#hes a big baby boy
llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
Skull snuggles. Just pure, unadulterated Skull snuggles. A commission courtesy of @robanilla, who knows what the people want~
For such a massive monster, he moved alarmingly quickly. 
One minute, you were nervously calling out into what seemed like an empty house. The next, you had been lifted up like a doll, brought up much too far from the ground, and thrown over a massive shoulder all before you could make a sound.
“H-hey!” you blurted, hands braced on his back, but Skull didn’t respond. You just came over for lunch! He pushed open his bedroom door and passed through, kicked it shut behind him... Skull had never let you in his room before, what was going on? It was dark - he’d drawn the curtains and turned off all the lights. 
Without warning, he shifted you off his table-like shoulder, unceremoniously dropping you. For a split second you felt fear rush through your whole body, but you landed harmlessly on your back, fall broken on his extremely plush bed. It wasn’t much of a bed anymore at this point, he had covered it with an obscene amount of pillows and blankets, shaping into more of a nest than anything else. 
When you looked up, his massive teeth were in your face. His voice came out low, shaking your entire body, much closer than you thought it would be.
“no running.”
You stared blankly at his mouth, only inches from you. Those fangs were big enough to carve through your skin like paper. “H-huh?” was all you could blurt out, when he was so close you could feel his hot breath. As if pinned beneath a dragon.
Once you forced yourself to look away from his teeth, you could see he was... he was on the bed with you, over top of you, clawed hands on either side of your head. Trapping you beneath him. The only light in the room was from the bloody red of his eye, and a faint glow behind his teeth. That’s why they looked so particularly dangerous in his mouth today; you couldn’t see his regular dopey smile. Only large, hungry fangs.
His eye was wide, unreadable, filling up his socket. Staring down at you with the intensity of a sun.
... Uh. What? Your heart was starting to pound, and you couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way. Skull was a friend, the kind who already knew stuff about you other friends would never know. The two of you were close - but you absolutely weren’t ‘get pinned underneath him’ close. You hadn’t even properly hugged yet. You had assumed he wasn’t open to that kind of affection, and touch had been limited to comforting pats on his huge arms, especially after the stories Crooks had told you about what he and Skull had been through.
You didn’t know whether to laugh, be nervous, or genuinely afraid. You shrank under him.
“I-I... don’t know what’s happening,” you said feebly. Was he upset with you? Had you done something?
Skull elected not to respond to that particular query. Neither his eye or mouth moved.
Instead, he laid his huge head down, right on your chest. 
Just like that, his full weight pressed onto you, squashing you into his nest. You let out a squeak as all the air came out of you at once, he was so heavy; it was like being pinned under a boulder, all you could do was kick your legs helplessly. If you’d been on any more solid surface you would’ve been crushed like a bug. 
“Agh! H-hey, what gives!?”
Skull just chuckled. Evidently, he was pleased with himself. He started to purr.
“can’t leave now.”
You braced your hands against his shoulders, but might as well have been bracing against a brick wall. Your face and ears were burning with something sort of like embarrassment, but not quite. “G-get off!” 
“cute heartbeat,” he murmured. Almost sleepily. He was acting so weird, so... well, clingy. “soft...”
He let you try to fight him for a little while. He seemed to enjoy it, from the way his deep purring was shaking your whole body, like sitting in a massage chair. But it didn’t matter how much you kicked your feet or pushed at his giant shoulders. He remained in place, content.
You gasped from the exertion of pushing, with no luck. Skull just pressed even closer, very slowly nuzzling your collarbone.
Crooks had warned you that Skull could be ‘possessive’, you had thought he meant it like Skull didn’t like his friends hanging out with other people. You didn’t think he meant Skull would grab you and pin you to his bed with his whole weight out of absolutely nowhere. Eventually, your hands had no choice but to fall to your sides.
“Okay, okay. What is it? What do you want from me?”
He let out a short, sharp exhale of breath. Quietly, he started fussing some of the pillows next to your head, rearranging and fluffing as best he could with one hand. “no leaving.”
“Ok, but why? Or what?”
“try to leave ‘n i’ll lick you.”
