#herrscher of the wind
daystud · 4 months
Wendy in GGZ was a girl raised as a labrat to become a Herrscher and destroy humanity. However she is still a very playful person who does anything by her will and capricious urges, and even though she never truly realizes her hatred for humans was indoctrinated, her only moments of freedom and discovery by little things with Totori (the most important person to her who really cared about her wellbeing) are the most precious until her very last moments. Wendy has a tragic ending because she was so close to being redeemed multiple times and yet she went away back to zero. but at least she died in Totori's arms and confessed her last words to her.
Wendy is also a victim of unlucky circumstances and not being loved enough to be saved in HI3rd. She really thought she could trust Bronya to give her life so they could be together, and Bronya would have wanted it too, but Wendy's writing reduced her as a plot device.
In ver 1.8 a set of stigmata based on the Seven Deadly Sins went unrealeased, and Wendy was featured. And guess which sin they chose her out of all?
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They knew what they were doing. Wendy will forever curse everyone including the ones she loved because she was betrayed without knowing and will never be able to live a normal life. She's forever an experiment.
Her JP seiyuu in HI3rd is also the same voice of Collei, another victim of who saw her only as a tool to inflict of whatever they wanted for their own ends. At least Collei has a long, consistent, finished arc from the webtoon to Sumeru and the last events featuring her. (that one with Sucrose was so gooooood) It's so satisfiying seeing her grow as a better person despite she also did terrible mistakes. I'm definitely not crying internally cause Wendy never got that treatment while still being fascinated by characters who get done dirty by the metanarrative.
Should I also mention I fear for Venti the worst for its implications of being both as a standalone character and as Genshin's Wendy, with all his connections to his people, Istaroth, Celestia and the Tsaritsa? When will HoYo free him from the basement???? He's being hinting anything since the fucking betas!!!!!
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artemis-artblog · 2 months
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Herrscher of Wind
sorry for the quality loss of the drawing, my art program was a bitch and I had to resort to screenshotting the drawing instead bcs it refused to let me save it </3
Taglist: @mocha-bunbun @creaturre @diah-the-demon @lauch-for-everyone @radioactive-juice
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in-asterism · 9 months
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thinking about the poems in Second Eruption and am doing some messy sketches
Hoyo pls release the poems for the rest of the Herrschers four is not enough
Image ID: Wendy from Honkai Impact 3rd flying in a hurricane. The writing says "I am the Herrscher of DESIRE. A foe to those who deny HER. I'm armed with the four winds to tear them asunder. End ID.
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lun0vanyx · 1 year
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I distract myself from the pain by posting art of my pain
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herrscherofmagic · 1 year
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Wendy Edit!
Since Mihoyo hasn't given us a Wendy battlesuit yet, I went ahead and did it for them /hj
This took something like 8 and a half hours T_T but it was honestly some of the most fun I've had with an art project (more of an edit tho) in a pretty long time!
I've got a lot of thoughts to share regarding Wendy but that's a story for another time, for now I'm just posting the edits and I'll share those thoughts another time >.<
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luckysliceofbread · 10 months
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me? combining my niche interests? more likely than you'd think
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inferusrf · 1 year
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Someone’s making a comeback in the New Era AU :)
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marshroom580 · 5 months
Character who has to be depressed for plot reasons
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This has taken longer than i thought it’d b omg.
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elysialm · 1 year
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godisasimp · 6 months
The 12 Sovereigns and their Herrscher equivalent
Some have a name that is completely different to their Herrscher counterpart, and i will say when I am unsure ; I will try to explain my reasoning for associating a certain Sovereign with a Herrschefor each of them.
⚠️This is NOT canon confirmed information as of the writing of this post (22.03.2024) and is purely speculation, do not take this as fact. Thanks. ⚠️
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Truth = Herrscher of Reason/Truth ; this is one of the few whose name is similar/identical to their Herrscher counterpart.
Sky = Herrscher of the Void ; this one is easy to figure out thanks to the animation, which looks almost 1:1 identical to the Herrscher of the Void's ultimate.
Howl = Herrscher of Thunder ; for this one the ability are given and is said to "summon lighting".
