#herr writes
endofradio · 11 days
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WARNINGS: NSFW (ermmm… salem loses her virginity but not in the way she would’ve expected for it to happen 😊 idk girl get that wealthy weird german dick i guess)
NOTES: Y’all. Bear with me. i wrote like 90% of this chapter while i was sick as fuck so it’s kind of insane. i cannot believe it ended up being so long but whatever. i dedicate this chapter to the könig freaks and also @trelaney for putting up with my yapping and giving me ideas <3
and i promise this chapter does make sense 🙏 trust me salem is going to be put through Situations later! never let german guys rizz you up
SUMMARY: after they return to her suite, könig decides to stick around and further test salem’s limits. she responds by unexpectedly kissing him, which seems to end up flipping a switch.
WORD COUNT: 3,858 (yeah.)
TAGLIST: @crispysafetensors @trelaney @spookyspecterino @starryrevelations @fran-tau @kolcheksluver @actually-adambarrett @13th-floor-in-moonstone @samcrpnters @creelkobblelaufeyson69 @lokidoki9 (message me if you’d like to be added to my taglist! commenting is also fine)
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reblogs and comments are heavily appreciated! they help keep me motivated <3
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That night, as König guided Salem out of the hospital, he did something that caught her off-guard.
While they were walking down the forest trail, he wrapped an arm around her, almost protectively. The gesture was unexpected, his touch causing her to flinch just a little. He didn’t say a word to her and she didn’t say a word to him. They just continued to walk like that in complete silence.
When they entered the lobby, Sabina was sitting at the reception desk, her eyebrow raised as she watched the pair walk past her and down the hall.
Once they reached the door to Salem’s suite, she withdrew the key from her skirt pocket, unlocked it, and opened the door. As König stood by the doorway, she walked inside, placing the key on the nightstand by her bed.
“Hm, mind if I come in?”
Salem turned to look at König, who was now in the doorway, his arms behind his back. “Mhm, go ahead.”
Smiling, he entered the room, walking closer until he almost stood directly in front of Salem. The height difference between them was significant; he easily towered over her.
Then, König slowly and methodically began to walk in a circle around Salem, like that of a predatory animal circling its prey. When she turned to look up at him, he instantly paused, his expression now intense.
As the two of them looked at each other, the air seemed to feel… tense, like words were waiting to be spoken by both of them.
“Why did you stay in my hospital room?” Salem then asked, her voice quiet. “You… you barely left.”
Salem had never even properly seen a doctor while in the hospital, at least not when she was awake. Was her father even aware of a single thing that had happened in the past hours? König had told one of the doctors that she was fine, that she didn’t need to be looked at any further, and that she could leave that night. The hospital staff always listened to him. He told them what to do, and they blindly obeyed without batting an eye.
“Hm, I was simply monitoring your condition,” König then answered casually. “Is it wrong for me to be considerate, my dear?”
The man was certainly messing with Salem’s head, and she almost hated it. He was so nice to her… so charming. It was… unsettling, almost.
Salem took a couple more steps towards König, getting a closer look at him. Yes, she most likely wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was undoubtedly quite handsome for his age. She attempted to push down that thought as soon as it came up, silently shaming herself for thinking such a thing.
König began to circle her once again, stopping once he was standing right behind her. She felt him place a hand on her shoulder and quickly turned around, her heart starting to pound. What was he trying to do here? She looked up at him, her eyes wide and her breath starting to quicken.
Perhaps it was an act of impulse, but Salem suddenly found her pressing her lips to his in the blink of an eye. The second her mind registered what she was doing, she immediately pulled away, backing up and trying to create some distance between them. Great, now she was ashamed. In her mind, she had completely fucked up.
König’s gaze had now darkened, his eyes narrowing. To Salem, it probably looked like he was angry, but he wasn’t.
“I… I shouldn’t have done that. I’m… I’m sorry.”
Salem’s voice was sheepish as she continued to back away further from him, nervously watching as he suddenly turned around, closing the door… and locking it.
“You’re right. You shouldn’t have done that, but you did it anyway, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t mean to. It was… an accident.”
The words were tumbling out of Salem’s mouth at that point. Now, König was slowly closing in on her, his gaze somehow even more intense. Once he was mere inches away from her, he stopped.
“An accident?”
Salem nodded, hoping König would believe her, but it was clear that he didn’t in the slightest. In fact, he decided he would test her a little bit. He reached with a hand to lightly touch her face, noticing how she tensed up almost immediately. It wasn’t an uncomfortable kind of tense, though. No, no… the look in her eyes was telling a different kind of story.
König wasn’t stupid. He could easily identify any sort of deception by analyzing somebody’s demeanor.
Gently, he grasped Salem’s chin, forcing her to look at him directly. “Why aren’t you pulling away from me, hm?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as his voice took on an intrigued tone. “Is there something you aren’t telling me, perhaps?”
Salem’s breathing was growing increasingly shallow as the two of them were now the closest they had ever physically been. She could feel his warm breath lightly fanning her face. Was he trying to get a reaction out of her?
“Why did… why did you lock the door…?”
There was a flicker of something in König’s eyes at that moment that Salem couldn’t identify.