Huh? Your eyebrows scrunched together in mild horror. “L-lick!?” 
The glow you had noticed behind Skull’s teeth got brighter and brighter, until his mouth cracked open to reveal a glimmering, glowing ultramarine tongue. You had never seen it before, you didn’t even know Skull had a tongue.
You let out a little horrified sound, leaning back as much as you could in your trapped position. But even as you did, you could feel your entire face flooding with even more warmth, to the point where your cheeks began to prickle and tingle. If Skull noticed your furious blushing he saved you the mortification of bringing it up.
"cute," he said, simply, as he put his tongue away.
You harmlessly whacked his shoulder.
He chuckled, a handsome and sweet sound. Despite the situation, and his ‘threat’, you had to admit it felt nice to see him grin like that. You hadn’t seen him this cheerful since before...
“Are you... is this all because I was sick?” you asked, hesitantly.
You’d been bedridden for a day or so with some kind of flu. Skull hadn’t taken it very well, every time you’d coughed he’d had an expression like someone had shot him. He’d taken it even worse when he found out you’d popped a bunch of painkillers and gone to work the next day, despite very much still being unwell.
Your response from him was a very unhappy grunt, and a big eye that flitted away to instead stare at your arm. The hand that had been fussing the pillows instead started playing with the top of your sleeve, the ends of his claws occasionally brushing your skin. He was acting like a needy cat.
That’s what this was about? You lost some of your tension, looking down your body in disbelief at the pouting monster crushing you.
“Skull,” you spoke softly. “I’m not sick anymore.”
He looked right back up at you. The purring became quieter. His iris, still big and warm, sharpened. 
You flinched. “I-I am!”
“i can smell it. can't lie... just 'cus yer cute. don't work that way.”
“I’m fine. I’ll get better, humans get better quickly.” 
You stammered, flustered and confused. “N-no?”
His eye sharpened again. It was impossible to hold eye contact with a monster who never blinked. “no.”
You laid your head back fully, letting out a defeated exhale. Skull’s purring ramped up again. You had no doubt he was inescapable, he was faster than you and stronger than you, and evidently absolutely determined to keep you in one place. You weren’t going anywhere, not with this big lug around.
“If I promise not to leave, will you stop crushing me?”
For once, something you'd said to him tonight seemed to be a good idea to him. After the usual amount of time he would take to think and gather himself, he lifted his body up on his elbows, instead gradually rolling onto his side - he clearly didn’t trust you much, though, because he immediately scooped you up, an arm tucking under you and dragging you back against his huge, broad chest.
His face nuzzled into the hair at the top of your head. He just couldn’t seem to sit still, he reached out and dragged a blanket over you. 
This was much better than being squashed.
“... Were you... really that worried about me?” you asked.
Just a hum, in response. That was a yes.
You patted his huge wrist. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
His socket lidded. The centre of his red iris was absolutely tiny, lingering on your chest, glowing with much more intensity than usual.
“... smelled so... sour. looked so... weak.” His voice was husky, finally getting calmer now that you’d finally completely stopped attempting escape. “bad memories. bad thoughts. no - won't lose you. no.”
Skull clearly decided he was done going wherever that train of thought was leading him. He settled down, and the purring began all over again.
“... I need to go home eventually, though. To make dinner.”
“i’ll make dinner. a good dinner.” An extremely thinly veiled jab at your unwillingness to eat properly. “staying.”
... Jeez. You really weren’t getting out of this.
You sighed, your body unable to stop itself from relaxing into the bed. Skull definitely knew how to make a comfy place to sleep. With how much being ill had drained the life out of you, the softness of the bed and the warmth of the massive monster cradling you was honestly hard to resist.
Damnit. Your eyes were already closing. Though his methods of getting you here hadn’t exactly been... great... you had to admit that maybe this outcome wasn’t so bad after all.
Not that you'd tell him. He might make this a regular thing.
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wasabi-gumdrop · 5 months
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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800-dick-pics · 7 months
Help Us Take my Service Dog in Training to the Vet!