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Mist = Herrscher of Wind ; for this one we have to refer to the definition of Mist which is a formation of a cloud, and is often associated with air, the color scheme shown is also similar to the Herrscher of Wind (it also showcases wind, not on my screenshot, which look like Wendy's)
Frost = Herrscher of Ice ; the environment this Sovereign is shown in is a glacial land so it it pretty obvious. (i will note that the Sakura tree in the background can be a call back to PE Sakura)
Fate = Herrscher of Death/Rebirth ; just like with howling, we have to use the definition of it abilities to figure it out, which is : to control the cycle of life and death.
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(i swapped the order of Thought and Flare on this picture, sorry)
Flare = Herrscher of Flame (not Flamescion because this one is an hybrid herrscher.) ; this one is another one of those with a near identical name, also the fire effect shown.
Thought = Herrscher of Sentience ; again a pretty similar name, also to have thoughts you have to have Sentience, so they are linked.
Root = ??? ; we don't have a Herrscher that fits this, but based on the fact that they seem to be in order i would have to say Herrscher of Star/Gravity
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Form = ??? ; just like Root I cannot find clear evidence for this one other than following the order and say that it can be Herrscher of Domination.
Bind = Herrscher of Binding ; this one has the same name.
Maw = ??? ; another one that I have to use the order for and say with a grain of salt that it's the Herrscher of Corruption
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Origin = Herrscher of Origin ; this one has the same name, and also Acheron is shown which could be another hint, since the current Herrscher of Origin is Raiden Mei.
End = Herrscher of the End/Finality ; same name, and it is also the last one shown just like how it's the last Herrscher.
Edit : thanks @/aimlessfellow for these precisons ; I forgot to read the description but thankfully y'all are here.
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milfbius · 1 month
honkai souls bosses pt 3
MEI, Herrscher of Thunder:
I loooove love love the hi3 Herrscher of Thunder design and how many cultural references it has. For her appearance in Honkai Souls, she will also have a mixture of Japanese cultural references, but her overall design will be more traditional and god-like.
(Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on Japanese religion, please let me know if I got anything wrong and I'll correct it.)
Raijin motifs: Raijin is the god of thunder in Shinto religion - one of his other names is 雷電様 (aka Raiden-sama) from which Mei stole her last name. Raijin is almost always depicted with an arc of drums - obviously they have to be very prevalent in the soundtrack.
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Lightning is depicted as red in Japanese culture - similar to Raijin, Mei will summon red lighting spears to strike the player in her ranged attacks.
True to her godly inspirations, and as is typical of a fromsoft boss, Mei will be at least three times as tall as the player. Like Raijin, she will have red skin.
Fudou Muyouou (Acala): Fudou Muyouou is the Japanese name for the Buddhist deity Acala. One legend about Fudou has him getting into a fight with a non-Buddhist. Naturally, he changes himself into a flaming sword, but unfortunately his opponent does the same. To beat him, Fudou changes from a sword into the dragon Kurikara (same name as the Herrscher of Thunder's dragon in hi3). He then winds himself around his opponent and starts swallowing them (in sword form!).
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Rather than summoning a dragon as she does in HI3, Honkai Souls Mei follows in Fudou's footsteps. The second phase of the fight has her transforming into Kurikara, who takes on the appearence of a more culturally-traditional Japanese dragon. I also think Mei, as a dragon, should vomit swords at the player. To serve as a fromsoftian religious perversion, but also because it would be fuckin sick.
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Youkai (Oni/Tengu) motifs: Souls-Mei will have red skin with oni horns and wear giant fucking tengu geta. Obviously.
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Hokushin Ittou-ryuu: is the kenjutsu style favoured by the Raiden clan - Mei was tutored in it by her father. IRL, it is a super influential and famous Japanese sword school, focused on dueling and dominating your opponent with an offense-is-defense approach. Mei's 1st phase move-set should borrow heavily from this sword style.
Video demonstration
Other notes on Mei's boss fight:
I want her to be wearing a full set of traditional 17th century samurai armor while she's still in her humanoid form - red horns poking out through the helmet, but her face completely obscured. Long black hair escapes the back of the helmet, and red, clawed hands grip her sword.