“Can’t have anyone… walking in on us now… can we?”
“What do you m—”
Finishing what Salem had started, König firmly pressed his lips against hers, causing her to let out a muffled, surprised gasp. The kiss was somewhat gentle at first as he ran his fingers through her hair, his other hand cupping her cheek before slowly moving down to her neck.
Then, the kiss slowly increased in intensity, König parting Salem’s lips with his own as he deepened the kiss. His hand that was in her hair moved down to grab at her waist as he lifted her off of the floor with ease, staggering over to the bed and lowering her onto it. The second Salem was on the bed, König covered her small body with his own as his lips traveled to her jawline, peppering it with small kisses before moving to her neck.
Salem was completely overwhelmed, her body heating up as she let out another sharp gasp. Almost immediately, König covered her mouth with his hand, lifting his head from her neck to look at her.
With his hand still covering her mouth, König resumed planting kisses all along her neck. Slowly, he removed his hand, his fingers fumbling with the buttons on her blouse.
The second Salem’s chest was exposed to him, König’s lips traveled down there, eventually stopping once they reached her stomach. Before he chose to do anything further, he moved back up, his lips just practically ghosting hers.
“Tell me…” he whispered, his breathing already much heavier. “Am I the first to… do this with you…? At least, that’s how it seems…”
Salem slowly nodded, finding herself unable to speak.
“Now tell me… do you… want me to… stop…?”
This time, Salem shook her head and spoke, her voice no more than the smallest of a whisper. “Please… don’t.”
That single sentence and the way she said it made König’s final thread of self-control snap. His lips met hers again, his patience dwindling. This angel straight from the heavens had managed to weave her way right under his skin, and he wasn’t going to let that go. No, no… not one bit.
He didn’t even bother undressing, either. Right now, it seemed like too much work, so he simply began to unbutton the fly of his white pants. For a man who prided himself on being so full of self-control, he was certainly losing his mind at this very moment.
“I’ll be… very gentle…” he whispered against her soft lips.
Whether he was truly being honest or not, even he didn’t know.
König kissed Salem again, a little more desperately this time, his hands slowly traveling down her body. He was desperately trying to hold back, trying not to hurry, but it was getting to be so, so difficult.
He buried his face in the crook of her neck, drawing in her scent, an almost hypnotic aroma of lavender.
“You… were sent to tempt me… weren’t you?”
“Wh… what…?”
“I should not be doing this… yet I am, and you refuse to pull away…”
As he started to pepper her neck with kisses again, König began to slide a hand up Salem’s skirt. “You want this… don’t you?”
Slowly, he began to tug her underwear to the side. Then, he climbed on top of her even further in an attempt to get impossibly closer to her, practically trapping her beneath him, causing her to let out a small, startled gasp.
“Shhh… relax, my dear. Listen… to your… body…”
His lips pressed against hers again, his body slowly shifting. Salem tightly shut her eyes as she anticipated his next move, feeling a confusing combination of anxiety and… want…?
After a few moments, König suddenly moved, and she felt a sharp, sudden pain shoot through her body — a brief pain. She gasped again, the sound soon muffled by a hand over her mouth.
“Quiet… shhh… your father mustn’t hear…”
He moved again, and the pain slowly began to dissolve into pleasure. Salem’s eyes shot open as she looked up at him, seeing how his gaze had turned more primal… hungry. The sight was slightly alarming, but Salem found herself clinging to him, her hands tightly gripping onto his shoulders.
“There…” König whispered as he now moved in a slow, steady rhythm. “There… yes…”
There was no more pain now… only sweetness, her nails digging into his shirt as the sensations started to overwhelm her. Suddenly, it didn’t matter how wrong this all was. Now, it was like she was in heaven.
As they stared into each other’s eyes, the tension in that room was reaching unbearable, suffocating levels. König’s breath gently fanned her face as it came out in heavy pants, his lips parted. He was a man possessed.
Then, he leaned to mumble something in her ear, and that just about killed her.
“Du schöner Engel... dein Körper wurde vom Himmel geschickt. (You beautiful angel… your body was sent from heaven.)”
He smirked against her neck as he felt her tense up a little at his words. Ah, so she liked that. Perfect.
“Du schönes Mädchen... du warst für mich bestimmt. (You beautiful girl… you were meant for me.)”
He heard her suppress a gasp, which only served as motivation for him to continue, his hips rocking against hers more deeply as he panted against the shell of her ear.
“Du machst mich verrückt... du machst mich verrückt… (You’re making me crazy… you’re making me crazy…)”
The words were an almost-groan at that point, and he quickly lifted his hand from her mouth to kiss her deeply. It was a desperate, rough, messy kiss with no gentleness or tenderness behind it. He slipped his tongue into her mouth with zero hesitation, firmly grasping her jaw between his fingers. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her even closer to him as he gasped against her lips, the pleasure mounting more and more. She felt so, so perfect.
The moment König felt Salem’s arms wrap around his neck, that was when it truly sunk in that she was just as far gone as he was. His lips traveled down her jawline to her neck and then her collarbone, drawing closer and closer to her chest.
