#hes back as my number 1 bias wrecker
chans-room · 3 months
favorite k-pop group tag game! thank you @minisugakoobies for the tag 🖤✨
• who is your favorite k-pop group?
SHINee and Stray Kids 🖤
• which member sparked your interest first?
In SHINee, Jonghyun 🤍 I heard his voice and I was obsessed. In skz, it was a mix of Hyunjin and Chan. The Red Lights mv changed the trajectory of some shit lol
• who was your first bias?
In SHINee, my first bias was Taemin, my current bias is Choi Minho. In skz, my first and continued bias is Chan.
• what makes them your current bias?
Godddddd everything. Minho is just so... He's got The Look™️ where he could absolutely be a dick, you know he does and he could get away with it, but he's also so tenderhearted and the way he loves his members so loudly just fucking kills me. The way he constantly acknowledges Jjong and he's just so loving and charming and ugh I hate love him. And honestly Bang Chan is the same!! He's handsome but he's also so caring and genuine and loving and he's such a softie and I CANT.
I could wax poetic about both of these men fr
• who is your bias wrecker?
I am bias wrecked by all of SHINee, but Taemin esp. And my main bias wrecker is the one and only blood mage Hyunjin 🫡
• which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Again, all of SHINee be wrecking. And Changbin, Lino, and Jeongin are tip tapping on my sanity attempting to usurp the blood mage from his crown.
• when did you first discover this group?
I found SHINee in 2015 through my college roommate. The first mv she showed me was Everybody and I was like ok this is good. And then she showed me Danger and I was Sold For Life. I found skz bc of @j-a-nuary writing a skz fic and @gimmethatagustd with the Red Lights mv, which lead to the Case 143 mv and I fell hard and fast (but fr Kiwi's fic Carrier. Like please. Read it. I'm obsessed.)
• have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No 💔💔💔 I have hope this year to see skz! But god please let me see SHINee 🤍🤍🤍
• what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
SHINee (no solos): View, Gravity, Your Number (Japanese vers) The Feeling, Y Si Fuera Ella, Punch Drunk Love, 상사병 (Symptoms), Married to the Music, Trigger, 1 of 1, Tell Me What To Do, Sherlock, Hello, Ring Ding Dong
Skz: Collision, Cover Me, Charmer, Leave, Megaverse, Topline, 3Racha, Airplane, Gods Menu, Back Door, My Universe, Domino, Red Lights, Connected, Hall of Fame, Zone, Freeze, pls Spotify give me the Pray (I'll Be Your Man) skz version
no pressure tags for the mutual babes: @j-a-nuary @eureka-its-zico @chimivx @binniesbang @bangtanintotheroom @bibbykins @gimmethatagustd
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itsseohannbin · 2 months
thank you for the tag Pookie!! @feelbokkie
Get To Know Me!
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❣ Who is your favorite Kpop group?
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Stray Kids is my main group, but I'm also dabbling in some others, like Ateez, Big Bang, iKon, Enhypen, Astro, The Boyz, NewJeans, BlackPink, BTS/Jungkook. (One OK Rock & The Rose are also heavily loved but idk if they qualify as Kpop or not?)
❣ Which member sparked your interest first?
I think my answer is the same as nearly every other Stay out there.... Lee Felix Yongbok.
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he's just such a sweet lil cinnamon roll with the voice of a devil. his smile got me first, cause hello? look at it and tell me you aren't melting!!?? (being considered the embodiment of sunshine by all my close friends/family of course only heightened the adoration I had for him). I truly and utterly adore him sm 😊
❣ Who was your first bias?
Han Jisung, obviously 🙄🙄 smooth lil bitch that he is..
I mean, look at this smol bean :(
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He is absolutely adorable, and he held my heart for such a long period of time before Binnie came along out of nowhere and shut that shit down LOL
it's almost like I convinced myself Han was my bias and Changbin was my number 1 bias wrecker, when in reality, it was the complete opposite. Bin has always been #1 with Han fighting for his chance in #2.
❣ Who is your current bias?
I think I've made it abundantly clear over the last few days 6 months lmao help who my heart truly belongs to, and it's this fucking dude right here omg.
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juST LOOK AT HIM!! Boba eyes, curly hair, plushy lips 🥺🥺
I just wanna hold him😭😭
I denied it for so so SO LONGGGGG and I'm so ashamed that I did because the moment I was like "fuck, yeah, this is the one," I felt like I could breathe properly for the first time since becoming a STAY LOL.
I had a little dramatic moment with a Chan Bias Friend of mine about the whole ordeal (thank you again for Syd for holding me through that crisis bc lord it was a big one!), and told her that I feel like I've been wearing beer goggles for my entire journey as a STAY and I just now took them off, and the world seems so much clearer now.. everything makes so much more sense LOL. We always talk about how your bias is most like you and your wrecker is what you look for most in a partner, but it's the complete opposite for me. Changbin truly has my entire heart and I could not be happier knowing it's him that's protecting it
❣ What makes them your bias?
This is a loaded question, but I'll try to explain it as clear and concise as possible.
I fucking adore this man.
So so fucking much.
It's so true that you don't find Stray Kids in your time of need, they find you. Changbin found me. 6 months or so ago, I had an "oh shit" moment where I kind of realized that it's been Binnie all along, but I wanted to deny it and stay loyal to Han because he was my first and I was determined to keep him as my #1.. but after my Binnie moment, I started going HARD. I watched everything. interviews, skz-codes, live performances, tiktoks, vlogs, skz-talkers, the entirety of Kingdom LW then all the way back to music videos and the bts for the mv's. I became obsessed, not just with all of the members, but with Binnie. His personality is so so sweet and so genuine and so raw that I couldn't help but gravitate towards him. His duality, his personality, his stage presence. It was overwhelming in the best way possible. He's become such a safe space for me over the course of the last year and a half that I've been apart of the STAY community and been a fan of the group. His encouraging words, his gentle and loving presence, his loud and confident personality. All of it.
He's unknowingly helped me come to terms with my eating disorder and helped me stay on a healthy and positive path in my journey to self-love. He taught me the importance of our bodies and how to properly take care of the body you were born with. He taught me how to stick to my principles and never stray from my own beliefs, no matter what people around me have to say/do about it. He taught me how to appreciate the family I was blessed with, and that yes, sometimes it is nice to just dance with them in snow. He taught me confidence and self-acceptance in ways no trainer or therapist ever could. He's helped me accept myself, helped me realize that life is not about the journey, but who you spend the journey with. He's taught me to Never let the fear of being myself, stop me from being myself (this one is so fucking huge and so fucking important to me, you'll never understand). He is such a huge inspiration for me. I can't get over how much I love him and how much I owe to him and his existence. I see posts and tiktoks all the time about how Changbin is like everyones own personal happy pill, and he truly is.
I could go into very specific details with video timestamps, specific lyrics, tiktoks and moments where my love for him was solidified more and more, but I feel like we would be here all day and I want to keep this post short and sweet.
So yes, I adore Changbin and his presence in my life. He is truly an inspiration in so many aspects and I just cannot imagine a life without him, or the rest of SKZ, in it.
❣ Who is your bias wrecker?
For the longest time possible, it was a Seungmin. The little menace he is. It was him, and then I had a moment where I slowly starting veering off towards Minho, cause he's like, the king of menaces and Seungmin is just his little menace-in-training. Then it went back to Seungmin after watching most of Kingdom: Legendary War and seeing his performance in I'll Be Your Man and Love Poem.
THEN as of the most recent two comebacks, Hyunjin shows up and is like "hello I'm here too. I also require your attention". But truthfully, I think I've come to accept the fact that I'm a Changbin bias, but OT7 wrecked on the daily, because each and every member wrecks me in different ways.
Bangchan with his astounding hardwork and adoring personality. Lee Know as the king of menaces/ultimate butt hunter. Hyunjinnie with his passion and love for all the art and beauty in the world. Han with his dedication and lyrics that always hit so close to home. Felix for his rays of sunshine, demonic voice and heart of gold. Seungmin for his shy and guarded personality but the prince following in the King's foot steps. and INNIE?? BABY BREAD??? No baby bread ain't a baby bread anymore, he's a freakin' Daddy Toast and I'm uNWELL
Hannie definitely holds the top spot for bias wrecker (hello he was demoted from #1 so it only makes sense for him to fall to #2), but the remaining 6 are fighting for the title on a daily basis. It's very concerning LOL
❣ Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
As of right now, I cannot for the life of me get Channie out of my fucking head. Idk what it is lately, but there's just something about Chan that takes up all my attention. Maybe it's the excessive amounts of fics I've been reading and writing for him, but he's just someone who captivates your attention and absolutely requires you to keep it on him. It's frustrating but I'm also not complaining.
❣ When did you first discover this group?
I first heard of SKZ by the boyfies little sister who is a die hard kpop fan. When I first met her when she was 11 or 12, she was a big fan of BTS, and I tried to bond with her over Kpop, although it was something I never thought I'd ever get into, and she was like "well, BTS isn't for everyone. Have you listened to SKZ?" and she showed me Gods Menu and like one of their early SKZ Codes, and I was like "alright, they're pretty cool. Demonic voice sunshine boi, fast rapper #1, fast rapper #2, maniacal little puppy, ethearal fairie who likes to touch butts, best leader, tiny baby with large hands and pretty artist." but after that I didn't really give them a second thought.
Then, in January of 2023, I started a new job with my lifelong best friend who I hadn't caught up with in a long time, and she was obsessed.. she had already been apart of Stayville since maxident, and she got our other friend into them as well, so when we spent every break and lunch hour together scrolling through tiktoks and listening to her gush about how amazing these men were, I was like, alright. I'll give them a shot. If my best friend adored something so much, who am I to not give them a shot and see what all the fuss was about.