Her arena is located in the city of Nagazora - honkai beasts and zombies run rampant. Honestly, just imagine what Nagazora looks like during hi3 chapter 15-17 and add another 200-300 years of dilapidation and honkai corruption.
The full moon shines bright and large over the boss fight, which takes place on the roof of an old high school.
The boss is fairly straightforward in its mechanics - Mei fights honorably, no health regen gimicks. However, it is the first true two-phase bossfight in the game, and she has faster attacks than any previously encountered enemies.
Mei transforms into Kurikara after you deplete her first health bar, after which the fight relocates to what can only be described as a realm of thunder - black clouds, pouring rain pooling at the players feed and forks of red lighting reflecting off the ground and back into the sky. The moon is still visible, but it, too, is blood red.
Upon a killing blow, Mei reverts to her oni/humanoid form, appearing on her knees, reaching vainly towards the moon before she collapses.
Mei drops the Core of Thunder upon defeat. The player can activate it to increase attack speed for a certain duration.
previous boss (SIRIN) // next boss (WENDY)
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logi1974 · 4 months
Cornwall 2024 - Tag 18
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Heute kümmern wir uns einmal um die Zucht von englischen Vollblutpferden und dafür fahren wir zum Godolphin House, das glücklicherweise heute ebenfalls vom National Trust verwaltet wird und von daher auch mit unserem Touring Pass kostenlos besichtigt werden kann.
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Vor vielen, vielen Jahren, als ich ein junges Mädchen war, fiel mir in unserer örtlichen Bücherei-Zweigstelle ein Buch in die Hände.
Da ich schon von frühester Kindheit an total Pferdebegeistert war, lieh ich dieses Buch natürlich sofort aus: König des Windes (King of the Wind), der amerikanischen Schriftstellerin Marguerite Henry, das 1948 erschienen ist.
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Das Buch beschreibt die Lebensgeschichte des Hengstes Goldophin Barb (* ca. 1724/1725; † Weihnachten 1753). Ein Berberhengst, der lange Zeit auch als Godolphin Arabian bekannt war, da er ursprünglich für ein Arabisches Vollblut gehalten wurde, gilt neben Byerley Turk und Darley Arabian als einer der 3 Stammväter des Englischen Vollbluts
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Der Hengst trug ursprünglich den Namen Sham (Stern, weil er eben besagten Stern hatte) und gehörte zu einer Gruppe von Pferden, die der Bey von Tunis an König Ludwig XV. schenkte. Pferde als staatstragende Geschenke zu überreichen erfreute sich damals großer Beliebtheit - die Isländer machen das teilweise noch heute
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Natürlich konnten die Herrscher all die geschenkten Pferde nicht selbst behalten oder sie gefielen teilweise auch gar nicht, weswegen es absolut üblich war, sie weiter zu geben. Ein ebenso berühmtes Beispiel wären da die Orlow Traber, die ebenfalls von arabischen Staatsgeschenken - in diesem Fall an Katharina II (die Große) - abstammen und die an Graf Orlow (ihren Liebhaber) weiter verschenkt wurden.
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So fand auch Sham vor den Augen des französischen Königs keine Gnade und gelangte über mehrere Umwege in den Besitz des Engländers Edward Cox, der ihn als Deckhengst für sein Gestüt in Derbyshire übernahm.
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Nach Cox' Tod 1733 kam der Hengst in die Hände von Roger Williams, der ihn an Francis Godolphin, 2. Earl of Godolphin vermittelte, dem er auch den Namen Godolphin verdankte, unter dem er bis heute weltweit bekannt ist. Rennställe, Zuchtverbände, ja selbst eine Parfummarke sind immer noch nach Godolphin Barb benannt.
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Die Familie Godolphin war eine der einflussreichsten Familien in der Grafschaft Cornwall und konnte ihre Stammlinie bis in die Zeit der normannischen Eroberung Englands 1066 durch William I. zurückführen.
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Der Name Godolphin leitet sich von Godolghan ab, kornisch für  weißer Adler, der auch das Wappen der Familie ziert.