“Wie würde sich Ihr Vater fühlen, wenn er wüsste, was seine wertvolle, unschuldige Tochter tut… (How would your father feel if he knew what his precious, innocent daughter was doing…)” he then asked, punctuating his question with a small bite to her skin. “Gerade jetzt, hinter verschlossenen Türen? (Right now, behind closed doors?)”
He let out a small chuckle against her skin, his words getting increasingly bolder with each second.
“Oh, er würde so enttäuscht sein... (Oh, he would be so disappointed…)”
Something in Salem just snapped. As though a switch had flipped within her, she quickly pushed König onto his back, straddling his waist. Caught off-guard by the sudden switch in positions, he looked up at her, his gaze darkening.
“Du kleiner Teufel. (You little devil.)”
Salem was staring down at him wide-eyed, her breathing heavy. “Shut up.” She gasped. “Stop.”
“Hm?” König then chuckled. “Or what? Ah, I had a feeling you aren’t so innocent as you’re letting on…”
Salem pulled her underwear down to her ankles, noticing how König intently watched her as she did so, awaiting her next move with an amused gleam in his eyes.
“I said… shut up.” She then whispered, her voice shaking.
“Hm, that’s not rather kind—”
König couldn’t finish the rest of his sentence, letting out a sharp gasp as he suddenly felt Salem’s hips rocking against him. His large hands reached to grip her waist, his nails digging into her flesh through her skirt as he instinctually guided her movements.
Normally, he would refuse to give up power like this, but seeing the way Salem’s face contorted in pleasure… he’d be a liar if he said it wasn’t affecting him. And the way she firmly placed her hands on his chest to try and steady herself…
Salem’s breath suddenly hitched again, and she could now feel a particular heat starting to develop in her abdomen. The sensation was unfamiliar to her. All she knew was that it was overwhelming.
“Look at you…” König whispered, his voice hoarse. “Dein Vater hat eine solche Hure großgezogen... (Your father has raised such a whore…)”
A sudden shockwave of pleasure shot through him, and König laid his head back, his eyes fluttering shut as his grip on Salem’s waist tightened.
“Oh…” he hissed.
Salem’s head tilted back as her lips parted and her eyes closed in ecstasy, her pace starting to quicken just a little. She was trying so hard to be quiet, but it felt near-impossible in the intense euphoric state she was in. And so, König’s name quietly fell from her lips in a hushed whisper.
His eyes blinked open when he heard that sound, and he immediately pulled himself up into a sitting position, wrapping an arm around Salem’s waist and pulling her so impossibly close. Frantically and desperately, he decorated her with kisses wherever he could — her neck, her jaw, her collarbone… all over her face, and his hands were grabbing her wherever they could.
Salem then let out a small whimper, and König immediately muffled her with his hand again.
“Shhh… bitte, Sie müssen still sein. (please, you must be quiet.)”
She was grabbing at the collar of his shirt now, her desperation obvious as the heat pooling in her abdomen burned more and more.
And then, there was a knock on the door.
König released his hand from Salem’s mouth to allow her to speak, planting kisses all over her face and neck again. Was he trying to make her insane?
Taking a deep breath, Salem tried her hardest to keep her voice steady, which proved to be a serious challenge.
“What… what is it?”
“Is everything… alright in there?”
His patience deteriorating, König pushed Salem back onto the mattress, smirking against her neck as he heard her swallow a gasp. She writhed underneath him as his hips shifted, her nails digging into his back through his shirt. It was almost like he was intentionally tormenting her now that her father was behind the door.
“What do you… mean?” She asked, running a hand through König’s soft hair as she tried so desperately to maintain her composure.
“I heard a noise. Just thought I’d check on you.”
“Everything’s… fine. I just had a nightmare, that’s all.”
A sudden violent jolt of pleasure hit Salem as König finally reached the most sensitive part of her body, and she forced herself to not cry out in ecstasy, her legs beginning to quiver.
“Are you sure?”
Salem nodded, clenching her teeth as a whimper threatened to leave her lips.
There was a period of awkward silence that followed, seeming to stretch on for far too long. König’s face was burrowed in the crook of Salem’s neck as he was fighting to hold back. He couldn’t recall the last time he had felt like this; it was like he was a teenager all over again.
Once Salem heard her father’s footsteps disappear, she just about breathed a sigh of relief. König didn’t stop there, though. No, not even close.
“Wie unanständig... in diesem Zustand mit deinem Vater zu sprechen. (How indecent… to talk to your father in this state.)”
“What are you… saying…?” Salem asked with a whimper.
“Hm… I don’t believe that’s something you need to know…”
“Wh… why…?”
“Mm, I already told you…”
“You… you bastard…”
Another sudden jolt of pleasure sent shivers down Salem’s body, the heat in her abdomen building and building, her muscles tensing more and more. Her eyes looked up at the ceiling, her vision growing hazy as she drowned, drowned, drowned in absolute bliss. Time felt like it was slowing down, and nothing else seemed to exist except for the two of them.
“Sie sind nah dran, nicht wahr? (You’re close, aren’t you?)” König asked, his voice a husky, erotic whisper.
