a victim like she's been a victim yes#but she victimizes others s o much she's a horrible person#and the worst kind of manipulator#she's bubbly and lovably too don't get me wrong she isn't aware she's doing it#but that doesn't make it okay#alexis is so cool tho this bitch LITERALLY manipualted the entire world via social media#to get clear cut off of being held legally responsible for anything#and make the batfam look bad#she's an evil genius it's just a shame that#her current personality is so similar to harley's original personality#ran out of tags BUT if anyone wants me to do this for each fandom things are coming in/out of lmk bc i may
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HeroFi (HEROEGG) Falls 0.67%, Underperforms the Crypto Market Saturday
HeroFi (HEROEGG) Falls 0.67%, Underperforms the Crypto Market Saturday
HeroFi (HEROEGG) has been relatively more volatile when compared to other cryptocurrencies. So far Saturday, the crypto has declined 67% to $0.0005939754492. InvestorsObserver is giving HeroFi a 96 Volatility Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on HeroFi! Highly Volatile InvestorsObserver gives HeroFi a high volatility rank of 96, placing it in the top 4% of…
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digibankvn · 2 years
Game HeroFi (HEROEGG token)là gì? Cách đăng ký HeroFi White list
Game HeroFi (HEROEGG token)là gì? Cách đăng ký HeroFi White list
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master-plo-kool · 7 years
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Just got official word that my Thrawn & Deathtrooper piece has been signed by Timothy Zahn! Thanks to my brother @sejawitz for looking after me... #starwars #starwarsart#art #herofied #herofiedart #timothyzahn #thrawn #grandadmiralthrawn #grandadmiral #mitthrawnuruodo #chiss #deathtrooper
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
TECHNO SEEING THIS HEROFIED TOMMY AND BEING LIKE 'what... What happened to my brother'
Well he was kidnapped, molded into an archetype, gone through a severe amount of trauma and pain, and started drinking bath water so uh...that happened.
In all seriousness though Techno would be horrified at this and is now just going to try and find a way to drain all the Prime Water in existence.
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zoufantastical · 3 years
I think it’s because people don’t want to admit that Loki has privilege and is a villain. Like yeah his past was sad and it’s totally valid to mention BUT at the end of the day he was a prince. He lived a lavish lifestyle. Erik didn’t. So yeah the y won’t be the same as villains.
Mhmm Yup this right here. 👏🏽
A lot of the girlies will be mad but this had to be reminded. 😬
I’ve said it before but it really sucks that Marvel doesn’t seem to want to keep villains that made an iconic impact. You either die a villain or they little by little herofy you. And it kinda sucks because I’m gonna be honest, the reasons I liked Loki was because he was a charismatic, cunning villain that was a victim of other’s circumstances…but he was still a villain.
It annoys me to no end when people over simply a villain’s action just because they used a method done before by others to accomplish their goals. Loki lying and manipulating was because he used his suave ways, his connections, thousands of years of experience, the fact he is a literal prince and god of mischief ie he has powers. He was already ahead.
Killmonger had to crawl his way to where he was and he didn’t do it just because he could. He was living systematically oppressed and rejected of his familial origins for something that isn’t his fault. He had to earned his place and go above and beyond. He had to lick some boots, learn his way into the black market, of his history all the while being a black man living in the US on planet earth.
Of the two, Loki definitely had it better. No, it doesn’t invalidate what he went through. But at the end of the day, this is a fact.
Two princes. One born into power with actual powers. Another rejected by it and abandoned to fend for himself. No, their methods and the reasons used will never be the same. Not comparable.
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the-saiyanity · 3 years
Some perspective about Chichi
DBZ stans : Ugh i HATE when people make Goku too heroic. Goku is NOT a hero like Superman is. All he wants is to get a good fight and get stronger. There’s nothing righteous and heroic about his true motivation when he lets bad guys go. his friends could really put too much praise and heroic responsibility on him, that’s misunderstanding him. He loves Gohan but always puts the boy in danger. #baddadgoku
Chichi in Saiyan Saga : *angry about Gohan being nearly killed, blames Goku for exactly that and ignored him* 
Goku’s friends who could over-herofying him thus misunderstanding him : Why do you not care about OUR HERO who is also dying ? what a bad wifE!
....Like seriously, fandom, have you ever once in your life thought that, Chichi might have looked at Goku and understood him all these years of marrying him and thus , knew him more than his friends, or you who just did when you discovered OG Japanese Goku ? 
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jackthunderboltyt · 3 years
Tumblr prompt:
Since the movie Hercules is herofying and villiafying the wrong gods, what if Hercules (note: hercules is the Roman name. Heracles is his greek one) was the son of hades?
And, go.
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bobafettfanclub · 4 years
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"Jango Fett and Boba Fett Jetpack Series" prints by Herofied
The two are available from the artist on Etsy: https://bobafett.club/nv6sx
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nihil4-blog · 5 years
Riot has stated Sylas is a manipulator and that he even manipulates his followers. Stop ‘herofying’ Sylas. This is one in-the-deep-end person and he is like three times more complex when you don’t justify all his actions. 
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bhadpodcast · 6 years
I'm going to try and phrase this as best as I can. TW is quite possibly the most sexist show ever. Misogyny and misandry are rampant in the show. The girls are basically sexual objects for the boys and save for Scott, the men are tortured and forced to put on a brave face (i.e. Isaac, Derek, Stiles). It's disgusting.
They tried to make it Scott in the later seasons and it just didn’t play because of the way they herofied him.  It’s also racist and homophobic which is sad due to the gays and people of color who worked on the show. 
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colombinna · 2 years
Thinking about how m-rv-l tried to girlbossify and anti-herofy a villain who was part of a group who literally wanted to bring back the 1700s along with the slavery and all and kept a rapist in her child-soldier squad because his powers were useful
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keith-supremacist · 2 years
So I heard people describe Zarkon’s accent as trans Atlantic, like a mix of British and New England. Some other Galra like Sendak and Haxus also seem to have a lower key British accent, but far from all. I think all Alteans so far have had British accents, except Honerva/Haggar.
I’m kinda tired of the ubiquitous British accents on non-human characters but I agree with your post about the sussiness of the designated good aliens all having British accents. (Haggar was introduced as a villain and Honerva died an antagonist so she got skipped over. Luck of the draw, ig.)
firstly, thanks for an ask anon i lobe asks <3
oo i do not recognize the differences in accents within the uk so I didn't realise that! I still feel like the accents that allura and the good alteans have are the ones that are usually representative of british people outside and therefore the point of them using that with herofied figures is still uk the same? (I think u agree just wanted to explicitly write that)
I haven't seen a lot of shows, so I didn't know it was a thing about them giving aliens the british accent. honestly thats hilarious and if we are still talking about american shows, such an american thing to do lol act as if english has to be the universal natural native language too and therefore the aliens must have the only other native english accent cause god forbid/s aliens have a different language and end up with an non native accent in english right
btw immigrant accent has to be only used/s when it is a 8 legged caterpillar alien who is mocked throughout and has an accent that accidently also coincides with the stereotype of being smart but superstitious and paranoid* and annoying attached to that accent haha (m talking about slav with the indian accent and shit stereotypes)
i agree it is kind of weird how they didn't give the altean who goes bad the british accent,, they are really set of subtly glorifying the irl past(?) colonizers huh
I sound more pissed than I want to be, am not really mad at this, I am trying to crack observation jokes
*i have used paranoid in /neg here bc I think the intention of the show was to mock paranoia and that's a whole other issue of them mocking mental illnesses in itself
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