She showed me the MAMA 2022 performance and from there, I was hooked.
Thank you Kennie for bringing these losers into my life.
❣ Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
I have not. I've seen so many concert videos and tiktoks of others living out the ultimate dream and I am so so jealous. I really hope they come to Canada on their next tour. I will be absolutely devastated if they don't, but I am fully willing to road trip down to any state at any time to see them live. I will not miss another concert. I will not.
❣ What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
oh fuck.
okay uhm, lets see...
Case 143
Give Me Your TMI
Thunderous (definitely getting a Thunderous tattoo)
Sorry, I love you
Venom/Maniac (First performance I watched)
Waiting For Us
Gods Menu (first song I heard)
EASY ??!!!!??
TOP (holy fuck incredible song 10/10)
Back Door (first choreo I learned)
Get Lit
LOL it's really hard to pick favorites when their entire discography is played on repeat 24/7. There is not one song I skip while listening to my SKZ playlist. Not one!
No presh tags :) || @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @bethanysnow @noellllslut @queenmea604
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thisfuckingdeadlife · 3 months
been tagged to do the "favorite k-pop group tag game" by @cordiallyfuturedwight and @epiphanytear. thank you, this was nice to do!!💖
Who is your favorite k-pop group?
obviously, bts💜
Which member sparked your interest first?
Who was your first bias?
What makes them your current bias?
yoongi is my actual bias. but is a close one with jk, never really got over my first bias. i consider them both there on top still, yoongi will always come first. as i started getting into bts, i picked up on his stand-offish personality and how he keeps to himself and is so savage because he just doesn't care and he's silly too and so so sensitive and a sweetheart when he decides to show it. that made me turn towards him. then i learned more about his hardships with mental health and i listened to all his songs and the lyrics and realized that i relate to him way too much, way too deeply. so i fell in love with him. i care for him too much and i worry for him and i feel so sad that i relate to him because of all these bad experiences and i just want to protect him because he deserves the world and i don't want him to feel how i feel.
Who is your bias wrecker?
yoongi. he dethrones everyone else without even giving them a first chance
Which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
uhm, probs jimin and taetae. i mean, i haven't been really active or even following things much but taetae has been giving us content and then oh sweet jimin owns a piece of my heart🥲
When did you first discover the group?
uhm, i've known of them for a long long time but didn't start listening to their music and learning about them until august '22 and then there was just not going back and it's over for me💀
Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
nope. not sure i'll ever be able to, either🤷‍♀️
What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
that's a hard one but some that come to mind immediately are: pied piper and dimple (because they are obviously married and come as a pack, duh💁‍♀️), run bts, first love, reflection, euphoria, life goes on and spring day and yet to come and for youth and seesaw (my all time number 1 wreckers😭💀), mikrokosmos, louder than bombs (this baby is never appreciated enough), magic shop, black swan, film out, lights, whalien 52, on, mic drop. okay so i ended up listing a lot but..🤷‍♀️😬
tagging if you wan to (and everyone els who see this: consider yourself tagged)🥰 @vminsos, @raplinenthusiasts, @fireworksgalaxy, @princehoseok, @vkookalli, @vrainydays, @sniggerwarning, @btscontentenjoyer
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Also, if you're still open to the kpop group ask q's, could I request #4, 10, 15, 16, & 17 for Ateez, pls? 🙏❤️💙
4: hyung line or maknae line?
this is such a hard question bc my main bias is hongjoong but no.1 bias wrecker is yeosang aaaaaaaaaaaa I'm gonna have to go hyung line
10: favourite music video?
I think illusion is really cute! also love the aesthetics of hala hala
15: what's a concept you would like to see them try
I love like, mythological sorts of concepts, so I'd love to see like, greek/norse gods or something along those lines!
16: a subunit you would like
that's a tough one too but I think I'd love to see wooyoung, yeosang and mingi and/or hongjoong in some sort of sub-unit? I think they could showcase some very different vibes with those voices together, maybe something leaning more r&b than ateez usually do would be interesting from them
17: favourite look from your bias
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but also like the split dye is top tier too
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he looks so cosy I love him
send me numbers and a group!
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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all of the trainees were given an unexpected surprise — the performances that they were practicing so hard on would be scrapped and instead of performing for a smaller audience, they would be performing for the last stop at LGC’s FAMILY CON 2K22 in seoul! reactions from the trainees are shown and it leaves people wondering how the trainees will cope with the sudden change of events.
what they don’t know is that at some point before LGC’s FAMILY CONCERT, all of the coaches have gathered along with KIM HYUNCHEOL and LEE ISEUL as they discuss the performances the coaches saw on AUGUST 6.
“even though that was only the midway point, who do you think did the best?” ISEUL asked as he looked at the coaches who were present during those performances.
one coach revealed, “we’ve debated a bit, but we can confirm that the girls did a lot better than the boys. even though there were more boys in the teams, some of us noticed that there are still some lacking in certain areas or not trying as hard as they should have. the senior artists have given them some advice and they did listen to it, but… so did the girls too. as a result, it made the gap between the two even wider.” he paused as he looked at the coach next to him, the one who supposedly spent the most time watching all of the contestants during their practice sessions. returning his attention back towards ISEUL and HYUNCHEOL, he continued on, “but between the two girl groups, we felt that the DALLA DALLA team did the best.”
a female coach chimed in as she added, “on the other hand, for the boys we thought that the HALLA HALLA team did the best.” the coaches continued on to discuss the teams in-depth, but that bit was left muted as viewers got to see ISEUL and HYUNCHEOL jotting down notes about the teams and what the overall rankings would be.
the next scene transitions to ISEUL and HYUNCHEOL in an interview room as they reveal to the viewers the rankings for a few more contestants.
( important note: the rankings below were only shown to the PUBLIC and not to the contestants. so they do not know this until later on after the show. in addition to that, for PART 1’s rankings, the order may have switched a bit so the number your muse received in the last fd post [after all of the week 0’s scores were added] could have possibly changed this time around. just like before, only a few of the spots have been revealed. )
OVERALL RANKINGS: bae woobin ( 14 ), kim dawon ( 13 ), cha hyoseop ( 11 ), pongsak tee ( 8 )
snippets of the preparation are shown as people got to see how the trainees handle not only being a part of legacy’s biggest annual event, but even the day of when the meet and greet happens. as fans congregated and waited in line to meet some of their favorite aspiring idols, some of them were given a chance to be interviewed for the show.
“ah,” a woman around her early 20s paused to think about how she would answer the question that was given to her regarding which team she would support for this round. “i’ve been a huge fan of NABI since lgc girls japan, but DOWOON and KEEHO are slowly becoming my bias wreckers too. omo, what am i going to do?? i don’t even know who i’ll vote for in the end…” she trailed off as she touched her cheeks.  “umm…fighting to everyone in future dreams! may the best team win!” she ends her interview abruptly with those words as she covers her face.
more interviews are shown and the viewers can easily tell that the voting for this time around will be a lot harder than usual. not only that, but as part of NABI and PARKER’s reward from the ‘impress the senior artists’ segment, they were both given a choice to use their reward. with both of them selecting to give an additional boost to their votes, it’s a complete mystery as to which team will win.
soon after, the edited performances from LGC’s FAMILY CONCERT are shown with more focus towards the FUTURE DREAMS trainees. there’s a note at the bottom of the screen that encourages people to check out the full performances on LGCENT’s youtube channel, for those who want to relive the experience again ( or see how the performances turned out in case they missed it ).
the next day, all of the future dreams contestants gathered together on stage. the audience this time around is a lot smaller compared to the previous day, but some of them may have noticed a bit of a surprise in that all of the debuted artists ( IDOLS, MODELS, and ACTORS ) are sitting in the front rows. behind them are KIM HYUNCHEOL, head manager of the trainees; PARK JEONGAN, current CEO; and LEE ISEUL, head creative director sitting at the center with the table and chairs elevated so that everyone could see them.
“today is the finale of FUTURE DREAMS SEASON 5.” HYUNCHEOL begins to give a brief rundown of everything that has happened the last couple of hours. “in the last 24 hours, we’ve seen everyone give it their all in all of the activities and performances that were assigned to them. we watched as we saw the number of votes accumulate over time and that by the end of the voting period, we’ve received over one million votes.” some of the people in the audience were left in shock over how many people watched the concert last night. “and the competition was certainly tough. there were some periods when each of the teams gained a significant amount of votes, but after all of the contestants performed, there was a clear victor as to which team won and that team is… TEAM WE GO!” HYUNCHEOL and ISEUL look at the girls’ team and applaud them for their efforts. 
“and now what you’ve all been waiting for.” HYUNCHEOL transitioned to the one thing everyone was waiting for. “the winner of this season is… SON NABI! congratulations, you are ranked number 1 and will be releasing a solo later this year. please congratulate her and everyone else for participating!” he allows everyone to clap and cheer over the announcement. but after a few minutes, ISEUL stands up and breaks the celebratory moment with a follow up announcement.
“as we watched each of the trainees over the course of this season, we weren’t looking solely for someone who would be given an opportunity to release a single. we were looking for other aspects too. many of you know that several of our PROJECT ORIGIN individuals have debuted and become idols—” ISEUL pauses as he looks at the members of TYPE ZERO, V&A, CRYSTALLIS, and FABULA. “... and with NABI ranked number 1 in this season and the only trainee left in LGC GIRLS, we thought quite a bit about legacy’s future and its lore. so we are happy to announce that NABI’s single will serve as a precursor to a new era that legacy will be introducing in the future.” ISEUL turned momentarily to look at JEONGAN and HYUNCHEOL as he waited for one of them to announce the next surprise. 
