#hes gotdamn alive
sugarfortia · 1 year
Just finished watching BSD (screams contained in the tags)
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butwilltherebealcohol · 4 months
who wants to drink and smoke until we can't walk straight and then kill me? any takres comeon its a saturday night lets have some fun
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atsushi is tired, y’all
The top 10 bitch, wtf expressions from one Atsushi Nakajima in season one of Bungou Stray Dogs. Or, to badly paraphrase Dazai, gifted people are batshit banana balls, and Atsushi learns this the hard way. 
Screenshots from BungoStrayShots
01. This gem from the first few minutes of the very first episode of season one:
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On the left: Atsushi- a broke, starving orphan desperate for food, for money, for a home, for something to help keep him alive. On the right: The batshit banana balls man that he saved from drowning in the river who just cursed the fact that he was still alive.
02. The beginning of a trend:
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The man who saved you from starvation, who gave you a home, new clothes, and (though you don’t know it yet) a purpose, has his skinny ass stuck in a gotdamned barrel.
03. This beauty from episode five, or Dazai and the river, part two:
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We know much of Dazai’s particular brand of flamboyant chaos is an elaborate ruse to distract people from whatever overly clever plan he’s enacting at the moment. Atsushi, on the other hand, is just tired.
04 and 05. Double the banana balls mentors, double the wtf:
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Eventually, these two teach him a valuable lesson about effective partnerships, but not before Dazai shoves Kunikida to and then past the brink of his sanity.
06. In which Atsushi speaks for all of us regarding Tanizaki and Naomi:
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Poor bby. He has seen things he can’t unsee.
07.  This gem from episode eight: 
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Atsushi’s wtf expands to the entire agency, who abandon him to Yosano’s sadistic shopping adventures.
08. Different verse, same as the first:
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Dazai is SCHEMES. Atsushi is UNIMPRESSED.
09. In which the wtf expands to the Port Mafia:
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Featuring the first, and certainly not the last, bitch wtf face cast by Atsushi at his current nemesis, future partner, and forever thematic parallel Akutagawa as Akutagawa drags him ankle first out of a shipping container after stabbing and then kidnapping him.
10. And my absolute favorite bitch, wtf face from Atsushi in season one:
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The target of his ire once again: Dazai. No rivers, this time. Just witnessing Dazai flirting in the midst of a serious kidnapping investigation. This shot is EVERYTHING. Look at Dazai’s little fingers, just typing away in chaotic gremlin bliss, while his newest apprentice is experiencing REGRET on a cellular level.
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xamaxenta · 2 months
its 5 am this was the first post i saw. by allah you people are dogs. i will bookmark and favorite as usual
the fact sabo can barely fit and only by virtue of force... marco squeezing his talons around sabos guts to hear him groan and feel him twitch. insane
Im hooting and hollering like a crazed little chimp up in a very tall tree
Hi anon i throw my shit across the walls (i dont but for the sake of the monkey analogies i do- UNLESS) my shit being the weird stuff i have decided to finally unleash on the internet
Sabo absolutely tore marco up when he penetrated his poor little cloaca, that thing is designed to let things OUT not in, but gotDAMN hes slick and tight and
“Feels just like a pussy.” Sabo tips his head back bares the line if his throat grins all teeth moans his praises, goads the phoenix with the kill shot he could have if he wasnt pinned down cruelly with nails and claws
Marco tucks his heel spur over sabos navel and tugs down, peeling his intestines open blue flame surging to keep the bastard alive because against all odds Ace really really likes Sabo and would be devastated if Marco killed him for real
Sabo groans in real time pain, his blind eye shiny the good eye glazed and wet his hair dark and sweaty curling on his cheeks, hes fucking beautiful and the pulse of his cock is beautiful and as painful as the grip around his spleen must feel Sabo may have cum on the spot when the brush of bloodied crumpled feathers whiskers across his balls
Sue him hes touch sensitive
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theminecraftbox · 7 months
I wanna know more about Darkest Dungeon prisontrio if you feel like talking about them! What are they up to? Is sam prime the stand-in for the Ancestor? Does anyone get a heart attack?