I am remaking a post for my service dog in training since the last one has stalled. He is growing like a weed! so we need to replace some of his gear already, get him into puppy classes and most important take him to the vet. We have enough for the vet but not enough to get there and back. The cost of an Uber Pet is almost as expensive as the vet visit ($75) so that expense is the most important for right now.
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The goal is at $530!
CA: $sleepyhen
VN: wildwotko
Dm 4 P@ypal
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Introvert adoption
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goosewizard · 2 months
i know coming back right is kinda a silly idea but im thinking about it.
what if ranboo came back, and they came back right?
not physically, of course. god, he looks a decade older and has the exhaustion to match. their skin is marred, mostly scar tissue now, from the explosion, from sam, from the endless ocean of limbo, from crying. tubbo hates that they match now. he’s skinnier, too, as if death took everything but the skin and bones of him. they look more monstrous. theres a new streak of white in his hair. it reminds tubbo of wilbur. it reminds tommy of himself.
but he’s just as kind, he still holds their son with tenderness and sings songs of old to him. he still brushes tubbos hair away with a feather-light touch. they still help techno with the dogs. he still visits tommy. they still grow pink tulips.
their memory is... better. ranboo still loses his house keys and forgets where he was going or what they ate for lunch, but they have every scar on tommy memorized, he knows tubbo like the back of their hand, can recite historical events like a textbook, will never lose track of an important date again.
its all they had in limbo. he didnt want to forget for good.
he's still scared, if they're being honest. scared that their sacrifice was for nothing. scared that his family will be destroyed again and again for the sick pleasure of some fucking guy. scared that he'll be used again. scared that they'll hurt the people they care about again. but for now they're okay, they have a team and a family and a second chance.
ranboo comes back and theyre okay, honestly. they move into the mansion with his husband and child. he thanks techno again and again for saving his son. for saving him. techno doesnt accept the thanks, he should've done more. he talks with tommy about limbo, and about grief. they visit their own graves and they grieve. for one another, for themselves. it washes over them in waves. tubbo still waits for the other shoe to drop, for his husband or himself to turn into a maniac and blow the server to bits, but it doesnt come. it won't come. its not the same, it cant be, but its good for the first time in a long time.
maybe the other shoe doesn’t have to drop. maybe sometimes people can come back and maybe they can be okay.
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jkvjimin · 4 months
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the face card never declines series starring: kim seokjin for kayla 🌼 @cordiallyfuturedwight
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yuwuta · 1 month
yuuta is the boyfriend BAWLING when he has to drop you off at the airport. it doesn’t really matter how long you’ll be gone, he will be crying, and he’s gonna cry just as hard when he picks you up again too. but that’s not surprising, neither is saying that satoru smothers you in affection and soft gazes but waits until you’re gone and he’s back home to let the tears out. the real gag is that toji is also crying. it doesn’t happen when he drops you off, or when he gets home, and honestly he’s fine for the first few days—crabbier than usual, slower than usual, groggier than usual—but, fine. it’s somewhere around the third or fourth day of your absence that he finds himself crying, unintentionally. he feels the tears on his lips before he realizes they’re falling from his eyes, and there’s a moment of confusion and then a soft laughter of disbelief before he lets the rest of them fall. he doesn’t really know why he’s crying even while he’s crying. he doesn’t sob or make noise or smush his head into a pillow, but when he gets up to wipe his face, he’s confronted with his reflection in the mirror and that’s when it hits him: he’s sad. if you’d asked toji, he’d say he hasn’t experienced true sadness before that moment. despite all the shitty things in his life, he held a sort of neutral, it is what is attitude about it all—but that’s not the case with you. toji’s sad because he misses you and it’s probably the first time in his life he cries because he can Feel something is missing inside of him
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wolvesofinnistrad · 2 months
Gonna say something maybe controversial. Despite Wades bratty bottom energy i actually think Logan is the bottom between them.