JEONGAN took his microphone and began talking, “even though this season mostly focused on individual rankings, we did observe both the boys and girls to see their growth during the past few months. at first, we were rather surprised by the initial rankings as we saw most of the girls ranked high but as time went on we noticed that there were a few male trainees who surprised us at times.” his attention shifted towards DOWOON and he continued on, “in the past, you may have heard some of the coaches comment about your performances and how they enjoyed watching them. then when you performed in front of the senior artists, they also said something along those lines as well. even until now, the coaches can see that too. in fact, we can see your gradual improvement and we had a feeling throughout this season that you were ready to debut. the thing is that we wondered how we would see you in a group. it was why you were given an array of concepts, to see where we see you best and after yesterday’s performance, we know the answer now.”
“congratulations, you will be debuting as a member of TYPE ZERO — a group that takes on a variety of concepts, since like the meaning of the group, it is the middle area between VERSUS and AGITO. we were looking for someone who is versatile and can take on an array of concepts and that is one of your strengths as a performer.” JEONGAN announced as he lets everyone celebrate for a short period before politely instructing DOWOON to move to the side. “but DOWOON will not be the only one joining TYPE ZERO. there was another one that we didn’t quite expect initially. we knew that he had the talent for it, but as time went on we soon noticed that he was a fan favorite, especially with the idols.” JEONGAN chuckled as he eyed towards the idols who voted for the trainee. “PARKER,” he calls out his name before announcing the next bit of good news. “you will be joining DOWOON and debuting as a TYPE ZERO member. we were aware of how talented you were vocally and when we asked the senior artists how they felt about your performance, they saw a lot of potential in you as a future idol. some even mentioned that they thought you were ready to become an idol too. so congratulations to you as well and please stand next to DOWOON.” another set of loud cheers and applauds could be heard, giving time for both of the trainees to take in the surprising news.
HYUNCHEOL concludes the finale with his speech, "and that’s the end of the fifth season of FUTURE DREAMS. thank you to everyone for participating and see you in the next season.” confetti started to fall from above and as people were cheering over everything that had happened, ‘JIKJIN’ started to play first followed by ‘SAME SAME DIFFERENT’. once the two songs have finished and the final rankings have been revealed to the public, the season slowly comes to an end.
… but it’s not the end of the idol journey for everyone else.
while the FUTURE DREAM CONTESTANTS slowly head back to their dorms to pick up their belongings, they began to hear noises from the intercom. rather than hearing HYUNCHEOL, ISEUL, or JEONGAN’s voices, one of the coaches ends up speaking instead on their behalf.
“all of the trainees except NABI, DOWOON, and PARKER must meet at the assigned locations on OCTOBER 10 at 10:00AM sharp! this isn’t the end of your journey yet because you have an important task ahead of you! for now, enjoy this rest period and good job, everyone!”
the message ends abruptly, but all of them were given the important details that would give some sort of insight as to what OCTOBER 10 holds for all of them via text.
just like what the above says, this isn’t the end just yet! after this post will be the TYPE ZERO MISSION, so DOWOON and PARKER will know their schedule ahead of time. for NABI and everyone else… you will get your mission next week! as usual, please look forward to it and thank you to everyone who has participated! it was quite a project to take on and with this coming to an end, that means that it’s the start of something new.
we would like to use the remaining bit of this post to reveal some of the details behind the ranking process. we’ve already mentioned in the past how WEEK 0’s prompts were scored, but since this season has finished we can talk more ooc wise as to how the rankings were for the rest of the season.
it’s best to first look at THIS PAGE where we’ve listed the rankings for each of the rounds in order to get a better understanding of the explanation we’re about to mention.
for “PART 0 / WEEK 3” ( the first column ), the blue cells indicate the muses who received additional points due to their perceived ranking and their actual rankings. the orange cells indicate the muses who lost points due to the same reason. the rankings after that ( as in for parts 1 and 2 ) were predominantly based on completion and submission of the writing requirements, distribution of the points earned during that period, team compositions, and whether your muse was debut ready.
as for the FD contestants, the only time they were aware of the full ranking list was during the finale and it was the last ranking ( the ranking closest to the right side ).
DISCLAIMER: not ALL future dreams follow this scoring system, but for this season this is how it went! next season could be a totally different one so do not expect it to be the same since at the end of the day, this is a roleplay and we wanted you to have some fun ( and possibly use any feedback that you’ve received as a plot suggestion to help with character development ). if you have any questions regarding the rankings, feel free to ask the main about it and we’ll do our best to answer it!
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starvity · 6 months
YOU WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING? Let me tell you about my 11 ults lmao
3 main(zb1, piwon and enha) and the others are semi/half hahah ok lets start(no specific order tho)
Zb1-han yujin(i’m his age if you dk yet lmao)
Piwon-Jongseob became even stronger after the concert like i was legit all the way in the back and had tall ppl infront of me BUT SEOB AND INTAKS(one of my main wrecker w keeho even tho atp seob biased ot wrecked after the concert lmao) stage like i cried w no tears but i met a girl there(a few ppl but i exchanged numbers w her) and she’s keeho biased! And i met some friends from a gc we made for the concert! I also made freebies and met some lovely ppl there! I love this fandom omg
Enha-Niki!!!!!! First ever ult!!!
txt-yeonjun!! We’re 4 kpop stans in my class all biasing jun like he should become our principal atp(we only had one wanting to become it anyways lmao)
Seventeen-ok get ready for this: Scoups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Hoshi and The8! Scoups and Hoshi used to be wreckers and suddenly they ended up in the actual bias line hahah(funfact my fav animals(now 1/2 w dogs) are lions so its kinda matching w hoshi imo)
Newjeans-Danielle!!! Shes so cutesy i love uer
Pow-Yorch like i waited for Trainee A so long this sound weird but i’m attached to Yorch on a completely different level lmao
Riize-Anton my baby
Nct dream-Renjun since the concert like i didn’t rly could decide on one but Renjun def(here again i was all the way up in the back lmao also i like all nct units i’m seeing nct nation in cinema w my friend this weekend but i’m extra bonded w dream yk hahha)
Ateez-wooyoung like he is healing something in me and idk what- probably the issues of being bullied by boys most my live he and some boys from my new class(i’m retaking) are healing this in me🥹
Yes most my biases are maknaes or rappers i’m sorry😭
Hbu? Lots of love<3
11 ults?!?! omg i am all ears!!!
you went to a piwon concert too?? i loved it so much omg and it seems like you had so much fun i'm glad!! heavy on intak and seob like,, i fell even more in love with jiung but intak's and seob's stage was insane, screamed so much!!!!
YEONJUN THE PRINCIPAL THIS IS SO REAL FGSJJS i used to be surrounded by yeonjun stans until i met my fellow ningdungie friend last year :D
OMG TRAINEE A!!! literally saw a sangwon post this morning i miss my man :')))
i am also a big big dreamie stan like!!!! been following them since 2016 but i couldn't see them in europe last year bc i had an event for school :(( i see that they are hinting a world tour and hopefully they come back cause i really wanna see them!!! how was the movie?? tell me about it!!!
literally opened my ateez album with my friend last week and they were laughing because i cried when i pulled wooyoung twice LMAOO i got emotional okay... i totally get what you mean like i have a strong bond with him you get it...
overall i bias anton, woo and hoshi too!! <33
hope you have a nice weekend and i love learning about other people's biases it's so interesting <3
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redge · 8 months
#ONEOKROCKinMNL2023 🎤 [2023.09.26]
Bilingual. Contains strong swearing words and curses. No filter. Just feelings. And very VERY long.
Read at your own risk. ⚠️
1. Wonder
First to come on stage was Tomoya. Then Ryota. Then Toru. And the start of my "putangina ang gwapo ni Toru" vomit. I know it's not appropriate but so is Toru. I mean, he's probably the reason why I chose this side of the stage, right? Right.
"putangina ang gwapo ni Toru" counter - 2
By this time, it still did not dawn on me that the first song is Wonder because I am just staring at a treasure that is Yamashita Toru.
And then here comes Takahiro. My scream was W-I-L-D. No shit. If there was a bias-wrecker in J-rock, mine was definitely Taka that night. (Or maybe until now? Lord I miss him alam ko may pila po pero pwede akin na lang siya)
I'm a person who goes to concert without searching for the setlist so I was so happy they started the concert with Wonder. I had a recent trip in ZamBaSulTa (Zamboanga-Basilan-Sulo-TawiTawi) and I used this song for my travel reel I was so happy.
Towards the end of the song, Ryota, Taka and Toru all went at the center of the stage and did some choreo. It was so cute coordinated like a boy band so why choose between a boy band and a rock band when you can choose ONE OK ROCK hahaha  
2. Save Yourself
Me towards the end of Wonder, nag-iinarte akala mo kalma: "that was nice"
Me when I heard the guitar intro of Save Yourself: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" 🤣🤣🤣
We missed them so much, Araneta was trembling with how loud our voices were as we sang along with Taka. We were crazy happy fans who waited for their return. ♡
I scream crazy at whatever Toru does. He plays guitar as usual? I scream. He goes to my side of the stage? I scream. He sings? I scream. 😅
Taka: Hello everyone!
He said something about finally meeting after a long time, and wants to have a fucking great time with all of us and yes we all did have a fucking great time from start to finish 🤧
Then he goes, "Alright Manila, let me see you fucking jump!" And when Taka tells you to jump, YOU JUMP. 
3. Taking Off
"putangina ang gwapo ni Toru" counter - 3
RYOTA AND THAT BASSLINES OH MY GOD. I love attending OOR concerts because for one, the bass on their lives sound so much better than on their studio albums.