Ruin has come to our server. @cgogs
there isn't really much in the way of a plot. I've always thought of it as an in medias res deal: dd!prisontrio are shoved together in a dungeon For Reasons Unknown, fighting the Horrors Unknown, and the only thing they know is that they're relying on each other for their survival. it doesn't matter where or what or who, they're on this ride together and there's no getting off. the Heart of Darkness is, naturally, in the depths of Pandora; their little team was brought together by that place and they're the only ones it will open itself unto. Blood spilled and promises made, and all.
So obviously there's lots of insane arguments about insane shit. obviously they're dealing stress damage to each other all the gotdamn time. They switch off who has to mediate between the other two to keep everyone alive. mediate in scare quotes, because it's all Dream oh my god you guys are literally idiots, Sam stop trying to stab each other it's not even a good idea, what, Quackity you two assholes deserve each other.
They've learned to entrust their lives to each other. It was easiest for Dream--he's used to giving them that trust, after all.
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ineffablebookgirl · 2 years
Stressed Out Snek
Crowley receiving the Antichrist infant is Extremely Stressed Out (TM). He starts with bargaining: "Already?" "Why me?" "This really isn't my scene." Then he's reduced to single-word utterances: "Centuries. Triumph. Glorious -- tool." And then we get a classic string of Crowley mumbling nonsense. "Yeah. Okay. I'll um ... be off then. Get it over with. Not that I wanna get it over with. Obviously. But, I'll be popping along. Great. Fine. Yep." He turns to saunter away, even still moving his mouth as if looking for another thing to say. "Ciao!" he calls without looking back.
Remind you of anything?
Nodding. "Right." Head shake. "Well, then..." A sneer and a "nyeh." He turns to walk away, then looks back to call, "Have a nice doomsday!"
My point is, we don't know Crowley very well in those first minutes of episode 1, but looking back, we can see that he is actually at a very high stress setting.
Crowley's stress settings:
(1) The world is definitely probably going to end but I have an idea and if I can just keep. my. shit. together. and put my whole snussy into convincing this thick-headed angel to work with me maybe we have a chance of still being together even though he won't admit he has feelings for me even though I totally understand why he won't because we both might be discorporated and/or completely destroyed if we were found out and the whole point is to get more time together but gotdamn if I have to spend another 6,000 years like this I don't know what I'll do but if I have to spend even one moment alive without him I also don't know what I'll do so keep it to-fucking-gether Anthony J. Crowley.
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(2) Heart and soul shattering all over the carpet.
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(3) Heart and soul fragments making my feet bleed as I run into the bookshop regardless of pain. getting ground into the carpet by an uncaring cosmic boot heel.
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(4) Heart and soul fragments being ground into the carpet by an uncaring cosmic boot heel.
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(5) Killed a demon, escaped another demon, lost the angel in a horrific bookshop fire, got wasted, found the angel again, drove recklessly even for me, discorporated that other demon, kept it together all the way to Tadfield, reunited with the angel, lost the second love of my life, my Bentley, this is the last straw -- but it's okay to totally melt down because the angel is here.
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(6) I actually need something from him for the first time in 5,800 years, and I can't get it any other way, and my whole relationship with him is putting him and me and us in existential danger every moment we spend together but I can't stop myself, even sleeping for a century didn't fix this hole in my heart maybe if I stay very very still this thing won't break.
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(7) Ohmysomeone we did it we did it we did it we actually did it we held hands not to mention we tricked the forces of heaven and hell and we get to have our happily ever after at least for now at least until the big one we fucking did it keep it the fuck together you useless demon
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 years
okay first of all how dare you make me choose. second of all FINE. but let the record show that Every Adelle Scene sends me into a state of insanity 💖
i’m counting down to number one just for funzies <3 enjoy
5. Celebration Ball Dance
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UHHHHH. this is at the end of the movie. most likely at the end of like a 5-7 hour experience of me watching this movie and going through many emotions. i’m so deliriously happy by this point that i’m just. insane. this dance is everything to me. it’s like really all i get to see of them being both human together so it’s just ESSENTIAL for my fic writer brain to see such exquisite visuals of THEY. belle’s smile!!!! ADAM’S SMILE!!!! HE LOOKS SO HAPPY I WILL ABSOLUTELY NEVER BE OVER IT. it’s their happily ever after dance and gosh it’s just so bright and beautiful and they’re both so happy 😭🌸
4. Colonnade Conversation
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this conversation is just so important!!! this scene + the paris scene are so so special. it just lets you see them BE together. talking, joking, you get to see their rapport. the something there montage is LOVELY but it’s when the world quiets down and they get to just exist together that i really lose my mind. it shows off their friendship and their care for each other and you really see the way they look at each other and i just!!!! gosh!!!! they’re best friends in love!!!!!!!