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Das Godolphin Estate ist ein altes Anwesen aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Es wurde ursprünglich von der Familie Godolghan als Wasserburg erbaut, die auf einem 4,5 Hektar großen Gelände angelegt wurde.
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Im späten 15. Jahrhundert änderte sich der Familienname in Godolphin und es wurden Zinn- und Kupfervorkommen unter dem Land abgebaut und ausgebeutet.
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Einige der frühesten Zinn- und Kupferbergbaustandorte in Cornwall liegen innerhalb der Grenzen des Godolphin-Anwesens. Der spätere Reichtum der Familie rührte von diesem lokalen Zinnbergbau her.
Das heutige Godolphin House stammt aus dem 15. Jahrhundert und war bis zum 18. Jahrhundert das Zuhause der Familie Godolphin.
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Von seinen Anfängen als bescheidenes Herrenhaus an wurde es von Generationen späterer Godolphins vergrößert, bis es im Jahr 1689 über 100 Zimmer und 40 Schornsteine verfügte.
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Als der Earl Godolphin 1766 starb, ging das Anwesen an die Herzöge von Leeds über. Ein Großteil des Hauses wurde 1805 abgerissen, und was übrig blieb, wurde zu einem einfachen Bauernhaus umgestaltet.
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Es wurde 1929 aus der Vergessenheit gerettet und schließlich an den National Trust übergeben.
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Die Innenräume sind mit mehr oder weniger antiken Möbeln und Wandbehängen eingerichtet. Einige der Möbel stammen aber tatsächlich noch ursprünglich aus dem Godolphin Estate.
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Der Prunkstück des Hauses ist der Speisesaal mit Leinenvertäfelung und einem Holzdach aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. An der Wand hängt ein Gemälde von John Wooton aus dem Jahr 1731, das den Hengst Godolphin Barb zeigt.
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Das Königszimmer im Westflügel verfügt über eine fein geschnitzte Tür, die 1604 für die Hochzeit von Sir William Godolphin geschaffen wurde. Im Königszimmer befinden sich außerdem ein prächtig geschnitzter jakobinischer Kaminsims.
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Die elisabethanischen Ställe stehen noch immer und Teile der formalen Gärten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, die dazu gedacht waren Könige und Würdenträger zu beeindrucken, wurden in ihrer ursprünglichen Gestaltung wieder hergestellt.
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Interessanterweise gab es scheinbar damals schon automatische Tränken für die Tiere - was für ein Komfort!
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Man kann sich leicht vorstellen, dass sich die Bassetts, Warleggans, Poldarks und die anderen Poldark-Charaktere hier treffen. Ein triftiger Grund, warum die Vorderseite des Hauses tatsächlich in einigen Poldark-Episoden Verwendung fand. 
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Das weitere Anwesen ist aufgrund seiner Fülle an historischen Minenschächten und anderen Überresten des industriellen Erbes ebenfalls eine Erkundung wert. Heute sind die wichtigsten Minenschächte durch kreisförmige kornische Hecken, sogenannte Collars, geschützt.
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Der Garten ist das ganze Jahr über geöffnet und im alten, umgebauten Schweinestall gibt es eine Teestube, die Sandwiches, Kuchen, Kekse und heiße Getränke serviert. 
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Das Haus selbst kann jedoch immer nur Anfang jeden Monats für einige, wenige Tage besichtigt werden.
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Die übrige Zeit vermietet der National Trust die Räume als Ferien Unterkunft, was die stellenweise moderne Einrichtung erklärt.
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Der Hasenbär hat schon einmal Probe gelegen:
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Allerdings fürchte ich, dass man beim dauerhaften Anblick dieses "geschmackvollen" Kronleuchters möglicherweise Augenkrebs bekommt.
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Wir denken noch etwas darüber nach, ob die Anmietung dieses Anwesens für den nächsten Cornwall Urlaub eventuell eine Option sein könnte.
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Vielleicht finden sich ja noch Freunde und Bekannte, die sich dafür erwärmen können ...
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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lunaefall · 1 year
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I noticed that on top of the descriptions of the Stellarons being eerily similar to Honkai energy, Cocolia's boss form is similar to the Herrscher of Ice. Could she be the equivalent to the Herrscher of Ice in Belobog? She was compelled by an evil destructive force like the Herrschers of Wind and the Void in HI3.