The number of times Taka asked us to jump and the number of times we didn't fail him. We were a perfect slave to his commands 🤣
"putangina ang gwapo ni Toru" counter - 4
Taka: "It's been a fucking long time"
and it really is 🤧 The concert was supposed to be in 2020 then pandemic happened and we skipped a whole tour (Eye of The Storm) Krystle and I held on to our original tickets putting our trust to OOR that they would return for another tour and now we're here. 🤧
I think he said something to sing as loud as we can and I think we exceeded his expectations (we were so good we should be proud of ourselves 🎤) 
4. Let Me Let You Go
Taka: "Why'd you let me let you go"
Us: *in perfect timing and tune* "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh" ✨️
But the best is yet to come 😌
I thought they would sing the English lyrics but Taka was singing the Japanese lyrics. I was so happy. We've come a long way from their first concert here in 2016 🤧
Tapos biglang ang soft ng transition to bridge putangina pangapat na kanta pa lang wala nang paglagyan yung feelings ko panagutan niyo 'to hoy! 
5. Clock Strikes
We were so excited that we sang the "oh" part immediately but Taka was quick to put us back on track.
Taka: "Believe that time is always forever" and after his part he goes "now please sing it everybody"
Us: "Believe that time is always forever"
Now the best part:
Taka belted and sustained that note for a good freaking almost 30 seconds long and we sang along with him harmonizing with that long sustained note we were perfectly in sync (Araneta posted a video of that if I'm not mistaken so go ahead and check it out)
Any ONE OK ROCK fan deserves to hear and sing along with Clock Strikes live. It is meant to be heard live. 🕐
6. I Was King
We were so good and loud at singing along and singing all those "oh" we'll never know that it was raining so hard outside during the concert (I just knew that when I finally had a phone signal outside the venue 😅)
I was so intently watching Taka when I realized that Toru was also singing along to that "if I go down I will go down fighting" and I let out yet another loud scream for Yamashita Toru my god I love him Lord wala po ba siyang duplicate 😭
Taka let us sing that part where it's one octave higher and did we fail him? Of course we didn't. Like I've been saying, we were so good. ✨️
7. Renegade
I'm not sure if it was on this song or later but I am starting to put everything in my bag (face mask that's been on my elbow, the belt I was wearing that kept on getting loose hahaha) in preparation to all the jumpings Taka would ask us to do 🤣
Everyone singing this line with feelings, loud and clear:
Ryota: "Kumusta kayong lahat? Masaya ba kayo diyan? Ako din masaya"
He had to repeat that "masaya ba kayo diyan" A+ for effort! Thank you Ryota 🤧
Ryota: "May tanong ako sa inyo, ilan sa inyo ang _____ bagong album? Nagustuhan niyo ba?"
I was just screaming but I really didn't understand that bit but I still love you Ryota. Again, A+ for effort 😁
And here comes Yamashita Toru with his colorful abaniko petition to make this as his official uchiwa in PH YES PLEASE 🤣
I love him so much I scream so loud for him like a crazy fangirl. It's embarrassing but what can I do? He's been getting on my nerves in a good way since I watched Fool Cool Rock at a cinema in Jakarta wayback 2014 (but started listening to the band around 2012) That's more that 10 years of emotional investment so bear with me 🙈
Toru: "Kumusta kayo Manila!"
I think he also said "namiss namin kayo, namiss niyo din ba ako" but I'm really not sure I'm just screaming my heart out to whatever he was saying 🤣
Toru: "Thank you for waiting for us. I'm so happy to be back here. We love you guys so much. Thank you Manila" 😭😭😭
And thank you for returning. We love you just as much 😭😭😭
(The way he said that "we love you guys so much" was so cute but of course he's my favourite I like everything he does I am a trash for this man hahaha)
Krystle's ichiban is Tomoya so imagine her hysterical call out "TOMOYAAAA" when it was finally his time to talk to us. I am very happy we were all happy that night 🥰
Tomoya: "Maraming salamat. Masaya akong nandito para sa inyo."
Me: "Yung friend ko po masaya" *then I attempted to take a video of her to capture that happiness. Keyword: attempt 🤣
Then he mentioned Sisig and I laughed because we've been talking about Sisig even before we entered the venue. We were looking for Sisig when we were drinking beer before the concert. Now we have Tomoya speaking about it. Talk about Sisig supremacy 🍻
Tomoya was perfectly pronouncing the words in Filipino if I were to rank them all, he's probably the first honor 👏
Tomoya ended his talk by asking us "handa na ba kayo?" and on to the next part of the concert: The instrumental.
It started with Toru and oh dear heavens I love him so much I am so happy he's happily married but I hope Mrs. Yamashita is not bothered by us fans swooning over her husband because HE.IS.FREAKING.GOOD.
And just when I thought that I was all for Toru on that segment, Ryota goes and plays that bass riff confusing me on where to focus my attention then Tomoya drum rolling I LOVE THEM ALL.
Slowly I realized what the next song was, then Taka appeared on stage, and we're on the 8th song of the night.
8. Neon
Ryota's basslines then Toru's guitar riffs it was such a good intro 😭😭😭
I'm not sure what was wrong, was it Taka's in-ear or was it him forgetting the lyrics because he told us to "sing it please" for the second verse and briefly went off the stage. At one point it was just the band again and when I heard how clear Toru's riffs without the vox I screamed so loud I think I confused the people around me 🙈 Again, whatever Toru does, I.LET.OUT.A.LOUD.SCREAM. 🙈
By the second chorus, Taka is back again. By the last chorus, I can barely hear Taka singing, then the song ends… and so we thought. 
Taka shouted "One more time! Neon!" we thought he'd only repeat the second part of the song but no, we had a Neon-rerun. Hindi makapayag si Taka nang ganon-ganon na lang matatapos yung kanta. Lord mahal ko na po yata si Takahiro pwede po bang siya na lang please 😭
It was so fun because it was like we had a rehearsal and now we know what to do but even knowing that Toru would be doing that so-damn-good-guitar-riff, I still screamed the same way I did when I heard it for the first time, just a couple of minutes earlier 🙈
9. Vandalize
Confession: I just listened to the whole Luxury Disease album last July, on a long land trip from Zamboanga del Sur to Zamboanga del Norte. I know the songs but I don't know the words perfectly. But I'm only one among the crowd and the majority knows the song by heart. Filipino fans are really good at singing along with their favourites at concerts. 👏
10. Make It Out Alive
Takahiro was a scene stealer. Writing this, recalling the concert one song on the setlist at a time, this song has a good guitar intro but I was so intently watching Taka as he commanded the crowd to do what he wanted us to do. Only when Toru went near our part of the stage did I realize his existence. 
All the jumping I did on this concert was insane I can't believe I did all that having only breakfast as my last meal before the concert, was on my foot since 4:30 PM and I jumped with my bag on how the hell did I do that is beyond me 😅
The crowd was so hyped. People were stomping their feet as if a child was throwing tantrums that they wanted more. Funnier because we did that when the next song was an acoustic song. I think it was also on this part when Taka tried to copy us stomping his feet he was so cute Lord gusto ko siyang ibulsa akin na lang siya please 😭
11. Your Tears Are Mine
Taka made this song a lot more emotional than it was supposed to be by saying that it's been so long since we last saw each other, 5 years to be exact. 
He asked us to sing along with the song. And if we didn't know the lyrics, it would be flashed on the screen to guide us.
I thought our peak to exceed his expectations of us was when we sang perfectly to Wherever You Are last 2016 but this song was a great competition. 
Krystle as I was intently watching Takahiro: "Tumingin ka naman kay Toru. Nakakalimutan mo (na siya)" 🤣🤣🤣
And she was so right 🤣 I mean this was an acoustic song and if it was in 2016, I know all my heart and soul would be for Yamashita Toru but Takahiro was just sparkling that night. He's glowing and I was really blinded by that light (shet Takahiro mahal na yata talaga kita at nagiinarte ako nang ganito panagutan mo ito leche kaaaa hahahaha)
But it was our time to steal their hearts. After belting that sustained note, Toru stopped playing the guitar and we know it was time for us to sing our part. As Taka asked us if we were ready, he signaled us when to sing and it was one of the most magical part of the concert ✨
Your tears are mine
It's a new world tonight
Say my name and I will fly
Over to you
Gunning for time
I promise you that I'll be by your side
Through the fight
Everything's gonna be fine
Just please hold on*
The whole time Taka was guiding us with the song, and on that last lyric, he signaled us to pause and we did, perfectly. Not a sound was heard at the venue for a brief moment until Taka showed us how satisfied he was with what happened and we let out our giggles of happiness. Then like a very happy kid, he let out a big smile, pointing at him and at us to sing the last part together. 
There's really a different kind of happiness when fans are given moments like this and they deliver really well. I love this fan-artist interaction in concert. ♡
12. Change
The scream I let out when I realized that the next song was Change I love this song and I could've heard it at EOTS tour but pandemic happened I dreamed of hearing this live when I watched the Youtube streaming of their orchestra concert plainly simply I just love this song and finally I am hearing it live I was so hysterically screaming and you can actually feel my feels reading this account without any punctuation marks 🤣
Taka: "Sing it!"
I was so ready to sing along to the chorus but motherfuxking Yamashita Toru stole the part because he was singing harmonizing along and instead of singing I just screamed so loud by this time I'm not sure if I love the song or I love him I guess it's both because I am crazy like that.
Also, Takahiro sang the lyrics in Japanese and the JP version of this song is not even on Spotify on this side of the world I was so happy.
This song was so fun I was dancing (I think this was also the time when Taka went to Toru and like grooved to the song I love them 😭) screaming, singing along I was so happy my feelings were all over the place I love watching concerts 🤧
Grabe 12 songs lang pero ang dami nang nangyari. 😭
It was feelings after feelings because right after Change, a piano chord that was so familiar played, and we're on to our next song.