3. Bridge Scene
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*sighs dreamily* oh bridge scene. they’re so insane for that. i love this scene DEARLY. SO DEARLY. because it’s not so much like, “omg they’re falling in love” it’s more like “they’re actually starting to See each other…” like that moment when they look at each other and then look away it’s like. neither of them have even had so much as a real, genuine friend in their lives. the words in the poem hit them both in the same way. Look at me, come wake me up… like it’s just??? OH MY GOSH. their souls are recognizing each other before either of them do. there’s a spark of something so absolutely beautiful in this moment. it’s just wonderful.
2. The Kiss
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crying sobbing screaming my head off. i know it may be surprising that this isn’t number one, and it IS hard keeping this at number two, but just know it’s a VERY CLOSE SECOND. this kiss is perfect. i know i’m suuuuuper biased but i do think it’s the best, if not one of the best, movie kisses ever. just the way they look at each other, the way they draw closer. there is SO much said between them with just their eyes. VOLUMES. belle can’t believe it’s him. and adam can’t believe he’s alive, he’s human, he can’t believe what it must mean. SHE LOVES HIM?? it’s just so profound and astonishing that they’re both speechless. belle touches his face for the first time ever and adam’s little smile when she does 😭 and then adam touches her face (WITH HIS HUMAN HAND!!!) AND I JUST!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH it makes me insane. INSANE! AND WHEN THEY KISS— THE WAY THEY JUST. DRAW INTO EACH OTHER. THEY JUST. OH MY GOSH IT’S PERFECT. it’s everything.
1. The Dance
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surprise surprise! the dance makes me lose my gotdamn mind!!!! it’s the only scene in the movie that absolutely makes me at least tear up every time. i’ve certainly cried at MANY moments over the years but this one gets me without fail. this dance is just so utterly gorgeous. every single thing about it from the moment they see each other at the top of the stairs, to that last twirl and their hands parting. i have butterflies just writing about it like!!! oh my gosh!!! the nerves !!! the way belle leads them off at first and adam looks down at his feet and then they just melt into it. and the way they get into it!!!! and it’s just!!! it’s so graceful and beautiful!!!!!!! THATS THE FIRST TIME THEY’VE EVER DANCED TOGETHER LIKE WHAT THE HECK DUDE.
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yeah anyway. super good. yes.
honorable mention because AAAAAHHHH THEYRE HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!
and bonus because i said so: my favorite adelle gifset
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snakarscrolls · 5 months
Ok fuck it i will post. Im making a video about the way snatcher treats himself portrayed thru his treatment of prince, so far im kinda winking hinting at dynamics between prince&vanessa n snatcher&snowstorm, and im thinking, whether to go the Snatcher mirroring vanessas actions and becoming vanessa2 in relation to prince but scarier because hes actively malicious. And its freaky to consider because im much more used to writing portraying a character violating self vs character violating others. and some thing in my soul is whispering to me that, maybe, That option is not entirely fit to be utilized.
But thats a little odd because thats often how mistreatment works, thru projection.. i suppose its that, The lesson hed need to learn at the end of video is that prince voice Im Human Too which would not necessarily translate to snatcher voice Im Real.. Im Gotdamn.. Alife?Too?
I got like half of it done and i could squeeze more outta it w the Scary route.. im also considering making it about shipseity & healing. A suggestion i got was to combine them but i just dont see it.. if snatcher being cruel hed have to be detached & them yaoing Depends on prince hitting 1st and snatcher ebing like i would not do that this is a living thing separate to myself. Unknowable yet piqued by me. Jesus crhist. And while he could still exploit him knowing hes alive that wouldnt bode w the self projection / SELF theme,. So its either yaoi slideshow or scary. and i got a better idea for scary.. so....