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Cocolia's Glyphs in the boss fight are also extremely similar to the Finality symbol on top of it.
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What's Kosma's relationship with Kevin? I couldn't find much other than he once looked up to him and after Ato's and Dystopia's death he left and rejoined cause of Griseo. Before that he was chatty and talked about him alot but what about after the rejoin? Also, is there a youtube channel having the videos on this arc? All i find is "mei asking/etc"..
Mm, I’ll just tell the whole story in order. This is taken from Kosma dialogues and recollections.
Kosma looked up to Kevin a lot. They first met during the fight against the 4th Herrscher (Wind), when Kosma was still young enough for Kevin to call him a child (teenager really, their age gap isn’t that big) and Kevin sent him away, telling him to stay alive.
He tried to be a vigilante, but it rarely ended well, as playing hero was a shallow solution to the problems around him (for example he thanklessly saved a woman by stabbing the man attacking her, but then the man’s young daughter tried to stab Kosma in revenge for killing her father).
Kevin and Kosma later met again in the MOTHs, which Kosma joined because of Kevin. Kosma also looked up to a senior soldier, Ato (Griseo’s father and another of the first MANTIS). Griseo notes to Mei that Kosma used be a real Kevin fanboy.
However, their relationship became Complicated around the time of the 9th Herrscher (Earth)’s defeat. Kosma had already lost his friend Dystopia to the 8th Herrscher, and his life wasn’t getting any easier.
We don’t directly see it happen, only the aftermath (Kosma’s recollection Daybreak Transformation) but what seems to have happened is that Kevin made the choice to let Ato die to ensure he could kill the 9th Herrscher, calling it the lesser of two evils.
The Herrscher was lying down on the ground, finally dead, but there wasn’t even a body left of Ato.
Kosma was enraged to the point of undergoing an Active Honkai Reaction (turning into a Honkai Beast) for the first time. He attacked Kevin in his anger, left his MOTH badge behind and then fled, only being found by Mobius months later. Aponia and Mobius teamed up to bring him back to human form.
Kevin welcomed Kosma back to the MOTHs, but Kosma didn’t join his unit again.
Kosma had become a silent boy by the time he left his Sim behind, taking care of the orphaned Griseo for Ato as her big brother. He still admired Kevin as a hero but couldn’t bear being close to him again— saying “I respect him, but our views differ.” He also came to have a very negative self-image, refusing to call himself a hero at all.
His mannerisms remained very similar to Kevin’s though, and in ER conversations he often thinks of what Kevin would do when he doesn’t know how to continue a conversation.
Don’t know of any youtube channel for this, but we have transcripts:
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utageboyz · 2 years
𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 (𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒅) ─ ❝ 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓(𝒔) 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒓 ❞
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CW (content warning) : slight honkai impact 3rd spoilers (?), Manipulation, hints of Stockholm syndrome
𝒂𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 / 𝒅𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 ! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Having to become a dimension traveler wasn't the easiest for you to completely handle, at least that's what you thought.
After the incident where the honkai caused a great calamity to your beloved world, it was your decision to become a dimension traveller to find a place to make a new life, with the disadvantages of having to abandon being a valkyrie. Even if all the times and efforts of attempting to get your hands on the imaginary tree were hard, you managed to gain access to its power as you began your search. And here you are now! In a place very unknown to you and the only things you have is a bag with your belongings and a singular communication device.
"Mei, RAIDEN MEI!! C'mon please pick up..." Your voice was only filled with that of defeat as you didn't seem to receive any reply through the small ear piece, until a sound of sneering became deafening in your ear.
The screeching sound seemed to become less loud as a voice spoke, familiar yet almost strange sounding (possibly from how far the connection was), "apologize, y/n. I just didn't think you would really end up well 'here' out of all places"
As you hear her voice, your eyes start to wonder off while admiring the beautiful-like view; it was more colourful compared to the more chaotic scenery you have grown used to, forgetting what your home use to look like.
Though you continued to daze off aimlessly to no end, you could hear the voice once again as the connection seem to soon disappear before you could answer her and say goodbye.