13. The Beginning
Another crowd favourite. Everyone was on their feet from floor area up to the Gen Ad. Everyone jumping. Everyone singing along. It was a feast.
Taka: So
Taka: Just gotta keep it I wanna
Taka: Just tell me how I can
We were so great and Taka acknowledged that a couple of times.
VIP standing experience with this crowd was insane. Phones were still up but at least no one was there just to watch the concert on their phone screens. We were having so much fun ☆
I screamed way too loud when everyone went to the center stage to do their signature move. Like Clock Strikes, all ONE OK ROCK fan deserves to see this song performed live. 
14. Stand Out Fit In
Taka asked us to kneel / sit and signaled us when to jump and we had our cue when Taka said "3 2 1 JUMP!" it was so fun and chaotic I remember jumping crazily for the most part of the song it was worth all the bodyache after concert 🤣 By this time nasisiraan na ako ng bait kasi pupunta sa harap si Takahiro tapos lalapit si Toru tapos rinig na rinig ko yung bass ni Ryota tapos ang saya-saya ni Tomoya nasa point na ako nito na alam kong patapos na yung concert kasi masyado nang masaya 😭
*small talk*
*small talk kasi chinacharing kami ni Takahiro na last song na yung next pero gago ang sarap pakinggan ng boses niya bwiset hoy panagutan mo talaga itong feelings ko tangina 🤣* 
Taka: You guys are the best. You guys are fucking best.
Me, confidently: "We know!" 
because we really were the best crowd to the best band that night. 
We need to stay alive for 3 years because Taka said that they're making a new album and will probably return in 3 years 💪
15. Wasted Nights
The LED screen here was so good. By the chorus at the "Let's live like we're immortals" part, it zoomed on the stage then towards the crowd it was like watching a DVD but in real life I'm bad at explaining but it was good camera work. 
I was not prepared that Taka would sing the Japanese lyrics 😭 Add to the fact that in the few travel reels that I made on my Instagram account with OOR songs, all of them were performed at the concert. 🤧
Taka: Sing it!
Us: I don't want to wait, I don't want to waste a night
And the next thing we know, by the last chorus of the song, confettis were up in the air. It would be difficult to top this experience. This is on par with my feelings when I attended L'ArChristmas and that says a lot 😭
I don't know what happened but I'm sure before the concert Krystle was in front of me, then beside me and after the chaos calmed down I just realized that she was already behind me 🤣
*Mamsh, kung nababasa mo ito patawad baliw na baliw ako buhay na patunay ka niyan hahaha I love you thank you for buying the ticket, pinadala mo pa sa akin nung pandemic, at sa paghintay sa mga bagay na hindi tayo sigurado. Hahaha Willing akong samahan ka ulit sa standing area, sabihin mo lang 🤗*
Tapos nagkaroon na kami ng oras para pag-usapan na ang gwapo ni Taka huling gwapong gwapo ako kay Toru nag-announce ng registration of marriage eeh punyeta Takahiro umamin ka hahahaha
Everyone was so hyped for We Are. Krystle asked me what song I would like to hear (she has an idea of the setlist as she attended the Taiwan leg of the tour), was it We Are or Wherever You Are and I said that I love them too much I'd accept whatever they give and it was this next song.
16. Wherever You Are
I was lucky to have attended all their concerts here in Manila and lucky enough to watch this song performed live for the third time. But I know there were also first-timers among the crowd so I am happy they got to watch and sing along with this live. 
I think this was the first time Taka let us sing the bridge part of the song. He was trying to guide us by doing hand signals like raising two fingers for futari then one finger for ichiban my god I love him and he also love us he screamed towards the end of the bridge "I love you guys so much!"
And just as I thought that my love story with Takahiro was about to begin, here comes Yamashita Toru, going at the part of the stage where I was near, and did his guitar solo right there. Motherf*cker don't want to lose a single soul under his leash he did that for me to claim me back and sir yes sir I am all yours because I have that guitar solo recorded on my phone to remind me who I really am 🤣
I don’t remember what Taka exactly said but by this time we were all screaming crazy because it seems that we’re getting another song, not included on the setlist from other tour stops.
17. Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer
Wild. Crazy. Fun. We can definitely rerun the whole concert and we’d still be full of energy. All were jumping. Singing along. Chanting. Screaming. 
Taka for the last time: "Make some noise Manila!"
And we did. We were so loud, exhausted yes but we probably wanted to show them how happy we were for giving us one last song so we gave our all for the last time, at least for tonight and the concert ends. 🤧
Screams were louder when all of them went to the stage. Ryota and Toru were throwing their picks. Tomoya threw his drum stick and Taka… threw his water bottle and straw… separately 🤣
Then Toru and Taka were throwing away the shirts that they wore. Taka’s aim was so far it made it to the box area 💪🏻
Not sure if the throwing of things happened before the group photo but what I am sure of is that we've come a long way from the first time they were here last 2016. And I hope they keep on returning to us. 🫶
Was that Toru who screamed “ありがとう Manila!” towards the end? but whoever said that, I say thank you too for choosing to come to Manila.
I had so much fun that night. I didn’t catch anything but kuya who was in our area, was kind enough to share with us the drum stick that he caught and allowed us to take a photo with it. Thank you po!
We missed ONE OK ROCK so much and I hope they had as much fun as we did. Let's make it out alive until they return. We'll be waiting 🍻
[Platinum A ticket holder na pinili yung side na yun para kay Toru pero patay na patay kay Takahiro mahal ko na yata talaga siya Lord handa po akong bumati ng happy father's day sa kanya basta siya po yung tatay ng anak ko shet ang lala pero mas malala kung nabasa niyo hanggang dito hahahahaha 🤣]
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xiaojuun · 1 year
i saw ur alr answered e'last so ace instead ?? 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 16 !! if some1 already asked ace tho then rip 😔😔😔
ahh i was going to go back to ur elast ask and answer any of the numbers that weren't sent by someone else; but i do think all of them ended up covered gbdjsh and no one asked for ace so !!!
1. who’s your bias? sehni (ult) my husband my dream boy if i were actually into boys my beloved please come home from war i'm suffering . also yuchan i love u yuchan it's just different
3. who’s your bias wrecker? junhee i love that crazy gemini he's my bestie
5. what is your favorite era? goblin favorite boys you will ALWAYS be famous !!!
6. your favorite song and why? clover . steps up to the microphone have u HEARD clover . that song vibrates in my soul (also best harmonies in kpop i don't make the rules)
8. your favorite album? the butterfly phantasy if u couldn't have guessed
16. a subunit you would like? think a wholesome donghun / chan moment would b so cute ... they r real brothers . i want them to sing me a christmas song
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jun-jun-jun-jun-jun · 5 years
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Xu Minghao has been working his magic a lot more recently 🤩
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letskookandbaek · 3 years
It Was You All Along | Jeon Wonwoo
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Wonwoo ain’t even my bias but somehow my first published story of a Seventeen member is him 😂 . This man is one hell of a bias-wrecker. Enjoy! xx
- Wonwoo x Reader
- Word count: 1037 words
- Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Non-Idol! au, College! au
- Warnings: Cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating.
The sound of your favourite series plays on the television but neither you nor Wonwoo were paying attention to the episode. The tears that you tried so hard to hold back were threatening to fall any moment while Wonwoo who knew you so well realized he had fail to distract you yet again. 
“We could go for a Mcdonald’s run right now if you want” Wonwoo softly suggested as he turned to look at you. It was 1 a.m. when Wonwoo drove over to your place after you texted saying that you couldn’t sleep. Without hesitation, your best friend since middle school rushed to your side knowing that you needed him the most during this time. 
You recently broke up with Soonyoung after dating unofficially for a month. Everything was going so well and you were ready to commit officially which was something incredibly tough for you to do. But yet again your trust was broken. Soonyoung just had to cheat. Did the universe love playing these sick games on you? Why did every guy you ever dated had to wrong you one way or another? Were you the problem?. Sure 3 potential guys weren’t a large number and you did stay single for some time to focus on yourself, but were these failures merely a coincidence or a result of your poor judgement?. You don’t know. 
Wonwoo on the other hand has watched you go through all of your failed experiences and his heart breaks every single time when he has to watch you be depressed and wallow in your sadness. It wasn’t the you he knew best and he hated  seeing you in such a state. On top of that, he also felt guilty since you knew Soonyoung through him. He had to fix this. “You know what? Fuck Soonyoung” you finally spoke as you angrily wipe your tears with the back of your hand. “Yes, fuck him” Wonwoo encouraged. 
“No no, not that fuck him. I meant fuck him.” Wonwoo corrected himself after you gave him an unreadable expression, afraid he might have said the wrong thing. However your next reply completely caught him off guard. 
“Unfortunately, I did” you sighed as you walked to the dining table to pour yourself some water. “You actually fucked Soonyoung?!” Wonwoo stood up, half shouting. You swear to God you never knew his eyes could bulge out that far out until then. “It’s a given, we were dating” you shrugged, not understanding what was the big deal. You’ve walked in on Wonwoo having sex with some random girl from campus before and he knew about your entire hookup history, so why would it be a big deal if you had sleep with Soonyoung?. Then again you realized Wonwoo hasn’t been actively dating nor hooking up with anyone for the past couple of months which honestly still surprises you. 
“Right, sorry, maybe I feel a little weirded out because I know the dude” Wonwoo calmly replied as he sat down, adjusting his glasses. He felt somewhat embarrassed at his sudden outburst, it wasn’t like him to do that. He has always been the calm and level-headed one between you both. You on the other hand found his reaction really sweet and amusing. You took long playful strides toward him after drinking your water. 