only time will tell. Ill probably start a new video or work on the mega old wip i still got
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kelpiemomma · 6 months
me laughing in warrior cat OC trauma
one cat lost 4 of his 5 remaining family members to a fire in the camp. the only one remaining of his 12 family members is his oldest parent. he hates his leader and would happily kill him for his failure to act to save more lives during the fire. he got caught under the clan's canopy trying to save some kittens from the fire and got severe burns all along his back, which are currently infected. he hates the healers because he doesn't think they tried hard enough to save his sister, who was brought into the refugee camp unconscious but alive, but they managed to save a cat who was just as badly off but a member of the council and therefore "more important"
my other cat has developed imposter syndrome due to graduating early because he saved 3 cats from said fire and being named after his foster mother. he also just got into a fight with his closest friend who he saw as a sister, and due to his foster mother sacrificing herself to save another cat's life he's begun to doubt all of his relationships, including with his own blood sister, who is also the only member of his family left alive. he's also on course to develop an eating disorder in an attempt to prove himself as useful to the clan.
i did not set out for them to develop like this but holy SHIT they're both developing depression on their gotdamn own
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hinasho · 2 years
In terms of graphics/art style vs story/writing, usually it’s the anime with better art style and the manga with better story/writing. But when it comes to Tokrev, it’s the reversed.
Even tho Wakui went through like 3 gotdamn art styles, most of them were appealing and creative.
Whereas the anime does better in consistency, and obviously has color, in terms of just art style, I think it’s less appealing than in the manga. (And no I’m not referring to animation, the art of movement, I’m talking about just the art in general.)
This isn’t to say the anime has poor art though. At their respective highs, they’re actually pretty similar! But the ounce of a bit more detail + emotional creativity is what makes me still prefer the manga version.
But in terms of writing, the anime has the manga beat.
Now that the manga is done and with more of the anime coming out, it’s becoming clear just how little of a grasp Wakui had on the story and characters at the start of this. Whether it be plot foreshadowing like Shinichiro now being hidden in the background, personality traits like who keys the car Takemichi or a bunch of kids, or relationship developments like Hakkai and Takemichi spending more time at the bowling alley. These additions are VERY small, but they all come together to make the world, characters, and plot feel more established in comparison to their non-existence portrayals in the manga.
And heck there’s even some writing decisions that straight up didn’t make sense. For example, when present day!Naoto is driving Takemichi and a first-time-alive!Hinata, the anime shows Naoto receiving a call and him parting ways because he’s needed for work. In the manga, he’s driving them and then all of a sudden is just gone with no explanation. Seriously, Chapter 32 Naoto just vanishes LMAO
So I just thought it was interesting. How I find myself more of a fan of the manga’s art style and anime’s writing when usually it’s the completely opposite in series like this.
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jingles-miserably · 2 years
ted has a fucking Backstory doesnt he. only someone with a gotdamn Backstory would say something like "theres only people who are alive and people who are FUCKING DEAD"
was he the final girl in a slasher movie or something. dont answer that. i havent seen any of the nightmare times yet
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jrueships · 2 years
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HERE lmao
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WE W O N ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🤩
#I FELT IT!!! I FELT THE S H I FT#from the ONE (1) green outfit giving off barbecue dad vibes....... i could Feel it coming#they are now matching <3 at some point at some time... they are they were They Now#i love husbands !!!!#they are sitting under a big beach umbrella and giannis goes to raise it higher because he body TOO GOTDAMN BIG 4 THE UMBRELLA!!#and he spots a beach bug in the umbrella and screams and tosses it into the ocean#marcus tries swimming over to get it but he reaches the part of the water where his feet cant touch bottom anymore and he freaks out#and gives up#telling giannis a shark ate it 😔#i love miami games solely for the miami fits i am a MIAMI FIT ENJOYER FIRST basketball watcher SECOND ☝🏿‼️#look at them... lil green limabeans <3#me when my propaganda and manifestations are Real and NOT complex coincidences from similar team color schemes#this is literally love winning live and we are watching it ALL unfold in REAL TIME !!!!#giannis and marcus compete to see who can outgrewn the other#marcus is clearly winning but thats ok because now giannis can pretend to munch on his hair when hes bored#he loooves his vegetables 😸!!!#THANK U FOR SHOWING ME THIS... MY SEARCH... COMPLETE#the world is saved and the dinosaurs Alive#cue the same 50 minute clip of chr*s pr*tt squat shifting over with his arm out to some dinosaur trailer#cue the classic theme song slowed with heavy piano for cool effect#we are. truth#we are. real.#marcus/giannis#cant believe i started it off as just some crack rarepair off personality and Now Look At Us#im so proud 🥰🥰#proud ted dad ALWAYS#ted asks
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leatherbookmarking · 3 years
it’s funny that in many fics jgy is like, cheating on his current partner, manipulatng people into unhealthy sexual relationships, having sex scandals when like, he’s been the butt of the ‘haha his mother was a whore’ jokes all his... life... you’d Think....