Salem’s only response was a whine that was slightly higher in pitch. She grabbed at the collar of his shirt again, desperately trying to pull him even closer. König could tell — and feel — that she was on the verge of climax, and he figured that he might as well make her suffer a little longer.
“Ah-ah,” he gently scolded. “Nicht jetzt. (Not now.) Beg.”
Salem’s voice was breaking at that point, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. “Slow… slow down. Please.”
And then, König switched their positions, Salem being on top of him again. Instinctually, she began to move, this time at a more fervent pace, but König firmly gripped her hips, forcing her to slow down.
Now, Salem truly felt like she was being tortured. The pressure had reached an unbearable level and she was desperate for relief, yet König wasn’t letting her have it.
Why was he forcing her to wait, when he was barely hanging on just as much as she was? She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was desperately clinging on. She could feel it, too. He was incredibly tense.
“Wait,” König ordered, his voice raspy. “Wait, until I say you can.”
Salem’s eyes were starting to water even more with the effort of holding back her climax. Each time she felt him rub against her most sensitive skin, her stomach tingled and twisted into knots.
“Please…” she whined. “Please…”
All she could do was beg, wanting nothing more than to be finally let free.
And then, she felt him begin to thrust up into her, and that was the final straw.
“Jetzt. (Now.)”
With one particularly sharp thrust, König found that sweet spot of hers again, causing Salem to let out a sound that was a mixture of a gasp and a whimper. Her hips suddenly jerked, and that was it.
Now, she was experiencing the most pleasurable, blissful, euphoric thing she had ever felt in her lifetime. It washed over her in sweet spasms, causing her head to tilt back as a quiet, prolonged moan fell gracefully from her lips.
She was squeezing him so tightly, and combined with the sight of her losing herself to absolute ecstasy was the very thing that gave König that final push. Trying to stifle the sounds coming from the both of them, he pulled Salem down against him in a messy, deep kiss.
Salem knew he’d met his release when she felt a sudden warmth shoot through her body, and all the while, their bodies continued to move together in an erratic rhythm. For König, it had been years since he had last experienced something this intense. His release possessed his entire body; once it began, it couldn’t stop.
“Ein solcher Engel… ein solcher Engel… (Such an angel… such an angel…)”
As the two of them rode out their shared high together, Salem was floating in a reality unlike this one. She felt like she was dreaming, lightheaded, and completely weak.
The feeling was so beautiful that she was disappointed when it was all over, collapsing onto König’s chest with a shaky sigh. Salem was a trembling, exhausted mess at that point.
“You’re…” she murmured, her face burrowed in his shirt. “You’re dangerous… dangerous…”
She struggled to catch her breath, her limbs trembling every time she attempted to move. König’s heart was racing just as much as hers was, her comment eliciting a weak, dazed chuckle from him.
“You’re shaking, my dear.”
Salem was much too weak to get off of him. She just remained there on his chest, her arms wrapped around him as her breathing slowly began to regulate. To her surprise, she found herself not wanting to separate from him, holding onto him like he was a life source as he left gentle kisses on the top of her head.
For a while, they just remained there like that as they both slowly returned to reality, and once the realization of what had happened sunk in, Salem felt… guilty. This man was old enough to be her father, yet here she was.
Speaking of her father, Salem was now worried that he caught on to what had happened. Had the little act she had put on been convincing enough? She sure hoped so.
Finally finding the strength to pull away from König, she slowly sat up on the bed, running a hand through her now-messy hair as she let out a sigh. “We shouldn’t have done that. I swear, if my father suspects anything…”
König continued to lie there, looking up at Salem with a mildly perplexed expression on his face. “Mm, he won’t.”
He then reached up, his fingers delicately moving along the skin of her neck. “Our little secret, yes?”
Despite his cool demeanor, he couldn’t deny the regret Salem was exhibiting actually… hurt. In his mind, he couldn’t understand why she felt that way. He didn’t regret it, so why did she?
In response to König’s words, Salem slowly nodded, trying to push down the sudden wave of guilt and shame that she felt. Maybe she was worrying too much.
“In that case,” König then spoke, pulling himself up, “I cannot risk staying here, as much as I’d like to.”
Now, why was Salem suddenly finding herself wanting him to stay? But… she understood, nodding and not saying anything, just watching as he fixed himself up.
“I have… things to attend to, anyway.”
König glanced down at his pants, muttering something under his breath that Salem couldn’t exactly understand, and then looked back at her. “I suggest you clean yourself up as well.”
The last word König spoke to her was a simple “goodnight,” and then he was gone, leaving Salem with what felt like a million things on her mind.