“Are we still on for the Mcdonald’s run?” You spoke in a baby voice as you wrapped your arms around Wonwoo from behind the couch. Your cute little pout was way too enticing for him and he wished he could’ve just kissed you passionately there and then. You felt something shift in the atmosphere from the way Wonwoo was looking at you with his eyes half-lidded. You thought the silly crush you had on him had vanish after you started actively meeting other guys but just one look and you’re done for. If there were no consequences, you would gently take off  his glasses and kiss his entire face with no hesitation. 
Wonwoo has been by your side through thick and thin and while you both did have your fights from time to time, you both equally adored each other just as much. The word inseparable would be the best word to describe your friendship with Wonwoo and everyone who knew the both of you would agree. “Let’s go” Wonwoo broke off the gaze as he ruffled your hair messily, a gesture you were so used to receiving. He quickly walked away to retrieve his car keys, afraid you might see his face reddening while you stood there watching him as an epiphany hit you. 
So it was you all along, Jeon Wonwoo.
A/n: Hoshi/Soonyoungie is a sweetheart I swear~ please keep loving our hamster/tiger big baby! (although imagining him as a bad boy is another vibe on it’s own teehee). Also I don’t romanticize cheating in any way!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Three Asks
It’s been a while since we answered some asks so today and maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, we’ll collect some and answer them since we’ve gotten while a few in the last two or three weeks.
In today’s post I picked out the three most recent asks we’ve received, two of which are ones I’d usually just delete because answering is pointless but one of them showcased a popular pattern so we decided to reply just this once. So this time around the questions are about Namjoon and Seokjin, next time we’ll do ones about Tae and Jimin (and vmin), and so on.
Ask 1 - Did Namjoon have to bring up the criticism he received in 2015/16 in the Juju Chang interview?
Ask 2 and 3 - questions from either diet solos (someone who isn’t quite a solo stan just yet but exhibits the same thought patterns as solos do) or full on solo stans.
From anon: So you must have seen their interview alongside the President right on a news show? Most of it was fine and I liked how involved they were especially JK, but a point Namjoon made is what I'm kinda dicey about. He addressed that they were called out for WoH lyrics but the thing is I'm not sure if it needed to be brought up. Especially in American media and the way they contextualize things..
Obviously he meant that they grew from it but not sure if that was the way to put it I guess?
I will admit, there aren’t many times when asks that get sent to us annoy me, but this one in conjunction with the absolute nonsense that took place about this on twt just made my blood boil. Let’s look at the question and answer so we have full context when it comes to the interview and then, after that, we’ll look at the greater context of why Namjoon saying what he did is significant and a big deal.
Juju Chang: You guys are an all male band and, let’s face it, Korea, historically, has been a very male dominated culture and yet here at the UN one of the core values in Sustainable Development is educating women and having gender equality. You have a lot of female fans. What would you say to them about gender equality and working towards that?
Namjoon: Personally, I received a lot fo criticism regarding misogyny in 2015 and 2016, which led me to get my lyrics reviewed by a women’s studies professor. That experience, in turn, was an opportunity for me to self-reflect and question whether I’d been insensitive toward gender equality. I want to do the best I can to take interest in the topic, learn and make improvements. That’s my perspective now. 
Namjoon used a personal story as framework to showcase that even someone like him, a man in a position of power/influence from a country which, as the interviewer explained, is very male dominated can learn, grow and, in the long run, contribute to change. It takes tremendous bravery to do something like this, to not only admit that you made such a mistake, but also to take it and grow from it, take the time to reflect and strive to better yourself to never repeat it again. And also talk about doing so not only during an international broadcast but also while your own president sits right there next to you.
Perhaps there are a relatively big number of countries in the west where equality is much closer to being a reality, where it is a core value to respect woman, one that you are raised with, but here the context was specifically BTS and their background, their country and their culture. From K-ARMY we know that things have taken a turn for the worse in Korea when it comes to women’s rights and the behavior of men toward them, how feminism is treated essentially as a dirty word and you will get hunted down for using it or for behaving in a feminist manner. Namjoon himself was placed on some list made by misogynists labeling him as a dirty, dirty feminist. The same men who even went after the military to get them to stop using a hand gesture which could, if you really want to, be used to make fun of a man for a small d*ck. In polls men in their 20s and 30s have voted being against feminism and I don’t mean just like 10 or 20% of voters, but rather 50-70%, even some presidential candidates have apparently been revealed as anti-feminists.
Circling back to Namjoon, having this context, do you now get why it was a big thing for him to say this, why it makes him a role model and why it was important to do so? Besides this isn’t just about the WoH lyrics which, to be frank, were never an actual issue but instead were made into one (the line I know that usually get’s brought up most is “The girls are equations, and us guys are solutions” which, if you think about it, actually means that boys and girls are equal since 2+5=7, the equation and the solution are the same, and also the song is satire about hormonal boys and their behavior which people have decided to ignore for the sake of sitting on their high horses instead). Namjoon wasn’t even the only member credited for the lyrics yet he took the blame upon himself, used this to better himself even though we know 2015 was an extremely dark time for him. But he is the leader, he took responsibility and he grew from it. He stands as example of how change is possible even in a country that is male dominated and misogynistic.
From anon: Reading your post about My universe I can’t but be heavy hearted. 
It’s such a beautiful song but Jin not having almost any lines ruined the experience for me. He deserves so much more than being a mere backup vocal. Same goes to Jimin but I’m not as effected as Jin, since we’ve all seen a pattern there. 
We know the boys decide collectively decide LD and how it fits their personalities and voices but I can’t but feel icky about Dynamite, not today, BS&T and now MY. 
I truly hope this doesn’t continue and BH decides to respect Jin more as an artist. He’s one of the biggest reasons the group is where it is now.
Though I can’t say with 100% certainty that this comes from someone that has consumed too much solo stan “content”, it does very much feel like it and the only reason why I’m even answering this is that I’d like to highlight something, a pattern we've seen a million times over for years now in regard to line distribution but that is even more glaring and flawed in this case, after we’ve seen how My Universe was recorded:
“We know the boys collectively decide” and yet “and BH decides to respect Jin more”, with this you’re basically saying that you know all the members, including Seokjin, are involved BUT since giving him and the others slack for it would make you look bad, you instead throw blame at BH, which in this case had no say in the line distribution. That choice was Christ Martin’s to make. If you already complain about line distribution, at least have the guts to direct your hate at the people you just said yourself make the choice--the members. Solos already belittle Seokjin’s efforts as it is, and constantly demand an acting debut of him which basically, to me, just comes across as them wanting him to act because they don’t value his singing and music, so would it be really that farfetched for them to also hate on him for, what, not speaking up and demanding more to satisfy you?
Seokjin was so happy and excited while recording My Universe, while meeting Chris Martin, someone he’s admired and been a fan of for so long. He gave his best while recording and sounded absolutely marvelously, and yet instead of celebrating him, his voice, and what we do hear of him, you just focus on the negatives.
BH isn’t perfect by any means, don’t even try to come into our asks calling me a company stan or whatever because I’m far from it, but in this case they had nothing to do with it. Coldplay and Chris Martin did. We saw all the members record the chorus, and we heard it, we saw and heard Seokjin sing absolutely beautifully and get praise for it, and we saw how happy this collab has made him. Why can’t you just let this be a happy time, why must you immediately search for things to be negative about?
Would I have liked so hear more of his voice on My Universe? Obviously, I even said as much in my post about the song. I love Seokjin and his voice a lot, he is my bias wrecker for a reason. But the song has already happened, been recorded, mastered, and released. What will a negativity parade change? What? Absolutely nothing except for make him feel bad because you can’t just say “Seokjin did amazingly, I love his voice”, no, you have to go around yelling “OMG he is being cut from the song because BH hates him”. What does that do for him? Like really, tell me, because I don’t get it.
And if my opinion isn’t valid enough for you, it is, after all, just an opinion, take Seokjin’s opinion about the collab instead:
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Or asks such as this one:
From anon: I honestly can’t wait for Seokjin to go solo one day. Go where he’s appreciated for his talents and musicality, not cuz he’s just a “hyung” or “comic relief” or “WWH”.
Where, tell me, has he ever expressed an interest in going solo? No, I’m serious, where, because all I know is that he is happy with his members, with what he does, that he enjoys making music and getting more involved than he used to. Just the other day during the interview with Juju Chang he spoke about how he misses the old times where he could go for soju and food with Yoongi to spend some time together.
And just a few years before that Yoongi said that Seokjin has been good from the beginning, and there are tons of other examples of the members praising Seokjin in terms of his voice and musicality. When he was going through burnout last year, Bang PD encouraged him to channel his thoughts and feelings into music, recommended him a producer he thought work well with him, and Seokjin said it really did help him. And we got Abyss as result from it all, a gorgeous and raw song. 
Yes, he gets praise for being a good hyung, because guess what, he is a good hyung. Maybe for you that’s not good enough, but he’s proud of it, has always taken the fact that he’s the eldest seriously even when goofing around with his members. How is that a bad thing?
Seokjin loves his members and they love him. Seokjin loves ARMY and we love him back tenfold. Just because solos hate the members and aren’t satisfied with Seokjin, how is that my issue or even his? If you’re a genuine fan of his, support his hard work, support all his contributions to BTS’ music, their performances, their dancing, and everything else. Because he is part of BTS regardless if you like it or not, and as far as we are aware, he doesn’t plan on changing that any time soon, or at all. 