#i mean i'm not the one 2 judge others on what they find sexy#or the ways in which they make jgy into the Villain™#(unfortunately i found a nice mc author also wrote a fic in which jgy is a whole gotdamn abusive manipulator both to nmj and lxc#and like. that's great. but whatever FOR save for 'ooooh he craves power and influence'. like where's the meat. do u think he's so flat?)#its just kinda weird 2 me personally when people's first idea of 'what bad unethical thing could jgy do for the sport/for pleasure' is#so deeply steeped into bad relationships/sexual practices. like again if you find it sexy u do u right but were you even paying Attention#it's a bit like idk. making jiang cheng be sexually shameless while his parents are still alive. he would rather DIE#this is the OPPOSITE OF THE MAN#shut up shrimp#anyway idk if i'm just Never going to accept jgy as an antagonist OR if the fics' idea of his antagonism are just so wildly incompatible#with mine. i feel many authors haven't been satisfied with how jgy like... wasn't condemned enough? by the main cast. so they have him as#this cartoonish villain and there's this lan xichen at the end who's like OH! i should have SEEN this! and others pat his miserable back and#recite the phone numbers for mental health lines. not literally but i always feel like they're an inch away from doing exactly that#so it's either THIS or jgy just. seemingly doing things for the sport. i Cannot understand his motivations#mainly because... the thing was that he was just as tragic as everyone else? it wasn't that 'having no choice' was his excuse he was#consciously using. he REALLY felt as though he had no other safe options. that was the THING with jgy. that he really wanted to Survive#and be loved. but for that he'd have to be alive first! and also life was giving him a whole lemon orchard all the fucking time#so that doesn't fit At All w/ what's happening in fanfic and i'm like ughhhhh#i WOULD enjoy me a modern retelling/au in which he idk. goes to jail or 'faces the consequences' in any way But lxc FOR ONCE isn't being a#poor traumatized darling about being So Hurt So Damaged What A Relief He's Behind The Bars but rather. wants to understand. wants to talk#that would be neat. alas
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queenii-llama · 4 years
shout out to all the gays stuck in quarantine with their conservative relatives theyre stronger than any u.s. marine
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captainshyguy · 6 years
me, for the rest of time apparently: why the FUCK did they have to kill newt huh?? what were u trying to achieve here??? breaking all ur readers/viewers hearts??? fuck you
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dmc-tings · 3 years
The four Lord's accidentally hurting their s/o during an argument
Alcina Dimitrescu
You had gone to hangout with her brutish brother, Heisenberg
Without her knowing
She didn't mind, as long as you told her
But it seemed like you made it a POINT to leave without doing so
"Alcina, I'm a grown (man/woman/person) I can go as I please!"
"Oh forgive me for treating you like a child! As your behavior has shown me!"
She stood tall and stiff, arguing with you
And you stood (as tall as you could), glaring at her with defiance
Alcina was sheathing and unsheathing her long claws behind her back
Trying not to slice her beloved's head off
But when you got like this, it was rather difficult
You threw your hands up, in anger
"This is the shit, Heisenberg, is talking about!! You use your height to talk down on everyone!! And it-"
She swung her hand to shut you up
And.... well it did shut you up
Her claws had been out
Slicing your midsection open, effectively gutting you
Before you could hit the ground, the Draculina caught you
And rushed you to her chambers, where the maids started to care for you
She never left your side, holding your hand
Once cleaned, sewn up and bandaged, the chambermaids left your both alone
There she sat for days, for her it felt like months, years... and eternity even
You finally woke up and looked at her
For the first time in almost a century, Alcina let herself be human
Large, fat tears where streaming down her face
Though she made no sound and you couldn't see her eyes
You knew by how hard she tightened her grip on your hand
That she was relieved and desperately sorry
"Im sorry too, you know... I should be more careful about your feelings. And-"
She cut you off
This time with her lips, forgiving you with no words
Angie and Donna Beneviento
On very, very, very rare occasions would you and Donna argue
And this was such a time
You had wanted to go into the village
But Donna, insisted you stay home, just for a bit
This, for whatever reason, pissed you off
"Your so goddamned controlling, Donna! Is it a big fucking problem for me to want to be alone, just for a few hours!?"