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cerise-angel · 2 months
late night tv, i want you on me
soft!leon kennedy x fem!reader blurb
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literally just domestic fluff
it's all a little boring since you quit your job. most of the days you spend trying to keep up with a routine your boyfriend helped you to plan, but you end up sleeping until noon and eating frozen fruits while watching stupid tv shows or playing some pc games. you kinda hate yourself for it, since you should be studying or going to the gym or, you know, looking for a job. although leon has told you to not worry about it, since he is a big badass secret agent and can provide for you both, you still want to do you own thing. you feel less like a leech when you engage in cleaning or taking care of the house. you quite enjoy the days when you wake up early (10 am) and have a long hot shower, washing your hair, exfoliating and then proceding to apply moisturizers and hair oils. then you lunch and spend the next hour doing the laundry, trying to get some gruesome stains out of leon's shirts. you end up leaving the stains you cant completely scrub off and lining the clothes to dry out in the sun. you study a little, after managing to clean the kitchen and sweep some dust out of the rooms. you put clean sheets, since leon in finally coming home. it makes you smile lazily, eager to smell his cologne and find warmth in his arms. you try to make a nice dinner for him, some pasta and shrimps, and induge yourself in some late night tv after its done. you wait for him, even though you're almost falling asleep. the lock on the door creaks and you feel your body getting filled with longing. leon opens the door smiling softly, a little bruise on his brow and you're pretty sure there's others underneath his dark clothing. you reach to him shyly, waiting until he drops his bags and removes his shoes before attacking him. he laughs when you do, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you a little off the ground. he kisses your lips while youre smiling. "made your favorite dinner" you mutter before running to the kitchen to heat up. leon cant stop watching you, too happy to be at home again. he closes and locks the door and follows you to the kitchen. you frown a little when he doesnt stands right behind you engulfing your body with his. he looks at you with a puzzled expression. "i want you on me" he smiles all shy before reaching to you, glueing his chest on your back and nuzzling his face on your neck. you´re pretty sure this is what happiness is.
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theghostinyourwalls · 6 months
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This movie was soooooo scary 🙈 im so scared of big juicy submissive men
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ca-8 · 7 months
"Thank You, Angel..." (Part 1 of ???)
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Silence screamed.
Drops of decay either echoed in the distance or fell inches from his withered nose. They aided in the cackles and chirps and growls that erupted from within each shadow. Each shadow that held home of the little critters with those little desperate, famished white eyes and wide toothless grins ready to devour anything with even a hint of a pulse. And when those critters couldn't stand the empty pits of their stomachs, those cackles and chirps and growls and drops of decay sang along with the tormenting squelches and tears of his miserly flesh ripping off and into those widened, toothless grins. And when they were done, after hours of slow, burning agony and screaming filling their stomachs, and the decay hushed to sleep as those horrible little critters scurried off toward their master -
silence screamed.
DogDay hated it all. He hated each sound of falling wood or concrete or spare intestine hitting the floor. He despised the critter's sounds as they drew near. But most of all, he hated the silence, because it was a constant reminder that his friends were gone and no hope gave a breath.
All alone. Always alone. With nothing but a wonder as to when he would finally draw his last breath.
Poppy's words once gave him back a lifelike glimmer. She speculated that someone had to come back here to save them all, an ex-worker, a total stranger -
an Angel, perhaps.
Just someone, anyone who can release them of this constant, lingering, rotting despair.
But so much time has passed. DogDay lost count at…he didn't even know, it's just been years and years and years, perhaps even decades. An eternity of this sickening silence since the day their revolutionary feast took place.
That glimmer was smothered out long ago.
Were those footsteps?
Not the little pitter-patter of those godforsaken critters, no - human footsteps. They were distant, but carefully drew near. As they closed the distance, a shriek from those little monsters echoed throughout the prison.
DogDay's head perked up, but only slightly. If he had a little more energy he'd call out for help, and more certainty too. Maybe he was finally going mad. Maybe what's left inside his head is feeding him false hope with these made up sounds hinting to a rescue.
No, not a rescue. Whatever he had left was drowned in the past.
His head slumped back down, and critter's shrieks halted. But the footsteps grew closer. DogDay didn't want to remove his gaze from the floor and risk disappointment, he knew it was nothing, that even if someone managed to sneak in here, there was no way they would survive this hell. He knew that thing was right, no one was coming to save-
"Oooooh nooo…"
His head sprung up, earning a little gasp from a
a human. An actual human, standing right there in front of him. It - They - couldn't be a hallucination, could it?