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iamfuckingsorry · 5 months
So I know the fandom loves seeing young Kim as a punk, with leather jackets and combat boots and a million pins and patches and in general fairly anti-establishment and also somewhat openly gay at least within the community
And I'm not gonna lie I love it too
But there's also this idea that I can't get out of my mind, and it's Kim in what is called "epa-kultur" over here. 15 year old kids too young to have a driver's license or a car, but one of the friends in the group has six older siblings and managed to get one of those cars that are only supposed to go up to 40 kmph that you can drive with a moped license, but that can definitely go up to like 150 if you flip the right switches. It's 30 years old and absolutely shit but you all love it anyway. You drive around, a shitty speaker in the back playing terrible electronic music too loud to really hold a proper conversation while inside, nine kids packed like sardines sitting on each other's laps (one of the backseats is taken up by a speaker), ending up in an unused parking lot to get drunk on 3% beer. The car's broken half of the time but that just means you play bad music and get drunk on cheap beer while trying to fix it with random parts you got from a friend of a friend of a friend, always fucking up in some way no matter how hard you try so the car will inevitably break down again within a week. Until you eventually really do get fairly good at fixing it, and then you just end up checking all the bolts and connections all the time instead. And like it's definitely a small town/rural thing over here. It definitely would not be a thing in Revachol, and especially not in the part of Revachol Kim grew up in, where you're happy to have a roof over your head and food to eat and you're probably reasonably rich compared to your neighbours if your family has a car. And while it's very different nowadays especially with younger kids you could still get a lot of the ideas common in more conservative areas, about gender roles and queer people and whatnot.
And I just love the idea of 15-year-old Kim with a group of other kids like this, feeling a tiny little bit like he finally belongs somewhere for the first time, trying to figure out a way to get some money for a car part for his friend's car, drinking even though he doesn't really want to because that's what you're supposed to, casually making sexist jokes that make him strangely uncomfortable even though he doesn't really understand why, fully convinced the only reason he tries to find any excuse to spend time with this one guy that is so impressive and knows so much about cars is because it's the first time he's found a good friend, because why else would you feel this way about a guy
and then after a couple of years maybe he does bring up possibly feeling a certain way about men when he's a bit drunk and he immediately gets made fun of, and when he doesn't react fast enough and say that obviously he was kidding, eww that would be so gross, he gets called a hundred different slurs without hesitation, not just homophobic ones but racial ones too, and he realizes once again that there really isn't a single place in this world where someone like him could truly belong, no matter how it might feel in the moment.
(and then maybe he does get a leather jacket and some patches a few years after that lol)
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autism-corner · 2 months
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wife moodboard to pull me trough the horrors (she is part of the horrors)
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I spent most of this afternoon writing shameless fat fiction and I suspect my evening will be the same. I may have something to share quite soon! :3
But I do warn you, the whole first chapter reads something like: "so Herr Baron is fat, I mean real fat, oh and now he's even MORE fat and so is everyone else, by the way did I mention how sexily fat he was..."
I'm actually amazed that the previous story in this series got so much attention and it was exactly the same.
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m-i-r-p · 7 months
I don’t often write in 1st person, but when I do you can be sure it will be a WILD WILD ride.
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chucklepea-hotpot · 9 months
Hier ist es, the final chapter of my (not so) little "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer" fanfic. Thanks to everyone who read it <3
Habt noch ein schönes Jahr und natürlich viel Spaß beim rewatch vom 2003 Film.
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thegothicviking · 2 months
@franwikema @sonic-counselor
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dearest-lady-disdain · 8 months
it's not that i want the pjo series to be a fully functional metacommentary for black sails, i swear, but have they considered hannah new of the eleanor blacksails fame for athena?
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elitesheepi · 8 days
I will ship Gwen with whatever guy character catches my eye and whose dynamic is fun in the moment while simultaneously giving her comphet in another hc. Whatever way my hc wind blows, she sapphic all the same
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nomairuins · 1 month
had 2 take a break 2 think abt a different one of my princesses. back 2 it
#it was helena. LOCK ME UP! SUE ME!#i miss her.#one thing abt me is if u put a woman in front of me and shes crazy and kills ppl and is covered in blood sometimes and was a child soldier#or otherwise had a very difficult upbringing and she has unhealthy attachments and difficult family and friend and romantic relationships.#ohhh im chomping at the bit. I LOVE IT !! I LOVE YOU INSANE WOMEN!!!#its bc it reminds me of my me. i havent killed anybody tho and wasnt a child soldier. only in like a not real metaphorical/crazy girl way.#shes just fr my precious princess. as a wise man once said repeatedly abt every single character he liked for a solid 3 months.#If she stopped slaying shed die shes like a shark. and who did that wise man (me) first say that abt. helena. huge dramatic nod#I MISS HERR MY PRINCESS. idt ill ever finish ob tho. i think maybe my Insane attachment to that show was a product of like ... kind of the#state i was in at the time. and i fear if i watched it again i might not like it as much#<- not that i think itd bad idr. i remember the acting being phenomenallll but ik the writing at least in my memory got a bit worse later o#bc they kind of just kept on being like Heh... evil corporation from this season.. ACTUALLY it was a subcorporation fo the REAL evil#corporation or ACTUALLLY it was a front for the REAL evil corporation or actually the innocuous subcorp was ACTUALLY the actual evil corp#yk. i noticed it and it ws all i could think abt#bc like damn how is this corporation so goddamn obscure. do THEY know what theyre doing ?#also helena doesnt have much to do in the plot later on iirc and it makes me sad bc shes fr my princess. like yes i like sarah i like#allison cosimas there (my beef with cosima is crazy) but like. helena thats my girl shes so me !#<- concerning statement to some. ITS NOT HER FAULT SHES A PRETTY PRINCESS!