She never would say anything back, she didn't have to
The pollen would do it for her
Through narrowed eyes, she made you see the worst
Your angry ranting stopped
You saw your family's deaths replaying
Right. In. Front. Of. You.
Your mother crashing in to a dark river, your brother slashing his arms, bleeding out, and your father going mad, setting the family home on fire, letting himself burn alive
You knew none of this was true, but.... it felt so real...
You fell to your knees, weeping, but making no noise
Letting the tears fall, you sat back pulling your knees to your chest
Donna and Angie both knew it was going a bit too far
"Great!! Now (he/she/they're) broken!" Angie fussed
Donna made the illusion dissappear, feeling bad about what she had done
You were curled up, holding yourself
Angie, was already at your side, uncharacteristically, trying to soothe you
Donna kneeled on front of you, wiping your tears
You all sat like this for hours
Finally, you calmed down
She shushed you, pulling you into her arms
You hugged her and Angie
This is how you all forgave one another
And it always worked
Salvatore Moreau
He never liked it when you got like this...
You could be come so rageful
And it scared and confused him
All he asked was "Darling? Will you help me decide which experiment to send to Mother?"
And you exploded, throwing things and yelling at him
This continued, until you threw a knife in his direction
It just barely missed hitting him
This caused him to explode as well
Like Donna, he rarely argues but that was the last straw
You stopped your rampage to watch his
He finally turned into his MASSIVE other form
And rushed off
You realized that you were to blame for this
So you followed him to the Reservoir
Watching him let out his anger out in the water and surrounding area
Him, not knowing you followed, bashed into some of the rocks
Causing them to fall, on top of you
Luckily, you jumped far enough away, not to get completely covered
You screamed as your leg got caught in the rockfall
Moreau hear it, transformed back and rushed to you
Uncovering the rocks, and pulled you to him
Quickly he made a tourniquet and gently pulled you to safety
"Im sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there, my Precious..."
He continued to whimper apologies to you
You cut him off, "No... im sorry, I shouldn't explode like that..."
You both sat in comfortable silence, knowing that this would happen again
Karl Heisenberg
You both were HEATED
You simply asked him to help you out a bit with some chores
To which he exploded
Throwing harsh and colorful words at you
"Ungrateful lazy bitch." Was hastily thrown at you
To which you retaliated with, "Piece of shit garbage."
Not caring about the floating debris, you tried to leave
Which Heisenberg blocked your way, a bit too aggressive
Not bothering to look at what he did
One of the flying slabs of metal sliced open your arm
Almost cutting it off
Though Karl didn't look at you, but your screech made him whirl around
Anger gone, when he saw your blood pouring out on to the floor
He rushed to your side, ripping his shirt into makeshift bandages
As he was wrapping you up, you started to pass out due to bloodloss
For the first time, in the longest time, Heisenberg felt himself panic
"Y/N! Stay with me, please!! Dont-"
You lost consciousness
He stood up and pulled you into his arms and rushed to Dimitrescu Castle
Kicking the large door in, he demanded that Lady D help
She was about to refuse, but saw the tears streaming down his face
And an eyeful of you bleeding out
She quickly snapped at her chambermaid's to help you
A few hours passed, with Heisenberg pacing outside of the room where you were being cared for
When the door opened he pushed past the maid, to your side
You looked at him, wanting to hit him
But softened up seeing this rugged man crying and apologizing for his outburst
You couldn't get him to shut up
And he held your hand like a life line
You petted his head with your other hand
Once he calmed down, you started to laugh
Karl looked at you like you lost your mind
"What the FUCK are you laughing at!? I almost took your gotdamn arm off!! I-"
"I... i..." You wheezed, " I forgot why we were arguing."
Karl looked up thoughtfully, "Damn. So did i."
He leaned forward and gave you a kiss
"Still... im sorry."
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