No. No hallucination. No human either. With how those lights beamed down on their glowing, moving skin and illuminating the life in those eyes, this was a blessing from Above. "Hello…?"
DogDay realized they were inching closer, but he was too stunned to flinch or tell them to get away. He could only voice his stagger.
"You…You're Poppy's Angel," he choked out through his voice box. "Come to save us…!"
The Angel blinked. "Uh, yeah…" Their eyes were widened; no surprise, anyone not too familiar with this decrepit place would be shocked to see him like this. A pathetic, filthy excuse of a dog wasting away. That's what they were thinking. They had to be. "Nothing left to save, not here…" He held his head back down.
"What're you talking about?" Their voice was as sweet as honey, so filled with life.
"You're in CatNap's home, Angel. Their home." Just saying that thing's name left a disgusting bittersweet taste in DogDay's mouth, but he was given a second chance at being useful, he had to take it.
"A million of pairs of eyes are on you right now," he continued. "Watching…waiting….hungry." A faint spark of terror flooded the (e/c) in those beautiful, breathing eyes. "They want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit." He spat out the last word before heaving in a gasp. "…fill what feels empty inside themselves."
"I-Is that…what happened to you, DogDay….?" they asked, eyeing the bitter remains of his lower half.
They knew his name. He appreciated that, although couldn't express it too much. "I'm afraid so, Angel. Because of…that…that thing. CatNap. The Prototype is his god, and this is what he does to heretics."
The Angel snuck a glance at the darkened hallway outside their halo and quickly returned their gaze to DogDay. He continued.
"These little toys follow CatNap to avoid that very fate, and in return, they are fed." DogDay coughed. Black substance spewed out of his mouth and onto the floor. "We tried to fight it, the Prototype's control. I'm…the last of the smiling cri-"
His right arm fell to his side.
DogDay's ears bucked up and he turned to his side. His right arm dangled heavily right by his torso, and the belts that were supposed to be supporting it up to the ceiling were cut short. His gaze whirled to his left side and saw the Angel reaching up to cut off the other belts.
"Angel! Wh-Wh-What're you doing?" he frantically yelped, swinging his torso back and forth.
"Sorry to cut your speech-thing off so quickly, but I think we may have a problem!"
It was at that moment DogDay heard the heightening shrills and screeches from the critters. A sharp chill ran down him and his heart stopped. They were coming; so many were coming! Coming for him! He was about to die if they couldn't get away!
"Angel, please, go! Leave me! Save yourself!" he pleaded desperately. A growl erupted right next to his ear, and DogDay turned to come face-to-face with a miniature Bobby Bearhug. A scream almost escaped his throat until a small flare flew past his face and shot mini Bobby back into the darkness.
"I'm sorry, but could you stop moving so much? This is hard enough as it is!" As they said that, their knife (which he noticed was strangely colorfully patched together) cut through the first of the two left belts. His body darted right towards the floor, but not until Angel caught him with their arm.
"Angel PLEASE! I beg you!" Tears pricked his empty sockets. The shrills were so loud they might as well be on top of them.
But the Angel kept their gaze glued onto the last belt, and as soon as mini CraftyCorn entered the cell, he was finally free.
The Angel hopped down and kicked mini CraftyCorn back into DogDay's worst nightmare: a sea of predators mirroring his friend's appearances. The Angel spun around and ran the opposite direction.
"Don't worry, I got yo- OOOOOO-!!!" The floor collapsed beneath them, and they landed right onto the bottom floor. Well, more like the Angel fell right onto the floor with DogDay cushioned safely on top of them.
This couldn't possible get any worse.
DogDay tried turning his head. "Angel? Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean it! I didn't mean for this to happen! I swear!" He wanted to get off of them to ease whatever pain they were in, but his arms were held up for so long, he could barely even feel anything in them anymore. 'Pathetic! I'm pathetic!'
"I'm fine…I think-!" The Angel got up and sprinted to the end of the hallway. "Just don't look back!"