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minminnie-shii · 3 years
Giving SF9 Cuddles
Hai hai!! I know i’ve been gone for a while
lets just act like that never happened
Buttt, I’m back and recently I’ve been watching the new series of Kingdom and I am so hype to see my babies sf9 
currently sobbing
also my mom was very upset when they came in last place
anyways they’re all working so hard and I’m so proud of them so I decided to write this for all the Fantasy and new Fantasy who are getting into my babies.
so here is sf9 wanting cuddles, enjoy
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~Kim Youngbin~
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this man
i love him so much i might cry
moving on
being a father of eight children is hard work
but my best baby does everything he can and is the best leader he can be for those boys
being a little is hard work and he needs to be taken care of as much as they do
insert the love of his life
thats you
youre good at telling when hes stressed and do everything you can to help him
so when he looks at you with doe eyes asking for cuddles you don’t hesitate to say yes
so now your laying on your bed youngbins head on your chest
youre running your hand through his hair softly and humming to him
he lets out a peaceful sigh and lifts hiss head looking up at you
“i love you so much” 
he looks so sleepy and you couldn’t stop yourself from cooing at him
he eventually falls asleep and you just lay there quietly admiring him
he’s the love of your life and you’ll never understand how you got so lucky to have someone like him in your life
~Kim Inseong~
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this man
he will ask for cuddles in the most dramatic way
you’re at the dorm visiting him before he starts filming for his new show
you know that you wont be able to see him for a while and youre a little sad
inseong of course knows this
so he wants to make today extra special
he surprised you with flowers and your favorite snacks 
he even bought you a penguin plushie that was almost the size of you
so now youre sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so you could start the movie you wanted to watch
inseong was watching you from the kitchen
you were playing with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing staring blankly at the screen in front of you
he smiled softly to himself before skipping into the livingroom
“____, dont look so sad, cuddle me instead!”
his loud voice nearly made you jump out of your skin
he plopped onto the couch next to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you
he pulled you into his chest and slowly rocked you back and forth
a smile came to your face as you rested your head on his chest
“it wont be long, i promise ill call you everyday, okay?” 
he assured you that he’ll come see you as soon as filming was over
you knew that he would and you were more than willing to wait for him
because you love him and there was nothing that would ever change your mind
even if he is a major dork that makes you cringe more often than not
~Lee Jaeyoon~
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bias wrecker number 1
did you guys see how hard he practiced for the jealous stage on kingdom
i might cry
i hope he got enough time to rest after hurting his knee
you were at your apartment when youngbin called you letting you know that jaeyoon was on his way to the hospital
of course you were worried but he assured you that he was okay he just hurt his knee
of course you told him that you would meet him there and quickly got dressed
once you finally reached the hospital your boyfriend was staying at you found youngbin who was waiting for your outside
“is he okay? hes not too hurt is he?” 
“he’ll be okay, he just has to rest for a while, i told him you were coming”
as quickly as he could he led you into the room where jaeyoon was lying restlessly
when he heard the door open his head shot over to you and he smiled sadly
you quickly composed yourself and smiled, walking over to him
you sat in the chair next to him and the two of you talked for a while
he told you about coming in last place, feeling like he didn’t work hard enough
it hurt you to see him like that and you did everything you could to reassure him that you were proud of him and he did the best that he could
he began to grow sleepy while talking to you and you could tell
“can you spend the night here with me?” 
you almost squealed out loud as he sleepy state but you just nodded and agreed
he scooted as far as he could to the side of the bed to make room for you
you laid down next to him and he immediately wrapped his body around yours hugging you as closely as he could
he easily fell asleep to you petting his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him
i squealed
~Lee Sanghyuk~
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hes so adorable i cant handle it
he also may be my moms favorite she doesnt know yet
although he is a dork he is very serious when it comes to his relationship with you
you are the light of his life and he will treat you as such
but youre still not safe from his pranks and constant jokes
he came to your apartment in his next attempt to bug you 
but when he noticed that you weren’t your normal bubbly self he placed himself next to you on the couch
you immediately reacted and rested your body against his
he leaned back into the cushions and pulled you into his lap
he would occasionally kiss your forehead letting out small hums
he would listen intensely as you tell him about you day
you explained why you were sad and he acted as if it happened to him
giving you advice on how to deal with the situation
it was rare for you to see him so serious but you loved that he was willing to help you with whatever problem that you had
even if it was something small a small trivial matter that didnt have any meaning
once he was sure that you were okay and they two of you would joke around
being the little shit that he is he would pin you down on the couch and began to tickle you
“yah, knock it off!” 
you tried your best to push him off of you
but our man is swole and was not letting you off that easy
once he finally decides youve had enough flops down and lays on top of you
“youre lucky youre cute”
you couldn’t stop the growing smile on your face as the two of you continued to joke around
~Baek Ju Ho~
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bias wrecker number 2
hes so precious and i cant handle the cuteness
excuse me ill calm myself
the boy
whether he admits it or not
he will drop anything and run the minute you call his name
and if youre sad or if you pout
lord you better believe hes right there plotting the death of whoever made you sad
one day you and zuho are out walking around doing couple things
you know, being adorable
when all of a sudden you see a group of girls pointing and laughing
you werent sure what they found funny but you began to grow self concious
it didnt even have to be you that they were laughing at, but your mind got the best of you
zuho noticed the sudden change in behavior and immediately took your hand
he pulled you into a hug and rocked you back and forth slightly
he caressed the back of your head and whispered to you about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are
you looked up at him and smiled softly 
he chuckled to himself before placing a soft kiss to your lips
he continued to press light kisses all over your face as he hugged you tighter
you giggled and hid your face in his chest
the people that surrounded you couldn’t help but smile as they watched the two of you
even the girls who you thought were laughing at you they had large smiles on their faces as they all talked about wishing to have a boyfriend like him
~Kim Seok Woo~
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i swear i feel like he would be the best boyfriend ever
i know im not the only one who sees it
he won’t be able to live if he doesnt touch you at least once every ten minutes
ten seconds
he loves your touches 
lets be honest he loves everything about you
i am not kidding
after a stressful day of filming schedules and whatever other plans he has
his favorite thing is to come home and have you waiting for him
there were a lit of times where you would fall asleep waiting for him
he knew that it was late and you wouldnt be awake so he didnt bother to call you
he walked into his dorm tired from the long day that he had
after getting a bottle of water he walked into his room and a large smile came to his face
you were lying on his bed bundled up in his blankets sleeping peacefully
he got ready for bed as fast as he could wanted to lie next to you as fast as he could
once he was ready he carefully and quietly lifted up the blanket covering up your body
he laid down next to you and slipped one arm underneath your body
he slowly rolled you over so your body was lying on top of his
once the two of you were cozy he covered your body back up with the blanket
letting out a peaceful sigh he relaxed his body against yours closing his eyes and letting your quiet breathing quickly lulling him to sleep
you woke up a little later noticing that you werent lying in the same position you fell asleep in
your eyes fluttered open and a smile came to your face as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend
you placed a small kiss on his nose before settling back down and once again falling into your slumber
~Yoo Taeyang~
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i love him so much
literally no words can explain it
his favorite thing to do outside of his idol life
so when he FINALLY gets a day off
guess what hes doing
hanging out with the love of his life of course
he spent the night at your apartment the day before and now the two of you are lying in bed 
youre both lying on your sides just staring at each other with cute smiles on your faces
the aura around the two of you is peaceful, quiet, and intimate
to anyone looking in you could see the love pouring off of the two of you just by looking
you lifted your hand and brought it closer to taeyangs face, trailing your fingers up his jaw
you brought your hand up to his hairline and gently caressed his hair
“i love you”
a red hue came to taeyangs cheeks as he buried his face in your neck
“yah, you cant say stuff like that out of no where”
you giggle as his breath tickled your neck
you draped your arms loosely around his neck as he shifted to hover above you
“but its true”
“i love you” 
he buried his face in your neck again and attacked you with kisses
you squealed loudly and the two of you spent the rest of your day just like this
and neither of you would have it any other way
~Kim Youngkyun~
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this dood
seriously please help him
no one really knows how the two of you got together
youre both so awkward that people dont understand your relationship
but lets be honest the two of you are perfect for each other
hwiyoung is a sensitive lil gentleman and he totally understands you
buttt sometimes it doesnt come out how he wants it to
you know, him being awkward and all
he does love your affection but he just has a hard time showing it
so a lot of the time youre the one that has to initiate it
“youngie come here”
his head shot over to look at you the minute that he heard you whine
he stood on his feet and walked over to his bed where you were sitting
“are you okay? whats wrong?” 
you just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed
he let out an exclaim of surprise as he landed with an oof on the bed
you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around his waist
you laid half of your body on top of his and stared down at him
his face was red as he stared up at you
“i hate it when you do that”
you laughed again as you rested your chin on his chest
“you love it and you know it”
he just rolled his eyes and the two of you continued to talk to each other while lying like that
hwiyoung locked his hands around your waist while you talked about your idea of getting a new puppy
“will you name it after me?” 
you gushed at his pout and squished his cheeks together
“youre too cute”
you loved how adorable he was and you hoped that he stayed this adorable forever
~Kang Chanhee~
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fluffy fluff boy
deserves all the love in the world
supes awk
but tries to act confident around you because well
the boys make fun of him about you
our lil actor boy will be super chill about it as long as youre in the room
but the minute you leave
will whine and complain to his members
so one day when you randomly walked into the dorm and they were all there
you didnt hesitate to walk over to chani on the couch and plop down next to him 
you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder
you let out a small sigh and relaxed yourself into his body
the boys didnt say anything but they all had smiles on their faces as the two of you were in your own little world
chani slipped his hand into yours as the two of you continued to talk about your days
“when are you going to teach me your new routine?”
chani laughed and kissed the top of your head
“whenever youre ready”
he smiled when you let out a little yawn
“come on, lets go to bed”
you sat up and stood on your feet following him into his room
you plopped onto his bed and he laid down next to you
“will you sing for me?” 
he let out a tiny giggle before nodding
once the two of you were comfortable he began to sing quietly until your head lulled to the side 
once he knew you were sleeping he hugged you closer loving the fact that you were so close to him
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
I'm home because we have a snow day, so I was able to read this right away!