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endofradio · 1 month
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NOTES: see what i did there with the chapter title? (teehee holiday in cambodia by dead kennedys reference) anyways the next chapters will be much more interesting i promise 💀
also as far as faceclaims go, stephen’s is hamish linklater, louise’s is elizabeth debicki, and sabina’s is talia ryder yippee! for visuals i might insert some gifs here and there since tumblr is Perfect for that.
SUMMARY: recent college graduate salem travels with her stepmother louise and father stephen from new hampshire to the bavarian alps in germany, their destination being a luxurious place by the name of resort alpschatten. upon entering the lobby, salem notices something strange — one of the guests starts vomiting. she also encounters the enigmatic owner of the resort, herr könig.
TAGLIST: @lokidoki9 @trelaney @kolcheksluver @samcrpnters @13th-floor-in-moonstone @starryrevelations @fran-tau @spookyspecterino @blackwolfstabs @actually-adambarrett @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 (shoot me a message if you’d like to be added to my taglist!)
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reblogs and comments are heavily appreciated! don’t be shy!
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“How much longer is this car ride gonna be?”
Salem let out a sigh as she stared out the window of the car, watching as lines of trees passed by. That was all that she could see right now — trees. Trees, and mountains. At this point, it felt like they had been driving for days. They had taken a plane from New Hampshire to Germany, which had been 8 hours long. Then, there was the 4-hour car ride from Frankfurt to Bavaria. Those 4 hours were almost over, and it felt like it had taken six days just to get here.
Salem was exhausted.
Her stepmother, seated in the front passenger’s seat, turned around to reassure Salem with a smile. "We're almost there, I promise," she said, checking her watch. “Just… a half-hour more of driving, and then we should be there, alright?”
Even though Louise was like a "mother" to her, Salem was annoyed by something about her. Whenever she spoke, it seemed insincere, and her smile appeared overly polite. Salem longed for her real mother, but as far as she knew, she was deceased. Within a few weeks of her mother's disappearance, her father met a younger woman who was blonde, pretty, rich, and tall.
“Thanks, Mom.”
God, just calling her “mom” made Salem’s skin crawl. The word just didn’t feel right on her tongue.
The vacation destination was Resort Alpschatten, where Salem's father had been working for the past couple of years as an assistant to the owner, Herr König. He thought it would be nice for Louise to bring Salem along to visit for a while, considering she hadn't seen her father in so long.
In all honesty, Salem hadn't missed him. Their relationship had never been perfect, but since his marriage to Louise, things had become more strained between the two.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Louise commented, turning around to look at Salem.
The car ride had certainly been awkward. Salem's father had picked up her and Louise from Frankfurt to drive them to Bavaria, and the whole time, Salem barely spoke a word to either of them. She had spent the majority of the car ride listening to music with her earbuds in and reading.
“I just… don’t have much to say. That’s all.” She quietly responded.
Louise slowly nodded. “That’s understandable, I mean… you’re probably tired.”
The Bavarian Alps were a stark contrast to Salem's hometown of Derry, New Hampshire. Derry was a fairly small and unremarkable town. Traveling all the way to Germany had been quite a shock but in a good way. The Alps were breathtaking, and Bavaria in general was stunning. It felt like a breath of fresh air, especially with it being spring.
The only problem was that Salem wasn't very fluent in German. In preparation for the trip, she had spent the past couple of months learning as much as she could. She understood some basic phrases, at least. Good enough, right?
Eventually, Salem noticed a large building up in the distance, assuming it to be Resort Alpschatten. If that was truly what it was, then Jesus Christ, it was beautiful. It was huge.
“Well, this is it!” Salem’s father confirmed with a smile. He turned around to look at Salem, his eager smile not fading. “So, what do you think?”
“It’s… big. Really nice place. Makes sense why you like it so much.”
I’d hate to get lost in there.
From how her father described it, Resort Alpschatten was an incredibly luxurious resort that provided all of the guests with five-star-worthy hospitality. The rooms and suites were impressive, the spa treatments were highly comfortable, and, surprisingly, the resort could even provide advanced medical treatments due to its previous history as a medical center. A resort with a hospital right on its grounds honestly seemed like a pretty smart idea. The whole place honestly sounded like heaven on earth.
A sudden German-accented voice then spoke up, unexpectedly startling everyone in the car.
“Ah, Stephen, my friend! I take it this is your family you’ve told me about, yes?”
Sure enough, a short-haired man was standing in front of the window, a polite smile on his face as he gently pushed down his round-framed sunglasses. Salem’s first impression of him was that he looked rather well-maintained, his outfit choice of a dark green jacket and a brown turtleneck proving a sense of fashionability. Honestly, the man looked like he could be a model.
“Herr König! Yes, you’d be correct. This is my wife, Louise, and my daughter, Salem.”
Louise, of course, gave König a polite wave and a smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Herr König. My husband has said plenty of great things about you.”
Stephen had said that König was a nice man, and so far, he seemed friendly enough. However, Salem still felt shy. Even at 24 years old, she still took the saying "Don't talk to strangers" to heart. She had always been the quiet one.