They held DogDay in a position where his only option was to look back. Snuggled tightly underneath their arm, he watched as a tsunami of critters dashed towards them, snarling with hunger. Hunger for him and his Angel.
He whimpered loudly until they spun him around. "Sorry-! Sorry! I got you!" A flash of another critter was summoned to the right, then suddenly wished away by the bright flash of the Angel's flare. DogDay couldn't do anything, only let his heart squeeze and whimper at the sudden sight of painful reminders until they're blown away by the Angel. He looked up, their gaze was locked forward, doing what he should be doing.
But he couldn't. He was worthless. Just like that day.
The poor withered dog squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't watch anymore. If it weren't for his weak arms, he would cover his ears as the screams of the damned drew ever so near, or maybe do something actually useful. He felt himself get heaved up and a sudden wind blew against his tattered face. Then, he was lowered, and the Angel gasped for air.
Where were they going? Was there even an exit? He couldn't look. He didn't want to look. If he opened his eyes he would only see the Angel get devoured and it would be all his fault.
It wasn't until they were both thrusted into the air that his eyes were finally forced open. Below them was a deep pit of darkness with the critters nearing the edge they hurled over. For a second, he thought they had jumped towards an everlasting sleep, until the Angel landed right onto a lift.
The door shut behind them, and devastating shrills and shrieks were muffled. They were….safe. DogDay was safe, and the Angel didn't die. He hadn't killed them after all.
The Angel gently lowered him onto the floor of the lift and pressed the button to lower them back into, if he could remember correctly….Playcare. They collapsed onto the floor, and the thud snapped him back to reality.
"Angel! Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" DogDay tried to haul himself towards them until they let out a strange chuckle.
"That…holy shit. That was awesome! But also terrifying. And tiring. God, my legs, I'll be surprised if I can even walk once we get down there. What were those things? You called them critters? I kinda feel bad for thinking they were kinda cute now, SHEESH those little devils were relentless!"
The Angel went on and on and on and…not a hint of anger was on their face. DogDay only stared at them in disbelief. They hopped on their knees and leaned closer to him, making him flinch.
"Anyways, are you okay? I don't know why you're asking me, you're clearly the one who needs help here! How long have you been down here? Actually don't answer that. What happened to you-? Wait, wait, don't answer that either, sorry!"
"You…." He finally choked out something. "You…saved me."
"…Well yeah!" A big smile graced their lips. How were they glowing even brighter than before?
"You…You saved me…!"
"….Yeah! Go team!"
Something was building up in his throat. More tears streamed down his face, but there weren't any rivers of regret or disappointment or self-hatred… DogDay leaned into his Angel's chest.
"Oh, hello!" they said cheerfully.
DogDay sniffed and looked up, and for once, a big, genuine smile filled his face. "Thank you, Angel…! Thank you so much!"
They froze there for a second, and their stunned expression melted to that of warmth. He felt their hands wrap around him and gently caress his back. Nothing could ever feel more soothing.
Softly, they giggled. "Hey, call me (Y/n), alright? You're giving me too much credit." ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙
Hey guys! Like what ya saw? Well you can commission your own private piece now!! Read more about that here! Thanks so much for reading, and have a great day!~ 💜💜💜
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something I think we as a fandom don't talk about enough is the fact that during his first guide mission grover was 14. And satyrs age half the rate of humans.
grover was emotionally and mentally seven years old. seven. of course he couldn't save everyone he was seven years old!!!!
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 322
Danny squints up at the slightly older realms being, even if technically he’s older in human-age. The Chaosling is practically vibrating in place, the massive realms feline peering out from over their shoulder. Huh. So this is his Clockwork-assigned babysitter-cousin? 
He didn’t know how to feel about the whole suit thing, but well, he won’t say no to a good prank. C’mon Cujo, they’re going to the daycare dimension-place!
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bbygirl-aemond · 3 months
loved the moments between rhaenyra and jace in this episode. the disbelieving face she makes after he hits her with that sassy "your grace" and then the way he shuts up mid apology the second she puts her hand on his cheek oh he's never beating the mama's boy allegations
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fishfingersandscarves · 2 months
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