"y/n, just stay safe whilst your there and stay out of any sort of danger or threat you might find"
'i assume I'm now on my own now...' you sigh to yourself quietly whilst you begin to walk along the grass that was beneath you, almost paying no mind to the new environment. It's strange obviously yet almost new and fresh that you found it almost comforting slightly, but you can't think like this for long to your dismay. You could encounter anything that might be a harm you, maybe even a herrscher-!
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't seem to see you there, are you alright?" opening your eyes slowly from the sudden fall, you avert your gaze up to look up at the male who looked at you worried.
While you observed him for a moment, his amber eyes looking down at you as his long, braided hair swayed in the wind, he looked strange but somewhat "familiar" though you couldn't completely put your finger on why. (maybe the blonde hair, perhaps?)
What are you thinking?! Have you begun to overthinking more ever since you decided to become a traveller? That couldn't be true, at least that's what you had tried to believe.
Rubbing your head with the palm of your hand, you look at the boy who continue to stare at you with worry before you hesitantly nod your head in reply. With a small sigh of relief he, smiles sweetly before helping you up onto your feet while asking you, "I've never seen you before, what's your name?"
"Oh, OH right! I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you... Um"
Out of the blue, you suddenly get cut of the boy as he continued to smile at you, even if you had never met before, "You can just call me aether"
He wouldn't cause much harm, he wont pose much of a threat, right? It's clearly impossible for him to even be similar to Otto. Once you think about it more, he didn't even have any similarities to him at all excluding the fact he has blonde hair. Then why are you acting like this...?
Ugh, your not even in your home world now! Just stop thinking about Otto, besides he will never cause you any worries anymore with all the experiments he had tested to revive his loved one.
taking a deep breath, you smile at the seemingly young boy, soon noticing the sun set in which aether releases along with you.
"It seems it's turning really dark... Since you don't seem to have a place to stay I guess I can let you stay in the Serenitea pot"
"Sereni- pot what now?" Looking at him, you raise an eyebrow at the rather confusing sentence.
"Don't worry, besides I'm sure its best for you to find somewhere comfortable to stay instead of having to camp outside. Here take my hand" he leaned you his hand once more which you hesitantly take. What a weird encounter....
Though you had barely stayed in "teyvat" for a week now, you seemed to get along with the traveller suprisingly well than you had thought in the first place. Relating to the fact you had travelled to world(s) as you both tried to find a place to finally live in after the destruction of your own.
Often, he would let you meet some of his friends, including his (non) edible companion, which was quite an experience since some did look similar to the ones you are more familiar with. Even if that was the case, you have seem to grow more used to everything that was around you and how they worked.
As you peacefully wrote inside the book that you had brought with you since day one, the sound of the door creaking open was audible before you see aether standing close to the door. Approaching you slowly, he sat on your bed besides you while the same smile he had the same smile he always had around you.
"Y/n I want to tell you something"
Looking at him you simply nod again before you ask, "what do you want to tell me aether?"
His gaze soon averts away from yours as he looks away from you for a small moment, leaning slightly against the bed as he uses his arms for support. His voice became slightly more distant than it usually was as he turn his head to the side to look at you, "i don't think you should continue adventuring with me and paimon anymore"
You could instantly feel your heart sink as you stop writing in you note book, the ink slowly spreading from the pen unable to answer.
"But w-why? I'm capable enough of defending myself you know this!" As you look at him, you could somehow feel tears welling up in your eyes. Soon, you could feel a gloved hand against your cheek as aether pulled you flush against his chest, "I'd never think of you as useless, but this world is to dangerous for you that you will never understand"
breathing out, he looks down at your broken form as before kissing your forehead as he whispers comforting to you, "I know you want to travel along side me, yet I don't want you to get hurt by anything else than you already have"
Why were you believing him? Maybe he was really was telling the truth since he would never lie to you if he had truly meant it.
"Y/n don't worry, I only tell you this because I have seen the truth of this world. We don't want you to get hurt, don't we?"
Who would know one of the strongest ex valkyries would fall into a trap like this. He was almost hipnotizing and at this point, you would start to believe that you needed him and only him
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