So, Salem just gave König a small and awkward wave. Something about his stare just made her feel more nervous. His eyes were quite a piercing shade of blue.
“Salem, aren’t you going to say hello?” Stephen asked with slight disapproval in his tone. “Come on, be polite. This is my boss.”
König didn’t seem to mind. “Ah, no worries.” He chuckled. “A person cannot be forced to talk. Perhaps she’ll feel much more comfortable when she’s… adjusted.”
Each word König spoke dripped with politeness; he sounded just as sophisticated as he appeared.
“You all must be very tired from such a long journey.” He then said, his smile never fading even slightly. “Come. I’ll lead you three inside. I’ll ensure your luggage is brought to your rooms.”
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“So, you’re the quiet one, hm?”
Salem was unprepared to hear König speak to her, so when he did, she flinched just a little.
“Yeah, uh… I guess.” She answered, shrugging.
“Do you not like… talking to people?”
The way König spoke made it seem like he was interrogating Salem, which made her feel slightly nervous. It was as if he was trying to analyze her.
At his question, she simply just shrugged again. “I suppose it depends.”
“Depends?” König repeated, intrigued. “How so?”
“Well…” Salem turned to make sure Louise and Stephen weren’t paying attention before she spoke again. “I don’t like talking to certain people. Ask my parents. They’d know what I’m talking about.”
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Of course, she was indirectly talking about them. König didn’t exactly seem to pick up on that. Maybe it was a good thing.
“Ah, so you’re picky, huh?” He asked, letting out a small chuckle of amusement.
“I guess.”
König opened the front door of the resort, stepping to the side to allow everyone through. Salem’s eyes immediately widened when she looked around the lobby. It looked so comfortable. Cozy furniture, potted plants, artwork on the walls… there was a bit of a vintage design to it, she thought. It reminded her of a hotel lobby from perhaps the 70s.
“Sabina’s the receptionist,” König explained. “She’ll give you your rooms.”
Louise and Stephen approached the reception desk first, leaving Salem in König’s presence again.
“Well, what do you think?” König asked. There was a sense of pride that he reflected as he surveyed the area. “Beautiful, isn’t it? The Alps provide the perfect scenery for a place such as this.”
Salem slowly nodded in agreement as she gawked at her surroundings. “Yeah… you’re right. It’s very pretty.”
“Has your father told you this all used to be a medical center?”
“Yeah, he did.”
“Hm. Well, it’s true.” König smiled. “I took over around… twelve years ago or so, and started rebuilding it into the extravagant resort you’re now standing in.”
Just as König finished speaking, Louise and Stephen had obtained their room key. He glanced at the pair for a moment before his gaze fell on Salem again, watching as she quietly approached Sabina.
Sabina appeared to be the only receptionist working there and looked quite young, too. Younger than Salem, even. She felt some sense of almost pity for her.
Before she could even pause to think over her words, the first thing that came out of Salem’s mouth was, “How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” Sabina answered. Her voice was nonchalant and monotone, her German accent subtle. “Why do you ask?”
Salem immediately felt embarrassed. “Isn’t that overwhelming, working in a place like this by yourself at your age?”
Sabina shrugged. “You get used to it.”
She brushed a lock of her long brown hair out of her face, blowing a bubble of pink bubblegum before it popped. “Well?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “Are you here for a room?”
Before Salem could speak, there was suddenly the sound of retching. She quickly turned around, noticing a woman hunched over and vomiting while her very much concerned husband attempted to comfort her.
Sabina looked uncomfortable, slight concern flashing across her expression for a moment before it quickly faded. “Don’t… worry about that. It happens here sometimes. Think there’s been some kind of… sickness going around.”
Salem slowly nodded, awkwardly clearing her throat before she looked back at Sabina. She noticed that concerned look appear again, now with a hint of nervousness. She was staring in König’s direction as if she was wanting reassurance from him. He stepped closer to the reception desk, the polite smile that had previously been on his face returning rather quickly.
“Ah, yes. Not to worry. Illnesses come and go. Nothing out of the ordinary, I promise.”
Sabina appeared relieved at König’s response, looking back at Salem with a nonchalant expression once again. “So, what’s your name?”
“Salem Moriarty.”
Sabina took out a pen. “Well, we’ve got some, uh… private bungalows, rooms, suites… interested in any of those?”
“I’ll go with a suite.”
While Sabina was busy helping Salem, the same woman who had been vomiting earlier started retching again.
“Hey, hey… let’s get you out of here. You’re going to be okay.”
Salem noticed that Sabina was beginning to look nervous again, but she attempted to push it down.
“Ich werde nie Kinder bekommen. (I’m never having any children.)” Sabina muttered under her breath.
“What was that?” Salem quietly asked.
Sabina quickly snapped her head back up. “Oh, nothing. You don’t speak German, do you?”
“Just enough to get me by, I guess.”
Eventually, after a few more minutes, Sabina gave Salem the key to her suite.
“Suite 144. Enjoy your stay here.” She spoke, now smiling kindly. “If you like going outside, Herr König takes the guests out on a nature walk every Wednesday. If you need some time to decompress, we also offer high-quality spa treatments. I really recommend them.”