Wonwoo exuding some jealousy during his phone call - cue "Jealousy" by Monsta X - because she's been spending a lot of time with Hoshi and not as much with him (it's partially because Wonwoo's been so busy). The fact that she hugged him tighter and was affected when he kissed her on the head is just more proof she likes him as more than a friend.
Thank you to Chaeyoung for trying to talk some sense into the girl, but she is still really fighting her feelings! I agree with Chaeyoung that going out to a club right now, especially with Wonwoo out of the country, is not a good idea. Ugh, and it has to be Mingyu that she runs into! (He's my number 1 Seventeen bias wrecker. That man is too pretty for his own good and tries to steal me away from Wonwoo all the time!) The fact she's probably drank too much does not help with making good decisions, and her head's not in a good place anyway!
I wonder if y/n's going to realize what she's doing with Mingyu before it goes too far, and if not then how bad she's going to feel after. Also, will she tell Wonwoo? How is he going to react? He already wants to fly back right now anyway, and I'm guessing when/if he finds out about Mingyu it will make it ten times worse!
Those idiots are causing me such angst, but I just love this! ❤️
Ooooh, hopefully the snow isn't getting worse and you're safe?🤍
And y e s the gears are starting to turn in her head but she's too stuck in her mind and fell deep into denial bc it's been years and it just never crossed her that Wonwoo might be more than a friend 😭 (rmb chapter 1 when she was like; why cant I marry you??? Little did she know👀)
Chaeyoung’s trying her best but she's just not getting it😭😭😭 and your concern is pretty much valid though you seem to be the only one who still believes OC might be able to control herself aha aha
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ye-xiu · 2 years
for the number thing, shinee and all of them. <3
Send me a K-POP group and a number!
how very normal of you ...... let's go jiuhzgfgzhujik
1. who’s your bias?
taemin. the greatest to ever do it.
2. how did you decide on your bias?
i did not decide. he decided for me. i saw him in the lucifer mv and he wore hot red jeans and it was over from that day onwards. 
3. who’s your bias wrecker?
ot5, baby! i would say minho is the closest in history (since he fits my specific bias line blueprint of a dancer + a rapper) but at this point they all are my bias wreckers of biases and bias wreckers.
4. hyung line or maknae line?
maknae line hehe ..... yes choi minho, you are a part of it. accept it with grace and decorum that the original 2min is the true allrounder maknae line of kpop.
5. what is your favorite era?
how to pick just one ,,,, i love sherlock because it is the one that when it dropped was like an entire fever dream. i have a weird relationship with odd but now i have very sentimental attachment to it. hello is my most beloved aesthetic and mv so that one too.
6. your favorite song and why?
love like oxygen. i always loved the choreo and the song as it is. i used to hit replay on all stages all the time for hours lmao. sherlock will forever be my favourite title track. trigger because it reminds me of my past break-up and sort of bookended it and put a grudge to rest! (how very mature of me lol) lucifer, hello, replay, shift, picasso, countless, retro, prism, odd eye, dream girl, farewell my love, downtown baby ... all songs i love. 
7. what’s the first song you heard?
lucifer and ring ding dong back to back. you were there !!!
8. your favorite album?
the sherlock mini is perfection. then probably hello and odd
9. have they ever made you cry?
yes, so many times. taemin alone makes me cry a lot because i am so overwhelmed with the love i have for his artistry and his person ngl. shinee have been with me for so long, they have made me feel every emotion under the sun and all of that made me cry. there are days when just listening to one random song of them will make me cry. or where i watch a video and will tear up. at this point they are just part of my emotional landscape.
10. favorite music video?
answered already!
11. what do you love about this group?
where do i even start ... but then again how do i put this into words? they are home, they are my save haven. returning to them is always filled with so much joy and love and many other mixed and complicated emotions. they remind me of the happiest parts of being a teenager and that growing up is only half bad. they remind me of what is beautiful about life and about art ... as cheesy as hell as that sounds. they are not only just an incredibly musical group and perfectly seasoned and skilled performers who still have so many new heights to reach, but they make me proud of just loving ... fun music? extravagant, eclectic, heartfelt, outlandish and honest music and art that knows no bounds. they are a little part of my heart i will carry around with me always. there will never be a day going by i will not remember sitting in front of a handed down chunky laptop with you in the afternoon sun and watching their videos for the first time. that’s one of the happiest, most wondrous things to have happened to me and it outshines even the grief i feel because of them sometimes. if i can go back to this for even a second, i know miracles are real. 
12. who would you marry and why?
minho. the lavender marriage of my dreams. as a fellow gunner i would bully changmin with him. we’d have a shared letterboxd account. 
13. who would be your best friend and why?
taemin. because this is my teenage pipe dream and i want it to be true.
14. do you own any merch?
i own a few albums. does that count?
15. what’s a concept you would like to see them try?
answered before!
16. a subunit you would like?
taekey !!!!!!!!!!! TAEKEY !!!!!!!! TAEKEY DUO MINI ALBUM WHEN !!! i feel outraged that the main dancer and lead dancer have not had a duo performance in so many years like it is absolute insanity .... these men WALKED and DANCED so nct u could debut baby don’t stop !!!!! sm you absolute stain of a company when will you pay them and me our dues 
17. favorite look from your bias?
answered before!
18. your favorite title track?
sherlock, hello, view, replay, ring ding dong, married to the music, atlantis
19. favorite choreo?
answered before!
20. Favorite live performance?
shinee world IV ..... also the one sherlock performance we always talk about ... you know which one, where jonghyun had a direct link to god.
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letsspillkpop · 3 years
Entry #2: My top 10 comebacks/debuts of January 2021.
Hello, hello!
How is everyone? I hope you are all great! :)
Today I will be sharing my favorite releases of January. Of course, these weren't the only ones but, they are my favorites hehe. You can also share with me your favorite releases of 2021 so far!
1. What I Said by Victon
Not gonna lie, this song is still on repeat in my playlist. It is sooooo gooood! It is a very different style for Victon; however, it suits them very well. Just a heads up, be careful because if you don’t have one already, you will get a bias wrecker hehe.
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2. No diggity by ONEUS
Ok so, just like with Victon, this song it is a different style from what we are used to but, who are we kidding? they totally rock that style! Also, I don’t know if it was just me but somehow, I can’t see Hwanwoong like a bad ass since he has a really cute face hehe. Anyways you should go and watch the video and stream the song because it’s awesome.
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3. Crush by MCND
Personally, my favorite tittle song from them is ‘Ice Age’, however their style is so catchy that eventually it gets me to love all their songs. Plus, they are all very cute and handsome <3
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4. I’m Not Cool by Hyuna
Queen Hyuna is back! The song is soooo catchy and soooo good, I just loved it. It is the type of songs that the moment you listen to it, you get up and dance. Also, isn’t it cute that they mention each other in their comebacks?
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5. Hwaa by (G)I-DLE
Like always, these girls never disappoint. Their vocals are always on point and the song is very beautiful. The only thing that I am upset about is that Shuhua doesn’t sing more than just a word. I still hope CUBE realizes soon that she is as talented as the other members and maybe one day she will have a fair number of lines. Shuhua fighting!
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6. Odd Eye by Dreamcatcher
Next, we have Dreamcatcher. I have to admit that I liked more their past comeback ‘Boca’. Yet, I think they never disappoint, their style is very unique, and they are incredibly talented. I will always root for them and I hope the get their first win soon <3
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7. Celebrity by IU
Another queen is back with a hit! Like always, IU presents to us a beautiful song with a beautiful meaning. She always says what not everyone is brave enough to say and that is why we love her. In case you haven’t listen to ‘Celebrity’ then, what are you waiting for?
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8. Burn It by Golden Child
What can I say… it is great! From the vocals to the choreography to the fact that the MV is like a small movie; everything is just really cool. And let’s just not forget that their visuals are on point and in case you don’t have a bias already, well, you might get one hehe.
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9. U MAD by Bobby
Like always, he got the visual and the talent. The lyrics are really good and basically is like another mini movie... which is awesome! By the way if he looks familiar to you is because he is a member of iKon and of course, as you can see, he is very handsome.
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10. Special mention to: Blaze by Rolling Quartz
Even though the girls debuted in December, they just started to promote on music shows. Their song is really good, and they are very talented. Not every day a girl band appears in the kpop industry so, in case you haven’t listen to ‘Blaze’, you should definitely check it out!
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Well, that’s it for today’s post, thanks for reading! 😊And don’t forget to tell me your favorite comebacks so far and/or if you like any of these idols 💜
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
In my server we actually came up with the sad theory that he might end up leaving ateez because they never get a break, mingi wasn't gone for that long and he's missed like, 4 performances, 1 talk show appearance, kingdom and he won't even be in the next Mv
What if it actually ends up being too much and he just leaves, I mean we seen it happen in exo
I hope not cause he's my bias wrecker number 2, but I think the workload they have is excessive
Last time a company overworked their artists for cash money bc they were doing well, they ended up going into a hiatus bc they were suing the company and they ended up with a declining career
I think ateez should take a break
So it doesn't happen some bullshit along the way
I don't think he'll leave. KQ said he was doing much better these days and I trust that he is getting better. They just probably don't want to risk him relapsing or destroying all the progress he's made, which I think is a good thing. Some companies don't care and still make their artists complete schedules even when they're not ok mentally. So the only thing to do now is wait and see what happens, after all, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes and we can't just jump to conclusions out of nowhere. The only thing we can do is support Mingi by sending positive messages and support the boys upcoming comeback with the same enthusiasm. Besides, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Mingi has only been gone for like 3 or so months. We can't expect him to come back so soon when he obviously needs therapy. These things take time and we just gotta be patient with all of them.
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