Salem took her room key and offered Sabina an awkward smile. Her sudden switch-up in demeanor was honestly somewhat strange. Every so often, she’d glance back up at König, who was still standing in the lobby.
“Stimmt etwas nicht, Sabina? (Is something the matter, Sabina?)” König quietly asked, stepping closer to the reception desk. The smile he had worn had faded, replaced by a significantly more serious expression.
Sabina watched as Salem turned around to leave, clearly wanting to let them talk in peace. She looked back up at König, sighing.
“Ich möchte nicht mehr nachts arbeiten. (I don’t want to work at night anymore.)”
König raised an eyebrow at Sabina’s words, not speaking.
“Es gefällt mir nicht. (I don’t like it.)” Sabina continued.
Sabina could tell by the look in König’s eyes that he wasn’t pleased with her words in the slightest. It took him a while until he would finally speak, and that was something about him that scared Sabina — when he wouldn’t instantly respond. He was an intimidating figure.
“Das kann ich nicht zulassen. (I can’t let you.)” König eventually answered, his tone cold. “Sie sind der Einzige, der hier arbeitet. (You’re the only one who works here.)”
“Warum ist das wichtig? (Why does that matter?)” Sabina asked, narrowing her eyes. “Nach zehn Uhr ist es leer. Niemand Neues kommt herein. (It’s empty after ten o’clock. Nobody new comes in.)”
König didn’t bother listening to Sabina’s complaints. “Müssen Sie immer mit mir streiten? (Do you always have to argue with me?)” He asked. “Tu einfach was ich sage. (Just do what I say.)”
Sabina gave the older man a reluctant look at first before sighing.
“Sie haben Glück, dass Sie überhaupt hier arbeiten. (You’re lucky to be working here at all.)” König continued. “Deine Eltern haben dir nie eine Chance gegeben, aber ich schon. (Your parents never gave you a chance, but I did.)”
“Fine.” Sabina finally muttered.
When she saw König turn to leave, she felt a sense of relief. In all honesty, she couldn’t help but worry for each new guest who chose to come here. There was something awfully sketchy about it, and she knew it. What exactly it was, Sabina was unsure, but she just couldn’t trust this place. She was especially worried about Salem.
She didn’t belong here.
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13 notes · View notes
possesseddog · 2 years
i'm constantly thinking about what the atmosphere of Gavinnerstwit is, despite not being on twitter.
the discourse is absolutely insane. ppl are daryan defenders to the end. there's constant fights about whether or not the band counts as copaganda. someone is planning on getting arrested in the LA area to try to meet klavier and no one can tell if they're being serious or not.
the level of parasocial is inhumane towards both parties
i've seen some interpretations of how the fandom would react to apollo, but i think it would just be chaos and confusion.
he's first referenced in guilty love as herr forehead so you're gonna get those internet detectives making 50 post threads of their investigations. klavier's mentions are blowing up, as are the ones of every single person he's talked to in the last month
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sacrificialflowers · 4 months
her stomach twists in comical delight as she weaves through the dark corners of the building with the most valuable item in this dead museum of gems, curated by her dearest most hated father. she supposes that this has become a game to her, a winner - takes - all sort of mindset spliced into these violently juvenile acts of revenge. night turns to a flash of daylight with the flash of lightning illuminating the rain, & she breathes out an annoyed breath upon realizing some wannabe hero has stumbled upon her mischief. " who would you be. "
starter for @meantome .
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cassie time travels with her mask! her first few times aren't on purpose, there's seemingly a glitch in the "rescue" system that's supposed to keep the user from winding up out of bounds. later she learns to exploit this glitch to travel intentionally!
she travels to multiple different time periods! her first travel winds up with her in 1987 though!
the vanni network is functional there! helpi has an algorithm for detecting walls and such and basically recreates the world around cassie in ar. additionally, helpi can set up ways to open up blocked paths in the ar world, similar to what cassie does in the daycare section! this only matters if there are blocked off areas cassie wants or needs to visit, though :3 I ALSO LOVE LOGICAL ERROR CASSIE SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE LOVES HER AS MUCH AS ME
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OOC: Hey,just a heads up,the person behind this blog is an adult,so minors please DNI outside of blog (unless it's to clarify any lore details)
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piease-iove-me · 2 years
almost 2am(sleep deprived) me thinks this is the peak of my writing skills vfhdgdgd let's see what i think in the morning. but anyway I'm gonna ..... spam? with it and regret in the morning:)
and maybe it's the surrealism of it all—maybe it's the exhaustion—but Theo finds himself relenting with uncharacteristical ease. or maybe it's because this is Liam, and well… it's Liam. 'what would it be?' he so concedes, words rolling off his tongue and sounding an awfully lot like acceptance.
and because it's Liam, he doesn't say. He shows.
the beta surges up—erases all the remaining distance between them, arms winding around Theo—and their lips are pressing in a stolen kiss.
and they're kissing just like Theo had sworn they would never again. and it's so easy, tasting awfully—like cheap beer and wolfsbane—and yet just right.
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